10 September 2015
Supreme Court


Case number: Crl.A. No.-001187-001188 / 2015
Diary number: 7378 / 2015
Advocates: SATYA MITRA Vs


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CRIMINAL APPEAL NOS.1187-1188 OF 2015 (ARISING OUT OF SLP (CRL.) NOS.1899-1900 OF 2015)

     AG                              …APPELLANT


     SHIV KUMAR YADAV & ANR.                     ...RESPONDENTS


CRIMINAL APPEAL NOS.1191-1192 OF 2015 (ARISING OUT OF SLP (CRL) NOS.2215-2216 OF 2015)



1. Leave  granted.  The  issue  raised  for  consideration  in  these

appeals is whether recall of witnesses, at the stage when statement

of  accused under  Section 313 of  the Code of  Criminal  Procedure

(“Cr.P.C.”)  has been recorded, could be allowed on the plea that the

defence  counsel  was  not  competent  and  had  not  effectively

cross-examined  the  witnesses,  having  regard  to  the  facts  and

circumstances of this case.

2. Facts relevant for deciding the issue lie in a narrow compass.

On  6th December,  2014,  a  First  Information  Report  was  lodged


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alleging that the respondent accused who was the driver of cab

No.DL-1YD-7910, Swift Dezire, hired by the victim on 5th December,

2014 for returning home from her office committed rape on her.

The statement of the prosecutrix was recorded under Section 164

Cr.P.C. on 8th December, 2014. After investigation, charge sheet was

filed  before  the  Magistrate  on  24th December,  2014.   Since  the

accused was not represented by counsel, he was provided legal aid

counsel.  Thereafter on 2nd January, 2015, the accused engaged his

private counsel M/s. Alok Kumar Dubey and Ankit Bhatia in place of

the legal aid counsel.  Thereafter, the case was committed to the

Court  of  Session.   Charges  were  framed  on  13th January,  2015.

Prosecution evidence commenced on 15th January, 2015 and was

closed  on  31st January,  2015.    The  witnesses  were  duly

cross-examined  by  the  counsel  engaged  by  the  accused.

Statement of the accused under Section 313 Cr.P.C. was recorded

on 3rd February, 2015.  On 4th February, 2015, an application for

recall of prosecutrix PW2 and formal witness PW-23 who booked the

cab was made, but the same was rejected and the said order was

never challenged.  Thereafter, on 9th February, 2015, the accused

engaged  another  counsel,  who  filed  another  application  under

Section 311 Cr.P.C. for recall of all the 28 prosecution witnesses on

16th February, 2015.  The said application was dismissed on 18th

February by the trial court but the same was allowed by the High



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Court vide impugned order dated 4th March, 2015 in a petition filed

under Article 227 of the Constitution of India read with Section 482

Cr.P.C.  Even though the specific grounds urged in the application

were duly considered and rejected, it was observed that recall of

certain witnesses was deemed proper for ensuring fair trial.

3. Aggrieved by the order of the High Court, the victim as well as

the State have moved this Court.

4. On 10th March,  2015, when the matter came up for hearing

before this Court, stay of further proceedings was granted but since

the  prosecutrix  had  already  been  recalled  in  pursuance  of  the

impugned order  and further  cross-examined,  the  said  deposition

was directed to be kept in the sealed cover and publication thereof

by anyone in possession thereof  was restrained.

5. We have  heard  learned  Attorney  General  appearing  for  the

State, Shri Colin Gonsalves, learned senior counsel appearing for

the  victim and Shri  D.K.  Mishra,  learned  counsel  appearing  for   

the accused.

6. Learned Attorney General submitted that the view taken by the

High Court was erroneous and true scope of power of recall has not

been appreciated.  Firstly, though the power of recall is very wide

and  could  be  exercised  at  any  stage,  it  could  not  be  exercised

mechanically, without just and adequate grounds.  At the end of the

trial,  exercise of  such power was permissible only in exceptional



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situations.  Once trial is conducted by a counsel, another counsel

could  not  seek  retrial  or  recall  of  all  the  witnesses  merely  by

alleging that the previous counsel was not competent.    At any

rate,  the  court  permitting  such  a  course  must  record  cogent

reasons.  Secondly, harassment of the victim on being recalled for

cross-examination was a relevant factor which was required to be

taken into account. Thirdly, expeditious trial in a heinous offence

was another factor which was required to be taken into account.  In

this case, a further factor which the impugned order ignores is that

the respondent was not facing a criminal case for the first time.  He

was facing three cases of rape earlier and was well conversant with

the  legal  matters.   He  had  made  his  own  informed  choice  in

appointing  a  counsel.  Interference  by  the  High  Court  was

permissible only when the view taken by the trial court declining

prayer for recall was found to be perverse or unjust.  It was further

pointed out that the conclusion recorded by the High Court was

contrary  to  the  findings  in  the  order  rejecting  various  grounds

raised in support of  prayer for recall.   Learned Attorney General

made  reference  to  decisions  of  this  Court  in  Rajaram Prasad

Yadav vs. State  of  Bihar1,  Mannan  Sk vs. State  of  West

Bengal2,  P. Sanjeeva Rao vs. State of A.P.3,  State of Punjab

1 (2013) 14 SCC 461 2 (2014) 13 SCC 59 3 (2012) 7 SCC 56



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vs. Gurmit  Singh4,  State  of  Karnataka vs. Shivanna5,

Hoffman Andreas vs. Inspector of Customs6, Dayal Singh vs.

State of Uttaranchal7, Devender Pal Singh vs. State (NCT of

Delhi)8,  NHRC vs. State of Gujarat9,  Swaran Singh vs. State

of Punjab10.

7. Shri  Gonsalves,  learned  senior  counsel  adopted  the

submissions of learned Attorney General and further submitted that

the High Court appears to have been impressed by the fact that the

accused was in custody and thus had no reason to delay the trial.

A presumption that an accused in custody will not delay the trial

was not well  founded and could not be a valid consideration for

retrial or recall of prosecutrix and other witnesses.  The prosecutrix

had already faced court proceedings while recording her statement

under Section 164 Cr.P.C.  and while facing cross-examination for

three days.  He also placed reliance on P. Ramachandra Rao vs.

