11 September 2017
Supreme Court


Case number: C.A. No.-010464-010464 / 2017
Diary number: 17799 / 2017






CIVIL APPEAL NO. 10464 OF 2017 (ARISING OUT OF SLP (C) NO. 16803 OF 2017)






Serial bomb blasts took place in five trains on December 06,

1993 at the behest of certain miscreants on the first anniversary

of  the  Babri  Masjid  demolition.   As  per  the  allegations  of  the

prosecution, a conspirational meeting was held in this behalf in

Lucknow a couple of months before, to carry out the aforesaid

operations.  Six separate First Information Reports (FIRs) came

to be registered where this bomb blast had taken place, namely,

at Kota, Allahabad, Kanpur, Gujarat, Malkajgiri and Karjat.  Five of

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these  FIRs  were  clubbed  together  and  the  Central  Bureau  of

Investigation (CBI) took up the investigation.  During the course of

investigation,  the  provisions  of  the  Terrorist  and  Disruptive

Activities  (Prevention)  Act,  1987  (hereinafter  referred  to  as

‘TADA’) were also invoked.  The appellant herein was one of the

accused persons and one of the allegations levelled against him

was that he had supplied explosive material to accused No.1 for

which he was paid money by the said accused.  Outcome of the

trial by the CBI Court was that the appellant, along with others,

was convicted  under  TADA and awarded life  imprisonment  on

February  28,  2004.   This  conviction  has  been  upheld  by  this

Court as well and, therefore, the conviction and sentence of the

appellant has attained finality.  In this appeal, the issue pertains to

grant of parole to the appellant.

2) The appellant had submitted an application for grant of regular

parole  for  twenty  days  before  the  District  Parole  Advisory

Committee (hereinafter referred to as the ‘Advisory Committee’)

in  the  year  2014.   His  request  was  rejected  by  the  said

Committee on the ground that it did not have the jurisdiction to

entertain parole for TADA prisoners.  This action of the Advisory

Committee was challenged by the appellant in the form of writ

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petition under Article 226 of the Constitution of India, which was

filed in the High Court of Rajasthan.  The High Court disposed of

this  writ  petition  vide  order  dated  March  21,  2014  with  the

direction  that  his  application  be  forwarded  to  the  Advisory

Committee  to  examine  the  same  in  accordance  with  law.   In

compliance  of  the  aforesaid  order,  the  Advisory  Committee

considered the application of the appellant for parole on merits

and  rejected  it  on  the  premise  that  the  appellant  had  been

convicted under TADA and, therefore, his application could not be

considered in view of the Rajasthan Prisoners Release on Parole

Rule, 1958.  The appellant again approached the High Court of

Rajasthan by means of another writ petition, which was disposed

of by the High Court on June 30, 2015 granting him liberty to file a

fresh application before  the concerned competent  authority  for

grant of parole in terms of rules framed by the Government of

India  in  this  behalf  vide  Notification  dated  November  9,  1955.

Armed  with  this  order,  the  appellant  preferred  another  parole

application  with  the  Government  of  India.  This  was,  however,

rejected by the Ministry of Home Affairs, Government of India vide

orders  dated  November  10,  2015.   It  may  be  noted  that  the

appellant  had  simultaneously  moved  an  application  for  parole

before the State of Rajasthan as well.  That application also came

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to be rejected vide order dated November 16, 2015 on the ground

that  the Union of  India  had already rejected the parole  of  the

appellant.  For the third time the appellant approached the High

Court seeking a prayer to the effect that he be released on parole

for twenty days.  This petition was dismissed vide order dated

May 01, 2016  with the following observations:

“Having heard the rival submissions of the parties and after going through the relevant record, we are of the considered  opinion  that  it  is  a  case  of  serious  and heinous crime where parole cannot be claimed as a matter of right.  Further, in view of the fact that appeal has been decided by the Hon’ble Supreme Court,  it would not be appropriate for exercise of discretion in favour of the petitioner.

The writ petition is accordingly dismissed.  However if  the  petitioner,  so  desirous  (sic –  desires),  may approach the Hon’ble Supreme Court for appropriate relief.”

Correctness of this order is the subject matter of the present


3) As is clear from the above, the High Court did not deem it proper

to exercise its discretion and left the matter to this Court.  It is

notwithstanding the fact  that  in  the earlier  paragraph, than the

paragraphs quoted above, the High Court has referred to some of

the  judgments  which  were  relied  upon by  the  counsel  for  the

appellant.  However, there is no discussion of those judgments or

applicability thereof to the facts of the present case.

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4) In  view of  the aforesaid  background,  submission made by the

learned counsel for the appellant was that merely because the

appellant was convicted of an offence which was of serious or

heinous nature would not be a ground to reject the plea of parole

outrightly.  It was argued that the cases which were cited by the

counsel for the appellant before the High Court were also those

cases where the convicts were held guilty under the provisions of

TADA.  It was argued that the purpose behind grant of parole was

altogether different and, therefore, the nature of offence would be

an irrelevant consideration.

5) Learned  counsel  appearing  for  the  respondents  refuted  the

aforesaid  arguments  with  the  submission  that  the  case  of  the

appellant  was duly considered and rejected after finding that  it

was  not  recommended  by  the  District  Magistrate  and

Superintendent of Police of Dausa, Social Justice Department of

the State of Rajasthan and the Superintendent of Jail, Jaipur.  It

was argued that all the aforesaid authorities had given adverse

reports about the appellant.

6) We  have  given  our  serious  consideration  to  the  respective

submissions made by counsel for the parties on either side.

