21 August 2018
Supreme Court


Case number: Crl.A. No.-001445-001446 / 2012
Diary number: 9914 / 2012



CRIMINAL APPEAL NO (S). 1445­1446 OF 2012    Suresh and Anr.           …Appellant (s)

Versus State of Haryana        …Respondent (s)

With CRIMINAL APPEAL NO. 1458 OF 2012    

Sobhat Singh          …Appellant (s) Versus

Dharampal and Ors.       …Respondent (s)

J U D GM E N T N. V. RAMANA, J.    

1. These  appeals  by special leave petitions,  are  preferred by two

accused persons, namely Sobhat Singh and Suresh, against the

conviction imposed  by the  High  Court and the consequential

acquittal of other persons, namely Dharampal and Umed Singh,

sons of Beg Raj and Dharambir,  passed by the High Court of

Punjab and Haryana in Crl. Appeal No. 157­DB of 2002, 273­DB

of 2002, 920­SB of 2002, 751­DBA of 2002 and Crl. Revision No.

907 of 2004. Facts being connected and issues being similar, we

would like to deal with these appeals by a common judgment.




2. Few facts which are necessary for the disposal of these cases are

that a panchayat election was held on 15.12.1994, in the village

Sundawas, where there were two major contestants namely

Maha Singh and Dharampal son of Beg Raj. Deceased Chander

Bhan was an election agent for the losing candidate Maha Singh.

It  is necessary to note that there was a quarrel  including gun

shots being fired at around 11 A.M, on the day of election

between both factions, as a result of which supporters of

Dharampal son of Beg Raj (winning candidate) sustained

injuries. In this context, a FIR No. 733 of 1994 was registered

against  Maha Singh (losing candidate) and one  Darya under

Sections 307 read with 34 of Indian Penal Code, 1860

[hereinafter referred as ‘IPC’  for brevity] and Sections 25 and 27

of the Arms Act, 1959.  

3. Later, during the intervening night of 15th and 16th  December of

1994, Dharampal  alias Dharam son of Nanak Ram [accused  A­

1], Sobhat Singh [accused A­2], both being supporters of losing

candidate Maha Singh, came to the house of Chander Bhan, on



the pretext that since Maha Singh had lost the election and was

involved in a criminal case, they should falsely implicate

Dharampal son of  Beg Raj also,  by registering a counter case

against him. On this pretext, they accompanied Chander Bhan to

Hisar. On their way, one Suresh [accused  A­3] is supposed to

have joined them.

4. One Umed Singh son of Mahi Ram [PW­14], while waiting near

Borstal Jail, Hisar for a conveyance at 4:00 A.M on 16.12.1994

(morning) had seen A­1, A­2, Chander Bhan and A­3 going in an

auto rickshaw.  It is the prosecution’s version that all  of them

went to an abandoned house in Adarsh Nagar at Hisar, wherein

Chander Bhan (deceased) was shot by the aforesaid accused.

5. Thereafter, A­1 and A­2 took injured Chander Bhan to the City

Civil Hospital, Hisar for treatment. It is alleged that in the

meanwhile A­3 tried to hide the gun. It is born from the record

that Chander Bhan succumbed to his injuries 20 minutes after

he was admitted to the aforesaid Hospital on 16.12.1994.



6. Thereafter, accused A­2 went to the Police Station, Sadar Hisar,

for registration of a complaint against Umed Singh son of Beg

Raj, Dharam Pal son of Beg Raj [Sarpanch] and Dharambir for

the death of Chander Bhan. Accordingly, FIR was filed before the

police being FIR No. 736/ 1994, dated 16.12.1994, based on the

accused A­2.

7. As per the narration of  accused A­2,  on 16.12.1994, at about

4:30 A.M, the Chander Bhan (deceased), A­2 and A­1 were going

to Chandigarh on foot. On reaching a few kilometers ahead of the

village Sundawas, they spotted a jeep coming towards them. One

of the occupants Umed Singh son of Beg Raj, raised lalkara that

enemies  were going and they should be taught a lesson for

helping  Maha Singh in the elections. Dharampal and Umed

Singh sons of Beg Raj and Dharambir alighted from the jeep and

Dharam Pal son of Beg Raj, who was armed with a pistol, shot

Chander Bhan in his stomach and ran away. It is alleged that A­

1 and A­2, who escaped the firing, rushed Chander Bhan to the

City Civil Hospital, Hisar, where he succumbed to his injuries.



8. The case  was investigated by I.O. Bhim  Singh [PW­15], who

reached the spot of the alleged occurrence as per the narration of

accused A­2. However, he could not trace any incriminating

material as alleged. Being suspicious of the version of accused A­

2,  the  investigating police,  started to  investigate from different


9. On 25.12.1994, all the accused­appellants contacted one  Zile

Singh [PW­16] and confessed their guilt before him. To put the

gist of their extra­judicial confessions, it may be noted that the

accused stated to Zile Singh (PW­16) that having the motive to

file a counter case against Dharampal son of Beg Raj, the

Sarpanch, the accused­appellants along with Chander Bhan

reached an abandoned house in Adarsh Nagar, Hisar and Suresh

[A­3] fired a shot at Chander Bhan in the house at Adarsh Nagar.

Thereupon accused A­3 fled away with the gun. Later, accused

A­1 and A­2 took Chander Bhan to the hospital and registered a

false complaint against Dharampal son of  Beg Raj,  Dharambir

and Umed Singh son of Beg Raj under Section 302, IPC.  



