12 August 2013
Supreme Court


Case number: C.A. No.-006707-006707 / 2013
Diary number: 26331 / 2011


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CIVIL APPEAL NO.6707/2013 (Arising out of Special Leave Petition (Civil) No.26967/2011)

Manoj Manu & Anr.    ….Appellants


Union of India & Ors.  ….Respondents

J U D G M E N T  


1. Leave granted.

2. This  appeal  has  been  preferred  by  the  present  appellants  

questioning  the  validity  of  the  judgment  and  order  dated  May 16,  2011  

passed by the High Court, in Writ Petition which was filed by the appellants  

questioning the validity of the order dated 29th March 2011, of the Central  

Administrative Tribunal (hereinafter referred to as the “Tribunal”), Principal  

Bench, New Delhi.   The Tribunal had dismissed the Original Application  

preferred by the appellants herein under Section 19 of the Administrative  

Tribunal Act against their non-appointment to the post of Section Officer’s  



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Grade of the Central Secretariat Service.  The said O.A. was dismissed by  

the Tribunal vide order dated 29th March 2011 which has been upheld by the  

High Court.

3. There is no dispute about the facts, which may be briefly recapitulated  

to  understand the  controversy  that  has  arisen  in  these  proceedings.   The  

appellants  were  working  as  Assistants  in  the  Central  Secretariat  Service  

(CSS) and appeared in Limited Departmental Competitive Examination for  

the next promotion to the post of Section Officer’s Grade in that service.  

There are two channels of promotion: one by way of seniority and other fast  

track  in  the  form  of  Limited  Departmental  Competitive  Examination  

(LDCE).   The  appellants  appeared  in  the  said  LDCE  2005,  which  was  

conducted  by  the  Union  Public  Service  Commission  (UPSC)  on  the  

requisition sent to it for 184 general category posts by the Department of  

Personnel and Training (DoP&T).  After holding the examination the UPSC  

had recommended 184 candidates in two lots.  First lot of 141 candidates  

who were found suitable candidates for the said post whereas in the second  

lot  43  successful  candidates  were  recommended for  appointment.  Out  of  

them 6 candidates did not join. The DoP&T thereafter vide its letter dated  

20th November  2009  had  requisitioned  6  general  category  vacancies.  



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However, the UPSC recommended names of three candidates from out of  

reserve list maintained by it.  These two appellants who were next in the  

merit list  had secured 305 marks, same as secured by one Rajesh Kumar  

Yadav  who  was  recommended  by  the  UPSC  in  the  supplementary  list  


4. The appellants felt aggrieved by their non-recommendation, thereby  

denying them the appointment to the post of Section Officer’s Grade.  Under  

these  circumstances,  these  appellants  filed  the  O.A.  before  the  Tribunal  

alleging that the UPSC had acted in an arbitrary and discriminatory manner  

in contravention of Article 14 and 16 of the Constitution of India denying  

them the right to get the appointment to the post to which they were not only  

selected  but  equally  placed  as  another  candidate  who  was  given  the  


5. The Tribunal dismissed the O.A. primarily on the ground that ACR’s  

are  also seen for  determining merit  position inter-se  candidates who had  

secured same marks in written test and it was because of this reason that  

these two appellants were not placed before Shri Rajesh Kumar Yadav.



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6. Before the High Court,  the appellants submitted that they were not  

questioning the aforesaid reason given by the Tribunal determining inter-se  

merit position of the candidates who qualified the written test. Instead their  

argument was that the Tribunal lost sight of the actual plea taken viz. when  

there were sufficient vacancies available and even as per the letter sent by  

the DoP&T vide its letter dated 20th November 2009 names of 6 candidates  

were requisitioned,  there was no reason not to forward the names of  the  

appellants for the appointment.  The appellants relied upon Clause 4(c) of  

the Office Memorandum dated 14th July 1967 in support of their aforesaid  

contention.  This Clause is reproduced hereinbelow:

