29 May 2013
Supreme Court


Case number: C.A. No.-004722-004723 / 2013
Diary number: 16236 / 2013


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                                                                                Rep ortable



CIVIL APPEAL No. 4722-4723 OF 2013 (Arising out of SLP (C) No. 19152-53 of 2013)

Sambhavana ... Appellant


University of Delhi      ...Respondent


Dipak Misra, J.

Leave granted.

2. The appellant-organisation invoked the jurisdiction of  

the High Court of Delhi in WP(C) No. 2982 of 2013 for  

issue of a writ in the nature of mandamus directing  

the  respondent-University  to  make  provisions  to  

introduce  a  bridge  course  for  students  with  vision  

impairment  in  the  first  year  of  four  years  under


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graduate programme so that they can easily pursue  

the  foundation  course  and  become  part  of  

mainstream education  system;  issue a  direction  to  

the respondent to introduce a foundation course in  

the second year of the four years for under graduate  

programme;  command  the  respondent  to  provide  

accessible reading materials and to make provisions  

for  training  of  the  teachers  who  will  teach  the  

students in “Mathematics” and “Science and Life” in  

the  four  years  under  graduate  programme  and  

further to issue a writ or direction to the respondent  

to  provide  representation  to  the  persons  with  

disabilities or organizations working for the cause of  

disability  as  the  members  of  the  Task  Force,  

Academic  Council,  Executive  Council  or  any  other  

body  of  the  Delhi  University  so  that  needs  of  the  

persons  with  disabilities  can  also  be  taken  into  

consideration  while  introducing  a  new  four  year  

under graduate programme with multiple degree and  

framing appropriate syllabus for the said programme.



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3. Before  the  High  Court,  the  respondent-University  

entered  appearance  and  produced  a  notification  

dated  14th May,  2013  which  indicated  that  an  

Empowered  Committee  had  been  constituted  

consisting of fourteen academicians to look into the  

special  needs  of  the  students  with  disabilities  and  

suggestions for suitable modifications would be made  

in curricula, mode of instructions and assessment to  

the  Vice  Chancellor  of  the  University.   It  was  

submitted that the Empowered Committee has been  

asked to submit an interim report on (a) measures  

that need to be taken to modify the curricula keeping  

in mind the special needs of persons with disability;  

(b)  steps  to  be  taken  to  improve  availability  of  

reading materials; and (c) to examine the measures  

currently in place in the internal assessment scheme  

and  examination  pattern  and  further  changes  that  

could  be  made  in  that  regard.   It  was  suggested  

before the High Court that the appellant-organisation  

could also make suggestions to the said Empowered  



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Committee so that the same would be taken note of  

before the report is submitted to the Vice Chancellor.

4. An  apprehension  was  expressed  by  the  appellant-

organisation that in the event the admission process  

commenced,  some  students  with  disabilities  may  

face difficulty in admission and, therefore, the period  

stipulated for the Empowered Committee to submit  

the report by 15th June, 2013 should be pre-poned so  

that the recommendations could be implemented by  

the Vice Chancellor before the admission process is  

completed.   The  High  Court,  considering  the  

submissions raised at the Bar, directed as follows: -

“We  direct  the  Empowered  Committee  constituted  as  per  the  notification  dated  14th  May 2013 to hear the suggestions made by the  petitioner  and  submit  a  report  to  the  Vice  Chancellor  by  7th June  2013  so  that  the  Vice  Chancellor  could take a decision in respect of  this report by 15th June 2013.  The action taken  on the basis of the order of this Court shall be  made available to the Court by way of a report  by the University on the next adjourned date.  List on 03.07.2013.”

5. Though the matter has been adjourned by the High  

Court  and  it  is  in  seisin  of  the  matter,  yet  the  

appellant-organisation  has  approached  this  Court.  



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Regard being had to the sensitive nature of the issue  

and the attention it deserves, this Court required the  

learned  counsel  for  the  appellant-organisation  to  

serve a copy of the petition on the counsel for the  

learned  counsel  for  the  Delhi  University  and,  

accordingly, the respondent has entered appearance  

and filed the response.

