10 November 2016
Supreme Court


Case number: SPL.REF. No.-000001-000001 / 2004
Diary number: 16156 / 2004


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The following is the opinion of the Court:


1. By a Reference dated 22nd July, 2004, Hon’ble

the  President  of  India  made  a  request  for  an

advisory opinion to this Court under Article 143

(1) of the Constitution of India, in relation to

enactment of the Punjab Termination of Agreement

Act, 2004 (hereinafter referred to as “the Punjab

Act”) by the State of Punjab.  

2. The text of the Reference referred to for the

consideration  &  opinion  of  this  Court  is  as



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“WHERAS the Indus Basin comprises the  rivers  Indus,  Jhelum,  Chenab, Ravi, Beas and Sutlej;  

WHEREAS  the  Indus  Water  Treaty  1960 was  entered  into  between  the Governments of India and Pakistan on 19th  September,  1960,  under  which India  is  entitled  to  the  free, unrestricted use of the waters of the Ravi,  Beas  and  Sutlej  till  they finally cross into Pakistan;

WHEREAS while  at  the  time  of signing the said treaty, the waters of Sutlej had already been planned to be utilised  for  the  Bhakra-Nangal Project,  the  surplus  flow  of  rivers Ravi  and  Beas,  over  and  above  the pre-partition  use,  was  allocated  by the  Agreement  in  1955  between  the concerned states as follows namely:-

Punjab              7.20 MAF  (Including 1.30 MAF for Pepsu)

Rajasthan                8.00 MAF

Jammu & Kashmir          0.65 MAF

.................             15.85 MAF


WHEREAS  after  the  afore-said allocation, there was a reorganisation of  the  State  of  Punjab  under  the Punjab Reorganisation Act, 1966 (31 of 1966) as a result of which successor states,  namely,  State  of  Punjab  and State of Haryana were created and it became  necessary  to  determine  the respective  shares  of  the  successor states  out  of  the  quantum  of  water


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which  could  become  available  in accordance  with  aforesaid  allocation for  use  in  the  erstwhile  State  of Punjab and when the successor states failed  to  reach  an  agreement,  a notification  dated  24th  March,  1976 was issued by the Central Government under  Section  78  of  the  Punjab Reorganisation  Act,  1966  under  which State of Haryana was allocated 3.5 MAF quantity of water;

WHEREAS to  give  effect  to  the allocation of 3.5 MAF of water to the State of Haryana under the said 1976 notification,  construction  of Satluj-Yamuna Link Canal (hereinafter called SYL Canal) was started by the State  of  Haryana  in  their  portion after  the  1976  notification.  The construction  of  SYL  Canal  was  also started by Punjab in their portion in early eighties;

WHEREAS the States of Punjab, Haryana and  Rajasthan  entered  into  agreement dated 31.12.1981, by which the States of Punjab, Haryana and Rajasthan, in view of overall national interest and optimum  utilisation  of  the  waters, agreed  on  the  reallocation  of  the waters among the States as follows:-

Share of Punjab     : 4.22 MAF

Share of Haryana    :     3.50 MAF

Share of Rajasthan  :     8.60 MAF

Quantity earmarked  for Delhi water supply:     0.20 MAF

Share of J & K       : 0.65 MAF


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............... Total         17.17 MAF


WHEREAS it was also agreed under the aforesaid 1981 agreement that the SYL Canal project could be completed in a time  bound  manner  with  a  maximum period of two years from the date of signing of the agreement so that the State of Haryana is enabled to draw its  allocated  share  of  water.  This agreement is in use for deciding the periodical  distribution  of  waters among  the  concerned  states  by  the Bhakra Beas Management Board;

WHEREAS an accord called the “Punjab Settlement” was signed on 24th July, 1985 to resolve the issues relating to the State of Punjab;

WHEREAS paragraph 9.1 of the ‘Punjab Settlement’  provide  that  the  farmers of Punjab, Haryana and Rajasthan will continue to get water not less than what they are using from the Ravi-Beas System as on 1.7.1985, though waters used  for  consumptive  purposes  will also  remain  unaffected  and  that quantum  of  usage  claimed  shall  be verified by the Tribunal referred to in  Paragraph  9.2  of  the  settlement under which the claims of Punjab and Haryana regarding their shares in the remaining waters will be referred for adjudication to a Tribunal;

WHEREAS to give effect to paragraphs 9.1  and  9.2  of  the  ‘Punjab Settlement’,  Section  14  was  inserted


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in the Inter-State water Disputes Act, 1956  under  which  Eradi  Tribunal  was constituted  for  verification  of  the quantum of usage of water claimed by the  farmers  of  Punjab,  Haryana  and Rajasthan  regarding  shares  in  their remaining  waters.  The  Tribunal forwarded a report in January, 1987. References  of  the  States  of  Punjab, Haryana  and  Rajasthan  and  Central Government  seeking  clarification/ guidance  on  certain  points  of  the report  was  made  to  the  Tribunal  in August, 1987 under relevant provisions of  the  Inter-State  River  Water Disputes  Act,  1956.  These  references are  under  the  consideration  of  the Tribunal at present;

WHEREAS it  was  also  agreed  under paragraph  9.3  of  the  ‘Punjab Settlement’  that  the  construction  of the SYL Canal shall continue and it shall  be  completed  by  15th  August, 1986;

WHEREAS the  SYL  Canal  could  not  be completed as the works came to a halt following  the  killings  of  Chief Engineer and a Superintending Engineer of the project in July, 1990 and were not  resumed  by  the  Government  of Punjab subsequently and the State of Haryana  filed  Suit  No.  6  of  1996 before this Hon’ble Court praying for early completion of the SYL Canal in Punjab territory;

WHEREAS the said suit was decreed by this Hon’ble Court by its order dated 15.01.2002,  by  relying  on  the 31.12.1981 agreement and the State of Punjab was directed to make the SYL


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Canal  functional  within  a  period  of one year;

WHEREAS the State of Punjab filed a Suit  (O.S.  No.  1  of  2003)  seeking discharge/  dissolution  of  the obligation to construct the SYL Canal as  directed  and  Suit  O.S.  No.  1  of 2003  was  dismissed  by  this  Hon’ble Court by its judgment and order dated 4.6.2004.  The  Union  of  India  was directed  in  the  said  judgment  and order  dated  4.6.2004  to  mobilise  a central agency to take control of the canal  works  within  a  period  of  one month  and  the  State  of  Punjab  was directed to handover the works to the Central  Agency  within  two  weeks thereafter;

WHEREAS on 12th July, 2004, the State of  Punjab  has  enacted  the  Punjab Termination  of  Agreements  Act,  2004 (herein after called Punjab Act, 2004) terminating  and  discharging  the Government  of  Punjab  from  its obligations under the agreement dated 31.12.1981  and  all  other  agreements relating to waters of Ravi-Beas.  