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7) We may state at the outset that the reason because of which the

High Court dismissed the writ petition filed by the appellant herein

is not an apposite one and does not meet the test of law.  The

petition  is  dismissed  only  on  the  ground  that  the  appellant  is

convicted in a case of serious and heinous crime and, therefore,

parole  cannot  be  claimed  as  a  matter  of  right.   As  per  the

discussion  that  would  follow  hereinafter,  the  conviction  in  a

serious and heinous crime cannot be the reason for denying the

parole  per se.  Another observation made by the High Court is

that  since  this  Court  had  decided  the  appeal  of  the  appellant

affirming the conviction, it would not be appropriate for the High

Court to exercise its discretion in favour of the appellant and if he

so desires he may approach this Court for the said purpose.  This

again  amounts  to  abdication  of  the  power  vested  in  the  High

Court.   Insofar  as conviction for  the offence for  which he was

charged,  i.e.  under  the  provisions  of  TADA,  is  concerned,  no

doubt that has been upheld till  this Court.  However, the issue

before the High Court was entirely different.  It was as to whether

the appellant  is  entitled to the grant  of  parole for  twenty days

which he was claiming.  Merely because the matter of conviction

of the appellant had come up to this Court would not mean that

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the appellant has to be relegated to this Court every time, even

when  he  is  seeking  the  reliefs  unconnected  with  the  main

conviction.  It is more so when in the first instance it is the High

Court which is supposed to decide such a prayer for parole made

by the appellant.  With these remarks, we advert to the issue at


8) In  the  first  instance,  it  would  be  necessary  to  understand  the

meaning  and  purpose  of  grant  of  parole.   It  would  be  better

understood when considered in  contrast  with  furlough.   These

terms have been legally defined and judicially explained by the

Courts from time to time.

9) There  is  a  subtle  distinction  between  parole  and  furlough.  A

parole can be defined as conditional release of prisoners i.e. an

early release of  a prisoner,  conditional  on good behaviour and

regular reporting to the authorities for a set period of time. It can

also be defined as a  form of  conditional  pardon by which the

convict is released before the expiration of his term. Thus, the

parole is granted for good behaviour on the condition that parolee

regularly reports to a supervising officer  for  a specified period.

Such a release of the prisoner on parole can also be temporarily

on some basic grounds.  In that eventuality, it is to be treated as

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mere  suspension  of  the  sentence  for  time  being,  keeping  the

quantum of  sentence intact.  Release on parole  is  designed to

afford some relief to the prisoners in certain specified exigencies.

Such paroles are normally granted in certain situations some of

which may be as follows:

(i) a member of the prisoner's family has died or is seriously ill

or the prisoner himself is seriously ill; or

(ii) the  marriage  of  the  prisoner  himself,  his  son,  daughter,

grandson,  grand  daughter,  brother,  sister,  sister's  son  or

daughter is to be celebrated; or

(iii) the  temporary  release  of  the  prisoner  is  necessary  for

ploughing,  sowing or  harvesting or  carrying on any other

agricultural  operation of  his land or his father's undivided

land actually in possession of the prisoner; or

(iv) it is desirable to do so for any other sufficient cause;

(v) parole can be granted only after a portion of sentence is

already served;

(vi) if conditions of parole are not abided by the parolee he may

be returned to serve his sentence in prison, such conditions

may be such as those of committing a new offence; and

(vii) parole may also be granted on the basis of aspects related

to health of convict himself.

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10) Many State Governments have formulated guidelines on parole in

order to bring out objectivity in the decision making and to decide

as to whether parole needs to be granted in a particular case or

not.  Such a decision in those cases is taken in accordance with

the guidelines framed.  Guidelines of some of the States stipulate

two kinds of paroles, namely, custody parole and regular parole.

‘Custody parole’ is generally granted in emergent circumstances


(i) death of a family member;  

(ii) marriage of a family member;  

(iii) serious illness of a family member; or  

(iv) any other emergent circumstances.

As far as ‘regular parole’ is concerned, it may be given in

the following cases:

(i) serious illness of a family member;

(ii) critical  conditions in the family on account of  accident  or

death of a family member;

(iii) marriage of any member of the family of the convict;

(iv) delivery of a child by the wife of the convict if there is no

other family member to take care of the spouse at home;

(v) serious  damage  to  life  or  property  of  the  family  of  the

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convict including damage caused by natural calamities;

(vi) to maintain family and social ties;

(vii) to pursue the filing of a special  leave petition before this

Court  against  a  judgment  delivered  by  the  High  Court

convicting or upholding the conviction, as the case may be.

11) Furlough, on the other hand, is a brief release from the prison. It

is conditional and is given in case of long term imprisonment. The

period of sentence spent on furlough by the prisoners need not

be undergone by him as is done in the case of parole. Furlough is

granted as a good conduct remission.

12) A convict, literally speaking, must remain in jail for the period of

sentence or for rest of his life in case he is a life convict. It is in

this context that his release from jail for a short period has to be

considered as an opportunity afforded to him not only to solve his

personal and family problems but also to maintain his links with

society. Convicts too must breathe fresh air for at least some time

provided  they  maintain  good  conduct  consistently  during

incarceration  and  show a  tendency  to  reform  themselves  and

become  good  citizens.  Thus,  redemption  and  rehabilitation  of

such prisoners for good of societies must receive due weightage

while they are undergoing sentence of imprisonment.

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13) This Court, through various pronouncements, has laid down the

differences  between parole  and  furlough,  few of  which  are  as


(i) Both parole and furlough are conditional release.

(ii) Parole can be granted in case of short term imprisonment

whereas  in  furlough  it  is  granted  in  case  of  long  term


(iii) Duration of  parole extends to one month whereas in  the

case of furlough it extends to fourteen days maximum.

(iv) Parole is granted by Divisional Commissioner and furlough

is granted by the Deputy Inspector General of Prisons.

(v) For parole, specific reason is required, whereas furlough is

meant for breaking the monotony of imprisonment.

(vi) The term of imprisonment is not included in the computation

of the term of parole, whereas it is vice versa in furlough.

(vii) Parole can be granted number of times whereas there is

limitation in the case of furlough.

(viii) Since furlough is not granted for any particular reason, it

can be denied in the interest of the society.

{See State of Maharashtra and Another v. Suresh Pandurang

Darvakar1;  and  State  of  Haryana  and  Others  v.  Mohinder

1  (2006) 4 SCC 776

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14) From the aforesaid discussion, it follows that amongst the various

grounds  on  which  parole  can  be  granted,  the  most  important

ground, which stands out, is that a prisoner should be allowed to

maintain family and social ties.  For this purpose, he has to come

out for some time so that he is able to maintain his family and

social  contact.   This  reason  finds  justification  in  one  of  the

objectives behind sentence and punishment, namely, reformation

of  the  convict.   The  theory  of  criminology,  which  is  largely

accepted,  underlines  that  the  main  objectives  which  a  State

intends  to  achieve  by  punishing  the  culprit  are:  deterrence,

prevention,  retribution  and  reformation.   When  we  recognise

reformation as one of the objectives, it provides justification for

letting of  even the life convicts for  short  periods,  on parole,  in

order to afford opportunities to such convicts not  only to solve

their personal and family problems but also to maintain their links

with the society.  Another objective which this theory underlines is

that even such convicts have right to breathe fresh air, al beit for

periods.  These gestures on the part of the State, along with other

measures,  go  a  long  way  for  redemption  and  rehabilitation  of

such prisoners.  They are ultimately aimed for the good of the

2  (2000) 3 SCC 394

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society and, therefore, are in public interest.

