15 February 2019
Supreme Court


Case number: C.A. No.-001694-001694 / 2019
Diary number: 90 / 2018


         SLP(C)No.9267 of 2018           Perry Kansagra vs. Smriti Madan Kansagra

                                      1 Reportable




PERRY KANSAGRA        ……Appellant


SMRITI MADAN KANSAGRA    ..…. Respondent


Uday Umesh Lalit, J.

1. Leave granted.

2. This appeal challenges the final Judgment and Order dated 11.12.2017

passed by the High Court of Delhi allowing Review Petition No.221 of 2017

preferred by the respondent against the judgment and order dated 17.02.2017

passed by the High Court of Delhi in MAT App. (F.C.) No.67 of 2016.


         SLP(C)No.9267 of 2018           Perry Kansagra vs. Smriti Madan Kansagra

                                      2 3. The  appellant  (Kenyan  and  British  Citizen)  and  Respondent  (Indian

Citizen)  got  married  on  29.07.2007  at  New  Delhi.   After  marriage,  the

Respondent shifted to Nairobi, Kenya and settled into her matrimonial home

with the appellant.  A son, named Aditya Vikram Kansagra was born to the

couple on 02.12.2019 at New Delhi.  After delivery, the respondent returned

back to Nairobi along with Aditya.  Thereafter, the Respondent and Aditya

travelled from Kenya to India on few occasions.  Aditya holds Kenyan as well

as British passport.

4. The appellant, Respondent and Aditya came from Nairobi to New Delhi

on 10.03.2012.  According to the appellant, the return tickets for travel back

to Nairobi were booked for 06.06.2012.  While in India, in May 2012, the

Respondent filed a civil suit registered as CS (OS) No.1604 of 2012 before

the High Court of Delhi praying  inter alia for an injunction to restrain the

appellant from removing Aditya from the custody of the Respondent.  Upon

notice being issued, the appellant contested the suit in which visitation orders

were passed by the High Court from time to time.  The appellant thereafter

filed Guardianship Petition praying  inter alia that he be declared the legal

Guardian of Aditya and be given his permanent custody.  The Guardianship


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                                      3 Petition  dated  06.11.2012  was  registered  as  No.G-53  of  2012  before  the

Family Court, Saket, New Delhi.  

5. In terms of  visitation  orders  passed by the High Court,  the appellant

along with paternal grandparents were permitted to meet Aditya for 2 hours

on Friday, Saturday and Sunday in the 2nd week of every month.  According to

the appellant he flew from Nairobi to New Delhi every month to meet Aditya

along  with  the  paternal  grandparents.   In  view  of  the  pendency  of  the

guardianship petition, CS (OS) No.1604 of 2012 was disposed of by the High

Court on 31.08.2015, leaving the parties to place their grievances before the

Family Court.  The arrangement of visitation was thereafter modified by the

Family Court by its orders dated 09.02.2016 and 09.03.2016.

6. On 18.04.2016, an application was filed by the appellant praying that the

Family Court may direct the Court Counsellor to bring Aditya to the Court for

an in-chamber  meeting,  which prayer  was  objected to  by the Respondent.

After  hearing  both  sides,  the  Family  Court  allowed  said  application  vide

Order  dated  04.05.2016,  and  directed  that  Aditya  be  produced  before  the

Court 07.05.2016.  The relevant part of the Order was as under:-


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                                      4 “…..The court is  parens patriae in such proceedings. Petitioner’s  visitation  with  the  child  is  anyway scheduled for 07.05.2016.  Let the child be produced before the court at 10 am on 07.05.2016 before he goes for meeting with his father and grand parents.”   

7. The Respondent being aggrieved, filed MAT App. (FC) No.67 of 2016

before the High Court.   On 06.05.2016, after  hearing both sides,  Division

Bench of the High Court referred the parties to mediation and also directed

that Aditya be produced before the Court on 11.05.2016.  Paragraphs 7 and 9

of said Order were :-

“7. During our interaction with the parties, a desire is expressed by the parties to make one more attempt for a  negotiated  settlement  of  all  disputes  between  the parties by recourse to mediation.  The parents of the respondent  are  also  present  and  have  joined  the proceedings before us.  They have also submitted that they would like to make an attempt for a negotiated settlement for all disputes between the parties.   

  … … … … …      

9. With  the  consent  of  parties,  it  is  directed  as follows:

(i) The  parties  shall  appear  before  Ms.  Sadhana Ramchandran,  learned  Mediator  in  SAMADHAN- Delhi High Court Mediation and Conciliation Centre on 9th May, 2016 at 2:30 pm.


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                                      5 (ii) It  shall  be open for  the learned Mediator  to join any other person or relative of the parties, as may be deemed  necessary,  for  a  holistic  and  effective mediation.

(iii) In case, the respondent or any of his relative are not available in India, it shall be open for the learned Mediator  to  join  them  by  any  electronic  mode  of communication including Skype, Video Conferencing, etc. at the cost of the respondent.  

(iv) It  shall  also be open for  the learned Mediator to meet  the  child  at  any  place,  as  may  be  deemed convenient  to  her,  and  to  arrange  any  visitation  or meetings  with  the  respondent  of  the  child  with  the consent of the parties.”    

8. Thereafter,  the  matter  came  up  on  11.05.2016.   The  High  Court

interacted with Aditya and following observations were made in paras 2 to 6

of its Order :-  

“2. We are also informed that the child has today met with Ms. Sadhana Ramachandran, learned Mediator as well as Ms. Swati Shah, Counsellor in SAMADHAN – Delhi  High court  Mediation  and  Conciliation  Centre and that the mediation efforts are still underway.   

3. The son of  the  parties  –  Master  Aditya  Vikram Kansagra has been produced before us today.  We have also had a long conversation with him and are deeply impressed with the maturity of this intelligent 6½ year old  child  who  displays  self  confidence  and  a remarkable capacity of expressing himself with clarity. He exhibits no sign of confusion or nervousness at all.


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4. We also note that the child was comfortable in his interaction with his father and grandparents in court. The  child  has  expressed  happiness  at  his  visitations with  his  father  and  grandparents.   He  unreservedly stated  that  he  looks  forward  to  the  same.   Master Aditya Vikram Kansagra is also able to identify other relatives  in  Kenya  and  enthusiastically  refers  to  his experiences  in  that  country.    It  is  apparent  that  the child has bonded well with them.   

5. We must note that the child is at the same time deeply attached to his mother and  Nani. His bearing and  personality  clearly  bear  the  stamp  of  the  fine upbringing being given to him by the appellant and her mother.   

6. As of now, since 9th February, 2016, the child is meeting his father and grandparents between 10:30 am and 05:00 pm on Saturday and Sunday in the second week of every month and for two hours on Friday in the  second  week  of  every  month.   The  visitation  is supervised as the court has appointed a Counsellor who has  been  directed  to  remain  present  throughout  the visitation.”   

