13 July 2016
Supreme Court


Case number: CONMT.PET.(C) No.-000483-000483 / 2013
Diary number: 38263 / 2013
Advocates: CHARU MATHUR Vs


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MANINDERJIT SINGH BITTA                          …Petitioner


VIJAY CHHIBBER & ORS.                     …Respondents




MANINDERJIT SINGH BITTA                          …Petitioner


DR. SHAILESH KR. SHARMA & ORS.               …Respondents



The instant contempt petitions have been filed by

the petitioner herein highlighting the issue of implementation

of  Scheme  of  High  Security  Registration  Plates  (HSRP)  in

disobedience of this Court’s order dated 08.12.2011 reported

in (2012) 1 SCC 707 titled Maninderjit Singh Bitta vs. Union of

India & Ors. and order dated 07.02.2012 reported in (2012) 4

SCC 568 titled  Maninderjit  Singh Bitta  vs.  Union of India &



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Ors.  passed in W.P. No.510 of 2005 and connected matters.

In these contempt  petitions,  the  petitioner  alleges  that  the

respondents-contemnors  have  not  ensured  the

implementation of the orders of this Court and have failed to

discharge the statutory duty imposed upon them by law by

not taking any appropriate action against M/s. Utsav Safety

Systems Pvt. Ltd and its consortium partners for violating the

terms of tender conditions and directions of this Court.

2. The matter was heard at length on various dates.

Having regard to  the  arguments  advanced  in  extenso, it  is

necessary to refer to the factual matrix of the case which led

to the filing of these contempt petitions:- After the terrorist

attack on the Parliament in 2002, urgency was felt to check

usage of motor vehicles in terrorists’ activities. Therefore, the

Central Government on the recommendation of its Technical

Committee  devised  the  scheme  of  HSRP,  so  as  to  ensure

public safety, security and to curb the increasing menace of

vehicle thefts and their usage in commission of crimes like

murder,  dacoity,  kidnapping  etc.  With  this  avowed  object,

Rule 50 of the Central Motor Vehicles Rules, 1989 (for brevity

‘CMV Rules’) which deals with “Form and manner of display of

registration marks on the motor vehicles” was amended by the

Central  Government  in  exercise  of  its  rule  making  power



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under Section 64 of the MV Rules. The amended scheme of

rule  50  substituted  the  erstwhile  system  where  the

registration number was given by the RTO and the ordinary

registration  plates  obtained  from  the  open  market  were

installed on the vehicles.  Rule 50 was amended to ensure the

technical  competence  of  the  prospective  manufacturers,

controlled issuance of registration plates and a manufacturer

can manufacture the said plates only after it  has got Type

Approved  Certificate  (TAC)  from  one  of  the  autonomous

certifying agencies. Supply of the plates to the vehicular users

can be made only after the grant of certificate of Conformity of

Production (CoP).  

3. The Government of India on 28.03.2001 issued a

notification  under  Section  41(6)  of  the  Motor  Vehicles  Act,

1988 (for short “the Act”) read with Rule 50 of the MV Rules

for implementation of  the provisions of  the Act in terms of

sub-Section  (3)  of  Section  109  of  the  Act.  The  Central

Government issued an order dated 22.08.2001 which deals

with  various  facets  of  manufacture,  supply  and  fixation of

new  high  security  registration  plates.  The  Central

Government also issued a notification dated 16.10.2001 for

further implementation of the said order and HSRP scheme.



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In order to implement the scheme, various States also invited

tenders for manufacture and supply of HSRP.   

4. A Writ Petition being W.P. (C) No.41 of 2003 was

filed in this Court by the Association of Registration Plates,

challenging  the  Central  Government’s  power  to  issue  such

notification as well as the terms and conditions of the tender

process.  In  addition  to  the  aforesaid  writ  petition,  various

other writ petitions were filed before the different High Courts,

raising the same challenge and those writ petitions came to

be transferred to  this  Court.  By the Judgment reported in

(2005) 1 SCC 679 titled Association of Registration Plates vs.

Union  of  India  &  Ors., this  Court  dismissed  the  Writ

Petition(C) No. 41 of 2003 and other connected matters, and

upheld the validity of rule 50 as well as tender conditions.

While doing so, this Court also issued certain directions for

appropriate implementation of the scheme. The relevant para

(31) reads as under:-  

“31. Justifying  the  selection  of  a  single  manufacturer  for  a region or an entire State, to ensure security considerations, the following  factors  have  been  highlighted  as  subserving  the public interest:

1. That it  would not be possible to implement the scheme since the scheme provides that the approved manufacturer would use the premises of the State RTO and lay down V-Sat links  so  that  the  entire  State  is  networked  on  a  common platform. 2.  It  would  be  impossible  for  the  State  to  provide  all  the TAC-holders space and infrastructure in the RTO premises. 3. It would be difficult for the State to identify the source of any counterfeiting in case there are multiple manufacturers.



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This would severely compromise the security considerations involved in the scheme. 4. Different manufacturers would lead to variations in price between different manufacturers. 5. The State is at a disadvantage since all the manufacturers would prefer to concentrate on supplying only in Kolkata and would not go to the other far-flung RTOs where he would not recover the returns on his investment. 6. In case more than one manufacturer operates within the State, it will lead to discrepancy and non-uniformity in price structure prevailing in different regions. 7.  Difficulty  in  assimilation  of  data  from  more  than  one manufacturer  would  lead  to  disaggregated  and  confusing database  signals.  Such  sensitive  and  security-related business  must  be  governed  by  uniform  database management  processes  and  unified  standardised  coding practices. 8. Different manufacturers would mean that there would be variation  in  quality  of  the  material  and  in  terms  of workmanship. 9.  Possible  duplication  of  registration  plates  due  to competition between manufacturers of different regions and lack of aggregated security-controlled database management systems. 10. Non-conformity of data of different manufacturers would lead  to  confusion  and  integration  of  data  from  the  State RTOs. 11.  Difficulty  in  fixing  up  the  answerability  on  any  one manufacturer for not following the prescribed procedure. 12. Confidentiality of the public database would be severely compromised. 13.  Provision  of  training  of  RTO  personnel  by  each manufacturer would be a logistic nightmare and would lead to  confusion  and  further  lead  to  the  system  being compromised severely. 14. It is also important to note that each registration plate has a unique number, and consequently,  all  the RTOs are required to be electronically connected to each other; if the vendors are allowed to proliferate, this connection would not be possible, and would lead to complete chaos.”

