07 October 2013
Supreme Court


Case number: C.A. No.-009016-009016 / 2013
Diary number: 565 / 2013


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(arising out of  Special Leave Petition  (Civil) No. 255 OF 2013 )






1. Leave granted.

2. The appellant herein is a proprietor of a Hotel and Restaurant under  

the name and style of “BHIMSAIN VAISHNAV’ which is being run since  

1954.  On 28th August 1992, he made an application before the Collector of  

Excise, Calcutta (now known as Kolkata) for issuance of license to operate  

foreign  liquor  bar  and  restaurant.   This  application,  for  the  reasons  not  

available  on  record,  kept  pending  for  number  of  years.   Thereafter,  on  

1.11.2004 he made a request that his earlier application dated 28th August  

1992 may be processed and he be granted foreign liquor bar and restaurant  

license.  It was followed by another reminder dated 8.9.2005.  Thereafter,  



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the appellant was given temporary license to run the liquor bar in January  

2006, purportedly on the basis of his application submitted in the year 1992.

3. Respondent  Nos.  5  and  6  herein,  namely,  Muslim  Khawateem  

Khilafat Tanzeem, a Society and  Nazia Elahi Khan, President of the said  

society respectively, filed a Writ Petition as Public Interest Litigation, with  

the prayers to cancel,  rescind and revoke the aforesaid temporary license  

issued to the appellant.  The plea raised was that it was not open for the  

appellant to run a liquor bar in the said restaurant which was in the vicinity  

of religious places and school, namely, Gurudwara Bara Sikh Sangar, Shree  

Digambar Jain Vidyalaya, Shree Jain Swetambere Panchayati Temple, Shree  

Laxmi Narayan Mandir,  Shree Shree  Satya Narayanji  Mandir  and also  a  

mosque.   These  respondents  in  the  said  Writ  Petition  alleged  that  the  

aforesaid religious places and school were situated within the distance of  

550 feet of the premises where the license to operate the bar by the Excise  

Department was granted to the appellant and this was in violation of Rule 8  

of the West Bengal Excise (Selection of New Sites and Grant of License for  

Retail Sale of Liquor and Certain Other Intoxicants) Rules, 2003 (hereinafter  

referred to as “Rules of 2003”), as amended in the year 2004. Amended Rule  

8 of the said Rules imposed a ban on the grant of license for the retail sale of  



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liquor or any other intoxicant at a new site which is within 1000 feet from  

any  college/educational  institution  /religious  places.   This  plea  has  been  

accepted  by  the  High  Court  and  vide  impugned  judgment  dated  14th  

December 2012, the Excise Department is directed not to renew the license  

of the appellant which was expiring in the month of January 2013.

4. It  is  not  in dispute that  there are few religious places as well as a  

school within a distance of 1000 feet from the restaurant of the appellant  

where he runs his liquor bar as well.  The precise distance of these places  

from the appellant’s restaurant is as under:

Gurudwara Bara Sikh Sangar is at a distance of 430 ft.,  Shree Digambar Jain Vidyalaya is at a distance of 580 ft., Shree  Jain Swetambar Panchayati Temple is at a distance of 630 ft.,  Shree Laxmi Narayan Mandir is at a distance of 730 ft.,  and  Shree Shree Satya  Narayanji Ka Mandir  is at a distance of 780  ft.   

5. It is also not in dispute that Rule 8 proscribes grant of license for retail  

sale of liquor or any other intoxicant at a new site which comes within the  

range of 1000 ft.  However, case set up by the appellant is that since the  

application for grant of license was filed in the year 1992, the rules which  

were prevailing at that time would be applicable to the case of the appellant.  

Under Rules, 1993, the restriction was within a distance of 300 ft. from such  



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places and since the religious places and school pointed out by respondent  

Nos.  5 and 6 are situated beyond the vicinity of  300 ft.,  the license was  

validly granted.  In this scenario, the question that falls for determination is  

as to whether Rules,  1993 would govern the case of the appellant  or the  

license  was  to  be  granted  keeping  in  mind  Rules,  2003  (as  amended).  

Before we embark on this issue, it would be essential to tread the events  

leading to the promulgation of the aforesaid Rules and certain Government  

instructions issued in the matter.

