07 May 2014
Supreme Court


Case number: CONMT.PET.(C) No.-000088-000089 / 2013
Diary number: 6419 / 2013


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CIVIL APPEAL No. 8226-8227 of 2012

Bihar State Govt. Sec. Scl. Teachers Assn.       ….Petitioner(s)


Ashok Kumar Sinha & Ors.       ….Respondent(s)

J U D G M E N T  


1.These contempt proceedings arise out of the judgment and  

order dated 23.11.2012 passed by this Court in CA Nos. 8226-

8227 of 2012.  Before we take note of the exact nature of  

directions  given  in  that  judgment  which  according  to  the  

petitioners  have  been  flouted  contumaciously  and  



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deliberately,  we  would  like  to  take  note  of  the  history  of  

litigation culminating in passing of the said judgment.   

2.The petitioner is an Association representing the teachers of  

the Bihar Subordinate Education Service (hereinafter referred  

to as BSES for brevity).  They had filed a writ petition in the  

Patna  High  Court  claiming  merger  of  their  cadre  with  the  

Bihar  Education  Service  (hereinafter  referred  to  BES  for  

brevity).  The writ petition was allowed and the LPA and the  

SLP  filed  against  the  same  were  dismissed.   Since  the  

benefits  of  merger  of  cadre  were  still  not  being  granted,  

another writ  petition was filed,  which too was allowed and  

affirmed in LPA.  Although leave was granted in the SLP filed  

by  the  State  of  Bihar,  ultimately  the  Civil  Appeal  was  

dismissed by the  judgment dated 19.04.2006 resulting in the  

outcome in favour of the petitioner.

3.In  compliance  of  the  said  judgment  of  this  Court,  a  

Resolution merging the cadre of BSES with BES was issued on  

07.07.2006 and the BSES teachers were granted benefits of  

the merger, like enhancement of payscale, promotion etc.  At  



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this stage, a writ petition was filed by BES Association (BESA)  

challenging the  merger.   A  single  judge of  the  High Court  

allowed  it  vide  judgment  dated  31.10.2007,  which  was  

affirmed by a Division Bench on 21.05.2010.  This judgment  

was challenged before this Court by filing SLP.

4.Immediately after the judgment of the learned single judge,  

the  State  Government  withdrew  the  Resolution  of  merger  

dated  07.07.2006  by  a  notification  dated  19.11.2007  

expressly mentioning therein that the same was being issued  

in  light  of  the  High  court  judgment  dated 31.10.2007  and  

thereby  all  benefits  of  merger  of  cadre  were  withdrawn.  

Several  consequential  benefits  had  been  granted  to  the  

teachers  pursuant  to  the  merger  by  issuing  various  

Resolutions.  These benefits were also withdrawn and in fact  

a  Resolution  was  passed  by  the  state  government  on  

17.01.2008 directing  that  the  teachers  would  get  pay  and  

other  benefits,  as  they  were  getting  prior  to  the  merger,  

thereby nullifying the effect of earlier Resolution of merger  

dated 7.7.2006.



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5.The  Special  Leave  Petition  was  granted  and  appeal  was  

ultimately heard finally.  Eventually this appeal was allowed  

by  a  detailed  judgment  dated  23.11.2012,  thereby  setting  

aside  the  judgment  of  the  High  Court.   This  Court  also  

quashed  the  notification  of  the  State  Government  dated  

19.11.2007, by which the benefits of merger granted to the  

teachers  had  been  withdrawn.   As  a  corollary  State  

Government’s Resolution dated 07.07.2006 was upheld and  

restored by which the cadre of the BSES teachers, Teaching  

Branch  had  been  merged  with  that  of  BES  and  the  State  

Government was directed to act accordingly.

6.The  conclusive  portion  of  the  detailed  judgment  dated  

23.11.2012  reflects  raison  d’etre  for  arriving  at  such  a  

conclusion  and the  precise  nature  thereof.   We,  therefore,  

reproduce  the  same  hereunder  for  the  sake  of  further  


“44.  This entire discussion leads us to only one  conclusion  that  the  learned  Single  Judge  who  heard  the  petition  CWJC  No.10091/2006,  which  began the third round of litigation filed on behalf  of the Bihar Education Service Association, had no  business to re-open the entire controversy, even  



Page 5

otherwise.  The State Govt. had already passed a  resolution dated 07.07.2006 after the order of this  Court  dated  19.04.2006.   While  examining  the  legality of that resolution (which was defended by  the State Govt. at this stage before the learned  Single  Judge)  the  entire  controversy  was  once  again gone into.  The law of finality of decisions  which is enshrined in the principle of res-judicata  or principles analogous thereto, does not permit  any such re-examination, and the learned Judge  clearly failed to recognize the same. 45.  For the reasons stated above, these appeals  (arising  out  of  SLP  Nos.26675-76  of  2010)  are  allowed.  The judgment and order passed by the  Division  Bench  of  Patna  High  Court  in  LPA  No.4182009  and  other  LPAs  dated  21.05.2010,  and  that  of  the  learned  Single  Judge  dated  31.10.2007 in CWJC No.100912006 are set-aside  and  the  said  Writ  Petition  is  hereby  dismissed.  Consequently  the  notification  dated  19.11.2007  issued  pursuant  to  the  decision  of  the  Single  Judge will also stand quashed and set-aside.  The  State  Govt.  Resolution  dated  07.07.2006  is  upheld.   The  state  shall  proceed  to  act  accordingly.   I.A.  Nos.19-202011  are  dismissed.  As stated by Mr. Patwalia, learned senior counsel  for the appellants, the appellants no longer press  for  the action for  contempt arising out  of CWJC  No.86792002.   Contempt  Petiton  Nos.  386- 387/2011, will also accordingly stand disposed of,  as not pressed. 46.  The attitude of the State Govt. in the matter  has  caused  unnecessary  anxiety  to  a  large  number of teachers.  The State Govt. must realize  that in a country where there is no much illiteracy  and  where  there  are  a  large  number  of  first  generation students, the role of the primary and  secondary teachers is very important.  They have  



Page 6

to be treated honourably and given appropriate  pay and chances of promotion.  It is certainly not  expected of the State Govt. to drag them to the  Court in litigation for years together. 47.   Though  the  appeals  stand  disposed  of  as  above,  we do record  our  strong displeasure  for  the manner in which the State of Bihar kept on  changing its stand from time to time.  This is not  expected from the State  Govt.   The manner  in  which  the  learned  Single  Judge  proceeded  with  the  Writ  Petition  No.1009/2006  to  reopen  the  entire controversy, and also the Division Bench in  LPA No.418/2003  in  approving  that  approach is  also far from satisfactory.  If the orders passed by  this Court were not clear to the State Govt. or any  party,  it  could  have  certainly  approached  this  Court for the clarification thereof.  But it could not  have  setup  a  contrary  plea  in  a  collateral  proceeding.  We do not expect such an approach  from  the  State  Govt.  and  least  from  the  High  Court.   Having  stated  this,  although  we  have  expressed out displeasure about the approach of  the  State  Government,  we refrain  from passing  any order as to costs.”

