09 February 2011
Supreme Court


Case number: C.A. No.-001272-001272 / 2011
Diary number: 15390 / 2006




CIVIL APPEAL NO. 1272  OF 2011

State of Orissa & Anr.                                             …… Appellants  


Mamata Mohanty                                                    …… Respondent


Civil Appeal Nos. 1246-1271 of 2011 Civil Appeal Nos. 1273-1274 of 2011 Civil Appeal Nos. 1277-1281 of 2011 Civil Appeal Nos. 1283 of 2011 Civil Appeal Nos. 1285-1287 of 2011 Civil Appeal Nos. 1289-1293 of 2011 Civil Appeal Nos. 1295-1300 of 2011 Civil Appeal Nos. 1302-1313 of 2011 Civil Appeal Nos. 1315-1321 of 2011



1. All the aforesaid appeals have been filed against the judgments  

and orders of  the High Court of Orissa at Cuttack  which have been  

passed placing reliance on its earlier judgments in similar cases. The  

facts and legal issues involved herein are the same.  Thus, they are


heard together and are being disposed of by the common judgment  

and order. However, for convenience, Civil Appeal No. 1272 of 2011  

is taken to be the leading case and some reference to facts would be  

taken from other appeals as and when necessary in the context of legal  

issues involved herein.  

2. The appeal has been preferred against the judgment and order  

dated  22.3.2006  of  the  High  Court  of  Orissa  at  Cuttack  in  Writ  

Petition (Civil) No. 14157 of 2005.  


3. (A)    The respondent was appointed as  a Lecturer in Niali College,  

Niali, on 9.7.1979 and her appointment as such was approved by the  

Director  of  Higher  Education,  Orissa,  a  statutory  authority  –  the  

appellant No. 2,  vide order dated 18.12.1985, and she was granted the  

benefit of receiving 1/3rd grant-in-aid.  

(B)    In order to provide better facilities to teachers and enhance the  

standard  of  higher  education,  the  Government  of  Orissa,  came out  

with  a  Notification  dated  6.10.1989  with  a  revised  pay  scale  

enforceable with effect from 1.1.1986 as per the recommendations of  

UGC.  However,  the said Notification was applicable only in such  



cases  where  the  post  has  been  granted  the  benefit  of  grant-in-aid  

Scheme  by  1.4.1989  and  person  manning  that  post  had  a  good  

academic record i.e. 54 per cent or its equivalent grade in a Masters’  


(C)  Respondent did not make any representation before any authority  

to  get  the  benefit  of  the  said  Notification  dated  6.10.1989,  rather  

approached the High Court  on 11.11.2005 by filing  Writ  Petition  

(Civil) No. 14157 of 2005 seeking a direction to the State Government  

to  pay the  pre-revised pay scale  with  effect  from 1.1.1986 placing  

reliance  on the  various  orders  passed  by  the  High Court  earlier  in  

cases of other persons e.g.  in case OJC No. 3705 of 1987.  

(D)   The present appellants contested the said writ petition pointing  

out  that  the respondent had secured only 40 per  cent  marks in her  

Master’s course.  She was by no means, eligible for appointment.  Her  

appointment, being not in consonance with law, remained illegal.   

(E)      The  High Court  placing  reliance  on  its  earlier  judgments,  

allowed the said writ  petition giving the benefit  of the U.G.C. pay  

scale to her w.e.f. 1.6.1984. Hence, this appeal.  

4. The submissions made in all these appeals, particularly by the  

respondents are that the High Court had been dealing with the subject  



matter for a long time and judgments of the High Court have been  

upheld by this court.  Once the SLPs  against the judgments of the  

High  Court  which  had  been relied  upon by  the  High  Court  while  

deciding  these  cases,  have  been  dismissed  in  limine,  judicial  

discipline and decorum demand that this Court should follow the same  

order.  Thus,  the  judgments  and  orders  impugned  herein  did  not  

warrant any interference.  

5. On the other hand, it has been submitted by learned counsel for  

the  appellants  that  factual  and legal  issues  involved in  these  cases  

have never been considered either by the High Court or by this Court  

in proper perspective. For example, in Civil Appeal No. 1274 of 2011,  

State of Orissa v. Mrs. Manju Patnaik, the matter had initially been  

filed before the Orissa Education Tribunal. Therein, the question arose  

as to whether the  respondent herein had been appointed by following  

the procedure prescribed by the law for making the appointment. As  

the  State  had  raised  the  issue  that  respondent  had  been  appointed  

without following any procedure known in law for this purpose her  

appointment itself was illegal and void. The vacancy on the post of  

Lecturer in Chemistry in Paramananda College, Bolgarh, Dist. Khurda  

was  never  advertised  nor  were  the  names  of  eligible  candidates  



requisitioned from the Employment Exchange. Admitted facts in the  

said case remain that the vacancy was advertised merely by affixing  

notices  on  the  notice  board  of  the  College  and  of  Bolgarh  Block  

Office inviting applications from the eligible candidates. More so, the  

respondent  had  not  even  faced  an  interview  before  the  Selection  

Board, as envisaged  by the Statutory Rules in force at the relevant  

time, rather she had been interviewed merely by representatives of the  

Committee of Management of the College. The Tribunal accepted the  

case of the State to that effect, but granted her reliefs sought by her.  

The High Court  did  not  even consider  the  issue  of  validity  of  her  


6. It  is  further  submitted  that  none  of  the  courts  till  today  has  

considered that in case the institution has been accorded the benefit of  

grant-in-aid scheme subsequent to 1.6.1986, there could be no liability  

of the government to contribute partly or fully to the salary of any  

employee of the said college, prior to the date of grant of such benefit,  

whether UGC pay scale could be given prior to the date of according  

grant-in-aid benefits.   In Civil Appeal No. 1318 of 2011,  State of  

Orissa  v.  Smt.  Manjushree  Patnaik,  the  post  of  respondent  was  

included  under   grant-in-aid  scheme  w.e.f.  1.6.1988.  She  did  not  



possess the requisite qualifications and the said respondent was put in  

grant-in-aid  with effect from 1988 though vide impugned judgment  

she has  been given benefit from 1.1.1986.    

7. In all these cases, admittedly most of the respondents did not  

possess the minimum eligibility, i.e., 54% marks in Master’s course  

and some of them acquired it at a much later stage. It is pointed out by  

the learned counsel for the respondents herein, that Utkal University  

at  Bhubneshwar  had  condoned  the  deficiency  of  eligibility-

qualification by passing general orders from time to time. However,  

they failed to point out any statutory provision conferring competence  

upon  the  University  to  condone  the  deficiency,  what  to  talk  of  

reasonableness or propriety in condoning such deficiency.    It  is  

evident from Civil Appeal No. 1280 of 2011, State of Orissa & Ors.  

v.  Dr.  Jadumani  Sahoo, that  the  respondent  was  appointed  as  a  

Lecturer in Political Science  in Begunia College, Begunia, Khurda,  

on 5.9.1978 and the post which he held came into grant-in-aid scheme  

on 1.6.1984. He acquired the degree of Ph.D. in 2000. His deficiency  

in  qualification  was  condoned  after  about  10  years  by  the  Utkal  

University on 28.10.1987, and he has also been granted the benefit of  

UGC pay scale w.e.f. 1.1.1986.   