State  of  Karnataka11,  Delhi  Domestic  Working  Women’

Forum vs. Union of India12, Natasha Singh vs. CBI13, Mohanlal

Shamji Soni vs. Union of India14, Zahira Habibulla H. Sheikh

4 (1996) 2 SCC 384 5 (2014) 8 SCC 916 6 (2000) 10 SCC 430 7 (2012) 8 SCC 263 8 (2002) 5 SCC 234 9 (2009) 6  SCC 767 10 (2000) 5 SCC 668 11 (2002) 4 SCC 578 12 (1995) 1 SCC 14 13 (2013) 5 SCC 741 14 (1991) Supp. 1 SCC 271



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vs. State of Gujarat15, Sister Mina Lalita Baruwa vs. State of

Orissa16, Raminder Singh vs. State17, Rama Paswan vs. State

of  Jharkhand18,  Nisar  Khan vs. State  of  Uttaranchal19,

Hussainara Khatoon (I) vs. Home Secy. State of Bihar20 and

Vijay Kumar vs. State of U.P.21.    

8. Learned  counsel  for  the  respondent-accused  supported  the

impugned order and submitted that though the previous counsel

had  cross-examined  the  witnesses,  he  had  not  asked  relevant

questions nor given suggestions which were required to be given.

He placed  reliance  on  Kishore Chand vs. State of  Himachal

Pradesh22,  Hardeep  Singh vs. State  of  Punjab23,  Ram

Chander vs. State of Haryana24, State of Rajasthan vs. Ani @

Hanif25,  Ritesh Tewari vs. State of U.P.26,  Maria Margarida

Sequeria  Fernandes vs. Erasmo  Jack  De  Sequeria  (dead)

through Lrs.27,  Rajeshwar Prosad Misra vs. State  of  West

Bengal28,  Jamatraj  Kewalji  Govani vs. The  State  of

Maharashtra29,  Raghunandan vs. State of U.P.30,  Shailendra 15 (2004) 4 SCC 158 16 (2013) 16 SCC 173 17 Crl.M.C.8479/2006 & Crl.M.A. 14359/2006, decided on 20.02.2008 (Delhi H.C.) 18 (2007) 11 SCC 191 19 (2006) 9 SCC 386 20 (1980) 1 SCC 81 21 (2011) 8 SCC 136 22 (1991) 1 SCC 286 23 (2009) 16 SCC 785 24 (1981) 3 SCC 191 25 (1997) 6 SCC 162 26 (2010) 10 SCC 677 27 (2012) 5 SCC 370 28 (1966) 1 SCR 178 29 (1967) 3 SCR 415 30 (1974) 4 SCC 186



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Kumar vs. State  of  Bihar31,  Satyajit  Banerjee vs. State  of

West  Bengal32,  U.T.  of  Dadra  &  Haveli vs. Fatehsinh

Mohansinh Chauhan33,  Iddar vs. Aabida34,  Himanshu Singh

Sabharwal vs. State of M.P.35,  Godrej Pacific Tech. Ltd. vs.

Computer Joint India Ltd.36,  Hanuman Ram vs. The State of

Rajasthan37,  Sudevanand vs. State  through  CBI38,  Mohd.

Hussain @ Julfikar Ali vs. The State (Govt. of NCT) Delhi39, J.

Jayalalithaa vs. State of Karnataka40,  Salamat Ali vs. State

(Crl.A. No.242/2010, High Court of Delhi).

9. We have considered the rival submissions.

10. It can hardly be gainsaid that fair trial is a part of guarantee

under  Article  21  of  the  Constitution  of  India.   Its  content  has

primarily to be determined from the statutory provisions for conduct

of trial, though in some matters where statutory provisions may be

silent, the court may evolve a principle of law to meet a situation

which has not been provided for.  It is also true that principle of fair

trial has to be kept in mind for interpreting the statutory provisions.

11.  It is further well settled that fairness of trial has to be seen not

only from the point of view of the accused, but also from the point 31 (2002) 1 SCC 655 32 (2005) 1 SCC 115 33 (2006) 7 SCC 529 34 (2007) 11 SCC 211 35 (2008) 3 SCC 602 36 (2008) 11 SCC 108 37 (2008) 15 SCC 652 38 (2012) 3 SCC 387 39 AIR (2012) SC 750 40 (2014) 2 SCC 401



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of view of the victim and the society.  In the name of fair trial, the

system cannot be held to ransom.  The accused is entitled to be

represented by a counsel of his choice, to be provided all relevant

documents, to cross-examine the prosecution witnesses and to lead

evidence  in  his  defence.   The  object  of  provision for  recall  is  to

reserve the power with the court  to  prevent  any injustice  in  the

conduct of the trial at any stage.  The power available with the court

to prevent injustice has to be exercised only if the Court, for valid

reasons, feels that injustice is caused to a party.  Such a finding,

with reasons, must be specifically recorded by the court before the

power is exercised.  It is not possible to lay down precise situations

when such power can be exercised.  The Legislature in its wisdom

has left the power undefined.  Thus, the scope of the power has to

be considered from case to case.  The guidance for the purpose is

available in several decisions relied upon by the parties.  It will be

sufficient to refer to only some of the decisions for the principles

laid down which are relevant for this case.

12. In  Rajaram case, the complainant was examined but he did

not support the prosecution case.  On account of subsequent events

he changed his mind and applied for recall under Section 311 Cr.P.C.

which was declined by the trial court but allowed by the High Court.

This Court held such a course to be impermissible, it was observed :



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“13.  ..    In  order to appreciate the stand of  the appellant it will be worthwhile to refer to Section 311 CrPC, as well as Section 138 of the Evidence Act. The same are extracted hereunder:

Section 311, Code of Criminal Procedure “311. Power  to  summon material  witness,  or examine person present.—Any court may, at any stage of any inquiry, trial or other proceeding under this  Code,  summon  any  person  as  a  witness,  or examine  any  person  in  attendance,  though  not summoned as  a  witness,  or  recall  and re-examine any person  already examined;  and the  court  shall summon and examine or recall and re-examine any such  person  if  his  evidence  appears  to  it  to  be essential to the just decision of the case.”

