09 September 2014
Supreme Court


Case number: Crl.A. No.-000937-000937 / 2008
Diary number: 13011 / 2008


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CRIMINAL APPEAL NO.  937 of 2008   

State of Rajasthan …. Appellant VERSUS

Chandgi Ram & Ors.                   ….  Respondents


Fakkir Mohamed Ibrahim Kalifulla, J.

1. This  appeal,  at  the  instance  of  the State  of  Rajasthan is  

directed against the judgment of the Division Bench of the High  

Court  of  Rajasthan,  Jaipur  Bench  dated  08.02.2007  in  D.B.  

Criminal Appeal No.977 of 2002.  

2. By the impugned judgment,  the Division Bench set aside  

the  conviction  and  sentence  imposed  on  the  Respondents-

accused by the trial Court in Sessions Case No.3/2001 (108/2000)  

vide  judgment  dated  10.07.2002.  The  trial  Court  found  the  

Respondents-accused  guilty  of  the  offence  under  Section  302  

read  with  34,  IPC  for  which  they  were  sentenced  to  life  

imprisonment, apart from imposing a fine of Rs.500/- each and in  

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default to undergo simple imprisonment for 15 days each.  They  

were also convicted for the offence under Section 452 IPC and  

sentenced to 3 years rigorous imprisonment apart from fine of  

Rs.200/- each and in default to undergo simple imprisonment for  

7 days each.  

3. The case of  the prosecution as projected before the trial  

Court was that on 12.03.2000, at around 9 p.m., the deceased  

Surender was conversing with his wife Choti (PW-1) and children  

Kumari Sarita (PW-3) and Vikram (PW-15) in their house.  At that  

moment, the four accused suddenly barged into the house of the  

deceased declaring that they wanted to kill him, and that in order  

to save himself from them, the deceased ran to the back side of  

the house and hid himself in the Khudi, from where the accused  

pulled him out, dragged him to the house of Rajesh (A-3 herein)  

s/o Pitram and while dragging him to the house of A-3 they kept  

on assaulting him with the aid of iron rod, iron pipe and  lathis.  

After killing the deceased, the accused brought back the body to  

the house of the deceased and left the same on a cot lying in the  


4. According to Choti  (PW-1), her husband was killed by the  

Respondents-accused due to prior animosity. It is not in dispute  

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that Rajesh (A-3) and the deceased are second cousins as their  

grand fathers are blood brothers. The prosecution examined as  

many as 15 witnesses (PWs-1 to 15) and marked 29 documents  

(Exhibits P-1 to 29).  On the defence side, 2 witnesses (DWs-1  

and 2) were examined and 24 documents (Exhibits D-1 to 24)  

were marked.  Of the 15 witnesses examined on behalf of the  

prosecution, PWs-1, 3, 8, 12 and 15 were eye witnesses. The High  

Court,  having  interfered  with  the  conviction  and  sentence  

imposed by the trial Court, the State has come forward with this  


5. We heard Mr.Ram Naresh Yadav, learned Standing Counsel  

for the Appellant and Mr.Abhishek Gupta, learned Counsel for the  

Respondents-accused. Learned Counsel for the Appellant took us  

through the evidence of the eye witnesses, the evidence of Dr.  

Nathu  Singh  (PW-7),  the  post-mortem doctor,  Exhibit  P-1,  the  

written  report  filed  by  Choti  (PW-1),  Exhibit  P-10,  the  post-

mortem certificate and Exhibit P-29, the FSL report and submitted  

that  the  prosecution  proved  the  offence  alleged  against  the  

Respondents-accused  with  substantive  legal  evidence  and  the  

interference by the High Court was wholly unjustified.  