8. There are letters/circulars issued by the University as well as by  

the State of Orissa for condonation of the deficiency. However, the  

question does arise  as to whether  this  kind of orders  can be given  

effect to or be considered by the courts to grant a relief to the persons  

whose appointments had been illegal for want of eligibility and for not  

following the procedure prescribed by law, i.e. advertisement, etc.  

9. Most of the petitions had been filed before the High Court after  

10-15-20 years for grant of UGC pay scales w.e.f.  1.1.1986 and to  

pay the arrears etc. The High Court in all the cases  granted the same  

with effect from 1.1.1986 or even with effect from 1.6.1984, without  

considering  the  issue  of  delay  and  laches,  merely  placing  reliance  

upon its earlier judgments. Thus, the question does arise as to whether  

the  delay  and  laches  could  be  condoned  all  together  giving  the  

respondents the impetus of the  earlier judgments in cases of persons  

who  had  been  diligent  enough  to  approach  the  Court  within  a  

reasonable period.  

10. It  has  been  further  submitted  by  learned  counsel  for  the  

respondents  that  teachers  in  government  colleges  have  also  been  

granted the said benefit though not entitled and the respondents herein  



cannot be given hostile treatment in case the impugned judgments and  

orders   herein are not  upheld. Thus,  the question does arise as  to  

whether  Article  14  of  the  Constitution  is  meant  to  perpetuate  an  


11. Considering the rival submissions made by learned counsel for  

the  parties,   we  are  of  the  view  that  as  the  questions  raised  

hereinabove  had  never  been  considered  by  any  of  the  courts  and  

involve substantial questions of law of public importance, the cases  

require proper adjudication.  


The Orissa Education (Recruitment and Conditions of Service  

of  Teachers  and  Members  of  the  Staff  of  Aided  Educational  

Institutions) Rules, 1974 (hereinafter called `Rules 1974’).   

Rule  2  (i)  -   “University”  means  Utkal  University,  Berhampur  

University, Sambalpur University and Sri Jagannath Sanskrit Vishwa  


Chapter  II provides  for  establishment  of  the  Selection  Board  and  

Rule 4 reads that there will be a Selection Board constituted by the  



Government for the purpose of making appointments of teaching and  

other staffs in aided schools.

Rule  5(1) thereof  provides  that  the  educational  institutions  would  

determine  the  vacancies  subject-wise  and  indicate  the  same  to  the  

Director of Education who shall process the applications so received  

for  those  posts  and transmit  the  same to  the  Selection Board after  

determining the genuineness of the vacancies in a particular college.

Rule 5(2) -  The Selection Board shall, on receipt of applications and  

certificates referred to in Sub-rule (1) recommend a list of candidates  

in order of merit strictly according to the number of vacancies, to the  

concerned  Directors  who  shall  thereupon,  allot  candidates  to  the  

concerned institutions strictly in order of merit as per vacancy.

Rule 5(3) – Appointment shall be made by Managing Committee or  

the Governing Body as the case may be,  of the candidates allotted  

under Sub-rule (2).  

Rule 6 provides for Procedure of Selection – (1) The Selection Board  

shall,  at  such intervals  as it  deems proper,  call  for applications for  

various posts in respect of which vacancies are likely to arise in the  

course of the next one year in such manner as may be determined in  

the regulation of the Selection Board.



(2)  The Selection Board shall conduct examinations including a viva  

voce examination of any candidate or all candidates with a view to  

determining their merit and suitability in the matter appointed in its  


Rule 7 -  Condition of eligibility of candidates – Provided that upper  

age  limit  may  be  relaxable  in  respect  of  candidates  belonging  to  

Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes and such other categories as may  

be specified by Government from time to time for recruitment to the  

similar or corresponding post under the Government.  

The  Orissa  Aided  Educational  Institutions  Employee’s  

Common  Cadre  and  Inter  transferability  Rules,  1979  (hereinafter  

called Rules 1979),  make the post of teaching staff  transferable to  

any other college, affiliated to any other University.  

In view of the above, University means all the four universities  

of  Orissa,  not  only  Utkal  University  at  Bhubneshwar.  It  is  the  

Selection Board constituted under the Rules 1974,  which could call  

the candidates for interview/tests and make the selection according to  

merit.   The  Selection  Board  shall  make  the  teachers  available  to  

individual  colleges  as  per  their  need.  Thus,  the  Committee  of  

Management  does  not  have  a  right  to  make  the  appointment  of  a  



teacher of its own. More so, the teachers so appointed are liable to be  

transferred throughout the State  of Orissa even to a College which  

may be affiliated to either of the aforesaid universities.     


(i) Government  of  Orissa  –  Education  and  Youth  Services  

Department  Resolution  dated  5.9.1978  dealt  with  the  subject-  

qualification for recruitment of lecturers in affiliated colleges of the  

State of Orissa and the relevant part reads as under:  

“A consistently good academic record with   at least Ist  or high second class (B in the   seven point scale) at the Master’s degree in   a  relevant  subject.  In  other  words,  the   University  Grants  Commission intended to   determine high second class as average of   minimum  percentage  of  marks  of  second  division  and  first  division  as  (48+60)   54%.....”

(ii) Orissa State Gazette,  August 19, 1983 published a resolution  

dated 16.7.1983 prescribing the eligibility for appointment of teachers  

in affiliated colleges. The relevant part reads as under:  

(a) Candidate  should  have  an  M.Phil  degree  or  a  recognized  degree  beyond  Master’s  level  with   atleast a second class Master’s degree;  

(b) A candidate not holding an M.Phil degree should  possess a high second class Master’s degree  i.e.   



54% of marks and a second class Honours/Pass in  the B.A./B.Sc./B.Com examination; or

(c) A  candidate  not  holding  an  M.Phil  degree  but   possessing a second class Master’s degree should   have obtained a first class in the Honours/Pass in   B.A./B.Sc./B.Com examination.  

(iii) Utkal  University  passed  a  resolution  dated  20.8.1986  and  

condoned the deficiency of qualification of different non-government  

college teachers.  

(iv) Government  of  Orissa,  Education  and  Youth  Services  

Department  Circular  dated  27.11.1986  dealt  with  the  subject  -  

Continuance  of  under-qualified  teachers  in  Non-Government  

Colleges-Eligibility  to  receive  grant-in-aid  from Government.   The  

relevant part reads as under:   

“The  decision  of  Utkal  University   communicated to Government in their letter NO.  A.13570/86 dated 20.8.86 cannot be treated  as a   valid order of condonation of under qualification  unless  the  concurrence  of  University  Grants  Commission has been obtained.  The Universities   which have made order of condonation after the   concerned Regulation of the U.G.C. may refer the   matter to U.G.C. and secure their concurrence for   condonation.”



