13 September 2013
Supreme Court


Case number: Crl.A. No.-001432-001432 / 2013
Diary number: 37991 / 2012


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(ARISING OUT OF S. L. P. (CRL.) NO. 9568 OF 2012)






1. Leave granted.



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2. The appellant  herein,  a  renowned surgeon,  stands  convicted of  the  

offence punishable under Section 338 r/w Section 109 of the Indian Penal  

Code, 1860 (hereinafter to be referred as the ‘I.P.C’). This conviction was  

delivered  by  the  Additional  Chief  Metropolitan  Magistrate,  47th Court,  

Esplanade,  Mumbai,  vide  judgment  and  order  dated  05.07.2011.  The  --

appellant was sentenced to suffer simple imprisonment (SI) till the rising of  

the Court and to pay Rs. 50,000/- as and by way of compensation, in default  

to suffer simple imprisonment for 3 months. This conviction and sentence  

had been upheld by the ld. Additional Sessions Judge vide judgment dated  

22.03.2012  and  is  also  confirmed  by  the  High  Court  of  Judicature  at  

Bombay by way of impugned judgment dated 15.10.2012. Still not satisfied,  

the appellant  has challenged the judgment of  the High Court,  by way of  

present appeal.

3. To give a glimpse of the episode at the outset, we may mention that  

one Smt. Leela Singhi (hereinafter to be referred as the ‘patient’), wife of  

Shri Padamchandra Singhi, the complainant, was suffering from Cancer for  

which  she  was  under  medical  treatment  since  the  year  1977.  As  her  

condition did not improve and rather deteriorated over a period of time, in  



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1987 she was taken to America and was treated in Sloan Kettering Memorial  

Hospital in New York.  However, it did not yield any positive results.  The  

doctors in that hospital  declared her beyond surgical treatment and she was  

sent back to India on 29.11.1987. In India, she had been under the medical  

supervision  of  Dr.  A.K.  Mukherjee,  for  a  long  time,  who  started  --

administering the medication prescribed by the doctors in U.S.A. Within few  

days, the patient started suffering from vaginal bleeding because of which  

Dr.  A.K. Mukherjee advised her for  hospitalization.  She was admitted to  

Bombay Hospital on 9.12.1987. After a few days of hospitalization, she was  

examined by the appellant who advised ‘Exploratory Laparotomy (surgery)’,  

in order to ascertain whether the patient’s uterus can or cannot be removed in  

order to stop the vaginal bleeding.

4. Nod of  a  patient  for  Exploratory  Laparotomy was duly taken who  

signed  the  consent  form.  Dr.  Mukherjee,  assisted  by  two  other  doctors,  

began the Exploratory Laparotomy procedure on 22.12.1987. On opening  

the abdomen, Dr. Mukherjee found plastering of intestines as well as profuse  

oozing  of  ascetic  fluids.  He  immediately  called  the  appellant  who  was  

performing  other  surgical  procedure  in  another  operation  theatre.  The  



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appellant after seeing the condition of the patient from a distance, found that  

it  was  not  possible  to  proceed  with  the  operation.  He  advised  Dr.  A.K.  

Mukherjee to close the abdomen. Dr. Mukherjee, thus, closed the abdomen.  

The condition of the patient, thereafter, deteriorated due to the formation of  

fistula. The patient remained in the hospital for treatment of the fistula. After  

remaining in the hospital for about 3 months she was discharged and taken  

home by the complainant. But she never recovered and ultimately passed  

away on 26.2.1989 at Jaipur.  

5. The  complainant  filed  a  complaint  with  the  Maharashtra  Medical  

Council against the appellant and also lodged criminal complaint against the  

appellant with the Director General of Police, Maharashtra. Main allegation  

against the appellant was that he did not take personal care and attention by  

preferring the operation himself.  On the contrary he did not ever bother to  

even  remain  present  there  when  Dr.  A.K.  Mukherjee  started  surgical  

procedure  and  opened  the  abdomen.  Moreover,  when  Dr.  Mukherjee,  on  

opening of the abdomen, found that Cancer was at a very advanced stage  

and  it  would  not  be  possible  to  proceed  because  there  was  fluid  and  

intestines were plastered and he called the appellant for advice, even then the  



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appellant  did not  examine the patient  minutely.  Instead,  after seeing her  

from the entrance of the operating room, he advised Dr. Mukherjee to close  

the abdomen. So much so, even after the formation of the fistula and the  

pathetic condition of the patient, the appellant never bothered to examine or  

looked after her. It was alleged that the very advise of the appellant for  --

surgical operation, even when doctors at U.S.A. had opined to the contrary,  

was inappropriate. It was, thus alleged that the aforesaid acts of omission  

and commission amounted to  professional  misconduct  as  well  as  offence  

punishable under Section 338 of the I.P.C. Since, there was no overt act on  

the part of the appellant, as the surgical procedure was performed by Dr.  

A.K. Mukherjee, charge of abetment under Section 109 of I.P.C. was also  

leveled against the appellant.   Dr. A.K. Mukherjee was also made accused in  

the  said  complaint.  However,  at  a  later  stage,  Dr.  A.K.  Mukherjee  was  

dropped from the proceedings at the instance of the complainant.  

6. It is on the aforesaid allegations, purportedly proved through oral and  

documentary evidence, that the conviction of the appellant is returned by the  

courts below.



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7. On the complaint of the complainant, Maharashtra Medical Council  

initiated disciplinary action against the appellant and found him guilty of  

professional  mis-conduct  under  Para  15  of  the  Warning  Notice  of  the  

Maharashtra Medical Council’s Code of Ethics and Para 3 of the disciplinary  

action of  the  Medical  Council  of  India’s  Code of  Ethics.   It  resulted in  

issuance  of  warning  under  Section  22(1)  of  the  Maharashtra  Medical  --

Council Act, 1965 vide orders dated 11.2.1991 passed by the Maharashtra  

Medical  Council.  The  appellant  did  not  challenge  the  findings  of  the  

disciplinary committee of the Maharashtra Medical Council and accepted the  

order of warning.  

8. As we are, in this appeal, concerned with the validity of the conviction  

of the appellant under Section 338, IPC, we would like to reproduce that  

provision at this stage:

“338.  Causing grievous hurt by act endangering life or personal  safety of others: Whoever causes grievous hurt to any person  by doing any act so rashly or negligently as to endanger human  life,  or  the  personal  safety of  others,  shall  be  punished with  imprisonment of either description for a term which may extend  to two years, or with fine which may extend to one thousand  rupees, or with both.”



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9. Questions that falls for determination is as to whether the alleged role  

of the appellant amounts to “doing any act” and whether it was so rash or  

negligent as to endanger the life of the patient.-

10. Mr. Harish Salve, learned Senior Counsel appearing for the appellant,  

at the outset, invited the attention of this Court to the exact charge framed by  

the Trial Court which reads as under:-

“Does the prosecution prove that on 22.12.1987 at about 9.00  a.m.,  at  Bombay  Hospital,  Mumbai,  the  Accused  No.  1,  Accused No. 2 - Dr. A.K. Mukherjee, caused grievous hurt to  the  wife  of  complainant  namely,  Leela  Singhi  by  doing  an  operation of abdomen taking out uterus, so rash or negligently  as to endanger human life or the personal safety of wife of the  complainant  namely,  Leela  Singhi and thereby committed an  offence punishable under Section 338 read with Section 109 of  the I.P.C?”

11. His submission was that the specific allegations in the charge framed  

against the appellant as well as Accused No. 2 – Dr.. A.K. Mukherjee were  




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a) The  charge  is  for  a  specific  act  committed  at  9.00  a.m.  on  22.12.1987.

b) It is a charge against the Appellant (Accused No. 1) and Dr.  A.K. Mukherjee (Acquitted Accused No. 2).

c) The charge is against the two accused under Section 338 r/w  Section 109 of I.PC.


12. Proceeding  therefrom,  Mr.  Harish  Salve,  argued  that  the  primary  

offender,  as per the charge under Section 338 of the I.P.C, was Dr. A.K.  

Mukherjee,  the  doctor  who  actually  performed  the  procedure  and  the  

appellant  was  charged  as  an  abettor,  using  Section  109  of  the  I.P.C.  

