21 November 2013
Supreme Court


Case number: C.A. No.-010492-010492 / 2013
Diary number: 38733 / 2010
Advocates: ANNAM D. N. RAO Vs


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CIVIL APPEAL NO. 10492/ 2013 (Arising out of Special Leave Petition (Civil) No. 36072 of 2010)

Duddilla Srinivasa Sharma and Ors. …...............Appellants


V. Chrysolite …..............Respondent



1.The appellants have filed the present petition under Article 136 of the  

Constitution  of  India  for  Special  Leave  to  Appeal  against  the  final  

judgment and order of the High Court of Andhra Pradesh at Hyderabad  

dated 25.10.2010 allowing Writ Petition (C) No. 9437 of 2010 filed by the  

Respondent herein and quashing the recruitment of the appellants herein to  

the post  of Junior Assistants in the Unit of District and Sessions Judge,  

Adilabad under category IV of the A.P. Judicial Ministerial Service Rules  

2003 pursuant to the Notification dated 4.12.2009 bearing Reference No.  

Dis. 6184 of 2009.  



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2.Since the appellants were in service when their recruitment was quashed,  

along with Special Leave Petition the appellants had also filed I.A. praying  

for stay of the impugned judgment of the High Court. While issuing notice  

in the Special Leave Petition on 16.12.2010 this Court had granted interim  

stay  as  prayed  for.  As  a  consequence,  the  appellants  continue  in  the  


3.Though  the  notices  have  been  duly  served  upon  the  respondent,  the  

respondent has not put in his appearance. Accordingly, we had no option  

but to proceed with the matter. The Counsel for the appellant was heard at  


4.Leave granted.

5.The matter relates to the appointment to the post of Junior Assistants in  

the office of District and Sessions Judge, Adilabad, Andhra Pradesh. The  

Principal  District  and  Sessions  Judge  had  issued  Notification  dated  

4.12.2009 inviting applications for 17 posts of Junior Assistants. This was  

in  compliance  with  the  directions  given  by  the  High  Court  of  Andhra  

Pradesh.  All  the  appellants   herein  also  applied  for  the  said  post.  The  

respondent herein as well as her sister V. Buelah were also the applicants.  



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The educational qualification prescribed for the post included passing of  

intermediate  examination  conducted  by  the  A.P.  State  Board  of  

intermediate examination or any equivalent examination. The appellants as  

well as the respondent and her sister fulfilled these qualifications. However,  

since the authorities had received large number of applications, the District  

Judge decided to raise the bench mark for short listing the candidates and  

only  those  candidates  having  degree  qualification  were  sent  letters  for  

participating in the selection process. The Respondent and her sister got  

excluded in this short listing process.  

6.Challenging their exclusion both the respondent and her sister filed the  

Writ  Petition  No.  8923 of  2010  in  the  High Court  of  Andhra  Pradesh.  

Notice was issued. However when the petition was taken up on 20.10.2010  

the Court found that the examination for the said post had already been  

conducted  on  18.4.2010.  Thus,  vide  orders  dated  20.4.2010  a  Division  

Bench of the High Court dismissed the Writ Petition with liberty to the  

respondents to take appropriate action in accordance with law. Thereafter,  

the respondent filed Writ Petition No. 9437 of 2010 praying for issuance of  

a writ order or directions, more particularly one in the nature of Writ of  

Mandamus,  declaring  action  of  the  authorities  in  prescribing  degree  



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qualification as against the prescribed intermediate qualification shown in  

the Notification dated 4.12.2009 as illegal, arbitrary and violative of Article  

21 of  the Constitution of  India.  Interim orders were passed in this Writ  

Petition  to  the  effect  that  any  appointment  made  to  the  post  of  Junior  

Assistants  shall  be  subject  to  the  result  of  the  Writ  Petition.  This  Writ  

Petition, after contest, has been allowed by the High Court vide impugned  

judgment  dated  25.10.2010  holding  that  the  selection  procedure  and  

recruitment process followed by the District Judge for recruitment to the 17  

posts of Junior Assistants is unsustainable and the orders appointing the  

appellants to the said post has been quashed. This is how the appellants are  

before us questioning the validity of the said judgment.  

7.We may record at this stage that for the 17 posts of Junior Assistants,  

9,366  applications  were  received  from  the  candidates  who  had  the  

intermediate qualification. On the premise that it is very large number for  

17 posts, the District Judge decided to short list  the candidates. For this  

purpose  reliance  was  placed  on  Circular  Instructions  vide  ROC  No.  

2318/96-C1(1)  dated 1.7.1996, Clause 7(E) whereof reads as under:

“7(E)  The  Selection  Committee  shall  screen  all  the  applications  from the  list  “A”  to  “C” and shortlist  the  same, keeping in view that nor more than 25 candidates  will be considered for each vacancy.”



