27 January 2017
Supreme Court


Case number: C.A. No.-001016-001016 / 2017
Diary number: 13078 / 2011


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ITEM NO.1A               COURT NO.9               SECTION IVB                S U P R E M E  C O U R T  O F  I N D I A                        RECORD OF PROCEEDINGS

CIVIL APPEAL NO. 1016 OF 2017 ((Arising out of SLP(C) No(s).  12166/2011)

HARYANA URBAN DEV. AUTHORITY & ORS.              Petitioner(s)


ORCHID INFRASTRUCTURE DEVELOPERS P.LTD.            Respondent(s) Date : 27/01/2017 This MATTER  was called on for Judgment today. For Petitioner(s)  Mr. Shyam Devan, Sr. Adv.

Mr. Anish Kumar Gupta, Adv.  Mr. Chandra Shekhar Suman, Adv.  Mr. R.K. Rajwanshi, Adv.  Ms. Deepshikha Bharati, Adv.

                    Mr. Sanjay Kumar Visen,Adv.  Mr. Anil Grover, AAG                      

For Respondent(s)  Mr. Raja Chatterjee, Adv.  Ms. Nandini Ram Chandran, Adv.  Ms. R. Bhuyan, Adv.

                    Mr. Satish Kumar,Adv.                       

Hon'ble  Mr.  Justice  Arun  Mishra  pronounced  the judgment of the Bench comprising His Lordship and Hon'ble Mr. Justice Amitava Roy.

The appeal is allowed. The judgment and decree passed by  the  High  Court  is  set  aside  and  that  of  the  first appellate court is restored. In the facts and circumstances of  the  case,  we  impose  costs  of  Rs.5  lakhs  on  the plaintiff/respondent to be deposited as : Rs.2.5 lakhs in the Advocates’ Welfare Fund and Rs.2.5 lakhs in the Supreme Court Employees’ Welfare Fund within a period of two months from today.  



(Signed Reportable Judgment is placed on the file)  


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(Arising out of SLP [C] No.12166/2011)

Haryana Urban Development Authority & Ors. … Appellants


Orchid Infrastructure Developers P. Ltd. … Respondent



1. Leave granted. 2. The appeal arises out of judgment and order dated 17.1.2011 passed by the

High Court of Punjab & Haryana at Chandigarh thereby setting aside the judgment

and decree  of  District  Judge  dated  29.11.2010 and restoring  the  judgment  and

decree of Civil Judge passed on 14.10.2010. The plaintiff Bhudeep Builders and

Exporters Pvt. Ltd. were later renamed as M/s. Orchid Infrastructure Developers P.

Ltd. The plaintiff-respondent filed a suit for declaration with consequential relief as

against the appellants with regard to rejection of bid relating to the commercial

tower situated in Sector  29,  Urban Estate,  Gurgaon, in area admeasuring 9.527

acres. The bid submitted by the plaintiff was the highest of  Rs.11,17,50,000/-.  The

reserve price was Rs.106.65 crores.  The main terms and conditions of the auction

were as under :

(i) 10% of the bid amount to be tendered on the spot at fall of hammer.


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(ii) 15% of the bid money to be deposited within 30 days from the date of issuance

of allotment letter.

(iii) 75% of the amount to be paid within 60 days from issuance of allotment letter

as one time interest free payment or with interest in the manner prescribed.

(iv) The Presiding Officer (Administrative Officer) reserved the right to withdraw

any property from the auction or reject any bid without assigning any reason.

3. It  is  further  averred in the plaint  that  the auction held on 24.5.2004 was

presided over by the Administrator, Haryana Urban Development Authority (for

short ‘HUDA’). Reserve price had been approved by Chief Administrator, HUDA.

Though the reserved price for the other sites were approved by the Administrator.

In the plaint it was further averred that 27 persons deposited the security amount of

Rs.50  lakhs  for  bidding  and  various  bidders  actively  participated  in  the  bids.

Ultimately the bid of the plaintiff amounting to Rs.111.75 crores being highest was

accepted. Petitioner deposited 10% amount by various drafts on the fall of hammer.

Formal letter of allotment was not issued inspite of efforts made by the plaintiff.

Officials of HUDA were dragging their feet over the issue without any rhyme or


Plaintiff  ultimately  received  memo dated  24.9.2004  purporting  to  refund

10% amount Rs.11,17,50,000 deposited by the plaintiff at the time of auction held

on 24.5.2004 on the ground that the bid had not been accepted.


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4. Plaintiff questioned the rejection of the bid on the ground of its being illegal,

unlawful, mala fide, arbitrary, discriminatory and violative of principles of natural

justice. The bid for the commercial tower was adequate and above the reserved

price. The plaintiff relied upon Regulation 6 regarding issuance of allotment letter

by Chief Administrator. The rejection of the bid is without any rhyme or reason.

The order is non-speaking. There was no material available with the defendant to

conclude that auction of property in question was made at a lower rate or that the

same would fetch a higher price in the event of re-auction. The Chief Administrator

alone  was  competent  to  decide  about  the  bid  and  no  delegation  of  power  to

Administrator  has  been  shown  to  the  plaintiff.  Mere  baseless  apprehension

harboured by the defendant that the auction could fetch a higher rate, could not be

said to be in public interest. If such action is permitted, auction process shall be a

never  ending  exercise.  The  plaintiff  valued  the  suit  for  declaration  and

consequential relief of mandatory injunction at Rs.400 and paid the court fee of

Rs.55.  Plaintiff has prayed for a declaration that memo dated 24.9.2004 rejecting

the bid of the plaintiff to be void ab initio, non est and illegal, and that plaintiff is

successful bidder of commercial tower measuring 9.527 acres situated in Sector 29,

Urban Estate, Gurgaon. Plaintiff further prayed for mandatory injunction directing

the defendants to issue formal letter of allotment pertaining to the suit property in

favour of the plaintiff and to complete requisite formalities of allotment including


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delivery of  possession and sanction of  site  plan.  Plaintiff further  prayed for  an

injunction restraining defendants  from re-auctioning the suit  property and from

creating any third party interest of any nature in respect of the suit property.

