04 February 2016
Supreme Court


Case number: Crl.A. No.-001077-001081 / 2013
Diary number: 10437 / 2010


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CRIMINAL APPEAL NOS. 1077-1081 OF 2013

Central Bureau of Investigation, Bank Securities & Fraud Cell             .....Appellant


Ramesh Gelli and Others          ...Respondents



Ramesh Gelli        ...Writ Petitioner


Central Bureau of Investigation through Superintendent of Police, BS & FC & Anr.  ...Respondents



1. I have had the privilege of going through the judgment of

my learned brother Prafulla C. Pant, J. Though I am in full

agreement  with  the  conclusions  reached  by  my  learned

brother, I would like to give my own reasons for the same.



Page 2

2. The question arising has to be answered firstly within the

four corners of the definition of “public servant” as contained

in  Section  2(c)  of  the  Prevention  of  Corruption  Act,  1988

(hereinafter  referred  to  as  ‘the  PC  Act’),  particularly,  those

contained in Section 2(c)(viii), which is extracted below.

2.  “Definitions.-In this  Act,  unless the  context  otherwise requires,-

(c) “Public Servant” means,- (i) xxxx xxxxx (ii) xxxx xxxxx (iii) xxxx xxxxx (iv) xxxx xxxxx (v) xxxx xxxxx (vi) xxxx xxxxx (vii) xxxx xxxxx

(viii) any person who holds an office by virtue of which he

is authorized or required to perform any public duty;”

(ix) xxxx xxxxx (x) xxxx xxxxx (xi) xxxx xxxxx (xii) xxxx xxxxx”  

3. While understanding the true purport and effect of the

aforesaid  provision  of  the  PC  Act,  the  meaning  of  the



Page 3

expression “office” appearing therein as well as “public duty”

which is defined by Section 2(b) has also to be understood.

4. A reference to Section 2(b) of the PC Act which defines

“public duty” may  at this stage be appropriate to be made.

“2.(b) “public duty” means a duty in discharge of which the State,  the  public  or  the  community at  large  has an interest.” Explanation.-  In  this  clause  “State”  includes  a corporation established by or under a Central, Provincial or State Act, or an authority or a body owned or controlled or aided by the Government or a Government company as defined in Section 617 of the Companies Act, 1956 (1 of 1956);”

5. The definition of public duty in Section 2(b) of the PC Act,

indeed, is wide.  Discharge of duties in which the State, the

public  or  the community  at  large has an interest has been

brought  within  the  ambit  of  the  expression  ‘public  duty’.

Performance of such public duty by a person who is holding

an office which requires or authorize him to perform such duty

is  the  sine  qua  non of  the  definition  of  the  public  servant

contained in Section 2(c)(viii) of the PC Act.  The expressions

‘office’ and ‘public duty’ appearing in the relevant part of the

PC Act would therefore require a close understanding.   



Page 4

6. In  P.V.  Narasimha  Rao  Vs.  State  (CBI/SPE)1  the

meaning  of  the  expression ‘office’  appearing  in  the  relevant

provision of the PC Act has been understood as “a position or

place to which certain duties are attached specially one of a

more or less public character.”  Following the views expressed

by  Lord  Atkin  in  McMillan  Vs.  Guest2,  this  Court  had

approved the meaning of the expression ‘office’ to be referable

to a position which has existence independent of the person

who fills up the same and which is required to be filled up in

succession by successive holders.   

7. While  there  can  be  no  manner  of  doubt  that  in  the

Objects and Reasons stated for enactment of the Prevention of

Corruption Act, 1988 it has been made more than clear that

the  Act,  inter  alia, envisages  widening  of  the  scope  of  the

definition  of  public  servant,  nevertheless,  the  mere

performance of public duties by the holder of any office cannot

bring  the  incumbent  within  the  meaning  of  the  expression

‘public servant’ as contained in Section 2(c) of the PC Act.  The


(1998) 4 SCC 626 2 (1942) AC 561



Page 5

broad  definition  of  ‘public  duty’  contained  in  Section  2(b)

would be capable of encompassing any duty attached to any

office  inasmuch  as  in  the  contemporary  scenario  there  is

hardly any office whose duties cannot, in the last resort, be

traced to having a bearing on public interest or the interest of

the community at large.  Such a wide understanding of the

definition of public servant may have the effect of obliterating

all  distinctions  between  the  holder  of  a  private  office  or  a

public  office  which,  in  my  considered  view,  ought  to  be

maintained.   Therefore,   according to me, it  would be more

reasonable to understand the expression “public servant” by

reference to the office and the duties performed in connection

therewith to be of a public character.   

8. Coming  to  the  next  limb  of  the  case,  namely,  the

applicability of the provisions of Section 46A of the Banking

Regulation Act, 1949 (hereinafter referred to as the ‘BR Act’)

what is to be found is that a chairman appointed on a whole

time  basis,  managing  director,  director,  auditor,  liquidator,

manager  and any other  employee  of  a  banking company  is

deemed to be a public servant for the purposes of Chapter IX



Page 6

of the Indian Penal Code.  Section 46A,  was amended by Act

20  of  1994  to  bring  within  its  fold  a  larger  category  of

functionaries  of  a  banking  company.  Earlier,  only  the

chairman, director and auditor had come within the purview

of the aforesaid Section 46A.

9. Sections  161  to  165A  contained  in  Chapter  IX  of  the

Indian Penal Code have been repealed by Section 31 of  the

Prevention of Corruption Act, 1947 and the said offences have

been  engrafted  in  Sections  7,  8,  9,  10,  11  and  12  of  the

Prevention of Corruption Act, 1988.  Section 166(as originally

enacted), Section 167 (with amendment), Sections 168, 169,

170  and  171  (as  originally  enacted)  continue  to  remain  in

Chapter IX of the Indian Penal Code even after enactment of

the Prevention of Corruption Act, 1988.

