29 June 2016
Supreme Court


Case number: Crl.A. No.-000156-000156 / 2015
Diary number: 38906 / 2012


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Jamnadas … Appellant


State of M.P. …Respondent


Manoj … Appellant


State of M.P. …Respondent


Prafulla C. Pant, J.

These appeals are directed against judgment and order

dated 23.8.2012 passed by High Court  of  Madhya Pradesh,

Bench Indore, whereby criminal appeal no. 977 of 2007 (filed


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by father-in-law of deceased), criminal appeal no. 993 of 2007

(filed by husband of deceased), and criminal appeal no. 1000

of 2007 (filed by mother-in-law of deceased) were dismissed.

At  the  outset,  it  is  relevant  to  mention  that  Special  Leave

Petition  (Crl.)  No.  9812  of  2013  filed  by  Dhanwantari

(mother-in-law of  deceased) was dismissed by this Court as

withdrawn on 16.9.2014.  The present criminal  appeal  nos.

156 of 2015 and 155 of 2015 have arisen out of Special Leave

Petition(s)  filed  by  father-in-law  and  husband  of  deceased,


2. It is a case where a young bride was brutally murdered

within six months of her marriage, her body chopped off in two

pieces and thrown in a park.

3. Prosecution story in brief is that on 16.9.2006 at about

19.50 hours (7.50 p.m.) PW 19 Constable Nirmal Kumar Patil

received telephonic information at Police Control Room that a

middle aged woman came on a scooty, and threw two bundles

wrapped  in  bed  sheets  in  Sewa  Ram  Zilani  Garden,  Patel

Nagar, Indore, and that some blood stains were visible from


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the  packets.    On  the  basis  of  the  telephonic  information,

Ext.P.33  was  recorded  at  the  Control  Room.   Within  five

minutes at about 19.55 hours (7.55 p.m.) the information was

transmitted  to  the  concerned  police  station  Juni  and

information  Ext.  P.34  was  recorded.   After  Dehati  Murg

intimation Ext.P.1 entered, PW 17 Head Constable Ashraf Ali

left the Police Station Juni along with PW 12 Constable Mohd.

M. Ahmad towards the spot.  Enquiries were made in the same

evening on which PW 1 Mukesh Jaiswal told that as usual on

that  day  (16.09.2006)  at  about  5.30  p.m.,  he  had  gone  to

temple and was sitting with PW 5 Manohar @ Mannu, PW 4

Udhav Dass and PW 3 Narayana.  They sent PW 2 Phugga @

Kamal  to  bring  milk,  and  after  sometime  PW 2  Phugga  @

Kamal came back and told them that one packet wrapped in

colored bed sheet was lying in the park near walking track, in

which blood spots were visible.  The above named four persons

with Phugga went towards the place, and saw the bundle with

blood stains.  Soon thereafter they saw a woman coming on an

Activa who threw another packet, and went away. On this the

telephonic  information  was  given  to  the  Control  Room.


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Thereafter  Murg inquiry  was made by PW-35 SI  Mohan Lal

Purohit, who registered crime no. 431 of 2006 on the next day

17.9.2006 against unknown persons.  Inquest report Ext.P-6

was prepared by the police on 17.9.2006 at about noon after

dead body was identified as the one that of Bhoomi @ Richa by

PW 6 Sanjay Chhabra, cousin of the deceased.  The dead body

was sent in a sealed condition for autopsy.

4. Thereafter,  house  of  the  appellants  i.e.  40,  Sarvodaya

Nagar (Indore) was searched. During investigation blood stains

were found in the house of the appellants.  Samples of blood

stains were taken and, search memo Ext.P-54, P-56 and P-57

prepared in the presence of  PW 30 Suresh Neema and one

Ramesh.   Silver  colour  Activa  bearing  registration  No.  MP

09/JX-7556 was also seized.

5. The  investigation  revealed  that  marriage  of  Bhoomi  @

Richa (deceased), daughter of PW-22 Rajesh Kumar Nachani,

was solemnized with appellant Manoj on 22.4.2006 at Indore,

whereafter she started residing in 40, Sarvodaya Nagar with

her husband (Manoj), father-in-law (Jamnadas), Mother-in-law


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(Dhanwantari), brother-in-law (Vishal) and minor sister-in-law

(Heena @ Madhuri).

6. On  19.9.2006,  appellants  Manoj  and  Jamnadas  along

with Dhanwantari (mother-in-law) were arrested.  After their

arrest, accused were medically examined by PW 27 Dr. G.L.

