16 August 2013
Supreme Court


Case number: Crl.A. No.-001190-001190 / 2013
Diary number: 19886 / 2013


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CRIMINAL APPEAL NO.  1190   OF 2013 ( Arising out of SLP (Crl.) No. 6081 of 2013)

                                                     Vikas .. Appellant(s)                   


State of Rajasthan .. Respondent(s)                                   


1. Leave granted.

2. This appeal  is directed  against the  order  passed by the High Court of Judicature for  Rajasthan at  Jaipur Bench,  Jaipur in  S.B.  Criminal  Misc.  Petition  No.  1080  of  2013  dated 4th April, 2013, whereby the High Court  has  dismissed  the  petition  filed   by  the  appellant  under  section  482  of  Criminal


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Procedure  Code,  1973  (for  short,  “the  Cr.P.C.”).

3. The  Facts  in  brief  are:  -  The  incident  occurred on  01.12.2011 at  about 4.00  a.m.  PW-4,  the  complainant  had  lodged  an  FIR  before  the  Police  Station  at  Singhana,  District Jhunjhunu to the effect that PW5,  the daughter  of the  Complainant, Sonu  was  abducted  by  the  accused  persons  namely  Deshram, Vikash, Ravi Kumar and Amit Kumar.  On the fateful day, PW-5, had gone out of  her house, when the appellant along with the  other accused persons hatched a conspiracy  to forcibly abduct her and in pursuance of  the same abducted PW-5.

4. The FIR was registered and after completion  of  the  investigation,  the  investigating  agency had filed a charge-sheet against the  accused, Amit  Kumar (A1)  for the  offences


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under Sections 363, 366 and 376 of Indian  Penal Code (“the IPC” for short) and Ravi  Kumar (A2) and Ajit (A3) for the offences  under Sections 363, 366(A) and 120B of the  IPC. The Trial Court, thereafter, commenced  with  the  trial  against  A1,  A2  and  A3  respectively.

5. During the course of trial, the Trial Court  appreciated the evidence available on record  and framed charges against A1 under Sections  363,  366  and  376  and  under  Sections  363,  366(A)  and  120B  of  the  IPC  against  A2.  Thereafter, PW4, filed an application before  the  Trial  Court  under  Section  319  of  the  Cr.P.C. for the trial of the appellant along  with the  other accused  persons for  having  been  involved  in  the  commission  of  the  offence.   

6. The  Trial  Court  placing  reliance  on  the


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evidence produced in the course of the trial  has come to the conclusion that the court is  satisfied that the appellant has committed  an offence for which the appellant can be  tried along with the other accused persons  and therefore had taken cognizance for the  offences  under  Sections  363,  366(A),  120B  and  376(2)(g)  of  the  IPC  against  the  appellant herein and were summoned through  an issuance of a non-bailable warrant.  

7. Being aggrieved by the issuance of the non- bailable  warrant,  the  appellant  filed  an  application  before  the  Trial  Court  for  converting  the  non-bailable  warrant  into  bailable warrant.  The Trial  Court, by  its  order  dated  04.03.13  rejected  the  application of the appellant.

8. Aggrieved by the order of the Trial Court,


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the appellant had filed an appeal before the  High  Court.  The  High  Court  after  re- consideration  confirmed  the  order  of  the  Trial Court.  

9. It is the correctness or otherwise of the  judgment and order passed by the High Court  which is called in question by the appellant  in this appeal.

10. Heard learned counsel for the parties to the  lis.

11. The  learned  counsel  appearing  for  the  appellant,  would  submit  that  the  Trial  Court, to seek attendance of the appellant  and  the  other  accused  persons  had  issued  non-bailable  warrants  instead  of  bailable  warrants which was not justified.  

12. The only question for consideration before  us is whether in the circumstances of the


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case, the attendance of the appellant could  have been best secured by issuing a summon  simplicitor or a bailable warrant instead of  a  non-bailable  warrant  in  an  application  under Section 319 of the Cr.P.C.  

13. A  Perusal  of  Section  319  of  the  Cr.P.C.  would clearly indicate that on the objective  satisfaction of the court a person may be  ‘arrested’  or  ‘summoned’  as  the  circumstances of the case may require if it  appears  from  the  evidence  that  any  such  person not being the accused has committed  an offence for which such person could be  tried  together  with  the  already  arraigned  accused persons. The court should exercise  judicial  discretion  on  a  consideration  of  the totality of the facts and circumstances  of a given case and in a manner where proper  procedures are followed that are fundamental  to the right of fair trial of the accused.


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The section demands more circumspection by  the Trial Court while exercising its powers  since it confers an extraordinary power and  should be used by the court very sparingly  thereby ensuring that principles of rule of  law  and  basic  tenets  of  criminal  law  jurisprudence are not vitiated.