5. The defendant HUDA in its written statement raised preliminary objection

that the civil court has no jurisdiction to entertain the present suit in view of section

15(2) of Haryana Urban Development Authority Act, 1977 (hereinafter referred to

as ‘the Act’). It was also submitted that the suit was not maintainable in the present

form, that the plaintiff has no cause of action to file the suit and has not come to

court with clean hands, suit is liable to be rejected under Order 7 Rule 11 of the

C.P.C., plaintiff is liable to pay ad valorem court fee on the sale consideration of

Rs.111.75 crores of the commercial site in question, the suit is barred under section

41(h)  of  the  Specific  Relief  Act.  The  plaintiff  has  not  availed  the  remedy  of

arbitration  as  per  the  rules,  regulations  and  bye-laws  of  HUDA.  There  is  no

concluded  contract  between  the  parties.  Plaintiff  has  accepted  the  terms  and

conditions of the auction in which it was mentioned that the competent authority is

entitled to accept or reject the bid without assigning any reason. The auction was

presided over by the Administrator, HUDA. After auction in question was held

complaints were received regarding intimidation and threatening of bidders. The

bid was not accepted for the reason that the price of urban estates at other places

like Faridabad, Panipat, Panchkula etc. for similar kind of property was higher. The


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bid in question was not acceptable as per prevalent market price of the similar

property in Gurgaon. The Presiding Officer i.e. Administrator is fully competent to

refuse or accept the bid. Competent authority after going through the individual

reports/comments/opinion of the members of the Auction Committee comprising

of  Estate  Officer,  HUDA,  Gurgaon,  Senior  Accounts  Officer,  District  Town

Planner and District Revenue Officer (representative of the Deputy Commissioner,

Gurgaon)  as  members  under  the  Chairmanship  of  Administrator,  HUDA.

Administrator thoroughly examined the observations and recommendations of the

members of the Auction Committee regarding not to accept the bid prices of big

commercial sites since these prices being apparently on the lower side which was

also examined by the Government at the Headquarters level. The records of the

entire auction proceedings including opinion of the Estate Officer, Gurgaon, other

members of the Auction Committee, Deputy Commissioner and also after studying

the reserve price and auction price trends, a decision was taken by the competent

authority not to accept the bid prices vide their written report.

It  was  further  contended  by  HUDA that  Administrator  is  the  competent

authority.   Power  to  accept  bid  has  been  delegated  to  him  by  the  competent


6. In view of the written statement the plaintiff filed a rejoinder. It was denied

that the civil court has no jurisdiction and bid price was not inadequate. It also


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denied the delegation of power to Administrator, HUDA, Gurgaon.

7. The trial court – Civil Judge, Junior Division, Gurgaon decreed the suit vide

judgment  and decree dated 14.10.2010. Three witnesses were examined by the

plaintiff and on behalf  of  defendant HUDA. Shri P.K.Ramanand, Assistant  was

examined. The trial court held that Administrator, HUDA was not competent to

reject the bid of the plaintiff. As per Regulation 6 of Haryana Urban Development

(Disposal of Land and Buildings) Regulations, 1978 (hereinafter referred to as ‘the

Regulations of 1978’), the authority to accept or reject a bid was vested with Chief

Administrator, HUDA and delegation of power to Chief Administrator can only be

made by the State Government vide notification as per section 51(4) of the Act. No

notification  has  been  placed  on  record  to  prove  that  the  power  of  Chief

Administrator has been delegated to Administrator, HUDA. The report on the basis

of which bid had been rejected was not placed on record. The trial court held that

the plaintiff is  entitled to mandatory injunction for  issuance of  formal letter  of

acceptance of bid. The trial court further held that the suit is maintainable.  The

payment of court fee by the plaintiff was adequate as the suit was not for specific

performance of contract.  The trial court further directed the defendants to issue

formal  letter  of  allotment  on  completion  of  requisite  formalities  within  two


8. On first appeal being preferred in the court of District Judge, Gurgaon the


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same  was  allowed  vide  judgment  and  decree  dated  29.11.2010.  The  suit  was

dismissed by the first appellate court. The first appellate court has opined that the

power of Chief Administrator has been delegated to Administrator, HUDA. As is

apparent from the letter written by Chief Administrator to the Administrator. No

legal  and  vested  right  accrued  in  favour  of  the  plaintiff  by  submission  of  the

highest bid and 10% of the amount on fall of hammer. Bid has not been finally

accepted. The plaintiff ought to have paid ad-valorem court fee. The first appellate

court also observed that no responsible officer of HUDA has entered the witness

box and only a junior ranking Assistant has been examined who was not present

when the auction was held. He was posted at  Gurgaon on 2.10.2008. The first

appellate court has observed as under :

“However,  the  defendants  have  not  produced  any  document whatsoever to prove the above averment and nor has any responsible officer, including defendants No.2 and 3, cared to step in the witness box  to  substantiate  the  above  referred  plea  and  instead  only  one witness,  and  that  too  an  Assistant  named  P.K.  Ramanan  from the office  of  HUDA,  Gurgaon  who  is  a  junior  ranking  official  was examined as DW1 who was admittedly not even present at the time of the  impugned  auction  because  he  has  admitted  during  his cross-examination that he came to be posted at Gurgaon only w.e.f. 8.8.2008.  Non-appearance of any responsible official of HUDA thus indicates some sort of unholy news between certain quarters for which reason a copy of this Judgment is ordered to be forwarded to the Chief Secretary  to  the  Government  of  Haryana for  getting  conducted  an enquiry as to why such course of conduct was adopted despite huge stakes  running  into  several  crores.   Was  it  intended  to  benefit  the plaintiff by default.  The Chief Secretary to Government of Haryana be requested to acknowledge receipt of the copy of the judgment.”