10.    It may be noted that Zile Singh produced all the accused before

the Police and thereafter the accused identified the place of

occurrence. By virtue of such disclosure statements made by the

individual accused persons, the police are alleged to have

recovered a licensed gun, cartridges, pellets, some concrete

material  from the khurli  found in the house at Adarsh Nagar,

Hisar. Based on the aforesaid complaint, Bhim Singh, S.I to the

P.S Sadar, Hisar, registered a case under Sections 25, 30, 54 and

59 of Arms Act, being FIR No. 743 [Ex. PZ/1], against Lachman

Singh [A­4] and A­3.

11.    After the completion of the investigation, charge­sheets came to

be filed in the Court against the accused A­1, A­2 and A­3 for

offences  under  Section  302 read  with  Section  34  of IPC  and

accordingly,  were  summoned  by the  Addl.  Sessions  Judge  on

10.10.1995  [in  Criminal  Case No.  76­1­0802 of  1995  (Sessions

Case  No.  60  of  1995 in  Sessions  Trial  No.  22  of  1995)]. In  a

connected case of FIR No. 743, the accused A­3 and Lachman (A­

4) were being tried for usage of fire arms, which was consolidated



with  the  main case,  by  order  dated 19.09.1999 and both  the

cases were tried together. During the trial, the Prosecution

examined 17 witnesses and the Defense examined 4 witnesses in

the Sessions Case No. 60 of 1995. It may be noted here that the

accused examined themselves as defense witnesses under

Section 315 of Code of  Criminal Procedure,  1973 [herein after

referred as ‘CrPC’ for brevity].  

12.    The Trial Court in Sessions Case No. 60 of 1995 in Sessions Trial

No. 22 of 1995, by order dated 12.02.2002, found the accused

guilty of committing the crime and convicted them for the

offences punishable as under­



S. 302/34 IPC

RI for Life and fine of Rs 5,000. In  default, to  suffer RI for 6 months  

Suresh [A­3]

[1] S. 302/34 IPC [2] S. 25 Arms Act

[1] RI for Life and fine of Rs 5,000. In  default, to  suffer RI for 6 months.  [2] RI for 1 year and fine of Rs 500, In default, to undergo RI for 15 days. Sentence to run concurrently.

Lachman [A­4]

S. 30, Arms Act

Fine of Rs 1,000. In default, to suffer RI for 15 days.



It may be noted, that during the trial, accused A­1 died and the

trial against him got abated. The Trial Court, held the accused

guilty, and reasoned as under­

a) The motive is proved, wherein the crime was staged so as to falsely implicate Sarpanch  Dharampal belonging to opposite political faction.

b) That the accused portrayed a fake story and filed a FIR against  Dharampal,  Umed Singh sons  of  Beg  Raj  and Dharambir alleging that they  have  murdered  Chander Bhan. However, no evidence was found against Dharampal, Umed and Dharambir at the place of occurrence as described by accused A­2.

c) There was no motive  for  Dharampal,  Umed Singh and Dharambir to murder Chander Bhan. Rather, a motive exists on the part of the accused, since their candidate had lost the election.  

d) Inference was drawn that the probability of causing injuries to Chander Bhan by A­1 and A­2 was relatively higher.

e) That PW­14, Umed Singh son of Mahi Ram, had seen the accused with  the deceased early in  the morning when they had a small conversation and that the Umed Singh (PW­14)  had noticed that  Suresh was holding a single barrel gun.  

f) That the version of accused A­2 was not tenable due to many contradicting circumstances.

g) That the accused had confessed their crime before Zile Singh  (PW­16),  who  later produced the accused before the Police on 25.12.1994.

h) That the disclosure statements  made by the accused appellants herein, before the police, led to the recovery of the licensed gun and pellets.



i) The FSL Report concludes  that  the pellets which were recovered from the Khurli  as per such disclosure were similar to those found in the dead body.  

j) The Post­mortem report confirms the death to have been caused due to  hemorrhage  and shock due  to  gunshot injuries.  

13.     Aggrieved by the fact that the complainant was himself shown as

an accused by the investigating authority, A­2 filed a complaint

before the Magistrate against the Dharambir, Umed Singh son of

Beg Raj and Dharam Pal son of Beg Raj, on the facts as revealed

by accused A­2 in FIR No. 736 dated 16.12.1994.

14.   Accordingly, the Magistrate separately took cognizance and

committed the case  to  the Sessions Court  against  Dharambir,

Umed Singh son of Beg Raj and Dharam Pal son of Beg Raj, on

25.01.1997 [in Complaint Case No. 95­1 of 1995 (Sessions case

No. 62 of 1997] under Sections 302 read with 34 of IPC. Further

by order dated 05.03.1997, the Sessions Judge ordered the trial

of  all the  cases  to take place simultaneously.  All the accused

pleaded not guilty and claimed to be tried.  



15.    In Sessions case No. 62 of 1997, the Sessions Court by order,

dated 12.02.2002, acquitted Dharampal son of Beg Raj,  Umed

Singh son of Beg Raj and Dharambir on the following reasons­ a) That prosecution failed to establish motive on the part of

accused­Dharampal son of Beg Raj, as he has already won the election.

b) That accused persons came at midnight ­ 15.12.1994 ­16.12.1994,  called the  deceased and  told  him  that they had to shoot somebody so as to falsely implicate Sarpanch Dharampal son of Beg Raj in a case as corroborated by the evidence of DW­1 (Kamla).

c) That the  story  of the  prosecution  that the  deceased  was shot on the road at a distance of 1­1/2 K.M. from village by the accused Dharampal son of Beg Raj is uncorroborated in the absence of any incriminating evidence in the said crime scene, as supported by the evidence of DW­5 Bhim Singh.

