25 February 2014
Supreme Court


Case number: W.P.(C) No.-000613-000613 / 2007
Diary number: 32010 / 2007


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Justice Ripusudan Dayal (Retd.) & Ors.      .... Petitioner (s)


State of M.P. & Ors.                                    .... Respondent(s)       


P.Sathasivam, CJI.

1) The  present  writ  petition,  under  Article  32  of  the  

Constitution  of  India,  has  been  filed  by  the  petitioners  

challenging the validity of certain letters issued by Mr. Qazi  

Aqlimuddin  –  Secretary,  Vidhan  Sabha  (Respondent  No.4  

herein) on various dates against them with regard to a case  

registered by the Special Police Establishment (SPE) of the  

Lokayukt  Organisation,  against  the  officials  of  the  Vidhan  

Sabha Secretariat as well as against the concerned officials  

of  the  Capital  Project  Administration-the  Contractor  



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Company  alleging  irregularity  in  the  construction  work  

carried out in the premises of Vidhan Sabha.   

2) It is relevant to mention that Petitioner No.1 herein was  

the  Lokayukt  of  the  State  of  Madhya  Pradesh  appointed  

under the provisions of the Madhya Pradesh Lokayukt Evam  

Uplokayukt  Act,  1981  (hereinafter  referred  to  as  “the  

Lokayukt  Act”).   Petitioner  No.2  was  the  Legal  Advisor,  a  

member of the Madhya Pradesh Higher Judicial Service on  

deputation with the Lokayukt and Petitioner Nos. 3 to 5 were  

the officers of Madhya Pradesh Special Police Establishment.  

3) The  petitioners  herein  claimed  that  the  said  letters  

violate their fundamental rights under Articles 14, 19 and 21  

of the Constitution of India and are contrary to Article 194(3)  

and prayed for the issuance of a writ, order or direction(s)  

quashing the said letters as well as the complaints filed by  

Respondent Nos. 5, 6 (since expired), 7, 8 and 9 herein.

4) Brief facts



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(a) An anonymous complaint was received on 21.06.2005  

in the office of the Lokayukt stating that a road connecting  

the  Vidhan  Sabha  with  Vallabh  Bhawan,  involving  an  

expenditure of  about  Rs.  2  crores,  was being constructed  

without inviting tenders and complying with the prescribed  

procedure.   It was also averred in the said complaint that  

with a view to regularize the above-said works, the officers  

misused their official position and got the work sanctioned to  

the Capital  Project  Administration in  violation of  the rules  

which amounts to serious financial irregularity and misuse of  

office.  It was also mentioned in the said complaint that in  

order to construct the said road, one hundred trees had been  

cut down without getting the permission from the concerned  

department.    The  said  complaint  was  registered  as  E.R.  

No.127 of 2005.  During the inquiry, the Deputy Secretary,  

Housing  and  Environment  Department,  vide  letter  dated  

18.08.2005 stated that the work had been allotted to the  

lowest tenderer and the trees were cut only after obtaining  

the requisite permission from the Municipal Corporation.  In  

view of the said reply, the matter was closed on 22.08.2005.  



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(b) On 22.12.2006, again a complaint was filed by one Shri  

P.N. Tiwari, supported with affidavit and various documents,  

alleging the same irregularities in the said construction work  

by the officers of the Vidhan Sabha Secretariat in collusion  

with the Capital Project Administration which got registered  

as E.R. No. 122 of 2006. A copy of the said complaint was  

sent  to  the  Principal  Secretary,  Madhya  Pradesh  

Government,  Housing  and  Environment  Department  for  

comments.   In  reply,  the  Additional  Secretary,  M.P.  

Government,  Housing  and  Environment  Department  

submitted  the  comments  along  with  certain  documents  

stating that the Building Controller  Division working under  

the  Capital  Project  Administration  was  transferred  to  the  

administrative control of the Vidhan Sabha Secretariat vide  

Order  dated  17.07.2000  and  consequently  the  Secretariat  

Vidhan  Sabha  was  solely  responsible  for  the  construction  

and maintenance work within the Vidhan Sabha premises.   

(c) On 26.06.2007,  a  request  was made to  the Principal  

Secretary, Housing and Environment Department to submit  

all  the  relevant  records,  tender  documents,  note  sheets,  



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administrative,  technical  and  budgetary  sanctions  by  

10.10.2007.   By  letter  dated  17.07.2007,  the  Under  

Secretary of  the said Department informed that  since the  

administrative  sanctions  were  issued  by  the  Secretariat  

Vidhan Sabha, the materials were not available with them.  

In  view  of  the  said  reply,  the  Lokayukt-(Petitioner  No.1  

herein)  sent  letters  dated  31.07.2007  addressed  to  the  

Principal  Secretary,  Housing and Environment Department,  

Administrator, Capital Project Administration and the Deputy  

Secretary,  Vidhan Sabha Secretariat  to appear before him  

along  with  all  the  relevant  records  on  10.08.2007.   On  

10.08.2007,  the  Principal  Secretary,  Housing  and  

Environment  appeared  before  the  Lokayukt  and  informed  

that  since  the  Controller  Buildings  of  Capital  Project  

Administration was working under the administrative control  

of  the  Vidhan  Sabha  Secretariat  since  2000,  all  

sanctions/approvals and records relating to construction and  

maintenance  work  were  available  in  the  Vidhan  Sabha  

Secretariat.   In  view  of  the  above  reply,  the  Lokayukt  

summoned the Secretary and the Deputy Secretary, Vidhan  



Page 6

Sabha,  Respondent  Nos.  10  and  11  respectively  on  

24.08.2007 to give evidence and produce all  records/note-

sheets  of  administrative  and  technical  sanctions  and  

budgetary  and  tender  approvals  relating  to  construction  

works  carried  out  in  MLA  Rest  House  and  Vidhan  Sabha  

Premises in the year 2005-2006.   

(d) The  Secretary,  Vidhan  Sabha,  Respondent  No.  10  

herein, in his deposition dated 24.08.2007, admitted giving  

of administrative approval to the estimated cost which was  

available with the office of the Lokayukta and stated that the  

relevant  note-sheet  was  in  the  possession  of  the  Hon’ble  

Speaker, therefore, he prayed for time to produce the same  

by 07.09.2007.   

(e) Vide  letter  dated  07.09.2007,  Respondent  No.10  

conveyed his inability to produce the same.  After receiving  

information  from  the  Chief  Engineer,  Public  Works  

Department,  Capital  Project,  Controller  Buildings,  Vidhan  

Sabha,  Capital  Project  Administration  and  Chief  Engineer,  

Public  Works  Department  vide  letters  dated  11.09.2007,  



Page 7

13.09.2007 and 18.09.2007 respectively, the Legal Advisor –

Petitioner No. 2 herein – a member of the M.P. Higher Judicial  

Service thoroughly examined the same and found that it is a  

fit case to be sent to the SPE for taking action in accordance  

with law.  Petitioner No.1 was in agreement with the said  

opinion.  Thereafter, Crime Case No. 33/07 was registered  

against  the  Secretary,  Vidhan  Sabha  (Respondent  No.10  

herein), Shri A.P. Singh, Deputy Secretary, Vidhan Sabha, the  

then Administrator, Superintendent Engineer, Capital Project  

Administration and Contractors on 06.10.2007.    

(f) After registration of the case, Petitioner No.1 received  

the  impugned  letters  dated  15.10.2007  and  18.10.2007  

alleging breach of privilege under Procedures and Conduct of  

Business  Rules  164 of  the Madhya Pradesh Vidhan Sabha  

against  him  and  the  officers  of  the  Special  Police  

Establishment.  In response to the aforesaid letters, by letter  

dated  23.10.2007,  the  Secretary,  Lokayukt  explained  the  

factual position of Petitioner No.1 herein stating that no case  

of breach of privilege was made out and also pointed out  

that neither any complaint had been received against the  



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Hon’ble  Speaker  nor  any  inquiry  was  conducted  by  the  

Lokayukt Organization against him nor his name was found  

in the FIR.   

(g) On  26.10.2007,  the  Secretary,  Vidhan  Sabha  –  

Respondent No.4 sent six letters stating that the reply dated  

23.10.2007  is  not  acceptable  and  that  individual  replies  

should be sent by each of the petitioners.   

(h) Being  aggrieved  by  the  initiation  of  action  by  the  

Hon’ble Speaker for breach of privilege, the petitioners have  

preferred this writ petition.

5) Heard Mr.  K.K.  Venugopal,  learned senior  counsel  for  

the writ petitioners, Mr. Mishra Saurabh, learned counsel for  

the  State-Respondent  No.  1  and  Mr.  C.D.  Singh,  learned  

counsel for the Secretary, Vidhan Sabha-Respondent No.4.




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6) Mr.  K.K.  Venugopal,  learned  senior  counsel  for  the  

petitioners raised the following contentions:-

(i)  Whether the Legislative Assembly or its Members enjoy  

any privilege in respect of an inquiry or an investigation into  

a  criminal  offence punishable  under  any law for  the  time  

being  in  force,  even  when  inquiry  or  investigation  was  

initiated in performance of duty enjoined by law enacted by  

the  very  Legislative  Assembly  of  which  the  breach  of  

privilege is alleged?

