07 February 2014
Supreme Court


Case number: C.A. No.-001871-001872 / 2014
Diary number: 18098 / 2012


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CIVIL APPEAL  NOs.    1871-1872        OF 2014 Special Leave Petition (C) Nos. 17673-17674 OF 2012






1. Leave granted.

2.  These  appeals  are  directed  against  the  common  

judgment and order dated 16.05.2012 passed by the High  

Court  of  Judicature  at  Patna  in  Letters  Patent  Appeal  

Nos.1845 and 1916 of  2011.   By the  aforesaid  impugned  

order, the High Court has directed that the respondent No.7  

herein who was placed at serial No.2 of the select list/merit  

panel  for  award  of  dealership  of  retail  outlet  under  the  1


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respondent  No.1,  i.e.   M/s.  Bharat  Petroleum  Corporation  

Ltd.,  be  offered  the  said  dealership  after  completing  the  

process contemplated under the selection procedure in force  

in the Corporation.

3. A  summary  of  the  essential  facts  is  delineated  


The  first  respondent  Corporation  issued  an  

advertisement dated 30.05.2010 for award of dealership of  

retail  outlets  in  different  locations  including  Areraj,  East  

Champaran District in the State of Bihar. The selection was  

to be made in accordance with the norms laid down by the  

Corporation  and  available  in  a  booklet  published  on  

15.09.2008  under  the  caption  “procedure  for  selection  of  

petrol/diesel retail outlet dealers” (hereinafter referred to as  

the “Norms”).  On the basis of the applications received for  

grant  of  the  dealership  in  question,  a  selection  was  held  

wherein  the  appellant  was  placed  at  Sl.No.1  with  78.04  

marks whereas the respondent No.7 who had secured 77.75  

marks  was  placed  at  Sl.No.2.   The  dealership  was  to  be  

offered to the most meritorious candidate after  necessary  



Page 3

field  verification.   The  norms  contemplated  issuance  of  a  

Letter of Intent (LoI) on the expiry of 30 days from the date  

of publication of the select list/merit panel or till disposal of  

complaints, if any, with regard to the selection made by the  

Corporation.  A grievance redressal mechanism is expressly  

laid down in the ‘Norms’.

4. Aggrieved by the selection, the respondent No.7 filed a  

complaint dated 25.01.2011 before the Corporation raising a  

two-fold grievance.  The first was with regard to award of  

‘zero’ marks to the Respondent, against a maximum of ‘four’  

awardable  under  the  head  “Fixed  and  Moveable  Assets”.  

The second grievance raised was that the land offered by  

the appellant was under litigation and was not immediately  

available for use of the retail outlet.  The complaint filed by  

the respondent No.7 was promptly answered by an order of  

rejection dated 28.01.2011 on the ground that the Technical  

Evaluation  Committee  in  its  report  had  found  the  land  

offered  by  the  appellant  suitable  for  development  of  the  

retail outlet and that the issue raised by the respondent in  

the objection/complaint would be dealt with in the process of  

grant  of  No  Objection  Certificate  (NOC)  by  the  District  3


Page 4

Magistrate to whom a reference of the matter is required to  

be made. In so far as the claim of the respondent No.7 with  

regard  to  award  of  marks  is  concerned,  the  same  was  

rejected  on  the  ground  that  the  respondent  had  not  

furnished any document in support of his title to the assets  

mentioned by him in his application.

5. Aggrieved  by  the  rejection  of  his  complaint,  the  

respondent No.7 moved the High Court by means of a writ  

petition  registered  and  numbered  as  C.W.J.C.  No.6125  of  

2011.  No Letter of Intent had been granted to the appellant  

at that stage.  A learned Single Judge of the High Court by  

order dated 29.09.2011 took the view that in so far as award  

of marks to the respondent No.7 is concerned no fault can be  

found in  the decision of  the Corporation inasmuch as  the  

respondent No.7 did not produce any document of title in  

respect of assets mentioned by him in his application for the  

dealership.   In fact,  the learned Single Judge came to the  

further  conclusion  that  such  failure  on  the  part  of  the  

respondent  No.7 amounted to  suppression/concealment  of  

relevant  facts.   In  so  far  as  the  present  appellant  is  

concerned, the learned Single Judge came to the conclusion  4


Page 5

that the requisite NOC from the District Magistrate in respect  

of  the  land  offered  by  the  appellant  not  having  been  

granted,  the  Corporation  cannot  be  expected  to  wait  

indefinitely.  Consequently, the learned Single Judge directed  

that the selection process be redone.