d) That DW­2 Umed Singh corroborated that on 16.12.1994 at about 4:30 A.M. while waiting for conveyance to go to his village he had seen Sobhat Singh, Dharampal son of Nanak Ram and the Suresh who was carrying a single barrel gun along with the deceased in an auto­rickshaw.  

e) The complainant had taken deceased to the Hospital at 6: 30 AM. In cross­examination Sobhat Singh (PW­4/A­2) and Dharampal (PW­5/A­1) could not explain when the deceased received injuries or  why  did they  not take the deceased to the nearby hospital.  

f) That complainants further failed to explain in their cross­ examination how the three­wheeler appeared merely within five­minutes to take them to the Hospital at Hisar.

g) The evidence of PW5­Dharampal son of Nanak Ram, is contradictory to PW­4 (Shobat Singh [A­2]) as to how they took the deceased to the hospital.



h) That the complainants failed to state the number of vehicle, driver of the vehicle in their cross­examination. They have also failed to explain why they did not immediately report the matter in the village and to the family members of the deceased when they were  just at a distance of 1­1/2 km from the village.  

i) That extra­judicial confession was made before DW­3 (Zile Singh).

j) That the  gun recovered  in the instant  case  was  the  gun belonging to complainant Suresh [A­3] and FSL report available on record proves that the pellets found in the body of the deceased were similar to those fired from that gun.

k) Therefore, the  prosecution failed to  prove  a case  beyond reasonable doubt against the accused. So, all the accused were acquitted of the charge against them.

16.    Aggrieved by the judgments of the Trial Court, in Session Case

No. 60, accused A­2, A­3 and A­4 filed Criminal Appeal No. 273­

DB, 157­DB, 920­SB respectively before the High Court. On the

other hand, accused A­2 filed a Criminal Appeal No. 751­DBA of

2002, against the acquittal, of Dharampal son of Beg Raj, Umed

Singh son of  Beg Raj and Dharambir,  passed by the Sessions

Court in Sessions Case No. 62 of 1997. It may be noted that the

High Court clubbed all the appeals and dismissed them through

a common impugned judgment dated 03.01.2012. The High

Court had further directed accused A­2 and A­3 to pay a sum of



Rs. One Lac as damages to Smt. Kamla and her two children.

17.   The High Court while upholding the conviction emphasized

following grounds­ a)That it was admitted by accused A­2 and A­1 that they had called for Chander Bhan at his house, in the presence of his wife, on 16.12.1994.

b) That the evidence  produced  by the I.O indicates that the accused took  Chander  Bhan to a room  in  Adarsh  Nagar, Hisar,  where he was shot by accused A­3 using his single barrel gun.

c) The accused­appellants had confessed to their crime, which led to the recovery of certain incriminating articles.

d) Sufficient evidence is on record like recovery of pellets, gun and some concrete material etc. to prove that Chander Bhan was shot inside that Kotha (Room) by the accused and not by the other gang, as alleged.

e) There was a crystal­clear motive on the part of the accused A­ 2 to commit such crime so as to implicate Dharampal son of Beg Raj (Sarpanch) in a false case.

f) Apart from the testimony of wife­Kamla and the recovery of the incriminating  materials, the  evidence  of  PW 14 (Umed Singh), who deposed that he had seen the accused along with Chander Bhan (deceased) earlier that morning with Suresh was also a major circumstance going against the accused.

g) Lastly, the extra judicial confession made before Zile Singh (PW­16), is found to be true and voluntary and since PW­16 is an independent witness, his evidence cannot be doubted.

h) The chain of circumstances are complete so as to bring home the guilt of the accused.

i) Further, the gun used was a licensed gun which belonged to Lachman, father of A­3, who had allowed the gun to be taken from his custody and misused by his son.  Hence, the conviction under Arms  Act  was also justified.



18.    Aggrieved by the judgment and order of conviction passed by the

High Court, accused A­2 and A­3 have preferred Criminal Appeal

No (s). 1445­1446 of 2012 (arising out of SLP (Crl.) No (s). 2868­

2869 of 2012) in Sessions Case No. 60 of 1995 in Sessions Trial

No. 22 of 1995. Further accused A­2 preferred a Criminal Appeal,

being Criminal Appeal No. 1458 of 2012 (arising from SLP (Crl.)

No. 2926 of 2012), against the acquittal of Dharampal son of Beg

Raj, Umed Singh son of Beg Raj and Dharambir in Sessions Case

No. 62 of 1997 in Sessions Trial No. 97 of 1997.

19.    Learned senior counsel, Ms. Anjana Prakash, appearing on behalf

of the appellant accused has mainly contended as under­ a) That the  case involves  no direct  evidence  and  the  chain of

circumstantial evidence is not complete; therefore, the conviction of the appellants on the basis of unfounded evidence should not be sustained.  

b) That PW­13 (wife of the deceased), when materially confronted, denied the statement that she had stated to the police that accused A­1 and appellant accused A­2 had told the deceased that they had to fire a shot at somebody to implicate Sarpanch Dharampal son of Beg Raj.

c) That PW­14 presence at spot  is doubtful.  He made out an illogical story that while waiting for conveyance to go to his village at 4:00 AM, he had seen the appellant and Dharampal with the deceased. But in Cross examination he was not able to explain why he was waiting for the conveyance 3½ hours



early,  especially  when the  first  bus  for  his  village  leaves at 7:30 AM.  

d) That PW­14 has also admitted that he did not tell PW­13 that he  had seen  accused  persons carrying gun  along  with the deceased in the said auto­ rickshaw. PW­14 inter alia has also admitted that he and PW­16 had injured the deceased at an earlier point of time and denied the fact that brother of PW16 had fired upon the deceased.  

