10 December 2013
Supreme Court


Case number: SLP(C) No.-025237-025237 / 2010
Diary number: 8862 / 2010


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Abhay Singh                       ....PETITIONER


State of Uttar Pradesh and others         ...RESPONDENTS  



Abhay Singh                       ....PETITIONER


Union of India and another               ....RESPONDENTS  



One  of  the  several  questions  of  public  and  

constitutional importance raised by Shri Harish Salve,  

learned  senior  counsel,  who  initially  appeared  on


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behalf of the petitioner in the special leave petitions  

filed  against  order  dated  21.8.2009  passed  by  the  

Division Bench of the Allahabad High Court in C.M.W.P.  

No. 15440 of 1998 quashing the withdrawal of “Z Grade  

Security”  provided  to  Respondent  No.6-Pramod  Tiwari,  

but later on assumed the role of an Amicus, is whether  

the  Constitution  contemplates  categorization  of  

citizens into two groups and whether the entitlement to  

use signs and symbols of authority, such as lights of  

different colours including red lights, insignia, and  

convoys/escorts  by  public  servants  and  persons,  who  

hold public offices under the States or the Union of  

India,  is  contrary  to  constitutional  ethos  and  the  

basic  feature  of  republicanism  enshrined  in  the  


Notice of the special leave petitions was issued  

on 25.8.2010.  After an adjournment, the Court passed  

detailed order dated 14.10.2011, which reads as under:

“Although,  the  prayer  made  in  this  petition  filed under Article 136 of the Constitution is  for  setting  aside  the  order  passed  by  the  Division Bench of Allahabad High Court directing  consideration of the case of respondent No. 6  for providing 'Z' category security to him and  his family members, at the hearing Shri Harish  N.  Salve,  Learned  Senior  counsel  for  the  petitioner submitted that dehors the facts of  the  case,  the  Court  should  examine  important  issues  affecting  an  important  facet  of  the  Constitutional  democracy  i.e.  whether  the  country should have two categories of citizens,  of  which  one  enjoys  all  sorts  of  privileges


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including  unwanted  security  at  public  expense  and is also allowed to use different kinds of  symbols which represented the authority of the  State  in  pre-independence  era  and  the  fundamental rights to life and liberty of other  category are not protected. Shri Salve suggested  that the following questions may be considered  by the Court:

1. Whether the permission to use signs and symbols  of  authority,  such  as  beacons,  insignia,  and  convoys/escorts by public servants or any person  who holds any office under the States or the  Union of India, or any other person, is contrary  to Article 18 and 38 and the basic feature of  republicanism enshrined in the Constitution?

2. Whether the State was and is under an affirmat- ive obligation to ensure that the vision of the  founding fathers to change the perception of the  State and its functionaries from rulers to pub- lic servants who are to serve rather than govern  the  people,  was  implemented  in  letter  and  spirit?

3. Whether by virtue of Article 21 read with Art- icle 14, State is under an obligation to afford  the same degree of protection to the safety and  security of every person irrespective of any of- fice held by such person or status of such per- son or any other factor?  

4. Whether the grant of protection [by way of es- corts or otherwise], particularly at the expense  of the State, on the basis of an office held by  a person or any other factor [other than a per- ceived need to grant heightened protection on  account of aggravated threat to the life of any  person on account of his lawful occupation, as- sessed on an objective basis] is illegal, ultra  vires and unconstitutional?

5. Whether the State is under an obligation to en- sure that any heightened protection granted to  any person, or any special security arrangements  made for any person, holding public office, is  done in a manner that does not violate the prin- ciple  of  republicanism  and  the  provisions  or  Art. 18 and 21 of the Constitution?  

Shri Pallav Shishodia, learned senior coun- sel appearing for respondent No.6 says that  the questions proposed by the learned coun- sel  appearing  for  the  petitioner  are  of


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great public importance and he will have no  objection  if  same  are  considered  by  the  Court. He also suggested that the Court may  suo  motu  order  impleadment  of  all  the  States and Union Territories as parties so  that they may also make appropriate submis- sions.  

We have considered the submissions of the  learned counsel and are prima facie satis- fied  first  four  of  the  five  questions  framed by Shri Salve would require detailed  examination.  

Let notice be issued to all the States and  Union Territories through their Secretar- ies, Home Department so as to enable them  to file their written response in the con- text  of  question  No.  1  to  4  framed  by  learned  senior  counsel  appearing  for  the  petitioner.  Notice  is  returnable  in  six  weeks.  

Keeping in view the importance of the ques- tions  framed  hereinabove,  we  request  the  learned  Solicitor  General  to  assist  the  Court.”  

On 17.1.2013, the  Court  considered  the  prayer  

made  in  the application filed on behalf of  the  SLP  

petitioner  and  passed  the  following order:

"Shri  Harish  Salve,  learned   senior  counsel  representing  the  petitioner  in  S.L.P.(C) No.25237 of  2010  place   before  the Court  an application for direction in  which it has been  prayed that a direction  may  be  issued  to  all   the  States   and  Union  Territories to furnish information  under the following headings:

(a)  The Rules, Orders or Guidelines, if  any,  in  the  State  which  prescribe  the  policy  for  permitting  Red  Lights  on  vehicles to various persons in the state.

(b)  The Rules, Orders or Guidelines, if  any,  in  the  state  which  prescribe  the  policy  of  the  state  for  permitting


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security personnel to individuals.

(c)  The Names and the designation of the  persons  to  whom  security  personnel  have  been provided and the number of security  persons provided to them.

(d)   Total  cost  borne  by  the  state  for  providing security  in terms as aforesaid.

         (e)  Total number of security personnel in  the state  and  the total  number  of  such  personnel  who  are  engaged  in  (i)  Maintaining  Law  and   Order, (ii) Crime  Prevention  and  investigation  and  (iii)  Traffic Management.

         Learned counsel for the States and Union  Territories must ensure that affidavits of  the  responsible  officers  of  the  Home  Department of their respective States  and  Union Territories are  filed within three  weeks from today.  Any lapse in this regard  will be viewed seriously.

        For further consideration, list the cases  on 07.02.2013."

On the next effective date  of  hearing,  i.e.,  

14.2.2013,  the Court took into consideration two notes  

made available  by  the learned Amicus and  passed  

detailed  order,  the  relevant portions of which are  

reproduced below:  

           "Before considering the issues raised  in  the  2nd   note  made  available by Shri  Salve,  we  deem it proper to issue the  following directions:

1.  All  the  State  Governments  and  the  Administration of  Union Territories shall  furnish  the  details   of    the   total  expenses incurred in  providing  security


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to   public   functionaries   and  private  individuals  other  than  holders  of  the  constitutional office like the President,  the  Vice-President,  the  Prime  Minister,  the Speaker of the Lok Sabha, the Chairman  of the Rajya Sabha and  the  Chief  Justice  of  India and their counter parts in the  States and Union Territories.

