28 April 2017
Supreme Court


Case number: C.A. No.-005198-005198 / 2017
Diary number: 7912 / 2017
Advocates: ABHIJAT P. MEDH Vs


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CIVIL APPEAL NO. 5198 OF_2017 (Arising out of SLP (Civil) No. 9837 of 2017)

Maharishi Markandeshwar Medical …. Appellants  College and Hospital & Others.                        



State of Himachal Pradesh & Others.               .... Respondents



1. This appeal emanates from the judgment of the High Court of

Himachal  Pradesh  at  Shimla  dated  20.12.2016,  passed  in  CWP

No.4773 of 2015. The High Court dismissed the writ petition filed

by the Appellants challenging the validity of Sections 3(6), 3(6a) and

3(6b)  of  the  Himachal  Pradesh  Private  Medical  Educational

Institutions (Regulation of Admission and Fixation of Fee) Act, 2006

(for short “2006 Act”)  as amended vide amendment Act No.24 of


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2015. The High Court also rejected the prayer of the Appellants to

issue  directions  to  the  concerned  authorities  that  the  Appellant

No.1  (college  and  hospital)  or  any  other  institution  of  medical

stream to be started by the Appellants be governed only by The

Maharishi  Markandeshwar  University  (Establishment  and

Regulation) Act, 2010 (for short “2010 Act”).  

2. Briefly stated, Appellant No.1 is an unaided private medical

college established by the Appellant No.3 - University Trust as a

constituent of the Appellant No.2 - University. The Appellant No.2 -

University has been established under the 2010 Act. Before the said

Act  was  enacted,  the  sponsoring  body  of  the  Appellant  No.3  -

University  Trust  had  submitted  a  project  report  on  21.07.2008

under  Section  4(2)  of  the  Himachal  Pradesh  Universities  Report

(Establishment  and  Regulation) Act,  2006  for  establishing  a

multi-faculty University with emphasis on professional courses in

emerging areas. The State Government issued a letter of intent to

the Appellant No.3 – University Trust dated 28.08.2008, for setting

up of a private University within the State of Himachal Pradesh. The

letter delineated certain conditions to be fulfilled by the Trust for


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setting  up  of  a  private  University  in  the  State.  The  Principal

Secretary  to  the  State  Government  then  issued  an  “Essentiality

Certificate”  on  28.08.2008,  permitting  the  Appellant  No.3  –

University Trust to purchase 25 acres of land for establishment of a

medical college under the proposed private University. On the basis

of the Essentiality Certificate, the Appellant No.3 - University Trust

proceeded  with  the  project  to  establish  the  medical  college  as  a

constituent  unit  of  the  proposed  private  University  and  made

necessary  investments  in  that  regard.  The  Appellant  No.3  -

University Trust purchased 125.02 bighas of land at Khalogra in

Kumarhatti-Solan for  setting  up the  proposed University.  Having

complied with the pre-conditions for establishment of the proposed

University, the State Legislation enacted the 2010 Act to provide for

establishment,  incorporation  and  regulation  of  Maharishi

Markandeshwar  University,  Solan,  Himachal  Pradesh  for  higher

education,  and  to  regulate  its  functioning  and  for  matters

connected therewith or incidental  thereto.  The 2010 Act received

the assent of the Governor on 15.09.2010. The said Act, however,

was  deemed  to  have  come  into  force  w.e.f.  16.06.2010.  The


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Appellant No.2 - University has thus been established under the

2010 Act.  

3. On 27.07.2012, the Appellant No.2 - University requested the

Principal Secretary (Health) to the Government of Himachal Pradesh

for grant of an “Essentiality Certificate” to establish a new medical

college  at  Kumarhatti,  Solan  “under”  the  Appellant  No.2  –

University,  to  be  submitted  to  the  Medical  Council  of

India/Government of India. On 29.08.2012, the Secretary (Health)

Government  of  Himachal  Pradesh  brought  to  the  notice  of  the

Director,  Medical  Education  and  Research,  Himachal  Pradesh,

regarding the grant of approval of the State Government for issuing

“Essentiality and Feasibility Certificate/No Objection Certificate” to

the  Appellant  No.2  -University  for  opening  the  stated  medical

college and hospital at Kumarhatti in Solan for MBBS Course with

150 seats in the said institute.  On issuance of  “Essentiality  and

Feasibility Certificate/No Objection Certificate”, the Appellant No.3 -

University  Trust  applied  to  the  Central  Government  along  with

required schemes under Section 10A of the Indian Medical Council

Act, 1956, for grant of permission to establish a new medical college


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at Kumarhatti, Solan, Himachal Pradesh “under” the Appellant No.2

-  University  as  its  constituent.  The  Appellant  No.3  -  University

Trust also wrote to the Medical Council of India vide its letter dated

27.02.2013,  asserting  that  the  proposed  medical  college,  a

constituent college of the Appellant No.2 – University was “being set

up by the same Maharishi Markandeshwar University Trust at the

same campus as a part of the University”. Pursuant to the proposal

submitted by the Appellants, correspondence ensued between the

authorities,  after  which  the  Board  of  Governors  of  the  Medical

Council  of  India  issued  a  letter  dated  14.07.2013  granting

permission for establishment of a new medical college and hospital

in the name and style of Maharishi Markandeshwar Medical College

and  Hospital,  at  Kumarhatti,  Solan,  Himachal  Pradesh  by

Maharishi  Markandeshwar  University  with  annual  intake  of  150

seats with prospective effect from the academic year 2013 – 2014.  

4. The State Government, in exercise of its powers under Section

3(3) of the 2006 Act, issued a notification on 14.08.2013, regarding

admission  procedure  and  fee  structure  for  admission  to  MBBS

Course  in  the  Appellant  No.1  -  College.  The  Special  Secretary


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(Health)  Government  of  Himachal  Pradesh  wrote  to  the  Medical

Council of India vide letter dated 02.01.2014, seeking clarification

with regard to the letter of intent and letter of permission issued to

the Appellants as, in the perception of the State, the Appellant No.1

–  College  was  merely  a  college  and  required  affiliation  from the

Himachal  Pradesh  University.  The  Medical  Council  of  India  vide

letter dated 14.02.2014 sent its reply to the Secretary, stating that

the letter of permission dated 14.07.2013 has been granted to the

Appellant No.1 - College, which is affiliated to the Appellant No.2 -

University with an annual intake of 150 students for the academic

year 2013-2014, under Section 10A of the Indian Medical Council

Act, 1956. The Medical Council of India also wrote to the Special

Secretary (Health) Government of Himachal Pradesh on 26.02.2014,

clarifying the position that the letter of permission has been granted

to the Appellants on the understanding that the Appellant No.1 -

College was affiliated to the Appellant No.2 – University. On receipt

of this communication, the Special Secretary (Health) Government

of  Himachal  Pradesh  wrote  to  the  Medical  Council  of  India  to

reconsider its decision. The Medical Council of India, by a detailed


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communication  dated  26.08.2014,  clarified  its  stand  in  the

following words:  


No. MCI - 34(41)(E-46)/2013-Med.       Dated: 26.08.2014

The Special Secretary (Health) to the  Govt. of Himachal Pradesh., Department of Health & Family Welfare, Shimla – 171002.

Ref.: No.MCI-34(41)(E-46)/2013-Med./57586, Dated 14.02.2014.     No.MCI-34(41)(E-46)/2013-Med./59892-59893,  

Dated 26.02.2014

Sub.: Regarding Maharishi Markandeshwar Medical College &  Hospital Kumarhatti, Distt. Solan, H.P.

Sir, Please refer to your letter No.HFW-B(F)4-12/2013 dated

29.03.2014, on the subject noted above.  

In  this  connection,  according  to  the  Establishment  of Medical College Regulation,  1999, apart from other statutory requirements there are two main qualifying criteria which are required  to  be  fulfilled  by  all  applicants  at  the  time  of submitting  their  application/scheme for  the establishment  of new medical  college  i.e.  the  essentiality  certificate  from the State  Government  and  the  consent  of  affiliation  from  the affiliating University. The application dated 26.09.2012 for the establishment  of  Maharishi  Markandeshwar  medical  college was  submitted  along  with  an  essentiality  certificate  dated 24.08.2012 issued by the Government  of  Himachal  Pradesh and  consent  of  affiliation  dated  25.08.2012  issued  by Maharishi  Markandeshwar University.  It  is  relevant  to  point out that the essentiality certificate dated 24.08.2012 issued by the Special Secretary (Health) to the Government of Himachal Pradesh  was  in  favour  of  Maharishi  Markandeshwar


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University  Trust,  Kumarhatti,  Solan  (H.P.).  The  essentiality certificate dated 24.08.2012 clearly certified that it is feasible to establish a medical college at Kumarhatti, Distt. Solan, H.P. under the Maharishi Markandeshwar University.  