e) That alleged extra­judicial confession made on 25.12.94 before PW­16 is not admissible on the ground that it was made under suspicious circumstances. PW­16 inter­alia, also admitted that Maha  Singh  had defeated him  previously in the Sarpanch election; therefore, election rivalry is evident against accused persons.  

f) That if the accused persons were arrested on 18.12.94, then the question of alleged extrajudicial confession made on 25.12.94 before PW16 casts doubt in the prosecution story.  

g)  That the FIR was lodged by the appellants and it is also an admitted fact that it was the appellant­accused who had brought the injured at the hospital for treatment.  

h) That the gun recovered in the instant case is the licensed gun of the father of the accused Suresh and there is no forensic evidence available on record to prove that pellets found in the body of the deceased was fired from that gun.

i) That the motive plays an important role in a case of circumstantial evidence. In the present case there is no strong motive that can be inferred on the part of accused person on the ground of election rivalry.

j) That the role of investigating officer is doubtful in this case as there are contradictions in respect of the date of arrest of the accused persons. As the IO stated that he had found evidence against appellants within two days of occurrence but denied arresting them then. However, from the materials on record it is evident that date of arrest of accused persons is on



18.12.1994.  That it can be  said that IO  is  exonerating the actual accused and falsely implicating the appellants.  

20.  On the Other hand, learned counsel appearing on behalf of the

State, Dr. Monika Gusain, while supporting the judgment of the

lower courts, has drawn our attention to the fact that the

accused, were hard core criminals, who would not stop short of

killing their own for political rivalry. She has also contended that

the recovery at the place in Adarsh Nagar bolsters the case of the

prosecution.  She  argues that if for  a  moment, the version  of

accused A­1 is taken into consideration, then there was no

question of taking  the deceased to a Hospital  24 KM away  in

Hisar, while there was a Hospital near the vicinity of the alleged

crime scene.  

21. Having heard the Learned counsel for either side and given

our anxious consideration to the facts and circumstances of the

case on hand, at the outset, it would be apt to observe certain

statements of prosecution witnesses, on whose evidence the

courts below have excessively placed reliance. For this purpose,

it would be necessary for us to deal with the two cases

separately. First, we would like to take up the Criminal Appeal



NO. 1445­1446 OF 2012 and thereafter consider Criminal Appeal

No. 1458 of 2012.

22.   PW­1(Dr. Bishnoi), SMO General Hospital, Tohana, deposed that

he was the person, who conducted the post­mortem of the

deceased. Regarding the nature of the injury, he states that­

Multiple rounded and oval shaped wounds of the size of 1/3 cm into 1/3 cm present on the front of trunk and pelvic area along with upper part of the front of both thighs numbering about (50). Majority of  these wounds were present on the left  side of front  part of the  body. These  were covered  with clotted blood with inverted margins with lacerations. No blackening or tattooing were present. … All structures in the pelvic and in the lower abdomen including small and large intestine and vessels were injured. Abdominal cavity was full of red colored blood.

Further he has deposed that the death of Chander Bhan

(deceased) resulted because of  hemorrhage,  and shock due  to

gun­shot  injuries.  All injuries  were opined to have been ante­

mortem in nature and sufficient  in the usual course to cause


23.   PW­2 (Dr. Surinder Singh),  Medical Officer, who treated the

Chander Bhan (deceased) at the Hospital. He avers that from the

perusal of the bed­head ticket, the Chander Bhan (deceased) was



brought to the Hospital at Hisar, by accused A­1 and A­2.  It is

important to  note that the  deceased  was  brought in a semi­

conscious state to the Hospital.

24.  PW­ 13 ­ Smt. Kamla, widow of deceased Chander Bhan states

that on 15.12.1994, an election was held in the village of

Sundawas, wherein the deceased Chander Bhan, was an election

agent for Maha Singh. She deposed that persons in support of

Maha Singh, supposedly fired gun shots and the supporters of

Dharampal son of Beg Raj, allegedly had received injuries in the

aforesaid firing. In the intervening night of 15­16th, A­1 and A­2,

came to meet the deceased Chander Bhan. She states that her

husband had enquired  with the aforesaid accused,  who had

revealed to him that they had to go to Hisar and had to shoot

somebody so as to involve Dharampal son of Beg Raj in a false

case. In that pretext she states that all the three accused (A­1, A­

2 and A­3) and Chander Bhan (deceased) left for Hisar.

25.   It  may be of some significance to note that,  during her cross

examination, she states as under­

I had told in  my statement to the police that accused Dharma and Sobhat has told my husband



that somebody was to be fired at.  I  had told the police in my statement that accused Dharma and Sobhat had told my husband that they would fire shots at their own brother in order to involve Dharampal Sarpanch.  

Appellant­accused has extensively placed reliance on the

aforesaid statement, to point that the statement of PW­13 was

ridden with  improvements,  which questions  the reliability  and

credibility of her statements. The consequence of the same, will

be discussed at a later stage.

26.   PW­14 (Umed Singh son of Mahi Ram), states that he belongs to

the village of Sundawas. On 15.12.1994, after casting his vote,

he returned to Hisar  in the evening  for purchase of  seed and

fertilizers. Following  morning, at about 4 AM, while he was

standing near the Borstal Jail, Hisar, waiting for a bus to go back

to his village Sundawas. Around that time, one auto rickshaw

came  from  the  side  of  Hisar  City  and stopped near  him.  The

occupants of the auto­rickshaw were accused A­1, A­2, A­3 and

Chander Bhan. He states that accused A­3 was holding a single

barrel gun in his hand. When the occupants enquired about him,

he replied to them that he was waiting for the conveyance to go



back to his village and the occupants of the auto supposedly told

him that they were going for some urgent work.