However,  Dr.  A.K.  Mukherjee  was  dropped  from the  prosecution  at  the  

instance  of  the  complainant  himself,  on  the  ground  that  there  was  no  

evidence  against  him.  On the  contrary,  the  complainant  in  his  testimony  

(P.W.1) gave glowing compliments to Dr. A.K. Mukherjee, praising his skills  

both as a doctor and a surgeon. In such circumstances, argued Mr. Harish  

Salve  the  question  of  abetment  did  not  survive  and,  therefore,  the  case  

warranted  closure  even  against  the  appellant  as  well,  after  dropping  Dr.  

Mukherjee from the prosecution.  



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13. Without prejudice to the aforesaid submissions, further arguments of  

Mr. Harish Salve were that, in any case, the ingredients of Section 338 of  

I.P.C  had  not  been  established.  It  was  merely  a  case  of  “negligence”  

projected  by  the  prosecution.  It  could  not  be  held,  ipso  facto,  that  the  

essential  ingredients of the offence contained under Section 338 of I.P.C.  

were fulfilled. -

14. Mr. Harish Salve endeavored to demonstrate that the decision of the  

appellant  to  advise  the  operation,  in  question,  namely  “Exploratory  

Laparotomy”  could  not  even  be  treated  as  unreasonable  or  an  act  of  

negligent advice. Once it was accepted that the appellant was a renowned  

Oncologist  with  great  experience,  his  opinion  to  conduct  the  aforesaid  

procedure/ surgery, after examining the patient, was an expert opinion and  

merely  because  he  differed  from the  doctors  in  U.S.A.  on  this  account,  

negligence could not be attributed to him because of the same, much less  

criminal negligence.

15. That apart, merely on the basis of negligence, it could not be held that  

ingredients of Section 338 of I.P.C. stood proved as it could not amount to  



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an “act” of causing “grievous hurt”, that  too “rationally and negligently”  

thereby endangering the life of the patient. He submitted that, in the first  

instance, a medical professional who is called upon to treat a patient cannot  

possibly be charged for  causing hurt,  where the patient  has  come to the  

hospital for receiving treatment inter alia by virtue of Section 81, 87 and 88  

of the I.P.C. and where consent for such treatment has been freely given.-

Secondly,  in  the  context  of  a  doctor  -  patient  relationship,  even  

assuming, without accepting that there could be a situation in which a doctor  

can be held to have committed an offence of causing hurt (either for want of  

consent or acting with wanton negligence in performing a procedure), it is  

inconceivable that a doctor can be charged of causing a hurt by not doing  

something.  An  omission  by  a  surgeon  to  perform  a  surgery,  in  certain  

extreme circumstances, may constitute acting in a manner that no medical  

professional would, and thereby be a case of criminal negligence. It cannot  

possibly be an omission by which hurt, by way of a positive act, is inflicted.  

16. Mr. Harish Salve argued that once rendering an opinion to perform  

such surgical procedure cannot be treated as criminal offence, in so far as  



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actual  procedure  is  concerned,  that  was  not  performed  by  the  appellant.  

Without  accepting,  that  it  was  the  appellant  who  was  to  do  the  surgery  

himself, he submitted that the Courts below fell in legal error by attributing  

the so called omission to perform the said surgery by the appellant as an  

“act” within the meaning of Section 338 of the I.P.C. He pointed out that the  

charge as framed did not even remotely mention about the purported “illegal  

omission”. He thus, argued that the Respondents could not base their case  


plea of “omission” as an “act”. Even otherwise, in the instant case, the so  

called omission could not be treated as an “act” of causing grievous hurt in  

as  much as,  such an omission has to be in relation to the operation that  

caused the hurt.  Dilating this aspect, the learned senior counsel projected  

the theory that illegal omissions could result in causing hurt cannot have any  

application to a doctor who has not performed a surgery – where the primary  

allegation is that the performance of the surgery constituted the infliction of  

hurt. Whatever may be the legal consequences of reneging on an assurance  

to  perform  a  surgery,  if  the  surgery  is  performed  by  a  duly  qualified  

professional, the surgeon who did not perform the surgery could not possibly  



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be guilty of causing hurt.  A fortiori, where the surgeon who did perform the  

surgery is duly qualified, and is blame free, there is no question of charging,  

under  Section  338  of  I.P.C.,  some  other  surgeon  who  may  have  been  

engaged to perform the surgery, but did not do so.  

17. Mr. Harish Salve also sought to distract the charge of abetment under  

Section 109 of the I.P.C. by attempting to highlight that as per the charge  

framed by the Trial Court, the “act” was attributed to Dr. A.K. Mukherjee  

and the  primary charge  against  the  appellant  was  only that  of  abetment.  

With the dropping of Dr. A.K. Mukherjee from the prosecution, the charge  

of abetment no more survived, more so when no overt act is attributed to the  

appellant and there is no medical or other aspect examined to show grievous  

hurt resulted because of the surgery. The appellant placed reliance upon the  

decisions of this Court in Faguna Kant Nath v. The State of Assam (1959) 2  

Suppl. SCR 1;  Madan Raj Bhandari v.  State of Rajasthan (1969) 2 SCC  


18. Mr. B.H. Marlapalle, learned Senior Counsel appearing for the State  

invited the attention of this Court to the reasons recorded by the Maharashtra  



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Medical Council in its orders dated 11.2.1991 holding the appellant guilty of  

misconduct.  He pointed  out  that  under  the Maharashtra  Medical  Council  

Act,  1965,  the  proceedings  against  the  appellant  were  in  the  nature  of  

judicial  proceedings  under  Sections  22  of  the  said  Act  and  since  these  

findings of the Medical Council had attained finality, there was no basis in  

the submission of the appellant that he had not acted negligently. He also  

referred to the findings recorded by the trial court and the High Court and  

submitted as under:


a) The  patient  Smt.  Leela  Singhi  was  admitted  at  the  Bombay  

Hospital  as  the  patient  of  the  present  accused  in  Room No.  

1005 (MRC I Class).

b) She  had  given  consent  for  being  operated  by  the  present  


c) It was the accused mainly who took the decision to operate the  

patient for exploratory surgery despite  a written opinion from  

the doctors of USA that she was inoperable.

d) As per the evidence of DW.2, Dr. Gajanand Hegade, Dr. A.K.  

Mukherjee was the Assistant Surgeon under the present accused  

and it was not permissible for him to perform any procedure  




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e) The  accused  had  accepted  two  different  surgeries  in  two  

different operation theatres (OT 1 and OT 2) at the same time  

on 20.12.1987 at the Bombay Hospital and Mrs. Leela Singhi  

was taken in OT 2. He instructed Dr. A.K. Mukherjee to open  

the abdomen of Mrs. Leela Singhi and went to OT1 to attend  

another  surgery.  After  Dr.  A.K.  Mukherjee,  as  per  the  

instructions of the present accused, Dr. P.B. Desai took a cut he  

immediately  noticed  that  the  process  was  unmanageable  for  

him  and  the  said  process  was  started  in  the  absence  of  Dr.  

Desai.  Dr.  Mukherjee,  therefore,  in  deperation  sent  for  Dr.  

Desai to come to OT 2 and attend to Mrs. Singhi for further  

procedure.  Dr.  Desai  did  not  turn  up  and,  therefore,  after  

waiting for some time -and leaving the patient, Dr. Mukherjee  

went to OT1 to request Dr. Desai to come and attend to Mrs.  

Singhi. Dr. Desai came to OT 2 and by standing at a distance of  

6 feet, instructed Dr. Mukherjee to stitch the abdomen as the  

case was inoperable. He did not touch the patient, leave alone  

stitching the abdomen by himself. The patient remained in the  

Hospital for over three months and for about initial one month  

she required dressing every one hour because of the bleeding  

from the stitches. This pain and suffering of the patient could  

have been avoided/ reduced if Dr. Desai himself had stitched  

the abdomen. After the wound was stitched and till the patient  

was  discharged  on  5.4.1998,  Dr.  Desai  did  not,  even  once,  



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attend to Mrs. Singhi and the patient missed the healing touch  

of the surgeon who was authorized to operate her.

f) After the patient’s husband (PW.1) started writing complaints,  

Dr. Desai flatly denied that Mrs. Singhi was his patient. And Dr.  

Desai continued the denial even till the end of the trial despite  

the fact  that  the Maharashtra  Medical  Council  had held  him  

guilty  after  a  full  fledged  enquiry  under  Section  22  of  the  

Maharashtra  Medical  Council  Act,  1965 and warned him, so  

also three witnesses from the hospital i.e. PW.2, PW.3 and PW.5  

were  examined  by  the  prosecution  to  prove  that  Mrs.  Leela  

Singhi was the patient of Dr. Desai. This entire behavior of Dr.  

