25 September 2018
Supreme Court


Case number: Crl.A. No.-001220-001220 / 2018
Diary number: 23457 / 2018






CRIMINAL  APPEAL NO.1220  OF  2018 (Arising out of SLP(Crl.) No.5495 of 2018)

Reema Salkan      …..Appellant(s)   :Versus:

Sumer Singh Salkan     ....Respondent(s)


A.M. Khanwilkar, J.

1. Leave granted.

2. This appeal takes exception to the judgment and order

passed by the High Court of Delhi at New Delhi dated May 31,

2018 in Revision Petition (Criminal) No.204 of 2015, whereby

the High Court partly allowed the revision petition preferred by

the appellant and was pleased to set aside the judgment and



order dated 28th  January,  2015  in Petition No.363 of  2014,

passed by the Judge, Family Courts, North Rohini, Delhi, to

the limited extent of not granting maintenance amount to the

appellant/wife from 10th December, 2010 onwards. The High

Court instead  directed the respondent/husband to  pay the

maintenance amount at the rate of Rs.9,000/­ per month from

9th December, 2010 onwards to the appellant/wife.  

3. There is a chequered  history  of litigation  between the

parties.  Shorn of  unnecessary details, the relevant  facts for

determination of the present appeal are that the appellant and

the respondent got married on 24th March, 2002, according to

Hindu rites and ceremonies at Infantry Hostel, Delhi

Cantonment, Delhi. The respondent, being a permanent

resident of Canada, had assured the appellant that he would

take her with him to Canada on 28th March, 2002 on a Tourist

Visa.  However, soon after the marriage, relations between the

appellant and the respondent became strained. The

respondent, being a permanent resident of Canada, returned

to Canada without  making any arrangements to take the



appellant to Canada even on a Tourist Visa, as assured.

Rather, he caused impediments in issuance of the Tourist Visa

to the appellant,  by giving an application  in writing  in that

behalf to the Canadian Immigration Department. As relations

between the appellant and the respondent became strained,

the appellant filed a complaint before the Women Cell against

the respondent and her in­laws. On 16th July, 2003, she also

filed an application under Section 125 of the Code of Criminal

Procedure for grant of maintenance of Rs.2 lakh per month

from the respondent before the Chief Metropolitan Magistrate,

Delhi.   Be it noted that during the pendency of the said

application, interim  maintenance amount  was fixed, which

issue travelled  upto this  Court by  way of  Criminal  Appeal

Nos.2347­2349/2014, which was disposed of by this Court on

28th  October,  2014 on  the finding that the  cause of justice

would  be  subserved if the  appellant  was  granted a  sum of

Rs.20,000/­ per month as interim maintenance commencing

from November 1, 2014. However, for the   reasons stated by

the Family Court in its judgment dated 28th  January, 2015,



the final maintenance amount was fixed at Rs.10,000/­ per

month starting from 17th  July, 2003 till  8th  December, 2010

and no maintenance was granted with effect from 8th

December,  2010.  The application  for  maintenance, filed in

2003, was  finally  disposed of  on 28th  January,  2015  in  the

following terms:


In view of my finding on issue no.1 above the petition u/s  125  Cr.P.C. is partly allowed and the respondent is directed to pay maintenance to the petitioner as under:­

1. From the date of filing of the petition i.e. 17.07.2003 till 08.12.2010, @ of Rs.10,000/­ per month.  

2. With effect from 08.12.2010 onwards the petitioner is not entitled to any maintenance and her claim in this respect stands dismissed.  The respondent shall clear off the arrears of maintenance if any, within three months from the date of order. Any payment made towards interim maintenance during the pendency of the present petition and any maintenance paid for the concurrent period, as per the order passed by any other competent court in any other proceeding/litigation between the  parties, the  money already  deposited  by the orders of the Superior Courts or by the order of the predecessor of this court, by the respondent shall be adjusted, if required. No orders as to costs. File be consigned to record­room.”  

4. Against this decision, the appellant filed a revision

petition before the High Court being Revision Petition



(Criminal) No.204 of 2015, which has been partly allowed on

the following terms:

“85. Consequently, the impugned order dated 28.01.2015 is set­aside to the extent of non granting the maintenance in favour of the petitioner /wife from 09.12.2010 onwards. However, the impugned maintenance in favour of the petitioner/wife till 08.12.2010 at the rate of Rs. 10,000/­ per month is upheld. The respondent is directed to pay maintenance amount of Rs.9,000/­ per month from 09.12.2010 onwards. Hence, the present revision petition is allowed. The arguments of the learned counsel for the respondent and the judgments relied upon by the respondent are of no help.  