27.    PW­15­ Bhim Singh, the Investigating Officer has deposed that

accused  A­2  had  registered  a complaint  against  Umed Singh,

Dharampal sons of Beg Raj and Dharambir on the grounds that

they have shot the deceased Chander Bhan on account of prior

rivalry. He further deposed that in furtherance of the enquiry, on

reaching the alleged scene of the crime, he did not find any tyre

marks of the jeep or any incriminating marks whatsoever. It may

be noted that his evidence is a crucial link to portray that the

case of false prosecution against the winning candidate

Dharampal son of Beg Raj was given full effect by misleading the

police authority as to the scene of the incident. He further

recorded the statement of PW­13­Smt. Kamla and found out that

on 16.12.1994 the accused A­2 and A­1 came to the house of the

deceased at  around midnight  and  took  Chander  Bhan on  the

pretext that since  Maha  Singh  had  lost the  election  and  was

involved in a criminal case, hence they should falsely implicate



Sarpanch Dharampal son of Beg Raj,  by registering a counter

case against him.

28.    PW­15 further deposed that PW­14 informed that while Umed

Singh (PW­14) was waiting at Borstal Jail, Hisar for conveyance

at 4:00 A.M on 16.12.1994, he had seen that accused A­1, A­2,

deceased  Chander  Bhan and A­3 were  going for  some urgent

work and that he had also noticed A­3 holding a single barrel


29.    Furthermore, PW­15 had also deposed that later, on 25.12.1994,

PW­16, Zile Singh had produced the accused before him where

he recorded the statement of Zile Singh with regard to the extra

judicial confession  made to him by the accused. It  may be

relevant to note PW­15  in the examination­in­chief  states that

the Zile Singh (PW­16), left the Police Station and did not wait till

the completion of the interrogation. Whereas, in the cross­

examination he contradicts himself that Zile Singh (PW­16) was

present during the interrogation of the appellant­accused. PW­15

also deposed that by virtue of the disclosure statements made by

the individual accused persons, the recovery of the gun,



cartridges, pellets and some concrete material from room and the

khurli of the Adarsh Nagar House were made.  

30.    PW­16 (Zile Singh), deposes that on 25.12.1994, when he had

come to the village Sundawas, accused A­1,  A­2 and A­3 had

confessed  before  him  by  detailing the  modus operandi  of the

crime and subsequent cover­up of the  incident.  Thereafter,  he

states that he handed over the accused to the police for

interrogation and the interrogation was conducted in his

presence. At the appropriate stage, we will examine the relevance

of the aforesaid confession made before Zile Singh (PW­16) and

its impact on the prosecution’s case.

31.   As regards to the evidence of other witnesses who supported the

prosecution case, PW­17, Mewa Singh, is the panch witness for

the seizures made by the police from crime scene. He deposed

that on 25.12.1994, he went to the police station along with one

Sant Lal on getting the information that the real culprits in

Chander  Bhan's  murder case  have been arrested.  He further

deposed that I.O.  Bhim Singh  interrogated the accused  in his



presence. That during such interrogation, accused A­1 and A­3

pointed out that they will be able to show the scene of the crime

as well as the hidden gun. He had further deposed that he and

Sant Lal were witnesses to the subsequent recoveries made by

the investigating officer.

32.    After having appreciated the evidence of certain crucial witnesses,

we  would like to clarify at the outset that this is a case of

circumstantial evidence. Jurisprudentially the meaning of

circumstantial evidence has never been settled. Although we may

not require a detailed analysis of the jurisprudential dichotomy

which exists as to what amounts to ‘circumstantial evidence’, we

may indicate certain precedents and legal literature have given a

definite shape for the aforesaid term.  In Thomas Starkie, A

Practical treatise on the law of evidence, and digest of

proofs, in civil and criminal proceedings (vol. I, 4th  Eds.,

1876), it is said that­

"In criminal cases,  proof that the  party  accused was influenced  by  a  strong  motive  of interest to commit the offence proved to have been committed, although exceedingly weak and inconclusive in itself, and although it be a circumstance  which



ought never to operate in proof of the corpus delicti, yet  when  that  has  once  been established aliunde,  it is  a circumstance to be considered in conjunction with others which plainly tend to implicate the accused".

Sir Fitz James Stephen, while writing his Introduction to Indian

Evidence Act, 1872, writes as under­

Facts relevant to the issue are facts from the existence of which inferences as to the existence of the facts in issue may be drawn. A fact is relevant to another fact when the existence of the one can be shown to be the cause or one of the causes,  or the effect or one of the effects, of existence of the other, or when the existence of the one, either alone or together with other facts, renders the existence of the other highly  probable,  or improbable,  according to the common course of events.

Wharton's Criminal Evidence (1955)­ "In prosecutions for homicide, as in criminal prosecutions generally, evidence to show motive is competent and considerable latitude is allowed in its introduction. When proof has been made of the corpus delicti, all facts and circumstances that tend to show motive on the part of the accused are relevant".

33.    Peacock v. The King, 13 CLR 619, expounded the circumstantial

evidence to mean­

Whether the fact,  or that  body of facts  which  is called the 'case' is capable of bearing a particular



inference, is for the Court, and unless it is so capable, the Court's duty is to withhold it from the jury, as a single fact or as a case. But when the case is undoubtedly capable of the inference of guilt, albeit some other inference or theory be possible, it is for the jury, properly directed, and for them alone, to say not merely whether it carries a strong probability of guilt, but whether the inference exists actually and clearly, and so completely overcomes all other inferences or hypotheses, as to leave no reasonable doubt of guilt in their minds.

