05 April 2016
Supreme Court


Case number: C.A. No.-002989-003008 / 2016
Diary number: 18671 / 2013
Advocates: D. S. MAHRA Vs


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CIVIL APPEAL NOS.2989-3008 OF 2016 [Arising out of S.L.P.(C)Nos.30045-30064 of 2013]

Commissioner, Delhi Value Added Tax   …..Appellant   


M/s. ABB Ltd.        …..Respondent




1. Instant  appeals  have  been  preferred  by  Commissioner,  Delhi  

Value Added Tax to assail the judgment and order of the High Court  

of  Delhi  dated  28.09.2012  in  S.T.A.Nos.51-70  of  2012.   The  High  

Court  reversed  the  order  of  the  VAT  Tribunal  and  of  other  lower  

authorities  on  the  basis  of  its  conclusion  that  the  inter-State  

movement of goods was in pursuance of and incidental to the contract  

for the supply of goods used in the execution of the works contract  

between  the  respondent-assessee  and  the  Delhi  Metro  Railway  

Corporation Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as ‘DMRC’).  The High Court  

further came to hold that claimed sales should be deemed to have  



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taken place in course of imports of the goods or inter-state trade and  

that such import/movement of goods was integrally connected with  

the contract for their supply to DMRC.  On the basis of such twin  

findings the High Court has held that the transactions constituting  

inter-State  trade  and  those  constituting  sale  or  purchase  in  the  

course  of  import  were  covered  by  Section  3(a)  and  Section  5(2)  

respectively of the Central Sales Tax Act, 1956 (hereinafter referred to  

as ‘CST Act’)  and, therefore, exempt from taxation under the Delhi  

Value Added Tax Act, 2004 (hereinafter referred to as ‘DVAT Act’).

2. According to appellant the impugned judgment and order of the  

High Court is based upon erroneous interpretation of judgments of  

this Court particularly that of the Constitution Bench in the case of  

M/s. K.G. Khosla & Co. v.  Deputy Commissioner of Commercial  

Taxes, Madras1.   The appellant has placed strong reliance upon a  

subsequent Constitution Bench judgment in the case of M/s. Binani  

Bros.  (P)  Ltd. v.  Union  of  India  &  Ors.2.   On  the  other  hand,  

respondent has fully supported the view adopted by the High Court.  

Its contention is that ratio in the case of  K.G. Khosla1 has not been  

doubted in the later judgment in the case of  Binani Bros. and the  

conclusions drawn by the High Court on the basis of admitted facts  

are  supported  by  the  principle  of  law  settled  in  the  case  of  K.G.  

1 (1966) 3 SCR 352 = AIR 1966 SC 1216 2 (1974) 1 SCC 459



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Khosla which has not been doubted in any other case.  According to  

respondent the claim of sale in course of imports occasioned by the  

contract was negatived in the case of Binani Bros. on peculiar facts of  

that case which were quite different from the facts of the instant case,  

as correctly noticed by the High Court.

3. Before adverting to the main issue as to whether the High Court  

judgment is  correct  in  law as well  as in  facts  or  not,  it  would  be  

appropriate to notice some of the relevant facts.  The respondent is a  

Public Limited Company engaged, inter alia, in manufacture and sale  

of engineering goods including power distribution system and SCADA  

system.  It appears to be a market leader in power and automation  

technologies.  It is a subsidiary of ABB Ltd., Zurich Switzerland which  

has operational presence in over 100 countries and employs around  

1,30,000 personnel.  On 15.05.2003 DMRC invited tenders for supply,  

installation,  testing  and  commissioning  of  traction  electrification,  

power  supply,  power  distribution  and  SCADA  system  for  Line  3  

Barakhamba Road-Connaught  Place-Dwarka  Section  of  the  DMRC.  

Respondent responded.

