28 March 2014
Supreme Court


Case number: Writ Petition (crl.) 24 of 2014


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 In  Re:  Indian  Woman says  gang-raped  on  orders  of  Village Court published in Business & Financial News  dated 23.01.2014


P.Sathasivam, CJI.

1) This Court,  based on the news item published in  the  

Business and Financial  News dated  23.01.2014 relating  to  

the gang-rape of a 20 year old woman of Subalpur Village,  

P.S. Labpur, District Birbhum, State of West Bengal on the  

intervening  night  of  20/21.01.2014  on  the  orders  of  

community panchayat as punishment for having relationship  

with  a  man  from  a  different  community,  by  order  dated  

24.01.2014, took  suo motu action and directed the District  

Judge, Birbhum District, West Bengal to inspect the place of  

occurrence and submit a report to this Court within a period  

of one week from that date.



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2) Pursuant to the direction dated 24.01.2014, the District  

Judge,  Birbhum District,  West  Bengal  along with the  Chief  

Judicial  Magistrate  inspected  the  place  in  question  and  

submitted a Report to this Court.  However, this Court, on  

31.01.2014, after noticing that there was no information in  

the Report as to the steps taken by the police against the  

persons  concerned,  directed  the  Chief  Secretary,  West  

Bengal  to submit  a  detailed report in this regard within a  

period of two weeks.  On the same day, Mr. Sidharth Luthra,  

learned Additional Solicitor General was requested to assist  

the Court as amicus in the matter.

3) Pursuant to the aforesaid direction, the Chief Secretary  

submitted a detailed report dated 10.02.2014 and the copies  

of the same were provided to the parties. On 14.02.2014,  

this  Court  directed  the  State  to  place  on record  the  First  

Information  Report  (FIR),  Case  Diaries,  Result  of  the  

investigation/Police Report under Section 173 of the Code of  

Criminal  Procedure, 1973 (in short ‘the Code’), statements  

recorded under Section 161 of the Code, Forensic Opinion,  



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Report of vaginal swab/other medical tests etc., conducted  

on the victim on the next date of hearing.  

4) After  having  gathered  all  the  requisite  material,  on  

13.03.2014, we heard learned  amicus as  well  as  Mr.  Anip  

Sachthey,  learned  counsel  for  the  State  of  West  Bengal  

extensively and reserved the matter.   


5) Mr. Sidharth Luthra, learned amicus having perused and  

scrutinized all the materials on record in his submissions had  

highlighted  three  aspects  viz.  (i)  issues  concerning  the  

investigation; (ii) prevention of recurring of such crimes; and  

(iii) Victim compensation; and invited this Court to consider  

the same.  

Issues concerning the investigation:            

6) Certain relevant issues pertaining to investigation were  

raised by learned  amicus.  Primarily, Mr. Luthra stated that  

although the FIR has been scribed by one Anirban Mondal, a  

resident of Labpur, Birbhum District, West Bengal, there is no  



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basis as to how Anirban Mondal came to the Police Station  

and  there  is  also  no  justification  for  his  presence  there.  

Further,  he stressed on the  point  that  Section 154 of the  

Code requires such FIR to be recorded by a woman police  

officer or a woman officer and, in addition, as per the latest  

amendment  dated  03.02.2013,  a  woman  officer  should  

record the statements under Section 161 of the Code. While  

highlighting the relevant provisions, he also submitted that  

there was no occasion for Deputy Superintendent of Police to  

re-record  the  statements  on  26.01.2014,  27.01.2014  and  

29.01.2014 and that too in gist which would lead to possible  

contradictions being derived during cross-examinations.  He  

also drew our attention to the statement of the victim under  

Section 164 of the Code.  He pointed out that mobile details  

have not been obtained. He also brought to our notice that if  

the  Salishi  (meeting)  is  relatable  to  a  village,  then  the  

presence of persons of neighbouring villages i.e., Bikramur  

and Rajarampur is not explained.  Moreover, he submitted  

that there is variance in the version of the FIR and the Report  

of  the  Judicial  Officer  as  to  the  holding  of  the  meeting  



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(Salishi)  on the  point  whether  it  was held  in  the  night  of  