5. It was observed that none of the tender conditions

were  arbitrary  and discriminatory  and in  para (40),  it  was

held as under:-

“40. Selecting  one manufacturer  through a  process  of  open competition is not creation of any monopoly, as contended, in violation of Article 19(1)(g) of the Constitution read with clause



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(6)  of  the  said  article.  As  is  sought  to  be  pointed  out,  the implementation involves large network of operations of highly sophisticated  materials.  The  manufacturer  has  to  have embossing stations within the premises of the RTO. He has to maintain the data of each plate which he would be getting from his main unit.  It  has to be cross-checked by the RTO data. There has to be a server in the RTO’s office which is linked with all RTOs in each State and thereon linked to the whole nation. Maintenance of the record by one and supervision over its  activity  would  be  simpler  for  the  State  if  there  is  one manufacturer  instead  of  multi-manufacturers  as  suppliers. The actual operation of the scheme through the RTOs in their premises  would  get  complicated  and  confused  if multi-manufacturers  are  involved.  That  would also  seriously impair the high security concept in affixation of new plates on the vehicles. If there is a single manufacturer he can be forced to go and serve rural areas with thin vehicular population and less  volume  of  business.  Multi-manufacturers  might concentrate  only  on  urban  areas  with  higher  vehicular population.”

6. After  the  decision  in Association  of  Registration

Plates  (supra), the petitioner herein being aggrieved with the

non-implementation of  HSRP scheme in its  true letter  and

spirit, launched the second round of litigation by filing Writ

Petition  (C)  No.510  of  2005,  wherein,  this  Court  passed

various  orders  dated  08.05.2008,  05.05.2009,  07.04.2011,

30.08.2011, 13.10.2011, 08.12.2011 and 07.02.2012, so as

to ensure the integrity and implementation of the scheme and

gave various directions to the States and manufacturers. This

Court vide Order dated 08.05.2008 reported in (2008) 7 SCC

328 observed as under:  

“…we feel  it  would be in the interest of all  concerned if  the States and the Union Territories take definite decision as to whether there is need for giving effect to the amended Rule 50 and the Scheme of HSRP and the modalities to be followed.”  



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7. Despite the above order of this Court, most of the

States have failed to implement the scheme in its true spirit.

This resulted in filing of I.A. No.5 in Writ Petition (C) No.510

of  2005 wherein  the  applicant  prayed  for  a  clarification  of

order dated 08.05.2008 stating that some of the States were

carrying the impression as if they had the discretion to give

effect to the amended rules and the scheme. Vide the Order

dated 05.05.2009, this Court held that there is no discretion

given to the States/Union Territories in implementation of the

amended rules.

8. Further,  by  an  order  dated  07.04.2011  of  this

Court,  reported  in  (2011)  11  SCC  315,  passed  in  I.A

Nos.10-11 of  2010, wherein the States sought extension of

time for implementation of the HSRP scheme, this Court took

serious view of the matter that there are certain States which

have not even started the process of implementing the HSRP

Scheme and directed such States to file affidavits explaining

why contempt proceedings should not  be initiated.   It  was

observed by this Court that despite tenders being issued long

back, no further step was taken.  

9. Thereafter,  vide Order dated 30.08.2011 reported

in (2011) 14 SCC 273, this Court again took the serious view



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of  the  non-implementation  of  HSRP  scheme.  The  Court

observed that:-  

“…We regretfully note that the situation in the present case is the  converse  of  compliance.  There  is  no  State  in  the entire country  which  has  successfully,  in  accordance  with  the statutory provisions and scheme, as approved by this Court, implemented the scheme in its entirety…”  

10.   Vide Order dated 13.10.2011 reported in (2012) 1

SCC 273 titled Maninderjit Singh Bitta vs. Union of India And

Ors., this Court again noted the disobedience of earlier order

of this Court by the State of Haryana and punished them for

contempt, imposing a fine of Rs.2,000/- each on those who

were responsible for disobedience of this Court’s order and

exemplary cost of Rs.50,000/- on the State.  Vide Order dated

08.12.2011 reported in (2012) 1 SCC 707 titled  Maninderjit

Singh Bitta vs. Union of India And Ors.,  this Court referred to

the  affidavits  filed  by  the  various  States  and  in  order  to

ensure  proper  implementation of  the  HSRP Scheme,   gave

general directions in para (53).  It is apposite to refer to the

relevant direction in para (53.5) which reads as under:-  

“5.  On  behalf  of  the  petitioner  and  some  of  the  States,  a question  has  been  raised  before  us  that  contractors  have responded  to  the  notices  for  tender  in  consortium.  This  is being done primarily for the purpose of satisfying the condition of  specialised  experience  for  manufacture  and  affixation  of HSRP.  However,  after  award  of  the  contract,  the  partner possessing expertise (Type Approval Certificate, approval, etc.) in the consortium may walk out from the performance of the contract. In this circumstance, the very purpose would stand frustrated. We find merit in this submission but would refrain from issuing any direction in that behalf, at this stage. It will



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be for the State/Union Territory concerned to take appropriate decision  with  reference  to  the  facts  of  a  given  case  and  in accordance with law. Prima facie, it appears to us that it would be in the interest of all concerned that all the members of the consortium  including  the  member  possessing  the  expertise should continue as such till the performance of the contract.”

11.   By the aforesaid order dated 08.12.2011 in paras

(4) to (6), this Court has also set aside the approach adopted

by the State of  Andhra Pradesh in tender proceedings and

directed the State of Andhra Pradesh to issue fresh tender,

award  the  contract  and  commence  implementation  of  the

HSRP Scheme positively  by  29.02.2012.  Paras (4)  to  (6)  of

Order dated 08.12.2011 read as under:-

“4. It  is  the  case  of  the  State  of  Andhra  Pradesh  that  it published the notice inviting the tenders on 8-10-2011 and the due date of the tender bids was 26-11-2011. The State claims that it has prepared a comprehensive framework to implement the HSRP scheme and authorised Andhra Pradesh State Road Transport Corporation to roll out the end to end solution for the  project.  It  has  decided  to  have  a  competitive  bidding process by segregating the tender  into different  sections i.e. one for manufacturing, another for embossing, hot stamping and printing of HSRP and yet another to supply the same to the Corporation for installation. 5.  Again, the process adopted by the State of Andhra Pradesh is not only in violation of the directions contained in paras 39 and 40 of the judgment of this Court in  Assn. of Registration Plates v. Union of India but is also contrary to the Notification dated 16.09.2011 which was issued under sub-section (3) of Section 109 of  the Motor  Vehicles  Act,  1988 and called the Motor Vehicles (New High Security Registration Plates) Order, 2001.  This Order does not permit the completion of the HSRP scheme in the manner sought to be adopted by the State of Andhra Pradesh.  The State was to award the contract but the same has not so far been awarded. 6.  In the circumstances aforementioned, we direct the State of Andhra Pradesh to issue fresh tender, award the contract and commence  the  implementation  of  the  scheme  positively  by 29.02.2012.   It  has  assured  this  Court  that  now  it  would positively abide by the time schedule and do the needful.”



