02 November 2012
Supreme Court


Case number: Crl.A. No.-001735-001739 / 2012
Diary number: 4337 / 2010


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CRIMINAL     APPEAL     NOS.      1735-1739             OF     2012   (Arising out of S.L.P. (Crl.) Nos. 6390-6394 of 2010)

The State of Maharashtra & Ors. etc.etc. …Appellants


Saeed Sohail Sheikh etc. etc. …Respondents

J     U     D     G     M     E     N     T   

T.S.     THAKUR,     J.   

1. Leave granted.

2. These appeals have been filed by the State of  

Maharashtra and senior officers in the Department of  

Prisons, Government of Maharashtra against a common  

judgment and order dated 21st July, 2009 passed by a  

Division Bench of the High Court of Judicature at Bombay  

whereby a batch of criminal writ petitions filed by the  



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respondents have been allowed, transfer of the  

respondents-prisoners from Arthur Road Jail in Bombay to  

three other jails in the State of Maharashtra held to be  

illegal and the appellants directed to transfer the prisoners  

back to the jail at Bombay. The High Court has expressed  

the view that jail authorities having used force against  

undertrial prisoners for no fault of theirs and since such  

force was used for extraneous reasons and was excessive,  

the Chief Secretary of the State of Maharashtra shall  

initiate a disciplinary inquiry against all those involved in  

the incident. The High Court has further held that if need be  

in addition to departmental inquiry, criminal action be also  

taken against the concerned officers including an inquiry  

into the conduct of the jail doctors for dereliction of their  

duty and alleged fudging of the records.   

3. The factual matrix relating to the transfer of the  

prisoners from Bombay Central Prison to other prisons in  

the State and use of force causing injuries to some of them  

has been set out in the order passed by the High Court at  

some length.  We need not, therefore, recount the same  



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over again except to the extent it is necessary to do so for  

the disposal of these appeals.   

4. Superintendent of the Bombay Central Prison appears  

to have addressed a letter to the Special Judge under The  

Maharashtra Control of Organised Crime Act, 1999  

(hereinafter referred to as the MCOC Act) requesting for  

permission to transfer accused persons in three different  

Bombay blast cases being MCOC cases No.16/2006,  

21/2006 and 23/2006. The request for transfer was  

proceeded on two distinct grounds namely (i) that against a  

capacity of 840 prisoners, the Bombay jail had as many as  

2500 prisoners housed in it resulting in over-crowding and  

consequent problems of management in the jail and (ii)  

that proceedings in the on-going cases in question had  

been stayed with the result that the presence of the  

accused persons involved in the said cases was no longer  

required in the near future.   

5. In response to the request aforementioned the Special  

Judge passed an order dated 26th March, 2004, inter alia,  

stating that:



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It is true that Honourable Supreme Court has  granted stay to entire further proceedings of above  referred cases and therefore, presence of accused is no  more required in near future.  It is total domain of Jail  Authorities to transfer accused to other jails due to  scarcity of premises or for security purpose.  As the  presence of accused is not required immediately, you  are at liberty to take action of transfer of above  referred accused to other jails as per rules and  regulations.”

6. Administrative approval for the transfer of 37  

undertrial prisoners involved in the above three cases was  

also obtained from the Inspector General of Prisons who  

directed the Superintendent, Bombay Central Prison, to  

keep in mind the criminal background of the prisoners while  

allocating them to different jails in the State.

7. On 22nd June, 2008 the jail authorities appear to have  

sent a requisition for an escort to the police headquarters  

which police escort was provided and reached the jail  

premises on 28th June, 2008 at 9.00 a.m. An announcement  

was then made requesting thirty-two undertrial prisoners to  

gather near Lal Gate in the prison premises out of whom  

seven prisoners were transferred to Ratnagiri Special Jail  

around 11.40 a.m. The other nineteen undertrials were said  



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to be sitting outside while two other undertrial prisoners  

named Kamal Ahmad Vakil Ansari and Dr. Tanveer Mohd.  

Ibrahim Ansari refused to leave their cell to join the escort  

party despite persuasions by the jail authorities. The case  

of the appellants is that these undertrial prisoners refused  

to listen to the jail authorities and started abusing and  

misbehaving with the jail officials including Mrs. Swati  

Madhav Sathe, the Jail Superintendent.  Not only that, the  

undertrial prisoners started shouting anti-national and  

provocative slogans.  After hearing these slogans from the  

high security cell, 21 undertrial prisoners who had gathered  

near the Lal Gate also started giving similar slogans and  

charged towards the jail officials, Wardens and watchmen  

and started assaulting them with bricks and stones. The  

version of the appellants is that these 21 undertrial  

prisoners also tried to approach the High Security Cell and  

tried to open its gate while they continued shouting  

slogans. Apprehending that the situation may go out of  

hand, the alarm bell was sounded in the jail and force  

reasonable enough to bring the situation under control used  

for that purpose. The appellants contend that because of  



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the assault by the undertrial prisoners, the jail guards and  

prison officers sustained injuries.   