Sodhi, who found marks of simple injuries on the person of

Dhanwantari, and medical report Ext.P-50 was prepared.  On

23.9.2016,  Vishal  (brother-in-law  of  deceased)  was  also


7. After investigation, a charge sheet was filed against four

accused namely – Manoj (husband), Jamnadas (father-in-law),

Dhanwantari  (mother-in-law)  and  Vishal  (brother-in-law)  for

their trial in respect of offences punishable under Sections 302

(read with Section 34) 201, 304-B and 498-A IPC.  The case

appears  to  have  been  committed  by  the  Magistrate  to  the

Court  of  Sessions  where  the  trial  court  framed  charge  in

respect  of  all  the  above  offences  against  the  first  three

accused.  As against  accused Vishal,  charge only  relating to


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offence punishable under Section 201 IPC was framed. All the

accused pleaded not guilty and claimed to be tried.

8. Prosecution  got  examined  PW 1  Mukesh  Jaiswal  (who

saw Dhanwantari  disposing of  body of  the deceased),  PW 2

Phugga @ Kamal (who first noticed the thrown 1st  packet), PW

3 Narayana (who was with PW 1), PW 4 Udhav Dass (who was

also with PW1), PW 5 Manohar @ Mannu (who was also with

above  four,  and  informed  the  Police  Control  Room),  PW  6

Sanjay Chhabra (cousin of  the deceased,  who identified the

dead  body),  PW  7  Dinesh  (Parking  Stand  wallah),  PW  8

Yogendra (Hostile witness),  PW 9 Rajesh Agrawal (Contractor

of  boundary wall  of  the park),  PW 10 Constable Ram Babu

Sharma (who received ten sealed packets from M.Y.Hospital

for  being  sent  to  F.S.L.),  PW  11  Head  Constable  Radhey

Shyam Sharma (who prepared Ext.P-25 Murg/ intimation), PW

12 Constable Mohd. M. Ahmad, PW 13 Constable Smt. Savitri,

PW 14 Constable Mahabal Singh Chauhan, PW 15 Dr. N.M.

Unda  (who  conducted  autopsy  on  the  dead  body  of  the

deceased),  PW 16 Dr.  Anil  Kapoor,   PW 17 Head Constable


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Ashraf  Ali,  PW  18  Dr.  Bharti  Dwivedi,   PW  19  Constable

Nirmal Kumar Patil (posted in PCR, Indore who informed the

Duty officer), PW 20 Manoj Chauhan (Wireless Operator who

received message from PW 19), PW 21 Pankaj Nagpal, PW 22

Rajesh  Kumar  Nachani  (father  of  the  deceased),  PW  23

Rajendra Kumar, PW 24 Keshav Kumar,  PW 25 Sonam, PW

26 Umesh Nara (uncle of deceased), PW 27 Dr. G.L.Sodhi (who

examined injuries on person of Dhanwantari), PW 28 Jeevan

Lotani, PW 29 Harish, PW 30 Suresh Neema, PW 31 Yogesh

Gupta, PW 32 Madhuri (minor sister-in-law of deceased), PW

33 Padvilochan Shukla (Investigating Officer),  PW 34 Raksh

Pal Singh (Incharge P.S. Juni), PW 35 Mohan Lal Purohit and

PW 36 Sub Inspector K. L. Pandey.

9. The  prosecution  evidence  was  put  to  each  one  of  the

accused under Section 313 Cr.P.C to which they replied that

the same is false.  It is pleaded by the accused that Bhoomi @

Richa was missing after she went to her relative’s place.  It is

further pleaded by the appellants that they were in the shop

during the day time when Bhoomi @ Richa went missing.  In


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defence, DW 1 Parmanand Sharma, (servant in the shop) was

got examined in support of plea of alibi of the appellants.   

10. The trial court after hearing the parties found that charge

framed against accused Vishal (brother-in-law of the deceased)

regarding his involvement in the crime, was not proved beyond

reasonable doubt as such he was acquitted.  The trial court

found rest of the three accused, namely, Dhanwantari, Jamna

das  and  Manoj  guilty  of  offence  of  murder  with  common

intention punishable under Section 302 read with Section 34

IPC, and convicted them accordingly.  Accused Dhanwantari

was  further  convicted  under  Section  201  IPC  for  causing

disappearance  of  evidence  of  murder.   After  hearing  on

sentence,  6th Additional  Sessions  Judge,  (Indore),  vide  his

order dated 24.8.2009, sentenced each of the convicts under

Section 302/34 IPC imprisonment for life and directed to pay

fine of Rs.5000/-.  It was further directed that in default of

payment of fine, the defaulter shall undergo further rigorous

imprisonment for a period of one year.  Convict Dhanvantari

was further sentenced to undergo rigorous imprisonment for a


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period of three years and to pay a fine of Rs.5,000/- in respect

of offence punishable under Section 201  IPC and in default of

payment  of  fine  she was directed to  undergo  three  months

rigorous  imprisonment.  On other  heads,  the  accused  stood

acquitted from the charge.