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12. In  the  said  order  the  approach  adopted  by  the

Government of NCT of Delhi was commented upon and this

Court observed that the procedure adopted by them, is not in

conformity with the judgments of this Court. The directions

relating to the Government of NCT of Delhi in paras (19) and

(20) read as under:-  

“19. Be that as it may, to some extent, the procedure adopted by  the  Delhi  Government  is  not  in  conformity  with  the judgments  of  this  Court.  From the documents now filed  on record,  it  appears  that  DIMTS  has  reserved  onto  itself  the power to select more than one vendor for the project. It is also stipulated in the draft agreement that the supplier of the plate shall  notify  the  purchaser  in  writing  of  all  sub-contracts awarded under the contract. We make it clear that neither Rule 50 of the Motor Vehicles Rules, 1989 (for short “the Rules”), the  Motor  Vehicles  (New  High  Security  Registration  Plates) Order,  2001  nor  the  judgments  of  this  Court  permit sub-contracts to be awarded by the contractor to whom the award for manufacture and fixation of HSRP is awarded. 20. Furthermore,  in  their  affidavit  dated  26-11-2011  it  has been stated that DIMTS is also taking other steps and it has divided  the  implementation  process  into  two  parts:  Firstly, procurement of blank HSRP confirming to Rule 50 of the Rules and personalisation of plates by embossing, hot stamping of number  plates,  quality  checking,  printing  of  third  number plate, set matching, dispatch, transportation and installation of  HSRP.  Secondly,  it  is  not  permissible  to  bifurcate  the process under different heads or in parts. It  is a mandatory requirement that one person should exclusively be responsible for the entire process in the interest of security. Thus, we make it clear that DIMTS, when it is getting the HSRP manufactured from the contractor, such manufacture should be firstly from a single contractor and secondly it should, without fail, be under the direct supervision and control of DIMTS. They should not let the sub-contractors or other parties to have control over the manufacturing  processing  and  fixation  of  HSRP  in  any manner,  whatsoever.  They  should  ensure  that  one  single person  is  responsible  for  manufacturing,  affixation  of  seals, imprinting of numbers and affixation of HSRP on the vehicles in the NCT of Delhi.”

13. Finally, vide an Order dated 07.02.2012 reported

in (2012) 4 SCC 568 titled Maninderjit Singh Bitta vs. Union of



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India And Ors.,  this Court disposed of the W.P.(C) 510/2005

by sending the files to respective High Courts to take action

as per law and in para (17), it was held as under:-

“17. Having  perused  the  report  of  the  Registrar  and  the affidavits  filed  on  behalf  of  different  States,  we  issue  the following directions:

(a)  All  States  which  have  invited  tenders,  have completed  the process of  finalising the successful  bidder and  issued  the  letter  of  intent,  but  have  not  yet  signed agreements  with  the  successful  bidder,  shall  sign  such agreements within four weeks from today. These States are Assam,  Bihar,  Gujarat,  Haryana,  Jammu  and  Kashmir, Jharkhand, Punjab, Tripura and Uttar Pradesh.

(b) The States which have so far not even finalised the tender process, they should do so, again, within four weeks from  today.  Amongst  others  these  States  and  Union Territories are Chhattisgarh, Madhya Pradesh, Chandigarh, Delhi (NCT) and Puducherry.

(c) Installation of HSRP is a statutory command which is not only in the interest of the security of State, but also serves a  much larger  public  interest.  Therefore,  it  is  not only  desirable,  but mandatory,  for  every State  to  comply with the statutory provisions/orders of this Court in terms of Article 129 of the Constitution of India, 1950. All States, therefore, are mandated to fully implement the Scheme of fixation  of  HSRP  in  their  entire  State,  positively  by 30-4-2012 in relation to new vehicles and 15-6-2012 for old vehicles. We make it clear that they shall not be allowed any  further  extension  of  time  for  implementation  of  this direction.

(d) The directions contained in the earlier judgments of this  Court  and  more  particularly,  the  orders  dated 30-8-2011, 13-10-2011, 8-12-2011 and this order, should be implemented within the extended period without default.

(e)  In  the  event  of  default,  Secretary (Transport)/Commissioner,  State  Transport  Authority and/or  any  other  person  or  authority  concerned responsible for such default shall be liable to be proceeded against under the provisions of the Contempt of Courts Act, 1971.”

This Court further gave liberty to approach this Court again,

in  case  of  violation  of  HSRP  scheme.  It  was  pertinently

observed:- “18. We  grant  liberty  to  the  petitioner  and/or  any  other person to take out contempt proceedings, if now there is any non-compliance with the orders of this Court and the statutory



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duty imposed upon the authorities concerned with regard to implementation and completion of the scheme and process of fixation of HSRP, in any State/Union Territory.”  

14. Based on the liberty so granted, the petitioner has

now  launched  the  third  round  of  litigation  by  filing  the

instant  contempt  petitions  alleging  the  disobedience  of  the

various  Orders  of  this  Court  discussed  hereinabove,

specifically  orders  dated  08.12.2011  and  07.02.2012.  This

Court vide Order dated 01.05.2014  observed that as per the

bid document, the location of the factory of M/s. Utsav Safety

Systems Pvt. Ltd. (the technical partner) is disclosed at Plot

No.3A, Phase-IV, Industrial Area, Golemath, District Bilaspur,

Himachal Pradesh.  Petitioner alleges that though M/s Utsav

has informed ARAI (testing agency) only about the existence

of two manufacturing plants i.e. Himachal Pradesh and Delhi,

Blank High Security Plates are manufactured by M/s. Utsav

Safety Systems Pvt. Ltd. at a plant in Assam by outsourcing

the work to M/s Rosmerta Technologies Pvt. Ltd. The Order

dated  08.12.2011  reported  in  (2012)  1  SCC  707  does  not

permit  sub-contracts  to  be  awarded  by  the  contractor  to

whom the contract for manufacturing and fixation of HSRP is

awarded and accordingly this Court took the cognizance of

the contempt petitions.  



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15. Petitioner  has  alleged  that  M/s.  Utsav  in  utter

violation of Rule 50, terms of bid and TAC and various orders

passed by this Court has manufactured HSR plates through

job work at an unauthorised unit in Assam and by doing so,

M/s.  Utsav  has  deliberately  disobeyed  the  various  orders

passed by this Court from time to time and the respondents

have deliberately chosen not to take any action against M/s.

