08 April 2016
Supreme Court


Case number: W.P.(C) No.-000382-000382 / 2014
Diary number: 13796 / 2014


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The  petitioner  herein,  viz.,  Centre  for  Public  Interest

Litigation, is a society registered under the Societies Registration

Act, 1860.  It claims that the very purpose for which this society

was  established  was  to  bring  causes  to  the  Superior  Courts,

which are of grave public importance, by way of public interest

litigation in an organised manner.  In the present writ petition filed

under  Article  32  of  the  Constitution  of  India,  the  petitioner

challenges  the  decision  of  the  Government  of  India,  taken

sometime in March 2013, allowing voice telephony to respondent

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No.  2  (Reliance  Jio  Infocomm  Ltd.)  on  payment  of  Rs.1,658

crores entry fee.  Allegation of the petitioner is that the aforesaid

amount  at  which  the  license  for  voice  telephony is  granted  to

respondent  No.  2  is  a  pittance inasmuch as  in  normal  course

grant  of  this  license  would  have  fetched  a  whopping sum  of

Rs.25000 crores approximately.  This insinuation is based upon a

draft report of the Comptroller and Auditor General of India (CAG)

which report estimated the aforesaid license fee/entry fee.  It is

also alleged that respondent No. 1, while allowing voice telephony

to  respondent  No.  2,  has  not  revised  the  Spectrum  Usage

Charges  (SUC)  matching  with  the  charges  which  are  paid  by

other operators who bought voice telephony.  It is stated in the

petition that whereas the other operators pay 3% to 5% revenue

annually  depending  upon  quantum of  the  spectrum they  hold,

respondent  No.  2  in  contrast  would  be  paying  just  1% of  the

revenue.  In this way, alleges the petitioner, an undue favour is

given to respondent No. 2 by charging abysmally less entry fee

and  demanding  much  lesser  SUC,  thereby  causing  loss  of

revenue to the Government over 20 years license period.  It has

also  resulted  in  disturbance  in  the  level-playing  field  between

respondent No. 2 vis-a-vis other operators.   The petitioner has

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tried  to  project  that  unwarranted  favouritism  is  shown  to

respondent No. 2 and the decision making process, in this behalf,

was also not only faulty but in violation of accepted norms as well.

2) The  factual  details  leading  to  the  aforesaid  allegations  are

averred in the petition which can be summated in the following


On  25.02.2010,  the  respondent  No.  1  issued  Notice  Inviting

Applications (NIA) for the auction of:

(i)  3G:  Three  or  4  blocks  each  of  5+5  MHz spectrum for  3G

services in 2.1 GHz band at a reserve price of Rs. 3,500 crore for a

Pan-India license, and  

(ii) BWA (4G): Two blocks each of 20 MHz spectrum for BWA

services in 2.3 GHz band at a reserve price of Rs. 1,750 crore for a

Pan-India license.

In respect of BWA (4G), as per the NIA conditions, a bidder could

be an existing ISP-A licensee or UAS licensee (or obtain any of these

licenses later  if  successful  in  the bid),  but  it  can provide only  such

services which are allowed under the license it chooses.  For example,

an  ISP-A licensee  cannot  provide  voice  telephony.   In  this  regard,

reliance is placed on the following clause of the NIA:

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Clause 3.1.2: “Services can only be offered subject to the terms  and  conditions  of  the  license  obtained  by  the operator.  Award of spectrum does not confer a right to provide any telecom services, and these are governed by the terms and conditions of the license obtained by the operator.”

During  May-June  2010  the  auctions  for  3G  and  BWA  were

concluded.  The 3G auction fetched Rs. 16,750.58 crore for 5+5 MHz

spectrum in 2100 MHz (or 2.1 GHz) band.  Thus, per MHz price worked

out to be Rs. 1,675 crore.  This spectrum price bequeathed the rights to

provide both data and voice.

Immediately, after the 3G auction, the BWA auction began which

fetched Rs. 12,847.77 crore for 20 MHz pan-India license in the 2300

MHz (or 2.3 GHz) band.  This works out to be Rs. 642.39 crore per


Infotel Broadband Services Pvt. Ltd. (IBSPL) emerged as the only

company  to  have  acquired  pan-India  BWA  spectrum.   Five  other

companies  viz.  Bharti  Airtel  (4  Service  Areas),  Aircel  (8  Sas),

Qualcomm  (4SAs),  Tikona  (5  Sas)  and  Augere  (1  SA)  shared  the

remaining other Pan India slot (22 Serve Areas) of BWA spectrum in

the country.

3) It  is  also  averred  that  IBSPL  had  an  ISP-A  license  since

November 2007 and had just one subscriber with revenue of Rs.

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16.28 lakhs during 2009-10, and its authorized share capital was

Rs. 3 crore and the paid up capital was Rs. 2.51 crore. Infotel

Digicomm Pvt. Ltd. (IDPL) held 99.99% share of the IBSPL at the

time of  submission  of  application  in  March  2010  for  the  BWA


4) It is alleged in the petition that within hours of completion of BWA

auction  on  11.06.2010,  IBSPL increased  the  authorised  share

capital from  Rs. 3 crore to Rs. 6,000 crore.  On 17.06.2010, the

company  authorised  its  Board  of  Directors  to  allot  475  crore

equity share of Rs. 10 each to Reliance Industries Ltd. (RIL) and

25 crore  equity  share  of  Rs.  10  to  Infotel  Digicomm Pvt.  Ltd.

(IDPL) aggregating to the equity capital of Rs. 5,000 crore.  On

the same day, the company also decided to change from a private

company to Public Limited Company (Infotel Broadband Services

Ltd).   Thus,  the  company  within  a  week  of  winning  the  BWA

spectrum disposed off 95% shares to RIL while 5% was retained

by IDPL.  Much later in March 2013, the company was renamed

as  Reliance  Jio  Infocomm  Pvt.  Ltd.   On  that  basis,  some

suspicion is nurtured as to how  IBSPL acquired BWA spectrum

and thereafter  stakes in IBSPL came under the control  of RIL.

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The said IBSPL is now known as Reliance Jio Infocomm Pvt. Ltd.

However, we may like to add here itself that the auction of BWA in

which  IBSPL turned  out  to  be  successful  bidder  resulting  into

acquisition of  Pan-India  BWA spectrum in  its  favour  is  not  the

subject matter of dispute and was never questioned by anybody.

This auction, as is clear from the above, was held way back in

May-June, 2010.  Though, there were other prominent companies

of  repute  who participated  in  the  said  auction  and  shared  the

remaining other Pan-India slot (22 Serve Areas), no competitor of

IBSPL challenged BWA auction.  The subject matter of challenge

in the instant writ petition is the conversion of BWA spectrum to

Unified License (UL) i.e. migration of existing BWA spectrum to

UL which has been done by respondent No.1.

5) In respect of the aforesaid central issue raised, it is pointed out by

the  writ  petitioner  that  on  16.04.2012,  TRAI  submitted  its

recommendations to respondent No. 1 on Guidelines for UL and

migration  of  existing  license.  Thereafter,  on  02.05.2012,

respondent No. 1 sought clarification from TRAI on migration of

ISP licensees having BWA spectrum to UL regime.  TRAI in its

response  to  respondent  No.  1  clarified  that  the  spectrum  of

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3G/BWA was liberalized and the operators can migrate to UAS

license, which meant allowing voice telephony to them as well on

such  migration.   According  to  the  petitioner,  though  TRAI  had

clarified  that  the  spectrum  of  3G/BWA  was  liberalized  and

operators  could  migrate  to  UL,  a  Committee  of  Department  of

Telecommunication (DoT) took the view, sometime around May

2012,  that  under  ISP  licenses,  voice  telephony  cannot  be

provided.  This view was reiterated by the DoT Committee once

again in August, 2012.  The allegation of the petitioner, however,

is that on 25.01.2013 another Committee was constituted under

the Chairmanship of Secretary (Telecom), though the order in this

respect was issued only on 11.02.2013, to go into this issue and

suggest the way forward.  It  is stated that Secretary (Telecom)

was made Chairman of the Committee even when he was due to

superannuate  two  months  later  i.e.  in  March,  2013.   This

Committee prepared its draft report on 30.01.2013 as per which

the said Committee was not ready to make any recommendations

on ISP (holding BWA spectrum) migration to UASL.  However, still

in  its  final  report  given  on  13.02.2013,  the  Committee

recommended that on payment of Rs.1,658 crores, ISP (holding

BWA spectrum) could be migrated to UASL, thereby permitting

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voice telephony.  This recommendation was approved by Telecom

Commission in its meeting on 18.02.2013.  The official from the

Ministry  of  Finance  who  also  attended  this  meeting,  while

agreeing with the aforesaid proposal, ignored Finance Ministry's

own recommendations on the 2G spectrum issue inasmuch as in

the year 2007 when the then Telecom Minister wanted to award

the licenses at Rs.1,658 crores, the then Finance Secretary had

objected  to  it.   After  the  Telecom  Commission  approved  the

recommendation,  the  same  was  forwarded  to  the   Telecom

Minister  who gave his  final  approval  on 05.03.2013.   It  is  this

decision of migration of BWA spectrum given to respondent No. 2

into  USL  which  is  termed  as  totally  arbitrary,  illegal,  unfair,

impermissible and against the public interest.