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9. On the  second  appeal  being preferred  on 2.1.2011 in  the  High Court  as

against the judgment and decree, the same has been allowed on 17.1.2011 within

15 days of it being filed. The High Court has restored the judgment and decree of

the  trial  court  on  the  ground  that  there  is  no  delegation  of  power  to  the

Administrator. The rejection by the Administrator was inconsequential and was not

a valid decision in the absence of irregularity in auction the bid ought to have been

accepted by the Chief Administrator, HUDA and letter conveying acceptance ought

to have been issued in favour of the plaintiff. In view of Regulation 6(2) the Chief

Administrator  was competent  authority  to  take a  final  decision  on the bid.  No

notification has been issued by the State Government under section 51(4) of the

Act.  The suit has been held to be maintainable. It has been rightly valued and

adequate court fee has been paid.

10. The judgment and decree of High Court has been questioned by filing the

appeal in this Court. An application has also been filed on behalf of the appellant to

take additional documents on record. HUDA for the first time has filed notification

dated 13.9.1989 issued by it under section 51 of the Act, delegating the functions in

favour  of  various  officers  indicating  that  the  power  has  been  delegated  to  the

Administrator to accept the auction bids for commercial/residential/industrial sites.

Apart from that, a judgment of Division Bench of the High Court of Punjab &

Haryana in CWP No.12753/2010 – Jitender Singh v. Haryana Urban Development


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Authority has been placed on record in which the impugned decision of the High

Court in the present appeal has been held to be not laying down a good law and has

been overruled.                           

11. It  was urged by Shri  Shyam Divan,  learned senior  counsel  appearing on

behalf  of  the  appellant  that  Administrator  was  Presiding Officer,  thus,  had the

authority to accept or to refuse the bid not only as per terms and condition No.4 of

the tender notice but also as per the delegation made by HUDA on 13.9.1989 under

section 51 of the Act. Since the letter of allotment has not been issued, there was

no concluded contract between the parties. Thus suit was not maintainable in the

absence of concluded contract for its enforcement. No allotment order was issued

by the Chief Administrator as per Regulation 6(2). Chief Administrator was only

required  to  issue  allotment  letter.  Once  bid  has  been  rejected,  there  was  no

occasion for the court to issue mandatory injunction. The rejection of the bid was

fully justified as prices fetched of 7 items were not adequate, and no right accrued

on the basis of submitting the highest bid.  

12. Shri Abhishek Manu Singhvi and Shri Raju Ramchandran, learned senior

counsel appearing for the respondent  strenuously contended that the Administrator

had forwarded the bid to the Chief Administrator for acceptance. However, the

Chief Administrator wrote back to the Administrator that the Administrator should

decide about the bid as power was delegated to him. As per Regulation 6(2) the


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Chief Administrator was required to decide about the acceptance or rejection of the

bid. The rejection of bid is not only arbitrary, unreasoned and no report has been

placed on record by HUDA as to why bid had been rejected. The bid was above

reserve price and there were several bidders. There being no better bid as such the

bid of the plaintiff ought to have been accepted. Rejection of the bid without any

reason cannot be said to be valid for which reliance has been placed on M/s. Star

Enterprises  &  Ors.  v.  City  and  Industrial  Development  Corporation  of

Maharashtra Ltd. & Ors. (1990) 3 SCC 280, Mohinder Singh Gill & Anr. v. The

Chief Election Commissioner, New Delhi & Ors. AIR 1978 SC 851, and Kalu Ram

Ahuja & Anr. v. Delhi Development Authority & Anr. (2008) 10 SCC 696. In the

absence of any notification being issued by the State Government under section

51(4)  of  the  Act,  the  power  of  the  Chief  Administrator  could  not  have  been

delegated to the Administrator. Thus rejection of the bid by the Administrator was

unauthorised.  The delegation of power by HUDA was made under section 51(1)

whereas delegation was required under section 51(4).

In re : Maintainability of suit in absence of concluded contract :  

13. Firstly, we examine the question whether there being no concluded contract

in the absence of acceptance of bid and issuance of allotment letter, the suit could

be  said  to  be  maintainable  for  the  declaratory  relief  and mandatory  injunction

sought by the plaintiff.  The plaintiff has prayed for a declaration that rejection of


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the bid was illegal. Merely by that, plaintiff could not have become entitled for

consequential  mandatory  injunction  for  issuance  of  formal  letter  of  allotment.

Court while exercising judicial review could not have accepted the bid. The bid

had never been accepted by concerned authorities. It was not a case of cancellation

of bid after being accepted. Thus even assuming as per plaintiff’s case that the

Administrator was not equipped with the power and the Chief Administrator had

the power to accept or refuse the bid, there had been no decision by the Chief

Administrator.  Thus,  merely  by  declaration  that  rejection  of  the  bid  by  the

Administrator  was  illegal,  the  plaintiff  could  not  have  become  entitled  to

consequential relief of issuance of allotment letter. Thus the suit, in the form

it was filed, was not maintainable for relief sought in view of the fact that there

was no concluded contract in the absence of allotment letter being issued to the

plaintiff, which was a sine qua non for filing the civil suit.     

14. It  is a settled law that the highest bidder has no vested right to have the

auction concluded in his favour. The Government or its  authority could validly

retain power to accept or reject the highest bid in the interest of public revenue. We

are of the considered opinion that there was no right acquired and no vested right

accrued in favour of the plaintiff merely because his bid amount was highest and

had deposited 10% of the bid amount. As per Regulation 6(2) of the Regulations of

1978,  allotment  letter  has  to  be  issued  on acceptance  of  the  bid  by  the  Chief


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Administrator  and within 30 days thereof,  the successful  bidder  has to  deposit

another 15% of the bid amount. In the instant case allotment letter has never been

issued to the petitioner as per Regulation 6(2) in view of non-acceptance of the bid.

Thus there was no concluded contract. Regulation 6 of the Regulations of 1978 is

extracted hereunder :

“6. Sale of lease of land or building by auction.- (1) In  the case of sale or lease by auction, the price/premium to be charged shall be  such  reserve  price/premium  as  may  be  determined  taking  into consideration the various factors as indicated in sub-regulation (1) of Regulation 4 or any higher amount determined as a result of bidding in open auction.

