18 October 2013
Supreme Court


Case number: C.A. No.-009172-009172 / 2013
Diary number: 32206 / 2012


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C.A. No. 9172/2013(@SLP(C)No. 31483 of 2012)



CIVIL APPEAL NO.9172/2013 (arising out of Special Leave Petition (Civil) No. 31483 of 2012)

Punjab National Bank & Ors. …Appellants


Ram Kishan …Respondent

J U D G M E N T  


1. Leave granted.

2. The facts which need narration for determination of the lis involved in  

this appeal are recapitulated as under:

3. The  respondent  herein  joined  the  appellant-Bank  as  Peon  on  

13.8.1986.   In  the  year  2000,  the  appellant-Bank  introduced  Voluntary  

Retirement Scheme known as Punjab National Bank Employees Voluntary  

Retirement Scheme 2000 (hereinafter  referred to as  “VRS, 2000”).   This  

scheme was widely circulated, period whereof was 1.11.2000 to 30.11.2000  

during  which  period  those  employees  who  wanted  to  seek  voluntary  

retirement  under the said scheme were permitted to apply.   It  was made  

applicable  to those permanent  full  time employees of  the Bank who had  



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completed 15 years qualifying service or 40 years of age which means those  

employees fulfilling either of the aforesaid conditions were eligible to apply  

under the VRS, 2000.

4. The respondent also sought voluntary retirement under this scheme.  

His  application  was  accepted  and  he  was  given  voluntary  retirement  on  

15.12.2000.  He was also accorded superannuation benefits like Provident  

Fund, Gratuity  and Leave Encashment.

5. The Bank has also Pension scheme for its employees which is known  

as Punjab National Bank (Employees) Pension Regulation 1995 (hereinafter  

referred to as the “Pension Regulation”).   As per Regulation 28 of  these  

Pension Regulations, an employee who has rendered a minimum period of  

15 years of service is entitled to get pension.  Regulation 28 of the Pension  

Regulation reads as under:

“Regulation 28: Superannuation pension.

Superannuation Pension shall be granted to an employee  who  has  retired  on  his  attaining  the  age  of  superannuation  specified in the Service Regulations or Settlement.

Provided that  with  effect  from 1.9.2000,  pension  shall  also  be  granted  to  an  employee  who  opts  to  retire  before  attaining the age of superannuation, but after rendering service  for a minimum period of 15 years in terms of any scheme that  may be framed for such purpose by the Board with the approval  of the government.”



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6. As  on  the  date  of  voluntary  retirement  of  the  respondent,  the  

respondent had not completed 15 years of service.  In fact, service rendered  

by him as on that date was 14 years 2 months and 19 days.  For this reason,   

the  appellant-Bank  did  not  issue  any Pension  Order  in  his  favour.   The  

respondent,  however,  pleaded  that  since  his  application  for  voluntary  

retirement under VRS, 2000 was accepted which lays down the conditions  

of service for a minimum period of 15 years, the respondent became entitled  

to  pension  as  well,  inasmuch  as  the  deficit  period  was  waived  by  the  

appellant-Bank  by  its  conduct  in  accepting  the  application  for  voluntary  


7. As  the  representation  of  the  respondent  to  grant  him  pensionary  

benefits  was  rejected  by  the  appellant-Bank,  aggrieved  by  the  order  of  

rejection, the appellant filed civil suit  in the court of Civil Judge (Senior  

Division), Gurdaspur, Punjab for declaration that he was entitled to pension  

with  consequential  relief   and  for  mandatory  injunction  to  direct  the  

appellant-Bank to release all the benefits along with interest at the rate of  

18% from the date it  had become due to him.  This Suit  was,  however,  

dismissed  by the  Civil  Court  vide  judgment  and  decree  dated  29.8.2003  

holding that pension could be granted only on completion of 15 years of  

service which period of service the respondent had not completed.  He was,  



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therefore,  held entitled to other  benefits like ex-gratia,  gratuity and leave  

encashment but not the pension.  The respondents filed Regular First Appeal  

against  the  aforesaid  judgment  under  Section  96  of  the  Code  of  Civil  

Procedure (CPC) read with Order 41 CPC.  This Civil Appeal also met with  

the same fate as it was dismissed affirming the judgment of the Trial Court.  