11. The three convicts filed separate appeals before the High

Court and the same were heard together and disposed of by

the common judgment and order dated 23.8.2012, impugned

in these appeals.

12. Before further discussion, we think it just and proper to

mention the ante mortem injuries and post mortem injuries

found on the body of the deceased (Bhoomi @ Richa), recorded

by PW-15 Dr.  N.M.  Unda,  Demonstrator,  Forensic  Medicine

and Toxicology Department, M. G. M. Medical College & M. Y.

Hospital,  Indore  on  17.09.2006  at  2:00  p.m.  recorded  in

Exhibit  P-27.  The  observations  in  the  autopsy  report  are

reproduced below:-


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“Dead body received in sealed condition, in two

separated pieces in the two bed sheets stained with

blood.  Body  appears  cleaned  and  washed.  Faint

blood stained marks on the body, no clotting present.

Dorsal part and the skin of the hands and fingers

showing  very  slight  shrinking  effect  and  all  the

wound part small sizes show very scanty amount of

blood at deeper level while upper part shows clean.

Body separated with hard and sharp object at just

above  the  umbilicus  shows  multiple  inflictions  by

moving body all around and vertebral column cut at

inter vertebral disc with multiple inflictions over the

cartilogenous part and on vertebrae. Some part of the

intestinal loops small and large missing, and faecal

soiling  present  and  lower  part  of  abdomen  where

vertical present right to umbilicus to pubic symphysis

indicating cut mark on the bony and soft tissue part.

Body  separation  exposing  abdominal  and  Pelvic

cavity part are post-mortem in nature with separated

intestinal  opening  (available).  Some  part  of  the

kidney blood vessel and soft tissue missing.  

Multiple post mortem wounds present on the different

parts of the body over the foot, leg and wrist shows

the  intention  with  post  mortem  nature  to  convert

body in small pieces for disposal.


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Multiple  defence wound present  in the both hands

and palmer side over the metacarpo phalangeal joint and  proximal  phalaxin  part  in  a  plane  with  fist

closed.  Cut mark manner (pattern) shows an object moved within closed fist. Other three deep cut marks

present in the palm of left hand also present.  Total number given on other page with other small wounds

present on both hands.  

Lower  half  part  96  cm  and  upper  part  63  cm.

adjusted length.  

Body average built, eyes closed. Partly, mouth closed

and lip approximated. Rigor Mortis present all  over

body stiffness present.   Hypostasis present on the

back side of the body and fixed and faint. Cut part

circumference 73 cm and 23 cm at chest upper part.

Lower part  circumference and diameter 27 cm into

20  cm  both  part  matching  each  other  shows  the

multiple  cut  marks.  Scalp  hairs  present  at  places

over the body. Other hairs also present.

Stomach  some  watery  fluid  light  brown  in  colour

about 190 ml with slight altered smell and mucosa


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healthy.  Small  intestine  -  contains  little  slight

digested food.  Large intestine - contains little faecal

in the lower available part.   Liver and Spleen pale

and healthy.  Kidney - dorceline lower part missing.

Genitals  -  available  but  shows  stabwound  in  the

lower  part  laterally  in  the  broad  ligature.   Uterus

small  size.  Slide  from cervice  opening  and  uterine

cavity  made  along  with  vaginal  smear  slide  and

swab  –  pubic  hair  shaved  and  preserved  for  any

foreign hair and other evidences.  Uterus measured

in formation for histopathological examination.

Anal opening dilated and shows an funnel pattern

with multiple superficial indepth heal scar marks …

with mostly healed too.

Both lungs pale and healthy

Trachea pale and healthy injury present described in

injury at serial 3.

Heart practically completely empty.

External injury on scalp described on Injury section.

Superficial  cut  marks  present  on  the  skull,  Rest


Brain  extremely  congested  and  non  specific  smell

present.  Preserved for chemical analysis and sent to


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pathological  examination  no  subdual  or  extradual

collection found.

Death was due to shock and hemorrhage as result of

(ante mortem) multiple injuries to the body.

Death homicidal in nature.

Along  with  ante  mortem  injuries,  post  mortem

injuries present i.e. post mortem separation of body

into two halves and trying (effect of cutting) to into

multiple pieces with missing of intestinal parts (loops)

and kidney lower part, mesentery and blood vessels.

Evidence  of  defence  wounds present  and  effect  of

leaning i.e. removing stains present.


1. Viscera preserved for chemical analysis.

2. Vaginal  smear  slides  swab  preserved  along

with  cervical  smear,  uterine  cavity  fluid  slide


3. Anal swab slide preserved

4. Brain  material  preserved  separately  for

chemical analysis.


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5. Pubic hair  preserved with other material  after


6. Trimming of nails all fingers with its content  

7. Scalp hair with skin pieces.

8. Other hair present

9. Both bed sheets

Brain  and  uterus  preserved  for  histopathology

examination in formation.   

