15 May 2018
Supreme Court


Case number: Crl.A. No.-000058-000058 / 2007
Diary number: 32929 / 2006






Rupinder Singh Sandhu … Appellant


State of Punjab & Others              …     Respondents




J U D G M E N T  

Chelameswar, J.

1. Around 1.45 pm on 27.12.1988, First Information Report

No.244 came to be registered by Sub­Inspector Kaka Singh (PW5)

of Police Station “Kotwali” of Patiala District of the State of

Punjab on the basis of information given by one Shri Jaswinder



Singh (PW3).  From the narration in the FIR, it appears that the

incident  which eventually  culminated  in  the  death of  Gurnam

Singh could have simply passed off  as yet another incident of

road rage but for the death of Gurnam Singh.   According to the

FIR, around 12.30 p.m., an incident occurred at the traffic light

of  Battian  Wala  Chowk  in front  of the  State  Bank of  Patiala,

Patiala City.  Jaswinder Singh (PW3), Avtar Singh (PW4) and the

deceased Gurnam Singh were travelling in Maruti Car No.CH I

8422 driven by the  deceased.  Both the  accused  herein  were

travelling by vehicle No.PAD 6030.  A dispute arose on the right

of way between the accused and the deceased.  In the process the

first accused  who is  a cricketer of some fame  got out of  his

vehicle, pulled the deceased out of his vehicle and inflicted fist

blows.  When PW3 tried to intervene, the second1 accused herein

got out of the vehicle and gave fist blows to PW3.   Thereafter,

they removed the keys of the car of the deceased and fled away

from the scene of occurrence.  PW3 and PW4 took Gurnam Singh

who was “in a state of unconsciousness” by a rickshaw to a hospital,

known as Rajendra Hospital where the doctors announced that

1 It must be mentioned here that though the FIR clearly mentioned the name of first accused, the name of second accused was not mentioned.  He was only described as a clean shaven man.



Gurnam Singh was dead.   

2. Thereafter, PW3 went to the police station (leaving PW4 in

the hospital) and lodged the FIR.

3. Case was registered under Sections 304/34 of  the Indian

Penal Code, 1860 (hereafter referred to as “IPC”) against the first

accused and un­named second accused.  

4. Around  3’O  Clock,  PW5 reached Rajendra  Hospital along

with PW3.  PW5 prepared the inquest report, which was attested

by PW3 and PW4.  The dead body of Gurnam Singh was sent for

post­mortem examination.  At about 3.30 p.m., PW3 to PW5 went

to the scene of occurrence where PW5 prepared rough site plan.

At 4.30 p.m., post­mortem examination over the dead body was

conducted by PW2.   A copy of the FIR  was received by the

concerned Magistrate admittedly around 5.30 p.m.

5. PW2 Dr. Jatinder Kumar Sadana, who conducted the post­

mortem examination, recorded two external and one internal


1) 0.75 cm x 0.5 cm abrasion present over left temporal region at the injunction of upper part of pinna.

2) 0.5 cm x 0.5 cm abrasion over the front of left knee, 3



Subdural hemorrhage present over the left temporal region.

PW2 recorded that the injuries are ante­mortem in nature and

caused by ‘blunt weapon’.  He opined that the cause of death of

Gurnam Singh could be given only after receiving the report of

the pathologist.   The pathologist’s report dated 09.01.1989 was

received in due course by PW2.   Inspite of the pathologist’s

report, PW2 was not able to give any definite opinion regarding

the cause of death of Gurnam Singh.  He, therefore, addressed a

letter  dated 11.1.1989 to  the Civil  Surgeon,  Patiala requesting

him to refer the case to the Forensic Expert of  Government

Medical College, Patiala.   In response to the said request, a

Medical Board comprising six members, which included PW1 Dr.

Krishan Vij and PW2, came to be constituted by an office order

dated 13.01.1989 of Principal, Government Medical College,

Patiala.  PW1 was described therein to be Convener of the Board.

6. Thereafter,  some correspondence took place between SHO

Police Station “Kotwali” and PW2.  The SHO made an attempt to



secure  a  more  precise  medical  opinion  regarding the  cause of

death of Gurnam Singh.   PW2 declined to give any further

opinion  maintaining that  “regarding the opinion  whether the injury

could be because of fist blow, any such clarification would be given in the


7. In the background of the abovementioned facts, a final

report (charge­sheet) under Section 173 of the Code of Criminal

Procedure, 1973 (hereafter referred to as “CrPC”) dated

06.03.1989 came to be filed on 14.07.1989, (i.e. 4 months after

its preparation) under Section 304 IPC, only against the second

accused exonerating the first accused.  On 13 October 1989, the

case  was committed to Sessions  Court, Patiala by  Additional

Chief Judicial Magistrate, Patiala resulting in the registration of

Sessions Case No.79/89.  A charge against A2 under Section 304

Part­I IPC was framed on 25.09.1990  in Sessions Case No.79.

During the course of the trial, the Sessions Court after recording

the evidence of PW3 thought it fit by its order dated 30.08.1993

to  summon the first  accused also to  stand  trial  exercising its

power under Section 319 CrPC.   

8. In the meanwhile, on 22.07.1989, PW3 filed a private 5


complaint against both the accused for commission of offences

under Section 302/324/323 read with Section 34 IPC.   A1 was

summoned in the said case by an order dated 03.09.1993.  After

repeated adjournments, [the reasons for which are not necessary

at present], both the cases were consolidated by an order dated


9. On 20.08.1994, charges were framed against both the

accused.  Charges  under  Section  304 Part­I IPC were framed

against both the accused in case arising out of the FIR No.244.

Charges under Section 302 IPC against first accused and charges

under Section 302/34 IPC against second accused were framed

respectively in complaint case for causing the death of Gurnam

Singh.   Charges under Section 323/34 IPC were framed against

both the accused for causing hurt to PW3.   Both the cases were

consolidated vide order dated 20.08.1994.