9. During the ensuing mediation sessions, the Mediator and the Counsellor

interacted with Aditya.  The Counsellor interacted with Aditya on 08.07.2016

and  11.07.2016.   Based  upon  her  interactions  with  him,  the  Counsellor

submitted a report dated 21.07.2016 in a sealed cover.  Though, mediation

was attempted on many occasions, the parties were unable to resolve their


         SLP(C)No.9267 of 2018           Perry Kansagra vs. Smriti Madan Kansagra

                                      7 disputes and differences and an interim report was submitted by the Mediator

on 22.07.2016.  On 11.08.2016, the sealed cover containing the report of the

Counsellor was opened and the report was taken on record.  Copies of the

report of the Counsellor were given to the parties.  In an application moved

the next day, i.e. on 12.08.2016, the appellant relied upon the report of the

Counsellor dated 21.07.2016 and prayed for permission to speak to Aditya on

telephone.   While  opposing  the  prayer,  the  respondent  objected  to  such

reliance on the ground of confidentiality.  The Mediator thereafter filed final

report in November, 2016 reporting failure.   

10. Thereafter  the  matter  came  up  for  final  arguments  before  another

Division  Bench  of  the  High  Court.   The  Respondent  raised  the  issue  of

admissibility  of  the  reports  submitted  by  the  Mediator  and  Counsellor

contending that the reports could not be relied upon in view of principle of

confidentiality.   The  High  Court  dealt  with  said  submissions  and  while

disposing of the appeal, by its judgment dated 17.02.2017 observed as under:-

“10. The mediation has failed.

11. But  we  are  called  upon  to  decide  an  important question  concerning  confidentiality  of  the  mediation process for  the reason on October 11,  2016 a  report


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                                      8 was received from the Mediator which was taken on record and copy given to both parties.  The report of the Mediator refers to a child counsellor being involved who had also given an independent report which was also taken on record.   

… …  … … … … …

“13.  The report of the child counsellor is to the effect that the child was normal and in spite of being happy with  his  mother  he  seems  to  idolize  his  father  and affectionately  remembers  his  house  in  Kenya;  about which house he loved talking with the counsellor.  The affection and the bond of the child with the father was commended  as  the  positive  attitude  of  the  appellant who, obviously was not torturing the child.  The child showed  his  love,  affection  and  comfort  for  the appellant, evidenced by he fondly and happily talking about a  recent  vacation in  Kashmir with his  mother. The  child  was  not  uncomfortable  with  the  idea  of making a trip to Kenya.

… …  … … … … …

17. There can be no quarrel with the proposition that mediation  proceedings  are  confidential  proceedings and anything disclosed, discussed or proposed by the parties before the mediator cannot be recorded, much less divulged.  The reason being that very often during mediations,  offers,  counter  offers  and  proposals  are made.  The ethos of mediation would bar disclosure of specified communications and writings associated with mediation.  Parties are encouraged during mediation to engage in honest discussions as regards their problems and in matrimonial  disputes these honest  discussions many  a  time  give  rise  to  a  better  understanding between the couple.  Such an approach encourages a


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                                      9 forget and forgive attitude to be formed by the parties. If either spouse is under an apprehension that the well- meant  deliberations  might  subsequently  be  used against  them  it  would  hamper  an  unreserved consideration  of  their  problems.  The  atmosphere  of mutual  trust  during  mediation  warrants  complete confidentiality.   

18.  But where the scope of mediation is the solution of a child parenting issue, report by a mediator or a child counsellor concerning the behavior and attitude of the child would not fall within the bar of confidentiality for the reason no information shared by the couple is being brought on record.  The mandate of Section 12 of the Family Courts Act, 1984 cannot be lost sight of.

19.  In the instant case, what has been taken on record during mediation proceedings is the report of the Child Counsellor and the mediator, which we find are reports commending  the  good  attitude  of  both  parents  who, unlike many other couples, are not using the child as a tool to take revenge against the other.  As noted above, the interaction by the previous Division Bench with the child  has  been  recorded in  the  order  dated  May 11, 2016 i.e. the child being equally comfortable with both parents and having a desire to spend quality time with not  only  his  mother  and relatives  from the  maternal side  but  even with  the  father  and relatives  from the paternal side.  Such reports are a neutral evaluation of expert opinion to a Court to guide the Court as to what orders  need  to  be  passed  in  the  best  interest  of  the child.   These  reports  are  not  confidential communications of the parties.   

20.   Having  answered  the  issue  which  incidentally arose,  and noting that otherwise the appeal  has been rendered infructuous, we terminate further proceedings


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                                      10 in the appeal inasmuch as no orders are now warranted to be passed in the appeal.

21.  The learned Judge Family Court would consider granting over night interim custody to the respondent when  he  is  in  India  by  imposing  such  terms  and conditions  which  would  ensure  that  the  child  is  not removed  from  the  territory  of  India.   The  issue concerning the appellant claiming that she has lost the Kenyan passport of the child and a fresh passport being issued in the name of the child would also be looked into by the learned Judge, Family Court.”

11. On 18.03.2017,  the respondent  filed Review Petition No.221 of  2017

questioning  the  judgment  dated  17.02.2017.   The  Review  Petition  was

allowed by yet another Division Bench of High Court by judgment and order

dated  11.12.2017.   After  posing  the  question,  “..whether  the  Counsellor’s

report  furnished in  the course of  mediation proceedings  or  the Mediator’s

report in case of mediation, when the process fails, can be used by either of

the parties  during trial”,  the High Court  concluded that  the reports  of  the

Mediator and the Counsellor “..shall be disregarded by the family court, when

it  proceeds  to  decide  the  merits  of  the  case”.   During  the   course  of  its

discussion,  the  High  Court  noted  Delhi  High  Court  Mediation  and

Conciliation Rules, 2004; Format of application of SAMADHAN (the Delhi

High  Court  Mediation  and  Conciliation  Centre);  Conciliation  rules  of


         SLP(C)No.9267 of 2018           Perry Kansagra vs. Smriti Madan Kansagra

                                      11 UNCITRAL;  Sections  75 and  81  of  the  Arbitration  and  Conciliation  Act,

1996; Mediation Training Manual issued by the Mediation and Conciliation

Project  Committee,  Supreme  Court  of  India  and  Chartered  Institute  of

Arbitrator’s  Rules  mandating  confidentiality  in  matters  pertaining  to

mediation and observed as under:-

“21. There can, be no quarrel with the proposition that the  mediation  proceedings  are  confidential  and anything disclosed,  discussed or  proposed before the mediator need not be recorded, much less divulged and that if it is done there would always be an apprehension that the discussion may be used against the parties and it would hamper the entire process.  The atmosphere of mutual trust warrants complete confidentiality and the same  is  in  fact  noted  in  the  main  judgment.   The petitioner  is  aggrieved  by  its  later  part  which  notes “but where the scope of the mediation is resolution of child  parenting  issue,  the  report  concerning  the behavior and attitude of the child would not fall within the bar of confidentiality”.  To our mind, this is against the principle of mediation and charts the course of a slippery  slope,  as  this  judgment  would  hereafter discuss.   