Utsav  and  private  contractors  despite  there  being  clear

violation of  the rules and orders passed by this Court and

such omission in not  initiating action against  the violators

amounts to contempt of court and the respondents are liable

to be punished on account of their having committed wilful

disobedience of the orders of this Court.  It is further averred

that  the  petitioner  had  filed  the  complaint  against  M/s.

Utsav, M/s. Rosmerta and M/s. Linkpoint pursuant to which

a meeting was held in the Ministry of  Road Transport and

Highways on 29.10.2013. Referring to the manufacture and

supply of HSR Plates from the Assam unit, in the meeting,

decision was taken to constitute a team of three members to

inspect and verify the procedure and manufacturing activities

in the plant located at Assam inter-alia on various aspects i.e.

quantity  of  HSR  Plates  produced  till  date  which  includes:

(i)  sizes  and  colours  of  plates;  (ii)  laser  code  records;  (iii)



Page 14

security  feature records and (iv)  status of  plants at Assam

including where the job work is done etc. The three members

committee gave its inspection report dated 29.11.2013.  As

per  the  report,  the  team  observed  that  there  is  only  one

building in the same compound having the address of  54,

Brahmaputra  Industrial  Park,  Sila,  Sila  Sinduri  Ghopa

Changsari, Kamrup, Assam and the same is divided into two

parts; one part is registered in the name of M/s. Utsav and

other part is registered in the name of M/s. Rosmerta. The

committee  observed  that  M/s.  Utsav  was  supplying  raw

material  to M/s. Rosmerta who in turn was manufacturing

blank plates as a job work with the material supplied by M/s.

Utsav.   Based  on  the  inspection,  the  team  recorded  its

conclusion as under:-  

“Conclusion:  Utsav is outsourcing the HSRP blank operation through job work

from ROSMERTA. Laser coding as well as security features control was executed by Utsav from beginning to till date.

 Utsav Guwahati  plant dispatched a total  of  5673391 Pcs HSRP plates  since  December  2012  onwards  and  they  are  given  as under:-

 Himachal  Pradesh  factory  with  and  without  laser coding

 Delhi for laser coding and distribution   All State consortium partners after laser coding

 Out  of  a  total  5673391  Pcs  HSRP  plates,  19,19,550 HSRP plates were dispatched in the month of November, 2013 by Utsav to various implementing companies while 51830 Pcs  HSRP is  stock  at  the  Guwahati  factory  of Utsav.”



Page 15

Petitioner  alleges that  as per  bid document of  M/s.  Utsav,

HSRPs  ought  to  have  been  manufactured  at  Himachal

Pradesh  Plant  of  M/s.  Utsav.  However,  the  plates  were

manufactured at an unauthorized unit in Assam and thus it

is  a  clear  case  of  sub-contracting  of  work  carried  without

control  and  supervision  of  M/s.  Utsav  which  has  been

conferred TAC and CoP and a clear case of violation of Rule

50 and Orders of this Court emerges.   

16. The petitioner’s counsel also relies upon the report

of the Inquiry Committee of NCT of Delhi dated 31.01.2014

which  reported  large-scale  violations  committed  by  the

approved manufacturer in the NCT of Delhi (i.e., consortium

of  M/s.  Utsav–Technical  Partner  and  M/s.

Rosmerta–Financial Partner).  It is stated that NCT of Delhi

had also issued show cause notice dated 10.03.2014 to the

consortium  of  M/s.  Utsav  i.e.  M/s.  Rosmerta  stating  that

“M/s.  Utsav  Safety  Systems  Pvt.  Ltd.  Technical  Partner  of

SPB are not supplying any blank HSR Plates after 10.08.2013

and  also  alleged  that  uncertified  HSRPs  are  being

procured/supplied/affixed by M/s. Rosmerta Technologies.  

17. Furthermore, the petitioner relies upon the Utsav’s

letter  dated  17.10.2013  addressed  to  the  Transport

Commissioner,  Government of Delhi wherein M/s. Utsav has



Page 16

admitted  that  its  concessionaire  partners  have  supplied

uncertified and unauthorized  HSRPs.  The relevant portion of

the said letter dated 17.10.2013 addressed to the Transport

Commissioner, Government of Delhi, reads as under:-

“...It  is  to  bring  to  your  kind  notice  that  M/s.  Rosmerta Technologies Ltd. which is the other stake-holder, in the SPV has been concerned with the purchase of Blank number plates from M/s.  Utsav  Safety  Systems  Pvt.  Ltd.   and  the  supply embossment  and fixing  of the same  to the vehicles in the State. It is noteworthy that M/s. Rosmerta Technologies Ltd. under  the  guise  of  the  Concession  agreement  has  supplied huge  quantities  of  HSRP in  the  name of  M/s.  Utsav  Safety Systems Pvt. Ltd. to the Vehicle owners of the State without taking  M/s.  Utsav  Safety  Systems  Pvt.  Ltd.  manufactured HSRP  and  by  resorting  to  the  supply  of  uncertified  and unauthorized HSRP’s.  I would like to bring to your kind notice that the  manufacturing  establishment that has been laid at Guwahati, Assam by M/s. Rosmerta Technologies Limited has not  been  approved  by  Automotive   Research  Association  of India (hereinafter referred to as ‘ARAI’), hence any  supplies of HSRP made from there would be a prima facie  violation  of the Rule  50   and   its   inherent   norms  of  selection  of  Type Approved Manufacturer for the supplies of HSRP in any of the States of India...”       

The counsel averred that on the same line, M/s. Utsav had

also issued notice to M/s. Linkpoint Infrastructure Pvt. Ltd.

stating that under the guise of Concession Agreement, M/s.

Linkpoint  Infrastructure  had  unauthorisedly  manufactured

and  supplied  uncertified  number  plates  in  the  respective

States and thereby committed material breach of Rule 50 of

the CMV Rules and also the Orders passed by this Court.

Subsequently, M/s. Utsav and M/s. Linkpoint Infrastructure

Pvt. Ltd. by the settlement dated 19.03.2014 have resolved



Page 17

and settled all their disputes and arrived at final settlement

regarding their inter-se disputes.  