20.01.2014 as per the FIR or the next morning as per the  

Judicial Officer’s report, which is one of the pertinent issues  

to  be  looked  into.  He  also  submitted  that  the  offence  of  

extortion under Section 385 of the Indian Penal Code, 1860  

(in  short  ‘the  IPC’)  and  related  offences  have  not  been  

invoked.   Similarly,  offence  of  criminal  intimidation  under  

Section 506  IPC  and grievous hurt  under  Section 325  IPC  

have  not  been  invoked.   Furthermore,  Sections  354A and  

354B ought  to  have been considered by the  investigating  

agency. He further pointed out the discrepancy in the name  

of  accused  Ram  Soren  mentioned  in  the  FIR  and  in  the  

Report of the Judicial Officer which refers to Bhayek Soren  

which needs to be explained.  He also submitted that the  

electronic documents (e-mail) need to be duly certified under  

Section 65A of the Indian Evidence Act,  1872.  Finally, he  

pointed out that the aspect as to whether there was a larger  

conspiracy must also be seen.   

7) Mr.  Anip  Sachthey,  learned  counsel  for  the  State  

assured  this  Court  that  the  deficiency,  if  any,  in  the  



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investigation,  as  suggested  by  learned  amicus, would  be  

looked into and rectified.   The above statement  is  hereby  


Prevention of recurring of such crimes:

8)  Violence against women is a recurring crime across the  

globe and India is no exception in this regard. The case at  

hand is the epitome of aggression against a woman and it is  

shocking  that  even  with  rapid  modernization  such  crime  

persists in our society. Keeping in view this dreadful increase  

in crime against women, the Code of Criminal Procedure has  

been  specifically  amended  by  recent  amendment  dated  

03.02.2013 in order to advance the safeguards for women in  

such circumstances which are as under:-

“154. Information in cognizable cases.—

(1) x x x

Provided  that  if  the  information  is  given  by  the  woman  against  whom  an  offence  under  Section  326A,  Section  326B,  Section  354,  Section  354A,  Section  354B,  Section  354C,  Section  354D,  Section  376,  Section  376A,  Section  376B,  Section  376C,  Section  376D,  Section  376E,  or  Section 509 of the Indian Penal Code is alleged to have  been committed or attempted, then such information shall  be recorded, by a woman police officer or any woman  officer:



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Provided further that:--  

(a) in the event that the person against whom an offence  under  Section  354,  Section  354A,  Section  354B,  Section  354C,  Section  354D,  Section  376,  Section  376A,  Section  376B,  Section  376C,  Section  376D,  Section  376E,  or  Section 509 of the Indian Penal Code is alleged to have  been  committed  or  attempted,  is  temporarily  or  permanently  mentally  or  physically  disabled,  then  such  information  shall be recorded by a police officer, at  the  residence  of  the  person seeking  to  report  such  offence  or  at  a  convenient  place  of  such  person’s  choice,  in  the  presence  of  an  interpreter  or  a  special  educator, as the case may be;

(2) x x x

(3) x x x”

“161.—Examination of witnesses by police:-

(1) x x x

(2) x x x

(3) x x x

Provided further that the statement of  a woman against  whom an offence under Section 354, Section 354A, Section  354B,  Section  354C,  Section  354D,  Section  376,  Section  376A, Section 376B, Section 376C, Section 376D, Section  376E, or Section 509 of the Indian Penal Code is alleged to  have been committed or attempted  shall be recorded,  by a woman police officer or any woman officer.”

