14 September 2012
Supreme Court


Case number: Crl.A. No.-002001-002001 / 2010
Diary number: 22003 / 2010


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CRIMINAL APPEAL NO. 2001  of 2010

Dr. Sunil Clifford Daniel         …Appellant


State of Punjab                  …Respondent



1. This appeal has been preferred against the impugned judgment and order  

dated  1.4.2009,  passed  by  the  High  Court  of  Punjab  and  Haryana  at  

Chandigarh in Criminal Appeal No. 399-DB of 2000, by which it  has  

affirmed the judgment and order dated 21.8.2000 passed by the Sessions  

Judge,  Ludhiana  in  Sessions  Case  No.  28  of  1996,  convicting  the  

appellant under Sections 302 and 201 of the Indian Penal Code, 1860  

(hereinafter  referred to  as  the  ‘IPC’),  and awarded him a  sentence  to


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undergo RI for life and to pay a fine of Rs.2,000/- and in default of this,  

to undergo further RI for a period of  3 months. The appellant has further  

been  sentenced  to  undergo  RI  for  two  years  and  to  pay  a  fine  of  

Rs.1,000/- and in default  of this, to undergo further RI  for a period of 2  

months  under  Section  201 IPC.   It  has  further  been directed  that  the  

sentences would run concurrently.  

2. The facts and circumstances giving rise to this appeal are as under:

A. The  appellant  got  married  to  Dr.  Loyalla  Shagoufta,  deceased,  on  

29.10.1993. Both of them being qualified doctors, were working in the  

Christian Medical College (hereinafter referred to as ‘CMC’), Hospital  

Ludhiana.  The  relationship  between  the  husband  and  wife  became  

strained and they have been living separately since June 1994.  

B. As per the appellant, a petition for divorce by mutual consent was filed  

on 20.2.1996, under Section 28 of the Special Marriage Act, 1954 in the  

Court of the District Judge, Ludhiana, and both parties therein, appeared  

before  the  District  Judge,  Ludhiana  on  the  first  motion  of  the  case.  

However, they were asked to wait for the second motion.   



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C. On 9.3.1996, the appellant handed over a set of blood stained clothes to  

Dr. B. Pawar, the Medical Superintendent, (PW.1), stating that when he  

came to his room that day,  the same were found therein. Dr. B. Pawar  

(PW.1), informed the police about the said incident on the same date.  

D. Dr. Loyalla Shagoufta, wife of the appellant, had informed her mother  

Smt.  Victoria  Rani  (PW.2),  who  was  living  in  Jagadhari,  District  

Yamunanagar, by way of a telephone call on 6.3.1996, that she would  

visit her on 8.3.1996.  However, she did not reach Jagadhari on 8.3.1996.  

Victoria Rani (PW.2), then came to Ludhiana on 10.3.1996, and found  

that her daughter was missing. Smt. Victoria Rani (PW.2) then lodged  

FIR  No.  16  of  1996  on  10.3.1996,  at  9.40  p.m.  wherein  being  the  

complainant,  she expressed her apprehension that the appellant herein,  

had abducted her daughter with the intention of  killing her.  

E. In the meanwhile, Dr. Namrata Saran, one of the residents of the hostel in  

which the deceased resided, also informed Dr. B. Pawar (PW.1), Medical  

Superintendent that the deceased had in fact been missing from the hostel  

since 9.3.1996. After an enquiry it came to light that the deceased was on  

leave from 9.3.1996 to 16.3.1996.   



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F. Piara Singh, ASI (PW.13), took up the investigation of the case and went  

to the appellant’s hostel, however, his room No.2010, was found to be  

locked. A police party searched for the appellant, among several other  

places, in the house of Mr.  Rana, one of his relatives, but he could not be  

traced/found  anywhere.  Dr.  B.  Pawar  (PW.1)  handed  over  the  blood  

stained clothes given to him by the appellant,  to  the I.O.   

G. On 11.3.1996, Vir Rajinder Pal (PW.14), SHO, Police Station, Ludhiana  

received a  wireless  message  at  9.00  a.m.,  from the  Police  Chowki  at  

Lalton Kalan, which is about 20 k.m. away from the main city, informing  

him that the dead body of a female had been found, lying in the bushes,  

near the main road. The Investigating Officer took Victoria Rani (PW.2)  

with him, while accompanied by other police personnel, and recovered  

the body of the deceased from the said place.  

H. Immediately  after  the  recovery  of  the  dead  body,  Vir  Rajinder  Pal  

(PW.14), visited the room of the appellant in the hostel and conducted a  

thorough search of the same, in the presence of Dr. B. Pawar (PW.1),  

Medical Superintendent.  

I. The post-mortem of the deceased was conducted by a Medical  Board  

consisting  of  three  doctors,  including  Dr.  U.S.  Sooch  (PW.11),  on  



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11.3.1996. He opined that the deceased had died by way of strangulation  

and a corresponding ligature mark was found on her neck. She also had  

several grievous injuries to her head.   

J. On 11.3.1996, the Investigating Officer came to know, in the course of  

interrogation that, the appellant had used the car of one Dr. Pauli (CW.2),  

and that a blood stained mat was lying in the dicky of the said car. The  

police hence took possession of the said car and mat, and sent the mat  

for preparation of an FSL report.