22. No  exceptions  are  made  in  the  mediation  rules either in our laws or in various jurisdictions mentioned above  to  the  absolute  rule  of  confidentiality.   This Court  held  the mandate of  Section 12 of  the Family Courts Act, 1984 cannot be lost sight of; yet the issue is  whether  the order  dated May 6,  2016 was passed purely  under  Section  12  of  the  Family  Courts  Act, 1984  or  it  was  simply  to  facilitate  mediation  of disputes between the parents of the child.


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… … … … … … … …

25. Section 12 of the 1984 Act, empowers the Family Court  with  the  discretion  to  refer  the  parties  to  a counsellor, Undoubtedly, that power also extends to the appellate court.   However,  this case has three rather unusual features: one that the Court never authorized the mediator to exercise power that is vested statutorily with it. The discretion to involve or not to involve a counsellor  is the Court’s  and is non delegable.   The respondent husband’s argument that the referral order permitted the mediator to involve “others” cannot be meant  to  authorize  the  exercise  of  discretion  that  is solely  vested  with  the  Court.   Second,  the  issue  of confidentiality is to be examined because the mediator furnished  two  reports-to  the  Court,  in  this  case.   A mediator’s position is unique; undoubtedly she (or he) has  professional  training  and  competence  to  handle issues  that  involve  intense  and  bitter  struggle  over matrimonial  issues,  properties,  shared  household, custody, (temporary or permanent) and in commercial matters,  issues  that  have  monetary  and  financial impacts.  In all cases, parties express their fears, their expectations  and  their  dearly  held  positions  on  the strength  of  the  confidence  that  they  repose  in  the mediator and the mediation process- both of which are reinforced  by  the  absolute  cloak  of  confidentiality. Given these imperatives, mediator’s reports, where the process has led to failure, should not record anything at all.  Having regard to this position the fact that a mediator in a given case, proposes-for all the best and bona  fide  reasons,  the  involvement  of  a  counsellor, does not in any manner undermine or take away the Court’s sole power to exercise it.  In the eventuality of the parties’ agreeing, to such a course, they have to be asked to approach the Court, for appropriate orders: the


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                                      13 Court  would then refer  them to the counsellor.   The question of the kind of report to be submitted to the Court  and whether  it  would  be  a  part  of  the  record would be known during the course of the proceeding. In  the  present  case,  the  parties  merely  consented. There is nothing to show that the parties were aware that the mediator’s report,  with regard to not merely what  transpired,  but  with  respect  to  her  reflections, would be given to the court; nor was there anything to show that they were aware - when they consented to the involvement of a counsellor that her report would be given to the court.  The third unusual feature is that in at least two sittings with the counsellor, the mediator was present.  This “joint” proceeding is, in the opinion of the Court, unacceptable.  It can lead to undesirable consequences, especially if the mediator and counsellor proceed  to  furnish  their  reports  (as  they  did  in  this case).  A reading of both reports in the present case, paints  a  definite  picture  to  the  reader  strongly suggestive  of  a  plausible  course  of  action  or conclusion.  It is this, the  power of suggestion,  which parties  are  guaranteed  protection  from,  when  they agree  to  mediation.   Imagine  if  there  were  to  be  a possibility of divergence of opinion.  Where would that lead?  Aside from adding to contentiousness, the Court too would be left confounded.   

… … … … … … … …

29. The  observations  made  in  the  main  judgment dated  February  17,  2017  in  effect  would  permit  the mediators  to  exercise  de  facto,  or  in  default,  the exclusive powers of the Court under Section 12 of the 1984  Act,  which  are  non  delegable.   There  is  no question of validation of such action, by a later order of the Court.  The danger of this would be that Courts can well draw upon such irregularly produced material, to


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                                      14 arrive at conclusions.  The requirement of Section 12 also has to be understood as the mandate of law that only the Court and no other body can refer the parties to counseling.  The proposition that something which the law mandates to be performed in one manner and no  other  manner  “where  a  power  is  given  to  do  a certain thing in a certain way, the thing must be done in that way or not at all”1 applies with full force.  The order dated May 06, 2016 in this case merely referred the parties to the mediator and carved out the course and ambit of mediation.  The report of the counsellor was never sought by the Court, and yet was treated to be one under Section 12 of the Act of 1984.  Had the Court  invoked Section 12 of  the Family Courts  Act, 1984 it would have clearly spelt out and recorded that while doing so; and in that sense there ought to have been a clear invocation of Section 12.  The absence of such reference necessarily meant that the reference to “others’ meant only those connected with the dispute, such as family members of either the husband or the wife,  whose  participation  was  to  facilitate  amicable dispute  resolution,  not  independent  evaluation  by  a counsellor in an unguided manner to be incorporated or annexed to a mediation report.   

30. If  such  a  position  is  allowed  as  in  this  case, mediation  may  then  well  be  used  as  a  forum  for gathering expert  opinion which would then enter  the main file of the case.  The mandate of Section 89 of the Civil  Procedure  Code,  1908,  read  with  Rule  20  and Rule  21  of  the  Delhi  High  Court  Mediation  and Conciliation  Rules,  2004  provides  for  confidentiality and  non-disclosure  of  information  shared  with  the mediator and during the proceedings of mediation.  In the present case, the help of the counsellor sought by

1Nazir Ahmed v King Emperor AIR 1936 PC 243 followed by State of UP v. Singhara  Singh AIR 1964 SC 358


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                                      15 the  mediator  to  get  holistic  settlement  between  the parties  was  not  ordered in  the  manner  visualized  by Section  12  of  the  Family  Courts  Act,  1984. Consequently, neither the report of the mediator nor of the counsellor could have been allowed to be exhibited. They  are  contrary  to  the  mandate  of  principles governing  the  mediation  –  they  undermine  party autonomy  and  choice;  besides,  they  clearly  violate Section 75 of the Arbitration and Conciliation Act.  The observations in the judgment dated February 17, 2017 to the extent it notes that “the reports of the mediator as also of the counsellor concerning the behavior and attitude  of  the  child,  especially  when  the  mediation process  has  failed  would  not  fall  within  the  bar  of confidentiality  and  hence  cannot  be  used  in  any proceeding…… Such reports are a neutral evaluation of expert opinion to a Court to guide the Court as to what orders need to be passed in the best interest of the child.   These  reports  are  not  confidential communications of the parties”  and carving a general exception to mediation confidentiality in child custody matters and disputes for which the Family Court can seek the assistance of the counsellor, under Section 12 of the 1984 Act, are hereby recalled.  We hasten to add that this judgment is not a reflection on the mediator whose unstinted track record is  known to all,  or  the endeavor  of  the  counsellor,  who  too  is  very experienced  in  her  field.   Their  commitment  and sincerity to secure a settlement satisfactory to all, and the mediation process in general, is not doubted; this judgment  should  in  no  way  dampen  that  zeal  and determination that they have displayed.”  