10. By  virtue  of  Section  46A  of  the  BR  Act  office

bearers/employees of a Banking Company (including a Private

Banking Company) were “public servants” for the purposes of

Chapter IX of the I.P.C. with the enactment of the PC Act the

offences under Section 161 to 165A included in Chapter IX of

Code  came  to  be  deleted  from  the  said  Chapter  IX  and



Page 7

engrafted under  Sections 7 to  12 of  the  PC Act.   With  the

deletion  of  the  aforesaid  provisions  from Chapter  IX  of  the

I.P.C. and inclusion of the same in the PC Act there ought to

have been a corresponding insertion in Section 46A of the BR

Act  with  regard  to  the  deeming  provision  therein  being

continued in respect of officials of a Banking Company insofar

as  the  offences  under  Sections  7  to  12  of  the  PC  Act  are

concerned. However, the same was not done. The Court need

not  speculate  the  reasons  therefor,  though,  perhaps  one

possible reason could be the wide expanse of the definition of

“public servant” as made by Section 2(c) of the PC Act. Be that

as it may, in a situation where the legislative intent behind the

enactment  of  the  PC  Act  was,  inter  alia,  to  expand  the

definition of “public servant”, the omission to incorporate the

relevant provisions of the PC Act in Section 46A of the BR Act

after  deletion  of  Sections  161  to  165A  of  the  I.P.C.  from

Chapter  IX  can  be  construed  to  be  a  wholly  unintended

legislative omission which the Court can fill up by a process of

interpretation. Though the rule of  casus omissus  i.e. “what

has not been provided for in the statute cannot be supplied by

the Courts” is a strict rule of interpretation there are certain



Page 8

well known exceptions thereto.  The following opinion of Lord

Denning in  Seaford Court Estates Ltd. Vs. Asher3 noticed

and approved by this Court may be taken note of.  

“The  English  language  is  not  an instrument  of mathematical precision. Our literature would be much the poorer if it were ....He (The Judge) must set to work in the constructive task of finding the intention of Parliament, and he must do this not only from the language of the statute, but also from  a  consideration  of  the  social  conditions which gave rise to it, and of the mischief which it was  passed  to  remedy,  and  then  he  must supplement the written word so as to give “force and life”  to  the  intention of  the  legislature.....A judge should ask himself  the question,  how,  if the  makers  of  the  Act  had  themselves  come across this ruck in the texture of it, they would have  straightened it  out?  He must  then do as they would have done. A judge must not alter the material of which the Act is woven, but he can and should iron out the creases.”     

In  Magor  & St.  Mellons  Rural  District  Council  Vs.

Newport Corporation4 the learned judge restated the above

principles in a somewhat different form to the following effect :

“We  sit  here  to  find  out  the  intention  of Parliament  and of  ministers  and carry  it  out, and we do this better by filling in the gaps and making sense of the enactment than by opening it up to destructive analysis.”

3 (1949) 2AllER 155 at page 164 4 (1950)2AllER 1226



Page 9

11. Though  the  above  observations  of  Lord  Denning  had

invited sharp criticism in his own country we find reference to

the same and implicit approval thereof in the judicial quest to

define the expression “industry” in Bangalore Water Supply

& Sewerage Board Vs. A Rajappa and Others5.  Paragraphs

147  and  148  of  the  opinion  of  Chief  Justice  M.H.  Beg  in

Bangalore Water Supply & Sewerage Board (supra), which

are quoted below, would clearly indicate the acceptance of this

Court referred to earlier.  

“147. My  learned  Brother  has  relied  on  what was  considered  in  England  a  somewhat unorthodox  method  of  construction  in  Seaford Court Estates Ltd. v. Asher [(1949 2 ALL ER 155, 164], where Lord Denning, L.J., said :

When  a  defect  appears  a  Judge  cannot simply  fold  his  hands  and  blame  the draftsman.  He  must  set  to  work  on  the constructive task of finding the intention of Parliament  —  and  then  he  must supplement  the  written  words  so  as  to give  ‘force  and  life’  to  the  intention  of legislature.  A  Judge  should  ask  himself the question how, if the makers of the Act had themselves come across this ruck in the  texture  of  it,  they  would  have straightened it  out? He must then do as they would have done. A Judge must not alter  the  material  of  which  the  Act  is

5 (1978) 2 SCC 213



Page 10

woven, but he can and should iron out the creases.

When this case went up to the House of Lords it appears that the Law Lords disapproved of the bold effort of Lord Denning to make ambiguous legislation more comprehensible.  Lord Simonds found  it  to  be  “a  naked  usurpation  of  the legislative  function  under  the  thin  disguise  of interpretation”.  Lord Morton (with whom  Lord Goddard entirely  agreed)  observed:  “These heroics are out of place” and Lord Tucker said “Your Lordships would be acting in a legislative rather  than  a  judicial  capacity  if  the  view put forward by Denning, L.J., were to prevail.”

148. Perhaps,  with  the  passage  of  time,  what may be described as the extension of a method resembling  the  “arm-chair  rule”  in  the construction  of  wills.  Judges  can  more  frankly step into the  shoes of  the  legislature  where  an enactment leaves its own intentions in much too nebulous or  uncertain  a state.  In  M.  Pentiah v. Muddala  Veeramallappa  [(1961)  2  SCR  295], Sarkar,  J.,  approved  of  the  reasoning,  set  out above, adopted by Lord Denning. And, I must say that, in a case where the definition of “industry” is  left  in  the  state  in  which  we  find  it,  the situation perhaps calls for some judicial heroics to cope with the difficulties raised.   (Underlining is mine)  

12. There are  other  judicial  precedents  for  the  view that  I

have preferred to take and reach the same eventual conclusion

that  my learned brother Prafulla C. Pant,  J.  has reached. I

would like to refer to only one of them specifically, namely, the



Page 11

decision  of  a  Constitution  Bench  of  this  Court  in  Dadi

Jagannadham Vs. Jammulu Ramulu and others6.  