* * * Section 138, Evidence Act

“138. Order  of  examinations.—Witnesses  shall be first examined-in-chief then (if the adverse party so  desires)  cross-examined,  then  (if  the  party calling him so desires) re-examined. The examination and cross-examination must relate to relevant facts but the cross-examination need not be  confined  to  the  facts  to  which  the  witness testified on his examination-in-chief.

Direction  of  re-examination.—The re-examination shall be directed to the explanation of matters referred to in cross-examination; and if new  matter  is,  by  permission  of  the  court, introduced  in  re-examination,  the  adverse  party may further cross-examine upon that matter.”

14. A  conspicuous  reading  of  Section  311  CrPC would show that widest of the powers have been invested  with  the  courts  when  it  comes  to  the question  of  summoning  a  witness  or  to  recall  or re-examine  any  witness  already  examined.  A reading of the provision shows that the expression “any”  has  been  used  as  a  prefix  to  “court”, “inquiry”, “trial”, “other proceeding”, “person as a witness”,  “person  in  attendance  though  not summoned  as  a  witness”,  and  “person  already examined”. By using the said expression “any” as a



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prefix to the various expressions mentioned above, it is ultimately stated that all that was required to be satisfied by the court was only in relation to such evidence that appears to the court to be essential for the just decision of the case. Section 138 of the Evidence Act, prescribed the order of examination of  a  witness  in  the  court.  The  order  of re-examination is also prescribed calling for such a witness  so  desired  for  such  re-examination. Therefore,  a  reading  of  Section  311  CrPC  and Section 138 Evidence Act, insofar as it comes to the question  of  a  criminal  trial,  the  order   of re-examination at the desire of  any person under Section  138,  will  have  to  necessarily  be  in consonance  with  the  prescription  contained  in Section 311 CrPC. It  is,  therefore,  imperative that the  invocation  of  Section  311  CrPC  and  its application in a particular case can be ordered by the court,  only by bearing in mind the object and purport of the said provision, namely, for achieving a just decision of the case as noted by us earlier. The power vested under the said provision is made available to any court at any stage in any inquiry or trial  or other proceeding initiated under the Code for  the  purpose  of  summoning  any  person  as  a witness or for examining any person in attendance, even though not summoned as witness or to recall or  re-examine  any  person  already  examined. Insofar  as  recalling  and  re-examination  of  any person  already  examined  is  concerned,  the  court must  necessarily  consider  and  ensure  that  such recall and re-examination of any person, appears in the view of  the court  to be essential  for  the just decision  of  the  case.  Therefore,  the  paramount requirement  is  just  decision  and for  that  purpose the  essentiality  of  a  person  to  be  recalled  and re-examined  has  to  be  ascertained.  To  put  it differently,  while  such a widest power is  invested with the court, it is needless to state that exercise of such power should be made judicially and also with extreme care and caution.”

13. After  referring  to  earlier  decisions  on  the  point,  the  Court

culled out following principles to be borne in mind :

“17.1. Whether the court is right in thinking that the  new  evidence  is  needed  by  it?  Whether  the



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evidence sought to be led in under Section 311 is noted by the court for a just decision of a case? 17.2. The  exercise  of  the  widest  discretionary power under Section 311 CrPC should ensure that the judgment should not be rendered on inchoate, inconclusive and speculative presentation of facts, as thereby the ends of justice would be defeated. 17.3. If  evidence  of  any  witness  appears  to  the court  to  be  essential  to  the  just  decision  of  the case, it is the power of the court to summon and examine or recall and re-examine any such person. 17.4. The  exercise  of  power  under  Section  311 CrPC should be resorted to only with the object of finding out the truth or obtaining proper proof for such  facts,  which  will  lead  to  a  just  and  correct decision of the case. 17.5. The  exercise  of  the  said  power  cannot  be dubbed as filling in a lacuna in a prosecution case, unless  the  facts  and  circumstances  of  the  case make it apparent that the exercise of power by the court would result  in causing serious prejudice to the accused, resulting in miscarriage of justice. 17.6. The  wide  discretionary  power  should  be exercised judiciously and not arbitrarily. 17.7. The court  must  satisfy  itself  that  it  was in every respect essential to examine such a witness or to recall him for further examination in order to arrive at a just decision of the case. 17.8. The  object  of  Section  311  CrPC simultaneously  imposes  a  duty  on  the  court  to determine the truth and to render a just decision. 17.9. The  court  arrives  at  the  conclusion  that additional  evidence  is  necessary,  not  because  it would  be  impossible  to  pronounce  the  judgment without it, but because there would be a failure of justice without such evidence being considered. 17.10. Exigency of the situation, fair play and good sense should be the safeguard, while exercising the discretion.  The court should bear in mind that no party in a trial  can be foreclosed from correcting errors and that if proper evidence was not adduced or a relevant material was not brought on record due  to  any  inadvertence,  the  court  should  be magnanimous  in  permitting  such  mistakes  to  be rectified.



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17.11. The  court  should  be  conscious  of  the position that after all  the trial  is  basically for the prisoners  and  the  court  should  afford  an opportunity to them in the fairest manner possible. In that parity of reasoning, it would be safe to err in favour of the accused getting an opportunity rather than  protecting  the  prosecution  against  possible prejudice  at  the  cost  of  the  accused.  The  court should  bear  in  mind  that  improper  or  capricious exercise of such a discretionary power, may lead to undesirable results. 17.12. The  additional  evidence  must  not  be received as a disguise or to change the nature of the case against any of the party. 17.13. The  power  must  be  exercised  keeping  in mind that the evidence that is likely to be tendered, would be germane to the issue involved and also ensure that an opportunity  of rebuttal is  given to the other party. 17.14. The  power  under  Section  311  CrPC  must therefore, be invoked by the court only in order to meet  the  ends  of  justice  for  strong  and  valid reasons and the same must be exercised with care, caution and circumspection. The court should bear in  mind  that  fair  trial  entails  the  interest  of  the accused, the victim and the society and, therefore, the  grant  of  fair  and  proper  opportunities  to  the persons  concerned,  must  be  ensured  being  a constitutional goal, as well as a human right.”