7.It is clear from the above that the Court took the view that  

once decision of merger was not only upheld by this Court in  

its earlier judgment dated 19.04.2006, but thereafter it was  

even  acted  upon  by  the  State  Government  by  passing  

Resolution  dated  07.07.2006,  there  was  no  reason  for  the  

High  Court  to  reopen  the  matter  in  a  Writ  Petition  at  the  



Page 7

instance  of  BES  Association.  The  Court,  therefore,  in  

categorical  terms  upheld  the  Resolution  dated  07.07.2006  

effecting the merger of two services namely BSES and BES.  

Since this merger was undone by the State Government by  

passing  another  Resolution  dated  19.11.2007,  this  latter  

Resolution was quashed.  The effect of these directions was  

to restore status quo ante by reinforcing the position with the  

issuance of Resolution merging the two cadres on 07.07.2006  

and conferring all benefits of merger on to the members of  

the  petitioner's  Association,  viz.  teachers  belonging  to  

erstwhile BSES.    

8.According  to  the  Petitioner,  after  the  aforesaid  judgment  

was given, several representations were made to the State  

Government, on a virtually daily basis, to restore the earlier  

position consequent upon the merger of the two cadres but it  

was of no avail.  In these representations, the Petitioners also  

called upon the State Government to give the consequential  

benefits granted pursuant to merger notification by restoring  

the  same  and  stated  that  these  benefits  would  include  

upgradation  of  posts,  fixation  of  higher  pay,  payment  of  7


Page 8

arrears, promotions etc.  However, instead of implementing  

the  directions  contained  in  the  judgment,  the  Petitioner  

received  letter  dated  24.01.2013  from  Respondent  No.4,  

namely,  the  Director  (Admn.)-cum-Additional  Secretary,  

Department  of  Education,  Government  of  Bihar)  stating  

therein that the proposal was sent for the approval of merger  

and the Petitioner were asked to provide details of pay scales  

etc. of the BSES teacher to expedite the matter.  According to  

the Petitioner referring the matter to the Cabinet to approve  

the merger itself was a contemptuous act inasmuch as there  

was no question of fresh approval from the Cabinet regarding  

merger. According to the Petitioner with the upholding of the  

Resolution  dated  7.07.2006,  which  was  a  Resolution  of  

merger,  that  Resolution stood revived and restored by the  

Court itself and the Government was only required to grant  

the consequential benefits to the BSES teachers by passing  

formal orders in this behalf.   Notwithstanding the same, in  

compliance  with  the  request  letter  dated  24.01.2013, the  

Petitioner submitted the required details vide communication  

dated  28.01.2003.   However,  even  thereafter  nothing  



Page 9

happened even when the  matter  was  persued  repeatedly  

and almost on daily basis with the Government. It is at that  

stage that present contempt petition was filed on 23.01.2013  

alleging  that  the  Respondents  herein  had  deliberately,  

willfully and intentionally failed to comply with the directions  

contained in the judgment dated 23.11.2012 by refusing to  

grant all admissible benefits of mergers to the Petitioners.   

9.Notice  in  this  contempt  petition  was  issued.  Thereafter  

various orders were passed from time to time taking note of  

the developments happening at the government’s end which  

included approval for merger and grant of certain benefits by  

the State Cabinet. It would be apt to take note of steps taken  

by the State Government, in brief, hereunder:

(a)  On 01.03.2013, the State Cabinet approved  

the proposal for merger.  This proposal which was  

approved was of the following nature:

“6.   At  the  time  of  issuance  of  Resolution  No.1209  dated  07.07.2006  the  estimated  amount  of  expenditure  was  64  Crore.  Presently this amount is Rs.104 crores.



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7.   (i)   In  compliance  of  the  order  of  the  Hon’ble Supreme Court dated 23.11.2012, it is  proposed that the Resolution No.1209 dated  07.07.2006  be  revived  and  Notification  no.1855 dated 19.11.2007 be annulled. (ii)  Consequential Benefits are proposed to be  given  to  the  cadre  of  teachers  of  Bihar  Subordinate  Education  Service  (Teaching  Branch) Male and Female after merger. 8.  Approval of Finance Departments has been  


(b)   After  the  approval  of  merger  by  the  State  

Government,  Resolution  dated  17.04.2013  was  

passed  by  the  Education  Department,  

Government  of  Bihar.  Though  as  per  para  6,  

earlier  Notification  dated  19.11.2007  was  

withdrawn and Resolution dated 07.07.2006 was  

revived,  in  para  7  while  giving  consequential  

benefits it was mentioned that for the purpose of  

granting  these  benefits  upto  date  list  from  the  

Director, Secondary Education was to be obtained  

and  Bihar  Education  Service  Department  of  

Examination Rules, 1973 and order of status quo  



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given by the Supreme Court on 04.07.2011 are to  

be scrutinized.   It  was mentioned that  separate  

orders  would  be  issued  only  thereafter  in  this  


As  per  the  Petitioner,  introduction  of  these  

conditions for grant of consequential benefits was  

not only contrary to the judgment of the Court but  

even contrary to the Cabinet approval as no such  

conditions  were  prescribed  in  the  approval  

granted by the State Cabinet.   

(c)   Thereafter  orders  dated  24.04.2013  were  

passed reviving ACP benefits which were earlier  


As per the Petitioner even while doing so, in Para  

5  of  the  said  order  it  was  mischievously  

mentioned  that  after  the  matter  for  grant  of  

consequential  benefits  w.e.f.  01.01.1997  was  

examined,  in  course of  such examination it  has  

been  found  that  before  issuing  Resolution  



Page 12

No.1209  dated  07.07.2006  all  points  were  not  

fully considered.  

(d)  On 20.07.2013 press release was issued by  

the Government calling upon all  the teachers of  

erstwhile  BSES  including  heirs  of  deceased  

teachers/retired teachers to submit service books,  

appointment/promotion  orders,  testimonials  of  

educational  qualifications  within  three  days  for  

the purpose of granting them the benefits.

In  the  mean  time  BSES  Association  filed  I.A.  in  

disposed of C.A. No. 8228-8229 of 2012 seeking  

modification of the said judgment for direction of  

their  seniority  this  I.A.  was  dismissed  on  

13.08.2013 and while doing so the Court observed  

that implementation of orders dated 23.11.2012  

was deliberately obstructed by BSES Officers.

(e)  On 13.08.2013 a Government Committee, in  

which BSES Officer was special invitee, prepared  

draft Rules.



Page 13

(f)  On 26.07.2013 Government Order was passed  

creating  promotional  post  in  the  merged  cadre  

w.e.f.  01.01.1977 to 31.12.1995 and as a result  

thereof  877  promotional  posts  were  created  in  

merged BES.

On the  same day,  compliance  was  filed  by  the  

State in this Court wherein it had been stated as  

to how the court orders were complied with.   It  

was followed by another compliance report dated  

26.08.2013 in the present contempt petitions.

(g)  When these contempt petitions came up on  

12.12.2013, the Ld. ASG appearing for the State  

Government  stated  that  seniority  list  on  

17.08.2007 shall be given effect to. This is a very  

crucial  statement.  On  this  statement,  direction  

was issued by the Court  to  grant  consequential  

benefits of merger within eight weeks.  Another  

specific direction was given to restore the position  



Page 14

consequent  to  orders  dated  28.06.2007  posting  

BSES teachers as Principals.

It  resulted  in  partial  obedience  in  the  form  of  

orders  dated  08.01.2014  by  which  100  BSES  

teachers were posted as Principals.