8. A report regarding the incident in question was  

submitted on 30th June, 2008 to the Deputy Inspector  

General of Prison with a copy to the Principal Judge, City  

Sessions Court, Greater Bombay, Registrar Special-Judge,  

under MCOC Act apart from other officers in the prison  

hierarchy.  Such of the prisoners as had received injuries  

were forwarded to the jail medical officers who examined  

them and issued medical certificates, regarding injuries  

sustained by them.  The appellants allege that there was no  

violation of any statutory provision of law nor any other act  

of impropriety or illegality committed by them.

9. In the writ petitions filed by the respondents before  

the High Court, allegations regarding use of excessive force  

and inhuman treatment were made against the jail officials  

including the Superintendent of the Central Jail. The  

respondents alleged that the use of force was without any  

provocation and justification apart from being inspired by  

reasons extraneous to the need for maintaining peace and  



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order within the jail.  The nature of the allegations made in  

the writ petitions was found by the High Court to be  

sufficient to call for an inquiry into the violent incident.  

This inquiry was assigned to the Sessions Judge, Greater  

Bombay who was asked to report whether use of force by  

the jail authorities on 28th June, 2008 was excessive and  

whether, force was used for any extraneous reasons other  

than for maintaining discipline in terms of the Discipline  

Rules, 1963 of the Jail Manual.  The Sessions Judge was  

also asked to enquire into the circumstances in which the  

prisoners had access to bricks and stones as claimed by jail  

authorities in the counter-affidavit filed before the High  


10. An inquiry pursuant to the directions of the High Court  

was accordingly conducted by the learned Sessions Judge,  

Greater Bombay in which the Sessions Judge recorded the  

statements of the injured as also the jail officials besides  

some other inmates of the jail. The report submitted by the  

Sessions Judge concluded that the cause underlying the  

incident of 28th June, 2008 was the resistance offered by  



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Kamal Ahmad Vakil Ansari and Dr. Tanveer Mohd. Ibrahim  

Ansari to their transfer from the prison. The Inquiry Officer  


“….The inquiry revealed that Tanvir and Kamal had  resisted the jail staff on that day and they were not  ready to go out of the High Security Zone.  Inquiry  further revealed that the jail staff was required to use  force against them for taking them out of the room,  then from barrack and then from the circle itself….


Statements of prisoners sent to Kolhapur and Nagpur  jails and the statement of the jail staff if considered  together, are sufficient to infer that Tanvir and Kamal  offered maximum resistance to jail staff and they had  refused to come out of High Security Zone but they  were not taken out of their respective rooms and so  there is no convincing statement given by anybody in  respect of other two prisoners.  It can be said that they  were removed after the main incident was over.  If the  exaggeration made by other prisoners who were  brought from Kolhapur jail is ignored, and the facts  which can be called as common from the statements  given by the jail staff and the prisoners are considered,  it can be said that shouts of Tanvir who was assaulted  inside of High Security Zone were heard by the  prisoners who had gathered outside, in the open space.  Material is also sufficient to infer that Kamal came out  though without stick and he instigated the 20 prisoners  who were sitting outside in the open space.”

11. The Inquiry Officer further found that the resistance  

offered by Kamal Ahmad Vakil Ansari and Dr. Tanveer  

Mohd. Ibrahim Ansari required use of force against them  

but since both of them started shouting slogans other  



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prisoners who were gathered outside in the open portion of  

the jail gate got agitated and rushed towards the High  

Security Cell to see as to what was happening.  The Inquiry  

Officer held that hearing the anti-national slogans, the jail  

officers lost their calm and ordered use of force leading to  

breach of disturbances within the jail.  The Inquiry Officer  

has specifically noted that the disturbances had started on  

account of instigation given by Kamal Ansari and slogans  

shouted by him and that there were reasons for the jail  

authorities to bring the situation under control. The  

following passage in the inquiry report is, in this regard,  


“xxxxxxxxxxxxxx There is possibility that after hearing the shouting of  Tanvir and after hearing from Kamal that Tanvir was  being beaten in High Security Zone and after hearing  slogans given by Tanvir, prisoners who had gathered  outside became disturbed.  It can be said that they  must have rushed towards the High Security Zone to  see as to what was happening.  There is a clear  possibility that after hearing of the slogans which were  given against India, officers outside became angry and  then order was made to use force.  Aforesaid  circumstances have created probability that there was  breach of discipline in view of the Rules framed under  the Maharashtra Prison (Discipline) Rules of 1963 and  there was disturbance to some extent.  I have no  hesitation to come to the conclusion that due to the  instigation given by Kamal and slogans given by him,  disturbance was caused and there was reason for the  



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jail authority to order use of force.  Force was used to  bring the situation under control.  But it needs to be  ascertained as to whether there was excessive use of  force or there was some extraneous reason also for  excess use of force against these prisoners.”