(2) 10 per cent of the highest bid shall be paid on the spot by the  highest  bidder  in  cash  or  by means of  a  demand draft  in  the manner  specified  in  sub-regulation  (2)  of  Regulation  5.   The successful  bidder  shall  be  issued  allotment  letter  in  Form ‘CC’ or ‘C-II’ by registered post and another 15 per cent of the bid accepted shall  be payable by the successful  bidder, in the manner indicated, within thirty days of the date of allotment letter conveying acceptance of the bid by the Chief Administrator; failing which the 10 per cant amount already deposited shall stand forfeited to the Authority and the successful  bidder  shall  have  no  claim  to  the  land  or  building auctioned.

(3)  The  payment  of  balance  of  the  price/premium,  rate  of interest chargeable and the recovery of interest shall be in the same manner as provided in sub-regulations (6) and (7) of Regulation 5.

(4)  The general  terms and conditions of  the auction shall  be such as may be framed by the Chief Administrator from time to tome and announced to the public before auction on the spot.”

15. We are fortified in our view by a decision of this Court in  Uttar Pradesh

Avas Evam Vikas Parishad & Ors. v. Om Prakash Sharma (2013) 5 SCC 182, the

questions arose for its consideration that : whether there is any vested right upon


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the plaintiff/bidder until the bid is accepted by the competent authority in relation

to the property in question? Merely because the plaintiff is the highest bidder by

depositing 20% of the bid amount without there being approval of the same by the

competent authority and it amounts to a concluded contract in relation to the plot in

question; and whether the plaintiff could have maintained the suit in the absence of

a  concluded  contract  ?  Considering  the  aforesaid  questions,  this  Court  has

discussed the matter thus :  

“30. In support of the said proposition, the learned Senior Counsel for the  defendant,  Mr  Rakesh  Dwivedi  has  also  placed  reliance  upon another decision of this Court in State of U.P. v. Vijay Bahadur Singh (1982)  2 SCC 365.  The learned Senior  Counsel  has  rightly placed reliance upon the judgment of this Court in Rajasthan Housing Board case (2007) 1 SCC 477 which reads as under: (SCC p. 483, para 9)

“9. This  being  the  settled  legal  position,  the  respondent acquired no right to claim that the auction be concluded in its favour and the High Court clearly erred in entertaining the writ petition and in not only issuing a direction for consideration of the  representation  but  also  issuing  a  further  direction  to  the appellant to issue a demand note of the balance amount. The direction relating to issuance of the demand note for balance amount  virtually  amounted to  confirmation of  the  auction in favour of the respondent which was not the function of the High Court.”

x x x x x In State of Orissa v. Harinarayan Jaiswal (1972) 2 SCC 36 case, relevant paragraph of which reads as under: (SCC pp. 44-45, para 13)

“13. x x x x x There is no concluded contract till  the bid is accepted. Before there was a concluded contract, it was open to the bidders to withdraw their bids (see Union of India v. Bhim Sen Walaiti Ram (1969) 3 SCC 146). By merely giving bids, the bidders  had  not  acquired  any  vested  rights.  ...”  (emphasis supplied)


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x x x x x 31. In  view  of  the  law  laid  down  by  this  Court  in  the  aforesaid decisions, the learned Senior Counsel Mr Rakesh Dwivedi has rightly placed  reliance  upon  the  same  in  support  of  the  case  of  the  first defendant, which would clearly go to show that  the plaintiff had not acquired any right and no vested right has been accrued in his favour in respect of the plot in question merely because his bid amount is highest and he had deposited 20% of the highest bid amount along with the earnest money with the Board. In the absence of acceptance of bid offered by the plaintiff to the competent authority of the first defendant,  there is  no concluded contract  in  respect  of  the plot  in question, which is evident from letters dated 26-5-1977 and 8-7-1977 wherein the third defendant had rejected the bid amount deposited by the plaintiff and the same was refunded to him by way of demand draft, which is an undisputed fact and it is also not his case that the then Assistant Housing Commissioner who has conducted the public auction had accepted the bid of the plaintiff.”      (emphasis supplied).

This Court has held that in the absence of a concluded contract which takes

place by issuance of allotment letter, suit could not be said to be maintainable as

there is no vested right in the plaintiff without approval of the bid by the competent

authority. Thus, in the wake of aforesaid decision, in the absence of a concluded

contract,  the  suit  could  not  have  been  decreed  for  mandatory  injunction.  It

amounted to enforcing of contract in the absence thereof.

16. In the light of the aforesaid discussion, it is evident that in the absence of a

concluded contract, i.e. in the absence of allotment letter and acceptance of highest

bid, the suit by the plaintiff was wholly misconceived. Even if non-acceptance of


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the bid was by an incompetent authority, the court had no power to accept the bid

and to direct the allotment letter to be issued. Merely on granting the declaration

which  was  sought  that  rejection  was  illegal  and  arbitrary  and  by  incompetent

authority, further relief of mandatory injunction could not have been granted, on

the basis of findings recorded, to issue the allotment letter, as it would then become

necessary to forward the bid to  competent authority – Chief Administrator - for its

acceptance, if at all it was required.

In re : Competency of Administrator to accept/reject bid :

17. The  plaintiff  has  come  to  the  Court  with  the  case  that  there  was  no

delegation of power to the Administrator. No doubt about it that the delegation of

power made by HUDA under section 51 of the Act has not been placed on record

before the courts below. It has been filed for the first time in this Court. However,

HUDA has placed on record delegation of power to the Administrator by it as is

apparent  from the  order  dated  13.9.1989  issued  by  the  Chief  Administrator  of

HUDA in which it is mentioned that in exercise of power conferred under section

51 of the Act, for the sake of efficiency, speedy development and with a view to

decentralize  the  powers/functions  the  delegation  at  Annexure  A were  made by

HUDA in its meeting held on 3.1.1989 in favour of various officials/officers of

HUDA. The relevant portion of delegation made in order dated 13.9.1989 along

with Index is extracted hereunder :


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In exercise powers conferred under section 51 of the Haryana Urban Development Authority Act, 1977, in the interest of efficiency, speedy  development  and  with  a  view  of  decentralise  the powers/functions,  the delegations at  Annexure ‘A’ (Pages 1-16) are hereby made in favour of various Officers of HUDA by the Haryana Urban Development Authority in its meeting held on 03.01.1989. Dated, Manimajra, the 13th Sep. 1989.