6) It  would  be  pertinent  to  mention at  the  outset  that  in  the  writ

petition,  the petitioner  has specifically  accepted that  it  has not

made any representation to the Government before approaching

the Court in the form of present writ petition.  Reason given is that

the CAG itself has investigated this matter and in its draft report

dated  07.11.2013  adversely  commented  upon  the  manner  in

which the aforesaid migration is allowed to respondent No. 2 at

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the  cost  of  exchequer  resulting  into  whopping  loss  of  public

revenue thereby giving undue advantage of Rs.22,842 crores to

respondent No. 2.   Thus,  heavy reliance is placed on the said

CAG  report  by  the  petitioner  in  support  of  its  contention  and

following part of the said report is specifically referred to:

“(x)  It was found that the basis of the decision i.e. payment of entry fee of Rs. 1,658 crore by ISP  lincensee  for  a  permission  to  Pan  India provision  of  mobile  voice  services  using  BWA spectrum  considered  by  the  DoT  Committee, Telecom  Commission  and  the  MOC&IT,  was primarily  intended  to  fill  the  gap  between  the eligibility  criterion  stipulated  for  participation  in the  3G/BWA  auction  in  2010  as  UAS/CMTS licensees had paid entry fee of Rs. 1,658 crore while ISP licensees had paid only Rs. 30 lakh.

(xi) The  DoT  Committee,  Telecom Commission and the MOC&IT however ignored the fact  that the quantum of entry fee i.e.  Rs. 1,658  crore  was  basically  discovered  in  2001 through the bidding for the 4th Cellular licenses. Market  conditions  since  then  have  changed drastically, and this price needed to be modified to  reflect  the present  value.   Neither  the DoT Committee/TC  under  the  Chairmanship  of  the Secretary DoT nor the MOC&IT felt the need for revision of the price discovered in 2001 as the entry  fee  for  UASL  in  2013,  even  when  the Hon'ble Supreme Court of India had cancelled 122 licenses granted in 2008 on the basis of the same entry fee stating that it was impossible for them to approve the action of the DoT.

9.   Therefore,  by  permitting  ISPs  to  provide mobile voice service using BWA spectrum won in  2010  auction  post-auction,  the  government has brought ISP licensees with BWA spectrum at par with UAS/CMTS 3G spectrum winners so

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far  as  provision  of  services  are  concerned  – Voice, Data, etc., and post auction interpretation of such vital nature would appear to be arbitrary, inconsistent  and  not  appropriate.   Hence, IBSPL, now Reliance Jio Infocomm, appeared to have  been  accorded  undue  advantage  of  Rs. 22,842  crore  i.e.  the  difference  of  the proportionate prices for 20 MHz block size in 2.1 GHz spectrum band (3G spectrum) and 2.3 GHz spectrum  band  (BWA spectrum)  plus  the  Net Present Value of the entry fee for UASL at the end of FY 2009-10 (Rs. 20,653 crore plus Rs. 3,847 crore  –  Rs.  1,658 crore).   Besides,  the sanctity of the entire auction process has been rendered  vitiated  due  to  post  auction interpretations  and  interventions  after  three years.  It was therefore no surprise that Reliance Jio  Infocomm  was  among  the  first  group  of companies  which  applied  for  UL  immediately after  introduction  of  the  scheme and obtained the  Letter  of  Intent  (LOI).   Had  the  spectrum blocks  been  specified  and  declared  as liberalised  spectrum  blocks  i.e.  open  for  all technology/services in the NIA in February 2010, there  was  no  doubt  that  bidders  would  have taken informed decision for putting up their bid and  the  market  discovered  price  would  have been  significantly  different  for  3G  and  BWA spectrum.”

7) Mr. Prashant Bhushan, at the time of arguments, pointed out the

aforesaid  procedural  and  other  alleged  irregularities  and  the

comments of CAG thereupon.  He submitted that there was no

reason  to  allow  migration  of  ISP  (holding  BWA spectrum)  to

UASL.  Instead, according to him, what was needed was to hold

independent  auction  of  voice  telephony.   He  submitted  that

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allowing the migration from one type of license to another with

added benefits was in the teeth of judgment of this Court in the

Presidential Reference on the issue of Alienation of Natural

Resources1 wherein this  Court has held that when “precious and

scarce natural resources are alienated for commercial pursuits of

profit maximizing private entrepreneurs, adoption of means other

than those that are competitive and maximize revenue may be

arbitrary and face the wrath of Article 14 of the Constitution.”

8) All the three respondents in this petition, namely, Union of India

(R-1),  Reliance  Jio  Infocomm Ltd.  (R-2)  and  TRAI  (R-3)  have

stoutly contested the stand taken by the petitioner in this petition

by disputing the averments.  Apart from putting stiff resistance to

the issues raised in the petition on merits, the respondents have

even  questioned  the  bonafides  of  the  petition  by  vehemently

arguing  that  it  does  not  serve  any  public  purpose  and on  the

contrary, the petition is motivated.  In the counter affidavit filed on

behalf of the Union of India, it  is stated that the writ petition is

preferred  on  an  absolutely  erroneous footing  by  misconstruing

and  misinterpreting  the  judgment  of  this  Court  in  Centre  for

Public Interest Litigation v. Union of India2 (hereinafter referred 1 (2012) 10 SCC 1 2 (2012) 3 SCC 1

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to as “2G Case”) and also the provisions of the TRAI Act.  It is

stated that entry fee of Rs. 1,658 crore fixed earlier was for UASL

along with spectrum bundled with it, whereas in the year 2010 for

3G and BWA spectrum, license and spectrum were delinked and

it  was only the spectrum which was auctioned.   Moreover, the

amount of Rs. 1,658 crore is not the entry fee as alleged by the

petitioner but is only migration fee.  It  is further stated that the

aforesaid decision of  allowing migration was taken after  it  was

duly permitted by the TRAI and, thus, such a decision was based

on the economic policy of the  Government with which the Courts

normally do not interfere unless the same is found to be arbitrary,

malafide or contrary to the public interest, which is not the case

here.   A  detailed  history  from  TRAI  recommendation  to  the

decision taken by the DoT is narrated in the counter affidavit with

the emphasis that the decision in question was actuated by valid

economic  and  other  relevant  considerations.   On  that  basis,

respondent  No.  1  insists  that  neither  the  manner  of  allowing

migration was irregular or illegal nor fixation of migration fee of

Rs.  1,658  crore  was  arbitrary  or  against  public  interest  or

prompted to give any undue favour to respondent No.2.  On the

similar  lines  is  the  counter  affidavit  filed  by  respondent  No.2,

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which  has  attempted  to  explain  the  factual  position  in  much

greater  detail  and  reference  thereto  shall  be  made  at  the

appropriate stage.

9) Oral arguments on behalf of Union of India were addressed by

Mr. Ranjit  Kumar, learned Solicitor General whereas Mr. Harish

Salve,  senior  advocate  put  up  the  defence  on  behalf  of

respondent No.2.  Ms. Niranjana Singh appeared for TRAI.  It is

not  necessary  to  separately  take  note  of  their  respective

arguments as we intend to refer to those submissions during our

deliberations on the various facets of the case.   