6.    Aggrieved by the order dated 29.09.2011 passed by the  

learned Single Judge both the appellant and the respondent  

No.7  filed  their  respective  Letters  Patent  Appeals.   The  

Division  Bench  of  the  High  Court  by  the  impugned  order  

dated  16.05.2012  substantially  agreed  with  the  findings  

recorded by the learned Single Judge in so far as both the  

parties are concerned.  However, taking note of Clause 16 of  

the  Norms  i.e.  “Procedure  For  Selection  Of  Petrol/Diesel  

Retail Outlet Dealers”, the Bench took the view that once the  

appellant was found to be disentitled, the dealership should  

have been awarded to respondent No.7, he being, at serial  

No.2 of the merit list. Consequential directions were issued  

by the Division Bench of  the  High Court.   Aggrieved,  the  

present appeals have been filed.   



Page 6

7. Contending that the findings of the learned Single Judge  

with  regard to  suppression/concealment  had not  been set  

aside by the Division Bench of the High Court in its order  

dated 16.05.2012, the respondent No.7 had moved SLP (C)  

No.28324 of  2012 against  the aforesaid  part  of  the  order  

dated 16.05.2012. The SLP filed by the respondent No.7 was  

dismissed by this Court by order dated 05.10.2012.

8. An effective resolution of  the contentious issues that  

have emerged from the arguments made on behalf of the  

rival  parties  would  require  specific  notice  of  the  relevant  

documents  brought  on  record  by  the  parties  at  different  

stages of the proceedings before the High Court as well as  

this Court.  As none of the said documents are disputed and  

the  authenticity/genuineness  thereof  is  not  questioned,  

considering the relevance of the same to the subject matter,  

we  are  of  the  view  that  the  facts  unfolded  by  the  said  

documents  can  be  ignored  only  at  the  cost  of  a  fair  

adjudication of the lis between the parties.  We, therefore,  

proceed to take note of the said facts in proper sequential  




Page 7

9. After the selection for the dealership was finalized by  

the Corporation on 30.12.2010, a reference was made to the  

District Authority on 24.01.2011 for grant of NOC to enable  

the Corporation to apply for the necessary licence under the  

Petroleum  Rules,  2002.   By  communications  dated  

11.07.2011 and 16.07.2011 the District Authority informed  

the Corporation that NOC cannot be granted on account of  

the fact that the land, on which outlet was proposed, was  

involved in Partition Suit No.7 of 2006.  It would be of some  

significance that the appellant was impleaded as defendant  

in  the  said  suit  on  04.02.2011  i.e.  after  5  years  of  its  

institution and that  too after  the finalization of  the select  

list/merit panel by the Corporation.  An order of injunction to  

restrain the District Authority from issuing NOC was sought  

by  the  plaintiff  in  Partition  Suit  No.7  of  2006  which  was  

refused by the learned Trial  Court on 19.07.2011.  Taking  

note  of  the  aforesaid  fact  i.e.  refusal  of  injunction,  the  

District Authority, once again, sought for a report from the  

Sub-Divisional Officer whether NOC can be granted. This was  

on  04.08.2011.   The  Sub-Divisional  Officer  sought  the  

opinion of the Government Advocate and submitted a report  7


Page 8

dated  18.08.2011  recommending  grant  of  NOC.   These  

documents, though vital, were not before the High Court but  

have been placed before us.  After the learned Single Judge  

had decided the writ petition by ordering a fresh selection,  

an  amendment  application  dated  17.10.2011  was  filed  in  

Partition Suit No.7 of 2006 for deletion of the land offered for  

the  dealership  from  the  purview  of  the  suit.   The  said  

amendment  was  allowed  by  the  learned  Trial  Court  on  

19.10.2011.  In the L.P.A. filed by the appellant, i.e. L.P.A.  

No.1845 of 2011 the amendment application for deletion of  

the land in question as well as the order dated 19.10.2011 of  

the  learned  Trial  Court  allowing  the  said  amendment  

application were enclosed.  The High Court overlooked the  

same and did not consider the effect thereof on the rights  

and entitlements of the respective parties.  It also appears  

that on 26.12.2011, on behalf of the Corporation, a reminder  

was  issued to  the  District  Authority  for  grant  of  the  NOC  

applied  for  by  the  Corporation  on  24.01.2011.   There  is  

another letter on record dated 30.12.2011 from the District  

Magistrate  to  the  Territory  Manager  (Retail)  Bharat  

Petroleum Corporation Limited in the matter of grant of NOC.  