WHEREAS on 15th July, 2004, the Union of  India  filed  an  application  for taking on record subsequent facts and developments after the passing of the order  of  the  Hon’ble  Supreme  Court dated  4.6.2004  and  requesting  the Hon’ble Court to pass such other and further orders as deemed fit in the interest of justice;

WHEREAS doubts  have  been  expressed with  regard  to  the  constitutional validity of the Punjab Act, 2004 and its  provisions  and  also  whether  the


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agreement dated 31.12.1981 can be said to have been validly terminated by the State of Punjab and whether the State of Punjab has been lawfully discharged from the said agreement;

AND whereas in view of the aforesaid, it appears that there is likelihood of the  constitutional  validity  of  the provisions  of  the  Punjab  Act  2004 being  challenged  in  Courts  of  law involving  protracted  and  avoidable litigation,  that  the  differences  and doubts  have  given  rise  to  public controversy  which  may  lead  to undesirable  consequences  and  that  a question of law has arisen which is of such  a  nature  and  of  such  public importance that is expedient to obtain the  opinion  of  the  Hon’ble  Supreme Court of India thereon;

NOW, THEREFORE, in exercise of powers conferred  upon  me  by  clause  (1)  of Article  143  of  the  Constitution  of India,  I,  A.P.J.  Abdul  Kalam, President of India, hereby refer the following  questions  to  the  Supreme Court of India for consideration and report thereon, namely:

i) Whether the Punjab Termination of Agreements  Act,  2004  and  the provisions  thereof  are  in  accordance with  the  provisions  of  the Constitution of India;  

ii) Whether the Punjab Termination of Agreements  Act,  2004  and  the provisions  thereof  are  in  accordance with the provisions of Section 14 of the  Inter-State  Water  Disputes  Act, 1956,  Section  78  of  the  Punjab Reorganisation  Act,  1966  and  the


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Notification  dated  24th  March,  1976 issued there under;

iii)Whether  the  State  of  Punjab  had validly terminated the agreement dated 31.12.1981  and  all  other  agreements relating to the Ravi-Beas waters and is  discharged  from  its  obligation under the said agreement(s); and

iv) Whether in view of the provisions of  the  Act;  the  State  of  Punjab  is discharged  from  its  obligations  from the  judgment  and  decree  dated 15.01.2002 and the judgment and order dated 4.6.2004 of the Supreme Court of India.”

3. In pursuance of notice issued, the learned

Attorney  General  for  India  appeared  and  made

introductory  submissions  with  regard  to  the

Reference and thereafter, by an order dated 2nd

August, 2004, this Court, issued notices to the

Union  of  India  and  States  of  Punjab,  Haryana,

Rajasthan, Himachal Pradesh, Jammu & Kashmir and

the NCT of Delhi through their respective Chief


4. Virtually,  all  relevant  facts  which  are

necessary for rendering our opinion on the issues

referred  to  this  Court  have  been  duly

incorporated  in  the  Reference  and  in  the


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circumstances, we would not like to burden our

opinion by reiterating the facts.  Suffice it to

state that by virtue of the provisions of Article

143 of the Constitution of India this Court has

to examine the validity of the Punjab Act, 2004

and we have also to examine whether the State of

Punjab had validly terminated the Agreement dated

31st December, 1981 and other agreements relating

to Ravi-Beas waters so as to discharge it from

the obligations which it had to discharge under

certain  valid  orders  passed  by  appropriate

authorities. However, for further clarity we may

incorporate  facts  with  regard  to  certain

litigation, in a nutshell, which are as under:

The States of Punjab, Haryana and Rajasthan

entered  into  an  Agreement  dated  31st December,

1981 which has been referred to hereinabove in

the Reference, by virtue of which the States of

Pubjab, Haryana and Rajasthan, in view of overall

national interest and optimum utilization of Ravi

and Beas waters had agreed on re-allocation of

Ravi and Beas waters but as the said agreement


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was not being acted upon by the State of Punjab,

the State of Haryana had instituted Suit No.6 of

1996 before this Court under Article 131 of the

Constitution  of  India  impleading  the  State  of

Punjab and Union of India, seeking the following,

among other, reliefs:-

"(a) pass a decree declaring that the order  dated  24-3-1976,  the  Agreement of  31-12-1981  and  the  Settlement  of 24-7-1985 are final and binding inter alia on the State of Punjab casting an obligation  on  Defendant  1  to immediately  restart  and  complete  the portion  of  the  Sutlej-Yamuna  Link Canal Project as also make it usable in all respects, not only under the aforesaid order of 1976, Agreement of 1981 and Settlement of 1985 but also pursuant to a contract established by conduct from 1976 till date;

(b) pass  a  decree  of  mandatory injunction  compelling  defendant  1 (failing  which  defendant  2  by  or through  any  agency)  to  discharge its/their  obligations  under  the  said Notification of 1976, the Agreement of 1981 and the Settlement of 1985 and in any case under contract established by conduct, by immediately restarting and completing  that  portion  of  the Sutlej-Yamuna  Link  Canal  Project  in the  State  of  Punjab  and  otherwise making it suitable for use within a time bound manner as may be stipulated by this Hon'ble Court to enable the


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State of Haryana to receive its share of the Ravi and Beas waters;”