2. Total number of persons other than the  dignitaries,  to  whom  reference  has  been  made in the preceding  paragraph, to whom  security  has  been  provided  at  the  State  expense  giving the details of number of  persons  of  various   cadres  deputed  for  providing security to the various persons.

3. The details of the security provided to  the  children  and  other  family  members  /  relatives  of  the  public  functionaries  within  or  outside  the  State/Union  Territory.

4.  The  details  of  the  persons  who  are  facing  criminal  charges,  charges  of  violating any provisions of law and to whom  security  has  been  provided  at  State  expense.

5. The details of the private individuals  to whom  the  security has been provided at  the cost of public exchequer,  whether in  lieu  of payment made by them or otherwise.

6. Each State Government/Union Territory  shall  security  provided  to  public  functionaries  and  provide  details  of  the  review  undertaken  of  the  private  individuals.

7.  All  the  States  and  Union  Territories  shall file copies of the Rules/Orders which  authorises  the  police  and  other  functionaries  to close roads for movement  of public functionaries  or  their  visits.

8. The notifications issued by the  Central  Government, State Governments and the Union  Territories  authorising  use  of  Sirens  other than by the man in uniform and those


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engaged and providing medical facilities to  the patients  and  victims  of  accidents."

When  the  case  was  taken  up  for  hearing  on  

3.4.2013, Shri  Harish N. Salve made submissions with  

reference to the following three questions:

"1. Whether the use of beacons red-light  and  sirens  by  persons  other  than  high  constitutional functionaries is lawful  and  constitutional?

2.  Whether  the  provision  of  security  to  persons  other  than  the  constitutional  functionaries  without  corresponding  increase in sanctioned strength and without  a specific assessment of threat is lawful  and constitutional?

3. Whether  the  closure  of  roads  for  facilitating movement of VIPs is lawful and  constitutional?"

Further  arguments  were  heard  on  4.4.2013  and  

certain  directions  were  issued  in  the  light  of  the  

provisions of the Motor Vehicles Act, 1988 (for short,  

‘the 1988 Act’), the Central Motor Vehicles Rules, 1989  

(for short, ‘the 1989 Rules’)and the Rules framed by  

the State Governments, the relevant portions of which  

are extracted hereunder:

“The Motor Vehicles Act was enacted in 1988 and  the Rules were framed by the Central Government  and  various  State  Governments  in  1989.  The  legislative bodies and the authorities have not  thought it proper to make appropriate amendments  to bring the provisions of the Act and the Rules  in conformity with the aspirations of the people  of a republic and even now a small section of  the society considers itself to be as a special  category  as  compared  to  other  citizens.  This  appears  to  be  the  primary  reason  why  the


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Governments  after  Governments  have  issued  notifications under Section 6 of the 1988 Act  and the rules framed thereunder authorizing the  use  of   beacons  on  government  vehicles  (some  persons  use  such  beacons  even  on  private  vehicles). The time has come when the use of  beacons  on  the  vehicles,  government  or  non- government is drastically restricted so that the  people’s  right  to  freedom  of  movement  is  not  hindered in any manner whatsoever.

Learned counsel representing some of the State  Governments have not controverted the assertion  made  by  Shri  Salve  that  not  only  the  high  dignitaries on duty but large number of other  elected and non-elected persons are allowed to  use beacons and sirens/hooters causing serious  invoncenience to the general public using the  roads and even otherwise.

Shri Salve also brought to our notice the fact  that the vehicles of the State neighbouring NCT  of Delhi use beacons with flashers and sirens  even though they are not permitted to do so in  the NCT of Delhi.

With a view to ensure that menace of beacons on  vehicles and use of sirens is stopped except in  the  cases  of  heads  of  the  constitutional  institutions,  we  deem  it  proper  to  give  an  opportunity to the Central Government as also  the  Governments  of  all  the  States  and  the  Administration of the Union Territories to amend  the  relevant  provisions  of  the  Rules  and  the  notifications  issued  under  Rule  108  of  the  Central  Motor  Vehicles  Rules,  1989  and  corresponding provisions in the State Rules as  also Rule 119 for restricting the use of beacons  by the heads of political executive, legislature  and judiciary only and total prohibition on the  use of siren except by police, ambulance, fire  fighters,  Army  and  those  permitted  in  Rule  119(3) of the 1989 Rules and the corresponding  Rules framed by the State Governments.

We also deem it proper to indicate that it will  be prudent for the Central Government and the  State Governments as well as the administration  of  the  Union  Territories  to  substantially  increase  the  fine  for  violation  of  the


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provisions  of  the  1988  Act  and  in  particular  those  relating  to  the  matters  indicated  hereinabove.”

Shri Mohan Parasaran, learned Solicitor General,  

Shri  Sidharth  Luthra,  learned  Additional  Solicitor  

General  representing  the  Union  of  India  and  Delhi  

Administration  respectively,  and  Shri  Gaurav  Bhatia,  

learned  Additional  Advocate  General,  Uttar  Pradesh  

agreed  that unauthorized  use of  red lights  on motor  

vehicles  and  multi-toned  horns  deserves  to  be  dealt  

with sternly and exemplary fine should be imposed on  

the violators.   

After  considering  their  statement,  the  Court  

adjourned the case to enable them to get in touch with  

the  concerned  authorities  to  find  out  a  possible  

administrative and legislative solution to this menace.  

However, neither the Central Government nor the State  

Governments took any step for checking the menace of  

unauthorized use of red lights and multi-toned horns.

On the next date of hearing, i.e., 19.8.2013, the  

Court  heard  the  arguments  on  the  interpretation  of  

Rules 108 and 119 of the Central Motor Vehicles Rules,  

1989  and  notification  dated  11.1.2002  issued  by  the  

Central Government. Thereafter, the learned Solicitor  

General made available a short note on behalf of the  

Union  of  India  (Ministry  of  Road,  Transport  and


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Highways)  and  the  learned  Amicus  handed  over  note  

containing the gist of his submissions.  Two further  

notes were made available on 4.10.2013 by Shri Sushil  

Kumar  Jain,  Senior  Advocate  representing  the  SLP  


Shri Harish Salve, learned Amicus pointed out that  

Rule 108(1) imposes total prohibition against showing a  

red light to the front or light other than red to rear  

and that exemption envisaged by proviso (iii) to Rule  

108(1)  is  limited  to  a  vehicle  carrying  “high  

dignitaries” as specified by the Central Government or  

the State Governments, from time to time. Shri Salve  

emphasized that even though the term “high dignitaries”  

has  not  been  defined  in  the  1988  Act  and  the  1989  

Rules, keeping in view the Preamble of the Constitution  

which talks of equality of status and the dignity of  

individual,  that  term  must  be  given  a  restricted  

interpretation to include only Heads of three wings of  

the Republic, i.e., the President, the Vice-President,  

the Governors of the States, the Prime Minister, the  

Chief  Ministers,  Speaker  of  the  Lower  House  of  

Parliament,  Speakers  of  Legislative  Assemblies  and  

Chairmen of Legislative Councils and the Chief Justice  

of India and the Chief Justices of the High Courts. He  

submitted  that  while  the  Central  Government  has


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restricted the use of red light with or without flasher  

on the top front of a vehicle carrying high dignitaries  

who  have  been  specified  in  Notification  dated  

11.1.2002, as amended by Notification dated 28.7.2005,  

and that too while on duty, the State Governments have  

exercised the rule making power under Section 110 and  

allowed the use of red lights with or without flasher  

by  a very  large number  of public  representatives at  

various levels as also the public servants and made a  

mockery of the object of proviso (iii) to Rule 108(1).  