Further,  it  is  to  be  noted  that  the  State  of  Himachal Pradesh  by  Act  No.22/2010  enacted  Maharishi Markandeshwar  University  (Establishment  and  Regulation) Act,  2010  (hereinafter  referred  to  as  Maharishi Markandeshwar  University  Act)  on  20.09.2010  to  provide establishment,  incorporation  and  regulation  of  Maharishi Markandeshwar  University,  Solan  Himachal  Pradesh  for higher education and to regulate its functioning and for matters connected  therewith  or  incidental  thereto.  Section  5  of  the Maharishi  Markandeshwar  University  Act,  deals  with  the power and functions of the University. Section 5 (xxvi) provides that the University can set-up colleges, institutions, off-campus centres,  offshore  campus,  study centres  or  to  start  distance education,  after  fulfilling  the  norms  and  regulations  of  the Central  Government  Regulatory  Bodies  and  Central Government issued from time to time, and after obtaining the specified approval of the State Government.

The Council accordingly processed the application of the Maharishi Markandeshwar Medical College, on completing the statutory  requirement  as  per  the  IMC  Act,  1956  and  the regulations made there under.  A physical assessment of the applicant  medical  college  was  carried  out,  where  after  the inspection  report  was  placed  before  the  then  Board  of Governors  nominated  by  the  Central  Government  who  after considering  the  scheme  of  the  applicant  medical  college, decided  to  grant  letter  of  intent  to  the  applicant  for  the establishment  of  new medical  college  at  Kumarhatti,  Solan, Himachal Pradesh u/s 10A of the Act from the academic year 2013-14  with  certain  conditions.   Accordingly  the  letter  of intent  was  issued  to  the  applicant  medical  college  on 12.07.2013.

The applicant on fulfilling all the conditions as provided in  the  letter  of  intent  was  thereafter  granted  the  letter  of permission  on  14.07.2013  for  establishment  of  Maharishi Markandeshwar  Medical  College  &  Hospital,  Kumarhatti,


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Solan, Himachal Pradesh with 150 MBBS admissions from the academic year 2013-14.

The  above  facts  clearly  establish  that  Maharishi Markandeshwar  Medical  College  &  Hospital,  Solan  was established  by  Maharishi  Markandeshwar  University  Trust under  Maharishi  Markandeshwar  University  and  that  the same is  permissible  under  section  5  (xxvi)  of  the  Maharishi Markandeshwar  University  Act,  2010.   The  prohibition  as provided  under  Section  7  of  the  Maharishi  Markandeshwar University  Act,  2010 will  not  be applicable in  the facts  and circumstances  of  the  present  case  as  Maharishi Markandeshwar  Medical  College  &  Hospital,  Solan  is  a constituent  college  under  the  said  University.  The  State  of Himachal  Pradesh  while  issuing  essentiality  certificate  was aware of this fact that the medical college will be established by  the  Maharishi  Markandeshwar  University  Trust  under Maharishi Markandeshwar University.

Under  these  circumstances,  the  Competent  Authority holds  that  the  then  Board  of  Governors  nominated  by  the Central  Govt.  had  granted  permission  for  establishment  of Maharishi Markandeshwar Medical College & Hospital, Solan in accordance with the provisions of the IMC Act, 1956 and the Regulations  made  thereunder  and  there  is  no  need  for reconsideration of the said decision.  

Yours faithfully, Sd/-

(B.D. Jain)       Admn. Officer”

(emphasis supplied)

Even  the  Joint  Secretary,  Ministry  of  Health  &  Family  Welfare,

Government of India sent a separate response on 15th September,

2014  to  the  Chief  Secretary  of  the  Government  of  Himachal

Pradesh, reiterating the position stated by the Medical Council of


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India in its communication dated 26.08.2014. This communication

reads as under:

“Government of India Ministry of Health & Family Welfare Nirman Bhavan, New Delhi-110011

D.O. No.U-12012/11/2013-ME-P.H.     Dated the 15th September, 2014

Dear Sir,  This is with reference to Govt. of Himachal Pradesh letter

No.HFW-B(F)11-4/2013  dated  23rd June,  2014  regarding affiliation  of  Maharashi  Markandeshwar  Medical  College, Kumarhatti, Distt. Solan, H.P.

The  Medical  Council  of  India  vide  their  communication dated 26th August, 2014 (copy enclosed) addressed to Special Secretary (Health),  Govt.  of  Himachal  Pradesh has informed that  the  prohibition  under  Section  7  of  Maharishi Markandeshwar  University  (Establishment  and  Regulation) Act, 2010 will not be applicable in the facts and circumstances of the present case if the Section 7 is read with section 5 (xxvi) of  which  provides  that  the  University  can  set-up  colleges, institutions campus centre/offshore campus, study centres or to  start  distance  education,  after  fulfilling  the  norms  and regulations of the Central Government Regulatory Bodies and Central  government  issued  from  time  to  time,  and  after obtaining the specified approval of the State Government.  

The  Maharishi  Markandeshwar  Medical  College  & Hospital is a constituent college under the said University and the State Government has issued Essentiality Certificate/NOC in  favour  of  Maharishi  Markandeshwar  University  certifying the  feasibility  to  establish  a  medical  college  at  Kamarhatti, District Solan, Himachal Pradesh.  

With Kind regards, Yours sincerely,

Sd/- (Dr. Vishwas Mehra)”

(emphasis supplied)


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5. The  Central  Government,  accordingly,  issued  a  letter  of

permission to the Appellant No.1 - College for 150 students annual

intake capacity in academic year 2014 – 2015. Out of total 75 State

quota MBBS seats in the Appellant No.1 – College, only 35 seats

could be filled up. As a result, one more competitive entrance test

was held for the left-out MBBS seats, under the supervision of the

officers  of  the  Government  deputed  to  conduct/process  the  said

examination.  For  academic  year  2015  –  2016,  the  Central

Government once again issued a letter of permission to Appellant

No.1 - College for 150 seats annual intake.  

6. The Appellant  No.2 was,  however,  called upon by the State

Government  vide  letter  dated  01.06.2015  to  comply  with  the

admission  procedure  as  provided  in  the  notification  issued  on

14.08.2013  and  the  amendments  thereto  dated  31.08.2013  and

19.12.2014, while making admissions to the third batch of MBBS

students  in  the  Appellant  No.1  -  College.  The  Registrar  of  the

Appellant  No.2  -  University  then  wrote  to  the  Special  Secretary

(Health)  to  Government  of  Himachal  Pradesh  vide  letter  dated

04.06.2015, asserting that the 2010 Act authorised the Appellant


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No.2 - University to conduct its own entrance test, in view of the

recent  decision of  the Supreme Court.  The Health,  Revenue and

Law Minister,  Government of  Himachal Pradesh vide letter  dated

05.06.2015, immediately wrote to the Union Minister for Health &

Family  Welfare,  Government  of  India  requesting  the  Central

Government  and  the  Medical  Council  of  India  to  take  corrective

measures  so that  the  Appellant  No.1  -  medical  college  could  be

affiliated to Himachal Pradesh University at Shimla. In view of the

stand  taken  by  the  State  Government,  the  Fee  Committee

constituted for fixation of fees, in its meeting held on 07.07.2015

recommended that since the affiliation of Appellant No.1 - medical

college was under dispute and reference in that behalf was pending

with  the  Central  Government,  in  the  meantime,  necessary

amendments ought be made to the 2010 Act and the 2006 Act, to

the extent that all the medical courses in any institution under any

University shall be regulated under the “private medical institutions

under 2006 Act”.  

7. In  the  context  of  the  correspondence  made  by  the  State

Government, the Under Secretary of the Ministry of Health & Family


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Welfare, Government of India vide letter dated 10.07.2015, wrote to

the  Medical  Council  of  India  to  offer  its  comments  on  the

communication  received  from  the  State  Government  dated

05.06.2015.  The  Medical  Council  of  India,  in  turn,  wrote  to  the

Secretary of the Ministry of Health & Family Welfare, Government of

India about the correct perception of the Medical Council of India

on the  subject  matter  vide  its  letter  dated 02.09.2015.  The said

letter reads thus:


MCI-No. 34(41)(E-46)/2013-Med./131542 Dated: 02.9.15

The Secretary Govt. of India, Ministry of Health & Family Welfare, Nirman Bhawan, New Delhi-110011.

Sub.: Maharishi Markandeshwar Medical College & Hospital  Kumarhatti, Distt. Solan – reg.