(h) On  26.01.2014,  Resolution  was  passed  

creating  posts  of  Senior  Professors,  Senior  

Lecturers’ and Vice-Principals in the Government  

schools and upgrading the post of Principal to the  

highest  level.   Reason  for  this  given  in  the  

Resolution is that it became necessary as no new  

post  for  BSES  teachers  were  available  after  


(i) On 10.02.2014 orders were passed posting  

about  257  teachers.  With  this  all  serving  BSES  

teachers were given postings.  

(j) By a different order of the same date time  

bound promotion was granted to erstwhile BSES  




Page 15

(k) While all this was happening, on 12.02.2014,  

the  State  Government  promulgated  Bihar  

Education Rules, 2014. This act, according to the  

Petitioner  shows  inveterate  behaviour  of  the  

respondents who have attempted undo the real  

effect of merger.   These Rules create three sub  

cadres  within  BES.   Under  these  Rules  BSES  

teachers  are  put  in  teaching  sub  cadre,  where  

Principal would be highest promotional  post.   In  

contrast BES Officers are put in administration sub  

cadre, who would continue to be controlling the  

schools.  These Rules also provide that each sub-

cadre  will  have  its  own  separate  seniority  list.  

Further,  teaching  cadre  of  BSES  is  treated  as  

“dying cadre”.

10. A glimpse of the aforesaid steps taken after the filing of  

the CCP shows that some efforts are being made to comply  

with the directions of this Court that too after the filing of this  

CCP.  However, the grievance of the Petitioner is that even  

when the orders of creation and upgradation of post etc. are  15


Page 16

issued there are so many discrepancies therein which would  

manifest lack of bona fides on the part of the administration  

to  comply  with  the  directions  in  letter  and  spirit.   On  the  

contrary in spite of merger, erstwhile BSES teachers are given  

step motherly treatment on the one hand, and on the other  

hand BES employees are still treated as the favourites of the  

authorities,  with  the  result  the  discrimination  between  the  

two continues,  even when with  the merger  of  two cadres,  

they stood amalgamated into one and there was no reason to  

identify  them  as  BSES  and  BES  any  longer.   It  is  further  

argued  that  the  provisions  of  Bihar  Education  Rules,  2014  

(the Rules,  2014) are deliberately made with the aforesaid  

ragnant motive in mind and made in violation of directions in  

the  judgment  of  this  Court.   Various  discrepancies  in  the  

orders issued by the Government from time to time, as well  

as in the Rules, 2014 are pointed out in the manner as below:

Discrepancies in the orders of posting



Page 17

1.  Posting orders have been issued with complete non  

application of mind as even dead and retired teachers  

have been posted.

2.   Seniority  has been given a complete go by while  

issuing  these  orders.  Juniors  have  been  posted  as  

Principals  and  seniors  posted  as  Vice-Principals,  Sr.  

Professor & Sr. Lecturers.

3.   Posting  the  erstwhile  BSES  teachers  in  Training  

Colleges is impermissible under 1973 Rules as well as  

the new 2014 Rules.

4.  These notifications have been issued on 10.02.2013  

posting erstwhile BSES teachers as Vice-Principals, Sr.  

Professors, Sr. Lecturers.  However, the new Rules were  

notified on 12.02.2014 and therefore on the day these  

postings were made, the posts were non existent.

Discrepancies in the creation & upgradation of posts

1.   Posts  of  Sr.  Professors  &  Sr.  Lecturers  are  

unheard  of  in  schools.   Such  posts  have  never  



Page 18

existed in any school, let alone govt. school and  

exist only in colleges.

2.  Creation of these posts show malicious intent  

as  it  is  an  attempt  to  prevent  erstwhile  BSES  

teachers from occupying higher promotional posts  

in BES.  

3.  Para 7 of the Resolution dated 29.01.2014 says  

that  these  posts  would  get  finished  once  the  

incumbents  retired.   The  intention  is  therefore  

clear  that  these posts  are not  required and are  

being used to only ‘park’ the erstwhile teachers  

till they retire.

4.  The BES officers had pleaded in IA 25-26 that  

their seniority would be affected and they would  

lose  the  higher  posts.   This  IA  was  dismissed,  

despite  that  the  respondents  have  devised  this  

creation of posts to protect the BES officers.

5.  The purported reasoning behind creating these  

posts  is  that  adequate  promotional  posts  were  



Page 19

created for the period 01.01.1977 to 31.12.1995  

in the merged BES cadre vide notification dated  

26.07.2013.   Even  the  exercise  qua  post  

01.01.1996  period  has  been  completed  vide  

notifications  dated  10.11.2001,  10.12.2002  and  

29.06.2004  initially  and  then  vide  Resolution  

dated  15.06.2011  as  need  based  posts  

promotional  posts,  which  are  not  to  be  created  

but merely identified, have been identified for the  


6.  Other posts/categories of posts were merged  

in the BES in the past but this exercise of creating  

posts was never undertaken.  This is nothing but  

an attempt to overreach the orders of this Court  

to protect the BES officers at any cost.

Discrepancies in the Bihar Education Rules 2014 and  the Cabinet Memo Approving New Rules.

1.  This is the most brazen attempt to deny the  

petitioner the fruits of its success in three rounds  



Page 20

of litigation upto this Hon’ble Court.  AS a result of  

merger, the erstwhile BSES teachers would have  

been entitled to the highest posts in BES, a fact  

admitted  specifically  by  the  BES  officers  

themselves.  As a result of these new Rules, they  

cannot go beyond the post of Principal, which was  

the basic grade/entry level post of BES till now.

2.  Even though the BES officers rank much junior  

to them, these BES officers would continue to be  

the Controlling Officers of the schools in which the  

BSES teachers would be posted by virtue of the  

nature of their posts.

3.  Merely giving financial benefits to the erstwhile  

BSES teachers is not enough and they could not  

be denied the higher posts within BES.

4.  The real intention to somehow protect the BES  

officers is revealed from para 2 of cabinet memo  

dated 13.01.2014 which speaks of “clearing the  

way for unobstructed promotion of BES officers”.



Page 21

5.  A similar attempt to bifurcate cadres after the  

order of merger in 2006 was shot down by the  

then Minister  saying  doing  so  would  amount  to  

breaching court orders and against organizational  


6.  There is no direction by this Hon’ble Court to  

frame  new  Rules  and  the  respondents  are  

completely misreading para 42 of the judgment  

dated 23.11.2012.  This Hon’ble Court had merely  

considered  and  rejected  the  submission  of  BES  

officers opposing merger on the ground of lack of  

new Rules.

7.   Since  1973 Rules  already  exist,  there  is  no  

occasion nor need for new Rules.

8.  These Rules take away the actual benefit of  

merger.   The  very  basis  of  the  merger  was  to  

provide  adequate  promotional  avenues  to  the  

teachers but these Rules take that away.



Page 22

9.   The Ld.  ASG appearing for  the  respondents  

had stated before this Court on 12.12.2013 that  

the seniority list dated 17.08.2007 would be given  

effect  to.   These  Rules  completely  annul  that  

seniority  list  as  each  sub  cadre  would  have  a  

separate seniority list.