The learned Amicus submitted that the use of red light  

with or without flasher on the top of the government  

vehicles  allotted  to  a  large  body  of  public  

representatives and civil servants has become a status  

symbol and those using such vehicles treat themselves  

as a class different than ordinary citizens.  According  

to  Shri  Salve,  the  widespread  use  of  red  lights  on  

government vehicles in the country is reflective of the  

mentality  of  those  who  served  British  Government  in  

India and treated the natives as slaves.  He drew our  

attention  to  the  rules  framed  by  various  State  

Governments and the notifications issued permitting use  

of red lights with or without flasher on the top of the  

vehicles to show that the idea of permitting red light  

on  the  vehicle  carrying  “high  dignitaries”  has  been


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reduced to a farce.

Shri Salve also referred to Rule 119 of the 1989  

Rules and argued that despite total prohibition on use  

of multi-toned horns, vehicles used by public servants  

of  different  categories  are  indulging  in  rampant  

violation of the prohibition. Shri Salve pointed out  

that in terms of Rule 119(3), only in the vehicles used  

as ambulances or for fire fighting or salvage purposes  

or  vehicles used  by police  officers or  operators of  

construction  equipment  vehicles  or  officers  of  the  

Motor Vehicles Department in the course of their duty  

or on construction equipment vehicles, the registering  

authority can permit use of multi-toned horns, but such  

horns are being used by public representatives from the  

lowest to the highest level and civil servants of every  

possible category and those entrusted  with the task of  

enforcing these provisions contemptuously overlook the  


Shri  Mohan  Parasaran,  learned  Solicitor  General  

argued that in the absence of challenge to the vires  

and constitutionality of Rule 108, this Court cannot  

impose  restriction  on  the  power  of  the  Central  

Government  to  specify  the  vehicles  carrying  “high  

dignitaries” which may be permitted to use red light  

with or without flasher.  He further argued that there


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is no valid reason to give a restricted meaning to the  

term “high dignitaries” and it should be left to the  

Central and the State Governments to specify the “high  

dignitaries”.  According  to  the  learned  Solicitor  

General, the vehicles carrying certain dignitaries and  

category of officials constitute a class by themselves  

and  no  illegality  has  been  committed  by  the  State  

Governments  by  allowing  use  of  red  lights  on  the  

vehicles  carrying  a  large  number  of  public  

representatives and public servants.  He submitted that  

fixing  of  red  lights  on  the  vehicles  used  by  civil  

servants is essential for effective discharge of their  

duties.  Learned Solicitor General submitted that such  

use of red lights facilitates the movement of public  

representatives and civil servants.  He then submitted  

that  clause  (e)  of  notification  dated  11.1.2002  

contains conditions for exercise of power by the State  

Government to grant exemption and argued that in some  

cases,  the  State  Government  might  have  violated  the  

conditions specified in notification dated 11.1.2002,  

but that cannot be a ground for restricting the use of  

red lights on the vehicles used by government officers.

Shri Parasaran submitted that (1) men in uniform;  

(2)  operational  agencies  which  require  un-hindered  

access to the road for performance of their duty; (3)


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those  engaged  in  emergency  duties  such  as  ambulance  

services, fire services, emergency maintenance etc; and  

(4) officials in Districts, etc., such as Divisional  

Commissioner,  DM,  ADM,  SDM,  Executive  Magistrates  or  

where their functional requirements necessitate smooth,  

fast and easy passage in certain circumstances, are not  

entitled to use red light on their vehicles but lights  

of other colours, e.g., blue, white, multicoloured etc.

On  the  issue  of  use  of  multi-toned  horns,  the  

learned  Solicitor  General  submitted  that  Rule  119(2)  

imposes total prohibition on the fittings of such horns  

on any vehicle subject to the exceptions specified in  

clause  (3)  thereof  and  the  Union  of  India  is  fully  

committed  to  ensure  total  compliance  of  the  


Shri  Siddharth  Luthra,  learned  Additional  

Solicitor  General  supported  the  argument  of  learned  

Solicitor  General  and  submitted  that  the  term  “high  

dignitaries” should be so interpreted as to include all  

those who are holding constitutional offices, i.e., the  

President, the Vice-President, the Prime Minister,  the  

Speaker of Lok Sabha, the Chief Justice of India, the  

Judges  of  the  Supreme  Court,  Chairman  of  the  Union  

Public Service Commission, the Comptroller and Auditor


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General,  the  Chief  Election  Commissioner  and  their  

counterparts in the States. Shri Luthra also emphasized  

that  use  of  the  lights  of  different  colours  on  the  

vehicles  carrying  civil  servants  is  absolutely  

imperative because that facilitates their movement and  

enables them to effectively discharge their duties.

We  have  considered  the  respective  arguments  and  

perused the provisions of the 1988 Act, the 1989 Rules  

as also the Rules framed by various State Governments  

and Administration of Union Territories.  We have also  

gone  through  notifications  dated  11.1.2002  and  

28.7.2005  issued  by  the  Central  Government  under  

proviso (iii) to Rule 108(1) of the 1989 Rules.

The basics of Indian Republic were outlined in the  

Resolution  moved by  Pandit Jawahar  Lal Nehru  in the  

meeting of the Constituent Assembly held on 13.12.1946.  