12. Having identified the cause of disturbances the Inquiry  

Officer next examined the question whether the force used  

by the jail authorities was excessive and came to the  

conclusion on the basis of the medical records of the  

injured  namely, Tanveer, Kamal, Ehatesham, Sayed Asif,  

Abdul Wahid, Mohd. Zuber, Mushtaq Ahmed, Mohd. Zahid,  

Zameer Ahmad, Riyaz Ahmed and Mohd. Mujaffar that the  

use of force by the jail authorities was excessive. The  

Inquiry Officer further held that the injured were not given  

medical aid. They were not properly examined by the  

doctors from the Bombay Central Police. Speaking about  

the conduct of the doctors in Bombay Central Prison the  

Inquiry Officer observed:

“This conduct of the doctors of Mumbai Central Prison  speaks volume about the general approach of the jail  authority and the doctors working in the jail.  It can be  said that the doctors helped the jail authority in  falsifying everything and screening illegal actions of the  officers.  It is surprising for the jail authority also that  when under Chapter 11 of the Prison Act, action could  



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have been taken against the prisoners if they had  committed prison offence by assaulting officers, no  record in that regard was created and no such action  was proposed.  Instead of that, jail authority hurriedly  transferred the prisoners to other jails.”

13. On a consideration of the report received from the  

Sessions Judge, the High Court found it necessary to direct  

the Government to hold a departmental inquiry against the  

officials who had used excessive force in bringing the  

situation in the jail under control.  The High Court found  

that the order transferring the respondents-undertrial  

prisoners from Bombay Central Jail to other jails in the  

State was illegal and unacceptable inasmuch as the request  

for transfer had been dealt with at an administrative level  

without affording an opportunity to the undertrials to  

oppose the same.  The High Court rejected the contention  

urged on behalf of the appellants that Section 29 of the  

Prisoners Act, 1900 empowers the State Government or the  

Inspector General of Prisons to transfer the undertrials. The  

power to transfer the undertrials was, according to the High  

Court, exercisable only by the Court under whose orders  

the prisoners were remanded to judicial custody in a given  

jail. Inasmuch as the court concerned had faltered in taking  



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appropriate action on the request for transfer by treating  

the request to be only an administrative matter, the  

sanction for transfer of the undertrials to other jails was  


14. Appearing for the appellants Mr. Shekhar Naphade,  

learned senior counsel, made a three-fold submission  

before us. Firstly, it was contended that the undertrial  

prisoners had no enforceable right to demand that they  

should be detained in a prison of their choice or to resist  

their transfer from one jail to the other if the court under  

whose orders they were remanded to such custody  

permitted such transfer.  He argued that although Section  

29(2) of the Prisoners Act, 1900 permitted the Inspector  

General of Prisons to remove any prisoner from one prison  

to another in the State even if that power was not available  

qua undertrial prisoners, there was no impediment in such  

removal after the court under whose orders the prisoners  

were committed to jail had permitted such a transfer.

15. Secondly, it was argued by Mr. Naphade, that the  

power exercisable by the court in the matter of permitting  



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or refusing the transfer of a prisoner was ministerial in  

character and that the prisoner had no right to demand a  

notice of any such request nor an opportunity to oppose the  

same. It is a matter entirely between the jail authorities on  

the one hand and the court concerned on the other in which  

the prisoner had no locus standi to intervene.

16. Thirdly, it was argued by Mr. Naphade that the High  

Court had fallen in a palpable error in holding that the use  

of force by the jail authorities was excessive, which called  

for any administrative or disciplinary action against those  

responsible for using such excessive force. He contended  

that what would constitute reasonable force to restore  

discipline and peace within the jail depends largely upon  

the nature of the incident, the extent of disturbances and  

the gravity of the consequences that would flow if force was  

not used to restore order. It was not, according to Mr.  

Naphade possible to sit in judgment over the decision of  

the jail authorities who were charged with maintenance of  

discipline and peace within the jail and determine whether  



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force was rightly used and, if so, whether or not the use of  

force was excessive.   

17. Mr. Naphade also urged that the underlying cause of  

the incident in the instant case was resistance put up by  

the undertrials involved in heinous offences against the  

society threatening the very sovereignty and integrity of  

the country.  It was not open to the concerned prisoners,  

argued Mr. Naphade to resist their transfer from one jail to  

the other and to create a situation in which the jail  

authorities found it difficult to effectuate their transfer. It  

was also contended by Mr. Naphade that the reports  

submitted by the Sessions Judge was at best a preliminary  

fact finding report which has neither afforded an  

opportunity to all concerned to defend themselves against  

the insinuations or to examine witnesses in their defence.  

No such report could, therefore, be made a basis by the  

High Court to issue a mandamus to the State to institute  

disciplinary action against the officials concerned as though  

the finding that the use of force was excessive was  



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unimpeachable and could constitute a basis for any such  


18. On behalf of the respondents Mr. Amrender Saran,  

learned senior counsel, argued that the transfer of a  

prisoner especially an undertrial from one prison to the  

other was not inconsequential for the prisoner and could  

not, therefore, be dealt with at a ministerial level. A  

prisoner was entitled to oppose the transfer especially if the  

same adversely affected his defence. It was also contended  

that Section 29 did not empower the Government or the  

Inspector General of Prisons to direct transfer of  

undertrials. It was argued that while the inquiry conducted  

by the Sessions Judge was not a substitute for a regular  

inquiry that may be conducted by the State, yet the  

exercise undertaken by a senior officer like the Sessions  

Judge under the orders of the High Court could furnish a  

prima facie basis for the High Court to direct an appropriate  

investigation into the case, and to initiate proceedings  

against those who may be found guilty of any misconduct  

on the basis of any such investigation.   



