
adjective | \ ˈyü-nə-ˌter-ē \ | uni·tary
  1. : having the character of a single thing that is a constituent of a whole; specifically : of, relating to, or being a business with subsidiaries in other states or nations that has its state income tax figured by including the subsidiaries' income, determining the portion of that income attributable to activities within the state, and taxing that percentage a unitary business operating throughout the U.S. imposed a unitary tax on a multinational corporation : of, relating to, or being a business with subsidiaries in other states or nations that has its state income tax figured by including the subsidiaries' income, determining the portion of that income attributable to activities within the state, and taxing that percentage a unitary business operating throughout the U.S. imposed a unitary tax on a multinational corporation

  1. : marked by unity : not dual or segregated : integrated 3 a unitary school district