(v) Government  of  Orissa,  Education  and  Youth  Services  

Department Circular dated 23.4.1987 provides that the requirement of  

seeking condonation by two other universities had been withdrawn.  

(vi) Resolution  dated  6.10.1989  published  in  the  Gazette  on  

3.11.1989 provided for the revised pay scale of teachers i.e.  UGC pay  

scales w.e.f. 1.1.1986.

(vii) Resolution  dated  6.11.1990  provides  for  grant  of  UGC  pay  

scales  as  the  Utkal  University  has  condoned  the  deficiency  of  

eligibility i.e. qualifications.  

The aforesaid Circulars/Letters fixed the minimum 54% marks  

in Master’s Course  as eligibility and the University has condoned the  

deficiency in eligibility i.e. educational qualification. The UGC pay  

scale  granted  by  the  Notification  dated  6.10.1989  could  be  made  

available w.e.f. 1.1.1986.

13. While  dealing  with  the  aforesaid  issues  we  have  taken  into  

consideration  all  submissions  made  by  all  the  counsel  involved  in  

these  group  matters.  However,  the  main  arguments  have  been  

advanced by Shri Shibashish Misra, Ms. Kirti Renu Mishra and Shri  

Radhey Shyam Jena, Advocates for the State and Shri A.K. Sanghi,  



Shri P.N. Misra, Shri Shambhu Prasad Singh, Senior Advocates,  Shri  

Ashok Panigrahi, Shri Kedar Nath Tripathy, and Shri Bharat Sangal,  

Advocates for the respondents.  


14. Education  is  the  systematic  instruction,  schooling  or  training  

given to the young persons in preparation for the work of life.  It also  

connotes the whole course of scholastic instruction which a person has  

received.  Education connotes the process  of training and developing  

the  knowledge,  skill,  mind  and  character  of  students  by  formal  

schooling.  The  excellence  of  instruction  provided  by  an  

educational institution mainly depends directly on the excellence  

of the teaching staff.   Therefore, unless they themselves possess a  

good  academic  record/minimum  qualifications  prescribed  as  an  

eligibility,  it  is  beyond  imagination  of  anyone  that  standard  of  

education can be maintained/enhanced. “We have to be very strict in  

maintaining  high  academic  standards  and  maintaining  academic  

discipline  and  academic  rigour  if  our  country  is  to  progress”.  

“Democracy depends for its very life on a high standard of general,  

vocational and professional education. Dissemination of 'learning with  

search  for  new  knowledge  with  discipline  all  round  must  be  



maintained at all costs”. (Vide:  The Sole Trustee Loka Shikshana  

Trust v. The Commissioner of Income Tax, Mysore,  AIR 1976 SC  

10;  Frank  Anthony  Public  School  Employees’  Association  v.  

Union of  India & Ors.,  AIR 1987 SC 311;  Osmania  University  

Teachers’ Association v. State of Andhra Pradesh & Anr.,  AIR  

1987 SC 2034; and  Director (Studies), Dr. Ambedkar Institute of  

Hotel  Management,  Nutrition  &  Catering  Technology,  

Chandigarh & Ors. v. Vaibhav Singh Chauhan, (2009) 1 SCC 59).

15. In Meera Massey (Dr) v. S.R. Mehrotra (Dr) & Ors., AIR  

1998  SC  1153,  this  Court  extensively  quoted  the  Report  of  the  

University Education Commission, i.e., Radhakrishnan Commission,  

wherein  grave  concern  was  expressed  observing  that “there  is  

negligence in applying criteria of merit in the selection” of teachers.  

The Court also quoted from another  Report of the Committee  

on some problems of University Administration 1964(1967) as:

“The most important factor in the field of higher   education  is  the  type  of  person  entrusted  with   teaching.  Teaching  cannot  be  improved  without   competent teachers. ... The most critical problem  facing the universities is the  dwindling supply of   good teachers. ... The supply of the right type of   



teachers  assumes,  therefore,  a  vital  role  in  the  educational advancement of the country.

The Court further observed as under:

“University  imparts  education  which  lays  foundation  of  wisdom.  Future  hopes  and  aspiration  of  the  country  depends  on  this   education,  hence  proper  and  disciplined  functioning of the educational institutions should  be  the  hallmark.  If  the  laws  and  principles  are  eroded by such institutions it not only pollutes its   functioning,  deteriorating  its  standard but  also  exhibits  to  its  own  students  the  wrong  channel   adopted. If that be so, how could such institutions   produce  good  citizens?  It  is  the  educational   institutions  which  are  the  future  hope  of  this   country.  They lay the seed for  the foundation of   morality,  ethics  and  discipline.  If  there  is  any   erosion  or  descending  by  those  who control  the   activities  all  expectations  and  hopes  are   destroyed.”                                                       (emphasis added)

16 In Chandigarh Administration & Ors.  v. Rajni Vali & Ors.,  

AIR 2000 SC 634, this Court observed as under:  

“It is a constitutional mandate that the State shall   ensure proper education to the students on whom  the future of the society depends. In line with this   principle,  the  State  has  enacted  statutes  and  framed rules  and regulations  to  control/regulate   establishment  and  running  of  private  schools  at   different  levels.  The  State  Government  provides  grant-in-aid  to  private  schools with  a  view  to  ensure  smooth  running  of  the  institution  and  to  ensure  that  the  standard  of  teaching  does  not   suffer on account of paucity of funds. It needs no  



emphasis  that  appointment  of  qualified  and  efficient teachers is a sine qua non for maintaining  high  standards  of  teaching  in  any  educational   institution.”                                                       (emphasis added)

17. In view of the above, it is evident that education is necessary to  

develop the personality of a person as a whole and in totality as it  

provides the process of training and acquiring the knowledge, skills,  

developing mind and character by formal schooling.  Therefore, it is  

necessary  to  maintain  a  high  academic  standard  and  academic  

discipline  along with academic rigour  for the progress  of  a nation.  