“4(c) Once the results are published, additional persons should  not normally be taken till  the next examination.  Nor should  vacancies  reported  before  declaration  of  the  results,  be  ordinarily  withdrawn  after  declaration  of  the  results.   If,  however, some of the candidates recommended/allotted for  appointment  against  the  specific  number  of  vacancies  reported  in  respect  of  a  particular  examination  do  not  become available for one reason or another, the Commission  may be approached, within a reasonable time, with request  for  replacements  from  reserved,  if  available. When  replacements  may  not  be  available,  the  vacancies  that  may  remain unfilled should be reported to the Commission for being  filled through the next examination.”

(Emphasis supplied)



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7. The submission of the appellants before the High Court was that the  

aforequoted  Clause  specifically  provides  that  the  vacancies  which  are  

reported have not to be ordinarily withdrawn after the declaration of results.  

Therefore, when there were vacancies, and the appellants who had passed  

the LDCE were available, their names should have been recommended by  

the UPSC for appointment to ensure that vacancies do not go unfilled.  It  

was also submitted that from the recommended/allotted candidates by the  

UPSC in  case  some  of  them are  not  available  for  whatever  reason;  the  

concerned department could approach the Commission, within a reasonable  

time with request for placement from reserved, if available.  It was, thus,  

stressed that in the instant case when some of the persons did not join with  

the  result  that  some  vacancies  were  still  available  out  of  the  vacancies  

reported and even requisition was made, the UPSC should have forwarded  

the names of 6 persons thereby including the appellants.   

8. The stand of the UPSC, on the other hand, was that whether or not  

UPSC should accept the said requisition was not the subject matter of the  

aforesaid  Office  Memorandum.   The  UPSC  pleaded  that  it  was  the  

convention,  followed throughout as a policy decision,  that  supplementary  

list is not to be issued except in two categories of cases, namely, “repeat” or  



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“common” candidates.  Repeat candidates are those candidates, who have  

participated in the same category in two LDCE and are successful in the first  

examination and results have not declared when the second Departmental  

Competitive  Examination  was  held.   Common  candidates  are  those  

candidates, who get selected in more than one category in the  LDCE.

9. The High Court accepted the aforesaid contention of the UPSC with  

the  observation  that  taking  a  different  view  would  upset  the  policy  or  

convention followed by UPSC and will create ambiguity which may also  

lead  to  confusion.   The  High  Court  observed  that  the  examination  in  

question was held for 196 vacancies as intimated by DoP&T and UPSC had  

nominated 184 candidates in two lots.  12 SC vacancies remained unfilled  

for want of suitable candidates.  A supplementary list of three persons was  

also issued as three selected candidates were “common/repeat” candidates.

10. We are unable to agree with the approach of the High Court in the  

facts of the present case.  It will be useful to point out that reason for sending  

the requisition by DoP&T for forwarding the names of persons in the reserve  

list was that some of the candidates whose names had been forwarded by the  

UPSC did not  join the post  for  one or  other  reason.   The DoP&T in its  



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communication dated 20th November 2009 had itself stated so, giving the  

following reasons:

S.   Roll  Name Category      Reasons for the

No.   No.  (S/Shri)      vacancies to arise

1. 001147 Sanjay Bora General Already appointed as PS vide OM No.5/2/ 2009-SC.II dt.16.3.09

2. 000713 Ms.Kitty General Already appointed as PS vide OM No.5/2/ 2009-CS.II dt.16.3.09

3. 001823 Devjyoti General Technically resigned

on 17th August 2007  i.e.prior  to  the  declaration  of  the  result.His lien is over on  17th August 2009.

4.     001604    Sanjeev Jain          General He  has  opted  for  appointment  against  seniority  quota,  2005  instead of LDCE 2005.

5.     001376     Vishwajit Kalynai    General He  has  given  his  undertaking to remain as  Personal Secretary.