4. DMRC  short  listed  the  respondent  and  then  executed  the  

contract  under which the respondent  had to  provide transformers,  

switch-gears, High Voltage Cables, SCADA system and also complete  

electrical  solution,  including  control  room  for  operation  of  metro  



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trains  on  the  concerned  Section.  The  Bid  Document  contained  

detailed  Bill  of  Goods,  quantities  and  specifications  for  the  goods,  

sources (i.e,  name of  the manufacturer/brand),  detailed  terms and  

conditions  requiring  approval  of  sub-contractors/suppliers  and  

testing.  The  goods  as  also  the  components  of  works  required  

certification as well as acceptance. The NIT required both, Technical  

Bid and Financial Bid. Besides the quotation of lumpsum price for the  

entire scope of work the Bid Document required individual breakup of  

price of goods and other details.  Bid submitted by the respondent  

finally  culminated  into  a  contract  on  04.08.2004.  The  contract  

document  comprised  of  Special  Conditions  of  Contract,  General  

Conditions of Contract etc.

5. In  the  year  2005-06 the  respondent  was  called  upon to  pay  

DVAT on the deemed sales made by it to DMRC. It denied its liability  

and claimed exemption under Section 7(a) and (c) of DVAT Act on the  

ground that it was exempted from payment of VAT in respect of sale  

effected in the course of import and also in respect of inter-state sale  

of goods, on account of provisions in Section 3(a) and 5(2) of the CST  

Act. The Assessing Officer vide order dated 25.11.2005 rejected the  

claim of the respondent and confirmed the demand of Rs. 47,62,366/-  

towards  VAT,  Rs.  3,32,258/-  towards  interest  and  also  imposed  a  

penalty of Rs. 1,20,56,196/-. The objections of the respondent under  



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Section  74  of  Delhi  VAT  Act  were  also  rejected  and  hence  the  

respondent preferred an appeal which was rejected by the Additional  

Commissioner  on  11.03.2008.  Further  appeals  before  the  VAT  

Tribunal, 40 in total in respect of different assessment periods were  

also disallowed by the VAT Tribunal by the common judgment dated  

07.06.2012. On the issue of penalty there arose a difference between  

the two Members of the Tribunal and hence that was referred to third  

Member and is supposed to be pending. The respondent challenged  

the common judgment and order of the Tribunal vide STA Nos. 51-70  

of  2012 and those  appeals  have been  allowed  by  the  order  under  

appeal dated 28.09.2012.

6. The  Assessing  Officer  as  well  as  the  Appellate  Authority  

returned a  finding  that  there  was  no link between  the contractee,  

DMRC  and  the  supplier  of  goods  that  were  imported  by  the  

respondent and hence on account of lack of any privity of contract the  

requirements  of  Section  3(a)  of  the  CST  Act  were  not  satisfied  in  

respect of movement of goods from outside Delhi to the required site  

of  DMRC  in  Delhi.  Similar  finding  was  returned  in  respect  of  

movement of the goods under import, i.e., it can not be held to have  

been occasioned by the contract between DMRC and the respondent.

7. The High Court heard the matter in detail and considered all the  

relevant facts particularly terms, conditions and stipulations in the  



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contract in the context of contention on behalf of  respondent that the  

revenue  authorities  and  tribunal  had  failed  to  consider  relevant  

clauses and conditions of the contract which demonstrate and clarify  

that the importation of equipment was strictly as per requirement and  

specification set-out by DMRC in the contract and only to meet such  

requirement of supply the specified goods were imported and hence  

the event of import and supply was clearly occasioned by the contract  

awarded  to  the  respondent  by  the  DMRC.  There  was  a  similar  

contention in respect of procurement of goods within the country and  

their movement from one state to another. After carefully considering  

the  relevant  provisions  of  the  contract,  specifications  of  goods,  

requirement of  inspection of  goods at more than one occasion and  

right of rejecting the goods even on testing after supply, prompted the  

High  Court  to  accept  the  contentions  advanced  on  behalf  of  

respondent that the transactions leading to import of goods as well as  

movement of goods from one state to another were occasioned by the  

contract  awarded  by  the  DMRC to  the  respondent  and  hence  the  

transactions were not covered by the Delhi VAT Act but the CST Act.