(ii) Whether officials of the Legislative Assembly also enjoy  

the same privileges which are available to Assembly and its  


(iii) Whether seeking mere information or calling the officials  

of Vidhan Sabha Secretariat for providing information during  

inquiry or investigation amounts to breach of privilege?

(iv)  In  view  of  the  letter  dated  23.08.2007,  sent  by  the  

Principal  Secretary  to  Respondent  Nos.  10  and  11,  i.e.,  

Secretary and Deputy Secretary, Vidhan Sabha respectively  



Page 10

directing them to appear before the Lokayukt (as per the  

order of the Speaker), whether Respondent Nos. 10 and 11  

can have any grievance that information was sought from  

them without sanction and knowledge of the Speaker?  

7) On behalf of the respondents, particularly, Respondent  

No.4-Secretary,  Vidhan  Sabha,  Mr.  C.D.  Singh,  at  the  

foremost submitted that the present petition under Article 32  

of the Constitution of India invoking writ jurisdiction of this  

Court  is  not  maintainable  as  no  fundamental  right  of  the  

petitioners, as envisaged in Part III of the Constitution, has  

been violated by any of the actions of Respondent No. 4.  It  

is their stand that every action pertaining to the Assembly  

and its administration is within the domain and jurisdiction of  

the Hon’ble Speaker.   The matter of privilege is governed  

under the rules as contained in Chapter XXI of the Rules of  

Procedure and Conduct of Business in the Madhya Pradesh  

Vidhan Sabha.  Hence, it is stated that the writ petition is  

liable to be dismissed both on the ground of maintainability  

as well as on merits.     



Page 11

8) Before  considering  rival  contentions  and  the  legal  

position, it is useful to recapitulate the factual details and  

relevant statutory provisions which are as under:-

The  legislature  of  the  Central  Province  and  Berar  

enacted  the  Central  Provinces  and  Berar  Special  Police  

Establishment Act, 1947 (hereinafter referred to as ‘the SPE  

Act’).   Under  the  said  Act,  a  Special  Police  Force  was  

constituted  which  has  power  to  investigate  the  offences  

notified by the State Government under Section 3 of the said  

Act, which reads as under:-

“3.  Offences  to  be  investigated  by  Special  Police  Establishment:-  The  State  Government  may,  by  notifications,  specify  the  offences  or  classes  of  offences  which are to be investigated by (Madhya Pradesh) Special  Police Establishment.”

9) On  16.09.1981,  Legislative  Assembly  of  the  State  of  

Madhya Pradesh enacted the Lokayukt Act with the following  

objective as  has been stated in  the preamble of  the said  


“An  Act  to  make  provision  for  the  appointment  and  functions  of  certain  authorities  for  the  enquiry  into  the  allegation  against  “Public  Servants”  and  for  matters  connected there with.”



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Section  2(a)  of  the  Lokayukt  Act  defines  “officer”  in  the  

following manner:-

“officer” means a person appointed to a public service or  post in connection with the affairs of the State of Madhya  Pradesh.”

Section 2(b) defines “allegation” as follows:-

“allegation”  in  relation  to  a  public  servant  means  any  affirmation that such public servant,

(i) has abused his position as such to obtain any gain or  favour to himself or to any other person or to cause undue  harm to any person;

(ii) was actuated in the discharge of his functions as such  public servant by improper or corrupt motives;

(iii) is guilty of corruption; or

(iv)  is  in  possession  of  pecuniary  resources  or  property  disproportionate to his known sources of income and such  pecuniary  resources  or  property  is  held  by  the  public  servant personally or by any member of his family or by  some other person on his behalf.

Explanation:- For the purpose of this sub-clause “family”  means husband, wife, sons and unmarried daughters living  jointly with him;”

The phrase “Public Servant” has been defined under Section  

2(g) of the Lokayukt Act in the following terms:

“Public Servant” means a person falling under any of the  following categories, namely:-

(i) Minister;



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(ii)  a  person having the rank of  a Minister  but  shall  not  include  Speaker  and  Deputy  Speaker  of  the  Madhya  Pradesh Vidhan Sabha;

(iii) an officer referred to in clause (a);

(iv) an officer of an Apex Society or Central Society within  the meaning of Clause (t-1) read with Clauses (a-1), (c-1)  and (z) of Section 2 of the Madhya Pradesh Co-operative  Societies Act, 1960 (No. 17 of 1961).

(v) Any person holding any office in, or any employee of -

(i)  a  Government  Company  within  the  meaning  of  Section 617 of the Companies Act, 1956; or

(ii)  a  Corporation  or  Local  Authority  established by  State  Government  under  a  Central  or  State  enactment.

(vi)  (a)  Up-Kulpati,  Adhyacharya  and  Kul  Sachiva  of  the  Indira  Kala  Sangit  Vishwavidyalaya  constituted  under  Section  3 of  the Indira  Kala  Sangit  Vishwavidyalaya Act,  1956 (No. 19 of 1956);

(b) Kulpati and Registrar of the Jawahar Lal Nehru Krishi  Vishwavidyalaya  constituted  under  Section  3  of  the  Jawaharlal Nehru Krishi Vishwavidyalaya Act, 1963 (No. 12  of 1963);

Kulpati  Rector  and  Registrar  of  the  Vishwavidyalay  constituted  under  Section  5  of  the  Madhya  Pradesh  Vishwavidyalay Adhiniyam, 1973 (No. 22 of 1973).”

10)  Thus,  all  persons,  except  those  specifically  excluded  

under  the  said  definition,  come within  the  domain  of  the  

Lokayukt  Act  and  the  Lokayukt  can,  therefore,  entertain  

complaints  and  take  actions  in  accordance  with  the  said  

provisions.  Section 7 of the said Act thereafter defines the  



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role of the Lokayukt and the Up-Lokayukt in the following  


“7. Matters which may be enquired into by Lokayukt  or Up-Lokayukt:-

Subject to the provision of this Act, on receiving complaint  or other information:-

(i) the Lokayukt may proceed to enquire into an allegation  made  against  a  public  servant  in  relation  to  whom the  Chief Minister is the competent authority.

(ii)  the  Up-Lokayukt  may  proceed  to  enquire  into  an  allegation  made  against  any  public  servant  other  than  referred to in clause (i)

Provided that the Lokayukt may enquire into an allegation  made against any public servant referred to in clause (ii).

Explanation:- For  the  purpose  of  this  Section,  the  expression “may proceed to enquire”, and “may enquire”,  include investigation by Police agency put at the disposal  of Lokayukt and Up-Lokayukt in pursuance of sub-Section  (3) of Section 13.

11) On  14.09.2000,  the  State  Government  issued  a  

notification in exercise of powers under Section 3 of the SPE  

Act  by  which  the  Special  Police  Establishment  was  

empowered  to  investigate  offences  with  regard  to  the  

following offences:-

(a) Offences punishable under the Prevention of Corruption  Act, 1988 (No. 49 of 1988);

(b) Offences under Sections 409 and 420 and Chapter XVIII  of  the Indian Penal  Code,  1860 (No. XLV of  1860)  when  they  are  committed,  attempted  or  abused  by  public  



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servants or employees of a local authority or a statutory  corporation,  when  such  offences  adversely  affect  the  interests of the State Government or the local authority or  the statutory corporation, as the case may be;

(c) Conspiracies in respect of offences mentioned in item  (a) and (b) above; and

(d) Conspiracies in respect of offences mentioned in item  (a) and (b) shall be charged with simultaneously in one trial  under the provisions of Criminal Procedure Code, 1973 (No.  2 of 1974).

12) As per the provision of Section 4 of the SPE Act,  the  

superintendence of investigation by the M.P. Special Police  

Establishment was vested in the Lokayukt appointed under  

the Lokayukt Act.  