K. The appellant was arrested on 11.3.1996, and his room in the hostel was  

searched  yet  again,  by  one  Ashok  Kumar,  Head  Constable  from  the  

Forensic Department,  who scraped some blood stained earth from the  

floor of the room. He also found a pair of blood stained white V-shaped,  

Hawaii chappals. Photographs of the said room were also taken. During  

interrogation, the appellant made a disclosure statement on 13.3.1996 to  

the effect that he would be able to help in the recovery of some relevant  

material from a place where he had hidden it.  The appellant then led the  

police  party  to  a  place  behind  Old  Jail,  Ludhiana.  From  there,  after  

removing  some  garbage  etc.,  one  blood  stained  gunny  bag,  a  blood  

stained dumb-bell and one blood stained tie, were recovered.   



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L. The said recovered articles alongwith the clothes etc., found on the body  

of the deceased at the time of the post-mortem, and the blood stained  

clothes  given  by  the  appellant  to  Dr.  B.  Pawar  (PW.1),  which  were  

subsequently handed over to the Investigating Officer, were sent for FSL  


M. The FSL and serological report was then received, and it revealed that,  

all the articles  recovered by the police during investigation, including the  

blood stained floor of his room, a part of the Hawaii chappals, and the  

recovered tie,  contained human blood,  with the  sole  exception  of  the  

mats found in the dicky of the car.  The blood stains herein, had dis-

integrated and it was therefore not possible to ascertain whether the same  

also contained human blood.  

N.  The  police  completed  the  investigation  of  the  case  and  submitted  a  

charge  sheet  against  the  appellant.  The case  was  converted  from one  

under  Section  364,  to   one  under  Sections  302  and  201  IPC.  The  

appellant was thus charged, but as he pleaded not guilty, he claimed trial.  

The prosecution examined 15 witnesses and two court witnesses were  

also  examined  under  Section  311  of  Criminal  Procedure  Code,  1973  

(hereinafter called as `Cr.P.C.’).   



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O. After the conclusion of the trial and appreciation of the evidence in full,  

the learned Sessions  Judge,  vide judgment and order dated 21.8.2000  

found the appellant guilty on both counts and hence awarded him the  

aforementioned punishments.  

P. Aggrieved, the appellant preferred Criminal Appeal No.399-DB of 2000  

before the High Court, which was dismissed by the impugned judgment  

and order dated 1.4.2009.  

  Hence, this appeal.  

3. Mrs. Kanchan Kaur Dhodi, learned counsel appearing for the appellant,  

submitted that the investigation was not conducted fairly. She stated that  

the appellant herein, had no motive whatsoever to commit the murder of  

his wife, and that they were going to separate very soon, as both  parties  

had filed an application seeking divorce, by mutual consent. Further, no  

recovery was made from the room of the appellant in the hostel, rather  

the objects recovered had  been planted. The appellant did not make any  

disclosure statement.  Thus,  even the recovery made from the place in  

close vicinity of the Old Jail,  was not made in accordance with law, as  

there was no independent witness with respect to the said recoveries, and  

the  recovery  memo  also,  was  never  signed  by  the  appellant.  It  is  



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therefore, a case of circumstantial evidence. The courts below failed to  

appreciate that the chain of circumstances is not complete. Hence, the  

appeal deserves to be allowed.  

4. Per contra, Shri Jayant K. Sud, AAG, appearing for the State of Punjab,  

has opposed the appeal, contending that the circumstances in the present  

case, point towards the guilt of the appellant without any exception. The  

deceased was surely killed in the room of the appellant. Recoveries were  

clearly made in view of the disclosure statement made by the appellant.  

Law does not require the recovery memo to be  signed by the accused.  

He also stated that the appellant disappeared after the said incident and  

could only be arrested after a period of two days. It is the appellant alone  

who could explain the circumstances surrounding the purpose for which  

he had borrowed the car of Dr. Pauli (CW.2), and why he had wanted to  

hire a taxi to go to Jagadhari, as admittedly, his relations with his wife  

had been very strained. The appeal clearly lacks merit and is therefore  

liable to be dismissed.  

5. We have considered the rival submissions made by learned counsel for  

the parties and perused the records.  



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6. Dr.  U.S.  Sooch  (PW.11),  was  among  the  members  of  the  Board  of  

Doctors, who conducted the post-mortem of the body of the deceased on  

11.3.1996,  at 5.00 p.m. and found the following injuries on her person:

“1. Well defined ligature mark 9” x 3.4” placed horizontally   on the front of neck and both lateral sides of the neck, in the   middle of neck and on the right side of the neck reaching below   the lobule of the right ear. On exploration of the ligature the   subcutaneous  tissue  was  ecchymosed  with  laceration  of   underneath  muscles  and  the  hyoid  bone  was  fractured.  The   larynx and trachea were congested.  

2. An abrasion ½ ” x ½”  on the tip of the chin.  

3. Abrasion  ¾”  x  ½”  and  1”  below  the  angle,  of  left   mandible.

4. Lacerated  wound  2,  ½”  x  1”  x  bone  deep  obliquely   placed on the right  fronto parietal  region and 1” inside the   hair line near the midline.

5. Lacerated wound with badly crushed margins 2,  ½” x   ½” bone deep on the right occipital region.  

6. Defused swelling 3” x 2” on the right occipital region   across the midline.   




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Therefore, it is evident from the aforementioned injuries, as also from  

the  medical  report,  that  the  deceased  Loyalla  Shagoufta  was,  without  a  

doubt, a victim of homicide.   