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6. As  against  the  above  submissions,  Mr.Abhishek  Gupta,  

learned Counsel for the Respondents-accused contended that the  

version of the eye witnesses was wholly unnatural, contradictory  

with  each  other  and  was  improbable  in  nature.  The  learned  

Counsel contended that there were material discrepancies in the  

version of the eye witnesses account and, therefore, it was wholly  

unreliable in order to convict the Respondents-accused. He also  

contended  that  the  delay  in  lodging  the  FIR  was  inexplicable  

which was fatal to the case of the prosecution as the real genesis  

of the occurrence was suppressed. The learned Counsel further  

contended  that  considering  the  stand  of  the  Respondents-

accused in their 313 statement which was also supported by the  

defence  witnesses  and  the  other  evidence  placed  before  the  

Court,  the  judgment  of  the  High  Court  does  not  call  for  


7. In  support  of  his  submission,  learned  Counsel  for  the  

Respondents-accused  relied  upon  the  decisions  in  Yeshwant  

and others The State of Maharashtra  – (1972) 3 SCC 639,  

Kansa Behera v.  State  of  Orissa –  (1987)  3  SCC 480 and  

Surinder Singh v. State of Punjab - 1989 Supp. (2) SCC 21,  

Din Dayal v. Raj Kumar alias Raju and Others – (1999) SCC  

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(Crl.)  892, Raghunath v.  State of  Haryana and another –  

(2003) 1 SCC 398,  Mahtab Singh and Another v. State of  

Uttar Pradesh – (2009) 13 SCC 670, Lahu Kamlakar Patil and  

Another v. State of Maharashtra – (2013) 6 SCC 417.  

8. Having heard the learned Counsel for the Appellant and the  

Respondents-accused  and  having  bestowed  our  serious  

consideration to the judgments of the High Court and the trial  

Court and the evidence placed before us, we are of the view that  

the reasoning of the High Court in interfering with the conviction  

imposed on the Respondents-accused by the trial Court lacks in  

very  many  aspects  when  considered  based  on  the  abundant  

evidence  laid  before  the  trial  Court  at  the  instance  of  the  


9. When we peruse the evidence of PWs-1, 3, 8, 12 and 15,  

who  were  all  eye  witnesses,  though  learned  Counsel  for  the  

Respondents-accused attempted to point out certain variations in  

the  eye  witnesses  account,  we  find  that  as  far  as  the  overall  

genesis of the occurrence was concerned, the evidence of all the  

above  eye  witnesses  was  cogent  and  there  was  not  much  of  

discrepancy or  contradiction in their  versions.  The evidence of  

Choti  (PW-1),  as  regards  the  narration of  the  occurrence,  was  

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clear and categoric when she referred to the approximate time at  

which the occurrence took place when her husband was dragged  

by the Respondents-accused from the Khudi to the house of A-3  

and in that process he was severely beaten with iron rod, iron  

pipe and lathis by each one of the accused.  

10. The said version of Choti (PW-1) was fully corroborated by  

PWs-3  and  15  who  are  none  other  than  the  children  of  the  

deceased and Choti  (PW-1).  In  fact,  at  the time of  occurrence  

Kumari Sarita (PW-3) was 7½ years old and Vikram (PW-15) was  

1½ year  younger  than  Kumari  Sarita  (PW-3).   Further,  in  the  

orientation of the witnesses, the trial Court has found that they  

were fully conscious of what they were to state before the Court  

and their answers to the questions did disclose that they were  

able to understand the whole purpose of giving their evidence in  

Court and as to on what matter they were supposed to give their  

evidence.  Even  while  narrating  the  incident,  both  the  above  

witnesses were able to fully support the version of Choti (PW-1)  

as  regards  the  involvement  of  each  one  of  the  accused,  the  

weapons used by them in that process and the ultimate death of  

the deceased after such severe beating with the weapons used.  

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11. The  learned  Counsel  for  the  Respondents-accused,  while  

making reference to the version of Kumari Sarita (PW-3) in the  

cross-examination that on the date of occurrence at about 9-9.30  

p.m. they went to sleep and submitted that the evidence of the  

said eye witness cannot be relied upon. We see no good reason  

to  accept  the  said  submission  inasmuch  as  in  our  considered  

opinion, considering the extent of statement made by the said  

witness  as regards the incident  in  a  graphic  manner,  the said  

stray statement about their going to sleep by 9-9.30 p.m. was an  

insignificant one and on that basis it will be wholly inappropriate  

to disbelieve the version of Kumari Sarita (PW-3), whose version  

in  all  other  respects  was  natural  and  fully  supported  the  eye  

witness account of Choti (PW-1).   