Desai during the operation stage and post operation and  -post  

complaint/  during  trial  was  not  commensurate  with  his  

professional eminence.  

19. Submissions of Mr. B.H. Marlapalle were that the aforesaid admitted  

facts were sufficient to establish commission of offence under Section 338  

of the I.P.C., in as much as, it has been proved beyond reasonable doubts  

that because of the procedure with which the patient was subjected to, under  

the instructions of  the appellant,  the patient suffered grievous hurt which  

also endangered her life and it was he alone who was negligent and acted  

rashly  from  20.12.1987  till  the  patient  was  discharged  on  5.4.1988.  He  



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argued  that  it  is  not  necessary  to  evaluate  as  to  whether  his  decision  to  

operate Mrs. Singhi could be said to be rash or negligent, (though it was  

hazardous) but surely having taken the decision to operate her, the appellant  

did not operate her and instead instructed Dr. Mukherjee to proceed with the  

first  cut and Dr. Desai even abandoned the patient and went to the other  

operation theatre. When he came back to OT 2, he did not attend to Mrs.  

Singhi  and  stitched  the  cut.  This  was  second  act  of  rash  and  negligent  

behavior  of  the  appellant.  Thirdly,  even  after  the  operation,  he  never  

attended to Mrs. Leela Singhi till she was discharged and thus again this was  

another act of rash and negligent behavior. Though this could be said to be  

omissions of Dr. Desai, the word “doing any act” as appearing in Section  

338 is required to be read with Section 32, 33 and 36 of I.P.C.  The learned  

counsel pointed out that in every part of this Code, except where a contrary  

intention appears from the context, words which refer to acts done extend  

also  to  illegal  omissions.  Section  33 of  I.P.C.  states  that  the  word “act”  

denotes as well a series of acts as a single act  and the word “omission”  

denotes as well as series of omissions as a single omission. Whereas, as per  

Section 36 of the I.P.C. -  wherever the causing of  a certain effect,  or an  



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attempt to cause that effect, by an act or by an omission, is an offence, it is to  

be understood that the causing of that effect partly by an act and partly by an  

omission is the same offence. It was thus, argued that all the acts proved  

against the appellant and the omissions attributable to him, form the part of  

the same offence viz., an offence under Section 338 of causing grievous hurt  

by rash and negligent acts/ omissions. The said offence is not attributable to  

a single act or omission but it denotes a series of omissions/ acts as a single  

omission/ act. -

20. According to the learned State Counsel even the offence under Section  

109 of I.P.C. was proved, notwithstanding the fact that Dr. Mukherjee was  

dropped from the proceedings.  He referred to Section 107 of I.P.C.  which  

defines Abetment of a thing -  by stating that a person abets a doing of a  

thing who, inter alia, intentionally aids, by any act or illegal omission the  

doing of that thing. As per Section 109 of I.P.C. whoever abets any offence  

shall, if the act abetted is committed in consequence of the abetment, and no  

express provision is made by the I.P.C. for the punishment of such abetment,  

be punished with punishment provided for the offence.  Thus,  the offence  

under Section 109 is an independent offence but the punishment is related  



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with other offence. In the instant case, with the offence punishable under  

Section 338, as the appellant instructed Dr. Mukherjee to open the abdomen  

of Mrs. Singhi who was not authorized to do so and left the operation theatre  

leaving the patient  in the charge of  Dr.  Mukherjee,  the appellant  abetted  

through Dr. Mukherjee. The words “intentionally acts” used in Section 107  

(thirdly) of I.P.C. are required, to be read, in the instant case as “knowingly  

instructs”. The prosecution case has not in any way effected because of the  

discharge of Dr. Mukherjee by allowing an -application under Section 321 of  

Cr.  PC. as Dr.  Mukherjee was not  competent  to undertake the procedure  

independently and he undertook the procedure solely as per the instructions  

of  the appellant.  Hence,  the prosecution urged that  the accused has been  

rightly convicted under Section 338 r/w Section 109 of I.P.C.

21. Mr.  Gonsalves,  ld.  Senior  Counsel,  argued  for  the  complainant/  

Respondent No. 2, and pleaded that the conviction recorded by the Court  

below were perfectly justified which required no interference. He referred to  

the following facts which according to him, were established by sufficient  

and cogent evidence.  



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(a)    The appellant alone was the doctor of the patient to whom  the patient was specifically referred to by Dr. Mukherjee  from  the  stage  of  examining  the  patient  and  advising  surgical operation. The entire responsibility was that of  the appellant even to do the surgery in as much as the  patient as well as the complainant recognized only one  doctor namely the appellant.  

(b) The appellant took a particular decision viz., to perform  Exploratory  Laparotomy and  this  itself  was  “rash  and  negligent”  act  on  the  part  of  the  appellant,  when  examined  the  same  in  juxtaposition  with  the  advise  rendered by the doctors in U.S.A.-

c) The  instruction  of  the  appellant  to  Dr.  Mukherjee  to  operate, when Dr. Mukherjee was not authorized by the  Complainant/ Respondent No. 2 was another act of rash  and negligent nature.

d) The  appellant  had  consciously  and  deliberately  abandoned  his  patient  twice  –  one  at  the  time  of  operation and thereafter, not attending and treating her to  ameliorate  her  pain  and  suffering,  which  was  another  rash and negligent act.

These acts, according to Mr. Gonsalve, were sufficient to specify the  

ingredients of Section 338 of  I.P.C.

22. Mr. Gonsalves, also pointed out that the only defence of the appellant  

was that Smt. Leela Singhi was not her patient which has been proved to be  



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false. Therefore, the appellant could not be allowed to argue to the contrary.  

Mr.  Gonsalves  also  referred  to  the  findings  of  the  Maharashtra  Medical  

Council, as argued by the State Counsel, to buttress his submission that the  

guilt of the appellant stood proved.

23. We have given our deep thoughts to the aforesaid submissions made  

by the learned Senior Counsel appearing for different parties. The provisions  

of Section 338 IPC have already been reproduced in the earlier part of this --

judgment.  A perusal thereof would clearly demonstrate that before a person  

is held guilty of the offence, following ingredients need to be established:

a) Causing grievous hurt to a person. b) Grievous hurt should be the result of an act.          c) Such act ought to have been rash and negligent. d) The intensity of commission of such an act ought to endanger  

human life or the personal safety of others.

24. Before we find out as to whether these essential ingredients have been  

satisfied in the present case or not, another aspects needs discussion, viz.,  

whether Smt. Leela was the patient of the appellant or not.  



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The Established Facts

To find an answer to this question, let us revert to those facts which  

have been established by evidence. Respondent No.2 on the advice of Dr.  

A.K. Mukherjee admitted her in the unit of the appellant at Bombay Hospital  

on  the  basis  of  a  note  for  admission  given  by  Dr.  A.  Mukherjee.  The  

operation namely “Exploratory Laprotomy Panhyxtroctomy” was advised by  

the appellant. At Bombay Hospital, a number of medical tests referred by the  

appellant including CT Scan, Blood Analysis, Blood transfusion report,  --

examination of urine, microscopic examination of centrifugalised deposits  

were done on the patient.  As per the Bombay Hospital records, the patient -  

Smt. Leela Singhi was admitted as the indoor patient from 09.12.1987 to  

4.5.1988  in  Room  No.  1005  under  the  appellant.  Room  No.  1005  was  

earmarked for the appellant and never allotted to any other patient without  

instructions  of  the appellant.  The date  of  operation was fixed as per  the  

convenience and on instructions of the appellant five days after his advice.  

The patient was examined by the appellant after preliminary investigations  

by Dr. A. K Mukherjee. A bill of Rs. 5000/- as the operation fee rendered by  

the operating surgeon Accused No 1 - the appellant, was raised by Bombay  



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Hospital  which  was  sent  to  Government  of  Rajasthan  for  payment.  The  

documents  also showed the appellant  as  operating surgeon.  The constant  

reminders for  the clearance of  the bill  were made to the Government of  

Rajasthan for releasing of the payment. The Respondent No. 2 had objected  

for charging of Rs. 5000/- in the name of the appellant for the operation  

which admittedly the appellant had never carried on his wife, the operation  

which according to the Bombay Hospital records was to be conducted by the  

appellant. Thereafter, Respondent No.2 made a complaint to the Board of --

Management  of  the  Bombay  Hospital  regarding  the  behaviour  of  the  

appellant and even met the chairman of the hospital. Resultantly, the charges  

of Rs. 5,000/- against the appellant were waived. After the correspondence,  

Bombay Hospital sent a duplicate bill deleting Rs. 5,000/- which was the  

operation fee charges for the appellant.

