28 February 2014
Supreme Court


Case number: C.A. No.-009154-009156 / 2003
Diary number: 19473 / 2003


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CIVIL APPEAL NOS. 9154-9156 OF 2003

Commissioner of Central Excise, Jaipur-II … Appellant


M/s. Super Synotex (India) Ltd. and others …Respondents



CIVIL APPEAL NO.   2912  OF 2014 (Arising out of S.L.P. (C) No. 16248 of 2009)

CIVIL APPEAL NOS. 2008-2009 OF 2010

CIVIL APPEAL NOS. 335-336 OF 2005





CIVIL APPEAL NOS. 778-779 OF 2009


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CIVIL APPEAL NO. 8095-8103 OF 2013



Dipak Misra, J.

Leave granted in Special Leave Petition (C) No. 16248  

of 2009.

2. This batch of appeals preferred under Section 35L of the  

Central Excise Act, 1944 (for brevity, the Act) being inter-

connected  and  inter-linked  was  heard  together  and  is  

disposed of by a common judgment.  It is necessary to  

clarify that the Revenue has preferred the appeals against  

the  decisions  rendered  by  the  Customs,  Excise  &  Gold  

(Control)  Appellate Tribunal  (for  short  “the Tribunal”) at  

various  Benches  whereby  the  assessee-manufacturers  

have been extended the benefit  of  deduction of  excise


Page 3


duty  in  respect  of  sales  tax  imposed  by  the  State  

Government but not entirely paid to the State exchequer  

while determining the assessable value for the purpose of  

central excise, and some of the assessee-manufacturers  

have preferred appeals being grieved by the rejection for  

grant  of  similar  relief  pertaining  to  the  payment  made  

under  the  Central  Sales  Tax  Act.   For  the  sake  of  

convenience, the facts from Civil Appeal Nos. 9154-9156  

of 2003 are adumbrated herein as far as appeals by the  

Revenue are concerned.  In respect of the challenge made  

by  the  assessee-manufacturers  we  shall  take  the  facts  

from Civil Appeal No. 4621 of 2008.

3. First  we shall  advert  to  the issue involving the appeals  

preferred  by  the  Revenue.   The  respondent  herein  is  

engaged in the manufacture of yarn of manmade fibers  

falling under Chapter 55 of the Schedule to the Central  

Excise Tariff Act, 1985, chargeable to duty.   A show-cause  

notice  was  issued  to  the  respondent-assessee  on  the  

ground  that  for  certain  period  it  had  contravened  the  

various  provisions  of  the  Act,  and  the  Central  Excise


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Rules,  1944  which  had  resulted  in  evasion  of  Central  

Excise Duty.  The fulcrum of the show-cause notice was  

that the assessee had not paid the duty on the additional  

consideration collected towards the sales tax.  The case of  

the Revenue was that though the assessee was availing  

exemption  from  payment  of  sales  tax,  it  was  showing  

sales tax in the invoices but assessable value was shown  

separately  for  payment  of  Central  Excise  Duty  as  a  

consequence of which the net yarn value was invariably  

higher  than the  assessable  value  and excise  duty  paid  

thereon.   This  led  to  the  difference  between  the  two  

amounts which was almost equal to the amount of sales  

tax applicable during the relevant time.  The explanation  

of the assessee was that it was extended the benefit of  

the incentive scheme and not granted any exemption and,  

therefore, the sales tax collected was not includible in the  

assessable value and deduction was admissible under the  


4. The  Commissioner  of  Excise  repelled  the  stand  of  the  

assessee, interpreted the benefit granted to the assessee


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as partial exemption and, taking certain other facts into  

consideration,  came  to  hold  that  the  assessee  had  

deliberately with an intent to evade payment of duty had  

suppressed  the  fact  that  though  it  was  availing  partial  

sales  tax  exemption  under  the  Sales  Tax  Incentive  

Scheme of 1989 for the relevant period upto 75% of tax  

liability,  yet it  was paying only 25% of  the tax leviable  

despite collecting additional consideration to the extent of  

the  amount  of  sales  tax  and,  therefore,  the  additional  

amount collected under the camouflage of incentive tax  

had to be taken note of and, accordingly, price was to be  

declared and formed as a part of the value for the levy of  

excise duty.   

5. Be it noted, in its reply the assessee had placed reliance  

on C.B.E. & C Circular No. 378/11-98-CX dated 12.3.1998  

and  claimed  that  one  of  the  situations  as  stipulated  

therein covered the likes of the assessee and hence,  it  

was  not  liable  to  be  fastened with  any  further  liability.  