8. Some of the material terms governing the contract between the  

respondent and DMRC which were highlighted  before the Tribunal  

and have been noticed by the High Court are as follows:

“The Letter of Acceptance issue by DMRC, in terms of the  Contract reads as:



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“Your proposal to execute OHE works by M/s Best  & Crompton Engg. Ltd. the sub-contractor and control  and  monitoring  (SCADA,  AMS,  BMS)  yourself  is  accepted.  Other  sub-contractor  (s)/vendor  approval  (s)  shall be as per relevant tender conditions.”

The contract specifically required approval of DMRC for  sub-contractors/vendors  as  evident  from  the  following  provisions of the SCC to the Contract:

“  “Sub-Contractor”  means  any  person  named  in  the  Contract  as  a  sub-contractor,  manufacturer or supplier for a part of the works or any  person  to  whom  a  part  of  the  Works  has  been  subcontracted with the approval of the Employer and the  legal  successors  in  tittle  to  such person,  but  not  any  assignee of such person.” (excerpts from GCC).

Clauses 4 and 4.5 read as follows:

“4. Sub-Contractors

For  major  sub-contracts  (each  costing  over  Rs.  Four hundred thousand) it will be obligatory on the  part  of  the  Contractor  to  obtain  approval  of  the  Employer to the indentity of the sub-contractor. The  Employer will give his approval after assessing and  satisfying himself  of the capability,  experience and  equipment resources of the sub-contractor. In case  the Employer intends to withhold his approval,  he  shall inform the contractor in time to enable him to  make alternative arrangements.

4.5 The  Contractor  shall  not  sub-contract  the  whole of the Works unless otherwise stated in the  Special Condition of Contract:

(a) the Contractor shall not be required to obtain  approval  for  purchases  of  Materials  which  are  in  accordance  with  the  standards  specified  in  the  Contract  or  provisions  of  labour  or  for  the  sub- contracts for which the Sub–contractor is named in  the Contract.



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(b) The prior approval of the Engineer shall be  obtained for other proposed Sub-contractors;

(c) Not less than 28 days before the intended date  of  each  Sub-contractor  commencing  work,  the  Contractor  shall  notify  the  Engineer  of  such  intention; and  

(d) The contractor shall give fair and reasonable  opportunity for contractors in India to be appointed  as Sub-contractors.  

The Contractor shall be responsible for observance  by all  Sub-contractors  of  all  the provisions of  the  contract. The Contractor shall be responsible for the  acts  or  defaults  of  any  Sub-contractor,  his  representatives or employees, as fully as if they were  the  acts  or  defaults  of  the  Contractor,  his  representatives or employees and nothing contained  in sub-clause 4.5 (a) shall constitute a waiver of the  Contractor’s obligations under this Contract.”

38 (c) Approved Sub-contractors:

Approved  Sub-contractors  shall  be  appointed  in  accordance  with  the  procedure  described  as  hereunder. If the Engineer/Employer instructs, the  letting of a sub-contract for an item of Provisional  Sums  will  be  subject  to  pre-qualification  of  tenderers.  In  such  a  case,  the  Contractor  shall  prepare  documents  required  for  the  pre- qualification,  (including  where  appropriate  bills  of  quantities,  quantified schedules of  prices or  rates,  specifications, drawings and other like documents)  for the work, Plant, Materials or services included in  each such Provisional Sum.”

Some of the other terms contained in the contract  documents are as follows:

“13. Sub-clause 5.1

Construction and Manufacture Documents



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No examination by the Engineer of the drawings or  documents  submitted  by  the  Contractor,  nor  any  approval  by the Engineer in relation to  the same,  with  or  without  amendment,  shall  absolve  the  Contractor  from  any  of  his  obligations  under  the  Contract  or  any  liability  for  or  arising  from  such  drawings or documents.  

Should it be found at any time after notification of  approval  that the relevant drawings or  documents  do not comply with the Contract or do not agree with  the drawings or documents in relation to which the  Engineer  has  previously  notified  his  approval,  the  Contractor  shall,  at  his  own  expense,  make  such  alterations  or  additions  as,  in  the  opinion  of  the  Engineer,  are  necessary  to  remedy  such  non- compliance or non-agreement and shall  submit all  such varied or amended drawings or documents for  the approval of the Engineer.