10) Before we embark on the specific areas of  lis  which need to be

examined, it may be apposite to make some introductory remarks

pertaining to Telecommunications sector and the manner in which

spectrum is licensed from time to time.  To put it pithily, it is well

known  that  Telecommunication  is  a  sector  with  fast  changing

technologies.  Each technology has its features, compatibility and

market adaptability.  Some technologies which are at a horizon

today may not be even commercially successful as updated and

other  technology  become  available  before  commercial

deployment  of  that  technology  at  affordable  rates  for  common

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man in India.   In the year 1991, India had 5 million telephone

subscribers.  At the end of July, 2007 this number increased to

233 million and as on July, 2015 it has touched 1006.96 million

subscribers.  This phenomenal growth has not been achieved in

any country, other than China.  The primary reason for this growth

is the introduction of mobile services coupled with privatization of

the Telecom sector.   Mobile  service in  India  is  dominated by

private sector enterprise and the Government religiously followed

a  policy  of  'managed  competition'  by  licensing  more  than  one

company  in  Telecom.  This  led  to  competition  in  the  mobile

industry, result whereof which not only resulted in providing better

services  but  another  direct  effect  of  this  competition  is  lower

prices that the Telecom consumer has to pay.  A call charge of

Rs.16/- per minute in the year 1998 has come down to few paisa

per  minute.   Another  significant  development  over  the  years,

which  is  a  result  of  technological  development  influenced  by

market  economic considerations is  that  though mobile services

started with voice telephony, there is  a gradual  growth in  data

telephony.  Mobile  telephones  are  not  used  only  for  making

telephone calls.  Number of  other  services are provided by the

service providers  on these phones which are  known as 'smart

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phones'.  The various policy decisions are taken at a point of time

considering various technological  options,  policy objectives and

regulatory framework.

Auction of 3G spectrum & BWA spectrum in the year 2010

11) It  is  in this context  we have to keep in mind that when notice

dated 25.02.2010 was issued inviting applications (NIA), though it

was for both 3G spectrum as well as BWA spectrum, there is a

significant difference in the characteristics of both the spectrums,

namely, 3G on the one hand and BWA on the other hand.  It may

be mentioned that 3G spectrum is in Frequency Division Duplex

(FDD)  mode  whereas  the  Broadband  Wireless  Access  (BWA)

spectrum as per TRAI recommendations as well  as Guidelines

issued by DoT is in Time Division Duplex (TDD) mode.  Distinct

and  different  features  of  both  are  highlighted  in  the  following


a. FDD needs fewer base stations than TDD

Since  FDD devices  achieve  desired  cell  edge  rates  at  farther

distances, the number of base stations required to achieve a given area

of coverage is reduced.   

b. In  a  coverage-limited  system  comparison  using  the  same

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frequency band,  the TDD system required 31% more base stations

than FDD when using a 1:1 TDD system and 65% more base stations

when using a 2:1 TDD system.  Higher frequency bands required even

more base stations.

c. FDD incurs lower costs

Capital expenditure (CAPEX) and operating expenditure (OPEX)

costs  are  associated  with  each  base  station.   These  costs  are

independent of the type of duplexing technique used (FDD or TDD).

Since  FDD  requires  fewer  base  stations  for  the  same  coverage,  it

incurs lower deployment and operating costs.

d. FDD/TDD: Basic difference

FDD is implemented on a paired spectrum where downlink and

uplink transmissions are sent on separate frequencies.  This provides

simultaneous  exchange  of  information  and  reduces  interference

between the uplink and downlink.  Therefore FDD is more suitable for

Voice systems that require continuous duplex working.

TDD  is  implemented  on  an  unpaired  spectrum,  implying  the

usage  of  only  one  frequency  for  both  downlink  and  uplink

transmissions.  It is suitable for asymmetric transmission demands and

in cases where paired frequency is not available while Voice services

are symmetric transmission.   

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e. Efficiency of use:

FDD has higher frequency usage efficiency.  There is wastage of

spectrum in TDD as it requires more accurate timing & greater guard


f. Range:

TDD has a lower  range (area covered)  due to fact  that  guard

band timing needs to be met.   

g. Carrier Aggregation:

With  3G and LTE big  advantage is  carrier  aggregation,  which

allows receiving handsets to make better use of the fragmented bands

that a carrier may have, in order to download data faster.  This was not

available in WiMAX at that time since the complete mobility was not


h. Network Evolution:

A clear roadmap to move to a new technology was available for

3G but it  was not there for broadband networks in terms of mobility,

carrier aggregation, etc.

These are some of the comparisons of 3G spectrum which was

based  on  FDD  mode  and  TDD  based  digital  Broadband  Wireless

Access  (BWA)  systems  which  are  drawn  by  the  learned  Solicitor

General  on  the  basis  of  which  it  is  stated  that  there  was  distinct

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advantage, clearly discernible, of 3G spectrum over BWA spectrum that

was  understood  by  TRAI  &  DoT  and  hence  the  pricing  had  to  be

differentiated on this basis.  The only technology available at that time

in 2.3 GHz band was WiMax as LTE (Long Term Evolution) was not

available.  Although in theory any packet based network core can be

used for Voice or data still  there are requirements to ensure smooth

and  contiguous  reception  of  packets  which  puts  a  extra  burden  on

allocation of resources.  Moreover, LTE was available only post 2012

and that  too VOLTE (Voice  over  LTE)  was experimental  technology

over LTE core.   

12) It will also be pertinent to note some of the queries and responses

for auction of 3G and BWA spectrum which were published by

DoT on 25.02.2010 i.e. simultaneously with the issuance of NIA,

wherein  it  was  specifically  clarified  that  usage  of  spectrum

including BWA spectrum is  linked to  the license held  or  to  be

acquired  by  the  bidder.   It  was,  thus,  envisaged  that  BWA

spectrum can be  used for  all  telecom services including  voice

telephony linked to the relevant license, as can be gaged from

some of the queries and responses thereto which are as under:

“Question 34: Does the BWA license allow use of  voice to  be  offered by  the BWA operators? Even in VOIP form?

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Answer 34: There is no BWA license.  Service conditions including allowing Internet Telephony will depend on whether the winner of the BWA spectrum holds UAS or ISP license.

Question  71:  Spectrum  usage  rights  shall  be awarded  separately  for  specific  service  areas. Please clarify.

Answer 71: Spectrum usage rights are based on the provisions of the applicable license and the licenses  are  specific  to  a  service  area.   The auction is for the award of spectrum only, while award of license is a separate process.

Question 72: To which entity BWA license will be given in case a company has both 'UAS' & ISP – Category A license?

Answer  72:  The  successful  bidder  will  be allowed to determine the license that it wishes to use for award of BWA spectrum.”

13) Auction for 3G and BWA spectrum was conducted between May

and June, 2010.  10 bidders participated in 3G spectrum auction

and 11 bidders participated in BWA spectrum auction.  The results

of  BWA  spectrum  were  published  on  12.06.2010.   It  is

emphasized by the respondents, and to which there is no denial,

that this occasion was conducted over 16 days and involved 117

rounds of bidding across service areas.  In the said occasion, all

the 44 blocks that were put for auction across 22 service areas in

the country were sold.  Reserve price of BWA spectrum was fixed

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Page 20

at Rs.1750 crores.  During bidding, highest bid that was given by

IBSPL was Rs.12847.77 crores for one block of Pan-India BWA

spectrum.  In this way, respondent No.2 emerged as successful in

acquiring various BWA frequencies in all 22 service areas across

the country.  Further, as already noted in the earlier part of this

judgment, though 11 bidders had participated, none of the other

bidders make any complaint about the fairness, transparency and

as well as about the process of bidding.

14) In  this  scenario,  insofar  as  IBSPL becoming successful  bidder

cannot be questioned at this stage.  No doubt, the petitioner has

alleged  that  shortly  after  acquiring  Pan-India  BWA spectrum,

IBSPL  increased  its  authorized  capital  from  Rs.3  crores  to

Rs.6,000 crores and question the manner in which control of this

company  is  taken  over  by  RIL.   However, that  cannot  be  the

subject of scrutiny in these proceedings inasmuch as it  has no

causal  connection  with  the  validity  of  the  auction  of  BWA

spectrum in the year 2000.  We may stated that respondent No.2

has  specifically  denied  such  allegations  and  has  endeavor  to

explain that promoters of IBSPL did not derive in unfair gains and

also that they did not divest or sell their equity to RIL, it is for our

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Page 21

reasons recorded above.  It  is not necessary to delve into this

aspect  any  further  as  that  is  neither  the  subject  matter  of

controversy nor any relief claimed by the petitioner in this behalf.

If at all, there is a reference to the same by the petitioner in the

chain  of  submissions  on  the  central  issue  which  pertains  to

post-auction  permission  to  provide  voice  services  on  BWA


Migration from BWA to UAS licence

15) Without  much  ado,  therefore,  we  would  like  to  address  the

aforesaid central issue that arises for consideration viz. whether a

decision of respondent No.1 allowing the migration from BWA to

UAS license was valid and legal and whether such a decision has

unduly  benefited  respondent  No.2  who  is  charged  a  sum  of

Rs.1,658  crores  for  this  purpose,  which  according  to  the

petitioners, is abysmally low.