Page 9

In the said letter reference has been made to the order of  

the  learned Single  Judge in  the  C.W.J.C.  No.6125 of  2011  

dated 29.09.2011.   In  the  ultimate  paragraph of  the  said  

letter it is stated that:-

“Thus,  in  view  of  the  present  context,  kindly  inform  about  your  final  decision  regarding  issuance of NOC whether issuance of NOC can be  considered or not.”   

The  aforesaid  letter  dated  30.12.2011  is  an  English  

translation  of  the  original.   The  contents  of  the  last  

paragraph  quoted  hereinabove  has  left  the  true  meaning  

thereof clouded though the appellant contends that the said  

paragraph should be read as containing a query from the  

Corporation  as  to  whether  in  view  of  the  learned  Single  

Judge’s order passed in the writ petition, NOC can be issued  

or not.   Be that as it  may,  another suit  i.e.  T.S.No.638 of  

2011 involving land in question had been instituted though  

the  same  has  been  dismissed  on  6.1.2014  as  not  

maintainable.   Above  all,  Partition  Suit  No.7  of  2006  has  

been dismissed as withdrawn on 7.1.2014 on an application  

filed by the plaintiff.   No other pending litigation involving  

the land has been brought to the notice of the Court. 9


Page 10

10. In the present case even before the Letter of Intent in  

respect of the dealership could be issued to the appellant  

the proposed grant came to be challenged before the High  

Court  by  the  respondent  No.7  who  had  impugned  the  

decision of the Corporation dated 28.01.2011 rejecting the  

complaint filed by him against the selection made.  Initially,  

the District Authority had taken the stand that the NOC in  

respect of the land offered by the appellant cannot be issued  

as  the  same was  found to  be  involved  in  a  litigation  i.e.  

Partition  Suit  No.7  of  2006.   While  the  writ  petition  was  

pending  there  was  a  change  in  the  stand  of  the  District  

Authority in the matter of grant of NOC.  Yet, the same was  

not brought to the notice of the learned Single Judge.  A vital  

fact, therefore, escaped notice. The fact that the appellant  

was impleaded in the suit on 04.02.2011, i.e. nearly 5 years  

after  the  institution  thereof  and  after  the  selection  was  

finalized by the Corporation on 30.12.2010 was before the  

High  Court;  yet  the  same  had  been  overlooked  by  the  

learned Single Judge.  The Division Bench hearing the Letters  

Patent  Appeals  also  overlooked  the  fact  that  the  learned  



Page 11

Trial  Court  by  order  dated  19.10.2011  had  allowed  the  

deletion of the land in question from the purview of the said  

partition suit on an application filed by the plaintiff.  This is,  

notwithstanding,  the  fact  that  the  amendment  application  

dated  17.10.2011  as  well  as  the  order  thereon  dated  

19.10.2011 was brought on the record of the L.P.A. by the  

appellant.   That apart,  the facts brought on record of the  

present appeal by the parties is of considerable significance.  

The subsequent  report  of  the  Sub-Divisional  Officer  dated  

18.8.2011 recommending grant of NOC; the reminder of the  

Corporation  dated 26.12.2011 to  the  District  Authority  for  

grant of NOC; the institution of Title Suit No.638 of 2011 in  

respect of the land in question and the dismissal thereof by  

order dated 06.01.2014 on the ground of maintainability as  

well  as  the  dismissal  of  Partition  Suit  No.7  of  2006  on  

07.01.2014 (on withdrawal) are too significant to be ignored,  

as  already  held.   Relevant  facts  have  been  ignored  at  

different stages of consideration of the matter by the High  

Court and in the light of the totality of the facts now placed  

before us, we unhesitatingly come to the conclusion that in  

the present case there was a deliberate and not very bona  



Page 12

fide attempt on the part of  the respondent No.7 to deny the  

fruit  of  the selection      

made in favour of the appellant by the Corporation as far  

back as on 30.12.2010.  The situation, therefore, has to be  

remedied and it is the precise manner thereof which must  

now engage the attention of the Court.