Order  XXI  Rule  89  read  with  Rule  92(2)  of  the  CPC

provided for filing of an application to set aside a sale. Such an

application  was  required  to  be  made  after  deposit  of  the

amounts specified within 30 days from the date of the sale.

While  the  said  provision  did  not  undergo  any  amendment,

Article 127 of the Limitation Act, 1963 providing a time limit of

30 days for filing of the application to set aside the sale was

amended and the time was extended from 30 days to 60 days.

Taking note of the objects and reasons for the amendment of

the  Limitation  Act,  namely,  that  the  period  needed  to  be

enlarged from 30 to 60 days as the period of  30 days was

considered to be too short, a Constitution Bench of this Court

in  Dadi Jagannadham (supra) harmonised the situation by

understanding Order XXI rule 89 to be casting an obligation

on the Court to set aside the sale if the application for setting

aside along with deposit is made within 30 days. However, if

such an application along with the deposit is made after 30

days  but  before  the  period  of  60  days  as  contemplated  by

6 (2001) 7 SCC 71



Page 12

Article  127  of  the  Limitation  Act,  1963,  (as  amended)  the

Court would still  have the discretion to set aside the same.

The period of 30 days in Order 21 Rule 89/92(2) CPC referred

to hereinabove was subsequently (by Act 22 of 2002) amended

to 60 days also.

13. Turing to the case in hand there can be no dispute that

before enactment of the PC Act, Section 46A of the BR Act had

the effect of treating the concerned employees/office bearers of

a Banking Company as public  servants for  the purposes of

Chapter  IX  of  the  IPC  by  virtue  of  the  deeming  provision

contained therein.  The enactment of the PC Act with the clear

intent  to  widen  the  definition  of  ‘public  servant’  cannot  be

allowed  to  have  the  opposite  effect  by  expressing  judicial

helplessness to rectify or fill  up what is a clear omission in

Section 46A of the BR Act.  The omission to continue to extend

the deeming provisions in Section 46A of the BR Act  to the

offences  under  Sections  7  to  12  of  the  PC  Act  must  be

understood  to  be  clearly  unintended  and  hence  capable  of

admitting  a  judicial  exercise  to  fill  up  the  same.   The

unequivocal legislative intent to widen the definition of “public



Page 13

servant”  by  enacting  the  PC  Act  cannot  be  allowed  to  be

defeated by interpreting and understanding the  omission in

Section 46A of the BR Act to be incapable of being filled up by

the court.

14. In the above view of the matter, I also arrive at the same

conclusion  as  my learned  Brother  Prafulla  C.  Pant,  J.  has

reached,  namely,  that  the  accused  respondents  are  public

servants  for  the  purpose  of  the  PC  Act  by  virtue  of  the

provisions of Section 46A of the Banking Regulation Act, 1949

and  the  prosecutions  launched  against  the  accused

respondents  are  maintainable  in  law.   Consequently,  the

criminal  appeals  filed  by  the  C.B.I.  are  allowed  and  Writ

Petition (Criminal) No. 167 of 2015 is dismissed.

........................................J.                                       [RANJAN GOGOI]    




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CRIMINAL APPEAL NOS. 1077-1081 OF 2013

Central Bureau of Investigation, Bank Securities & Fraud Cell … Appellant


Ramesh Gelli and others …Respondents



Ramesh Gelli    … Writ Petitioner


Central Bureau of Investigation through Superintendent of Police, BS & FC & Anr. …Respondents


Prafulla C. Pant, J.

Appellant  Central  Bureau  of  Investigation  (C.B.I)

has  challenged  the  judgment  and  order  dated

13.07.2009, passed by the High Court of Judicature at



Page 15

Bombay whereby Criminal Revision Application No. 131

of 2007 (filed by CBI) has been dismissed, and Criminal

Writ Petition Nos. 2400, 2401, 2402 and 2403 of 2008,

filed by the accused/respondent are allowed in part, and

upheld the order dated 05.02.2007 passed by the trial

court  i.e.  Special  Judge/Additional  Sessions  Judge,

Mumbai.   The courts  below have held that  cognizance

cannot  be  taken  against  the  accused  namely  Ramesh

Gelli  Chairman  and  Managing  Director,  and  Sridhar

Subasri, Executive Director of Global Trust Bank, on the

ground that they are not public servants.   

2. Writ Petition (Criminal) No. 167 of 2015 has been

filed before this Court by accused Ramesh Gelli praying

quashing of charge sheet filed by CBI in connection with

FIR  No.  RC  BD.1/  2005/E/0003  dated  31.03.2005

relating to offences punishable under Section 120B read

with Sections 420, 467, 468, 471 of Indian Penal Code

(IPC)  and offence  punishable  under  Section  13(2)  read

with Section 13(1)(d) of the Prevention of Corruption Act,



Page 16

1988  (for  short  “the  P.C.  Act,  1988”),  pending  before

Special Judge, CBI, Patiala House Courts, New Delhi.

3. Briefly  stated prosecution case  is  that  the  Global

Trust  Bank  (hereinafter  referred  as  “GTB”)  was

incorporated on 29.10.1993 as banking company under

Companies  Act,  1956.   Said  Bank  was  issued  licence

dated 06.09.1994 under Banking Regulation Act,  1949

by Reserve Bank of India (for short “RBI”).  Ramesh Gelli

(writ  petitioner  before  this  Court)  was  Chairman  and

Managing Director, and Sridhar Subasri (writ petitioner

before  the  High  Court)  was  Executive  Director  of  the

Bank.  The two were also promoters of GTB.  For raising

their  contribution  to  the  capital,  the  two  accused

(Ramesh Gelli and Sridhar Subasri) obtained loans from

various  individuals  and  companies,  including  M/s.

Beautiful Group of Companies of accused Rajesh Mehta

and Vijay Mehta, and M/s. Trinity Technomics Services

Pvt.  Ltd.,  of  which  accused  Vijay  Mehta  and  his

employees  were  directors.   M/s.  Beautiful  Group  of

Companies  opened  their  first  account  in  the  name  of



Page 17

Beautiful Diamonds Ltd. with G.T.B. in the year 1994-95.