12. The view taken by the High Court in allowing the review is presently

under  challenge.   Mr.  Anunya  Mehta,  learned  Advocate  for  the  appellant


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                                      16 submitted - (a) the High Court exceeded the scope of review jurisdiction as if

it was sitting in appeal over the earlier judgment; that in terms of law laid

down by this court an error which is not self-evident and which is required to

be detected by a process of reasoning cannot be termed as error apparent on

the  face  of  the  record;  b)  the  report  of  the  Counsellor  was  not  hit  by

confidentiality as it merely recorded the interaction of the Counsellor with the

child and did not record any information or submission by parties to the lis;

that  there  is  a  recognized exception  to  the rule  of  confidentiality  in  child

custody  matters  as  the  court,  in  such  matters  exercises  parens  patriae


Mr. Saurabh Kirpal, learned Advocate for the respondent responded -

(i)  mediation  reports  are  part  of  confidential  proceedings  and  cannot  be

permitted to be used in court proceedings for which reliance was placed on

various  statutory  provisions;  (ii)  the  Counsellor  was  not  appointed  under

Section 6 of the Family Courts Act; (iii) exception under Rule 8 (viii) to (xiv)

of the Family Court Rules cannot be read as exception to Rules 20 and 23 of

the Mediation Rules; (iv) the mediation reports given by the Counsellor-in-

mediation did not fall within the exceptions provided in rule 8; (v) there was

no waiver of confidentiality and the respondent had objected to the use of the


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                                      17 reports  at  the  first  instance;  (vi)  the  earlier  order  being  based  on  a

misconception  of  law,  the  High  Court  was  right  in  exercising  review


13. The issues that arise for our consideration can broadly be put under two


a)  Whether  the  High  Court  was  justified  in  exercising  review

jurisdiction and setting aside the earlier judgment and

b) Whether the High Court was correct in holding that the reports of

the Mediator and the Counsellor in this case were part of confidential

proceedings and no party could be permitted to use the same in any

court proceedings or could place any reliance on such reports.

14. As  regards  the  first  issue,  relying  on  the  decisions  of  this  Court  in

Inderchand Jain (dead) through Lrs. vs. Motilal (dead) through Lrs.2, Ajit

Kumar Rath vs.  State of Orissa and others3 and Parsion Devi and others vs.

Sumitri Devi and others4, it was submitted by the appellant that the exercise

of review jurisdiction was not warranted at all.  In  Inderchand Jain2 it was

observed in paras 10, 11 and 33 are as under:- 2 (2009) 14 SCC 663 3 (1999) 9 SCC 596 4 (1997) 8 SCC 715


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                                      18 “10. It is beyond any doubt or dispute that the review court  does  not  sit  in  appeal  over  its  own  order.  A rehearing  of  the  matter  is  impermissible  in  law.  It constitutes an exception to the general rule that once a judgment  is  signed  or  pronounced,  it  should  not  be altered.  It  is  also  trite  that  exercise  of  inherent jurisdiction is not invoked for reviewing any order.

11. Review is not appeal in disguise. In  Lily Thomas v.  Union of India5 this Court held: (SCC p. 251, para 56)

“56. It follows, therefore, that the power of review can be  exercised  for  correction  of  a  mistake  but  not  to substitute a view. Such powers can be exercised within the limits  of  the  statute  dealing with the exercise  of power. The review cannot be treated like an appeal in disguise.”

… … … … … … … … … …

33. The  High  Court  had  rightly  noticed  the  review jurisdiction of the court, which is as under: “The law on the subject—exercise of power of review, as  propounded  by  the  Apex  Court  and  various  other High Courts may be summarised as hereunder:

(i) Review proceedings are not by way of appeal and  have  to  be  strictly  confined  to  the  scope  and ambit of Order 47 Rule 1 CPC.

(ii)  Power  of  review  may  be  exercised  when some mistake or error apparent on the fact of record is found. But error on the face of record must be such an error which must strike one on mere looking at the

5(2000) 6 SCC 224


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                                      19 record and would not require any long-drawn process of  reasoning  on  the  points  where  there  may conceivably be two opinions.

(iii) Power of review may not be exercised on the ground that the decision was erroneous on merits.

(iv) Power of review can also be exercised for any  sufficient  reason  which  is  wide  enough  to include a misconception of fact or law by a court or even an advocate.

(v) An application for review may be necessitated by  way  of  invoking  the  doctrine  actus  curiae neminem gravabit.”

In our opinion, the principles of law enumerated by it, in the facts of this case, have wrongly been applied.”

In Ajit Kumar Rath3, it was observed:-

“29. In  review  proceedings,  the  Tribunal  deviated from the principles laid down above which, we must say,  is  wholly unjustified and exhibits  a  tendency to rewrite a judgment by which the controversy had been finally decided. This, we are constrained to say, is not the  scope  of  review  under  Section  22(3)(f)  of  the Administrative Tribunals Act, 1985…………”

Similarly, in Parsion Devi4 the principles were summarized as under:

“9. Under Order 47 Rule 1 CPC a judgment may be open to review inter alia if there is a mistake or an error apparent on the face of the record. An error which is not self-evident and has to be detected by a process of reasoning, can hardly be said to be an error apparent on


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                                      20 the face of the record justifying the court to exercise its power  of  review  under  Order  47  Rule  1  CPC.  In exercise of the jurisdiction under Order 47 Rule 1 CPC it  is  not  permissible  for  an erroneous decision  to  be “reheard and corrected”. A review petition, it must be remembered  has  a  limited  purpose  and  cannot  be allowed to be “an appeal in disguise”.

15. On the other hand, reliance was placed by the respondent on the decision

in Board of Control for Cricket in India and another vs. Netaji Cricket Club

and others6 to submit that exercise in review would be justified if there be

misconception of fact or law.  Para 90 of said decision was to the following


“90. Thus,  a  mistake  on the  part  of  the  court  which would  include  a  mistake  in  the  nature  of  the undertaking may also call for a review of the order. An application for  review would also be maintainable  if there  exists  sufficient  reason  therefor.  What  would constitute sufficient reason would depend on the facts and circumstances of the case.  The words “sufficient reason”  in  Order  47  Rule  1  of  the  Code  are  wide enough to include a misconception of fact or law by a court or even an advocate. An application for review may be necessitated by way of invoking the doctrine “actus curiae neminem gravabit”.”