10. In order to establish the guilt of the accused, the

prosecution examined five witnesses and exhibited various

documents.2   PW3 and PW4 are said to be eye­witnesses to the

2 Inquest Report as Ex.PH, Site Plan as Ex.PT; recovery memo of certain articles as Ex.PU; application to collect the result of Pathologist as Ex.PV; FIR Ex.PQ; Statement of PW3 Jaswinder Singh as Ex.DC; Statements of PW4 Avtar Singh as Ex.DG, Ex.DD, Ex.DE; report under Section 173 CrPC as Ex.DH.   



offence.  PW1 and  PW2 are  doctors connected  with the  post­

mortem examination of the dead body of Gurnam Singh.  PW5 is

the Sub­Inspector who registered FIR.   

11. The accused examined one witness in their defence i.e. DW1

Raghbir Singh.   

12. The Trial Court recorded3:

That, death of Gurnam Singh was not caused by subdural hemorrhage but it  was a case of sudden cardiac death;

That,  Gurnam Singh suffered sudden cardiac attack because of which he fell  to the ground and received injury on left temporal region which caused subdural hemorrhage;

That, it is  not  certain  at  what  point  Gurnam Singh died, but his death was not due to violence;  

Neither Jaswinder Singh (PW3) nor Avtar Singh (PW4) are truthful witnesses because there appears to be no corroboration of their presence with Gurnam Singh.   

and, therefore, concluded that the prosecution has failed to

establish the case beyond reasonable doubt and acquitted both

3 See Judgment of Sessions Judge, Patiala in C.S. No.79/18.8.94/20.8.94 dated 22.9.1999 para 41 “Therefore the medical  evidence provides no corroboration whatsoever,  to the eye-witness account.

Furthermore, the death of Gurnam Singh was not caused by the subdural hemorrhage, but it was a case of sudden cardiac  death as  confirmed by the Cardiologist.   When Gurnam Singh suffered  sudden cardiac attack he fell to the ground and received abrasions on left temporal region and left knee the former injury gave rise to subdural hemorrhage.  It is not certain at what point Gurnam Singh died, but his death was not due to violence.  Neither Jaswinder Singh nor Avtar Singh are truthful witnesses because there appears to be no corroboration of their presence with Gurnam Singh.”



the accused herein.   

13. The matter was carried in two appeals to the High Court by

the State and also by the complainant.  The High Court reversed

the acquittal and found both the accused guilty under Section

304 Part­II and 304 Part­II read with Section 34 IPC respectively

for causing the death of Gurnam Singh.  Apart from the above, A­

2 was also found guilty for an offence under Section 323 IPC for

causing injuries to PW3.  

14. Hence, these three appeals – Criminal Appeal No.58 of 2007

filed by Rupinder Singh Sandhu (A­2); Criminal Appeal No.59 of

2007 filed by  Navjot  Singh  Sidhu (A­1); and  Criminal  Appeal

No.60 of 2007 filed by Shri Jaswinder Singh (PW3).

15. Shri R.S. Cheema and Shri R. Basant, learned senior

counsel appeared for A­1 and A­2 respectively.  Shri Siddhartha

Luthra and Shri Ranjit Kumar, learned senior counsel, appeared

for the  de facto  complainant (PW3 Jaswinder Singh).   Shri

Nidhesh Gupta, learned senior counsel, appeared for A­1 in the

appeal filed by PW3 Jaswinder Singh. Shri Sangram S. Saron,

Advocate appeared for the State.



16. Enormous submissions are made before us by each of the

learned senior counsel mentioned above.

17. Some of the submissions made by the three learned senior

counsel for the accused are common.  Briefly stated they are:­

i. the conclusion of acquittal recorded by the Trial

Court is not to be interfered with by the appellate

Court unless there are compelling reasons

warranting interference;

ii. there are no such circumstances in the case on

hand which warranted interference by the High

Court with  the conclusion of  acquittal recorded

by the Trial Court;

iii. merely because a second view is possible to be

taken  on the  material on record, the  Appellate

Court is not justified in reversing the conclusion

of acquittal and in this case that is exactly what

happened; and

iv. the conclusion of the Trial Court that PW3 and



PW4 are not truthful witnesses is based on

cogent reasoning. The High Court has not

recorded any tenable reasons to demonstrate that

the conclusion  of the  Trial  Court is  manifestly


18. Apart from the abovementioned submissions made in

common on behalf of both the accused it was submitted on behalf

of A­1:­

i) the medical evidence on record does not

corroborate the evidence of PW3 and PW4, a

factor which has been strongly relied upon by the

Trial Court to disbelieve PW3 and PW4.  The High

Court did not record any cogent reasons for

reversing the Trial Court’s opinion; and

ii) the  medical  opinion  on record  does  not  clearly

establish the exact cause of death of  Gurnam

Singh.   In the absence of clear medical opinion

regarding the cause of death, one of the essential

elements of the offence of culpable homicide



under Section 299 IPC, it cannot be said that the

bodily injury alleged to have been caused by A­1

resulted in the death of Gurnam Singh.

19. On behalf of the second accused, it is additionally argued

that the prosecution is required to prove by credible evidence (i)

that  A­2  was  present along  with  A­1  and  participated in the

incident, and (ii) the exact nature of his participation, and (iii) he

shared a common intention with A­1 to commit an offence under

Section 299 IPC.   

There is absolutely no credible evidence on record to

establish the above.  The High Court neither examined any one of

the above mentioned questions nor gave any reason whatsoever

to reverse the conclusion of the Trial Court insofar as it relates to


20. “Before a man can be convicted of a crime, it is usually

necessary for the prosecution to prove that a certain event or a certain

state of affairs which is forbidden by the criminal law has been caused

by his conduct and that this conduct was accompanied by a prescribed

state of mind.  The event or state of affairs is usually called the actus



reus  and the state of mind, the  mens rea  of the crime.   Both these

elements must be proved beyond reasonable doubt by the


21. Both the accused are convicted for the offence prescribed

under Section 299 IPC while A­1 was found guilty of the offence

simpliciter, A­2 was found vicariously guilty5 of that offence with

the aid of Section 34 IPC.  The accusation being that they caused

the death of Gurnam Singh by their conduct accompanied by the

requisite  mens rea  and such conduct constitutes the offence

prescribed under Section 299 IPC.  

22. The question is whether the High Court is right in holding

that all the requisite elements to find the accused guilty of the

offences for which they were tried are proved beyond reasonable

doubt?  To hold either of the accused guilty for an offence under

Section 299 IPC either simpliciter or vicariously with the aid of

Section 34 IPC, it is required to be proved that each of the two

accused was present and participated in the incident and caused

injuries which resulted in the death of Gurnam Singh.

