16 July 2013
Supreme Court


Case number: C.A. No.-002705-002705 / 2006
Diary number: 11270 / 2006


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State of Maharashtra & Anr.                         ...Appellants  


Indian Hotel & Restaurants Assn. & Ors.    ...Respondents



State of Maharashtra & Ors. Etc. Etc.            ..Appellants  


Ramnath Vishnu Waringe Etc. Etc.            ...Respondents


CIVIL APPEAL NO._5504_____ OF 2013 [Arising out of S.L.P. (C) No.14534 of 2006]

Ghar Hakka Jagruti Charitable Trust              ...Appellant  


State of Maharashtra & Ors.                        ...Respondents




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1. Leave granted in SLP (C) No.14534 of 2006.

2. These civil  appeals seek to challenge common judgment  

and  final  order  dated  12th April,  2006  in  Writ  Petition  

No.2450 of 2005, W.P. No.2052 of 2005, W.P.No.2338 of  

2005 and W.P.No.2587 of 2005 passed by the High Court  

of  Judicature  at  Bombay,  whereby  Section  33A  of  the  

Bombay Police Act, 1951 as inserted by the Bombay Police  

(Amendment)  Act,  2005  has  been  declared  to  be  ultra  

vires Articles 14 and 19(1)(g) of the Constitution of India.

Summary of Facts –

3. Brief  facts  leading  to  the  filing  of  the  aforesaid  writ  

petitions are –

The Bombay Police Act, 1951 (hereinafter ‘the Act’) was  

enacted in the year 1951 with the object of consolidating and  

amending the law relating to the regulation of the exercise of  

powers  and  performance  of  the  functions  by  the  State  

Government for maintenance of public order. Section 33 of  

the  Act  authorises  the  State  Government  to  frame  rules  

regulating  places  of  public  amusement  and entertainment.  

By virtue of Section 33 of the Act, the  “Rules for Licensing  

and  Controlling  Places  of  Public  Amusement  (other  than


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- 3 - Cinemas) and Performances for Public Amusement including   

Melas  &  Tamashas,  1960” (hereinafter  ‘the  Rules’)  were  

enacted  to  regulate  and  maintain  discipline  in  places  of  

public amusement, melas etc.

4. In 1986, orchestra and dance in hotels was permitted to  

be performed pursuant to the Rules and such institutions  

functioned under terms and conditions laid down therein.  

However, several cases relating to violation of the terms  

and  conditions  of  performance  licences  came  to  be  

registered. It is claimed that 20,196 cases were registered  

under Section 33(w), 110 and 117 of the Act from the year  

2000  till  2005.  Also,  various  cases  of  minor  girls  being  

rescued from dance bars  were reported during the said  

period  2002-2005.  The  appellants  have  referred  to  the  

case histories from the Government Special Rehabilitation  

Centre for Girls (Special Home) of 10 girl children rescued  

from  such  establishments  under  Immoral  Traffic  

(Prevention) Act, 1956 by Mumbai Police, which according  

to the appellants, correctly depict the prevailing situation.

The Government of Maharashtra, Home Department,  

on  10th December,  2002  passed  resolution  No.  REH  

012002/153/SE-5, noting therein :


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- 4 - "It has come to notice that prostitution rackets are  being  run  through  pick  up  points  in  hotel  establishments  in  which  dance  programmes  are  being conducted (Dance Bars) and that dance forms  being presented therein are horrid and obscene and  that  criminals  are  being  sheltered  in  such  hotels.  Such  undesirable  practices  going  on  in  hotel  establishments have an adverse effect on society."

It  was  resolved  to  form  a  committee  to  make  

suggestions for amending the rules to deal with:

a) Remedial  measures  to  check  other  undesirable  practices  going  on  in  hotel  establishments  presenting dance programmes.  

b) To prevent prostitution in hotel establishments c) Remedial measures to see that criminals are not  

sheltered in hotel establishments;  d) To  frame a  code specifying  what type of  dance  

forms  should  be  presented  in  hotel  establishments.  

e)  Creating  a  roving  squad  to  check  undesirable  practices in hotel  establishments and take strict  action against owner of those establishments.   

5. Pursuant  to  the  aforesaid  resolution,  the  Committee  

submitted its recommendations which were incorporated  

and circulated to all the concerned authorities through the  

letter of the Home Department No. REH 012002/153/SB-5  

dated  16th July,  2004.  In  this  letter,  the  suggested  

regulations were summarized as follows:


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- 5 - a. There should be restrictions on the attire of  the  

dancers. b. Dancing  area  must  have  a  railing  3  feet  high  

around it, and customer seats should be at least 5  feet away from the railing.

c. Dance floor to be of dimension of 10 x 12 ft so not  more than 8 dancers can dance simultaneously.

d. Customer  rewards  for  dancing  are  to  be  routed  through  management  of  the  establishment  and  customers  are  banned  from  going  near  the  dancers or “showering money”.

e. Names of  dancers  are to be registered with the  establishment, a record kept of their employment,  including details of identity/citizenship and place  of residence.  

6. This  letter  instructed  all  Judicial  Magistrates  and  Police  

Commissioners to implement these recommendations with  

immediate effect.    

7. On 6th August, 2004 the Chairperson of the Maharashtra  

State  Commission  for  Women  wrote  to  the  State  

Government about the ongoing racketeering to lure girls  

to  work  in  dance  bars  and  their  consequent  acts  of  

prostitution and immoral trafficking stating:

“Number  of  rackets  indulging  into  physical  and  financial exploitation of girls  working in dance bars  by  forcibly  bringing  them  into  this  profession  are  found to be increasing alarmingly. In the metropolis


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- 6 - of  Mumbai,  the  problems  of  the  bar  girls  have  acquired grave dimensions and have resulted even  into  death  of  many  bar  girls.  These  women  are  forcibly  induced  into  prostitution  leading  to  total  destruction of their life.”….


“Most  of  the  girls  working  in  Dance  Bars  of  Maharashtra  State  do  not  hail  from  State  of  Maharashtra, but come from other States.” ….

“In  the  future  this  problem  in  all  the  probability  would  spoil  our  social  health  by  acquiring  increasingly grave dimensions, not confined only to  Mumbai  but  extending  to  the  National  and  even  International levels.”

8. The  letter  went  on  to  recommend  a  ban  on  such  

establishments by stating:   

“I therefore, request you that the system of issuing  permits to the Bar Girls by various departments of  Government  should  be  stopped  forthwith,  thereby  relieving the women from their physical, sexual and  financial exploitation in the future.”   

9. According to the appellant, the seriousness of the issues  

involved  is  well  documented  of  which  the  Home  

Department was fully aware. The material available before  

the Home Department was as under:  

a.  Copies of case history of 10 girl children rescued  from  dance  bar(s)  under  Immoral  Traffic  (Prevention) Act, 1956.

b. Copies of  complaints of  victims’  families against  illicit relations with bar dancers.


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- 7 - c. Copies  of  complaints  of  Social  Organizations  

against dance bars. d. Copies of  FIRs of  cases registered in relation to  

dance bars. e. Summary of cases registered under  the Immoral  

Traffic  (Prevention)  Act, 1956,  u/s  294  IPC,  u/s  33(w)  &  110  of  Bombay  Police  Act,  1951  during  the  period  2000-2005  regarding  dance  bars.  

10. Apart from this, a study of the socio-economic situation  

and rehabilitation needs of the women in dance bars was  

conducted by PRAYAS (a field action project of the Tata  

Institute of Social Sciences) in 2005. This study pointed out  

the relevant facts regarding exploitation of minor girls in  

dance  bars.  The  study  also  pointed  out  that  there  was  

presence of the element of human trafficking in the entire  

process; and that the environment of the dance bars was  

found to have negative impact on the physical and mental  

health of the minor girls. The study also pointed out that  

the  atmosphere  in  the  dance  bars  increased  the  

vulnerability of the minor children to sexual exploitation. It  

is  also  the  case  of  the  appellants  that  independent  of  

registration of offences under Bombay Police Act and PITA  

Act as well as IPC, several complaints had been received  

from  various  segments  of  society  urging  the  State


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- 8 - Government to take steps for closure of the dance bars by  

legislative action.    

11. Taking  into  consideration  the  aforesaid  material,  the  

members  of  the  Maharashtra  Legislative  Assembly  

expressed deep concern over the ill effects of dance bars  

on youth and dignity of women. The Assembly further felt  

that the existing measures were insufficient to tackle the  

subject.  Just  at  that  time,  a  ‘Call  Attention  Motion’  was  

tabled by Shri Vivek Patil in the State Legislative Assembly  

on 30th March, 2005. A detailed reply was given by Shri  

R.R. Patil, Hon’ble Dy. Chief Minster to the same, on 21st  

July, 2005. Taking stock of the entire situation, the State  

Government came to a tentative opinion that performance  

of dances in eating houses, permit rooms or beer bars in  

an indecent manner is derogatory to the dignity of women  

and  is  likely  to  deprave,  corrupt  and/or  injure  public  

morality.  It  was  evident  on  the  basis  of  the  material  

available to  the Government  that  permit  rooms or beer  

bars licensed under the relevant rules, were  indulging in  

exploitation of women by permitting the performance of  

dances  in  an  indecent  obscene  or  vulgar  manner.  The  

Government, therefore, considered it expedient to prohibit


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- 9 - such  dance  performances  in  eating  houses  or  permit  

rooms or beer bars.  

12. It  was  emphasised  that  even  prior  to  the  aforesaid  

decision,  the  attention  of  the  Government  had  been  

invited to mushrooming growth of illegal dance bars and  

their ill- effects on the society in general, including ruining  

of  some  families.  The  dance  bars  were  also  used  as  

meeting  points  by  criminals  and  pick  up  joints  of  girls  

indulging  in  immoral  activities.  Young  girls  desirous  of  

earning easy money were being attracted to such dance  

bars  and  getting  involved  in  immoral  activities.  The  

decision was, therefore, taken by the State Government to  

prohibit performance of dance in eating houses or permit  

rooms  or  beer  bars  by  suitably  amending  the  Bombay  

Police Act, 1951.

13. The State Government took a conscious decision upon  

consideration of the various factors to add Sections 33A  

and  33B  to  the  Bombay  Police  Act.  The  necessary  

amendment  was  introduced  in  Maharashtra  Legislative  

Assembly on 14th July, 2005. The Bill  was passed by the  

Legislative Assembly              on 21st July, 2005 and by the


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- 10 - Legislative Council  on 23rd July,  2005. The amended Act  

No. 35 of 2005, incorporating Sections 33A & 33B in the  

Bombay Police Act, 1951, came into force after receiving  

the  assent  of  the  Governor  of  the  Maharashtra  by  

publishing  in  the  Maharashtra  Gazette  on  14th August,  


Writ Petitions before the High Court of Bombay      

14. The  Amendment  to  the  Bombay  Police  Act  of  1951,  

introducing  Sections  33A  and  33B,  was  challenged  as  

being unconstitutional in several writ petitions before the  

High Court of Bombay, which are tabulated as under:

Writ Petition Number               Party WP 2450/2005 Indian  Hotel  and  Restaurants  Owners  

Association,  an  Association  of  various  hotel  owners and bar owners and/or conductors of  the same, who carry  on business of  running  restaurants and bars in Mumbai.