We may record that the defence put by the appellant in the Trial Court  

was that Smt. Leela Singhi was not her patient but the same has rightly been  

rejected by the Courts below in view of plethora of evidence, establishing  

otherwise. Thus, it can be concluded that Smt. Leela was the patient of the  

appellant and it was his responsibility to take care of his patient.  



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25. The answer can also be founded on the nature of professional duty  

which appellant owed to the patient. Usually before the operation, consent  

form  is  required  to  be  signed  by  the  patient  for  agreeing  to  the  risks  

involved. The documentary medical records of surgical operation pointed to  

the appellant as the operating surgeon, the oral and documentary proof both  

impliedly  and  explicitly  leads  to  the  creation  of  contractual  agreement  

between the patient and the appellant. -

26. In Lambert v. California ( 355 U.S 225 (1957),  the Supreme Court of  

United States seems to recognize the unfairness of imposing liability where  

an  actor  is  unaware  of  a  duty  to  act.  Similarly  the  Indian  Constitution  

mandates under Articles 20(1) & 21 of the Constitution of India that the due  

process of  law requires that  everyone who is tried under any law before  

court must have some awareness of, or at least a reasonable opportunity to  

become aware of their legal owed duty towards its recipient. In this case, at  

hand, the appellant was aware of his duty towards the patient - Smt. Leela as  

the appellant was the patient’s operating surgeon. To the utter disregard of  

the patient, the appellant vehemently denied her to be his patient.  Since the  

documentary evidences are conclusive in nature also all the facts which had  



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been perused below in the courts undoubtedly point to the undeniable fact  

that the patient - Smt. Leela was indeed the appellant’s patient.

27. Thus,  brushing aside the objection of the appellant  that  Smt. Leela  

Singhi was not his patient, on the facts of this case we proceed to find out  

whether conviction u/s 338 is sustainable or not.

28. For  time  being  we  keep  aside  the  first  element,  viz.  whether  the  

surgical  procedure  of  opening  the  abdomen  of  the  patient  resulted  in  --

grievous hurt.    That  is  dealt  with at  appropriate  stage.   Before that  we  

discuss the preliminary submission as to whether this act can be attributed to  

the appellant. Vehemence in the submission was that there is no “overt” act  

on the part  of  the appellant.  Therefore,  question arises,  in the context  of  

second ingredient, as to whether “omission to act”, would also be covered by  

the expression “act” occurring therein.  

29. Whether  “act”  includes  “omission”?   Though  this  aspects  needs  

elaboration alongwith discussion with regard to other ingredients as these  

are inextricably mixed up and can’t be discussed in isolation and, therefore,  



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we  have  proceeded  in  that  manner  at  appropriate  stage.  Here,  we  are  

narrating the legal position only. In this behalf, we may point out that there  

may be various circumstances where “act” would include “omission to act”  

as well. This is so recognized even in Sections 32, 33 & 36 of I.P.C.

These provisions are reproduced below:  

“32. Words referring to acts include illegal omissions. - In  every  part  of  the  said  code,  except  where  a  contrary  intention appears from the context, words which refer to  acts done extend also to illegal omissions. -

33. “Act”, “Omission”. - The word “act” denotes as well a  series of acts as a single act: the word “omission” denotes  as well a series of omissions as a single omission.  

36. Effect caused partly by act and partly by omission. -  Wherever the causing of certain effect, or an attempt to  cause  that  effect,  by  an  act  or  by  an  omission,  is  an  offence,  it  is  to be understood that  the causing of  that  effect partly by an act and partly by an omission is the  same offence."

30. The legal understanding of omission is indispensable at the juncture.  

An omission is sometimes called a negative act, but this seems dangerous  



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practice, for it too easily permits an omission to be substituted for an act  

without requiring the special requirement for omission liability such as legal  

duty and the physical capacity to perform the act. Criminal liability for an  

omission is  also well  accepted  where the actor  has a  legal  duty and the  

capacity to act. It is said that this rather fundamental exception to the act  

requirement is permitted because an actor’s failure to perform a legal duty of  

which he is capable, satisfies the purposes of the act requirement or at least  

satisfies  them  as  well  as   an  act  does.  Specifically  these  two  special  

requirements for omission liability help to exclude from liability cases of --

fantasizing  and  irresolute  intentions,  important  purposes  of  the  act  


31. However, a failure to act, by itself does nothing to screen out mere  

fantasies. It is the actor’s failure to act in the light of his  capacity to do so  

that suggests the actor’s willingness to go beyond mere fantasizing and to  

have  the  harm  or  evil  of  the  offence  occur.  Even  then,  however,  the  

screening effect seems weak; “letting something happen” simply does not  

carry the same implication of  resolute intention that  is  shown in causing  

something  to  happen  by  affirmative  action.  While  an  actor’s  failure  to  



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perform a legal duty provides some evidentiary support for the existence of  

an intention to have the harm or evil occur, the force of the implication is  

similarly weak. Inaction often carries no implication of intention unless it is  

shown that the actor knows of his or her duty to act and the opportunity to  

do so.  

32. Liability for an omission requires a legal duty to act; a moral duty to  

act is not sufficient. The duty may arise either from the offence definition  

itself or from some other provision of criminal or civil law.  A duty arises  

from the former when an offence is defined in terms of omission. This is the  

-situation where the legislature has made it an offence. A legal duty to act  

may also be created by a provision of either criminal or civil separate from  

the offence charged. For example, a duty under the Maharashtra Medical  

Council’s Code of Ethics and Maharashtra Medical Council Act, 1965.

33. Since there is no moral difference between (i) a positive act and (ii) an  

omission when a duty is established, it is to be borne in mind that cases of  

omissions,  the liability should be exceptional  and needs to be adequately  

justified in each instance. Secondly, when it is imposed this should be done  



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by clear statutory language. Verbs primarily denoting (and forbidding) active  

conduct  should  not  be  construed  to  include  omissions  except  when  the  

statute  contains  a  genuine  implication  to  this  effect.   Thirdly,  maximum  

penalties  applied  to  active  wrongdoing  should  not  automatically  be  

transferred to corresponding omissions; penalties for omissions should be re-

thought  in  each  case.  Indeed,  the  Indian  Penal  Code,  1860 does  include  

explicitly  the  liability  due  to  omissions.  And  even  Indian  courts  have  

affirmed so. In the case  of Latifkhan (1895) 20 Bom 394, wherein the law  

imposes a duty to act on a person, his illegal omission to act renders him  

liable to punishment. While dealing with the imposition of liability for  --

omission,  certain  considerations  are  required  to  be  kept  in  mind.  Does  

section  338  of  the  I.P.C  recognize  that  the  particular  offence  may  be  

committed by omission? Some category of offences may, some may not;  

Does  it  include  medical  profession?  If  the  offence  is  capable  of  being  

committed by omission, who all were under a duty to act? Who owed the  

primary duty?  What are the criteria for selecting the culprit? Where the  

definition of the crime requires proof that the actor caused a certain result,  

and can he be said to  have caused that  result  by doing nothing?  These  



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questions cannot be completely separated and sometimes few or all three of  

them would arise in the same material which follows. Each of them, perhaps,  

also  gives  rise  to  yet  another  question:  Is  actor’s  conduct  properly  

categorized as an omission, or an act?  Indeed section 338 of the I.P.C does  

recognize unambiguously that the particular offence can be committed by  

omission.  More so,  the medical  profession is  included in it.  The offence  

under section 338 of the I.P.C is capable of being committed by omission.  

34. We reiterate that we have stated, explained and clarified the meaning  

of expression “act” occurring in Section 338 IPC, to include acts of omission  

as well.  Its applicability in the instant case has been discussed elaborately at  

the relevant portion of this judgment so as not to lose the continuum.  

35. As we find that “omission” on the part of the appellant would also be  

treated as “act” in the given circumstances, the issue is as to whether this act  

of omission was rash & negligent.  This is a pivotal & central issue which  

needs elaborate and all pervasive attention of the court. To create the edifice,  

brick by brick, we intend to proceed in the following order:



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1. The Doctor-Patient Relationship. 2. Duty of care which a doctor owes towards his patient. 3. When this breach of duty would amount to negligence. 4. Consequences of negligence: Civil and Criminal. 5. When criminal liability is attracted. 6. Whether appellant criminally liable u/s 338 IPC, in the present  


(1) The Doctor- Patient relationship

36. Since ancient times, certain duties and responsibilities have been cast  

on persons who adopt the sacred profession as exemplified by Charak’s Oath  

(1000 BC) and the Hippocracic Oath (460 BC).