13) On 22.12.2006, a complaint was received from one Shri  

P.N.  Tiwari  supported  by  affidavit  and  various  documents  

making allegations that works had been carried out in the  

new Assembly building by the Capital Project Administration  

in  gross  violation  of  the  rules,  without  making  budgetary  

provisions and committing financial irregularities.  The said  

complaint was registered as E.R. 122 of 2006.  In the said  

complaint, it was mentioned that:

(a) An order had been issued to the Administrator, Capital  

Project  Administration  by  Shri  A.P.  Singh,  Deputy  



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Secretary, Vidhan Sabha giving administrative approval  

for  the  estimate  of  the  cost  of  construction  against  

rules  and  without  making  budgetary  provision  vide  

order  dated  19.10.2005  in  respect  of  the  following  


S.No. Name of works Amount in  lakhs

(i) Construction of 30 rooms in MLA Rest  House Block-2

Rs. 5.51

(ii) Construction  of  toilets  in  Block  1-3  of  MLA Rest House

Rs. 25.48

(iii) Construction  of  shops  in  MLA  Rest  House premises

Rs. 5.98

(iv) Up-gradation/construction of road from  Mazar to Gate No. 5 of Vidhan Sabha  (Old Jail) (a) Construction of road from Mazar to  Rotary

Rs. 22.52

(b) Construction of road from Rotary to  Jail Road

Rs. 13.23

(v) Construction of lounge for the Speaker  and Officers in Vidhan Sabha Hall

Rs. 6.80

(vi) Construction  of  new  reception  zone  (including  parking/road)  for  Vidhan  Sabha

Rs. 54.00

(vii) Upgradation work of campus lights and  electric  work  in  MLA  Rest  House  premises

Rs. 26.60

(viii) Construction  of  road  from  Vidhan  Sabha  to  Secretariat  (including  development of helipad and connected  area)  and  proposed  upgradation  and  development  work  of  M.P.  Pool/spraypond: (a) Construction of new road from the  VIP  entrance  upto  the  proposed  new  gate

Rs. 10.85

(b)  Construction  of  road from present  Char Diwari to Rotary

Rs. 21.56



Page 17

(c) Construction of road from Rotary to  Secretariat

Rs. 12.00

Total sanctioned amount Rs. 204.53

(b) the  officers  had  abused  their  powers  by  getting  the  

works carried out without making budgetary provisions  

and  without  getting  approval  from  the  Finance  

Department in respect of the works specified at item  

numbers (iv), (vi), (vii) and (viii) above.

(c) Following financial irregularities were also pointed out:

(i) Though administrative approval was accorded by  

Shri  A.P.  Singh,  Deputy Secretary,  Vidhan Sabha  

on 19.10.2005, works had already been executed  

and inaugurated in the presence of the then Chief  

Minister,  Shri  Babulal  Gaur  and  the  Speaker,  

Vidhan Sabha and other Ministers on 03.08.2005.  

The proper procedure is to first invite tenders and  

it  is  only  after  the  acceptance  of  the  suitable  

tenders that work orders are to be issued.

(ii) Budgetary head of the Vidhan Sabha is 1555.  This  

head is meant for maintenance and not for new  



Page 18

construction,  but  the  administrative  approval  

dated 19.10.2005 was accorded by Shri A.P. Singh,  

Deputy Secretary, Vidhan Sabha in respect of new  

works of total value of Rs. 160.76 lakh.

(iii) Works of the value of Rs. 160.76 lakh were carried  

out  without  any  budgetary  provision  and  also  

without the approval of the Finance Department.  

Furthermore,  a  proposal  had  been  sent  by  the  

Capital  Project  Administration  for  sanction  of  

budget  but  the  same  was  not  approved  by  the  

Finance Department.  Even then the works were  

got executed.

(iv) As  per  the  approval  dated  19.10.2005,  

expenditure  was  to  be  incurred  from  the  main  

budgetary head 2217 which is the head of Urban  

Development.   From  that  head,  construction  

activities in the Vidhan Sabha premises could not  

be carried out.



Page 19

(v) The  Controller  Buildings,  Capital  Project  (Vidhan  

Sabha) executed the works in  collusion with the  

other officers and in violation of the rules.  It was  

stated that the officials had abused their powers to  

regularize their irregular activities.  The works had  

been undertaken for the personal benefit of some  

officers and payments were made in violation of  

the rules.

14) By  letter  dated  04.01.2007,  a  copy  of  the  complaint  

was  sent  to  the  Principal  Secretary,  Madhya  Pradesh  

Government, Housing and Environment Department calling  

factual comments along with the relevant documents.  The  

comments were submitted by the Additional Secretary, M.P.  

Government,  Housing  and  Environment  Department  vide  

letter dated 15.05.2007.  The comments,  inter alia,  stated  

that  the Building Controller  Division functioning under the  

Capital  Project  Administration  was  transferred  to  the  

administrative control of the Vidhan Sabha Secretariat vide  

order  dated  17.07.2000,  consequently,  Secretariat  Vidhan  

Sabha  is  solely  responsible  for  the  construction  and  



Page 20

maintenance works within the Vidhan Sabha premises.  On  

examination  of  the  comments  received  along  with  the  

supporting  documents,  following  discrepancies  were  


(a) Whereas  the  comments  stated  that  budget  provision  

had been made for an amount of Rs.204.53 lakh for the  

purpose of special repairs and maintenance of old and  

new Vidhan Sabha and MLA Rest House under Demand  

No. 21, main head 2217, sub main head 01, minor head  

001, development head 1555 (3207), no amounts were  

specified  under  those  heads,  sub  heads  and  minor  

heads which were related to new construction works;

(b) Whereas  the  comments  stated  that  work  had  been  

executed through tenders, but tender documents had  

not been annexed.

(c) Whereas the comments stated that approval in respect  

of  nine works had been accorded by the Secretariat,  

Vidhan Sabha on the request of the Controller Buildings  

on 21.03.2005, however, it is not clear from the letter  



Page 21

dated  21.03.2005  that  administrative  approval  had  

been accorded; and

(d) Whereas the comments stated that amended sanction  

was  granted  vide  order  dated  19.10.2005,  while  the  

letter dated 19.10.2005 does not indicate that it was an  

amended administrative sanction.

15) In view of the above preliminary observations, as noted  

above,  a  request  was  made  to  the  Principal  Secretary,  

Housing and Environment Department to submit all relevant  

records,  tender  documents,  note-sheets,  administrative,  

technical  and budgetary  sanctions  by 10.07.2007.   It  was  

again  informed  by  the  Under  Secretary,  Housing  and  

Environment Department, vide letter dated 17.07.2007 that  

since  the  administrative  sanctions  were  issued  by  the  

Secretariat  Vidhan Sabha,  the note-sheets/records  relating  

to such sanctions were not available with the Housing and  

Environment Department.

16) In view of the reply submitted by the Under Secretary,  

Housing and Environment Department, the Petitioner sent a  



Page 22

letter dated 31.07.2007 addressed to the Principal Secretary,  

Housing  and  Environment  Department,  Administrator,  

Capital  Project  Administration  and  the  Deputy  Secretary,  

Vidhan  Sabha  Secretariat  to  appear  before  the  Lokayukt  

along with all relevant information/records on 10.08.2007.

17) On the date fixed for appearance, i.e., 10.08.2007, the  

Principal  Secretary,  Housing  and  Environment  appeared  

before the Lokayukt.  He informed that since the Controller  

Buildings  of  Capital  Project  Administration  was  working  

under  the  administrative  control  of  the  Vidhan  Sabha  

Secretariat since the year 2000, all sanctions/approvals and  

records  regarding  construction  and  maintenance  works  

carried out in MLA Rest House and Vidhan Sabha premises  

were  available  in  the  Vidhan  Sabha  Secretariat.   On  

receiving such information,  the Principal  Secretary, Vidhan  

Sabha  Secretariat,  informed  that  the  records  relating  to  

construction works were not with him and that such type of  

work  was  looked  after  by  the  Secretary  and  the  Deputy  

Secretary,  Vidhan Sabha.   In  this  situation,  Secretary  and  

Deputy Secretary, Vidhan Sabha Secretariat and Controller  



Page 23

Buildings, Vidhan Sabha, Capital Project Administration were  

summoned to give evidence and produce all  records/note-

sheets  of  administrative  and  technical  sanctions  and  

budgetary  and  tender  approvals  relating  to  construction  

works  carried  out  in  MLA  Rest  House  and  Vidhan  Sabha  

premises  in  the  year  2005-06  on  24.08.2007.   Summons  

were issued as per  the provisions of  Section 11(1)  of  the  

Lokayukt Act, read with Sections 61 and 244 of the Code of  

Criminal Procedure, 1973.  Summons were received by the  

Deputy Secretary,  Vidhan Sabha,  Shri  G.K.  Rajpal  and the  

Controller Buildings, Shri Devendra Tiwari.  Process Server of  

the Lokayukt Organisation tried to serve summons on Shri  

Israni  in  his  office.   Process  Server  contacted  Shri  Harish  

Kumar  Shrivas,  P.A.  to  Shri  Israni.   The  P.A.  took  the  

summons to Shri Israni.   After coming back, he asked the  

Process Server to wait till 4.00 p.m.  Later, the P.A. told the  

Process Server to take permission of the Hon’ble Speaker to  

effect service of the summons on the Secretary.  As such,  

summons could not be served on Shri Israni.



Page 24

18) Thereafter, D.O. letter dated 14.08.2007 was received  

from the Principal Secretary, Vidhan Sabha stating that as  

per the direction of the Hon’ble Speaker, he was informing  

the Lokayukt Organization that:

(a) The Vidhan Sabha Secretariat was not aware as to the  

complaint which was being inquired into;

(b) All  proceedings  relating  to  invitation  of  tenders,  

technical sanction, work orders and payment etc. were  

conducted  through  the  Controller  Buildings,  Capital  

Project  Administration  and,  therefore,  all  the  records  

relating to these works should be available with them;

(c) If, a copy of the complaint, which is being inquired into,  

is  made available to the Vidhan Sabha Secretariat,  it  

would  be  possible  to  make  the  position  more  clear.  