WP 2052/2005 Bharatiya Bar Girls  Union,  a registered trade  union claiming a membership of  5000, whose  members work as bar girls in different parts of  Maharashtra.

WP 2338/2005 The Parties in this petition are a group of six  petitioners,  who  are  women’s  organizations  working in the field of women’s development.

WP 2587/2005 The 1st petitioner  is  a trust  registered under  the Public Trust Act, working with sex workers  in the Malvani area of Malad in Mumbai. The  2nd petitioner  is  the  Ekta  Self  Group  which  consists of 10 bar dancers.

WP 1971/2005

Criminal WP

The petitioner is the Association of Dance Bar  owners duly registered under the Trade Unions  Act,  and  have  as  their  members  344  dance  bars.

WP 6930-6931/2005 Proprietors  of  two  establishments  who  are  affected by the amendments to the Police Act.

WP 5503-5504/2005 Proprietors  of  two  establishments  who  are


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- 11 - affected by the amendments to the Police Act.  

It was contended: • That the State of Maharashtra does not have the legislative  

competence to enact the impugned law as 'morality'  does not fall  within the  ambit of List II of Schedule 7 and that the impugned enactment falls in the concurrent list.  

• That the impugned amendment was not reserved for the assent  of the President and  therefore is unconstitutional under Article  254 of the Constitution and also that the State does not have  the  power  to  implement  international  conventions  and hence  this enactment amounts to fraud on the Constitution.  

• That  the  enactment  results  in  interference  with  the  independence of judiciary as no reasons are provided under S.  33A(2) of the Act for awarding lesser punishments.

• That the affidavit filed by Youraj Laxman Waghmare was not  in compliance with Order 19 Rule 3 of the Civil Procedure Code  as no verification clause was provided.

• That  the  establishment  of  the  petitioners  is  a  place  of  public  entertainment and public amusement as defined under         S. 2(10) and 2(9)   respectively and not an "eating place"  under S.2(5A) of  the Bombay Prohibition Act,  1951  

and hence the provisions do not bind the petitioners.

• That S. 33A and 33B are arbitrary under Article 14 as they  provide  for  different  standards  of  morality  to  institutions  with  similar  activities  and  that  the  activities  in  S.  33A  establishments  are  less  obscene  but  nonetheless  the  

classification bears no nexus to the object of the Amendment.

• That S. 33A is violative of Article 15 on the basis of gender  discrimination as the dancers are mainly women.

• That there is violation of Article 19 (1)(a) as dance is a form of


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- 12 - expression and that the impugned enactment is an unreasonable restriction and it is  not by protected by Article 19(2).

• That there is an unreasonable restriction on right to freedom of  profession  as  the  State  Government  permitted  and  granted  licenses  for  running  such  establishments  being  Res Commercium and that it  deprives the bar owners of  their  right to carry on business and bar dancers the right to carry on  their profession.

• That right to life under Article 21 is infringed as right to  life  includes  right  to  livelihood  and  that  the  State  has  not  provided  for  any  rehabilitation.

15. The  State  of  Maharashtra  defended  the  challenge  to  

enactment as follows:

• That  the  impugned  enactment  is  covered  by  the  List  II.  Entries 1- Public Order, 2- Police,  6-  Public  Order,             8-  Intoxicants,  33- Entertainment or Amusement,              64- Offences against laws.

• That  the  'eating  houses'  are  covered  in  the  impugned  enactment as they would fall in public entertainment places, as license is issued  to an eating house, which enjoys an additional facility to serve liquor, wine and beer.

• That there is no violation of  Article 19(1)(a) as the dance  being conducted is not an  expression but a profession where restrictions can be  imposed.

• That  there  is  no  violation  of  Article  15  as  the  ban  on  obscene dance applies to men and women.

• That  the several  minor  girls  danced to get  rewarded with  cash by enticing customers,  that led  to  a  competition  between  performers  leading to greatest rewards reserved for the greatest indignities which escalated prostitution  

which lead to registration of  several  cases under Prevention of  Immoral Trafficking Act and  

under  Bombay  Police  Act.  That  this  led  the  legislatures  to  make  an  independent


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- 13 - classification of these  establishments to safeguard the dignity of women, and public morality.  

That  there  are  only  six  exempted  establishments  and  that  obscene  performances  are  not   

permitted in such exempted establishments. Hence there is no violation of Article 14.

• That with regard to Article  19(I)  (g)  there is  no absolute  right  to conduct  trade or  profession  and  that  the  same  is  subject  to  public  order, decency and morality and hence the restriction is reasonable and justified.

• That  there is  no violation  of  Article  21 as special  cell  has  been constituted by Women and Child Welfare Department to train and assist the  "bar girls" in availing benefits of the various Government Schemes for employment and providing  

alternative dignified vocations.  

16. After considering the aforesaid arguments of both the  

sides, the High Court has,  inter  alia,  held  that  the  type  of  dancing  in  both  categories of establishments differs and while the difference is not capable of precise legislative  

definition, it is sufficient to constitute intelligible differentia. However, the fact of different types of  

dancing  being  performed bears  no nexus  with  the object  sought  to  be achieved,  which,  as  

understood  by  the  Bombay  High  Court,  was  limited  to  the  exploitation  of  women  dancers.  

Consequently, the operation of the impugned enactment is discriminatory.  

17. With these observations, the High Court declared that  

Sections 33A and 33B of the Bombay Police Act, 1951 are  ultra vires Articles 14 and 19(1)(g) of the Constitution of India.

18. We have heard the learned counsel for the parties at  

some length. But before we notice the submissions at this  

stage it would be appropriate to reproduce the provisions  

in Sections 33A and 33B of the Bombay Police Act, 1951.  

Sections 33A and 33B of the Bombay Police Act:


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- 14 - 19. The provisions read as under:

“33A(1)  Notwithstanding anything  contained in  this  Act or the rules made by the Commissioner of Police  or  the  District  Magistrate  under  sub-section  (1)  of  Section  33  for  the  area  under  their  respective  charges, on and from the date of commencement of  the Bombay Police (Amendment) Act, 2005,-

(a) holding of a performance of dance, of any kind or  type, in any eating house, permit room or beer bar is  prohibited;

(b)  all  performance  licences,  issued  under  the  aforesaid rules by the Commissioner of Police or the  District Magistrate or any other officer, as the case  may  be,  being  the  Licensing  Authority,  to  hold  a  dance performance, of any kind or type, in an eating  house, performance, of any kind or type, in an eating  house, permit room or beer bar shall stand cancelled.

(2)  Notwithstanding  anything  contained  in  Section  131, any person who holds or causes or permits to be  held a dance performance of any kind or type, in an  eating  house,  permit  room  or  beer  bar  in  contravention of Sub-section (1) shall, on conviction,  be punished with imprisonment for a term which may  extend  to  three  years  and  with  fine  which  may  extend to rupees two lakhs: Provided  that,  in  the  absence  of  special  and  adequate reasons to the contrary to be mentioned in  the judgment of the Court, such imprisonment shall  not be less than three months and fine shall not be  less than rupees fifty thousand.

(3) If it is, noticed by the Licensing Authority that any  person,  whose  performance  licence  has  been  cancelled under Sub-section (1), holds or causes to  be held or permits to hold a dance performance of


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- 15 - any kind or type in his eating house, permit room or  beer  bar,  the  Licensing  Authority  shall,  notwithstanding  anything  contained  in  the  rules  framed under section 33, suspend the Certificate of  Registration as an eating house and the licence to  keep a Place of Public Entertainment (PPEL) issued to  a permit room or a beer bar and within a period of 30  days from the date of suspension of the Certificate of  Registration and licence, after giving the licensee a  reasonable  opportunity  of  being  heard,  either  withdraw the order of suspending the Certificate of  Registration and the licence or cancel the Certificate  of Registration and the licence. (4) ……………… (5)……………….. (6) The offence punishable under this section shall be  cognizable and non-bailable.

33B. Subject to the other provisions of  this Act,  or  any other law for the time being in force, nothing in  section  33A shall  apply  to  the  holding  of  a  dance  performance in a drama theatre, cinema theatre and  auditorium; or sports club or gymkhana, where entry  is restricted to its members only, or a three starred  or above hotel or in any other establishment or class  of  establishments,  which,  having  regard  to  (a)  the  tourism policy of the Central or State Government for  promoting the tourism activities in the State; or (b)  cultural  activities,  the  State  Government  may,  by  special or general order, specify in this behalf.

Explanation.--For the purposes of this section, "sports  club"  or  "gymkhana"  means  an  establishment  registered  as  such  under  the  provisions  of  the  Bombay  Public  Trusts  Act,  1950,  or  the  Societies  Registration Act, 1860 or the Companies Act, 1956,  or any other law for the time being in force.”


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- 16 -

Statement of Objects and Reasons

20. The  Statement  of  Objects  and  Reasons  clause  

appended  to  Bill  No.  LX  of  2005  as  introduced  in  the  

Maharashtra  Legislative  Assembly  on  14th  June,  2005  

reads as under:  

(1) The Commissioner of  Police,  District  Magistrates or  other officers, being Licensing Authorities under the  Rules  framed  in  exercise  of  the  powers  of  Sub- section (1) of Section 33 of the Bombay Police Act,  1951  have  granted  licences  for  holding  dance  performance  in  the  area  under  their  respective  charges  in  the  State.  The  object  of  granting  such  performance  licence  is  to  hold  such  dance  performance for public amusement. It is brought to  the notice of the State Government that the eating  houses  or  permit  rooms  or  beer  bars  to  whom  licences  to  hold  dance  performance,  have  been  granted are permitting the performance of dances in  an indecent, obscene or vulgar manner. It has also  been brought to the notice of the Government that  such  performance  of  dances  are  giving  rise  to  exploitation of women. The Government has received  several complaints regarding the manner of holding  such  dance  performances.  The  Government  considers that the performance of dances in eating  houses,  permit  rooms or  beer  bars  in  an indecent  manner is derogatory to the dignity of women and is  likely to deprave, corrupt or injure the public morality  or morals. The Government considers it expedient to


Page 17

- 17 - prohibit the holding of such dance performances in  eating houses or permit rooms or beer bars.