16) As  highlighted  above,  there  have  been  technological

developments in telecommunication are taking place at abnormal

pace.  Various policy decision taken at  one point  of  time may,

therefore,  require  a  re-look  necessitating  modifications  and

changes  therein  and  the  circumstances  may  even  mandate

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change  of  existing  policy  altogether  by  substituting  with  new

policy  decision  depending  upon  the  such  technological

advancements  coupled  by  commercial  and  economic

considerations.  It can be supported by the fact that first Telecom

Policy was announced in the year 1994, which was replaced by

revised Policy of 1999 and thereafter in the year 2004 and again

substituted by Telecom Policy of 2012.   

17) Having regard to such features/developments, in the year 2012,

the TRAI started exercise of bringing Unified Licensing regime.

On 10.02.2012, it issued a consultation paper on Draft Guidelines

for  Unified  License/Class  License  and  migration  of  existing

licenses.   It  was  followed by the  statement  of  the Ministry  for

Telecommunication  and  IT  on  15.02.2012  on  Spectrum

Management and Licensing Framework.  This statement broadly

indicated  that  there  would  be  no  more  licenses  linked  with

Spectrum and issuance of licenses and allocation of spectrum will

be  completely  delinked.   Thereafter,  on  16.04.2012,  TRAI

addressed  a  letter  to  the  Secretary,  DoT  enclosing  its

recommendations  for  Unified  License/Class  License  and

migration  of  existing  licenses.   After  due  deliberations  at

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Page 23

appropriate levels, the Government of India issued on 31.05.2012

the  National  Telecom Policy-2012 and announced approval  for

introduction of Unified Licensing regime.  This was followed by the

policy decision of DoT dated 13.03.2013 to allow migration to UL

from UASL as well as ISP to UL regime.  The detailed background

in taking this policy decision is stated in the counter affidavit filed

by the Union of  India  and the position stated therein is  not  in

dispute.  These details are required to be noted, which are as


“1.   The  Department  of  Telecommunications (DoT)  vide  their  D.O.  letter  No.  L- 14047/09/2005-NTG dated May 22, 2006 sought recommendations from the Telecom Regulatory Authority of India (TRAI) on the methodology for allotment  of  spectrum  for  3G  services  and  its pricing aspects.

2. TRAI gave the recommendations on 27th Sept  2006  after  following  the  procedure  of consultation  and  conducting  open  house discussion  to  have  understanding  of  views  of stakeholders.

3. TRAI  while  replying  to  DoT  in recommendations said:

“The Authority is committed to the view that the consumers  must  get  the  benefit  of  new technology  and  variety  of  services.   It  also believes  that  the  telecom  service  providers should  have  the  flexibility  to  choose  from  the range  of  technologies  available  and  the regulatory policies must not restrict the choice of the operator.  Therefore, the Authority considered

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it appropriate to offer its recommendations both on  3G  technology  and  on  broadband  wireless access  (BWA)  systems  at  the  same  time.   It would also ensure that the spectrum issues are considered in a holistic manner and piecemeal or ad-hoc  solutions  do  not  find  place  in  future planning.   The  Authority  has  also  made suggestions on the wider issue management of spectrum, which is now a scarce resource in the country.   The  future  growth  in  telecom  would largely  depend  on  the  way  we  manage  our spectrum.”

4. While  forwarding  its  recommendations TRAI, inter-alia, considered the following:

• Band identification for 3G services • Allocation methodology and pricing for 3G

spectrum • Band  identification,  and  allocation  and

pricing  of  BWA  spectrum  as  well  as Spectrum Management

• Allocation  methodology  and  pricing  for BWA spectrum

• Spectrum Pricing • Spectrum for BWA

5. The DoT examined the recommendations and had referred some of them back to TRAI as required by TRAI Act and took final views based on  TRAI  recommendations  and  DoT's  internal discussions.

6. The  TRAI  issued  another  consultation paper “On Allocation and Pricing for 2.3-2.4 GHz, 2.5-2.69 GHz & 3.3-3.6 GHz bands” on 2nd May 2008  and  issued  its  recommendations  on  11th July, 2008.

7. The  TRAI  was  clear  that  spectrum  in 2.3-2.4  GHz  band  could  be  used  for  mobile services  as  mentioned in  the  preface  of  these recommendations itself  which is  reproduced as below:

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“During  the  period  of  September,  2006  to October,  2007,  there  have  been  significant changes  in  the  international  scenario.   The International  Telecommunications  Union-Radio (ITU-R) has identified 2.3-2.4 GHz band also as IMT  (International  Mobile  Technology)  band (spectrum in the band of 2.5-2.69 GHz band was already identified as IMT-2000 band).  The use of 2.3-2.4  GHz  and  2.5-2.69  GHz  band  offers significant scope for innovation with the potential for  induction  of  new  technologies,  services, applications and devices.  With the availability of mobile  services  in  this  band,  it  provides  an important opportunity for the introduction of next generation mobile technologies (BWA).

8. Even TRAI in its recommendations admit that  there  could  be  different  technologies  by which BWA could be provided and stated that:

“5.12   During  the  consultation  process,  the respondents  stated  that  there  are  various versions of  BWA technology applications.   The Authority  also  recognizes  that  given  the  wide range of possible technologies, it is essential that any  policy  concerned  with  identification  and allocation  of  spectrum  for  BWA  must  be technology-neutral  and  flexible  to  permit co-existence of all types of BWA technologies.....”

“5.72 ….The average price for allocations comes to  $0.65 (Rs.30) per Hz including South Korea, and  $0.08 (Rs.3.75) per Hertz  excluding South Korea ….”

The final reserve price in NIA as issued by DoT was @Rs.87.5 per Hz. (Rs. 1750 crores for 20 MHz) which is much higher than recommended by TRAI.

In  view  of  that  Guidelines  were  followed  in allowing  Reliance  Jio  Infocomm  RJIO  to  offer Mobile  services  which  has  been  done  after

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Page 26

following  due  process  of  law  by  taking  TRAI recommendations on the issue and considering the same in DoT and approving Unified License (UL) guidelines wherein ISP could migrate to UL.

9. The TRAI recommendations of April, 2012 on UL had recommendations on Guidelines for UL/Class  License  and  migration  of  existing licenses.   TRAI  recommended  that  all  present licenses be migrated to UL and in future only UL be  issued.   TRAI  had  recommended  that  all existing  Basic/CMSP/UASL/ISP  without spectrum/ISP  with  spectrum  be  allowed  to migrate to UL.  As per this an ISP after migration will have all India UL after payment as required.

10. It is pertinent to note that NTP 2012 states that National Telecom Policy – 2012 recognizes that  the  evolution  from  analog  to  digital technology  has  facilitated  the  conversion  of voice,  data  and  video  to  the  digital  form. Increasingly,  these  are  now  being  rendered through  single  networks  bringing  about  a convergence  in  networks,  services  and  also devices.   Hence,  it  is  now imperative to  move towards convergence between various services, networks, platforms, technologies and overcome the existing segregation of licensing, registration and  regulatory  mechanisms  in  these  areas  to enhance  affordability, increase  access,  delivery of multiple services and reduce cost.

11.   Further,  it  envisages  providing  secure, reliable,  affordable  and  high  quality  converged telecommunication  services  anytime,  anywhere for  an  accelerated  inclusive  socio-economic development.   One  of  the  objectives  of  the National Telecom Policy-2012 is “Strive to create One Nation – One License” across services and service areas...”

18) From the aforesaid, it follows that a policy decision was taken by

the Government  not  only  with regard to  introduction of  Unified

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Licensing regime but  it  also including allowing migration to UL

from UASL as well as ISP to UL regime.  This meant that those

having  UAS  license  which  permitted  data  services  only  were

allowed to migrate to Unified License enabling them to provide

both data service as well as voice telephony.  This was a pure

policy decision after due deliberations by the experts in the fields

and even TRAI had recommended allowing such migration.   