4 Smith J.C. & Hogan Brian, The Elements of a Crime in CRIMINAL LAW (5th ed. ELBS 1983) p.29 5 See AIR 1963 SC 174 para 13 - Mohan Singh and Another Vs. State of Punjab,  



23. The undisputed fact is that Gurnam Singh was declared to

have been brought dead to the Rajendra Hospital around 12.45

pm on the fateful day.   According to the prosecution (FIR),

Gurnam Singh received fist blows from A­1 around 12.30 pm and

became unconscious.  The FIR is conspicuously silent about any

physical attack by A­2 on Gurnam Singh.

To find either of the two accused guilty of the offence under

Section 299 IPC, it must be proved that Gurnam Singh died as a

consequence of the  physical attack  and the resulting injuries

therefrom.   We shall defer the examination of the medical

evidence regarding the cause of death of Gurnam Singh for the

time being and proceed on the basis that the death was

homicidal as a consequence of the injuries received by him.  The

question is ­ who caused the injuries?

24. Prosecution sought to prove the presence, identity and

participation of both the accused in the crime by the evidence of

PWs 3 and 4 ­ cited as eye­witnesses to the offence. They

asserted in their evidence that they were travelling on the fateful

day along with the deceased and witnessed the occurrence.



However, the Trial Court recorded a conclusion that neither of

them  is  a “truthful  witness”  because “there  appears to  be  no

corroboration of their presence with Gurnam Singh”. The

conclusion of the Trial Court is based on the following factors:

i. both the witnesses (PW3 and PW4) are related to

each other and the deceased;

ii. though the incident took  place  at a very  busy

location in the city of Patiala in broad day light,

no independent witness was examined by the

prosecution to corroborate  the evidence of  PW3

and PW4;

iii. police did not either seize the vehicle in which the

deceased and PWs 3 & 4 were said to be

travelling at the time of the incident nor the site

plan of the scene of occurrence prepared by the

police indicate the presence of the car;  

iv. there were inconsistencies in the evidence of both

PWs 3 & 4 regarding the number of the vehicle in



which the accused were travelling at the time of

the occurrence and also regarding the fact as to

which one of the accused was driving  the  said

vehicle.  The number and the driver’s name given

by them in evidence is not the same as the

number and the name of the driver given in the


v. the version of the prosecution that PW3 was the

injured  witness is  not  believable. It is only  an

attempt to create evidence that PW3 too had been

present and attacked by the accused; and

vi. though the witnesses deposed that they

accompanied the deceased Gurnam Singh on the

fateful day and were proceeding to the bank to

withdraw some cash, no corroborating material,

such as,  cheque book etc.  has  been placed on

record to substantiate the version of the


25. On the other hand, the High Court held ­ (i) both PW3 and



PW4 deposed consistently  regarding the incident, (ii) that  they

had  no  past enmity  with the  accused to falsely implicate the

accused,  not even a suggestion of the existence of any such

motive was made to PWs 3 and 4 in the cross­examination; and,

(iii) the inconsistencies with regard to the number of vehicle by

which the accused were travelling and which one of the accused

was driving the vehicle are immaterial. Therefore, the High Court

opined that they are trustworthy witnesses.

26. It is argued before us on behalf of the accused that;

according  to the  prosecution case,  Gurnam Singh was carried

from the scene of occurrence to the hospital in Rickshaw by PW3

and PW4.  Neither the Rickshaw puller  was examined nor  any

record of the hospital is proved to establish that PW3 and PW4

accompanied Gurnam Singh to Rajendra Hospital. The said facts

coupled  with various  other  discrepancies  noticed  by the  Trial

Court in assessing truthfulness of the evidence of PW3 and PW4,

make it highly unsafe to convict the accused on the basis of such


27. Having regard to the material on record and the

submissions made, we are of the opinion that the case of each of



the two accused are to be considered separately.

28. We shall first deal  with the case of the second  accused

Rupinder Singh Sandhu because, in our opinion, his case can be

decided without examining any one of the common submissions

made on behalf of the accused.    

29. In the entire judgment of the High Court, there are only two

sentences which mention the name of the second accused.

There is no discussion in the judgment of the High Court as to at

what point of time during the course of investigation, A­2 was

identified to be the other clean shaven person travelling with A­1

on the fateful day and what is the evidence on the basis of which

the prosecution reached such conclusion except the statements

(made after 7 years after the event) of PW­3 and PW­4 made at

the time of the trial.   It is unfortunate that the  High  Court

thought it fit to reverse the acquittal recorded by the Sessions

Court and to convict A­2 for an offence under Section 304 Part II

read with Section 34 IPC on the basis of such frivolous analysis.6

6  (a) In the meantime, Navjot Singh Sidhu accused came out from the Gypsy.   Jaswinder Singh PW-3 knew him  as  he  was  a  famous  player  of  Cricket.    Navjot  Singh  Sidhu  started  reprimanding  them  and  used objectionable language.   Jaswinder Singh PW-3 and others asked him not to use objectionable language and thereafter Navjot Singh Sidhu caught hold of Gurnam Singh from the collar and took him out of the Maruti car. Thereafter he gave fist blow on the person of Gurnam Singh.   One blow landed on the temporal region above the left ear.   Rupinder Singh Sandhu also came out of the Gypsy and gave injuries to Jaswinder Singh PW-3.



30. For the purpose of deciding the case of A2, we presume that

PWs 3 and 4 were accompanying Gurnam Singh on the fateful

day and witnessed the  incident.  The  interesting  feature of the

case  is that the FIR mentioned  the name of  only  A1 and the

second participant in the incident is said to be a “clean shaven

man”.  The FIR does not  mention that the clean shaven man

either attacked or  inflicted any injury on the body of Gurnam

Singh.  It only mentions that he inflicted fist blows on PW3.  The

material on record is absolutely bereft of the information

regarding the fact as to at which point of time A­2 was identified

to be that ‘clean shaven man’ who participated in the incident

along with A­1 by the investigating  agency.  Nor is there any

material on record to indicate the basis on which the prosecution

came to the conclusion that A­2 is that clean shaven man.