5. This  Court  after  examining  all  the  legal

aspects and provisions, passed a decree in the

said Suit No. 6 of 1996 vide judgment dated 15th

January,  2002, relevant  portion  of  which  is extracted hereinbelow:-

“18.  ........  The  State  Governments having  entered  into  agreements  among themselves on the intervention of the Prime  Minister  of  the  country, resulting in withdrawal of the pending suits in the Court, cannot be permitted to  take  a  stand  contrary  to  the agreements  arrived  at  between themselves.  We  are  also  of  the considered  opinion  that  it  was  the solemn duty of the Central Government to see that the terms of the agreement are complied with in toto. That apart, more  than  Rs.  700  crores  of  public revenue cannot be allowed to be washed down the drain, when the entire portion of the canal within the territory of Haryana has already been completed and major portion of the said canal within the territory of Punjab also has been dug, leaving only minor patches within the  said  territory  of  Punjab  to  be completed. If the apprehension of the State is that on account of digging of the canal, the State of Haryana would draw  more  water  than  that  which  has been allocated in its favour, then the said  apprehension  also  is  thoroughly unfounded  inasmuch as  the source  for drawing  of  water  is  only  from  the reservoir,  which  lies  within  the


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territory of Punjab and a drop of water will not flow in the canal unless the connecting  doors  are  open.  But  the quantity of water that has already been allocated  in  favour  of  the  State  of Haryana, must be allowed to be drawn and  that  can  be  drawn  only  if  the additional  link  canal  is  completed inasmuch  as the  existing Bhakra  Main Canal  has  the  capacity  of  supplying only 1.62 MAF of water. This being the position, we unhesitatingly hold that the plaintiff-State of Haryana has made out a case for issuance of an order of injunction  in  the  mandatory  form against the State of Punjab to complete the portion of SYL Canal, which remains incomplete and in the event the State of Punjab fails to complete the same, then the Union Government-defendant 2 must see to its completion, so that the money that has already been spent and the money which may further be spent could  at  least  be  utilized  by  the countrymen.  We  have  examined  the materials  from  the  stand  point  of existence  of  a  prima  facie  case, balance of convenience and irreparable loss and injury and we are satisfied that  the  plaintiff  has  been  able  to establish  each  one  of  the  aforesaid criteria and as such is entitled to the injunction  sought for.  This issue  is accordingly answered in favour of the plaintiff and against the defendants. We, therefore, by way of a mandatory injunction, direct the defendant-State of Punjab to continue the digging of Sutlej-Yamuna  Link  Canal,  portion  of which has not been completed as yet and make  the canal  functional within  one year  from  today. We  also  direct  the Government of India – defendant 2 to discharge its constitutional obligation


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in  implementation  of  the  aforesaid direction in relation to the digging of canal and if within a period of one year the SYL Canal is not completed by the defendant-State of Punjab, then the Union  Government  should  get  it  done through  its  own  agencies  as expeditiously as possible, so that the huge amount of money that has already been spent and that would yet to be spent,  will  not  be  wasted  and  the plaintiff-State  of  Haryana  would  be able to draw the full quantity of water that has already been allotted to its share.  Needless  to  mention,  the direction to dig SYL Canal should not be construed by the State of Haryana as a license to permit them to draw water in excess of the water that has already been  allotted  and  in  the  event  the tribunal,  which  is  still  considering the case of re-allotment of the water, grants any excess water to the State of Haryana,  then  it  may  also  consider issuing  appropriate  directions  as  to how much of the water could be drawn through SYL Canal.

19. The Plaintiff’s suit is decreed on the aforesaid terms. There will be no order as to costs.”

  [Emphasis Supplied]

6. The State of Punjab did not comply with the

decree dated 15th January, 2002 passed by this

Court in Suit No. 6 of 1996. On 18th January,

2002, the State of Punjab filed an application

for review of said judgment dated 15th January,

2002 which was dismissed by this Court on 5th


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March,  2002.  On  18th  December,  2002,  an

application was filed by the State of Haryana for

enforcement  of  the  judgment  and  decree  dated

15.01.2002  and  the  said  application  was

registered as IA No. 1 of 2002.  

7. On 13th January, 2003; the State of Punjab filed suit No. 1 of 2003 under Article 131 of the

Constitution of India before this Court seeking

inter-alia the following reliefs:-

(a) To  discharge/dissolve  the  obligation to  construct  SYL  Canal  imposed  by  the mandatory  injunction  decreed  by  this Hon'ble Court in its judgment/decree dated 15.01.2002 in OS No.6/1996 for the reasons set out in the plaint;

(b) To  declare  that  the  judgment/decree dated 15.01.2002 in OS No. 6/1996 is not binding  or  enforceable  since  the  issues raised in that suit could only have been decided by a Constitution Bench in terms of  Article  145(3)  of  Constitution  of India;

(c) To declare that Section 14 of the Act, 1956  is  ultra-vires  the  Constitution  of India;

(d) To declare that Section 14 of the Act, 1956  is  no  longer  enforceable  for  the reasons set out in the plaint;

(e) To  declare  the  Punjab  Settlement (Rajiv Longowal Accord) is not enforceable


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under the changed circumstances as set out in the Plaint:

In the alternative;

in case it is held by this Hon'ble Court that  the  Punjab  Settlement  dated 24.07.1985  is  an  enforceable  Agreement then direct enforceability and compliance with  other  10  issues  and  to  keep  in abeyance obligation to construct SYL canal till  other  conditions  set  out  in  the settlement  are  implemented  and/or  the Water  Disputes  arising  from  the reallocation  of  Ravi-Beas  waters  are resolved under the Act, 1956.

(f) Declare that Section 78(1) of the Act, 1966  is  ultra  vires  the  Constitution  of India, and that all acts, deeds and things done  pursuant  thereto  or  in  consequence thereof  including  all  Notifications, Agreements,  etc.  are  null  and  void including  the  notification  dated 24.03.1976  and  the  Agreement  dated 31.12.1981 as non-est and void ab initio.