19) Such a policy decision, when not found to be arbitrary or based

on irrelevant considerations or mala fide or against any statutory

provisions,  does  not  call  for  any  interference by  the  Courts  in

exercise  of  power  of  judicial  review.   This  principle  of  law  is

ingrained in stone which is stated and restated time and again by

this Court on numerous occasions.   In  Jal Mahal Resorts (P)

Ltd.  v.  K.P. Sharma3,  the Court  underlined the principle in the

following manner:

116. From this, it is clear that although the courts are  expected  very  often  to  enter  into  the technical  and  administrative  aspects  of  the matter,  it  has  its  own  limitations  and  in consonance  with  the  theory  and  principle  of separation of powers, reliance at least to some extent to the decisions of the State authorities, specially  if  it  is  based  on  the  opinion  of  the experts  reflected  from  the  project  report prepared  by  the  technocrats,  accepted  by  the

3 (2014) 8 SCC 804

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entire  hierarchy  of  the  State  administration, acknowledged,  accepted and approved by one Government after the other, will have to be given due credence and weightage. In spite of this if the court chooses to overrule the correctness of such administrative  decision  and merits  of  the view  of  the  entire  body  including  the administrative, technical and financial experts by taking note of  hair  splitting submissions at  the instance of a PIL petitioner without any evidence in support thereof, the PIL petitioners shall have to be put to strict proof and cannot be allowed to function  as  an  extraordinary  and  extra-judicial ombudsmen  questioning  the  entire  exercise undertaken by an extensive body which include administrators,  technocrats  and  financial experts. In our considered view, this might lead to  a  friction  if  not  collision  among  the  three organs of the State and would affect the principle of  governance  ingrained  in  the  theory  of separation of powers. In fact, this Court in  M.P. Oil Extraction v. State of M.P., (1997) 7 SCC 592 at p. 611 has unequivocally observed that:   

“41.   The  power  of  judicial  review  of  the executive  and  legislative  action  must  be  kept within  the  bounds  of  constitutional  scheme so that there may not be any occasion to entertain misgivings  about  the  role  of  judiciary  in outstepping  its  limit  by  unwarranted  judicial activism being very often talked of in these days. The democratic set-up to which the polity is so deeply  committed  cannot  function  properly unless each of the three organs appreciate the need for mutual respect and supremacy in their respective fields.”

117. However, we hasten to add and do not wish to  be  misunderstood  so  as  to  infer  that howsoever  gross  or  abusive  may  be  an administrative action or a decision which is writ large on a particular activity at  the instance of the State or any other authority connected with

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it,  the Court  should  remain a  passive,  inactive and  a  silent  spectator.  What  is  sought  to  be emphasised is that there has to be a boundary line  or  the  proverbial  “laxman  rekha”  while examining the correctness of  an administrative decision taken by the State or a central authority after due deliberation and diligence which do not reflect  arbitrariness  or  illegality  in  its  decision and execution. If such equilibrium in the matter of  governance  gets  disturbed,  development  is bound  to  be  slowed  down  and  disturbed specially  in  an  age  of  economic  liberalisation wherein global players are also involved as per policy decision.”

20) Minimal  interference is  called for  by the Courts,  in  exercise of

judicial review of a Government policy when the said policy is the

outcome  of  deliberations  of  the  technical  experts  in  the  fields

inasmuch as Courts are not  well-equipped to fathom into such

domain which is left  to the discretion of  the execution.   It  was

beautifully explained by the Court in Narmada Bachao Andolan

v.  Union  of  India4 and  reiterated  in  Federation  of  Railway

Officers Assn. v. Union of India5 in the following words:

“12.   In  examining  a  question  of  this  nature where  a  policy  is  evolved by  the  Government judicial  review thereof  is  limited.   When policy according  to  which  or  the  purpose  for  which discretion is to be exercised is clearly expressed in  the  statute,  it  cannot  be  said  to  be  an unrestricted  discretion.   On  matters  affecting policy and requiring technical expertise the court would leave the matter for decision of those who

4 (2000) 10 SCC 664 5 (2003) 4 SCC 289

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are qualified to address the issues.  Unless the policy  or  action  is  inconsistent  with  the Constitution and the laws or arbitrary or irrational or  abuse of  power,  the  court  will  not  interfere with such matters.”

21) Limits of the judicial review were again reiterated, pointing out the

same  position  by  the  Courts  in  England,  in  the  case  of  G.

Sundarrajan v. Union of India6 in the following manner:

“15.1.  Lord MacNaughten in Vacher & Sons Ltd. v. London Society of Compositors (1913 AC 107 : (1911-13) All ER Rep 241 (HL) has stated:

“... Some people may think the policy of the Act unwise and even dangerous to the community. … But a judicial tribunal has nothing to do with the policy of any Act which it may be called upon to interpret.   That may be a matter for private judgment.   The duty of  the court,  and its only duty, is to expound the language of the Act in accordance  with  the  settled  rules  of construction.”

15.2.  In  Council  of  Civil  Service  Unions  v. Minister  for  the  Civil  Service  (1985  AC  374  : (1984) 3 WLR 1174 : (1984) 3 All ER 935 (HL), it was held that it is not for the courts to determine whether a particular policy or particular decision taken in fulfilment of that policy are fair.  They are  concerned only  with  the  manner  in  which those decisions have been taken, if that manner is unfair, the decision will  be tainted with what Lord Diplock labels as “procedural impropriety”.

15.3. This Court in M.P. Oil Extraction v. State of M.P. (1997)  7  SCC  592  held  that  unless  the policy  framed  is  absolutely  capricious, unreasonable and arbitrary and based on mere ipse dixit of the executive authority or is invalid

6 (2013) 6 SCC 620

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in  constitutional  or  statutory  mandate,  court's interference is not called for.

15.4. Reference  may  also  be  made  of  the judgments  of  this  Court  in  Ugar  Sugar  Works Ltd. v. Delhi Admn. (2001) 3 SCC 635, Dhampur Sugar  (Kashipur)  Ltd.  v.  State  of  Uttaranchal (2007) 8 SCC 418 and Delhi Bar Assn. v. Union of India (2008) 13 SCC 628.

15.5. We  are,  therefore,  firmly  of  the  opinion that we cannot sit in judgment over the decision taken by the Government of India, NPCIL, etc. for setting up of KKNPP at Kudankulam in view of the Indo-Russian Agreement.”

22) When  it  comes  to  the  judicial  review  of  economic  policy,  the

Courts  are  more  conservative  as  such  economic  policies  are

generally formulated by experts.  Way back in the year 1978, a

Bench of seven Judges of this Court in  Prag Ice & Oil Mills  v.

Union of  India and  Nav Bharat  Oil  Mills  v.  Union of  India7

carved out this principle in the following terms:

“We have listened to long arguments directed at showing us that producers and sellers of oil in various parts  of  the country  will  suffer  so that they  would  give  up  producing  or  dealing  in mustard oil.  It was urged that this would, quite naturally, have its repercussions on consumers for  whom mustard  oil  will  become even more scarce  than ever  ultimately.  We do not  think that it is the function of this Court or of any court to sit in judgment over such matters of economic policy  as  must  necessarily  be  left  to  the government of the day to decide.  Many of them, as a measure of price fixation must necessarily

7 (1978) 3 SCC 459 : AIR 1978 SC 1296 : 1978 Cri LJ 1281

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be, are matters of prediction of ultimate results on  which  even  experts  can  seriously  err  and doubtlessly differ.  Courts can certainly not be expected to decide them without even the aid of experts.”

23) Taking  aid  from the  aforesaid  observations  of  the  Constitution

Bench,  the  Court  reiterated  the  words  of  caution  in  Peerless

General Finance and Investment Co. Limited v. Reserve Bank

of India8 with the following utterance:

“31.   The  function  of  the  court  is  to  see  that lawful  authority  is  not  abused  but  not  to appropriate  to  itself  the  task  entrusted  to  that authority.  It  is  well  settled that  a public  body invested with statutory powers must  take care not to exceed or abuse its power.  It must keep within the limits of the authority committed to it. It  must  act  in  good  faith  and  it  must  act reasonably.   Courts  are  not  to  interfere  with economic policy which is the function of experts. It  is  not  the  function  of  the  courts  to  sit  in judgment over matters of economic policy and it must necessarily be left to the expert bodies.  In such  matters  even  experts  can  seriously  and doubtlessly differ.  Courts cannot be expected to decide them without even the aid of experts.”   

24) It  cannot  be  doubted  that  the  primary  and  central  purpose  of

judicial  review of  the  administrative  action  is  to  promote  good

administration.   It  is  to  ensure  that  administrative  bodies  act

efficiently and honestly to promote the public good.  They should

operate in a fair, transparent, and unbiased fashion, keeping in

8 (1992) 2 SCC 343

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forefront the public interest.  To ensure that aforesaid dominant

objectives are achieved, this Court has added new dimension to

the contours of judicial review and it has undergone tremendous

change  in  recent  years.   The  scope  of  judicial  review  has

expanded radically and it now extends well beyond the sphere of

statutory  powers  to  include  diverse  forms  of  'public'  power  in

response to the changing architecture of the Government9.  Thus,

not only has judicial review grown wider in scope; its intensity has

also increased.  Notwithstanding the same,  

“it  is,  however,  central  to  received perceptions of judicial review that courts may not  interfere  with  exercise  of  discretion merely  because  they  disagree  with  the decision or action in question; instead, courts intervene only if  some specific fault  can be established  –  for  example,  if  the  decision was reached procedurally unfair10.   