Investigation revealed that  various credit  facilities were

allowed to said company by Ramesh Gelli  and Sridhar

Subasri,  and  they  fraudulently  instructed  the  branch

heads, without following norms for sanctioning the credit

facilities.  The duo (Ramesh Gelli and Sridhar Subasri),

abusing their official positions, sanctioned higher credit

limits  to  M/s.  Beautiful  Diamonds  Ltd.  against

regulations.  According to CBI, the investigation further

revealed that in pursuance to the alleged conspiracy of

the accused the funds of GTB were diverted, and release

of  Rs.5.00  crores  was  made  in  the  name  of  M/s.

Beautiful  Realtors  Ltd.  on  the  request  of  Directors  of

M/s. Beautiful Diamonds Ltd.  Said amount was further

transferred  to  already  overdrawn  account  of  M/s.

Beautiful  Diamonds  Ltd.   In  April,  2001,  Directors  of

Beautiful  Group  of  Companies  in  pursuance  of

conspiracy  with  other  accused  submitted  another

application  for  sanction  of  Rs.3.00  crores  as  diamond

loan in the name of M/s. Crystal Gems.  Ramesh Gelli,

Sridhar Subasri and other accused, who were Directors



Page 18

of  Beautiful  Group of  Companies,  said to have caused

total wrongful loss of about Rs.41.00 crores to GTB.  The

accounts  of  Beautiful  Diamonds  Ltd.  and  other

companies, which availed funds from GTB, should have

been declared Non Performing Assets (NPA), but accused

Ramesh Gelli and Sridhar Subasri allegedly manipulated

and showed the accounts of Beautiful Realtors Ltd. and

Crystal  Gems  as  higher  profit  yielding  accounts.  The

scam did not come to the light till 2005.

4. On  14.08.2004  GTB  merged/amalgamated  with

Oriental Bank of Commerce (for brevity “OBC”).  An FIR

dated 31.03.2005 in respect of offences punishable under

Sections 420, 467, 468, 471 IPC and under Section 13(2)

read with Section 13(1)(d)  of  the P.C. Act of  1988 was

registered by C.B.I on the complaint made by the Chief

Vigilance  Officer,  OBC,  wherein  the  allegations  were

made that Ramesh Gelli and others, including Directors

of M/s. World Tex Limited (for short “WTL”) entered into a

criminal conspiracy to cheat GTB causing wrongful loss

to  the  tune  of  Rs.17.46  crores,  and  thereby  earned



Page 19

corresponding wrongful gain.  After investigation, charge

sheet was filed in said matter before the Special Judge,

CBI, Patiala House Courts, New Delhi.

5. Another  First  Information  Report  No.

RC.12(E)/2005/ CBI/BS & FC/Mumbai  was  registered

by C.B.I.  on 09.08.2005 for  offences punishable  under

Section  120B  read  with  Sections  409  and  420  IPC,

initially  against two employees of  GTB and two private

persons  Rajesh  Mehta  and  Prashant  Mehta  on  the

complaint dated 26.07.2005 lodged by the Chief Vigilance

Officer, OBC. It is relevant to mention here that GTB was

a private sector bank, before its amalgamation in August

2004 with OBC, a public sector bank.  In the FIR No. RC

12E/2005/CBI/B.S  &  FC/Mumbai  Dt.  09.08.2005,  it

was alleged that GTB sanctioned and disbursed loans by

throwing all prudent banking norms to winds and thus

created a large quantum of Non Performing Assets (NPA)

jeopardizing the interests of thousands of depositors, but

painted a rosy financial picture.  These loan transactions

came to the light during audit after amalgamation of GTB



Page 20

with OBC, and it was noted that two accounts, namely

that of M/s. Beautiful Diamonds Ltd. and M/s. Crystal

Gems were used to siphon out funds of the Bank.  After

investigation,  charge  sheets  were  filed  in  this  matter

before  Special  Judge,  Mumbai  in  respect  of  offences

punishable under Section 120B read with Sections 409

and 420 IPC and under Section 13(2) read with Section

13(1)(d) of the P.C. Act, 1988.  However, on 05.02.2007

the Special Judge, Mumbai declined to take cognizance of

offence punishable under Section 13(2) read with S.3(1)

(d)  P.C  Act,  1988,  on  the  ground  that  accused  No.  1

Ramesh Gelli  and accused No. 2 Sridhar Subasri  were

not  public  servants  on  the  dates  transactions  said  to

have  taken  place,  i.e.  before  amalgamation,  and  the

Special  Judge  directed  that  the  charge  sheet  may  be

returned for being submitted to appropriate Metropolitan

Magistrate  for  taking  cognizance  in  respect  of  offences

punishable  under  IPC,  i.e.  for  offence  other  than

punishable under the P.C. Act, 1988.



Page 21

6. Since the High Court of Judicature at Bombay has

upheld  the  order  dated  05.02.2007  by  the  impugned

order,  the  CBI  has  approached  this  Court  through

Special  Leave.   Further,  since W.P.(Crl.)  No.  167/2015

filed  by  accused  Ramesh  Gelli  also  involves  similar

question of law in the case at Delhi, as such both the

connected matters are being disposed of by this common


7. The  common  question  of  law  involved  in  these

criminal appeals and connected writ petition, filed before

us, is:

Whether  the  Chairman,  Directors  and  Officers  of Global  Trust Bank Ltd.  (a  private  bank before  its amalgamation  with  the  Oriental  Bank  of Commerce),  can be said to be public servants for the  purposes  of  their  prosecution  in  respect  of offences punishable under  Prevention of Corruption Act, 1988 or not ?