86. The present petition is allowed and disposed of  in the above terms.”

5. The respondent has not filed any independent petition to

assail the judgment of the High Court rather, it is the

appellant who has questioned the correctness of the quantum

of maintenance amount as determined by the Family Court

and the High Court, by filing the present appeal. As a result,

the sole question to be decided in the present appeal is

regarding the quantum of monthly maintenance amount

payable by the respondent to the appellant.    6. According to the appellant, the High Court in the

impugned judgment has  inter alia  overlooked the following



points  while  determining the  monthly  maintenance  amount

payable by the respondent to the appellant:

(i) Order dt. 28.10.2014 passed by this Court in

Criminal Appeal no.2347­49 of  2014 filed by Appellant

against reduction & non­payment of interim

maintenance,  whereby this  Court granted  Rs.20,000/­

interim  maintenance, cannot  be reduced  as there  has

been no change in circumstances of parties since then.

Rather, it can only be increased in final maintenance;  

(ii) Appellant’s  Evidence,  Affidavit  of  Financial  Status

Exhibited proves that Respondent owns vast capital

assets including 26.50 bigha (6.625 hectare) agricultural

land in Meerut, UP;  

(iii) Respondent [B.Com, MA (Economics) & MBA from

USA] has worked in USA, Dubai, Canada for nearly 20

years and hence can be presumed to be gainfully

occupied, a fact which he is concealing, besides having

savings, investments, social & medical security and

insurance of Canada Govt.; and



(iv) Respondent’s last disclosed salary for the year

2010,  on the  basis  whereof  quantum could  have  been

calculated. As per the last disclosed salary of Cad

$48,372.34 p.a. (equal to Rs.21,28,368/­ @Rs.44 per

Cad.$), monthly salary comes to Rs.1,77,364/­. Even if

minimum increase @ 5% per annum is added to salary of

base year i.e. 2010, Respondent’s monthly salary would

be Rs.2,51,800/­. In absence of disclosure, this is a

reasonable presumption for increase in salary. On adding

Rs.50,000/­ per month agricultural income,

Respondent’s  monthly income can  be  presumed to  be

Rs.3 Lakh.

7. The respondent, on the other hand, has supported the

decision of the High Court but at the same time, by way of

counter affidavit filed to oppose this appeal, has urged that the

impugned judgment suffers from flawed reasoning on the

following counts:   

(a) The High Court does not deal with the reasoning of

appreciation of evidence.



(b) The  High  Court does not notice that the  Family

Court, after a trial, has had an opportunity to observe the

demeanour of the parties and has commented on it.  

(c) In Paragraph 38 of  the  judgment,  the High Court

doesn’t  overturn  the reasoning  of the reduction of the

interim maintenance  from Rs.25,000/­  (Rupees Twenty

Five Thousand Only).

(d) The  High  Court does  not overturn the reasoning

that  she  has  not  established  anywhere that  she,  as  a

lawyer and an admittedly well educated and competent

professional, is unable to maintain herself.

(e) The High Court also noted the scandalous

allegations made by the Petitioner, against the

Respondent’s family which would reinforce his allegation

of the Petitioner’s vindictiveness.  

(f) The  High Court has noted judgments of various

High Courts wherein the principle laid down is that the

laws of  maintenance  are  supposed  to  support  but  not

enrich; payments cannot continue ad­infinitum.



(g) The wife, too, is expected to mitigate her own losses

by showing at least some semblance of effort at work and


(h) The maintenance should be in accordance with

tenure of  marriage,  meaning thereby that long tenure

marriages  with children or  even with  just  a long  term

investment of time,  loss of  earnings and so on can be

computed monetarily, but not so a 4 day marriage

resulting in a 15 year  litigation,  driven by a desire  for

vengeance with a motive to harass.   8. We have  heard the  appellant  appearing in­person  and

Ms. Malavika Rajkotia, learned counsel appearing for the

respondent.   9. As aforesaid, the sole question is about the quantum of

monthly maintenance amount payable by the respondent to

the appellant. In that, the Family Court has unambiguously

held that the respondent neglected to maintain the appellant,

for the elaborate reasons recorded in its judgment dated 28th

January, 2015. That finding of fact has been upheld by the



High Court  vide  the  impugned  judgment.  The Family Court

has also found as a fact that the appellant was unemployed,

though she  is an MA in English and holds a Post­graduate

Diploma in Journalism and Mass Communication and is also

a Law Graduate enrolled with the Bar Council of Delhi. The

High  Court  has  not  disturbed that finding recorded  by the

Family Court. Resultantly, both the Courts have concurrently

found that, in law, the respondent was obliged to maintain the

appellant.   10. The Family Court, however, restricted the liability of the

respondent to pay  maintenance amount only between 17th

July, 2003 and 8th  December, 2010, which view did not

commend to the High Court. The High Court, instead directed

the respondent to pay a monthly maintenance amount to the

appellant even after 9th  December, 2010, but limited the

quantum to Rs.9,000/­ per month.