11. Mr.  Patwalia,  learned  Senior  Advocate  who  made  

detailed submissions on the aforesaid aspects rapped up his  

arguments by pointing out that Respondents continue to defy  

the  orders  of  this  Court  which  would  be  clear  from  the  


1.   The  erstwhile  BSES  teachers  even  now  are  

getting  far  lower  salaries  than  what  the  BES  

officers,  who  rank  much  junior  to  them  in  the  

combined gradation list, are being paid.  Similar is  

the case with regard to pension of retired BSES  

teachers.   This  is  hostile  discrimination  and  

blatant contempt.



Page 23

2.  Rather than getting increased, the pension of  

those  BSES  teachers,  who  retired  prior  to  

09.08.1999,  would  actually  decrease,  a  fact  

admitted  by  the  Accountant  general.   This  can  

certainly not be a consequence of merger.

3.  Despite the reprimand and caution in para 46  

& 47 of the judgment dated 23.11.2012, the state  

continues to defy the orders of this Court.

4.   The petitioner are being denied the benefits  

despite orders of this Court because of malafides  

on the part of the (i)  present HRD Minister, who  

had defended the BES as Advocate General before  

the  High  Court,  (ii)  one  Rameshwar  Singh,  who  

was proceeded for contempt by the High Court in  

this very matter but is now the Finance Secretary,  

(iii)  one  Anjani  Kumar  Singh,  against  whom  

contempt petition was filed for defying the interim  

orders of this Hon’ble  Court in this case but is  

now the Principal Secretary to the Chief Minister.  



Page 24

These three are acting at the behest of the BES  

officers, who are hell bent to not get the orders of  

this Hon’ble Court implemented.

5.   The  officers  bearers  of  the  petitioner  

Association  are  being  targeted.   The  General  

Secretary of the petitioner has not been paid his  

GPF dues even though he retired six years ago.

6.  As a result the erstwhile BSES teachers have  

not got either the financial or promotional benefits  

of merger.”

12.  Mr. L. Nageshwar Rao, learned ASG appeared on behalf  

of  Respondents.   He  countered  the  submissions  of  Mr.  

Patwalia by arguing that there was substantial compliance of  

the directions contained in the judgment dated 23.11.2012,  

and  no  case  for  proceedings  against  the  respondents  for  

contempt  was  made  out.   He  drew  our  attention  to  the  

following steps which were taken by the State Government,  

which according to him, amounted to due compliance:  



Page 25

(i) The direction of this Court was to restore the  

Notification  No.  994  dated  28.6.2007  within  4  

weeks. Orders of postings were issued as per the  

said  notification/list.  Upon  scrutiny  some  

inadvertent  mistakes  were  found,  which  have  

been  rectified  vide  office  notification  dated  


(ii) The postings are as Principal of Schools and  

Lecturers  of  Training  Colleges  which  are  the  

promotional  posts.   As  regards  other  allegation  

relating  to  their  supervision/control,  the  

department  vide  notification  No.436  dated  

10.02.2014 has in clear terms stated in paragraph  

no.4 of the notification that the matter related to  


benefit/service confirmation of merged officer  of  

Bihar education service Grade-II (merged officer of  

subordinate  education  service  teaching  branch)  

shall  be  dealt  with  under  the  directorate  of  

administration of education department. 25


Page 26

(iii)   The  petitioners  have  been  posted  on  

promotional  post  and  previous  consequential  

orders have been restored.

(iv)   The petitioners  have admitted  that  all  the  

financial  benefits  of  merger  have  been  granted  

and paid.

(v)Mr.  Rao  further  pointed  out  that  admittedly  

merger of the Cadre has taken place.  Moreover  

this merger is w.e.f. 1977 and all the benefits of  

merger  including  the  time bound promotions  or  

the ACP have been granted accordingly.  All the  

merged employees who are in service have been  

granted posting on higher post and pay-scale.

(vi)He also submitted that the allegation regarding  

reduction in pension or regarding ACP is only an  

apprehension. A categorical statement was made  

at the Bar that there shall not be any reductions in  

pensions and as per finance department decisions  



Page 27

the person retiring after  09.08.1990 shall also be  

granted 3rd ACP.

13.  According to Mr. Rao, the aforesaid steps taken by the  

administration  were  sufficient  to  demonstrate  that  the  

judgment of this Court was complied with.  He submitted that  

under  the  garb  of  the  present  Contempt  Petitions,  the  

Petitioners were now challenging the rules framed in the year  

2014 which was not permissible as validity of the rules could  

not be gone into in contempt proceedings.  Mr. Rao justified  

the framing of these rules on the ground that it had become  

necessary because of the merger of the two cadres and in  

fact 2014 Rules amounted to giving effect to merger that had  

been effected.  If the Petitioners had any grievance against  

any  of  the  provisions  of  2014  Rules,  the  remedy  for  the  

Petitioners was to file separate proceedings.  It was further  

submitted  that  the  members  of  the  Petitioner  Association  

belonged to Teaching Cadre and had worked only as teachers  

throughout their  service with no administrative experience.  

Therefore, they could not take any posting on administrative  

side because of lack of such an experience.  Keeping in mind  27


Page 28

this position, 2014 Rules were framed and postings had been  

given  as  per  those  rules.   It  was  also  submitted  that  the  

members of the Petitioner Association were due to retire in  

one or two years and at the fag end of their career they could  

not be given administrative assignments. Moreover, the rank  

and pay scale is same and therefore the Petitioners are not  

affected adversely in any manner.

14. Mr. Rao also attempted to justify the provisions made in  

the 2014 Rules, which he submitted, was the prerogative of  

the employer.  His argument was that direction of this Court  

was only to merge the cadre.  However, what further benefits  

are  to  be  given  and the  entitlement  of  the  officers  in  the  

merged  cadre  could  not  be  gone  into  in  the  Contempt  

Petitions.  Moreover, it was for the Government to decide as  

to what provisions are to be made for the career progressions  

of  the  merged  employees  from  two  cadres.   For  that,  

Government  had complete  freedom.  To  achieve  this,  2014  

Rules had been framed.  He thus, argued that there was no  

willful disobedience.



Page 29

15. Mr. Rao referred to the following judgments:

J.S. Parihar v.  Ganpat Duggar and others,  [1996  (6) SCC 291]

“6. The  question  then  is  whether  the  Division  Bench  was  right  in  setting  aside  the  direction  issued by the learned Single Judge to redraw the  seniority list. It is contended by Mr S.K. Jain, the  learned counsel appearing for the appellant, that  unless  the  learned  Judge  goes  into  the  correctness  of  the  decision  taken  by  the  Government in preparation of the seniority list in  the light of the law laid down by three Benches,  the learned Judge cannot come to  a  conclusion  whether  or  not  the  respondent  had  wilfully  or  deliberately disobeyed the orders of the Court as  defined under Section 2(b) of the Act. Therefore,  the  learned  Single  Judge  of  the  High  Court  necessarily  has  to  go  into  the  merits  of  that  question.  We do not  find that  the contention is  well  founded.  It  is  seen  that,  admittedly,  the  respondents had prepared the seniority list on 2- 7-1991.  Subsequently  promotions  came  to  be  made.  The  question  is  whether  seniority  list  is  open to  review in  the contempt  proceedings to  find  out  whether  it  is  in  conformity  with  the  directions issued by the earlier Benches. It is seen  that  once  there  is  an  order  passed  by  the  Government on the basis of the directions issued  by the court, there arises a fresh cause of action  to  seek  redressal  in  an  appropriate  forum.  The  preparation of the seniority list may be wrong or  may be right or may or may not be in conformity  with  the  directions.  But  that  would  be  a  fresh  cause of action for the aggrieved party to avail of  the opportunity of judicial review. But that cannot  be  considered  to  be  the  wilful  violation  of  the  order.  After  re-exercising  the  judicial  review  in  



Page 30

contempt  proceedings,  a  fresh  direction  by  the  learned Single Judge cannot be given to redraw  the  seniority  list.  In  other  words,  the  learned  Judge was exercising the jurisdiction to consider  the  matter  on  merits  in  the  contempt  proceedings.  It  would  not  be  permissible  under  Section  12  of  the  Act.  Therefore,  the  Division  Bench has exercised the power under Section 18  of  the  Rajasthan High  Court  Ordinance being  a  judgment  or  order  of  the  Single  Judge;  the  Division Bench corrected the mistake committed  by the learned Single Judge. Therefore, it may not  be necessary for the State to file an appeal in this  Court against the judgment of the learned Single  Judge when the matter was already seized of the  Division Bench.”