37. It  is  the  responsibilities  that  emerge  from  the  doctor-patient  

relationship that forms the cornerstone of the legal implications emerging  

from  medical  practice.  The  existence  of  a  doctor-patient  relationship  

presupposes any obligations and consequent liability of  the doctor  to the  


38. It  was  Talcott  Parsons,  a  social  scientist,  who  first  theorized  the  

doctor-patient relationship.  He worked on the hypothesis that illness was a  



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form  of  dysfunctional  deviance  that  required  re-integration  with  social  

organism.   Maintaining  the  social  order  required  the  development  of  a  

legitimized sick role to control this deviance, and make illness a transitional  

state back to normal role performance.  In this process, the physician, who  

has mastered a body of technical knowledge, on a functional role to control  

the  deviance  of  sick  persons  who  was  to  be  guided  by  an  egalitarian  

universalism  rather  than  a  personalized  particularism.   While  this  basic  

notion has remained robust, over a period of time there have been numerous  

qualifications to the theory of Parsons.   For instance, physicians and the  

public consider some illnesses to be the responsibility of the ill, such as lung  

cancer, AIDA and obesity.   


39. It is not necessary for us to divulge this theoretical approach to the  

doctor-patient relationship, as that may be based on model foundation.   

Fact remains that when a physician agrees to attend a patient, there is an  

unwritten  contract  between the  two.   The  patient  entrusts  himself  to  the  

doctor and that doctor agrees to do his best,  at  all  times,  for the patient.  

Such doctor-patient contract  is  almost  always an implied contract,  except  



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when written informed consent is obtained.  While a doctor cannot be forced  

to treat any person, he/she has certain responsibilities for those whom he/she  

accepts as patients.  Some of these responsibilities may be recapitulated, in  


(a) to continue to treat, except under certain circumstances  when doctor can abandon his patient;

(b)  to take reasonable care of his patient;

(c) to exhibit reasonable skill:  The degree of skill a doctor  undertakes is the average degree of skill possessed by his  professional brethren of the same   standing as himself.  The  best  form of  treatment  may  differ  when  different  choices  are  available.  There  is  an  implied  contract  between the doctor and patient where the patient is told,  in effect, “Medicine is not an exact science. I shall use  my experience and best judgment and you take the risk  that I may be wrong. I guarantee nothing.”-

(d) Not to undertake any procedure beyond his control:  This  depends  on  his  qualifications,  special  training  and  experience.   The doctor  must  always ensure that  he is  reasonably  skilled  before  undertaking  any  special  procedure/treating a complicated case.

(e) Professional secrets: A doctor  is  under  a  moral  and  legal  obligation  not  to  divulge  the  information/knowledge  which  he  comes  to  learn  in  



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confidence from his patient and such a communication is  privileged communication.

Conclusion: The formation of a doctor-patient relationship is integral to the  

formation of a legal relationship and consequent rights and duties, forming  

the basis of liability of a medical practitioner.  Due to the very nature of the  

medical profession, the degree of responsibility on the practitioner is higher  

than that of any other service provider.  The concept of a doctor –patient  

relationship forms the foundation of  legal  obligations between the doctor  

and the patient.  

In the present case, as already held above, doctor-patient relationship  

stood established, contractually, between the patient and the appellant.

(2) Duty of Care which a doctor owes towards  his patient.-

40. Once,  it  is  found  that  there  is  ‘duty  to  treat’ there  would  be  a  

corresponding ‘duty to take care’ upon the doctor qua/his patient.  In certain  

context, the duty acquires ethical character and in certain other situations, a  



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legal character.  Whenever the principle of ‘duty to take care’ is founded on  

a  contractual  relationship,  it  acquires  a  legal  character.  Contextually  

speaking,  legal  ‘duty  to  treat’ may  arise  in  a  contractual  relationship  or  

governmental  hospital  or  hospital  located  in  a  public  sector  undertaking.  

Ethical ‘duty to treat’ on the part of doctors is clearly covered by Code of  

Medical Ethics, 1972.  Clause 10 of this Code deals with ‘Obligation to the  

Sick’ and  Clause  13  cast  obligation  on  the  part  of  the  doctors  with  the  

captioned “Patient must not be neglected”.  Whenever there is a breach of  

the aforesaid Code,  the aggrieved patient  or  the party can file  a  petition  

before relevant Disciplinary Committee constituted by the concerned State  

Medical Council.

(3) When this breach of duty would amount to negligence?

41. When reasonable care,  expected of  the medical  professional,  is  not  

rendered and the action on the part of the medical practitioner comes within  

the mischief of negligence, it can be safely concluded that the said doctor --

did not perform his duty properly which was expected of him under the law  

and breached his duty to take care of the patient. Such a duty which a doctor  



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owes to the patient  and if  not  rendered appropriately and when it  would  

amount to negligence is lucidly narrated by this Court in Kusum Sharma and  

others v. Batra Hospital and Medical Research Centre and Others; (2010) 3  

SCC 480. The relevant discussions therefrom are reproduced hereinbelow:

“45. According to Halsbury’s Laws of England, 4th Edn., Vol. 26 pp.  17-18, the definition of negligence is as under:

 22. Negligence.—Duties  owed  to  patient.  A  person  who holds himself out as ready to give medical advice or  treatment  impliedly  undertakes  that  he  is  possessed  of  skill  and  knowledge  for  the  purpose.  Such  a  person,  whether  he  is  a  registered  medical  practitioner  or  not,  who is consulted by a patient, owes him certain duties,  namely, a duty of care in deciding whether to undertake  the case;  a  duty of  care  in deciding what  treatment  to  give;  and  a  duty  of  care  in  his  administration  of  that  treatment. A breach of any of these duties will support an  action for negligence by the patient.”

46. In  a  celebrated  and  oft  cited  judgment  in  Bolam v.  Friern  Hospital Management Committee (Queen’s Bench Division)  

McNair, L.J. observed:

(i) A  doctor  is  not  negligent,  if  he  is  acting  in  accordance  with  a  practice  accepted  as  proper  by  a  reasonable body of medical men skilled in that particular  -art, merely because there is a body of such opinion that  takes a contrary view.  



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“The direction that, where there are two different schools  of  medical  practice,  both  having  recognition  among  practitioners,  it  is  not  negligent  for  a  practitioner  to  follow one in preference to the other accords also with  American  law;  see  70  Corpus  Juris  Secundum (1951)  952, 953, Para 44. Moreover, it seems that by American  law a failure to warn the patient of dangers of treatment  is not, of itself, negligence McNair, L.J. also observed:

Before I turn to that, I must explain what in law we mean  by  ‘negligence’.  In  the  ordinary  case  which  does  not  involve any special skill, negligence in law means this:  some failure to do some act which a reasonable man in  the circumstances  would do,  or  the doing of  some act  which a reasonable man in the circumstances would not  do; and if that failure or the doing of that act results in  injury, then there is a cause of action. How do you test  whether this act or  failure is negligent? In an ordinary  case it is generally said, that you judge that by the action  of the man in the street. He is the ordinary man. In one  case it has been said that you judge it by the conduct of  the  man on the  top  of  a  Clapham omnibus.  He is  the  ordinary  man.  But  where  you  get  a  situation  which  involves  the  use  of  some  special  skill  or  competence,  then the test as to whether there has been negligence or  not is not the test of the man on the top of a Clapham  omnibus, because he has not got this man exercising and  professing to have that special skill. … A man need not  possess the highest expert skill at the risk of being found  negligent. It is well-established law that it is sufficient if  he exercises the ordinary skill of an ordinary competent  man exercising that particular art.”  




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(4) Breach of  Duty to Take Care:  Consequences

42. If the patient has suffered because of negligent act/ omission of the  

doctor,  it  undoubtedly  gives  right  to  the  patient  to  sue  the  doctor  for  

damages. This would be a civil liability of the doctor under the law tort and/  

or  contract.  This  concept  of  negligence  as  a  tort  is  explained  in  Jacob  

Mathews v.  State of Punjab and Another 2005(6) SCC1, in the following  


“10. The  jurisprudential  concept  of  negligence  defines  any  precise  definition. Eminent jurists and leading judgments have assigned  various  meanings  to  negligence.  The  concept  as  has  been  acceptable to Indian jurisprudential thought is well stated in the  Law of Torts, Ratanlal & Dhirajlal (24th Edn., 2002, edited by  Justice G.P. Singh).