25) The  raison  d'etre  of  discretionary  power  is  that  it  promotes

decision  maker  to  respond  appropriately  to  the  demands  of

particular situation.   When the decision making is policy based

judicial approach to interfere with such decision making becomes

narrower.  In such cases, in the first instance, it is to be examined

as  to  whether  policy  in  question  is  contrary  to  any  statutory

9    (See : Administrative Law: Text and Materials (4th Edition) by Beatson, Matthews, and Elliott) 10 Ibid

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Page 34

provisions  or  is  discriminatory/arbitrary  or  based  on  irrelevant

considerations.  If the particular policy satisfies these parameters

and is held to be valid, then the only question to be examined is

as to whether the decision in question is in conformity with the

said policy.

26) Keeping in mind the aforesaid parameters of judicial power, we

now proceed to  deal  with  the some specific  arguments  of  the


(1)  Whether process of auction should have been resorted to?

27) The first argument raised by the petitioner is that in the NIA dated

25.02.2010, when 3G spectrum and BWA spectrum were to be

auctioned there was a specific clause that the spectrum shall not

be used for  any activity  other  than the activities  for  which the

operators has a license.  On that basis, it was argued that there

was no  reason to  allow the  migration  and  for  voice telephony

there should have been a separate auction.   

28) This  submission  lacks  substance.   During  the  course  of

arguments,  the  learned  Solicitor  General  successfully

demonstrated that  what  was auctioned in  2010 was spectrum,

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Page 35

namely,  3G  spectrum  and  BWA  spectrum.   Insofar  as  3G

spectrum auction is concerned, it was in blocks of 5 MHz i.e. each

block of 2 x 5 MHz whereas BWA auction was in blocks of 20

MHz.  The spectrum, therefore, was of different forms and thus,

issuance of license would be different from spectrum.  Moreover,

NIA dated 25.02.2010 itself provided the eligibility conditions for

an entity who could bid for BWA spectrum and further stipulation

in this behalf was specifically stated as under:

“Successful  Bidders  in  the  BWA Auction  that currently hold an ISP-category 'B'  licence shall be  required  to  migrate  to  an  ISP-category  'A' licence,  by  paying  the  applicable  fees/charges for migration, before they are awarded the BWA Spectrum.  The DoT guidelines stipulate that a UAS  license  or  an  ISP  licence  can  only  be awarded  to  an  Indian  Company.  Hence,  any foreign applicants will need to form, or acquire, an Indian company, to obtain a UAS licence or an ISP-category 'A' licence.  However, they are allowed to participate in the Auctions directly and apply  for  or  acquire  a  licence  subsequently through an Indian company, where they hold at least 26% equity stake.

Services can only be offered subject to the terms and  conditions  of  the  licence  obtained  by  the operator.  Award of spectrum does not confer a right to provide any telecom services, and these are governed by the terms and conditions of the licence obtained by the operator.”

29) It  becomes  apparent  from  the  above  that  the  spectrum  was

different  from license  inasmuch  as  award  of  spectrum did  not

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Page 36

confer  a  right  to  provide  any  telecom  services.   Insofar  as

providing of telecom services are concerned, these were to be

governed by the terms and conditions of the license obtained by

the operator.  The learned Solicitor General also handed over a

comparative  chart  of  varying  points  of  view  of  the  different

Departments when the matter regarding migration from UASL to

UL regime was being discussed and contemplated.   A perusal

thereof would show that there was a threadbare discussion on the

issue wherein pros and cons of migration of telecom licenses to

UL  regime  were  discussed;  various  apprehensions  expressed

were considered; and ultimately consensus emerged for switching

over to this regime.  The discussion reveals that the Committee of

the DoT in its comments proceeded on the premise that the BWA

spectrum could  not  be used for  any other  purpose  other  than

providing internet services.  The other departments did not share

this view. It was ultimately found that the view of the Committee

was  contrary  to  the  plain  language  of  the  Notice  Inviting

Applications  and  specifically  Q&R which  was published by the

DoT itself for the purpose of the auction.  Difference of point of

view of different departments shows the process of institutional

decision making.

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Page 37

30) The aforesaid discussion leads us to irresistible conclusion that

decision  of  the  Government  permitting  migration  of  telecom

licenses to UL regime is valid, legal and without any blemish.   

(2)  Any undue favour to respondent No.2?

31) This  brings  us  to  another  incidental  aspect,  namely,  whether

respondent No.2 could be allowed migration from BWA spectrum

to Unified License (UL).  We may observe at the outset that once

a policy decision is taken to allow such a migration to all those

who were holding BWA spectrum and this decision was not taken

only  for  respondent  No.2  individually,  respondent  No.2  also

became entitled to avail the benefit of the said decision. However,

the allegation of the petitioner is that respondent No.2 has been

allowed a 'back door' entry to provide voice services.  It is in view

of  such  an  allegation  that  we  are  delving  on  the  aforesaid


32) Some of  the important features and aspects which have to be

kept in mind, in order to deal with the aforesaid argument of the

petitioner,  needs  to  be  noted  in  the  first  instance.  It  is  not  in

dispute that IBSPL, when it bid for BWA spectrum, was holding

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Page 38

ISP  category  'A'  license.   Further,  in  terms  of  3G  or  BWA

spectrum, the acquirer thereof is eligible to provide any service

using the spectrum during the period of 20 years during which the

acquirer gets the right to use the spectrum under the auctioned

terms.  Also, as pointed out above, the license is delinked from

the spectrum.  The IBSPL having acquired the spectrum in the

course  of  bidding,  was  not  barred  from obtaining  licenses  for

various telecom services issued by the Government from time to

time during the period of 20 years for which BWA spectrum was

given.  Any other license issued by the Government from time to

time,  thus,  would  make such  license holder  eligible  to  provide

various services as allowed under these licenses.

33) In the aforesaid backdrop, when license was delinked from the

spectrum and having auctioned spectrum by allowing those who

did  not  possess  license  to  bid,  it  became  necessary  for  the

Government  of  India  to  come  out  with  a  regime  for  grant  of

licenses for providing various telecom services.  A policy decision

was taken,  as  discussed in  detail  above,  for  migration to  new

telecom  service  license,  i.e.,  Unified  License  (UL)  for  ISP

licensees  with  BWA  spectrum.   In  its  wisdom,  this  decision

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Page 39

facilitated those having data services to acquire license thereby

covering voice-telephony as well.   All  across the Board holding

BWA spectrum became entitled to migrate to UL and, therefore,

there  is  no  discrimination  on  the  part  of  the  government

authorities nor it aims at undue favoritism to respondent no. 2.   It

is not in dispute that as per the new policy/regime, respondent

no.  2  was   eligible  to  apply  for  UL  from  BWL  spectrum.

Therefore, it cannot  be treated as a case of back door entry of

respondent no.2.

(3)  Any loss of public revenue?

34) The only other issue which needs to be adverted to at this stage

is the fixation of additional fee of Rs. 1,658/- crores which was

paid by respondent  no.  2 for  migration to UL.   The poser  is  :

Whether such a fee fixed was abysmally low which had resulted

in undue advantage to respondent no. 2, thereby causing loss to

the public exchequer.

35) We may keep in  mind  that  while  taking  this  position,  namely,

respondent  no.  2  is  given  undue  advantage  by  allowing  it  to

migrate from UAS license to UL with payment of so-called meager

amount of Rs. 1,658 crores, the petitioner rested its case entirely

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Page 40

on the draft report of CAG.  This is so accepted and admitted in

writ petition itself.  It is pointed out that CAG's draft report had put

the loss on this account at Rs. 22,842 crore  besides significant

loss  of  revenue  on  Spectrum  Usage  Charges  (SUC).   The

petitioner had put both these benefits at about Rs. 40,000 crore,

out of which about Rs. 17,000 crore was towards SUC.  In its final

report,  however,  the  CAG  has  revised  the  loss  figure  to  Rs.

3,367.29 crores, besides SUC on which it reiterated “significant

loss of revenue to the government”.   

36) On that basis, submission of the petitioner is that that had there

been an independent auction of UL, the Government would have

generated substantially  higher  revenue.   It  is  also  argued that

granting of UL by adopting the methodology of conversion from

existing UAS to UL, instead of putting it to auction, is also contrary

to  the  judgment  of  this  Court  in  2G2 case.  Though we have

already dealt with this aspect of the argument, we are addressing

the issue now in the context of frontal attack made on the fixation

of fee of Rs. 1,658 crores which is charged from respondent no. 2

while allowing the migration from UAS to UL.  