All articles sealed and handed over to P.S.

Duration of death within 12 to 36 hours since post

mortem examination.”

(Emphasis supplied)

Wound  marks  as  recorded  in  separate  sheet  annexed

with autopsy report are reproduced below:-

I. Four  incised wounds present  on  the  left  side

face including  lateral  part  eye  lid  to  the  ear

sizes (1) 11 x 1 ½ (2) 10 x ½  (3) 9 x 0.75 (4) (7 x

2) cm all are vertically placed extending up to

forehead left side. II. Multiple incised wound present on the right face

11 in  (Eleven)  number  with  muscle  deep size


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1.5cm x 1.0cm to 1x1 cm size on upper lip. Rest

on cheek and zygomatic area.

III. Contusion present on the right zygomatic part

between  2  incised  wound  3.5  x  1.3  cm  size

transversely placed.

IV. Stab wound present on the right side cheek just

lateral  to  angle  of  mouth  3x1.5cm  into  deep

tongue skin deep 3.2 cm other smaller incised

on its medical and size 2 x 1cm size this also

deep skin.

V. Injuries as on the neck. Anterioly 3 x 1.0 cm

sizes 2 wounds present just lateral to med in a

right side and 2 wounds later mid line on left

side. Wound deep to neck tissue structure but

anteriorly no large vessel cut of wound deep to

the  sub cut  to  neck  tissue  all  the  soft  tissue

structure attached to the trachea on right side

shows  cut  marks.  Back  of  the  neck.  Chop

wound present on the back mid line part size

6.9cm x 2.5cm x deep to the vertebral column

transversely placed with 2 infliction overlapping

each  other  mid  line  size  measured  4.5  cm

wound  all  the  muscles  and  deep  structure

injury show cut marks.


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VI. 2 incised wounds present on the chest 4.0cm

medical to the left nipple size 3.0 x 1.2cm at 6th

rib other on right side 3.0cm lateral to mid line

at 7th rib size 2.8 x 1.0cm depth to the bone.

Multiple  very  small  and  fine  linear  large

marking  wound  present  on  the  chest  0.1cm

deep present with varying length.

VII. Wound on right  side upper  limb (on the  arm)

measuring deep wound 15 x 6 cm size deep to

muscle up to bone but no cut mark (on the bone)

seen. Muscles deep with two other injuries 5 x

2 cm and measuring with 3 superficial  injury


VIII. Forearm multiple  superficial  injury longer size

obliquely placed and fine linear type. (Size not

mentioned).  At  right  wrist  obliquely  placed  2

injury 6 x 2 cm deep to bone on dorsal part 6 x

0.3 cm this also present… medial to it.  Defence

type wound. 3 incised wound present on right

forearm  posterior  medial  border  measuring

1x04cm  at  upper  1/3rd part  second  at  lower

1/3rd part 3.0 x 1.0cm and 2.7 x 1.3 cm with

oblique  slashing  effect.  One  wound  on  the

dorsal of the thumb right side 1.2 cm x 0.2 cm


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skin deep. 5 wounds present on the right four

finger 10cm to 1.4cm and size width 0.2 to 0.3

cm deep to bone and to knuckle contusion also


IX. Injury  on  left  upper  limb 4  incised  wounds

present on the left upper limb (1) 4x2cm (2) 3.5

x 2.0cm (3)1.5 x 1.0cm and (4) 1 x 1cm size. All

are muscle deep. 3 injury present on the back

of the arm (1)  6 x  3cm (2)  3 x  1cm (3)  2.5 x

1.0cm all deep to muscle. Left forearm anterior

middle part 4 x 2cm size deep to muscle.  Practically  3.4  amputated  part  size  of  the

wound 6 x 4.0 cm. Post mortem (in nature)……..


X. One stab wound present on the abdomen deep

to  cavity  3.9cm x  2.0cm and  other  6  incised

wounds present on the abdomen varying size

small deep to subcutaneous tissue.

XI. Four incised wounds present on the buttock (1)

2 x 1 (2) 3 x 1 ½  (3) 2 x 1 ½  (4) 3 x 1 ½  cm on

right side buttock and below buttock all deep to


XII. Two stab wounds present on the thigh femoral

triangle L/3 part size of the wound 9.2 x 3.5 cm


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deep  to  the  bone  part  with  slight  extension

effect total depth of the wound 8.5 cm all the

tissues  and vertical  part  structure  cut  wound

….. in nature object is very sharp.  There is very

less  and  very  slight  contusion.   Direction  of

wound is anterior posterior. 2 wounds incised

measuring  5.2cm  meet  each  other  with


XIII. Anteriorly  Right  thigh  post  mortem  nature

wound 5 x 1 cm deep muscle.  An injury of 9.2

cm on right leg at L/3 and middle 1/3 part of

leg. Cutting of both feet with ……… marks of injury

present at foot lower and medial part and left

foot lateral part.  Right foot 6 wounds of 11.00 x

0.5 cm to 1.2 cm size depending upon the depth

maximum upto 2 cms with cutting of bones. (Emphasis supplied)

13. PW-15 Dr. N.M. Unda has stated that injury No. IX (in

para)  and injury No.  XIII  were post  mortem in nature.   He

further opined that except contusion marks ante mortem and

post mortem injuries were caused by hard and sharp object.