7. Dr. B. Pawar (PW.1), Medical Superintendent, deposed to the extent that  

the deceased was supposed to be on leave from 9.3.1996 to 16.3.1996,  

and that on the date of the said incident, she was not present in her hostel.  

Further, the appellant  had reported to him, that when he came back to his  

room,  he had found some blood stained clothes therein. The clothes were  

thereafter collected in a bag, and were kept in the office of Dr. B. Pawar  

(PW.1), and the possession of the same, was subsequently taken, by the  


8. Smt. Victoria Rani (PW.2), mother of the deceased supported the case of  

the  prosecution.   She  deposed  that  her  daughter’s  marriage  with  the  

appellant had been quite strained, since no child could be born out of the  

wedlock and hence, they had started living separately. Her daughter had  

informed her by way of a telephone call, that she would visit Jagadhari  

on 7.3.1996, but she never came. Therefore, the complainant,  Victoria  

Rani (PW.2), came to Ludhiana to search for her daughter, but she was  



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found to be missing. Thus, she submitted a complaint to the police, on the  

basis of which, an FIR was lodged, wherein, she expressed her doubts  

with regard to the intention of the appellant, as in her opinion, he had  

been wanting to get rid of her daughter,  and therefore, he could have  

kidnapped her for the purpose of killing her and fulfilling his purpose,  

once and for all.   

9. Some  of  the  witnesses,  particularly  Sarabjit  Singh  (PW.7),  Security  

Guard  of  the  hospital,  Anil  Kumar  (PW.9),  a  Cook,  working  in  the  

canteen of  the Junior Doctor’s Hostel  and Joginder Singh (PW.12),  did  

not support the case of the prosecution and turned hostile. However, the  

evidence of  Kirpal Dev Singh (PW.8), is highly relevant.  He deposed in  

court that he was providing services of a taxi and would park the same  in  

the  premises  of  CMC  Hospital,  Ludhiana.  On  8.3.1996,  the  Canteen  

Contractor Joshi, had asked him to talk to Dr. Sunil of CMC, who wished  

to hire his taxi to go to Jagadhari. Accordingly, he went to speak to the  

appellant and became aware of the fact that the appellant wished to travel  

to Jagadhari  on 9.3.1996. He then went to the appellant’s hostel with his  

taxi on 9.3.1996, but was told by him that his wife had presently gone to  

collect her salary from Lalton Kalan and therefore, asked him to come  



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again at  10.00 a.m. Thus,  the said witness went  to the doctor’s  place  

again, at 10.00 a.m. but he was yet again asked to come later, this time at  

11.30 a.m. It was then, that the said witness told the doctor that he was no  

longer willing to go to Jagadhari and he may engage another taxi, for this  


10.Piara Singh, ASI (PW.13), deposed that he came to know about the said  

incident and henceforth went to CMC Hospital, Ludhiana, on 10.3.1996,  

after receiving the complaint made by Victoria Rani (PW.2). However,  

he found room No. 2010 of the said hostel occupied by the appellant to  

be locked from the outside. He then went alongwith a police party, to the  

room of the deceased but found that, this too had been locked from the  

outside. The witness then attempted to search for the appellant, and for  

this purpose, he also went to the house of Mr. Rana, who was a relative  

of  the  appellant  and  was  living  in  close  proximity  to  the  hospital  in  

Ludhiana itself,  but the appellant  could not  be found either  here.  He  

continued his  search at  various other  places,  including hotels  but  was  

unable to find the accused.  

On 11.3.1996, he stated that  he had accompanied Vir Rajinder Pal  

(PW.14), and had therefore participated in the recovery of the dead body of  



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deceased Dr. Loyalla Shagoufta from Lalton Kalan. He further deposed that  

on  13.3.1996,  one  gunny  bag,  one  iron  dumb  bell  and  one  tie  were  

recovered in the presence of panch witness, Randhir Singh. A disclosure  

statement was also made by the appellant, in his presence  to the effect that,  

these articles were related to the murder of the deceased and he had offered  

to help recover the same.   

11.After recording the evidence led by the prosecution, the statement of the  

appellant was recorded under Section 313 Cr.P.C.  The appellant denied  

all the allegations made by the prosecution and pleaded innocence. He  

stated that the blood stained clothes had been left in the balcony of his  

room,  when he was not present therein and that he had produced the said  

clothes before Dr. B. Pawar (PW.1), Medical Superintendent, prior to the  

lodging of the FIR.   

12.Vir Rajinder Pal (PW.14), supported the case of the prosecution in full,  

giving complete details from the very beginning of the incident,  as he  

was  posted  as  the  SHO,  Police  Station,  Ludhiana  on  10.3.1996.  He  

deposed regarding the recoveries made from the room of the accused,  

after the checking of the room and the preparation of seizure memos. The  



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keys  of  the  car  parked  in  the  premises  of  CMC  hospital,  one  blood  

stained mat, duly attested by the panch witnesses, and a photocopy of the  

registration certificate of the said car, were taken into possession, as also  

the recovery of the blood stained clothes, which were handed over to him  

by Dr. B. Pawar (PW.1).  He further deposed with regard to how the  

appellant was arrested as also about the items that were  recovered from  

his body, the recovery of  the blood stained floor from the appellant’s  

room and the V-shaped pair of  Hawaii chappals. The articles were all  

sealed  and sent  for  FSL.  He finally  deposed regarding the manner  in  

which  the  body was  recovered,  how the  panchnama of  recovery  was  

prepared,  and  also  about  the  manner  in  which,  the  post-mortem was  


13. Dr. Pauli (CW.2), deposed that on 9.3.1996, he was contacted by the  

appellant at 6.00 p.m. and was told by him that his wife was missing, as a  

result  of  which,  the appellant  was  in  need of  his  car.  Dr.  Pauli  (CW.2),  

therefore, gave his car to the appellant, bearing registration No. CH01-5653.  