37) In  the  first  instances,  we  may  observe  that  once  the  policy

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Page 41

decision  of  the  Government  allowing  migration  from  BWA

spectrum  to  UL  is  found  to  be  justified  in  the  circumstances

already noted above, the argument of the petitioner predicated on

the judgment of this Court in 2G2 case does not hold good.  Even

otherwise the decision in the said case is based on altogether

different backdrop. Judgment in the said case would reveal that in

2001,  in  order  to  increase competition  from  then existing two

private  players  plus  one  PSU  player  per  telecom  circle,  the

Government introduced the 4th telecom operator in each circle.  At

this time, there was an auction conducted for grant of licenses

and this license carried with it 4.4 + 4.4 MHz to start up spectrum

and  an  assurance  that  further  spectrum  availability  would  be

given to the licenses subject to availability (by 2010 the TRAI had

suggested the grant of a minimum spectrum of 6.2 MHZ to each

licensee as contracted spectrum).  The Government had decided

in 2001 when bids were invited for the 4 th license that all future

grants should be on market price. However, in a departure from

this even in  year 2007-08 the then Telecom Minister  (following

certain  processes  which  was  found  to  be  flawed)  invited

applications for license based on a pre-determined license fee.

This license fees was the same as the fee that was paid in 2001

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Page 42

by those who applied for the 4th telecom license.  This Court found

that the manner in which this decision had been arrived at was

flawed and smacked of arbitrariness.  It was also held that this

spectrum is an extremely valuable natural resource and must only

be made available  at  market  price.   The Court  found that  the

license itself had no value, in that the real value was that of the


38) On the other hand, insofar as present case is concerned, auction

of 3G spectrum as well as BWL spectrum held in 2010 was not

challenged by anybody and no fault has even been found in the

same.  It is the spectrum which a vital resource and that was duly

auctioned.  The decision now taken, which is the subject matter of

controversy  in  the  present  case,  pertains  to  license,  namely,

switching  over  from UASL to  UL,  validity  whereof  has  already

been upheld.   

39) Insofar  as  fee  of  Rs.  1,658  crores  that  is  charged  from

respondent no. 2 is concerned, it was pointed out by the learned

counsel  for  the  respondents  at  the  Bar  that  migration/grant  of

unified license available today is at paltry fee of Rs. 15 crores.  As

against this, respondent no. 2 has paid Rs. 1,658 crores, much

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Page 43

higher  than  fee  fixed.   One cannot  lose  sight  of  the  fact  that

insofar as auction of  BWA spectrum is concerned, it  fetched a

whopping  price  of  Rs.  12,847.77  crores.   On  the  other  hand,

license  is  acquired  separately  at  a  fixed  license  fee  over  and

above the price of spectrum which requires a fee of Rs. 15 crores

insofar as switch over from UASL to UL is concerned.

40) The foundation of the petitioner's allegation is draft report of CAG.

However, that was only a draft report.   Many queries and doubts

in  the  said  draft  report  were  addressed  and  answered  by  the

Government.  The final report of CAG is materially different from

the  draft  report.   It  appears  that  in  the  draft  report,  CAG

proceeded on the wrong premise that the license was also to be

auctioned.   In  fact,  as  far  as   2G2 case is  concerned,  in  that

matter licenses along with bundles spectrum were awarded at a

pre-determined price on a first come first serve bases and, thus,

spectrum was bundled along with the license.  However, in 2010,

when 3G and BWA spectrum were auctioned, the spectrum were

delinked from license.  In this backdrop, when the policy decision

had now been taken based on National  Telecom Policy, 2012,

whereby  migration  of  UASL licence  to  UL  was  permitted,  the

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Page 44

question of fee that is to be charged is to be looked into.  TRAI, in

its recommendations, had not prescribed any additional fee to be

charged for migration of ISP operators with BWS spectrum to UL

regime.  Instead, it had stated that the BWA spectrum assignee,

whether holding a UAS license or ISP lincence and the scope for

provision of services would be uniform under the Unified License.

It is only entry fee which is prescribed and that too Rs. 15 crores.

Notwithstanding  the  same,  the  Government  decided  to  permit

migration from ISP licence to UL license with migration fee of Rs.

1,658 crores, calculated as the difference in entry fee of UASL

and that  of ISL license in order to provide a level playing field

between  the  two classes  licenses.   The  aforesaid  facts  would

show  that  respondent  no.  2  has  paid  spectrum  price  of  Rs.

12,847.77 crores and also Rs. 1,658 crores for migration to UL, in

addition to entry fee of Rs. 15 crores, which is the prescribed fee.

It,  therefore,  cannot  be  said  that  the  fee  of  Rs.  1,658  crores

charged from respondent no.2 is in any way less or that it has

caused any wrongful loss to the Government and wrongful gain to

respondent  no.  2  or  that  the  Government  would  have  fetched

much more price.   

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Page 45

41) We  have  already  traced  brief  history  of  the  development  in

telecommunication  and,  in  particular,  that  of  mobile/cellular

services.  Most significant development which is pointed out is as

to how technological development has led to the growth of data

telephony from mere voice telephony.  As already stated, number

of other services are provided by the service providers on these

phones  which  are  known  as  'smart  phones'.   These  services

include  video  streaming,  music  streaming,  social  networking,

instant  messaging,  download  and  save,  emails,  playing  online

games,  browse/search,  banking,  bill  payments,  navigation,

e-commerce and cloud storage etc.  Even feature films can be

downloaded  and  watched.   TV  programmes  can  be  seen.   It

serves as camera as well.   Smart  Phone is  able to serve the

purpose  of  a  computer  as  well  to  a  significant  extent.   It  has

become a “miraculous devise” for the consumers which caters to

all most all necessary and day to day telecom needs.  A peep into

the graph growth of  total  global  monthly  data  and voice traffic

would reveal that in the year 2007-2008 voice and data traffic was

almost  equal.   However, by the end of  2010,  traffic  generated

from mobile data was twice that for voice.  In five years time, the

data traffic has gone ahead of voice traffic by leaps and bounds

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Page 46

and it is almost seven times more than voice traffic.  Another trend

which is visible from the available figures is that whereas in voice

traffic growth from 2010-2015 is hardly 1½ times, it is more than

seven times insofar as mobile data traffic is concerned.  Between

first quarter of 2014 and first quarter of 2015 itself mobile data

traffic registered a growth of 55%.  Future forecast of data traffic

is expected @30% per year.  In India itself, monthly mobile data

consumption is expected to increase 18 fold by the year  2020

over current levels.  In the aforesaid scenario, Telecommunication

has emerged as a key driver of economic and social development

in an increasingly knowledge intensive global scenario, in which

India  needs  to  play  a  leadership  role.   National  Telecom

Policy-2012  was  designed  to  ensure  that  India  plays  this  role

effectively  and transforms the socio-economic scenario through

accelerated equitable  and inclusive economic growth by laying

special  emphasis  on  providing  affordable  and  quality

telecommunication services in rural and remote areas.  Thrust of

this policy is to underscore the imperative that sustained adoption

of  technology  would  offer  viable  options  in  overcoming

developmental  challenges  in  education,  health,  employment

generation, financial inclusion and much else.   

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Page 47

42) The  only  purpose  of  highlighting  the  aforesaid  features,

particularly  in  contrasting  the  growth  between  voice-telephony

and data traffic, is to show that main source of revenue for the

service providers is from data services and not voice-telephony.

In fact,  Mr. Salve even claimed that voice-telephony for  mobile

companies, insofar as income generation is concerned, does not

remain that attractive and in near future, there is a possibility of a

situation when voice-telephony services may be provided free of

charge to those using mobile data services by paying for those

services.   Whether  this  happens  or  not  is  anybody's  guess.

However, what cannot be disputed is that main source of income

for mobile companies is data services and not voice telephone

services.   This  needs  to  be  borne  in  mind  while  testing  the

argument of the petitioner.   

43) Much is said on the veracity of CAG draft report by respondent

no. 1 as well as respondent no. 2 in their attempt to show that the

very basis of making calculation of alleged undue advantage of

Rs. 22,842 crores (in the draft report) or  Rs. 3,367.29 crores (in

the  final  report).   However,  having  regard  to  the  aforesaid

discussion, it may not be necessary to delve into this aspect in

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Page 48

much greater  details.   It  would be suffice to point  out  that  the

basic error committed by CAG was to compare 3G and BWA (4G)

spectrum which mistake was realised in preparing the final report.