18. Learned counsel for the petitioner submitted that

as per the bid document the only plant which was approved

was Bilaspur, Himachal Pradesh Plant and there is enough

material on record to show that 5725221 blank HSR Plates

were manufactured and supplied from the unauthorised and

unapproved  plant  in  Assam  and  there  was  no  approval

granted  to  the  said  plant  at  Assam  and  the  same  is  in

violation  of  Rule  50  and  orders  of  this  Court  and  such

violation  is  due  to  lack  of  respondent’s  administrative

conviction to abide by the existing statutory norms and the

petitioner therefore prayed for initiating contempt proceeding

against  respondents  and  also  inter  alia prayed  for  various

directions for strict compliance of HSRP Order 2001.   

19. Per Contra, counsel for the respondents have in

response to  the allegations  in  the contempt  petitions,  filed

various affidavits denying that there has been any disregard

to the orders of this Court.  In the affidavit filed onbehalf of

respondents No. 1 to 4, it  is averred that Rule 50 of  CMV

Rules of 2001 does not place a specific bar on ‘job work’ or

sub-contracting and the same would however be subject to

sub-clauses (xvii) and (xviii) of Clause 4 of the Motor Vehicles



Page 18

New HSRP Order that the manufacturer or the supplier would

all times be in control over all the security features and that

he shall not sell any incomplete plate or security features to

anyone.  It is further averred that the complete bar on the job

work may hinder implementation of HSRP scheme in a time

bound manner.  It has been contended that in the process of

implementation of HSRP Scheme, it  may be possible to get

the certain items of work executed on ‘jobwork’ basis without

compromising security of the process.  It is further submitted

that the issue of ‘outsourcing’ was examined in the Ministry

of  Road  Transport  and  Highways  in  a  meeting  of  the

representatives of ARAI and CRRI held on 03.02.2014.  It was

decided that the provisions of the Motor Vehicles (New High

Security Registration Plates) Order 2001 with its amendments

cannot  be  interpreted  to  prevent  outsourcing  of

manufacturing  activities  to  other  firms  when  all  security

features are in control of TAC manufacturer or the supplier.    

20. The  statutory  agency  viz.,  ARAI  in  its  counter

affidavit  stated  that  M/s.  Utsav  is  outsourcing  its  work

through jobwork done from M/s. Rosmerta Infrastructure Pvt.

Ltd. States have also filed various affidavits stating that they

have taken sufficient action to comply with the orders of this

Court  to  implement  HSRP  scheme.   Many  States  in  their



Page 19

counter affidavits have referred to the action taken against

M/s.  Utsav  by  issuing  show cause  notices  for  violation  of

Rule 50.

21. We  have  considered  the  rival  submissions  and

perused  the  averments  in  the  counter  affidavits  and other

material on record.

22. At  the outset,  it  is  necessary  to  note  that  M/s.

Utsav Safety Systems Pvt. Ltd. (for short “M/s. Utsav”) has

got a tender for manufacturing HSRPs at least in seven states

by  entering  into  Special  Purpose  Vehicle  (SPV)  either  with

M/s.  Linkpoint  or  with  M/s.  Rosmerta.  The  details  of  the

contracts awarded to  M/s Utsav and the SPVs/consortium

partners are as under:-

Sl. No.

State Details of SPV/Consortium Partners

i. Himachal Pradesh

SPV M/s. Link Utsav Ventures (P) Ltd.  (SPV  Partners  M/s.  Link  Point  Infrastructure  Pvt. Ltd. and M/s. Utsav Safety Systems Pvt. Ltd.)

ii. Haryana SPV M/s.  Link  Utsav  Registration  Plates  Pvt.  Ltd. (SPV  Partners  M/s.  Link  Point  Infrastructure  Pvt. Ltd. and M/s. Utsav Safety Systems Pvt. Ltd.)

iii. Uttarakhand SPV M/s. Link Utsav HSRP Pvt. Ltd.  (SPV  Partners  M/s.  Link  Point  Infrastructure  Pvt. Ltd. and M/s. Utsav Safety Systems Pvt. Ltd.)

iv. Delhi SPV M/s. Rosmerta HSRP Ventures Pvt. Ltd.  (SPV Partners M/s.  Rosmerta Technology Ltd. and M/s. Utsav Safety Systems Pvt. Ltd.)

v. Andhra Pradesh & Telangana

SPV M/s. Link  Autotech Pvt. Ltd.  (SPV  Partners  M/s.  Link  Point  Infrastructure  Pvt. Ltd. and M/s. Utsav Safety Systems Pvt. Ltd.)

vi. West Bengal Consortium Partners M/s. Utsav Safety Systems Pvt. Ltd., M/s. Subba Microsystems Ltd. and M/s. M.S. Associates.

vii. Bihar Consortium Partners M/s. Link Point Infrastructure Pvt. Ltd.  and M/s. Utsav Safety Systems Pvt. Ltd.).  



Page 20

In so far as the State of Madhya Pradesh is concerned, M/s.

Utsav  is  in  SPV  partnership  with  M/s.  Linkpoint.  Due  to

violations  of  Rule  50  plus  terms  and  conditions  of  the

contract,  the  contract  awarded  to  SPV–M/s.  Linkpoint

Infrastructure Pvt. Ltd. had been cancelled and the matter is

sub-judice in the High Court of Madhya Pradesh.  

23. Before  we proceed to  consider  the merits  of  the

contentions  raised  by  the  petitioner,  it  is  imperative  to

discuss what are TAC and CoP:-

Type  of  Approval  Certificate  (TAC)  and  Conformity  of

Production (CoP): Once a person has been declared successful

bidder for the manufacturing of HSRPs then such bidder has

to obtain TAC and CoP from the testing agency before starting

manufacturing.  Rule 50 of the Central Motor Vehicles Rules

1989 provides for form and manner of display of registration

marks. Rule 50 authorizes the testing agency to give TAC to

individual manufacturer for the manufacture of HSRPs.  In

conformity with the specifications prescribed under the rules.

At present there are four testing agencies to issue TAC which

include the Automative Research Association of India (ARAI);

Vehicle  Research  and  Development  Establishment  (VRDE);

Central  Road  Research  Institute  (CRRI),  New  Delhi.  The

successful bidder for the manufacturing of HSR plates after



Page 21

completion of manufacturing of HSR plates to apply for TAC,

has to pay the prescribed fee and submit prototype samples

of licensed plates conforming to the specifications under the

rules.  After  brief  checking  of  approval  of  drawings,  each

manufacturer will  have to submit prototype samples of  the

licensed plates conforming to  the drawing approved by the

institute. The testing and evaluation of HSRP samples shall

be  as  per  the  specifications  laid  down  in  the  gazette

notifications.  M/s.  Utsav  was  initially  issued  the  TAC  on

08.07.2002 by ARAI and received the first conformity of the

production on 07.08.2003 and the same were subsequently


24. In the counter affidavit filed by sixth respondent

(ARAI), it is stated that there are two stages of manufacturing

process–first carried out in a plant/factory of the TAC holder

and thereafter  the  processes  like  embossing of  registration

allocated by the concerned RTO which is to be undertaken in

RTO premises.  Details of two stages of manufacturing and

installation process are as under:-   

Processes which are to be carried out in the plant/factory of

TAC holder:

 Purchase  of  Raw  material  namely  reflective  sheet, Aluminium Plate, Chromium based hologram, hot stamping black foil film and non-removable snap lock for fixing plates etc.  



