21 November 2013
Supreme Court


Case number: SLP(C) No.-010947-010947 / 2012
Diary number: 8549 / 2012


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SLP(C)No. 10947 of 2012





Haryana Wakf Board … Petitioner(s)


Mahesh Kumar               …Respondent(s)



1. The petitioner is the original plaintiff.  It is a Wakf Board  

which had filed Civil  Suit in the Court of Civil  Judge, Junior  

Division, Karnal, Haryana way back in the year 2000 seeking  

possession of property admeasuring 21 square yards which  

was allegedly given on rent by the Wakf Board to one Major  

Ram Prakash.  This piece of land is a part of Khasra No.4129,  

Kasba Karnal, Haryana.  The petitioner claims that the entire  

land is a Muslim graveyard land and hence the same is Wakf  

property.  The entire Khasra measures 800 square yards and  

is given on lease to different persons by different allotment  

letters.  As stated above, 21 square yards out of this land was  



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given to Major Ram Prakash on monthly rent vide allotment  

letters dated 1.9.1969.  The petitioner also claims that the  

suit property was formally notified under Section 5 (2) vide  

Notification dated 19.12.1970 of the Wakf Act, 1954 as Wakf  

property.   After  the  death  of  Major  Ram Prakash,  his  son  

Gurcharan Singh and his widow Smt. Savitri Kadyan executed  

a  long  term  lease  in  favour  of  the  present  defendant/  

respondent Shri Mahesh Kumar in the year 1991 and put him  

in  possession.   As  per  the  case  of  the  petitioner,  the  

petitioner came to know about this alleged illegal creation of  

lease deed in favour of the respondent in the year 1996 and  

treated it  as illegal encroachment by the respondent.  The  

petitioner requested him to vacate the premises.  When he  

did not do so, the aforesaid suit was filed in the Court of Civil  

Judge, Junior Division, Karnal, Haryana for possession of the  

suit property.   

2. The  respondent  appeared  and  filed  the  written  

statement  raising  several  preliminary  objections  regarding  

maintainability of the suit.  Apart from stating that the suit  

was  bad  for  non-joinder  of  necessary  party,  lack  of  locus  2


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standi  and barred of principle of estoppel, it was also barred  

by limitation.  On merits, the respondent stated that he was  

in possession of the suit property for the last 10 years as a  

tenant of Smt. Nirmala Devi and it is Nirmala Devi who was  

the lessee of the property vide a registered lease deed and  

the suit property was not wakf property.    

3. On the pleadings of the parties,  following issues were  


1. Whether the plaintiff is entitled to decree of  possession, as prayed for? OPD

2. Whether  the  suit  of  the  plaintiff  is  not  maintainable in its present form: OPD

3. Whether the suit is bad for mis-joinder and  non-joinder of necessary parties? OPD

4. Whether the plaintiff has no locus standi to  file the present suit? OPD

5. Whether the suit is time barred? OPD 6. Relief.

4. Both the parties led their evidence in support of their  

evidence. After hearing the counsel for either side, the trial  

court decreed the suit vide judgment and decree dated 30th  

May 2007 holding that the lease agreement dated 2.5.1991  



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executed  by  Savitri  Devi,  widow of  Major  Ram Prakash  in  

favour of Nirmala Devi for a period of 99 years was bad in law  

inasmuch as Savitri Devi was predecessor in interest of Major  

Ram Prakash as his widow to whom the property was rented  

out  by  the  petitioner.   Therefore,  she  was  not  capable  of  

entering   into such lease deed in favour of Nirmala Devi  

and in turn Nirmala Devi had no right to put the respondent  

in possession by executing any lease in his favour.  The trial  

court also recorded categorical finding that Wakf Board had  

by clear, cogent and consistent evidence proved its title over  

the land in question and it is the Wakf Board who was the  

actual owner of the suit property.