6. As mentioned above, the appellant had applied for Foreign Liquor Bar  

and  Restaurant  license  on  28.8.1992.  Within  few  months  thereof,  West  

Bengal Excise Rules, 1993 were promulgated vide Notification dated 22nd  

March 1993.  These Rules were made in exercise of powers conferred by  

Sections 85, 86 read with Section 30, 31, 36, 37 and 37A of the West Bengal  

Excise Act, 1909.  As per Rule 8 of Rules 1993, in its original form, there  

was bar for grant of license for retail sale of spirit or any other intoxicant at a  

new site which is situated in “close proximity” to an educational institution  

or  traditional  place  of  worship,  hospital  or  bathing  ghat  for  public  use.  

There was no specific distance stipulated therein, defining the expression  

“close proximity” in arithmetical/ numerical terms. However, when Rules,  



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2003 came into force in supersession of earlier Rules 1993 with effect from  

29.9.2003,  the  words  “close  proximity”  were  replaced by the  expression  

“vicinity”. The term “vicinity” was defined as a distance of 300 ft.   Rule 8  

of  Rules,  2003 was  amended with  effect  from 15.4.2004 and as  per  the  

amended provision, distance of 1000 ft. was prescribed in the definition of  

‘vicinity’.  Thus, there was a shift from the position contained in Rules, 1993  

which prohibited the grant of license for the retail sale of spirit or any other  

intoxicant in “close proximity” from the educational institution and religious  

places etc. to the grant of license within “vicinity of such places” and the  

term ‘vicinity’ was explicitly and precisely defined to be a distance of 300 ft.  

in the unamended Rule 8 of Rules, 2003 and increased to 1000 ft. by way of  

amendment  in  the  year  2004,  from  educational  institution  and  religious  


7. Reverting  to  the  case  of  the  appellant,  we  would  also  like  to  

emphasize here that Rule 8 of Rules, 1993 as well as Rule 8 of Rules, 2003  

apply only to new sites. Its implication is that those restaurants/ hotels etc.  

who were already granted license, before coming into force the respective  

Rules, would not be hit by the mischief of these rules and are allowed the  

continuation of such a bar license, as pointed out, though the application of  



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the appellant was made in the year 1992, it was processed much after 2004  

and  the  license  is  also  granted  after  2004.   Therefore,  normally  the  

application would be governed by the Rules prevalent on the date of grant of  

liquor  license.   However,  Mr.  K.K.Venugopal,  learned  senior  counsel  

appearing  for  the  appellant  drew  our  attention  to  the  Circular  dated  

28.9.2005  issued  by  the  Excise  Commissioner,  West  Bengal  to  its  

functionaries  and  on  that  basis,  he  made  emphatic  plea  that  pending  

applications were to be considered on the basis of un-amended Rules, 2003.  

Since  the  entire  foundation  of  the  appellant’s  case  rests  on  this  

communication, we would like to reproduce the same in its entirety:

“Sub: Settlement of Excise Licenses in favour of  the applicants/licensees who have applied for the same before  publication of the Excise Department’s Notification No. 527-Ex  dated 02.04.2004.


With reference to above noted subject, it has come  to the notice of the undersigned that several applications have  been received by the District Authorities for grant of Foreign  Liquor ‘On’ Shop Licenses as well as shifting of the existing  shop before the Excise Department’s Notification No.527-EX  dated 02.04.2004  came into force.

It is further noticed that some applicants/licenses  who applied for ‘On’ shop License/shifting of existing licenses  and who were  not  granted  licenses  as  the  sites  proposed  by  them  attracted  the  provisions  of  the  aforesaid  notification,  moved the Hon’ble High Court for processing their applications  



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in terms of the provisions existing prior to coming into force or  Notification No.527-EX dated 02.04.2004.

After  careful  consideration  of  the  matter,  the  following…………..;

(a) All the applications received before the 15th April, 2004  being the date of publication of the above notification, by  the concerned District  Authorities  for  grant  of  Foreign  Liquor  ‘On’  Shop  Licenses  and  not  rejected  by  the  Collector may kindly be sent  to this Directorate, if  not  sent already, after suitable processing as per Rule 8(1) of  the Excise Department’s  Notification No.800-EX dated  29.7.2003.

