25 September 2014
Supreme Court


Case number: W.P.(C) No.-000653-000653 / 2014
Diary number: 22343 / 2014
Advocates: T. MAHIPAL Vs


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Rungta Engineering College, Bhilai & Another             …      Petitioners


Chhattisgarh Swami Vivekanand Technical University & Another         …       Respondents



1. A Society called GDR Educational Society claims to be  

running  a  number  of  colleges.   It  is  claimed  in  the  writ  

petition that the ‘first petitioner’ is one of such colleges and  

the second petitioner is a Secretary of the said Educational  


2. The  All  India  Council  for  Technical  Education  

(hereinafter  referred  to  as  “AICTE”)  is  a  body  constituted  

under  Section  3  of  the  All  India  Council  for  Technical


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Education Act, 1987 (hereinafter referred to as “1987 Act”).  

The  AICTE  was  established  for  “proper  planning  and  co-

ordinated  development  of  the  technical  education  system  

throughout  the  country,  the  promotion  of  qualitative  

improvement  of  such  education  in  relation  to  planned  

quantitative  growth  and  the  regulation  and  proper  

maintenance  of  norms  and  standards  in  the  technical  

education system and for matters connected therewith”.

3. One of the functions of the AICTE under Section 10(k)1  

of the said Act is to grant approval for starting new ‘technical  

institutions’  and  for  introduction  of  new  courses  or  

programmes in consultation with technical agencies.  

4. “Technical Institution” is defined under Section 2(h) as  


“2(h)  “technical  institution”  means  an  institution,  not  being a University which offers courses or programmes of  technical  education and  shall  include  such  other  institutions  as  the  Central  Government  may,  in  consultation with the Council, by notification in the Official  Gazette, declare as technical institutions.”

1 Section 10. Functions of the Council.  It shall be the duty of the Council to take all such steps as it may   think fit for ensuring coordinated and integrated development of technical education and maintenance of  standards and for the purposes for performing its functions under this Act, the Council may-

(k) grant approval for starting new technical institutions and for introduction of new courses  of programmes in consultation with the agencies concerned.



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5. “Technical Education” is defined under Section 2(h) as  


“2(g)  “technical  education”  means  programmes  of  education,  research,  and  training  in  engineering  technology,  architecture,  town  planning,  management,  pharmacy  and  applied  arts  and  crafts  and  such  other  programme or areas as the Central Government may, in  consultation with the Council, by notification in the Official  Gazette, declare.”

6. AICTE  granted  approval  by  its  proceedings  dated  

07.04.2013 in favour of a society called the GDR Educational  

Society2 to  conduct  five  different  courses  of  engineering3  

indicated  in  the  said  proceedings  for  the  academic  year  

2013-2014 in the “1st petitioner college”3a which has been  

established by the said society with a total intake capacity of  

300 students.  

7. It  is  stated  in  the  communication  granting  approval  

dated 07.4.2013 as follows:

“The approval is valid for two years from the date of issue  of this letter for  getting affiliation with respective  University  and  fulfilling  State  Govt.  requirements  for  admission.   If institution is unable to start in the academic  session  2013-14  due  to  reason  mentioned  above,  the  institution will have to apply On-line on AICTE web portal  in the next academic session for continuation of approved  intake 2013-14.

2 & 3a Unfortunately, the details of the Society – whether it is registered Society or not, if registered under  what law it is registered – are not specified in the writ petition.  (It is highly doubtful whether a legal   proceeding in the name of a College is maintainable. Modern lawyers appearing on either side in such  litigation do not trouble themselves with such questions and Judges who ask such questions are considered   not sensitive to the “public interest”!) 3  1. Mechanical, 2. Civil, 3. Electrical & Electronics , 4. Electrical and 5. Computer Science & Engineering  



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The  Society/Trust/Institution  shall  obtain  necessary  affiliation/permission  from  the  concerned  affiliating  University  as  per  the  prescribed  schedule  of  the  University/Admission authority etc.”