6. Though  prayer  has  been  made  to  restrain  the  

respondent-University from introducing the four year  

under  graduate  programme  with  multiple  degrees  

which is the final outcome of the case, we are not  

inclined to pass any order of stay.  However, we will  

proceed to deal with the matter keeping in view the  

submissions advanced by Mr. Pankah Kumar Sinha,  

learned senior counsel for the appellant and Ms. Pinki  

Anand, learned senior counsel for the University.

7. Before we advert  to  the submissions raised at  the  

Bar, it is necessary to advert to the affidavit filed by  

the University.  It is averred in the affidavit that the  

Empowered Committee consists of experts and some  

visually impaired experts from All India Confederation  



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of  the  Blinds  and  Eye  Way  are  special  invitees  to  

attend  the  meetings.   The  primary  objective  of  

including  those  individuals  was  to  obtain  their  

perspective on visual impairment with regard to the  

new under graduate programme on the basis of their  

expertise  and  experiences.   The  representation  

preferred by the appellant-organisation on 22nd May,  

2013 has been referred to.  The facilities that have  

been  provided  to  the  physically  disabled  students  

have been enumerated.  The said aspects need not  

be  stated  in  detail  as  that  is  not  in  the  realm  of  

controversy.  However,  as far as the students with  

vision impairment are concerned, it is contended that  

the  University  has  provided  a  Braille  Library  and  

funds  have  been  earmarked  for  each  college  to  

obtain the necessary technologies to facilitate screen  

reading  for  visually  impaired  students;  that  the  

representation  submitted  by  the  appellant-

organisation has been considered by the Empowered  

Committee and taking note of the special  needs of  

the students of the said category a report has been  



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prepared by the Empowered Committee; and that the  

same shall  be placed before the Academic Council.  

The report of the Empowered Committee has been  

brought on record.  The suggestions of the appellant-

organisation have been referred to in the report.  It is  

stated in the report that each of the suggestions has  

been  carefully  and  objectively  examined  and  

recommendations  have  been  made.   The  relevant  

part  of  the  recommendations  are  reproduced  

hereinbelow: -


On  the  basis  of  the  deliberations  of  the  committee the following recommendations are  made:

1. Curriculum:

A. No modification in curricula prescribed for the  Courses under reference is called-for except,  if and wherever applicable, substituting visual  content with alternative content.  It is further  stated  that  both  ‘Building  Mathematical  Ability’  and  ‘Science  in  Life’  have  equal  importance for  student  with  disabilities  and  non-disabled in day to day life.

B. Students  studying  these  papers  should  be  provided all requisite support and facilities to  enable  them  to  study  these  Courses  efficiently and conveniently.  The Faculties of  mathematics  and  Science  should  be  requested  to  provide  a  copy  each  of  the  



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essential  diagrams,  figures  and  charts  and  the same should be converted in accessible  format by the EOC throughout sourcing.

C. However,  in  case  there  are  some  students  with  disabilities  who  do  not  find  it  at  all  possible  to  study  these  papers  despite  support  from  the  University,  will  have  the  choice  to  study  two  alternative  papers  Viz.  History  of  Science  and  Communication  and  Personality Development.   The Hon’ble Vice  Chancellor may kindly get the syllabi of these  Courses prepared.

D. Tutorials/remedial  teaching  sessions  should  be  conducted  in  these  two  Courses  to  address individual student-difficulties and fill  in the gaps on a regular basis throughout the  two semesters.

2. Mode of Instructions:

It  is  recommended  that  in  the  case  of  the  visually impaired, the Course entitled “Science  And Life” should be taught in the 1st semester  and the Course entitled “Building Mathematical  Ability”  in  the  2nd semester  such  an  arrangement  is  possible  within  the  existing  structure of the foundation course under FYUP  programme.  It is further recommended that an  orientation  programme  should  be  organized  preferably in the 1st half of July, 2013 or during  the  early  part  of  the  1st semester  for  college  teachers  teaching  maths  and  science  with  a  view to familiarizing them with the pedagogy of  teaching these papers  to  students  with  visual  impairments  and  other  disabilities.   The  programme will be of a duration of 10 days and  will be organized by the Faculty of maths and  science in collaboration with EOC.  The teaching  in this orientation programme will  be done by  the  eminent  experts  in  the  field  of  teaching  students with disabilities.  The teachers should  



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be  requested  to  describe  verbally  the  black  board  work  for  the  benefit  of  students  with  disabilities.   Special  devices  should  be  made  available to various colleges by the University.  The list is given as (annexure E).