Sir, This  is  with  reference  to  your  letter

No.U.12012/11/2013-ME(P-II) dated 10.07.2015 by which you have forwarded a copy of  the D.O.  letter  dated 05.06.2015 received from Shri Kaul Singh Thakur, Hon’ble Health, revenue and Law Minister, Govt. of Himachal Pradesh relating to the issue  of  Maharishi  Markandeshwar  Medical  College  and Hospital,  Kumarhatti,  District  Solan,  Himachal  Pradesh.  The matter  was examined by the Council  Office  on the basis  of records furnished by the applicant Maharishi Markandeshwar University  trust  the  applicant  for  the  establishment  of


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Maharishi  Markandeshwar  Medical  College  and  Hospital, Kumarhatti, District Solan, Himachal Pradesh. In this regard, the Council has the following comments to offer:

1. The  Maharishi  Markandeshwar  University  is  establish under  an  Act  of  Himachal  Pradesh  State  namely  the Maharishi  Markandeshwar  University  (Establishment and Regulation) Act, 2010. This Act vide Section 2 (p) of the  said  Act  recognize  the  Status  of  Maharishi Markandeshwar University trust and defines it thus:-

“sponsoring  body”  means  the  Maharishi Markandeshwar University Trust, 55, Model town, Ambala  registered  under  the  Indian  Trust  Act, 1882  through  it  subsidiary  trust  “Maharishi Markandeshwar University  Trust”  in  the State  of Himachal Pradesh.  

2. Further Section 5 (v-a) of the Maharishi Markandeshwar University  (Establishment  and  Regulation)  Act,  2010 provides that:-

“the sponsoring body/university shall appoint full time regular employees for the university and the salary of the employees shall be deposited in the bank account of the employees every month”.

3. Section 8 (i) of the Maharishi Markandeshwar University (Establishment  and Regulation)  Act,  2010  requires  the sponsoring body shall establish an Endowment Fund for the  University  with  an  amount  of  three  crore  rupees which shall be pledged to the government of Himachal Pradesh.  

4. It  is  to  be  noted  that  the  Act  passed  by  the  State Legislature  accords  recognition  to  Maharishi Markandeshwar University  Trust  and for  that  purpose the  responsibility  of  paying  salary  as  well  as maintaining  an  Endowment  Fund  with  the  Govt.  of Himachal Pradesh has been casted upon the sponsoring body  of  Maharishi  Markandeshwar  which  is  the Maharishi  Markandeshwar  University  Trust.  Thus,


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though in law the Maharishi Markandeshwar University Trust and Maharishi Markandeshwar University are two distinct  legal  entity,  however,  the  responsibility  of maintaining endowment fund and paying salary to the Staff has been entrusted upon the sponsoring Trust. It is this  Marakandeshwar  University  at  Solan,  Himachal Pradesh. Therefore,  the above clearly reveals that it  is the  Maharishi  Markandeshwar  University  Trust  which has  established  the  Maharishi  Markandeshwar University and it is responsible for running the affairs of Maharishi Markandeshwar University.  

5. It  is  not  out  of  place  to  mention  that  the  Maharishi Markandeshwar University is statutorily empowered by way of  Section  5  (1)  (xxvi)  “to  setup  colleges”.  Hence, when the State Legislature has itself granted the right to Maharishi  Markandeshwar  University  to  have  its  own colleges then in such case affiliating its medical college to another  University  i.e.  H.P.  University  appears  to  be contrary to the Act of Himachal Legislature.  

6. It  is  pertinent  to  add  that  the  copy  of  the  Letter  of Permission dated 14.07.2013 was also  marked to  the Secretary  (Medical  Education)  Department  of  Health  & Family  Welfare,  Shimla  and  the  Director  Medical Education  &  Research,  Shimla  and  the  first correspondence  raising  any  objection  from  the  State Govt.  was received only on 18.01.2014 that  was duly examined and replied to by the Council  vide its letters dated 14.02.2014 and 26.02.2014.

 Yours faithfully,

Sd/- (S.

Savitha)          Asstt. Secretary.”

(emphasis supplied)


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8. Realising  the  legal  obstacles  to  impel  the  Appellant  No.1  -

College to obtain affiliation from Himachal Pradesh University and

presumably,  as  recommended by the  Fee  Committee,  steps  were

taken  to  amend  the  2006  Act  by  amending  Section  3  thereof.

Sections 3(6), 3(6a), 3(6b) and 3(6c) in the said Act were inserted.

The statement of objects and reasons for the said amendment reads



Section  3  of  the  Himachal  Pradesh  Private  Medical Educational Institutions (Regulation of Admission and Fixation of Fee) Act, 2006 provides for regulation of admission in Private Medical Education Institutions on the basis of merit obtained in Centralized  Common  Entrance  Test.  However,  it  has  been observed  that  due  to  some  loopholes  and  ambiguities  in definitions of clauses (e) and (j) of section 3, the same are being misused  by  the  Private  Medical  Institutions  to  introduce element  of  opaqueness  and  irregularities  in  the  admission process.  Therefore,  to  plug  such  loopholes,  it  is  considered necessary to remove these ambiguities and to redefine clauses (e) and (j) of Section 2 and also to amend 3 of the Act ibid, so that  the  admissions  are  made  from  the  Centralized examinations  (AIIPMT,  NEET)  conducted  by  either  central agency (with CBSE) or by Himachal Pradesh University and to ensure  that  all  Private  Medical  Educational  Institutions  are regulated  under  the  provisions  of  the  Act  ibid.  This  has necessitated amendment in the Act ibid.  

The Bill seeks to achieve the aforesaid objectives.   

(KAUL SINGH THAKUR) Shimla: Minister-in-Charge Dated: Nil”


Page 17


9. The 2006 Act was accordingly amended with a view to make it

mandatory for all the private medical institutions set up in the State

to  take  affiliation  from the  Himachal  Pradesh University.  As  the

purport of the amendment affected the autonomy of the Appellant

No.2  -  University,  the  Appellants  challenged  the  amendments  to

2006 Act  inter alia on the ground that it was the outcome of legal

malice.  The Appellants,  therefore,  filed  a writ  petition before  the

High Court of Himachal Pradesh at Shimla for the following reliefs:  


It is therefore most respectfully prayed that this Hon’ble Court may, in the interest of justice, be pleased (i) To issue a writ in the nature of mandamus or any other

appropriate  writ,  direction  or  order  striking  down Sections 3(6), 3(6)(a) and 3(6)(b) of the Himachal Pradesh Private  Medical  Educational  Institutions  (Regulation  of Admission and Fixation of Fee) Act,  2006 as amended vide  Amendment  Act  No.24  of  2015  as  null  and  void being wholly arbitrary, grossly malafide, in contravention of the law settled by the Hon’ble Supreme Court and in naked breach of the fundamental rights of the petitioners under Article 19 (1) (g) of the Constitution of India.  

(ii) To  issue  the  orders  of  appropriate  nature  that  the petitioner No.1 MM Medical College and Hospital or any other  Institutions  of  Medical  Streams  which  may  be started by petitioners be governed by the MMU (E&R) Act.

(iii) That  the Respondents  may be directed to  produce the records of the case.  

(iv) Any other  order  deemed just  and proper  may also  be passed  in  the  facts  and  circumstances  stated  herein below in favour of the petitioners.”


Page 18


10. By the impugned judgment the High Court rejected the writ

petition and in doing so, made a distinction between the authority

of  the  Medical  Council  of  India  to  grant  “recognition”  and  the

authority  of  the  State  Government  or  the  University  to  grant

“affiliation” for starting any medical  college within the State.  The

High Court adverted to the decision of  this Court in the case of

Modern Dental  College and Research Centre and Others Vs.

State of Madhya Pradesh and Others1 to conclude that the grant

of affiliation was a pre-condition for granting recognition and that

the process of the grant of affiliation was not a mere formality on

the part of the examining body. The authority to grant affiliation

was  vested  in  the  affiliating/examining  body  and  the  affiliation

could be granted only by following prescribed procedure and after

application of mind. The High Court further held that the examining

body could always impose conditions as per its own requirements,

such as:  

“a) eligibility of students for admission; b) conduct of examinations; c) the manner in which the prescribed courses should

be completed; and  d) to see that the conditions imposed by the MCI are


(2016) 7 SCC 353


Page 19


complied with.”  

The  High  Court  held  that  the  affiliating  body  must  exercise  its

discretion fairly  and transparently.  Further,  the  functions  of  the

affiliating body were complementary to the recognition to be given

by the Medical Council of India and not in derogation thereof. The

High Court then relied on the decisions of this Court in the case of

Rajasthan Pradesh Vaidya Samiti, Sardarshahar and another Vs.