From the autopsy report, quoted above, read with statement of

PW-15 Dr. N.M. Unda, it is clear that the deceased died due to


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shock and haemorrhage as a result of multiple injuries to the

body. Death of Bhoomi @ Richa was homicidal in nature with

twelve  ante  mortem injuries  mentioned  above.   PW 15  Dr.

Unda has further proved reports (Exhibit P-30, P-30A, P-30B,

P-30B, P-30C, P-30D and P-30E) regarding examination made

on 25-09-2006 of weapons (knives and scissors) sent to the M.

G. M. Medical College and M. Y. Hospital, Indore.   

14. Antemortem injuries narrated by PW-15 Dr. N.M. Unda

clearly  suggest  that  the  deceased attempted  to  save  herself

and resisted the assault with all her might before her death,

and she appears to have been overpowered by the assailants,

and killed brutally.

15. Now we would like to examine the injuries stated to have

been  suffered  in  the  incident  by  co-accused  Dhanwantari.

PW-27 Dr.  G.  L.  Sodhi,  CMO,  M.  Y.  Hospital,  Indore,   has

examined the  injuries  found on the  person of  Dhanwantari

(co-accused, mother-in-law of the deceased) on 20.9.2006 and

the same are quoted below from Exhibit P-50:-


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“(i) Healing wound of right thumb pretends of size

1.5  x  0.2  cm x  brownish scab.  Transversally


(ii) healing  wound  over  right  index  finger  over

middle 3rd posterior aspect transversally placed

of  size  1  x  0.5  cm  with  brownish  scab  and

palmer aspect transversally oblique of size .75

x .5 cm x healing scab.

(iii) Linear  healing  wound  over  right  ring  finger

dorsum aspect middle 3rd of size .75 x 0.2 cm x

brownish scab.

(iv) Linear  healing  wound  2  in  number  parallel

obliquely placed of size viz 2 x 0.2 cm and 1.75

x 0.2 cm over right cubital region with brownish


(v) Linear  healing wound right  cubital  region 1.5

cm lateral to injury No. (iv) of size 1 x 0.2 cm

with brownish scab

(vi)  Abrasion over back of right shoulder of size 0.5 x

0.2 cm with brownish scab.


Cause  of  the  injuries  could  not  be  opined  due  to

healing and brownish scab found.  Injuries may be

caused within  3  to  6  days  since  examination and

injuries are simple in nature.”


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16. There  is  also  report  of  Regional  Forensic  Science

Laboratory, Rau (Indore) on record.  The relevant extract from

the report dated 31-10-2006 (Exhibit P-73) regarding presence

of  blood  on  the  nails  of  the  three  accused  is  reproduced


No.1 Packet Mark

Found  inside  here Exhibit/detail Mark

From whom/whose seizure dated

Details of  tins No., size, colour, distri-bu tion

35. V HB) Nails (04 Nos.)


Nails (08 Nos.)






Memo  of accused  Accused Dhanwanti  from MGM, Indore 20.09.2016






--------- 36. W Nails (08 Nos.) W Accused Manoj.

20.09.2016 --------- 37. W1 Nails (08 Nos.) W1 -do-

--------- 38. X Nails (08 Nos.) X Accused

Jamnadas 20.09.2016


39. X1 Nails (08 Nos.) X1 -do- ---------


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It  is  reported  on  Ex.  P-73  that  after

Benzedrine/Phenaphthelene and crystal test on exhibits were

done, it was found that on Exhibits V1, V2, V3 and V4 (i.e. on

nails  of  co-accused  Dhanwantari,  mother-in-law  of  the

deceased) blood was found and examination of category and

group of the blood found on these exhibits was done; and on

Exhibits  W,  W1,  X,  and X1 (i.e.  on nails  of  the appellants)

blood was not found.