“Delegation of Administrative and Financial powers made under Section 51 of HUDA Act, 1977 on behalf of the Haryana Urban

Development Authority:-

Sr. No.

Sr. No. of item in

Annexure II of the proposal

Nature of power:

Authority to who


Extent of power delegated

1 2 3 4 5 xxx xxx xxx xxx

60 70 Powers to  accept the  auction bids  for  commercial/  residential /  industrial  sites

Chief  Administrator


Full Powers.

Full powers  provided the  highest bid is more than the reserve


Page 18


price and  minimum of 3 bids have been  received.  If a site  is not sold even  after three attempts at a price higher  than the reserve  price the  administrators may revise the price  downwards upto  maximum of 10%  of the reserve  price.

18. It  is  apparent  that  there  had been delegation of  power  by HUDA to  the

Administrator  with  respect  to  the  power  to  accept  the  auction  bids  for

commercial/residential/industrial sites provided the highest bid is more than the

reserve price and minimum of three bids have been received. The Administrator

has  also  the  power  if  the  site  is  not  sold  in  3  attempts,  to  revise  the  price

downwards up to a maximum of 10% of the reserve price. Thus plaintiff has not

come to the court with clean hands and has suppressed for the reasons best known

to it, the aforesaid order of HUDA by which delegation of power has been made.

The  fact  that  there  was  delegation  of  power  is  also  crystal  clear  from  the

communication exchanged between the Administrator and the Chief Administrator.

As the Administrator was reluctant to accept the bid, as was the case in the case of

fixation of reserve price also, the Administrator considering the huge property, said


Page 19


that the auction involved prime and big commercial sites, huge revenue is involved

and  such  a  big  auction  has  been  carried  out  for  the  first  time  in  the  State  of

Haryana, therefore, all the record pertaining to the auction was sent to the Chief

Administrator  for  scrutiny  and  approval  at  the  level  of  Chief  Administrator,

HUDA, Gurgaon. However, the Chief Administrator also washed off his hands. He

wrote  back  to  the  Administrator  on  28.7.2004.  The  decision  to  confirm  or

otherwise of a bid, should be taken only by a competent authority whose order is

appealable. Therefore, bids should be considered by the competent authority and as

the  Administrator  is  the  competent  authority  to  take  the  follow-up  action,  the

Headquarters be apprised of the decision taken. Thereafter, the Administrator had

taken the decision not to confirm the seven bids of seven properties. It is apparent

from the order dated 21.9.2004 that the Administrator after examining the relevant

aspects and the report, had decided to reject the seven bids mentioned therein. The

said letter of the Administrator is extracted hereunder :

“From Administrator HUDA, Gurgaon

To The Estate Officer HUDA, Gurgaon

Memo no. 709 Dated: 21.9.04


Page 20


Sub: Auction of Commercial Sites-5 sites of Shopping Mall, One  Site  of  Multiplex  and one  Site  of  Commercial Tower held on 24.5.2004 at Gurgaon.

Ref: Your letter No. 11592 dated 28.6.2004 and the comments submitted by your office in the case files.

After examining the relevant aspects and reports submitted by your office as well as keeping in view the contents of the letter No. 26559 dated 28.7.2004 received from Chief  Administrator, HUDA, Panchkula,  this  office  exercising  the  powers  delegated  by  the Authority  has  decided  to  reject  the  following  bids  of  Commercial Sites for which auction was held on 24.5.2004:-

Sr. Sector Particulars Sr. No. of  site

Area in Sq.  Mtr.

Reserve  Price (in  rupees)

Highest  Bid (In  rupees)


1. 29 Commercial Tower

Commercia l Tower  

9.527  Acre

106.65 Cr. 111.10  Cr.

Highest  bid  rejected

2. 29 Shopping  Mall

Adjoining  Leisure  Valley Park

16500 28.78 Cr. 30.15 Cr. -do-

3. 29 -do- C-5A 5865.60 10.12. Cr. 10.61 Cr. -do- 4. 29 -do- C-9 Corner 7820.80 14.84 Cr. 15.46 Cr. -do- 5. 29 -do- C-10  

Corner 7820.80 14.84 Cr. 15.51 Cr. -do-

6. 55-56 -do- -- 3850.00 6.72 Cr. 7.15 Cr. -do- 7. 29 Multiplex -- 2700.00 4.69 Cr. 5.07 Cr. -do-

Bid  sheets  for  the  above  mentioned  sites  as  received from your office are returned herewith.

Sd/- Administrator

                                                                                                HUDA, Gurgaon”

19. The Administrator had also mentioned in his letter that there was delegation

of power to him. The letter from the Chief Administrator also indicated that the


Page 21


Administrator was armed with the power. That apart, when we see the terms and

condition No.4 of the tender notice, subject to which auction was held, provided

thus :

“4. The presiding officer reserves the right to withdraw any property from the auction or reject any bid without assigning any reason.”

20. Admittedly, the Presiding Officer was the Administrator, HUDA. Thus, as

per the terms of the auction also, the Administrator was having the power to accept

or reject the bid.  That the bid was more than the reserve price and there were more

than 3 bidders, is not disputed. Thus, in our opinion, the Administrator had the

power to reject the bid as per the delegation made to him on 13.9.1989.  