Still aggrieved, the respondent took the matter to the High Court of Punjab  

and Haryana by filing Regular  Second Appeal  under  Section  100 of  the  

CPC.  By impugned judgment dated 13.3.2012, the High Court has allowed  

the  Second  Appeal.   In  this  judgment,  there  is  no  detailed  discussion  

touching  upon  the  provisions  contained  in  VRS,  2000  or  the  Pension  

Regulations.   A bare reading of  the judgment  reveals  that  the Court  has  

followed its earlier Division Bench judgment rendered in the case of Dharam  

Pal  Singh vs.  Punjab National  Bank (2008)  149 PLR 745.   Against  this  

impugned judgment,  Bank filed instant  Special Leave Petition under Art.  

136 of the Constitution of India wherein leave has been granted.

8. Submission of the learned counsel for the appellant was that the High  

Court committed a grave error in following Dharam Pal case, ignoring that  

the said judgment in the case of Dharam Pal Singh (supra) of the Division  

Bench  of  the  High  Court  had  already  been  overruled  by  this  Court  on  

24.2.2011 in Civil Appeal No.2132/2011.



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9. This  position  could  not  be  disputed  by  learned  counsel  for  the  

respondent.  A perusal of the judgment of this Court in Dharam Pal Singh  

(supra)  (CA 2132/2011) would demonstrate that the issue involved in the  

case had already been determined by this Court in  Bank of Baroda & Ors.  

vs. Ganpat Singh Deora (2009) 3 SCC 217 where the identically worded  

Regulations were considered.  The Court, thus, found that the judgment of  

the High Court in Dharam Pal Singh was contrary to the decision in Bank of  

Baroda case and set aside the same.  In Bank of Baroda, this Court has held  

that unless 15 years  service is  rendered by an employee,  he will  not  be  

eligible for pensionary benefits.  To quote the relevant discussion on this  

aspect, we reproduce the following passage therefrom:

“Furthermore,  Regulation  2  of  the  Voluntary  Retirement  Scheme, 2001, of the appellant-Bank merely prescribes a period  of qualifying service for an employee to be eligible to apply for  voluntary retirement. On the other hand, Regulations 14 and 29  of  the  Pension  Regulations,  1995,  relate  to  the  period  of  qualifying service for pension under the said Regulations, in two  different situations. While Regulation 14 provides that in order  to be eligible for pension an employee would have to render a  minimum of 10 years service, Regulation 29 is applicable to the  employees choosing to retire from service pre-maturely, and in  their case the period of qualifying service would be 15 years.  The facts of this case, however, do not attract the provisions of  Regulation  29  since  the  respondent  accepted  the  offer  of  voluntary retirement under the Scheme framed by the Bank and  not  on  his  own  volition  de  hors  any  Scheme  of  Voluntary  Retirement.  In such a case, Regulation 14 read with Regulation  32 providing for premature retirement would not also apply to  the  case  of  the  respondent.   While  Regulation  2  of  the  



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BOBEVRS-2001  speaks  of  eligibility  for  applying  under  the  Scheme,  Regulation  14  of  the  Pension  Regulations,  1995,  contemplates  a  situation  whereunder  an  employee  would  be  eligible for premature pension.  The two provisions are for two  different  purposes  and  for  two  different  situations.  However,  Regulation  28  of  the  Pension  Regulations,  1995,  after  amendment made provision for situations similar to the one in  the instant case.  In the absence of any particular provision for  payment  of  pension to  those  who opted  for  BOBEVRS-2001  other than Regulation 11(ii) of the Scheme, we are once again  left  to  fall  back  on  the  Pension  Regulations,  1995,  and  the  amended provisions of Regulation 28 which brings within the  scope of Superannuation Pension employees who opted for the  Voluntary  Retirement  Scheme,  which  will  be  clear  from  the  Explanatory Memorandum.  However, the period of qualifying  service  has  been  retained  as  15  years  for  those  opting  for  BOBEVRS-2001  and  is  treated  differently  from  premature  retirement where the minimum period of qualifying service has  been fixed at  10 years  in  keeping with  Regulation  14 of  the  Pension Regulations, 1995. We are,  therefore,  of  the view that  not  having completed the  required  length  of  qualifying  service  as  provided  under  Regulation 28 of the 1995 Regulations, the respondent was not  eligible for pension under the Pension Regulations, 1995, of the  appellant Bank.”

10. Accordingly,  we  allow  this  appeal  and  set  aside  the  impugned  

judgment of the High Court. No costs.  

------------------------------------J. (Ranjana Prakash Desai)

------------------------------------J.  ( A.K.Sikri)

New Delhi October 18,  2013