Union of India and others2 and in  Bhartia Education Society and

Another Vs. State of Himachal Pradesh and Others3 for the purpose

of differentiating between the scope of “recognition” and “affiliation”.

The High Court noted that the purpose of affiliation is to enable and

permit an institution to send students to participate in the public

examination  conducted  by  the  examining  body  and  secure  the

qualification for Degrees, Diplomas and Certificates.  On the other

hand, the purpose of recognition is to grant licence to start a course

or training in the concerned stream of education.  The High Court

then relied on the decision in the case of State of Madhya Pradesh


(2010) 12 SCC 609 3

(2011) 4 SCC 527


Page 20


and Another Vs. Kumari Nivedita Jain and Others4    which has

delineated   the   powers   conferred  on  the  Medical  Council

of India under the MCI Act to empower it to make regulations for

carrying out the purpose of that Act. The High Court then adverted

to Section 7 of the Himachal Pradesh University Act, 1970 (for short

“1970 Act”) and noted that that was a parent statute under which

all the Universities in the State must be constituted. It then went on

to observe thus:

“49. Indubitably,  the  petitioners  have  not  assailed  the constitutionality of  the aforesaid provision.  Sub-section (2)  of section 7 starts with the non-obstante clause and, therefore, would  have  predominance  and  would  prevail  inspite  of anything contrary contained in any other law for the time being in force. Once that is so, the petitioners can have no right to claim that it should be affiliated to a University of its choice despite the fact as contained in section 7 (supra)

50. Even otherwise the State Government in  its  quest  and endeavour  to  ensure  common  standards  of  maintaining  the excellence of medical education within the State can always exercise  its  power  to  affiliate  a  private  educational  medical institute  set  up  in  a  State  to  a  particular  University  set  up within  the  State,  as  this  power  vests  within  the  exclusive domain of the State. The State can always act as a regulatory authority to  ensure good quality education and see that the excellence of education standard does not fall below than what has been  prescribed by  the  State  Government.  Rather,  it  is crucial for the State to act as a regulator even if this may have some effect on the autonomy of the private institution as that


(1981) 4 SCC 296


Page 21


would not mean that the freedom of the Institute under Article 19(1) (g) of the Constitution of India has been violated.”    

The High Court then relied on its earlier decision in the case of

H-Private  Universities  Management  Association  (H-PUMA)  Vs.

State  of  Himachal  Pradesh and others5 which dealt  with  the

extent to which a private unaided institution could claim freedom

under Article 19(1) (g) of the Constitution of India. It noted that the

said decision has been affirmed by this Court with the dismissal of

SLP on 21.11.2014. After noticing the aforementioned decisions, in

paragraph 53 and 54 the Court concluded thus:  

“53.  From the  aforesaid  detailed  discussion,  we  are  of  the considered view that the provisions of the MCI Act identify the scope  and  extent  of  power  which  each  of  the  State stakeholders,  i.e.  MCI,  State Government,  Affiliating Body or the University is expected to exercise. While the MCI has been assigned  the  paramount  role  of  according  recognition,  the affiliation  is  best  left  to  the  State Government/University/examining  body  and,  therefore,  it  is beyond the competence of the MCI or the Central Government to dictate terms to the State insofar as the question of grant of ‘affiliation’ is concerned or direct the State to affiliate a Medical College to a particular University. This is clearly beyond the powers  conferred  by  the  Constitution  upon  the  Central Government or for that matter even the MCI. Even the College seeking affiliation is bound by the provisions of the Himachal Pradesh University Act, 1970, more particularly, the provisions contained in Section 7 thereof and cannot of its own claim any


In writ petition No.7688 of 2013 decided on 23.07.2014


Page 22


right of privilege to get affiliated to any University of its choice including petitioner No.2.

54. Having said so, we find no merit in this petition and the same  is  accordingly  dismissed  alongwith  all  applications leaving the parties to bear their own costs.”

11. The counsel  for  the  Appellants  submits  that  the  core  issue

involved and as was raised before the High Court,  has not been

answered, much less appropriately. According to the Appellants, the

Appellant  No.2  –  University,  having  been  established  under  an

independent State Legislation i.e. the 2010 Act, is an autonomous

and  independent  University  and  is  fully  authorised  to  start

“campus/study  centres”  of  its  own.  The  Appellant  No.1,  a

constituent college, being one of its segment, cannot be asked to

take affiliation from another independent University in the State.

That stipulation impinges upon the autonomy of the Appellant No.2

– University; and moreso such dispensation is not envisaged under

the  2010  Act.  It  is  submitted  that  although  the  2006  Act  is

applicable and will be adhered to by the Appellant No.2 - University

and its constituent colleges for all  other purposes, that does not

mean that the constituent college of Appellant No.2 - University can

be compelled to take affiliation from Himachal Pradesh University


Page 23


by  remodeling  the  definition  of  Private  Medical  Educational

Institutions  under  the  2006  Act  and  correspondingly,  by

introducing stipulation in that behalf in Section 3 (6a) of that Act. It

is  submitted  that  the  amendment  in  the  2006  Act  cannot

undermine the Special Legislation under which the Appellant No.2

-University has been established viz. the 2010 Act. It is contended

that the 2006 Act deals with the regime regarding Admission and

Fixation of Fee in Private Medical Educational Institutions in the

State  and for  matters  connected  therewith  or  incidental  thereto.

That  is  the  limited field  in  which it  must  operate.  Whereas,  the

2010 Act is a special legislation not only dealing with establishment

and incorporation of the Appellant No.2 - University but also for

regulation and administration of  the said University.  The objects

and  functions  of  the  University  so  established  under  a  Special

Legislation  must  prevail  with  regard  to  the  matter  of  grant  of

affiliation to its constituent colleges. What has been prohibited by

Section 7 of the 2010 Act, is to affiliate or otherwise admit to its

privileges any other institutions. Section 7 has no bearing on the

matter in issue, which concerns the starting of a medical college as

a constituent of the Appellant No.2 - University. Thus, the authority


Page 24


to  grant  affiliation  to  colleges  which  are  constituents  of  the

Appellant  No.2 -  University  must vest  with the  Appellant  No.2 –

University and not with any other University. Taking any other view

will  entail  in undermining the autonomy of  the Appellant No.2 –

University,  established under the 2010 Act.  For that  reason,  the

amendment made in the 2006 Act will be in conflict with the special

legislation,  namely,  2010  Act;  and  moreso  the  autonomy  of  the

Appellant No.2 - University. The 2006 Act cannot have an overriding

effect  on a  special  legislation  under  which  the  Appellant  No.2  –

University  has  been  established.  The  2010  Act  deals  with

establishment of an independent University with full autonomy to

discharge its powers and functions as per the objects in Section 3 of

the Act, which includes to set up its constituent colleges, establish

its campus in the State, create centres of excellence for research

and  development,  establish  examination  centres,  off  campus

centres  or  to  start  distance  education,  and  institute  degrees,

diplomas, certificates and other academic distinctions on the basis

of  examinations  or  such  other  method,  subject  to  fulfilling  the

norms of the Central Government Regulatory Bodies and which the

Central Government may issue from time to time. Further, the State


Page 25


Government having already issued the essentiality certificate; and

the Appellant No.1 - College being a constituent of the Appellant

No.2 – University, affiliation from Himachal Pradesh University was

not  required  to  be  obtained  at  all.  The  requirement  postulated

under the amended 2006 Act would, however, compel the Appellant

No.1  –  College,  which  is  a  constituent  of  the  Appellant  No.2  –

University,  to  take  affiliation  from another  University.   That  will

inevitably make an inroad into the autonomy of the Appellant No.2 -

University.  The purpose for which affiliation is required to be taken

is already ensured by the Appellant No.2 – University, while starting

its constituent college. Another University cannot be allowed to sit

over the subjective satisfaction of the Appellant No.2 - University on

those aspects.  That is not envisaged under the 2010 Act. Moreover,

the private medical institution referred to in amended Section 3(6a)

must be understood to be a private medical college affiliated to the

respective  Universities,  namely  Himachal  Pradesh University  and

Appellant No.2 – University, as the case may be. The amendment to

Section  2(j)  is  also  of  no  utility  even  if  the  Appellant  No.2  -

University has no power to affiliate or extend its privileges to any

other  institution.  It  is  submitted  that  the  expression  “Himachal


Page 26


Pradesh”  occurring  in  Section  3(6a)  of  2006  Act  as  amended,

deserves  to  be  struck  down and  in  which  case,  the  rest  of  the

provision would apply to the institutions affiliated to the concerned

University namely “Himachal Pradesh University” or the Appellant

No.2 - University as the case may be.  In other words, the power to

affiliate  a  private  medical  institution  set  up  in  the  State  as  a

constituent of the Appellant No.2 – University, would vest and must

remain  in  the  Appellant  No.2-  University  established  under  the

2010 Act. The counsel for the Appellants made it amply clear that

except  the  mandatory  condition  of  affiliation  of  the  Himachal

Pradesh  University  even  for  its  constituent  college,  as  per  the

amending  Act,  the  Appellants  are  not  challenging  any  other

stipulation regarding the procedure for admission or fixation of fees

to medical courses governed by the provisions of the 2006 Act.  