Democracy  depends  for  its  own  survival  on  a  high  standard  of  

vocational and professional education.  Paucity of funds cannot be a  

ground for  the  State  not  to  provide  quality  education  to  its  future  

citizens.  It is for this reason that in order to maintain the standard of  

education  the  State  Government  provides  grant-in-aid  to  private  

schools  to  ensure the smooth  running of  the  institution  so that  the  

standard of teaching may not suffer for want of funds.  Article 21A  

has been added by amending our Constitution with a view to facilitate  

the children to get proper and good quality education.  However, the  

quality  of education would depend on various factors but  the most  

relevant  of  them is  excellence  of  teaching  staff.   In  view thereof,  



quality of teaching staff cannot be compromised.  The selection of the  

most suitable persons is essential in order to maintain excellence and  

the standard of teaching in the institution.   It is not permissible for the  

State that while controlling the education it may impinge the standard  

of education.  It is, in fact, for this reason that norms of admission in  

institutions  have  to  be  adhered  to  strictly.   Admissions  in  mid  

academic sessions are not  permitted to maintain  the  excellence of  



18. At one time this Court  had been of the view that calling the  

names from Employment Exchange would curb to certain extent the  

menace of nepotism and corruption in public employment.  But, later  

on, came to the conclusion that some appropriate method consistent  

with  the  requirements  of  Article  16  should  be  followed.  In  other  

words  there  must  be  a  notice  published in  the  appropriate  manner  

calling for applications and all those who apply in response thereto  

should  be  considered  fairly.  Even  if  the  names  of  candidates  are  

requisitioned  from Employment  Exchange,  in  addition  thereto  it  is  

mandatory on the part of the employer to invite applications from all  



eligible candidates from the open market by advertising the vacancies  

in newspapers having wide circulation or by announcement in Radio  

and Television  as  merely  calling  the  names from the  Employment  

Exchange does not meet  the requirement of the said Article  of the  

Constitution. (Vide: Delhi  Development  Horticulture  Employees’  

Union v.  Delhi Administration, Delhi & Ors., AIR 1992 SC 789;  

State  of  Haryana & Ors.  v.  Piara Singh & Ors.,  AIR 1992 SC  

2130; Excise Superintendent Malkapatnam, Krishna District, A.P.  

v.   K.B.N.  Visweshwara  Rao & Ors.,  (1996)  6  SCC 216; Arun  

Tewari & Ors. v.  Zila Mansavi  Shikshak Sangh & Ors.,  AIR  

1998  SC  331; Binod  Kumar  Gupta  &  Ors.  v.   Ram  Ashray  

Mahoto & Ors.,  AIR 2005 SC 2103; National Fertilizers Ltd. &  

Ors.  v.  Somvir  Singh,  AIR  2006  SC  2319; Telecom  District  

Manager & Ors. v. Keshab Deb, (2008) 8 SCC 402; State of Bihar  

v. Upendra Narayan Singh & Ors., (2009) 5 SCC 65; and State of  

Madhya Pradesh & Anr.  v. Mohd. Ibrahim, (2009) 15 SCC 214).  

19. Therefore, it is a settled legal proposition that no person can be  

appointed  even  on  a  temporary  or  ad  hoc  basis  without  inviting  

applications from all eligible candidates. If any appointment is made  



by merely inviting names from the Employment Exchange or putting  

a note on the Notice Board etc. that will not meet the requirement of  

Articles  14 and 16 of  the  Constitution.  Such a  course  violates  the  

mandates  of  Articles  14  and  16  of  the  Constitution  of  India  as  it  

deprives  the  candidates  who  are  eligible  for  the  post,  from being  

considered.  A person employed in violation of these provisions is not  

entitled  to  any  relief  including  salary.  For  a  valid  and  legal  

appointment  mandatory  compliance  of  the  said  Constitutional  

requirement is to be fulfilled.  The equality clause enshrined in Article  

16  requires  that  every  such  appointment  be  made  by  an  open  

advertisement as to enable all eligible persons to compete on merit.   


20. It  is  a  settled  legal  proposition that  if  an  order  is  bad  in  its  

inception, it  does not get sanctified at a later  stage.  A subsequent  

action/development cannot validate an action which was not lawful at  

its inception, for the reason that the illegality strikes at the root of the  

order.  It would be beyond the competence of any authority to validate  

such an order.  It would be ironic to permit a person to rely upon a  

law, in violation of which he has obtained the benefits.  If an order at  



the initial stage is bad in law, then all further proceedings consequent  

thereto will be non est and have to be necessarily set aside.  A right in  

law exists  only and only when it  has a lawful  origin.  (vide:  Upen  

Chandra Gogoi  v.  State  of  Assam & Ors.,  AIR 1998 SC 1289;  

Mangal Prasad Tamoli  (Dead) by L.Rs. v. Narvadeshwar Mishra  

(Dead) by L.Rs. & Ors.  , AIR 2005 SC1964; and Ritesh Tiwari &  

Anr. v. State of U.P. & Ors., AIR 2010 SC 3823).  

The concept of adverse possession of lien on post or holding  

over  are  not  applicable  in  service  jurisprudence.  Therefore,  

continuation of a person wrongly appointed on post does not create  

any right in his favour.  (Vide Dr. M.S. Patil v. Gulbarga University  

& Ors., AIR 2010 SC 3783).


21. In Dr. Prit Singh v. S.K. Mangal & Ors., 1993 Supp (1) SCC  

714, this Court examined the case of a person who did not possess the  

requisite  percentage  of  marks  as  per  the  statutory  requirement  and  

held that he cannot hold the post observing:

“……It need not be pointed out that the sole object   of  prescribing  qualification  that  the  candidate   must  have  a  consistently  good  academic  record  with first or high second class Master’s Degree for   appointment to the post of a Principal, is to select   



a  most  suitable  person  in  order  to  maintain   excellence  and  standard  of  teaching  in  the  institution  apart  from  administration…..  The  appellant had not secured even second class marks  in  his  Master  of  Arts  Examination  whereas  the   requirement was first or high second class (55%).   The irresistible conclusion is that on the relevant   date  the  appellant  did  not  possess  the  requisite   qualifications.…….On the date of the appointment   the  appellant  did  not  possess  the  requisite   qualifications and as such his appointment had to  be quashed.”                                                      (emphasis added)

22. In  Pramod Kumar  v.  U.P.  Secondary  Education  Services  

Commission & Ors., AIR 2008 SC 1817, this Court examined the  

issue as to whether a person lacking eligibility can be appointed and if  

so, whether such irregularity/illegality can be cured/condoned. After  

considering the provisions of the U.P. Secondary Education Services  

Commission Rules, 1983 and U.P. Intermediate Education Act, 1921,  

this  Court  came to  a  conclusion  that  lacking  eligibility  as  per  the  

rules/advertisement   cannot  be  cured  at  any  stage  and  making  

appointment of such a person tantamounts to an illegality and not an  

irregularity,  thus  cannot  be  cured.  A person  lacking  the  eligibility  

cannot approach the court for the reason that he does not have a right  

which can be enforced through court.  

This Court further held as under:   



“If  the  essential  educational  qualification  for  recruitment to a post is not satisfied, ordinarily the  same cannot be condoned. Such an act cannot be   ratified. An appointment which is contrary to the  statute/statutory  rules  would  be  void  in  law.  An  illegality cannot be regularised, particularly, when  the statute in no unmistakable term says so. Only   an  irregularity  can  be.(See  Secy.,  State  of   Karnataka  v.  Umadevi  (3),  (2006)  4  SCC  1;,   National Fertilizers Ltd. v. Somvir Singh, (2006)  5 SCC 493; and Post Master General, Kolkata v.   Tutu Das (Dutta), (2007) 5 SCC 317)”.