6 (2005) 4 SCC 741


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                                      21 16. We have gone through both  the  judgments  of  the  High Court  in  the

instant case and considered rival submissions on the point.  It is well settled

that an error which is required to be detected by a process of reasoning can

hardly be said to be an error apparent on the face of the record.  To justify

exercise of review jurisdiction, the error must be self-evident.  Tested on this

parameter,  the exercise  of  jurisdiction in the present  case was not  correct.

The exercise undertaken in the  present case, in our  considered view, was as

if  the  High  Court  was  sitting  in  appeal  over  the  earlier  decision  dated

17.02.2017.  Even assuming that there was no correct appreciation of facts

and law in the earlier  judgment,  the parties could be left  to challenge the

decision in an appeal.  But the review was not a proper remedy at all.  In our

view, the High Court erred in entertaining the review petition and setting aside

the earlier view dated 17.02.2017.  Having so concluded, the logical course in

the circumstances would be to set aside the judgment under appeal and permit

the  respondent  to  challenge  the  judgment  dated  17.02.2017.   But  such  a

course would entail further litigation and therefore, we have considered the

matter from the stand point of second issue as well.


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                                      22 17. At the outset, we must, therefore, consider various provisions on which

reliance was placed by either side.

18. The Family Courts Act,  1984 (hereinafter  referred to as the Act) was

enacted to  provide for  the establishment  of  Family Courts  with a  view to

promote  conciliation  and  secure  speedy  settlement  of  disputes  relating  to

marriage and family affairs and for matters connected therewith.  Section 4

deals  with  “appointment  of  Judges”  and  sub-section  (4)  states  that  while

selecting persons for appointment as Judges – every endeavor shall be made

to ensure that persons committed to the need inter alia to promote the welfare

of  children  and  to  promote  settlement  of  disputes  by  conciliation  and

counselling, are selected.  Under Section 6 Counsellors can be appointed by

the State Government in consultation with the High Court.  Section 7 deals

with “jurisdiction” and under sub clause (g) of sub-section (1) the jurisdiction

extends in relation to guardianship issues, or the custody of, or access to, any

minor.   Section  9  deals  with  “duty  of  Family  Court  to  make  efforts  for

settlement” and empowers the Court, subject to any rules made by the High

Court, to follow such procedure as may be deemed fit.  Section 10 deals with

“procedure generally” and states inter alia that Family Court can lay down its


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                                      23 own procedure with a view to arrive at a settlement.  Section 12 deals with

“assistance of medical and welfare experts” and Section 20 gives overriding

effect to the Act.  Section 21 enables the High Court to frame rules which may

inter  alia provide  for  “efforts  which may be  made  by,  and the  procedure

which  may  be  followed  by,  a  Family  Court  for  assisting  and  persuading

parties to arrive at a settlement”.

The relevant Sections being Sections 6, 9 and 12 of the Act are as


“6. Counsellors,  officers  and  other  employees  of Family Courts. – (1) The State Government shall in consultation  with  the  High  Court,  determine  the number  and  categories  of  counsellors,  officers  and other employees required to assist  a Family Court in the discharge of its functions and provide the Family Court  with  such  counsellors,  officers  and  other employees as it may think fit.

(2) The  terms  and  conditions  of  association  of  the counsellors and the terms and conditions of service of the officers  and other employees,  referred to  in  sub- section (1), shall be such as may be specified by rules made by the State Government.   

9. Duty  of  Family  Court  to  make  efforts  for settlement – (1) In every suit or proceeding, endeavor shall be made by the Family Court in the first instance, where it is possible to do so consistent with the nature and circumstances of the case, to assist and persuade


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                                      24 the parties in arriving at a settlement in respect of the subject-matter  of  the  suit  or  proceeding and for  this purpose a Family Court may, subject to any rules made by the High Court,  follow such procedure as  it  may deem fit.

(2). If, in any suit or proceeding, at any stage, it appears to the Family Court that there is a reasonable possibility  of  a  settlement  between  the  parties,  the Family  Court  may  adjourn  the  proceedings  for  such period as it think fit to enable attempts to be made to effect such a settlement.   

(3) The power conferred by sub-section (2) shall be in addition to, and not in derogation of any other power of the Family Court to adjourn the proceedings.

12.  Assistance of medical and welfare experts.- In every suit or proceedings, it shall be open to a Family Court to secure the services of a medical expert or such person (preferably a woman where available), whether related  to  the  parties  or  not,  including  a  person professionally engaged in promoting the welfare of the family as the court may think fit, for the purposes of assisting the Family Court in discharging the functions imposed by this Act.”

19. Pursuant to the rule making power, the High Court of Delhi notified

the  Family  Courts  (Procedure)  Rules,  1992  (hereinafter  referred  to  as  the

Rules).  Rule 5 deals with Institution of Proceedings while Rule 8 deals with

procedure to be followed to arrive at a settlement.  Rule 8 is to the following



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“8. Procedure to be followed to arrive at a settlement (i) In every suit or proceeding the Judge may, at any stage, direct the parties to attend a counsellor with a view  to  promote  conciliation  and  to  secure  speedy settlement of disputes.

(ii) The parties shall be bound to attend the counsellor on the date and time fixed by the Judge.   

(iii) The counsellor may require the parties or any one of them to appear on a date and time fixed for further counselling.  In case any of the parties fails to appear, the counsellor may report the matter to the Judge and the Judge shall pass such orders including awarding of costs,  as  the  circumstances  of  the  case  may  require. The Judge may nevertheless require the counsellor to submit a report.  

(iv) The counsellor, in the discharge of his duties may:-

(a) Pay visits to the homes of both or any of the parties.

(b) Interview,  relatives,  friends  and acquaintances of the parties or any of them.

(c) Seek such information from the employer of any of the parties, as may be deemed necessary.

v) With  the  prior  permission  of  the  Judge  the counsellor may:-

a) refer the parties to an expert in other areas, such as medicine or psychiatry.  


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                                      26 b) seek  assistance  of  any  of  the  institutions, organizations or persons mentioned in Section 5 of the Act.

vi)  The counsellor shall maintain a diary in respect of every case giving in brief the steps taken.

vii) Information  gathered  by  the  counsellor,  any statement made before the counsellor or any notes or report  prepared  by  the  counsellor  will  be  treated  as confidential.  The counsellor shall not be called upon to disclose such information, statements, notes or report to any court except with the consent of both the parties.

viii) The counsellor shall not be asked to give evidence in any court in respect of such information statements or notes.

Provided, however, that the counsellor will submit to the Judge a report relating to the home environment of the parties concerned,  their personalities and their relationship with their child and/or children in order to assist the Judge in deciding the question of the custody or  guardianship  of  any  child  or  children  of  the marriage.

