Chief Election Commissioner and other Election Commissioners (Conditions Of Service) Act
An Act to determine the conditions of service of the Chief Election Commissioner and other Election Commissioners 1*["and to provide for the procedure for transaction of business by the Election Commission and for matters"] connected therewith or incidental thereto.
1. Short title
2. Definitions
3. Salary
4. Term of office
5. Leave
6. Pension payable to Election Commissioners
7. Right to subscribe to General Provident Fund
8. Other conditions of service
9. Transaction of business of Election Commission
10. Disposal of business by Election Commission
1. Short title
1. Short� title.
This Act may be called the 2*["the Election Commission (Conditions of Service of Election Commissioners and Transaction of Business)"] Act, 1991.
2. Definitions
In� this� Act,� unless� the� context� otherwise requires,--
"Chief Election Commissioner" means the Chief Election Commissioner appointed under article 324 of the Constitution;
3*[`"Election� Commission" means the Election Commission referred to in article 324 of the Constitution;'.]
3*["Election� Commissioner" means� any� other� Election Commissioner appointed under article 324 of the Constitution.
3. Salary
There shall be paid to the Chief Election Commissioner a salary which is equal to the salary of a Judge of the Supreme Court.
There shall be paid to an Election Commissioner a salary which is equal to the salary of a Judge of a High Court:
Provided that� if a� person who,� immediately before� the date of �assuming office as the Chief Election Commissioner or, as the case may �be, an Election Commissioner, was in receipt of, or, being eligible so �to do,� had election� to draw,� a pension� (other than a disability or �wound pension) in respect of any previous service under the Government �of the Union or under the Government of a State, his salary in respect �of service as the
Subs by Act 4 of 1994, S.2 (w.e.f 1-10-1993)
Subs by S.3 ibid (w.e.f. 1-10-1993)
Re-lettered and ins. by S.4, ibid (w.e.f 1-10-1993)
Omitted and ins by S.5, ibid (w.e.f 1-10-1993) 27 Chief Election� Commissioner or,� as the� case� may� be,� an� Election Commissioner shall be reduced--
by the amount of that pension; and
if he had, before assuming office, received, in lieu of a portion of the pension due to him in respect of such previous service, the commuted value thereof, by the amount of that portion of the pension.
4. Term of office
The Chief Election Commissioner or an Election Commissioner shall� hold office� for a term of six years from the date on which he assumes his office:
1*["Provided that� where the� Chief Election� Commissioner or� an �Election Commissioner� attains the� age of sixty-five years before the �expiry of� the said� term of� six years, he shall vacate his office on the date on which he attains the said age:".]
Provided further� that the� Chief� Election� Commissioner� or� an Election Commissioner� may, at� any time,� by writing� under his� hand addressed to the President, resign his office. Explanation.�
For the� purpose of� this section,� the term of six �years in� respect of� the Chief� Election Commissioner� or an Election �Commissioner holding� office immediately� before the� commencement� of �this Act,� shall be� computed from� the date� on which� he had assumed �office.
5. Leave
A� person who,� immediately� before� the� date� of �assuming office� as the� Chief Election� Commissioner or� an� Election �Commissioner, was� in service� of Government may be granted during his �tenure of� office but� not thereafter, �leave in� accordance with� the �rules for� the time� being applicable� to� the� Service� to� which� he belonged before� such date� and he� shall be entitled to carry forward �the� amount�� of� leave�� standing� at�� his� credit�� on� such� date, �notwithstanding anything contained in section 6.
Any other person who is appointed as the Chief Election Commissioner or an Election Commissioner may be granted leave in accordance with such rules as are for the time being applicable to a member of the Indian Administrative Service.
The power to grant or refuse leave to the Chief Election Commissioner or an Election Commissioner and to revoke or curtail leave granted to him, shall vest in the President.
6. Pension payable to Election Commissioners
6. Pension� payable to� Election Commissioners.
A person who, immediately before� the date� of assuming office as the Chief Election �Commissioner or an Election Commissioner was in service of Government, shall be� deemed to� have retired from service on the date on which he �enters upon� office as� the Chief Election Commissioner or an Election Commissioner� but�� his� subsequent� service� as� the� Chief� Election Commissioner� or�� an� Election� Commissioner� shall� be� reckoned� as continuing approved� service counting� for pension in Service to which he belonged. 1 Subs by Act 4 of 1994, S.6 (w.e.f 1-10-1993)
Where the Chief Election Commissioner demits office [whether in any manner specified in sub-section (4) or by resignation], he shall, on such demission be entitled to--
a� pension which� is equal� to the� pension payable to a Judge of� the Supreme� Court in accordance with the provisions of Part III� of the Schedule to the Supreme Court Judges (Conditions of Service)� Act, 1958,� (41 of� 1958.) as� amended from� time to time; and
such pension (including commutation of pension), family pension and gratuity as are admissible to a Judge of the Supreme Court under the said Act and the rules made there under, as amended from time to time.
1*Except where the Chief Election Commissioner or an Election Commissioner demits office by resignation, he shall be deemed, for the purpose of this Act, to have demitted his office if, and only if,--
he has completed the term of office specified in section 4, or
he has attained the age of sixty-five years, 1*xxx or
his demission of office is medically certified to be necessitated by ill-health.
7. Right to subscribe to General Provident Fund
7. Right� to subscribe� to General� Provident Fund.
Every person holding office� as the� Chief Election� Commissioner� or� an� Election Commissioner shall� be entitled� to subscribe to the General Provident Fund (Central Services).
8. Other conditions of service
8. Other� conditions of� service.
Save� as otherwise� provided in �this Act,� the conditions of service relating to travelling allowance, provision of rent-free residence and exemption from payment of income- tax on� the value� of such rent-free residence, conveyance facilities, �sumptuary allowance,� medical facilities� and such other conditions of �service as� are, 2*["for� the time being, applicable to a Judge of the �Supreme Court under Chapter IV of the Supreme Court Judges (Conditions �of Service)� Act, 1958� (41 of� 1958) and� the rules� made there under, shall, so� far as may be, apply to the Chief Election Commissioner and other Election Commissioners"]
9. Transaction of business of Election Commission
9. Transaction� of business� of Election Commission.
The business of the� Election Commission shall be transacted in accordance with the provisions of this Act.
10. Disposal of business by Election Commission
The Election Commission may, by unanimous decision, regulate the procedure for transaction of its business as also allocation of its business amongst the Chief Election Commissioner and other Election Commissioners.
Save as provided in sub-section (1), all business of the Election Commission shall, as far as possible, be transacted unanimously.
Subject to the provisions of sub-section (2), if the Chief Election Commissioner and other Election Commissioners differ in opinion on any matter, such matter shall be decided according to the opinion of the majority."]
Ins. Subs,� omitteds & renumbered by Act 4 of 1994, S.7 (w.e.f 1- �10-93)
Subs by S.8, ibid (w.e.f 1-10-1993)
Ins. by S.9, ibid (w.e.f 1-10-1993)