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6.     001711        Jai Kishore     SC Qualified in LDCE 2005  Exam.,however  pursuant  to  a  court  direction,  he  has been adjusted against  SL 2000 (LDCE)


In respect  of  each of  the aforesaid six candidates DoP&T had given the  

reasons as to why those six persons opted not to join the post of Section  

Officer’s grade.

11. It can be clearly inferred from the reading of the aforesaid that it is not  

the case where any of these persons initially joined as Section Officer and  

thereafter resigned/left/promoted etc. thereby creating the vacancies again.  

Had that been the situation viz. after the vacancy had been filled up, and  

caused again because of some subsequent event, position would have been  

different.  In that eventuality the UPSC would be right in not forwarding the  

names  from  the  list  as  there  is  culmination  of  the  process  with  the  

exhaustion of the notified vacancies and vacancies arising thereafter have to  

be filled up by fresh examination.  However, in the instant case, out of 184  

persons recommended, six persons did not join at all.  In these circumstances  

when the candidates in  reserved list  on the basis  of  examination already  

held,  were  available  and  DoP&T  had  approached  UPSC  “within  a  



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reasonable time” to send the names, we do not see any reason or justification  

on the part of the UPSC not to send the names.

12. We are conscious of the legal position that merely because the name of  

a  candidate  finds  place  in  the  select  list,  it  would  not  give  him/her  

indefeasible  right  to  get  appointment  as  well.    It  is  always open to the  

Government not to fill up all vacancies.   However, there has to be a valid  

reason for adopting such a course of action.  This legal position has been  

narrated by this Court in Ms.Neelima Shangla vs. State of Haryana (1986) 3  

SCR 785.  In that case:

The appellant was the candidate for appointment to the post of  Subordinate Judge in Haryana. Under the scheme of the Rules,  the  Public  Service  Commission  was  required  to  hold  first  a  written test in subjects chosen by the High Court and next a  viva voce test. Unless a candidate secures 45% of the marks in  the written papers and 33% in the language paper, he will not be  called for the viva voce test. All candidates securing 55% of the  marks in the aggregate in the written and viva voce tests are  considered as qualified for appointment. The appellant though  secured 55% of the marks was not appointed as her name was  not sent by the Public Service Commission to the Govt. The  Supreme  Court  in  such  fact  situation  found  that  the  Public  Service  Commission  is  not  required  to  make  any  further  selection  from the  qualified  candidates  and is,  therefore,  not  expected to withhold the name of any qualified candidate. The  duty of the Public Service Commission is to make available to  



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the Govt., a complete list  of qualified candidates arranged in  order of merit. How should Govt., act is stated by the Supreme  Court in the following words:

“Thereafter the Government is to make the selection strictly in  the order in which they have been placed by the Commission as  a  result  of  the  examination.  The  names  of  the  selected  candidates are then to be entered in the Register maintained by  the High Court  strictly  in  that  order  and appointments  made  from the names entered in that Register also strictly in the same  order. It is, of course, open to the Government not to fill up all  the vacancies for a valid reason. The Government and the High  Court may, for example, decide that, though 55 per cent is the  minimum qualifying mark, in the interests of higher standards,  they would not appoint anyone who has obtained less than 60  per cent of the marks.”

(Emphasis supplied)

13.   The Court after making reference to the decision of the Supreme Court  

in the case of  State of Haryana vs. Subhash Chander Marwah reported in  

(1972) IILLJ266 SC further observed as under:

“However,  as  we  said,  the  selection  cannot  arbitrarily be restricted to a few candidates, notwithstanding the  number  of  vacancies  and  the  availability  of  qualified  candidates. There must be a conscious application of the mind  of the Govt., and the High Court before the number of persons  selected for appointment is restricted. Any other interpretation  would make Rule 8 of Part D meaningless.”