That was the reason why the Speaker had not granted  

permission to  the Deputy Secretary  to  appear  in  the  

Office of the Lokayukt; and



Page 25

(d) Under the provisions of Section 2(g)(ii) of the Lokayukt  

Act, the Speaker, the Deputy Speaker and the Leader of  

Opposition are exempted from the jurisdiction  of  the  


19)  Shri  Israni  appeared  before  the  Lokayukt  on  

24.08.2007  when  his  deposition  was  recorded.   In  his  

deposition, he stated that the administrative approval to the  

estimated  cost  dated  19.10.2005  was  given,  which  was  

available with the office of the Lokayukt.  He further stated  

that note-sheet relating to administrative approval had been  

prepared  which  was  in  possession  of  the  Speaker.  

Accordingly,  he  was  required  to  produce  the  same  by  


20) Information  was  called  for  from  the  Chief  Engineer,  

Public  Works  Department,  Capital  Project  Administration,  

Controller  Buildings,  Vidhan  Sabha,  Capital  Project  

Administration  and  Chief  Engineer,  Public  Works  

Department.   The  same  was  received  vide  letters  dated  

11.09.2007, 13.09.2007 and 18.09.2007 respectively.



Page 26

21) Scrutiny note was prepared by the Legal Advisor, Mrs.  

Vibhawari  Joshi,  a  member of  the Madhya Pradesh Higher  

Judicial Service, on deputation to the Lokayukt Organization,  

with the assistance of the Technical Cell, with the approval  

of the Lokayukt.  After examination of the information and  

records received from the various authorities concerned, she  

prima facie found established that:

(a) contracts  in  respect  of  construction  of  roads  and  

reception plaza and renovation of toilets were awarded at  

rates higher than the prevailing rates;

(b) works  were  got  executed  even  when  there  were  no  

budgetary provisions.  Demand for budget was made from  

the  Finance  Department  but  the  same  had  not  been  


(c) new construction works of the value of Rs. 173.54 lakh  

were got executed from the maintenance head, which was  

not permissible,  since the maintenance head is  meant for  

maintenance works and not for new works;



Page 27

(d) for new construction works of the value of Rs.173.54  

lakh,  administrative  approval  and  technical  sanction  had  

been accorded by the authorities, who were not competent  

to do so;

(e) works  of  Rs.205.61  lakh  were  got  executed  without  

obtaining administrative approval and technical sanction;

(f) records  show that  measurements  of  WBM work were  

recorded  after  the  Bitumen  work  (tarring)  had  been  

completed.  Proper procedure is that first the measurements  

of  WBM  work  are  recorded,  thereafter  Bitumen  work  is  

executed and it is only thereafter measurements of Bitumen  

work  are  recorded.   Discrepancies  in  the  recording  of  

measurements create doubt;

(g) Rules provide that in the Notice Inviting Tenders (NIT),  

schedule of quantities is annexed so that the tenderers may  

make  proper  assessment  while  quoting  rates,  but  in  the  

present case, in the NIT for roads in Schedule-I, quantities  

were not specified.  So, it was difficult for the tenderers to  



Page 28

make proper assessment while quoting rates.  This throws  

doubt on the legitimacy of the process.

(h) (i) Road was to be constructed within the diameter of  

300 meters.  For this small area, work was split up into  

five portions and four contractors were engaged.  Rules  

provide  that  for  one  road,  there  should  be  one  

estimate, one technical sanction and one NIT.  In the  

present  case,  five  estimates  were  prepared,  five  

technical  sanctions  were  granted,  five  tenders  were  

invited and four contractors were engaged.  This throws  

doubt on the legitimacy of the process;

(ii) There  are  three  processes  involved  in  the  

construction  of  roads,  i.e.,  WBM,  Bitumen  and  

thermoplastic.  As per the rules and practice, for all the  

three processes, there should be one tender, but in the  

present case, the work was split up into three portions  

inasmuch work of WBM was given to two contractors,  

work of Bitumen to one other and work of thermoplastic  

to still another;



Page 29

(iii) Cement concrete road was constructed for a small  

part of the same road.  For this small part of the road  

another  separate  NIT  was  invited  and  work  was  

awarded  to  a  separate  contractor,  i.e.,  the  fifth  


(i) The  Secretary  and  the  Deputy  Secretary  of  Vidhan  

Sabha  Secretariat  and  Administrator,  Superintending  

Engineer  and  Controller  Buildings  of  Capital  Project  

Administration in collusion with the contractors, in order to  

give undue benefits to them by abusing their official position  

caused  loss  of  Rs.12,62,016/-  to  Rs.20,71,978/-  to  the  


In  view  of  the  above,  the  Legal  Advisor  (Petitioner  No.2  

herein) recorded her opinion that it is a fit case to be sent to  

the  SPE  for  taking  action  in  accordance  with  law.   The  

Lokayukt Petitioner No. 1 agreed with the note of the Legal  

Advisor and observed that it is a fit case to be dealt with  

further by the SPE.  The case was accordingly sent to the  




Page 30

22) The SPE, thereafter,  registered Crime Case No. 33/07  

on 06.10.2007 against Shri  Bhagwan Dev Israni,  Secretary  

Vidhan  Sabha,  Shri  A.P.  Singh,  Deputy  Secretary  Vidhan  

Sabha,  the  then  Administrator,  Superintending  Engineer,  

Capital Project Administration and Contractors.  Soon after  

the registration of the criminal case, the petitioners received  

the impugned notices dated 15.10.2007 wherein allegations  

of  breach  of  privilege  were  made against  the  petitioners.  

The petitioners  understood that  the said  letters  had been  

issued on the basis of some complaints by the Members of  

Legislative  Assembly.   The  petitioners  received  further  

notices for breach of privilege on the basis of the complaint  

made by Shri Gajraj Singh, MLA.

23) In response to the aforesaid letters, the Secretary of the  

Lokayukt Organization, on the direction of the Petitioner No.  

1 sent a letter dated 23.10.2007, to Respondent No. 4-Shri  

Qazi Aqlimuddin, Secretary, Vidhan Sabha giving in details  

about  the  constitutional,  legal  and factual  position stating  

that no case of privilege was made out.  It was also pointed  

out that neither  any complaint had been received against  



Page 31

the  Speaker,  Respondent  No.  1  nor  any  inquiry  was  

conducted by the Lokayukt Organization against him nor was  

he named in the FIR.

24) Respondent  No.  4,  i.e.,  Secretary,  Vidhan  Sabha,  

thereafter  sent  six  letters  dated  26.10.2007  to  the  

petitioners.   By  the  said  letters,  the  petitioners  were  

informed  that  the  reply  dated  23.10.2007  had  not  been  

accepted and it was directed that individual replies should  

be sent by each of the petitioners.  Being aggrieved by the  

initiation  of  action  by  the  Speaker  for  breach of  privilege  

against  the  petitioners,  as  noted  above,  the  petitioners  

herein filed the present writ petition.

Maintainability of the writ petition under Article 32 of  the Constitution:

25) Mr.  C.D.  Singh,  learned  counsel  appearing  for  

Respondent  No.4,  by  drawing  our  attention  to  the  relief  

prayed for and of the fact that quashing relates to letters on  

various dates wherein after pointing out the notice of breach  

of privilege received from the members of Madhya Pradesh  

Assembly  sought  comments/opinion  within  seven days  for  



Page 32

consideration  of  the  Hon’ble  Speaker,  submitted  that  the  

proper course would be to submit their  response and writ  

petition under Article 32 of the Constitution of India is not  


26) Mr.  Venugopal,  learned  senior  counsel  for  the  

petitioners  submitted  that  as  the  impugned  proceedings  

which are mere letters calling for response as they relate to  

breach  of  privilege,  amount  to  violation  of  rights  under  

Article  21  of  the  Constitution,  hence,  the  present  writ  

petition is maintainable.  In support of his claim, he referred  

to various decisions of this Court.  