Indian  Airports  Employees’  Union v.  Ranjan  Chatterjee and Another, [(1999) 2 SCC 537]  

“7. It is well settled that disobedience of orders of  the court, in order to amount to “civil contempt”  under Section 2(b) of the Contempt of Courts Act,  1971  must  be  “wilful”  and  proof  of  mere  disobedience is not sufficient (S.S. Roy v. State of  Orissa).  Where there is no deliberate flouting of  the  orders  of  the  court  but  a  mere  misinterpretation of the executive instructions, it  would  not  be  a  case  of  civil  contempt  (Ashok  Kumar Singh v. State of Bihar).

8. In this contempt case, we do not propose to  decide whether these six sweepers do fall within  the scope of the notification dated 9-12-1976 or  the judgment of this Court dated 11-4-1997. That  is  a  question  to  be  decided  in  appropriate  proceedings.



Page 31

9. It is true that these six sweepers’ names are  shown in the annexure to WP No. 2362 of 1990 in  the High Court. But the question is whether there  is wilful disobedience of the orders of this Court.  In the counter-affidavit  of  the respondents,  it  is  stated  that  there  is  no  specific  direction  in  the  judgment  of  this  Court  for  absorption  of  these  sweepers,  if  any,  working  in  the  car-park  area,  and  that  the  directions  given  in  the  judgment  were in relation to the sweepers working at the  “International  Airport,  National  Airport  Cargo  Complex and Import Warehouse”. It is stated that  the cleaners employed by the licensee in charge  of maintenance of the car-park area do not, on a  proper  interpretation  of  the  order,  come  within  the sweep of these directions. It is contended that  even  assuming  that  they  were  included  in  the  category  of  sweepers  working  at  the  “International  Airport”,  inasmuch  as  they  were  not employed for the purpose of cleaning, dusting  and watching the  buildings, as mentioned in the  notification abolishing contract labour, they were  not covered by the judgment. It is also contended  that  the case of  such sweepers at  the car-park  area was not even referred to the Advisory Board  under  Section  10  of  the  Contract  Labour  (Regulation and Abolition) Act,  1970 and it  was  highly  doubtful  if  they  were  covered  by  the  notification.

10. On the other hand, learned Senior Counsel for  the petitioners contended that going by the map  of the Airport, it was clear that these sweepers at  the  car-park  area  were  clearly  covered  by  the  notification and the judgment. The fact that the  names of these six employees were shown in the  annexures to the writ petition was proof that they  were covered by the judgment. The licensee is in  the position of a contractor.



Page 32

11. In our view, these rival contentions involve an  interpretation  of  the  order  of  this  Court,  the  notification and other relevant documents. We are  not deciding in this contempt case whether the  interpretation put forward by the respondents or  the petitioners is correct. That question has to be  decided  in  appropriate  proceedings.  For  the  purpose of this contempt case, it is sufficient to  say that the non-absorption of these six sweepers  was bona fide and was based on an interpretation  of the above orders and the notification etc. and  cannot be said to amount to “wilful disobedience”  of the orders of this Court.”

All India Anna Dravida Munnetra Kazhagam v. L.K.  Tripathi and others, [(2009) 5 SCC 417]

“78. We  may  now  notice  some  judgments  in  which  the  courts  have  considered  the  question  relating to burden of proof in contempt cases. In  Bramblevale Ltd., Re Lord Denning observed: (All  ER pp. 1063 H-1064 B) “A contempt of court is an offence of a criminal  character. A man may be sent to prison for it. It  must  be satisfactorily  proved.  To  use  the  time- honoured  phrase,  it  must  be  proved  beyond  reasonable  doubt.  It  is  not  proved  by  showing  that, when the man was asked about it, he told  lies.  There  must  be  some  further  evidence  to  incriminate  him.  Once  some  evidence  is  given,  then his lies can be thrown into the scale against  him. But there must be some other evidence. … …  Where  there  are  two  equally  consistent  possibilities  open to the court,  it  is  not  right to  hold that the offence is proved beyond reasonable  doubt.”



Page 33

79. In Mrityunjoy Das v. Sayed Hasibur Rahaman  the  Court  referred  to  a  number  of  judicial  precedents  including  the  observations  made by  Lord Denning in  Bramblevale Ltd.,  Re and held:  (SCC p. 746, para 14) “14.  …  The  common  English  phrase  ‘he  who  asserts must prove’ has its due application in the  matter  of  proof  of  the  allegations  said  to  be  constituting the act of contempt. As regards the  ‘standard of proof’, be it noted that a proceeding  under the extraordinary jurisdiction of the court in  terms of the provisions of the Contempt of Courts  Act is quasi-criminal, and as such, the standard of  proof required is that of a criminal proceeding and  the breach shall  have to be established beyond  reasonable doubt.” 80. In Chhotu Ram v.  Urvashi Gulati a two-Judge  Bench observed: (SCC p. 532, para 2) “2. As regards the burden and standard of proof,  the  common legal  phraseology  ‘he  who asserts  must prove’ has its due application in the matter  of proof of the allegations said to be constituting  the act of contempt. As regards the ‘standard of  proof’,  be it  noted that  a proceeding under the  extraordinary jurisdiction of the court in terms of  the provisions of the Contempt of Courts Act is  quasi-criminal, and as such, the standard of proof  required is that of a criminal proceeding and the  breach  shall  have  to  be  established  beyond  all  reasonable doubt.”

81. In Anil Ratan Sarkar v. Hirak Ghosh the Court  referred  to  Chhotu  Ram v.  Urvashi  Gulati and  observed: (SCC p. 29, para 13) “13.  …  The  Contempt  of  Courts  Act,  1971  has  been  introduced  in  the  statute  book  for  the  purposes  of  securing  a  feeling  of  confidence of  the  people  in  general  and  for  due  and  proper  administration  of  justice  in  the  country  —  



Page 34

undoubtedly a powerful weapon in the hands of  the  law  courts  but  that  by  itself  operates  as  a  string  of  caution  and  unless  thus  otherwise  satisfied  beyond doubt,  it  would  neither  be fair  nor  reasonable  for  the  law  courts  to  exercise  jurisdiction under the statute.””