Page 22

 Lamination of reflective sheet having blue endorsement of IND on the aluminium plate.

 Hot  Stamping  of  Hologram  on  the  reflective  sheet  after lamination.

 Stamping of blank plate.

 Edge formation of the plate.

 Etching  unique  security  laser  coding  number  running serially  having  two  allocated  alphabets  prefixed  to  the unique number as given in TAC.  

Processes which are to be taken in RTO premises:  

 Embossing of registration number allocated by RTO along with  hot  stamping  of  black  foil  with  blue  pigment inscription on the number allocated and also on the border of plate.

 Making of the third sticker on a destructive  film having hologram, laser coding  numbers,  name  of  RTO, engine number, chasis number, registration number  allocated by RTO  for front and rear plates.

 Fixation of finished HSRP on the vehicle using Snap Lock and fixing of third sticker on the wind screen for 4-wheeled vehicles.  

25. From  the  report  of  the  minutes  of  the  various

meetings and report of  the inspection team, it  is seen that

M/s.  Rosmerta  is  not  a  Technical  Partner  or  a  Financial

Partner (except in the NCT of Delhi) in any of the States where

M/s. Utsav has got a tender of manufacturing HSRPs.  As per

the HSRP Order of 2001, HSRPs have to be certified by the

testing agencies. Manufacturing unit of M/s. Rosmerta in the

State of Assam has not been certified by any of the testing

agencies.  As  per  the  CoP  guidelines,  the  manufacturer  of

HSRPs has to inform the testing agency which had granted

the  TAC  within  one  month  of  commencement  of



Page 23

manufacturing and thereafter has to inform after every fifteen

lakhs plates manufactured or two years whichever is earlier.

As noticed earlier, as per the report of the inspecting team

dated  29.11.2013,  M/s.  Rosmerta–Assam  Plant  had

manufactured a total number of 5725221 blank HSRPs and

distributed to  consortium partners  of  all  States.   However,

M/s. Rosmerta has not been granted the CoP certificate from

the testing agency, evidently the HSRPs manufactured at M/s

Rosmerta Assam Plant could not have been verified by the

testing agency.

26. M/s.  Utsav  filed  IA  No.3/14  dated  25.02.2014

stating that joint venture consortium of M/s. Utsav with M/s.

Rosmerta in the NCT of Delhi is the approved manufacturer.

While  M/s.  Utsav  in consortium with  M/s.  Linkpoint  (SPV

partners)  is  the  approved  manufacturer  in  the  States  of

Haryana, Madhya Pradesh, Himachal Pradesh, Uttarakhand,

Bihar, Delhi and Andhra Pradesh, in I.A.No.3/14 M/s. Utsav

has  highlighted  how  it  has  lost  control  over  the

manufacturing  process,  is  in  violation  of  CoP,  and  also

manufacture and supply of HSRPs by M/s. Rosmerta situated

in the State of Assam which has not been certified by any of

the testing agencies and that there is clear violation of Rule

50 of CMV Rules and CoP guidelines. Though, subsequently



Page 24

M/s. Utsav filed the application to recall the said I.A.No.3/14,

the averments made in I.A.No.3/14 speak volumes about the

actual truth of the Concessionaire Agreement between M/s.

Utsav Technical Partner on the one hand and M/s. Rosmerta

and M/s. Linkpoint on the other.

27. In the light of the above discussion, in our view,

there seems to be  prima facie violation of  Rule 50 of  CMV

Rules  and  orders  passed  by  this  Court.  The  question  is

whether the respondents/officials are to be proceeded against

for wilful disobedience of the various orders passed by this

Court.  In the facts and circumstances of the case discussed

infra,  we  are  not  inclined  to  initiate  contempt  proceedings

against  the  respondents.  M/s. Utsav  has  given  an

undertaking to the effect that in future it shall not outsource

the blank plate manufacturing as jobwork and that the HSRP

scheme will be implemented as per the terms and conditions

of  the  contract.  The  undertaking  of  M/s  Utsav  reads  as


 That Utsav is a holder of Type Approval Certificate (TAC) and  Conformity  of  Production  (CoP)  having  a manufacturing facility as on date at Plot No.3A, Phase IV,  Industrial  Area,  Golemath,  District  Bilaspur, Himachal Pradesh-174201.

 I hereby state that Utsav shall not outsource the blank plate manufacturing (as was being done at Assam till November  2013)  as  job  work  for  the  purpose  of implementation  of  the  terms  and  conditions  of  the contract.  Utsav  who  holds  TAC  Certificate  will  be



Page 25

manufacturing  blank  plates  at  its  plant  in  Himachal Pradesh and the implementation of the HSRP Scheme will  be  done  by  the  Concessionaire  at  the  place designated  by  the  State  transport  authorities  in accordance  with  the  terms  and  conditions  of  the contract and the MV Rules/Order.

 ....In  the  event,  any  such  other/additional  unit/s  of Utsav commences manufacturing activity in any other location,  due  process  of  law  will  be  followed  and necessary approvals would be taken as envisaged under the  applicable  norms  and  requirements  flowing  from Act,  Rules,  Order  etc.  and  the  conditions  stipulated under  respective  tenders,  as  accepted.  In  that eventuality,  Utsav  may  manufacture  not  only  at Himachal Pradesh but at any other place duly approved by the competent authority/ies.  The statement made in Para  4  hereinabove  shall  equally  apply  to  any  such manufacturing activity.   

Having regard to  the  undertaking filed  by M/s.  Utsav  and

considering  the  passage  of  time,  we  are  not  inclined  to

proceed with the contempt proceedings.