11. The High Court has recognized the fact that the appellant

was not in a position to maintain herself but it restricted the

maintenance amount to Rs.9,000/­ per month on the finding



that the respondent was unemployed and had no source of

income. However, having found that the respondent was well­

educated and an able­bodied person, the High Court went on

to hold that he was liable to maintain his wife. The High Court

further noted that the respondent had failed to produce any

evidence regarding his unemployment or that he had no

source of income. Resultantly, the High Court posed a

question as to how the respondent was able to manage his

affairs after  his return from Canada, since 2010. Therefore,

the High Court applied notional income basis to arrive at his

(respondent’s)  minimum income of Rs.18,332/­ as per the

current  minimum  wages in  Delhi, as a person possessing

qualifications of B.Com., MA (Eco.) and MBA from Kentucky

University, USA, and on that basis, directed the respondent to

pay Rs.9,000/­per month to the appellant from 9th December,

2010 onwards until further orders.

12. The manner in which the proceedings, instituted by the

appellant  under  Section  125  Cr.P.C.,  have  progressed from

2003 leaves much to be desired. During the pendency of the



maintenance application filed by the appellant on 16th  July,

2003, the respondent’s father filed a civil suit which, according

to the appellant, was intended to prevent attachment of the

family property of the respondent from execution of the order

in her favour passed in the maintenance proceedings. The suit

for declaration filed by the respondent’s father was dismissed

on 30th August, 2003, after a full­fledged trial but to prevent

attachment of land/family  property in interim  maintenance

case, he  moved an application for restoration of the suit.

Further, despite the injunction order passed by the Delhi High

Court dated 28th October, 2004, which was operating against

the respondent, he approached the courts in Canada and

obtained an ex­parte divorce allegedly to escape the liability to

pay the maintenance amount and also adopted delaying

tactics in the progress of the subject maintenance

proceedings.   Furthermore, the  Magistrate granted interim

maintenance of Rs.25, 000/­ per month from the date of filing

of the maintenance petition on the prima facie finding that the

respondent’s monthly salary, earned in Canada, was over Rs.1



lakh in the year 2003.  That issue was finally resolved by this

Court vide order dated 20th  October, 2014 by observing that

the cause of justice would be subserved if the appellant was

granted a sum of Rs.20,000/­ per month as an interim

maintenance, commencing from November, 2014.   That

interim arrangement was continued till the  final  disposal  of

the maintenance petition by the Family Court.    13. Be that as it may, the High Court took into account all

the relevant aspects and justly rejected the plea of the

respondent about inability to pay maintenance amount to the

appellant  on the  finding  that  he was well  educated and an

able­bodied person. Therefore, it was not open to the

respondent to extricate from his liability to maintain his wife.

It would be apposite to advert to the relevant portion of the

impugned judgment which reads thus:   

“79. The respondent during the cross examination has admitted  that  he  too  is  B.Com, M.A.(Eco.)  and MBA from Kentucky  University,  USA; the respondent is a  Canadian citizen working with Sprint Canada and is earning Canadian $(CAD) 29,306.59 as net  Annual  Salary.  However,  he has claimed that he has resigned from Sprint Canada on 23.11.2010 and the same has been accepted on 27.11.2010 and the respondent since then is unemployed and has got no source of income to maintain himself and his family.



80. In the instant case, the petitioner has filed the case under Section 125 Cr.P.C., 1973 for grant of maintenance as she does not know any skill and specialised work to earn her livelihood i.e. in paragraph 26 of maintenance petition against her husband. However, the respondent husband who is well educated and comes from extremely respectable family simply denies the same. The respondent husband in his written statement does not plead that he is not an able­ bodied person nor he is able to prove sufficient earning or income of the petitioner.  

81. It is an admitted fact emerging on record that both the parties  got  married as per  Hindu Rights and Customs on 24.03.2002 and since then the petitioner was living with her parents from 10.08.2002 onwards, and the parents are under  no  legal  obligation  to  maintain  a  married  daughter whose husband  is living in Canada and having  Canadian citizenship. The plea of the respondent that he does not have any source of income and he could not maintain the wife is no answer as he is mature and an able bodied person having good health and physique and he can earn enough on the basis of him being able bodied to meet the expenses of his wife. In this context, the observation  made in  Chander Prakash v. Shrimati Shila Rani, AIR 1968 Del 174 by this Court is relevant and reproduced as under:  

"7.........an able bodied young man has to be presumed to be capable of earning sufficient money so as to be able reasonably to maintain his wife and child and he cannot be heard to say that he is not  in position to earn enough to be able to maintain them according to the family standard. It is for such able­bodied person to show to the Court cogent grounds for holding that he is unable, for reasons beyond his control, to earn enough to discharge his legal obligation of maintaining his wife and child."  