12. Similarly, we find absolutely no discrepancy in the version  

of  Vikram (PW-15),  who was even younger than Kumari  Sarita  

(PW-3) in age at the time of the occurrence but yet his version  

before the Court as recorded by the trial Court disclosed that he  

was only speaking the truth and he was able to give the required  

details  as  regards  the  manner  in  which  the  occurrence  took  

place,  the  involvement  of  the  Respondents-accused  and  the  

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weapons which they used in that process and the ultimate killing  

of his father at the instance of the Respondents-accused.  

13. In this context, it  is  relevant to rely on a decision of this  

Court reported in  State of Madhya Pradesh v. Ramesh and  

another – (2011) 4 SCC 786 wherein it laid down as to how the  

evidence of a child witness should be assessed.  Paragraphs 7, 11  

and 14 which are relevant for our purpose, are as under:

“7. In  Rameshwar v.  State  of  Rajasthan this  Court  examined the provisions of Section 5 of the Oaths Act,  1873 and Section 118 of the Evidence Act, 1872 and  held  that  (AIR  p.  55,  para  7)  every  witness  is  competent to depose unless the court considers that  he is prevented from understanding the question put  to him, or from giving rational answers by reason of  tender age, extreme old age, disease whether of body  or mind or any other cause of the same kind. There is  always competency in fact unless the court considers  otherwise. The Court further held as under: (AIR p. 56,  para 11)

“11.  …  it  is  desirable  that  Judges  and  Magistrates  should  always  record  their  opinion  that the child understands the duty of speaking  the  truth  and  state  why  they  think  that,  otherwise the credibility of the witness may be  seriously  affected,  so  much  so,  that  in  some  cases it may be necessary to reject the evidence  altogether. But whether the Magistrate or Judge  really  was  of  that  opinion  can,  I  think,  be  gathered from the circumstances when there is  no formal certificate.”

11.The evidence of a child must reveal that he was  able to discern between right and wrong and the court  may find out from the cross-examination whether the  

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defence lawyer could bring anything to indicate that  the  child  could  not  differentiate  between  right  and  wrong.  The  court  may  ascertain  his  suitability  as  a  witness by putting questions to  him  and even if  no  such questions had been put, it may be gathered from  his  evidence  as  to  whether  he  fully  understood the  implications of  what he was saying and whether  he  stood discredited in facing a stiff cross-examination. A  child witness must be able to understand the sanctity  of  giving  evidence  on  oath  and  the  import  of  the  questions that were being put to him. (Vide  Himmat  Sukhadeo Wahurwagh v. State of Maharashtra.)

14. In view of the above, the law on the issue can be  summarised to the effect that the deposition of a child  witness  may  require  corroboration,  but  in  case  his  deposition  inspires  the  confidence  of  the  court  and  there is no embellishment or improvement therein, the  court may rely upon his evidence. The evidence of a  child witness must be evaluated more carefully with  greater  circumspection because he is  susceptible  to  tutoring.  Only in case there is evidence on record to  show  that  a  child  has  been  tutored,  the  court  can  reject  his  statement  partly  or  fully. However,  an  inference as to whether child has been tutored or not,  can be drawn from the contents of his deposition.”

(Emphasis added)

14. To  the  same  effect  is  the  decision  reported  in  

Shivasharanappa and others v. State of Karnataka (2013) 5  

SCC 705.  Paragraph 17 can be referred to as under:

“17. Thus, it is well settled in law that the court can  rely upon the testimony of a child witness and it can  form the basis of conviction if  the same is credible,  truthful and is corroborated by other evidence brought  on record. Needless to say, the corroboration is not a  must to record a conviction, but as a rule of prudence,  the court thinks it desirable to see the corroboration  

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from other  reliable  evidence  placed  on  record.  The  principles  that  apply  for  placing  reliance  on  the  solitary  statement  of  the  witness,  namely,  that  the  statement  is  true  and correct  and  is  of  quality  and  cannot be discarded solely on the ground of lack of  corroboration,  apply  to  a  child  witness  who  is  competent and whose version is reliable.”