21. The  learned  counsel  representing  the  plaintiff-respondent  vehemently

contended that there was no delegation of power under section 51(4) and it was the

State  Government  only  who  could  have  delegated  the  power  of  the  Chief

Administrator as found by the High Court. As delegation had been made by HUDA

under section 51(1) of the Act of  1977, it  was incumbent upon the plaintiff to

question it and assail the same. However, the plaintiff had feigned ignorance as to

delegation on its part which does not inspire confidence as the line of arguments

advanced on its behalf that no delegation was there under section 51(4) was clearly

grounded upon the fact that the delegation made under section 51(1) was in fact to

the  knowledge  of  the  plaintiff  that  is  why  the  aforesaid  argument  had  been

advanced and unfortunately learned counsel for HUDA also conceded that there


Page 22


was no delegation of power made by the State Government under section 51(4).

This was done by overlooking the delegation dated 13.9.1989, the factum whereof

has  not  been  controverted  by  the  learned  counsel  appearing  on  behalf  of  the

respondent  in  any  manner  whatsoever.  In  the  absence  of  having  questioned

delegation made by HUDA under section 51(1) of the Act, plaintiff could not have

succeeded in the suit.

22. The plaintiff has not questioned the delegation of power before the courts

below in any manner whatsoever. We decline to examine the submission raised by

learned counsel for the plaintiff in this Court that there is no delegation of power

under section 51(4) and the power of the Chief Administrator  could have been

delegated only by the State Government not by HUDA under section 51(1) as per

its  order dated 13.9.1989. In the absence of  challenge to legality of  delegation

order dated 13.9.1989, and the plaintiff being guilty of  suppressio veri, it is not

entitled to urge the aforesaid submission so as to invalidate the statutory delegation

of power made by HUDA under section 51(1).

23. In view of the aforesaid fact-situation, it is apparent that the Administrator

had the power to reject a bid, not only being the Presiding Officer as per terms and

condition N0.4 of auction but otherwise also he had the power, as discussed above.

Thus, the decision of the High Court in setting aside the auction on the aforesaid

ground cannot be said to be legally sustainable.


Page 23


In re : Legality of rejection of bid :

24. Coming to the question whether the Administrator had rejected the bid in an

illegal or arbitrary manner, the learned counsel for the plaintiff has submitted that

the  bid had been rejected  by an  unreasoned order, as  such it  was  an arbitrary

rejection.  Learned counsel  has drawn our attention to the communication dated

24.9.2004 which has been communicated by the Estate Officer to the plaintiff in

which it  has been mentioned that  the bid has not been accepted,  hence earnest

money had been refunded. However, this communication of the decision reflects

only the return of the cheque pursuant to the decision of the Administrator. The

order  passed  by  the  Administrator  is  apparent  from the  communication  of  the

Administrator  made  to  Estate  Officer,  HUDA  on  21.9.2004  which  has  been

extracted above. It is apparent from the rejection order that the reports submitted

were considered and decision was taken not to  accept  the bids with respect  to

auction of seven properties. It was not a case of singular rejection of the bid made

by  the  plaintiff  alone.  Six  other  bids  were  also  not  accepted.  The  reason  for

rejection has been made clear in para 15 of the written statement filed by HUDA.

The relevant portion is extracted hereunder :

“The action of not accepting the bid is very much sustainable in the eyes of law as the prices fetched by the auction was not in consonance with  the  prices  fetched  in  other  urban  estates  like  Faridabad  and Panchkula for similar kind of property.  The bid prices received for the above said site was also not on the rising trend as per the prevalent market prices of the similar property in Gurgaon.  The judicial view


Page 24


had been taken by the competent authority to safeguard the revenue interest  of  HUDA.   The  price  of  the  site  in  question  fetched  in Gurgaon  was  on  lower  side  as  compared  to  the  prices  fetched  in Panchkula, Faridabad and Panipat.  The statistical date for analysing the trend of price rising and revenue fetched was considered by the competent authority and it was revealed that the price fetched by the said auction was on lower side.  Remaining para to the contrary is wrong and denied. x x x x x The  competent  authority  after  going  through  the  individual report/comments/opinion of the Members of the Auction Constituted Committee,  comprising  of  Estate  Officer,  HUDA,  Gurgaon,  Senior Accounts Officer, District Town Planner and District Revenue Officer (Representative of the Deputy Commissioner, Gurgaon) as Members under  the  Chairmanship  of  Administrator,  HUDA,  Gurgaon, thoroughly examined the observations and recommendations of  the Member of  the Auction Committee regarding not to accept the bid prices of big commercial site, since these prices being on apparently lower  side  which  was  examined  by  the  Government  at  the Headquarters  level.   The  entire  records  of  the  entire  auction proceedings,  including  the  opinion  of  the  Estate  Officer,  Gurgaon, other members of the Auction Committee and Deputy Commissioner, Gurgaon’s report and also after studying the reserve price and auction price trends,  decision was taken by the competent  authority not  to accept the bid prices vide their detailed report.  Remaining para to the contrary is wrong and hence denied.”          

25. Thus,  it  is  apparent  that  the  report  and recommendations  of  the  Auction

Committee consisting of 5 members, was not to accept the bids of big commercial

sites  as  the  prices  fetched  were  on  lower  side  which  was  examined  by  the

Government at  the Headquarters level.  Considering the auction trends and also

taking  into  consideration  the  higher  prices  fetched  at  Panipat,  Panchkula  and

Faridabad, it was decided to reject the seven bids. Thus, there was due application

of mind.


Page 25


26. In our opinion when it is apparent from the communication that the reports

were considered and what was contained in the report was very much pleaded in

the written statement, mere non-production of report was not of any significance in

the instant case. We are satisfied that the rejection of the bid by the Administrator

was absolutely proper and justified and was beyond the pale of judicial scrutiny.

The  Administrator  had  the  right  to  reject  the  bids  and  he  had  rejected  it  on

sufficient ground, duly considering the materials on record as is apparent from the

communication dated 21.9.2004. In the interest of the public, revenue of the State

and in the interest of HUDA the huge property was saved from being plundered.