14. In  Hoffman Andreas  case, the counsel who was conducting

the case was ill and died during the progress of the trial.  The new

counsel sought recall on the ground that the witnesses could not be

cross-examined on account of illness of the counsel.   This prayer

was  allowed  in  peculiar  circumstances  with  the  observation  that

normally a closed trial could not be reopened but illness and death

of the counsel was in the facts and circumstances considered to be

a valid ground for recall of witnesses.  It was observed :



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“6. Normally,  at  this  late  stage,  we  would  be disinclined to open up a closed trial once again. But we  are  persuaded  to  consider  it  in  this  case  on account of  the unfortunate development that took place  during  trial  i.e.  the  passing  away  of  the defence  counsel  midway  of  the  trial.  The  counsel who was engaged for defending the appellant had cross-examined  the  witnesses  but  he  could  not complete the trial because of his death. When the new counsel took up the matter he would certainly be  under  the  disadvantage  that  he  could  not ascertain  from  the  erstwhile  counsel  as  to  the scheme  of  the  defence  strategy  which  the predeceased advocate had in mind or as to why he had not put further questions on certain aspects. In such circumstances, if the new counsel thought to have the material  witnesses further examined the Court could adopt latitude and a liberal view in the interest of justice, particularly when the Court has unbridled  powers  in  the  matter  as  enshrined  in Section  311  of  the  Code.  After  all  the  trial  is basically for the prisoners and courts should afford the  opportunity  to  them  in  the  fairest  manner possible.”

15. The above observations cannot be read as laying down any

inflexible  rule  to  routinely  permit  a  recall  on  the  ground  that

cross-examination  was  not  proper  for  reasons  attributable  to  a

counsel.  While advancement of justice remains the prime object of

law,  it  cannot  be  understood  that  recall  can  be  allowed  for  the

asking or reasons related to mere convenience.  It has normally to

be  presumed  that  the  counsel  conducting  a  case  is  competent

particularly  when  a  counsel  is  appointed by choice  of  a  litigant.

Taken to its logical end, the principle that a retrial must follow on

every  change  of  a  counsel,  can  have  serious  consequences  on

conduct of trials and the criminal justice system.  Witnesses cannot

be expected to face the hardship of appearing in court repeatedly,



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particularly in sensitive cases such as the present one.  It can result

in undue hardship for victims, especially so, of heinous crimes, if

they  are  required  to  repeatedly  appear  in  court  to  face


16. The interest of justice may suffer if the counsel conducting the

trial is physically or mentally unfit on account of any disability.  The

interest  of  the  society  is  paramount  and  instead  of  trials  being

conducted  again  on account  of  unfitness  of  the  counsel,  reform

may appear to be necessary so that such a situation does not arise.

Perhaps  time  has  come  to  review  the  Advocates  Act  and  the

relevant Rules to examine the continued fitness of an advocate to

conduct  a  criminal  trial  on  account  of  advanced  age  or  other

mental or physical infirmity, to avoid grievance that an Advocate

who conducted trial was unfit or incompetent.  This is an aspect

which  needs  to  be  looked  into  by  the  concerned  authorities

including the Law Commission and the Bar Council of India.

17. In State (NCT of Delhi) vs. Navjot Sandhu41, this Court held:

“167. ………. we do not think that the Court should dislodge the counsel and go on searching for some other counsel to the liking of the accused. The right to  legal  aid  cannot  be  taken  thus  far.  It  is  not demonstrated before  us  as  to  how the case  was mishandled by the advocate appointed as amicus except  pointing  out  stray  instances  pertaining  to the cross-examination of one or two witnesses. The very decision relied upon by the learned counsel for the  appellant,  namely,  Strickland v.  Washington makes it clear that judicial scrutiny of a counsel’s

41 (2005) 11 SCC 600



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performance  must  be  careful,  deferential  and circumspect as the ground of ineffective assistance could be easily raised after an adverse verdict at the trial. It was observed therein:

“Judicial  scrutiny  of  the  counsel’s performance must be highly deferential. It is all  too  tempting  for  a  defendant  to second-guess the counsel’s assistance after conviction or adverse sentence, and it is all too easy for a court, examining the counsel’s defence after it has proved unsuccessful, to conclude that a particular act of omission of the counsel  was unreasonable.  Cf.  Engle v. Isaac [456 US 107 (1982) at pp. 133-134). A fair  assessment  of  attorney  performance requires  that  every  effort  be  made  to eliminate the distorting effects of hindsight, to  reconstruct  the  circumstances  of  the counsel’s  challenged  conduct,  and  to evaluate  the  conduct  from  the  counsel’s perspective  at  the  time.  Because  of  the difficulties inherent in making the evaluation, a court must indulge in a strong presumption that  the  counsel’s  conduct  falls  within  the wide  range  of  reasonable  professional assistance;.…”

18. It  may  be  proper  to  recall  that  the  present  case  is  in  the

category of cases where the trial is required to be fast tracked.  In

fact this Court directed in Shivanna [(2014) 8 SCC 916] as under :

“2. While we propose to consider this matter on merits  after  service  of  notice  to  the respondent-accused, we feel acutely concerned as to why the Union of India should not take initiative and  steps  to  evolve  a  procedure  for  fast-track justice to be adopted by the investigating agencies and  the  Fast  Track  Courts  by  proposing amendments  to  CrPC  for  speedy  justice  to  the victim. 3. Fast Track Courts no doubt are being constituted for  expeditious  disposal  of  cases  involving  the charge  of  rape  at  the  trial  stage,  but  we  are perturbed  and  anguished  to  notice  that  although there  are  Fast  Track  Courts  for  disposal  of  such