8. The  Chhattisgarh  Swami  Vivekanand  Technical  

University  is  established  by  The  Chhattisgarh  Swami  

Vivekanand  Technical  University  Act,  2004  (25  of  2004)  

(hereinafter referred to as the “2004 Act”).  The preamble of  

the Act indicates the purpose of the Act:  

“An  Act  to  establish  and  incorporate  a  University  of  Technology  for  the  purpose  of  ensuring  systematic,  efficient  and  qualitative  education  in  engineering  and  technological subjects including Architecture and Pharmacy  at Research, Post Graduate Degree and Diploma level and  to  provide  for  matters  connected therewith  or  incidental  thereto”.   

9. The University is constituted under Section 3 of the Act  

which  declares  that  such  University  shall  have  perpetual  

succession, common seal and is capable of suing and being  

sued  by  its  name.   The  objectives  of  the  University  are  

specified under Section 4.  Section 4(13) stipulates that one  

of the objectives is  “to admit to its privileges colleges or polytechnics  not maintained by the University, to withdraw all or any of these privileges  

and to take over the management of Colleges or Polytechnics in the manner  

and under conditions prescribes by the Statute or the Ordinance”.

10. Section 6 declares that the jurisdiction of the University  

shall  extend  to  the  whole  of  the  State  of  Chhattisgarh.  



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Section 6(2) stipulates that  “notwithstanding anything contained  

in any other law for the time being in force, any College or Polytechnic  

or  institution  imparting  Technical  Education  and situated within  the  

limits of the area specified under sub-section (1) shall, with effect from  

such date as may be notified in this behalf by the State Government,  

be  deemed to be associated with and admitted to the  

privileges of the University and shall cease to be associated with  other  University  or  Board  in  the  manner  prescribed  by  Statute  or  

Regulation”.   Obviously,  any  institution  imparting  technical  

education as defined under Section 2(26) of the Act situated  

within the limits of State of Chhattisgarh is deemed to be  

associated with and admitted to privileges of the University.

11. Section 23 of the 2004 Act stipulates that the Executive  

Council, a body constituted under Section 22 of the Act, shall  

be  the  supreme  authority  of  the  University  with  various  

powers and duties specified under Section 23.  One of them  

is “to admit Colleges or Polytechnics to the privileges of the University  

on the recommendation of the Academic Council  and subject to the  

provisions of this Act and Statute and to withdraw any of the privileges  

and to take over the management of the College or Polytechnic in the  

manner  and  under  conditions  prescribed  by  the  Statute  and  




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12. In view of the requirement of securing the affiliation of  

the  concerned  University  as  stipulated  by  the  order  of  

approval  (07.04.2013)  by  AICTE,  it  appears  that  an  

application  was  made  to  the  said  University  to  grant  

affiliation to the first petitioner college which was rejected in  

a meeting of the Executive Council of the University dated  


13. Aggrieved by such decision, a Writ Petition (C) No.847  

of 2013 came to be filed by the petitioners herein before the  

High Court of Chhattisgarh at Bilaspur.  The said writ petition  

was  disposed  of  by  an  order  dated  28.6.2013  directing  

consideration  of  the  representation  to  be  made  by  the  

petitioners after giving them an opportunity of being heard  

in person.  The operative portion of the order is as follows:

“Shri  Shrivastava,  learned  counsel  appearing  for  the  respondent/university submits that he has no objection if a  representation is made, and in the event, a representation  is made, the same will  be considered in accordance with  law as expeditiously as possible.  He further submits that  the petitioner may also be heard in person, if so desired by  the petitioner.

In view of the above submissions made by learned counsel  appearing  for  the  parties,  if  the  petitioners  makes  a  representation with a period of one week from today, as  agreed and consented by both the parties, the petitioner  

4 Since none of the applicant institutions fulfil the AICTE norms as pointed out in the inspection reports   and admission made in the compliance affidavits of the existing of deficiencies, the affiliation for academic   session 2013-14 for new college, new courses and increase in intake is liable to be refused.  However, for  the current courses in the existing colleges affiliation is recommended.  