(2) In the last Budget Session of the State Legislature, by  way of  a Calling  Attention  Motion,  the attention  of  the Government was invited to mushroom growth of  illegal dance bars and their ill-effects on the society  in general including ruining of families. The members  of the State Legislature, from ruling and opposition  sides, pointed out that such dance bars are used as  meeting points by criminals and pick-up joints of girls  Page  1267  for  indulging  in  immoral  activities  and  demanded that  such dance bars  should,  therefore,  be  closed  down.  These  dance  bars  are  attracting  young  girls  desirous  of  earning  easy  money  and  thereby such girls are involved in immoral activities.  Having  considered  the  complaints  received  from  general public including the peoples' representatives,  the  Government  considers  it  expedient  to  prohibit  the performance of dance, of any kind or type, in an  eating house or permit room or beer bar, throughout  the State by suitably amending the Bombay Police  Act, 1951. However, a provision is also made to the  effect  that  holding  of  a  dance  performance  in  a  drama  theatre  or  cinema  theatre  or  auditorium;  registered sports club or gymkhana; or three starred  or above hotel; or in any other establishment or class  establishments  which  the  State  Government  may  specify having regard to tourism policy for promotion  of tourism in the State or cultural activities, are not  barred but all such establishments shall be required  to obtain performance licence in accordance with the  said rules, for holding a dance performance.


Page 18

- 18 - 3. The  Bill  is  intended  to  achieve  the  following  


Preamble “Whereas the Commissioners of Police, District Magistrates  and  certain  other  Officers,  have  granted  performance  licences for holding dance performance;

And  whereas  the  object  of  granting  such  performance  licences  is  to  hold  such  dance  performance  for  public  amusement;

And  whereas  it  is  brought  to  the  notice  of  the  State  Government that the eating houses, permit rooms or beer  bars to whom licences to hold a dance performance have  been granted are permitting performance of dances in an  indecent, obscene or vulgar manner;

And whereas it has also been brought to the notice of the  Government that such performance of dances are giving  rise to exploitation of women;

And  whereas  the  Government  has  received  several  complaints regarding the manner of holding of such dance  performance;

And  whereas  the  Government  considers  that  such  performance of dances in eating houses, permit rooms or  beer bars are derogatory to the dignity of woken and are  likely to deprave, corrupt or injure the public morality or  morals.

And whereas the Government considered it  expedient to  prohibit such holding of performance of dances in eating  houses, permit rooms and beer bars.”


Page 19

- 19 -

Legal Submissions:

21. Mr.  Harish  N.  Salve,  Mr.  Gopal  Subramanium  and  

Mr.  Shekhar  Naphade,  learned  senior  counsel,  have  on  

different  occasions  made  submissions  on  behalf  of  the  

appellants. Mr. Gopal Subramanium has supplemented the  

oral  submissions  by  written  submissions.  The  common  

submissions  are  noted  with  the  appellation  of  learned  

senior counsel, referring to all the aforesaid learned senior  


22. Learned  senior  counsel  have  made  submissions  

confined only to the issue as to whether Sections 33A and  

33B of the Bombay Police Act infringe Article 14 and with  

regard to the provisions being ultra vires Article 19(1)(g) of  

the  Constitution  as  all  the  other  issues  raised  by  the  

respondents  were rejected by the High Court.  The High  

Court had specifically rejected the challenge to the vires of  

the provisions under Article 15(1), 19(1)(a) and Article 21.  

23. Learned counsel for the appellants submitted that the  

classification made by the impugned enactment is based  

on intelligible differentia, having a nexus with the object


Page 20

- 20 - sought to be achieved. It is submitted that the impugned  

order  suffers  from  flawed  reasoning.  The  classification  

made  between  establishments  under  Sections  33A  and  

33B is  not  solely  on  the  basis  of  the  different  kinds  of  

dance  performances  but  also  on  differing  social  impact  

such  establishments  have,  by  virtue  of  having  differing  

dance  performances  and  surrounding  circumstances  

including the customers. Therefore according to Mr. Gopal  

Subramanium, the establishments must be understood in  

broader  terms  than  is  understood  by  the  High  Court.  

According  to  Mr.  Harish  Salve  and  Mr.  Gopal  

Subramanium,  the  judgment  of  the  High  Court  is  too  


24. It was emphasised by the learned senior counsel that  

the  High  Court  has  failed  to  understand  the  distinction  

between the two provisions and the object sought to be  

achieved.              Mr. Gopal Subramanium has listed the  

differences  factored  into  the  classification  made  by  the  

impugned  enactment.  According  to  the  learned  senior  

counsel, the impugned enactment is based on intelligible  

differentia which could be categorized under the following  

broad heads:


Page 21

- 21 - (i)  Type  of  dance;  (ii)  Form  of  remuneration;  (iii)  Demand for vulnerable women; (iv) Degree of Harm; (v)  Regulatory feasibility.    

25. It was submitted that in the banned establishments, the  

women who dance are not professional dancers.  In fact,  

they  are  majorly  trafficked  into  this  profession  or  have  

taken  this  profession  when  they  had  no  other  option.  

Further,  the  dance  is  vulgar  and  obscene.  Women  are  

showered with money when they are dancing, which does  

not  happen  in  the  exempted  establishments.  Learned  

senior  counsel  further  submitted  that  the  classification  

based on type of dance need not be scientifically perfect  

but ought not to be palpably arbitrary.  According to the  

learned senior counsel, in the present case, it is not just  

that  the  type  of  dance  performed  is  different  but  the  

surrounding  circumstances  are  also  different.  In  the  

exempted  establishments,  the  distance  between  the  

dancing platform and the audience is greater than at the  

banned  establishments.  This,  according  to  the  learned  

senior  counsel,  is  sufficient  to  justify  the  classification  

between  the  exempted  establishments  and  the  banned  

establishments.  Therefore,  it  cannot  be  said  that  the  

classification  is  palpably  arbitrary.  In  support  of  the


Page 22

- 22 - submissions,  the  learned  senior  counsel  relied  on  the  

observations made by this Court in  Shashikant Laxman  

Kale & Anr. Vs.  Union of India & Anr.  1   wherein  this  

Court observed as follows :-      

“We  must,  therefore,  look  beyond  the  ostensible  classification  and  to  the  purpose  of  the  law  and  apply  the  test  of  ‘palpable  arbitrariness’  in  the  context of the felt needs of the times and societal  exigencies  informed  by  experience  to  determine  reasonableness of the classification.  

26. Reliance  was  also  placed  Welfare  Association,  

A.R.P.,  Maharashtra  &  Anr. Vs.  Ranjit  P.  Gohil  &  

Ors.2, wherein this Court observed that:

“…………..It  is  difficult  to  expect  the  legislature  carving  out  a  classification  which  may  be  scientifically  perfect  or  logically  complete  or  which  may satisfy  the expectations  of  all  concerned,  still  the court would respect the classification dictated by  the wisdom of the legislature and shall interfere only  on  being  convinced  that  the  classification  would  result  in  pronounced  inequality  or  palpable  arbitrariness on the touchstone of Article 14.”

27. With regard to the form of remuneration, learned senior  

counsel submitted that remuneration to dancers in banned  

establishments is generally made out of the money which  

is  showered  on  them.  This  creates  an  unhealthy  

competition between the dancers to attract the attention  

of  the customers.  Therefore,  each dancer  tries to outdo  

her  competitors  in  terms  of  sexual  suggestion  through  

1 (1990) 4 SCC 366 2 (2003) 9 SCC 358


Page 23

- 23 - dance. This, in turn, creates an unsafe atmosphere not just  

for the dancers, but also for the other female employees of  

such establishments.  

28. Relying on the report by Shubhada Chaukhar, learned  

senior counsel submitted that 84% of the bar dancers are  

from outside  the  State  of  Maharashtra.  These  girls  are  

lured  into  bar  dancing  on false  pretext.  Supporting  this  

submission, the following observations are pointed out in  

the same report:

“Some  unmarried  girls  have  entered  the  world  of  bars  just  because  of  its  glamour.  Not  a  few  have  come of their own free will. Many less educated girls  are attracted to a livelihood that makes them quick  money”.

29. On the basis of  the aforesaid,  learned senior  counsel  

submitted  that  the  activities  that  are  carried  out  in  

establishments covered under Section 33A i.e. not just the  

dance  itself  but  the  surrounding  circumstances  of  the  

dance  are  calculated  to  raise  the  illusion  of  access  to  

women, irrespective of the consent or dignity of women, in  

men  who  are  often  in  an  inebriated  condition.  In  this  

context, learned senior counsel relied on the case history  

of  girl  children  rescued  from  the  dance  bar(s)  under  

Immoral  Traffic  (Prevention)  Act,  1956;  complaints  of


Page 24

- 24 - victims  family  against  illicit  relations  with  bar  dancers;  

complaints  of  social  organizations  against  dance  bars;  

copies of First Information Reports of cases registered in  

relation to dance bars; summary of cases registered under  

PITA  Act,  1956,  under  Section  294  IPC,  under  Section  

33(w) & 110 of Bombay Police Act, 1951 during the period  

2000-2005 regarding dance bars.  

30. It  is  submitted by the  learned senior  counsel  for  the  

appellants  that  by  comparison such  complaints  have  

been minimal in the case of exempted establishments. The  same kind of  behaviour  is  not  seen  as  a  norm.  Learned  senior  counsel  submitted  that  

undesirable, anti social and immoral traffic is directly relatable to certain kind of dancing activities  

performed  in  prohibited  establishments  which  are  not  

performed in exempted establishments. Therefore, there  

is  a  rational  distinction  between  the  exempted  

establishments  and  the  prohibited  establishments.  In  

support of the submissions, reliance was placed on the  

judgment  of  this  Court  in  the  case  of  Stat      e of  Uttar    

Pradesh Vs.  Kaushailiya  &  Ors.  3  ,  wherein  the  

constitutional validity of  Immoral  Traffic  in  Women and  Girls  Act,  1956  was  called in question. This Court upheld the validity of the classification between a prostitute who is  

a public nuisance and one who is not.

3 AIR 1964 SC 416


Page 25

- 25 - 31. Taking up the next head on which the classification has  

been sought to be justified as intelligible differentia, i.e.  

“the  demand  for  vulnerable  women,”  learned  senior  

counsel  relied  on  certain  observations  made  by  one  

Cathatine  Mackinnon  (1993)  in  an  article  entitled  

“Prostitution and Civil Rights” which appeared in Michigan  

Journal of Gender & Law, Volume I :          13-31. The  

argument given by the author therein was that:

“If prostitution is a free choice, why are the women  with the fewest choices the ones most often found  doing it?... The money thus acts as a form of force,  not  as  a  measure  of  consent.  It  acts  like  physical  force does in rape.”

32. Taking  cue  from  the  aforesaid  comments,  learned  

senior counsel submitted that the dancing that takes place  

in the banned establishments has a similar effect on the  

psyche of the woman involved, and functions within the  

same parameters of the understanding of consent. It was  

emphasised that as a general rule, dancing in a dance bar  

is  not  a  profession  of  choice,  but  of  necessity,  and  

consequently, there is a demand not for women of means  

and options,  but  vulnerable  women, who may not  have  

families and communities to turn to and are completely  

dependent on their employers. In support of the aforesaid


Page 26

- 26 - submissions,  reliance  was  placed  upon  Prayas and  

Shubhada Chaukar Reports.

33. It  was  submitted  that  the  High  Court  erroneously  

ignored the contents of the reports extracted above.   