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cases, we do not yet have a fast-track procedure for dealing with cases of rape and gang rape lodged under  Section  376  IPC  with  the  result  that  such heinous offences are repeated incessantly. 4. We are of the considered opinion that there is pressing need to introduce drastic amendments to CrPC in the nature of fast-track procedure for Fast Track  Courts  and  here  is  an  occasion  where  we deem it just and appropriate to issue notice and call upon the Union of  India to file its response as to why it should not take initiative and sincere steps for  introducing  necessary  amendment  into  CrPC, 1973  involving  trial  for  the  charge  of  “rape”  by directing that all the witnesses who are examined in relation to the offence and incident of rape cases should  be  straightaway  produced  before  the Magistrate for recording their statement to be kept in sealed cover and thereafter the same be treated as evidence at the stage of trial which may be put to  test  by  subjecting  it  to  cross-examination.  We are further of the view that the statement of victim should  as  far  as  possible  be  recorded  before  the Judicial Magistrate under Section 164 CrPC skipping over the recording of statement by the police under Section 161 CrPC which in any case is inadmissible except  for  contradiction  so that  the statement  of the accused thereafter be recorded under Section 313 CrPC. The accused then can be committed to the  appropriate  court  for  trial  whereby  the  trial court can straightaway allow cross-examination of the  witnesses  whose  evidence  were  recorded earlier before the Magistrate. 5. What we wish to emphasise is that the recording of  evidence  of  the  victim  and  other  witnesses multiple times ought to be put to an end which is the primary reason for delay of the trial. We are of the view that if  the evidence is recorded for the first time itself before the Judicial Magistrate under Section 164 CrPC and the same be kept in sealed cover to be treated as deposition of the witnesses and  hence  admissible  at  the  stage  of  trial  with liberty to the defence to cross-examine them with further liberty to the accused to lead his defence witnesses  and  other  evidence  with  a  right  to cross-examination by the prosecution, it can surely cut  short  and  curtail  the  protracted  trial  if  it  is introduced at least for trial of rape cases which is bound to reduce the duration of trial and thus offer



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a speedy remedy by way of a fast-track procedure to the Fast Track Court to resort to. 6. Considering  the  consistent  recurrence  of  the heinous crime of rape and gang rape all over the country including the metropolitan cities, we are of the  view  that  it  is  high  time  such  measures  of reform in CrPC be introduced after due deliberation and  debate  by  the  legal  fraternity  as  also  all concerned.  We,  therefore,  deem  it  just  and appropriate  to issue notice  to the Union of  India through the Attorney General which the counsel for the petitioner is directed to serve by way of dasti summons. The matter be posted again on 3-9-2013 for further consideration.”

19. In  continuation  of  the  above,  further  order  dated 25th April,

2014 [(2014) 8 SCC 913] was passed as follows :

“10.1. Upon receipt of information relating to the commission  of  offence of  rape,  the  investigating officer  shall  make  immediate  steps  to  take  the victim  to  any  Metropolitan/preferably  Judicial Magistrate  for  the  purpose  of  recording  her statement under Section 164 CrPC. A copy of the statement  under  Section  164  CrPC  should  be handed  over  to  the  investigating  officer immediately  with  a  specific  direction  that  the contents  of  such  statement  under  Section  164 CrPC  should  not  be  disclosed  to  any  person  till charge-sheet/report  under  Section  173  CrPC  is filed. 10.2. The  investigating  officer  shall  as  far  as possible  take  the  victim  to  the  nearest  Lady Metropolitan/preferably Lady Judicial Magistrate. 10.3. The  investigating  officer  shall  record specifically  the  date  and  the  time  at  which  he learnt about the commission of the offence of rape and the date and time at which he took the victim to  the  Metropolitan/preferably  Lady  Judicial Magistrate as aforesaid. 10.4. If there is any delay exceeding 24 hours in taking  the  victim  to  the  Magistrate,  the investigating officer should record the reasons for the same in the case diary and hand over a copy of the same to the Magistrate.



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10.5. Medical  examination of  the victim: Section 164-A  CrPC  inserted  by  Act  25  of  2005  in  CrPC imposes an obligation on the part of investigating officer to get the victim of the rape immediately medically examined. A copy of the report of such medical  examination  should  be  immediately handed  over  to  the  Magistrate  who  records  the statement of the victim under Section 164 CrPC. 11. A copy of this order thus be circulated to all the  Directors  General  of  Police  of  all  the States/Commissioners  of  Police  in  Metropolitan cities/Commissioners of Police of Union Territories who are then directed to send a copy of this order to  all  the  Police  Stations-in-Charge  in  their States/Union Territories for its compliance in cases which are registered on or after the receipt of a copy of these directions. Necessary instructions by the DGPs/Commissioners of Police be also issued to all  the  Police  Stations-in-Charge  by  the DGPs/Commissioners  of  Police  incorporating  the directions  issued  by  us  and  recorded hereinbefore.”

20. In  Mir. Mohd. Omar vs. Stateof W.B.42 after the statement

of  the  accused  under  Section  313  was  recorded,  the  public

prosecutor filed an application for his re-examination on the ground

that some more questions are required to be asked.  The application

was rejected by the trial court but allowed by the High Court.  This

Court disapproved the course adopted and held :

“16.  ……….Here again it  may be noted that  the prosecution has closed the evidence. The accused have  been  examined  under  Section  313  of  the Code. The prosecution did not at any stage move the  trial  Judge  for  recalling  PW  34  for  further examination.  In  these  circumstances,  the  liberty reserved  to  the  prosecution  to  recall  PW 34  for re-examination is undoubtedly uncalled for.”

42 (1989) 4 SCC 436



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21. We may also note that the approach to deal with a case of this