“164.—Recording of confessions and statements.—

5A In cases punishable under Section 354, Section 354A,  Section 354B, Section 354C, Section 354D, sub-Section (1)  or  sub-Section (2)  of  Section 376, Section 376A, Section  376B,  Section  376C,  Section  376D,  Section  376E,  or  Section  509  of  the  Indian  Penal  Code,  the  Judicial  Magistrate  shall  record  the  statement  of  the  person  against  whom such  offence  has  been  committed  in  the  manner  prescribed  in  sub-Section  (5),  as  soon  as  the  commission of the offence is brought to the notice of the  police:”  



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“164  A.  Medical  examination  of  the victim of  rape.- (1)  Where,  during  the stage  when  an offence  of  committing  rape  or  attempt  to  commit  rape  is  under  investigation,  it  is  proposed  to  get  the  person  of  the  woman with whom rape is alleged or attempted to have  been  committed  or  attempted,  examined  by  a  medical  expert,  such  examination  shall  be  conducted  by  a  registered medical practitioner employed in a hospital run  by the Government or a local authority and in the absence  of  such  a  practitioner,  by  any  other  registered  medical  practitioner,  with  the  consent  of  such  woman  or  of  a  person competent to give such consent on her behalf and  such  woman  shall  be  sent  to  such  registered  medical  practitioner  within  twenty-four  hours  from  the  time  of  receiving  the  information  relating  to  the  commission  of  such offence.

(2)  The  registered  medical  practitioner,  to  whom  such  woman is sent shall,  without  delay,  examine her person  and  prepare  a  report  of  his  examination  giving  the  following particulars, namely:--  (i) the name and address of the woman and of the person  by whom she was brought;  (ii) the age of the woman;  (iii)  the description of material  taken from the person of  the woman for DNA profiling;  (iv) marks of injury, if any, on the person of the woman;  (v) general mental condition of the woman; and (vi) other  material particulars in reasonable detail,  (3)  The report  shall  state precisely the reasons for  each  conclusion arrived at.  (4) The report shall specifically record that the consent of  the  woman  or  of  the  person  competent,  to  give  such  consent  on  her  behalf  to  such  examination  had  been  obtained.  (5) The exact time of commencement and completion of  the examination shall also be noted in the report.  (6) The registered medical practitioner shall, without delay  forward  the  report  to  the  investigating  officer who  shall  forward it to the Magistrate referred to in section 173 as  part  of  the  documents  referred  to  in  clause (a)  of  sub- section (5) of that section.  (7) Nothing in this section shall be construed as rendering  lawful any examination without the consent of the woman  



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or of any person competent to give such consent on her  behalf.  Explanation--For the purposes of this section, "examination"  and "registered medical practitioner" shall have the same  meanings as in section 53.”

9) The courts and the police officialss are required to be  

vigilant in upholding these rights of the victims of crime as  

the effective implementation of these provisions lies in their  

hands. In fact, the recurrence of such crimes has been taken  

note  of  by  this  Court  in  few  instances  and  seriously  

condemned in the ensuing manner.  

10) In  Lata Singh vs.  State of U.P. and Ors., (2006) 5  

SCC 475, this Court, in paras 17 and 18, held as under:  

“17. The caste system is a curse on the nation and the  sooner it is destroyed the better. In fact, it is dividing the  nation at a time when we have to be united to face the  challenges before the nation unitedly.  Hence, inter-caste  marriages are in fact in the national interest as they will  result in destroying the caste system. However, disturbing  news are coming from several  parts  of  the country that  young men and women who undergo inter-caste marriage,  are  threatened  with  violence,  or  violence  is  actually  committed on them. In our opinion, such acts of violence  or threats or harassment are wholly illegal and those who  commit  them must  be severely  punished.  This  is  a free  and  democratic  country,  and  once  a  person  becomes  a  major he or she can marry whosoever he/she likes. If the  parents of  the boy or girl  do not  approve of  such inter- caste or inter-religious marriage the maximum they can do  is that they can cut-off social relations with the son or the  daughter,  but  they  cannot  give  threats  or  commit  or  instigate  acts  of  violence and cannot  harass  the  person  who  undergoes  such  inter-caste  or  inter-religious  



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marriage.  We,  therefore,  direct  that  the  administration/police  authorities  throughout  the  country  will  see  to  it  that  if  any  boy  or  girl  who  is  a  major  undergoes  inter-caste  or  inter-religious  marriage  with  a  woman or man who is a major, the couple is not harassed  by anyone nor subjected to threats or acts of violence, and  anyone  who  gives  such threats  or  harasses  or  commits  acts of violence either himself or at his instigation, is taken  to task by instituting criminal  proceedings by the police  against  such  persons  and  further  stern  action  is  taken  against such persons as provided by law.