Workmanship, materials and plant


7.3 The  employer  and  the  engineer  shall  be  entitled  during  manufacture,  fabrication  and  preparation  at  any  places  where  work  is  being  carried  out,  to  inspect,  examine  and  test  the  materials  and  workmanship,  and  to  check  the  progress of manufacture, of all Plant and Materials  to be supplied under the Contract.  The contractor  shall  given  them  full  opportunity  to  inspect,  examine,  measure  and  test  any  work  on  Site  or  wherever carried out.

The Contractor shall give due notice to the Engineer  whenever  such  work  is  ready,  before  packaging,  covering  up  or  putting  out  of  view.  The  Engineer  shall  then  carry  out  the  inspection,  examination,  measurement or testing without unreasonable delay.  If the Contractor fails to give such notice, he shall,  when required by the Engineer, uncover such work  and thereafter reinstate and make good at his own  



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cost.”  The  DMRC  issued  a  letter  listing  out  the  approved or authorized list of suppliers which reads  as:


This  is  to  certify  that  following  is  a  list  of  the  approved  vendors  for  3E21  contract  entered  into  between the DMRC Ltd. and ABB Ltd. On 4th August  2004.

1. 40 MVA Traction Transformer M/s.  ABB  Limited,  Vadodara

2. 15 MVA Power Transformer M/s.  Crompton  Greaves Ltd., Bhopal

3. 66 KV/25 KV Circuit Breakers M/s.  ABB  Limited,  Vadodara

4. 66 KV Capacity Voltage  Transformer  

M/s.  ABB  Limited,  Vadodara

5. 66 KV Current Transformer M/s.  ABB  Limited,  Italy

6. 66 KV/25 KV Isolators M/s.  Switchgear and  Structural  Limited,  Hyderabad

7. 60 KV/42KV lighting arresters M/s.  Elpro  International  Ltd.,  Pune  

8. Control and Relay panels M/s.  ABB  Limited,  Bangalore

9. SCADA Systems M/s.  ABB  Limited,  Bangalore

10. MV Switchgear M/s.  ABB  Limited,  Nashik

11. Battery Bank M/s.  AMCO  Power  Systems, Bangalore

12. LT Switchgear/ ACDB/DCDB M/s. HEI Engineering (P)  Ltd., Gurgaon

13. 3000/2500/1000/500/200  KVA Dry Type Auxiliary  Transformer

M/s.  Electromecannica  Colombia, Italy

14. 66 KV/33 KV/25 KV HT Cable M/s. ILJIN, Korea 15. LV Cables (power and control) M/s.  KEI  Industries,  




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16. 66/33/25 KV Cable  Terminations and joints

M/s. Tyco, Germany

17. Ms. Round M/s IISCO, Kolkata 18. Cable Trays/Earthing  

materials/Electrodes. M/s.  Techno  Engg.  Co, Chandigarh

9. So far as the issue in respect of sale in the course of inter-state  

trade is concerned, the Tribunal rejected the claim on the ground that  

there was no specific order for supply of such goods issued by DMRC  

nor there was specific instruction for inter-state movement of goods.  

The High Court found that in fact the terms of the contract envisaged  

inter-state movement of goods. Such movement of goods was within  

the knowledge of DMRC because there was total ban on setting up/  

working of heavy industries in Delhi and the DMRC had approved 18  

places within the country from where the equipments and goods had  

to  be  supplied.  These  included  the  premises  and  factories  of  the  

respondent also. On facts, therefore, it was rightly held by the High  

Court  that  the  inter-state  movement  of  goods  was  within  the  

contemplation of the parties and it can be reasonably presumed that  

such movement was to fulfill the terms of the contract and therefore  

the transaction was covered by Section 3(a) of the CST Act. The law on  

this  issue  was  also  considered  by  the  High  Court  in  correct  

perspective after noticing the case of Tata Iron and Steel Co. Ltd. v.  