16.  In rejoinder Mr. Patwalia submitted that even a cursory  

glance into the 2014 Rules and the provision made therein  

would amply bear out that the whole intention of the Rule  

makers was to frustrate the effect of the judgment. According  

to him that would amount to contempt and from this angle  

the  Court  was  competent  to  examine  the  matter  even  in  

Contempt Petitions.  He further submitted that the argument  

raised  now  were  precisely  the  grounds  on  which  the  

Government  had  opposed  the  merger  but  the  Court  had  

rejected  those  arguments.   Therefore,  under  the  garb  of  

implementation of that judgment, same very grounds could  

not be raised to justify making such provisions in 2014 Rules.  

He argued that the Report of the Committee which was relied  

upon by the Respondents in fact rejected the entire issues of  

merger.   He  referred  to  certain  paras  from the  Report  to  

support  his  submission.   He also  made the grievance that  



Page 35

initially, after the rendering of the judgment of this Court, the  

Government  had  started  implementing  the  same  and  had  

even passed certain orders creating additional post to give  

effect  to  the  judgment.   So  much  so  even  seniority  was  

finalized.  However,  thereafter  the  administration  turned  

hostile and bent backward.  Therefore, the entire gamut was  

open to judicial review even in the contempt proceedings.  He  

further submitted that there was ample power with this Court,  

particularly  under  Article  142  of  the  Constitution,  to  do  

complete justice in the matter as held in Delhi Development  

Authority v.  Skipper Construction Co.  (P)  Ltd.  and  Another;  

(1996) 4 SCC 622.

“16. In  Vinay  Chandra  Mishra,  this  Court  dealt  with  the  scope  and  width  of  the  power  of  this  Court  under  Article  142.  After  referring  to  the  earlier decisions of the Court in extenso, it is held  that:  

“…  statutory  provisions  cannot  override  the  constitutional  provisions  and  Article  142(1)  being  a  constitutional  power  it  cannot  be  limited  or  conditioned  by  any  statutory  provision”.

It is also held that:  



Page 36

“…  the jurisdiction and powers of this Court  under Article 142 which are supplementary in  nature  and  are  provided  to  do  complete  justice in any matter ….”

In  other  words,  the  power  under  Article  142  is  meant to supplement the existing legal framework  — to do complete justice between the parties —  and  not  to  supplant  it.  It  is  conceived  to  meet  situations  which  cannot  be  effectively  and  appropriately tackled by the existing provisions of  law. As a matter of fact, we think it advisable to  leave this power undefined and uncatalogued so  that it  remains elastic enough to be moulded to  suit  the  given  situation.  The  very  fact  that  this  power is conferred only upon this Court, and on no  one else, is itself an assurance that it will be used  with due restraint and circumspection, keeping in  view the ultimate object of doing complete justice  between the parties. Now, coming to the facts of  the case before us, the question is not what  can  be done, but what should be done? We are of the  opinion that even while acting under Article 142 of  the Constitution of India, we ought not to reopen  the orders and decisions of the courts which have  become  final.  We  do  not  think  that  for  doing  complete justice between the parties before us, it  is necessary to resort to this extraordinary step.  We are saying this in view of the contention urged  by S/Shri  Salve and Dhavan that  since the DDA  has  taken  over  not  only  the  plot  but  also  the  construction raised by Skipper thereon (free from  all  encumbrances)  in  addition  to  the  sum of  Rs  15.89 crores (said to have been paid by Skipper  towards the sale consideration of  the said plot),  the  monies  required  for  paying  the  persons  defrauded should come out of the kitty of DDA. It  must  be  remembered  that  the  plot,  the  construction  raised  thereon  and  the  monies  



Page 37

already paid towards the sale consideration of the  said  plot  have all  vested  absolutely  in  the  DDA  free from all encumbrances under and by virtue of  the decision of the Delhi High Court dated 21-12- 1990/14-1-1991, which decision has indeed been  affirmed by this  Court  by dismissing the special  leave petition preferred against it. It may not be  open to us to ignore the said decisions and orders,  including  the  orders  of  this  Court,  and/or  to  go  behind  those  decisions/orders  and  say  that  the  amount  received  by  DDA  towards  sale  consideration  from  Skipper  or  the  value  of  the  construction  raised  by  Skipper  on  the  said  plot  should  be  made  available  for  paying  out  the  persons  defrauded  by  Skipper.  We  must  treat  those decisions and orders as final and yet devise  ways  and  means  of  doing  complete  justice  between the parties before us.

The contemner should not be allowed to enjoy or   retain the fruits of his contempt.”

17.  He also referred to the judgment in the case of  Ashish  

Ranjan     v. Anupma Tandon and another; (2010) 14 SCC 274.

“20. In addition to the statutory provisions of the  Contempt of Courts Act, 1971 the powers under  Articles  129  and  142  of  the  Constitution  are  always  available  to  this  Court  to  see  that  the  order  or  undertaking  which  is  violated  by  the  contemnor  is  effectuated  and  the  court  has  all  powers to enforce the consent order passed by it  and  also  issue  further  directions/orders  to  do  complete  justice  between  the  parties.  Mutual  settlement  reached  between  the  parties  cannot  come in the way of the well-established principles  in  respect  of  the  custody  of  the  child  and,  



Page 38

therefore, a subsequent application for custody of  a  minor  cannot  be  thrown out  at  the  threshold  being  not  maintainable.  It  is  a  recurring  cause  because  the  right  of  visitation  given  to  the  applicant  under  the  agreement  is  being  consistently  and continuously  flouted.  Thus,  the  doctrine  of  res  judicata  is  not  applicable  in  matters of child custody.”

18. He  concluded  his  submissions  by  arguing  that  there  

were  three  rounds  of  litigation  earlier  and  the  Petitioners  

were fighting for justice since 1977 when decision was taken  

by  the  Government  to  merge  the  two  cadres.  By  framing  

2014 Rules,  the Government negated the effect  of  merger  

thereby leaving the petitioners in lurch once again and now  

the plea was taken to approach the Court again with fourth  

round of litigation.  He pointed out that during this period,  

most of the members of the Petitioner Association had retired  

and  very  few  who  were  left  were  going  to  retire  in  near  

future. The whole intention of the authorities was to tire out  

these petitioners and frustrate their efforts which should not  

be countenanced.

19. At  the  outset,  we  may  observe  that  we  are  

conscious of  the limits  within  which we can undertake the  38


Page 39

scrutiny  of  the  steps  taken  by  the  respondents,  in  these  

Contempt  proceedings.  The  Court  is  supposed  to  adopt  

cautionary approach  which  would  mean  that  if  there  is  a  

substantial  compliance  of  the  directions  given  in  the  

judgment, this Court is not supposed to go into the nitty gritty  

of the various measures taken by the Respondents. It is also  

correct  that  only  if  there  is  willful  and  contumacious  

disobedience  of  the  orders,  that  the  Court  would  take  

cognizance.  Even  when  there  are  two  equally  consistent  

possibilities open to the Court, case of contempt is not made  

out.  At  the  same  time,  it  is  permissible  for  the  Court  to  

examine as to whether the steps taken to purportedly comply  

with the directions of the judgment are in furtherance of its  

compliance or they tend to defeat the very purpose for which  

the directions were issued. We can certainly go into the issue  

as to whether the Government took certain steps in order to  

implement  the  directions  of  this  Court  and  thereafter  

withdrew those  measures  and whether  it  amounts  to  non-

implementation.  Limited  inquiry  from  the  aforesaid  

perspective,  into  the provisions  of  2014 Rules  can also  be  



Page 40

undertaken to find out as to whether those provisions amount  

to nullifying the effect of the very merger of BSES with BES.  