(emphasis added)

15. The  learned  Counsel  for  the  Respondents-accused  was  

repeatedly contending that the version of the above witnesses  

was wholly unnatural by pointing out that when the head of the  

family  was  being  attacked  mercilessly  by  the  four  accused  

persons,  the witnesses were not  taking any effort  to seek the  

help of their neighbours in the village, where all the houses were  

closely  situated.   Here  again,  we  are  not  able  to  accept  or  

appreciate the said contention for more than one reason. In the  

first place, Choti (PW-1) is the wife of the deceased who at that  

point of time was more concerned in rescuing her husband from  

the attack of the Respondents-accused who were four in number  

and who were  fully  armed with  iron  rod,  iron pipe and  lathis.  

Therefore,  when her husband was being beaten mercilessly by  

four different persons, as rightly deposed by her, she could only  

make a hue and cry while taking every possible effort to rescue  

him  from the  merciless  onslaught  of  the  assailants.   If  at  all  

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anything can be said based on such cries of Choti (PW-1), those  

who were living nearby could have come for her rescue in saving  

her husband.  If no one came and were not prepared to extend a  

helping  hand,  then  Choti  (PW-1)  cannot  be  blamed  for  that  

reason.  On seeing the plight of Choti (PW-1), Bhateri (PW-8) her  

niece,  who  happened  to  come  at  the  place  of  occurrence  

appeared  to  have  rushed  back  to  inform  her  uncle,  namely,  

Subhash (PW-12) who is the elder brother of the deceased and  

who tried to intervene and save the deceased from the ruthless  

attack of the Respondents-accused.  

16. According  to  Choti  (PW-1)  and  Subhash  (PW-12),  the  

Respondents-accused were so keen in eliminating the deceased  

that they were stated to have warded off any attempt made by  

Choti (PW-1) and Subhash (PW-12) in saving the deceased from  

the  dreadful  attack  by  them.  Therefore,  we  do  not  find  any  

conduct which is not normal or unnatural from what was stated  

by Choti  (PW-1)  or  Subhash (PW-12).   As  far  as  Kumari  Sarita  

(PW-3) and Vikram (PW-15) are concerned, they are children of  

the deceased and when they witnessed the gruesome attack of  

the Respondents-accused on their father, they could have made  

noise and being children of a very tender age, it cannot be stated  

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as to in what manner they were expected to behave at that point  

of time. But on that score, it cannot be held that the whole of  

their  evidence should be eschewed from consideration.   While  

witnessing  such  an  inhuman  behaviour  of  the  assailants,  the  

young children might have become paralysed out of shock and  

fear.  Therefore,  the  contention  made  on  behalf  of  the  

Respondents-accused  that  the  behaviour  of  the  eye  witnesses  

was unnatural, does not stand to any reason and, therefore, the  

said contention deserves to be rejected.

17. It  was  contended  that  all  the  witnesses  were  family  

members of the deceased and being interested witnesses, their  

version cannot be relied upon  in  toto.   When we consider the  

same,  we  fail  to  understand  as  to  why  the  evidence  of  the  

witnesses should be discarded solely on the ground that the said  

witnesses are related to the deceased.  It is well settled that the  

credibility of a witness and his/her version should be tested based  

on his/her testimony vis-à-vis the occurrence with reference to  

which  the  testimonies  are  deposed  before  the  Court.   As  the  

evidence is tendered invariably before the Court, the Court will be  

in  the  position  to  assess  the  truthfulness  or  otherwise  of  the  

witness while deposing about the evidence and the persons on  

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whom any such evidence is tendered.  As every witness is bound  

to face the cross-examination by the defence side, the falsity, if  

any,  deposed  by  the  witness  can  be  easily  exposed  in  that  

process.   The  trial  Court  will  be  able  to  assess  the  quality  of  

witnesses irrespective of the fact whether the witness is related  

or not.  Pithily stated, if  the version of the witness is credible,  

reliable,  trustworthy,  admissible  and  the  veracity  of  the  

statement does not give scope to any doubt, there is no reason to  

reject  the  testimony  of  the  said  witness,  simply  because  the  

witness is related to the deceased or any of the parties.  In this  

context,  reference  can  be  made  to  the  decision  of  this  Court  

reported  in  Mano  Dutt  and  another  v.  State  of  Uttar  

Pradesh –  (2012)  4 SCC 79.   Paragraph 24 is  relevant  which  

reads as under:

“24. Another  contention  raised  on  behalf  of  the  appellant-accused is that only family members of the  deceased were examined as witnesses and they being  interested  witnesses  cannot  be  relied  upon.  Furthermore,  the  prosecution  did  not  examine  any  independent witnesses and, therefore, the prosecution  has  failed  to  establish  its  case  beyond  reasonable  doubt.  This  argument  is  again  without  much  substance. Firstly, there is no bar in law in examining  family  members,  or  any other person,  as  witnesses.  More often  than not,  in  such  cases  involving  family  members of both sides, it is a member of the family or  a friend who comes to rescue the injured. Those alone  

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are the people who take the risk of sustaining injuries  by jumping into such a quarrel  and trying to defuse  the crisis.  Besides, when the statement of witnesses,  who are relatives, or are parties known to the affected  party, is credible, reliable, trustworthy, admissible in  accordance  with  the  law and  corroborated  by  other  witnesses  or  documentary  evidence  of  the  prosecution, there would hardly be any reason for the  Court to reject such evidence merely on the ground  that the witness was a family member or an interested  witness or a person known to the affected party.”

(emphasis added)

18. Reliance can also be placed upon Dinesh Kumar v. State  

of Rajasthan – (2008) 8 SCC 270, wherein in paragraph 12, the  

law has been succinctly laid down as under:

“12. In law, testimony of an injured witness is given  importance.  When the eyewitnesses are stated to be  interested  and  inimically  disposed  towards  the  accused, it has to be noted that it would not be proper  to conclude that they would shield the real culprit and  rope in innocent persons. The truth or otherwise of the  evidence has to be weighed pragmatically. The court  would be required to analyse the evidence of related  witnesses  and  those  witnesses  who  are  inimically  disposed  towards  the  accused.  But  if  after  careful  analysis  and  scrutiny  of  their  evidence,  the  version  given by the  witnesses  appears  to  be clear,  cogent  and credible, there is no reason to discard the same.  Conviction  can  be  made  on  the  basis  of  such  evidence.”

(Underlining is ours)

19. It  was  then  contended  on  behalf  of  the  Respondents-

accused that there was inexplicable delay in lodging of the FIR. It  

was pointed out that the occurrence took place at 9 p.m. while  

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the FIR was lodged only at 10.15 a.m. on the next day. During the  

whole night the relatives of the deceased were informed about  

the killing of the deceased by Choti (PW-1) and some of whom  

also arrived at the place of occurrence. When the said contention  

is considered, as noted by us earlier, the occurrence took place at  

around 9-9.30 p.m. and even according to the eye witnesses, the  

attack on the deceased went on for about an hour.  Therefore, by  

the time the whole incident was over, namely, the deceased was  

dragged  to  the  house  of  Rajesh  (A-3)  beaten  up  there  and  

brought back dead and thrown on the cot in the verandah of the  

house of the deceased, it would have crossed 10 p.m. Choti (PW-

1), being the wife of the deceased who is a rustic village woman  

and shocked while witnessing the incident, it cannot be said that  

she should have made every effort to lodge the complaint with  

the police immediately after the killing of her husband.  Being a  

village lady with two minor children, who were also pathetically  

witnessing the gruesome killing of their father, she would have  

been  only  crying  helplessly  seeking  the  support  of  her  close  


20. If at all anyone could have done anything, Subhash (PW-12)  

who is the brother of the deceased, could have been expected to  

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take some steps to inform the police.  It must be remembered  