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may  appear  before  the  authorities  of  the  respondent/university.   The  respondent/university  is  also  directed to consider and decide the representation within a  period  of  two  weeks  from  the  date  of  receipt  of  the  representation,  in accordance with law, on its  own merit  and perspective.”

14. The  petitioners  submitted  a  representation  dated  

01.7.2013.  A communication dated 17.7.2013 was sent to  

the  petitioners  signed  by  the  Registrar  of  the  University  

purporting to grant affiliation for the academic session 2013-

14 for the various courses specified therein for total intake  

capacity of 300 students with a rider that such affiliation is  

subject  to  approval  of  the  Executive  Council  of  the  

University5.  It is the specific case of the University that such  

a decision was taken by the Vice-Chancellor in exercise of  

the powers under Section 14(4) read with Section 23(12) of  

the  2004  Act.   Pursuant  to  such  affiliation  order,  the  

petitioners admitted more than some 200 students.

15. On 28.12.2013, the petitioners once again applied for  

affiliation for the academic session 2014-15.

5 In the light of the Order of Hon’ble High Court dated 28 th June 2013, and the submission of documents  fulfilling the shortcomings as well as the undertaking in this regard, affiliation for the academic session  2013-14 is hereby granted for the following courses with following intake capacity.

Computer Science & Engineering – 60, Mechanical Engineering – 60, Electrical Engineering – 60,  Electrical & Electronics Engineering – 60; and Civil Engineering – 60.  (Total: 300)

The above affiliation is subject to approval by University Executive Council.



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16. On 03.3.2014, the 31st meeting of the Executive Council  

of the University was held wherein the provisional affiliation  

granted  on  17.7.2013  by  the  Vice-Chancellor  was  

considered.  The Executive Council took note of the fact that  

in an earlier meeting dated 10.8.2013 the Executive Council  

had referred the case to the Advocate General for opinion  

and as opinion was not forthcoming for various reasons, the  

Executive Council took a decision as follows:

“The  conditional  affiliation  granted  vide  letter  No.CSVTU/Affil/2013-2014/2013/2963  dated  17.7.2013  should be withdrawn.

Students admitted may be transferred to other colleges in  a legal, lawful and rationale manner.

The Executive Council unanimously took a decision to place  the  matter  before  the  Hon’ble  Chancellor  for  his  final  decision in the matter.”

 17. The question of ratification of the affiliation granted to  

the first petitioner College once again came for consideration  

in 33rd meeting of  the Executive Council  on 29/30.4.2014.  

Once again it was decided:

“Based on the majority decision proposal of ratification of  affiliation  stands  turned  down,  taking  into  account  the  aforesaid facts.  Keeping the future of admitted students, a  letter  be written to the Director-Technical  Education and  Secretary-Technical Education, to transfer the students to  other colleges where seats are vacant.”   



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The  said  decision  was  communicated  to  the  petitioners  

herein on 01.5.2014.

18. Aggrieved by the said decision, the petitioners filed Writ  

Petition No.423 of  2014 before this  Court.   On 12.5.2014,  

this  Court  issued  notice  on  the  said  writ  petition.   On  

19.5.2014,  the  said  writ  petition  was  disposed  off.   The  

operative portion of the said order reads as follows:

“Be that as it may, it is agreed that the Executive Council  shall look into the matter again in so far as academic year  2013-2014 is  concerned,  we remit  the  case  back to  the  Executive Council to take a decision afresh after giving due  opportunity to the petitioners to present their case before  the  Executive  Council  and  pass  reasoned  order  thereon  within four weeks.

As  far  as  academic  year  2014-2015  is  concerned,  it  is  pointed out by Mr. Varma, learned senior counsel that the  application  of  the  petitioner  –  College  along  with  the  applications submitted by other colleges for affiliation are  already under consideration.

In view thereof, in so far as academic year 2014-2015 is  concerned, the Executive Council  shall take a decision in  the aforesaid manner by 15th July 2014 after following the  due procedure.”  