14. The Constitution of India is the grundnorm-  the paramount law of the country. All other  laws  derive  their  origin  and  are  supplementary  and  incidental  to  the  principles  laid  down  in  the  Constitution.  Therefore,  Criminal  Law  also  derives  its  source and sustenance from the Constitution.  The  Constitution,  on  one  hand,  guarantees  the  Right  to  Life  and  Liberty  to  its  citizens under Article 21 and on the other  hand imposes a duty and an obligation on the  Judges  while  discharging  their  judicial


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function to protect and promote the liberty  of  the  citizens.   The  issuance  of  non- bailable  warrant  in  the  first  instance  without using the other tools of summons and  bailable  warrant  to  secure  attendance  of  such  a  person  would  impair  the  personal  liberty  guaranteed  to  every  citizen  under  the Constitution. This position is settled  in the case of Inder Mohan Goswami; 2007 12  SCC  1  and  in  the  case  of  Raghuvansh  Dewanchand Bhasin vs.  State of Maharashtra  

and Anr; (2012) 9 SCC 791 wherein it has  been observed that personal liberty and the  interest of the State Civilized countries is  the most precious of all the human rights.  The  American  Declaration  of  Independence  1776, French  Declaration of  the Rights  of  Men  and  the  Citizen  1789,  Universal  Declaration  of  Human  Rights  and  the  International  Covenant  of  Civil  and


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reasonable  satisfaction  from  the  evidence  already collected during the trial that the  appellant  had  committed  an  offence  along  with the other accused who had undergone the  Trial  and  therefore  issued  a  non-bailable  warrant  to  seek  the  attendance  of  the  appellant-herein  under  an  application  of  Section 319 of the Cr.P.C. To appreciate the  present case, it is pertinent to discuss the  meaning  of  ‘bailable  offences’  and  ‘non- bailable offences’ and the circumstances in  which a non-bailable warrant can be issued.  In the legislative history for the purposes  of  bail,  the  term  ‘bailable’  and  ‘non- bailable’  are  mostly  used  to  formally  distinguish one of the two classes of cases,  viz. 'bailable' offences in which bail may  be claimed as a right in every case whereas  the  question  of  grant  of  bail  in  non-  bailable offences to such a person is left


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by the legislature in the court's discretion  to be exercised on a consideration of the  totality of the facts and circumstances of a  given case.   The discretion has, of course,  to be a judicial one informed by tradition  methodized by analogy, disciplined by system  and  sub-ordinated  to  the  primordial  necessity of order in social life. Another  such instance of judicial discretion is the  issue of non-bailable warrant in a complaint  case under an application of Section 319 of  the Cr.P.C. The  power under Section 319 of  the  Cr.P.C  being  discretionary  must  be  exercised judiciously with extreme care and  caution. The court should properly balance  both personal liberty and societal interest  before issuing warrants. There cannot be any  straight-jacket  formula  for  issuance  of  warrants but as a general rule, unless an  accused is likely to tamper or destroy the


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evidence or is likely to evade the process  of  law,  issuance  of  non-bailable  warrants  should be avoided.  The conditions for the  issuance  of  non-bailable  warrant  are  re- iterated in the case of Inder Mohan Goswami  (Supra) and in the case of  State of U.P.  vs.  Poosu and Anr; 1976 3 SCC 1,  wherein  it  is  mentioned  that  Non-bailable  warrant  should be issued to bring a person to court  when summons or bailable warrants would be  unlikely to  have the  desired result.  This  could be when firstly it is reasonable to  believe that the person will not voluntarily  appear in court; or secondly that the police  authorities are unable to find the person to  serve him with a summon and thirdly if it is  considered  that  the  person  could  harm  someone  if  not  placed  into  custody  immediately. In the absence of the aforesaid  reasons, the issue of non-bailable warrant a


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fortiori  to  the  application  under  Section  319 of the Cr.P.C. would extinguish the very  purpose  of  existence  of  procedural  laws  which preserve and protect the right of an  accused in a trial of a case.   

16. The court in all circumstances in complaint  cases  at  the  first  instance  should  first  prefer issuing summons or bailable warrant  failing which a non-bailable warrant should  be issued.  

17. In view of the above, we modify the orders  passed by the Trial Court  and confirmed by  the High Court,  and direct that summons be  issued against the appellant for his appear- ance instead of non-bailable warrants which  were ordered to be issued against him.  


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18. The Criminal appeal is disposed of accord- ingly.  

Ordered accordingly.   

.......................J.                  [H. L. DATTU]  


                         .......................J.        [M. Y. EQBAL]