34. Now  coming  to  the  next  head:  “Justifying  the  

classification on the criterion  of  “Degree  of  Harm.”  The  

appellants  emphasised  that  the  characteristics  of  the  

dancing that is sought to be prohibited have, to a greater  

degree than the activities that may be comparable at first  

blush,  created  an  atmosphere  where  physical  and  

emotional  violence  to  women  was  both  profitable  and  

normalized.  It  is,  therefore,  rational  to  classify  these  

establishments as a separate class based on the degree of  

harm  that  they  trigger.  Support  for  this  submission  is  

sought from the observations made by this Court in Ram  

Krishna Dalmia Vs.  Justice S.R. Tendolkar  4     wherein it  

was observed as follows:     

“The decisions  of  this  Court  further  establish –  (d)  that the legislature is  free to recognize degrees of  harm and may confine its restrictions to those cases  where the need is deemed to be the clearest.”

35. Reliance was also placed on the observations made in  4 AIR 1958 SC 538


Page 27

- 27 - the  case  of  Joseph  Patsone Vs.  Commonwealth  of  

Pennsylvania  5  .  This  was  a  case  whereby  an  Act  in  

Pennsylvania  made it  unlawful  for  unnaturalised  foreign  

born  residents  to  kill  wild  game,  except  in  defence  of  

person or property. The possession of shot guns and rifles  

by  such  persons  was  made  unlawful.  The  Act  was  

challenged  as  being  unconstitutional  under  due  process  

and equal protection provisions of the 14th Amendment of  

the United States Constitution. The Court upheld the Act as  

constitutional and observed as follows:   

"The  discrimination  undoubtedly  presents  a  more  difficult  question,  but  we  start  with  the  general  consideration  that  a  State  may  classify  with  reference to the evil to be prevented, and that if the  class discriminated against is or reasonably might be  considered  to  define  those  from  whom  the  evil  mainly is to be feared, it properly may be picked out.  A lack of  abstract  symmetry does not  matter.  The  question  is  a  practical  one  dependent  upon  experience.  The demand for  symmetry ignores  the  specific  difference  that  experience  is  supposed  to  have shown to mark the class. It  is  not enough to  invalidate the law that others may do the same thing  and go unpunished, if as a matter of fact, it is found  that the danger is characteristic of the class named.  Lindsley  v.  Natural  Carbonic  Gas  Co.,  220  U.S.  61,80,81. The State ‘may direct its law against what  it  deems  the  evil  as  it  actually  exists  without  covering  the  whole  field  of  possible  abuses’……..  The question therefore narrows itself to whether this  court  can say that  legislature  of  Pennsylvania  was  not warranted in assuming as its premise for the law  that resident unnaturalised aliens were the peculiar  source of the evil that it desired to prevent. Barrett v  Indiana, 229 U.S. 26, 29.  

5 232 U.S. 138 (1914)


Page 28

- 28 - Obviously  the  question  so  stated  is  one  of  local  experience on which this court ought to be very slow  to declare that the stale legislature was wrong in its  facts.  Adams v Milwaukee, 228 US. 572, 583. If  we  might  trust  popular  speech  in  some  states  it  was  right - but it is enough that this Court has no such  knowledge of local  conditions as to be able to say  that it was manifestly wrong."  

36. Reliance was also placed on the observations made in  

Keokee Consolidated Coke Co. Vs.  Taylor  6  , which are  

as follows:

"It  is  more  pressed  that  the  act  discriminates  unconstitutionally against certain classes. But while  there are differences of opinion as to the degree and  kind of  discrimination  permitted  by  the Fourteenth  Amendment, it is established by repeated decisions  that a statute aimed at what is deemed an evil, and  hitting it  presumably where experience shows it  to  be most felt, is not to be upset by thinking up and  enumerating other instances to which it might have  been applied  equally  well,  so  far  as  the court  can  see. That is for  the legislature to judge unless the  case is very clear."  

37. The  next  judgment  relied  upon  by  the  appellants  is  

Radice Vs. People of the State of New York  7  , in which  

the  New  York  Statute  was  challenged,  as  it  prohibited  

employment of women in restaurants in cities of first and  

second class between hours of  10 p.m. and 6 a.m. The  

Court upheld the legislation in the following words :  

“Nor is the statute vulnerable to the objection that it  constitutes  a  denial  of  the  equal  protection  of  the  laws. The points urged under this head are (a) that  the act discriminates between cities of the first and  second class and other cities and communities; and  

6 234 U.S.224 (1913) 7 264 U.S. 292 (1924)


Page 29

- 29 - (b) excludes from its operation women employed in  restaurants as singers and performers, attendants in  ladies' cloak rooms and parlors, as well as in lunch  rooms or restaurants conducted by employees solely  for the benefit of their employees.  

The limitation of the legislative prohibition to cities of  the first and second class does not bring about an  unreasonable and arbitrary classification.  Packard v  Banton, ante, 140; Hayes v Missouri, 120 U.S. 68. Nor  is  there  substance  in  the  contention  that  the  exclusion of restaurant employees of a special kind,  and of hotels and employees' lunch rooms renders  the  statute  obnoxious  to  the  Constitution.  The  statute does not present a case where some persons   of  a  class  are  selected  for  special  restraint  from  which others of the same class are left free (Connolly   v Union Sewer Pipe Co., 184 U.S. 540, 564);  but a   case where all in the same class of work are included   in  the  restraint. Of  course,  the  mere  fact  of  classification is not enough to put a statute beyond  reach  of  equality  provision  of  the  Fourteenth  Amendment. Such classification must not be "purely  arbitrary, oppressive or capricious".  American Sugar  Refining Co.  V Louisiana,  179 U.S.  89,  92.  But  the  mere production of inequality is  not enough. Every  selection of persons for regulation so results, in some  degree.  The  inequality  produced,  order  to  counter  the challenge of the constitution must "actually and  palpably  unreasonable  and  arbitrary."  ……………………………………  

The U.S. Court then relied upon the observations made  

in Joseph Patsone’s case (supra), Keokee Consolidated  

Coke Co. case (supra) which we have already noticed.   

38. Further, learned counsel supported the submissions by  

relying  upon  the  case  of  Mohd.  Hanif  Quareshi Vs.  

State of Bihar  8  , wherein the court held as under:  

8 AIR 1958 SC 731


Page 30

- 30 - "………The Courts, it is accepted, must presume that  the legislature understands and correctly appreciates  the needs of its own people, that its laws are directed  to problems made manifest by experience and that  its discriminations are based on adequate grounds. It  must be borne in mind that the legislature is free to  recognize  degrees  of  harm  and  may  confine  its  restrictions to those cases where the need is deemed  to be the clearest and finally that in order to sustain  the presumption of  Constitutionality  the court  may  take  into  consideration  matters  of  common  knowledge, matters of common report, the history of  the times and may assume every state of facts which  can be conceived existing at the time of legislation.”

39. On the basis of the aforesaid extracts, learned counsel  

submitted  that  the  classification  between  the  exempted  

establishments and prohibited establishment is also based  

on “Degree of Harm”. The legislature is the best judge to  

measure  the  degree  of  harm  and  make  reasonable  


40. Coming  to  the  next  factor–  Regulatory  Feasibility,  

which, according to the learned senior counsel, supports  

the validity of the classification. It was submitted that the  

import  of  the  impugned  enactment  is  not  that,  what  is  

prohibited in establishments under  Section 33A is  to  be  

permitted  in  establishments  under  Section  33B.  It  is  

submitted  by  the  appellants  that  the  acts  which  are  

degrading,  dehumanising  and  facilitating  of  gender  

violence in society do not cease to be so simply by virtue


Page 31

- 31 - of it being made exclusively available to an economically  

stronger  sections  of  society.  It  is  the submission of  the  

appellants  that  the  State  has  already  made  extensive  

regulatory  provisions  under  various  enactments.  This  

relates  to  the  grant  of  nature  of  license,  terms  and  

conditions of such licence, performance permits. All these  

regulatory measures are with a view to cure social evils.  

The impugned enactment, according to the appellants, is a  

form  of  an  additional regulation.  It  is  justified  on  the  

ground that the existing system of licenses and permits is  

not sufficient to deal with the problem of ever increasing  

"dance bars".  Relying on the observations made by this  

Court in  S.P. Mittal Vs.  Union of India & Ors.  9    it was  

submitted by the appellants that it  is the prerogative of  

the Government to decide if certain forms of regulation are  

insufficient,  to provide for additional regulation. Reliance  

was also placed on the observations made in the case of  

Radice Vs.  People of the State of New York (supra)  

which are as under :-   

"The basis of the first contention is that the statute  unduly  and arbitrarily  interferes  with  the liberty  of  two adult persons to make a contract of employment  for themselves. The answer of the state is that night  work of  kind prohibited,  so injuriously  threatens to  impair  their  peculiar  and natural  functions,  and so  exposes them to the dangers and menaces incident  to night life in large cities, that a statute prohibiting  

9 (1983) 1 SCC 51


Page 32

- 32 - such work falls within the police power of the state to  preserve and promote the public health and welfare.

The legislature had before it a mass of information  from  which  it  concluded  that  night  work  is  substantially and especially detrimental to the health  of  women.  We  cannot  say  that  the  conclusion  is  without  warrant……   The  injurious  consequences  were thought by the legislature to bear more heavily  against  women  than  men  and  considering  their  delicate  organism,  there  would  seem  to  be  good  reason for  so thinking.  The fact,  assuming it  to be  such, properly may be made the basis of legislation  applicable only to women. Testimony was given upon  the trial to the effect that the night work in question  was not harmful;  but we do not find it  convincing.  Where  the  constitutional  validity  of  a  statute  depends upon the existence of facts, courts must be  cautious  about  reaching  a  conclusion  respecting  them contrary to that reached by the legislature; and  if  the  question  of  what  facts  establish  be  a  fairly  debatable one, it is not permissible for the judge to  set up his opinion in respect of it against the opinion  of  the  lawmaker.  The  state  legislature  here  determined  that  the  night  employment  of  the  character  specified,  was  sufficiently  detrimental  to  the health and welfare of women engaging in it  to  justify its suppression; and, since we are unable to  say  that  the  finding  is  clearly  unfounded,  we  are  precluded  from  reviewing  the  legislative  determination".  

41. Relying on the aforesaid, it is submitted that exempted  

establishments  as  understood  by  Section  33B  are  

gymkhanas, three starred or above hotels. In order to be  

considered  three  stars  or  above  establishments,  such  

establishments have to meet greater degrees of scrutiny,  

both  from  Government  and  from  private  associations  

(hoteliers,  reviewers  etc).  In  fact,  such  establishments  

generally  maintain  standards  higher  than the  standards  


Page 33

- 33 - expected  of  them  under  the  regulation. Therefore,  the  

regulation of such establishments is significantly easier, as  

opposed  to  the  prohibited  establishments.  These  

establishments function, according to the appellants, to a  

greater degree, outside the constant scrutiny of the law. It  

is also pointed out that it is significantly easier to police  

the exempted establishments, which at present are six in  

number,  than  attempting  to  police  the  much  greater  

number of prohibited establishments. It is also pointed out  

that in cases where an exempted establishment is found  

carrying out activities prohibited in S.33A, it is incumbent  

on the relevant authority to revoke the permission for such  

acts.  Therefore,  it  was  submitted  that  the  significant  

difference in feasibility of regulation is another basis for  

classifying  prohibited  establishments.  The  High  Court,  

according  to  the  counsel,  failed  to  examine  the  two  

provisions in a proper perspective.  