82. The husband being an able­bodied person is duty bound to maintain his wife who is unable to maintain herself under the personal law arising out of the marital status and is not under contractual obligation.  The following  observation  of the Apex Court in  Bhuwan Mohan Singh v.  Meena,  AIR 2014 SC 2875, is relevant: ­



"3.….Be it ingeminated that Section 125 of the Code of Criminal Procedure (for short “the Code”) was conceived to ameliorate the agony, anguish, financial suffering of a woman who left her matrimonial home for the reasons provided in the provision so that some suitable arrangements can be made by the court and she can sustain herself and also her children if they are with her. The concept of sustenance does not necessarily mean to lead the life of an animal, feel like an unperson to be thrown away from grace and roam for her basic  maintenance somewhere else. She is entitled in law to lead a life in the similar manner as she would have lived in the  house of  her  husband. That is where the status and strata come into play, and that is where the obligations of the husband, in case of a wife, become a prominent one. In a proceeding  of this  nature, the husband cannot take subterfuges to deprive her of the benefit of living with dignity. Regard being had to the solemn pledge at the time of  marriage and also in consonance  with the statutory law that governs the field, it is the obligation of the husband to see that the wife does not become a destitute, a beggar. A situation is not to be maladroitly created where under she is compelled to resign to her fate  and  think  of life “dust  unto  dust”. It is totally impermissible. In fact, it is the sacrosanct duty to render the financial  support  even if the  husband  is required to earn money with physical labour, if he is able­bodied. There is no escape route unless there is an order from the court that the wife is not entitled to get  maintenance from the husband on any legally permissible grounds.  

(emphasis applied)  

83. The respondent's mere plea that he does not possess  any source of income ipso facto does not absolve himself of  his moral duty to maintain his wife in presence of good  physique along with educational qualification.”  

The view so taken by the High Court is unassailable. Indeed,

the respondent has raised a plea to question the correctness of



the said view, in the reply affidavit filed in this appeal, but in

our opinion, the  finding recorded by  the High Court  is  un­


14. The only question is: whether the quantum of

maintenance  amount  determined  by the  High Court is just

and proper. The discussion in respect of this question can be

traced only to paragraph 84 of the impugned judgment which

reads thus:  

“84. So far, the quantum of maintenance is concerned nothing consistent is emerging on record to show the specific amount which is being earned by the respondent after 2010, however the husband is legally bound to maintain his wife as per the status of a respectable family to which he belongs. The husband being able­bodied along with high qualification B.Com, M.A.(Eco) and MBA from Kentucky University, USA could  earn  at least  minimum of  Rs.  18,332/­  as  per the current  minimum wage  in  Delhi.  Therefore, the  petitioner being wife is entitled to Rs. 9,000/­ per month from 09.12.2010 onwards till further orders.”

15. The principle invoked by the High Court for

determination of monthly maintenance amount payable to the

appellant  on the  basis  of  notional  minimum  income of the

respondent as per the current minimum wages in Delhi, in our

opinion, is untenable. We are of the considered opinion that

regard must be had to the living standard of the respondent



and his  family,  his past conduct  in successfully protracting

the disposal of the maintenance petition filed in the year 2003,

until 2015; coupled with the fact that a specious and

unsubstantiated plea has been taken by him that he is

unemployed from  2010, despite the fact that he is highly

qualified and an able­bodied person; his monthly income while

working in Canada in the year 2010 was over Rs.1,77,364/­;

and that this Court in Criminal Appeal Nos.2347­2349/2014

has prima facie found that the cause of justice  would be

subserved if the appellant is granted an interim maintenance

of Rs.20,000/­ per  month commencing from November 1,

2014. At this distance of time, keeping in mind the spiraling

inflation rate and high cost of living index today, to do

complete justice between the parties, we are inclined to direct

that the respondent shall pay a sum of Rs.20,000/­ per month

to the appellant towards the maintenance amount with effect

from January 2010 and at the rate of Rs.25,000/­ per month

with effect from 1st June, 2018 until further orders. We order




16. We, therefore, direct the respondent to pay the enhanced

maintenance amount, as determined in terms of this order, to

the appellant within a period of eight weeks from today after

duly adjusting the amount already deposited in Court/paid to

the appellant till date. The appellant will be entitled to

forthwith withdraw the maintenance amount deposited by the

respondent  in Court,  if  any. The impugned judgment of the

High Court is accordingly  modified in the aforementioned


17. The appeal is allowed in the aforementioned terms.  

.………………………….CJI. (Dipak Misra)

…………………………..….J.           (A.M. Khanwilkar)

…………………………..….J.        (Dr. D.Y. Chandrachud)

New Delhi; September 25, 2018.