18. We  sometimes  hear  of  “honour”  killings  of  such  persons  who  undergo  inter-caste  or  inter-religious  marriage  of  their  own  free  will.  There  is  nothing  honourable in such killings, and in fact they are nothing  but barbaric and shameful  acts of murder committed by  brutal,  feudal-minded  persons  who  deserve  harsh  punishment. Only in this way can we stamp out such acts  of barbarism.”

11) In Arumugam Servai vs. State of Tamilnadu, (2011) 6  

SCC 405, this Court, in paras 12 and 13, observed as under:-

“12. We have in recent years heard of “Khap Panchayats”  (known as “Katta Panchayats” in Tamil Nadu) which often  decree or encourage honour killings or other atrocities in  an  institutionalised  way  on  boys  and  girls  of  different  castes and religion, who wish to get married or have been  married, or interfere with the personal lives of people. We  are of the opinion that this is wholly illegal and has to be  ruthlessly  stamped out.  As already stated in  Lata  Singh  case, there is nothing honourable in honour killing or other  atrocities  and,  in  fact,  it  is  nothing  but  barbaric  and  shameful  murder.  Other atrocities in respect of  personal  lives  of  people  committed  by  brutal,  feudal-minded  persons deserve harsh punishment. Only in this way can  we stamp out such acts of barbarism and feudal mentality.  Moreover,  these acts take the law into their  own hands,  and amount to kangaroo courts, which are wholly illegal.

13. Hence, we direct the administrative and police officials  to take strong measures to prevent such atrocious acts. If  



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any such incidents happen, apart from instituting criminal  proceedings against those responsible for such atrocities,  the State Government is directed to immediately suspend  the District Magistrate/Collector and SSP/SPs of the district  as well as other officials concerned and charge-sheet them  and proceed against them departmentally if  they do not  (1) prevent the incident if it has not already occurred but  they  have  knowledge  of  it  in  advance,  or  (2)  if  it  has  occurred, they do not promptly apprehend the culprits and  others involved and institute criminal proceedings against  them, as in our opinion they will be deemed to be directly  or indirectly accountable in this connection.”

12) Likewise,  the  Law  Commission  of  India,  in  its  242nd  

Report  on Prevention of  Interference  with  the  Freedom of  

Matrimonial Alliances (in the name of Honour and Tradition)  

had suggested that:

“11.1 In  order  to keep a check on the high-handed and  unwarranted  interference  by  the  caste  assemblies  or  panchayats  with  sagotra,  inter-caste  or  inter-religious  marriages, which are otherwise lawful, this legislation has  been proposed so as to prevent the acts endangering the  liberty  of  the  couple married  or  intending  to  marry  and  their  family  members.  It  is  considered  necessary  that  there should be a threshold bar against the congregation  or assembly for the purpose of disapproving such marriage  / intended marriage and the conduct of the young couple.  The  members  gathering  for  such  purpose,  i.e.,  for  condemning the marriage with a view to take necessary  consequential  action,  are  to  be  treated  as  members  of  unlawful  assembly  for  which  a  mandatory  minimum  punishment has been prescribed.

11.2 So also the acts of endangerment of liberty including  social  boycott,  harassment,  etc.  of  the  couple  or  their  family  members are treated as offences punishable with  mandatory  minimum  sentence.  The  acts  of  criminal  intimidation by members of  unlawful  assembly or others  acting  at  their  instance  or  otherwise  are  also  made  punishable with mandatory minimum sentence.



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11.3  A  presumption  that  a  person  participating  in  an  unlawful  assembly  shall  be  presumed  to  have  also  intended to  commit  or  abet  the commission of  offences  under the proposed Bill is provided for in Section 6.