The relevant portions of the same are extracted below:

"(1)This Constituent Assembly declares its firm  and  solemn  resolve  to  proclaim  India  as  an  Independent Sovereign Republic and to draw up  for  her  future  governance  a  Constitution;  (2)WHEREIN  the  territories  that  now  comprise  British India, the territories that now form the  Indian States, and such other parts of India as  are outside British India and the States as well  as such other territories as are willing to be  constituted  into  the  Independent  Sovereign  India, shall be a Union of them all; and (3)  WHEREIN the said territories, whether with their  present boundaries or with such others as may be  determined  by  the  Constituent  Assembly  and  thereafter  according  to  the  Law  of  the


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Constitution,  shall  possess  and  retain  the  status  of  autonomous  Units,  together  with  residuary powers, and exercise all powers and  functions of government and administration, save  and  except  such  powers  and  functions  as  are  vested in or assigned to the Union, or as are  inherent or implied in the Union or resulting  therefrom;  and  (4)  WHEREIN  all  power  and  authority  of  the  Sovereign  Independent  India,  its constituent parts and organs of government,  are  derived  from  the  people;  and  (5)WHEREIN  shall  be  guaranteed  and  secured  to  all  the  people of India justice, social, economic and  political; equality of status, of opportunity,  and  before  the  law;  freedom  of  thought,  expression,  belief,  faith  worship,  vocation,  association  and  action,  subject  to  law  and  public  morality;  and  (6)WHEREIN  adequate  safeguards  shall  be  provided  for  minorities,  backward  and  tribal  areas,  and  depressed  and  other backward classes; and (7)WHEREBY shall be  maintained the integrity of the territory of the  Republic and its sovereign rights on land, sea,  and  air  according  to  Justice  and  the  law  of  civilised  nations,  and  (8)this  ancient  land  attains its rightful and honoured place in the  world and make its full and willing contribution  to the promotion of world peace and the welfare  of mankind.

I  hope,  the  House  will  notice  that  in  this  Resolution, although we have not used the word  'democratic' because we thought it is obvious  that the word 'republic' contains that word and  we did not want to use unnecessary words and  redundant words, but we have done something much  more  than  using  the  word.  We  have  given  the  content of democracy in this Resolution and not  only the content of democracy but the content,  if I may say so, of economic democracy in this  Resolution.

The  Resolution  placed  before  you  to-day  has  equality as its underlying theme. The different  sections of the country have been given autonomy  and  India  as  a  whole  remains  one  with  full  sovereignty. We shall stand united in affairs  which demand our unity. The one important thing  in the Resolution is the recognition of India as  a free country. Our country is one and yet we


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shall give full freedom to its various sections  to have for themselves whatever administration  they liked. The present division of our country  into provinces may change. We shall do justice  to all communities and give them full freedom in  their social and religious affairs.

The word 'people' means all the people. I am  myself a servant of the farmers. To work with  them is my highest glory. The term people' is  comprehensive and contains all the people, It  is,  therefore,  my  opinion  that  no  adjective  should be attached to it.”

(emphasis added)

On  15.8.1947,  Dr.  Rajendra  Prasad  addressed  the  

Constituent Assembly of India wherein he identified the  

roles  of  various  sections  of  the  society  and  the  

Government.  The English translation of the address is  

reproduced below:

“Let us in this momentous hour of our history,  when we are assuming power for the governance of  our country, recall in grateful remembrance the  services  and  sacrifices  of  all  those  who  laboured and suffered for the achievement of the  independence we are attaining today. Let us on  this  historic  occasion  pay  our  homage  to  the  maker of our modern history, Mahatma Gandhi, who  has  inspired  and  guided  us  through  all  these  years of trial and travail and who in spite of  the weight of years is still working in his own  way to complete what is left yet unaccomplished.

Let  us  gratefully  acknowledge  that  while  our  achievement is in no small measure due to our  own sufferings, and sacrifices, it is also the  result  of  world  forces  and  events  and  last  though  not  least  it  is  the  consummation  and  fulfilment  of  the  historic  traditions  and  democratic  ideals  of  the  British  race  whose  farsighted leaders and statesmen saw the vision  and gave the pledges which are being redeemed  today. We are happy to have in our midst as a  representative of that race Viscount Mountbatten  of Burma and his consort who have worked hard


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and played such an important part in bringing  this  about  during  the  closing  scenes  of  this  drama. The period of domination by Britain over  India  ends  today  and  our  relationship  with  Britain is henceforward going to rest on a basis  of  equality,  of  mutual  goodwill  and  mutual  profit.

It is undoubtedly a day of rejoicing. But there  is only one thought which mars and detracts from  the fulness of this happy event. India, which  was made by God and Nature to be one, which  culture and tradition and history of millenniums  have made one, is divided today and many there  are on the other side of the boundary who would  much rather be on this side. To them we send a  word of cheer and assurance and ask them not to  give way to panic or despair but to live with  faith and courage in peace with their neighbours  and fulfil the duties of loyal citizenship and  thus  win  their  rightful  place.  We  send  our  greetings  to  the  new  Dominion  which  is  being  established  today  there  and  wish  it  the  best  luck in its great work of governing that region  and  making  all  its  citizens  happy  and  prosperous. We feel assured that they all will  be  treated  fairly  and  justly  without  any  distinction or discrimination. Let us hope and  pray that the day will come when even those who  have  insisted  upon  and  brought  about  this  division will realise India's essential oneness  and  we  shall  be  united  once  again.  We  must  realise however that this can be brought about  not by force but by large heartedness and co- operation and by so managing our affairs on this  side as to attract those who have parted. It may  appear to be a dream but it is no more fantastic  a dream than that of those who wanted a division  and may well be realised even sooner than we  dare hope for today.

More than a day of rejoicing it is a day of  dedication for all of us to build the India of  our dreams. Let us turn our eyes away from the  past and fix our gaze on the future. We have no  quarrel with other nations and countries and let  us hope no one will pick a quarrel with us. By  history and tradition we are a peaceful people  and India wants, to be at peace with the world.  India's Empire outside her own borders has been


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of  a  different  kind  from  all  other  Empires.  India's  conquests  have  been  the  conquests  of  spirit  which  did  not  impose  heavy  chains  of  slavery, whether of iron or of gold, on others  but tied other lands and other peoples to her  with the more enduring ties of golden silk—of  culture  and  civilisation,  of  religion  and  knowledge  (gyan).  We  shall  follow  that  same  tradition and shall have no ambition save that  of contributing our little mite to the building  of peace and freedom in a war-distracted world  by holding aloft the banner under which we have  marched to victory and placing in a practical  manner  in  the  hands  of  the  world  the  great  weapon of Non-violence which has achieved this  unique result. India has a great part to play.  There is something in her life and culture which  has  enabled  her  to  survive  the  onslaughts  of  time and today we witness a new birth full of  promise, if only we prove ourselves true to our  ideals.

Let  us  resolve  to  create  conditions  in  this  country when every individual will be free and  provided  with  the  wherewithal  to  develop  and  rise to his fullest stature, when poverty and  squalor and ignorance and ill-health will have  vanished, when the distinction between high and  low,  between  rich  and  poor,  will  have  disappeared,  when  religion  will  not  only  be  professed and preached and practised freely but  will have become a cementing force for binding  man to man and not serve as a disturbing and  disrupting force dividing and separating, when  untouchability will have been forgotten like an  unpleasant night dream, when exploitation of man  by  man  will  have  ceased,  when  facilities  and  special arrangements will have been provided for  the adimjatis of India and for all others who  are  backward,  to  enable  them  to  catch  up  to  others and when this land will have not only  enough  food  to  feed  its  teeming  millions  but  will once again have become a land flowing with  rivers  of  milk,  when  men  and  women  will  be  laughing and working for all they are worth in  fields  and  factories,  when  every  cottage  and  hamlet will be humming with the sweet music of  village handicrafts and maids will be busy with  them and singing to their tune—when the sun and  the  moon  will  be  shining  on  happy  homes  and


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loving faces.