28. Though,  we  are  not  proceeding  against  the

contemnors,  it  is  open  to  the  respective  states  to  proceed

against M/s. Utsav or the respective SPV for violation, if any,

noticed or brought to its notice.  Be it noted that in view of

the continued non-compliance of Authority’s instructions and

statutory  violations,  the  State  of  Madhya  Pradesh  has

terminated  the  Concessionaire  Agreement  by  its  Order

No.1538 dated 19.06.2014.  M/s. Link Utsav Auto Systems

Pvt. Ltd. filed W.P. No.3654/2014 before the High Court and

the said termination was quashed by the High Court by its

order dated 05.08.2014 on the ground that M/s. Link Utsav



Page 26

Auto Systems Pvt. Ltd. did not get adequate opportunity to

explain its conduct and the Court granted liberty to the State

Government  to  issue  a  fresh  show  cause  notice  within  a

period  of  three  months.  After  issuing  fresh  notice  dated

29.08.2014 and after affording fresh opportunity   to M/s.

Link  Utsav  Auto  Systems  Pvt.  Ltd.,  the  State  of  Madhya

Pradesh  terminated  the  Concessionaire  Agreement  by  its

order dated 17.10.2014.  The Delhi Government also issued

show cause notice dated 10.03.2014 to M/s. Rosmerta HSRP

Ventures  Pvt.  Ltd.  for  non-compliance/violation  of  the

statutory scheme and orders of this Court.  We make it clear

that it is open to the Delhi Government and other States to

proceed against the holders of concessionaire agreements in

case of any violation of the statutory scheme and orders of

this Court.   

29. In the counter affidavit filed by the DGM on behalf

of  ARAI,  it  has  been  mentioned  that  ARAI  approves  the

prototype  motor  vehicles  and  safety  critical  components

thereof,  as  per  the  notified  Central  Motor  Vehicle  Rules

(CMVR)  and standards referred  therein.   On verification of

documents including testing, TAC is granted after compliance

of CMVR is established.  Government of India, MoRT&H vide

letter  No.RT-11028/5/2002  MVL  dated  04.09.2002  issued



Page 27

the  Conformity  of  Production  (CoP)  procedure  and  the

aforesaid letter provides for the checks to be carried out by

the  test  agency  during  the  first  CoP  and  the  subsequent

CoPs.   In  the  absence  of  any  specific  notification  on  the

subject, this was construed as guidelines for issuing the CoP.

The said letter reads as under:-

The CoP procedure will comprise the following:-

 The prospective vendors after establishing manufacturing plant in  the  country  shall  inform  the  concerned  Testing  Agency which had granted Type Approval Certificate within one month of commencement of manufacturing.  The Testing Agency will draw samples of the plates from the plant within three months of date of Commencement of Production (CoP) and carry out all the tests, which were carried out at the Type Approval stage.

 First CoP will be conducted at the manufacturer’s plant and subsequent CoPs would be done on the basis of samples drawn at  random  from  the  vendor’s  premises.  Checks  as  per Annexure-I  may  be  carried  out  at  the  first  and subsequent CoPs.

 At the time of CoP all the tests, such as, visual test, status of laser branded permanent identification number of  the plate, vis-à-vis, records of the RTO regarding issue of plates etc. shall be carried out, except weathering test which may be carried out once in two years. Details of checks to be carried out at the first and subsequent CoPs are at Annexure-I.

 The  CoP  frequency  shall  be  5  lakh  number  plates  or  six months whichever is earlier.

30. The main concern of  the petitioner is  that  M/s.

Utsav Safety Systems Pvt. Ltd. which is holding TAC issued

by ARAI  has to manufacture the HSRP in its own plant and it

cannot give incomplete plates or jobwork to other consortium

partners namely M/s. Linkpoint Infrastructure Pvt. Ltd. and

M/s Rosmerta Technologies Ltd. who are selling illegal HSRPs

in various States.  ARAI has no role to play so far as activities



Page 28

of M/s. Linkpoint Infrastructure Pvt. Ltd. and M/s. Rosmerta

Technologies Ltd. are concerned.  ARAI has stated that it has

no  role  to  play  in  job  work  and  that  M/s.  Utsav  Safety

Systems  Pvt.  Ltd.  shall  exercise  complete  control  over  all

security features in its possession and shall be responsible for

the use of  any security feature on registration plate in the

open market either by himself or by any other person on his


31. In the counter affidavit filed by the Director, CRRI

it is stated that CRRI is one of the agencies empowered by law

to  issue  Type  Approval  Certificate.   Consequent  to  the

issuance  of  the  TAC,  the  CRRI  has  to  undertake  the

Conformity  of  Production  (CoP)  proceedings  for  every  TAC

holder.   This  is  to  ensure  that  the  HSR  Plates  so

manufactured by the TAC holding companies are indeed in

conformity  with  the  conditions  of  the  TAC  and  the  HSRP


32. In the counter affidavit filed on behalf of Union of

India on 05.09.2014, it has been specifically mentioned that

the role of the Union of India is limited to notifying the Rules

mandating  installation  of  HSRP  on  vehicles,  notifying  the

standards  and  specifications  of  HSRP  and  the  testing

agencies which are to test the plates, type approval of vendors



Page 29

based on the above specifications and to notify the date of

implementation.  The  Union  of  India  has  modified  the

Standard  and  Specifications  vide  ‘The  Motor  Vehicle  (New

High  Security  Registration  Plates)  Order-2001’  and  has

notified the testing agencies also. In the counter affidavit filed

by Union of India, it is averred that the implementation of the

scheme in accordance with the rules framed by the Union of

India and ‘The Motor Vehicles (New High Security Registration

Plates) Order, 2001’ is the responsibility of the States/Union

Territories  which  is  being  implemented  by  the  respective


33. Even though Union of  India has stated that the

implementation of the scheme in accordance with the rules

framed  by  Union  of  India  is  the  responsibility  of  the

States/Union Territories, in our view, the Union of India has

to ensure that there is regular check of manufacturing units

which are engaged in the HSRP project by coordinating with

the various States/Union Territories.   Likewise,  as  per  the

guidelines issued in the letter dated 04.09.2002, it is for ARAI

to check the plates as per Annexure-I enclosed with the said

letter and that it takes stern action as and when there are




Page 30

34. Though  we  are  not  inclined  to  initiate  the

contempt  proceedings  yet  in  order  to  enable  the  statutory

authorities to keep a control over the  implementation of the

scheme,  it  is  necessary  to  issue  directions/guidelines  for

proper implementation of the HSRP Scheme as under :-

i. The State Governments shall ensure the strict adherence of Rule 50 of CMV Rules and various orders issued by this Court in Writ  Petition No. 510 of 2005 and shall  ensure that  the  selected  manufactures  are  able  to  satisfactorily build  the  requisite  capacity  and  infrastructure  thereby ensuring  smooth  implementation  at  the  grass  root  level. The  State  Governments  shall  ensure  selection  and authorisation only  of  those  TAC manufactures  who have been financially and technically competent to manufacture and supply the requisite number of HSRP in the State.