As all these aspects have a direct co-relation with the issue as  

to whether the directions are implemented or not.  We are,  

thus, of the opinion that this Court can indulge in this limited  

scrutiny  as  to  whether  provisions  made  in  2014  Rules  

frustrate the effect of the judgment and attempt is to achieve  

those  results  which  were  the  arguments  raised  by  the  

respondents at the time of hearing of C.A. No. 8226-8227 of  

2012 but rejected by this Court. To put it otherwise, we can  

certainly  examine  as  to  whether  2014  Rules  are  made  to  

implement the judgment or these Rules in effect nullify the  

result of merger of the two cadres.   

20. As noted above,  the resolution of merger earlier  was  

passed  on  7.7.2006  after  rendition  of  the  judgment  dated  

19.4.2006 by this Court in the second round of litigation. This  

was preceded by a Note for the Cabinet regarding merger. A  

perusal of this Cabinet Note shows that the total history about  

the  various  proceedings  culminating  into  judgment  dated  

19.4.2006 is  given.  We have to keep in  mind that  original  40


Page 41

Resolution for merger is Resolution No. 3512 dated 11.4.1977  

which  is  directed  to  be  implemented.  In  the  Cabinet  Note  

dated 3.7.2006 it is noted as under:-

“In the year 1977, the number of total  created/  sanctioned post of the male and female teachers  was  2465,  against  which  total  working  strength  were 1336, which decreased to 880 by the year  2006.  Out  of  this  if  301  units  belonging  to  Jharkhand is deducted, it comes to 579 only. 14.It is to be noted that in view of the provisions  contained in resolution No. 3521 dated 11.4.1977  several  departments  have  merged  the  lower  scales with the higher ones. But the incumbents  of this cadre of the Education Deptt. have been  denied  their  promotions  after  1977  which  was  otherwise  due.  Where  as  the  incumbents  of  Inspecting  Branch of  this  cadre  are  reported  to  have been promoted upto 2001.”

21. Thereafter, the proposal for creation of more posts is  

contained in Para 15 which reads as under:

“15. Therefore,  consequent  upon  complying  the  orders  of  the  Hon'ble  Courts  it  is  proposed  to  upgrade  2465  created/  sanctioned  posts  of  teachers  of  subordinate  education  service  male  and  female  cadre  to  Bihar  Education  Service  Class-2  w.e.f.  1.1.1977.”



Page 42

22. Resolution  to  this  effect  was  passed  on  7.7.2006.  

Thereafter, combined gradation list of the merged cadre of  

BES  dated  17.8.2007  was  issued.  In  this  consolidated  

seniority  list  of  officers  of  combined  BES  Service,  the  

employees of both the merged cadre is shown as per their  

seniority.  This  was  the  precise  manner  in  which  the  

authorities had understood the scheme of merger and acted  

earlier pursuant to the judgment dated 19.4.2006. Directions  

contained  in  the  judgment  dated  23.11.2012  in  C.A.  Nos.  

8226-8227 of 2012 are reiteration of earlier judgment dated  

19.4.2006. In fact, it is specifically held that Resolution dated  

7.7.2006  is  valid  and  later  Resolution  dated  17.1.2008  

annulling  the  earlier  Resolution  dated  7.7.2006  has  been  

quashed. It thus becomes obvious that the respondents were  

to revive the earlier order/ Resolution of merger as well as  

combined gradation list issued earlier. These remedial steps  

were necessitated to carry out the direction of the judgment.  

Let us see whether such steps are taken now or 2014 Rules  

are in the teeth of the aforesaid directions.  



Page 43

23. We find that Cabinet proposal dated 1.3.2013 regarding  

merger  was  prepared  on  1.3.2013  which  referred  to  the  

earlier Resolution No. 1209 dated 7.7.2006, in the following  


“At the time of issuance of Resolution No. 1209  dated  7.7.2006  the  estimated  amount  of  expenditure was 64 crore. Presently this amount  is Rs. 104 crores.  

(I) In  compliance  of  the  order  of  the  Supreme  Court  dated  23.11.2012,  it  is  proposed that the Resolution No. 1209 dated  7.7.2006 be revived and Notification No. 1855  dated 19.11.2007 be annulled. (ii) Consequential benefits are proposed to  be  given  to  the  cadre  of  teachers  of  Bihar  Subordinate  Education  Service  (Teaching  Branch) Male and Female after merger. Approval  of  Finance  Departments  has  been  obtained.”

24. Significantly, Resolution dated 2.4.2013 passed by the  

Government  revived  earlier  Resolution  No.  1209  dated  

7.7.2006  and  withdraws  Notification  No.  1855  dated  

18.11.2007. So far so good. The only thing that remained was  

to  revive  the  combined seniority/  gradation  list  also  which  

was  issued  on  17.8.2007  and  give  further  benefits  of  

promotion, postings, ACP etc. based thereupon.  



Page 44

25. We find that first order dated 24.4.2013 was issued for  

grant of ACP.  While giving this benefit,  seed of mischief is  

sown as is clear from the following portion therein:

“For implementation of the order of the Supreme  Court  dated  23.11.2012,  the  grant  of  consequential benefits with effect from 1.1.1977  to the merged officers is being examined. In the  course  of  such  examination,  it  has  been  found  prima  facie  that  before  issuing  Resolution  No.  1209  dated  7.7.2006,  all  points  were  not  fully  considered.”

26. It is a matter of record that Resolution No. 1209/2006  

was  passed  by  the  Cabinet  which  means  that  it  was  the  

decision at the highest level. It was not open to some officer  

sitting in the Education Department to make such comments  

by  exhibiting  his  superior  knowledge  about  the  purported  

issued,  that  too  in  an  order  granting  ACP  to  the  merged  

teachers as a consequence of merger.  This was the starting  

point to reopen the settled issue of merger of two cadres.

27. We would like to point out here that officers of erstwhile  

BES i.e. BES Association had filed I.A. 25-26 of 2013 in this  

very decided appeal i.e. C.A. No. 8226-8227 of 2012 seeking  



Page 45

to rake up the same issue about the gradation list. This was  

specifically contended that merger takes effect from the date  

when posts  are  created.  Apprehension  was expressed that  

affect  the vested right of seniority of the members of BES  

Association (BESA) who are already in the cadre, particularly  

Respondent Nos. 2,  3 and 51 and some other members of  

BESA.  It  was  mentioned  that  some  of  the  officers  were  

holding the post of sub-Director or RDDE who were appointed  

in  December,  1983  and  they  may  have  to  face  reversion.  

However, this I.A. was dismissed by the Court.  

28. Notwithstanding the aforesaid, we find that 2014 Rules  

seek to achieve the same result which was neither the intent  

of merger nor was permitted by this Court at the instance of  

BESA in their application. On the contrary, as noted below, by  

an ingenious method, effect of merger is undone thereby.

29. These 2014 Rules created four sub-cadres within BES  

which are as under:

“3. Constitution of service: The Bihar Education  Service shall  be  a  state service.  There shall  be  following four sub cadres in this service:-



Page 46

a) Bihar Education Service (Administration  sub cadre) b) Bihar Education Service (Teaching sub  cadre), (Dying Cadre) c) Bihar  Education  Service  (Research  &  Training sub cadre) and d) Bihar  Education  Service  (Isolated  sub  cadre).”