S.R. Sarkar3 that where the goods moved from one state to another as  

3 (1960) 11 STC 655 = AIR 1961 SC 65



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a result of a covenant in the contract of sale it would be clearly a sale  

in the course of inter-state trade. The conclusion of the High on this  

issue also finds ample support  from the following case laws which  

were  noticed  by  the  High  Court  (1)  Oil  India  Ltd.  v.  The  

Superintendent of Taxes4 (2)  English Electric Company of India  

Ltd.  v.  The  Deputy  Commercial  Tax  Officer5 (3)  South  India  

Viscose Ltd. v. State of Tamil Nadu6.

In Oil India Ltd. this Court held that the inter-state movement  

must be the result of a covenant, express or implied in the contract of  

sale  or  an incident  of  the contract.   In  other words,  the covenant  

regarding inter-state movement need not be specified in the contract,  

It would be enough if the movement was in pursuance of or incidental  

to the contract of sale. In English Electric Co. of India Ltd. the law  

was  clarified  thus:  “if  there  is  a  conceivable  link  between  the  

movement of the goods and the buyer’s contract, and if in the course  

of inter-State movement the goods move only to reach the buyer in  

satisfaction of his contract of purchase and such a nexus is otherwise  

inexplicable,  then  the  sale  or  purchase  of  the  specific/ascertained  

goods ought to be deemed to have taken place in the course of inter-

State trade or commerce…………”. In South India Viscose Ltd. it was  

held that if there is a “conceivable link” between contract of sale and  4 (1975) 35 STC 445 (SC) = (1975) 1 SCC 733 5 (1976) 38 STC 475 (SC) = (1976) 4 SCC 460 6 (1981) 48 STC 232 (SC) = (1981) 3 SCC 457



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the  movement  of  goods  from  one  state  to  another  to  meet  the  

obligation under a contract of sale it would amount to an inter-state  

sale  and  such  character  will  not  be  changed  on  account  of  

interposition of an agent of the seller who may temporarily intercept  

the movement.

10. On the issue of  sale in the course of  import it  is  relevant to  

extract  Section  3  and  5  of  the  CST  Act,  1956  enacted  by  the  

Parliament  in  exercise  of  powers  under  Article  286(2)  of  the  

Constitution of India:

“3. When is a sale or purchase of goods said to  take place in the course of inter-State trade or  commerce.-  A sale  or  purchase of  goods shall  be  deemed to  take  place  in  the  course  of  inter-State  trade or commerce if the sale or purchase –

(a) occasions the movement of  goods from one  State to another; or

(b) is effected by a transfer of documents of title  to the goods during their movement from one State  to another.

Explanation1- Where goods are delivered to a carrier  or  other bailee  for  transmission,  the  movement of  the goods shall,  for the purposes of  clause (b),  be  deemed to commence at the time of  such delivery  and terminate  at  the  time when delivery  is  taken  from such carrier or bailee.

Explanation  2  –  Where  the  movement  of  goods  commences  and  terminates  in  the  same  State  it  shall not be deemed to be a movement of goods from  one State to another by reason merely of  the fact  that in the course of such movement the goods pass  through the territory of any other State.



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5. When is a sale or purchase of goods said  to take place in the course of import or export.

(1) A sale or purchase of goods shall be deemed to  take place in the course of the export of the goods  out  of  the  territory  of  India  only  if  the  sale  or  purchase either occasions such export or is effected  by a transfer  of documents of title to the goods after  the  goods  have  crossed  the  customs  frontiers  of  India.

(2) A sale or purchase of goods shall be deemed  to take place in the course of the import of the goods  into the territory of India only if the sale or purchase  either  occasions  such  import  or  is  effected  by  a  transfer of documents of title to the goods before the  goods have crossed the customs frontiers of India.

(3)   Notwithstanding  anything  contained  in  sub- section (1),  the last sale or purchase of any goods  preceding  the  sale  or  purchase  occasioning  the  export  of  those goods out  of  the territory  of  India  shall  also be deemed to  be in the course of  such  export, if such last sale or purchase took place after,  and  was  for  the  purpose  of  complying  with,  the  agreement or order for or in relation to such export.”

11.  A  Constitution  Bench  of  this  Court  had  the  occasion  to  

consider in the case of M/s. K.G. Khosla & Co. (supra) whether sales  

in that case were in the course of imports. The assessee in that case  

had a contract with the Director General of Supplies, New Delhi for  

supply  of  axle  bodies  manufactured  by  its  principals  in  Belgium.  