(b) All  the  petitions  received before  15th April,  2004 duly  rejected by this Directorate and/or the Collectors due to  coming  into  force  of  the  Excise  Department’s  Notification No. 527-EX dated 02.04.2004 should also be  sent  to  this  Directorate  for  further  consideration,  after  processing  of  the  same  in  terms  of  Rule  8(1)  of  the  Excise  Department’s  Notification  No.800-EX  dated  29.7.2003;

(c)  If the licenses in respect of Foreign Liquor ‘On’ Shops  duly approved by the Govt.   In the Excise Department  and  communicated  to  the  district  authorities  by  this…………………………..also  be  sent  to  this  Directorate  after  necessary  processing  as  per  Excise  Department’s Notification No.800-EX dated 29.7.2003.

(d)  It has also come to the notice of the undersigned that  several  applications  for  grant  of  Foreign  Liquor  ‘On’  Shop Licenses received by the District Excise Authorities  are being rejected at their end.

All  such  applications  should  be  sent  to  the  undersigned in terms of Rule 9(3) of the Rules framed under  Excise Department’s Notification No.800-EX dated 29.7.2003.



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You  are,  therefore,  requested  to  take  necessary  steps  in  the  matter  and  ensure  the  compliance  of  these  instructions.”

8. Seeking  to  draw  sustenance  from  the  aforesaid  circular,  Mr.  

Venugopal’s endeavour was to make us agree to his submission that those  

applications which were received before 15th April, 2004 and had not been  

rejected by the time circular dated 28.9.2005 came to be issued, were to be  

processed as per unamended Rule 8 which fixed the upper limit of 300 ft. as  

prohibitory limit.  However,  we don’t  feel  persuaded by this  plea.  In  our  

view, this circular has no application to the facts of the present case for the  

reasons stated hereafter.  

9. On the face of it, it is visible that the circular deals with the situation  

where applications for grant of license had been submitted after 29.7.2003  

when Rules, 2003 were promulgated prescribing a distance of 300 ft. in Rule  

8(1)  of  those  Rules  to  define  ‘vicinity’  and  before  this  definition  of  

“vicinity” was amended vide Notification dated 2.4.2004.  The question was  

as  to  whether  applications  which  were  given  after  29.7.2003  but  before  

2.4.2004, were to be governed by original Rules 8(1) or the amended Rule  

8(1).  It seems that a Writ Petition was filed in the High Court of Calcutta by  

those who were not granted license because of the amended Rules.  During  



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the pendency of the said Writ Petition, the matter was considered and the  

decision was taken that  all  the applications received before the amended  

Rules came into force, which had not been rejected by the Collector, should  

be processed in terms of unamended Rules and sent to the Directorate.  Even  

those applications which were received before 15th April, 2004 and had been  

rejected  applying  amended  Rule  were  also  directed  to  be  sent  to  the  

Directorate for further consideration, after processing in terms of unamended  

Rules.  These applications were to be sent in terms of Rule 9(3) of the Rules.  

Ex-facie, the case of the appellant has no such factual parity.

10. We would like to point out, at this stage, that when the application of  

the appellant, which was submitted in 1992 but had not been taken up for  

consideration at all for number of years, even the appellant had not taken  

any steps by sending any reminder or followed it up with any request to the  

department to grant him bar license on the basis of said application. This  

position remained even during the operation of Rules, 1993 which remained  

operative for 10 years and were replaced by Rules, 2003.  During this period  

also, no steps were taken.  After Rules, 2003 there was an amendment in  

Rule 8 thereof.  Thereafter the Excise Commissioner, West Bengal issued  

clarification  in  the  year  2005  in  respect  of  applications  which  were  



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submitted pursuant to Rules, 2003 but either had not been dealt with upto the  

amendment notified on 2.4.2004 or were rejected after 2004 applying the  

amended Rules. Though, this circular was totally unconnected and unrelated  

to  the  case  of  the  appellant,  at  this  stage,  the  appellant  woke  up  from  

slumber and started insisting that his application submitted in the year 1992  

be considered.  The appellant very well knew that on the basis of new Rules  

he would not be able to get bar license. Therefore, the strategy adopted was  

to resuscitate the application of 1992 and demand its consideration on the  

basis  of  un-amended rules.   In  fact,  Mr.  Kailash  Vasdev,  learned senior  

counsel appearing for respondent Nos. 5 and 6 is right in submitting that his  

application of the year 1992 was not even proper and valid application as no  

fee etc. was paid along with the said application.  That would be the reason  

that the said application was never processed.   The application has to be  

supported by appropriate fee which was not given earlier. Such a fee was  

deposited only in the year 2006 in compliance with the provisions of Rule 9  

of the Rules, 2003.  In his letter dated 1.11.2004 the appellant referred to his  

application submitted on 28.8.1992 in which the appellant stated that he had  

applied for the license as per the copy of letter which he enclosed along with  

communication  dated  1.11.2004  and  it  shows  that  only  a  letter  was  



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submitted, though, as per the Rules, application was to be made in Form I or  

Form II annexed with these Rules.   