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19. Section 29 of the Prisoners Act, 1900 reads as under:

“29. Removal of prisoners-(1) The [State Government]  may, by general or special order, provide for the removal  of any prisoner confined in a prison-  

(a) under sentence of death, or  

(b) under, or in lieu of, a sentence of imprisonment or  transportation, or   

(c) in default of payment of a fine, or  

(d) in default of giving security for keeping the peace  or for maintaining good behaviour,  

to any other prison in [the State]  

(2)  [Subject to the orders, and under the control of the  State Government,  the Inspector-General of prisons  may, in like manner, provide for the removal of any  prisoner confined as aforesaid in a prison in the State to  any other prison in the State]”

20. It is evident from a bare glance at the above provision  

that removal of any prisoner under the same is envisaged  

only at the instance of the State Government in cases  

where the prisoner is under a sentence of death or under or  

in lieu of a sentence of imprisonment or transportation or is  

undergoing in default of payment of fine or imprisonment in  

default of security for keeping the peace or for maintaining  

good behaviour. Transfer in terms of sub-section (1) of  

Section 29 (supra) is thus permissible only in distinct  



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situations covered by clauses (a) to (d) above. The  

provision does not, it is manifest, deal with undertrial  

prisoners who do not answer the description given therein.

21. Reliance upon sub-section (2) of Section 29, in  

support of the contention that the transfer of an undertrial  

is permissible, is also of no assistance to the appellants in  

our opinion. Sub-section (2) no doubt empowers the  

Inspector General of Prisons to direct a transfer but what is  

important is that any such transfer is of a prisoner who is  

confined in circumstances mentioned in sub-section (1) of  

Section 29. That is evident from the use of words “any  

prisoner confined as aforesaid in a prison”. The expression  

leaves no manner of doubt that a transfer under sub-

section (2) is also permissible only if it relates to prisoners  

who were confined in circumstances indicated in sub-

section (1) of Section 29. The respondents in the present  

case were undertrials who could not have been transferred  

in terms of the orders of the Inspector General of Prisons  

under Section 29 extracted above.  



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22. We may at this stage refer to Prison Act, 1894 to  

which our attention was drawn by learned counsel for the  

appellants in an attempt to show that the Government  

could direct transfer of the undertrials from one prison to  

another. Reliance, in particular, was placed upon the  

provisions of Section 26 of the Act which reads as under:

“26. Removal and discharge of prisoners. – (1) All  prisoners, previously being removed to any other  prison, shall be examined by the Medical Officer.  

(2) No prisoner shall be removed from one prison to  another unless the Medical Officer certifies that the  prisoner is free from any illness rendering him unfit for  removal.  

(3) No prisoner shall be discharged against his will from  prison, if labouring under any acute or dangerous  distemper, nor until, in the opinion of the Medical  Officer, such discharge is safe.”

23. The above, does not, in our opinion, support the  

contention that the Inspector General of Prisons could  

direct removal of undertrial from one prison to other. All  

that Section 26 provides is that before being removed to  

any other prison the prisoner shall be examined by the  

medical officer and unless the medical officer certifies that  

the prisoner is free from any illness rendering him unfit for  



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removal, no such removal shall take place. Section 26 may,  

therefore, oblige the prison authorities to have the  

prisoner, whether a convict or an undertrial, medically  

examined and to remove him only if he is found fit but any  

such requirement without any specific power vested in any  

authority to direct removal, cannot by itself, be interpreted  

to mean that such removal can be ordered under the order  

either by the Inspector General of Prisons or any other  

officer for that matter.   

24. That leaves us with the question as to whether  

undertrials can be transferred to any prison with the  

permission of the court under whose orders he has been  

committed to the prison. Reference in this connection may  

be made to Sections 167 and 309 of the Code of Criminal  

Procedure, 1973. Section 167(2) empowers the Magistrate  

to whom an accused is forwarded whether or not he has  

jurisdiction to try the case to authorize his detention in  

such custody as the Magistrate deems fit for a term not  

exceeding 15 days in the whole. It reads:



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“167. Procedure when investigation cannot be  completed in twenty-four hours (1) xxxxxxxxxxxxxx (2) The Magistrate to whom an accused person is  forwarded under this section may, whether he has or has  not jurisdiction to try the case, from time to time,  authorise the detention of the accused in such custody as  such Magistrate thinks fit, a term not exceeding fifteen  days in the whole; and if he has no jurisdiction to try the  case or commit it for trial, and considers further detention unnecessary, he may order the accused to be  forwarded to a Magistrate having such jurisdiction:

Provided that— (a) the Magistrate may authorise the detention of the  accused person, otherwise than in the custody of the  police, beyond the period of fifteen days, if he is satisfied  that adequate grounds exist for doing so, but no  Magistrate shall authorise the detention of the accused  person in custody under this paragraph for a total period  exceeding— (i) ninety days, where the investigation relates to an  offence punishable with death, imprisonment for life or  imprisonment for a term of not less than ten years; (ii) sixty days, where the investigation relates to any  other offence, and, on the expiry of the said period of  ninety days, or sixty days, as the case may be, the  accused person shall be released on bail if he is prepared  to and does furnish bail, and every person released on  bail under this sub-section shall be deemed to be to so  released under the provisions of Chapter XXXIII for the  purposes of that Chapter;

(b) no Magistrate shall authorise detention in any custody  under this section unless the accused is produced before  him;

(c) no Magistrate of the second class, not specially  empowered in this behalf by the High Court, shall  authorise detention in the custody of the police.”