42. The  next  submission  of  the  appellants  is  that  “the  

objective of the Act is an expression of the Obligation on  

the State to secure safety, social order, public order and  

dignity of women.”  It is submitted that a bare perusal of  

the Preamble of the amending Act and the Statement of


Page 34

- 34 - Objects and Reasons would make it clear that the State  

enacted  the  legislation  only  after  receipt  of  complaints  

from various social organizations as well as from various  

individuals.  The  Preamble  makes  it  clear  that  the  

legislature  had  enough  material  to  show  that  the  

performance  of  dance  in  the  said  bars  gives  rise  to  

exploitation of women, and further that the performance  

of dances in eating houses, permit rooms or beer bars are  

derogatory  to  the  dignity  of  women  and  are  likely  to  

deprave, corrupt or injure the public morality or morals.  

The High Court ought to have considered the Statement of  

Objects and Reasons and Preamble of the Act to discern  

the  true  intention  of  the  legislature.  In  support  of  the  

submission  that  the  Court  ought  to  have  looked  at  the  

objects and reasons, reliance is placed on the observations  

of  this  Court  in  Shashikant  Laxman  Kale  (supra),  

wherein it is observed as follows:  

“It is first necessary to discern the true purpose or  object of the impugned enactment because it is only  with reference to the true object of the enactment  that  the  existence  of  a  rational  nexus  of  the  differentia on which the classification is based, with  the object sought to be achieved by the enactment,  can  be  examined  to  test  the  validity  of  the  classification….”


Page 35

- 35 - 43. It was reiterated that the High Court has given a very  

restrictive  interpretation  to  the  phrase  “exploitation  of  

women”.  The  expression  would  include  not  only  the  

women who dance in  the prohibited establishments  but  

also the waitresses who work in the same establishments.  

It would also include the effect of the dance bar on gender  

relations of  not  just  the bar dancer,  but for the women  

around  the  area.  The  High  Court,  according  to  the  

appellants, failed to take into account the object that the  

statutory  provisions  are  in  respect  of  an  activity  of  

exploitation of women conducted for financial gain by bar  

owners and their intermediaries. It is emphasised that the  

issue involved in this matter is not merely about dancing  

in the bars, but involves larger issues of dignity of women,  

the destruction of environments and circumstances where  

it  is  profitable  to  keep  women  vulnerable.  In  such  

circumstances, the law is being used as a tool for dealing  

with the evils of human trafficking and prostitution, rather  

than  simply  prohibiting  such  activity  without  the  

administrative  resources  to  effectively  implement  such  

prohibition. It is further submitted that the State is bound  

by this duty to protect the interest of its citizens especially  

its weaker sections under the Constitution. The legislation


Page 36

- 36 - is sought to be justified on the touchstone of Article 23,  

Article  39(e)  and Article  51A(e)  of  the Constitution.  The  

action of' the Government is also justified on the ground  

that  it  is  necessary  to  emancipate  women  from  male  

dominance as women in dance bars are looked upon as  

objects  of  commerce.  It  is  emphasised  that  the  bar  

dancing is obscene, vulgar and casts considerable amount  

of  negative influence  on institutions  like  family,  society,  

youth etc.  

44. Mr. Gopal Subramanium also emphasised that the State  

cannot shut its eyes to the larger social problems arising  

out of bar dancing which is uncontrolled and impossible to  

regulate. He sought to justify the aforesaid submission by  

taking  support  from  some  observations  made  in  Paris  

Adult Theatre I  Et.  Al Vs.  Lewis R.  Slaton, District  

Attorney, Atlanta Judicial Circuit, Et. Al  10  .  This  case  

provides,  according  to  the  learned  senior  counsel,  a  

discussion on relation with obscenity and pornography and  

the  duty  of  the  state  to  regulate  obscenity.  Reliance  is  

placed on the following observations at pp 58, 60, 63, 64  

and 69.

10 413 U.S. 49 [1973]


Page 37

- 37 - “It  is  not  for  us  to  resolve  empirical  uncertainties  underlying state legislation, save in exceptional Case  where  that  legislation  plainly  impinges upon rights  protected by the Constitution itself.”  


“Although  there  is  no  conclusive  proof  of  a  connection  between  anti  social  behaviour  and  obscene  material,  the  legislature  of  Georgia  could  quite reasonably determine that such a connection  does  or  might  exist.  In  deciding  Roth,  this  Court  implicitly  accepted  that  a  legislature  could  legitimately act on such a conclusion to protect the  social interest in order and morality." Roth v. United  States, 354 U.S.., at 485, quoting Chaplinsky v New  Hampshire, 315 US. 568, 572 (1942).”  


“The sum of experience, including that of  the past  two decades, affords an ample basis for legislatures  to  conclude  that  a  sensitive,  key  relationship  of  human existence, central  to family life,  community  welfare, and the development of human personality,  can be debased and distorted by crass commercial  exploitation  of  sex.  Nothing  in  the  Constitution  prohibits a state from reaching such a conclusion and  action on it legislatively simply because there is no  conclusive evidence or empirical data.”  


“The  states  have  the  power  to  make  a  morally  neutral  judgment  that  public  exhibition  of  obscene  material  or  commerce  in  such  material  has  a  tendency  to  injure  community  as  a  whole,  to  endanger  the  public  safety  or  to  jeopardise  in  Mr.  Chief Justice Warren's words, the States' "right ... to  maintain a decent society". Jacobellis v Ohio 378 US  at 199 (dissenting opinion)"  

45. It  is  further  pointed  out  that  the  decision  to  ban  

obscene dancing is also in consonance with Convention on  

the  Elimination  of  All  Forms  of  Discrimination  Against  

Women  (CEADAW).  Learned  senior  counsel  further


Page 38

- 38 - submitted  that  establishments  covered  by  Section  33A  

have  a  greater  direct  and  indirect  effect  on  the  

exploitation  of  women,  and  the  resultant  and  causative  

violence against women. It is submitted that the degree of  

effect  on  the  subjects  covered  by  the  objects  of  the  

enactment  are  greater  than  any  effect  that  might  be  

attributable to exempted establishments.  

46. In any event, exempted establishments will also not be  

permitted to carry out such performances, but are left to  

the operation of  parallel  regulation simply because they  

are  significantly  fewer  in  number  and their  very  nature  

facilitates effective regulation.  Therefore, according to the  

learned  senior  counsel,  the  impugned  enactment  is  not  

discriminatory  as  it  makes  a  reasonable  legislative  

classification  which  has  a  direct  nexus  with  the  object  

sought  to  be  achieved  by  the  Act.  In  support  of  the  

proposition  that  there  is  a  reasonable  classification  and  

that the State has the power to make such classification,  

reliance is placed on the observations made by this Court  

in  Kedar Nath Bajoria & Anr. Vs.  The     State of West    

Bengal  11   which are as follows:  

"Now it is well settled that the equal protection of the  laws  guaranteed  by  Article  14  of  the  Constitution  does  not  mean  that  all  laws  must  be  general  in  

11 1954 SCR 30


Page 39

- 39 - character and universal in application and that the  State is no longer to have the power of distinguishing  and classifying persons or things for the purpose of  legislation.  To  put  it  simply  all  that  is  required  in  class  or  special  legislation  is  that  the  legislative  classification  must  not  be  arbitrary  but  should  be  based on an intelligible principle having a reasonable  relation to the object which the legislature seeks to  attain. If the classification on which the legislation is  founded fulfils this requirement, then the differentia  which  the  legislation  makes  between  the  class  of  persons  or  things  to  which  it  applies  and  other  persons  or  things  left  outside  the  purview  of  the  legislation  cannot  be  regarded  as  a  denial  of  the  intelligible differentia having a reasonable relation to  the legislative purpose.”

47. Reliance is also placed on the observations of this Court  

in  Ram  Krishna  Dalmia Vs.  Justice  S.R.  Tendolkar  

(supra) for outlining the scope and ambit of Article 14 of  

the Constitution of India.

48. Finally, it is submitted that the Government had various  

documents  and  reports  based  on  which  they  felt  it  

important  to  regulate  the  menace  of  trafficking  and  to  

uphold the dignity of women. On the basis of the aforesaid  

material,  it  is  submitted  that  the  Government  of  

Maharashtra  enacted the  amendment  in  good faith  and  

knowledge of existing conditions after recognizing harm,  

confined the restrictions to cases where harm to women,  

public morality etc. was the highest. The High Court has  

failed to appreciate all the documentary evidence placed


Page 40

- 40 - and gave a narrow meaning to the object of the Act which  

is in the larger interest of the women and society.  

Article 19(1)(g) -

49. With  regard  to  whether  there  is  any  infringement  of  

rights under Article 19(1)(g), it is submitted by the learned  

senior  counsel  that  the  fundamental  right  under  Article  

19(1)(g) to practice any profession, trade or occupation is  

subject  to  restrictions  in  Article  19(6).  Therefore,  by  

prohibiting dancing under Section 33A, no right of the bar  

owners are being infringed. The curbs imposed by Sections  

33A and 33B only  restrict  the  owners  of  the  prohibited  

establishments from permitting dances to be conducted in  

the  interest  of  general  public.  The  term  “interest  of  

general  public”  is  a  wide  concept  and  embraces  public  

order and public morality. The reliance in support of this  

proposition was placed on State of Gujarat Vs. Mirzapur  

Moti  Kureshi Kassab Jamat & Ors.  12    Reference was  

also  made  to  Municipal  Corporation  of  the  City  of  

Ahmedabad & Ors. Vs. Jan Mohammed Usmanbhai &  

Anr.  13  ,  wherein  this  Court  gave  a  wide  meaning  to  

“interest of general public” and observed as follows :    

12 AIR 2006 SC 212 13 (1986) 3 SCC 20


Page 41

- 41 - “The expression in the interest of general public' is of  wide  import  comprehending  public  order,  public  health, public security, morals, economic welfare of  the community and the objects mentioned in Part IV  of the Constitution.”    

50. Factually,  it  was  emphasised  that  the  history  of  the  

dance bars and the activities performed within the dance  

bars show that they are not set up with an intention to  

propagate art, exchange ideas or spread knowledge. It is  

submitted  that  the  dance  performances  in  these  

prohibited establishments were conducted in obscene and  

objectionable  manner  to  promote  the  sale  of  liquor.  