34.    In  Anant Chintaman Lagu v. State of Bombay,  AIR 1960 SC

500, this court defined circumstantial evidence­

Circumstantial  evidence  in this  context  means,  a combination  of facts creating  a  network through which there is no escape for the accused, because the facts taken as  a  whole  do  not  admit  of  any inference but of his guilt.

35.    In line with the aforesaid definition, this Court in catena of cases

has expounded the test of ‘complete chain link theory’ for the

prosecution to prove a case beyond reasonable doubt based on

the circumstantial evidence. In Hanumant and Others v. State

of Madhya Pradesh, AIR 1952 SC 343 [hereinafter referred as

‘Hanumant Case’  for  brevity], this  Court  explained one of the



possible ways to prove a case based on circumstantial evidence,

in the following manner ­ in cases where the evidence is of a circumstantial nature, the circumstances from which the conclusion of  guilt is to  be drawn should  in the first instance be fully established, and all the facts so established should be consistent only with the hypothesis of the guilt of the accused. Again, the circumstances should be of a conclusive nature and tendency and they should be such as to exclude every hypothesis but the one proposed to be proved.

36.   It was for the first time that this Court formulated a test

concerning circumstantial evidence. Subsequently, the aforesaid

test was applied on multiple occasions by this Court in

Deonandan  Mishra v. State of Bihar, AIR 1955 SC 801,

Govinda Reddy v. State of Mysore, AIR 1960 SC 29.

37.    In Charan Singh v. State of Uttar Pradesh, AIR 1967 SC 520,

this Court expounded the proposition laid down in  Hanumant

Case (supra), and observed as under­

It is well established that in cases where the evidence is of a circumstantial nature, the circumstances from which the conclusion of guilt is to be drawn should, in the first instance, be fully established, and the circumstances so established should be consistent only  with the hypothesis  of



the guilt of the accused person; that is, the circumstances  should be  of  such a nature as to reasonably  exclude every  hypothesis  but the  one proposed to be proved.  To put it in other words, the chain of evidence must be so far complete as not to leave any reasonable ground for a conclusion consistent with the innocence of the accused person.

We may  note that this  Court for the first time  explained the

general test applicable for evaluating circumstantial evidence and

brought in the concept of ‘completion of chain of evidence’.  

38.    In Sharad Birdhichand Sarda v. State of Maharashtra, AIR

1984 SC 1622. Therein, while dealing with circumstantial

evidence, it has been held that the onus was on the prosecution

to prove that the chain is complete and the infirmity or lacuna in

the prosecution cannot be cured by a false defense or plea. The

conditions precedent in the words of this Court, before conviction

could be based on circumstantial evidence, must be fully

established. They are ­

 (1) the circumstances from which the conclusion of guilt is to be drawn should be fully established. The circumstances concerned ‘must or should’ and not merely ‘may be’ established;



 (2) the facts so established should be consistent only with the hypothesis of the guilt of the accused, that is to say, they should not be explainable on any  other  hypothesis except that the  accused is guilty;

 (3) the circumstances should be of  a conclusive nature and tendency;

 (4) they should exclude every possible hypothesis except the one to be proved; and

(5) there must be a chain of evidence so complete as not to leave any reasonable ground for the conclusion consistent  with the innocence of the accused and must show that in all human probability the  act  must  have  been  done  by the accused.

The aforesaid tests are aptly referred as ‘Panchsheel of proof in

Circumstantial Cases’ [refer Prakash v. State of Rajasthan, AIR

2013 SC 1474]. The expectation is that the prosecution’s case

should reflect careful portrayal of the factual circumstances and

inferences thereof and their compatibility with a singular

hypothesis wherein all the intermediate facts and the case itself

are proved beyond reasonable doubt.

39.    Circumstantial  evidence are those facts,  which the court may

infer further. There is a stark contrast between direct evidence

and circumstantial evidence. In cases of circumstantial evidence,



the courts are called upon to make inferences from the available

evidences, which may lead to the accused’s guilt. In majority of

cases, the inference of guilt is usually drawn by establishing the

case from its initiation to the point of commission wherein each

factual link is ultimately based on evidence of a fact or an

inference thereof. Therefore, the courts have to identify the facts

in the first place so as to fit the case within the parameters of

‘chain link theory’ and then see whether the case is made out

beyond reasonable doubt. In India we have for a long time

followed the ‘chain link theory’ since  Hanumant Case  (supra),

which of course needs to be followed herein also.

40.   We need to consider five aspects and their impact on the case at

hand,  before  we put  forth our  analysis. It is  well  settled that

motive is an important aspect in circumstantial evidence case. In

Shivaji Genu Mohite v. State of Maharashtra, AIR 1973 SC 55

“In case the prosecution is not able to discover an impelling motive, that  could not  reflect  upon the credibility of a witness proved to be a reliable eye­ witness. Evidence as to motive would, no doubt, go a long way in cases wholly dependent on circumstantial evidence. Such evidence would form one of the links in the chain of circumstantial evidence in such a case. But that would not be so



in cases where there are eye­witnesses of credibility, though even in such cases if a motive is properly proved, such proof would strengthen the prosecution case and fortify the court in its ultimate conclusion. But that does not mean that if motive is not established, the evidence of an eye­ witness is rendered untrustworthy”.

In  this  case  the motive  has an  important  role  as  this  case  is

based on circumstantial evidence, motive herein forms one of the

intermediate fact/circumstances. In this case, the motive of

killing  Chander  Bhan (deceased)  was to foist a false case  on

Dharampal son of Beg Raj. If the motive was to foist a false case,

then it is quite strange to believe that the accused went to the

extent of killing their own (supporter of Maha Singh) to avenge

the loss in the elections. Even if the motive is taken to be proved,

then this too only forms one of the circumstances for adducing

the guilt of the accused.