Provided further that the counsellor will also submit to the Judge a report relating to the home environment, income or  standard  of  living  of  the  party  or  parties concerned in order to assist the Judge in determining the  amount  of  maintenance  and/or  alimony  to  be granted to one of the parties.   

ix) The  Judge  may  also  request  the  counsellor  to submit a report on any other matter, the Judge consider necessary.


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                                      27 x) A copy  of  any  report  may  be  supplied  to  the parties, on such request being made by the parties.   

xi)  The  parties  will  be  entitled  to  make  their submissions on the report.  

xii) The counsellor shall not be asked to give evidence in any court in respect of any report made by him.

xiii) Save  as  aforesaid,  the  counsellor  will  submit  a brief memorandum to the Judge informing the Judge of the  outcome  of  the  proceedings  within  the  time specified by the Judge.

xiv)When the parties arrive at a settlement before the counsellor relating to the dispute or any part thereof, such settlement shall be reduced to writing and shall be signed  by  the  parties  and  countersigned  by  the counsellor.   The  Judge  shall  pronounce  a  decree  or order in terms thereof unless the Judge considers the terms of the settlement unconscionable or unlawful.

xv) Cohabitation between the parties in the course of conciliation  proceedings  will  not  be  deemed  to  be condonation of the matrimonial offence.   

xvi)Even after passing of the decree or order the Judge may require the counsellor to supervise the placement of children in custody of a party and to pay surprise visits to the home where the child resides.  In case any alternation  is  required  in  the  arrangements  the counsellor will make a report to the Judge.  The Judge may  after  notice  to  the  parties  pass  such  orders  as Judge may deem fit.   

xvii) The  Judge  may  require  the  counsellor  to supervise, guide and/or assist reconciled couples, even


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                                      28 after the disposal of the case for such further period as the court may order.  

xviii) On a  request  received from the  counsellor the Judge may issue process to any person to appear before the counsellor at such place, date and time as may be desired by the counsellor.”       

20. Since reliance has been placed on various other statutory provisions to

bring home the issue regarding confidentiality in mediation process, some of

those provisions are also extracted herein:-

A] Sections 75 and 81 of the Arbitration and Conciliation Act, 1996 are

to the following effect:-

“75.   Confidentiality –  Notwithstanding  anything contained in any other law for the time being in force, the conciliator and the parties shall keep confidential all  matters  relating  to  the  conciliation  proceedings. Confidentiality  shall  extend  also  to  the  settlement agreement, except where its disclosure is necessary for purposes of implementation and enforcement.

81.  Admissibility of evidence in other proceedings. – The parties shall not rely on or introduce as evidence in arbitral or judicial proceedings, whether or not such proceedings relate to the dispute that is the subject of the conciliation proceedings,- (a)  views expressed or suggestions made by the other party in respect of a possible settlement of the dispute;


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                                      29 (b) admissions made by the other party in the course of the conciliation proceedings;

(c) proposals made by the conciliator;

(d) the fact that the other party had indicated his will- ingness to accept a proposal for settlement made by the conciliator.”

B] Rule 20 of the Delhi High Court Mediation and Conciliation Centre

(SAMADHAN) is to the following effect:-  

“Rule  20:  Confidentiality,  disclosure  and inadmissibility of information.

(a) When  a  Mediator  /Conciliator  receives  factual information  concerning  the  dispute(s)  from  any party,  he  shall  disclose  the  substance  of  that information to the other party, so that the other party may  have  an  opportunity  to  present  such explanation as it may consider appropriate.

Provided that, when a party gives information to the Mediator/Conciliator subject to a specific condition that it be kept confidential, the Mediator/Conciliator shall not disclose that information to the other party.

(b)Receipt or perusal, or preparation of records, reports or  other  documents  by  the  Mediator/Conciliator, while serving in that capacity shall be confidential and the Mediator/Conciliator shall not be compelled to divulge information regarding those documents nor  as  to  what  transpired  during  the Mediator/Conciliator  before  any  Court  or  tribunal


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                                      30 or  any other  authority  or  any person or  group of persons.

(c) Parties shall  maintain confidentiality in respect  of events  that  transpired  during  the  Mediation/ Conciliation and shall not rely on or introduce the said information in other proceedings as to:

(i) views expressed by a party in the course of the mediation/conciliation proceedings;

(ii) documents  obtained  during  the mediation/conciliation which were expressly required to be treated as confidential or other notes,  drafts  or  information  given  by  the parties or the Mediator/Conciliator;

(iii) proposals  made  or  views  expressed  by  the Mediator/Conciliator.

(iv) admission made by a party in the course of mediation/conciliation proceedings;

(v) The fact that a party had or had not indicated willingness to accept a proposal.

d) There shall be no audio or video recording of the mediation/conciliation proceedings.

e) No statement of  parties or the witnesses shall  be recorded by the Mediator/Conciliator.”


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                                      31 C] The format of the application which the Centre for Mediation and

Conciliation  (SAMADHAN)  requires  every  party  to  fill  in  is  to  the

following effect :-

“I agree to attend all the Mediation Sessions at the time and  place  fixed  by  the  Mediator.   Any  party  can withdraw from mediation if they so choose on finding that it is not helping them or their case.  Each party will bear its own lawyer’s fees.  Each party will also share the cost of the Mediator’s fees equally, unless the Court directs otherwise.

The  entire  process  of  mediation  will  be  confidential and whatever is submitted to the Mediator will not be divulged or  produced or  be  admissible  in  any Court proceedings.  The Mediator will not be compelled to appear as a witness in any Court of law.

The mediation process is voluntary and not binding on the  parties  till  they,  on  their  own  volition,  reach  a settlement agreement and sign the same.”

D] Certain other provisions relied upon by the respondent are:-

“i) The UNICITRAL Conciliation Rules contain Article 14,  which  provides  for  confidentiality  of  all  matters relating to conciliation.

ii) That  Section  of  the  Uniform Mediation  Act,  USA, 2003,  provides  for  privilege  against  disclosure, admissibility  and  discovery  of  communication  and information exchanged during mediation process.  


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iii) That Rule of the Honk Kong International Arbitration Centre Rules mandates mediation to be a private and a confidential process.

iv) The Code of Practice of Family Mediators followed by the Family Mediation Council, England and Wales in paragraph  5.5  provides  that  the  Mediator  must  not disclose any information about, or obtained in the course of the mediation to anyone, including a court appointed officer  or  court,  without  express  consent  of  each participant, an order of the court or where the law imposes an overriding obligation of disclosure on Mediator to do so.   

v) The Family Justice Courts, Singapore also mandates that  all  information  and  matters  discussed  during  the Family  Dispute  Resolution  Conferences,  counselling, mediation or co-mediation are to be confidential.    

vi) The  Members  Code  of  Professional  Conduct  of Family  Mediation  Canada  in  Article  7  extends  the principle  of  confidentiality  to  the  documents  prepared specifically for or resulting from mediation.   

vii) The California Rules of Court, 2017 also provides for confidentiality to be maintained in mediation relating to child custody matters.”