5. The respondent challenged the aforesaid judgment and  

decree by filing First Appeal under Section 96 of the Code of  

Civil  Procedure,  before the Additional  District  Judge,  Karnal  

which  was  registered  as  Civil  Appeal  No.49/2007.   The  

learned Additional District Judge decided the said appeal vide  

his  judgment  dated  15.6.2009.  Deciding  the  question  of  

maintainability  and locus  standi,  in  respect  of  which  issue  

nos. 2 and 4 were framed, the first appellate court held that  4


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since the claim in the suit by the petitioner which is a Wakf  

Board, was on the basis that suit property was Wakf property  

and  since  the  respondent  had  denied  it  to  be  the  Wakf  

property, the question had arisen as to whether suit property  

is Wakf Property or not.  Such a question, in the opinion of  

the  learned  ADJ,  could  be  decided  only  by  the  Tribunal  

constituted under the Wakf Act.  The appeal court, therefore,  

returned of  the plaint  to  the  petitioner  under  Order  VII  of  

Rule  10,  CPC  for  presentation  to  the  court  of  competent  

jurisdiction,  namely,  the Tribunal.   The result  was that the  

decree passed by the trial court was set aside and the plaint  


6. The  petitioner  approached  the  High  Court  by  way  of  

Regular  Second  Appeal  under  Section  100  of  the  CPC  

challenging the aforesaid findings of the First Appellate Court  

returning the plaint for want of jurisdiction of the Civil Court.  

The High Court, has, however, dismissed the appeal in limine  

observing that the Appellate Court has taken right view in the  

matter.   Against  that  order,  the  present  Special  Leave  

Petition is filed. 5


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7. From the aforesaid,  it  is  clear  that  the  only  question  

which calls for consideration is as to whether Civil Court had  

the jurisdiction to entertain the suit.  The issue depends upon  

the interpretation of Section 7 read with Section 85 of the  

Haryana Wakf Act, 1995 (hereinafter referred to as the “Wakf  

Act”).  These provisions read as under:

7. Power  of  Tribunal  to  determine  disputes  

regarding wakfs –  

(1) If, after the commencement of this Act,  any question arises, whether a particular  property specified as wakf property in a  list of wakfs is wakf property or not, or  whether a wakf specified in such list is a  Shia wakf or a Sunni wakf, the Board or  the mutawalli of the wakf, or any person  interested  therein,  may  apply  to  the  Tribunal having jurisdiction in relation to  such  property,  for  the  decision  of  the  question and the decision of the Tribunal  thereon shall be final:

Provided that- (a) In  the  case  of  the  list  of  wakfs  

relating to any part of the State and  published after the commencement  of this Act no such application shall  be  entertained  after  the  expiry  of  one  year  from  the  date  of  publication of the list of wakfs.



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(b) In  the  case  of  the  list  of  wakfs  relating to any part of the State and  published  at  any  time  within  a  period  of  one  year  immediately  preceding  the  commencement  of  this Act, such an application may be  entertained  by  Tribunal  within  the  period  of  one  year  from  such  commencement:

Provided further that where any such question has  been heard and finally decided by a civil court in a  suit  instituted  before  such  commencement,  the  Tribunal shall not re-open such question.

(2) Except  where  the  Tribunal  has  no  jurisdiction by reason of the provision of  sub-section  (5),  no  proceeding  under  this Section in respect of any wakf shall  be stayed by any court, tribunal or other  authority  by  reason  only  of  the  pendency  of  any  suit,  application  or  appeal  or  other  proceeding arising out  of any such suit, application, appeal or  other proceeding.  

(3) The Chief Executive Officer shall not be  mad  a  party  to  any  application  under  sub-section (1).

(4) The list of wakfs and where any such list  is modified in pursuance of a decision of  the Tribunal  under sub-section (1),  the  list as so modified, shall be final.