PW3 and PW4 were examined at the time of inquest over the

dead body of Gurnam Singh, which took place according to the

prosecution at 3.30 p.m. on the date of occurrence.   Even those

statements of PW3 and PW4 do not mention the name or

    (b) We cannot overlook this fact that Navjot Singh Sidhu has conceded that he came to the place of occurrence after hearing a commotion.   Rupinder Singh Sandhu has denied his presence and has stated that he has been falsely implicated.  The best defence witness would have been the co-employee of Navjot Singh Sidhu, but strangely none has come forward to state that at that moment of time when the occurrence had taken place, Navjot Singh Sidhu was in the Bank premises and after hearing a commotion, he went out.



identifiable description of A­2.

Admittedly, at no point of time a test identification parade

was held to establish the identity of the clean shaven man to be

A­2.   The only  material on record to connect A­2 with the

offences is the evidence of PW3 and PW4 at the trial where they

deposed that A­2 is that clean shaven person who was present

along with A­1 on the date of the incident.  

 The evidence of PW­3  was recorded on two occasions,

initially on 9.7.1993 in the Sessions case arising out of the police

report at which point of time only A­2 was put to trial for various

offences in connection with the incident which resulted in the

death of Gurnam Singh.

PW­3 deposed at that point of time as follows:­

“The  accused present  in  Court  Rupinder Singh was  not known to me prior to the occurrence.”

Again, he was examined on 16.8.1995 at the joint trial of

both the sessions cases against both the accused herein.   In the

chief examination, he stated;

“I observed that  one  clean  shaven  person  whose  name was Rupinder Singh Sandhu was found sitting on the driver seat.   The witness has pointed out towards Rupinder Singh



Sandhu accused now present in the Court.

And further as follows:­

“Thereafter Rupinder Singh (Sandhu) accused came out from the Gypsy and he  started causing  me injuries  with fist blows.   Rupinder Singh (Sandhu) gave fist blows on the left inside of my chest and on the left side of my forehead.”

The relevant  portion of the cross examination reads as


“I stated in Ex. PQ that thereafter Rupinder Singh (Sandhu) came out from the Gypsy.  Attention of the witness has been drawn to Ex. PQ where name of Rupinder Singh (Sandhu) has not been mentioned.   The narration of that the clean shaven man came out of the vehicle.   I stated in Ex. PQ that Rupinder Singh (Sandhu) gave fist blows on the left side of my chest and on the left side of my forehead.  Attention of the witness has been drawn to Ex.  PQ where the portion ‘attacked’ by Rupinder Singh (Sandhu) have not been mentioned.   Narration is that Rupinder Singh (Sandhu) gave fist blows to him.

31. From our analysis of the above  material, the following

conclusions emerge:

(i) Neither PW3 nor PW4 knew the second accused prior

to the date of the offence;

(ii) Even on the date of the offence they did not know his

name or other particulars  which could lead to his




(iii) The prosecution did not bring on record any material

to establish as to how they came to the conclusion that

the person accompanying the first accused is Rupinder

Singh Sandhu (A­2);  

(iv) The only evidence to connect A­2 with the crime is the

statements of PWs 3 and 4 made at the time of the

trial (some 7 years after the incident) that A­1 was the

other person accompanying A­1 on the fateful day;   

(v) There is  nothing  either in the  deposition  of  PW3 or

PW4 that A2 ever attacked the deceased; and   

(vi) There is no other evidence on record to show that A­2

attacked the deceased.

These aspects are not  considered by the Trial  Court  obviously

because the Trial Court opined that PW3 and PW4 are not

truthful witnesses.   Nor did the High Court examine these

aspects while reversing the acquittal order of the Trial Court. In

the impugned judgment of the High Court, there is no discussion

regarding the  identity of  A­2 or the role played by him in the

incident.   Without any discussion whatsoever regarding the



evidence either to prove the presence of A­2 along with A­1 at the

time of the occurrence or the role played by A­2 in the incident

insofar as it pertained to the death of Gurnam Singh, the High

Court chose to record a finding of guilt against A­2 under Section

304 Part­II read with Section 34 IPC.   It must be remembered

that the evidence of PW3 and PW4 was recorded some 7 years

after the incident. The first  time PW3 ever  identified the other

clean shaven man accompanying A­1 on the fateful day to be A­2

was on 9.7.1993 at the trial of the Sessions  Case in  Crime

No.244. Even by then some 5 years had elapsed from the date of


32. The High Court abruptly recorded a conclusion that A­2 is

guilty of an offence of Section 304 Part­II read with Section 34

IPC.  Such a  conclusion in our  view  is  wholly  unsustainable.

Even if we believe for the sake of argument (we emphasise only

for the sake of argument) that A­2 was present with A­1 at the

time of the incident, there is nothing on record to prove that he

attacked Gurnam Singh or that he shared a common intention

with A­1 to commit the offence of culpable homicide not

amounting to murder.  22


The conclusion of the High Court that A­2 is also guilty of

the offence under Section 323 IPC is equally unsustainable  in

view of our discussion above, especially in view of the fact that

there is  no  trustworthy evidence  regarding  his  presence  along

with A­1 at the time of the offence.  It is not safe to convict A­2 on

the basis of the evidence of PWs 3 and 4.  

We therefore,  set  aside  the Judgment  of the  High Court

insofar as A2 is concerned.  

33. We shall  now deal  with the  case  of first  accused.  Once

again it is necessary to examine whether the death of Gurnam

Singh is caused by A­1 as alleged by the prosecution.   For

recording any conclusion against A­1 in this regard,  first,  it is

necessary to know exactly what is the cause of death of Gurnam

Singh, and  second,  that the conduct of A­1 in inflicting the fist

blows on Gurnam Singh resulted in the death of Gurnam Singh.

Even if both the above­mentioned factors are established beyond

reasonable  doubt, it  must  further  be proved that  A­1 had the

requisite  mens rea  to commit the crime  defined  under either

Section 299 or Section 300, IPC.

34. We now examine each one of the above questions.



To hold A­1 guilty of causing the death of Gurnam Singh, it

must be proved that (i) he inflicted fist blows on Gurnam Singh

as alleged by the prosecution; and (ii) the injuries resulting from

the fist blows caused the death of Gurnam Singh.