The  Commissioner  distinguished  the  said  circular  and  

came to hold that the assessee, with an intention to evade


Page 6


payment of duty, had wilfully suppressed the facts that it  

was availing partial exemption of sales tax and collecting  

additional  consideration to the extent of  the amount of  

sales  tax  not  payable  by  it.   In  this  backdrop,  the  

Commissioner  treated  it  as  short  payment  by  the  

assessee and directed for recovery of duty and imposed  

penalty under Sections 11A, 11AC and 11AB of the Act  

and further imposed penalty on the persons responsible  

for the said suppression and evasion.

6. Being grieved by the order passed by the Commissioner of  

Central  Excise,  Jaipur,  the  assessee  preferred  three  

appeals, namely, Appeal NO. E/2279-2281 of 2002.  The  

Tribunal  posed  the  question  whether  the  assessee  was  

entitled to claim deduction under Section 4(4)(d)(ii) of the  

Act in respect of full amount of sales tax payable at the  

rate of 2%.  The Tribunal took note of the fact that the  

assessee, being entitled for the benefit  under the Sales  

Tax New Incentive Scheme for Industries, 1989 (for short  

“the  Scheme”),  had  availed  the  same  with  effect  from  

3.12.1996 and under the said Scheme it was entitled to


Page 7


retain with it 75% of the sales tax collected and pay only  

25%  to  the  Government  and,  accordingly  claimed  the  

deduction for the entire amount of sales tax payable at  

the rate of 2% and, accordingly,  it  did not approve the  

view  adopted  by  the  adjudicating  authority  that  the  

benefit granted to the assessee in respect of the sales tax  

was in the nature of an exemption and not an incentive  

and, therefore, not deductible under Section 4(4)(d)(ii) of  

the  Act.   The  Tribunal  referred  to  the  circular  dated  

12.3.1998  issued  by  the  Central  Board  of  Excise  and  

Customs  (CBEC)  and  came  to  hold  that  sales  tax  was  

deductible from the wholesale price for determination of  

assessable value under Section 4 of the Act for levy of  

Central Excise Duty.  Being of this view, it set aside the  

order passed by the Commissioner of Excise and directed  

for refund of the deposits made during investigation and  

the deposit made in pursuance of the order passed by the  


7. We  have  heard  Mr.  K.  Radhakrishnan,  learned  senior  

counsel, appearing for the Revenue and learned counsel


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appearing for the respondents in the appeals preferred by  

the Revenue.

8. Mr.  Radhakrishnan,  learned  senior  counsel,  questioning  

the  legal  pregnability  of  the  impugned  order,  has  

contended that the tribunal has clearly erred in applying  

the circular dated 12.3.1998 as the stipulations in the said  

circular  do  not  cover  the  cases  of  the  present  nature  

inasmuch as  the assessee was extended the benefit  of  

incentive  scheme.   It  is  his  further  stand  that  in  the  

obtaining circumstances sales tax was collected but not  

paid to the State exchequer and, therefore, it  would be  

includible  in  assessable  value.   Learned  senior  counsel  

would contend that  the Tribunal  has not  dealt  with the  

issue pertaining to “payable”, for the issue of “payability”  

depends on the language employed in the statute.  Mr.  

Radhakrishnan  has  urged  that,  in  any  case,  after  the  

amendment  has  come  into  force  effecting  “transaction  

value” under Section 4(3)(d) of the Act with effect from  

1.7.2000 there is  a schematic change but unfortunately  

the same has not been addressed to by the tribunal which


Page 9


makes  the  order  absolutely  vulnerable.   He  has  

commended  us  to  the  decision  in  Modipon  Fibre  

Company,  Modinagar,  U.P.  v.  Commissioner  of  

Central Excise, Meerut1.

9. Learned  counsel  appearing  for  the  assessee  submitted  

that  the  order  passed  by  the  tribunal  is  absolutely  

inexceptionable inasmuch as it has correctly applied the  

circular  issued  by  the  CBEC  and  the  respondent  being  

exempted under the incentive scheme issued by the State  

Government  is  entitled  to  avail  the  benefit.   He  has  

commended  us  to  the  Scheme  issued  by  the  State  

Government and brought on record the assessment orders  

passed  by  the  sales  tax  authorities.   Learned  counsel  

would  further  submit  that  as  per  the  Scheme they  are  

entitled to retain 75% of the sales tax collected and pay  

only balance 25% to the State Government and despite  

the  same being  the  admitted  position,  the  adjudicating  

authority has committed grave illegality by treating it as  

an exemption which has been appositely corrected by the  

1 (2007) 10 SCC 3


Page 10


tribunal and hence, the order impugned is impeccable.  It  

is propounded that the amended provision that came on  

the  statute  book  with  effect  from  1.7.2000  does  not  

change the situation and, in fact, the earlier circular on  

principle has been reiterated by the subsequent circular  

dated 9.10.2002.  