3. Accessible  reading  material  and  special devices:

The  concerned  departments  will  identify  and  provide a reading package in English and Hindi  to  EOC  who  will  get  them  converted  in  accessible formats by out sourcing.”

8. Mr. Sinha, learned senior counsel has submitted that  

the  recommendations  do  not  really  address  the  

grievances in a seemly manner.  In his written note  

he has, we must appreciably state, enumerated the  

difficulties that would be faced by the students who  

are  visually  impaired.   He  has  categorized  the  

problems and suggested that as far as Science and  

Life  is  concerned,  it  is  the  stand of  the  appellant-

organisation that teaching of Science and Life does  

not  require  more  orientation  but  needs  special  

intensive  training  of  manpower  (teachers  and non-

teaching  assistive  staff)  for  at  least  one semester.  

He  has  dealt  with  the  objectives  and  expected  

outcome and suggested the views.  The views that  

have been given pertain to many a sphere.  As far as  



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Building  Mathematical  Ability  is  concerned,  in  the  

written note the learned senior counsel has given the  

views  and  there  are  also  views  relating  to  

requirement and arrangements to be made to teach  

mathematics to visually impaired students.  We are  

not enumerating the views and suggestions given in  

the note, for we are not experts and we do not intend  

to dwell upon the same in presenti.

9. At this juncture, we are obliged to state that though  

the  University  had  constituted  an  Empowered  

Committee and it has experts, yet we are inclined to  

think  that  the  grievances  raised  by  the  appellant-

organisation  relating  to  visually  impaired  students  

require more focus and sensitive approach.  In this  

context, we may refer with profit to Section 30 of the  

Persons  with  Disabilities  (Equal  Opportunities,  

Protection of Rights and Full Participation) Act, 1995  

(for brevity “the Act”).  It reads as follows: -

“30. Appropriate Governments to prepare  a  comprehensive  education  scheme  providing for transport facilities, supply of  books,  etc. –  Without  prejudice  to  the  foregoing  provisions,  the  appropriate  



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Governments  shall  by  notification  prepare  a  comprehensive  education  scheme  which  shall  make provision for –

(a) transport  facilities  to  the  children  with  disabilities  or  in  the  alternative  financial  incentives to parents or guardians to enable  their  children  with  disabilities  to  attend  schools;

(b) the removal of architectural barriers from  schools,  colleges  or  other  institutions  imparting  vocational  and  professional  training;

(c) the  supply  of  books,  uniforms  and  other  materials  to  children  with  disabilities  attending school;

(d) the grant of  scholarship to  students with  disabilities;

(e) setting  up  of  appropriate  fora  for  the  redressal of grievances of parents regarding  the  placement  of  their  children  with  disabilities;

(f) suitable  modification  in  the  examination  system  to  eliminate  purely  mathematical  questions  for  the  benefit  of  blind  students  and students with low vision;

(g) restructuring of curriculum for the benefit  of children with disabilities;

(h) restructuring the curriculum for the benefit  of  students  with  hearing  impairment  to  facilitate them to take only one language as  part of their curriculum.”

10. On a careful reading of the aforesaid provision, the  

legislative  intendment  relating  to  comprehensive  

education scheme is crystal clear.  Section 30(f) lays  



Page 12

down  suitable  modification  in  the  examination  

system and sub-section(g)  requires restructuring of  

curriculum for the benefit of children with disabilities.  

The said mandate of the statute has to be given due  

weightage.  In this context, Section 31 of the Act is  

referred with profit: -

“31.  Educational  institutions  to  provide  amanuensis  to  students  with  visual  handicap.  –  All  educational  institutions  shall  provide or cause to be provided amanuensis to  blind students and students with or low vision.”

11. The aforesaid provision exposits the real concern of  

the legislature which is in tune with the international  

conventions.   The  Parliament  has  cast  certain  

obligations under the State and Central Governments  

in  this  regard.   It  is  requisite  of  them to  develop  

special devices and aids so that a child with disability  

gets  equal  opportunity  and  comes  to  the  main  

stream.   A  teacher  imparting  education  to  such  

visually  impaired  children  should  be  absolutely  

competent and he must have the adequate training.  