To bring all this about we need all the idealism  and  sacrifice,  all  the  intelligence  and  diligence, all the determination and the power  of organisation that we can muster. We have many  parties  and  groups  with  differing  ideals  and  ideologies. They are all trying to convert the  country to their own ideologies and to mould the  constitution  and  the  administration  to  suit  their own view point. While they have the right  to do so, the country and the nation have the  right  to  demand  loyalty  from  them.  All  must  realise  that  what  is  needed  most  today  is  a  great constructive effort—not strife, hard solid  work—not argumentation, and let us hope that all  will be prepared to make their contribution. We  want the peasant to grow more food, we want the  workers  to  produce  more  goods,  we  want  our  industrialists to use their intelligence, tact  and resourcefulness for the common good. To all  we must assure conditions of decent and healthy  life and opportunities for self-improvement and  self-realisation.

Not only have the people to dedicate themselves  to this great task that lies ahead but those who  have so far been playing the role of rulers and  regulators of the lives of our men and women  have to assume the role of servants. Our army  has won undying glory in distant lands for its  bravery  and  great  fighting  qualities.  Our  soldiers,  sailors  and  airmen  have  to  realise  that  they  now  form  a  national  army  on  whom  devolves  the  duty  not  only  of  defending  the  freedom which we have won but also to help in a  constructive  way  in  building  up  a  new  life.  There is no place in the armed forces of our  country which is not open to our people, and  what  is  more  they  are  required  to  take  the  highest places as soon as they can so that they  may take full charge of our defences. Our public  servants  in  various  departments  of  Government  have to shed their role as rulers and have to  become true servants of the people that their  compeers are in all free countries. The people  and the Government on their side have to give  them their trust and assure them conditions of  service in keeping with the lives of the people  in whose midst they have to live and serve.


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We welcome the Indian States which have acceded  to India and to their people we offer our hands  of comradeship. To the princes and the rulers of  the  States  we  say  that  we  have  no  designs  against  them.  We  trust  they  will  follow  the  example  of  the  King  of  England  and  become  constitutional  rulers.  They  would  do  well  to  take  as  their  model  the  British  monarchical  system  which  has  stood  the  shock  of  two  successive  world  wars  when  so  many  other  monarchies in Europe have toppled down.

To Indians settled abroad in British Colonies  and  elsewhere  we  send  our  good  wishes  and  assurance  of  our  abiding  interest  in  their  welfare. To our minorities we give the assurance  that they will receive fair and just treatment  and  their  rights  will  be  respected  and  protected.

One of the great tasks which we have in hand is  to  complete  the  constitution  under  which  not  only will freedom and liberty be assured to each  and all but which will enable us to achieve and  attain and enjoy its fulfilment and its fruits.  We must accomplish this task as soon as possible  so that we may begin to live and work under a  constitution of our own making, of which we may  all be proud, and which it may become our pride  and privilege to defend and to preserve to the  lasting good of our people and for the service  of  mankind.  In  framing  that  constitution  we  shall  naturally  draw  upon  the  experience  and  knowledge of other countries and nations no less  than on our own traditions and surroundings and  may have at times to disregard the lines drawn  by  recent  history  and  lay  down  new  boundary  lines  not  only  of  Provinces  but  also  of  distribution of powers and functions. Our ideal  is to have a constitution that will enable the  people's will to be expressed and enforced and  that  will  not  only  secure  liberty  to  the  individual  but  also  reconcile  and  make  that  liberty subservient to the common good.

We  have  up  to  now  been  taking  a  pledge  to  achieve freedom and to, undergo all sufferings  and sacrifices for it. Time has come when we  have to take a pledge of another kind. Let no


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one imagine that the time for work and sacrifice  is gone and the time for enjoying the fruits  thereof has come. Let us realise that the demand  on  our  enthusiasm  and  capacity  for  unselfish  work in the future will be as great as, if not  greater than, what it has ever been before. We  have,  therefore,  to  dedicate  ourselves  once  again to the great cause that beckons us. The  task is great, the times are propitious. Let us  pray that we may have the strength, the wisdom  and the courage to fulfil it.”

(emphasis added)

Both  the  leaders,  who  were  visionaries  of  the  

time, laid emphasis on the need for ensuring equality  

among all, abolition of distinction between high and  

low, between rich and poor and change of the role of  

various segments of governance  and also the need for  

protecting the dignity of every individual.

When we achieved independence in 1947, India was a  

baby  aiming  to  grow  to  become  one  of  the  respected  

members  of  the  world  community.  The  leaders  of  

Independence  movement  undertook  an  onerous  task  of  

framing the Constitution for the country.  They studied  

the  Constitutions  of  various  countries  and  adopted  

their  best  provisions  for  creating  an  egalitarian  

society  with the  aim of  ensuring justice,  - social,  

economic  and  political,  various  types  of  freedoms,  

equality  of  opportunity  and  of  status  and  ensuring  

dignity of every individual.  During the drafting of  

the Constitution, the Preliminary notes on Fundamental


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Rights issued by the Constitutional Advisor, B.N. Rau,  

specifically  dealt  with  the  issue  of  equality  using  

examples  from  various  Constitutions  to  emphasize  its  

importance.   One of the issues highlighted in the note  

was that if the instinct of power is concentrated in  

few individuals then naked greed for power will destroy  

the basics of democratic principles.  But, what we have  

done  in  the  last  four  decades  would  shock  the  most  

established political systems.  The best political and  

executive  practices  have  been  distorted  to  such  an  

extent that they do not even look like distant cousins  

of their original forms.  The best example of this is  

the  use  of  symbols  of  authority  including  the  red  

lights on the vehicles of public representatives from  

the lowest to the highest and civil servants of various  

cadres.  The red lights symbolize power and a stark  

differentiation between those who are allowed to use it  

and the ones who are not.  A large number of those  

using vehicles with red lights have no respect for the  

laws  of  the  country  and  they  treat  the  ordinary  

citizens with contempt.  The use of red lights on the  

vehicles of public representatives and civil servants  

has perhaps no parallel in the world democracies.

For deciding the questions framed by Shri Salve,  

it will be useful to notice Section 70 of the Motor


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Vehicles  Act,  1939  (for  short,  ‘the  1939  Act’),  

Sections 109, 110 and 111 of the 1989 Act and Rules  

108, 108-A and 119 of the 1989 Rules. The same read as  


Section 70 of the 1939 Act:

“Power to make rules – (1) A State Government  may make rules regulating the construction,  equipment and maintenance of motor vehicles  and  trailers  (with  respect  to  all  matters  other than the matters referred to in clause  (a)  or  clause  (b)  of  sub-section  (1)  of  Section 69-B.