27) There is no dispute that all the impugned proceedings  

or  notices/letters/complaints  made by various  members  of  

the  Madhya  Pradesh  Assembly  claimed  that  the  writ  

petitioners violated the privilege of the House.  Ultimately, if  

their  replies  are  not  acceptable,  the  petitioners  have  no  

other  remedy  except  to  face  the  consequence,  namely,  

action under Madhya Pradesh Vidhan Sabha Procedure and  

Conduct of Business Rules, 1964.  If any decision is taken by  



Page 33

the  House,  the  petitioners  may  not  be  in  a  position  to  

challenge the same effectively before the court of law.  In  

The Bengal Immunity Company Limited vs.  The State  

of  Bihar  and Others,  [1955]  2  SCR 603,  seven Hon’ble  

Judges of this Court accepted similar writ petition.  The said  

case arose against the judgment of the High Court of Patna  

dated 04.12.1952 whereby it dismissed the application made  

by  the  appellant-Company  under  Article  226  of  the  

Constitution  praying  for  an  appropriate  writ  or  order  

quashing the proceedings issued by the opposite parties for  

the  purpose  of  levying  and  realising  a  tax  which  is  not  

lawfully  leviable  on  the  petitioners  and for  other  ancillary  

reliefs.  As in the case on hand, it has been argued before  

the seven-Judge Bench that the application was premature,  

for there has, so far, been no investigation or finding on facts  

and no assessment under Section 13 of the Act.  Rejecting  

the said contention, this Court held thus:

“….  In  the  first  place,  it  ignores  the  plain  fact  that  this  notice, calling upon the appellant company to forthwith get  itself registered as a dealer, and to submit a return and to  deposit  the  tax  in  a  treasury  in  Bihar,  places  upon  it  considerable  hardship,  harassment  and  liability  which,  if  



Page 34

the  Act  is  void  under  article  265  read  with  article  286  constitute,  in  presenti,  an  encroachment  on  and  an  infringement  of  its  right  which entitles it  to  immediately  appeal to the appropriate Court for redress.  In the next  place,  as  was  said  by  this  Court  in  Commissioner  of  Police, Bombay vs.  Gordhandas Bhanji,  [1952] 3 SCR  135  when  an  order  or  notice  emanates  from  the  State  Government or any of its responsible officers directing a  person to do something, then, although the order or notice  may eventually transpire to be ultra vires and bad in law, it  is obviously one which prima facie compels obedience as a  matter of  prudence and precaution.   It  is,  therefore,  not  reasonable to expect the person served with such an order  or notice to ignore it on the ground that it is illegal, for he  can only do so at his own risk and that a person placed in  such a situation has the right to be told definitely by the  proper legal authority exactly where he stands and what  he may or may not do.     

Another  plea advanced by the respondent  State is  that  the  appellant  company  is  not  entitled  to  take  proceedings  praying  for  the  issue  of  prerogative  writs  under article 226 as it  has adequate alternative remedy  under the impugned Act by way of appeal or revision.  The  answer to this plea is short and simple.  The remedy under  the  Act  cannot  be  said  to  be  adequate  and  is,  indeed,  nugatory  or  useless  if  the  Act  which  provides  for  such  remedy is itself ultra vires and void and the principle relied  upon  can,  therefore,  have  no  application  where  a  party  comes to Court with an allegation that his right has been or  is being threatened to be infringed by a law which is ultra  vires the powers of the legislature which enacted it and as  such  void  and  prays  for  appropriate  relief  under  article  226.  As said by this Court in  Himmatlal Harilal Mehta  vs.  The State of Madhya Pradesh (supra) this plea of  the State stands negatived by the decision of this Court in  The State of Bombay vs.  The United Motors (India)  Ltd.  (supra).   We  are,  therefore,  of  the  opinion,  for  reasons stated above, that the High Court was not right in  holding  that  the  petition  under  article  226  was  misconceived or was not maintainable.  It will,  therefore,  have to be examined and decided on merits…. ….”  

28) In  East India Commercial Co., Ltd., Calcutta and  

Another vs. The Collector of Customs, Calcutta, [1963]  



Page 35

3 SCR 338, which is a three-Judge Bench decision, this Court  

negatived similar objection as pointed out in our case by the  

State.   In  that  case,  the appellants-East  India Commercial  

Co. Ltd., Calcutta had brought into India from U.S.A. a large  

quantity  of  electrical  instruments  under  a  licence.   The  

respondent,  Collector  of  Customs,  Calcutta,  started  

proceedings for  confiscation of these goods under Section  

167(8) of the Sea Customs Act, 1878.  The appellants mainly  

contended  that  the  proceedings  are  entirely  without  

jurisdiction as the Collector can confiscate only when there is  

an  import  in  contravention  of  an  order  prohibiting  or  

restricting it and in that case the Collector was proceeding to  

confiscate  on  the  ground  that  a  condition  of  the  licence  

under  which  the  goods  had  been  imported  had  been  

disobeyed.  The appellants, therefore, prayed for a writ of  

prohibition directing the Collector to stop the proceedings.  

The objection of the other side was that the appellant had  

approached the High Court at the notice stage and the same  

cannot be considered under Article 226 of the Constitution.  

Rejecting the said contention, this Court held:  



Page 36

“…..The respondent proposed to take action under Section  167(8) of the Sea Customs Act, read with Section 3(2) of  the Act.  It cannot be denied that the proceedings under  the said sections are quasi-judicial in nature.  Whether a  statute provides for a notice or not, it is incumbent upon  the respondent to issue notice to the appellants disclosing  the circumstances under which proceedings are sought to  be initiated against them.  Any proceedings taken without  such  notice  would  be  against  the  principles  of  natural  justice.  In the present case, in our view, the respondent  rightly  issued  such  a  notice  wherein  specific  acts  constituting contraventions of the provisions of the Acts for  which action was to be initiated were clearly mentioned.  Assuming that  a  notice  could  be  laconic,  in  the present  case it was a speaking one clearly specifying the alleged  act of contravention.  If on a reading of the said notice, it is  manifest that on the assumption that the facts alleged or  allegations made therein were true, none of the conditions  laid down in the specified sections was contravened, the  respondent  would  have  no  jurisdiction  to  initiate  proceedings pursuant to that notice.  To state it differently,  if on a true construction of the provisions of the said two  sections  the  respondent  has  no  jurisdiction  to  initiate  proceedings or make an inquiry under the said sections in  respect of certain acts alleged to have been done by the  appellants, the respondent can certainly be prohibited from  proceeding  with  the  same.   We,  therefore,  reject  this  preliminary contention.”

29) In  Kiran Bedi & Ors. vs.  Committee of Inquiry &  

Anr. [1989] 1 SCR 20, which is also a three Judge Bench  

decision,  the  following  conclusion  in  the  penultimate  

paragraph is relevant:

“47 As regards points (v), (vi) and (vii) suffice it to point  out that the petitioners have apart from filing special leave  petitions also filed writ petitions challenging the very same  orders  and  since  we  have  held  that  the  action  of  the  Committee in holding that the petitioners were not covered  



Page 37

by Section 8B of the Act and compelling them to enter the  witness box on the dates in question was discriminatory  and the orders directing complaint being filed against the  petitioners  were illegal,  it  is  apparently  a case involving  infringement of Articles 14 and 21 of the Constitution.  In  such  a  situation  the  power  of  this  Court  to  pass  an  appropriate  order  in  exercise  of  its  jurisdiction  under  Articles 32 and 142 of the Constitution cannot be seriously  doubted particularly having regard to the special facts and  circumstances of this case.  On the orders directing filing of  complaints  being  held  to  be  invalid  the  consequential  complaints  and  the  proceedings  thereon  including  the  orders of the Magistrate issuing summons cannot survive  and it is in this view of the matter that by our order dated  18th August, 1988 we have quashed them.  As regards the  submission that it was not a fit case for interference either  under Article 32 or Article 136 of the Constitution inasmuch  as  it  was  still  open  to  the  petitioners  to  prove  their  innocence before the Magistrate, suffice it  to say that in  the instant case if  the petitioners  are compelled to face  prosecution in spite of the finding that the orders directing  complaint  to  be filed  against  them were illegal  it  would  obviously cause prejudice to them.  Points (v), (vi) and (vii)  are decided accordingly.”

It is clear from the above decisions that if it is established  

that  the  proposed  actions  are  not  permissible  involving  

infringement of Articles 14 and 21 of the Constitution, this  

Court is well  within its power to pass appropriate order in  

exercise of its jurisdiction under Articles 32 and 142 of the  

Constitution.   Further,  if  the  petitioners  are  compelled  to  

face the privilege proceedings before the Vidhan Sabha, it  

would cause prejudice to them.  Further, if the petitioners  

are compelled to face the privilege motion in spite of the fact  



Page 38

that no proceeding was initiated against Hon’ble Speaker or  

Members of  the House but only relating to the officers  in  

respect of contractual matters, if urgent intervention is not  

sought  for  by  exercising  extraordinary  jurisdiction,  

undoubtedly, it would cause prejudice to the petitioners.    

30) Accordingly, we reject the preliminary objection raised  

by  the  counsel  for  Respondent  No.4  and  hold  that  writ  

petition under Article 32 is maintainable.  

31) With  the  above  factual  background  and  the  relevant  

statutory  provisions,  let  us  examine  the  rival  


32) Now,  we  will  consider  the  contentions  raised  by  Mr.  

Venugopal.   As  mentioned  earlier,  Petitioner  No.  1  is  the  

Lokayukt appointed under the provisions of the Lokayukta  

Act exercising powers and functions as provided under the  

Act.  In the course of the performance of the said functions,  

the Lokayukt  Organization received a complaint  regarding  

certain  irregularities  in  the award of  contracts.   Petitioner  

Nos. 1 and 2, therefore, conducted preliminary inquiry in the  



Page 39

matter  and  on  finding  that  a  prima facie case  under  the  

Prevention of Corruption Act was made out, the matter was  

referred to the SPE established under the provisions of the  

M.P. Special Police Establishment Act, 1947 to be dealt with  

further,  and thereafter,  a case was registered by the said  

Establishment  under  the  provisions  of  the  Prevention  of  

Corruption Act, 1988.

