09 May 2019
Supreme Court


Case number: Crl.A. No.-000873-000873 / 2019
Diary number: 26341 / 2018





CRIMINAL APPEAL NO.873  OF 2019      (Arising out of Special Leave Petition (Crl.) No. 6293/2018)  

OMANAKUTTAN                 …….  APPELLANT(S)


THE STATE OF KERALA                      ..….. RESPONDENT(S)


Dinesh Maheshwari, J.

Leave granted.

2. In  this  appeal,  the  accused-appellant  has  called  in  question  the

judgment and order dated 05.06.2018 in Criminal Revision Petition No. 2859

of  2004  whereby,  the  High  Court  of  Kerala  at  Ernakulam  upheld  the

judgment  and  order  dated  23.09.2004  passed  by  Additional  District  and

Sessions Judge, Thodupuzha in Criminal Appeal No. 253 of 2002 affirming

the  judgment  and  order  dated  04.12.2002  by  the  Judicial  First  Class

Magistrate, Idukki in CC No. 126 of 1999 whereby, the accused-appellant

was found guilty of the offence punishable under Section 326 of the Indian



Penal Code (‘IPC’) and was  sentenced to simple imprisonment for one year

together with fine of Rs. 5,000/- and default stipulation.

3. The  background  aspects,  so  far  relevant  for  the  present  purpose,

could be noticed, in brief, as follows:

3.1. The prosecution case has been that the accused-appellant and the

injured victim Sunil Kumar (PW-1) were neighbours. On 26.11.1997 at about

6  p.m.,  while  the  victim  PW-1  was  passing  through  Mannathara-

Thopramkudy Panchayat Road, the appellant along with his wife (accused

No. 2) poured acid on the victim from a ridge on the left side of the road.

Allegedly, the appellant and the victim had previous enmity due to which, the

appellant poured acid, causing serious injuries over the head, neck, shoulder

and other parts of the body of the victim. The accused persons were charge-

sheeted by the Sub Inspector of Police, Murikkassery Police Station in Crime

No. 94 of 1997 for the offence under Section 326 read with Section 34 IPC.

The case was tried by the Judicial First Class Magistrate in CC No. 126 of

1999, wherein ten witnesses were examined on behalf of the prosecution.  

3.2. PW-1,  the injured  victim,  in  his  testimony  stated  that  the  accused-

appellant poured red-coloured liquid upon him from a yellow bucket while he

was coming back from Thopramkudy; that the liquid was poured upon him

from a height on the left side of the body due to which, his body began to

burn, he tore off his shirt and dhoti and screamed; his mother (PW-2) came

rushing to him crying; they ran towards a tea shop; and PW-4 and PW-5 took



him to hospital where he remained as inpatient for 3 months. In response to

the question if he was capable of doing his daily routine by himself during

those 3 months,  he replied in  the negative.  The testimony of  PW-1 was

corroborated by his mother PW-2, who was walking a few strides behind him

at the time of the incident. Further, the witnesses PW-3, PW-4 and PW-5

also stated having seen the victim running towards the teashop.   

3.3.  The treating doctor  of  the victim,  PW-8 stated that  the victim was

examined by him on 26.11.1997 at about 7.45 p.m. and that acid burns were

present on the left side of the body of the victim, involving forehead, scalp

and neck, back of chest, left buttock and front of left thigh; that the victim

remained an inpatient and was discharged on 18.01.1998. He further stated

that  there  was  a  chance  of  disfigurement  of  the  injured  area.  In  cross-

examination, the doctor stated that the victim could carry on his daily affairs

while under treatment; that there was no disfigurement at the time of drawing

the wound certificate (Ex. P/5) as the skin was healing and that scars would

develop only  later.  In defence, the accused examined one witness DW-1

who suggested that on the date of incident, the appellant was working as

carpenter in his house until 6 O'clock in the evening.