23. In  Dr.  J.P.  Kulshrestha  & Ors.  v.  Chancellor,  Allahabad  

University  &  Ors.,  AIR  1980  SC  2141,  issue  of  relaxation  of  

eligibility  came for  consideration  before  this  Court  wherein  it  was  

held as under:  

“……….We  regretfully  but  respectfully  disagree  with the Division Bench and uphold the sense of   high second class attributed by the learned single   Judge. The midline takes us to 54% and although  it  is  unpalatable  to  be  mechanical  and  mathematical, we have to hold that those who have  not  secured  above  54%  marks  cannot  claim  to  have  obtained  a  high  second  class  and  are  ineligible…….We have earlier held that the power  to relax, as the Ordinance now runs, in so far as  high  second  class  is  concerned,  does  not  exist.   Inevitably, the appointments of the 3 respondents   violate the Ordinance and are, therefore, illegal.”                                                        (emphasis added)



24. In  Rekha Chaturvedi  v.  University  of  Rajasthan  & Ors.,  

1993 Supp (3)  SCC 168, this  Court  again dealt  with the power of  

relaxation  of  minimum  qualifications  as  the  statutory  provisions  

applicable  therein  provided  for  relaxation,  but  to  what  extent  and  

under  what circumstances,  such power could be exercised was not  

provided therein.  Thus, this Court issued the following directions:

           “A. The  University  must  note  that  the   qualifications it advertises for the posts should not   be  at  variance  with  those  prescribed  by  its   Ordinance/Statutes. B. The candidates selected must be qualified as   on the  last  date  for  making applications  for  the   posts in question or on the date to be specifically   mentioned in the advertisement/notification for the   purpose.  C. When  the  University  or  its  Selection   Committee  relaxes the  minimum  required  qualifications, unless it is specifically stated in the  advertisement/notification  both  that  the  qualifications  will  be  relaxed  and  also  the  conditions  on  which  they  will  be  relaxed,  the   relaxation will be illegal. D. The  University/Selection  Committee  must   mention in its proceedings of selection the reasons  for making relaxations, if any, in respect of each  of  the  candidates  in  whose  favour  relaxation  is   made. E. The minutes of the meetings of the Selection  Committee should be preserved for a sufficiently   long  time,  and  if  the  selection  process  is   challenged until the challenge is finally disposed  of. An adverse inference is liable to be drawn if the   minutes are destroyed or a plea is taken that they   are not available.”

                                                                 (emphasis added)



25. In P.K. Ramachandra Iyer & Ors. v. Union of India & Ors.,  

AIR 1984 SC 541, this Court while dealing with the same issue, held  

that  once it is established that there is no power to relax the essential  

qualifications, the entire process of selection of the candidate was in  

contravention of the established norms prescribed by advertisement.  

The power to relax must be clearly spelt out and cannot otherwise be  


26. In Secretary, A.P. Public Service Commission v. B. Swapna  

& Ors., (2005) 4 SCC 154, this Court held that:

“Another aspect which this Court has highlighted  is scope for relaxation of norms….. Once it is most   satisfactorily  established  that  the  Selection  Committee  did  not  have  the  power  to  relax  essential  qualification,  the  entire  process  of   selection  so  far  as  the  selected  candidate  is   concerned gets vitiated.”

27. This Court in Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan & Ors. v. Sajal  

Kumar Roy & Ors., (2006) 8 SCC 671, held:  

“The  appointing  authorities  are  required  to   apply  their  mind  while  exercising  their   discretionary  jurisdiction  to  relax  the  age- limits….The  requirements  to  comply  with  the   rules, it is trite, were required to be complied with   fairly  and  reasonably.  They  were  bound  by  the   rules.  The  discretionary  jurisdiction  could  be  



exercised for relaxation of age provided for in the  rules and within the four corners thereof.”  

                                               (emphasis added)  

      28. In Food Corporation  of India & Ors. v. Bhanu Lodh &  

Ors., AIR 2005 SC 2775, this Court held:  

“Even  assuming  that  there  is  a  power  of   relaxation under the Regulations…….  the power  of  relaxation  cannot  be  exercised  in  such  a  manner that it completely distorts the Regulations.   The power of relaxation is intended to be used in   marginal cases…. We do not think that they are  intended as an “open sesame” for all and sundry.   The wholesale go-by given to the Regulations, and  the manner in which the recruitment process was  being done, was very much reviewable as a policy   directive, in exercise of the power of the Central   Government under Section 6(2) of the Act.”  

29. In  Dr.  Bhanu  Prasad  Panda  v.  Chancellor,  Sambalpur  

University & Ors., (2001) 8 SCC 532, one of the questions raised has  

been as to whether a person not possessing the required eligibility of  

qualification i.e. 55% marks in Master’s degree can be appointed in  

view of the fact that the UGC refused to grant relaxation.  

On the issue of relaxation of eligibility, the Court held as under:  

“….the  essential  requirement  of  academic   qualification of  a particular standard and grade  viz. 55%, in the “relevant subject” for which the   post is advertised, cannot be rendered redundant   or  violated……  The  rejection  by  UGC  of  the  request of the Department in this case to relax the  



condition  relating  to  55%  marks at  post- graduation level…. is to be the last word on the   claim  of  the  appellant  and  there  could  be  no   further controversy raised in this regard….”                                                                (emphasis added)

In view of the above, this Court held that the appointment of the  

appellant therein has rightly been quashed as he did not possess the  

requisite eligibility of 55% marks in Master’s course.   

30. In absence of an enabling provision for grant of relaxation, no  

relaxation can be made.  Even if such a power is provided under the  

Statute, it  cannot be exercised arbitrarily.  (See:  Union of India v.  

Dharam Pal & Ors., (2009) 4 SCC 170).  

31. Such a power cannot be exercised treating it to be an implied,  

incidental  or  necessary  power  for  execution  of  the  statutory  

provisions.  Even an implied power is to be exercised with care and  

caution  with  reasonable  means  to  remove  the  obstructions  or  

overcome  the  resistance  in  enforcing  the  statutory  provisions  or  

executing its command.   Incidental and ancillary powers cannot be  

used in utter disregard of the object of the Statute.  Such power can be  

exercised only to make such legislation effective so that the ultimate  

power will not become illusory, which otherwise would be contrary to  



the intent of the legislature.  (vide:  Matajog Dobey v. H.S. Bhari,  

AIR  1956  SC  44;  and   State  of  Karnataka  v.  Vishwabharathi  

House Building Co-operative Society & Ors., (2003) 2 SCC 412).

More so, relaxation in this manner is tantamount to changing  

the selection criteria after initiation of selection process, which is not  

permissible at all. Rules of the game cannot be changed after the game  

is over. (Vide K. Manjusree  v. State of Andhra Pradesh & Anr.,  

AIR 2008 SC 1470; and Ramesh Kumar v. High Court of Delhi &  

Anr., AIR 2010 SC 3714).   