The appellant returned after a duration of 1½ hours, parked the car outside  

the hostel, and handed over the key to the said witness. The possession of  

the said car was taken by the police on 11.3.1996,  and the blood stained  



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rubber mat was then recovered from the dicky of the car. The said mat was  

sealed and taken away by the Investigating Officer (PW.14).     

14.     The trial court after appreciating the evidence on record came to the  

following conclusions:  

“However,  various  pieces  of  circumstantial   evidence  discussed  above  i.e.  blood  scratching   lifted  from  the  hostel  room  in  occupation  of   accused  production  of  various  blood  stained   clothes  by  the  accused  before  the  Medical   Superintendent of the Hospital and the recovery of   blood stained neck tie and dumb-bell on the basis   of a disclosure statement suffered by the accused   and  the  blood  stained  car  mat  recovered  in  the   case  leave  no  manner  of  doubt  that  Dr.  Mrs.   Loyalla Shagoufta was first  done to death in the   hostel room no. 2010 in occupation of the accused   by  strangulating  her  as  well  as  causing  various   injuries   to  her  and  thereafter  the  accused   appeared to Dr. Pauli CW.2 to remove the traces   of evidence appearing against him and was liable   for  the  murder  of  Dr.  Mrs.  Loyalla  Shagoufta   deceased as well as for causing dis-appearance of   the evidence.     

     Dr. Loyalla Shagoufta in fact appeared to have   been murdered in the hostel room in occupation of   the accused. Various blood stains recovered from  that room are a clear pointer to the fact that she   was  murdered  in  that  room.  None  else  could   commit  the  crime  in  that  room  except  with  the   knowledge  and consent  of  the  accused  when  the   accused alone was in occupation of that room and   was  responsible  for  the  crime  committed  in  that   



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room. Production of various blood stained clothes   by the accused before the Medical Superintendent   of the Hospital also goes to show that he was fully   involved  in the crime. On the fateful evening he   also  borrowed  car  from  Dr.  Pauli  CW.2,  which   was used by him in removal of the dead body from   the  place  of  crime  and  the  recovery  of  a  blood   stained mat from that car also goes to show that he   in fact removed the dead body in that car. All this   shows that he in fact murdered his wife Dr. Mrs.   Loyalla Shagoufta and later on removed her dead   body  to  cause  dis-appearance  as  well  as  for   causing  dis-appearance  of  the  evidence  against   him.”  

So far as the motive is concerned, the court came to the conclusion  

that there was sufficient motive to kill the deceased, as the appellant wanted  

to now get rid of the deceased.  More so, the appellant could not explain  

how the deceased happened to meet her death in his room. The court noted  

that though there were minor discrepancies in the story, the same were not  

fatal to the case of the prosecution and added that the case of the prosecution  

was  fully  supported  by the  FSL report  and therefore,  on  such  grounds,  

convicted the appellant.  

15.     The High Court concurred with the finding of the trial court observing  

as under:  



Page 17

“Non-production of copy of Divorce Petition shows   that  the  appellant-accused  had  the  motive  to   eliminate the deceased. Admission of the appellant- accused  before  Dr.  B.  Pawar  that  blood  stained   clothes were found lying in his room and later on   change of stand when  examined under Section 313   Cr.P.C. that the blood stained clothes were lying in   the balcony of the Junior Doctor’s Hospital show  that  the  prosecution  story  inspires  confidence.   Firstly,  Dr.  Shagoufta  was  murdered.  Blood   stained clothes were recovered from the room and   by  arranging  car  of  Dr.  Pauli  dead  body  was   thrown in the area of village Lalton Kalan. Dead   body  lying  near  the  road  is  suggesting  that  the   appellant-accused was in hurry to dispose of  the   dead body, that is why, after 1½ hours key of the   car was returned to Dr. Pauli. Tie, dumb-bell and   gunny  bag  were  recovered  as  per  disclosure   statement and the recovered articles were found to   be  stained  with  blood.  On  9.3.1996,  Dr.  Yogesh   through Sarabjit Singh, Security Guard summoned   the  appellant-accused  to  Operation  Theatre,  but   nothing on the file that the appellant-accused had   attended  the  Operation  Theatre  to  assist  Dr.   Yogesh. PW.7 Sarabjit Singh had gone to the room  of  the  appellant-accused  with  the  request  that   services of the appellant-accused are needed in the   Operation Threatre. Sarabjit Singh is not related to   the deceased. So, there was no idea to disbelieve   him.

       As per post-mortem examination, death was   due to strangulation as well as by causing various   injuries.  Neck  tie  recovered  as  per  disclosure   statement  suffered  by  the  appellant-accused  was   found to be stained with blood.”



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16. The instant case is a case of blind murder and is based entirely on  

circumstantial evidence, as there is no eye-witness to the said incident.  