19. It can be seen from the order that it is an agreed order  

to  the  effect  that  the  Executive  Council  will  once  again  

examine  the  question  of  granting  affiliation  to  the  first  

petitioner college insofar as it pertains to the academic year  

2013-2014.   Coming  to  the  question  of  affiliation  for  the  



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academic year 2014-2015, this Court directed the Executive  

Council to take a decision by 15.7.2014.

20. Pursuant  to  the  said  order,  the  petitioner  submitted  

another representation on 23.5.2014 praying that a decision  

be taken on the issue of grant of affiliation for the academic  

year 2014-2015.

21. On 04.6.2014, AICTE granted approval for the academic  

year  2014-2015  to  conduct  seven  different  courses  (five  

graduate and two diploma courses) with a total intake of 540  

students, the details of which may not be necessary for the  

present purpose.

22. On  11.6.2014,  an  opportunity  for  oral  hearing  was  

granted by the Executive Council in its 36th meeting. Finally,  

by  a  communication  dated  19.6.2014,  the  University  

informed  the  second  petitioner  herein  that  the  Executive  

Council of the University in its meeting held dated 11.6.2014  

took  a  decision  by  majority  to  disapprove  the  provisional  

affiliation granted on 17.7.2013 to the first petitioner.  The  

said communication reads as follows:

“Pursuant to the Order of the Hon’ble Supreme Court dated  19.5.2014, the Executive Council  of the University met o  11.6.2014,  where  a  majority  decision  was  taken  to  disapprove the provisional affiliation granted on 17.7.2013  to  Rungta  Engineering  College,  Bhilai.   Therefore,  the  



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status  of  Runga  Engineering  College,  Bhilai  stands  “dis- affiliated” for the academic session 2013-14. A copy of the  minutes  of  the  Executive  Council,  citing  reasons  for  disapproving the provisional  affiliation granted to Rungta  Engineering  College,  Bhilai,  is  enclosed  for  your  kind  information.”

23. By another communication dated 01.7.2014, which was  

received  by  the  petitioner  on  09.7.2014,  the  University  

informed the second petitioner as follows:

“Pursuant to the Order of the Hon’ble Supreme Court dated  19.05.2014, the Executive Council of the University met on  11.06.2014  and  a  majority  decision  was  taken  to  disapprove  the  provisional  affiliation  granted  to  Rungta  Engineering College, Bhilai on 17.07.2013.  Now, the status  of Rungta Engineering College, Bhilai stands “Dis-affiliated”  for the academic session 2013-14.

The  above  has  been  communicated  to  you  vide  letter  no.1109 dated 19th June 2014.  The application for 2014-15  is an extension of affiliation to the College.  The decision  taken in the Executive Council on 11.06.2014 was to  dis-affiliate the College, therefore the extension of  14-15 does not arise as the College has already been  dis-affiliated.”   

(emphasis supplied) 24. Hence the writ petition.

25. The petitioners challenged the impugned order on the  

ground  that  it  violates  Articles  14  and  19(1)(g)  of  the  

Constitution  of  India.   It  is  also  argued  by  the  learned  

counsel for the petitioners that the respondents decided not  

to grant affiliation on the basis of considerations which are  

factually incorrect and areas which are not within their legal  

competence to exercise.



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26. On  the  other  hand,  the  respondent  resisted  the  writ  

petition on the ground that the first petitioner College does  

not  satisfy  various  conditions  contemplated  under  AICTE  

norms and also Statute 19 of the University.  It is the case of  

the  first  respondent  University  that  by  a  communication  

dated 26.4.2013 the second petitioner was informed of the  

various  shortcomings.   The  relevant  portion  of  the  

communication reads as follows:

“Based  on  the  recommendations  of  the  Inspection  Committee constituted by Chhattisgarh Swami Vivekanand  Technical University, Bhilai, for the affiliation of courses of  your  Institution,  the  institution  has  been  found  to  be  suffering from the following deficiencies:

1. Teaching  staff  (Assistant  professor,  Associate  Professor,  Professor)  appointed  on  adhoc  basis  be  selected through the University Selection Committee  as per statute 19 of CSVTU and as per AICTE norms.  Selection  of  process  be  initiated  at  the  earliest  to  maintain Cadre ratio as per norms.