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8.As per the official respondents even in the notification dated 4.12.2009  

vide  which  applications  for  the  aforesaid  post  were  invited  it  was  

categorically provided in Clause (XI) thereof as under:-

“Mere applying will  not  give any right  to any person to be  called  for  either  written  examination  and  interview  as  the  application  of  the  candidates  will  be  short  listed  as  per  guidelines issued by Hon'ble High Court from time to time”

9.Taking shelter of the aforesaid provisions the authorities tried to justify  

their action to notify only those candidates who had higher qualification i.e.  

who were graduates. In this manner the official respondent short listed the  

application enhancing the minimum qualification to degree and even after  

short listing more than 3,800 candidates appeared for written examination.  

However,  this  explanation  given  by  the  official  respondents,   did  not  

convince the High Court.  A perusal  of  the judgment  of  the High Court  

would reveal that the High Court was more swayed by the fact that in the  

advertisement  it  was  no where  stated  that  there  can  be  short  listing  of  

candidates on the basis of academic qualifications. It thus held that since  

the  eligibility  prescribed  in  the  A.P.  Judicial  Ministerial  Service  Rules,  



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2003 mentions passing of  intermediate examination,  all  those who fulfil  

this qualification were eligible to participate in the selection process. The  

High  Court  also  referred  to  guideline  7  (a)  of  the  Instructions  dated  

1.7.1996 as per which marks secured in the qualifying examination is the  

criteria enlisted for the parties of screening/ shortlisting of the applicants  

for the post in Ministerial Services.

10.It  was  argued by learned Counsel  for  the  petitioner  that  when  large  

number  of  applications  are  received  for  a  particular  post,  it  is  always  

permissible for the recruitment agency to short list the candidates by fixing  

higher bench mark and such a higher bench mark can be on the basis of  

academic  qualifications  as  well.  The  learned  Counsel  relied  upon  the  

following two judgments of this Court in support of his aforesaid plea:-

(i) Union of India v. S. Vinod Kumar; 1996 (6) SCC 580

(ii) Andhra  Pradesh  Public  Service  Commission v.  Baloji   Badhavath; 2009 (5) SCC 1.

11. We  may record, at the outset, that general observations of the High  

Court  in  the  impugned  judgment  to  the  effect  that  short  listing  of  the  

applicants could not be on the basis of higher qualification, may not be  

correct. In this behalf we may refer to the judgment of this court in the case  



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of S.B.Mathur & Ors. vs. Chief Justice of Delhi High Court & Ors. (1989)  

Supp.(1) SCC 34. That was a case of departmental promotion.  However,  

zone  of  consideration  was limited  to  a  multiple  of  3  to  5  times  of  the  

number of vacancies. This criterion was upheld. The test laid down was  

that criterion adopted should be reasonable, based on rational & intelligible  

differentia  which  has  nexus  to  the  object  sought  to  be  achieved.   The  

justification  given by this  Court  in  adopting such a  course  of  action is  

found in the following passage from the said judgments.  

“In the case before us, zone has been restricted by prescribing  that  out  of  the  total  number  of  candidates  who  satisfy  the  eligibility  requirement,  the  zone  of  consideration  will  be  limited to a multiple of 3 to 5 times of the number of vacancies  and the persons to be considered will  be determined on the  basis of their seniority in the combined seniority list. It appears  to us that there is nothing unreasonable in this restriction. It  was  open  to  the  Delhi  High  Court  to  restrict  the  zone  of  consideration in any reasonable manner and limiting the zone  of consideration to a multiple of the number of vacancies and  basing it on seniority according to the combined seniority list,  in our view, cannot be regarded as arbitrary or capricious or  mala fide. Nor can it be said that such restriction violates the  principle  of  selection  on  merit  because  even  experience  in  service is a relevant consideration in assessing merit. We may  also refer, in this connection, to the decision of this Court in  V.J. Thomas v.  Union of  India  where it has been pointed out  that  even  though  minimum  eligibility  criterion  is  fixed  for  enabling one to take the examination, yet the examination can  be  confined  on  a  rational  basis  to  recruits  up  to  a  certain  number of years. In adopting such a policy which underlay the  Note to clause (4) of Appendix I to the new Rules in question,  



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there is nothing which is arbitrary or amounting to denial of  equal opportunity in the matter of promotion. It had the desired  effect  of  not  having  a  glut  of  Junior  Engineers  taking  examination compared to fewer number of vacancies. Length  and  experience  were  given  recognition  by  the  Note.  The  promotion  can  be  thus  by  stages  exposing  the  promotional  avenue gradually  to  persons  having longer  experience.  This  seems  to  be  the  policy  underlying  the  Note  and  there  was  nothing arbitrary or  unconstitutional  in  it.  Such a  limitation  caters to a well known situation in service jurisprudence that  there  must  be  some ratio  of  candidates  to  vacancies.  If  for  taking  an  examination  this  aspect  of  classification  is  introduced, it is based on rational and intelligible differentia  which has a nexus to the object  sought to be achieved (see  SCC p.  13 para 13).  In  view of  what  we have pointed  out  above, the submission of Mr Thakur in this connection must  also be rejected.”