33) Article 194(3) of the Constitution provides for privileges  

of the Legislative Assembly and its members which reads as  


“194. Powers, privileges,  etc,  of  the  House  of  Legislatures  and  of  the  members  and committees  thereof

(1) ***

(2) ***

(3) In  other  respects,  the  powers,  privileges  and  immunities of a House of the Legislature of a State, and of  the  members  and  the committees of  a  House  of  such  Legislature,  shall  be  such  as  may  from  time  to  time  be defined by the Legislature by law, and, until so defined,  shall  be  those  of  that  House and  of  its  members  and  committees immediately before the coming into force of  Section 26 of the Constitution forty fourth Amendment Act,  1978.”



Page 40

34) Article 194 is similar to Article 105 of the Constitution,  

which  provides  for  the  privileges  of  Parliament  and  its  

Members.   The  said  Articles  provide  that  the  privileges  

enjoyed by the legislature shall be such as may from time to  

time be defined by the legislature by law.  It is relevant to  

mention  that  any  law  made  by  the  Parliament  or  the  

legislature is subject to the discipline contained in Part III of  

the Constitution.  The privileges have not been defined but  

the above Article provides that until the same are so defined  

(i.e. by the legislature by law), they shall be those which the  

House or its members and committees enjoyed immediately  

before the coming into force of Section 26 of the Constitution  

Forty-fourth Amendment Act, 1978.

35) As  per  Chapter  XI  of  the  ‘Practice  and  Procedure  of  

Parliament’ (Fifth edition), by M.N. Kaul and S.L. Shakdher in  

interpreting parliamentary privileges at Page 211 observed:

“…regard must be had to the general  principle  that  the  privileges of Parliament are granted to members in order  that they may be able to perform their duties in Parliament  without  let  or  hindrance.   They  apply  to  individual  members only insofar as they are necessary in order that  the House may freely perform its functions.  They do not  discharge  the  member  from  the  obligations  to  society  



Page 41

which apply to him as much and perhaps more closely in  that capacity, as they apply to other subjects.  Privileges of  Parliament  do  not  place  a  Member  of  parliament  on  a  footing  different  from that  of  an  ordinary  citizen  in  the  matter of the application of laws unless there are good and  sufficient reasons in the interest of Parliament itself to do  so.

The  fundamental  principle  is  that  all  citizens,  including  members  of  Parliament,  have  to  be  treated  equally in the eye of the law.  Unless so specified in the  Constitution or in any law, a member of Parliament cannot  claim  any  privileges  higher  than  those  enjoyed  by  any  ordinary citizen in the matter of the application of law.”

36) It is clear that in the matter of the application of laws,  

particularly,  the  provisions  of  the  Lokayukt  Act  and  the  

Prevention of Corruption Act, 1988, insofar as the jurisdiction  

of  the  Lokayukt  or  the  Madhya  Pradesh  Special  

Establishment is  concerned,  all  public servants except the  

Speaker  and  the  Deputy  Speaker  of  the  Madhya  Pradesh  

Vidhan Sabha for the purposes of the Lokayukt Act fall in the  

same category and cannot claim any privilege more than an  

ordinary  citizen  to  whom  the  provisions  of  the  said  Acts  

apply.   In  other  words,  the  privileges  are  available  only  

insofar as they are necessary in order that the House may  

freely  perform  its  functions  but  do  not  extend  to  the  

activities  undertaken  outside  the  House  on  which  the  



Page 42

legislative  provisions  would  apply  without  any  

differentiations.  In view of the above, we reject the contra  

argument made by Mr. C.D. Singh.

37) As rightly  submitted  by Mr.  K.K.  Venugopal,  in  India,  

there  is  rule  of  law  and  not  of  men  and,  thus,  there  is  

primacy of the laws enacted by the legislature which do not  

discriminate  between  persons  to  whom  such  laws  would  

apply.  The laws would apply to all such persons unless the  

law itself makes an exception on a valid classification.  No  

individual can claim privilege against the application of laws  

and for liabilities fastened on commission of a prohibited Act.

38) In respect of the scope of the privileges enjoyed by the  

Members,  the  then  Speaker  Mavalankar,  while  addressing  

the  conference  of  the  Presiding  Officers  at  Rajkot,  on  

03.01.1955, observed:

“The simply reply to this is that those privileges which are  extended  by  the  Constitution  to  the  legislature,  its  members, etc. are equated with the privileges of the House  of Commons in England.  It has to be noted here that the  House  of  Commons  does  not  allow  the  creation  of  any  privileges; and only such privileges are recognized as have  existed by long time custom.”



Page 43

39) The scope of the privileges enjoyed depends upon the  

need for privileges, i.e., why they have been provided for.  

The basic premise for the privileges enjoyed by the members  

is to allow them to perform their functions as members and  

no  hindrance  is  caused  to  the  functioning  of  the  House.  

Committee of Privileges of the Tenth Lok Sabha, noted the  

main  arguments  that  have  been  advanced  in  favour  of  

codification, some of which are as follows:

“(i) Parliamentary privileges are intended to be enjoyed  on behalf of the people, in their interests and not against  the people opposed to their interests;

*** *** ***

(iii) the concept of privileges for any class of people is  anarchronistic  in  a  democratic  society  and,  therefore,  if  any, these privileges should be the barest minimum – only  those necessary for  functional  purposes – and invariably  defined in clear and precise terms;

(iv) sovereignty of Parliament has increasingly become a  myth and a fallacy for, sovereignty, if any, vests only in the  people  of  India  who  exercise  it  at  the  time  of  general  elections to the Lok Sabha and to the State Assemblies;

(v) in  a  system wedded to  freedom and democracy  –  rule of law, rights of the individual, independent judiciary  and  constitutional  government  –  it  is  only  fair  that  the  fundamental  rights  of  the  citizens  enshrined  in  the  Constitution  should  have primacy  over  any privileges  or  special rights of any class of people, including the elected  legislators, and that all such claims should be subject to  judicial scrutiny, for situations may arise where the rights  of the people may have to be protected even against the  



Page 44

Parliament or against captive or capricious parliamentary  majorities of the moment;

(vi) the Constitution specifically  envisaged privileges of  the Houses of parliament and State Legislatures and their  members  and  committees  being  defined  by  law  by  the  respective  legislatures  and  as  such  the  Constitution- makers definitely intended these privileges being subject  to  the fundamental  rights,  provisions  of  the Constitution  and the jurisdiction of the courts;

*** *** ***

(viii) in  any  case,  there  is  no  question  of  any  fresh  privileges  being  added  inasmuch  as  (a)  under  the  Constitution,  even at present, parliamentary privileges in  India  continue  in  actual  practice  to  be  governed by the  precedents of the House of Commons as they existed on  the day our Constitution came into force; and (b) in the  House of Commons itself, creation of new privileges is not  allowed.”

40) The Committee also noted the main arguments against  

codification.  Argument no. (vii) is as under:

“(vii) The  basic  law  that  all  citizens  should  be  treated  equally before the law holds good in the case of members  of  Parliament  as  well.   They  have  the  same rights  and  liberties  as  ordinary  citizens  except  when  they  perform  their duties in the Parliament.  The privileges, therefore, do  not,  in  any  way,  exempt  members  from  their  normal  obligation  to society which apply to them as much and,  perhaps, more closely in that as they apply to others.”

41) It is clear that the basic concept is that the privileges  

are those rights without which the House cannot perform its  

legislative functions.  They do not exempt the Members from  

their obligations under any statute which continue to apply  

to them like any other law applicable to ordinary citizens.  



Page 45

Thus, enquiry or investigation into an allegation of corruption  

against some officers of the Legislative Assembly cannot be  

said  to  interfere  with  the  legislative  functions  of  the  

Assembly.   No  one  enjoys  any  privilege  against  criminal  


42) According to Erskine May, the privilege of freedom from  

arrest  has  never  been  allowed  to  interfere  with  the  

administration of criminal justice or emergency legislation.  

Thus,  in  any  case,  there  cannot  be  any  privilege  against  

conduct of investigation for a criminal offence.  There is a  

provision that in case a member is arrested or detained, the  

House ought to be informed about the same.

43) With  regard  to  “Statutory  detention”,  it  has  been  

stated, thus:

“The detention of a member under Regulation 18B of the  Defence  (General),  Regulation  1939,  made  under  the  Emergency Powers (Defence) Acts 1939 and 1940, led to  the  committee  of  privileges  being  directed  to  consider  whether such detention constituted a breach of Privilege of  the  House;  the  committee  reported  that  there  was  no  breach  of  privilege  involved.   In  the  case  of  a  member  deported from Northern Rhodesia for non-compliance with  an  order  declaring  him  to  be  prohibited  immigrant,  the  speaker held that there was no prima-facie case of breach  of privilege.  