2. Principal  be  appointed  as  per  Statute-19  of  the  University.

3. Student teacher ratio be improved as per norms.

4. Govt. NoCs to conduct 1st year classes for the session  2013-14 be submitted.

5. Journals be procured in the Library as per norms.  E- Journals in digital library and other books related to  general proficiency be procured.

6. Proper timing of librarian is needed as proper entry of  books in accession register be maintained.

7. Safety  measures  be  installed  at  Structure,  Library,  Labs and Workshop.



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8. Internet connectivity in Computer lab be improved.

9. Separate strong room be provided in  exam control  room.

10. Flow charts, lab manuals of laboratory & layout of lab  be displayed.

11. Lux meter be used to check the illumination in the  different areas like Class rooms & laboratory of the  campus.

12. Playground facility be improved.

13. Licence software & communication skill be developed  as per norms.

14. List  of  experiments  as  per  University  scheme  be  displayed on the notice boards with signature of Prof.  I/c and lab attendant.

15. All  weather  roads  in  general  be  improved  and  set  back distance of the boundaries be maintained as per  municipal bye building.

16. Anti ragging cell, women’s cell and counselling cell be  formed & displayed in the campus.

17. Demarcation of parking, Canteen & other amenities  be improved.

18. Anvil accessories of the workshop be made available.

19. Gas  pipe  line  be  provided  with  commercial  gas  cylinder  along  with  shower  be  provided  in  the  Chemistry lab.

20. Seating arrangement like stool  be provided for  the  students in the labs.

21. Supporting  laboratory  staff  be  appointed  as  per  norms & working hours of library be displayed.

• Specifying class rooms, Labs, Library, Computer centres,  Drawing Hall, Workshop, Seminar hall on the approved  building plans, floorwise, (on photocopies of the original  Approved building Plans without any reductions in size)  be submitted to the University.



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• Sports fee if any be submitted.

• Processing fee of Rs.30,000/- be submitted.

An affidavit  on non judicial stamp paper of  Rs.50/-  by  Trust/Society/Principal  regarding  the  steps  taken  for  the  Compliance of rectifying of the above deficiencies is to be  submitted to the University latest by 29.4.2013.”

27. In  response  to  the  said  communication,  the  GDR  

Educational  Society  sent  a  reply  dated  29.4.2013,  the  

substance  of  which  is  that  all  the  alleged  shortcomings  

pointed out  in  the communication of  the University  dated  

26.4.2013 are either without any factual basis or had in fact  

been complied with.

28. In the light of sharp difference of opinion between the  

petitioners  and the first  respondent  University,  during the  

pendency of the present writ petition, we thought it fit to call  

upon AICTE by the order  dated 08.8.2014 to “inspect  the  

petitioner’s  College  and  submit  a  report  whether  the  

petitioner has complied with all the requirements of law”.  In  

view of the said direction, AICTE conducted inspection and  

reported.   The  substance  of  which  is  that  the  petitioner  

College has complied with all the requirements of law.   

29. The  respondent  University  and  the  State  very  

vehemently  argued  that  notwithstanding  the  opinion  



Page 15

expressed  by  AICTE  there  are  still  some  shortcomings  

examined in  the  light  of  the  norms and standards  of  the  

University for granting affiliation to any institution imparting  

technical education.

30. It  is  argued that  the  University,  which  is  a  statutory  

body brought into existence pursuant to an enactment made  

by the legislative assembly of the State of Chhattisgarh, is  

obliged to discharge the duties enjoined upon it by the 2004  

Act  and  it  cannot  be  prevented  from  discharging  its  

obligation  of  being  satisfied  that  the  petitioner  institution  

qualifies for affiliation in terms of the norms and standards  

prescribed  by  it  in  discharge  of  its  statutory  powers  and  

compelled to grant affiliation notwithstanding the fact that  

the University is not satisfied with the eligibility of the first  

petitioner College for affiliation.