35. In order to establish the fact that A­1 inflicted fist blows on

Gurnam Singh, prosecution relied upon the evidence of PWs 3

and 4 who claimed that they were travelling along with Gurnam

Singh at the time of the occurrence in the car driven by Gurnam

Singh and, therefore, witnessed the occurrence.

The Sessions Court disbelieved the evidence of PWs 3 and 4

principally on two grounds, firstly that the evidence of PW3 and

PW4 was not consistent and kept varying from time to time and

secondly, the medical evidence does not corroborate the

testimonies  of  PWs 3  and 4.  On  the  other  hand,  as  already

noticed by us  (at  para 25), the High Court disagreed with the

conclusion of the Sessions Court regarding the trustworthiness of

the evidence of PWs 3 and 4.

36. The submission of the A­1 is that PWs 3 and 4 are planted

witnesses and the circumstances appearing from the record



create any amount of doubt regarding the fact that:

PWs 3 and 4  were in fact travelling  with  Gurnam

Singh and witnessed the offence,

According to A­1, the circumstances are:

(i)  PWs 3 and 4 were related  to the  deceased and

therefore they are interested witnesses.  

(ii)  The failure of the prosecution to examine  any

independent witness (i.e. witness unconnected

with the deceased) though a good number of

people must have witnessed the occurrence as it

occurred in broad day light in the city of Patiala.  

(iii) Non­production of the records of the hospital7  to

indicate that  Gurnam Singh  was taken to the

hospital by PWs 3 and 4.

(iv) The fact that the FIR which is said to have been

registered by PW5 at 1.45 pm at the instance of

PW3 reached  the concerned  Magistrate  only  at

7 It is submitted that as a matter of general practice,  whenever a patient is taken to a hospital, the hospital records the details of the persons who brought the patients to the hospital more particularly in cases having medico-legal implication.



5.30 pm that evening (i.e. approximately after a

lapse  of  4  hours) though  the  distance  between

the police station and the Magistrate is only two

kilometers leads to a doubt that the timing of the

registration of the FIR is manipulated to give the

impression that the incident was promptly

reported.  The purpose being to plant PWs 3 and

4 as eye­witnesses to the occurrence.  

(v)  That the prosecution did not seize the vehicle by

which deceased, PW3 and PW4 were said to have

been traveling.  

37. We shall now examine the tenability of the above


38. The fact that PWs 3 and 4 are related to the deceased

Gurnam Singh is not in dispute. The existence of such

relationship by itself does not render the evidence of PWs 3 and 4

untrustworthy.   This Court has repeatedly held so and also held

that the related witnesses are  less  likely to  implicate  innocent



persons exonerating the real culprits.8

39. Admittedly, the incident took place in broad daylight in a

busy area of Patiala city.   Obviously, the incident would have

been witnessed by many others.   It is, therefore, the submission

of the accused that the non­examination of   any   person   other

than PWs 3 and 4 renders the evidence of PWs 3 and 4


We find it difficult to accept the submission.   The mere fact

that some more witnesses, who would have witnessed the

occurrence, were not examined does not render the evidence of

PWs 3 and 4  untrustworthy.   In fact, in a  matter like this,

examining any other witness who was supposed to have

witnessed the offence would increase the burden of the

prosecution to establish that such a  witness is  not  a  chance

8 See Rizan v. State of Chhattisgarh, (2003) 2 SCC 661, para 6    6.  We shall first deal with the contention regarding interestedness of the witnesses for

furthering the prosecution version. Relationship is not a factor to affect credibility of a witness. It is more often than not that a relation would not conceal the actual culprit and make allegations against an innocent person. Foundation has to be laid if plea of false implication is made. In such cases, the court has to adopt a careful approach and analyse evidence to find out whether it is cogent and credible.

Also see, Dalip Singh v. State of Punjab, AIR 1953 SC 364, para 26  26.  A witness is normally to be considered independent unless he or she springs from

sources  which are likely  to be tainted and that usually  means unless the witness has cause, such as enmity against the accused, to wish to implicate him falsely. Ordinarily, a close relative would be the last to screen the real culprit and falsely implicate an innocent person. It is true, when feelings run high and there is personal cause for enmity, that there is a tendency to drag in an innocent person against whom a witness has a grudge along with the guilty,  but foundation must be laid for such a criticism and the mere fact  of relationship far from being a foundation is often a sure guarantee of truth.  




40. Coming to the submission that the relevant records of

Rajendra Hospital to which Gurnam Singh was taken

immediately after the incident were not proved to establish that

PWs 3 and 4 were the persons who carried Gurnam Singh to the

hospital need not necessarily lead to the conclusions that PWs 3

and 4 were not trustworthy witnesses.   No doubt, the production

of such record would have gone to corroborate the fact that PWs

3 and 4 were accompanying Gurnam Singh at the time of the

incident and immediately thereafter. Corroboration is not

required for every fact sought to be proved by the prosecution.  If

a fact is proved by some credible evidence, to insist upon further

corroborating material would only make the enforcement of

criminal law an absurdity.  

41. Another submission of the defence is that PWs 3 and 4 are

planted witnesses by the prosecution, though they did not

actually witness the occurrence of the crime. The accused seek to

raise a doubt regarding the fact that  FIR is registered at 1.45

p.m. because the FIR reached the Magistrate around 5.30 p.m.



The concerned court, admittedly, is only at a distance of 2 to 3

kilometers from the police station.   It is, therefore, argued that

the prosecution manipulated the time of the registration of the

FIR though it was recorded at a much later point of time after

procuring the presence of PWs 3 and 4 to figure as eye­witnesses.

In our opinion, the logic adopted by the accused suggesting

the  possibility  of the PWs 3 and 4 being planted witnesses  is


      Admittedly, the post­mortem was conducted by PW2 on the

dead body of  Gurnam Singh at  4.30  p.m.  on  the  date  of the

occurrence. PW2 in his deposition stated that body was identified

by PWs 3 and 4.  The post­mortem report also mentions the fact

that body was identified by PWs 3 and 4.   It, therefore, follows

that PWs 3 and 4 were present by 4.30 p.m.  i.e., at the time of

the  post  mortem.   No submission  is  made  that  PW2  is  not  a

trustworthy  witness or that the post­mortem report is not a

reliable document.