Therefore, the main activity conducted in these prohibited  

establishments  is  not  a  fundamental  right.  There  is  no  

fundamental right in carrying business or sale in liquor and  

Government has power to regulate the same. There is also  

overwhelming evidence on record to show that girls have  

not opted for this profession out of choice but have been  

brought  into  this  by  middle  men  or  other  exploitative  

factors. There is no free and informed choice being made  

by the bar dancers. This is sought to be supported by the  

observations in the Prayas Report where it is stated :  

“In  conclusion,  the  study  has  shown  that  most  women did not know the nature of their employment  at the time of getting into dance bars for work, and  they  were  brought  into  this  work  through  middle  men. The basic elements of trafficking were found to


Page 42

- 42 - be present in the process of entry, though it may not  have been in its overt form. Having come here and  seeing no other options, they had no choice but to  continue in this sector……”.  

51. The SNDT Report also shows that only 17.40% of the  

bar girls are from State of Maharashtra. The bar owners  

have been exploiting the girls by sharing the tips received  

and also capitalizing on their performance to serve liquor  

and  improve  the  sales  and  business.  Again  reliance  is  

placed on the observations made in Prayas Report at page  

47 which is as under :

"The  women  working  as  either  dancers  or  waiters  were not paid any salary, but were dependant on tips  given  by  customers  in  the  bar,  which  varies  from  day-to-day and from women to another. This money  is  often shared with  the bar  owner  as  per  a  fixed  ratio ranging from 30 to 60 percent."  

52. The  same  conclusion  is  also  found  in  Shubadha  

Chaukar Report where it is stated that :

"Tips given by enamoured customers are the main  income of girls working in the bars. Normally dancers  do not get a salary as such. The bar owner makes it  look like he is  doing a favour by allowing them to  make money by dancing. So he does not give them a  salary. On the contrary a dancer has to hand over to  the owner 30 to 40 per cent of what she earns. This  varies from bar to bar.”

53. On the basis of the above, it was submitted that the bar  

owners with a view to attract customers introduced dance


Page 43

- 43 - shows where extremely young girls dance in an indecent,  

obscene and vulgar manner  which is  detrimental  to  the  

dignity of women and depraves and corrupt the morality.  

54. The  second  limb  of  the  submission  is  that  the  

prohibition does not bar the restaurant owners or the beer  

parlour  owners  from  running  their  respective  

establishments i.e. restaurant business, beer parlours etc.  

What is being prohibited is only the dancing as a form of  

entertainment in such establishments. The bar owners can  

still  conduct  entertainment  programmes  like  music,  

orchestras  etc  which  are  not  prohibited.  It  is  submitted  

that loss of income cannot be a reason for the bar owners  

to claim that their right to trade and profession is being  

infringed. This submission is sought to be supported by the  

observations of this Court in  T.B. Ibrahim Vs. Regional  

Transport  Authority,  Tanjore  14  .    In  this  case  it  is  

observed by this Court as follows:  

“………………..There  is  no  fundamental  right  in  a  citizen to carry on business wherever he chooses and  his  right  must  he  subject  to  any  reasonable  restriction imposed by the executive authority in the  interest  of  public  convenience.  The restriction  may  have the effect of eliminating the use to which the  stand  has  been  put  hitherto  but  the  restriction  cannot  be  regarded  as  being  unreasonable  if  the  authority imposing such restriction has power to do  so. Whether the abolition of stand was conducive to  

14 [1953] 4 SCR 290


Page 44

- 44 - public convenience or not is a matter entirely for the  transport authority to judge, and it is not open to the  court to substitute its own opinion for the opinion of  the Authority,  which is in the best position,  having  regard  to  its  knowledge  of  local  conditions  to  appraise the situation".  

55. It  was  next  submitted  that  the  High  Court  wrongly  

concluded  that  the  activity  of  young  girls/women being  

introduced as bar dancers is not  Res Extra Commercium.  

Such  activity  by  the  young  girls  is  a  dehumanising  

process. In any event, trafficking the girls into bar dancing  

completely  lacks  the  element  of  conscious  selection  of  

profession. An activity which has harmful  effects  on the  

society cannot be classified as a profession or trade for  

protection under Article 19(1)(g) of the Constitution. Such  

dances which are obscene and immoral would have to be  

considered  as  an  activity  which  is  'Res  Extra  

Commercium'.  The  High  Court  has  wrongly  concluded  

otherwise.  Reliance  is  also  placed  on  the  observations  

made by this Court in the case of  State of Bombay Vs.  

R.M.D. Chamarbaugwala & Anr.  15     In this case, it was  

observed by this Court that activity of gambling could not  

be raised to the status of trade, commerce or intercourse  

and  to  be  made  subject  matter  of  a  fundamental  right  

guaranteed by Article 19(1)(g). Similarly, in this case the  15 AIR 1957 SC 699


Page 45

- 45 - dance  bars  having  negative  impact  on  family,  women,  

youth and has been augmenting the crime rate as well as  

trafficking  and  exploitation  of  women.  Reference  was  

again made to the various reports and studies to show the  

disruptive opinion of the dance bars in the families of the  

persons  employed  in  such  dance  bars.  Reliance  was  

placed  on  the  judgment  of  this  Court  in Khoday  

Distilleries  Ltd.  &  Ors. Vs. State  of  Karnataka  &  

Ors.  16  ,   in  support  of  the submission that  the trading in  

liquor  is  not  a  fundamental  right.  This  Court  further  

observed  that  trafficking  in  women  or  in  slaves  or  in  

counterfeit coins or to carry on business of exhibiting or  

publishing pornographic or obscene films and literature is  

not a fundamental right as such activities are vicious and  

pernicious.  Reliance  was  placed  on  the  following  


“The  correct  interpretation  to  be  placed  on  the  expression "the right to practice any profession, or to  carry  on  any  occupation,  trade  or  business"  is  to  interpret  it  to  mean  the  right  to  practice  any  profession  or  to  carry  on any occupation,  trade or  business  which  can  be  legitimately  pursued  in  a  civilised society being not abhorrent to the generally  accepted standards of its morality. ………This is apart  from the fact that under our Constitution the implied  restrictions on the right to practice any profession or  to  carry  on  any  occupation,  trade  or  business  are  made explicit in clauses (2) to (6) of Article 19 of the  Constitution and the State is permitted to make law  for imposing the said restrictions.”  

16 (1995) 1 SCC 574


Page 46

- 46 - “It  does  not  entitle  citizens  to  carry  on  trade  or  business in activities which are immoral and criminal  and  in  articles  or  goods  which  are  obnoxious  and  injurious to health, safety and welfare of the general  public,  i.e.,  res  extra  commercium, (outside  commerce). There cannot be a business in crime. (c)  Potable liquor as a beverage is an intoxicating and  depressant drink which is dangerous and injurious to  health and is, therefore, an article which is res extra  commercium being inherently harmful. A citizen has,  therefore,  no  fundamental  right  to  do  trade  or  business  in  liquor.  Hence the  trade or  business  in  liquor can be completely prohibited.”

56. The aforesaid observations were reiterated in State of  

Punjab & Anr. Vs.  Devans Modern Breweries Ltd. &  

Anr.  17     Relying  on  the  aforesaid  observations,  it  was  

submitted that in the banned establishments, the dance is  

performed amidst consumption of liquor and the State has  

every  right  and  duty  to  regulate  the  consequence  

emanating  from  such  circumstances.  In  support  of  this  

submission, the appellants relied on the judgment of the  

United States Supreme Court in New York State Liquor  

Authority Vs.  Dennis  BELLANCA,  DBA  The  Main  

Event,  Et  Al.  18  .   In  this  case,  the  question  raised  was  

about the power of a State to prohibit topless dancing in  

an establishment licensed by State to serve liquor. It was  

claimed that the prohibition was violative of United States  

Constitution.  U.S.  Supreme Court,  upon consideration  of  

the issue, observed as follows:

17 (2004) 11 SCC 26 18 452 U.S. 714 (1981)


Page 47

- 47 - "In short, the elected representatives of the State of  New  York  have  chosen  to  avoid  the  disturbances  associated with mixing alcohol and nude dancing by  means of reasonable restriction upon establishments  which sell liquor for on-premises consumption. Given  the "added presumption in favour of the validity of  the  state  regulation"  conferred  by  Twenty  first  Amendment, California v LaRue, 409 U. S.,  at 118,  we cannot agree with the New York Court of Appeals  that  statute  violates  United  States  Constitution.  Whatever  artistic  or  communicative  value  may  attach  to  topless  dancing  is  overcome  by  State's  exercise  of  its  broad  powers  arising  under  the  Twenty-first  Amendment.  Although  some  may  quarrel with the wisdom of such legislation and may  consider  topless  dancing a  harmless  diversion,  the  Twenty  first  Amendment  makes  that  a  policy  judgment fin- the state legislature, not the courts."  

57. It was also submitted that in the present case the dance  

is conducted in an obscene manner and further the dance  

bars eventually happen to be pick up locations that also  

propagate prostitution in the area, which is sought to be  

prevented by the legislation.  The appellants also relied on  

the  judgment  in  Regina Vs.  Bloom  19  .   In  this  case,  the  

appellants were proprietors of the clubs who were charged  

with  keeping  a  disorderly  house,  which  arose  out  of  

matters  that  occurred  in  course  of  strip  tease  

performances. The Court of Criminal Appeal (England) held  

that as regards the cases in which indecent performances  

or  exhibition are alleged,  a disorderly  house is  a  house  

conducted contrary to law and good order in that matters  

19 1961 3 W.L.R. 611


Page 48

- 48 - performed or exhibited are of such a character that their  

performance  or  exhibition  in  a  place  of  common  resort  

amounts  to  an  outrage  of  public  decency  or  tends  to  

corrupt  or  deprave  the  dignity  of  women  and  public  

morality.  Therefore  in  the  present  circumstances,  the  

State, in the interest of dignity of women, maintenance of  

public  order  and  morality  has  banned  dances  in  such  

establishments  where  regulation  is  virtually  impossible.  

Since  the  obscene  and  vulgar  dancing  is  a  res  extra  

commercium,  the  establishments  cannot  claim  a  

fundamental right to conduct dance therein.  

58. It is further submitted that the legislation also does not  

infringe  any  fundamental  right  of  the  bar  dancers.  The  

prohibition  contained under  Section  33A is  not  absolute  

and the dancers can perform in exempted establishments.  

This  apart,  the  dancers  are  also  free  to  dance  in  

auditoriums,  at  parties,  functions,  musical  concerts,  etc.  

According to the appellants, another important facet of the  

same submission is that the rights of the bar girls to dance  

are  subject  to  the  right  of  the  bar  owners  to  run  the  

establishment. In other words, the right of the bar girls are  

derivative and they do not have absolute right to dance as


Page 49

- 49 - a vocation or profession in the dance bars. This right would  

be automatically curtailed in case the dance bar is closed  

for  economic  reasons  or  as  a  result  of  licence  being  

cancelled.  In  support  of  the  submission,  the  appellants  

relied  on  a  judgment  of  this  Court  in  Fertilizer  

Corporation Kamgar Union (Regd.), Sindri & Ors. Vs.  