(2) Without prejudice to the generality of  the foregoing power, rules may be made under  this section governing any of the following  matters, either generally in respect of motor  vehicles or trailers or in respect of motor  vehicles or trailers of a particular class or  in particular circumstances namely-

(a) x x x x

(b)seating  arrangements  in  public  service  vehicles  and  the  protection  of  passengers  against the weather;

(c) x x x x

(d) brakes and steering gear;

(e) the use of safety glass;

(f)signaling  appliances,  lamps  and  reflectors;

(g) speed governors;

(h)  the  emission  of  smoke,  visible  vapour,  sparks, ashes, grit or oil;

(i)  the  reduction  of  noise  emitted  by  or  caused by vehicles;


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(j)prohibiting  or  restricting  the  use  of  audible  signals  at  certain  times  or  in  certain places;

(k)  prohibiting  the  carrying  of  appliances  likely to cause annoyance or danger;

(l) the periodical testing and inspection of  vehicles by prescribed authorities;

(m) the particulars other than registration  marks  to  be  exhibited  by  vehicles  and  the  manner in which they shall be exhibited; and

(n) the use of trailers with motor vehicles.”

Sections 109, 110 and 111 of the 1988 Act:

“Section  109.  General  provision  regarding  construction  and  maintenance  of  vehicles  –  (1)  Every  motor  vehicle  shall  be  so  constructed and so maintained as to be at all  times  under  the  effective  control  of  the  person driving the vehicle.

(2)  Every  motor  vehicle  shall  be  so  constructed  as  to  have  right  hand  steering  control  unless  it  is  equipped  with  a  mechanical or electrical signaling device of  a prescribed nature.

(3)  If  the  Central  Government  is  of  the  opinion that it is necessary or expedient so  to  do  in  public  interest,  it  may  by  order  published  in  the  Official  Gazette,  notify  that  any  article  or  process  used  by  a  manufacturer shall conform to such standard  as may be specified in that order.

Section 110. Power of Central Government to  make rules. –  

(1)  The  Central  Government  may  make  rules  regulating  the  construction,  equipment  and  maintenance  of  motor  vehicles  and  trailers  with respect to all or any of the following  matters, namely :-


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(a) the width, height, length and overhand of  vehicles and of the loads carried;

(b)  the  size,  nature,  maximum  retail  price  and condition of tyres, including embossing  thereon of date and year of manufacture, and  the maximum load carrying capacity;  

(c) brakes and steering gear;

(d)  the  use  of  safety  glasses  including  prohibition of the use of tinted safety glasses;

(e)  signalling  appliances,  lamps  and  reflectors;

(f) speed governors;

(g)  the  emission  of  smoke,  visible  vapour,  sparks, ashes, grit or oil;

(h)  the  reduction  of  noise  emitted  by  or  caused by vehicles;

(i)  the  embossment  of  chassis  number  and  engine number and the date of manufacture;

(j)  safety  belts,  handle  bars  or  motor  cycles,  auto-dippers  and  other  equipment’s  essential for safety of drivers, passengers  and other road user.

(k) standards of the components used in the  vehicle as inbuilt safety devices;

(l) provision for transportation of goods of  dangerous or hazardous nature to human life;

(m) standards for emission of air pollutants;

(n) installation of catalytic convertors in  the class of vehicles to be prescribed;

(o) the placement of audio-visual or radio or  tape  recorder  type  of  devices  in  public  vehicles;

(p) warranty after sale of vehicle and norms


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Provided  that  any  rules  relating  to  the  matters  dealing  with  the  protection  of  environment, so far as may be, shall be made  after consultation with the Ministry of the  Government of India dealing with environment.

(2) Rules may be made under sub-section (1)  governing  the  matters  mentioned  therein,  including  the  manner  of  ensuring  the  compliance  with  such  matters  and  the  maintenance of motor vehicles in respect of  such matters, either generally in respect of  motor vehicles or trailers or in respect of  motor  vehicles  or  trailers  of  a  particular  class or in particular circumstances.

(3)  Notwithstanding  anything  contained  in  this section, -

(a)  the  Central  Government  may  exempt  any  class of motor vehicles from the provisions  of this Chapter;

(b) a State Government may exempt any motor  vehicle or any class or description of motor  vehicles  from  the  rules  made  under  sub- section (1) subject to such conditions as may  be prescribed by the Central Government.

Section 111.Power of State Government to make  rules – (1) A State Government may make rules  regulating  the  construction,  equipment  and  maintenance  of  motor  vehicles  and  trailers  with respect to all matters other than the  matters  specified  in  sub-section  (1)  of  section 110.

(2)Without prejudice to the generality of the  foregoing power, rules may be made under this  section governing all or any of the following  matters either generally in respect of motor  vehicles or trailers or in respect of motor  vehicles or trailers of a particular class or  description  or  in  particular  circumstances,  namely:-

(a) seating  arrangements  in  public  service  vehicles  and  the  protection  of


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passengers against the weather;

(b) prohibiting  or  restricting  the  use  of  audible signals at certain times or in  certain places;

(c) prohibiting  the  carrying  of  appliances  likely to cause annoyance or danger;

(d) the periodical testing and inspection of  vehicles by prescribed authorities (and  fees to be charged for such test);

(e) the particulars other than registration  marks  to  be  exhibited  by  vehicles  and  the  manner  in  which  they  shall  be  exhibited;

(f) the use of trailers with motor vehicles;  and  

(g) x x x x”

Rules 108, 108-A and 119 of the 1989 Rules:

“  108  . Use of red, white or blue light.—(1) No  motor vehicle shall show a red light to the  front or light other than red to rear:

Provided  that  the  provisions  of  this  rule  shall not apply to—

(i) the internal lighting of the vehicle; or

(ii)  the  amber  light,  if  displayed  by  any  direction indicator or top light or as top  light  used  on  vehicle  for  operating  within  the  premises  like  airports,  ports  without  going outside the said premises on to public  roads;

(iii) a vehicle carrying high dignitaries as  specified  by  the  Central  Government  or  the  State Government, as the case may be, from  time to time;

(iv)  the  blinker  type  of  red  light  with  purple glass fitted to an ambulance van used  for carrying patients; or

(v) to a vehicle having a lamp fitted with an


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electrical  bulb,  if  the  power  of  the  bulb  does not exceed seven watts and the lamp is  fitted  with  frosted  glass  or  any  other  material  which  has  the  effect  of  diffusing  the light;

(vi) white light illuminating the rear number  plate;

(vii) white light used while reversing;

(viii) plough light provided in agricultural  tractors  for  illuminating  the  implement's  working  area  on  the  ground  in  agricultural  field operations.