The post­mortem was preceded by an inquest conducted by

PW5 (sub­Inspector Kaka Singh). He deposed that on receipt of



the report of PW3 around 1.45 p.m. after completing the

formalities of registration of the FIR, he proceeded to Rajendra

Hospital at 3.00 p.m.  Thereafter, he prepared the inquest report

(Ex. PH) in the presence of PWs 3 and 4 who attested the inquest

report.  After completion of the inquest, PW5 entrusted the dead

body to two police constables namely Bahadur Singh and Gurpal

Singh with a requisition for post mortem (Ex. PG).    

 Obviously, it takes some time to conduct inquest.   If PW5

reached the Rajendra Hospital at 3.00 p.m., the time gap of one

and half hours between the commencement of the inquest and

the commencement of the post­mortem cannot be said to be an

unreasonable period for conducting the inquest and  making

appropriate arrangement for the post­mortem examination.9

Both from the inquest report and the post mortem report, it can

be noticed that PWs 3 and 4 presence was mentioned.   Under

Section 174 CrPC, an officer in charge of police station receiving

information of the death of  a person under the circumstances

specified in the said section is required to proceed to the place

where the dead body is, draw up a report of the apparent cause

9  PW2 stated in the cross-examination – “The post-mortem was started 4.30 p.m. on 27.12.1988. I must have  received the police papers few minutes earlier to 4.30 p.m.”



of death and then forward the dead body for (post  mortem)

examination to the nearest Civil Surgeon.  Therefore, neither the

inquest  could have taken place without  the registration of the

crime  nor the  post  mortem examination  could  be  undertaken

without a requisition from the investigating officer.   There is

nothing in the examination of PW5 (SI) to suggest that he did not

follow the procedure prescribed under Section 174, CrPC.  

From the above, it follows at least by 3 p.m. PWs 3 and 4

were present and actively associated with the above­mentioned

events.   If they were to be planted as eye­witnesses, it must have

happened between 12.30 and 3.00 p.m.  That means in a gap of

two and a half hours between 12.30 p.m. to 3.00 p.m., the

investigating officer  must  have identified PWs  3 and  4 to be

witnesses  who  would  act to the  dictation of the investigating

agency  and support the version  of the  prosecution  and  plant

them. Such a theory in our opinion would be a fantastic piece of

fiction and it pre­supposes that PW­5 for some unknown reasons

bore an enmity to A1 to plan such a deep plot to implicate A­1 in

the crime.  In the process, we must not forget that A­1, even by

the date of  the occurrence, was some kind of a celebrity.  We 31


would find it  difficult to  believe such  a version.  The  general

tendency – if we do not take leave of common sense – is to turn a

blind eye to the violations of law committed by celebrities.

42. Another aspect of the matter which was vehemently argued

by the learned counsel for the accused is that the non­seizure of

the vehicle by which the deceased and the PWs 3 and 4 were said

to  have been travelling at the time of the occurrence throws

doubt about the presence of PWs 3 and 4 along with the deceased

at the time of the occurrence. We fail to understand the

submission.  Even  if the vehicle were  to be seized,  we do not

understand how it would go to prove the fact that PWs 3 and 4

were also travelling by that vehicle.     

43. Therefore, we are of the opinion that the Sessions Court was

wrong and the High Court was right (though the reasons are not

well articulated) in believing the presence of PWs 3 and 4 at the

time of the commission of the offence along with deceased

Gurnam Singh.  We must  hasten  to  add  that from the  above

finding it does not follow that their entire evidence is




44. Then it becomes necessary to examine as to what extent the

evidence of PWs 3 and 4 is credible.  Both the witnesses in their

evidence before the Sessions Court stated that they travelled with

the deceased on the fateful day in a Maruti car driven by Gurnam

Singh.   Both of them stated that there was an altercation

between A­1 and the deceased regarding the right of way which

resulted in the 1st  accused giving fist blows to Gurnam Singh.

They did not  make any allegation in their evidence that A­2

attacked Gurnam Singh.  Their version is that when they tried to

intervene to rescue Gurnam Singh, the 2nd accused attacked PW­

3 by giving fist blows.

Though, it is the evidence of PWs 3 and 4 that A­1 inflicted

fist blows on Gurnam Singh, the post­mortem report  indicates

only two external injuries – one on the temporal region and

another on the left knee of the deceased – both are abrasions.

The 2nd injury, i.e. abrasion on the knee, according to PW­2 could

be the result of the fall.  Notwithstanding the narration of PWs 3

and 4 that A­1 inflicted  fist blows  (multiple blows), it is most

unlikely that a person would simultaneously aim at the head and



also the knees of the victim while giving fist blows.  Of course, it

is possible that A­1 delivered more than one fist blow but only

one of them landed on the head of Gurnam Singh and the others

missed  the target.  That leaves  us  with the  position that  A­1

inflicted a single injury on the head of the deceased and we can

safely conclude that the 2nd  injury on the knee of the deceased

occurred due to a fall at any road.  It is not the suggestion of the

prosecution that Gurnam Singh died of the injury on his knee.

45. The injury on the head of Gurnam Singh, as already

noticed, is an abrasion admeasuring 0.75 cm x 0.5 cm over the

left temporal region at the junction of upper part of pinna.  There

is  a  corresponding  subdural  hemorrhage  present  over the left

temporal region of Gurnam Singh.   But the question is whether

that single injury caused the death of Gurnam Singh.   

46. PW­2  in the post­mortem report did not give any opinion

regarding the cause of the death of Gurnam Singh.  On the other

hand, he recorded as follows:

“The cause of death in this case will be given after receiving the report from the Pathologist, Government Medical College, Patiala.   Both the injuries are ante­mortem in nature and caused by blunt weapon.”



It is  significant to  note that  PW2 was of the opinion  that the

injuries  were ante­mortem in nature and caused by  a blunt


47. The pathologist gave a report dated 9.1.89 (Ex.PJ).  He

noticed a large number of abnormalities in the condition of the

heart of Gurnam Singh.

“Heart weighed 430 gm and measured 12x8x6 cm. Epicardial fat  was increased, especially over right ventricle.   Both the branches of left coronary artery i.e. anterior descending branch and circumflex branch and right coronary artery showed atherosclerosis with calcification and narrowing of the lumen. Maximum thickness of left ventricular wall was increased to 1.8 cm.   Myocardium showed stromal fat infiltration, especially of right ventricle and multiple focus areas of fibrosis in the wall of left ventricle.   Cusps and chambers of the ears showed  no Pathology. No evidence of myocardial infarction was seen. Root of aorta showed atherosclerosis with focal areas of calcification.”