25. Reference may also be, at this stage made, to Section  

309 of the Code which, inter alia, empowers the court after  



Page 21

taking cognizance of an offence or commencement of the  

trial to remand the accused in custody in cases where the  

court finds it necessary to postpone the commencement of  

trial or inquiry. The rationale underlying both these  

provisions is that the continued detention of the prisoner in  

jail during the trial or inquiry is legal and valid only under  

the authority of the Court/Magistrate before whom the  

accused is produced or before whom he is being tried. An  

undertrial remains in custody by reasons of such order of  

remand passed by the concerned court and such remand is  

by a warrant addressed to the authority who is to hold him  

in custody. The remand orders are invariably addressed to  

the Superintendents of jails where the undertrials are  

detained till their production before the court on the date  

fixed for that purpose. The prison where the undertrial is  

detained is thus a prison identified by the competent court  

either in terms of Section 167 or Section 309 of the Code.  

It is axiomatic that transfer of the prisoner from any such  

place of detention would be permissible only with the  

permission of the court under whose warrant the undertrial  

has been remanded to custody.   



Page 22

26. Both Mr. Naphade and Mr. Saran had no serious  

quarrel on the above proposition. It was all the same  

argued that if the provisions of the Prisoners Act, 1900 and  

the Prisons Act, 1894 did not empower the Inspector  

General of Prisons to transfer the undertrial, the only other  

mode of such transfer was with the permission of the court  

and pursuant to whose warrant of remand the undertrial is  

held in a particular jail.   

27. The forensic debate at the Bar was all about the  

nature of the power exercisable by the court while  

permitting or refusing transfer. We have, however, no  

hesitation in holding that the power exercisable by the  

court while permitting or refusing transfer is ‘judicial’  and  

not ‘ministerial’ as contended by Mr. Naphade.  Exercise of  

ministerial power is out of place in situations where quality  

of life or the liberty of a citizen is affected, no matter  

he/she is under a sentence of imprisonment or is facing a  

criminal charge in an on-going trial.  That transfer of an  

undertrial to a distant prison may adversely affect his right  

to defend himself but also isolate him from the society of  



Page 23

his friends and relations is settled by the decision of this  

Court in Sunil Batra v. Delhi Administration AIR 1980  

SC 1579, where this Court observed:

“48. Inflictions may take many protean forms, apart from  physical assaults. Pushing the prisoner into a solitary cell,  denial of a necessary amenity, and, more dreadful  sometimes, transfer to a distant prison where visits or  society of friends or relations may be snapped, allotment  of degrading labour, assigning him to a desperate or  tough gang and the like, may be punitive in effect. Every  such affliction or abridgment is an infraction of liberty or  life in its wider sense and cannot be sustained unless  Article 21 is satisfied. There must be a corrective legal  procedure, fair and reasonable and effective. Such  infraction will be arbitrary, under Article 14 if it is  dependent on unguided discretion, unreasonable, under  Article 19 if it is irremediable and unappealable, and  unfair, under Article 21 if it violates natural justice. The  string of guidelines in Batra set out in the first judgment,  which we adopt, provides for a hearing at some stages, a  review by a superior, and early judicial consideration so  that the proceedings may not hop from Caesar to Caesar.  We direct strict compliance with those norms and  institutional provisions for that purpose.”

28. The expressions ‘ministerial’, ‘ministerial office’,  

‘ministerial act’, and ‘ministerial duty’ have been defined by  

Black’s Law Dictionary as under:

“Ministerial, Adj. (16c) of our relating to an act that  involves obedience to instructions or laws instead of  discretion, judgment, or skill the court clerk’s  ministerial duties include recording judgments on the  docket.

Ministerial office. An office that does not include  authority to exercise judgment, only to carry out orders  



Page 24

given by a superior office, or to perform duties or acts  required by rules, statutes, or regulations.

Ministerial act. An act performed without the  independent exercise of discretion or judgment. If the  act is mandatory, it is also termed a ministerial duty.

Ministerial duty. A duty that requires neither the  exercise of official discretion nor judgment.”

29. Prof. De Smith in his book on ‘Judicial Review’  

(Thomson Sweet & Maxwell, 6th Edn. 2007) refers to the  

meaning given by Courts to the terms ‘judicial’, ‘quasi-

judicial’, ‘administrative’, ‘legislative’  and ‘ministerial’  for  

administrative law purposes and found them to be  

inconsistent.  According to the author ‘ministerial’  as a  

technical legal term has no single fixed meaning. It may  

describe any duty the discharge whereof requires no  

element of discretion or independent judgment. It may  

often be used more narrowly to describe the issue of a  

formal instruction, in consequence of a prior determination  

which may or may not be of a judicial character. Execution  

of any such instructions by an inferior officer sometimes  

called ministerial officer may also be treated as a  

ministerial function. It is sometimes loosely used to  

describe an act that is neither judicial nor legislative. In  



Page 25

that sense the term is used interchangeably with ‘executive’  

or ‘administrative’. The tests which, according to Prof. De  

Smith delineate ‘judicial functions’, could be varied some of  

which may lead to the conclusion that certain functions  

discharged by the Courts are not judicial such as award of  

costs,  award of sentence to prisoners, removal of trustees  

and arbitrators, grant of divorce to petitioners who are  

themselves guilty of adultery etc. We need not delve deep  

into all these aspects in the present case. We say so  

because pronouncements of this Court have over the past  

decades made a distinction between quasi-judicial function  

on the one hand and administrative or ministerial duties on  

the other which distinctions give a clear enough indication  

and insight into what constitutes ministerial function in  

contra-distinction to what would amount to judicial or  

quasi-judicial function.   