21. In Afcons Infrastructure Limited and another vs. Cherian Varkey

Construction  Company  Private  Limited  and  others7  while  dealing  with

issues concerning scope and width of Section 89 Civil Procedure Code and

7 (2010) 8 SCC 24


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                                      33 the modalities of Alternative Dispute Resolution mentioned therein, this Court

noted various kinds of disputes in respect  of which process of Alternative

Dispute Resolution has normally been found to be suitable.  Para 28 of the

decision was as under:-

“28. All  other  suits  and  cases  of  civil  nature  in particular  the following categories  of  cases  (whether pending  in  civil  courts  or  other  special tribunals/forums)  are  normally  suitable  for  ADR processes:

(i) All cases relating to trade, commerce and contracts, including •  disputes arising out of contracts (including all money claims); •  disputes relating to specific performance; •  disputes between suppliers and customers; •  disputes between bankers and customers; •  disputes between developers/builders and customers; •  disputes between landlords and tenants/licensor and licensees; •  disputes between insurer and insured;

(ii)  All  cases  arising  from  strained  or  soured relationships, including •  disputes relating to matrimonial causes, maintenance, custody of children; •  disputes relating to partition/division among family members/coparceners/co-owners; and •  disputes relating to partnership among partners.


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                                      34 (iii) All cases where there is a need for continuation of the  pre-existing  relationship  in  spite  of  the  disputes, including •   disputes  between  neighbours  (relating  to easementary rights, encroachments, nuisance, etc.); •  disputes between employers and employees; • disputes  among  members  of societies/associations/apartment owners’ associations;

(iv) All cases relating to tortious liability, including •  claims  for  compensation  in  motor  accidents/other accidents; and

(v) All consumer disputes, including •   disputes  where  a trader/supplier/manufacturer/service provider is keen to maintain  his  business/professional  reputation  and credibility or product popularity.

The above enumeration of “suitable” and “unsuitable” categorisation of cases is not intended to be exhaustive or rigid. They are illustrative, which can be subjected to  just  exceptions  or  additions  by  the  court/tribunal exercising  its  jurisdiction/discretion  in  referring  a dispute/case to an ADR process.”

22. In Moti Ram (dead) through Lrs.  and another vs. Ashok Kumar and

another8 it was held that mediation proceedings are totally confidential and in

case the mediation is unsuccessful, the Mediator should not write anything

8 (2011) 1 SCC 466


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                                      35 that was discussed, proposed or done during the mediation proceedings.  The

observations in that behalf were:-

“2. In  this  connection,  we  would  like  to  state  that mediation  proceedings  are  totally  confidential proceedings. This is unlike proceedings in court which are  conducted  openly  in  the  public  gaze.  If  the mediation succeeds, then the mediator should send the agreement  signed  by  both  the  parties  to  the  court without  mentioning  what  transpired  during  the mediation  proceedings.  If  the  mediation  is unsuccessful, then the mediator should only write one sentence in his report and send it to the court stating that  the  “mediation  has  been  unsuccessful”.  Beyond that, the mediator should not write anything which was discussed,  proposed  or  done  during  the  mediation proceedings. This is because in mediation, very often, offers,  counter  offers and proposals are  made by the parties  but  until  and  unless  the  parties  reach  to  an agreement signed by them, it will not amount to any concluded contract. If the happenings in the mediation proceedings  are  disclosed,  it  will  destroy  the confidentiality of the mediation process.”

 Similarly, while dealing with a matter arising under the Arbitration and

Conciliation Act, 1996, it was held by this Court in Govind Prasad Sharma

and others vs.   Doon Valley Officers Co-operative Housing Society  Ltd.9

that “both the Conciliator and the parties must keep as confidential all matters

relating to conciliation proceedings”.   

9 AIR 2017 SC 4968 : 2017 (11) SCALE 231


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23. Reliance was placed by the respondent on the decisions mentioned above

and  some  statutory  provisions  including  procedural  norms  in  different

jurisdictions to submit that there must be absolute confidentiality in respect of

any statements made during the course of mediation.  The appellant, however,

relies upon Sub-Rule(viii) of Rule 8 of the Rules in support of the submission

that in relation to matters, inter alia, of custody or guardianship of any child

or children, the Counsellor could be asked to submit to the Judge a report

relating to home environment of the parties concerned, their personalities and

their relationship with the child and or children in order to assist the Judge in

deciding the questions involved in the matter.  

24. We,  thus,  have  line  of  cases  dealing  with  mediation/conciliation  and

other proceedings in general and Rule 8 of the Rules dealing inter alia, with

custody  issues  which  is  in  the  nature  of  an  exception  to  the  norms  of

confidentiality.   It  is  true that  the process of  mediation is  founded on the

element of confidentiality.  Qualitatively, Mediation or Conciliation stands on

a  completely  different  footing  as  against  regular  adjudicatory  processes.

Instead  of  an  adversarial  stand  in  adjudicatory  proceedings,  the  idea  of

mediation is to resolve the dispute at a level which is amicable rather than


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                                      37 adversarial.   In  the  process,  the  parties  may  make  statements  which  they

otherwise  they  would  not  have  made  while  the  matter  was  pending

adjudication before a  court  of  law.   Such statements which are essentially

made in order to see if  there could be a settlement,  ought not  to be used

against the maker of such statements in case at a later point the attempts at

mediation  completely  fail.   If  the  statements  are  allowed  to  be  used  at

subsequent stages, the element of confidence which is essential for healthy

mediation/conciliation  would  be  completely  lost.   The  element  of

confidentiality and the assurance that the statements would not be relied upon

helps the parties bury the hatchet and move towards resolution of the disputes.

The confidentiality is, thus, an important element of mediation/conciliation.   

25. Complete  adherence  to  confidentiality  would absolutely  be  correct  in

normal matters where the role of the court is purely of an adjudicator. But

such an approach may not essentially be conducive when the court is called

upon and expected to discharge its role in the capacity as parens patriae and

is concerned with the welfare of a child.  All custody and guardianship issues

are resolved on the touchstone or parameter of “best interest of the child”.  In

custody and guardianship disputes between two parties, a minor child is in a


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                                      38 peculiar situation.  At times, both sides are busy fighting legal battles and the

court is called upon in parens patriae to decide what is in the best interest of

the child.  In order to reach correct conclusion, the court may interview the

child or may depend upon the analysis of an expert who may spend some

more time with the child and gauge the upbringing, personality, desires or

mental frame of the child and render assistance to the court.  It is precisely for

this reason that the element of confidentiality which is otherwise the basic

foundation of mediation/conciliation, to a certain extent, is departed from in

Sub-Rule (viii) of Rule 8 of the Rules.