Insofar as the brain is concerned, the pathology report reads as


“Four pieces of brain, covered with Pia Meter, together weighed 550 gms and measured 11x11x5 cm.  No pathology was seen on gross or Microscopic examination.”

It is relevant to note that the pathologist did not notice any

pathology either on the gross or microscopic examination.  On

receipt of the pathology report, PW­2 opined that it is necessary



to  obtain  a further  opinion  of forensic expert.  He, therefore,

wrote to the Civil Surgeon, Patiala on 11.1.89 requesting that the

case be referred to forensic expert, Government Medical College,


48. On 13.1.89, the Principal, Government Medical College,

Patiala, acting on the abovementioned letter dated 11.1.89,

constituted a Board consisting of 6 members of whom two were

examined as PWs 1 and 2 in the trial of  the case.   PW­1 was

designated as the Convener of the said Medical  Board.  PW­1

gave a very cryptic opinion (Ex.PA) on 17.1.89, as follows:

“Death in this case is attributed to the effects of head injury and cardiac condition.   However, the head injury in itself could be sufficient to cause death in the ordinary course of nature”.

49. In view of the lack of clarity in the opinion, the prosecution

time and again sought for a clarification of the opinion.  On two

occasions, i.e. on 31.1.89 and 3.2.89, PW­1 declined to give any

further clarification and communicated as follows:

“In this context, it is  for your kind information that the opinion expressed earlier stands as such.”

“This is for your kind information that the facts regarding the case have already been stated and need not be asked over and again.  If any clarification is needed, that will be submitted in the Court.”



50. The Sessions Court analysed the evidence of PWs 1 and 2

and the above mentioned correspondence between the

investigating  officer  and  the  doctors  from paras 33  to  36 and


“… That there was a very minor abrasion over the left temporal region, there was no fracture of the skull, the sub­dural hemorrhage seen by Dr. Jatinder Kumar Sadana (PW­2) had not been measured as its magnitude and size was not indicated in the post mortem report. The witness in cross­examination admitted that  a sub­dural  hemorrhage  is  not fatal in all the cases.

xxx xxx xxx

Dr. Gurpreet Singh10, Head of the Cardiology Department was of the view that the cardiac condition as reported by the Pathologist could  also result in  sudden  cardiac  death  under stress.   This means that Gurnam Singh could well have suddenly died  without any external injury on account of a Neurogenic or vasovagal shock and the post mortem examination would not have revealed this fact.  It was only after the pathologist examined xx the heart of the patient and reported various medical  defects  therein that the Cardiologist formed the opinion that it was a case of sudden cardiac death.

xxx xxx xxx

In any case, the Board has not stated that death was the result  of the  head injury  or  death  was the result  of cardiac condition or death was the result of head injury coupled with the cardiac condition or  death was the result  of  head  injury which led to the cardiac condition.”

and finally held:

10 He was one of the Members of the Medical Board 37


“Conclusion on the basis  of the medical  evidence is  that  the deceased died on account of sudden cardiac death under stress, fell and received the two abrasions including the subdural hemorrhage  in question.  This  conclusion  is  quite  consistent with the medical opinion expressed by the Pathologist and by Dr. Krishan Vij and Dr. Jatinder Kumar Sadana.”

51. On the other hand, the High Court recorded a conclusion,

as follows:

“……….None of the doctors i.e. Dr. Krishan Vij PW­1 and Dr. Jatinder Kumar Sadana PW­2 have stated in their testimony that the mode of death of Gurnam Singh was cardiac failure. All they have stated is that by going through the report of the Pathologist, the cardiac condition of heart of Gurnam Singh was very weak.  We cannot be oblivious of the fact that on the opening of the skull, subdural hemorrhage was present over the left parietal region and brain as spelt out by Dr Jatinder Kumar  Sadana PW­2.   It is in fact this  hemorrhage  which caused the death of Gurnam Singh, and not a cardiac arrest.”

52. It is submitted by the accused that the above conclusion of

the  High  Court is not based on any evidence  and is a pure


53. We have already noticed that PW2, who conducted the post­

mortem, did not identify the cause of death of Gurnam Singh. He

only forwarded the opinion of the Medical Board to the Police.11

PW­1,  who  headed the  Board, simply repeated the statement

11 Deposition of PW 2: After the receipt of the report of the Pathologist Ex. PJ the case was forwarded to the Professor  and Head of  the Department  of  Forensic Medicines,  Medical  College,  Patiala  for  expert  opinion through Civil Surgeon, Patiala. After this board was constituted by the Principal, Medical College, Patiala and cause of death was given. This was forwarded in original to the SHO, P.S. Kotwali, on 17.1.1989. It is Ex. PK which is signed by me.



made in Exhibit PA.

“Deposition of PW 1: After perusal of the record and the discussions held, opinion was given which is Ex. PA. According to Ex. PA the death in this case was attributed to the effects of the head injury and cardiac arrest. However, the head injury in itself could be sufficient to cause death in the ordinary course of nature.”

On the face of the above evidence, the High Court came to

the conclusion that it is the subdural hemorrhage which caused

the death of Gurnam Singh and not cardiac arrest.  

54. As rightly pointed out by the accused, we find no basis in

the evidence on record for such a conclusion. When Exhibit PA

says that death in the case is “attributed to the effects of head injury

and cardiac condition”, to conclude that the cause of death is only

hemorrhage and not cardiac arrest is contrary to the evidence on

record. On the other hand it must be remembered the pathologist

reported  that  he did  not  notice  any  pathology  on  the  brain

either on  “gross or microscopic examination”. PW­2, who

conducted the post­mortem examination, did not give any

description of the hemorrhage except to state that subdural

hemorrhage  existed  in the  parietal region.  He admitted  in the

cross examination that he did not mention the magnitude or size



of the hemorrhage.12

55. PW­1 is also the author of a textbook on Forensic Medicine

and Toxicology. In  the  Sixth  Edition  of  his  book he stated as


“On most occasions, bleeding is slight but fatal compression of the brain by a large subdural haemorrhage can occur within a few hours. It  has been suggested that about 100­150 ml  is usually the  minimum  associated  with fatalities. Fatality is frequently associated with some concomitant brain injury. If there is no primary brain damage, the  mortality from the subdural haemorrhage is usually related to the victim’s age, neurological status and delay from the time of trauma to the surgical evacuation of the haematoma.”13

It can be noticed from the above statement – (i)  subdural

hemorrhage by itself does not cause death but it is the

compression  of  brain  caused  by  a large  subdural  hemorrhage

which causes the death; and (ii) about 100­150 ml of hemorrhage

is usually the minimum associated with fatalities.  