15) The  provisions  of  parole  and  furlough,  thus,  provide  for  a

humanistic approach towards those lodged in jails.  Main purpose

of such provisions is to afford to them an opportunity to solve their

personal  and family  problems and to  enable  them to  maintain

their  links  with  society.   Even  citizens  of  this  country  have  a

vested interest in preparing offenders for successful re-entry into

society.  Those  who  leave  prison  without  strong  networks  of

support,  without  employment  prospects,  without  a  fundamental

knowledge  of  the  communities  to  which  they  will  return,  and

without resources, stand a significantly higher chance of failure.

When  offenders  revert  to  criminal  activity  upon  release,  they

frequently do so because they lack hope of merging into society

as  accepted  citizens.  Furloughs  or  parole  can  help  prepare

offenders for success.

16) Having noted the aforesaid public purpose in granting parole or

furlough, ingrained in the reformation theory of sentencing, other

competing  public  interest  has  also  to  be  kept  in  mind  while

deciding as to whether in a particular case parole or furlough is to

be granted or not.  This public interest also demands that those

who are habitual offenders and may have the tendency to commit

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the crime again after their release on parole or have the tendency

to become threat to the law and order of the society, should not

be released on parole.  This aspect takes care of other objectives

of sentencing, namely, deterrence and prevention.  This side of

the  coin  is  the  experience  that  great  number  of  crimes  are

committed by the offenders who have been put back in the street

after  conviction.   Therefore,  while  deciding  as  to  whether  a

particular prisoner deserves to be released on parole or not, the

aforesaid aspects have also to be kept in mind.  To put it tersely,

the  authorities  are  supposed  to  address  the  question  as  to

whether the convict is such a person who has the tendency to

commit such a crime or he is showing tendency to reform himself

to become a good citizen.

17) Thus, not all people in prison are appropriate for grant of furlough

or  parole.   Obviously,  society  must  isolate  those  who  show

patterns  of  preying  upon  victims.  Yet  administrators  ought  to

encourage those  offenders  who demonstrate  a  commitment  to

reconcile with society and whose behaviour shows that aspire to

live as law-abiding citizens. Thus, parole program should be used

as a tool to shape such adjustments.

18) To sum up, in introducing penal reforms, the State that runs the

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administration on behalf of the society and for the benefit of the

society  at  large  cannot  be  unmindful  of  safeguarding  the

legitimate rights of the citizens in regard to their security in the

matters of life and liberty. It is for this reason that in introducing

such reforms, the authorities cannot be oblivious of the obligation

to the society to render it immune from those who are prone to

criminal tendencies and have proved their susceptibility to indulge

in criminal activities by being found guilty (by a Court) of having

perpetrated a  criminal  act.  One of  the discernible  purposes of

imposing  the  penalty  of  imprisonment  is  to  render  the  society

immune from the criminal for a specified period. It is, therefore,

understandable that  while meting out  humane treatment to the

convicts,  care  has to  be taken to  ensure that  kindness to  the

convicts  does  not  result  in  cruelty  to  the  society.   Naturally

enough,  the  authorities  would  be  anxious  to  ensure  that  the

convict  who  is  released  on  furlough  does  not  seize  the

opportunity to commit another crime when he is at large for the

time-being under the furlough leave granted to him by way of a

measure of penal reform.

19) Another vital aspect that needs to be discussed is as to whether

there can be any presumption that a person who is convicted of

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serious  or  heinous  crime  is  to  be,  ipso  facto,  treated  as  a

hardened  criminal.   Hardened  criminal  would  be  a  person  for

whom it has become a habit or way of life and such a person

would  necessarily  tend  to  commit  crimes  again  and  again.

Obviously, if a person has committed a serious offence for which

he is convicted, but at the same time it is also found that it is the

only  crime he  has  committed,  he  cannot  be  categorised  as  a

hardened criminal.   In  his  case consideration should  be as to

whether he is showing the signs to reform himself and become a

good citizen or there are circumstances which would indicate that

he has a tendency to commit the crime again or that he would be

a threat to the society.  Mere nature of the offence committed by

him  should  not  be  a  factor  to  deny  the  parole  outrightly.

Wherever  a  person  convicted  has  suffered  incarceration  for  a

long time, he can be granted temporary parole, irrespective of the

nature of offence for which he was sentenced.  We may hasten to

put a rider here, viz. in those cases where a person has been

convicted for committing a serious office, the competent authority,

while examining such cases, can be well advised to have stricter

standards in mind while judging their cases on the parameters of

good conduct, habitual offender or while judging whether he could

be considered highly dangerous or prejudicial to the public peace

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and tranquillity etc.

20) There can be no cavil in saying that a society that believes in the

worth of the individuals can have the quality of its belief judged, at

least  in  part,  by  the  quality  of  its  prisons  and  services  and

recourse  made  available  to  the  prisoners.  Being  in  a  civilized

society organized with law and a system as such, it is essential to

ensure for every citizen a reasonably dignified life.  If  a person

commits any crime, it does not mean that by committing a crime,

he ceases to be a human being and that he can be deprived of

those  aspects  of  life  which  constitute  human  dignity.  For  a

prisoner all fundamental rights are an enforceable reality, though

restricted by the fact of imprisonment. {See – Sunil Batra (II)  v.

Delhi Administration3,  Maneka Gandhi  v.  Union of India and

Another4, and  Charles Sobraj  v.  Superintendent Central Jai,

Tihar, New Delhi5}.

21) It is also to be kept in mind that by the time an application for

parole is moved by a prisoner, he would have spent some time in

the  jail.  During  this  period,  various  reformatory  methods  must

have been applied. We can take judicial note of this fact, having

regard to such reformation facilities available in modern jails. One

3  (1980) 3 SCC 488 4  (1978) 1 SCC 248 5  (1978) 4 SCC 104

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would know by this time as to whether there is a habit of relapsing

into crime in spite of having administered correctional treatment.