Although goods were inspected in Belgium also but under the contract  

they could be rejected on further inspection in India. After supplying  

the goods the assessee claimed the sales to be in course of import.  



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After  losing  up  to  High  Court,  the  assessee  succeeded  before  the  

Supreme Court.  The Constitution Bench held that Section 5(2) of the  

CST Act does not prescribe any condition that before the sale could be  

said to have occasioned import, it is necessary that the sale should  

precede the import. The sale is only required to be incidental to the  

contract.  In other words the movement of goods from another country  

to India should be in pursuance of the conditions of the contract. The  

incident was held to be import of goods within Section 5(2) on the  

reasoning that the  entire transaction was an integrated one by which  

a foreign seller through its Indian agent namely the assessee sold the  

goods  to  Indian  purchaser  namely  the  Director  General  of  Civil  

Supplies.  It  will  be  useful  to  reproduce  the  passage  from  that  

judgment which is as follows:

“ ……appellant K.G. Khosla & Co., hereinafter referred  to as “the assessee” entered into a contract with the  Director-General of Supplies and Disposal, New Delhi,  for  the  supply  of  axle-box bodies.  According  to  the  contract  the  goods  were  to  be  manufactured  in  Belgium,  and  the  D.G.I.S.D.,  London,  or  his  representative, was to inspect the goods at the works  of the manufacturers. He was to issue an inspection  certificate. Another Inspection by the Deputy Director  of  Inspections,  Ministry  of  W.H. & S.,  Madras,  was  provided for in the contract. It was his duty to issue  inspection notes on Form No. WSB.65 on receipt of a  copy of the Inspection Certificate from the D.G.I.S.D.  London and after  verification and visual  inspection.  The  goods  were  to  be  manufactured  according  to  specifications  by  M/s  La  Brugeoies.  ET.  Nivelles,  Belgium.



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x x x

10.  The  next  question  that  arises  is  whether  the  movement  of  axle-box  bodies  from  Belgium  into  Madras was the result of a covenant in the contract of  sale or an incident of such contract. It seems to us  that  it  is  quite  clear  from the contract  that  it  was  incidental to the contract that the axle-box bodies  would be manufactured in Belgium, inspected there  and imported into India for the consignee. Movement  of goods from Belgium to India was in pursuance of  the conditions of the contract between the assessee  and the Director-General of  Supplies.  There was no  possibility  of  these  goods  being  diverted  by  the  assessee for any other purpose. Consequently we hold  that the sales took place in the course of import of  goods  within  Section  5(2)  of  the  Act,  and  are,  therefore, exempt from taxation.”

12. For analysing the main contention advanced on behalf  of  the  

appellant that the present case is identical to that of the assessee in  

the  case  of  Binani  Bros.  (supra),  we  have  examined  the  facts  of  

Binani  Bros.  (supra)  with  meticulous  care.   In  para  13  of  that  

judgment the most peculiar and conspicuous aspect of  K.G. Khosla  

case (supra) was noticed and highlighted that “under the contract of  

sale the goods were liable to be rejected after a further inspection by  

the buyer in India.”  In the same paragraph it was further highlighted  

with  the  help  of  a  quotation  from  K.G.  Khosla case  (supra)  that  

movement  of  goods  imported  to  India  was  in  pursuance  of  the  

conditions  of  the  contract  between  the  assessee  and  the  Director  

General of Supplies.   There was no possibility  of such goods being  



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used by the assessee for any other purpose.  In the next paragraph of  

the Report the peculiar facts of Binani Bros. (supra) were highlighted  

in the following words,  “….. the sale by the petitioner to the DGS&D  

did not occasion the import.  It was purchase made by the petitioner  

from the foreign sellers which occasioned the import of the goods”.  In  

paragraph 16 it was further pointed out that there was no obligation  

on the DGS&D to procure import licences for the petitioner.

