
noun | con·sent
  1. a : compliance in or approval of what is done or proposed by another; specifically : the voluntary agreement or acquiescence by a person of age or with requisite mental capacity who is not under duress or coercion and usually who has knowledge or understanding — see also age of consent, informed consent, rape, statutory rape : the voluntary agreement or acquiescence by a person of age or with requisite mental capacity who is not under duress or coercion and usually who has knowledge or understanding — see also age of consent, informed consent, rape, statutory rape

    b : a defense claiming that the victim consented to an alleged crime (as rape)

  1. : agreement as to action or opinion shall have power, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate, to make treaties —U.S. Constitution art. II a contract is formed by the consent of the parties —Louisiana Civil Code specifically : voluntary agreement by a people to organize a civil society and give authority to a government : voluntary agreement by a people to organize a civil society and give authority to a government