This  habit  known  as  “recidivism”  reflects  the  fact  that  the

correctional therapy has not brought in the mind of the criminal. It

also shows that criminal is hardcore who is beyond correctional

therapy.  If  the correctional  therapy has not  made in itself,  in a

particular  case,  such a case can be rejected on the aforesaid

ground i.e. on its merits.

22) We are not  oblivious of  the  fact  that  there  may be  hard core

criminals who by reason of their crime and the methods of dealing

with the crime, form associations,  loyalties and attitudes which

tend to persist.  There may be even peer  pressure when such

convicts  are out  to  commit  those crimes again.  There may be

pressure of  ostracised from delinquent groups which may lead

them  to  commit  the  crime  again.  Persistence  in  criminal

behaviour may also be due to personality traits, most frequently

due  to  pathological  traits  of  personality,  such  as  mental

defectiveness, emotional instability, mental conflicts, ecocentrism

and psychosis. In regard to relapse or recidivism, Frank Exner, a

noted criminologist and sociologist, points out that the chances of

repeating increase with the number of previous arrests and the

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interval  between  the  last  and  the  next  offence  becomes

shortened as the number  of  previous crimes progresses6.  The

purpose  of  the  criminological  study  is  the  prognosis  of  the

improvable  occasional  offenders  and  that  of  the  irredeemable

habitual  offender  and  hardcore  criminal.  To  differentiate  the

recidivists  from  non-recidivists  and  dangerous  and  hard-core

criminals  from  occasional  criminals  had  been  enumerated  by

Exner in the following flow-sheet:

(i) Hereditary weakness in the family life.

(ii) Increasing tempo of criminality.

(iii) Bad conditions in the parental home.

(iv) Bad  school  progress  (especially  in  deportment  and


(v) Failure to complete studies once begun.

(vi) Irregular work (work shyness).

(vii) Onset of criminality before 18 years of age.

(viii) More than four previous sentences.

(ix) Quick relapse of crime.

(x) Interlocal criminality (mobility).

(xi) Psychopathic personality (diagnosis of institutional doctor).

(xii) Alchoholism.

6  Frank Exner, Kriminologie, pp. 115-120

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(xiii) Release from institution before 36 years of age.

(xiv) Bad conduct in the institution.

(xv) Bad social and family relations during period of release.

At  the same time,  as  criminality  is  the expression of  the

‘symptom’ of certain disorder in the offenders, they can be easily

reformed if  they are rightly diagnosed and correct  treatment is

administered to them.

23) We find that the Rules of the Central Government, in this behalf,

are of the year 1955, which are skeleton in nature.  There is an

imperative and immediate need for updating these Rules thereby

including comprehensive provisions, in the light of the discussion

contained above, incorporating the aforesaid and other principles

so as to provide suitable guidelines to those who have to consider

such applications for grant of parole.  We are hopeful that this

aspect shall be given due consideration at the appropriate level

by the Government  of  India.   For this  purpose,  a copy of  this

judgment  may  also  be  sent  to  the  Ministry  of  Law &  Justice,

Government of India.

24) Having discussed the parameters which are to be kept in mind

while considering the request of a convict for parole, we advert to

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the case at hand.

25) As already noted above, the appellant has been convicted under

TADA and given the life imprisonment.  As per the Jail Custody

Certificate dated April 13, 2017 produced before us, the appellant

had undergone 09 years 10 months and 29 days of incarceration

till  that  date.   It  means  that  as  of  now,  the  appellant  has

undergone  the  sentence  of  more  than  ten  years.   We  have

mentioned above about the request of the appellant for release

on  parole  and  rejection  thereof.   The  communication  dated

November  10,  2015 of  the  Government  of  India  to  the  Home

Department of the State of Rajasthan conveys that the appellant’s

case for twenty days of parole has been rejected in view of the

adverse  reports  of  the  concerned  authorities.   The  concerned

authorities  mentioned  therein  are  the  District  Magistrate  and

Superintendent of Police of Dausa, Social Justice Department of

the State of Rajasthan and the Superintendent of Jail, Jaipur.

26) We have gone through the reports of the aforesaid authorities.

Reasons  given  in  these  reports  are  to  the  effect  that  if  the

appellant is released on parole, it may lead to untoward incidents

in the society or even among unsocial elements and may have

adverse  effect  on  the  young  generation  as  well.   It  is  also

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mentioned  that  there  is  a  possibility  that  the  appellant  may

threaten  those  who  had  deposed  against  him  and  may  even

physically harm them.  It is recorded that his release on parole

may adversely affect peace in the society.  Further, having regard

to the nature of the crime he had committed, there may even be a

threat to his life as well  because of  the reason that there is a

feeling of anger and annoyance in the society against him and,

therefore, possibility of a member of public physically harming the

appellant  cannot be ruled out.   There is even a danger to the

appellant’s life as well.

27) Having regard to the aforesaid reports, it cannot be said that the

authorities have not taken into account  relevant considerations

while rejecting the request of parole made by the appellant.  We,

therefore, are of the opinion that it is not a fit case for grant of

parole to the appellant particularly at this stage.

28) The appellant  is  a  life  convict.   Therefore,  he  is  supposed  to

remain in jail during his life unless remission is given to him.  In

such a situation, the appellant can, after some time, renew his

request  for  parole  when  the  present  atmosphere  prevailing

outside undergoes a change for better.  Otherwise, his conduct in

the jail  has been reported as satisfactory.  When a request for

Civil Appeal No.10464 of 2017 Page 22 of 46


parole is made after some time, which of course should not be in

immediate future, the same can be considered again in the light

of the principles laid down by this Court in this judgment.

29) For the foregoing reasons, this appeal is dismissed.