13. There is no difficulty in holding that  Binani Bros.  (supra) did  

not differ with the earlier judgment of a Constitution Bench in the  

case of K.G. Khosla (supra).  A careful analysis of the facts in Binani  

Bros. (supra)  leads to a conclusion that the case of West Bengal Sales  

Tax authorities in that matter that there were two sales involved in  

the transactions in question, one by the foreign seller to the assessee  

and the second by the assessee to the DGS&D, because there was no  

privity of contract between the DGS&D and the foreign sellers, was  

accepted mainly because the assessee was found entitled to supply  

the goods to any person, even other than DGS&D because there was  

no specification of the goods in such a way as to render it useable  

only by the DGS&D.  This was coupled with the fact that the latter  

had imposed no obligation on the assessee to supply the goods only to  

itself.  Further, there were no obligations of testing and approving the  

goods during the course of manufacture or for that matter, even at a  



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later  stage with  a right  of  rejection.   Such a right of  rejecting  the  

specific goods in the present case is identical to the similar right in  

respect of goods in K.G. Khosla case (supra).  Hence we are unable to  

accept the main contention of the appellant that this case is similar to  

that  of  Binani  Bros  (supra).  To  the  contrary,  we  agree  with  the  

reasonings of the High Court for coming to the view that the present  

case is fit to be governed by the ratio laid down in K.G. Khosla’s case  


14. The  legal  principles  enunciated  in  K.G.  Khosla (supra)  have  

been  reiterated  in  State  of  Maharashtra vs.  Embee  Corporation,  

Bombay7 and stand supported by the judgment in the case of Deputy  

Commissioner  of  Agricultural  Income  Tax  and  Sales  Tax,  

Ernakulam  vs.  Indian Explosives Ltd.8,  as well  as in  Indure Ltd.  

and Anr. vs. CTO & Ors.9.  In these cases, sale in course of imports  

was accepted without requiring privity of contract between the foreign  

supplier and the ultimate consumer in India.

15. The aforesaid conclusion leading to our concurrence with the  

views  of  the  High  Court  is  also  based  upon  the  salient  facts,  

particularly the various conditions in the contract and other related  

covenants between DMRC and the respondent which have been spelt  

7 1997 (7) SCC 190 8 1985 (4) SCC 119 9 2010 (9) SCC 461



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out in paragraph 31 of  the High Court judgment,  enumerated and  

described as follows :

“(1) Specifications were spelt out by DMRC;

(2) Suppliers of the goods were approved by the DMRC;

(3) Pre-inspection of goods was mandated;

(4) The goods were custom made, for use by DMRC in  its project;

(5) Excise  duty  and  Customs  duty  exemptions  were  given,  specifically  to  the  goods,  because  of  a  perceived public interest, and its need by DMRC;

(6) The  Project  Authority  Certificate  issued  by  DMRC  the  name  of  the  subcontractors  as  well  as  the  equipment/goods  to  be  supplied  by  them  were  expressly stipulated;  

(7) DMRC issued a Certificate certifying its approval of  foreign suppliers  located  in  Italy,  Germany,  Korea  etc. from whom the goods were to be procured.

(8) Packed goods were especially marked as meant for  DMRC’s use in its project.”

16. Before us there was no attempt to assail the aforesaid features  

and to even remotely suggest any factual error on the part of the High  

Court in noting those features.

17. The salient features flowing out as conditions in the contract  

and the entire conspectus of law on the issues as notice earlier, leave  



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us with no option but to hold that the movement of goods by way of  

imports or by way of inter-state trade in this case was in pursuance of  

the  conditions  and/or  as  an  incident  of  the  contract  between  the  

assessee  and  DMRC.   The  goods  were  of  specific  quality  and  

description for being used in the works contract awarded on turn key  

basis to the assessee and there was no possibility of such goods being  

diverted by the assessee for any other purpose.  Hence the law laid  

down in  K.G. Khosla’s  (supra) case has rightly been applied to this  

case by the High Court.  We find no reasons to take a different view.

18. In  the  result  the  appeals  are  found  without  any  merit  and  

dismissed as such.  The parties are, however, left to bear their own  


     .…………………………………….J.       [DIPAK MISRA]

      ……………………………………..J.                  [SHIVA KIRTI SINGH]

 New Delhi. April 05, 2016.