that the occurrence had taken place in a remote place and the  

police station is more than a kilometre away from the place of  

occurrence. In the night hours, as villagers, having found that the  

person was killed and was lying dead, they must have been in a  

bewilderment and, therefore, the complaint was lodged only on  

the next day morning and that to after the police arrived at 10  

a.m.  No definite reason can be attributed for  not lodging the  

complaint expeditiously, but as stated by us earlier, it was due to  

the helplessness of the poor lady who lost her husband in the late  

night.  In this context, it will be worthwhile to keep in mind the  

version  of  Jagram  (PW-2)  brother  of  Choti  (PW-1)  who  in  his  

testimony  has  confirmed  that  when  he  went  to  the  house  of  

Lalchand to report the incident to Bagor Police Station, he briefly  

informed the SHO about the incident. It was also informed by him  

that after making the telephone call, the SHO reached the spot  

within half  an hour and got the first information written under  

Exhibit P-1, which was handed over to the SHO who thereafter,  

prepared  Exhibit  P-2  map  when  Jagram (PW-2)  who  was  also  

present, affixed the signatures on Exhibit P-2. But on that score,  

it cannot be held that there would have been a total variation in  

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the genesis of the case, considering the eye witnesses account of  

the witnesses whose version we have found to be fully credible  

and corroborative in every respect.  Therefore, merely because  

there was some delay in the lodging of the FIR, which cannot be  

wholly  attributed to  the aggrieved party Choti  (PW-1),  on that  

score, there is no scope to hold that the Respondents-accused  

are to be given a clean chit when there was strong evidence both  

oral and documentary and material objects placed before the trial  

Court confirming their involvement in the occurrence.   Therefore,  

the said submission of the alleged delay in lodging of the FIR also  

does not merit acceptance.

21. As far as the reliance placed upon the defence version is  

concerned, the same was rightly rejected by the trial Court for  

well  founded  reasons.   Apart  from  the  version  of  the  eye  

witnesses,  the admissible part  of  the evidence of  Ranjit  Singh  

(PW-13),  the  Investigating  Officer,  insofar  as  it  related  to  the  

recoveries made with the aid of Panch witnesses, established the  

weapons used by the Respondents-accused in the process of the  

killing of the deceased. Exhibit P-29 was marked through PW-13,  

which is the FSL report.  The contents of the FSL Report (Exhibit  

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P-29), have been dealt with by the trial Court which is stated as  


“The report of Exhibit P-29 has been issued by the FSL  Office  on  02.08.2001  which  confirms  the  traces  of  human blood on the blood-soaked soil, blood-stained  cotton, the shirt of deceased Surender, his pant and  baniyan, the iron pipe recovered from accused Suresh,  iron  rod  recovered  from  accused  Rajesh,    laathi    recovered from Chandagi and Anvi.

Traces  of  “A”  group  blood have been found  on the  piece  of  cotton  on  which  human blood  sample  was  recovered  from  the  cot  where  the  dead  body  of  Surender  was  lying  and also  on the  shirt,  pant  and  baniyan  of  Surender.   No  suspicion  can  be  raised  about the blood present on the clothes worn by the  deceased and the blood recovered below the cot, that  it was the blood of deceased Surender.  The group of  blood  present  on  other  articles  could  not  be  ascertained for the reason that quantity of blood was  quite low, but keeping in view the evidences available  on record and finding the traces of  human blood,  it  can be said beyond doubt that it was also the blood of  deceased Surender.  The report of Exhibit P-29 in itself  is a clinching evidence to hold accused guilty to the  offence.  There remains no doubt in holding conviction  of the accused for the offence of murder of Surender  by the accused.”