12. The counsels for  the Respondents (Medical  Council  of  India

and  Union  of  India)  have  reiterated  the  stand  of  the  said

Authorities,  as  articulated  in  their  correspondence  reproduced

above. That stand supports the claim of the Appellants.


Page 27


13. The counsel for the State, however, supports the decision of

the  High  Court  and  submits  that  the  essentiality  certificate  to

establish a new medical college was given to the Appellants on the

condition that it shall be governed as per the provisions of the 2006

Act, in respect of matters concerning admissions, fee structure and

related issues. It  is therefore,  not open to the Appellants to now

question the intention of the State Legislature much less contend

that  the amended provisions of  the 2006 Act  are  ultra  vires.  He

submits that the role of the affiliating body is to ensure that the

college would be able to maintain the requisite standards regarding

quality education to be imparted by the college. He submits that the

State Legislature is competent to enact a law on those matters. The

Appellant No.2 - University has no power to grant affiliation to any

college. Section 7 of the 2010 Act prohibits the Appellant No.2 –

University from affiliating or otherwise extending its  privileges to

any other institution. Moreover, Section 7 of the Himachal Pradesh

University Act, 1970 is the bulwark under which all the Universities

in the State have to be constituted and governed. He submits that

there is no conflict or incompatibility between the provisions of the

2010 Act and the 2006 Act, much less the 1970 Act. The Appellant


Page 28


No.1 medical college would thus be governed by the provisions of

2006 Act, as amended from time to time. The 2006 Act is also a

Special Legislation and must prevail over the general powers and

functions of the Appellant No.2 – University, accorded to it under

the 2010 Act. The Appellant No.1 - College can admit students for

medical course provided it fulfills the conditions specified under the

2006 Act. That Act requires all the private colleges in the State to

take  affiliation  from  the  Himachal  Pradesh  University.  That

condition does not whittle down the autonomy of the Appellant No.2

– University, which has been established under the 2010 Act. The

Act  of  2006,  is  a  Special  Legislation  regarding  admissions  to

medical courses and fixation of fee. If the Appellant No.1 - College

fails to comply with any mandatory requirement stipulated therein,

it  must  suffer  the  consequence  as  provided  for  in  the  said

enactment.  The  requirement  specified  as  per  the  amended

provisions, to take affiliation from Himachal Pradesh University is

applicable  to  the  Appellant  No.1  -  College  alone  and  does  not

impinge upon the autonomy of the Appellant No.2 - University. The

fact that Appellant No.1 - College is a constituent of the Appellant

No.2  –  University,  does  not  extricate  it  from the  definition  of  a


Page 29


Private Medical Educational Institution under Section 2 (j)  of the

2006 Act, as amended. He submits that the fact that the Appellants

have conceded to abide by the other stipulations in the 2006 Act,

itself dispels the argument of the Appellants that the autonomy of

the  Appellant  No.2  -  University  will  be  affected  in  any  manner.

Inasmuch as, the 2006 Act covers the gamut of matters regarding

the eligibility of students, the mode of conduct of examinations, the

manner  in  which  the  prescribed  courses  should  be  conducted

including the quantum of fees to be levied on the students admitted

in the medical colleges in the State. He submits that no argument

with regard to lack of legislative competence has been advanced.

Further, the respective State Legislations operate in different fields

and although may be overlapping in some areas, that would not

make the 2006 Act or the amended provisions thereof ultra vires in

any manner. He submits that the appeal deserves to be dismissed.

14. After considering the rival submissions, we are in agreement

with the Appellants that the High Court has not touched upon the

core  issue  relating  to  the  autonomy  of  the  Appellant  No.  2  –

University  including  its  authority  to  start  a  constituent  medical


Page 30


college, as prescribed by the 2010 Act. Admittedly, the Appellant

No. 2 – University has been established under the 2010 Act.  This

Act received the assent of the Governor on 15 th September, 2010

and was brought into force w.e.f. 16th June, 2010. The intendment

of the 2010 Act is to provide for establishment, incorporation and

regulation of the Appellant No. 2 - University for higher education,

to regulate its functioning and for matters connected therewith or

incidental thereto. Section 2 (b) defines the expression “Campus”,

as ‘the area of University within which it is established’. This Act

also  predicates  imparting  of  education  by  Appellant  No.  2  -

University by distance education by combination of any two or more

means  of  communication,  namely  broadcasting,  telecasting,

correspondence courses,  seminars,  contact  programmes and any

other such methodology. The expression “off campus/study centre”

has been defined in Section 2(k) to mean a centre of the University

established by it outside the main campus operated and maintained

as  its  “constituent  unit”,  having  the  university’s  complement  of

facilities, faculty and staff.  That would obviously be an integral part

of the functions of the Appellant No.2 – University.  The expression

“study  centre”,  means  a  centre  established  and  maintained  or


Page 31


recognized by the University for the purpose of advising, counseling

or for rendering any other assistance required by the students of

the Appellants in the context of distance education, as set out in

Section 2(t). The expression “University” has been defined in Section

2(v)  to  mean  Maharishi  Markandeshwar  University,  Solan  in

Himachal  Pradesh.  Section  3  provides  for  the  objects  of  the

University.  It is an inclusive provision.  The same reads thus :--

“3. The objects of the University shall includes,- (a) to provide instructions, teaching and training in higher  

education with a view to create higher levels of intellectual  abilities;

(b)  to establish facilities for education and training; (c)    to carry out teaching, research and offer continuing education

programmes; (d)    to create centres of excellence for research and development

relevant to the needs of the State and for sharing knowledge and its application;

(e)    to establish campus in the State; (f)    to establish examination centres; (g)    to institute degrees, diplomas, certificates and other academic

distinctions  on  the  basis  of  examination  or  any  such  other method; while doing so, the University shall  ensure that the standards  of  degrees,  diplomas,  certificates  and  other academic distinctions are not lower than those laid down by regulating bodies; and

(h)    to set up off  campus centres,  subject to applicable rules or regulations.

(i)  to  engage  in  areas  of  specialization  with  proven  ability  to make  distinctive  contributions  to  the  objectives  of  the University  education  system  that  is  academic  engagement clearly distinguishable from programmes of an ordinary nature that lead to conventional degrees in arts, science, engineering,


Page 32


medicine,  dental,  pharmacy,  management,  etc.   routinely offered by conventional institutions; and

(j) to  establish  broad-based  and  viable  under  graduate,  post graduate and research programmes in several disciplines with the firm interdisciplinary orientation and linkages.

(k)  to make the University functional  within one year from the date of commencement of this Act.”  

(emphasis supplied)

Section 4, which is of some significance to the case on hand, reads


“4. (1) The first Chancellor and the first Vice-Chancellor of the University and the first members of the Governing body, Board of Management and the Academic Council and all persons who may hereafter  become such officers  or  members,  so  long as they continue to hold such office or membership, are hereby constituted  a  body  corporate  by  the  name  of  Maharishi Markandeshwar University, Solan, Himachal Pradesh. (2)  The  University  shall  have  perpetual  succession  and  a common seal and shall sue and be sued by the said name. (3) The University shall be situated and have its head quarters at Kumarhatti-Solan, Himachal Pradesh.”