41.  The credibility  of the  witnesses,  which  the  prosecution mainly

relies  on to prove  the case on the basis of the circumstantial

evidence is an important aspect. In this case the evidence of PW­

13 (wife of  the deceased)  is crucial.  Her statements  should be

carefully appreciated. The statements, as indicated above, clearly



portray that there were material improvements in the statements,

which makes her statement unreliable and doubtful. The

vindictive statements which were made during the cross

examination, clearly bars us from taking her testimony into

consideration.  There is no dispute that there was prior enmity

between the wife and the accused appellants, which makes her

statements unreliable. It is revealed from her evidence that, even

though she knew that her husband  was taken for shooting

somebody, she kept quiet and did not stop her husband from

accompanying the accused. Such behavior would be suspicious

as it does not fit with the natural human behavior to inspire any


42.    Although this Court, on number of occasions, reiterated that mere

relationship with the deceased will not be sufficient to discredit a

witness, in  the present circumstances, it is  apparent  that the

wife was an interested witness due to earlier enmity between the

accused. Hence, we are of the considered opinion that the

aforesaid witness does not inspire confidence for us to rely on the




43.    Coming to the testimony of the PW­14 (Umed Singh), the defense

has tried to exposé the aforesaid witness on certain

contradictions and improvements, which needs our

consideration. At the outset, they question the presence of the

aforesaid witness at Hisar, as the veracity of him being a chance

witness is questionable. Learned senior counsel for the accused­

appellant,  has  strenuously  contended that  PW­14  is  a  chance

witness, and contends that not much reliance may be placed on

his statement.  

44. Generally, the chance witness, who reasonably explains his

presence in the  named  location  at the relevant time,  may  be

taken into consideration and should be given due regard, if his

version inspires confidence and the same is supported by

surrounding circumstances. Nonetheless,  the evidence of a

chance witness requires a very cautious and close scrutiny. A

chance  witness  must adequately explain his presence at the

place of occurrence [refer  Satbir v. Surat Singh, (1997) 4 SCC

192; Harjinder Singh v. State of Punjab, (2004) 11 SCC 253].

Deposition of a chance witness whose presence at the place of



incident remains doubtful should be discarded [refer

Shankarlal v. State of Rajasthan, (2004) 10 SCC 632]. The

behavior of the chance witness, subsequent to the incident may

also be taken into consideration particularly as to whether he

has informed anyone else in the village about the incident. [refer

Thangaiya v. State of Tamil Nadu, (2005) 9 SCC 650].

45.  It may be noted that the (PW­14) has not explained as to why he

was standing near the Bristol Prison so early at 4:00 AM in the

morning of a peak winter day, when the first bus to the village

was at 7:00 AM. Moreover,  it is doubtful that A­3 would have

brandished  a  gun,  while travelling in the  auto­rickshaw. It is

suspicious that even after getting to know that Chander Bhan

was killed at Hisar, PW­14 did not reveal to anybody that he saw

the  deceased in the  company  of the  accused­appellant in the

morning travelling towards Hisar. Indeed, it is quite unbelievable

that a man, during peak of north Indian winter, would wait at 4

A.M for a bus, which is scheduled to leave at 7:00 AM morning.

These suspicious circumstances impugn the general



trustworthiness of  PW­14. Therefore, this  Court  cannot accept

the evidence of this witness as being credible.

46.    Now coming to the evidence of Zile Singh (PW­16). He narrates

that the three accused met him in the bus stop on the morning of

25.12.1993, when they confessed to their crime individually. We

may note that his statements are ridden with following un­

clarified doubts­

a. That the Zile  Singh  (PW­16) accompanied the accused, after they confessed, from the  bus stand to the  police station.

b. Not taking the accused to the Police personnel present in the Bus stand.

c. That his presence in the police station itself is suspicious as the I.O.  Bhim Singh (PW­15)  has contradicted  Zile Singh (PW­16) on this aspect.

d. That there is no signature of Zile Singh (PW­16) on any of the documents in the Police Station.

In light of these circumstances, we need to be cautious in

considering the statements of this witness.

47.   Now  we need to concentrate on the relevance of the alleged

confessions of the co­accused made before Zile Singh (PW­16). In

Re Periyaswami Moopan,  AIR 1931 Mad. 177, Reilly J.



observed  “where there is evidence against the co­accused

sufficient, if  believed, to support his conviction, then the kind of

confession described in Section 30 may be thrown into the scale

as an additional reason for believing that evidence”. Therefore, the

aforesaid extra­judicial confession against the co­accused needs

to be taken  into consideration  if  at  all it is  one,  only  if  other

independent evidence on record have established the basic

premise of the  prosecution.  The confession  of the co­accused

cannot be solely utilized to convict a person, when the

surrounding circumstances are improbable and creates

suspicion. [refer Haricharan Kurmi v. State of Bihar, AIR 1964

SC 1184].  As the confession of  a  co­accused  is  weak piece of

evidence, we need to consider whether other circumstances prove

the prosecution’s case.

48.    On the aspect of recovery of pellets from a house at Adarsh Nagar,

Hisar, it is an argument of the learned senior counsel, appearing

on behalf of the appellant accused, that the FSL Report

indicating the possibility of pellets being fired from the gun

recovered from  the confession  of accused  A­3, should  not  be



considered as the person, who made the report was not

examined­is of some relevance. The FSL report forms part of the

evidence, which is shown to point out that the crime had taken

place in the house at Adarsh Nagar, Hisar and gun of 0.15 bore

belonging to A­3 was used for the same. The prosecution was

expected to examine the author of the report, and non­

examination of the same is  a  fatal  error in the case at  hand.