.............................................J. (A.K. SIKRI)

.............................................J. (ASHOK BHUSHAN)


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CIVIL APPEAL NO. 10464 OF 2017 (ARISING OUT OF SLP (C) NO. 16803 OF 2017)






Serial bomb blasts took place in five trains on December 06,

1993 at the behest of certain miscreants on the first anniversary

of  the  Babri  Masjid  demolition.   As  per  the  allegations  of  the

prosecution, a conspirational meeting was held in this behalf in

Lucknow a couple of months before, to carry out the aforesaid

operations.  Six separate First Information Reports (FIRs) came

to be registered where this bomb blast had taken place, namely,

at Kota, Allahabad, Kanpur, Gujarat, Malkajgiri and Karjat.  Five of

these  FIRs  were  clubbed  together  and  the  Central  Bureau  of

Civil Appeal No.10464 of 2017 Page 24 of 46


Investigation (CBI) took up the investigation.  During the course of

investigation,  the  provisions  of  the  Terrorist  and  Disruptive

Activities  (Prevention)  Act,  1987  (hereinafter  referred  to  as

‘TADA’) were also invoked.  The appellant herein was one of the

accused persons and one of the allegations levelled against him

was that he had supplied explosive material to accused No.1 for

which he was paid money by the said accused.  Outcome of the

trial by the CBI Court was that the appellant, along with others,

was convicted  under  TADA and awarded life  imprisonment  on

February  28,  2004.   This  conviction  has  been  upheld  by  this

Court as well and, therefore, the conviction and sentence of the

appellant has attained finality.  In this appeal, the issue pertains to

grant of parole to the appellant.

30) The appellant had submitted an application for grant of regular

parole  for  twenty  days  before  the  District  Parole  Advisory

Committee (hereinafter referred to as the ‘Advisory Committee’)

in  the  year  2014.   His  request  was  rejected  by  the  said

Committee on the ground that it did not have the jurisdiction to

entertain parole for TADA prisoners.  This action of the Advisory

Committee was challenged by the appellant in the form of writ

petition under Article 226 of the Constitution of India, which was

Civil Appeal No.10464 of 2017 Page 25 of 46


filed in the High Court of Rajasthan.  The High Court disposed of

this  writ  petition  vide  order  dated  March  21,  2014  with  the

direction  that  his  application  be  forwarded  to  the  Advisory

Committee  to  examine  the  same  in  accordance  with  law.   In

compliance  of  the  aforesaid  order,  the  Advisory  Committee

considered the application of the appellant for parole on merits

and  rejected  it  on  the  premise  that  the  appellant  had  been

convicted under TADA and, therefore, his application could not be

considered in view of the Rajasthan Prisoners Release on Parole

Rule, 1958.  The appellant again approached the High Court of

Rajasthan by means of another writ petition, which was disposed

of by the High Court on June 30, 2015 granting him liberty to file a

fresh application before  the concerned competent  authority  for

grant of parole in terms of rules framed by the Government of

India  in  this  behalf  vide  Notification  dated  November  9,  1955.

Armed  with  this  order,  the  appellant  preferred  another  parole

application  with  the  Government  of  India.  This  was,  however,

rejected by the Ministry of Home Affairs, Government of India vide

orders  dated  November  10,  2015.   It  may  be  noted  that  the

appellant  had  simultaneously  moved  an  application  for  parole

before the State of Rajasthan as well.  That application also came

to be rejected vide order dated November 16, 2015 on the ground

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that  the Union of  India  had already rejected the parole  of  the

appellant.  For the third time the appellant approached the High

Court seeking a prayer to the effect that he be released on parole

for twenty days.  This petition was dismissed vide order dated

May 01, 2016  with the following observations:

“Having heard the rival submissions of the parties and after going through the relevant record, we are of the considered  opinion  that  it  is  a  case  of  serious  and heinous crime where parole cannot be claimed as a matter of right.  Further, in view of the fact that appeal has been decided by the Hon’ble Supreme Court,  it would not be appropriate for exercise of discretion in favour of the petitioner.

The writ petition is accordingly dismissed.  However if  the  petitioner,  so  desirous  (sic –  desires),  may approach the Hon’ble Supreme Court for appropriate relief.”

Correctness of this order is the subject matter of the present


31) As is clear from the above, the High Court did not deem it proper

to exercise its discretion and left the matter to this Court.  It is

notwithstanding the fact  that  in  the earlier  paragraph, than the

paragraphs quoted above, the High Court has referred to some of

the  judgments  which  were  relied  upon by  the  counsel  for  the

appellant.  However, there is no discussion of those judgments or

applicability thereof to the facts of the present case.

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32) In  view of  the aforesaid  background,  submission made by the

learned counsel for the appellant was that merely because the

appellant was convicted of an offence which was of serious or

heinous nature would not be a ground to reject the plea of parole

outrightly.  It was argued that the cases which were cited by the

counsel for the appellant before the High Court were also those

cases where the convicts were held guilty under the provisions of

TADA.  It was argued that the purpose behind grant of parole was

altogether different and, therefore, the nature of offence would be

an irrelevant consideration.

33) Learned  counsel  appearing  for  the  respondents  refuted  the

aforesaid  arguments  with  the  submission  that  the  case  of  the

appellant  was duly considered and rejected after finding that  it

was  not  recommended  by  the  District  Magistrate  and

Superintendent of Police of Dausa, Social Justice Department of

the State of Rajasthan and the Superintendent of Jail, Jaipur.  It

was argued that all the aforesaid authorities had given adverse

reports about the appellant.

34) We  have  given  our  serious  consideration  to  the  respective

submissions made by counsel for the parties on either side.

Civil Appeal No.10464 of 2017 Page 28 of 46


35) We may state at the outset that the reason because of which the

High Court dismissed the writ petition filed by the appellant herein

is not an apposite one and does not meet the test of law.  The

petition  is  dismissed  only  on  the  ground  that  the  appellant  is

convicted in a case of serious and heinous crime and, therefore,

parole  cannot  be  claimed  as  a  matter  of  right.   As  per  the

discussion  that  would  follow  hereinafter,  the  conviction  in  a

serious and heinous crime cannot be the reason for denying the

parole  per se.  Another observation made by the High Court is

that  since  this  Court  had  decided  the  appeal  of  the  appellant

affirming the conviction, it would not be appropriate for the High

Court to exercise its discretion in favour of the appellant and if he

so desires he may approach this Court for the said purpose.  This

again  amounts  to  abdication  of  the  power  vested  in  the  High

Court.   Insofar  as conviction for  the offence for  which he was

charged,  i.e.  under  the  provisions  of  TADA,  is  concerned,  no

doubt that has been upheld till  this Court.  However, the issue

before the High Court was entirely different.  It was as to whether

the appellant  is  entitled to the grant  of  parole for  twenty days

which he was claiming.  Merely because the matter of conviction

of the appellant had come up to this Court would not mean that

the appellant has to be relegated to this Court every time, even

Civil Appeal No.10464 of 2017 Page 29 of 46


when  he  is  seeking  the  reliefs  unconnected  with  the  main

conviction.  It is more so when in the first instance it is the High

Court which is supposed to decide such a prayer for parole made

by the appellant.  With these remarks, we advert to the issue at


36) In  the  first  instance,  it  would  be  necessary  to  understand  the

meaning  and  purpose  of  grant  of  parole.   It  would  be  better

understood when considered in  contrast  with  furlough.   These

terms have been legally defined and judicially explained by the

Courts from time to time.