17. In Sharad Birdhichand Sarda v. State of Maharashtra, AIR 1984  

SC 1622,  it was held by this court that, the onus is on the prosecution to  

prove,  that  the  chain  is  complete  and  that  falsity  or  untenability  of  the  

defence set up by the accused, cannot be made the basis for ignoring any  

serious infirmity or lacuna in the case of the prosecution. The Court then  

proceeded to indicate the conditions which must be fully established before a  

conviction can be made on the basis of circumstantial evidence. These are:  

(1) the circumstances from which the conclusion of   guilt is to be drawn should be fully established. The   circumstances  concerned  ‘must’  or  ‘should’  and   not ‘may be’ established;

(2)  the  facts  so  established  should  be  consistent   only with the hypothesis of the guilt of the accused,   that  is  to say,  they should not  be explainable on   any  other  hypothesis  except  that  the  accused  is   guilty;

(3)  the  circumstances  should  be  of  a  conclusive   nature and tendency;

(4) they should exclude every possible hypothesis   except the one to be proved; and



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(5) there must be a chain of evidence so complete   as  not  to  leave  any  reasonable  ground  for  the   conclusion  consistent  with  the  innocence  of  the   accused  and  must  show  that  in  all  human  probability  the  act  must  have  been  done  by  the   accused”.

Thus,  in  a  case  of  circumstantial  evidence,  the  prosecution  must  

establish each instance of incriminating circumstance, by way of reliable and  

clinching evidence, and the circumstances so proved must form a complete  

chain of events, on the basis of which, no conclusion other than one of guilt  

of the accused can be reached.  Undoubtedly, suspicion, however grave it  

may be, can never be treated as a substitute for proof.  While dealing with a  

case of circumstantial evidence, the court must take utmost precaution whilst  

finding an accused guilty, solely on the basis of the circumstances proved  

before it.  

18. Admittedly, the appellant, after handing over the said blood stained  

clothes to Dr. B. Pawar (PW.1), on 9.3.1996, became untraceable as a result  

of which, he could only be arrested on 11.3.1996, at 6.00 p.m.  Though this  

circumstance  was  not  taken  into  consideration  by  the  courts  below,  the  

learned  standing  counsel  appearing  for  the  State  has  relied  upon  it  very  

strongly indeed before us.  



Page 20

19. This Court has considered this issue time and again and held that the  

mere act of absconding, on the part of the accused, alone does not necessarily  

lead  to  a  final  conclusion regarding the  guilt  of  the accused,  as  even an  

innocent person may become panic stricken and try to evade arrest, when  

suspected wrongly of committing a grave crime; such is the instinct of self-

preservation. (See:  Matru v. State of U.P., AIR 1971 SC 1050;  State thr.  

CBI v. Mahender Singh Dahiya, (2011) 3 SCC 109; and Sk. Yusuf v. State  

of West Bengal, AIR 2011  SC 2283).    

In view of the above, we do not find any force in the submissions  

advanced by the learned counsel for the State.  

20. In  a  case  of  circumstantial  evidence,  motive  assumes  great  

significance  and  importance,  for  the  reason  that  the  absence  of  motive  

would put the court on its guard and cause it to scrutinize each piece of  

evidence  very  closely  in  order  to  ensure  that  suspicion,  emotion   or  

conjecture do not take the place of proof.  

21. In Subedar Tewari v. State of U.P. & Ors., AIR 1989 SC 733, this  

Court observed as under:  



Page 21

“The  evidence  regarding  existence  of  motive   which operates in the mind of an assassin is very   often than (sic) not within the reach of others. The   motive may not even be known to the victim of the   crime.  The motive may be known to the assassin   and no one else may know what gave birth to the   evil thought in the mind of the assassin.”

22. Similarly, in Suresh Chandra Bahri v. State of Bihar, AIR 1994 SC  

2420, this court held as under:  

“In  a  case  of  circumstantial  evidence,  the   evidence  bearing  on  the  guilt  of  the  accused   nevertheless  becomes  untrustworthy  and  unreliable  because  most  often  it  is  only  the   perpetrator of the crime alone who knows as to   what  circumstances  prompted  him  to  adopt  a   certain course of action leading to the commission   of the crime.  Therefore, if the evidence on record   suggest  sufficient/necessary  motive  to  commit  a   crime it  may be conceived that the accused had   committed it.”  

23. Thus, if the issue is examined in light of the aforesaid settled legal  

proposition, we may concur with the courts below on the said aspect.  

24. In  Jackaran Singh v. State of  Punjab,  AIR 1995 SC 2345,  this  

Court held that:  



Page 22

“The  absence  of  the  signatures  or  the  thumb  impression  of  an  accused  on  the  disclosure   statement  recorded  under  Section  27  of  the   Evidence  Act  detracts  materially  from  the   authenticity  and  the  reliability  of  the  disclosure   statement.”