31. The  authority  of  the  States  and  the  Universities  

established by the States to regulate the establishment and  

running  of  institutions  imparting  technical  education  has  

been a subject matter of a long debate in various judgments  

of this Court.



Page 16

32. Educational  institutions  imparting  technical  education  

are amenable to the control of AICTE under the 1987 Act in  

certain  aspects  and the regulatory  authority  of  the State,  

and Universities established by or under a legislation of the  

State, in certain other aspects.  

33. This  Court  in  State  of  T.N.  and  Another  v.  

Adhiyaman  Educational  &  Research  Institute  and  

Others, (1995)  4  SCC  104,  after  considering  the  

constitutional scheme of various entries of List I and List III of  

the Seventh Schedule and the language of the 1987 Act and  

the Madras University  Act  concluded that  the 1987 Act  is  

referable  to  Entry  66  of  List  I.   The field  of  “determination  of  

standards in institutions  for higher  education,  or research and scientific  and technical  

institutions” is exclusive to the Parliament and any law made by  

the Parliament referable to the said field is paramount. The  

1987 Act empowers the AICTE, a body constituted under the  

said Act “to evolve suitable performance appraisal systems incorporating norms and  

mechanisms  for  maintaining  accountability  of  the  technical  institutions” and lay  

down “norms and standards for courses, curricula, staff pattern, staff qualifications,  

assessment and examinations, fixing norms and guidelines for charging tuition fee and  

other fees, granting approval for starting new technical institutions or introducing new  

courses or programmes”. This Court categorically held “Thus,  so far as  



Page 17

these matters are concerned, in the case of the institutes imparting technical education, it  

is not the University Act and the University but it is the Central Act and the Council  

created under it which will have the jurisdiction”.  Consequently, this Court  

held “after coming into operation of the Central Act” the provisions of any  

other  State  law  overlapping  on  the  area  covered  by  the  

Central  Act  “will  be  deemed  to  have  become  unenforceable…”.   The  

argument that the State legislature can stipulate norms of  

higher standards even in those areas which are covered by  

the AICTE is clearly rejected by this Court.

34. The  question  whether  the  State  Government  as  a  

matter of policy, can decline to grant approval/permission for  

the establishment of a new engineering college in view of  

the perception of the State Government that the opening of  

new colleges will not be in the interest of the students and  

employment,  fell  for  consideration  of  this  Court  in  Jaya  

Gokul Educational Trust v. Commissioner & Secretary  

to  Government  Higher  Education  Department,  

Thiruvanathapuram, Kerala State and Another, (2000)  

5 SCC 231.  This Court held that the State could not have  

any policy outside the AICTE Act and indeed if it had a policy,  



Page 18

it should have placed the same before the AICTE and that  

too before the latter granted permission.

35. The question of the authority of a University to grant or  

decline affiliation squarely fell for consideration before this  

Court  in  Bhartia  Education  Society  v. State  of  H.P.,  

(2011)  4  SCC  527.   The  case  arose  under  the  National  

Council  for  Teachers  Education  Act,  1993  (hereinafter  

referred  to  as  “NCTE  Act")  the  scheme  of  which  is  also  

identical to the AICTE Act.   This Court held as follows:-

“19. … On the other hand, “recognition” is the licence to  the  institution  to  offer  a  course  or  training  in  teacher  education.   Prior to the NCTE Act, in the absence of an  apex  body  to  plan  and  coordinate  maintenance  of  the  norms  and  standards  in  the  teacher  education  system,  Government and universities/boards.   After the enactment  of  the  NCTE Act,  the  functions  of  NCTE as  “recognising  authority”  and  the  examining  bodies  as  “affiliating  authorities”  became  crystallised,  though  their  functions  overlap on several issues.   The NCTE Act recognises the  role of examining bodies in their sphere of activity.