                                                       (Underlining is ours)

22. The  above  discussion  made  by  the  trial  Court  amply  

demonstrates  that  in  the  process  of  investigation,  the  

Investigating  Officer  was  able  to  recover  the  blood  stained  

clothes, soil and other materials and the FSL report (Exhibit P-29)  

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confirmed  traces  of  human  blood.   Simply  because  the  blood  

stained apparels of Choti (PW-1) was not exhibited, it cannot be  

held that on that score the material part of the evidence of eye  

witnesses should be eschewed from consideration. Apart from the  

involvement of the accused in the crime as spoken to by the eye  

witnesses,  the  FSL  report  (Exhibit  P-29)  confirmed  the  brutal  

killing of the deceased which was the result of the attack on his  

body with various weapons. The post-mortem Doctor Nathu Singh  

(PW-7),  who  confirmed  the  injuries  found  on  the  body  of  the  

deceased as per the post-mortem report (Exhibit P-10), disclosed  

that there were as many as 14 injuries of which the head injury  

was  fatal.   The  said  version  of  the  doctor  also  confirmed the  

injuries sustained by the deceased on his head, as well as, other  

vital parts of his body.  Therefore, a cumulative consideration of  

the  above evidence  amply  established the crime in  which  the  

Respondents-accused were involved, resulted in the killing of the  


23. Reliance  was  placed  by  the  learned  counsel  for  the  

Respondents-accused  on  the  decision  reported  in  Surinder  

Singh (supra).   In this case the prosecution witness informed  

neither his relatives nor the police authorities or officials after he  

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witnessed the act of murder committed by the Appellant,  in a  

timely manner. In fact, PW-2 went back to his house and dozed  

off and it was only after sometime did he go and inform PW-3  

who advised him to go to the police. We have to state, at this  

juncture,  that  the  facts  and  circumstances  of  this  case  are  

distinguishable from the present appeal and hence, reliance on  

this judgment will be futile as in the case on hand, although the  

police  were  not  informed  immediately,  the  relatives  of  the  

deceased were informed instantly and it was only natural that a  

village woman having two minor children could not go and inform  

the police about the incident at late hours in the night, especially  

when the police station was more than one and half kilometres  

away.  Therefore,  the  said  decision  is  of  no  assistance  to  the  


24. Reliance  was  also  placed  on  Lahu  Kamlakar  Patil  

(supra), wherein the ground urged before this Court was that the  

sole witness in the case ran away from the spot of occurrence  

and  did  not  inform  the  police  about  the  incident,  but  on  the  

contrary hid himself until early morning of the next day, and also  

that he did not come to the spot where the police arrived out of  

fear for three hours. He had, in fact, contrary to normal human  

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Page 21

behaviour,  gone  to  his  house  in  Pune  and  did  not  inform his  

family members. He chose to inform the police about the entire  

incident after three days, when his wife informed him that the  

police  had  come  to  his  house,  looking  for  him.  Reliance  was  

placed on the above judgment to state that the conduct of the  

witness  in  the  present  appeal  seems  to  be  unnatural  i.e.,  by  

approaching the police and filing the FIR in a belated manner. We  

will  have  to  state  that  in  the  above  case,  the  sole  witness  

approached the police out of fear and, in fact, did not even lodge  

the FIR with the police in the first instance. Therefore, this fact is  

clearly  distinguishable from the present appeal,  wherein,  Choti  

(PW-1) had genuine reason to lodge the FIR on the morning of  

next day. Hence, reliance on the above case is also not helpful to  

the Respondent.   

25. The learned Counsel for the Respondents-accused, placed  

reliance on Din Dayal (supra) wherein this Court held that the  

conduct of the witnesses was unnatural and unreasonable in not  

informing the police about the incident as they had quietly gone  

back to their home after the said occurrence. They had also not  

disclosed the name of the accused to the police constable who  

was on duty, even though they disclosed other facts regarding  

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Page 22

the incidents and hence on this ground, the Court had reasons for  

doubting the truthfulness of the evidence of the witnesses.  In the  

present appeal, there were cogent reasons as has been clearly  

explained above for the lodging of the FIR on the next morning  

and the conduct of the witnesses were not in any way similar to  

the above stated case and, therefore, the same cannot be relied  

upon. Hence, on this ground, this case is also not helpful to the  


26. As  far  as  reliance  on  Mahtab  Singh  (supra) was  

concerned,  it  will  have to be noted that in the said case, this  

Court found that inspite of the fact that the police station was a  

furlong  away,  the  complainant  did  not  choose to  go  to  police  

station  straightway,  but  instead  he  went  to  a  person  called  

Charan Singh for preparing a report and only thereafter, went to  

police station which resulted in a delay of 45 minutes. It was in  

these peculiar facts of the case, it was held that delay in lodging  

the FIR, created doubt. In the case on hand, we have noted that  

the occurrence took place in the late night in a remote village  

where the sufferers of the incident were the widow and her two  

minor children, apart from the fact that police station was one  

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Page 23

and a half kilometres away. Therefore, we are not inclined to rely  

on the said decision to the case on hand.