25. However, in  State of Rajasthan v. Teja Ram, AIR 1999 SC 1776,  

this Court examined the said issue at length and considered the provisions  

of Section 162(1) Cr.P.C., Section 162(1) reads,  a statement made by any   

person to a police officer in the course of an investigation done, if reduced   

to writing, be not signed by the person making it.   Therefore, it is evident  

from the aforesaid provision, that there is a prohibition in peremptory terms  

and law requires  that  a  statement  made  before  the  Investigating  Officer  

should  not be signed by the witness. The same was found to be necessary  

for  the  reason  that,  a  witness  will  then  be  free  to  testify  in  court,  

unhampered by anything which the police may claim to have elicited from  

him. In the event that, a police officer, ignorant of the statutory requirement  

asks a witness to sign his statement, the same would not stand vitiated. At  

the most,  the court will  inform the witness,  that  he is not  bound by the  

statement  made before the police.  However,  the prohibition contained in  

Section  162(1)  Cr.P.C.  is  not  applicable  to  any  statements  made  under  

Section 27 of the Indian Evidence Act, 1872 (hereinafter called ‘Evidence  



Page 23

Act’),   as explained by the provision under Section 162(2) Cr.P.C.  The  

Court concluded as under:  

“The  resultant  position  is  that  the  Investigating   Officer is not obliged to obtain the signature of an   accused in any statement  attributed to him while   preparing  seizure  memo for  the  recovery  of  any   article covered by Section 27 of the Evidence Act.   But  if  any  signature  has  been  obtained  by  an   Investigating  Officer,  there  is  nothing  wrong  or   illegal about it.”   

26. In Golakonda Venkateswara Rao v. State of Andhra Pradesh, AIR  

2003 SC 2846, this court once again reconsidered the entire issue, and held  

that merely because the recovery memo was not signed by the accused, will  

not vitiate the recovery itself, as every case has to be decided on its own  

facts.  In the event that the recoveries are made pursuant to the disclosure  

statement of the accused,  then, despite the fact that the statement has not  

been signed by him, there is certainly some truth in what he said, for the  

reason that, the recovery of the material objects was made on the basis of his  

statement.   The  Court  further  explained  this  aspect  by  way of  its  earlier  

judgment in  Jackaran Singh (supra) as, in this case, there was a dispute  

regarding the ownership of a revolver and the cartridge recovered therein.  

The prosecution was unable to lead any evidence to show that  the crime  



Page 24

weapon belonged to the said appellant and observations were made by this  

Court in the said  context. The court held as under:  

“The fact that the recovery is in consequence of   the information given is fortified and confirmed by   the  discovery  of  wearing  apparel  and  skeletal   remains of the deceased which leads to believe that   the information and the statement cannot be false.”   

27. In view of the above, the instant case is squarely covered by the ratio  

of the aforesaid judgments, and the submission advanced in this regard is  

therefore, not acceptable.  

28. Most of the articles recovered and sent for preparation of FSL and  

serological  reports  contained  human  blood.  However,  on  the  rubber  mat  

recovered from the car of Dr. Pauli (CW.2) and one other item, there can be  

no positive report in relation to the same as the blood on such articles has  

dis-integrated.  All other material objects, including the shirt of the accused,  

two T-shirts, two towels, a track suit, one pant, the brassier of the deceased,  

bangles of the deceased, the under-garments of the deceased, two tops, dumb  

bell, gunny bag, tie etc. were found to have dis-integrated.  



Page 25

29. A similar issue arose for consideration by this Court in Gura Singh v.  

State of Rajasthan,  AIR 2001 SC 330,  wherein the Court, relying upon  

earlier  judgments  of  this  Court,  particularly  in  Prabhu Babaji  Navie  v.  

State of Bombay, AIR 1956 SC 51; Raghav Prapanna Tripathi v. State of  

U.P., AIR 1963 SC 74; and Teja Ram (supra) observed that a failure by the  

serologist  to detect the origin of the blood due to dis-integration of the  

serum, does not mean that the blood stuck on the axe would not have  

been human blood at all. Sometimes it is possible, either because the stain  

is  too  insufficient,  or  due  to  haematological  changes  and  plasmatic  

coagulation,  that  a  serologist  may  fail  to  detect  the  origin  of  the  blood.  

However,  in  such a  case,  unless  the doubt  is  of  a  reasonable  dimension,  

which a judicially conscientious mind may entertain, with some objectivity,  

no benefit can be claimed by the accused, in this regard.  

30. Learned counsel for the appellant has placed very heavy reliance on  

the judgment of this Court in Sattatiya @ Satish Rajanna Kartalla v. State of  

Maharashtra, AIR 2008 SC 1184,  wherein  it  was  held  that  in  case  the  

Forensic Science Laboratory Report/Serologist Report is unable to make out  

a case, that the blood found on the weapons/clothes recovered, is of the same  



Page 26

blood group as that of the deceased, the same should be treated as a serious  

lacuna in the case of the prosecution.   

The  appellant  cannot  be  allowed  to  take  the  benefit  of  such  an  

observation in the said judgment, for the reason that in the aforementioned  

case,  the  recovery  itself  was  doubted  and,  in  addition  thereto,  the  non-  

matching of blood groups was treated to be a lacunae and not an independent  

factor, deciding the case.   

31. A similar view has been reiterated in a recent judgment of this court in  

Criminal  Appeal  No.  67  of  2008,  Jagroop  Singh  v.  State  of  Punjab,  

decided on 20.7.2012, wherein it was held that, once the recovery is made in  

pursuance of a disclosure statement made by the accused, the matching or  

non-matching  of blood group (s) loses significance.  

32. In  John  Pandian  v.  State  represented  by  Inspector  of  Police,  

Tamil Nadu, (2010) 14 SCC 129, this Court held:   

“….The discovery appears to be credible. It has   been accepted by both the courts  below and we   find no reason to discard it. This is apart from the   fact  that  this  weapon  was  sent  to  the  forensic   science  laboratory  (FSL)  and it  has  been found  stained  with  human  blood.  Though  the  blood  



Page 27

group  could  not  be  ascertained, as  the  results   were inconclusive, the accused had to give some  explanation as to how the human blood came on   this weapon. He gave none. This discovery would   very positively further the prosecution case.”