8. By judgment and order dated June 4, 2004;

this Court dismissed the suit filed by the State

of  Punjab  and  allowed  the  execution  petition

filed  by  the  State  of  Haryana  by  passing

inter-alia the following order:-

“96.  The  residuary  power  under  Section 51(e) allows a Court to pass orders for enforcing a decree in a manner which would give effect to it. The period specified in the decree for completion of the canal by Punjab is long since over. The Union of


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India has said that it had worked out a contingent action plan during this period. The contingency in the form of expiry of the one year period in January 2003 has occurred.  We  have  not  been  told  whether the  contingency  plan  has  been  put  into operation.  Although  it  appears  that  the Cabinet  Committee  on  Project  Appraisals had approved the proposal for completion of the SYL canal by BRO and at a meeting convened  as  early  as  on  20-2-1991,  the then Prime Minister directed that BRO take over the work for completion of the SYL Canal in the minimum time possible, BRO is not now available for the purpose. After the  decree  the  Central  Water  Commission Officials  have  inspected  the  canal  on 9-10-2002.  The  report  has  assessed  a minimum  period  of  about  two  years  for removing silt deposits, clearing of trees and  bushes,  completing  the  damaged  and balance  works  and  making  the  canal functional and has estimated an amount of about  Rs.250  crores  for  this  purpose excluding  the  liabilities  of  Punjab.  In the circumstances we direct the Union of India  to  carry  out  its  proposed  action plan within the following time frame:

1)  The Union of India is to mobilize a Central  agency  to  take  control  of  the canal  works  from  Punjab  within  a  month from today.

2) Punjab must hand over the works to the Central  Agency  within  2  (Two)  weeks thereafter.

3) An empowered committee should be set up to  coordinate  and  facilitate  the  early implementation  of  the  decree  within  4 (four)  weeks  from  today.  Representatives of the States of Haryana and Punjab should be included in such Committee;


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4)  The  construction  of  the  remaining portion of the canal including the survey, preparation  of  detailed  estimates  and other  preparatory  works  such  as  repair, desilting,  clearance  of  vegetation  etc. are to be executed and completed by the Central  Agency  within  such  time  as  the High Powered Committee will determine.

5) The Central and the Punjab Governments should provide adequate security for the staff of the Central Agency.

97. We  conclude  this  chapter  with  a reminder  to  the  State  of  Punjab  that "Great  states  have  a  temper  superior  to that of private litigants, and it is to be hoped  that  enough  has  been  decided  for patriotism, the fraternity of the Union, and mutual consideration to bring it to an end".

  [Emphasis Supplied]

9. In the aforestated background, on 12th July,

2004, the State of Punjab enacted the Punjab Act,

2004 with an intention to terminate the Agreement

dated 31st December, 1981 and all other Agreements

relating to sharing of waters of rivers Ravi and

Beas.  Intention behind the said enactment was

also to discharge the Government of Punjab from

the  obligations  arising  under  the  aforestated

Agreement dated 31st December, 1981 and to nullify

the decrees of the Court referred to hereinabove.


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10. The aforestated facts will give some further

idea about the facts and circumstances in which

the  President  of  India  has  referred  the

aforestated  questions  to  this  Court  for  its


11. At this juncture, we would like to refer to

certain unwarranted developments which took place

after  we  started  hearing  this  Reference.   The

legislature for the State of Punjab introduced

Punjab Satluj Yamuna Link Canal Land (Transfer of

Proprietary  Rights)  Bill,  2016.   No  assent  of

Goverrnor till date and therefore, it is not a

legislation  and  will  remain  Bill  passed  by

Legislative  Assembly.  By  virtue  of  the

aforestated  legislation,  the  State  of  Punjab

proposed  to  act  in  clear  violation  of  the

Agreement dated 31st December, 1981 which has been

referred to in the Reference.

12. The  State  of  Punjab  had  an  intention  to

de-notify the land acquired for the purpose of

construction  of  Sutlej  Yamuna  Link  Canal


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(hereinafter referred to as “the SYL Canal”) in

Punjab and in pursuance of the said enactment,

the  State  of  Punjab  had  started  returning

possession of the land already acquired to its

landlords and earth moving equipments had been

mobilized to level, destroy and fill up the SYL

Canal which was in the process of construction.   

13. In the aforestated circumstances, I.A. No.7

of 2016 had been filed by the State of Haryana

praying that the operation and implementation of

Punjab Satluj Yamuna Link Canal Land (Transfer of

Proprietary  Rights)  Act,  2016  be  suspended  so

that  the  entire  proceedings  initiated  in

pursuance of the Reference may not be frustrated.

After  hearing  the  concerned  parties,  on

17.3.2016, this Court was constrained to pass the

following order:-

“I.A.  No.7/2016  –  for  appropriate directions. Taken  on  Board.  Upon perusal  of  the  contents  of  the application  and  upon  hearing  the learned  counsel  appearing  for  the parties, prima facie, it appears that an effort has been made to see that execution of a decree of this Court is


Page 20


being made inexecutable and this Court cannot be a silent spectator of the said  fact  and  therefore,  we  direct that status quo shall be maintained by the  parties  with  regard  to  the following  properties  referred  to  in para (d)(ii) of the application:  

“(d)(ii)  lands,  works,  property  and portions  of  the  SYL  canal  and  all lands within the alignment of the SYL canal  within  the  territories  of  the State of Punjab which are covered by the judgments of this Court in State of Haryana v State of Punjab, (2002) 2 SCC  507  (paragraphs  18  and  19)  and State of Haryana v State of Punjab, (2004) 12 SCC 712 (paragraph 96),”.  

In  the  circumstances,  it  is further  directed  that  (i)  The Secretary,  Home  Department,  Union  of India, (ii) The Chief Secretary, State of  Punjab,  and  (iii)The  Director General of Police, State of Punjab are appointed as Court Receivers as prayed for  in  para  (d)(ii)  and  all  the properties  referred  to  in  the  said para shall be deemed to have vested in them  and  they  shall  also  see  that status quo is maintained with regard to  the  properties  referred  to herein-above.  Counter  affidavits  to the application be filed on or before 28th March, 2016”.

14. We have heard the learned Solicitor General

of India appearing for the Union of India and

learned  counsel  appearing  for  the  States  of

Punjab,  Haryana,  Jammu  and  Kashmir  (J  &  K),


Page 21


Rajasthan, Himachal Pradesh and the NCT of Delhi

at length.  Several judgments were cited by the

learned  counsel  so  as  to  substantiate  their

arguments.  We do not propose to refer to all the

judgments cited, especially in view of the fact

that the law laid down by this Court, which has

been referred to by the learned counsel cannot be

disputed and there are some judgments which refer

to all the issues with which we are concerned.