11. We  cannot  help  observing  that  in  the  present  case  

exercise of the extraordinary jurisdiction vested in the High  

Court  by  Article  226  of  the  Constitution  has  been  with  a  

somewhat free hand oblivious of the note of caution struck  

by this Court with regard to such exercise, particularly,  in  

contractual  matters.   The  present,  therefore,  may  be  an  

appropriate occasion to recall  some of the observations of  

this Court in the above context.  In Raunaq International  

Ltd. Vs.  I.V.R. Construction Ltd. & Ors.1, (paragraphs 9,  

10 and 11) this Court had held as follows :-  

“9. The award of a contract, whether it is by a  private party or by a public body or the State, is  essentially a commercial transaction. In arriving at  a commercial decision, considerations which are of  paramount  importance  are  commercial  considerations. These would be:

1 (1999) 1 SCC 492 12


Page 13

(1) the price at which the other side is willing  to do the work;

(2) whether the goods or services offered are  of the requisite specifications;

(3)  whether  the  person  tendering  has  the  ability to deliver the goods or services as per  specifications.  When  large  works  contracts  involving  engagement  of  substantial  manpower or requiring specific  skills  are to  be  offered,  the  financial  ability  of  the  tenderer to fulfil the requirements of the job  is also important;

(4) the ability of the tenderer to deliver goods  or services or to do the work of the requisite  standard and quality;

(5)  past  experience  of  the  tenderer  and  whether  he  has  successfully  completed  similar work earlier;

(6)  time which  will  be  taken to  deliver  the  goods or services; and often

(7) the ability of the tenderer to take follow- up  action,  rectify  defects  or  to  give  post- contract services.

Even when the State or a public body enters into a  commercial  transaction,  considerations  which  would prevail in its decision to award the contract  to  a  given  party  would  be  the  same.  However,  because the State or a public body or an agency of  the State enters into such a contract, there could  be, in a given case, an element of public law or  public interest involved even in such a commercial  transaction.

10. What are these elements of public  interest?  (1)  Public  money  would  be  expended  for  the  purposes of the contract. (2) The goods or services  



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which  are  being  commissioned  could  be  for  a  public  purpose,  such  as,  construction  of  roads,  public  buildings,  power  plants  or  other  public  utilities. (3) The public would be directly interested  in the timely fulfilment of the contract so that the  services  become  available  to  the  public  expeditiously.  (4)  The  public  would  also  be  interested in the quality of the work undertaken or  goods  supplied  by  the  tenderer.  Poor  quality  of  work  or  goods  can  lead  to  tremendous  public  hardship and substantial financial outlay either in  correcting mistakes or in rectifying defects or even  at  times  in  redoing  the  entire  work  —  thus  involving  larger  outlays  of  public  money  and  delaying  the  availability  of  services,  facilities  or  goods, e.g., a delay in commissioning a power  project,  as  in  the  present  case,  could  lead  to  power  shortages,  retardation  of  industrial  development, hardship to the general public and  substantial cost escalation.

11. When a writ petition is filed in the High Court  challenging the award of  a  contract  by a  public  authority or the State, the court must be satisfied  that  there  is  some  element  of  public  interest  involved  in  entertaining  such  a  petition.  If,  for  example,  the  dispute  is  purely  between  two  tenderers, the court must be very careful to see if  there is any element of public interest involved in  the  litigation.  A  mere  difference  in  the  prices  offered by the two tenderers may or may not be  decisive in deciding whether any public interest is  involved  in  intervening  in  such  a  commercial  transaction. It is important to bear in mind that by  court  intervention,  the proposed project  may be  considerably delayed thus escalating the cost far  more  than  any  saving  which  the  court  would  ultimately effect in public money by deciding the  dispute  in  favour  of  one  tenderer  or  the  other  tenderer.  Therefore,  unless the court  is  satisfied  that  there  is  a  substantial  amount  of  public  



Page 15

interest,  or  the  transaction  is  entered into  mala  fide, the court should not intervene under Article  226 in disputes between two rival tenderers.”

12. In  Air India Ltd.  Vs.  Cochin International Airport  

Ltd.  & Ors.2,  there  was  a  further  reiteration  of  the  said  

principle in the following terms:-

“7. The law relating to award of a contract by the  State,  its  corporations  and  bodies  acting  as  instrumentalities and agencies of the Government  has been settled by the decision of this Court in  Ramana Dayaram Shetty v.  International  Airport  Authority of India3, Fertilizer Corpn. Kamgar Union  (Regd.) v.  Union  of  India4,  CCE v.  Dunlop  India  Ltd.5, Tata Cellular v. Union of India6, Ramniklal N.  Bhutta v.  State  of  Maharashtra7 and  Raunaq  International  Ltd. v.  I.V.R.  Construction Ltd.8 The  award  of  a  contract,  whether  it  is  by  a  private  party  or  by  a  public  body  or  the  State,  is  essentially a commercial transaction. In arriving at  a  commercial  decision  considerations  which  are  paramount  are  commercial  considerations.  The  State can choose its  own method to arrive at  a  decision. It  can fix its own terms of invitation to  tender and that is not open to judicial scrutiny. It  can enter into negotiations before finally deciding  to accept one of the offers made to it. Price need  not  always  be  the  sole  criterion  for  awarding  a  contract. It is free to grant any relaxation, for bona  fide reasons, if the tender conditions permit such a  relaxation.  It  may  not  accept  the  offer  even  though it happens to be the highest or the lowest.  