3.4.  After scrutinizing the relevant evidence, the Judicial Magistrate First

Class, by his judgment and order dated 04.12.2002, convicted the appellant

for  the offence under Section 326 IPC and sentenced him as mentioned

hereinbefore.  However,  the  accused  No.  2,  wife  of  the  appellant,  was

acquitted for absence of evidence against her.



3.5. The appeal preferred by the accused-appellant before the Additional

District and Sessions Judge was dismissed by judgment and order dated

23.09.2004 with the observations that the injuries inflicted by using corrosive

substance were grievous in nature and it was reasonable to think that the

victim  was  unable  to  follow  his  ordinary  pursuits  during  the  period  of


3.6.  Further, the revision petition preferred by the accused-appellant was

dismissed by the High Court of Kerala, Ernakulam after finding no ground to

interfere in the concurrent  findings of  the subordinate Courts.  Hence this


4. It may be pointed out that in the petition seeking leave to appeal, the

prayer of the accused-appellant seeking exemption from surrendering was

granted at the initial stage but, on 13.08.2018, after considering the matter

for admission and while issuing notice, this Court recalled the order granting

exemption from surrendering; and notice was also issued to examine the

question  as  to  whether  any  case  for  enhancement  of  the  sentence  was

made out, having regard to the nature of offence alleged.   

5. We have heard learned counsel for the parties on the merits of appeal

as also on the question of sentence. The main plank of contentions of the

learned counsel for the appellant has been that the victim PW-1 never stated

in his evidence that he was in severe bodily pain for 20 days nor did he state

that  he had suffered disfigurement;  and merely  for  his  hospitalisation for



more than 20 days,  no inference could  be drawn that  he was in severe

bodily  pain  or  was  unable  to  follow  his  ordinary  pursuits.  The  learned

counsel emphasised on the submissions that in the opinion of the doctor, the

victim was able to follow his ordinary pursuits without any aid and hence, the

ingredients of  Section 320 IPC are not  established.  The learned counsel

submitted that the appellant deserves to be acquitted and in any case, when

the incident took place about 22 years back and the appellant is now 63

years  of  age,  enhancement  of  punishment  is  not  called  for.  Per  contra,

learned counsel for the respondent has duly opposed the submissions made

on behalf of the appellant with reference to the findings recorded against


6. Having heard learned counsel for the parties and having perused the

matter placed on record, we are satisfied that the appellant has rightly been

convicted  for  the  offence  under  Section  326  of  IPC;  and  though  the

punishment awarded to him, being of simple imprisonment for a term of one

year and fine of Rs. 5,000/- with default stipulation, is rather towards the side

of inadequacy but, looking to overall circumstances of this case, we would

refrain from enhancing the same.  

7. So far as the basic fact, that the appellant poured acid on the body of

the victim, is concerned, the same stands proved beyond any doubt by the

evidence on record, including the testimony of the victim PW-1 as also his

mother PW-2. The fact that the victim sustained extensive acid burns on the

left side of his body also stands duly proved in his testimony read with the



testimony  of  the  doctor  PW-8.  The subordinate  Courts  as  also  the  High

Court have thoroughly examined the material on record and have returned

concurrent findings against the appellant. After having perused the record,

we find nothing of any infirmity or perversity in such findings.  

8. The principal contention urged in this appeal is that the case would not

fall under Section 320 IPC for the victim having not stated that he was in

severe  bodily  pain  for  20  days  nor  did  he  state  that  he  has  suffered

disfigurement and, on the contrary, the doctor having stated that the victim

was  capable  of  carrying  on  with  his  daily  pursuits  during  hospitalisation

without any aid.  The submissions remain bereft  of  substance and do not

make out a case for interference, as noticed infra.  

9. Section 320 IPC specifies the kinds of  hurt  that  are designated as

grievous hurt and reads as follows:

“Section 320 Grievous hurt.- The following kinds of hurt only are designated as "grievous":-

First - Emasculation.

Secondly - Permanent privation of the sight of either eye.

Thirdly - Permanent privation of the hearing of either ear,

Fourthly- Privation of any member or joint.

Fifthly- Destruction or permanent impairing of the powers of any member or joint.