8. It  is  admitted fact  that  GTB was a private  sector

bank operating under banking licence dated 06.09.1994,

issued by RBI under Banking Regulation Act, 1949.  It is

also  not  disputed  that  on  14.08.2004  GTB

merged/amalgamated  with  OBC.  The  transactions  of



Page 22

alleged fraud, cheating, misappropriation and corruption

relate to the period between 1994 to 2001, i.e. prior to

amalgamation  with  public  sector  bank  (OBC).  The

dispute  relates  as  to  whether  the  then

Chairman-cum-Managing  Director  and  Executive

Director of GTB come under definition of ‘public servant’

or not, for the purposes of the P.C. Act, 1988.

9. It is vehemently argued by Shri Mohan Parasaran

and Shri Sidharth Luthra, senior advocates appearing for

the  accused that  the  accused are  not  public  servants,

and  cognizance  cannot  be  taken  against  the  writ

petitioner Ramesh Gelli and accused/respondent Sridhar

Subasri,  who  were  said  to  be  the

Chairman-cum-Managing  Director  and  Executive

Director respectively of GTB before its amalgamation. It is

further argued that a person cannot be said to have been

performing a public  duty unless he holds some public

office,  and  in  this  connection  it  is  submitted  that  the

accused did not hold any public office during the period

offences  said  to  have  been  committed.  It  is  also



Page 23

contended that since Sections 161 to 165A in Chapter IX

of  IPC  are  repealed  by  Section  31  of  P.C.  Act,  1988,

Section 46A of Banking Regulation Act, 1949 is of little

help  to  the  prosecution.  Mr.  Luthra,  learned  senior

counsel, further submitted that the relationship between

the customer of a bank, and the bank is that of a creditor

and debtor,  and the  transactions  between the  two are

commercial  in  nature,  as  such,  no  public  duty  is


10. On  the  other  hand,  Shri  Tushar  Mehta,  learned

senior counsel for CBI argued that accused Ramesh Gelli

and  Sridhar  Subasri  were  public  servants  in  view  of

definition  contained  in  Section  2(c)  of  P.C.  Act,  1988.

Our attention is also drawn to Section 46A of Banking

Regulation Act, 1949, which provides that a whole time

Chairman, Managing Director, or Director of a banking

company shall be deemed to be a public servant.  It is

also contended that a banking company as defined under

Section  5(b)  read  with  Section  35(A)  of  Banking

Regulation  Act,  1949  is  nothing  but  extended  arm  of



Page 24

Reserve  Bank  of  India.   In  support  of  arguments

advanced  on  behalf  of  CBI,  reliance  is  placed  on  the

principle  of  law laid  down by  this  Court  in  Govt.   of

Andhra  Pradesh and  Others vs.  P.Venku  Reddy7.

Lastly,  it  is  submitted that  a  private  body discharging

public  duty  or  positive  obligation  of  public  nature

actually  performs public  function.   In  this  connection,

reference  was  made  to  the  observations  made  by  this

court in paragraph 18, in  Federal Bank Ltd. vs.  Sagar

Thomas and others8.

11. We have considered the arguments and the counter

arguments and also gone through the relevant case laws

on the issue.

12. Before  further  discussion it  is  just  and proper  to

examine  the  object  for  which  the  Prevention  of

Corruption  Act,  1988  was  enacted  by  the  Parliament.

The  Statement  of  Objects  and  Reasons  of  the  Bill  is

reproduced below: -


(2002) 7 SCC 631) 8 (2003) 10 SCC 733



Page 25

“1. The  bill  is  intended  to  make  the existing anti-corruption laws more effective by widening their coverage and by strengthening the provisions.

2. The  Prevention  of  Corruption  Act, 1947,  was  amended  in  1964  based  on  the recommendations  of  the  Santhanan Committee.  There are provisions in Chapter IX of the Indian Penal Code to deal with public servants and those who abet them by way of criminal  misconduct.   There  are  also provisions  in  the  Criminal  Law  Amendment Ordinance,  1944,  to  enable  attachment  of ill-gotten  wealth  obtained  through  corrupt means,  including  from  transferees  of  such wealth.  The bill seeks to incorporate all these provisions  with  modifications  so  as  to  make the  provisions  more  effective  in  combating corruption among public servants.

3. The  bill,  inter  alia,  envisages widening  the  scope  of  the  definition  of  the expression  ‘public  servant’,  incorporation  of offences  under  sections  161  to  165A  of  the Indian Penal Code, enhancement of penalties provided for these offences and incorporation of a provision that the order of the trial court upholding  the  grant  of  sanction  for prosecution would be final if it has not already been challenged and the trial has commenced. In  order  to  expedite  the  proceedings, provisions  for  day-to-day  trial  of  cases  and prohibitory provisions with regard to grant of stay  and  exercise  of  powers  of  revision  or interlocutory orders have also been included.

4. Since the provisions of section 161A are  incorporated  in  the  proposed  legislation with  an  enhanced  punishment,  it  is  not necessary  to  retain  those  sections  in  the



Page 26

Indian  Penal  Code.   Consequently,  it  is proposed  to  delete  those  sections  with  the necessary saving provision.

5. The  notes  on  clauses  explain  in detail the provisions of the Bill.”  

(Emphasis supplied)

From the Statement of Objects and Reasons of the

P.C. Bill it is clear that the Act was intended to make the

anti  corruption  law  more  effective  by  widening  its

coverage. It is also clear that the Bill was introduced to

widen  the  scope  of  the  definition  of  ‘public  servant’.

Before P.C. Act, 1988, it was the Prevention of Corruption

Act, 1947 and Sections 161 to 165A in Chapter IX of IPC

which  were  governing  the  field  of  law  relating  to

prevention of  corruption.   The Parliament  repealed the

Prevention  of  Corruption  Act,  1947  and  also  omitted

Section 161 to 165A of I.P.C as provided under Sections

30 and 31 of P.C. Act, 1988.  Since a new definition of

‘public servant’ is given under P.C. Act, 1988, it is not

necessary  here  to  reproduce  the  definition  of  ‘public

servant’ given in Section 21 of IPC.