2 (2000) 2 SCC 617 3 (1979) 3 SCC 489 4 (1981) 1 SCC 568 5 (1985) 1 SCC 260 6 (1994) 6 SCC 651 7 (1997) 1 SCC 134 8 (1999) 1 SCC 492



Page 16

But  the  State,  its  corporations,  instrumentalities  and agencies are bound to adhere to the norms,  standards and procedures laid down by them and  cannot depart from them arbitrarily. Though that  decision  is  not  amenable  to  judicial  review,  the  court  can  examine  the  decision-making  process  and interfere if it is found vitiated by mala fides,  unreasonableness and arbitrariness. The State, its  corporations, instrumentalities and agencies have  the public duty to be fair to all  concerned.  Even  when some defect is found in the decision-making  process the court must exercise its discretionary  power  under  Article  226  with  great  caution  and  should  exercise  it  only  in  furtherance  of  public  interest and not  merely on the making out of a  legal  point.  The  court  should  always  keep  the  larger  public  interest  in  mind in  order  to  decide  whether its intervention is called for or not. Only  when it comes to a conclusion that overwhelming  public  interest  requires  interference,  the  court  should intervene.”

(Emphasis is ours)

13. Similar  reiteration  is  to  be  found in  Master  Marine  

Services (P) Ltd. Vs. Metcalfe & Hodgkinson (P) Ltd. &  

Anr.9;  Tejas Constructions and Infrastructure Private  

Limited Vs. Municipal Council, Sendhwa and Another10  

and several other pronouncements reference to which would  

only be repetitive and, therefore, is best avoided.

14. We  have  felt  it  necessary  to  reiterate  the  need  of  

caution sounded by this Court in the decisions referred to  

9 (2005) 6 SCC 138 10 (2012) 6 SCC 464



Page 17

hereinabove in view of the serious consequences that the  

entertainment  of  a  writ  petition  in  contractual  matters,  

unless justified by public interest, can entail.  Delay in the  

judicial process that seems to have become inevitable could  

work  in  different  ways.   Deprivation  of  the  benefit  of  a  

service or facility to the public; escalating costs burdening  

the public exchequer and abandonment of  half  completed  

works  and  projects  due  to  the  ground  realities  in  a  fast  

changing economic/market scenario are some of the pitfalls  

that may occur.   

15. In the present case, fortunately, the litigation has not  

been very time consuming.  Nothing has been suggested on  

behalf of the Corporation that the establishment of a retail  

outlet at Areraj, East Champaran District in the State of Bihar  

is  not  required  as  on  date.    It  can,  therefore,  be  safely  

understood that in the instant case the public of the locality  

have been deprived of the benefit  of  the service that the  

outlet  could  have  generated.   We have  already  indicated  

that the present litigation initiated by Respondent No. 7 does  

not constitute a very bonafide exercise on the part of the  

said Respondent and the entire litigation appears to have  



Page 18

been driven by desire to deny the fruits of the selection in  

which  the  appellant  was  found  to  be  the  most  eligible  

candidate.  Whether the outlet is operated by the appellant  

or  the  Respondent  No.  7  is  of  no  consequence  to  the  

ultimate beneficiaries of the service to be offered by the said  

outlet.  The above highlights the need of caution that was  

imperative on the part of the High Court while entertaining  

the writ petition and in passing orders therein.  Be that as it  

may, in the totality of the facts of the present case, we are of  

the  view  that  it  would  be  just  and  proper  to  direct  the  

Corporation, if it is of the view that the operation of the retail  

outlet is still justified by the exigencies, to award the same  

to the appellant by completing the requisite formalities in  

accordance with the procedure laid down by the Corporation  


16. Consequently,  these  appeals  are  allowed  and  the  

impugned order  dated 16.05.2012 passed by  the  Division  

Bench of the High Court in L.P.A. Nos.1845 and 1916 of 2011  

as well  as the order  dated 29.09.2011 passed by learned  

Single Judge in C.W.J.C. No.6125 of 2011 are set aside.



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