Sixthly- Permanent disfiguration of the head or face.

Seventhly-Fracture or dislocation of a bone or tooth.

Eighthly-Any hurt which endangers life or which causes the sufferer to be during the space of twenty days in severe bodily pain, or unable to follow his ordinary pursuits.”



Section 326 IPC, providing punishment for causing  grievous hurt by

dangerous weapons or means, reads as under:

“Section  326  -  Voluntarily  causing  grievous  hurt  by dangerous  weapons  or  means.- Whoever,  except  in  the case provided for by section 335, voluntarily causes grievous hurt  by  means  of  any  instrument  for  shooting,  stabbing  or cutting,  or  any  instrument  which,  used  as  a  weapon  of offence, is likely to cause death, or by means of fire or any heated  substance,  or  by  means  of  any  poison  or  any corrosive substance, or by means of any explosive substance, or by means of any substance which it is deleterious to the human body to inhale, to swallow, or to receive into the blood, or  by  means  of  any  animal,  shall  be  punished  with imprisonment  For  life,  or  with  imprisonment  of  either description for  a term which may extend to ten years,  and shall also be liable to fine.”


10. In the present case, the extensive injuries suffered by the victim, being

of acid burns involving forehead, scalp, neck, back of chest, left buttock and

front of left thigh are distinctly stated in the wound certificate Ex. P/5.  

10.1. The victim sustained the aforesaid injuries due to the effect of the acid

poured  upon  him  by  the  appellant.  The  acid  is  undoubtedly  a  corrosive

substance  within  the  meaning  of  Section  326  IPC.  The  victim  remained

hospitalised for more than 50 days. It would be wholly unrealistic to postulate

that even with such extensive acid burn injuries from head to thigh on the left

portion of his body and long-drawn hospitalisation, the victim may not have

been in severe bodily pain for a period of more than 20 days. The victim also

stated in his examination-in-chief that he was unable to carry out his daily

routines  by  himself  during  hospitalisation;  and  there  had  not  been  any



suggestion in the cross-examination to challenge such an assertion of the

victim. Above all, the Trial Court specifically noticed the fact that the victim

had suffered permanent disfigurement on the head, when he was examined

in the Court. In the given set of circumstances and the facts available on

record, the statement of the doctor PW-8 to the effect that the patient could

carry on his daily affairs without any aid while being treated in the hospital,

does not take away the substance of the matter that the case was clearly

covered under clauses ‘Sixthly’ and ‘Eighthly’ of Section 320 IPC. In fact,

even the doctor  PW-8 stated that  there was no immediate  disfigurement

during the time the skin was healing; and that the scars would develop only


11. It needs hardly any emphasis that the act of causing grievous hurt by

use of acid, by its very nature, is a gruesome and horrendous one, which,

apart  from  causing  severe  bodily  pain,  leaves  the  scars  and  untold

permanent miseries for the victim. The legislature having taken note of the

gravity  of  such an  offence has,  by  way  of  Act  No.  13  of  2013,  inserted

Sections 326A and 326B IPC, providing higher punishment with minimum

imprisonment for the offences of voluntarily causing grievous hurt by use of

acid and voluntarily throwing or attempting to throw acid. The present one

being a matter relating to the offence committed in the year 1997, we need

not elaborate on the provisions now inserted, but, looking to the gravity of

offence, the punishment as awarded in this matter prima facie appears to be

rather inadequate. It was for this reason that, while entertaining the matter,



this  Court  had  issued  notice  to  examine  the  question  if  the  punishment

deserves to be enhanced.  

12. However, having regard to the facts and circumstances of the case

and more particularly the facts that the offence was committed in the year

1997 and the accused-appellant is now said to be 63 years of age, we would

refrain from enhancing the punishment and would prefer leaving the matter

at that only.  

13. For what has been discussed hereinabove, this appeal fails and is,

therefore, dismissed.



.............................................J.       (DINESH MAHESHWARI)     1

New Delhi, Date:  9th May, 2019