10. Having  regard  to  rivalised  submissions  raised  at  the  

Bar, we deem it appropriate to first refer to the ratio and  

principle stated in Modipon Fibre Company (supra).  In  

the  said  case,  the  show  cause  notice  was  dated  19th  

March,  1999  and related  to  the  period  March,  1994  to  

March,  1997.   Section  4(4)(d)(ii)  as  applicable  was  as  


“4.  Valuation of excisable goods for purposes of   charging of duty of excise.—(1) to (3) * *


(4) For the purposes of this section,—

(a) to (c) * * *

(d) ‘value’, in relation to any excisable goods,—

(i) * * *


Page 11


(ii)  does not include the amount of the duty   of excise, sales tax and other taxes, if any,   payable on such goods and, subject to such  rules  as  may  be  made,  the  trade  discount  (such discount not being refundable on any  account  whatsoever)  allowed in  accordance  with  the  normal  practice  of  the  wholesale  trade  at  the  time  of  removal  in  respect  of  such goods sold or contracted for sale;

Explanation.—For  the  purposes  of  this  sub- clause,  the  amount  of  the  duty  of  excise  payable on any excisable goods shall be the  sum total of—

(a) the effective duty of excise payable  on such goods under this Act; and

(b) the aggregate of the effective duties  of excise payable under other Central Acts, if  any, providing for the levy of duties of excise  on such goods under each Act referred to in  Clause (a) or Clause (b) shall be,—

(i)  in  a  case  where  a  notification  or  order  providing  for  any  exemption  [not  being  an  exemption for giving credit with respect to, or  reduction of duty of excise under such Act on  such  goods  equal  to,  any  duty  of  excise  under such Act, or the additional duty under  Section 3 of the Customs Tariff Act, 1975 (51  of 1975), already paid on the raw material or  component  parts  used in  the  production  or  manufacture of such goods] from the duty of  excise under such Act is for the time being in  force,  the  duty  of  excise  computed  with  reference to the rate specified in such Act, in  respect  of  such goods as reduced so as to  give  full  and  complete  effect  to  such  exemption; and


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(ii) in any other case, the duty of excise computed  with reference to the rate specified in such Act in  respect of such goods.”

11. The  contention  of  the  assessee  was  that  they  were  

entitled to deduction in respect of Turnover Tax (TOT) at  

the  rate  of  2%  though  Government  of  Gujarat  by  

notification dated 19th October, 1993 had exempted sale  

of yarn under certificate in Form 26 to the extent of TOT  

exceeding .5% of the total turnover if the processed yarn  

was sold in the State of Gujarat.  Thus, there was dual  

rate of 2% and .5% TOT in the State of Gujarat, with the  

lower  rate  being  applicable  to  sales  in  backward  area.  

Relying  upon  the  word/expression  “payable”  used  in  

Section 4(4)(d)(ii), it was submitted by the assessee that  

it  refers  to  the  duty  payable  in  the  tariff  and  not  any  

concession or exemption.  The contention was rejected by  

the  Court  observing  that  the  word  “payable”  was  

descriptive and one has to see the context in which the  

said word finds place and accordingly proceeded to opine:  



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“As can be seen from the abovequoted section,  excise duty can be deducted if  it  had not  been  included in  the  invoice  price.   According  to  the  Explanation,  what  is  deductible  is  the  effective  rate  of  duty.   Where  any  exemption  has  been  granted, that exemption has to be deducted from  the ad valorem duty.  In other words, it is only the  net  duty  liability  of  the  assessee  that  can  be  deducted in computing the assessable value.  The  said  principle  stands  incorporated  in  the  Explanation.   For  example,  if  the  assessee  recovers duty at the tariff rate but pays duty at  concessional  rate,  then excise duty has to be a  part of the assessable value.  Similarly, refund of  excise duty cannot be treated as net profit  and  added on to the value of clearances.  There is no  provision  in  Section  4  of  the  1944  Act  to  treat  refund as part of assessable value.  If excise duty  paid  to  the  Government  is  collected  at  actuals  from  the  customers  and  if,  subsequently,  exemption  becomes  available,  such  excise  duty  which  is  not  passed  on  to  the  assessee  (sic  customer), would become part of assessable value  under Section 4(4)(d)(ii).”