30. In Province of Bombay v. Khusaldas Advani (AIR  

1950 SC 222) this Court had an occasion to examine the  

difference between a quasi-judicial order and an  

administrative or ministerial order. Chief Justice Kania, in  



Page 26

his opinion, quoted with approval an old Irish case on the  

issue in the following passage:

“…..the point for determination is whether the order in  question is a quasi-judicial order or an administrative  or ministerial order. In Regina (John M'Evoy) v. Dublin  Corporation [1978] 2 L.R. Irish 371, 376, May C.J. in  dealing with this point observed as follows:

“It is established that the writ of certiorari  does not lie to remove an order merely  ministerial, such as a warrant, but it lies to  remove and adjudicate upon the validity of  acts judicial. In this connection, the term  ‘judicial' does not necessarily mean acts of a  judge or legal tribunal sitting for the  determination of matters of law, but for the  purpose of this question a judicial act seems  to be an act done by competent authority,  upon consideration of facts and  circumstances, and imposing liability or  affecting the rights of others.”

This definition was approved by Lord Atkinson in Frome  United Breweries Co. v. Bath Justices [1926] A.C. 586,  602, as the best definition of a judicial act as  distinguished from an administrative act.”

31. In Khushaldas Advani’s case (supra) the Court was  

examining whether the act in question was a  

ministerial/administrative act or a judicial/quasi-judicial one  

in the context of whether a writ of certiorari could be issued  

against an order under Section 3 of the Bombay Land  

Requisition Ordinance, 1947. The Court cited with approval  



Page 27

the observation of L.J. Atkin in The King v. The  

Electricity Commissioner [1924] 1 K.B. 171 that laid  

down the following test:

“Whenever anybody of persons having legal authority  to determine questions affecting the rights of subjects,  and having the duty to act judicially, act in excess of  their legal authority they are subject to the controlling  jurisdiction of the King’s Bench Division exercised in  these writs.”

32. The Court quoted with approval the decision in The  

King v. London County Council [1931] 2 K.B. 215  

according to which a rule of certiorari may issue; wherever  

a body of persons

(1) having legal authority (2) to determine questions affecting rights of subjects  

and (3) having the duty to act judicially  (4) act in excess of their legal authority-a writ of  

certiorari may issue.     

33. Justice Fazl Ali, in his concurring opinion in  

Khushaldas’ case (supra) made the following observations  

as regards judicial and quasi-judicial orders:

“16. Without going into the numerous cases cited  before us, it may be safely laid down that an order will  be a judicial or quasi-judicial order if it is made by a  court or a judge, or by some person or authority who is  



Page 28

legally bound or authorised to act as if he was a court  or a judge. To act as a Court or a judge necessarily  involves giving an opportunity to the party who is to be  affected by an order to make a representation, making  some kind of enquiry, hearing and weighing evidence, if  any, and considering all the facts and circumstances  bearing on the merits of the controversy before any  decision affecting the rights of one or more parties is  arrived at.  The procedure to be followed may not be as  elaborate as in a court of law and it may be very  summary, but it must contain the essential elements of  judicial procedure as indicated by me.

xxx xxx xxx

xxx xxx xxx

…  The mere fact that an executive authority has to  decide something does not make the decision judicial.  It is the manner in which the decision has to be arrived  at which makes the difference and the real test is: Is  there any duty to decide judicially?”

34. The detailed concurrent opinion of Justice Das, in the  

same case, also agreed with the above test for determining  

whether a particular act is a judicial or an administrative  

one.  Das J., observed:

“The real test which distinguishes a quasi-judicial act  from an administrative act is the third item in Atkin  L.J.’s definition, namely the duty to act judicially.”

35. In State of Orissa v. Dr. Binapani Dei (AIR 1967  

SC 1269) Justice Shah, speaking for the Court observed  

that the duty to act judicially arose from the very nature of  



Page 29

the function intended to be performed. It need not be  

shown to be superadded. The Court held:

“If there is power to decide and determine to the  prejudice of a person, duty to act judicially is implicit in  the exercise of such power.”