27. This Court in the case of  State of Uttar Pradesh & Ors. v. Vijay Bahadur

Singh & Ors. (1982) 2 SCC 365 has laid down that there is no obligation to accept

the highest bid. The Government is entitled even to change its policy from time to

time according to the demands of the time. It was observed thus :

“3. It appears to us that the High Court had clearly misdirected itself.  The  Conditions  of  Auction  made  it  perfectly  clear  that  the Government was under no obligation to accept the highest  bid and that no rights accrued to the bidder merely because his bid happened to be the highest. Under Condition 10 it was expressly provided that the acceptance of bid at the time of auction was entirely provisional and was subject to ratification by the competent authority, namely, the State Government. Therefore, the Government had the right, for good and sufficient reason, we may say, not to accept the highest bid but even to prefer a tenderer other than the highest bidder. The High Court was clearly in error in holding that the Government could not refuse to accept the highest bid except on the ground of inadequacy of the bid. Condition 10 does not so restrict the power of the Government not to accept  the  bid.  There  is  no  reason  why  the  power  vested  in  the


Page 26


Government to refuse to accept the highest bid should be confined to inadequacy of bid only. There may be a variety of good and sufficient reasons,  apart  from  inadequacy  of  bids,  which  may  impel  the Government not to accept the highest bid. In fact, to give an antithetic illustration, the very enormity of a bid may make it suspect. It may lead the Government to realise that no bona fide bidder could possibly offer  such  a  bid  if  he  meant  to  do  honest  business.  Again  the Government may change or refuse its policy from time to time and we see no reason why change of policy by the Government, subsequent to the  auction  but  before  its  confirmation,  may  not  be  a  sufficient justification  for  the  refusal  to  accept  the  highest  bid.  It  cannot  be disputed that the Government has the right to change its policy from time to time, according to the demands of the time and situation and in the public interest. If the Government has the power to accept or not to accept the highest bid and if the Government has also the power to change its policy from time to time, it must follow that a change or revision of policy subsequent to the provisional acceptance of the bid but  before  its  final  acceptance  is  a  sound  enough  reason  for  the Government’s refusal to accept the highest bid at an auction…”

28. In Laxmikant & Ors. v. Satyawan & Ors. (1996) 4 SCC 208, this Court has

laid down that in the absence of completed contract when the public auction had

not culminated to its logical end before confirmation of the bid, no right accrued to

the highest bidder. This Court has laid down as under :

“4. Apart from that the High Court overlooked the conditions of auction which had been notified and on basis of which the aforesaid public auction was held. Condition No. 3 clearly said that after the auction of the plot was over, the highest bidder had to remit 1/10 of the amount of the highest bid and the balance of the premium amount was to be remitted to the trust office within thirty days “from the date of the letter informing confirmation of the auction bid in the name of the person concerned”. Admittedly, no such confirmation letter was issued to the respondent. Conditions Nos. 5, 6 and 7 are relevant:

“5. The acceptance of the highest bid shall depend on the Board


Page 27


of Trustees. 6. The Trust shall reserve to itself the right to reject the highest or any bid. 7. The person making the highest bid shall have no right to take back  his  bid.  The  decision  of  the  Chairman  of  the  Board  of Trustees regarding acceptance or  rejection of  the bid shall  be binding on the said person. Before taking the decision as above and informing the same to the individual concerned, if the said individual  takes  back  his  bid,  the  entire  amount  remitted  as deposit  towards  the  amount  of  bid  shall  be  forfeited  by  the Trust.”

From a bare reference to the aforesaid conditions, it is apparent and explicit that even if the public auction had been completed and the respondent was the highest bidder, no right had accrued to him till the confirmation  letter  had  been  issued  to  him.  The  conditions  of  the auction clearly conceived and contemplated that the acceptance of the highest  bid  by  the  Board  of  Trustees  was  a  must  and  the  Trust reserved the right to itself to reject the highest or any bid. This Court has examined the right of the highest bidder at public auctions in the cases of Trilochan Mishra v. State of Orissa (1971) 3 SCC 153, State of Orissa v. Harinarayan Jaiswal (1972) 2 SCC 36, Union of India v. Bhim Sen Walaiti Ram (1969) 3 SCC 146 and  State of U.P. v.  Vijay Bahadur Singh (1982) 2 SCC 365. It has been repeatedly pointed out that State or the authority which can be held to be State within the meaning of Article 12 of the Constitution is not bound to accept the highest tender or bid. The acceptance of the highest bid is subject to the  conditions  of  holding  the  public  auction  and  the  right  of  the highest  bidder  has  to  be  examined  in  context  with  the  different conditions under which such auction has been held. In the present case no  right  had  accrued  to  the  respondent  either  on  the  basis  of  the statutory provision under Rule 4(3) or under the conditions of the sale which had been notified before the public auction was held.”

29. In Meerut Development Authority v. Association of Management Studies &

Anr. (2009) 6 SCC 171, this Court has laid down that a bidder has no right in the

matter of bid except of fair treatment in the matter and cannot insist for further


Page 28


negotiation. The Authority has a right to reject the highest bid. This Court has laid

down thus :

“27. The bidders participating in the tender process have no other right except the right to equality and fair treatment in the matter of evaluation  of  competitive  bids  offered  by  interested  persons  in response to notice inviting tenders in a transparent manner and free from hidden agenda. One cannot challenge the terms and conditions of the tender except on the abovestated ground, the reason being the terms of the invitation to tender are in the realm of the contract. No bidder is entitled as a matter of right to insist the authority inviting tenders  to  enter  into  further  negotiations  unless  the  terms  and conditions of notice so provided for such negotiations.

x x x x x 29. The Authority has the right not to accept the highest bid and even to prefer a tender other than the highest bidder, if there exist good and sufficient reasons, such as, the highest bid not representing the market price  but  there  cannot  be  any doubt  that  the  Authority’s action  in accepting  or  refusing  the  bid  must  be  free  from  arbitrariness  or favouritism.”