Union of India & Ors.  20   in which it is held as under :-

"14.  The  right  of  the  petitioners  to  carry  on  the  occupation  of  industrial  workers  is  not,  in  any  manner, affected by the impugned sale. The right to  pursue a calling or to carry on an occupation is not  the same thing as the right to work in a particular  post under a contract of employment. If the workers  are retrenched consequent upon and on account of  sale, it  will  be open to them to pursue their rights  and remedies under the industrial laws. But the point  to be noted is that the closure of an establishment in  which  a  workman  is  for  the  time  being  employed  does not by itself  infringe his fundamental right to  carry on an occupation  which  is  guaranteed under  article 19(1)(g) of the constitution.”

59. Relying on the above, it is submitted that there is no  

absolute right for the bar girls to be employed in the dance  

bars and that the right to work would be subject to the  

continuation of the establishment. Hence, it is a derivative  

right emanating from the right of the dance bar owners to  

run the establishments subject to restrictions imposed.

20 AIR 1981 SC 344


Page 50

- 50 - 60. It  is  next  submitted  that  the  right  to  trade  and  

profession is subject to reasonable restriction under Article  

19(6) of the Constitution. The decision to impose the ban  

was to  defend the weaker  sections from social  injustice  

and all forms of exploitation. In the instant case, the moral  

justification  is  accompanied  with  additional  legitimate  

state interest in matters like safety, public health, crimes  

traceable to evils, material welfare, disruption of cultural  

pattern, fostering of prostitution, problems of daily life and  

multiplicity  of  crimes.  Learned  senior  counsel  for  the  

appellants strongly relied upon the Statement of Objects  

and Reasons  and the Preamble of  the amending Act  to  

reiterate that the State is enjoined with the duty to protect  

larger  interest  of  the society  when weaker  sections  are  

being exploited as objects of commerce and when there is  

issue of public order and morality involved.   

61. The appellants have relied on a number of judgments of  

this  Court  to  illustrate  the  concept  of  “reasonable  

restriction” and the parameters within which the court will  

examine a particular restriction as to whether it falls within  

the  ambit  of  Article  19(6).  Reference  was  made  to  the  

State  of  Madras Vs. V.G.  Row  21  ,   B.P.  Sharma Vs.  21 AIR 1952 SC 196


Page 51

- 51 - Union  of  India  &  Ors.  22  ,  M.R.F.  Ltd. Vs.  Inspector  

Kerala  Govt.  &  Ors.  23  .  Since  the  principles  are  all  

succinctly defined, we may notice the observations made  

by this Court in B.P. Sharma’s case (supra).  

"The main purpose of restricting the exercise of the  right  is  to  strike  a  balance  between  individual  freedom and social control.  The freedom, however,  as guaranteed under article 19(1)(g) is valuable and  cannot  be  violated  on  grounds  which  are  not  established  to  be  in  public  interest  or  just  on  the  basis  that it  is  permissible  to do so.  For  placing a  complete  prohibition  on  any  professional  activity  there must exist  some strong reason for the same  with a view to attain some legitimate object and in  case  of  non-imposition  of  such  prohibition,  it  may  result  in  jeopardizing  or  seriously  affecting  the  interest  of  the people in  general.  If  it  is  not  so,  it  would  not  be  a  reasonable  restriction  if  placed on  exercise of the right guaranteed under article 19 (1) (g). The phrase ''in the interest of the general public"  has come to be considered in several decisions and it  has been held that it would comprise within its ambit  interests like public health and morals (refer to State  of  Maharashtra v Himmatbhai Narbheram Rao (AIR  1970 SC 1157), economic stability  On consideration  of a catena of decisions on the point, this Court, in a  case  reported  in  'IMF  Ltd  v  Inspector,  Kerala  Government (1998) 8 SCC 227 has laid certain tests  on  the  basis  of  which  reasonableness  of  the  restriction  imposed  on  exercise  of  the  right  guaranteed  under  Article  19  (1)(g)  can  be  tested.  Speaking for  the Court,  Saghir  Ahmad (as  he then  was), laid down such considerations as follows:  

"(1)  While  considering  the  reasonableness  of  the  restrictions,  the  court  has  to  keep  in  mind  the  directive principles of State policy.  

(2)  Restrictions  must  not  be  arbitrary  or  of  an  excessive nature so as to go beyond the requirement  of the interest of general public.

(3)  In  order  to  judge  the  reasonableness  of  the  restrictions, no abstract or general pattern or a fixed  

22 (2003) 7 SCC 309 23 (1998) 8 SCC 227


Page 52

- 52 - principle can be laid down so as to be of universal  application and the same will vary from case to case  as  also  with  regard  to  the  changing  conditions,  values  of  human  life,  social  philosophy  of  the  Constitution,  prevailing  conditions  and  the  surrounding circumstances.  

(4)  A  just  balance  has  to  be  struck  between  the  restrictions imposed and the social control envisaged  by clause (6) of article 19.

(5) Prevailing social values as also social needs which  are intended to be satisfied by restrictions have to be  borne in mind. (see State of U.P. v Kaushailiya)

(6) There must be a direct and proximate nexus or a  reasonable  connection  between  the  restrictions  imposed  and  the  object  sought  to  be  achieved.  If  there is a direct nexus between the restrictions and  the object of the Act, then a strong presumption in  favour  of  constitutionality  of  the  Act  will  naturally  arise.”  

62. Thereafter,  Mr.  Subramanium  has  cited  State  of  

Gujarat Vs. Mirzapur  Moti  Kureshi  Kassab  Jamat  

(supra) in  support  of  the submission that  Statement of  

Objects and Reasons would be relevant for considering as  

to  whether  it  is  permissible  to  place  a  total  ban under  

Article  19(6).  After  considering  the  principles  laid  down  

earlier, this court concluded as under:-  

“We hold that though it is permissible to place a total  ban  amounting  to  prohibition  on  any  profession,  occupation,  trade  or  business  subject  to  satisfying  the test of being reasonable in the interest of general  public, yet, in the present case banning slaughter of  cow  progeny  is  not  a  prohibition  but  only  a  restriction.”    

63. Relying on the aforesaid,  it  was submitted that  while


Page 53

- 53 - considering the reasonableness, the court should consider  

the  purpose  of  restriction  imposed,  extent  of  urgency,  

prevailing conditions at the time when the restriction was  

imposed. According to the appellants, in the instant case,  

the social order problems in and around the dance bars  

had reached such heights which were beyond the tolerable  

point. The tests laid down earlier were reiterated in M.J.  

Sivani & Ors. Vs. State of' Karnataka & Ors.  24    In this  

case, it is observed as follows :  

“18…………. In applying the rest of reasonableness,  the  broad  criterion  is  whether  the  law  strikes  a  proper  balance  between  social  control  on  the  one  hand and the right of individual on the other hand.  The court must take into account factors like nature  of  the  right  enshrined,  underlying  purpose  of  the  restriction  imposed, evil  sought to be remedied by  the  law,  its  extent  and  urgency,  how  far  the  restriction is or is not proportionate to the evil and  the prevailing conditions at that time.”

64. Relying  on  the  aforesaid,  it  was  submitted  that  the  

larger issue involved was the trafficking of young women  

and minors into dance bars and also incidentally leading to  

prostitution which could have been prevented to a large  

extent  only  by  imposing  the  ban.  In  support  of  this,  

learned counsel  have relied on the  Prayas Report which  

shows that 6% of the women working in dance bars are  

minors  and  87%  are  between  the  age  of  18-30  years.  

24 (1995) 6 SCC 289


Page 54

- 54 - Similarly, SNDT report states that minors constitute upto  

6.80  %  and  those  between  19  to  30  years  of  age  

constitute  88.20%.  Prayas Report  further  states  that  "It  

was found that the women respondents did not find any  

dignity in this work. This is borne out by the fact that 47%  

of women did not reveal their work to family members and  

outsiders. They are often exposed to the sexual overtures  

of  overenthusiastic  customers  and  are  aware  of  their  

vulnerability to get exploited". The appellants also relied  

on a number of complaints and the various cases of minor  

girls  being  rescued  from  dance  bars  during  the  period  

2002-05 to buttress their submission that the young girls  

were  subjected  to  human  trafficking.  Learned  senior  

counsel  also  submitted  that  the  High  Court  has  

erroneously concluded that if the women can safely work  

as waitress in the Restaurants why can they not work as  

dancers.  The learned senior counsel  also submitted that  

the High Court wrongly proceeded on the basis that there  

was no evidence before the State or the Court in support  

of the legislation. On the basis of the above, it is submitted  

that  the  restrictions  imposed  are  reasonable  and  the  

legislation  deserves  to  be  declared  intra  vires  the  

constitutional provisions.  


Page 55

- 55 -

65. Further,  it  was  submitted that  the legislative  wisdom  

cannot  be  gone  into  by  the  court.  The  Court  can  only  

invalidate  the  enactment  if  it  transgresses  the  

constitutional mandate. It is submitted that invalidation of  

a statute is a grave step and that the legislature is the  

best  judge  of  what  is  good  for  the  community.  The  

legislation  can  only  be  declared  void  when  it  is  totally  

absurd,  palpably  arbitrary,  and cannot  be saved by the  

court. It is reiterated that the principle of “Presumption of  

Constitutionality” has to be firmly rebutted by the person  

challenging the constitutionality of legislation. The United  

States  Supreme  Court  had  enunciated  the  principle  of  

constitutionality in favour of a statute and that the burden  

is upon the person who attacks it to show that there has  

been a clear transgression of any Constitutional provision.  

The  appellants  relied  on  the  observations  made  in  

Charanjit Lal Chowdhury Vs.  Union of India & Ors.  25    

wherein this Court observed as follows :  

“It must be presumed that a legislature understands  and correctly appreciates the need of its own people,  that its laws are directed to problems made manifest  by experience and that its discriminations are based  on adequate grounds"  

25 AIR 1951 SC 41


Page 56

- 56 - 66. The  same  principle  was  reiterated  by  this  Court  in  

State of Bihar & Ors. Vs. Bihar Distillery Ltd. & Ors.26  

in the following words :  

“The  approach  of  the  Court,  while  examining  the  challenge to the constitutionality of an enactment, is  to start with the presumption of constitutionality. The  court should try to sustain its validity to the extent  possible. It should strike down enactment only when  it is not possible to sustain it. The court should not  approach the enactment with a view to pick holes or  to  search  for  defects  of  drafting,  much  less  inexactitude of language employed. Indeed, any such  defects of drafting should be ironed out as a part of  attempt to sustain the validity/constitutionality of the  enactment.  After  all,  an  act  by  the  legislature  represents the will of the people and that cannot be  lightly  interfered with.  The unconstitutionality  must  be  plainly  and  clearly  established  before  an  enactment is declared as void."  

67. On the basis of the above, it  was submitted that the  

burden of proof is upon the Respondents herein to prove  

that the enactment/amendment is unconstitutional. Once  

the respondents prima facie convince the Court that the  

enactment is unconstitutional then the burden shifts upon  

the State to satisfy that the restrictions imposed on the  

fundamental rights satisfy the test of or reasonableness.  