Page 27

13. Section 2(c) of P.C. Act, 1988, which holds the field,

defines ‘public servant’ as under: -

“2.(c) "public servant" means-  

(i) any person in the service or pay of the Government or remunerated by the  Government  by  fees  or commission for  the  performance of any public duty;  

(ii) any person in the service or pay of a local authority ;  

(iii) any person in the service or pay of a corporation established by or under a Central, Provincial or State Act, or an  authority  or  a  body  owned  or controlled  or  aided  by  the Government  or  a  Government company as defined in section 617 of the Companies Act, 1956;

(iv) any  Judge,  including  any  person empowered  by  law  to  discharge, whether by himself or as a member of  any  body  of  persons,  any adjudicatory functions;  

(v) any person authorised by a court of justice  to  perform  any  duty,  in connection  with  the  administration of  justice,  including  a  liquidator, receiver or commissioner appointed by such court;



Page 28

(vi) any  arbitrator  or  other  person  to whom any cause or matter has been referred for decision or report by a court  of  justice  or  by  a  competent public authority;  

(vii) any person who holds an office by virtue of which he is empowered to prepare, publish, maintain or revise an  electoral  roll  or  to  conduct  an election or part of an election;

(viii) any person who holds an office by virtue of which he is authorised or required to perform any public duty;

(ix) any  person  who  is  the  president, secretary or other office-bearer of a registered  cooperative  society engaged  in  agriculture,  industry, trade  or  banking,  receiving  or having  received  any  financial  aid from the  Central  Government  or  a State  Government  or  from  any corporation established by or under a Central, Provincial or State Act, or any  authority  or  body  owned  or controlled  or  aided  by  the Government  or  a  Government company as defined in section 617 of the Companies Act, 1956;

(x) any  person  who  is  a  chairman, member or employee of any Service Commission or Board, by whatever name  called,  or  a  member  of  any selection  committee  appointed  by



Page 29

such Commission or Board for  the conduct  of  any  examination  or making  any  selection  on  behalf  of such Commission or Board;  

(xi) any person who is a Vice-Chancellor or  member  of  any  governing  body, professor,  reader,  lecturer  or  any other  teacher  or  employee,  by whatever designation called, of  any University  and  any  person  whose services  have  been availed  of  by  a University  or  any  other  public authority in connection with holding or conducting examinations;  

(xii) any person who is an office-bearer or  an  employee  of  an  educational, scientific,  social,  cultural  or  other institution,  in  whatever  manner established,  receiving  or  having received  any  financial  assistance from the Central Government or any State Government, or local or other public authority.  

Explanation 1.-Persons falling under any of the above sub-clauses are public servants,  whether  appointed  by  the Government or not.

Explanation  2.-Wherever  the  words "public  servant"  occur,  they  shall  be understood  of  every  person  who  is  in actual  possession  of  the  situation  of  a public  servant,  whatever  legal  defect



Page 30

there  may  be  in  his  right  to  hold  that situation.”

14. Above  definition  shows  that  under  Clause  (viii)

contained in Section 2(c) of P.C. Act, 1988  a person who

holds  an office  by  virtue  of  which he  is  authorized  or

required to perform any public duty, is a public servant.

Now, for the purposes of the present case this court is

required  to  examine  as  to  whether  the

chairman/managing  director  or  executive  director  of  a

private  bank  operating  under  licence  issued  by  RBI

under  Banking  Regulation  Act,  1949,  held/holds  an

office  and  performed  /performs  public  duty  so  as  to

attract the definition of ‘public servant’ quoted above.

15. Section 2(b) of P.C. Act, 1988 defines ‘public duty’

as under:  

        “public duty” means a duty in the discharge of which the State, the public or the community at large has an interest”.   

16. But, what is most relevant for the purpose of this

case  is  Section  46A  of  Banking  Regulation  Act,  1949,

which reads as under: -



Page 31

“46A. Chairman, director etc., to be public servants for the purposes of Chapter IX of the Indian Penal Code. – Every chairman who is appointed on a whole-time basis,  managing director,  director, auditor, liquidator, manager and any other employee of a banking company shall be deemed to be a public servant for the purposes  of  Chapter  IX  of  the  Indian  Penal Code (45 of 1860).”  

(Emphasis supplied)

17. Section  46A  was  inserted  in  Banking  Regulation

Act, 1949 by Act No. 95/56 with effect from 14.01.1957.

The expression “every chairman who is appointed on a

whole  time  basis,  managing  director,  director,  auditor”

was  substituted  by  Act  No.  20/94  with  effect  from

31.01.1994  in  place  of  “every  chairman,  director,

auditor”.   As  such  managing  director  of  a  banking

company is also deemed to be a public servant.  In the

present case transactions in question relate to the period

subsequent to 31.01.1994.

18.   In  Federal  Bank Ltd.  v.  Sagar Thomas and

others  (supra)  this  Court  has  held  that  a  private

company carrying banking business as a scheduled bank

cannot be termed as a company carrying any statutory or



Page 32

public  duty.   However,  in  said  case  the  Court  was

examining as to whether writ can be issued under Article

226 of the Constitution of India against a scheduled bank

or not.  There was no issue before the Court relating to

deeming  fiction  contained  in  Section  46A  of  Banking

Regulation Act, 1949 in respect of a chairman/managing

director or director of a banking company against whom

a crime relating to anti-corruption was registered.

19. In a recent case of State of Maharashtra & ors. v.

Brijlal Sadasukh Modani9, this Court has observed as

under: -

“21. As we notice,  the High Court has really been swayed by the concept of Article 12 of the Constitution,  the provisions contained in the 1949 Act  and in  a  mercurial  manner  taking note of the fact that the multi-state society is not controlled or aided by the Government has arrived at the conclusion.  In our considered opinion, even any grant or any aid at the time of  establishment  of  the  society  or  in  any construction  or  in  any  structural  concept  or any aspect would be an aid.  We are inclined to think so as the term ‘aid’ has not been defined. A sprinkle of aid to the society will also bring an  employee  within  the  definition  of  ‘public servant’.   The  concept  in  entirety  has  to  be observed in the backdrop of corruption…….”