Page 46

The  detention  of  members  in  Ireland  in  1918  and  1922  under the Defence of the Realm Regulations and the Civil  Authorities (Special Powers) Act, the speaker having been  informed by respectively the Chief Secretary of  the Lord  Lieutenant  and  the  secretary  to  the  Northern  Ireland  Cabinet, was communicated by him to the House.”

44) The  committee  for  Privileges  of  the  Lords  has  

considered the effect of the powers of detention under the  

Mental Health Act, 1983 on the privileges of freedom from  

arrest referred to in Standing Order No. 79 that ‘no Lord of  

Parliament  is  to  be  imprisoned  or  restrained  without  

sentence  or  order  of  the  House  unless  upon  a  criminal  

charge  or  refusing  to  give  security  for  the  peace’.   The  

Committee accepted the advice of Lord Diplock and other  

Law Lords that the provisions of the statute would prevail  

against any existing privilege of Parliament or of peerage.

45) In  Raja Ram Pal vs.  Hon’ble Speaker, Lok Sabha  

and Others, (2007) 3 SCC 184, this Court observed:

“71. In  U.P.  Assembly  case  (Special  Reference No.  1  of   1964),  while  dealing  with  questions  relating  to  powers,  privileges and immunities of the State Legislatures, it was  observed as under:  

“70. … Parliamentary privilege, according to May, is the  sum  of  the  peculiar  rights  enjoyed  by  each  House  collectively as a constituent part of the High Court of  Parliament, and by Members of each House individually,  without which they could not discharge their functions,  



Page 47

and which exceed those possessed by other bodies or  individuals. Thus, privilege, though part of the law of the  land,  is  to  a  certain  extent  an  exemption  from  the  ordinary law. The particular privileges of the House of  Commons have been defined as

‘the sum of the fundamental rights of the House and  of its individual Members as against the prerogatives  of the Crown, the authority of the ordinary courts of  law and the special rights of the House of Lords’.

… …. The privileges of Parliament are rights which are  ‘absolutely  necessary  for  the  due  execution  of  its  powers’.  They  are  enjoyed  by  individual  Members,  because the House cannot perform its functions without  unimpeded use of the services of its Members; and by  each House for the protection of its Members and the  vindication  of  its  own  authority  and  dignity  (May’s  Parliamentary Practice, pp. 42-43).”

The  privilege  of  freedom  from  arrest  has  never  been  allowed to interfere with the administration of criminal justice  or emergency legislation.

87. In  U.P.  Assembly  case  (Special  Reference  No.  1  of   1964) it was settled by this Court that a broad claim that  all the powers enjoyed by the House of Commons at the  commencement  of  the  Constitution  of  India  vest  in  an  Indian  Legislature  cannot  be  accepted  in  its  entirety  because there are some powers which cannot obviously be  so  claimed.  In  this  context,  the  following  observations  appearing at SCR p. 448 of the judgment should suffice:  (AIR p. 764, para 45)

“Take  the  privilege  of  freedom  of  access  which  is  exercised  by  the  House  of  Commons  as  a  body  and  through its  Speaker ‘to have at all  times the right  to  petition,  counsel,  or  remonstrate with  their  Sovereign  through  their  chosen  representative  and  have  a  favourable construction placed on his words was justly  regarded  by  the  Commons  as  fundamental  privilege’  [Sir Erskine May’s Parliamentary Practice, (16th Edn.), p.  86]. It is hardly necessary to point out that the House  cannot  claim this  privilege.  Similarly,  the  privilege  to  pass  acts  of  attainder  and  impeachments  cannot  be  claimed  by  the  House.  The  House  of  Commons  also  claims the privilege in regard to its  own Constitution.  



Page 48

This  privilege is  expressed in three ways, first  by the  order  of  new writs  to  fill  vacancies  that  arise  in  the  Commons in the course of a Parliament;  secondly,  by  the  trial  of  controverted  elections;  and  thirdly,  by  determining the qualifications of its members in cases  of  doubt  (May’s  Parliamentary  Practice,  p.  175).  This  privilege again,  admittedly,  cannot  be claimed by the  House. Therefore, it would not be correct to say that all  powers  and  privileges  which  were  possessed  by  the  House of Commons at the relevant time can be claimed  by the House.”

195. The debate on the subject took the learned counsel  to the interpretation and exposition of law of Parliament as  is found in the maxim lex et consuetudo parliamenti as the  very existence of a parliamentary privilege is a substantive  issue  of  parliamentary  law  and  not  a  question  of  mere  procedure and practice.”

46) In  A.  Kunjan  Nadar vs.  The  State,  AIR  1955  

Travancore-Cochin  154,  the High  Court  while  dealing with  

the  scope  of  privileges  under  Article  194(3)  of  the  

Constitution held as under:-

“(3) Article  194(3)  deals  with the powers,  privileges and  immunities of the Legislature and their members in Part A  states and Article 238 makes those powers, privileges and  immunities available to legislatures and its members in the  Part  B  states  as  well.   Article  194(3)  deals  with  the  privileges and immunities available to the petitioner in a  matter like this and they are according to that clause “such  as may time to time be defined by the legislature by law”  and until so defined, those of a member of the House of  Commons of the Parliament of the United Kingdom at the  commencement of the constitution.  

(4)  As  stated  before,  there  is  no  statutory  provision  granting  the  privilege  or  immunity  invoked  by  the  petitioner and it is clear from May’s Parliamentary Practice  



Page 49

15th Edn. 1950, p. 78 that “the privilege from freedom from  arrest  is  not  claimed  in  respect  of  criminal  offences  or  statutory detention” and that the said freedom is limited to  civil clauses, and has not been allowed to interfere with the  administration of criminal justice or emergency legislation.  

Xxxx xxxx xxxx

(8) …… So long as the detention is legal – and in this case  there is no dispute about its legality – the danger of the  petitioner losing his seat or the certainty of losing his daily  allowance  cannot  possibly  form the foundation  for  relief  against  the  normal  or  possible  consequences  of  such  detention.”

47) In  Dasaratha  Deb  case  (1952),  the  Committee  of  

Privileges-Parliament Secretariat Publication, July 1952, inter  

alia, held that the arrest of a Member of Parliament in the  

course of administration of criminal justice did not constitute  

a breach of privilege of the House.  

48) On 24.12.1969, a question of privilege was raised in the  

Lok Sabha regarding arrests of some members while they  

were stated to be on their way to attend the House.  The  

Chair ruled that since the members were arrested under the  

provisions of the Indian Penal Code and had pleaded guilty,  

no question of privilege was involved.

49) In order to constitute a breach of privilege, however, a  

libel  upon  a  Member  of  Parliament  must  concern  his  



Page 50

character  or  conduct  in  his  capacity  as  a  member  of  the  

House and must be “based on matters arising in the actual  

transaction of the business of the House.” Reflections upon  

members otherwise than in their capacity as members do  

not, therefore, involve any breach of privilege or contempt of  

the House.  Similarly, speeches or writings containing vague  

charges against members of criticizing their  parliamentary  

conduct in a strong language, particularly, in the heat of a  

public  controversy,  without,  however,  imputing  any  mala  

fides were not treated by the House as a contempt or breach  

of privilege.   

50) Similarly, the privilege against assault or molestation is  

available to a member only when he is obstructed or in any  

way molested while discharging his duties as a Member of  

the  Parliament.   In  cases  when  members  were  assaulted  

while  they were not  performing any parliamentary duty it  

was  held  that  no  breach  of  privilege  or  contempt  of  the  

House had been committed.   



Page 51

51) Successive  Speakers  have,  however,  held  that  an  

assault on or misbehaviour with a member unconnected with  

his  parliamentary  work  or  mere  discourtesy  by the police  

officers  are  not  matters  of  privilege  and  such  complaints  

should be referred by members to the Ministers directly.  

52) 45th Report of the Committee of Privileges of the Rajya  

Sabha dated 30th November, 2000 stated as under:

“6.   The issue for  examination  before  the  Committee  is  whether CRPF personnel posted at Raj Bhawan in Chennai  committed a breach of privilege available to Members of  Parliament by preventing Shri  Muthu Mani  from meeting  the  Governor  in  connection  with  presentation  of  a  memorandum.

7. The Committee notes that privileges are available to  Member  of  Parliament  so  that  they  can  perform  their  parliamentary duties without let or hindrance.  Shri Muthu  Mani  had  gone  to  the  residence  of  Governor  for  presentation of  a memorandum in connection with party  activities.   Before  Shri  Muthu  Mani  reached  there,  two  delegations  of  his  party  had  been  allowed  to  meet  the  Governor.   It  appears  that  due  to  security  related  administrative reasons the entry of another delegation of  which Shri Muthu Mani was a Member, was denied by the  Police  officers.   Since  Shri  Muthu  Mani  was  present  in  connection  with  the  programme  of  his  political  party,  apparently  along  with  other  party  workers,  it  cannot  be  said that he was in any way performing a parliamentary  duty.  As such preventing his entry by lawful means cannot  be  deemed  to  constitute  a  breach  of  his  parliamentary  privilege.”