(5) The Tribunal  shall  not have jurisdiction  to  determine  any  matter  which  is  the  subject matter of any suit or proceeding  instituted or commenced in a civil court  under  sub-section  91)  of  section  6,  before the commencement of this Act or  



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which  is  the  subject   matter  of  any  appeal  from the decree passed before  such commencement in any such suit or  proceeding  or  of  any  application  for  revision  or  review  arising  out  of  such  suit, proceeding or appeal, as the case  may be”.  

Section 85 of the Act bars the jurisdiction of the Civil  

Court to decide such issues. Section 85 reads as under:

“85. Bar of Jurisdiction of Civil Courts.  – No  suit or other legal proceeding shall lie in any  Civil Court in respect of any dispute, question  or  other  matter  relating  to  any  wakf,  wakf  property or other matter which is required by  or  under  this  Act  to  be  determined  by  a  Tribunal”.

8. As  per  Sub-section (1)  and Section  7 of  the  Act,  if  a  

question  arises,  whether  a  particular  property  specified  as  

wakf property in a list of wakfs is wakf property or not, it is  

the Tribunal  which has to decide such a question and the  

decision of the tribunal is made final. When such a question is  

covered under sub-section (1) of Section 7,  then obviously  

the jurisdiction of the Civil Court stands excluded to decide  

such a question in view of specific bar contained in Section  



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85.  It would be pertinent to mention that, as per sub-section  

(5) of Section 7, if a suit or proceeding is already pending in a  

Civil Court before the commencement of the Act in question,  

then such proceedings before the Civil Court would continue  

and the Tribunal would not have any jurisdiction.

9. On a conjoint reading of Section 7 and Section 85, legal  

position is summed up as under:

(i) In  respect  of  the  questions/  disputes  mentioned in         sub-section (1) of Section  7,  exclusive  jurisdiction  vests  with  the  tribunal, having jurisdiction in relation to such  property.

(ii) Decision of the tribunal thereon is made final.

(iii) The jurisdiction of the Civil Court is barred in  respect  of  any  dispute/  question  or  other  matter relating to any wakf, wakf property for  other  matter,  which is  required by or  under  this Act, to be determined by a tribunal

(iv) There  is  however  an  exception  made under  Section  7(5)  viz.,  those  matters  which  are  already pending before the Civil Court, even if  the  subject  matter  is  covered  under  sub  section (1) of section 6, the Civil Court would  not continue and the tribunal shall  have the  jurisdiction to determine those matters.”



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10. Present suit was instituted in the year 2000 i.e. after the  

Wakf Act, 1985 came into force.  Therefore, the present case  

is not covered by exception to Section 7(5) of the Wakf Act.  

Thus, on a plain reading of Section 7 read with section 85 of  

the Act, it becomes manifest that wherever there is a dispute  

regarding the nature  of  the  property,  namely  whether  the  

suit  property   is  Wakf  property  or  not,  it  is  the  Tribunal  

constituted  under  the  Wakf  Act,  which  has  the  exclusive  

jurisdiction to decide the same.  We need not delve into this  

issue any longer, inasmuch as in a recent judgment by this  

very  Bench  of this Court in the case of Bhanwar Lal & Anr.   

vs.  Rajasthan  Board  of  Muslim  Wakf  &  Ors.  2013  (11)  

SCALE 210 decided on 9th September 2013, this Court took  

the same view, after taking note of earlier judgments on the  

subject, namely,  Sardar Khan & Ors. Vs. Syed Nazmul Hasan  

(Seth) & Ors. 2007 (10) SCC 727,  Ramesh Gobindram (D)  

through LRs. Vs. Sugra Humayun Mirza Wakf  2010 (8) SCC  

726.   This  view has been re-affirmed in  Akkode Jumayath  

Palli Paripalana Committee vs. P.V.Ibrahim Haji & Ors. 2013  

(9) SCALE 622.   



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11. We, thus, do not find any fault with the view taken by  

the High Court in the impugned judgment.  The Special Leave  

Petition is, accordingly, rejected.

……………………………..J. [K.S.Radhakrishnan]

…………………………….J. [A.K.Sikri]

New Delhi, November 21, 2013