36. This  Court  examined the  scope  of  Section  16 of  the  

NCTE  Act  which  prohibited  the  grant  of  affiliation  by  any  

“examining  body”  -  (a  University)  to  any  institution  

conducting a course for training people for the occupation of  

teaching  unless  such  institution  obtained recognition  from  

the competent authority under the NCTE Act.   Though, this  

Court made it clear that the “examining body” (University)  



Page 19

does  not  have  any  discretion  to  refuse  affiliation  with  

reference to any of the factors which ought to be considered  

by  NCTE  while  granting  recognition,  recognised  that  the  

“examining body” has the authority to demand compliance  

with its norms in a limited area regarding the “eligibility  of the  

candidates” and “manner of admission” of students etc.  

37. It was further held :-

“22. … For example, NCTE is required to satisfy itself about  the adequate financial resources, accommodation, library,  qualified  staff,  and  laboratory  required  for  proper  functioning  of  an  institution  for  a  course  or  training  in  teacher education.   Therefore, when recognition is granted  by  NCTE,  it  is  implied  that  NCTE  has  satisfied  itself  on  those aspects.  Consequently, the examining body may not  refuse affiliation on the ground that the institution does not  have  adequate  financial  resources,  accommodation,  library,  qualified  staff,  or  laboratory  required  for  proper  functioning of the institution.  But this does not mean that  the  examining  body  cannot  require  compliance  with  its  own requirements in regard to eligibility of candidates for  admissions to courses or manner of admission of students  or  other  areas  falling  within  the  sphere  of  the  State  Government and/or the examining body.”

At  para  24,  this  Court  indicated  the  areas  where  the  

“examining body” can stipulate norms, the non-compliance  

with which norms authorise the examining body to cancel  

the affiliation.

“24.   The examining body can therefore impose its own requirements in  regard to eligibility of students for admission to a course in addition to  those prescribed by NCTE.   The State Government and the examining  body may also regulate the manner of admissions.   As a consequence, if  there is any irregularity in admissions or violation of the eligibility criteria  prescribed by the examining body or any irregularity with reference to any  of  the  matters  regulated  and  governed  by  the  examining  body,  the  



Page 20

examining body may cancel the affiliation irrespective of the fact that the  institution continues to enjoy the recognition of NCTE.   Sub-section (6)  of Section 14 cannot be interpreted in a manner so as to make the process  of affiliation, an automatic rubber-stamping consequent upon recognition,  without any kind of discretion in the examining body to examine whether  the institution deserves affiliation or not, independent of the recognition.”  

38. Similarly, under the scheme of the 1987 Act, as noticed  

by this  Court  in para 30 of the  Adhiyaman Educational  &  

Research  Institute  case  (supra), under Section  10  of  the  

Central Act, the Council is entrusted with the power to  

lay down norms and standards for courses, curricula,  

staff  pattern,  staff  qualification,  assessment  and  

examination, fixing norms and guidelines for charging  

tuition  fees  etc.  and  further  held  that  in  these  

matters the University will have no authority.

39. The respondents heavily relied upon the last sentence  

of para 24 of the decision in  Bhartia Education Society  

(supra)  (extracted earlier)  to  assert  that  the respondents  

still  have  the  necessary  authority  to  grant  or  decline  


40. We are of the opinion that the respondents are reading  

that  sentence out  of  the context.  The judgment was very  

clear  as  to  the  areas  which  are  exclusively  within  the  

jurisdiction  of  the  NCTE  whose  satisfaction  regarding  the  



Page 21

compliance  with  the  standards  prescribed  by  it  in  those  

areas is final and the areas where the “examining body” has  

authority to lay down its own norms (such as eligibility of the  

students  for  admission  to  a  course  and  the  manner  of  


41. We apply the principles of law mentioned above to the  

facts  of  the  present  case.  The  various  objections  which  

(according to the respondent) formed the basis for declining  

affiliation to the first petitioner institution are contained in  

the communication dated 26.4.2013 which was extracted in  

detail at para 26 (supra).