(Emphasis added)

33. In  view of  the  above,  the  Court  finds  it  impossible  to  accept  the  

submission  that,  in  the  absence  of  the  report  regarding  the  origin  of  the  

blood, the accused cannot be convicted, upon an observation that it is only  

because  of  lapse  of  time  that  the  classification  of  the  blood  cannot  be  

determined. Therefore, no advantage can be conferred upon the accused, to  

enable him to claim any benefit, and the report of dis-integration of blood  

etc. cannot be termed as a missing link, on the basis of which, the chain of  

circumstances may be presumed to be broken.  

34. When the appellant herein made a disclosure statement,  a panchnama  

was prepared and recovery panchnamas were also made.  The evidence on  

record revealed that the same were duly signed by two police officials, and  

one  independent  panch  witness,  namely,  Randhir  Singh  Jat,  who  was  

admittedly, not examined.  Therefore, a question arose regarding the effect of  

non-examination  of  the  said  panch  witness,  and  also  the  sanctity  of  the  

evidence, in respect of recovery made only by two police officials.   



Page 28

35.         The issue was considered at length by this Court in State, Govt. of  

NCT of Delhi v. Sunil & Anr., (2001) 1 SCC 652, wherein this Court held  

as under:  

“….But  if  no  witness  was  present  or  if  no   person  had  agreed  to  affix  his  signature  on  the   document,  it  is  difficult  to  lay  down,  as  a   proposition of law, that the document so prepared   by the police officer must be treated as tainted and   the recovery evidence unreliable. The court has to   consider  the  evidence  of  the  investigating  officer   who deposed to the fact of recovery based on the   statement  elicited  from  the  accused  on  its  own   worth.

We feel that it is an archaic notion that actions   of  the  police  officer  should  be  approached  with   initial distrust………At any rate, the court cannot   start with the presumption that the police records   are  untrustworthy.  As  a  proposition  of  law  the   presumption should be the other way around. That   official  acts  of  the  police  have  been  regularly   performed is a wise principle of presumption and   recognised even by the legislature. Hence when a   police officer gives evidence in court that a certain   article was recovered by him on the strength of the   statement  made by  the  accused  it  is  open to  the   court to believe the version to be correct if it is not   otherwise  shown  to  be  unreliable.  It  is  for  the   accused, through cross-examination of witnesses or   through  any  other  materials,  to  show  that  the   evidence of the police officer is either unreliable or   at  least  unsafe  to  be  acted  upon in  a  particular   case. If the court has any good reason to suspect   the truthfulness of such records of  the police the   court could certainly take into account the fact that   



Page 29

no  other  independent  person  was  present  at  the   time of recovery. But it is not a legally approvable   procedure  to  presume  the  police  action  as   unreliable to start with, nor to jettison such action   merely  for  the reason that  police did not  collect   signatures of independent persons in the documents   made contemporaneous with such actions.”

36. One Randhir Singh Jat had been the Panch witness for the disclosure  

Panchnama and Recovery Panchnama.  He has not  been examined by the  

prosecution. No question was put to the Investigating Officer (PW.14), in his  

cross-examination, as to why the prosecution had withheld the said witness.  

The I.O.  was the only competent  person to  answer  the query.  It  is  quite  

possible that the witness was not alive or traceable.   

37.   It is obligatory on the part of the accused while being examined under  

Section  313  Cr.P.C.  to  furnish  some  explanation  with  respect  to  the  

incriminating circumstances associated with him, and the Court must take  

note of such explanation even in a case of circumstantial evidence, to decide  

as to whether or not, the chain of circumstances is complete.  The aforesaid  

judgment has been approved and followed in  Musheer Khan v. State of  

Madhya  Pradesh,  (2010)  2  SCC  748.  (See  also:  The  Transport  



Page 30

Commissioner, A.P., Hyderabad & Anr. v. S. Sardar Ali & Ors.,  AIR  

1983 SC 1225).

38.   This Court in State of Maharashtra v. Suresh, (2000) 1 SCC 471, held  

that, when the attention of the accused is drawn to such circumstances that  

inculpate him in relation to the commission of the crime, and he fails to offer  

an appropriate explanation or gives a false answer with respect to the same,  

the said act may be counted as providing a missing link for completing the  

chain of circumstances. We may hasten to add that we have referred to the  

said decision, only to highlight the fact that the accused has not given any  

explanation whatsoever,  as regards the incriminating circumstances put to  

him under Section 313  Cr.P.C.  

39. In view of the above, a conjoint reading of the complete evidence and  

material on record, suggests as under:

(i) The deceased Loyalla Shagoufta had informed her mother residing in  

Jagadhari, on 6.3.1996 that she would reach there on 7.3.1996. However, she  

did not make it there. Therefore, Victoria Rani (PW.2), that is, mother of the  

deceased, came to Ludhiana to search for her daughter on 10.3.1996.



Page 31

(ii) On 9.3.1996, the appellant handed over certain blood stained clothes  

to Dr. B. Pawar (PW.1), Medical Superintendent, stating that he had found  

the same, in his room, when he returned from the hospital.  Dr. B. Pawar  

(PW.1), informed the police about the said incident, on the same date.