12. The aforesaid observations were made in the context of  

TOT which could be deducted, if it had not been included  

in the invoice price.  The excise duty, it was observed, was  

the effective rate of duty and where any exemption was  

granted,  the  exemption  was  to  be  deducted  from  ad  

valorem duty.  Only the net duty liability of the assessee  

was to be reduced from the invoice price for computing


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the  assessable  value.   Thus,  where  an  assessee  had  

recovered duty at a higher rate but was paying duty at a  

concessional  rate,  then that  part  of  unpaid  excise duty  

was to be part of taxable or assessable value.  But refund  

of  excise  duty  was  not  to  be  added  to  the  value  of  

clearances and similarly if subsequently an exemption had  

become available it could not be reduced to lower to the  

assessable value.

13. After so stating the bench referred to the decisions of  

the  Bombay High  Court  in  Tata Oil  Mills  Co.  Ltd.  v.  

Union  of  India2 and  B.K.  Paper  Mills  Pvt.  Ltd.  v.  

Union of India3 and approving the principle  laid down  

therein, observed thus: -

“In  our  view,  the  above  two  judgments  of  the  Bombay High Court lay down the correct principle  underlying  the  Explanation  to  Section  4(4)(d)(ii).  As held in TOMCO case the exemption was not by  way of a windfall  for  the manufacturer assessee  but on account of cotton seed oil used by TOMCO  in  the  manufacture  of  Pakav.  Similarly,  in  B.K.  Paper Mills the Bombay High Court has correctly  analysed Section 4(4)(d)(ii) with the Explanation to  say  that  only  the  reduced  rate  of  duty  can  be  excluded  from the  value  of  the  goods  and  that  

2 1980 (6) ELT 768 (Bom) 3 1984 (18) ELT 701 (Bom)


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Explanation  explains  what  was  implicit  in  that  section.  That,  the said Section 4(4)(d)(ii)  did not  refer  to  duty  leviable  under  the  relevant  tariff  entry without reference to exemption notification  that  may  be  in  existence  at  the  time  of  clearance/removal. That, Section 47 of the Finance  Act,  1982  which  inserted  the  Explanation  expressly  sets  out  what  is  meant  by  the  expression “the amount of duty of excise payable  on any excisable goods”. By the amount of duty of  excise what is meant is the effective duty of excise  payable  on  such  goods  under  the  Act  and,  therefore,  effective  duty  of  excise  is  the  duty  calculated on the basis of the prescribed rate as  reduced by the exemption notification. This alone  is excluded from the normal price under Section  4(4)(d)(ii).”

After so stating the Court stated: -

Therefore,  the  test  to  be  applied  is  that  of  the  “actual value of the duty payable” and, therefore,  there  is  no  merit  in  the  argument  advanced on  behalf  of  the  assessee  that  the  Explanation  is  restricted to the duty of excise. This principle can  therefore apply also to actual value of any other  tax  including  TOT  payable.  Even  without  the  Explanation,  the  scheme  of  Section  4(4)(d)(ii)  shows that in computing the assessable value, one  has to go by the actual value of the duty payable  and,  therefore,  only  the  reduced  duty  was  deductible from the value of the goods.

14. It is seemly to note that the Court approved the ratio  

laid  down  in  the  judgment  of  Bombay  High  Court  in  

Central India Spinning Weaving and Manufacturing


Page 16


Co. Ltd. v. Union of India4 by reproducing the following  

observations: -

“9. … It is true that according to Section 4(4)(d)(ii)  of  the  Central  Excise  Act,  the  value  does  not  include  the  amount  of  duty  of  excise,  if  any  payable on such goods, but in view of Explanation  to Section  4(4)(d)(ii),  the ‘duty of excise’  means  the duty  payable in  terms of  the Central  Excise  Tariff  read  with  exemption  notification  issued  under Rule 8 of the Central Excise Rules. In this  view  of  the  matter,  the  only  deduction  that  is  permissible is of the actual duty paid or payable  while fixing the assessable value. Thus, where the  company/manufacturer  whose  goods  were  liable  to excise duty at a reduced rate in consequence of  an  exemption  notification,  while  paying  duty  at  reduced rate collected duty at a higher rate i.e.  tariff rate from its customers the authorities were  justified in holding that what was being collected  by  the  company  as  excise  duty  was  not  excise  duty but the value in substance of the goods and,  therefore,  the  excess  value  collected  by  the  petitioner  from  the  customers  was  recoverable  under Section 11-A of the Central Excises and Salt  Act, 1944.”

After  explaining  as  aforesaid  the  Court  ruled  that  

though in respect of backward areas sales, the rate of TOT  

was .5%, whereas TOT rate in normal area sales was 2%, yet  

the  assessee  had suppressed  the  aforesaid  data  to  claim  

TOT deduction @ 2% to compute the assessable value on  

4 1987 (30) ELT 217 (Bom)


Page 17


the entire sales including sales made in backward area.  This  

was wrong and the department was justified in calling upon  

the assessee to pay the differential excise duty.