(emphasis supplied)

The extent to which the Appellant No. 2 -University can and ought

to exercise its powers and functions, can be discerned from Section

5 of the Act.  The same reads as follows:-

“5.  (1)  The  University  shall  have  the  following  powers  and functions, namely:- (i) to provide for instructions in such branches of learning as

the University may, from time to time, determine, and to make provision for  research and for  advancement  and dissemination  of  knowledge  and  for  extension  of education;


Page 33


(ii) to  conduct  innovative  experiments  in  modern  methods and technologies  in  the  field  of  technical  education  in order  to  maintain  international  standards  of  such education, training and research;

(iii) to organize and to undertake extra-mural teaching and extension services;  

(iv) to hold examinations and grant diplomas and certificates to and confer degrees and other academic distinctions on persons,  subject  to  recognition  by  any  statutory  body under any law, if  required, and to withdraw any such diplomas,  certificates,  degrees  or  other  academic distinctions for good and sufficient cause;

(v) to create such teaching, administrative and other posts as the University may deem necessary, from time to time, and make appointments thereto;

(v-a)  the  sponsoring  body/university  shall  appoint  full  time regular  employees  for  the  university  and  the  salary  of  the employees  shall  be  deposited  in  the  bank  account  of  the employees every month; (vi) to  institute  and  award  Fellowships,  Studentships  and

Prizes; (vii) to  establish  and  maintain  Hostel  including  Halls;

recognize, guide, supervise and control Hostels including Halls  not  maintained  by  the  University  and  other accommodation for the residence of the students, and to withdraw any such recognition;

(viii) to  regulate and enforce discipline among students and employees of the University and to take such disciplinary measures as may be deemed necessary;

(ix) to make arrangements for promoting health and general welfare  of  the  students  and  the  employees  of  the University and of the Colleges;

(x) to determine the criterion for admission in the University or its Colleges;

(xi) to recognize for any purpose, either in whole or in part, any institution or members or students thereof on such terms  and  conditions  as  may,  from  time  to  time,  be specified and to withdraw such recognition;

(xii) to  develop  and  maintain  twinning  arrangement  with centers of excellence in modern advanced technology in the developed countries for higher education training and research,  including  distance  education  subject  to  the


Page 34


University  Grants  Commission  Act,  1956  and  the regulations made thereunder;

(xiii) to  co-operate  with  any  other  University,  authority  or association  or  any  public  body  having  purposes  and objects  similar  to  those  of  the  University  for  such purposes as may be agreed upon,  on such terms and conditions as may, from time to time, be specified by the University;

(xiv) to  co-operate  with  other  National  and  International institutions  in  the  conduct  of  research  and  higher education subject  to  the University Grants Commission Act, 1956 and the regulations made thereunder;

(xv) to  deal  with  property  belonging  to  or  vested  in  the University in any manner which is considered necessary for promoting the objects of the University;

(xvi) to enter into any agreement for the incorporation in the University of any institution and for taking over its rights, properties and liabilities and for any other purpose not repugnant to this Act;  

(xvii) to demand and receive payment of such fees and other charges as may be specified from time to time;

(xviii) to receive donations and grants, except from parents and students and to acquire,  hold,  manage and dispose of any property, movable or immovable, including trust or endowed property  within or  outside Himachal  Pradesh for  the  purposes  and objects  of  the University,  and to invest funds in such manner as the University thinks fit;

(xix) to  make provisions for  research  and advisory  services and for  that  purpose  to  enter  into  such  arrangements with other institutions or bodies as the University may deem necessary;

(xx) to provide for the printing, reproduction and publication of research and other work, including text books, which may be issued by the University;

(xxi) to accord recognition to institutions and examinations for admission in the University;

(xxii) to  do  all  such  other  things  as  may  be  necessary, incidental or conducive to the attainment of all or any of the objects of the University;

(xxiii) to  frame  statutes,  ordinances  and  regulations  for carrying out the objects of the University in accordance with the provisions of the Act;


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(xxiv)  to  provide  for  dual  degrees,  diplomas  or  certificates vis-à-vis other Universities on reciprocal basis within and outside the country;

(xxv) to  make  provisions  for  integrated  courses  in  different disciplines  in  the  educational  programmes  of  the University;

(xxvi) to  set-up  colleges,  institutions,  off-campus  centres, off-shore  campus,  study  centres  or  to  start  distance education, after fulfilling the norms and regulations of the Central  Government  Regulatory  Bodies  and  Central Government,  issued  from  time  to  time,  and  after obtaining the specific approval of the State Government; and

(xxvii)to seek collaboration with other institutions on mutually acceptable terms and conditions. (2) in pursuit of its objects and in exercise of its powers and in performing  of  its  functions,  the  University  shall  not discriminate between any person, whosoever, on the basis of caste, class, colour, creed, sex, religion or race.”

(emphasis supplied)

Section 6 stipulates that the Appellant No. 2 – University shall be

self-financed and shall not be entitled to receive any grant or other

financial  assistance  from  the  Government.   The  University  is

required to establish an Endowment Fund in terms of Section 8 and

a General Fund as per Section 9.  The manner in which the General

Fund is to be utilized is set out in Section 10 of the Act.  Section 11

of  the  Act  provides  for  the  officers  of  the  University  and  their

designations.   Section  12  deals  with  the  appointment  of  the

Chancellor of the Appellant No.2 –University, who shall be the Head


Page 36


of  the  University  and  exercise  powers  as  prescribed  therein.  A

similar  provision  is  made  in  respect  of  appointment  of

Vice-Chancellor and the exercise of powers by him under Section 13

of  the  Act.  Section 14 of  the  Act  deals  with the appointment  of

Registrar of the University. Section 15 provides for the appointment

of  Chief  Finance  and  Accounts  Officer  of  the  Appellant  No.  2  -

University.  Section 16 deals with the appointment of other officers

as will  be necessary for the functioning of  the Appellant No. 2 -

University.  The authority of the Appellant No. 2 - University has

been spelt out in Section 17, namely the Governing Body, the Board

of Management, the Academic Council and such other authorities

as  may be  declared by  the  statutes  to  be  the  authorities  of  the

University.  The Governing Body, consisting of members specified in

Section  18,  is  supposed  to  be  the  supreme  body  or  supreme

authority of the University. Powers to be exercised by the Governing

Body are specified in the same Section (i.e. Section 18). Section 19

deals  with the  constitution of  the Board of  Management  and its

powers and functions. Section 20 stipulates the constitution of the

Academic Council.  


Page 37


15. From the aforementioned provisions, it is indisputable that the

2010 Act purports to establish an independent University in the

State of Himachal Pradesh,  having full autonomy as that of any

other  full-fledged  University  including  the  authority  to  start

Multi-Faculty  Education  Courses  within  its  campus  and  also

constituent colleges off campus.  The Appellant No. 2 – University

has been bestowed with the power to confer Degrees and Diplomas

in terms of Section 35 of the Act. The same reads thus.:-  

“35. The convocation of the University shall be held in every academic  year  in  the  manner  as  may  be  specified  by  the statutes  for  conferring  degrees,  diplomas  or  for  any  other purpose.”

The  provisions  regarding  accreditation  of  the  University  can  be

discerned from Section 36 of the Act.  Section 37 postulates that

the Appellant No.2 - University will be bound to comply with all the

rules,  regulations  and  norms  etc.  of  the  regulating  bodies  and

provide  all  such  facilities  and  assistance  to  such  bodies  as  are

required by them to discharge their duties and to carry out their

functions.  The  powers  of  the  State  Government  to  inspect  the

University can be traced to Section 40 of the Act. The special power


Page 38


of the Government in certain circumstances can be found in Section

42 of the Act. Sections 40 and 42 of the Act read as follows:-

“40.  (1)  For  the  purpose  of  ascertaining  the  standards  of teaching,  examination  and  research  or  any  other  matter relating to the University,  the Government  or  the Regulatory Commission may, cause an assessment to be made in such manner as may be prescribed, by such person or persons as it may deem fit. (2) The Government or the Regulatory Commission, as the case may  be,  shall  communicate  to  the  University  its recommendations in regard to the result of such assessment for  corrective  action  and  the  University  shall  take  such corrective  measures  as  are  necessary  so  as  to  ensure  the compliance of the recommendations. (3) If the University fails to comply with the recommendations made  under  sub-section  (2)  within  a  reasonable  time,  the Government or the Regulatory Commission, as the case may be, may give such directions as it may deem fit which shall be binding on the University. …… ….. ……..

42. (1) If it appears to the Government that the University has contravened  any  of  the  provisions  of  this  Act  or  the  rules, statutes or  ordinances made thereunder or  has contravened any of the directions issued by it under this Act or has ceased to carry out  any of the undertakings given or a situation of financial mis-management or mal-administration has arisen in the University, it shall issue notice requiring the University to show cause within forty five days as to why an order of its liquidation should not be made.  

(2) If the Government, on receipt of reply of the University on the notice issued under sub-section (1), is satisfied that there is a prima facie case of contravening all or any of the provisions of this Act or the rules, statues or ordinances made thereunder or of contravening directions issued by it under this Act or of ceasing  to  carry  out  the  undertaking  given  or  of  financial mis-management or mal-administration, it shall make an order of such enquiry as it may consider necessary.


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(3) The Government shall, for the purpose of any enquiry under sub-section (2), appoint an inquiry officer or officers to inquire into any of the allegations and to make report thereon.

(4) The inquiry officer or officers appointed under sub-section(3) shall have the same powers as are vested in a civil court under the Code of Civil Procedure, 1908 while trying a suit in respect of the following matters, namely:-  (a) summoning and enforcing he attendance of any person and examining him on oath; (b)  requiring  the  discovery  and  production  of  any  such document  or  any  other  material  as  may  be  predicable  in evidence (c) requisitioning any public record from any court or office; and (d) any other matter which may be prescribed.