Transport facilities, supply of books and uniforms and  

grant  of  scholarships  are  in  a  different  sphere  



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altogether.  The grievance that has been accentuated  

by Mr. Sinha with real concern is that there has been  

on  redressal  of  the  grievances  pertaining  to  

modification  in  the  examination  system  and  

restructuring of  curriculum.  Be it  noted,  India has  

ratified the United Nations Convention on the Rights  

of Persons with Disabilities.  It has become operative  

from May, 2008.  Article 24 of the said Convention  

deals with education of persons with disabilities.  It  

gives emphasis on development of human potential,  

sense  of  dignity,  self-worth  and  strengthening  of  

respect for human rights and creativity.  Article 24(4)  

of the Convention reads as follows: -

“4. In order to help ensure the realization of this  right,  States  Parties  shall  take  appropriate  measures  to  employ  teachers,  including  teachers with disabilities,  who are qualified in  sign  language  and/or  Braille,  and  to  train  professionals and staff who work at all levels of  education.   Such  training  shall  incorporate  disability awareness and the use of appropriate  augmentative  and  alternative  modes,  means  and  formats  of  communication,  educational  techniques  and  materials  to  support  persons  with disabilities.”

12. We  are  absolutely  conscious  that  there  is  an  

enactment  but  India  has  shown  its  concern  by  



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ratifying the said Convention and, therefore, we have  

reproduced  the  same.   When  the  University  has  

thought of imparting education in a different way, it  

has  to  bear  in  mind  the  need  of  sensitivity  and  

expected  societal  responsiveness.   A  visually  

impaired  student  is  entitled  to  receive  special  

treatment.  Under the constitutional frame the State  

has to have policies for  such categories of  people.  

Article 41 of the Constitution of India casts a duty on  

the State to make effective provisions for securing,  

inter  alia,  the  rights  of  the  disabled  and  those  

suffering  from other  infirmities  within  the  limits  of  

economic capacity and development.  It is imperative  

that the authorities look into the real grievances of  

the  visually  impaired  people  as  that  is  the  

constitutional  and  statutory  policy.   The  University  

has  to  live  the  role  of  Loco  Parentis  and show its  

concern  to  redress  the  grievances  in  proper  

perspective.  Not for nothing Ralph Waldo Emerson  

had said “the secret of education is respecting pupil”.  

Thus, the necessity of the visually impaired students  



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should have primacy in the mind of the Empowered  

Committee of the University.  Education for visually  

impaired students is a great hope for them and such  

a hope is the brightest bliss in their lives.  History has  

recorded  with  pride  that  some  men  with  visual  

impairment  have  shown  high  intellectual  prowess.  

The anguish and despondency in the life of Milton,  

the famous English poet, did not deter him to carry  

out the mission of his life.  Lack of vision could not  

destroy his Will power.  Needless to say that he had  

the  support  of  the  society.   The  ancient  sage  

“Ashtavakra” while laying down the traffic rules had  

categorically stated that the blind man has the first  

right on the road.  Thus, emphasis has always been  

laid  on  the  visually  impaired  persons  for  many  a  

reason.  When we say so, we may not be understood  

to  have  said  that  otherwise  impaired  or  disabled  

people  are  to  be  treated  differently  in  the  

constitutional and statutory scheme.  We have only  

laid emphasis on the visually impaired students for  

the purpose of present case.  It is the need of the  



Page 16

present time that the University shall  look into the  

matter  and mitigate  the  grievances  of  the  visually  

impaired  students  as  far  as  possible.   We  have  

already indicated that we are not experts.  But we  

are disposed to think that the problem has remained  

unsolved.  The same is required to be addressed to in  

an apposite manner.  We do not intend to say that it  

has not at all  been addressed but there has to be  

more  focus,  more  empathy  and  more  sensitivity.  

Therefore,  we  permit  the  appellant-organisation  to  

submit a representation indicating its grievances and  

the views to the said Committee within three days  

which shall be dealt with by the Committee within a  

week hence.

13. The  appeal  is  accordingly  disposed  of  without  any  

order as to costs.

…………………………….J.    [Dr. B.S. Chauhan]

….………………………….J.                                                      [Dipak Misra]

New Delhi; May 29, 2013.