(iii) On  10.3.1996,  Victoria  Rani  (PW.2),  filed  a  complaint  about  the  

incident and an FIR was lodged.  The Investigating Officer went to the room  

of the appellant, as well as of the deceased, in their respective hostels but the  

rooms were found to be locked from the outside. He then made an attempt to  

search for the appellant  at the residence of his relative Mr. Rana, and also in  

other dhabas and hotels, but was unable to trace him, despite his efforts to do  


(iv) On 11.3.1996, Dr. Namrata Saran, informed Dr. B. Pawar (PW.1) that  

the deceased had been missing from the hostel since 9.3.1996.

On the same day, Vir Rajinder Pal (PW.14), SHO, received a wireless  

message from the Police Chowki at Lalton Kalan, that the dead body of a  

female was lying in the bushes near an area of thoroughfare, closeby. He  

then rushed to the place alongwith Victoria Rani (PW.2), and recovered the  

dead body of the deceased and went on to prepare the panchanama etc.  The  



Page 32

room of the appellant was searched, but no recovery was made from the  


(v) During  the  course  of  the  investigation,  Vir  Rajinder  Pal  (PW.14),  

SHO, realised that the appellant had borrowed the car of Dr. Pauli (CW.2).  

Thus, the said car which was parked in the same compound, was taken into  

possession by the police, and a mat having  blood stains on it, was recovered  

and sealed.  

(vi) On 12.3.1996, experts were called and the room of the appellant was  

searched. Blood stains were found on the floor, which were scraped off  and  

alongwith the same, a pair of V-shaped Hawaii chappals, also having blood  

stains on them, were recovered. The said articles were sealed.

(vii) The  appellant  was  arrested  on  11.3.1996,  as  he  was  produced  by  

Joginder Singh (PW.12),  and made a disclosure statement in the presence of  

police  officials  and  also  one  Randhir  Singh,  the  panch  witness,  and  the  

panchnama was  prepared  and in  it,  he  stated  that,  he  would  help  in  the  

recovery of  articles, used while committing the murder of  the deceased. On  

the basis of the said disclosure statement, he led the police party to the Old  

Ludhiana Jail and aided in making recoveries of a gunny bag, a dumb bell  

and one tie, as the same had been hidden below garbage and bushes. The  



Page 33

same were duly recovered and panchnama was prepared.  All the materials  

so  recovered  were  then  sent  for  FSL/serological  report,  and  the  report  

received stated that all the said articles contained human blood etc. except for  

a few, wherein the blood had dis-integrated and as a result of this,  no report  

could be submitted.  

(viii) On  11.3.1996,  the  dead  body  of  the  deceased,  was  sent  for  post-

mortem  examination  by  a  Board  of  doctors  including  Dr.  U.S.  Sooch  

(PW.11),  and  various  articles  of  the  deceased,  including her  bangles  etc.  

were taken into possession by the police.   

(ix) In his statement, under Section 313 Cr.P.C., the appellant changed the  

version of his story, from the one given to Dr. B. Pawar (PW.1), stating that  

blood  stained  clothes  handed  over  by  him,  were  found  in  the  balcony,  

interconnecting various rooms, as against his original statement wherein he  

had disclosed that he had found them in his room.  He could not furnish any  

explanation with respect to how the blood stained clothes were found in his  


(x) Kirpal Dev Singh (PW.8), a taxi driver, though did not identify the  

appellant in court, yet was not declared hostile by the prosecution, deposed  

that, on being asked by the canteen contractor Joshi, he had gone to meet the  



Page 34

appellant on 9.3.1996, who told him that he wanted to go to Jagadhari.  At  

that  time,  he  was  told  to  come  later,  as  the  wife  of  the  appellant  had  

purportedly gone to collect her salary from Lalton Kalan. Admittedly, the  

appellant and his wife, the deceased were living separately and they did not  

have a cordial relationship. In such a fact-situation, the appellant would not  

have hired a taxi to go to Jagadhari.  More so, if  the deceased was living  

separately, it was not possible for the appellant to say that his wife had gone  

to Lalton Kalan, to collect her salary. The evidence of Dr. Pauli (CW.2),  

makes it clear that the appellant had in fact taken his car,  used it for one and  

a half hours, and then brought the same back, and parked it in the hostel  

compound, after which he handed over the keys for the same to Dr. Pauli  


(xi) The nature of the injuries mentioned in the post-mortem report makes  

it crystal clear that the deceased died of strangulation i.e. asphyxia,  and she  

also had several injuries to her head, which could have been caused by a  

dumb bell,  which was one of  the materials  recovered and found to have  

blood stains on it.   

(xii) As the appellant had a strained relationship with his wife, he no doubt  

wanted to get  rid of  her.   Although he has claimed that  the petitions for  

divorce  by  mutual  consent  were  pending  before  the  court,  he  has  never  



Page 35

submitted  any  documents  with  respect  to  this  before  the  court.   Thus,  

inference may be drawn that the appellant did in fact wish to get rid of his  


(xiii) As the recoveries of the blood stained gunny bag, dumb bell, tie etc.  

were made on the basis of the disclosure statement of the appellant himself,  

the chain of circumstances is  therefore, complete.   

40. In view of the above, we do not find any reason to interfere with the  

concurrent findings recorded by the courts below. The appeal lacks merit and  

is therefore, dismissed accordingly.              

  ………………………………………J.         (Dr. B.S. CHAUHAN)


New Delhi,

September 14, 2012