We  have  considered  all  the  submissions  and

substance  of  all  the  judgments  referred  to  by

them and we are referring to the submissions made

by them in a nutshell hereinbelow.

15. As all the questions referred to this Court

are interlinked, for the sake of convenience, we

have  discussed  the  same  together  instead  of

dealing with them separately.  

16. The learned counsel appearing on behalf of

the  State  of  Punjab  vehemently  submitted  that

this  Reference  is  not  maintainable  under  the

provisions of Article 143(1) of the Constitution


Page 22


of India.  He submitted that several issues with

regard to facts not on record are also involved

and that is one of the reasons for which this

Court should not render its opinion.  He further

submitted that it is not obligatory on the part

of this Court to give its opinion in each and

every  matter  which  might  be  referred  to  this

Court  by  the  President  of  India.  According  to

him,  looking  at  the  facts  of  this  case,

especially  when  several  other  incidental  facts

are involved in the issue referred to this Court,

this Court should refuse to give its opinion.  He

also referred to some of the judgments which lay

down law to the effect that it is not obligatory

on the part of this Court to give opinion as and

when  a  Reference  is  made  by  the  President  of

India under the provisions of Article 143(1) of

the Constitution of India.  

 17. He  further  submitted  that  this  Court  must

take into account the fact that the circumstances

have changed substantially in the last few years.

According to him, after this Court had decreed


Page 23


the suit filed by the State of Haryana referred

to hereinabove, the actual position with regard

to  the  supply  of  water  in  the  rivers  has

remarkably changed as supply of water has been

substantially reduced, which has created problems

for  the  State  of  Punjab  and  in  view  of  the

changed circumstances, according to him, it was

necessary  for  the  State  of  Punjab  to  take  a

different  stand  and  in  the  new  set  of

circumstances,  the  Punjab  Act,  2004  had  to  be

enacted and it is imperative on the part of the

Statutory Authorities and this Court to consider

the said changed circumstances and therefore, the

Punjab Act, 2004 cannot be said to be invalid or

ultra vires the Constitution of India. He further

submitted that in view of the fact that under the

provisions of Section 14 of The Inter-State River

Water Disputes Act, 1956 the Tribunal has already

been constituted, it would be expedient to refer

the entire matter to the Tribunal so that the

Tribunal can consider all the relevant facts and

take an appropriate decision.


Page 24


18.  He  further  submitted  that  the  State  of

Punjab has already filed a suit with a prayer to

constitute a Tribunal so that the dispute can be

referred to the Tribunal and in the aforestated

circumstances,  the  Reference  should  not  be

answered.  Moreover, he also submitted that the

law on the subject is crystal clear to the effect

that whenever there is any decision with regard

to  sharing  of  waters,  the  decision  should  be

reviewed periodically when the circumstances get

changed i.e. when the flow of water or supply of

water  is  changed.   According  to  him,  in  the

changed circumstances compliance of all earlier

orders should not be insisted upon and a fresh

decision based on the ground realities should be

taken with regard to sharing of the waters.  The

sum  and  substance  of  the  submissions  of  the

learned counsel appearing for the State of Punjab

was  that  this  Reference  is  not  at  all

maintainable as the law enacted by the State of

Punjab is within its statutory powers.  


Page 25


19.  In reply to the main issue with regard to

the validity of the Reference the learned counsel

appearing  for  the  State  of  Haryana  and  those

supporting him submitted that the Reference is

maintainable  and  the  submissions  made  by  the

learned counsel appearing for the State of Punjab

did not have any substance.   

20. So as to examine whether such a Reference can

be  made,  let  us  consider  the  provisions  of

Article 143 of the Constitution of India, which

reads as under:-

“Article  143:  Power  of  President  to consult Supreme Court.- (1)  If  at  any  time  it  appears  to  the President that a question of law or fact has arisen, or is likely to arise, which is of such a nature and of such public importance that it is expedient to obtain the opinion of the Supreme Court upon it, he may refer the question to that Court for consideration and the Court may, after such hearing as it thinks fit, report to the President its opinion, thereon.  

(2)  The  President  may,  notwithstanding anything  in  the  proviso  to  Article  131, refer a dispute of the kind mentioned in the said proviso to the Supreme Court for opinion  and  Supreme  Court  shall,  after such hearing as it thinks fit, report to the President its opinion thereon.”


Page 26


21. A  bare  perusal  of  Article  143  of  the

Constitution  would  show  that  the  President  is

authorized to refer to this Court a question of

law or fact, which in his/her opinion is of such

a nature and of such a public importance that it

is expedient to obtain the opinion of the Supreme

Court upon it.  The Article does not restrict the

President  to  obtain  opinion  only  on  a  pure

question  of  law.   The  submission  made  by  the

learned counsel appearing for the State of Punjab

that several questions of fact are involved in

the Reference is thus hardly relevant, for the

reason that an opinion can be sought on question

of law and even on question of fact.

22. It  is  true  that  it  is  for  this  Court  to

decide  whether  to  render  its  opinion  to  the

President and it is also true that such a view

has been taken by this Court and in a given case

this Court can refuse to give its opinion.   

23. While considering the same issue, this Court

in the case of  Natural Resources Allocation, In


Page 27


Re, Special Reference No.1 of 2012 2012(10) SCC 1 has observed as under:

“35.Insofar as the impact of filing and withdrawal of the review application by the Union of India against the decision in 2G case on the maintainability of the instant Reference is concerned, it is a matter  of  record  that  in  the  review petition, certain aspects of the grounds for review which have been stated in the recitals of the Reference as well as in some  questions,  were  highlighted. However, there is a gulf of difference between  the  jurisdiction  exercised  by this  Court  in  a  review  and  the discretion  exercised  in  answering  a reference  under  Article  143(1)  of  the Constitution.   A  review  is  basically guided  by  the  well-settled  principles for review of a judgment and a decree or order  passed  inter  se  parties.   The Court in exercise of power of review may entertain  the  review  under  the acceptable and settled parameters.  But, when an opinion of this Court is sought by  the executive  taking recourse  to a constitutional  power,  needless  to  say, the same stands on a different footing altogether.   A  review is  lis specific and  the  rights  of  the  parties  to  the controversy  are  dealt  with  therein, whereas a reference is answered keeping in view the terms of the reference and scrutinising whether the same satisfies the  requirements  inherent  in  the language  employed  under  Article  143(1) of  the  Constitution.   In  our  view, therefore, merely because a review had been  filed  and  withdrawn  and  in  the recital  the  narration  pertains  to  the said  case,  the  same  would  not  be  an


Page 28


embargo  or  impediment  for  exercise  of discretion to answer the reference”.    