Moreover, at the scene of occurrence, there was no blood or foot

marks found, which is apparent from the evidence of PW­8.

49.    The last circumstance, pointed out by the learned senior counsel

for appellant is that, if the intention of the accused­appellant was

indeed to murder the deceased, then, why would they take him

to the Hospital. Thereby, she extends this argument, to portray

that the accused, never had an intention to kill the deceased. It

has not been explained by the prosecution, as to why such action

would be undertaken by the accused and risk taking an alive

person,  who  was  shot, to the  hospital.  The  contention  of the

State that this was a diabolic act of perverted criminals, may not

fit the evidence available on record.



50.    In line with the aforesaid discussion on various circumstances,

we may now identify the intermediate circumstances, which we

are called upon to infer guilt from­

1.) On 15.12.1994, there was a  local  election,  wherein main candidates  were  Maha Singh and Dharampal  son of  Beg Raj.

2.) Chander Bhan (deceased) was the election agent as well as the supporter of Maha Singh.

3.) On the day of the election, there was a fight between two factions, in which Maha Singh and one Darya were charged for firing gun shots at the supporters of Dharampal son of Beg Raj.

4.) Maha  Singh lost the elections,  which  was  known  to the accused party as well as deceased.

5.) That Sobhat Singh [A­2], Dharampal son of Nanak Ram [A­ 1] and Chander Bhan (deceased),  met on 15th­16th  mid night.

6.) Near  Hisar, the  Chander  Bhan  was  seen going  with the accused around the time of the incident. [of doubtful veracity]

7.) Injured Chander Bhan was alive when he was brought to Hospital in Hisar by Sobhat Singh [A­1] and Dharampal [A­ 2].

8.) Chander Bhan’s  body was  found to have sustained more than fifty ante mortem gun shot wounds.

9.) Gun and pellets were recovered from an abandoned house in Adarsh Nagar.

10.) Extra­judicial confession recorded before Zile Singh on 25.12.1994.

51.   From the aforesaid circumstances, we may note that the

hypothesis canvassed by the prosecution cannot be said to have



been proved beyond reasonable  doubt  as there exist  apparent

gaps in the prosecution story, which are left incomplete or

insufficiently proved. In  Latesh v. State of Maharashtra, AIR

2018 SC 659, this court had observed the ‘When you consider the

facts, you have a reasonable doubt as to whether the matter is

proved or whether it is not a reasonable doubt in this sense. The

reasonableness of a doubt must be a practical one and not on an

abstract theoretical  hypothesis.  Reasonableness  is  a virtue  that

forms as a mean between excessive caution and excessive

indifference to a doubt.’   In view of this proposition, we accept

that there is  no  direct evidence  which led the  prosecution to

clearly prove that deceased was shot at Adarsh Nagar in Hisar.

Even the circumstantial evidence which is led, has gaps in

between. In the narration above, there is a big hiatus between

the time the accused left the village and the accused­appellants

were seen in the Hospital, at Hisar. Neither the intermediate facts

are established with certainty, nor the case as a whole is

established beyond reasonable doubt.



52.    We may note that every acquittal in a criminal case has to be

taken with some seriousness by the investigating and

prosecuting authorities, when a case of this nature is concerned.

We are aware of the fact that there has been a death of a person

in this incident and there is no finality to the aforesaid episode as

it ends with various unanswered questions, which point fingers

at the lack of disciplined investigation and prosecution. Although

Courts cannot give  benefit of doubt to the  accused for small

errors committed during the investigation,  we cannot however,

turn a blind eye towards the investigative deficiencies which goes

to the root of the matter.  

53.   Now, coming to the case foisted against Dharambir, Umed Singh

and Dharampal (sarpanch) sons of Beg Raj, in Criminal Appeal

No. 1458 of 2012 (Sessions Case No. 62 of 1997 in Sessions Trial

No. 97 of 1997). The prosecution had examined PW­1 (Dr. R.S.

Bishnoi),  PW­2  (Dr. Surendra Singh),  PW­3 (ASI­Jagbir Singh),

PW­4 (Sobhat Singh [A­1]) and PW­5 (Dharampal son of Nanak

Ram [A­2]).  While the defense had led  DW­1 (Kamla), DW­2



(Umed Singh), DW­3 (Zile Singh), DW­4 (Mewa Singh) and DW­5

(Bhim Singh).

54.    We have considered the reasoning of the court below in this case,

which we accept. Although this case was foisted to be a case of

direct evidence, there is no credibility in the statements of the

accused­appellant as the surrounding circumstances have

shown, as already indicated in the earlier parts of the judgment,

to be against them. We may note the golden rule of evidence that

‘men  may tell a lie, but the circumstances  do  not’,  which is

squarely applicable in this case at hand. Therefore, we cannot

also accept the narrative of the accused­appellant in the other

appeals, as a gospel of truth.

55.    In view of the discussion above, we allow the Criminal Appeal

No(s). 1445­1446 of 2012, before us and simultaneously set

aside  the conviction and punishment as provided by the Trial

Court in Sessions Case No. 60 of 1995 in Sessions Trial No. 22 of

1995,   and   dismiss   the   Criminal   Appeal No. 1458 of 2012.



Further the concerned authorities are directed to release the

appellants­accused, if not required in any other case.

……………………………..J. (N. V. Ramana)

……………………………..J. (Mohan M. Shantanagoudar)