Rule 4 states that none of the officers of one sub-cadre  

will be transferred and posted in another sub cadre.  

30. It follows from the above that the teaching sub cadre,  

to  which  category  members  of  the  petitioner  association  

belong  to,  is  not  only  isolated  again  but  even  treated  as  

“dying  cadre”.  In  order  to  ensure  that  members  of  BESA  

continue to enjoy their promotions which were given earlier  

and  those  are  not  disturbed,  it  is  further  provided  that  

persons belonging to teaching cadre namely the petitioners  

would  not  be transferred and posted in  administrative sub  

cadre.  What  BESA attempted to  achieve by means of  C.A.  

Nos.  25-26/2013  and  was  declined  by  this  Court,  is  now  

accomplished with this methodology.   



Page 47

31. To add insult to the injury caused to the petitioner, Rule  

27 of the Rules gives option to the members of other sub  

cadre for inclusion in a different cadre fulfilling the prescribed  

qualifications,  but  no  such  option  is  given  to  the  teaching  

cadre. This Rule 27 reads as under:

“27. The  officers  appointed/  promoted  and  working on the above posts of this sub cadre and  having the prescribed qualification of these posts  shall give the option for inclusion in this sub cadre.  In  case  of  having  no  qualification  or  not  giving  option for inclusion in this sub cadre or in case of  working  on  deputation  basis,  they  shall  be  reverted  back  to  their  own  cadre,  if  they  are  appointed  on  these  posts,  they  shall  remain  on  their  posts but they shall  not get the benefit  of  regular promotion in this sub cadre.”

32. By placing the erstwhile BSES teachers in teaching sub  

cadre, are allowed to go upto the position of Principal which is  

the highest promotional post in their sub cadre. On the other  

hand BES Officers who are put in administrative sub cadre  

would continue to  control  the schools.  Moreover,  each sub  

cadre  is  to  have  its  separate  seniority  list.  It  means  the  

combined  gradation  list  is  given  a  go  bye  and  even  by  

bringing BSES in BES, segregation between the two cadres is  

achieved with  these provisions.  To  our  mind  the  aforesaid  



Page 48

provisions  of  2014 Rules  negate the very  effect  of  merger  

which was envisaged way back in the year 1977. In spite of  

succeeding in three rounds of litigation, the petitioners are  

not  only  treated as  a  distinct  and separate  class  with  the  

creation of the aforesaid sub cadre, the benefit which could  

accrue to them in a combined seniority  list,  as a result  of  

merger,  have  been  snatched  away  from  them.  What  was  

given to these petitioners by the respondents in compliance  

of the judgment earlier, has now been taken away with the  

promulgation of 2014 Rules.  

33. Lest we may be misunderstood, we make it clear that it  

is the prerogative of the Government to frame service rules in  

one  or  the  other  manner.  In  case  provisions  contained  in  

those Rules offend the rights of any of the employees, they  

have an independent right to challenge the same which can  

be judicially scrutinized by the Courts,  applying the settled  

principles of judicial review. However, if such an exercise is  

undertaken on the premise that it is done to comply with the  

directions contained in the judgment and the Court finds that,  



Page 49

ex facie, it is not so and on the contrary offends the directions  

in the judgment, such a move cannot be countenanced.  

34. It is also crystal clear and borne from the record that  

the whole exercise was done to go out of way to help BES  

Officers.  In  fact,  Mr.  Rao  even  argued  on  these  lines  by  

pointing out that the promotions in BES cadres were made in  

two  stages  i.e.  upto  31.12.1995  in  one  stage  and  from  

1.1.1996  till  now  in  the  second  stage.  From  1.1.1996  no  

promotion was given to BES because it was need based and  

since  the  posts  were  to  be  identified,  only  the  additional  

charge was given to them. What is lost sight of, in this entire  

arguments,  is that,  the merger is to take effect from 1977  

and even Resolution to that effect is passed by the Cabinet.  

Further  once that  is  done and the combined gradation list  

issued in the year 2007 was to be necessarily revived, further  

steps were to  be taken from that  stage.  This  Court  is  not  

suggesting that those of the petitioners who become senior to  

their  counterparts  in  BES,  should  be  given  automatic  

promotion  to  second  or  third  stages  which  was  the  

apprehension expressed. These officers, as a result of merger  49


Page 50

and combined gradation list,  would take their rightful place  

and thereafter their career progression would be permissible  

as  per  the  Rules.  For  this  purpose  it  was  open  to  the  

Government to frame the Rules and make provisions laying  

down  eligibility  conditions.  However,  by  well  crafted  

technique  of  creating  sub  cadres  and  treating  teaching  

category as dying sub cadre, almost the same result, which  

was the position before the merger, is achieved. It is obvious  

that such provisions in 2014 Rules are made with the sole  

intention to frustrate the effect of the judgment. We have no  

hesitation to say that this would amount to contempt of the  


35. Having held so,  let  us consider  as to what steps are  

required for  proper  implementation of  the judgment.  Since  

the  statement  is  made  by  Mr.  Rao,  which  is  contained  in  

Government  written  response  as  well,  that  the  petitioner  

would be given all due benefits of ACP and their pension will  

also be not reduced, we take to that statement on record.  

What remains is  the restoration of  combined gradation list  

and posting of the officers of the petitioner's association and  50


Page 51

their  promotions  on  that  basis.  Having  regard  to  the  

concession  made  by  Mr.  Patwalia  in  the  form  of  solution  

suggested by him, it is not necessary for us to give directions  

to the administration to make all consequential amendments  

in the 2014 Rules. Mr. Patwalia, submitted that if Rule 27 is  

amended  to  give  option  to  the  teachers  as  well,  the  

petitioners would be satisfied with the same. We are of the  

opinion that it is a very fair suggestion to solve the problem.  

36. We thus, dispose of these Contempt Petitions with the  

following directions:

(i) The  combined  gradation  list  issued  on  

17.8.2007 is revived and is to be acted upon and  

implemented by the Respondents/ Authorities, or  

Suitable amendment in the alternative be made in  

Rule  27  of  2014  Rules  giving  option  to  the  

teachers also, as permitted to other sub cadres.

(ii) It would be open to the respondents not to  

demote  those  BES  Officers  who  are  holding  

administrative  assignment  on  the  higher  posts.  



Page 52

However, that would not be at the cost of those  

petitioners belonging to teaching sub cadre who,  

as  a  result  of  combined  seniority  list,  have  

become  senior to BES Officers. We leave it to the  

Government to find whatever solution they have  

to deal with this issue.  

(iii) Consequential benefits which may accrue to  

the petitioners shall be accorded to them.  

(iv) The  entire  exercise  be  done  and  

accomplished within a period of 3 months.

(v) On  failure  on  the  part  of  the  respondents/  

administration  to  take  the  aforesaid  steps,  it  

would be open to the petitioners to move an I.A. in  

these very Contempt Petitions seeking its revival  

with  prayer  to  proceed  further  against  the  

respondents in accordance with law.  

(vi)The  petitioner  shall  also  be  entitled  to  the  

costs  of  these proceedings,  which we fix  at  Rs.  




Page 53

   ……………………....……J.         [Surinder Singh  


 ...………………………….J.       [A.K. Sikri]

                                     New Delhi     May 07,2014  



Page 54