53) Now, with regard to the contention of Mr. Venugopal,  

viz., about the privileges available to the Assembly and its  



Page 52

Members, in case of arrest of employees of the Legislature  

Secretariat within the precincts of the House, the Speaker of  

the Kerala Legislative Assembly, disallowing the question of  

privilege,  ruled that the prohibition against making arrest,  

without obtaining the permission of the Speaker, from the  

precincts of the House is applicable only to the members of  

the Assembly.  He observed that it is not possible, nor is it  

desirable to extend this privilege to persons other than the  

members,  since  it  would  have  the  effect  of  putting  

unnecessary  restrictions  and  impediments  in  the  due  

process of law.  

54) The officers working under the office of the Speaker are  

also public servants within the meaning of Section 2(g) of  

the Lokayukt Act and within the meaning of Section 2 (c) of  

the Prevention of Corruption Act, 1988 and, therefore, the  

Lokayukt  and  his  officers  are  entitled  and  duty  bound  to  

make inquiry and investigation into the allegations made in  

any complaint filed before them.  



Page 53

55) The law applies equally and there is no privilege which  

prohibits action of registration of a case by an authority that  

has been empowered by the legislature to investigate the  

cases relating to corruption and bring the offenders to book.  

Simply because the officers happen to belong to the office of  

the  Hon’ble  Speaker  of  the  Legislative  Assembly,  the  

provisions  of  the  Lokayukt  Act  do  not  cease  to  apply  to  

them.   The  law  does  not  make  any  differentiation  and  

applies to all  with equal vigour.   As such, the initiation of  

action does not and cannot amount to a breach of privilege  

of  the  Legislative  Assembly,  which  has  itself  conferred  

powers in the form of a statute to eradicate the menace of  

corruption.  It is, thus, clear that, no privilege is available to  

the Legislative Assembly to give immunity to them against  

the operation of laws.  

56) In the present matter,  the petitioners have not made  

any  inquiry  even  against  the  members  of  the  Legislative  

Assembly  or  the  Speaker  or  about  their  conduct  and,  

therefore,  the complaints  made against  the petitioners by  

some  of  the  members  of  the  Legislative  Assembly  were  



Page 54

completely  uncalled  for,  illegal  and  unconstitutional.   The  

Speaker has no jurisdiction to entertain any such complaint,  

which is not even maintainable.  

57) Thus, it is amply clear that the Assembly does not enjoy  

any  privilege  of  a  nature  that  may  have  the  effect  of  

restraining any inquiry or investigation against the Secretary  

or the Deputy Secretary of the Legislative Assembly.  

58) Thus, from the above,  it  is clear that neither did the  

House of Commons enjoy any privilege, at the time of the  

commencement  of  the Constitution,  of  a  nature that  may  

have the effect  of  restraining any inquiry  or  investigation  

against  the  Secretary  or  the  Deputy  Secretary  of  the  

Legislative Assembly or for that matter against the member  

of the Legislative Assembly or a minister in the executive  

government  nor  does  the  Parliament  or  the  Legislative  

Assembly  of  the  State  or  its  members.   The  laws  apply  

equally and there is  no privilege which prohibits action of  

registration  of  a  case  by  an  authority  which  has  been  

empowered  by  the  legislature  to  investigate  the  cases.  



Page 55

Simply  because  the  officers  belong  to  the  office  of  the  

Hon’ble Speaker of the Legislative Assembly, the provisions  

of the Act do not cease to apply to them.  The law does not  

make any differentiation and applies to all with equal vigour.  

As such, the initiation of action does not and cannot amount  

to a breach of privilege of the Legislative Assembly, which  

has  itself  conferred  powers  in  the  form  of  a  Statute  to  

eradicate the menace of corruption.  

59) The  petitioners  cannot,  while  acting  under  the  said  

statute,  be  said  to  have  lowered  the  dignity  of  the  very  

Assembly  which  has  conferred  the  power  upon  the  

petitioners.  The authority to act has been conferred upon  

the petitioners under the Act  by the Legislative Assembly  

itself  and,  therefore,  the  action  taken  by  the  petitioners  

under the said Act cannot constitute a breach of privilege of  

that Legislative Assembly.  

60) By carrying out investigation on a complaint received,  

the petitioners  merely  performed their  statutory  duty  and  

did not in any way affect the privileges which were being  



Page 56

enjoyed by the Assembly and its members.  The action of the  

petitioners did not interfere in the working of the House and  

as such there are no grounds for  issuing a notice for  the  

breach of Privilege of the Legislative Assembly.  

61) Also, in terms of the provisions of Section 11(2) of the  

Lokayukt Act, any proceeding before the Lokayukt shall be  

deemed to be a judicial proceeding within the meaning of  

Sections 193 and 228 of the Indian Penal Code and as per  

Section 11(3), the Lokayukt is deemed to be a court within  

the  meaning  of  Contempt  of  Courts  Act,  1971.   The  

petitioners have merely made inquiry within the scope of the  

provisions of the Act and have not done anything against the  

Speaker personally.  The officers working under the office of  

the Speaker are also public servants within the meaning of  

Section 2(g) of the Lokayukt Act and, therefore, the Lokayukt  

and his officers were entitled and duty bound to carry out  

investigation and inquiry  into  the allegations  made in  the  

complaint  filed  before  them  and  merely  because  the  

petitioners, after scrutinizing the relevant records, found the  

allegations  prima  facie proved,  justifying  detailed  



Page 57

investigation by the Special Police Establishment under the  

Prevention of Corruption Act, and the performance of duty  

by the petitioners in  no way affects  any of  the privileges  

even remotely enjoyed by the Assembly or its Members.    

62) In the present matter,  the petitioners have not made  

any inquiry against any member of the Legislative Assembly  

or the Speaker or  about their  conduct  and,  therefore,  the  

complaints  made  against  the  petitioners  by  some  of  the  

members of Legislative Assembly were completely uncalled  

for, illegal and unconstitutional.  

63) Further,  the  allegations  made in  the  complaint  show  

that while dealing with the first complaint (E.R. 127/05), the  

Lokayukt  found  that  there  was  no  material  to  proceed  

further and closed that matter since the allegations alleged  

were  not  established.   While  inquiring  into  the  second  

complaint  since  the  Lokayukt  found  that  the  allegations  

made in the complaint  were  prima facie proved,  SPE was  

directed to proceed further in accordance with law.  



Page 58

64) On behalf of the petitioners, it is pointed out that the  

facts  and  circumstances  in  the  present  matter  show  that  

complaints  have  been  filed  by  the  Members  not  in  their  

interest but for the benefit of the persons involved who all  

are public servants.  It is also pointed out that the action of  

breach  of  privilege  has  been  instituted  against  the  

petitioners since the officers, against whom the investigation  

has been launched, belong to the Vidhan Sabha Secretariat.  

65) We are of the view that the action being investigated  

by the petitioners has nothing to do with the proceedings of  

the House and as such the said action cannot constitute any  

breach of privilege of the House or its members.   

66) It is made clear that privileges are available only insofar  

as  they  are  necessary  in  order  that  House  may  freely  

perform  its  functions.   For  the  application  of  laws,  

particularly,  the  provisions  of  the  Lokayukt  Act,  and  the  

Prevention of  Corruption Act,  1988,  the  jurisdiction of  the  

Lokayukt  or  the  Madhya  Pradesh  Special  Police  

Establishment is for all public servants (except the Speaker  



Page 59

and  the  Deputy  Speaker  of  the  Madhya  Pradesh  Vidhan  

Sabha for the purposes of the Lokayukt Act) and no privilege  

is  available  to  the  officials  and,  in  any case,  they cannot  

claim any privilege more than an ordinary citizen to whom  

the  provisions  of  the  said  Acts  apply.   Privileges  do  not  

extend to  the  activities  undertaken outside  the  House on  

which  the  legislative  provisions  would  apply  without  any  


67) In the present case, the action taken by the petitioners  

is within the powers conferred under the above statutes and,  

therefore,  the  action  taken  by  the  petitioners  is  legal.  

Further,  initiation  of  action  for  which  the  petitioners  are  

legally  empowered,  cannot  constitute  breach  of  any  


68) Under the provisions of Section 39(1)(iii) of the Code of  

Criminal Procedure, 1973, every person who is aware of the  

commission  of  an  offence  under  the  Prevention  of  

Corruption Act is duty bound to give an information available  

with him to the police.  In other words, every citizen who has  



Page 60

knowledge of the commission of a cognizable offence has a  

duty to lay information before the police and to cooperate  

with the investigating officer who is enjoined to collect the  


69) In the light of the above discussion and conclusion, the  

impugned letters/notices are quashed and the writ petition is  

allowed as prayed for.  No order as to costs.

……….…………………………CJI.                   (P. SATHASIVAM)                                  

       ………….…………………………J.                  (RANJAN GOGOI)                                   

………….…………………………J.                  (SHIVA KIRTI SINGH)