15. The Court  in  the said  decision has  observed that  by  

claiming  higher  deduction  @  2%  instead  of  .5%,  the  

assessee was gaining a windfall and this was not justified.  

It was further observed that TOMCO’s case was decided  

on 24th July, 1980 and at that time there were conflicting  

decisions  and  thereafter  the  Legislature  had  inserted  

explanation to Section 4(4)(d)(ii) of the Act by using the  

words  “the  effective  duty  of  excise  payable  on  goods  

under this Act”.

16. In  the  case  at  hand,  the  assessee  has  claimed  that  

there  is  difference  between  grant  of  incentive  and  

extension of benefit of exemption, and the scheme, i.e.,  

the “Rajasthan Sales Tax Incentive Scheme 1989” does  

not relate to exemption but incentive.  To elaborate, the  

assessee, under the said Scheme, is permitted to retain  

75% of the sales tax collected as incentive and is liable to


Page 18


pay 25% to the department.  75% of the amount retained  

has been treated as incentive by the State Government.  

It  is  pointed  out  that  such  retention  of  sales  tax  is  a  

deemed payment of sales tax to the State exchequer and  

for  the  said  purpose  reliance  is  placed  on  Circular  No.  

378/11/98-CX dated 12.3.1998 issued by C.B.E.C.

17. In  the  aforesaid  circular,  three  situations  were  

envisaged, viz., (i) exemption from payment of sales tax  

for a particular period; (ii) deferment of payment of sales  

tax  for  a  particular  period;  and  (iii)  grant  of  incentive  

equivalent  to  sales  tax  payable  by  the  unit.   The  

aforestated three situations  had been examined by the  

Board in consultation with the Ministry of Law.  As far as  

situation (iii) is concerned, the circular stated thus: -

“6. Examination  of  the  situation,  mentioned  above in para 2(ii) & (iii), in the referring note  give an indication that sales tax is payable by  the  assessee  in  both  the  situations.   It  is  payable after a particular period in the second  case.  On the other hand, in the third situation,  the  sales  tax  is  considered  payable  by  the  assessee even though it  is  paid  by  the  State  Government,  the  assessee  keeping  the  said  amount as cash incentive.  In this situation sales


Page 19


tax would be considered as payable within the  meaning of the provisions of Section 4(4)(d)(ii)  of the Act.

7. We are therefore, of the opinion that in the  category of cases mentioned in para 2(i), sales  tax is not deductible whereas in the category of  cases  mentioned  at  (ii)  and  (iii)  sales  tax  is  deductible  from  the  wholesale  price  for  determination  of  assessable  value  under  Section 4 of the Act for levy of Central Excise  duty.”

18. To  understand  the  purpose  of  the  aforesaid  two  

paragraphs it is also necessary to refer to the note given  

by the Board seeking opinion of  the Ministry  of  Law in  

respect of situation (iii) which is a part of the said circular.  

It reads as follows: -

“In situation (iii), the manufacturer collects the  sales tax from the buyers and retains the same  with  him  instead  of  paying  it  to  the  State  Government.   The  State  Government  on  the  other hand grants a cash incentive equivalent to  the amount of sales tax payable and instead of  the  case  incentive  being  paid  to  the  manufacturer, is credited to State Government  account as payment towards sales tax by the  manufacturer.  In such a situation sales tax is  also considered payable by the assessee within  the meaning of the provisions of Section 4(4)(d) (ii) of the Central Excise Act, 1944.  Therefore,  sales tax is deductible from the wholesale price  for determination of assessable value for levy of


Page 20


Central  Excise  duty  in  category  of  cases  mentioned in para (ii) & (iii) above.”

19. On perusal of the assessment orders brought on record,  

it is quite clear that in pursuance of the Scheme 75% of  

the sales tax amount was credited to the account of the  

State Government as payment towards sales tax by the  

manufacturer.  On a studied scrutiny of the scheme we  

have no  scintilla  of  doubt  that  it  is  a  pure  and simple  

incentive  scheme,  regard  being  had  to  the  language  

employed therein.  In fact, by no stretch of imagination, it  

can be construed as a Scheme pertaining to exemption.  