   (Emphasis supplied)



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14. It is, thus, manifest that though a person whose name is included in the  

select list, does not acquire any right to be appointed.  The Government may  

decide not to fill up all the vacancies for valid reasons. Such a decision on  

the part of the Government not to fill up the required/advertised vacancies  

should not be arbitrary or unreasonable but must be based on sound, rational  

and conscious application of mind.  Once, it is found that the decision of the  

Government is based on some valid reason, the Court would not issue any  

Mandamus to Government to fill up the vacancies.

15. In the present case, however, we find that after the UPSC sent the list  

of 184 persons/recommended by it, to the Government for appointment six  

persons  out  of  the  said  list  did  not  join.   It  is  not  a  case  where  the  

Government  decided  not  to  fill  up  further  vacancies.   On  the  contrary  

DoP&T sent requisition to the UPSC to send six names so that the remaining  

vacancies are also filled up.  This shows that in so far as Government is  

concerned, it wanted to fill up all the notified vacancies.  The requisition  

dated 20th November 2009 in this behalf was in consonance with its Clause  

4(c) of O.M. dated 14th July 1967.  Even when the Government wanted to  

fill up the post, the UPSC chose to forward names of three candidates.   



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16. There is  a  sound logic,  predicated  on public  interest,  behind O.M.  

dated 14th July 1967.  The intention is not to hold further selection for the  

post already advertised so as to save unnecessary public expenditure.   At the  

same time, this very O.M. also stipulates that the Government should not fill  

up more vacancies than the vacancies which were advertised.  The purpose  

behind this provision is to give chance to those who would have become  

eligible  in  the  meantime.   Thus,  this  OM dated  14th July  1967 strikes  a  

proper  balance  between  the  interests  of  two  groups  of  persons.   In  the  

present case since the requisition of the DoP&T contained in communication  

dated 20th November 2009 was within the permissible notified vacancies, the  

UPSC should have sent the names of six candidates instead of three.

17. This Court in  Sandeep Singh vs. State of Haryana & Anr. (2002) 10  

SCC 549 commended that the vacancies available should be filled up unless  

there is any statutory embargo for the same.   In Virender S.Hooda & Ors.  

Vs.  State  of  Haryana  &  Anr. AIR  1999  SC  1701,  12  posts  for  direct  

recruitment  were  available  when  the  advertisement  for  recruitment  was  

made which was held in the year 1991.  Some of the selected candidates did  

not join in this batch almost similar to the present case, the Court held that  

the  appellant’s  case  ought  to  have  been  considered  when  some  of  the  



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candidates for reasons of the non-appointment of some of the candidates and  

they  ought  to  have  been  appointed  if  they  come  within  the  range  of  


18. It is not the case of the UPSC that under no circumstances the names  

are  sent  by  way  of  supplementary  list,  after  sending  the  names  of  the  

candidates  equal  to  the  vacancies.   As  per  the  UPSC  itself,  names  of  

“repeat/common” candidates are sent  and in the present  case itself,  three  

names belonging to such category were sent.   However,  exclusion of the  

persons like the appellants has clearly resulted in discrimination as one of  

those three candidates Rajesh Kumar Yadav had also secured 305 marks and  

once he was appointed to the post  in  question,  the appellants  with same  

marks have been left out even when the vacancies were available.   

19. We are, therefore, of the opinion in the facts of the present case, the  

decision of UPSC in forwarding three names against requisition of DoP&T  

for  six  vacancies  was  inappropriate.   We,  accordingly,  allow the  present  

appeal; set aside the order of the High Court as well as Tribunal and issue  

Mandamus to the UPSC to forward the names of the next three candidates to  

the DoP&T for appointment to the post of Section Officer’s Grade.  They  

shall  get  the  seniority  from  the  date  when  Rajesh  Kumar  Yadav  was  



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appointed to the said post.  Their pay shall notionally be fixed, without any  

arrears of the pay and other allowances.   

20. No costs.

   ………………………………J.      [Anil R. Dave]

      ………………………………J. [A.K.Sikri]


New Delhi,

August 12, 2013