(2) Use of blue light with flasher shall be  determined  and  notified  by  the  State  Governments at their discretion;

(3) Use of blue light with or without flasher  shall be permitted as top light on vehicles  escorting  high  dignitaries  entitled  to  the  use of red light;

(4) Use of multi-coloured red, blue and white  light  shall  be  permitted  only  on  vehicles  specifically designated for emergency duties  and shall be specifically specified by State  Governments;

(5)  The  State  Government  shall  inform  the  Central  Government  regarding  publication  of  notifications issued by the concerned State  Government  under  sub-rule  (2)  and  under  clause  (e)  of  the  Notification  No.  S.O.  52(E), dated 11th January, 2002, published in  the  Gazette  of  India,  Ministry  of  Road  Transport and Highways, regarding use of red  light  on  top  of  vehicle  being  used  by  dignitaries;

(6)  In  case  vehicle  is  not  carrying  dignitaries, red or blue light, as the case  may  be,  light  shall  not  be  used  and  be  covered by black cover.

108-A.  Use  of  red  or  white  light  on  construction  equipment  vehicles.—No


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construction equipment vehicle shall show a  red light to the front or light other than  red to the rear:

Provided  that  the  provision  of  this  rule  shall not apply to:—

(i) the internal lighting of the vehicle; (ii)  the  amber  light,  if  displayed  by  any  direction indicator or top light;

(iii)  white  light  illuminating  the  rear  or  side registration number plate;

(iv) white light used while reversing;

(v)  light  provided  for  illuminating  the  implement's  working  area  on  the  ground  in  off-highway or construction operations.

119. Horns.—(1) On and after expiry of one  year  from  the  date  of  commencement  of  the  Central  Motor  Vehicles  (Amendment)  Rules,  1999,  every  motor  vehicle,  agricultural  tractor,  power  tiller  and  construction  equipment  vehicle  manufactured  shall  be  fitted with an electric horn or other devices  conforming to the requirements of IS: 1884— 1992,  specified  by  the  Bureau  of  Indian  Standards  for  use  by  the  driver  of  the  vehicle  and  capable  of  giving  audible  and  sufficient  warning  of  the  approach  or  position of the vehicle:

Provided that on and from 1st January, 2003,  the horn installation requirements for motor  vehicle  shall  be  as  per  AIS-014  specifications, as may be amended from time  to  time,  till  such  time  as  corresponding  Bureau of Indian Standards specifications are  notified.

(2) No motor vehicle including agricultural  tractor shall be fitted with any multi-toned  horn giving a succession of different notes  or  with  any  other  sound-producing  device  giving  an  unduly  harsh,  shrill,  loud  or  alarming noise.

(3) Nothing contained in sub-rule (2) shall


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prevent the use on vehicles used as ambulance  or for fire fighting or salvage purposes or  on  vehicles  used  by  police  officers  or  operators of construction equipment vehicles  or officers of the Motor Vehicles Department  in  the  course  of  their  duties  or  on  construction equipment vehicles of such sound  signals as may be approved by the registering  authority in whose jurisdiction such vehicles  are kept.”

In exercise of the power vested in it under proviso  

(iii)  to Rule  108(1) of  the 1989  Rules, the  Central  

Government issued Notification SO 52(E) dated 11.01.2002  

which  was  amended  by  Notification  SO  1070(E)  dated  

28.7.2005.  The same reads as under:

“(a) red light with flasher on the top front  of the vehicle, while on duty anywhere in the  country-

(1) President, (2) Vice-President (3) Prime Minister (4) Former Presidents (5) Deputy Prime Minister (6) Chief Justice of India (7) Speaker of Lok Sabha (8) Cabinet Ministers of the Union (9) Deputy Chairman, Planning Commission (10) Former Prime Ministers (11) Leaders of Opposition in the Rajya Sabha  

and Lok Sabha (12) Judges of the Supreme Court.

(b) red  light  without  flasher  on  the  top  front  of  the  vehicle,  while  on  duty  anywhere in the country-

(1) Chief Election Commissioner (2) Comptroller and Auditor General of India (3) Deputy Chairman, Rajya Sabha (4) Deputy Speaker, Lok Sabha (5) Ministers of the State of the Union (6) Members of the Planning Commission


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(7) Attorney General of India (8) Cabinet Secretary (9) Chiefs  of  Staff  of  the  three  services  

holding  the  rank  of  full  General  or  equivalent rank

(10) Deputy Ministers of the Union (11) Officiating Chiefs of Staff or the three  

services holding the rank of Lt. General  or equivalent rank

(12) Chairman,  Central  Administrative  Tribunal

(13) Chairman, Minorities Commission (14) Chairman, Scheduled Castes and Scheduled  

Tribes Commission (15) Chairman,  Union  Public  Service  


(c)  Any  vehicle  carrying  the  dignitary  formally  designated  as  equivalent  in  rank,  status  and  privileges  to  those  dignitaries  referred to in Items (a) and (b) above shall  be entitled to use the red light as per the  corresponding  privileges.  The  vehicles  carrying  the  dignitaries  assigned  rank  in  their personal capacities by the Ministry of  Home  Affairs  shall  be  entitled  to  use  red  light  as  per  the  corresponding  privileges  assigned to those dignitaries referred to in  items (a) and (b) above.

(d)In case the vehicle fitted with red light  on top front is not carrying the dignitaries,  then such red light shall not be used and be  covered by a black cover.  

(e) The State Governments and Union Territory  Administrations  shall  issue  similar  notifications  on  the  use  of  red  light  in  respect  of  high  dignitaries  of  their  State  Governments  or  Union  Territory  Administrations,  such  as  Governor,  Lt.Governor,  Chief  Minister,  Chief  Justices  and Judges of High Courts, Chairman, Speaker  and  Cabinet  Ministers  of  State/Union  Territory Legislatures, etc., as the case may  be.”

(emphasis added)

We  shall  first  deal  with  the  issue  of  use  of


Page 33


multi-toned horns in violation of Rule 119 of the 1989  

Rules and the corresponding Rules framed by the State  

Governments  and  the  Administration  of  the  Union  

Territories.  Since the learned Solicitor General and  

the Additional Solicitor General  are in agreement with  

the learned Amicus that the prohibition contained in  

Rule 119(2) on the use of multi-toned horns giving a  

succession of different notes or with any other sound  

producing device giving an unduly harsh, shrill, loud  

or alarming noise is absolute with certain exceptions  

specified in sub-rule (3), the only thing required to  

be done by the Central and the State Governments is to  

implement  the  prohibition  in  its  letter  and  spirit.  