12.Therefore, what follows from the above is that whenever a particular  

criterion for short listing is adopted, the validity thereof is to be examined  

keeping in view whether the same is rationale and having nexus with the  

objective  sought  to  be  achieved.   It  would  depend  on  the  facts  and  

circumstances of each case as to whether a particular criteria is valid or not.  

At the same time, it also becomes clear that whenever there is a particular  

provision for short listing the candidates in the Rules or Instructions, then  

the  short  listing  is  to  be  resorted  to  in  accordance  with  the  criterion  

mentioned in those Rules or Instructions.



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13.  In the instant case the candidates who applied were to appear in the  

qualifying examination and Circular Instruction dated 1.7.1996 issued by  

High Court administration very categorically provided for the procedure of  

short listing of candidates as well. Guideline 7(a) of the said Instructions  

dated 1.7.1996, in this behalf, reads as follows:

“Ministerial Service: For the purpose of screening/ short listing  of  the  applications  for  the  posts  in  Ministerial  Services,  the  Committee shall take into consideration the marks secured in the  qualifying examination and those who secured first  class or 60%  and above in the qualifying examination may be preferred to others,  subject however to the rider that those having qualification in Type  writing  (Higher  Grade)  or  Shorthand  and  those  possessing  Law  Degree are not denied consideration”.

14. Two things which emerge from the record, germane to the decision in this  

case, are as follows:

(i) As per Rule 8 of A.P. Judicial Ministerial Services Rules  2003,  read  with  Annexure  I  thereto  the  educational   qualification prescribed for the post of Junior Assistant  is  intermediate  examination  conducted  by  A.P.  State   Board of intermediate examination for any equivalent   examination. Thus, all those who fulfil this educational  qualification become eligible to be considered for the   post.

(ii)The  selection  process  was  to  start  with  qualifying   written  examination  and as  per  guideline 7(a)  of  the   instructions dated 1.7.1996 this qualifying examination  was for the purpose of screening/ short listing of the   



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applicants whereby those who secured first class for 60  percent  and  above  were  to  be  perfect  to  others.   Therefore, a specific criteria for short listing prescribed  by the respondents is the marks obtained in qualifying  examination.

15. Two  judgments  relied  upon  by  the  learned  Counsel  were  cited  

before the High Court also and the High Court has dealt with and discussed  

these cases in its impugned judgment in the following manner:

“Standing  Counsel  for  the  High  Court  placed  reliance  on  Union of India v.  S. Vinodh Kumar  ;  1996 (6) SCC 580 and  Andhra  Pradesh  Public  Service  Commission v.  Baloji   Badhavath; 2009 (5) SCC 1 of the Supreme Court in support  of his contention to uphold shortlisting of candidates by the  2nd respondent in this case. In S. Vinod Kumar (supra), the  Supreme  Court  upheld  fixing  of  cut  off  marks  by  the  competent  authority  during  the  course  of  recruitment  and  further upheld that decision not to lower the cut off marks in  the interest  of  general  merit,  even if  some of  the vacancies  remained unfilled, as such decision cannot be termed arbitrary.  The railway administration fixed cut off mark differently for  the purpose  of  filling up vacancies  in  general  category  and  reserved  category.  The  Supreme  Court  upheld  the  same  holding that the said fixing of cut off mark is neither arbitrary  nor offends the principles of equality enshrined under Article  14 of the Constitution of India. It was further observed therein  that  power  of  the  employer  to  fix  cut  off  marks  is  neither  denied nor disputed and that if the cut off marks were fixed on  rational basis, no exception can be taken thereof. The question  of fixing cut off mark in the recruitment process arises only  after  the  applicants/  candidates  are  given  opportunity  to  participate  in the selection process. Fixing of  cut  off  marks  during  the  course  of  recruitment  process  after  giving  opportunity to the candidates to participate in the process, is  



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totally  different  from preventing  entry  of  the  candidates  to  participate  in  the  recruitment  process  by  shortlisting  the  candidates at the threshold of recruitment process by denying  even opportunity to the eligible candidates to participate in the  recruitment  process  by  way  of  attending  written  test  or  screening test. Thus, S. Vinod Kumar (supra) is no answer for  the respondents to support shortlisting of eligible candidates  by  applying  criterion  of  possessing  higher  educational  qualifications than prescribed by the 2003 Rules.