Negligence is the breach of a duty caused by the omission to do  something  which  a  reasonable  man,  guided  by  those  considerations which ordinarily regulate the conduct of human  affairs  would  do,  or  doing  something  which  a  prudent  and  reasonable man would not do. Actionable negligence consists in  the neglect of the use of ordinary care or skill towards a person  to  whom the defendant  owes the duty of  observing ordinary  care and skill, by which neglect the plaintiff has suffered injury  to  his  person  or  property….  The  definition  involves  three  constituents of negligence: (1) A legal duty to exercise due care  on  the  part  of  the  party  complained  of  towards  the  party  complaining the former’s conduct within the scope of the duty;  



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(2) breach of the said; and (3) consequential damage. Cause of  -action  for  negligence  arises  only  when  damage  occurs;  for,  damage is a necessary ingredient of this tort.”   

43. Such a negligent act, normally a tort, may also give rise to criminal  

liability as well, though it was made clear by this Court in Jacob’s Case  

(supra) that  jurisprudentially  the distinction  has  to  be drawn between  

negligence under Civil  Law and negligence under Criminal Law. This  

distinction is lucidly explained in Jacob’s Case, as can be seen from the  

following paragraphs:

“12.  The term “negligence” is used for the purpose of fastening  the defendant with liability under the civil  law and, at  times, under the criminal law. It is contended on behalf of  the respondents that in both the jurisdictions, negligence  is negligence, and jurisprudentially no distinction can be  drawn  between  negligence  under  civil  law  and  negligence under criminal law. The submission so made  cannot be countenanced inasmuch as it is based upon a  total  departure  from the  established  terrain  of  thought  running ever since the beginning of the emergence of the  concept of negligence up to the modern times. Generally  speaking, it is the amount of damages incurred which is  determinative  of  the  extent  of  liability  in  tort;  but  in  criminal law it is not the amount of damages but the  amount and degree of negligence that is determinative  of liability. To fasten liability in criminal law, the degree  of  negligence has to be higher than that  of  negligence  enough to fasten liability for damages in civil law.  The  



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essential ingredient of  mens  -rea cannot be excluded  from  consideration  when  the  charge  in  a  criminal  court consists of criminal negligence. In R. v. Lawrence  Lord Diplock spoke in a Bench of five and the other Law  Lords agreed with him. He reiterated his opinion in R. v.  Caldwell3 and dealt with the concept of recklessness as  constituting  mens  rea in  criminal  law. His  Lordship  warned  against  adopting  the  simplistic  approach  of  treating all  problems of criminal liability as soluble by  classifying the test  of liability as being “subjective” or  “objective”, and said: (All ER p. 982e-f) “Recklessness  on  the  part  of  the  doer  of  an  act  does  presuppose that there is something in the circumstances  that  would  have  drawn  the  attention  of  an  ordinary  prudent  individual  to  the  possibility  that  his  act  was  capable  of  causing  the  kind  of  serious  harmful  consequences that the section which creates the offence  was  intended  to  prevent,  and  that  the  risk  of  those  harmful consequences occurring was not so slight that an  ordinary  prudent  individual  would  feel  justified  in  treating them as negligible. It is only when this is so that  the doer of the act is acting ‘recklessly’ if, before doing  the  act,  he  either  fails  to  give  any  thought  to  the  possibility  of  there  being  any  such  risk  or,  having  recognised that there was such risk, he nevertheless goes  on to do it.”

13. The moral culpability of recklessness is not located in a  desire to cause harm. It resides in the proximity of the  reckless state of mind to the state of mind present when  there is an intention to cause harm.  There is, in other  words, a disregard for the possible consequences. The  consequences entailed in the risk may not be wanted, and  indeed the actor may hope that they do not occur, but this  hope nevertheless fails to inhibit the taking of the risk.  Certain types of violation, called optimising violations, --



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may  be  motivated  by  thrill-seeking.  These  are  clearly  reckless.

14. In  order  to  hold  the  existence  of  criminal  rashness  or  criminal negligence it shall have to be found out that the  rashness was of such a degree as to amount to taking  a  hazard  knowing  that  the  hazard  was  of  such  a  degree  that  injury  was  most  likely  imminent. The  element  of  criminality  is  introduced  by  the  accused  having run the risk of doing such an act with recklessness  and indifference to the consequences. Lord Atkin in his  speech in  Andrews v.  Director of  Public Prosecutions4  stated: (All ER p. 556 C) “Simple lack of care such as will constitute civil liability  is not enough. For purposes of the criminal law there are  degrees  of  negligence,  and  a  very  high  degree  of  negligence is required to be proved before the felony is  established.” Thus, a clear distinction exists between “simple lack of  care” incurring civil  liability  and “very high degree of  negligence”  which  is  required  in  criminal  cases.  In  Riddell v.  Reid4a (AC at p. 31) Lord Porter said in his  speech — “A  higher  degree  of  negligence  has  always  been  demanded in order to establish a criminal offence than is  sufficient to create civil liability.”  

15. The fore-quoted statement of law in  Andrews has been  noted with approval by this Court in Syad Akbar v. State  of  Karnataka5. The Supreme Court  has dealt  with and  pointed  out  with  reasons  the  distinction  between  negligence  in  civil  law  and  in  criminal  law.  Their  Lordships have opined that there is a marked difference  as to the effect of evidence viz. the proof, in civil  and  criminal  proceedings.  In  civil  proceedings,  a  mere  



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preponderance  of  probability  is  sufficient,  and  the  -- defendant  is  not  necessarily  entitled  to  the  benefit  of  every reasonable doubt; but in criminal proceedings, the  persuasion  of  guilt  must  amount  to  such  a  moral  certainty  as  convinces  the  mind of  the  Court,  as  a  reasonable man, beyond all reasonable doubt. Where  negligence is an essential ingredient of the offence, the  negligence to be established by the prosecution must be  culpable or gross and not the negligence merely based  upon an error of judgment.”

44. Thus, in the civil context while we consider the moral implications of  

negligent conduct, a clear view of the state of mind of the negligent doctor  

might not require strictly. This is for the reason the law of tort is ultimately  

not  concerned  with  the  moral  culpability  of  the  defendant,  even  if  the  

language of fault is used in determining the standard of care. From the point  

of view of civil law it may be appropriate to impose liability irrespective of  

moral blameworthiness. This is because in civil  law two questions are at  

issue: Was the defendant negligent? If so, should the defendant bear the loss  

in this particular set of circumstances? In most cases where negligence has  

been  established,  the  answer  to  the  second  question  will  be  in  the  

affirmative,  unless  the  doctrine  of  remoteness  or  lack  of  foresee  ability  

militates against a finding of liability, or where there is some policy reason  



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precluding compensation. The question in the civil context is, therefore, not  

about moral blame, even though there will be many cases where the civilly  

liable defendant is also morally culpable.

(5) Criminal Liability : When attracted

45. It follows from the above that as far as the sphere of criminal liability  

is concerned, as mens rea is not abandoned, the subjective state of mind of  

the accused lingers a critical consideration. In the context of criminal law,  

the basic question is quite different. Here the question is: Does the accused  

deserve to be punished for the outcome caused by his negligence? This is a  

very different question from the civil context and must be answered in terms  

of mens rea. Only if a person has acted in a morally culpable fashion can this  

question be answered positively, at least as far as non strict liability offenses  

are concerned.

46. The only state of mind which is deserving of punishment is that which  

demonstrates  an  intention  to  cause  harm  to  others,  or  where  there  is  a  

deliberate  willingness  to  subject  others  to  the  risk  of  harm.  Negligent  



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conduct  does  not  entail  an  intention  to  cause  harm,  but  only  involves  a  

deliberate act subjecting another to the risk of harm where the actor is aware  

-of the existence of the risk and, nonetheless, proceeds in the face of the risk.  

This,  however,  is  the  classic  definition  of  recklessness,  which  is  

conceptually  different  from negligence  and  which  is  widely  accepted  as  

being a basis for criminal liability.  

47. The solution to the issue of punishing what is described loosely, and  

possibly inaccurately, as negligence is to make a clear distinction between  

negligence  and  recklessness  and  to  reserve  criminal  punishment  for  the  

latter. If the conduct in question involves elements of recklessness, then it is  

punishable and should not be described as merely negligent. If,  however,  

there is nothing to suggest that the actor was aware of the risk deliberately  

taken,  then he is morally blameless and should face,  at  the most,  a  civil  

action for damages.  