Their failure to do so for last almost 24 years is  

inexplicable.  The  contemptuous  disregard  to  the  

prohibition  by  people  in  power,  holders  of  public  

offices, civil servants and even ordinary citizens is  

again reflective of ‘Raj Mentality’ and is antithesis  

of the concept of a Republic.  We feel that the only  

possible remedy to curb the menace of use of multi-

toned  horns  is  to  impose  exemplary  fine  on  the  

violators and ensure its rigorous enforcement by the  

concerned authorities and agencies.

On the issue of use of vehicles with red lights,  

we  were  inclined  to  agree  with  Shri  Harish  Salve,


Page 34


learned  Amicus  that  use  of  signs  and  symbols  of  

authority such as red lights, etc., is contrary to the  

constitutional  ethos  and  the  basic  feature  of  

republicanism, but, on a deeper consideration, we have  

felt persuaded to accept the submissions of the learned  

Solicitor General and the Additional Solicitor General  

that the term “high dignitaries” used in proviso (iii)  

to Rule 108(1) of the 1989 Rules would take within its  

fold  various  constitutional  functionaries,  i.e.,  

holders  of  the  constitutional  offices.   When  the  

framers  of  the  Constitution  have  considered  it  

appropriate  to  treat  those  occupying  constitutional  

positions as a special category, there is no reason for  

the Court to exclude them from the ambit of the term  

“high  dignitaries”.   The  use  of  red  lights  on  the  

vehicles carrying the holders of constitutional posts  

will in no manner compromise with the dignity of other  

citizens and individuals or embolden them to think that  

they  are superior  to other  people, more  so, because  

this distinction would be available to them only while  

on  duty and  would be  co-terminus with  their tenure.  

However,  the  Governments  of  most  of  the  States  and  

Administration of Union Territories have framed rules  

and issued notifications allowing use of red lights on  

the  vehicles  carrying  large  number  of  persons  other


Page 35


than “high dignitaries”.  They have also used the power  

of  issuing notifications  to enlarge  the list  of the  

persons  entitled  to  use  red  lights  with  or  without  

flashers whether on duty or otherwise.  Most of these  

notifications are far beyond the scope of clause ‘c’ of  

Notifications dated 11.1.2002 and 28.7.2005 issued by  

the  Central  Government.  It  also  deserves  to  be  

mentioned that there has been abysmal failure on the  

part  of  the  concerned  authorities  and  agencies  of  

various State Governments and the Administration of the  

Union Territories to check misuse of the vehicles with  

red  lights  on  their  top.   So  much  so  that  a  large  

number  of  persons  are  using  red  lights  on  their  

vehicles for committing crimes in different parts of  

the country and they do so with impunity because the  

police officials are mostly scared of checking vehicles  

with  red  lights,  what  to  say  of  imposing  fine  or  


In the result, we hold as under:

1. The term “high dignitaries” used in proviso (iii)  

to Rule 108(1) of the 1989 Rules takes within its  

fold the holders of various posts, positions and  

offices specified in the Constitution.

2. The  motor  vehicles  carrying  “high  dignitaries”  

specified  by  the  Central  Government  and  their  

counterparts specified by the State Government may


Page 36


be fitted with red lights but the red lights with  

or  without  flasher  can  be  used  only  while  the  

specified  high  dignitary  is  on  duty  and  not  


3. The State Governments and Administration of Union  

Territories cannot enlarge the scope of the term  

“high  dignitaries”  beyond  what  is  prescribed  in  

clauses  ‘c’  and  ‘d’  of  Notifications  dated  

11.1.2002  and  28.7.2005  issued  by  the  Central  

Government.   Therefore,  they  shall  amend  the  

relevant rules and notifications to bring them in  

tune with the 1989 Rules and notifications dated  

11.1.2002  and  28.7.2002  issued  by  the  Central  

Government. This exercise must be completed within  

a period of three months.

4. The  men  in  uniform;  operational  agencies  which  

require  un-hindered  access  to  the  roads  for  

performance  of  their  duty;  those  engaged  in  

emergency duties such as ambulance services, fire  

services,  emergency  maintenance  etc,  and  police  

vehicles used as escorts or pilots or for law and  

order  duties shall  not be  entitled to  have red  

lights but lights of other colours, e.g., blue,  

white, multicoloured etc.

5. No motor vehicles except those specified in Rule  

119(3)  of  the  1989  Rules  or  similar  provisions  

contained  in  the  rules  framed  by  the  State  

Governments  or  the  Administration  of  Union  

Territories shall be fitted with multi-toned horns  

giving a succession of different notes or with any  

other  sound  producing  device  giving  an  unduly


Page 37


harsh, shrill, loud or alarming noise.

6. The  police  officers  and  other  authorities  

entrusted  with  the  task  of  enforcing  the  

provisions of the 1988 Act and the Rules framed  

thereunder must discharge their duties without any  

fear  or  favour  and  should  impose  appropriate  

penalty  on  those  who  violate  the  prohibition  

contained in Rule 108(1) and Rule 119 and similar  

rules  framed  by  the  State  Governments  and  the  

Administration  of  Union  Territories.  The  

owners/users  of  the  vehicles  fitted  with  multi-

toned horns other than those allowed to use such  

horns  under  Rule  119(3)  of  the  1989  Rules  or  

corresponding  rules  framed  by  the  State  

Governments  and  the  Administration  of  the  Union  

Territories shall, within a period of one month  

from  today,  remove  the  multi-toned  horns.   The  

officers authorised to enforce the provisions of  

the 1988 Act and the rules framed thereunder by  

the Central Government, the State Governments and  

the Administration of Union Territories shall also  

ensure that multi-toned horns are removed from all  

the vehicles except those specified in rule 119(3)  

of the 1989 Rules or corresponding rules framed by  

the  State  Governments  and  the  Administration  of  

Union Territories.

7. The Chief Secretaries of all the States and the  

Administrators of Union Territories shall cause a  

notice  published  in  the  newspapers  having  wide  

circulation  in  their  respective  States  and  the  

Union  Territories  incorporating  the  directions  

contained in this order.


Page 38


In  the  note  submitted  by  the  learned  Solicitor  

General, it has been mentioned that Clause 51 of the  

Motor  Vehicles  (Amendment)  Bill,  2012  contains  a  

provision  for  imposition  of  enhanced  penalty.   That  

amendment is not shown to have been carried out so far.  

We  hope  and  trust  that  the  Legislature  will  make  

appropriate amendment and make provision for imposition  

of  adequate  penalty  which  may  operate  as  deterrent  

against misuse of the provisions of the 1989 Act and  

the 1989 Rules generally and the provisions of Rules  

108 and 119 in particular. The State Governments and  

the  Administration  of  the  Union  Territories  shall  

either amend the existing rules or frame appropriate  

rules for imposing deterrent penalty on the violators  

of the rules containing prohibition against the use of  

red lights and multi-toned horns or similar devices.

……………………………………………J. [G.S. SINGHVI]

NEW DELHI; ………………………………………….J. DECEMBER 10, 2013. [C. NAGAPPAN]