11. Before filing the Writ Petition, respondent Nos. 5 and 6 had obtained  

information  from  the  department  under  Right  to  Information  Act.  

Information supplied  to  them mentions  that  the appellant  had first  made  

application on 28.8.1992 and then again on 8.9.2005 giving reference to the  

first application.  Thus, we find that the first application was not even proper  

application  and  second  application  was  dated  8.9.2005.   It  had  to  be  

governed by the new Rules, namely, Rules 2003, as amended in 2004.

12. It would also be significant to state that as per the law laid down by  

this Court, Rules which are prevalent on the date when the application is  

considered are to be applied and not the date when the application is made.  

This is so held in State of Kerala & Ors. Vs. Kandath Distilleries 2013 (2)  

SCALE 789 in the following words:

“We  have  gone  through  the  Government  Order  dated 11.10.2006 in extenso and we are not prepared to say that  the  application  of  the  respondent  was  rejected  solely  on the  ground that the application dated 12.1.1987 could not be treated  as an application put forward by a firm  based on a partnership  deed, which came into existence on 10.4.1991, as per Clause 3  of the Partnership Deed but on various other grounds as well.  The  State  Government,  in  our  view,   has  considered  the  respondent’s  application  dated  12.1.1987  with  regard  to  the  



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conditions  that  existed  in  the  year   1998.   The Government  letter  dated  28.6.1994  would  indicate  that,  apart  from  the  respondent, few other applications were also pending prior to  the year 1994.  Over and above, the State Government during  the year 1998, from 3.2.1998 to 21.11.1998, had received 52  applications  for  establishing  compounding,  blending  and  bottling  units  in  IMFLs  in  various  parts  of  the  State.   The  Excise  Commissioner  vide  his  letter  dated  25.11.1998  had  reported that there was an unprecedented flow of applications,  that  was  the  situation  prevailing  in  the  year  1998,  a  factor  which was taken note of in not entertaining the respondent’s  application,  whether  it  was  submitted  on  12.1.1987  or  on  22.11.1998.  We cannot, in any way, activate  an out-modeled,  outdated, forgotten liquor policy of 1998, in the year 2013, by a  Writ of Mandamus.”

13. We fail to comprehend as to how the application filed in 1992 could  

be considered in 2010.  In any case, as per the dicta aforesaid, when the  

request of the appellant was considered in the year 2010, Rules of 2003 as  

amended  in  2004  had  to  be  applied.  On  the  basis  of  these  Rules,  the  

appellant could not have been granted for foreign liquor bar and restaurant  

license as there are many religious and educational institutions within the  

1000 ft. of place from where the appellant is operating.

14. Mr. Venugopal has tried to make an attempt to impute malafides on  

the  part  of  the  respondent  Nos.  5  and  6  alleging  that  there  is  another  

restaurant run by respondent No.4 which is also operating from a place that  

is less than 1000 ft. from religious places etc. However, proceedings against  



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the said respondents were dropped by respondent Nos. 5 & 6.  First of all,  

this argument would be of no avail to the appellant inasmuch as when it is  

found that the appellant was not entitled for bar license, the High Court has  

rightly issued mandamus not to renew the same. Even if, we presume that  

some other person is also operating in an infringing manner, that would not  

legalize the license of  the appellant.   That  apart,  after  going through the  

record, we find that the case of respondent No.4 was not of a new license but  

existing license.  Rule 8 applied to new sites only and in so far as those who  

were operating already and having existing license, they are not hit by the  

mischief of this Rule.    

15. The  result  of  the  aforesaid  discussion  would  be  to  uphold  the  

judgment of the High Court and dismiss the appeal with costs.  Since the  

license was renewed on the basis  of  interim orders passed by this court,  

which is valid till December 2013, it would not be renewed thereafter.  We  

order accordingly.

……………………….J.     [K.S.Radhakrishnan]

………………………..J.     [A.K.Sikri]

New Delhi, October 7, 2013



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