(6) Whether the appellant criminally liable under Section 338  IPC, in the present case?



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48. We have to keep in mind that by the impugned judgment, the appellant  

is convicted of an offence under Section 338 read with Section 109 of I.P.C.  

Therefore, the relevant question to be decided is as to whether, the -acts of  

omission and commission, imputed to the appellant, are sufficient to hold  

that all the ingredients of Section 338 of the I.P.C. stand satisfied.  

49. The  section  explicitly  lays  down that  only  that  ‘act’ which  is  “so  

rashly or negligently as to endanger human life, or the personal safety of   

others, shall be punished....”. Thus the section itself carves out the standard  

of  criminal negligence intended to distinguish between those whose failure  

is culpable and those whose conduct,  although not up to standard, is  not  

deserving of punishment.

50. One of  the several  questions which arise in the factual  situation at  

hand  is  this:  Whether  the  appellant-doctor,  who  acted  negligently,  

manifested  such  a  state  of  mind  which  justifies  moral  censure?  This  is  

conceivably best answered by identifying what was nature of act owed by  

the appellant towards the patient.



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51. In the case at hand, the concern revolves around the acts of omission  

and commission which amounted to an “act” so rashly or  negligently as to  

have  had  endangered  the  life  of  Smt.  Leela  constituting  an  offence  

punishable under Section 338 of the I.P.C. Since, there was no overt act on  

the part of the appellant - as the surgical procedure was performed by Dr. --

A.K. Mukherjee, charge of abetment under Section 109 of I.P.C. was also  

leveled. . Dr. A.K. Mukherjee was also made accused in the said complaint.  

However,  at  a  later  stage,  Dr.  A.K.  Mukherjee  was  dropped  from  the  

proceedings at the instance of the complainant.  

52. We  would  also  like  to  make  another  aspect  very  explicit.   The  

appellant was leveled a specific charge which was framed against him.  The  

prosecution  was  required  to  prove  that  particular  charge  and  not  to  go  

beyond that and attribute “rash and negligent” acts which are not the part of  

the charge.   Culpability  is  specifically  related to  the “act”  committed on  

22.12.1987 at about 9 a.m. in the hospital viz., the act of performing surgical  

procedure.   It  is,  thus,  this  act  alone,  and  nothing  more,  for  which  the  

appellant and Dr. Mukherjee were charged and the appellant is supposed to  

meet this charge alone.



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53. In  this  scenario,  the  first  and  foremost  question  that  needs  to  be  

determined is as to whether the advise of the appellant  that ‘Exploratory  

Laparotomy’ be  conducted  on  the  patient  was  inappropriate,  and  if  so,  

amounted to wanton negligence, giving rise to criminal liability, in as much  

-as the opening of the abdomen of the patient, even by Dr. Mukherjee, was  

the consequence of that advise.  

54. No doubt, such an opinion was given in the teeth of the advise of the  

doctors in the U.S.A where the patient was examined earlier. However, only  

because  of  this  reason,  it  would not  automatically  follow that   the  view  

expressed by the appellant was blemished. The two experts in medical field  

may differ on decision to undertake the surgical operation. But for the sake  

of life which, any way was struggling to live is the respect to doctors in their  

position to operate the patient or not. We have to keep in mind the critical  

condition of the patient at that time. She was sent home by the American  

doctors  as  inoperable.  She  was  advised  to  take  certain  medicines.  These  

medicines  were  being  administered  by  Dr.  Mukherjee.  However,  further  

complications arose in the meantime as vagina started bleeding which was  

not coming to a halt. Obviously, it was terminal stage for the patient. It is in  



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this situation, opinion of the appellant was sought.  The dilemma of a doctor  

in such a scenario can be clearly visualized viz., whether to leave the patient  

as it is or to take a chance, may be a very slim chance, to save or at least to  

try  to  prolong  the  life  of  the  patient.   It  was  not  -an  easy  choice.  

Overcoming this difficult situation, the appellant took the bold decision viz.  

that  surgical  operation  was  worth  taking  a  risk,   as  even  otherwise,  the  

condition of the patient was deplorable.  The appellant has even given his  

justification and rationale for adopting this course of action.  The appellant  

states that the decision to operate was taken having regard to the following  


(a) The patient was suffering from metastatic breast cancer  

for ten long years and the said cancer was spreading to  

other parts of the body. As such the patient was unable to  

follow her ordinary pursuits irrespective of the surgical  

procedure advised by the appellant herein.

(b) The  patient  was  repeatedly  suffering  from  vaginal  

bleeding  and  bodily  pain  and  as  such  the  patient  was  

unable to follow her ordinary pursuits irrespective of the  

surgical procedure advised by the appellant herein.



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(c) The formation of a fistula is a complication which may or  

may not arise out of surgical procedures and the advice  

for  surgical  procedure  was  tendered  with  a  view  to  

alleviate her suffering rather than endanger her life. -

55. During trial, Dr. Gajanand Hegade (DW.2) has endorsed the opinion  

of the appellant and has gone to the extent of saying that it was the best  

possible option for the treatment of the patient. Moreover, Dr. Mukherjee has  

also accepted/ agreed that the advise tendered by the appellant on the basis  

of CT Scan Report, and, that the call to operate was “unanimous”. Thus,  

even Dr. Mukherjee endorsed the opinion which appears to be his opinion as  

well. In this scenario, it cannot be said that advise of the appellant for taking  

the  surgical  procedure  was  an  act  of  wanton  negligence.  Dilemma of  a  

doctor,  in  such  circumstances,  is  beautifully  explained  by  this  Court  in  

Kusum Sharma (Supra), in the following words:

“89(V) In the realm of diagnosis and treatment there is scope  for genuine difference of opinion and one professional  doctor  is  clearly  not  negligent  merely  because  his  conclusion  differs  from  that  of  other  professional  doctor.

    (VI) The medical professional is often called upon to adopt  a procedure which involves higher element of risk, but  



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which  he  honestly  believes  as  providing  greater  chances  of  success  for  the  patient  rather  than  a  procedure involving lesser risk but higher chances of  failure.  Just  because  a  professional  looking  to  the  gravity of illness has taken higher element of risk to  redeem the patient out of his/ her suffering which did  not  yield  the  desired  result  may  not  amount  to  negligence.-

  (VII)   Negligence cannot be attributed to a doctor so long as  he  performs  his  duties  with  reasonable  skill  and  competence.  Merely because the  doctor  chooses  one  course  of  action  in  preference  to  the  other  one  available, he would not be liable if the course of action  chosen  by  him  was  acceptable  to  the  medical  profession.

56. It also needs to be emphasized, as contended by Mr. Harish Salve, that  

the  experts  from  New  York  are  not  oncological  surgeons.  Dr.  Ernest  

Greenberg  is  a  physician  while  Dr.  Brokunier  is  a  Gynecologist.  On the  

other hand, even as per the complainants own version,  the appellant  is  a  

renowned oncologist and surgeon.

57. At this juncture, an important observation is needed.  When such a  

decisional shift  is taken against the line of other doctors who had earlier  

treated the patient, the appellant was required to give personal attention to  



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the  patient  during  the  operation.  He  was,  even  otherwise,  contractually  

bound to do so.

58. While the two experts might differ on the level of risks involved in the  

critical  surgical  operation  but  for  the  sake  of  life  which in  anyway was  

struggling to live,  is a mild respite to doctors in their decision to operate the  

-patient or not. A long catena of medical cases on this theme does provide  

relief to doctors. One of the many indispensable duties which  is of utmost  

importance is that when such a decisional shift is taken by a doctor against  

the line of renowned doctor who had earlier treated the patient, that doctor  

must  exercise required personal attention to the patient during the operation.  

On this aspect,  the Medical council of Maharashtra, while reprimanding,   

reasoned that Dr. P.B Desai, instead of merely advising surgery which was   

inspite  of  the  opinion  of  cancer  specialists  from  U.S.A,  ought  to  have   

voluntarily taken more interest and personally seen the situation faced by   

Dr.  A.K Mukherjee  which  he  did  not  do  so.  Since  the  appellant  has  not  

challenged the findings of the Medical Council who had found him guilty of  

misconduct,  those  findings  does  provide the legal  fortification  and along  



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with the oral and documentary evidences adduced before court below speaks  

much on the professional duty which the appellant owed to the patient.