It appears that these calculations are made by taking migration

fee of Rs. 1,658 crores which were prevalent in the year 2001 and

on that basis it arrived at a figure of Rs. 5025.29 crores which,

according to CAG, should have been fixed.  As respondent no. 2

paid a fee of Rs. 1,658.57 crores, according to the CAG it has

resulted  in  the  loss  of  Rs.  3,367.29  crores.   However,  the

aforesaid  assumption  loses  sight  of  the  fundamental  aspect,

namely, in 2001 spectrum and license were unified which was not

the position in the year 2010 when the two were segregated.  It is

stated at  the cost  of  repetition that  insofar  as auction of  BWA

spectrum is concerned the same was auctioned at a price of Rs.

12847.77 crores which is the most material aspect and has been

totally glossed over.  We, thus, do not find any error in the action

of the Government in allowing the migration from UASL to UL by

making respondent no. 2 to pay a sum of Rs. 1,658 crores in this


44) With this, we address ourselves to the remainder issue, namely,

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Page 49

fixation of  1% AGR as SUC for  the use of  BWA.   As  noticed

above, the contention of the petitioner in this behalf is that when

the respondent No. 1 allowed second respondent-Reliance Jio to

offer voice telephony (by allowing their migration to UL regime),

first respondent should insist for payment of SUC for level playing

field like those offering voice telephony on BWA spectrum.   So far

as various operators who are offering voice services are paying

SUC at 3% to 8% depending on the quantum of the spectrum

they hold.  The prevailing slab rates are shown in the rejoinder

filed by the petitioner as under:-

SUC (as a % of Revenue) Spectrum quantum

Before  01.04.2010

DoT Order  25.02.2010

2x4.4 2 3 2x6.2 3 4 2x8

4 5

2x10 6 2x12.5 5 7 2x15 6 8

45) The justification/explanation which is given by the Union of India

is that it was the TRAI which submitted its recommendation dated

27.09.2006 on 'Allocation and Pricing of  Spectrum for 3G and

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Page 50

BWA services' wherein additional 1% SUC was recommended.  

46) It is also pointed out that TRAI reiterated that SUC be fixed at 1%

AGR in  its  subsequent  recommendations  dated  11.07.2008 on

'Allocation and Pricing for 2.3-2.4 GHz, 2.5-2.69 GHz & 3.3-3.6

GHz bands'.

47) The  learned  Solicitor  General  argued  that  after  receipt  of  the

above TRAI recommendations, there were a lot of deliberations in

the Department, consultations were held with other Ministries i.e.,

Department  of  Economic  Affairs,  Department  of  Industrial

Promotion and Policy on the various issues relating of auction of

3G  and  BWA Spectrum.   The  submission  is  that  all  aspects,

relevant to the issue were thoroughly examined and deliberated

upon.  It was noted that since BWA spectrum will be used for rural

development, the SUC is kept at 1% of AGR.  Further, it was also

noted  that  since  spectrum  is  being  auctioned  and  the  price

discovery is through a market mechanism, the bidders will factor

in  the  annual  charges  in  their  bids.   Therefore,  keeping  BWA

annual  spectrum charge  at  1%  will  have  no  adverse  revenue

implications.  The aforesaid is the rationale given for fixation of

1% of AGR as SUC.   

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Page 51

48) On going through the records, we find that the decision, namely,

SUC be fixed at 1% AGR was based on relevant considerations.

Not  only  TRAI  had  recommended  the  aforesaid  charge  to  be

fixed, there was an in depth examination of this recommendation

of  the  TRAI  by  Government  before  accepting  the  same.

Furthermore,  it  is  also  pertinent  to  note  that  on  the  basis  of

aforesaid decision,  specific  provisions were incorporated in  the

NIA for SUC for BWA spectrum.  Clause 3.5 of the NIA, in this

behalf, is as under:

“3.5 Spectrum usage charges

Licensees using BWA Spectrum need to pay 1% of AGR  from  services  using  this  spectrum  as  annual spectrum charge  irrespective  of  the  licence  held  by them.  Such revenue would be required to be reported separately.”

49) The  aforesaid  discussion,  thus,  demonstrates  that  the  main

consideration that prevailed with the Government in keeping the

SUC at 1% of AGR was that BWA spectrum was to be used for

rural development.  It also needs to be highlighted that in line with

the objective of  rural  development,  more rural  oriented roll  out

obligations  for  BWA spectrum in  category  A,  B  and  C service

areas, were prescribed, as can seen from the following clauses:

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Page 52

“3.4.2 Roll-out obligations for BWA Spectrum

Category A, B and C service areas

The licensee to whom the spectrum is assigned shall ensure  that  at  least  50%  of  the  rural  SDCAs  are covered within five years of the Effective Date using the BWA Spectrum.  Coverage of a rural SDCA would mean that at least 90% of the area bounded by the municipal/local  body  limits  should  get  the  required street level coverage.

The Effective Date shall be the later of the date when the  right  to  use  awarded  spectrum  commercially commences and the date when the UAS licence or the ISP  category  'A'  licence,  if  and  as  applicable,  is granted to the operator … ...”

50) Mr. Ranjit Kumar, learned Solicitor General further demonstrated

that  the  country  has  been divided  into  3  metro  service  areas,

namely Delhi, Mumbai and Kolkata and 18 Service areas which

have been further designated as category A, B and C.  SDCA

stands  for  Short  Distance  Charging  Area  which  comprises

typically of one to two tehsils.  The country has 2647 SDCAs out

of which 2470 SDCAs has been designated as rural SDCAs.  All

operators  including  M/s  Reliance  Jio  Infocomm  Ltd  who  were

awarded  BWA Spectrum in  2010  and whose time period  of  5

years  for  roll-out  obligation  was  completed  in  2015,  have

submitted proof of compliance of roll out obligations by registering

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Page 53

with Telecom Enforcement and Resource Monitoring (TERM) Cell

of Department of Telecom before the due date in all the 22 service

areas.  The date of registering the TERM Cell is taken as the date

of completion of roll out obligation on successful testing.  In this

case, testing is in progress and is likely to be completed in next

few months.  It was, thus, pointed out that less rural coverage is

stipulated  for  3G  spectrum  which  factor  influenced  the  policy

makers to fix SUC at 1% of AGR.

51) Apart from the above, there is one more reason not to interfere

with the aforesaid stipulation of SUC.  The Government has taken

the  position  that  the  conditions  in  the  license  granted  to

respondent No. 2 empower the licenser/Government to change

the terms of license and, therefore, whenever it is felt necessary

and expedient in pubic interest, the percentage of SUC can be

increased.  However, the matter, for increase of SUC, was even

examined after the recommendation of TRAI in the year 2013 that

SUC  be  charged  at  an  average  rate  instead  of  slab  rate  for

various  spectrum  holdings  as  given  in  NIA  of  2010  and

subsequent  NIAs  of  2012  and  January,  2013.   The  Telecom

Commission considered this  aspect  and debated three options

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Page 54

which could be considered for holders of BWA  auction in the year

2010, namely:

(i) SUC be raised to 3%; (ii) SUC be kept at 1% and reported separately; or (iii) SUC  for  standalone  BWA  be  kept  at  1%,  but  if

combined with spectrum bought in fresh auctions then the  charge  be  the  weighted  average  of  acquired spectrum at 3% and BWA at 1%.  

52) Before taking a final decision as to which option be resorted to,

the Telecom Commission recommended that a legal opinion be

sought from the learned Attorney General.  Matter was referred to

the  then  Attorney  General  who  opined  that  SUC  charge  be

retained at 1% for BWA operators and on that basis, final decision

in this behalf was taken.  It is further pointed out that on the issue

of revenue segregation, a committee had been formed which has

submitted  its  report.   The  report  is  under  consideration  and

decision on the report is likely in two months.  After considering

the  report  of  the  committee  on  the  revenue  segregation,

appropriate  action  will  be  taken  whether  separate  revenue

reporting to continue or not or an increase in SUC is required for

the  proper  conduct  of  telegraph  as  provided  in  the  License

Agreement.   The  decision  on  the  report  is  expected  in  two

months.   In  view  of  the  aforesaid  developments,  for  the  time Writ Petition (C) No. 382 of 2014 Page 54 of 55


Page 55

being,  we  leave  the  matter  to  the  Government  to  take  an

appropriate decision in this behalf.   

53) We  find  no  merit  in  this  writ  petition  which  is,  accordingly,


.............................................CJI. (T.S. THAKUR)

.............................................J. (A.K. SIKRI)

.............................................J. (R. BANUMATHI)

NEW DELHI; APRIL 08, 2016.

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