24. Thus, it is within the discretion of this

Court, subject to certain parameters to decide

whether  to  refuse  to  answer  a  question  on  a

reference.  Looking at the facts of this Case, in

our opinion this is not a case where this Court

would like to refuse to give its opinion to the

President under the provisions of Article 143 of

the Constitution of India as there is no good

reason for the same.   

25. In the circumstances, we do not agree with

the submission made by the learned counsel for

the State of Punjab to the effect that we should

not give our opinion simply because we are not

bound to give our opinion under the provisions of

Article 143 of the Constitution of India.

26. On  the  other  hand,  the  learned  counsel

appearing for the State of Haryana narrated the

history of the litigation of different States on

the  issue  of  water  sharing  of  the  rivers

concerned  and  submitted  in  a  nutshell  that  by


Page 29


enacting  the  Punjab  Act,  2004,  the  State  of

Punjab  wanted  to  nullify  the  effect  of  the

decrees  passed  by  this  Court  against  the  said

State.   He  further  submitted  that  by  a

legislative act, a party to the litigation cannot

enact a Statute which would nullify the effect of

a decree passed by a Court of law and if such a

thing is permitted, governance of our democracy

as per rule of law would be in jeopardy because

the Constitution of India provides for the manner

in which the dispute among the States has to be

adjudicated.   If  in  a  federal  structure  like

ours, one State against whom a decree has been

passed by this Court is permitted to enact law to

nullify  the  decree,  it  would  result  into  very

hazardous consequences and mutilate the finality

of a judicial verdict leading to uncertainty and

that may result into legal chaos in the country.

He mainly relied upon the judgments delivered by

this  Court  in  the  case  of  Re:  Cauvery  Water Disputes Tribunal, (1993) 1 Supp. SCC 96 (II) and State  of  Tamil  Nadu v.  State  of  Kerala  and


Page 30


Another, (2014) 12 SCC 696.  He submitted that our  Constitution  provides  for  separation  of

powers and the method of adjudication of disputes

among the States.  If the law incorporated in the

Constitution is not followed there would not be

rule of law in the country.  He referred to some

other judgments so as to substantiate his case,

mainly  to  the  effect  that  such  a  law  would

adversely  affect  the  functioning  of  different

branches of the Government.  He also submitted

that  it  would  not  be  within  the  power  of  a

legislature to enact law to nullify the decree of

the Supreme Court.

27. He further submitted that once an Agreement

with  regard  to  sharing  of  waters  had  been

executed, it becomes duty of each State, which is

a  party  to  the  Agreement,  to  respect  the

Agreement and to act accordingly.  In the instant

case, there is not only an agreement but there

are  decrees  of  this  Court,  which  would  be

nullified if such an Act is implemented.  He,

therefore, submitted that this Court should opine


Page 31


against the constitutionality of the Punjab Act,

2004 and should also opine that it is obligatory

on the part of the State of Punjab to act as per

the Agreement entered into by it.

28. He further submitted that if for any reason

the State of Punjab has a feeling that because of

the changed circumstances, it is not possible to

share  waters  of  the  rivers  in  the  proportion

decided under the Agreement or any decree, the

State of Punjab or any other State, which is a

party  to  the  agreement  should  approach  the

Tribunal for getting an appropriate order so that

the  needful  can  be  done  for  reviewing  the

proportion on the basis whereof the water sharing

agreement had been executed.  Instead of doing

so, according to him, the State of Punjab has

tried to exercise its legislative powers so as to

nullify  the  decree  of  this  Court,  which  is

contrary to settled law.   

29. He further submitted that even our federal

structure would be adversely affected if a State


Page 32


is permitted to act in a way which would nullify

the  decree  passed  by  a  competent  Court.  He

strenuously  submitted  that  such  an  Act  would

result into lawlessness and breaking down of the

legal system.   

30. The  other  counsel  appearing  for  different

States  have  supported  the  learned  counsel

appearing for the State of Haryana and they have

also submitted that the State of Punjab could not

have enacted the Punjab Act so as to nullify the

decree of a competent Court and to unilaterally

absolve  itself  from  its  liability  under  the


31. Upon hearing the learned counsel and going

through  the  record  pertaining  to  the  case  and

upon  perusal  of  the  judgments  cited  by  the

learned  counsel,  we  are  of  the  view  that  the

Punjab Act cannot be considered to be legal and

valid and the State of Punjab can not absolve

itself from its duties/liabilities arising out of

the Agreement in question.


Page 33


32. As stated hereinabove, it is not in dispute

that there was a litigation between the State of

Punjab and the State of Haryana and ultimately a

decree  was  made  whereby  the  arrangement  with

regard to sharing of water as per the agreement

dated 31st December, 1981 had been made.  There is

thus a legal sanction to the said arrangement and

once a binding decree has been passed by a Court

of  law,  a  party  to  the  litigation  cannot

unilaterally act in a manner which would nullify

the effect of the decree.

33. In the instant case, instead of approaching

the appropriate authority, namely, the Tribunal

for  appropriate  relief,  the  State  of  Punjab

exercised its legislative power by enacting the

Punjab Act so as to nullify the effect of the


34. Dealing with a similar issue, this Court in

the case of State of Tamil Nadu (supra), has held that a State “cannot through legislation do an

act in conflict with the judgment of the highest


Page 34


Court  which  has  attained  finality.   If  a

legislation  is  found  to  have  breached  the

established  constitutional  limitation  such  as

separation of powers, it has to go and cannot be

allowed to remain” (Para 146).