nature  has  to  different  from  other  cases.  We  may  refer  to  the

judgment  of  this  court  in  Gurmit  Singh case,  wherein  it  was


“8.   ………The  courts  must,  while  evaluating evidence, remain alive to the fact that in a case of rape,  no  self-respecting  woman  would  come forward  in  a  court  just  to  make  a  humiliating statement against her honour such as is involved in the commission of rape on her. In cases involving sexual molestation, supposed considerations which have  no  material  effect  on  the  veracity  of  the prosecution  case  or  even  discrepancies  in  the statement of the prosecutrix should not, unless the discrepancies are such which are of  fatal nature, be  allowed  to  throw  out  an  otherwise  reliable prosecution case. The inherent bashfulness of the females  and the  tendency to  conceal  outrage of sexual  aggression  are  factors  which  the  courts should not overlook. The testimony of the victim in such cases is vital and unless there are compelling reasons which necessitate looking for corroboration of  her  statement,  the  courts  should  find  no difficulty  to  act  on  the  testimony  of  a  victim  of sexual assault alone to convict an accused where her testimony inspires confidence and is found to be reliable…….”            xxxxx 21. Of late, crime against women in general and rape in particular is on the increase. It is an irony that while we are celebrating woman’s rights in all spheres,  we  show  little  or  no  concern  for  her honour.  It  is  a  sad  reflection  on  the  attitude  of indifference of the society towards the violation of human dignity  of  the  victims  of  sex  crimes.  We must remember that a rapist not only violates the victim’s  privacy  and  personal  integrity,  but inevitably causes serious psychological as well as physical harm in the process. Rape is not merely a physical  assault  —  it  is  often  destructive  of  the whole  personality  of  the  victim.  A  murderer destroys the physical body of  his victim, a rapist degrades the very soul of the helpless female. The courts,  therefore,  shoulder  a  great  responsibility



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while trying an accused on charges of rape. They must  deal  with  such  cases  with  utmost sensitivity….”  

22. We may now refer to the orders passed by the trial Court dated

18th February,  2015  and  the  High  Court  dated  4th March,  2015.

Referring to the ground of the earlier counsel not being competent,

the trial court observed that the counsel was of the choice of the

accused.  The accused was not facing a criminal trial for the first

time.  The cross-examination of  witnesses was deferred time and

again to enable the counsel to seek instructions from the accused.

The  cross-examination  of  the  prosecutrix  was  deferred  on  15th

January, 2015 to enable the counsel to have legal interview with the

accused.   After  part  of  cross-examination  on 16th January,  2015,

further  cross-examination  was  concluded  on  17th January,  2015.

Cross-examination of  PW 13 was deferred  on the request  of  the

accused.  Similarly, cross-examination of PWs 22, 26 and 27 was

deferred on the request of the defence counsel.  After referring to

the record, the trial court observed as under :

“22. The aforesaid proceedings clearly bely the claim of the accused/applicant that the case has been  proceeding  at  a  “hurried  pace”  or  that  he was not duly represented by a defence counsel of his choice.  The claim of the applicant that he was unwilling to continue with his earlier counsel is also nothing  but  a  bundle  of  lie  in  as  much  as  the accused never submitted before the court that he wants to change his counsel.  Rather, it is revealed from the record that the earlier counsel, Sh. Alok Kumar  was  acting  as  per  his  instructions  and having  legal  interview  with  him.   The  accused cannot  be  permitted  to  take  advantage  of  his



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submissions made on the first date i.e. 13/01/2015 that  he  wants  to  engage  a  new  counsel  as  his subsequent  conduct  does  not  support  this submission.  I may also add that before proceeding with the case further, I  had personally asked the accused  in  the  open  court  whether  he  wants  to continue with his counsels and only on getting a reply  in  the  affirmative,  were  the  proceedings continued  further.   It  thus  appears  that  the endeavor of the accused by filing this application is only to delay the proceedings despite the fact that all along the trial his request for adjournment have been duly considered and allowed and he has been duly  represented  by  a  private  counsel  of  his choice.

23. I am also unable to accept the plea of the accused that the counsel representing him earlier was incompetent, being a novice and that he is entitled to recall all the prosecution witnesses now  that  he  has  engaged  a  new  counsel. Although,  Sh.  Alok  Kumr  Dubey  and  Sh.  Ankit Bhatia, both have enrolment number of  2014 as per the Power of Attorney executed by the accused in  their  favour,  however,  to  my  mind  the competence of a Lawyer is subjective and the date of his enrolment with the Bar Council can certainly not  be  said  to  be  a  yardstick  to  measure  his competence.

24. Moreover,  the  competence  of  the new counsel may again be questioned by another counsel, who the accused may choose to engage in future.  This fact was also admitted by Sh. D.K. Mishra  during  the  course  of  arguments  on  the application under consideration.

xxxxxx 27. At this stage, to judge as to whether certain  questions  should  have  been  put  to  the witnesses in cross examination or should not have been  put  to  them,  would  in  my  view  result  in pre-judging as to what are the material portions of the  evidence  and  would  also  amount  to re-appraising  the  entire  cross  examination conducted  by  the  earlier  counsel  to  conclude whether he had done a competent job or not.  This certainly is not within the scope and power of the court u/s. 311 Cr.P.C.  I am supported in my view by the observations of Hon’ble Delhi High Court in its



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order dated 20/02/2008 in case titled as Raminder Singh vs. State, Criminal MC 8479/2006, where it has been held as under :

“In the first place, it requires to be noticed that scope of Section 311 CrPC does not permit  a court to go into the aspect whether material portions of the evidence on record should have been put to the witness in cross-examination to  elicit  their  contradictions.  If  the  court  is required  to  perform  such  an  exercise  every time  an  application  is  filed  under Section 311 then  not  only  would  it  be pre-judging what according to it are `material portions' of the evidence but it would end up reappraising  the  entire  cross-examination conducted  by  a  counsel  to  find  out  if  the counsel had done a competent job or not. This certainly is not within the scope of the power of the trial  court  under Section 311 CrPC. No judgment has been pointed out by the learned Counsel for the petitioner in support of such a contention. Even on a practical level it would well nigh be impossible to ensure expeditious completion  of  trials  if  trial  courts  were expected to perform such an exercise at the conclusion of  the examination of  prosecution witnesses every time.”

28. It may also be relevant to mention that  Article  22(1)  of  the  Constitution  of  India confers  a  Fundamental  Right  upon  an  accused, who  has  been  arrested  by  the  police  to  be defended by a legal practitioner of his choice.  This Fundamental  Right  has  been  duly  acknowledged by  the  Hon’ble  Superior  Courts  in  numerous pronouncements  including  the  case  of  State  of Madhya Pradesh vs. Shobha Ram and others, AIR 1966 SC 1910 wherein  it  has  been observed as under:

“Under Art.  22,  a person who is  arrested for whatever  reason,  gets  three  independent rights.   The  first  is  the  right  to  be  told  the reasons for the arrest as soon as an arrest’s made, the second is the right to be produced before  a  Magistrate  within  24 hours  and the third is right to be defended by advocate of his choice.   When the  Constitution  lays  down in absolute terms a right to be defended by one’ own  counsel,  it  cannot  be  taken  away  by



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ordinary law, and, it is not sufficient to say that the accused was so deprived, of the right, did not  stand  in  danger  of  losing  his  personal liberty.”