27. Reliance to paragraph 21 of Yeshwant (supra) was placed  

by the counsel for the Respondents-accused to submit that there  

was no conclusive evidence to prove that the blood stains on the  

body were that of the deceased and whether they were of human  

origin  and,  therefore,  the connection  of  the evidence  with  the  

occurrence under consideration was not shown by anything on  

record. We will have to state here that the FSL report (Exhibit- P-

29) has specifically mentioned that the blood stains found on the  

articles were of human origin, while also determining the blood  

group to be as ‘A positive’. Also according to the statement of the  

Investigating Officer Ranjit  Singh (PW-13), during the course of  

investigation  all  the  weapons  described  by  the  eyewitnesses,  

which  had  blood  stains  on  them,  were  recovered  from  the  

possession of the Respondents-accused. It can also be inferred  

from the post-mortem report  (Exhibit  P-10) of Dr.  Nathu Singh  

(PW-7), the medical officer that the various injuries caused on the  

deceased were from the weapons recovered at the instance of  

the  accused.   Therefore,  these  findings  are  strong  factors  in  

establishing  the  culpability  of  the  Respondents-accused  in  

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committing  the  murder.  For  the  very  same  reasons,  reliance  

placed  on  paragraphs  7  and  8  of  the  decision  Raghunath  

(supra) and on paragraph 12 in Kansa Behera (supra) is also  


28. When we examine the reasoning of the Division Bench in  

concluding that the offence was not made out, it was mainly on  

the ground that there was delay in the lodging of the FIR and the  

conduct of the witnesses as spoken to by them did not inspire  

confidence.  In  our  considered  view,  when  the  High  Court  had  

interfered with the conviction imposed by the trial Court, it ought  

to  have  examined  the  evidence  meticulously  and  expressed  

cogent  and  convincing  reasons  as  to  why  the  detailed  

consideration of the evidence did not inspire confidence in order  

to  interfere  with  the  conclusion  of  the  trial  Court.   In  our  

considered view, the High Court had miserably failed to carry out  

the  said  exercise  and  without  assigning  reasons,  much  less  

convincing reasons, has chosen to interfere with the conviction  

imposed by the trial Court in a light hearted manner.   

29. Having regard to our above conclusion, we find that none of  

the  decisions  relied  upon  by  learned  counsel  for  the  

Respondents-accused can be applied to the case, inasmuch as  

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we have found that the eye witnesses account of the concerned  

witnesses were all  convincing and were corroborative in every  

minute aspect of the occurrence. We have also found that their  

version  was  natural  and  there  was  nothing  to  suspect  their  

version in narrating the occurrence.  We have also found that the  

defence  version  was rightly  rejected  by the  trial  Court  as  the  

same was wholly unreliable.  Apart from eye witnesses account,  

we have also found the recoveries of the weapons, the medical  

evidence and the FSL reports  fully  supporting  the case of  the  


30. Having regard to our above conclusions,  the judgment of  

the trial  Court  ought not  to  have been interfered by the High  

Court.  We,  therefore,  allow  this  appeal  and  set  aside  the  

judgment of the High Court and restore the judgment of the trial  

Court  along  with  the  conviction  and  sentence  imposed.  The  

Respondents-accused  shall,  therefore,  surrender  forthwith  and  

undergo the unexpired portion of the sentence imposed on them.  


              [Fakkir  Mohamed Ibrahim  Kalifulla]

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...……….………. …………………………..J.

               [Shiva Kirti Singh]

New Delhi;  September 09, 2014.

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