9 2015 SCC Online SC 1403



Page 33

20. In P.V. Narasimha Rao vs. State (CBI/SPE)10, this

Court  has  explained  the  word  “office”  in  following

manner: -

“61. ……..The  word  “office”  is  normally understood  to  mean  “a  position  to  which certain duties are attached, especially a place of trust, authority or service under constituted authority”.  (See:  Oxford  Shorter  English Dictionary, 3rd Edn., p. 1362.) In  McMillan v. Guest (1942 AC 561) Lord Wright has said:

“The word ‘office’ is of indefinite content. Its various meanings cover four columns of the  New English Dictionary, but I take as the most relevant for purposes of this case the following:  

‘A position or place to which certain duties  are  attached,  especially  one of a more or less public character.’ ”

In the same case Lord Atkin gave the following meaning:

“…  an  office  or  employment  which  was subsisting,  permanent,  substantive position,  which  had  an  existence independent of  the person who filled it, which  went  on  and  was  filled  in succession by successive holders.”

In Statesman (P) Ltd. v. H.R. Deb (AIR 1968 SC 1495)  and  Mahadeo v.  Shantibhai [(1969)  2 SCR 422] this Court has adopted the meaning given by Lord Wright when it said:

“An office means no more than a position to which certain duties are attached.”

10 (1998) 4 SCC 626



Page 34

21. Attention  of  this  court  is  drawn on behalf  of  the

accused to the case of  Housing Board of Haryana  v.

Haryana  Housing  Board  Employees’  Union  and

others11,  wherein  this  Court  has  held  that  when

particular  words  pertaining  to  a  class  of  genus  are

followed by general words, the latter, namely, the general

words are construed as limited to the things of the same

kind as those specified, and this is known as the rule of

ejusdem  generis  reflecting  an  attempt  to  reconcile

incompatibility between the specified and general words.

This case is of little help to the accused in the present

case as managing  director  and director  are  specifically

mentioned  in  Section  46A  of  Banking  Regulation  Act,


22. In Manish Trivedi v. State of Rajasthan12, which

pertains to a case registered against a councillor under

Prevention  of  Corruption  Act,  1988,  this  Court,  while

11 (1996) 1 SCC 95

12 (2014) 14 SCC 420



Page 35

interpreting  the  word  “public  servant”,  made  following

observations: -

“14. Section  87  of  the  Rajasthan Municipalities Act, 1959 makes every Member to  be  public  servant  within  the  meaning  of Section 21 of  the  Penal  Code,  1860 and the same reads as follows:

“87. Members,  etc.  to be deemed public  servants.—(1)  Every  member, officer or servant, and every lessee of the levy  of  any  municipal  tax,  and  every servant  or  other  employee  of  any  such lessee  shall  be  deemed  to  be  a  public servant within the meaning of Section 21 of the Penal Code, 1860 (Central Act 45 of 1860).

(2)  The  word  ‘Government’  in  the definition  of  ‘legal  remuneration’  in Section  161  of  that  Code  shall,  for  the purposes  of  sub-section  (1)  of  this section,  be  deemed  to  include  a Municipal Board.”

From a plain reading of the aforesaid provision it is evident that by the aforesaid section the legislature  has  created  a  fiction  that  every Member shall be deemed to be a public servant within the meaning of Section 21 of the Penal Code. It is well  settled that the legislature is competent to create a legal fiction.  A deeming provision  is  enacted  for  the  purpose  of assuming the existence of  a  fact  which does not really exist. When the legislature creates a legal  fiction,  the  court  has  to  ascertain  for what purpose the fiction is created and after ascertaining this, to assume all those facts and consequences  which  are  incidental  or



Page 36

inevitable  corollaries  for  giving  effect  to  the fiction. In  our  opinion,  the  legislature,  while enacting Section 87 has, thus, created a legal fiction  for  the  purpose  of  assuming that  the Members,  otherwise,  may  not  be  public servants within the meaning of Section 21 of the Penal Code but shall be assumed to be so in view of the legal fiction so created. In view of the  aforesaid,  there  is  no  escape  from  the conclusion  that  the  appellant  is  a  public servant  within  the  meaning  of  Section 21 of the Penal Code.

xxx xxx xxx

16. Under  the  scheme  of  the  Rajasthan Municipalities  Act  it  is  evident  that  the appellant  happens  to  be  a  Councillor  and  a Member  of  the  Board.  Further  in  view  of language  of  Section  87  of  the  Rajasthan Municipalities  Act,  he  is  a  public  servant within the meaning of Section 21 of the Penal Code.  Had  this  been  a  case  of  prosecution under the Prevention of Corruption Act, 1947 then  this  would  have  been  the  end  of  the matter.  Section  2  of  this  Act  defines  “public servant”  to  mean  public  servant  as  defined under Section 21 of the Penal Code. However, under the Prevention of Corruption Act, 1988, with  which we are  concerned  in the  present appeal,  the  term  “public  servant”  has  been defined  under  Section  2(c)  thereof.  In  our opinion,  prosecution under this Act can take place only of such persons, who come within the  definition  of  public  servant  therein.  The definition  of  “public  servant”  under  the Prevention  of  Corruption  Act,  1947  and Section  21  of  the  Penal  Code  is  of  no consequence.  The  appellant  is  sought  to  be prosecuted under the Prevention of Corruption Act, 1988 and, hence, to determine his status



Page 37

it  would  be  necessary  to  look  into  its interpretation under Section 2(  c  ) thereof, read with  the  provisions  of  the  Rajasthan Municipalities Act.