29. In the case of State vs. Mohd. Afzal & Ors. 2003 IV AD (Cr.) 205, the Hon’ble Delhi High Court addressed the issue of Fundamental Right of the accused to be represented by a counsel from the point of his arrest especially in a case involving capital  punishment.   The  case  of  US  Supreme Court in Strickland vs.  Washington 466, U.S. 688 (1984) was cited before the Delhi High Court and the ld. Counsel for the accused in that case had argued that the law required a conviction to be set aside where counsel’s assistance was not provided or was ineffective.  Hon’ble Delhi High Court took note of the observations in the said case as well as the Rulings of  the Hon’ble Supreme Court in the case of (1991) 1 SCC 286 Kishore Chand vs. State of Himachal Pradesh, (1931) 1 SCC 627 Khatri  & Ors. vs. State of Bihar & Ors., (1980) 1 SCC 108 Hussainara  Khatoon  &  Ors.  vs.  Home  Secretary, State of Bihar, (1983) 3 SCC 307 Rajan Dwivedi vs. Union  of  India,  (1978)  3  SCC  544  Madhav Hayawadanrao  Hoskot  vs.  State  of  Maharashtra while  dealing  with  this  issue.  It  was  however observed  that  from  hindsight  it  is  easy  to  pick wholes  in  the  cross  examination  conducted  but applying the test in Strickland’s case, it cannot be said  that  it  was  the  constructive  denial  of  the counsels to accused Mohd. Afzal.  The observations of the Hon’ble Delhi High Court were met with the approval  by  Hon’ble  Supreme  Court  when  the matter was decided by the Hon’ble Apex Court by its ruling titled as State vs. Navjot Sandhu & Ors. AIR 2005 SC 3820.

30. The  Hon’ble  Apex  Court,  after considering  the  facts  of  the  case,  nutshell  that “we do not think that the court  should dislodge the Counsel and go on searching for some other counsel to the liking of the accused.  The right to legal aid cannot be taken thus far.”  While relying upon the ruling  in  the case Strickland’s  (supra), the Hon’ble Supreme Court observed that scrutiny of performance of a counsel who has conducted trial should be highly deferential.




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34. It may be noted that the recall of IO and  prosecutrix  has  been  sought  on  the  ground besides others, that she has to be questioned as to why she did not give her sim of her mobile to the IO and why the IO did not ask her for the same. Similarly, it has been submitted that the accused though  admitted  his  potency  report  but  has  not admitted the time and process of the potency test as stated by the IO and thus the 10 needs to be recalled.   Further,  SI  Sandeep  is  required  to  be recalled  for  cross  examination  in  order  to  cross examine him with regard to the document given by the Transporter,  who brought the cab in question from Mathura to Delhi.  It may also be mentioned that in his zest to seek recall of all the prosecution witnesses, the applicant has also sought recall of one lady constable Manju, who as per record was not even examined as a prosecution witness.

35. It  is  further  necessary  to  mention that  on  04/02/2015  accused  had  moved  an application u/s 311 Cr.P.C., thereby seeking recall of prosecutrix  PW-2  and  PW-23  Ayush  Dabas.   The application was dismissed.  The present application has  been  filed  now  seeking  recall  of  all  PWs, including PW-2 and PW-23,  while  the order dated 04/02/2015 still remains unchallenged.

36. The application under consideration is thus nothing but an attempt to protract the trial and  in  fact  seek  an  entire  retrial.   There  is  no change  in  circumstances  except  change  of Counsel, which, to my mind, is no ground to allow the application.   Interestingly,  in  para  17 of  the application,  it  has  been  contended  that  the present counsel is not aware of the scheme and design of defence of the previous counsel and is thus  at  a  loss  and  disadvantageous  position  to defend the accused and for conducting the case as per his acumen and legal expertise, the recalling of PWs are necessary.  It may be noted that the defence of an under trial is not expected to vary from counsel to counsel and irrespective of change of counsel,  an under trial  is  expected to have a single  and  true  line  of  defence  which  cannot change every time he changes a counsel.  Nor can a new counsel defend the case of such an under trial  as  per  the  new  scheme  and  design  in accordance with his acumen and legal expertise.”



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23. The  High  Court  made  a  reference  to  the  Criminal  Law

Amendment Act, 2013 providing for trial relating to offences under

Section 376 and other specified offences being completed within

two months from the date of filing of the charge sheet.  Reference

has  also  been  made  to  circular  issued  by  the  Delhi  High  Court

drawing  the  attention  of  the  judicial  officers  to  the  mandate  of

speedy disposal of session cases.  The High Court also referred to

the decisions of this Court in  Lt. Col. S.J. Chaudhary vs. State

(Delhi  Administration)43,  State  of  U.P. vs. Shambhu  Nath

Singh44,  Akil @ Javed vs. State of NCT of Delhi45 and  Vinod

Kumar vs. State of Punjab46, requiring the trials to be conducted

on day to day basis keeping in view the mandate of Section 309


24. After  rejecting  the  plea  of  the  accused  that  there  was  any

infirmity in the conduct of the trial after detailed reference to the

proceedings, the High Court concluded:

“31. The aforesaid narration of proceedings before the  learned  Additional  Sessions  Judge  clearly reflects that while posting the matter on day to day basis,  the Court’s  only  endeavour  was to comply with the provisions of Section 309 Cr.P.C.  as far as possible while ensuring the right of the accused to a fair trial.  The earlier counsel had been seeking adjournment  for  consulting  the  petitioner  which was duly granted and under these circumstances the submission of learned counsel for the petitioner

43 (1984) 1 SCC 722 44 (2001) 4 SCC 667 45 (2013) 7 SCC 125 46 (2015) 1 SCALE 542



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that  justice  hurried  is  justice  buried,  deserves outright rejection.”