59. Thus,  one  thing is  crystal  clear.   Failure  to  act  on  the  part  of  the  

appellant, in conducting surgical procedure, and not taking care thereafter as  

well, established  his negligence in tort law i.e. in civil domain. We refer to  

and rely on the judgment of this Court in Jacob’s Case once again, where --

the  Court  explained  as  to  under  what  circumstances  professional  can  be  

liable for negligence. It  is necessary for this purpose that one of the two  

findings, as set out therein, should be established.   

“18. In the law of negligence, professionals such as lawyers,  doctors, architects and others are included in the category  of  persons  professing  some  special  skill  or  skilled  persons  generally.  Any  task  which  is  required  to  be  performed  with  a  special  skill  would  generally  be  admitted  or  undertaken  to  be  performed  only  if  the  person possesses the requisite skill  for  performing that  task.  Any  reasonable  man  entering  into  a  profession  which requires a particular level of learning to be called a  professional of that branch, impliedly assures the person  dealing  with  him  that  the  skill  which  he  professes  to  possess shall be exercised with reasonable degree of care  and caution. He does not assure his client of the result. A  lawyer does not tell his client that the client shall win the  case in all circumstances. A physician would not assure  the  patient  of  full  recovery  in  every  case.  A surgeon  



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cannot and does not guarantee that the result of surgery  would invariably be beneficial, much less to the extent of  100% for  the  person  operated  on.  The  only  assurance  which such a professional can give or can be understood  to have given by implication is that he is possessed of the  requisite skill  in that  branch of  profession which he is  practising and while undertaking the performance of the  task  entrusted  to  him he  would be  exercising  his  skill  with reasonable competence. This is all what the person  approaching the professional can expect. Judged by this  standard, a professional may be held liable for negligence  on one of two findings: either he was not possessed of the  requisite skill which he professed to have possessed, or,  -he did not exercise, with reasonable competence in the  given case, the skill which he did possess. The standard  to be applied for judging, whether the person charged has  been  negligent  or  not,  would  be  that  of  an  ordinary  competent  person  exercising  ordinary  skill  in  that  profession. It is not necessary for every professional to  possess  the  highest  level  of  expertise  in  that  branch  which he practises.  In  Michael Hyde and Associates v.  J.D. Williams & Co. Ltd. Sedley, L.J. said that where a  profession embraces a range of views as to what is an  acceptable  standard of  conduct,  the  competence  of  the  defendant  is  to  be  judged  by  the  lowest  standard  that  would be regarded as acceptable.”

60. No doubt, in the present case the appellant not only possesses requisite  

skills but also an expert in this line. However, having advised the operation,  

he failed to take care of the patient. Thereafter, at various stages, as observed  

by the courts below, he was held to be negligent by the Maharashtra Medical  



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Council and thus found to be guilty of committing professional misconduct.  

 61. Thus, it was the appellant’s “duty” to act contractually, professionally  

as well as morally and such an omission can be treated as an “act”. We again  

clarify that undoubtedly, within the realm of civil liability, the appellant has  

breached the well essence of “duty” to the patient. -

62. Having reached this conclusion, we proceed to the next stage viz., the  

criminal liability of the appellant.  However, we once again emphasize that  

the question of criminal liability has also to be examined in the context of  

Section 338 of I.P.C. which is the real issue.  To recapitulate some important  

aspects,  we  have  concluded  that  decision  of  the  appellant  advising  

Exploratory Laparatomy was not an act of negligence,  much less wanton  

negligence, and under the circumstances it was a plausible view which an  

expert like the appellant could take keeping in view the deteriorating and  

worsening health of the patient.   As a consequence, opening of the abdomen  

and performing the surgery cannot be treated as causing grievous hurt.  It  

could have been only if the doctors would have faltered and acted in rash  



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and gross negligent manner in performing that procedure.  It is not so.  At  

the  same time,  his  act  of  omission,  afterwards,  in  not  doing the  surgery  

himself  and remaining absent  from the  scene  and neglecting  the  patient,  

even thereafter, when she was suffering the consequences of fistula, is an act  

of negligence and is definitely blame worthy. (though that is not the part of  

criminal charge)  However, we are of the opinion that the omission is not of  

a  kind  which  has  given  rise  to  criminal  liability  under  the  given  


63. As already noted above, we are conscious of the fact that when the  

appellant decided to operate on the patient against the U.S doctor’s advice,  

the level of attention expected from the appellant towards the patient was  

immense and undivided kind.  The operating surgeon along with the fellow  

junior  doctors  was  supposed  to  conduct  operation.  The  junior  doctor  

rendered  his  complete  and  undivided  assistance  to  the  patient  but  the  

appellant abstained.  

64. However,  the  important  and  relevant  point  is:  Had  the  appellant  

undertaken the surgical procedure by himself, the result would have been  



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different?  Or,  to  put  it  otherwise,  whether  opening  of  abdomen  by  Dr.  

Mukherjee and not by the appellant who was supposed to do it, made any  

difference? In the given case, we do not find it to be so.  

65. To  appreciate,  we  need  to  reiterate  certain  facts.  On  opening  the  

abdomen,  Dr.  A.K.  Mukherjee  found  plastering  of  intestines  as  well  as  

profuse oozing of ascetic fluids. He immediately called the appellant who --

was performing other surgical procedures in another operation theatre. The  

appellant after seeing the condition of the patient, albeit, from the distance  

found that it was not possible to proceed with the operation. He advised Dr.  

A.K.  Mukherjee  to  close  the  abdomen.  Dr.  Mukherjee,  thus,  closed  the  

abdomen. Significantly, Section 109 IPC was also pressed into service at the  

time of framing of  the charge on the premise that  Dr.  Mukherjee caused  

grievous hurt and omission on the part of the appellant to not to personally  

intervene in the operation of the patient amounted to abetment.  However,  

the position which emerges is that the junior doctor rendered complete care.  

He did not falter in his act of cutting open the abdomen. It is only at that  

stage, it was found, that there was a lot of discharge from fistula and surgery  

was  not  possible.  The  appellant  advised  Dr.  Mukherjee  to  close  the  



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abdomen. No doubt, he did not do it himself but it is not the case of the  

prosecution that Dr. Mukherjee did not do it deftly either. It is because  of  

the deplorable condition of the patient, the surgery could not be completed  

as on the opening of the abdomen other complications were revealed. This  

would  have  happened  in  any  case,  irrespective  whether  abdomen  was  

opened by Dr. Mukherjee or by the appellant himself.  On the contrary, the --

complainant’s  own  case  is  that  Dr.  Mukherjee’s  performance  was  not  

lacking; nay, it was of superlative quality.

66. The  appellant’s  omission  in  not  rendering  complete  and  undivided  

legally owed duty to patient and not performing the procedure himself has  

not made any difference.  It was not the cause of the patient’s death which  

was undoubtedly because of the acute chronic cancer condition.   In such a  

scenario,  it is enough to keep off the clutches of criminal law.   

67. The negligent conduct in the nature of omission of the appellant is not  

so gross as to entail criminal liability on the appellant under section 338 of  

the I.P.C.  It is to be kept in mind that the crime as mentioned in section 338  

I.P.C requires proof that the appellant caused the patient’s condition to the  



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acute stage. Can he be said to have caused such a result, by his omission to  

act?   We do not find it to be so.

68. In the common law case R v Adomako [1994] 3 WLR 288 wherein,  

Lord Mackay LC set the test for gross negligence in manslaughter:  

"On this basis in my opinion the ordinary principles of the law  of negligence apply to ascertain whether or not the defendant  has been in breach of a duty of care towards the victim who has  died. If such breach of duty is established the next question is  whether that breach of duty caused the death of the victim. If  so, the jury must go on to consider whether that breach of duty  should be characterised as gross negligence and therefore as a  crime. This will depend on the seriousness of the breach of duty  committed by the defendant in all the circumstances in which  the defendant was placed when it occurred. The jury will have  to consider whether the extent to which the defendant's conduct  departed from the proper standard of care incumbent upon him,  involving as it must have done a risk of death to the patient,  was such that it should be judged criminal.”

69. For  the  aforesaid  reasons,  we have no option but  to  conclude  that  

though  the  conduct  of  the  appellant  constituted  not  only  professional  

misconduct for which adequate penalty has been meted out to him by the  

Medical Council, and the negligence on his part also amounts to actionable  

wrong in tort, it does not transcend into the criminal liability, and in no case  



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makes him liable for offence under Section 338, IPC as the ingredients of  

that provision have not been satisfied.  We, therefore, allow this appeal and  

set aside the impugned judgments of the courts below.  No costs.

………………………..J. [A.K. Patnaik]

New Delhi. September 13, 2013

………………………..J.            [A.K. Sikri]