36. In A.K. Kraipak v. Union of India (1969) 2 SCC  

262, Hegde, J., as His Lordship then was, recognised  that  

the dividing line between an administrative power and a  

quasi-judicial power was fast vanishing. What was  

important, declared the Court, was the duty to act judicially  

which implies nothing but a duty to act justly and fairly and  

not arbitrarily or capriciously. The Court observed:

“13. The dividing line between an administrative power  and a quasi-judicial power is quite thin and is being  gradually obliterated. For determining whether a power  is an administrative power or a quasi-judicial power  one has to look to the nature of the power conferred,  the person or persons on whom it is conferred, the  framework of the law conferring that power, the  consequences ensuing from the exercise of that power  and the manner in which that power is expected to be  exercised. Under our Constitution the rule of law  pervades over the entire field of administration. Every  organ of the State under our Constitution is regulated  and controlled by the rule of law. In a welfare State like  ours it is inevitable that the jurisdiction of the  administrative bodies is increasing at a rapid rate. The  concept of rule of law would lose its vitality if the  instrumentalities of the State are not charged with the  duty of discharging their functions in a fair and just  



Page 30

manner. The requirement of acting judicially in essence  is nothing but a requirement to act justly and fairly and  not arbitrarily or capriciously. The procedures which are  considered inherent in the exercise of a judicial power  are merely those which facilitate if not ensure a just  and fair decision. In recent years the concept of quasi- judicial power has been undergoing a radical change.  What was considered as an administrative power some  years back is now being considered as a quasi-judicial  power.”  

37. To the same effect is the decision of this Court in  

Mohinder Singh Gill. v. Chief Election Commission  

(1978) 1 SCC 405 where Krishna Iyer, J. speaking for the  

Court observed:    

                  “48. Once we understand the soul of the rule as  fairplay in action — and it is so — we must hold that it  extends to both the fields. After all, administrative  power in a democratic set-up is not allergic to fairness  in action and discretionary executive justice cannot  degenerate into unilateral injustice. Nor is there ground  to be frightened of delay, inconvenience and expense,  if natural justice gains access. For fairness itself is a  flexible, pragmatic and relative concept, not a rigid,  ritualistic or sophisticated abstraction. It is not a bull in  a china shop, nor a bee in one's bonnet. Its essence is  good conscience in a given situation: nothing more —  but nothing less. The “exceptions”  to the rules of  natural justice are a misnomer or rather are but a  shorthand form of expressing the idea that in those  exclusionary cases nothing unfair can be inferred by  not affording an opportunity to present or meet a case.  Text-book excerpts and ratios from rulings can be  heaped, but they all converge to the same point that  audi alteram partem is the justice of the law, without,  of course, making law lifeless, absurd, stultifying, self- defeating or plainly contrary to the common sense of  the situation.”



Page 31

38. Recently this Court in Jamal Uddin Ahmad v. Abu  

Saleh Najmuddin (2003) 4 SCC 257 dealt with the  

nature of distinction between judicial or ministerial  

functions in the following words:

“14. The judicial function entrusted to a Judge is  inalienable and differs from an administrative or  ministerial function which can be delegated or  performance whereof may be secured through  authorization.“The judicial function consists in the  interpretation of the law and its application by rule or  discretion to the facts of particular cases. This involves  the ascertainment of facts in dispute according to the  law of evidence. The organs which the State sets up to  exercise the judicial function are called courts of law or  courts of justice. Administration consists of the  operations, whatever their intrinsic nature may be,  which are performed by administrators; and  administrators are all State officials who are neither  legislators nor judges.”  (See Constitutional and  Administrative Law, Phillips and Jackson, 6th Edn., p.  13.) P. Ramanatha Aiyar's Law Lexicon defines judicial  function as the doing of something in the nature of or  in the course of an action in court. (p. 1015) The  distinction between “judicial”  and “ministerial acts”  is:  If a Judge dealing with a particular matter has to  exercise his discretion in arriving at a decision, he is  acting judicially; if on the other hand, he is merely  required to do a particular act and is precluded from  entering into the merits of the matter, he is said to be  acting ministerially. (pp. 1013-14). Judicial function is  exercised under legal authority to decide on the  disputes, after hearing the parties, maybe after making  an enquiry, and the decision affects the rights and  obligations of the parties. There is a duty to act  judicially. The Judge may construe the law and apply it  to a particular state of facts presented for the  determination of the controversy. A ministerial act, on  the other hand, may be defined to be one which a  person performs in a given state of facts, in a  prescribed manner, in obedience to the mandate of a  



Page 32

legal authority, without regard to, or the exercise of,  his own judgment upon the propriety of the act done.  (Law Lexicon, ibid., p. 1234). In ministerial duty  nothing is left to discretion; it is a simple, definite  duty.”  


39. Applying the above principles to the case at hand and  

keeping in view the fact that any order that the Court may  

make on a request for transfer of a prisoner is bound to  

affect him prejudicially, we cannot but hold that it is  

obligatory for the Court to apply its mind fairly and  

objectively to the circumstances in which the transfer is  

being prayed for and take a considered view having regard  

to the objections which the prisoner may have to offer.  