17. On the basis  of  above finding,  learned counsel  for  the

appellants argued that unlike the finding against Dhanwantari

(mother-in-law of  the  deceased),  it  is  clear  that  there is  no

adverse finding as against the present appellants.  It is also

pointed out that from the post mortem report Ex. P-27, the

incident appears to have taken place sometime during the day,

and natural presence of the appellants at that point of time

was at the place of  their work, which also reflects from the

statement  of  DW-1  Parmanand  Sharma,  who  told  that  the

appellants were in the shop on 16-09-2006 from 9:30 a.m. till

7:30 p.m. It is further submitted that witnesses PW-1 Mukesh


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Jayswal, PW-3 Narayana, PW-4 Udhvdass and PW-5 Manohar

alias Mannu have stated that it was a woman who was seen

taking  a  bundle  and  threw  the  same  near  Sevaram  Gilani

Garden, situated near Patel nagar, Indore, but there is nothing

in their evidence as against the present appellants.

18. We have considered the above submissions in the light of

evidence on the record, and the law laid down by this Court

applicable  to  such  cases.   Undoubtedly,  it  is  a  case  of

circumstantial evidence.  In  Sharad Birdhichand Sarda  v.

State of Maharashtra1,  a three-Judge Bench of this Court

has laid down the law as to when in a case of circumstantial

evidence charge can be said to have been established.  Five

points enumerated in said case are summarized as under: -

(i) The circumstances from which the conclusion of guilt is

drawn should be fully established.  The accused must be,

and not merely may be guilty, before a court can convict

and the mental distance between “may be” and “must be”

1 (1984) 4 SCC 116


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is  long  and  divides  vague  conjectures  from  sure


(ii) The facts so established should be consistent only with

the hypothesis of the guilt of the accused, that is to say,

they should not be explainable on any other hypothesis

except that the accused is guilty;

(iii) The circumstances should be of a conclusive nature and


(iv) They should exclude every possible hypothesis except the

one to be proved; and

(v) There must be a chain of evidence so complete as not to

leave  any  reasonable  ground  for  the  conclusion

consistent with the innocence of the accused and must

show that  in all  human probability  the act  must have

been done by the accused.

19. On  behalf  of  the  appellants,  it  is  submitted  that  the

accused has a right to silence and no adverse inference can be

drawn  from  his  silence  as  to  the  cause  of  death  of  the

deceased.  In this connection, reliance is placed on paragraph


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141  of  Selvi  and  others  v.  State  of  Karnataka2,  which

reads as under: -

“141. At  this  juncture,  it  must be reiterated that Indian  law incorporates  the  “rule  against  adverse

inferences from silence”  which is  operative  at  the

trial  stage.  As  mentioned  earlier,  this  position  is

embodied in a conjunctive reading of Article 20(3) of

the  Constitution  and  Sections  161(2),  313(3)  and

proviso (b) of Section 315(1) CrPC. The gist of this

position  is  that  even  though  an  accused  is  a

competent  witness  in  his/her  own  trial,  he/she

cannot be compelled to answer questions that could

expose him/her to incrimination and the trial Judge

cannot draw adverse inferences from the refusal to

do so. This position is cemented by prohibiting any

of the parties from commenting on the failure of the

accused  to  give  evidence.  This  rule  was  lucidly

explained  in  the  English  case  of  Woolmington v.

Director of Public Prosecutions (1935 AC 462 : 1935

All ER Rep 1 (HL)), AC at p. 481:

“The ‘right to silence’ is a principle of common

law  and  it  means  that  normally  courts  or

tribunals  of  fact  should  not  be  invited  or

encouraged  to  conclude,  by  parties  or 2 (2010) 7 SCC 263


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prosecutors, that a suspect or an accused is

guilty  merely  because  he  has  refused  to

respond to questions put to him by the police

or by the Court.”

Above observations are made by this Court in an answer

to the legal question raised in the batch of criminal appeals

relating to the involuntary administration of certain scientific

techniques,  namely,  narcoanalysis,  polygraph  examination

and the Brain Electrical Activation Profile (BEAP) test for the

purpose of  improving investigation efforts in criminal  cases.

In the present case facts and circumstances are different. The

above  referred  case,  in  our  opinion,  is  of  little  help  to  the

appellants in the present case.

20. In State of W.B. v. Mir Mohammad Omar and others3,

this Court, while interpreting the burden of extent of proof on

prosecution, observed as under: -

“31. The pristine rule that the burden of proof is on the  prosecution to  prove  the  guilt  of  the  accused

should  not  be  taken  as  a  fossilised  doctrine  as

3 (2000) 8 SCC 382


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though it admits no process of intelligent reasoning.

The  doctrine  of  presumption  is  not  alien  to  the

above rule,  nor would it  impair the temper of the

rule.  On  the  other  hand,  if  the  traditional  rule

relating  to  burden  of  proof  of  the  prosecution  is

allowed  to  be  wrapped  in  pedantic  coverage,  the

offenders  in  serious  offences  would  be  the  major

beneficiaries and the society would be the casualty.

xxx xxx xxx

36. In  this  context  we  may  profitably  utilise  the legal  principle  embodied  in  Section  106  of  the

Evidence Act which reads as follows: “When any fact

is  especially  within  the  knowledge  of  any  person,

the burden of proving that fact is upon him.”