26. If the reports of the Counsellor touching upon the home environment of

the parties concerned, their personalities and their relationship with their child

or children would assist the court in determining the custody or guardianship

issues, any technicality ought not to stand in the way.   Sub-Rule (viii) of Rule

8 seeks to achieve that purpose and makes such material available for the

assessment of the court.  The observations of this Court in Ashish Ranjan vs.

Anupma Tandon and another10 have crystalized the approach to be adopted

in matters concerning custody or guardianship issues.  Paras 18 & 19 of the

decision are as under:

10 (2010) 14 SCC 274


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“18. It  is  settled  legal  proposition  that  while determining the question as to which parent  the care and control of a child should be given, the paramount consideration remains the welfare and interest  of  the child and not the rights of the parents under the statute. Such  an  issue  is  required  to  be  determined  in  the background of the relevant facts and circumstances and each case has  to  be decided on its  own facts  as  the application  of  doctrine  of  stare  decisis  remains irrelevant insofar as the factual aspects of the case are concerned. While considering the welfare of the child, the “moral and ethical welfare of the child must also weigh  with  the  court  as  well  as  his  physical  well- being”. The child cannot be treated as a property or a commodity  and,  therefore,  such  issues  have  to  be handled by the court with care and caution, with love, affection and sentiments applying human touch to the problem. Though, the provisions of the special statutes which  govern  the  rights  of  the  parents  or  guardians may be taken into consideration, there is nothing which can stand in the way of the court exercising its parens patriae jurisdiction arising in such cases. (Vide Gaurav Nagpal v. Sumedha Nagpal11.)

19. The statutory provisions dealing with the custody of the child under any personal law cannot and must not supersede the paramount consideration as to what is conducive to the welfare of the minor. In fact,  no statute on the subject, can ignore, eschew or obliterate the  vital  factor  of  the  welfare  of  the  minor.  (Vide Elizabeth  Dinshaw v.  Arvand  M.  Dinshaw12, Chandrakala  Menon v.  Vipin  Menon13,  Nil  Ratan

11(2009) 1 SCC 42 : (2009) 1 SCC (Civ) 1 : AIR 2009 SC 557  12 (1987) 1 SCC 42 : 1987 SCC (Cri) 13 : AIR 1987 SC 3  13 (1993) 2 SCC 6 : 1993 SCC (Cri) 485


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                                      40 Kundu v.  Abhijit  Kundu14,  Shilpa Aggarwal v.  Aviral Mittal15 and Athar Hussain v. Syed Siraj Ahmed16.)”

27. Statements made by the parents during the course of mediation may not

be relied  upon on the ground of  confidentiality  but  natural  responses  and

statements  made  by the  minor  to  the  Counsellor  would  certainly  afford  a

chance to decide what is in the best interest of the child.  A child may respond

naturally and spontaneously in its  interactions with the Counsellor,  who is

professionally trained to make the child feel comfortable.  Record of such

interaction may afford valuable inputs to the Court in discharge of its duties in

parens  patriae  jurisdiction.   If  during  such  interaction  issues  or  aspects

concerning welfare of a child are noticed, there is no reason why the Court be

deprived  of  access  to  such  aspects.   As  held  by  this  Court  in  various

judgments, the paramount consideration ought to be to see what is in the best

interest of the child.   

28. In terms of Sub Rule (viii) of Rule 8, the Counsellor is obliged to give

report, inter alia, relating to home environment of the parties concerned, their

personalities and their relationship with the child and/or children in order to

14 (2008) 9 SCC 413 15 (2010) 1 SCC 591 : (2010) 1 SCC (Civ) 192 16 (2010) 2 SCC 654 : (2010) 1 SCC (Civ) 528


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                                      41 assist  the  Judge  in  deciding  the  question  of  guardianship  of  any  child  or

children.  The intention is clear that the normal principle of confidentiality

will not apply in matters concerning custody or guardianship issues and the

Court, in the best interest of the child, must be equipped with all the material

touching  upon  relevant  issues  in  order  to  render  complete  justice.  This

departure from confidentially is consistent with the underlined theme of the

Act in general and Section 12 in particular.  Once there is a clear exception in

favour  of  categories  stated  therein,  principles  in  any  other  forms  of

mediation/conciliation  or  other  modes  of  Alternative  Dispute  Resolution

regarding confidentiality cannot be imported.  The effect of such exception

cannot be diluted or nullified.  In our view, the High Court considered the

matter in correct perspective in paragraphs 17 to 20 of its judgment dated


29. There is, however, one aspect which must also be considered and that is

who  is  the  “Counsellor”  within  the  meaning  of  Rule  8  and  whether  the

Counsellor who assisted the court in the present matter comes within the four

corners of said provision.  It is true that under Section 6 the Counsellors are

appointed by the State Government in consultation with the High Court.  It is


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                                      42 also true that the Counsellor in the present case was not the one who was

appointed in terms of Section 6 but was appointed by a committee of the High

Court  and her assistance had been requested for  in connection with many

matters.   The order  passed on 06.05.2016 had indicated that  the Mediator

could join “any other person” as may be deemed necessary for a holistic and

effective mediation.  The next order dated 11.05.2016 did mention the name

of the Counsellor and the fact that the Counsellor had a fruitful meeting with

Aditya.   The Counsellor, thereafter, interacted with him on 08.07.2016 and

11.07.2016,  based  on  which  interaction,  a  report  was  submitted  on

21.07.2016.   The  engagement  of  the  Counsellor  was  thus  in  complete

knowledge  of  the  parties  as  well  as  with  express  acceptance  of  the  High

Court.  It may be that said Counsellor was not appointed under Section 6 of

the Act but if the paramount consideration is the welfare of the child, there

cannot be undue reliance on a technicality.  As a matter of fact, the width of

Section 12 of the Act would admit no such restriction.  The report given by

the  Counsellor  in  the  present  case  cannot,  therefore,  be  eschewed  from

consideration. It is noteworthy that there was absolutely nothing against the

Counsellor  and in  the judgment  under  appeal,  the  High Court  went  on to

observe in para No.30 that the Counsellor was well experienced and known


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                                      43 for  her  commitment  and  sincerity  to  secure  a  settlement  which would  be

satisfactory to all.   

30. We do not, therefore, see any reason why the reports in the present case,

be kept out of consideration.  

31. We, therefore, allow this appeal, set aside the judgment dated 11.12.2017

passed by the High Court and restore the earlier judgment dated 17.02.2017

passed by the High Court of Delhi.   There shall be no order as to costs.

…………..…..……..……J.                                                                                            (Abhay Manohar Sapre)

....………….……………J.                                                 (Uday Umesh Lalit)

New Delhi, February 15, 2019