56. We shall assess the evidence on record in the instant case in

light of the above analysis. The statements made in (Ex PA) and

the evidence of PW1 that the head injury itself could be sufficient

to cause the death in the ordinary course of nature are mere ipse

12Deposition of PW 2: Though I mentioned in the post-mortem report that there was subdural hemorrhage on the left temporal region, but I Have not mentioned its magnitude or size, whether it was 1 cm or it was 10 cms. 13 Textbook of Forensic Medicine & Toxicology Principles & Practice, 6th Ed, Krishan Vij, Elsevier, pp 267-268



dixit.  Neither any specific  details  regarding the volume of the

subdural hemorrhage are available on record, nor any medical

opinion that the subdural hemorrhage caused the compression of

the brain that caused the death of Gurnam Singh. There is no

evidence of any concomitant brain injury.   The post­mortem

report  and  the  evidence  of  PW2 are silent in this  regard.  The

pathologist’s report is clear about the absence of any pathology in

brain.  Such being the evidence on record, the conclusion of the

High Court that Gurnam Singh’s death is caused by subdural

hemorrhage but not cardiac arrest, in our opinion, is not based

on any evidence on record and is a pure conjecture.   We,

therefore, find  it  difficult to  sustain  the  conviction of the first

accused and set­aside the same.  Because to find a man guilty of

culpable homicide,  the basic  fact required to be established  is

that the accused caused the death.   But, as noticed above, the

medical evidence is absolutely uncertain regarding the cause of

death of Gurnam Singh.   

57. The  only fact  established  on evidence is that  A­1  gave  a

single fist blow on the head of the deceased Gurnam Singh.  No

weapon was used, nor was there any past enmity between the 41


accused and the deceased.  It all started with a dispute regarding

the right of way resulting in a brawl between them, a very

common sight in this country.  

58. Apparently,  some verbal exchange took place between the

accused and the deceased.   It is not clear from the record as to

what exactly are the  words spoken by them except a vague

indication that some intemperate language was employed by both

of them, nor is it clear who initiated the exchange.   

59. In view of our above conclusion, we do not see any reason to

discuss the various submissions made in Criminal Appeal No.60

of 2007 filed by the  de facto  complainant.   Their entire case is

sought to be built up on the lapses in the investigation process

and the conduct of the accused in securing the anticipatory bail

within few days  of the incident  and  the  decision of the  State

initially not to prosecute A­1.  Various other factors sought to be

relied upon by the  de facto  complainant pertain to certain

deficiencies in the process of the investigation (such as the non­

seizure of the vehicle by which deceased and PWs 3 and 4 were

travelling and the disinclination of the State to array  the  first



accused herein as the accused in the Sessions Case

No.79/18.8.94/20.8.94 either by design or otherwise) make no

difference to the conclusion that the first accused cannot be held

to be responsible for the death of Gurnam Singh in view of the

medical evidence.  The de facto complainant also calls upon this

Court to believe that in view of the celebrity status of the first

accused, the State went out of its way to shield his crime.

Therefore, the first  accused  must  be  held to  have  caused the

death of Gurnam Singh.

60. No doubt that there are lapses in the investigation.  We

cannot hazard a guess whether such lapses occurred because of

the general inefficiency of the system or as a consequence of a

concerted effort  made to protect the accused.   The law of this

country is not that people are convicted of offences on the basis

of doubts.  

61. We must also mention here that the  de facto  complainant

moved an I.A. No. 50523 of 2018 praying that the content of a CD

be received as additional evidence, along with the CD allegedly

containing some interview given by the first accused to some TV



channel.   The said  CD is said to contain certain statements

which would go  in the opinion of the  de  facto  complainant to

prove the guilt of the accused.   

62. For receiving such material on record at this stage, in our

opinion, requires the examination of too many questions of law

including questions of the interpretation of some of the provisions

of the Constitution.   Assuming for the sake of argument that this

Court in  exercise  of its extra­ordinary jurisdiction  can receive

such evidence, necessarily such an exercise requires the giving of

an opportunity to the first accused before such evidence is taken

on record.

In our opinion, all that is avoidable for the reason: even if it

is assumed that the first accused admitted to his participation in

the occurrence, (a fact which we have already concluded

independent of his own confession alleged in the TV show) in the

light of the medical evidence on record, he cannot be held guilty

of causing the death of Gurnam Singh.   We, therefore, see no

reason to entertain the application.   Such admissions, if any do

not help improve the case of the de facto complainant.



63.  The net result of all the above discussion is that the first

accused cannot be held to be responsible for causing the death of

Gurnam Singh. Therefore, the judgment under appeal is required

to be set aside and  is accordingly set aside.  The material  on

record leads us to the only possible conclusion that we can reach

that the first accused voluntarily caused hurt to Gurnam Singh

punishable under Section 323 IPC.     

64. The next question is what would be the appropriate

punishment for such an offence.   Section 323 IPC stipulates a

punishment of imprisonment of either description for a term

which may extend to one year or with fine which may extend to

Rs.1000/­ or with both.  In the circumstances of the case having

regard to the facts that (i) the incident is 30 years old; (ii) there is

no past enmity between the accused and the deceased; (iii)  no

weapon was used by  the accused;  and  (iv) the background  in

which it happened, we are of the opinion, a punishment of

imposition of fine of Rs.1000/­ would meet the ends of justice in

this case.



65. In view of the foregoing, we allow the appeals of the accused

as indicated above and dismiss the appeal of the complainant.   

….....................................J.                                             (J. CHELAMESWAR)

….....................................J.                       (SANJAY KISHAN KAUL)

New Delhi May 15, 2018