Thus,  analysed,  though 25% of  sales tax is  paid to the  

State  Government,  the  State  Government  instead  of  

giving certain amount towards industrial incentive, grants  

incentive in the form of retention of 75% sales tax amount  

by the  assessee.   In  a  case  of  exemption,  sales  tax  is  

neither  collectable  nor  payable  and  if  still  an  assessee  

collects any amount on the head of sales tax, that would  

become the price of the goods.  Therefore, an incentive  

scheme  of  the  present  nature  has  to  be  treated  on  a  

different footing because the sales tax is collected and a


Page 21


part of it  is  retained by the assessee towards incentive  

which is subject to assessment under the local sales tax  

law  and,  as  a  matter  of  fact,  assessments  have  been  

accordingly framed.  In this factual backdrop, it has to be  

held that circular entitles an assessee to claim deduction  

towards sales  tax from the assessable  value.   The fact  

situation  in  Modipon  Fibre  Company (supra),  as  is  

manifest, was different.  In our considered opinion what  

has  been  stated  in  Modipon  Fibre  Company (supra)  

cannot not be extended to include the situation (iii).  We  

are inclined to think so as the definition of term “value”  

under Section 4(4)(d) was slightly differently worded and  

the  CBEC  had  clarified  the  same  in  the  circular  dated  

12.3.1998 and benefits were granted.

20. The question that would still remain alive is that what  

would be the effect of amendment of Section 4 which has  

come into force with effect from 1.7.2000.  The Section  

4(3)(d)  which  defines  “transaction  value”,  reads  as  

follows: -


Page 22


“4. Valuation  of  excisable  goods  for  purposes of charging of duty of excise. –  

(1) & (2) * *

(3) For the purposes of this section, -

(a) to (cc) * * *

(d) “transaction value” means the price actually  paid or payable for the goods, when sold, and  includes in addition to the amount charged as  price, any amount that the buyer is liable to pay  to, or on behalf of, the assessee, by reason of,  or in connection with the sale, whether payable  at  the time of  the sale  or  at  any other  time,  including,  but  not  limited  to,  any  amount  charged  for,  or  to  make  provision  for,  advertising  or  publicity,  marketing  and selling  organization  expenses,  storage,  outward  handling,  servicing,  warranty,  commission  or  any  other  matter;  but  does  not  include  the  amount of duty of excise, sales tax and other  taxes, if any, actually paid or actually payable  on such goods.”

21. After the substitution of the old Section 4 of the Act by  

Act 10 of 2000 as reproduced hereinabove,  the Central  

Board of Excise and Customs, New Delhi,  issued certain  

circulars  and  vide  circular  No.  671/62/2000-CX  dated  

9.10.2002 clarified the circular issued on 1.7.2000.  In the  

said circular reference was made to the earlier circular No.  

2/94-CX 1 dated 11.1.1994.  It has been observed in the  

circular that after coming into force of new Section 4 with


Page 23


effect from 1.7.2000 wherein the concept of transaction  

value has been incorporated and the earlier explanation  

has  been  deleted,  the  circular  had  lost  its  relevance.  

However, after so stating the said circular addressed to  

the  representations  received  from  the  Chambers  of  

Commerce,  Associations,  assessees  as  well  as  the  field  

formations and in the context stated thus: -

“5. The  matter  has  been  examined  in  the  Board.  It is observed that assessees charge and  collect  sales  tax  from  their  buyers  at  rates  notified by the State Government for different  commodities.   For  manufacture  of  excisable  goods assessees procure raw materials, in some  State,  by  paying  sales  tax/  purchase  tax  on  them  (in  some  States,  like  New  Delhi),  raw  materials are purchased against forms ST-1/ST- 35 without paying any tax).   While depositing  sales  tax  with  the  Sales  Tax  Deptt.  (on  a  monthly  or  quarterly  basis),  the  assessee  deposits only the net amount of sales tax after  deducting  set  off/rebate  admissible,  either  in  full  or  in  part,  on  the  sales  tax/purchase  tax  paid  on  the  raw  materials  during  the  said  month/quarter.   The sales  tax  set  off  in  such  cases, therefore, does not work like the central  excise  set  off  notifications  where  one  to  one  relationship  is  to  be  established  between  the  finished product and the raw materials and the  assessee  is  allowed  to  charge  only  the  net  central  excise  duty  from  the  buyer  in  the  invoice.   The  difference  between  the  set  off  operating in respect of central excise duty and


Page 24


that for sales tax can be best illustrated through  an example.  If the sales tax on a product ‘A’ of  value  Rs.100/-  is,  say  5%  and  the  set  off  available in respect of the purchase tax/ sales  tax paid on inputs going into the manufacture of  the product is,  say,  Re.1/-,  then the sales tax  law permits the assessee to recover sales tax of  Rs.5/-.  But while paying to the sales tax deptt.  be deposits an amount of Rs.5-1 = Rs.4 only.  On the central excise duty payable would have  been  Rs.5-1  =  Rs.4,  in  view  of  the  set  off  notification, and the assessee would recover an  amount of Rs.4 only from the buyer as Central  Excise duty.   Thus,  it  is  seen that the set off  scheme in respect of sales tax operate in these  cases somewhat like the CENVAT Scheme which  does not have the effect of changing the rate of  duty payable on the finished product.