32. In the very first appeal, the respondent filed Writ Petition on  

11.11.2005  claiming  relief  under  the  Notification  dated  6.10.1989  

w.e.f. 1.1.1986 without furnishing any explanation for such inordinate  

delay and on laches on her part.  Section 3 of the Limitation Act 1963,  

makes it  obligatory on the part  of  the court  to dismiss  the Suit  or  

appeal if made after the prescribed period even though the limitation  

is not set up as a defence and there is no plea to raise the issue of  

limitation even at appellate stage because in some of the cases it may  

go to the root of the matter. (See: Lachhmi Sewak Sahu v. Ram Rup  



Sahu & Ors.,   AIR 1944 Privy Council 24; and   Kamlesh Babu &  

Ors. v. Lajpat Rai Sharma & Ors,   (2008) 12 SCC 577).

33. Needless to say that Limitation Act 1963 does not apply in writ  

jurisdiction. However, the doctrine of limitation being based on public  

policy,  the  principles  enshrined  therein  are  applicable  and  writ  

petitions  are  dismissed  at  initial  stage  on the  ground of  delay  and  

laches. In a case like at hand, getting a particular pay scale may give  

rise to a recurring cause of action.  In such an eventuality, the petition  

may be dismissed on the ground of delay and laches and the court  

may  refuse  to  grant  relief  for  the  initial  period  in  case  of  an  

unexplained  and inordinate delay. In the instant case, the respondent  

claimed the relief from 1.1.1986 by filing a petition on 11.11.2005 but  

the High Court for some unexplained reason granted the relief w.e.f.  

1.6.1984,  though  even  the  Notification  dated  6.10.1989  makes  it  

applicable w.e.f. 1.1.1986.   

34. This  Court  has  consistently  rejected  the  contention  that  a  

petition should be considered ignoring the delay and laches in case the  

petitioner  approaches the Court  after  coming to know of the relief  

granted by the Court in a similar case as the same cannot furnish a  



proper explanation for delay and laches.  A litigant cannot wake up  

from deep slumber  and claim impetus  from the  judgment  in  cases  

where  some  diligent  person  had  approached  the  Court  within  a  

reasonable  time.   (See:  M/s Rup Diamonds & Ors.,  v.  Union of  

India & Ors.,  AIR 1989 SC 674;  State of  Karnataka & Ors.  v.  

S.M. Kotrayya & Ors., (1996) 6 SCC 267; and Jagdish Lal & Ors.  

v. State of Haryana & Ors., AIR 1997 SC 2366).


35. Pleadings  and particulars  are  required  to  enable  the  court  to  

decide the rights of the parties in the trial.  Thus, the pleadings are  

more to help the court in narrowing the controversy involved and to  

inform the  parties  concerned  to  the  question  in  issue,  so  that  the  

parties  may adduce appropriate  evidence on the said issue.  It  is  a  

settled  legal  proposition  that  “as  a  rule  relief  not  founded  on  the  

pleadings should not  be granted.”   Therefore,  a  decision  of  a case  

cannot be based on grounds outside the pleadings of the parties.  The  

pleadings  and  issues  are  to  ascertain  the  real  dispute  between  the  

parties to narrow the area of conflict and to see just where the two  

sides differ. (Vide : Sri Mahant Govind Rao v. Sita Ram Kesho,  



(1898) 25 Ind. App. 195; M/s. Trojan & Co. v. RM. N.N. Nagappa  

Chettiar,  AIR 1953  SC 235;   Ishwar  Dutt  v.  Land  Acquisition  

Collector & Anr., AIR 2005 SC 3165; and State of Maharashtra v.  

Hindustan Construction Company Ltd., (2010) 4 SCC 518.)   


36. It is a settled legal proposition that Article 14 is not meant to  

perpetuate illegality and it does not envisage negative equality. Thus,  

even if some other similarly situated persons have been granted some  

benefit inadvertently or by mistake, such order does not confer any legal  

right  on  the  petitioner  to  get  the   same  relief.  (Vide  Chandigarh  

Administration & Anr v. Jagjit Singh & Anr., AIR 1995 SC 705;  

Yogesh Kumar & Ors. v. Government of NCT Delhi & Ors., AIR  

2003 SC 1241; M/s Anand Buttons Ltd. etc. v. State of Haryana &  

Ors., AIR 2005 SC 565;  K.K. Bhalla v. State of M.P. & Ors., AIR  

2006 SC 898;  Maharaj Krishan Bhatt & Anr. v. State of Jammu &  

Kashmir & Ors., (2008) 9 SCC 24; Upendra Narayan Singh (supra);  

and Union of India & Anr. v. Kartick Chandra Mondal & Anr., AIR  

2010 SC 3455).

This principle also applies to judicial pronouncements. Once the  

court comes to the conclusion that a wrong order has been passed, it  



becomes the solemn duty of the court to rectify the mistake rather than  

perpetuate the same. While dealing with a similar issue, this Court in  

Hotel Balaji & Ors. v.  State of A.P. & Ors., AIR 1993 SC 1048  

observed as under:

“…To  perpetuate  an  error  is  no  heroism.  To   rectify it is the compulsion of judicial conscience.   In this,  we derive comfort and strength from the  wise  and  inspiring  words  of  Justice  Bronson  in   Pierce v. Delameter (A.M.Y. at page 18: ‘a Judge  ought to be wise enough to know that he is fallible   and,  therefore,  ever  ready  to  learn:  great  and  honest enough to discard all mere pride of opinion  and  follow  truth  wherever  it  may  lead:  and  courageous enough to acknowledge his errors’”.  

(See also  re: Sanjiv Datta, Dy. Secy., Ministry of Information &  

Broadcasting,   (1995) 3 SCC 619;  Nirmal Jeet Kaur v. State of  

M.P.  &  Anr.,  (2004)  7  SCC  558;  and  Mayuram  Subramanian  

Srinivasan v. CBI, AIR 2006 SC 2449).  

37. We  are  fully  alive  of  the  object  and  purpose  of  according  

recognition  and  affiliation  to  educational  institutions.  It  is  the  

educational  authorities  of  the  State  which  grant  recognition  to  a  

Committee  of  Management  for  opening  or  running  an  educational  

institution. Affiliation is granted by the particular University or Board  

for undertaking the examination of  the students of that college for  



awarding  degrees  and  certificates.  Therefore,  while  granting  the  

recognition and affiliation even for non-governmental and non-aided  

private colleges, it is mandatory to adhere to the conditions imposed  

by them, which also include the minimum eligibility for appointment  

of teaching staff.  The authority at the time of granting approval has to  

apply its mind to find out whether a person possessing the minimum  

eligibility has been appointed. In the instant case, it appears to be a  

clear cut case of arbitrariness which cannot be approved.  