11.4 Power to prohibit the unlawful assemblies and to take  preventive measures are conferred on the Sub-Divisional /  District  Magistrate.  Further,  a  SDM/DM  is  enjoined  to  receive a request or information from any person seeking  protection from the assembly of  persons or  members of  any family who are likely to or who have been objecting to  the lawful marriage.

11.5  The  provisions  of  this  proposed  Bill  are  without  prejudice to the provisions of Indian Penal Code. Care has  been  taken,  as  far  as  possible,  to  see  that  there  is  no  overlapping with the provisions of the general penal law.  In  other  words,  the  criminal  acts  other  than  those  specifically falling under the proposed Bill are punishable  under the general penal law.  

11.6 The offence will be tried by a Court of Session in the  district and the offences are cognizable, non-bailable and  non-compoundable.

11.7 Accordingly, the Prohibition of Interference with the  Freedom  of  Matrimonial  Alliances  Bill  20  has  been  prepared in order to effectively check the existing social  malady.”

13) It is further pertinent to mention that the issue relating  

to the role of Khap Panchayats is pending before this Court in  

Shakti Vahini vs.  Union of India and Others in W.P. (C)  

No. 231 of 2010.  

14) Ultimately,  the question which ought  to  consider  and  

assess by this Court is whether the State Police Machinery  

could  have  possibly  prevented  the  said  occurrence.  The  



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response  is  certainly  a  ‘yes’.  The  State  is  duty  bound  to  

protect  the  Fundamental  Rights  of  its  citizens;  and  an  

inherent aspect of Article 21 of the Constitution would be the  

freedom of choice in marriage.  Such offences are resultant  

of  the  States  incapacity  or  inability  to  protect  the  

Fundamental Rights of its citizens.  

15) In a report by the Commission of Inquiry, headed by a  

former  Judge  of  the  Delhi  High  Court  Justice  Usha  Mehra  

(Retd.), (at pg. 86), it was seen (although in the context of  

the  NCR)  that  police  officers  seldom visit  villages;  it  was  

suggested that a Police Officer must visit a village on every  

alternate days to “instill a sense of security and confidence  

amongst  the  citizens  of  the  society  and  to  check  the  

depredations of criminal elements.”

16) As a long-term measure to curb such crimes, a larger  

societal  change  is  required  via  education  and  awareness.  

Government will have to formulate and implement policies in  

order  to  uplift  the  socio-economic  condition  of  women,  

sensitization  of  the  Police  and  other  concerned  parties  



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towards the need for gender equality and it must be done  

with  focus  in  areas  where  statistically  there  is  higher  

percentage of crimes against women.  

Victim Compensation:

17) No compensation can be adequate nor can it be of any  

respite for the victim but as the State has failed in protecting  

such serious violation of a  victim’s fundamental  right,  the  

State  is  duty  bound  to  provide  compensation,  which  may  

help  in  the  victim’s  rehabilitation.  The  humiliation  or  the  

reputation that  is snuffed out cannot be recompensed but  

then  monetary  compensation  will  at  least  provide  some  


18) In 2009, a new Section 357A was introduced in the Code  

which  casts  a  responsibility  on  the  State  Governments  to  

formulate Schemes for compensation to the victims of crime  

in  coordination  with  the  Central  Government  whereas,  

previously,  Section  357  ruled  the  field  which  was  not  

mandatory in nature and only the offender can be directed to  

pay compensation to the victim under this Section.  Under  



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the new Section 357A, the onus is put on the District Legal  

Service  Authority  or  State  Legal  Service  Authority  to  

determine  the  quantum  of  compensation  in  each  case.  

However,  no  rigid  formula  can  be  evolved  as  to  have  a  

uniform amount, it should vary in facts and circumstances of  

each case.  In the case of State of Rajasthan vs. Sanyam,  

Lodha, (2011) 13 SCC 262, this Court held that the failure to  

grant  uniform  ex-gratia relief  is  not  arbitrary  or  

unconstitutional.  It was held that the quantum may depend  

on facts of each case.  