(5) The inquiry officer or officers inquiring under this Act, shall be deemed to be a civil court for the purposes of section 195 and Chapter 26 of the Code of Criminal Procedure, 1973.

(6) On receipt of the enquiry report from the officer or officers appointed under sub-section (3), if the Government is satisfied that the University has contravened all or any of the provisions of  this  Act  or  the  rules,  statutes,  or  ordinances  made thereunder or has violated any of the directions issued by it under this  Act  or  has ceased to  carry out  the undertakings given  by  it  or  a  situation  of  financial  mis-management  and mal-administration  has  arisen  in  the  University  which threatens  the  academic  standard  of  the  University,  it  shall issue orders for the liquidation of the University and appoint an administrator.  

(7)  The  administrator  appointed  under  sub-section  (6)  shall have all  the  powers  and be subject  to  all  the  duties  of  the Governing Body and the Board of Management under this Act and shall administer the affairs of the University until the last batch of the students of the regular courses have completed their courses and they have been awarded degrees, diplomas or awards, as the case may be.


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(8) After having awarded the degrees, diplomas or awards, as the case may be,  to  the last  batches of  the students of  the regular courses, the administrator shall make a report to this effect to the Government.

(9)  On  receipt  of  the  report  under  sub-section  (8),  the Government shall, by notification in the Official Gazette, issue an  order  dissolving  the  University  and  from  the  date  of publication  of  such  notification,  the  University  shall  stand dissolved and all the assets of the University including assets of the sponsoring body pertaining to the University shall vest in the Government free from all encumbrances from the date of dissolution.”

Section 44 of the Act is a provision for removing any difficulty. The

same reads as follows:-

“44.(1) If any difficulty arises in giving effect to the provisions of  this Act,  the Government  may,  by order  published in the Official  Gazette, make  provisions,  not  inconsistent  with  the provisions  of  this  Act,  as  appear  to  it  to  be  necessary  or expedient for removing the difficulty:

Provided that  no such order shall  be made under this section  after  the  expiry  of  a  period  of  two  years  from  the commencement of this Act.

(2) Every order made under this section shall, as soon as may be  after  it  is  made,  be  laid  before  the  State  Legislative Assembly.”

16. From the legislative scheme of 2010 Act, it is axiomatic that an

independent,  autonomous University  has been established under

this Act.  The Appellant No. 2 – University, therefore, has all the

trappings of  a full-fledged University,  to not only start  imparting

education in prescribed courses but also to set up its constituent


Page 41


colleges to effectuate the purpose for which the University has been

established.   Indubitably,  a  constituent  college  of  the  University

would be an integral part of the University.  In one sense, an alter

ego  of  the  University.  A  student  pursuing  education  in  such  a

college will be required to appear in the examination conducted by

the Appellant No. 2 – University and, at the end of the academic

year, it is the Appellant No. 2 - University which can confer degrees

or diplomas upon such successful students.   

17. Indeed, affiliation from University may be a pre-condition for

starting any college or new courses. The constituent college of the

Appellant  No.  2  –  University  would  therefore,  at  best,  require

affiliation from the Appellant No. 2. This position has been accepted

even by the Medical Council of India and the Union of India.  It is,

however, the State Government which has been insisting that the

Appellant No. 1- College must take affiliation from the Himachal

Pradesh  University  established  under  the  Himachal  Pradesh

University Act, 1970.  To buttress that stand, reliance is placed on

Section 7 of the Act of 1970.  The same reads thus:

“7. Jurisdiction of the University.


Page 42


(1)  Save as otherwise provided by or under this Act, the powers conferred on the University  shall  be  exercisable  in  the area constituting Himachal Pradesh.  

(2) Notwithstanding anything contained in any other law for the time being in force, no educational institution situated within the territorial limits of the University shall be admitted to any privilege of any other University, incorporated by law in India, and any such privilege granted by any such other University to any such educational institution prior to the commencement of this  Act,  shall  unless  otherwise  directed  by  the  State Government  be  deemed  to  be  withdrawn  on  the commencement of this Act, and any such institution shall be deemed  to  be  admitted  to  the  privileges  of  the  Himachal Pradesh University.  

(3)  Where any institution or body established outside Himachal Pradesh seeks recognition from the University, then the powers and  jurisdiction  of  the  University  shall  extend  to  such institution  or  body subject  to  the laws in  force  in  the State within which, and the rules and regulations of the University within  whose  jurisdiction,  the  said  institution  or  body  is situated.”

It is unfathomable as to how sub section (2) of this provision will

take within its sweep another independent University established

under a special State Legislation or a constituent college of such

University.  That  general  provision  may  apply  to  all  other

educational institutions situated within the State, but certainly not

to  an  independent  University  established  under  a  special  State

Legislation such as the 2010 Act or to the constituent college of

such an independent University. Any other interpretation will entail


Page 43


in rewriting the provisions of  the 2010 Act,  if  not doing violence


18. Since the Appellant No. 2 did not accede to the demand of the

State Government, provisions of the 2006 Act, came to be amended

so  as  to  widen  the  scope  of  that  Act,  requiring  all  the  Private

Medical  Educational  Institutions  set  up  in  the  State  to  take

affiliation  from  the  Himachal  Pradesh  University.  Notably,  no

corresponding amendment has been made in the 2010 Act under

which the Appellant No.2 – University has been established as an

independent  autonomous  University.   Nor  has  any  amendment

been  made  in  the  Himachal  Pradesh  University  Act,  1970,

mandating affiliation of the constituent college of another University

established  under  a  special  State  Legislation.  We  may  not  be

understood to have expressed any opinion either way, that such a

course is permissible.  

19. As noticed from the legislative scheme of the 2010 Act,  the

Appellant  No.  2  has  been  established  as  an  independent,

autonomous University like any other full-fledged University.   No

doubt, some of the functions of the University, be it the Appellant


Page 44


No. 2 – University or the Himachal Pradesh University, have been

controlled and regulated by the 2006 Act.  The limited issue raised

by the Appellants, however, is with regard to the mandate of the

amended Section 3(6a), requiring all the Private Medical Institutions

set up within the State to take affiliation from Himachal Pradesh

University.   To answer this argument,  we must first  analyse the

scheme and purport of the 2006 Act.  It is an Act to provide for

regulation  of  admission  and  fixation  of  fee  in  Private  Medical

Educational Institutions in the State of Himachal Pradesh and for

matters connected therewith or incidental thereto. It is not an Act

for establishment of a University or, for that matter, dealing with

the subject of starting a new college or new courses in the affiliated

college. This Act, no doubt uniformly applies to all the institutions

affiliated to the Universities within the State of Himachal Pradesh,

be  it  Himachal  Pradesh  University  or  the  Appellant  No.  2  –

University.   However,  the  object  of  this  Act  is  limited  only  to

regulate  admissions  as  per  the  extant  and  applicable

pronouncements of this Court; and to determine the fee structure

in colleges imparting medical courses within the State.  


Page 45


20. It is not the case of the Appellants that they are not governed

by the other provisions of the 2006 Act, but the limited grievance is

that the amendment made to Section 3 of this Act has the effect of

making  an  inroad  into  the  autonomy  of  the  Appellant  No.  2  –

University,  in  respect  of  matter  of  grant  of  affiliation  to  its

constituent college.  For considering this argument, we must advert

to Section 3, as it originally stood. The same reads thus :-  

“3.Regulation of admission, fixation of fee and making of  reservation.-  (1)  The  State  Government  may  regulate admission, fix fee and make reservation for different categories in admissions to Private Medical Educational Institutions. (2)  The  State  Government  shall  ensure  that  the  admission under all the categories in an institution is done in a fair and transparent manner;

(3) The State Government, may constitute an Admission and Fee  Committee,  (hereinafter  referred  to  as  the  ‘Committee’) consisting of such members as may be specified by the State Government,  by  notification,  to  recommend  the  mode  of admission,  making  of  reservation,  allocation  of  seats  and fixation of fees etc. to the State Government.

(4)  The  State  Government,  shall  oversee  the  working  of Admission and Fee Committee.

(5)  The  terms  and  conditions  of  the  Committee  constituted under sub-section (3) and its members shall be specified, by the State Government, by notification from time to time.

(6)  If  the  State  Government  is  satisfied  that  the  institution affiliated to the Himachal Pradesh University, has contravened any provision of this Act, it may recommend to the Himachal Pradesh University for withdrawal of recognition or affiliation of such institution.”