38. The rule of law inhibits arbitrary action and also makes it liable  

to  be invalidated.  Every action of  the  State  or  its  instrumentalities  

should  not  only  be  fair,  legitimate  and above-board  but  should  be  

without any affection or aversion. It should neither be suggestive of  

discrimination nor even give an impression of bias, favouritism and  

nepotism.  Procedural fairness is an implied mandatory requirement to  

protect  against  arbitrary  action  where  Statute  confers  wide  power  

coupled  with  wide  discretion   on  an  authority.  If   the  procedure  

adopted  by  an  authority  offends  the  fundamental  fairness  or  

established ethos or shocks the conscience, the order stands vitiated.  



The decision making process remains bad. (Vide Haji T.M. Hassan  

Rawther v. Kerala Financial Corporation, AIR 1988 SC 157;  Dr.  

Rash Lal Yadav v. State of Bihar & Ors., (1994) 5 SCC 267; and  

Tata Cellular v. Union of India, (1994) 6 SCC 651).  

39. In the State of Andhra Pradesh & Anr. v. Nalla Raja Reddy  

&  Ors.,  AIR  1967  SC  1458,  a  Constitution  Bench  of  this  Court  

observed as under:

“Official  arbitrariness  is  more  subversive  of   doctrine  of  equality  than  the  statutory   discrimination. In spite of statutory discrimination,   one knows where he stands but the wand of official   arbitrariness  can  be  waived  in  all  directions   indiscriminately.”

40. Similarly, in S.G. Jaisinghani v. Union of India & Ors., AIR  

1967 SC 1427, a Constitution Bench of this Court observed as under:

“….absence of arbitrary power is the first essence   of  the  rule  of  law,  upon  which  our  whole  Constitutional  system  is  based…..  Rule  of  law,   from this  point  of  view,  means that  the  decision   should  be  made  by  the  application  of  known  principle and rules and in general such decision   should be predictable and the citizen should know  where  he  is,  if  a  decision  is  taken  without  any  principle or without any rule, it  is unpredictable   and such a decision is  antithesis  to the decision   taken in accordance with the rule of law.”   



(See  also:  Commissioner  of  Police,  Bombay  v.  Gordhandas  

Bhanji, AIR 1952 SC 16).

41. It  is  a  matter  of  common experience that  a  large number  of  

orders/letters/circulars,  issued  by  the  State/statutory  authorities,  are  

filed in court for placing reliance and acting upon it.  However, some  

of them are definitely found to be not in conformity with law.  There  

may  be  certain  such  orders/circulars  which  are  violative  of  the  

mandatory provisions of the Constitution of India. While dealing with  

such a situation, this Court in Ram Ganesh Tripathi & Ors. v. State  

of U.P. & Ors., AIR 1997 SC 1446 came across with an illegal order  

passed by the statutory authority violating the provisions of Articles  

14 and 16 of the Constitution.  This Court simply brushed aside the  

same without placing any reliance on it observing as under:

“The said  order  was  not  challenged  in  the  writ   petition  as  it  had not  come to  the  notice  of  the   appellants.  It has been filed in this Court along   with  the  counter  affidavit…..  This  order  is  also  deserved to be quashed as it is not consistent with  the  statutory  rules.   It  appears  to  have  been  passed  by  the  Government  to  oblige  the  respondents…...”                                                        (emphasis added)



42. The whole exercise done by the State authorities suffers from  

the  vice  of  arbitrariness  and  thus  is  violative  of  Article  14  of  the  

Constitution. Therefore, it  cannot be given effect to.  

PER IN CURIAM – Doctrine:  

43. "Incuria"  literally  means  "carelessness".  In  practice  per  

incuriam  is  taken  to  mean  per  ignoratium.  The  Courts  have  

developed` this principle in relaxation of the rule of stare decisis. Thus  

the  "quotable  in  law",  is  avoided  and ignored  if  it  is  rendered,  in  

ignoratium of a Statute or other binding authority.  

In Mamleshwar Prasad & Anr. v. Kanahaiya Lal (Dead) by  

Lrs.,  AIR 1975 SC 907, this Court held :   

“……where by obvious  inadvertence or oversight  a  judgment  fails  to  notice  a  plain  statutory  provision or obligatory authority running counter   to  the reasoning and result  reached,  it  may not   have the sway of binding precedents. It should be   a glaring case, an obtrusive omission.”                                                           (emphasis added)

44. In State of Orissa & Anr. v. Damodar Nayak & Anr.,  AIR  

1997 SC 2071, question arose that in case the teacher at the time of  

appointment,  did  not  possess  the  requisite  eligibility,  i.e.,  

qualifications, whether he could claim any benefit under the grant-in-



aid Scheme. Respondent-teacher therein had secured 53.9 % marks  

and  required  eligibility  provided  for  54%.  This  Court  held  that  

undoubtedly 53.9% marks were very close to required marks i.e. 54%,  

but the teacher so  appointed  did not possess the eligibility.  The court  

took notice of the fact  that he was appointed in 1978 but acquired  

further qualification on 10.7.1987, and held:    

   “Admittedly, since the first respondent on the  date  of  his  appointment  was  not  possessing  the  requisite qualification and acquired the same only   on 10.7.1987 he will be eligible to the benefit of   the grant-in-aid w.e.f. 1.8.1987 and onwards”

45.  This Court while hearing the SLP (C) Nos. 14206-14209 of  

2001,  State of Orissa & Anr. v. Kalidas Mohapatra & Ors.,  on  

11.3.2002 observed as under:  


The  so-called  contention  of  deficiency  in  the   qualification being much earlier in the circular of   the  Government  dated  06.11.1990,  we  see  no  infirmity  with  the  impugned  judgment  requiring  our interference. The Special Leave Petitions are   dismissed accordingly.”  

This Court further dismissed the Review Petition Nos. 1529-

1532 of 2002 against the said judgment and order on 28.8.2002.  



46. From the aforesaid discussion, the following picture  emerges:  

(i) The procedure prescribed under the Rules, 1974  has not been  

followed   in  all  the  cases  while  making  the  appointment  of  the  

respondents/teachers  at  initial  stage.  Some  of  the  persons  had  

admittedly been appointed merely by putting some note on the Notice  

Board  of  the  College.  Some  of  these  teachers  did  not  face  the  

interview  test  before  the  Selection  Board.   Once  an  order  of  

appointment itself had been bad at the time of initial appointment, it  

cannot be sanctified at a later stage.  

(ii) At the relevant time of appointment of the respondents/teachers  

there has been a requirement of possessing good second class i.e. 54%  

marks in Master’s Course and none of the said respondents had secured the  

said percentage.   

(iii) Their appointments had been approved after a long long time.  

In some cases after 10-12 years of their initial  appointment by the  

statutory authority i.e. Director of Higher Education.

(iv) A candidate  becomes  eligible  to  apply  for  a  post  only  if  he  

fulfils  the  required  minimum  benchmark  fixed  by  the  

rules/advertisement.  Thus, none of the respondents could even submit  

the application what to talk of the appointments.



(v) The so-called relaxation by the Utkal University was accorded  

by passing a routine order applicable to large number of colleges, that  

too after a lapse of long period i.e. about a decade.