19)  Learned  amicus also  advocated  for  awarding  interim  

compensation  to  the  victim  by  relying  upon  judicial  

precedents.  The  concept  of  the  payment  of  interim  

compensation  has  been  recognized  by  this  Court  in  

Bodhisattwa  Gautam vs.  Miss  Subhra  Chakraborty,  

(1996) 1 SCC 490.  It referred to Delhi Domestic Working  

Women’s  Forum vs.  Union  of  India  and  others to  

reiterate  the  centrality  of  compensation  as  a  remedial  

measure in case of rape victims. It was observed as under:-  



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“If the Court trying an offence of rape has jurisdiction to  award  the  compensation  at  the  final  stage,  there  is  no  reason  to  deny  to  the  Court  the  right  to  award  interim  compensation  which  should  also  be  provided  in  the  Scheme.”

20) This  Court,  in  P.  Rathinam vs.  State  of  Gujarat,  

(1994) SCC (Crl)  1163, which pertained to rape of a tribal  

woman in police custody awarded an interim compensation  

of Rs. 50,000/- to be paid by the State Government. Likewise,  

this Court, in Railway Board vs. Chandrima Das, (2000) 2  

SCC 465, upheld the High Court’s direction to pay Rs. 10 lacs  

as  compensation  to  the  victim,  who  was  a  Bangladeshi  

National.   Further,  this  Court  in  SLP  (Crl.)  No.  5019/2012  

titled as  Satya Pal Anand vs.  State of M.P., vide order  

dated  05.08.2013,  enhanced the  interim relief  granted by  

the State Government from Rs. 2 lacs to 10 lacs each to two  

girl victims.   

21) The  Supreme  Court  of  Bangladesh  in  The State vs.  

Md.  Moinul  Haque  and  Ors. (2001)  21  BLD  465  has  

interestingly  observed  that  “victims  of  rape  should  be  

compensated  by  giving  them  half  of  the  property  of  the  

rapist(s) as compensation in order to rehabilitate them in the  



Page 17

society.” If not adopting this liberal reasoning, we should at  

least be in a position to provide substantial compensation to  

the victims.  

22) Nevertheless,  the  obligation  of  the  State  does  not  

extinguish  on  payment  of  compensation,  rehabilitation  of  

victim is also of paramount importance.  The mental trauma  

that the victim suffers due to the commission of such heinous  

crime, rehabilitation becomes a must in each and every case.  

Mr. Anip Sachthey, learned counsel for the State submitted a  

report by Mr. Sanjay Mitra, Chief Secretary, dated 11.03.2014  

on the rehabilitation measures rendered to the victim.  The  

report is as follows:-  



Report on the Rehabilitation Measures

Reference: Suo Motu Writ Petition No. 24 of 2014

Subject:  PS  Labpur,  District  Birbhum,  West  Bengal  Case  No.  14/2014  dated  22.01.2014  under  section  376D/341/506 IPC.

In compliance with the order passed by the Hon’ble  Supreme Court during the hearing of the aforesaid case on  4th March,  2014,  the  undersigned  has  reviewed  the  progress  of  rehabilitation  measures  taken  by  the  State  



Page 18

Government  agencies.   The  progress  in  the  matter  is  placed hereunder for kind perusal.  

1. A Government  Order  has been issued  sanctioning  an  amount of Rs.50,000/- to the victim under the Victim  Compensation Scheme of the State Government.  It  is  assured  that  the  amount  will  be  drawn  and  disbursed to the victim within a week.  

2. Adequate legal aid has been provided to the victim.  

3. ‘Patta’ in respect of allotment of  a plot  of  land under  ‘Nijo  Griha  Nijo  Bhumi  Scheme’  of  the  State  Government has been issued in favour of the mother  of the victim.

4. Construction of residential house out of the fund under  the scheme ‘Amar Thikana’ in favour of the mother  of victim has been completed.  