37. The  section  is  not  intended  to  relieve  the prosecution of its burden to prove the guilt of the

accused beyond reasonable doubt. But the section

would  apply  to  cases  where  the  prosecution  has

succeeded in proving facts from which a reasonable

inference can be drawn regarding the existence of

certain other facts, unless the accused by virtue of

his special knowledge regarding such facts, failed to

offer any explanation which might drive the court to

draw a different inference.”


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21. Shri S.K. Jain, learned senior counsel, on behalf of the

appellants drew our attention to the case of  Tomaso Bruno

and another v. State of Uttar Pradesh4, and argued that to

invoke Section 106 of the Evidence Act the prosecution must

have proved presence of the appellants in their house at the

time of the incident.  We have carefully gone through the case

cited before us.  It was a case where CCTV footage of the hotel

was available but not produced to show the presence of the

accused in the hotel and, as such, the plea of alibi that the

accused had gone to witness “Subah-e-Bararas” from the hotel

was accepted.  The present case relates to a different kind of

incident where a bride has been brutally murdered inside the

house and her body, after cutting into pieces, was thrown in

the park.

22. In Trimukh Maroti Kirkan v. State of Maharashtra5,

which is a case similar in nature to the present one, this Court

has held as under: -

4 (2015) 7 SCC 178 5 (2006) 10 SCC 681


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“15. Where an offence like murder is committed in secrecy  inside  a  house,  the  initial  burden  to

establish the case would undoubtedly be upon the

prosecution, but the nature and amount of evidence

to be led by it to establish the charge cannot be of

the  same degree  as  is  required  in  other  cases  of

circumstantial evidence. The burden would be of a

comparatively lighter character.  In view of Section

106  of  the  Evidence  Act  there  will  be  a

corresponding burden on the inmates of the house

to give a cogent explanation as to how the crime was

committed.  The  inmates  of  the  house  cannot  get

away  by  simply  keeping  quiet  and  offering  no

explanation  on  the  supposed  premise  that  the

burden to establish its case lies entirely upon the

prosecution  and  there  is  no  duty  at  all  on  an

accused to offer any explanation.”

23. Now we come to the plea of alibi taken by the appellants

that they were in the shop at the time of the incident.   On

behalf of the appellants reliance has been placed on the case

of Narendra Singh and another v. State of M.P.6, in which

it has been held that even in a case where a plea of alibi is

raised, the burden of proof remains on the prosecution, and it

6 (2004) 10 SCC 699


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has been further observed that presumption of innocence is a

human right.

24. In response to above Shri C.D. Singh, learned counsel for

the  State  of  Madhya  Pradesh  has  referred  to  the  case  of

Suresh  and  another  v.  State  of  Haryana7,  wherein,

discussing the issue in paragraph 19, this Court observed: -

“9. ………..No doubt, the burden of proof is on the prosecution and Section 106 is not meant to relieve

it  of  that  duty but the said provision is  attracted

when it is impossible or it is proportionately difficult

for  the  prosecution  to  establish  facts  which  are

strictly within the knowledge of the accused……”

25. Undoubtedly, as proved on the record in the present case

the deceased was murdered inside the house and her body

was thrown in the park, and was not missing from the house

after going to her relative’s place, as pleaded by the appellants

in their statements under Section 313 of the Code of Criminal

Procedure.  They have taken a blatant false plea.

7 (2015) 2 SCC 227


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26. In Kuldeep Singh and others v. State of Rajasthan8,

in paragraph 18 a three-Judge Bench of this Court has held

that  in a case of  circumstantial  evidence when the accused

offers  an  explanation  and  that  explanation  is  found  to  be

untrue, then the same offers an additional link in the chain of

circumstances, to complete the chain.

27. Similar view has been taken by this Court in Rumi Bora

Dutta v. State of Assam9, wherein it has been accepted that

a false answer offered by the accused when his attention is

drawn to the circumstances, it renders a circumstance to be of

inculpating nature, i.e. in such a situation a false answer can

also be counted as providing a missing link for completing the


28. In  an  answer  to  above,  the  appellants  have  placed

reliance on Rajkumar v. State of M.P.10, wherein it has been

held that mere false plea does not absolve the prosecution of

burden to connect  the accused with the crime.   On careful

reading of the case referred to above, we find that it was a case 8 (2000) 5 SCC 7 9 (2013) 7 SCC 417 10 (2004) 12 SCC 77


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where two views were possible,  and the trial  court took the

view that charge cannot be said to have been proved, but the

High Court reversed it.  In the case at hand there is consistent

view taken by both the courts below that the appellants had

acted in common intention with co-accused Dhanwantari  in

commission of murder of the deceased.   