Page 46


Sub-section 6 of this provision came to be amended by the State

Legislation, so as to fortify the stand of the State Government that

the medical college started as a constituent of the Appellant No. 2 –

University would also require affiliation from the Himachal Pradesh

University. As a result, sub-section 6 came to be amended in the

following terms:-  

“In  Section  3  of  the  principal  Act,  for  sub-section  (6),  the following sub-sections shall be substituted, namely:-

“(6)  If,  the  State  Government  is  satisfied that  the institution affiliated  to  the  Himachal  Pradesh  University  or  any  other University has contravened any of the provisions of this Act, it may  recommend  to  that  University  for  withdrawal  of recognition or affiliation of such institution.

(6a) In order to ensure common standards for maintaining the excellence  of  Medical  Education  in  the  State,  the  Himachal Pradesh University shall have the exclusive power to affiliate Private  Medical  Educational  Institutions set  up  in  the State; and

(6b)  Notwithstanding  anything  contained  in  this  Act,  the Private  Medical  Educational  Institutions  shall  be  bound  to comply with all the rules, directions and notifications issued by the State Government, from time to time, and provide all such facilities  and  assistance  as  are  required  to  implement  such rules, directions and notifications”.  

Along with sub-section 3, amendment was also effected to Section

2(j)  of  the  2006  Act  by  including  a  Private  Medical  Institution


Page 47


established by or affiliated to a private University to be a Private

Medical Educational Institution.  Once it is noted that the Appellant

No. 2 – University is an independent and a full-fledged University

established under an independent special State Legislation, it must

be free to discharge its functions as delineated in the 2010 Act.

That,  inter  alia,  includes  granting  affiliation  to  its  constituent

college which is one of the facets of autonomy of the University. It is

incomprehensible  that  a  college  which  is  a  constituent  of  the

Appellant  No.  2 –  University  can be compelled to  take affiliation

from some other University by taking recourse to the provisions of

the  2006  Act  which  primarily  deals  only  with  the  subject  of

admissions and fees in private medical colleges within the State.

The  grant  of  affiliation  to  the  college  is  the  prerogative  of  the

examining  body.   The  Appellant  No.  2  –  University,  being  the

examining  body,  has  been bestowed  with  the  authority  to  grant

degrees and diplomas. The requirement of affiliation from another

University  even  in  respect  of  its  constituent  college,  would  be

striking at the autonomy of the Appellant No. 2 – University and in

any  case  beyond  the  purview  of  the  subject  of  admissions  and


Page 48


fixation of  fee  for  which limited purpose  the  2006 Act  has been


21. In the present case, it has been asserted that the Appellant

No. 1 – College is a constituent of the Appellant No. 2 – University.

In  such  a  situation,  it  is  unfathomable  that  the  requirement  of

taking  affiliation  from  another  University  (Himachal  Pradesh

University) established under a separate State Legislation, can and

ought to be insisted upon.  If insisted, it would, inevitably, entail in

making  an  inroad  into  the  autonomy  of  the  Appellant  No.  2  –

University.  True  it  is  that  Section  7  of  the  2010  Act  does  not

empower the Appellant No. 2 – University to affiliate or otherwise

admit to its privileges any other institution.  But that will have no

application to the case on hand. For, the Appellant No. 1 - College is

none other than a constituent college of Appellant No. 2 – University

itself.  The  Medical  Council  of  India  as  well  as  the  Union

Government have, therefore, justly stated that it was not necessary

for the Appellant No.1 - College to take affiliation from the Himachal

Pradesh University.  


Page 49


22. A priori,  we have no hesitation in taking the view that  the

amended  provisions,  in  particular  Section  3(6a),  would  impinge

upon the autonomy of an independent University established under

a  separate  State  Legislation.  Further,  the  field  of  affiliation  is

governed  by  the  State  legislation  under  which  the  respective

Universities have been established.  The power of granting affiliation

to colleges under the control of the concerned University, must vest

with the respective University to which the college will be affiliated.

That  power  of  granting  affiliation,  by  the  University  concerned,

therefore, cannot be whittled down by the 2006 Act or amendments

made thereto. Understood thus, the amended provisions of Section

3  (6a)  of  the  2006  Act,  cannot  be  sustained  as  the  same  are

unreasonable,  irrational  and  in  conflict  with  the  special  State

Legislation under which the Appellant No.2 – University has been

established, namely the 2010 Act.  

23. We  shall  now  examine  the  possibility  of  reading  down  the

impugned provision in Section 3 (6a) of the Act so as to save it from

being unconstitutional.  That may be possible by giving a restricted

meaning  to  the  expression  “Private  Medical  Educational


Page 50


Institutions” set up in the State, but for the amended Section 2(j)

which  defines  the  expression  “Private  Medical  Educational

Institutions” as under:-  

“(j)  “Private  Medical  Educational  Institution”  means  an institution  not  promoted  or  run  by  the  Central  Government, State  Government  or  Union  Territory  Administration  or  any agency or instrumentality of the Central or State Government and  includes  a  Private  Medical  Educational  Institution established by or affiliated to a private University;”

This expression includes a Private Medical Educational Institution

established by or affiliated to a private University.  We find force in

the argument of the Appellants that the definition of Private Medical

Educational  Institution,  as  amended,  can  be  extended  to  the

Appellants in relation to other matters governed by the 2006 Act,

except  the  mandate  of  requiring  the  Appellant  No.1  -  College  (a

constituent  college  of  the  Appellant  No.2  –  University)  to  take

affiliation from the Himachal Pradesh University. That requirement

springs from Section 3 (6a).  

24. Indisputably, there is no other private medical University in

the  State  except  the  Appellant  No.2  -  University.  Therefore,  we


Page 51


explored the possibility of omitting the words “Himachal Pradesh”

from the amended Section 3 (6a) to save the whole of that provision

from being invalid, as was contended.  However, we find that if the

words  “Himachal  Pradesh”  alone  were  to  be  struck  down,  the

remaining Section 3 (6a) may create some confusion. It would then

mean  that  Private  Medical  Institutions  in  the  State  must  take

affiliation  from  the  “concerned”  University.  To  wit,  Himachal

Pradesh University or the Appellant No. 2 – University, as the case

may  be.  In  other  words,  the  concerned  University  can  exercise

power to affiliate a private medical institution set up in the State.

However, the Appellant No. 2 is not authorised to affiliate a private

medical  college (not its constituent)  by virtue of  Section 7 of  the

2010  Act,  which  prohibits  the  Appellant  No.2  –  University  from

affiliating  or  otherwise  extending  to  its  privileges  any  other

institution.  Therefore,  the  appropriate  course  to  avoid  any

confusion  is  to  strike  down  Section  3(6a)  of  the  2006  Act,  as


25. It was vehemently argued by the counsel for the State that the

Appellant No. 2 – University was granted essentiality certificate on


Page 52


the condition that it would abide by the provisions of the 2006 Act.

The fact that such condition was imposed in the communication

dated 29th August  2012, does not  mean that  the Appellant  No.2

-University would be bound and obliged to comply with even an

onerous stipulation, which is unconstitutional and hit by Article 14

and 19(1)(g) of the Constitution and impinging upon its autonomy

guaranteed under the 2010 Act.  The High Court has adverted to

the  decisions  which  have  culled  out  the  distinction  between

“recognition” and “affiliation”.  We need not dilate on that matter

except to observe that it is well settled that affiliation is a matter

within  the  prerogative  of  the  Examining  Body  or  the  prescribed

Authority, to be considered fairly and after due application of mind.

26. As  noted  earlier,  since  the  Appellant  No.1  –  College  is  a

constituent  of  the  Appellant  No.  2  –  University,  the  question  of

compelling it to take affiliation from another University (Himachal

Pradesh University) cannot be countenanced.  

27. Accordingly,  this  appeal  should  succeed.  The  impugned

judgment of the High Court of Himachal Pradesh dated 20.12.2016

in CWP No.4773 of 2015 is set aside. We also strike down Section


Page 53


3(6a)  of  the  Himachal  Pradesh  Private  Medical  Educational

Institutions  (Regulation  of  Admission  and  Fixation  of  Fee)  Act,

2006,  being  irrational,  unreasonable,  ultra  vires and

unconstitutional.   Further,  the  Regulatory  Authorities  shall

forthwith proceed in the matter without insisting for an affiliation of

the Appellant No.1 – College (a constituent college of Appellant No.2

– University) from the Himachal Pradesh University.  

28. The Appeal is allowed in the above terms with no order as to


                                                      ...……………………………..J.         (Dipak Misra)

                                       ..…..…………………………..J. (A.M.Khanwilkar)

.…..…………………………..J. (Mohan M. Shantanagoudar)


New Delhi, Dated: April 28, 2017