37) There  is  a  subtle  distinction  between  parole  and  furlough.  A

parole can be defined as conditional release of prisoners i.e. an

early release of  a prisoner,  conditional  on good behaviour and

regular reporting to the authorities for a set period of time. It can

also be defined as a  form of  conditional  pardon by which the

convict is released before the expiration of his term. Thus, the

parole is granted for good behaviour on the condition that parolee

regularly reports to a supervising officer  for  a specified period.

Such a release of the prisoner on parole can also be temporarily

on some basic grounds.  In that eventuality, it is to be treated as

mere  suspension  of  the  sentence  for  time  being,  keeping  the

Civil Appeal No.10464 of 2017 Page 30 of 46


quantum of  sentence intact.  Release on parole  is  designed to

afford some relief to the prisoners in certain specified exigencies.

Such paroles are normally granted in certain situations some of

which may be as follows:

(viii) a member of the prisoner's family has died or is seriously ill

or the prisoner himself is seriously ill; or

(ix) the  marriage  of  the  prisoner  himself,  his  son,  daughter,

grandson,  grand  daughter,  brother,  sister,  sister's  son  or

daughter is to be celebrated; or

(x) the  temporary  release  of  the  prisoner  is  necessary  for

ploughing,  sowing or  harvesting or  carrying on any other

agricultural  operation of  his land or his father's undivided

land actually in possession of the prisoner; or

(xi) it is desirable to do so for any other sufficient cause;

(xii) parole can be granted only after a portion of sentence is

already served;

(xiii) if conditions of parole are not abided by the parolee he may

be returned to serve his sentence in prison, such conditions

may be such as those of committing a new offence; and

(xiv) parole may also be granted on the basis of aspects related

to health of convict himself.

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38) Many State Governments have formulated guidelines on parole in

order to bring out objectivity in the decision making and to decide

as to whether parole needs to be granted in a particular case or

not.  Such a decision in those cases is taken in accordance with

the guidelines framed.  Guidelines of some of the States stipulate

two kinds of paroles, namely, custody parole and regular parole.

‘Custody parole’ is generally granted in emergent circumstances


(v) death of a family member;  

(vi) marriage of a family member;  

(vii) serious illness of a family member; or  

(viii) any other emergent circumstances.

As far as ‘regular parole’ is concerned, it may be given in

the following cases:

(viii) serious illness of a family member;

(ix) critical  conditions in the family on account of  accident  or

death of a family member;

(x) marriage of any member of the family of the convict;

(xi) delivery of a child by the wife of the convict if there is no

other family member to take care of the spouse at home;

(xii) serious  damage  to  life  or  property  of  the  family  of  the

Civil Appeal No.10464 of 2017 Page 32 of 46


convict including damage caused by natural calamities;

(xiii) to maintain family and social ties;

(xiv) to pursue the filing of a special  leave petition before this

Court  against  a  judgment  delivered  by  the  High  Court

convicting or upholding the conviction, as the case may be.

39) Furlough, on the other hand, is a brief release from the prison. It

is conditional and is given in case of long term imprisonment. The

period of sentence spent on furlough by the prisoners need not

be undergone by him as is done in the case of parole. Furlough is

granted as a good conduct remission.

40) A convict, literally speaking, must remain in jail for the period of

sentence or for rest of his life in case he is a life convict. It is in

this context that his release from jail for a short period has to be

considered as an opportunity afforded to him not only to solve his

personal and family problems but also to maintain his links with

society. Convicts too must breathe fresh air for at least some time

provided  they  maintain  good  conduct  consistently  during

incarceration  and  show a  tendency  to  reform  themselves  and

become  good  citizens.  Thus,  redemption  and  rehabilitation  of

such prisoners for good of societies must receive due weightage

while they are undergoing sentence of imprisonment.

Civil Appeal No.10464 of 2017 Page 33 of 46


41) This Court, through various pronouncements, has laid down the

differences  between parole  and  furlough,  few of  which  are  as


(ix) Both parole and furlough are conditional release.

(x) Parole can be granted in case of short term imprisonment

whereas  in  furlough  it  is  granted  in  case  of  long  term


(xi) Duration of  parole extends to one month whereas in  the

case of furlough it extends to fourteen days maximum.

(xii) Parole is granted by Divisional Commissioner and furlough

is granted by the Deputy Inspector General of Prisons.

(xiii) For parole, specific reason is required, whereas furlough is

meant for breaking the monotony of imprisonment.

(xiv) The term of imprisonment is not included in the computation

of the term of parole, whereas it is vice versa in furlough.

(xv) Parole can be granted number of times whereas there is

limitation in the case of furlough.

(xvi) Since furlough is not granted for any particular reason, it

can be denied in the interest of the society.

{See State of Maharashtra and Another v. Suresh Pandurang

Darvakar7;  and  State  of  Haryana  and  Others  v.  Mohinder

7  (2006) 4 SCC 776

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42) From the aforesaid discussion, it follows that amongst the various

grounds  on  which  parole  can  be  granted,  the  most  important

ground, which stands out, is that a prisoner should be allowed to

maintain family and social ties.  For this purpose, he has to come

out for some time so that he is able to maintain his family and

social  contact.   This  reason  finds  justification  in  one  of  the

objectives behind sentence and punishment, namely, reformation

of  the  convict.   The  theory  of  criminology,  which  is  largely

accepted,  underlines  that  the  main  objectives  which  a  State

intends  to  achieve  by  punishing  the  culprit  are:  deterrence,

prevention,  retribution  and  reformation.   When  we  recognise

reformation as one of the objectives, it provides justification for

letting of  even the life convicts for  short  periods,  on parole,  in

order to afford opportunities to such convicts not  only to solve

their personal and family problems but also to maintain their links

with the society.  Another objective which this theory underlines is

that even such convicts have right to breathe fresh air, al beit for

periods.  These gestures on the part of the State, along with other

measures,  go  a  long  way  for  redemption  and  rehabilitation  of

such prisoners.  They are ultimately aimed for the good of the

8  (2000) 3 SCC 394

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society and, therefore, are in public interest.