(vi) Fixation of eligibility falls within the exclusive domain of the  

executive and once it has been fixed by the State authorities under the  

Rules 1974, the question of according relaxation  by Utkal University  

could not arise and, therefore, the order of condonation etc. is nullity.  

(vii) The  relaxation  has  been  granted  only  by  Utkal  University  

though  Rule  2(i)  of  Rules  1974  defined  ‘University’  means  Utkal  

University,  Berhampur  University,  Sambalpur  University  and  Sri  

Jagannath Sanskrit Vishwa Vidyalaya.  

(viii) Granting relaxation at this stage amounts to change of criteria  

after issuance of advertisement, which is impermissible in law. More  

so, it is violative of fundamental rights enshrined under Articles 14  

and 16 of the Constitution of the similarly situated  persons, who did  

not apply considering themselves to be ineligible for want of required  


(ix) The  exercise  of  condonation  of  deficiency  had  not  been  

exercised by any University other than Utkal University.



(x) The post of the teachers i.e. respondents is transferable to any  

college affiliated to any other University under the  Rules 1979.  

(xi) The  power  to  grant  relaxation  in  eligibility  had  not  been  

conferred upon any authority,  either the University  or the State.  In  

absence thereof, such power could not have been exercised.

(xii)  This Court in Damodar Nayak  (supra)  has categorically held  

that  a  person  cannot  get  the  benefit  of  grant-in-aid  unless  he  

completes  the  deficiency  of  educational  qualification.  Further,  this  

Court in  Dr. Bhanu Prasad Panda (supra) upheld the termination of  

services  of  the  appellant  therein  for  not  possessing  55% marks  in  

Master Course.

(xiii) The aforesaid two judgments in Damodar Nayak  (supra) and  

Dr. Bhanu Prasad Panda (supra), could not be brought to the notice  

of  either the High Court or this Court while dealing with the issue.  

Special  leave  petition  in  the  case  of  Kalidas  Mohapatra  & Ors.  

(supra) has been dealt with without considering  the requirement of  

law merely making the reference to Circular dated 6.11.1990, which  

was not the first document ever issued in respect of eligibility.  Thus,  

all the judgments and orders passed by the High Court as well as by  



this Court cited and relied upon by the respondents are held to be  not  

of a binding nature. (Per in curiam)  

(xiv) In case a person cannot get the benefit of grant-in-aid scheme  

unless  he  completes  the  deficiency  of  educational  qualification,  

question of grant of UGC pay scale does not arise.  

(xv) The cases had been entertained and relief had been granted by  

the  High  Court  without  considering  the  issue  of  delay  and  laches  

merely placing reliance upon earlier judgments obtained by diligent  

persons approaching the courts within a reasonable time.  

(xvi) The  authority  passed  illegal  orders  in  contravention  of  the  

constitutional  provisions  arbitrarily  without  any  explanation  

whatsoever polluting the entire education system of the State, ignoring  

the purpose of  grant-in-aid scheme itself  that it has been  so provided  

to maintain  the standard of education.  

(xvii) The High Court  granted  relief  in  some cases  which  had not  

even been asked for as in some cases the UGC pay scale had been  

granted  with  effect  from 1.6.1984,  i.e.,  the  date  prior  to  1.1.1986  

though the same relief could not have been granted. Thus, it clearly  

makes out a case of deciding a case without any application of mind.  



(xviii) In some cases the UGC pay scale has been granted by the High  

Court prior to the date of according the benefit of grant-in-aid scheme  

to the concerned teachers which was  not permissible in law in view  

of the law laid down by this Court in Damodar Nayak (supra).   

(xix) The grievance of the respondents that not upholding the orders  

passed by the High Court in their favour would amount to a hostile  

discrimination is not worth acceptance for the reason that Article 14  

of the Constitution envisages only positive equality.  

(xx)  Concept of adverse possession of lien on post or holding over  

are inapplicable in service jurisprudence.  

(xxi) The submission on behalf of the respondents that Government  

orders/circulars/letters  have  been  complied  with,  therefore,  no  

interference is called for,  is preposterous for the simple reason that  

such  orders/circulars/letters   being  violative  of  statutory  provisions  

and  constitutional  mandate  are  just  to  be  ignored  in  terms  of  the  

judgment of this Court in  Ram Ganesh Tripathi (supra).  

47. In view of the above, it stands crystal clear that a teacher who  

had been appointed without possessing the requisite qualification at  

initial  stage cannot get the benefit of grant-in-aid scheme unless he  

acquires the additional qualification and, therefore,  question of grant  



of UGC pay scale  would not arise in any circumstance unless such  

teacher acquires the additional qualification making him eligible for  

the  benefit  of  grant-in-aid  scheme.  The cumulative effect  therefore  

comes to that such teacher will not be entitled to claim the UGC pay  

scale unless he acquires the higher qualification i.e. M.Phil/Ph.D.  

48. In  the  facts  and  circumstances  of  the  case,  we  feel  that  

terminating the services of  those  who had been appointed illegally  

and/or withdrawing the  benefits of grant-in-aid scheme of  those who  

had  not  completed  the  deficiency  in  eligibility/educational  

qualification  or withdrawing the benefit thereof from those who had  

been granted from the date prior to completing the deficiency, may  

not be desirable  as a long period has elapsed. So far as the grant of  

UGC pay scale is concerned, it cannot be granted prior to the date of  

acquisition of higher qualification. In view of the above, the impugned  

judgment/order cannot be sustained in the eyes of law.   

49. The full particulars of the respondent-teachers are not before us  

as in some cases there had been claim and counter claim of possessing  

the requisite marks i.e. 54% in Master’s Course, as in Civil Appeal  

No. 1253 of 2011,  State of Orissa & Anr. v. Lokanath Mishra &  

Ors. Thus, we pass the following directions:  



(i) In  case  of  dispute  regarding  possessing  of  54%  marks,  the  

authorities,  Secretary  of  Higher  Education/Director  of  Higher  

Education may examine the factual position and decide the case of  

individual teachers in accordance with  law laid down in this case;   

(ii) If a person did not possess the requisite qualification on the date  

of appointment and was not entitled for grant-in-aid scheme unless he  

completes the deficiency, his case would be considered from the date  

of completing the deficiency for grant of UGC pay scale. However, in  

no  case,  the  UGC  pay  scale  can  be  granted  prior  to  the  date  of  

according the benefit of the grant-in-aid scheme, i.e. by acquiring the  

degree of M.Phil/Ph.D;  

(iii) The aforesaid exercise shall  be completed within a period of  

four months from today; and  

(iv) The arrears of pay, if any, shall be paid to the teacher concerned  

within a period of four months thereafter.    

50. In view of the above, all appeals stand disposed of. No order as  

to costs.  

……………………………J. (P. SATHASIVAM)


New Delhi, ……………………………J.



February 9, 2011 (Dr. B.S. CHAUHAN)