ii. Manufacturing of HSRP starts with the grant of TAC and CoP. Hence, periodic assessment, review and audit by the testing  agencies  of  all  the  aspects  involved  in  the  HSRP product  specifications,  process  compliances  and operational procedures in totality is warranted. The testing agencies shall ensure that quality and specifications is not being compromised.

iii. Furthermore,  the  HSRP  contracts  should  be  awarded pursuant to a transparent tender process. The factors such as  topographical  and  geographical  conditions,  vehicular population,  adequate  infrastructure,  cost  of  managing logistics,  equipments and human resources etc.  must be considered before accepting any bid and entering into the contract.  

iv. The authorized HRSP manufacturer shall not outsource the blank plate manufacturing as job work for the purpose of implementation  of  terms  and  condition  of  the  Contract signed.  HSRP  Scheme  should  be  done  by  the Concessionaire  at  the  place  designated  by  the  State Transport  authorities  in  accordance  with  the  terms  and conditions of the Contract and MV Rules/Order.  

v. The  authorized  manufacturer  shall  be  permitted  set  up other/additional  manufacturing  units  in  accordance  with the Acts and Rules. In any event, it  is  directed that any such  other/additional  units  of  Utsav  commences manufacturing activity in any other location, due process of law  will  be  followed  and  necessary  approvals  would  be taken  as  envisaged  under  the  applicable  norms  and



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requirement  flowing  from Act,  Rules,  Order  etc.  and  the Conditions  stipulated  under  respective  Tenders,  as accepted.  

vi. HSRP manufacturers should carry out all the processes of HSRP  project  in  the  plant  as  indicated  in  the  tender documents, namely:  

(a) purchase  of  raw  materials,  such  as,  reflective  sheet, aluminium plate, chromium based hologram, hot stamping black  foil  film  and  non-removable  snap  lock  for  fixing plates, etc;  

(b) lamination of reflective sheet having blue endorsement of IND on the aluminium plate;  

(c) hot  stamping  of  Hologram  on  the  reflective  sheet  after lamination;  

(d) stamping of blank plate;  (e) edge formation of the plate;  (f) etching unique security laser coding number running serially having two allocated alphabets prefixed to the

unique number as given in TAC;  (g) the  selected  manufacturers  should  ensure  that  every

process of the work is being done under its control with the help  of  trained  workers  and  not  to  sub-contract  or outsource  any  part  of  the  process  of  the  work  to  forgo security norms.

Note:-   All the above processes ought to be carried out in the plant  of  the  manufacturer  as  indicated  in  the  tender documents.

vii. The  State  Government  should  ensure  that  successful bidders or sub-contractors or other parties do not have control over the manufacturing processing and fixation of HSRP in any manner unless authorized under law. It must be ensured that one single person is responsible for  manufacturing,  affixation  of  seals,  imprinting  of umbers and affixation of HSRP on vehicles.

viii. The record must be maintained by the manufacturer of HSRP  as  to  the  number  of  plates  manufactured  and made  ready  everyday  alongwith  weekly  and  monthly statements.

ix. The manufacturing unit must strictly govern and control the  implementation  of  the  process  of  production  and fixation  of  HSRP.  All  the  concerned  authorities  are directed  to  look  after  the  aforesaid  process  being adopted  for  fixation  of  HSRPs  and  State  must  report back if the violation continues.  

x. The testing agencies along with the team comprising of State level officer (not below the rank of RTO) and one expert as nominated by the Transport Commissioner of



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the respective State shall inspect the unit and certify the manufactured  HSRP  and  manufactured  HSRP  shall leave the factory premises of the manufacturer only after being cleared by the testing agencies.

xi. The  transport  officials  of  the  State  Government  shall ensure  that  manufacturing  units  are  periodically inspected and ensure compliance of Rule 50 of the CMV Rules and also the terms and conditions of the Contract. Additionally  the  Central  Government  should  form Committees in collaboration with the State Governments in  order  to  keep regular  check on the manufacturing units  which  are  engaged  in  HSRP  project.  The manufacturing units must be periodically inspected by the  Committee  so  constituted  and  report  be  sent  to MoRTH and also to the Transport Commissioner of the concerned  State  highlighting  the  compliance  or otherwise of Rule 50 of the CMV Rules,  the terms and conditions of  the contract  and also  any shortcomings noticed during inspection and suggestions by the team.

xii. The  Central  Government  and  the  State  Governments should strictly implement HSRP policy in all the States in a time bound manner.

xiii. The  Central  Government  and  the  State  Governments should register complaints regarding the violation and, in case of violations, both the Central Government and the  State  Governments  should  take  strict  action  in accordance with law.

xiv. The  Central  Government  should  create  a  nationwide common repository  of  Vehicular  Registration  Data  for achieving the basic objective behind the idea of HSRP scheme and thereby ensuring smooth implementation at the grass root level.

xv. It  is  directed  that  the  concerned  shall  strictly implement  the rules  and also  orders  of  this  Court  in letter and spirit and not dilute any standards of HSRP, voluntarily or otherwise. All  the authorities must take proactive  measures  to  implement  the  HSRP  Order according to the provisions stated.  

xvi. The HSRP process initiated by States for implementation of  the  Scheme  must  be  such  that  even  in  the  case, where parties had bid in the capacity of a consortium or a joint venture, the State are under obligation in respect of  tenders floated by the respective  states to  create a Special Purpose Vehicle which would finally enter into a Concession Agreement, but in any event the State must ensure that entire responsibility of HSRP project would remain with one entity/SPV which would be responsible



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for  manufacturing,  affixation  of  seals,  imprinting  of numbers etc. It is directed that Concessionaire would be exclusively responsible for the entire process.

xvii. A specific direction is issued to Additional Commissioner (Traffic) and DCP (Traffic) to organize a special drive and compliance thereto must be recorded.  

xviii. The  Central  Government  and  State  Government  are directed  to  strictly  regulate  as  well  as  monitor  the implementation as per the provisions of law including the  provisions  of  Motor  Vehicles  (New  High  Security Registration Plates) Order, 2001 and aforesaid directions issued by this Court.

35. With  the  above  directions  and  observations,

contempt  petitions  are  disposed  of.   It  will  not  however,

prevent the respective States to proceed against M/s. Utsav or

the  respective  SPV  for  the  violation  of  the  terms  and

conditions of the contract, if any, Rule 50 of the CMV Rules

and directions/orders of the respective State Governments.  

…………………..CJI.        (T.S. THAKUR)

..……………………J.     (R.K. AGRAWAL)

……………………..J.      (R. BANUMATHI)

New Delhi; July 13, 2016



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