25. It  was  then  observed  that  competence  of  a  counsel  was  a

subjective matter and plea of incompetence of the counsel could

not be easily accepted.  It was observed :

“32.  The other submission of learned counsel for the petitioner that Sh. Alok Dubey, Advocate was not competent to appear as an Advocate inasmuch as he had not  even undergone screening test as required by Bar Council of Delhi Rules and was not issued practice  certificate,  this  submission  is  not fortified by any record.  Much was said against the competency of the earlier counsel representing the petitioner.  However, learned standing counsel for the State was right in submitting that competency of an Advocate is a subjective issue which should not  have  been  attacked  behind  the  back  of  the concerned Advocate.  …  … … … … 33. Learned  Additional  Standing  counsel  for the State has furnished details  of  the number of questions  put  by  the  earlier  counsel  to  the prosecution witnesses for showing the performance of the earlier counsel.  Moreover, one cannot lose sight of the fact that the Advocate was appointed by the petitioner of his own choice.”

26. Inspite  of  the High Court  not  having found any fault  in  the

conduct of the proceedings, it held that “although recalling of all the

prosecution witnesses is not necessary” recall of certain witnesses

was necessary for the reasons given in para 15 (a) to (xx) on the

application of the accused.   It was observed that the accused was

in custody and if  he adopted delaying tactics  it  is  only he who   

would suffer.  



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27. It  is  difficult  to  approve  the  view  taken  by  the  High  Court.

Undoubtedly, fair trial is the objective and it is the duty of the court

to ensure such fairness.  Width of power under Section 311  Cr.P.C. is

beyond any doubt. Not a single specific reason has been assigned

by the High Court as to how in the present case recall of as many as

13 witnesses was necessary as directed in the impugned order.  No

fault  has been found with  the reasoning of  the order of  the trial

court.   The  High  Court  rejected  on  merits  the  only  two  reasons

pressed before it that the trial was hurried and the counsel was not

competent.   In  the  face  of  rejecting  these  grounds,  without

considering the hardship to the witnesses, undue delay in the trial,

and without any other cogent reason, allowing recall merely on the

observation that it is only the accused who will suffer by the delay

as  he  was  in  custody  could,  in  the  circumstances,  be  hardly

accepted as valid or serving the ends of justice.  It is not only matter

of  delay but  also of  harassment  for  the witnesses to  be recalled

which could not be justified on the ground that the accused was in

custody  and  that  he  would  only  suffer  by  prolonging  of  the

proceedings. Certainly recall could be permitted if essential for the

just decision but not on such consideration as has been adopted in

the present case.  Mere observation that recall was necessary “for

ensuring fair trial” is not enough unless there are tangible reasons

to show how the fair trial suffered without recall.   Recall  is not a



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matter of  course and the discretion given to the court  has to be

exercised judiciously to prevent failure of justice and not arbitrarily.

While the party is even permitted to correct its bona fide error and

may be entitled to further opportunity even when such opportunity

may be sought without any fault on the part of the opposite party,

plea for recall for advancing justice has to be bona fide and has to

be  balanced  carefully  with  the  other  relevant  considerations

including  uncalled  for  hardship  to  the  witnesses   

and  uncalled  for  delay  in  the  trial.   Having  regard  to  these

considerations,  we do not find any ground to justify the recall  of

witnesses already examined.

28. It  will  also  be  pertinent  to  mention  that  power  of  judicial

superintendence under  Article  227 of  the Constitution and under

Section  482  Cr.P.C.  has  to  be  exercised  sparingly  when  there  is

patent error or gross injustice in the view taken by a subordinate

court47*.   A finding to this effect has to be supported by reasons.  In

the  present  case,  the  High  Court  has  allowed  the  prayer  of  the

accused, even while finding no error in the view taken by the trial

court,  merely  by  saying  that  exercise  of  power  was  required  for

granting fair and proper opportunity to the accused.  No reasons

have been recorded in support of this observation.  On the contrary,

the view taken by the trial court rejecting the stand of the accused

4747* Jasbir Singh vs. State of Punjab (2006) 8 SCC 294, prs. 10 to 14  



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has been affirmed.  Thus, the conclusion appears to be inconsistent

with the reasons in the impugned order.  

29. We may now sum up our reasons for disapproving the view of

the High Court in the present case:

(i) The  trial  court  and  the  High  Court  held  that  the accused had appointed counsel of his choice.  He was facing  trial  in  other  cases  also.   The  earlier  counsel were given due opportunity  and had duly conducted cross-examination.  They were under no handicap;

(ii) No  finding  could  be  recorded  that  the  counsel appointed  by  the  accused  were  incompetent particularly at back of such counsel;

(iiii) Expeditious trial in a heinous offence as is alleged in the present case is in the interests of justice;

(iv) The trial Court as well as the High Court rejected the reasons for recall of the witnesses;

(v) The Court has to keep in mind not only the need for giving fair opportunity to the accused but also the need for ensuring that the victim of the crime is not unduly harassed;

(vi) Mere fact that the accused was in custody and that he will suffer by the delay could be no consideration for allowing recall of witnesses, particularly at the fag end of the trial;

(vii) Mere change of counsel cannot be ground to recall the witnesses;

(viii) There is no basis for holding that any prejudice will be caused  to  the  accused  unless  the  witnesses  are recalled;

(ix) The High Court has not rejected the reasons given by the trial court nor given any justification for permitting recall  of  the  witnesses  except  for  making  general observations that recall was necessary for ensuring fair trial.  This observation is contrary to the reasoning of the High Court in dealing with the grounds for recall, i.e.,  denial  of  fair  opportunity  on  account  of incompetence  of  earlier  counsel  or  on  account  of expeditious proceedings;



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(x) There  is  neither  any  patent  error  in  the  approach adopted by the trial court rejecting the prayer for recall nor any clear injustice if such prayer is not granted.

30. Accordingly, we allow these appeals, set aside the impugned

order  passed  by  the  High  Court  and  dismiss  the  application  for


…………..……..…………………………….J.      [ JAGDISH SINGH KHEHAR]

…………..….………………………………..J.                 [ ADARSH KUMAR GOEL]