5. Widow pension for the months of January, February and  March,  2014 has been disbursed to  the  mother  of  the victim.  

6. Installation of a tube well near the residential house of  the mother of the victim has been completed.  

7. Construction  of  sanitary  latrine  under  TSC  Fund  has  been completed.  

8. The victim has been enrolled under the Social Security  Scheme for Construction Worker.  

9. Antyodaya Anna Yojna Card has been issued in favour  of the victim and her mother.  

10. Relief  and  Government  relief  articles  have  been  provided to the victim and her family.

The  State  Government  has  taken  all  possible  administrative  action  to  provide  necessary  assistance  to the victim which would help her in rehabilitation and  reintegration.

  (Sanjay Mitra) Chief Secretary”



Page 19

23) The report  of the Chief  Secretary indicates  the steps  

taken by the State Government including the compensation  

awarded.  Nevertheless,  considering  the  facts  and  

circumstances of this case, we are of the view that the victim  

should be given a compensation of at least Rs. 5 lakhs for  

rehabilitation  by  the  State.  We,  accordingly,  direct  the  

Respondent  No.  1  (State  of  West  Bengal  through  Chief  

Secretary) to make a payment of Rs. 5 lakhs, in addition to  

the  already  sanctioned  amount  of  Rs.  50,000,  within  one  

month from today. Besides, we also have some reservation  

regarding the benefits being given in the name of mother of  

the victim, when the victim herself is a major (i.e. aged about  

20  years).  Thus,  in  our  considered  view,  it  would  be  

appropriate and beneficial to the victim if the compensation  

and other benefits are directly given to her and accordingly  

we order so.

24) Further, we also wish to clarify that according to Section  

357B, the compensation payable by the State Government  

under Section 357A shall be in addition to the payment of  



Page 20

fine to the victim under Section 326A or Section 376D of the  


25) Also, no details  have been given as to the measures  

taken for security and safety of the victim and her family.  

Merely providing interim measure for their stay may protect  

them  for  the  time  being  but  long  term  rehabilitation  is  

needed as they are all  material witnesses and likely to be  

socially ostracized. Consequently, we direct the Circle Officer  

of the area to inspect the victim’s place on day-to-day basis.  


26) The  crimes,  as  noted  above,  are  not  only  in  

contravention of domestic laws, but are also a direct breach  

of  the  obligations  under  the  International  law.  India  has  

ratified various international conventions and treaties, which  

oblige  the  protection  of  women  from  any  kind  of  

discrimination.  However,  women  of  all  classes  are  still  

suffering  from  discrimination  even  in  this  contemporary  



Page 21

society. It will be wrong to blame only on the attitude of the  

people. Such crimes can certainly be prevented if the state  

police machinery work in a more organized and dedicated  

manner. Thus, we implore upon the State machinery to work  

in harmony with each other to safeguard the rights of women  

in our country. As per the law enunciated in Lalita Kumari  

vs. Govt. of U.P & Ors 2013 (13) SCALE 559, registration of  

FIR  is  mandatory  under  Section  154  of  the  Code,  if  the  

information discloses commission of a cognizable offence and  

the Police officers are duty bound to register the same.  

27) Likewise, all hospitals, public or private, whether run by  

the Central Government, the State Government, local bodies  

or any other person, are statutorily obligated under Section  

357C to provide the first-aid or medical  treatment,  free of  

cost, to the victims of any offence covered under Sections  

326A, 376, 376A, 376B, 376C, 376D or Section 376E of the  


28) We appreciate the  able  assistance rendered  by  Mr.  

Sidharth Luthra, learned ASG, who is appointed as  amicus  



Page 22

curiae to represent the cause of the victim in the present  


29) With the above directions, we dispose of the suo motu  


……….…………………………CJI.                   (P. SATHASIVAM)                                  

       ………….…………………………J.                   (SHARAD ARVIND BOBDE)    

………….…………………………J.                  (N.V. RAMANA)                                   

NEW DELHI; MARCH 28, 2014.