There is in that process of determination and decision-

making an implicit duty to act fairly, objectively or in other  

words to act judicially.   It follows that any order of transfer  

passed in any such proceedings can be nothing but a  

judicial order or at least a quasi-judicial one.  Inasmuch as  

the trial court appears to have treated the matter to be  

administrative and accordingly permitted the transfer  

without issuing notice to the under-trials or passing an  

appropriate order in the matter, it committed a mistake.  A  



Page 33

communication received from the prison authorities was  

dealt with and disposed of at an administrative level by  

sending a communication in reply without due and proper  

consideration and without passing a considered judicial  

order which alone could justify a transfer in the case.  Such  

being the position the High Court was right in declaring the  

transfer to be void and directing the re-transfer of the  

undertrials to Bombay jail.  It is common ground that the  

stay of the proceedings in three trials pending against the  

respondents has been vacated by this Court.  Appearance  

of the undertrials would, therefore, be required in  

connection with the proceedings pending against them for  

which purpose they have already been transferred back to  

the Arthur Road Jail in Bombay. Nothing further, in that  

view, needs to be done by this Court in that regard at this  


40. That leaves us with the only other aspect namely  

whether the High Court was justified in directing the  

Government to hold an inquiry against those responsible for  

using excessive force and for dereliction of duty by the  



Page 34

medical officer.  As noticed earlier by us the said direction  

has been issued entirely on the basis of the report  

submitted by the Sessions Judge. That report besides being  

preliminary is flawed in many respects including the fact  

that the same does not comply with the basic requirement  

of a fair opportunity of hearing being given to those likely  

to be affected. It is true that the statements of some of the  

jail officials have also been recorded in the course of the  

inquiry but that is not enough.  Those indicted in the report  

were entitled to an opportunity to cross-examine those who  

alleged misconduct against them. Not only that the  

Sessions Judge has not named the officers responsible for  

the alleged use of excessive force which was essential for  

any follow up or further action in the matter. The Sessions  

Judge has observed:  

“I am avoiding naming the officers of the jail against  whom allegations of use of force are made as I am  expected to give findings only on the aforesaid five  points and as officers who took part in the action,  officers who gave orders of or the officers who did not  oppose the action cannot be segregated.”

41. So, also the report clearly states the officials  

concerned have not been allowed to examine any witness  



Page 35

although a request was made by them to do so. Such being  

the position, some of the observations made by the High  

Court that give an impression as though the misdemeanour  

of the jail officers had been proved, do not appear to be  

justified.  It was at any rate not for the High Court to  

record a final and authoritative finding that the force used  

by the jail authorities was excessive or that it was used for  

any extraneous purpose.  It was a matter that could be  

determined only after a proper inquiry was conducted and  

an opportunity afforded to those who were accused of using  

such excessive force or abusing the power vested in them.  

Consequential directions issued by the High Court in  

directing the State Government to initiate disciplinary  

inquiry against all the officers involved in the incident were,  

therefore, premature. We say so because the question  

whether any disciplinary inquiry needs to be instituted  

against the jail officials would depend upon the outcome of  

a proper investigation into the incident and not a  

preliminary enquiry in which the Investigating Officer, apart  

from statements of the respondents, makes use of  

information discreetly collected from the jail inmates.  The  



Page 36

report of the Sessions Judge could in the circumstances  

provide no more than a prima facie basis for the  

Government to consider whether any further investigation  

into the incident was required to be conducted either for  

disciplinary action or for launching prosecution of those  

found guilty.  Beyond that the preliminary report could not  

in view of what we have said above serve any other  


42. In a country governed by the rule of law police  

excesses whether inside or outside the jail cannot be  

countenanced in the name of maintaining discipline or  

dealing with anti-national elements.  Accountability is one  

of the facets of the rule of law. If anyone is found to have  

acted in breach of law or abused his position while  

exercising powers that must be exercised only within the  

parameters of law, the breach and the abuse can be  

punished. That is especially so when the abuse is alleged to  

have been committed under the cover of authority  

exercised by people in uniform.  Any such action is also  

open to critical scrutiny and examination by the Courts.  



Page 37

Having said that we cannot ignore the fact that the country  

today faces challenges and threats from extremist elements  

operating from within and outside India. Those dealing with  

such elements have at times to pay a heavy price by  

sacrificing their lives in the discharge of their duties.  The  

glory of the constitutional democracy that we have  

adopted, however, is that whatever be the challenges  

posed by such dark forces, the country’s commitment to  

the Rule of Law remains steadfast. Courts in this country  

have protected and would continue to protect the ideals of  

the rights of the citizen being inviolable except in  

accordance with the procedure established by law.   

43. In the result we allow these appeals but only in part  

and to the extent that the Government shall treat the  

report submitted by the Sessions Judge as a preliminary  

inquiry and take a considered decision whether or not any  

further inquiry, investigation or proceedings against those  

allegedly responsible for using excessive force while  

restoring discipline in the Central Jail at Bombay on 26th  

June, 2008 needs to be conducted. We make it clear that if  



Page 38

the Government decides to hold any further inquiry or  

investigation into the matter on the basis of the preliminary  

findings in the report submitted by the Sessions Judge or  

institute any departmental proceedings against any one of  

those found guilty in any such further inquiry or  

investigation, the observations made by the High Court in  

regard to the use of force or the extent thereof shall not  

prejudice the parties concerned or the outcome of any such  

inquiry nor shall any such observation be treated to be a  

final expression of opinion regarding the guilt or innocence  

of the concerned. The parties are left to bear their own  


      ….………………………………….……………………..…….…J.            (T.S. THAKUR)

..…………………………………….………………….…..……….J.       (FAKKIR MOHAMED IBRAHIM KALIFULLA)

New Delhi November 2, 2012