6. Therefore,  since  the  set  off  scheme  of  sales tax does not change the rate of sales tax  payable/ chargeable on the finished goods, the  set  off  is  not  to  be  taken  into  account  for  calculating the amount of sales tax permissible  as  abatement  for  arriving  at  the  assessable  value u/s 4.  In other words only that amount of  sales tax will be permissible as deduction under  Section  4  as  is  equal  to  the  amount  legally  permissible under the local sales tax laws to be  charged/billed from the customer/ buyer.”

[Emphasis added]

22. It  is  evincible  from  the  language  employed  in  the  

aforesaid circular that set off is to be taken into account  

for  calculating  the  amount  of  sales  tax  permissible  for  

arriving at the “transaction value” under Section 4 of the


Page 25


Act because the set off does not change the rate of sales  

tax payable/  chargeable,  but  a  lower  amount  is  in  fact  

paid  due to  set  off  of  the sales  tax  paid  on  the  input.  

Thus, if sales tax was not paid on the input, full amount is  

payable  and  has  to  be  excluded  for  arriving  at  the  

“transaction value”.  That is not the factual matrix in the  

present case.  The assessee in the present case has paid  

only  25% and  retained  75% of  the  amount  which  was  

collected as sales tax.  75% of the amount collected was  

retained and became the profit or the effective cost paid  

to the assessee by the purchaser.  The amount payable as  

sales tax was only 25% of the normal sales tax.  Purpose  

and objective in defining “transaction value” or value in  

relation to excisable goods is obvious.  The price or cost  

paid to the manufacturer constitutes the assessable value  

on which excise duty is payable.  It is also obvious that the  

excise duty payable has to be excluded while calculating  

transaction value for levy of excise duty.  Sales tax or VAT  

or  turnover  tax  is  payable  or  paid  to  the  State  

Government on the transaction, which is regarded as sale,


Page 26


i.e., for transfer of title in the manufactured goods.  The  

amount paid or payable to the State Government towards  

sales  tax,  VAT,  etc.  is  excluded  because  it  is  not  an  

amount paid to the manufacturer towards the price, but  

an amount paid or payable to the State Government for  

the  sale  transaction,  i.e.,  transfer  of  title  from  the  

manufacturer to a third party.  Accordingly, the amount  

paid to the State Government is only excludible from the  

transaction value.  What is not payable or to be paid as  

sales  tax/VAT,  should  not  be  charged  from  the  third  

party/customer,  but  if  it  charged and is  not  payable or  

paid,  it  is  a  part  and should  not  be excluded from the  

transaction  value.   This  is  the  position  after  the  

amendment, for as per the amended provision the words  

“transaction value” mean payment made on actual basis  

or  actually  paid by the assessee.   The words that  gain  

signification  are  “actually  paid”.   The  situation  after  

1.7.2000 does not cover a situation which was covered  

under the circular dated 12.3.1998.  Be that as it may, the  

clear legislative intent, as it seems to us, is on “actually


Page 27


paid”.  The question of “actually payable” does not arise  

in this case.     