In Baloji Badhavath (supra), the Supreme Court upheld  rules as well as action of the Andhra Pradesh Public Service  Commission in conducting preliminary examination for all the  qualified candidates before shortlisting the candidates for the  purpose  of  attending written examination,  particularly  when  several lakhs of candidates applied for recruitment to Group-I  services in the State. Of course, the quesiton therein was with  regard to non fixing of lesser minimum marks to be secured by  candidates belonging to reserved categories when compared to  candidates  belonging  to  open  category  and  its  validity  qua  proviso to Article 335 of the Constitution. The Supreme Court  noticed the following rule position with regard to short listing:

“35. Rule 4 of the Andhra Pradesh Public Service  Commission  Rules  of  Procedure  which  refers  to  Rules 22 and 22-A of the Andhra Pradesh State and  Subordinate Service Rules, 1996 would apply only  where short listing is done. The first part of the said  Rule  empowers  the  commission  to  restrict  the  number of  candidates to be called for interview to  such extent  as it  may deem fit.  While  shortlisting,  however, it may hold a written test or provide for a  preferential  or  higher  qualification  and  experience  and only for that purpose it is required to take into  account the requirements with reference to Rules 22  and  22  A  of  the  Andhra  Pradesh  State  and  Subordinate  Service  Rules,  1996  and  the  rule  of  



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reservation in favour of local candidates.”

The Supreme Court further observed:

“By  reason  of  providing  for  a  preliminary  examination,  the  right  of  the  reserved  category  candidates  has  not  been  taken  away.  The  means  cannot  be  allowed  to  defeat  the  ends  which  the  constitutional scheme seeks to achieve.”

With regard to conducting of preliminary examination which  is not part of main examination, the Supreme Court observed:

“29. Indisputably, the preliminary examination is  

not a part of the main examination. The merit of the  

candidate is not judged thereby. Only an eligibility  

criterion  is  fixed.  The  papers  for  holding  the  

examination comprise of General Studies and Mental  

Ability. Such a test must be held to be necessary for  

the  purpose  of  judging  the  basic  eligibility  of  the  

candidates to hold the tests.”

Ultimately  the  Supreme  Court  upheld  action  of  Andhra  Pradesh Public Service Commission in conducting preliminary  test  before conducting main examination for  shortlisting the  candidates  for  main  examination  without  even  fixing  minimum marks differently for open and reserved categories  of candidates.”

16. We do not find any fault  in the aforesaid discussion of the High  



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Court pertaining to the said two judgments and are of the opinion that these  

judgments do not advance the case of the appellants. On the contrary para  

29 of Baloja Badhawath case supports the view taken by the High Court.  

17. We fail to understand how a person who fulfils the eligibility conditions as  

per the recruitment rules can be excluded even from appearing in the qualifying  

written examination by fixing higher educational qualification bench mark. That  

would be permissible where the post is to be filled by main written examination  

(with marks obtained therein to be included in the total marks) followed by viva-

voice test OR where the post is to be filled by interview mode alone. Thus, having  

regard  to  the  specific  provision  of  shortlisting,  we  are  of  the  opinion  that  the  

impugned judgment of the High Court has taken the correct view.  

18. The High Court has quashed the selections. These appellants were given  

appointments vide order dated 16.6.2010. However, even after the setting aside of  

their appointment they have continued in service because of interim order passed  

by this Court. In this manner they have served for more than 3 years as Junior  

Assistants.  However,  since  large  number  of  candidates  were  excluded  from  

consideration by adopting wrong methodology, the appointments of the appellants  

cannot be saved. At the same time we are of the opinion that the appellants be  

allowed to continue till  the selection process for filling up the said 17 posts of  



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Junior Assistants is  taken afresh by the official respondents. This is to ensure that  

there is no undue disruption in the Ministerial functioning of the District Court,  

Adilabad. At the same time we direct that the Principal District and Session Judge  

shall  initiate  fresh  selection  for  appointment  to  the  aforesaid  posts  within  one  

month from the date of this order and complete the selection process within six  

months from thereafter. The appellant shall also be allowed to participate in the  

said selection process. Those appellants who get selected will continue to be in  

service and they will be treated in service from their initial appointment vide orders  

dated 16.6.2010 protecting their seniority. Those of the appellants who fail in the  

fresh selection process, their services shall be terminated.  

19. Subject to the aforesaid observations the present appeal is dismissed, with  

no order as to cost.

…................................................J. [K.S. RADHAKRISHNAN]

…................................................J. [A.K. SIKRI]

New Delhi November 21, 2013