29. Defence version of the appellants in the present case is

that appellant Jamnadas is a businessman having his shop at

5/2,  Murai  Mohalla,  Sanyogitaganj,  Indore.   His  working

hours  at  the  shop  were  from  9  a.m.  till  8-9  p.m.   It  is

contended that it is the usual practice for the shopkeepers in

parts of Northern India to have lunch at their shops and that

the appellants did not come to their residence for lunch.  It is

further pleaded that on the date of incident, i.e. 16.9.2006, at

about 7.30 p.m. appellant Jamnadas was in his shop along

with appellant Manoj and younger son Vishal when he got a

telephone call from his wife (Dhanwantari) who was at home

and got information that Richa @ Bhoomi (deceased) had gone

to her relative’s place and did not return home.  On hearing


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this, Jamnadas with both his sons came home and launched a

search for his daughter-in-law.  It is further pleaded that on

16.9.2006 till  9 p.m., when Richa @ Bhoomi did not return

home, Jamnadas along with his two sons went to the police

station  for  lodging  missing  report.   At  about  10  p.m.

Jamnadas’s  wife  Dhanwantari  and  their  minor  daughter

Heena @ Madhuri  also  came to the police  station and that

thereafter, the police illegally detained them for 3 days without

formally arresting them. But this defence story get completely

belied as prosecution has proved to the hilt  that Bhoomi @

Richa was murdered inside the appellants’ house, and there

was no question of her going to her relative’s place or missing.

30. The chain of circumstances proved on the record against

the appellants is as under: -

(i) It  is  established  that  Bhoomi  @  Richa  (deceased)  was

living in the house of the appellants, after her marriage

on 16.04.2006 with appellant Manoj.


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(ii) It is also established beyond reasonable doubt that death

of the deceased was homicidal in nature which occurred

on 16.09.2006.

(iii) It is also established that the deceased was murdered in

the  house  of  the  appellants  where  blood  stains  were


(iv) It is also conclusively established that after commission

of  murder,  the body of  the deceased was cut  into  two


(v) It is further proved that the dead body was thrown in the

park  by  Dhanwantari  (mother-in-law of  deceased)  who

was seen doing so by PW 1 to PW 5.

(vi) Perusal of the number of anti mortem and post mortem

injuries mentioned in autopsy report read with statement

of  PW 15  Dr.  N.M.  Unda  establish  beyond  reasonable

doubt that the crime could not have been committed by

one person alone.

(vii) There were in all five members in the family excluding the

deceased – three male members (Jamnadas father-in-law,

Manoj  –  Husband  and  Vishal  brother-in-law  of  the


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deceased)  and  two  female  members  (Dhanwantari

mother-in-law  and  Heena  @  Madhuri  minor


(viii) PW 32 Heena @ Madhuri (minor daughter of  appellant

no.1)  was too young.   She was a student of  class VIII

when her statement was recorded during trial  and she

has stated that  she had gone to  school  on the day of

incident and after  her  return she slept.   (This  witness

was  declared  hostile  as  she  did  not  fully  support  the

prosecution case).  It is nobody’s case that she had any

role in commission of the crime. This leaves four accused

named  in  the  chargesheet,  out  of  whom  Vishal,

brother-in-law, was acquitted by the trial court (Rather

discharged in respect of offence of murder).  His acquittal

is upheld by the High Court, and nobody has challenged

the  same.   The  remaining  three  in  the  field  are

Dhanwantari (mother-in-law) and the appellants.

(ix) The appellants have failed to disclose as to how deceased

has died which was especially within their knowledge.   

(x) It is nobody’s case that any outsider came in the house.


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(xi) There  is  no  report  lodged  to  police  by  the  appellants

regarding homicidal death of the deceased who was wife

of  appellant  Manoj  and  daughter-in-law  of  appellant

Jamnadas as discussed above.

(xii) False  explanation  has  been given by  the  appellants  in

their  statements  under  Section  313  Cr.P.C.  that  the

deceased had gone to her relative’s place and that she

was missing which is  an additional  link on the record

against them, in the chain of circumstances.

31. The above chain of circumstances against the appellants

is complete, and the defence theory that they were in the shop

cannot  be  accepted.   Therefore,  having  re-appreciated  the

entire evidence on record,  we concur with the courts below

that appellants Jamnadas and Manoj had common intention

with Dhanwantari in commission of brutal murder of Bhoomi

@ Richa. It is not a fit case where impugned order requires any



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32. For the reasons, as discussed above, these appeals are

liable  to  be  dismissed,  and  the  same  are  accordingly


               ……………….....…………J.                                         [Prafulla C. Pant]

 .……………….……………J.  [D.Y. Chandrachud]

New Delhi; June 29, 2016.