35. It has been further observed by this Court as


“147. It is true that the State’s sovereign  interests  provide  the foundation  of  the  public  trust doctrine but the judicial function is also  a  very  important  sovereign function  of  the  State  and  the foundation  of  the  rule  of  law.  The legislature cannot by invoking “public trust  doctrine”  or  “precautionary principle”  indirectly  control  the action of the courts and directly or indirectly set aside the authoritative and  binding  finding  of  fact  by  the court,  particularly,  in  situations where the executive branch (Government of  the  State)  was  a  party  in  the litigation and the final judgment was delivered after hearing them.

xxx xxx xxx

149. This  Court  in  Mullaperiyar Environmental  Protection  Forum  v. Union  of  India  [(2006)  3  SCC  643], after hearing the State of Kerala, was not  persuaded  by  Kerala’s  argument that the Mullaperiyar Dam was unsafe or storage of water in that Dam cannot be  increased.  Rather,  it  permitted


Page 35


Tamil  Nadu  to  increase  the  present water level from 136 ft to 142 ft and restrained Kerala from interfering in Tamil Nadu’s right in increasing the water level in the Mullaperiyar Dam to 142  ft.  Thus,  a  judgment  has  been given by this Court in contest between the two States in respect of safety of Mullaperiyar Dam for raising the water level to 142 ft. The essential element of  the  judicial  function  is  the decision of a dispute actually arising between the parties and brought before the court. Necessarily, such decision must be binding upon the parties and enforceable according to the decision. A plain and simple judicial decision on  fact  cannot  be  altered  by  a legislative  decision  by  employing doctrines  or  principles  such  as “public  trust  doctrine”, “precautionary  principle”,  “larger safety principle” and, “competence of the  State  Legislature  to  override agreements  between  the  two  States”. The constitutional principle that the legislature  can  render  judicial decision  ineffective  by  enacting validating law within its legislative field  fundamentally  altering  or changing its character retrospectively has  no  application  where  a  judicial decision  has  been  rendered  by recording a finding of fact. Under the pretence  of  power,  the  legislature, cannot  neutralise  the  effect  of  the judgment given after ascertainment of fact  by  means  of  evidence/materials placed by the parties to the dispute. A  decision  which  disposes  of  the matter  by  giving  findings  upon  the facts  is  not  open  to  change  by legislature.  A  final  judgment,  once rendered,  operates  and  remains  in


Page 36


force until altered by the court in appropriate proceedings.

150. The 2006 (Amendment) Act plainly seeks to nullify the judgment of this Court  which  is  constitutionally impermissible.  Moreover,  it  is  not disputed  by  Kerala  that  the  2006 (Amendment)  Act  is  not  a  validation enactment. Since the impugned law is not  a  validating  law,  it  is  not required to inquire whether in making the  validation  the  legislature  has removed the defect which the Court has found  in  existing  law.  The  2006 (Amendment) Act in its application to and effect on the Mullaperiyar Dam is a legislation other than substantially legislative  as  it  is  aimed  at nullifying the prior and authoritative decision of this Court. The nub of the infringement  consists  in  the  Kerala Legislature’s  revising  the  final judgment  of  this  Court  in  utter disregard  of  the  constitutional principle  that  the  revision  of  such final judgment must remain exclusively within the discretion of the court.”

36. It  has  been  further  observed  in  the  said

judgment that a litigating person cannot become

judge in its own cause.  The said well known

principle has been clearly depicted in paragraph

158 of the said judgment as under:-

“158. There is yet another facet that in  federal  disputes,  the  legislature (Parliament  and  State  Legislatures) cannot be judge in their own cause in the case of any dispute with another


Page 37


State. The rule of law which is the basic  feature  of  our  Constitution forbids the Union and the States from deciding,  by  law,  a  dispute  between two States or between the Union and one  or  more  States.  If  this  was permitted under the Constitution, the Union and the States which have any dispute  between  them  inter  se  would enact  law  establishing  its  claim  or right against the other and that would lead  to  contradictory  and irreconcilable laws. The Constitution makers  in  order  to  obviate  any likelihood  of  contradictory  and irreconcilable laws being enacted has provided for independent adjudication of  federal  disputes.  Article  131  of the  Constitution  confers  original jurisdiction  upon  this  Court  in relation to the disputes between the Government of India and one or more States  or  between  the  Government  of India and any State or States on one side  and  one  or  more  States  on  the other or between two or more States insofar  as  dispute  involves  any question  on  which  the  existence  or extent of a legal right depends. The proviso appended to Article 131 carves out an exception to the jurisdiction of this Court to a dispute arising out of  treaty,  agreement,  covenant, engagement,  sanad  or  other  similar instrument  which  have  been  entered into  or  executed  before  the commencement  of  the  Constitution  and continues  in  operation  after  such commencement,  which  are  political  in nature.  In  relation  to  dispute relating  to  waters  of  inter-State river  or  river  valleys,  Article  262 provides for creation of tribunal or forum  for  their  adjudication.  In


Page 38


federal disputes, Parliament or State Legislatures by law, if seek to decide a dispute between the two States or between  the  Union  and  one  or  more States  directly  or  indirectly,  the adjudicatory  mechanism  provided  in Articles  131  and  262  of  the Constitution  would  be  rendered nugatory  and,  therefore,  such legislation cannot be constitutionally countenanced  being  violative  of separation of powers doctrine.”

37. Finally, on the subject on hand, this Court

observed as under in paragraph 160:

“160.  Where  a  dispute  between  two States  has  already  been  adjudicated upon  by  this  Court,  which  it  is empowered to deal with, any unilateral law enacted by one of the parties that results  in  overturning  the  final judgment  is  bad  not  because  it  is affected  by  the  principles  of  res judicata but because it infringes the doctrine of separation of powers and rule  of  law,  as  by  such  law,  the legislature  has  clearly  usurped  the judicial power.”

38. Looking at the aforestated legal position, in

our opinion, the State of Punjab had exceeded its

legislative power in proceeding to nullify the

decree of this Court and therefore, the Punjab

Act  cannot  be  said  to  be  a  validly  enacted


Page 39


legislation, as held by this Court in terms the

aforestated judgments.