23. In view of the aforesaid legal position, unless the sales  

tax is actually paid to the Sales Tax Department of the  

State Government, no benefit towards excise duty can be  

given  under  the  concept  of  “transaction  value”  under  

Section 4(4)(d), for it is not excludible.  As is seen from  

the facts, 25% of the sales tax collected has been paid to  

the State exchequer by way of deposit.  The rest of the  

amount has been retained by the assessee.  That has to  

be  treated  as  the  price  of  the  goods  under  the  basic  

fundamental  conception  of  “transaction  value”  as  

substituted  with  effect  from  1.7.2000.   Therefore,  the  

assessee is bound to pay the excise duty on the said sum  

after the amended provision had brought on the statute  


24. What is urged by the learned counsel for the assessee  

is that paragraphs 5 and 6 of the circular dated 9.10.2002  

do  protect  them,  as  has  been  more  clearly  stated  in


Page 28


paragraph 5.  To elaborate, sales tax having been paid on  

the inputs/raw materials, that is excluded from the excise  

duty when price is computed.  Eventually, the amount of  

tax paid is less than the amount of tax payable and hence,  

the concept of “actually paid” gets satisfied.  Judged on  

this anvil  the submission of the learned counsel for the  

assessee that it would get benefit of paragraph 6 of the  

circular, is unacceptable.  The assessee can only get the  

benefit on the amount that has actually been paid.  The  

circular does not take note of any kind of book adjustment  

and correctly so, because the dictionary clause has been  

amended.  We may, at this stage, also clarify the position  

relating  to  circulars.  Binding  nature  of  a  circular  was  

examined by the Constitution Bench in  CCE  v.  Dhiren  

Chemicals Industries5, and it was held that if there are  

circulars  issued  by  CBEC  which  placed  different  

interpretation  upon  a  phrase  in  the  statute,  the  

interpretation suggested in the circular would be binding  

on the Revenue, regardless of the interpretation placed by  

5 (2002) 2 SCC 127


Page 29


this  Court.   In  CCE  v.  Ratan  Melting  &  Wire  

Industries6, the Constitution Bench clarifying paragraph  

11 in  Dhiren Chemicals Industries  (supra) has stated  

thus: -

“7. Circulars  and  instructions  issued  by  the  Board  are  no  doubt  binding  in  law  on  the  authorities  under  the  respective  statutes,  but  when  the  Supreme  Court  or  the  High  Court  declares  the  law  on  the  question  arising  for  consideration,  it  would  not  be  appropriate  for  the court to direct that the circular should be  given effect to and not the view expressed in a  decision of this Court or the High Court. So far  as  the  clarifications/circulars  issued  by  the  Central  Government  and  of  the  State  Government  are  concerned  they  represent  merely  their  understanding  of  the  statutory  provisions. They are not binding upon the court.  It is for the court to declare what the particular  provision of  statute says and it  is  not  for  the  executive.  Looked  at  from  another  angle,  a  circular  which  is  contrary  to  the  statutory  provisions has really no existence in law.”

25. The legal position has been reiterated in the State of  

Tamil  Nadu  and  Anr.  v.  India  Cement  Ltd.7  

Therefore, reliance placed on the circular dated 9.10.2002  

by the tribunal is legally impermissible for two reasons,  

namely, the circular does not so lay down, and had it so  

6 (2008) 13 SCC 1 7 (2011) 13 SCC 247


Page 30


stated that  would have been contrary to  the legislative  


26. In  view  of  the  aforesaid  analysis,  we  are  of  the  

considered opinion that the assessees in all the appeals  

are  entitled  to  get  the  benefit  of  the  circular  dated  

12.3.1998  which  protects  the  industrial  units  availing  

incentive  scheme  as  there  is  a  conceptual  book  

adjustment of the sales tax paid to the Department.  But  

with effect from 1.7.2000 they shall only be entitled to the  

benefit of the amount “actually paid” to the Department,  

i.e., 25%.  Needless to emphasise, the set off shall operate  

only in respect of the amount that has been paid on the  

raw material and inputs on which the sales tax/ purchase  

tax  has  been  paid.   That  being  the  position  the  

adjudication by the tribunal is not sustainable.  Similarly  

the  determination  by the original  adjudicating authority  

requiring  the  assessees  to  deposit  or  pay  the  whole  

amount and the consequential imposition of penalty also  

cannot be held to be defensible.  Therefore, we allow the  

appeals  in  part,  set  aside  the  orders  passed  by  the


Page 31


tribunal as well as by the original adjudicating authority  

and  remit  the  matters  to  the  respective  tribunals  to  

adjudicate  as  far  as  excise  duty  is  concerned  in  

accordance with the principles set out hereinabove.  We  

further  clarify  that  as  far  as  imposition  of  penalty  is  

concerned, it shall be dealt with in accordance with law  

governing the field.  In any case, proceeding relating to  

the period prior to 1.7.2000 would stand closed and if any  

amount has been paid or deposited as per the direction of  

any  authority  in  respect  of  the  said  period,  shall  be  

refunded.  As far as the subsequent period is concerned,  

the tribunal shall adjudicate as per the principles stated  


27. Coming to the appeals preferred by the assessees, the  

challenge pertains to denial of benefit of the Central Sales  

Tax Act, the aforesaid reasoning will equally apply.  The  

submission that the concession of excise duty is granted  

by the Excise Department of the Central Government is  

not  acceptable.   On  a  perusal  of  the  circulars  dated  

12.3.1998 and 1.7.2002 we do not find that they remotely


Page 32


relate  to  any  exemption  under  the  Central  Sales  Tax  

imposed on the goods.  What is  argued by the learned  

counsel  for  the assessees is  that  the benefit  should be  

extended to the Central Sales Tax as the tax on sales has  

a broader concept.  The aforesaid submission is noted to  

be rejected and we, accordingly, repel the same.  In view  

of the aforesaid, the appeals preferred by the assessees  

stand dismissed.   

28. In  the result,  both sets  of  appeals  stand disposed of  

accordingly.  There shall be no order as to costs.

……………………………….J.                                                                                             [Anil R. Dave]

……………………………….J.   [Dipak Misra]

New Delhi;  February 28, 2014.