30. Reliance has been placed on behalf of the respondent on a decision of this

Court  in  M/s.  Star  Enterprises  &  Ors.  v.  City  and  Industrial  Development

Corporation  of  Maharashtra  Ltd.  & Ors. (1990)  3  SCC 280.  The relied  upon

portion is extracted hereunder :

    “10. In recent times, judicial review of administrative action has become expansive and is becoming wider day by day. The traditional limitations have been vanishing and the sphere of judicial scrutiny is being expanded. State activity too is becoming fast pervasive. As the State has descended into the commercial field and giant public sector undertakings have grown up, the stake of the public exchequer is also large  justifying  larger  social  audit,  judicial  control  and  review  by


Page 29


opening of the public gaze; these necessitate recording of reasons for executive actions including cases of rejection of highest offers. That very often involves large stakes and availability of reasons for actions on  the  record  assures  credibility  to  the  action;  disciplines  public conduct  and  improves  the  culture  of  accountability.  Looking  for reasons  in  support  of  such  action  provides  an  opportunity  for  an objective  review  in  appropriate  cases  both  by  the  administrative superior and by the judicial process. The submission of Mr Dwivedi, therefore,  commends  itself  to  our  acceptance,  namely,  that  when highest offers of the type in question are rejected reasons sufficient to indicate  the  stand  of  the  appropriate  authority  should  be  made available  and  ordinarily  the  same  should  be  communicated  to  the concerned parties unless there be any specific justification not to do so.”

No doubt about it that there have to be some reasons for rejection of the bid

which are adequately present  in the instant  case as discussed hereinabove.  The

decision is of no help to espouse the cause of the plaintiff.

31. Reliance has also been placed on a decision of this Court in Kalu Ram Ahuja

& Anr. v. Delhi Development Authority & Anr. (2008) 10 SCC 696 in which this

Court has laid down that the highest bid was rejected without assigning any reason

and there  was no record  showing  that  the  decision  was based on rational  and

tangible reasons and was in public interest. In the instant case we are satisfied from

the order that the reports were considered and what were the reports,  has been

made clear in the reply filed by the respondents which has not been controverted.

In the instant case merely the bid being above the reserve price, was not a safe

criteria to accept the same.


Page 30


32. In  Mohinder Singh Gill & Anr. v. The Chief Election Commissioner, New

Delhi & Ors. (1978) 1 SCC 405, this Court has laid down that when a statutory

functionary  makes  an  order,  its  validity  must  be  judged  by  the  reasons  so

mentioned and cannot be supplemented by fresh reasons in the shape of affidavit or

otherwise. This Court has held thus :

“8.  The second equally relevant matter is that when a statutory functionary makes an order based on certain grounds, its validity must be judged by the reasons so mentioned and cannot be supplemented by fresh reasons in the shape of affidavit or otherwise. Otherwise, an order  bad in  the beginning may, by the time it  comes to  court  on account  of  a  challenge,  get  validated  by  additional  grounds  later brought out. We may here draw attention to the observations of Bose, J. in Gordhandas Bhanji AIR 1952 SC 16 :

    “Public orders, publicly made, in exercise of a statutory authority cannot be construed in the light of explanations subsequently given by the officer making the order of what he meant, or of what was in his mind,  or  what  he  intended  to  do.  Public  orders  made  by  public authorities are meant to have public effect and are intended to affect the actings and conduct of those to whom they are addressed and must be construed objectively with reference to the language used in the order itself.   Orders are not like old wine becoming better  as they grow older.”

There is no dispute from the aforesaid proposition. However, in the instant

case reasons have been mentioned in the rejection order and the nature of reports

has also been sufficiently explained. Thus the rejection of seven different bids in

the  auction  reflects  that  there  was  due  application  of  mind  by  the  concerned


Page 31


authority and rejection could not be said to be illegal, arbitrary or sans of reason.

33. We are constrained to observe in the instant case that with respect to reserve

price also, there was a hitch to fix and approve it right from the word go. It was a

case of auction of big commercial tower having a huge area of 9.527 acres. Only

the reserve price of the same was forwarded for fixation to the Chief Administrator,

whereas the reserve prices of  other  properties  were fixed by the Administrator.

When  the  bids  were  received,  the  Administrator  considering  the  huge  stakes

involved,  forwarded the  matter  to  the Chief  Administrator. However, the  Chief

Administrator washed off his hands and did not decide it and sent the matter back

to the Administrator, clearly indicating that the Administrator was delegated with

the  power  to  decide  the  bids.  Thus,  under  compelling  circumstances  and  duly

considering the reports, the Administrator had taken the decision to reject the bids

not only of the plaintiff but also six others. For the first time in the history of State

of Haryana, such big properties were put to hammer on the prices indicated. The

hitch  in  fixing  the  reserve  price  also  indicates  that  the  reserve  price  was  not

determined in a fair manner in the instant case. Not only the plaintiff but HUDA

also did not place the delegation of power on record of the courts below. None of

the officials of HUDA had been examined. Only an Assistant – a junior ranking

person had been examined who was not posted there when the auction was held


Page 32


and came only in 2008. As the property was a commercial tower in Sector 29,

Gurgaon,  with huge commercial  complex,  the first  appellate court  was right  in

dismissing the suit.

34. Plaintiff  came  to  the  court  for  mandatory  injunction,  for  issuance  of

allotment  letter  without  payment  of  court  fee  also.  It  was  incumbent  upon the

plaintiff to pay the ad valorem court fee as prevailing and the valuation of the suit

should not have been less than the bid amount of Rs.111.75 crores, as rightly held

by the first appellate court. The plaintiff is directed to pay the ad valorem court fee

not only before the trial court but also before the High Court. Plaintiff is directed to

deposit the court fee within two months from today, as payable.

35. Resultantly, the appeal is allowed. The judgment and decree passed by the

High Court is set aside and that of the first appellate court is restored. In the facts

and  circumstances  of  the  case,  we  impose  costs  of  Rs.5  lakhs  on  the

plaintiff/respondent to be deposited as :  Rs.2.5 lakhs in the Advocates’ Welfare

Fund and Rs.2.5 lakhs in the Supreme Court Employees’ Welfare Fund within a

period of two months from today.  

…………………………….J. (Arun Mishra)

New Delhi; …………………………..J. January 27, 2017. (Amitava Roy)