42. An examination of all the objections mentioned in the  

said  communication  would  reveal  that  each  one  of  those  

objections squarely fall within the sweep of one or the other  

areas which only the AICTE has the exclusive jurisdiction to  

deal with.   None of them are demonstrated before us to be  

matters  falling  within  the  area  legally  falling  within  the  

domain of the respondents.  AICTE, on inspection of the Ist  

petitioner  college  reported  that  the  Ist  petitioner  college  

fulfils  all  the  conditions  prescribed  by  the  norms  and  

standards  laid  down  by  AICTE.   The  respondents  did  not  



Page 22

make any specific assertion that such a report of the AICTE  

is factually incorrect.   Assuming for the sake of argument  

that, in the opinion of the respondents, the petitioner college  

has not in fact fulfilled any one of the conditions required  

under the norms specified by the AICTE, the only course of  

action  available  for  the  respondents  is  to  bring  the  

shortcomings noticed by them to the notice of the AICTE and  

seek appropriate action against the petitioner college.6

43. We are, therefore, of the opinion that the decision of  

the  respondent  not  to  grant  the  affiliation  to  the  first  

petitioner college is wholly untenable and is required to be  

set aside.  The same is accordingly set aside.   Since the  

respondent  did  not  decline  the  affiliation  to  the  first  

petitioner  college either  on the ground that  the petitioner  

college  is  admitting  wholly  ineligible  students  as  per  the  

norms stipulated by the respondent University or that the  

admission procedure prescribed by the respondents is  not  

being  complied  with  by  the  petitioners  or  on  any  other  6 Jaya  Gokul  Educational  Trust  Vs.  Commissioner  &  Secretary  to  Government  Higher  Education   Department, Thiruvanathapuram, Kerala State and Another [(2000) 5 SCC 231] -      “27……Once that  procedure laid down in the AICTE Act and Regulations had been followed under Regulation 8(4), and the  Central Task Force had also given its favourable recommendations, there was no scope for any further  objection or approval by the State.   We may however add that if thereafter, any fresh facts came to light   after an approval was granted by AICTE or if the State felt that some conditions attached to the permission   and required by AICTE to be complied with, were not complied with, then the State Government could  always write to AICTE, to enable the latter to take appropriate action.”



Page 23

ground  that  the  petitioners  violated  any  one  of  the  

stipulations made by the University which the University is  

legally competent to make, we have no option but to direct  

the respondents to grant affiliation to the petitioner college.  

The  operative  portion  of  the  judgment  of  this  Court  has  

already been pronounced on 01.9.2014.  Therefore, we are  

not reiterating the same.


44.   We are sorry to say that in the entire writ petition, we  

did not find any information whether the GDR Educational  

Society  is  a  body  recognized/registered  under  any  

enactment.   If  it  is  recognized,  what  is  the  relevant  

enactment under which the same is registered?  So-called  

first petitioner has no existence in the eye of law and is not  

capable of suing or being sued, though the second petitioner  

is a natural person who is capable of suing and being sued.  

The bold assertion that the impugned action is violative of  

Article 19(1)(g) of the Constitution made in the petition is a  

highly doubtful assertion vis-à-vis both the petitioners.  The  

rights under Article 19 are only guaranteed to the citizens.  

The so-called first petitioner cannot be a citizen, not even a  

person.  Whether the right asserted by the second petitioner  



Page 24

under Article 19 is a right to practise any profession or to  

carry on any occupation, trade or business is not known.  No  

arguments are advanced on either side.  Modern lawyers do  

not  trouble  themselves  with  such  questions!   Any  judge  

asking these questions perhaps is considered “not sensitive  

to  the  public  interest”!   However,  the  whole  exercise  

undertaken by the respondent is certainly violative of Article  

14 of the Constitution and, therefore, we have examined the  


45. The writ petition stands disposed off accordingly.

  ………………………….J.                                                              (J. Chelameswar)

.……………………..….J.                               (A.K. Sikri) New Delhi; September 25, 2014