xxx xxx xxx

19. The present Act (the 1988 Act) envisages widening of the scope of the definition of the expression “public servant”. It was brought in force  to  purify  public  administration.  The legislature  has  used  a  comprehensive definition  of  “public  servant”  to  achieve  the purpose of punishing and curbing corruption among  public  servants.  Hence,  it  would  be inappropriate  to  limit  the  contents  of  the definition  clause  by  a  construction  which would  be  against  the  spirit  of  the  statute. Bearing  in  mind  this  principle,  when  we consider the case of the appellant, we have no doubt that  he is  a public servant within the meaning of Section 2(c) of the Act. Clause (viii) of  Section 2(c)  of  the present Act makes any person, who holds an office by virtue of which he  is  authorised  or  required  to  perform any public duty, to be a public servant.  The word “office” is of indefinite connotation and, in the present context,  it  would mean a position or place to which certain duties are attached and has an existence which is independent of the persons who fill it. Councillors and Members of the Board are positions which exist under the Rajasthan Municipalities Act. It is independent of the person who fills it. They perform various duties  which are  in  the  field  of  public  duty. From the conspectus of what we have observed above, it is evident that appellant is a public servant  within  Section  2(c)(viii)  of  the Prevention of Corruption Act, 1988.”  



Page 38

(Emphasis supplied)

23. At the end it is relevant to mention that in the case

of Govt. of A.P. and others vs. Venku Reddy (supra), in

which while interpreting word ‘public servant’ this court

has made following observations:

     “12. In construing the definition of “public servant” in clause (c) of Section 2 of the 1988 Act, the  court  is  required  to  adopt  a  purposive approach as would give effect to the intention of the  legislature.  In  that  view  the  Statement  of Objects and Reasons contained in the Bill leading to the passing of the Act can be taken assistance of. It gives the background in which the legislation was enacted. The present Act, with a much wider definition of “public servant”, was brought in force to  purify  public  administration.  When  the legislature  has  used  such  a  comprehensive definition  of  “public  servant”  to  achieve  the purpose  of  punishing  and  curbing  growing corruption  in  government  and  semi-government departments, it would be appropriate not to limit the  contents  of  the  definition  clause  by construction which would be against the spirit of the  statute.  The  definition  of  “public  servant”, therefore, deserves a wide construction. (See State of M.P. v. Shri Ram Singh (2000) 5 SCC 88)”

24. In the light of law laid down by this court as above,

it is clear that object of enactment of P.C. Act, 1988, was

to make the anti corruption law more effective and widen

its  coverage.  In  view of  definition  of  public  servant  in



Page 39

Section 46A of Banking Regulation Act, 1949 as amended

the  Managing  Director  and  Executive  Director  of  a

Banking  Company  operating  under  licence  issued  by

Reserve Bank Of India, were already public servants, as

such they cannot be excluded from definition of ‘public

servant’.  We  are  of  the  view  that  over  the  general

definition of ‘public servant’ given in Section 21 of IPC, it

is the definition of ‘public servant’ given in the P.C. Act,

1988, read with Section 46-A of Banking Regulation Act,

which holds the field for the purposes of offences under

the  said  Act.   For  banking  business  what  cannot  be

forgotten is Section 46A of Banking Regulation Act, 1949

and merely for the reason that Sections 161 to 165A of

IPC have been repealed by the P.C. Act, 1988, relevance

of Section 46A of Banking Regulation Act, 1949, is not


25. Be it noted that when Prevention of Corruption Act,

1988  came  into  force,  Section  46-A  of  Banking

Regulation Act, 1949 was already in place, and since the

scope of  P.C.  Act,  1988 was to widen the definition of



Page 40

“public servant”.  As such, merely for the reason that in

1994,  while  clarifying  the  word  “chairman”,  legislature

did not substitute words “for the purposes of Prevention

of  Corruption  Act,  1988”   for  the  expression  “for  the

purposes of Chapter IX of the Indian Penal Code (45 of

1860)”  in Section 46A of Banking Regulation Act, 1949,

it  cannot be said,  that  the legislature had intention to

make Section 46A inapplicable for the purposes of P.C.

Act, 1988, by which Sections 161 to 165A of IPC were

omitted, and the offences stood replaced by Sections 7 to

12 of P.C. Act, 1988.

26. A law which is not shown ultravires must be given

proper  meaning.   Section  46-A  of  Banking  Regulation

Act,  1949,  cannot  be  left  meaningless  and  requires

harmonious construction.  As such in our opinion, the

Special Judge (CBI) has erred in not taking cognizance of

offence punishable under Section 13(2) read with Section

13(1)(d) of  P.C. Act,  1988.   However, we may make it

clear that in the present case the accused cannot be said

to be public servant within  the   meaning of   Section 21



Page 41

IPC, as such offence under Section 409 IPC may not get

attracted,  we  leave  it  open  for  the  trial  court  to  take

cognizance  of  other  offences  punishable  under  Indian

Penal Code, if the same get attracted.  

27. Therefore, having considered the submissions made

before us, and after going through the papers on record,

and further  keeping  in  mind the  Statement  of  Objects

and  Reasons  of  the  Bill  relating  to  Prevention  of

Corruption Act, 1988 read with Section 46A of Banking

Regulation  Act,  1949,  we  are  of  the  opinion  that  the

courts below have erred in law in holding that accused

Ramesh  Gelli  and  Sridhar  Subasri,  who  were

Chairman/Managing Director and Executive Director of

GTB  respectively,  were  not  public  servants  for  the

purposes of Prevention of Corruption Act, 1988.  As such,

the  orders  impugned  are  liable  to  be  set  aside.

Accordingly,  without  expressing  any  opinion  on  final

merits of the cases before the trial courts in Mumbai and

Delhi,  Criminal Appeal Nos. 1077-1081 of 2013 filed by



Page 42

CBI, are allowed, and Writ Petition (Crl.) No. 167 of 2015

stands dismissed.

       ……………………………..J.                                      [PRAFULLA  C.  PANT]

New Delhi; February 23, 2016.