39. It  is  pertinent  to  note  that  the  water

dispute, which the State of Punjab and State of

Haryana had, had been referred to the Tribunal as

per the provisions of Section 14 of the Inter

State Water Disputes Act, 1956. After considering

the  relevant  provisions,  even  with  regard  to

Section  78  of  the  Punjab  Reorganization  Act,

1966, the Tribunal had taken a judicial decision

and  the  said  decision  is  also  sought  to  be

disturbed by virtue of enactment of the Punjab

Act.  The Agreement dated 31st December, 1981 is

about sharing of waters of Ravi and Beas rivers.

The  said  Agreement  could  not  have  been

unilaterally terminated by one of the parties to

the Agreement by exercising its legislative power

and if any party or any State does so, looking at

the law laid down by this Court in the case of

State  of  Tamil  Nadu (supra),  such  unilateral action of a particular State has to be declared

contrary to the Constitution of India as well as


Page 40


the provisions of the Inter State Water Disputes

Act, 1956.

40. Once a conclusion is arrived at to the effect

that  one  State,  which  is  a  party  to  the

litigation or an Agreement, cannot unilaterally

terminate the Agreement or nullify the decree of

the highest Court of the country, the State of

Punjab  cannot  discharge  itself  from  its

obligation  which  arises  from  the  judgment  and

decree dated 15th January, 2002 and the judgment

and  order  dated  4th January,  2004  of  the  apex


41. For the aforestated reasons, in our opinion,

the Punjab Act cannot be said to be in accordance

with the provisions of the Constitution of India

and by virtue of the said Act the State of Punjab

cannot nullify the judgment and decree referred

to hereinabove and terminate the Agreement dated

31st December, 1981.

42. Thus, in our view, all the questions referred

to this Court are answered in the negative.


Page 41


43. This  opinion  shall  be  transmitted  to  the

President  of  India  in  accordance  with  the

procedure  prescribed  in  Part  V  of  the  Supreme

Court Rules, 2013.

...........................J                       (ANIL R. DAVE)

         ...........................J           (PINAKI CHANDRA GHOSE)

...........................J  (SHIVA KIRTI SINGH)

..........................J   (ADARSH KUMAR GOEL)

..........................J   (AMITAVA ROY)

New Delhi November 10, 2016.


Page 42








ACT, 2004]



1. Having  gone  through  the  exceedingly  well  formulated

judgment of Anil Dave, J., I record my respectful agreement with

the same.  But at the same time I am tempted by the facts and

nature of controversy involved in this Reference to remind all the

stakeholders  interested  in  the  healthy  upkeep  of  Indian

Constitutional  set-up,  and  particularly  the  States  which  form

part of the Indian Federal structure, of the peculiar and essential

features of our federal set-up.  Awareness of these features is

essential to keep the system healthy and transact constitutional


Page 43


powers – legislative, executive and judicial on proper tracks to

foster the spirit of constitutionalism.

2. It is not at all necessary to refer to a catena of judgments that

tell us in most unambiguous terms that the Indian Constitution

envisages a federal form of governance but with a pronounced

bias and obvious tilt towards the Centre. Historically, the States

were not having absolute sovereignty.  The territories  of  States

can be altered or totally taken away and even their names can be

changed.  Despite the distribution of legislative power by Article

246, leave aside the situations of emergency, even during normal

times provisions like Articles 248, 249, 251, 252, 253 and 254

run counter  to  the  normal  legislative  powers  of  States.   Over

subjects  covered  by  the  Concurrent  List,  in  the  case  of  any

repugnancy, the laws by Parliament have superiority and prevail

over  those  by  State  Legislature.   Executive  powers  are

understandably co-terminus with the legislative powers.   

3. Of utmost significance, in the context at hand is supremacy

of the Constitution.  Even to the permissible extent, it can be

amended only by the Union Parliament.  The Constitution grants

and  recognizes  supreme  authority  to  the  courts  to  not  only

interpret  but  also  to  protect  the  Constitution  and  the  laws.

Regardless of other features showing the Indian model to be only

a  quasi-federal,  the  Indian  Constitution  is  very  explicit  and

emphatic  in  creating  checks  and  balances  by  providing  for  a


Page 44


strong  and  independent  judiciary  and  a  well  defined

constitutional  mechanism  for  resolving  conflicts  between  the

executive and legislative authority of the Union and those of the

States.  Indians have given to themselves a single Constitution

and single citizenship.  Judicial power is exercisable by a single

set of courts within their territorial jurisdictions.  High Courts

are final courts at State level with constitutional powers under

Articles 226 and 227.  Supreme Court is undoubtedly the apex

court  in  the  hierarchy with  amalgam of  ultimate  powers  over

decisions  of  all  courts  –  civil,  criminal,  revenue  and

quasi-judicial tribunals.  Its powers and duties are enormous not

only  on  the  appellate  side  but  under  Article  32  of  the

Constitution  and  other  original  jurisdictions  such  as

Constitutional  References  and  also  original  suits  where  the

disputes may be between the States or between Union and States


4. From  the  abovementioned  set  up  under  our  Constitution,

there is no difficulty in concluding that no Government, whether

Central or State can usurp the power of adjudicating disputes

vested in the Judiciary including High Courts and the Supreme

Court.  Further, as a corollary, the judgments and decrees which

are the end product of exercise of judicial power cannot be set at

naught by the process of legislative declaration in respect of facts

and circumstances.  As explained already in the main judgment,


Page 45


the situation is somewhat different when a competent legislature

engages  itself  in  the  exercise  of  validating  a  law  declared

defective or invalid for reasons which are curable.

5. An  observation  necessitated  by  the  somewhat  disturbing

facts: delay in execution of a final judgment or decree, more so

when it is of the Apex Court, should never be countenanced by

any  authority  because  it  would  surely  tend  to  undermine

people’s faith in the judicial system of the country, entailing in

turn  avoidable  harm  to  all  the  institutions  and  functionaries

under the Constitution, may be even to the Constitution itself.


.…………………………………….J.       [SHIVA KIRTI SINGH]  

New Delhi. November 10, 2016