43) The  provisions  of  parole  and  furlough,  thus,  provide  for  a

humanistic approach towards those lodged in jails.  Main purpose

of such provisions is to afford to them an opportunity to solve their

personal  and family  problems and to  enable  them to  maintain

their  links  with  society.   Even  citizens  of  this  country  have  a

vested interest in preparing offenders for successful re-entry into

society.  Those  who  leave  prison  without  strong  networks  of

support,  without  employment  prospects,  without  a  fundamental

knowledge  of  the  communities  to  which  they  will  return,  and

without resources, stand a significantly higher chance of failure.

When  offenders  revert  to  criminal  activity  upon  release,  they

frequently do so because they lack hope of merging into society

as  accepted  citizens.  Furloughs  or  parole  can  help  prepare

offenders for success.

44) Having noted the aforesaid public purpose in granting parole or

furlough, ingrained in the reformation theory of sentencing, other

competing  public  interest  has  also  to  be  kept  in  mind  while

deciding as to whether in a particular case parole or furlough is to

be granted or not.  This public interest also demands that those

who are habitual offenders and may have the tendency to commit

Civil Appeal No.10464 of 2017 Page 36 of 46


the crime again after their release on parole or have the tendency

to become threat to the law and order of the society, should not

be released on parole.  This aspect takes care of other objectives

of sentencing, namely, deterrence and prevention.  This side of

the  coin  is  the  experience  that  great  number  of  crimes  are

committed by the offenders who have been put back in the street

after  conviction.   Therefore,  while  deciding  as  to  whether  a

particular prisoner deserves to be released on parole or not, the

aforesaid aspects have also to be kept in mind.  To put it tersely,

the  authorities  are  supposed  to  address  the  question  as  to

whether the convict is such a person who has the tendency to

commit such a crime or he is showing tendency to reform himself

to become a good citizen.

45) Thus, not all people in prison are appropriate for grant of furlough

or  parole.   Obviously,  society  must  isolate  those  who  show

patterns  of  preying  upon  victims.  Yet  administrators  ought  to

encourage those  offenders  who demonstrate  a  commitment  to

reconcile with society and whose behaviour shows that aspire to

live as law-abiding citizens. Thus, parole program should be used

as a tool to shape such adjustments.

46) To sum up, in introducing penal reforms, the State that runs the

Civil Appeal No.10464 of 2017 Page 37 of 46


administration on behalf of the society and for the benefit of the

society  at  large  cannot  be  unmindful  of  safeguarding  the

legitimate rights of the citizens in regard to their security in the

matters of life and liberty. It is for this reason that in introducing

such reforms, the authorities cannot be oblivious of the obligation

to the society to render it immune from those who are prone to

criminal tendencies and have proved their susceptibility to indulge

in criminal activities by being found guilty (by a Court) of having

perpetrated a  criminal  act.  One of  the discernible  purposes of

imposing  the  penalty  of  imprisonment  is  to  render  the  society

immune from the criminal for a specified period. It is, therefore,

understandable that  while meting out  humane treatment to the

convicts,  care  has to  be taken to  ensure that  kindness to  the

convicts  does  not  result  in  cruelty  to  the  society.   Naturally

enough,  the  authorities  would  be  anxious  to  ensure  that  the

convict  who  is  released  on  furlough  does  not  seize  the

opportunity to commit another crime when he is at large for the

time-being under the furlough leave granted to him by way of a

measure of penal reform.

47) Another vital aspect that needs to be discussed is as to whether

there can be any presumption that a person who is convicted of

Civil Appeal No.10464 of 2017 Page 38 of 46


serious  or  heinous  crime  is  to  be,  ipso  facto,  treated  as  a

hardened  criminal.   Hardened  criminal  would  be  a  person  for

whom it has become a habit or way of life and such a person

would  necessarily  tend  to  commit  crimes  again  and  again.

Obviously, if a person has committed a serious offence for which

he is convicted, but at the same time it is also found that it is the

only  crime he  has  committed,  he  cannot  be  categorised  as  a

hardened criminal.   In  his  case consideration should  be as to

whether he is showing the signs to reform himself and become a

good citizen or there are circumstances which would indicate that

he has a tendency to commit the crime again or that he would be

a threat to the society.  Mere nature of the offence committed by

him  should  not  be  a  factor  to  deny  the  parole  outrightly.

Wherever  a  person  convicted  has  suffered  incarceration  for  a

long time, he can be granted temporary parole, irrespective of the

nature of offence for which he was sentenced.  We may hasten to

put a rider here, viz. in those cases where a person has been

convicted for committing a serious office, the competent authority,

while examining such cases, can be well advised to have stricter

standards in mind while judging their cases on the parameters of

god conduct, habitual offender or while judging whether he could

be considered highly dangerous or prejudicial to the public peace

Civil Appeal No.10464 of 2017 Page 39 of 46


and tranquillity etc.

48) There can be no cavil in saying that a society that believes in the

worth of the individuals can have the quality of its belief judged, at

least  in  part,  by  the  quality  of  its  prisons  and  services  and

recourse  made  available  to  the  prisoners.  Being  in  a  civilized

society organized with law and a system as such, it is essential to

ensure for every citizen a reasonably dignified life.  If  a person

commits any crime, it does not mean that by committing a crime,

he ceases to be a human being and that he can be deprived of

those  aspects  of  life  which  constitute  human  dignity.  For  a

prisoner all fundamental rights are an enforceable reality, though

restricted by the fact of imprisonment. {See – Sunil Batra (II)  v.

Delhi Administration9,  Maneka Gandhi  v.  Union of India and

Another10, and Charles Sobraj  v.  Superintendent Central Jai,

Tihar, New Delhi11}.

