
adjective | ex·ec·u·tive
  1. : of or relating to the execution or carrying out of laws serving a warrant is an executive function; especially : belonging to the branch of government that is charged with such powers as diplomatic representation, overseeing the execution of laws, and appointment of officials — see also administrative — compare judicial, legislative : belonging to the branch of government that is charged with such powers as diplomatic representation, overseeing the execution of laws, and appointment of officials — see also administrative — compare judicial, legislative

  1. a : of or relating to execution

    b : having administrative or managerial responsibility an executive director

  1. : of, relating to, or issued by an executive an executive pardon


  1. a : the executive branch of a government — compare judiciary, legislature

    b : the person or persons making up that branch — see also governor, mayor, president

  1. : a person who exercises administrative or managerial control