49) It is also to be kept in mind that by the time an application for

parole is moved by a prisoner, he would have spent some time in

the  jail.  During  this  period,  various  reformatory  methods  must

have been applied. We can take judicial note of this fact, having

regard to such reformation facilities available in modern jails. One

9  (1980) 3 SCC 488 10  (1978) 1 SCC 248 11  (1978) 4 SCC 104

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would know by this time as to whether there is a habit of relapsing

into crime in spite of having administered correctional treatment.

This  habit  known  as  “recidivism”  reflects  the  fact  that  the

correctional therapy has not brought in the mind of the criminal. It

also shows that criminal is hardcore who is beyond correctional

therapy.  If  the correctional  therapy has not  made in itself,  in a

particular  case,  such a case can be rejected on the aforesaid

ground i.e. on its merits.

50) We are not  oblivious of  the  fact  that  there  may be  hard core

criminals who by reason of their crime and the methods of dealing

with the crime, form associations,  loyalties and attitudes which

tend to persist.  There may be even peer  pressure when such

convicts  are out  to  commit  those crimes again.  There may be

pressure of  ostracised from delinquent groups which may lead

them  to  commit  the  crime  again.  Persistence  in  criminal

behaviour may also be due to personality traits, most frequently

due  to  pathological  traits  of  personality,  such  as  mental

defectiveness, emotional instability, mental conflicts, ecocentrism

and psychosis. In regard to relapse or recidivism, Frank Exner, a

noted criminologist and sociologist, points out that the chances of

repeating increase with the number of previous arrests and the

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interval  between  the  last  and  the  next  offence  becomes

shortened as the number of previous crimes progresses12.  The

purpose  of  the  criminological  study  is  the  prognosis  of  the

improvable  occasional  offenders  and  that  of  the  irredeemable

habitual  offender  and  hardcore  criminal.  To  differentiate  the

recidivists  from  non-recidivists  and  dangerous  and  hard-core

criminals  from  occasional  criminals  had  been  enumerated  by

Exner in the following flow-sheet:

(xvi) Hereditary weakness in the family life.

(xvii) Increasing tempo of criminality.

(xviii) Bad conditions in the parental home.

(xix) Bad  school  progress  (especially  in  deportment  and


(xx) Failure to complete studies once begun.

(xxi) Irregular work (work shyness).

(xxii) Onset of criminality before 18 years of age.

(xxiii) More than four previous sentences.

(xxiv) Quick relapse of crime.

(xxv) Interlocal criminality (mobility).

(xxvi) Psychopathic personality (diagnosis of institutional doctor).

(xxvii) Alchoholism.

12  Frank Exner, Kriminologie, pp. 115-120

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(xxviii) Release from institution before 36 years of age.

(xxix) Bad conduct in the institution.

(xxx) Bad social and family relations during period of release.

At  the same time,  as  criminality  is  the expression of  the

‘symptom’ of certain disorder in the offenders, they can be easily

reformed if  they are rightly diagnosed and correct  treatment is

administered to them.

51) We find that the Rules of the Central Government, in this behalf,

are of the year 1955, which are skeleton in nature.  There is an

imperative and immediate need for updating these Rules thereby

including comprehensive provisions, in the light of the discussion

contained above, incorporating the aforesaid and other principles

so as to provide suitable guidelines to those who have to consider

such applications for grant of parole.  We are hopeful that this

aspect shall be given due consideration at the appropriate level

by the Government  of  India.   For this  purpose,  a copy of  this

judgment  may  also  be  sent  to  the  Ministry  of  Law &  Justice,

Government of India.

52) Having discussed the parameters which are to be kept in mind

while considering the request of a convict for parole, we advert to

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the case at hand.

53) As already noted above, the appellant has been convicted under

TADA and given the life imprisonment.  As per the Jail Custody

Certificate dated April 13, 2017 produced before us, the appellant

had undergone 09 years 10 months and 29 days of incarceration

till  that  date.   It  means  that  as  of  now,  the  appellant  has

undergone  the  sentence  of  more  than  ten  years.   We  have

mentioned above about the request of the appellant for release

on  parole  and  rejection  thereof.   The  communication  dated

November  10,  2015 of  the  Government  of  India  to  the  Home

Department of the State of Rajasthan conveys that the appellant’s

case for twenty days of parole has been rejected in view of the

adverse  reports  of  the  concerned  authorities.   The  concerned

authorities  mentioned  therein  are  the  District  Magistrate  and

Superintendent of Police of Dausa, Social Justice Department of

the State of Rajasthan and the Superintendent of Jail, Jaipur.

54) We have gone through the reports of the aforesaid authorities.

Reasons  given  in  these  reports  are  to  the  effect  that  if  the

appellant is released on parole, it may lead to untoward incidents

in the society or even among unsocial elements and may have

adverse  effect  on  the  young  generation  as  well.   It  is  also

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mentioned  that  there  is  a  possibility  that  the  appellant  may

threaten  those  who  had  deposed  against  him  and  may  even

physically harm them.  It is recorded that his release on parole

may adversely affect peace in the society.  Further, having regard

to the nature of the crime he had committed, there may even be a

threat to his life as well  because of  the reason that there is a

feeling of anger and annoyance in the society against him and,

therefore, possibility of a member of public physically harming the

appellant  cannot be ruled out.   There is even a danger to the

appellant’s life as well.

55) Having regard to the aforesaid reports, it cannot be said that the

authorities have not taken into account  relevant considerations

while rejecting the request of parole made by the appellant.  We,

therefore, are of the opinion that it is not a fit case for grant of

parole to the appellant particularly at this stage.

56) The appellant  is  a  life  convict.   Therefore,  he  is  supposed  to

remain in jail during his life unless remission is given to him.  In

such a situation, the appellant can, after some time, renew his

request  for  parole  when  the  present  atmosphere  prevailing

outside undergoes a change for better.  Otherwise, his conduct in

the jail  has been reported as satisfactory.  When a request for

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parole is made after some time, which of course should not be in

immediate future, the same can be considered again in the light

of the principles laid down by this Court in this judgment.

57) For the foregoing reasons, this appeal is dismissed.

.............................................J. (A.K. SIKRI)

.............................................J. (ASHOK BHUSHAN)


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