The High Court, according to the appellants, failed to apply  

the aforesaid tests.  

68. Finally, it was submitted that in the event this Court is  

26 (1997) 2 SCC 453


Page 57

- 57 - not  inclined  to  uphold  the  constitutionality  of  the  

impugned provisions, it ought to make every effort to give  

the provision a strained meaning than what appears to be  

on the face of it.  This is based on the principle that it is  

only  when  all  efforts  to  do  so  fail,  the  court  ought  to  

declare a statute to be unconstitutional. The principle has  

been noticed  by this  Court  in  Government of  Andhra  

Pradesh & Ors. Vs. P. Laxmi Devi (Smt.)27 wherein it is  

observed as follows :

"46. In our opinion, there is one and only one ground  for declaring an Act of the legislature (or a provision  in  the  Act)  to  be  invalid,  and  that  is  if  it  clearly  violates  some  provision  of  the  constitution  in  so  evident a manner as to leave no manner of doubt.  This  violation  can,  of  course,  be  in  different  ways  But  before  declaring  the  statute  to  be  unconstitutional,  the court  must be absolutely sure  that there can be no two views that are possible, one  making  the  statute  constitutional  and  the  other  making  it  unconstitutional,  the  former  view  must  always  be  preferred.  Also,  the  court  must  make  every effort to uphold the constitutional validity of a  statute,  even  if  that  requires  giving  strained  construction  or  narrowing  down  its  scope  vide  Rt.  Rev. Msgr. Mark Netto v State of Kerala (1979) 1 SCC  23 para 6.  

69. The  same  principle  was  reiterated  in  Kedar  Nath  

Singh Vs. State of Bihar28 which is as follows :

“It  is  well  settled  that  if  certain  provisions  of  law,  construed in one way, would make them consistent  with  the  Constitution  and  another  interpretation  

27 (2008) 4 SCC 720 28 AIR 1962 SC 955


Page 58

- 58 - would render them unconstitutional, the court would  lean in favour of the former construction.”

70. On the basis of the above, it was submitted that this  

Court ought to read down the provision in the following  


“All dance” found in Section 33A of the Police Act may  

be read down to mean that “dances which are obscene and  

derogatory to the dignity of women”. This would ensure that  

there is no violation of any of the rights of the girls who  

dance as well as that of the owners of the establishments.  

Still further, it was submitted that even if the reading of the  

provisions as mentioned above is not accepted, Section 33A  

can still be saved by applying the doctrine of severability. It  

is  submitted that the intention of the legislature being to  

prohibit and ban obscene dance in the interest of society  

and  to  uphold  the  dignity  of  women,  by  severing  the  

exempting section, namely, Section 33B and the provision  

which is contained in Section 33A can be declared to be in  

accordance  with  the  object  of  legislature.  This  would  

remove the vice of discrimination, as declared by the High  


Respondents’ Submissions:


Page 59

- 59 - 71. In  response  to  the  aforesaid  elaborate  submissions,  

learned senior counsel appearing for the respondents have  

also  submitted  written  submissions.  Mr.  Mukul  Rohatgi,  

learned senior counsel appeared for respondent – Indian  

Hotel and Restaurants Association in C.A.No.2705 of 2006,  

whereas              Dr. Rajeev Dhawan, learned senior  

counsel, appeared on behalf of Bhartiya Bar Girls Union in  

C.A.No.2705  of  2006.  Mr.  Anand  Grover,  learned  senior  

counsel,  appeared  for  respondent  Nos.  1  to  6  in  

W.P.No.2338/2005  and  respondent  No.  1  and  2  in  W.P.  

No.2587 of 2005.

72. Since  the  High  Court  has  accepted  the  submissions  

made on behalf of the respondents (writ petitioners in the  

High  Court),  it  shall  not  be  necessary  to  note  the  

submissions of the learned senior counsel as elaborately  

as  the  submissions  of  the  appellants  herein.  Mr.  Mukul  

Rohatgi submitted that, at the heart of the present case,  

the  controversy  revolved  around  the  right  to  earn  a  

livelihood more so than the right of a person to choose the  

vocation of their calling. It was submitted that apart from  

the reasoning given in the judgment of the High Court, the  

challenge to the impugned legislation can be sustained on


Page 60

- 60 - other grounds also. He submits that a classification of the  

establishments into three stars and above, and below is  

not  based  on  any  intelligible  differentia  and  is  per  se  

discriminatory and arbitrary. Bar dancers have a right to  

livelihood under Article 21 and the ban practically takes  

away their right to livelihood. He therefore, submits that  

the ban is violative of Articles 14, 19(1)(a) and 19(1)(g)  

and 21 of  the Constitution.  Relying  on the observations  

made by this Court in the case of I.R. Coelho (Dead) by  

LRs. Vs.  State of T.N.29, he submits that these articles  

are the very heart  and soul  of  the Constitution and are  

entitled to greater protection by the Court than any other  

right. Mr. Rohatgi submits that the submissions made by  

the appellants with regard to the protecting the dignity of  

women  and  preventing  trafficking  in  women  are  

misconceived.  There  are  adequate  measures  in  the  

existing  provisions,  licensing  conditions  which  would  

safeguard the dignity of women. Relying on Sections 370  

and 370A of the IPC, he submits that there are adequate  

alternate mechanisms for preventing trafficking in women.  

Elaborating on the submissions that dance is protected by  

Article  19(1)(a)  of  the  Constitution  being  a  part  of  

fundamental  right  of  speech  and  expression,  he  relied  29 (2007) 2 SCC 1


Page 61

- 61 - upon  the  observations  made  by  this  Court  in  Sakal  

Papers        (P) Ltd. & Ors.   Vs. The Union of India30. He has  

also made a reference to some decisions of the High Court  

recognizing that dancing and cabaret are protected rights  

under Article 19(1)(a). He points out that it is always open  

to a citizen to commercially benefit from the exercise of  

the fundamental right. Such commercial benefit could be  

by  a  bar  owner  having  dance  performance  or  by  the  

dancers themselves using their creative talent to carry on  

an occupation or  profession.  The  impugned amendment  

prohibits the bar owners from carrying on any business or  

trade associated with dancing in these establishments and  

the  bar  girls  from  dancing  in  those  premises.  He  then  

submits that the amendment violates Article 19(1)(g), by  

imposing restrictions by way of total prohibition of dance.  

Even  though  the  freedom under  Article  19(1)(g)  of  the  

Constitution is not absolute, any restriction imposed upon  

the same have to fall  within the purview of  clause 6 of  

Article 19. Therefore, the restriction imposed by law must  

be reasonable and in the interest of general public. It was  

also submitted that while such restriction may incidentally  

touch  upon  other  subjects  mentioned  above,  such  as  

morality or decency, the same cannot be imposed only in  30 (1962) 3 SCR 842


Page 62

- 62 - the  interest  of  morality  or  decency.  Mr.  Rohatgi  then  

submitted  that  the  reasons  set  out  in  the  objects  and  

reasons  of  the  amendment  are  not  supported  by  any  

evidence  which  would  demonstrate  that  there  was  any  

threat to public order. There is also no material to show  

that  the  members  of  the  Indian  Hotel  and  Restaurants  

Association were  indulging in  human trafficking  or  flesh  

trade. Therefore,  according to Mr.  Rohatgi,  the ban was  

not  for  the  protection  of  any  interests  of  the  general  

public. In fact, Mr. Rohatgi emphasised that the Statement  

of Objects and Reasons does not refer to trafficking. The  

compilation of 600 pages given to the respondents by the  

appellants  does  not  contain  a  single  complaint  about  

trafficking. All allegations relating to trafficking have been  

introduced  only  to  justify  the  ban  on  dancing.  He,  

therefore, submits that the total ban imposed on dancing  

violates  the  fundamental  right  guaranteed  under  Article  

19(1)(g).  Learned  senior  counsel  further  submitted  that  

dancing is not res extra commercium. He emphasised that  

if  the  dancing  of  similar  nature  in  establishments,  

mentioned in Section 33B is permissible, the prohibition of  

similar  dance  performance  in  establishments  covered  

under Section 33 cannot be termed as reasonable and or


Page 63

- 63 - “in the interest of general public”. Therefore, according to  

Mr. Rohatgi, the restrictions do not fall within the scope of  

Article 19(6). He relied on the judgment of this Court in  

Anuj  Garg & Ors. Vs.  Hotel  Association of  India  &  

Ors.31,  wherein  a  ban  on  employment  of  women  in  

establishment  where  liquor  was  served,  was  declared  

discriminatory and violative of Articles 14, 15, 19 and 21.  

In this case, it was held as under :                  

“…….Women would be as vulnerable without  State  protection as by the loss of freedom because of the  impugned Act. The present law ends up victimising  its subject in the name of protection. In that regard  the interference prescribed by the State for pursuing  the ends of protection should be proportionate to the  legitimate  aims.  The  standard  for  judging  the  proportionality should be a standard capable of being  called reasonable in a modern democratic society.  

Instead  of  putting  curbs  on  women's  freedom,  empowerment would be a more tenable and socially  wise approach. This empowerment should reflect in  the law enforcement strategies of the State as well  as law modelling done in this behalf.

Also with the advent of modern State, new models of  security must be developed. There can be a setting  where the cost of security in the establishment can  be distributed between the State and the employer.”

73. Relying on the  State of Gujarat Vs.  Mirzapur Moti  

Kureshi Kassab Jamat (supra),  Mr. Rohatgi submitted  

that the standard for judging reasonability of restriction or  

restrictions  which  amounts  to  prohibition  remains  the  

31 (2008) 3 SCC 1


Page 64

- 64 - same, excepting that a total prohibition must also satisfy  

the test that a lesser alternative would be inadequate. The  

State  has  failed  to  even  examine  the  possibility  of  the  

alternative steps that could have been taken. He has also  

relied  on  the  judgments  with  regard  to  the  violation  of  

Article 14 to which reference has already been made in  

the  earlier  part  of  the  judgment.  Therefore,  it  is  not  

necessary to reiterate the same. However, coming back to  

Section 33B,  Mr.  Rohatgi  submitted that dancing that is  

banned in the establishments covered under Section 33A  

is  permitted  under  the  exempted  establishments  under  

Section  33B.  According  to  learned  senior  counsel,  the  

differentia  in  Section 33A and 33B does  not  satisfy  the  

requirement that it must be intelligible and have a rational  

nexus sought to be achieved by the statute. He submits  

that the purported “immorality” gets converted to “virtue”  

where the dancer  who is  prohibited from dancing in an  

establishment  covered under  Section 33A,  dances in an  

establishment  covered  under  Section  33B.  The  

discrimination, according to Mr. Rohatgi, is accentuated by  

the fact that for a breach committed by the licensees in  

the  category  of  Section  33B  only  their  licenses  will  be  

cancelled  but  the  licensees  of  establishments  covered


Page 65

- 65 - under  Section  33A  would  have  to  close  down  their  

business. He further submits that the provision contained  

in Section 33A is based on the presumption of the State  

Government that the performance of dance in prohibited  

establishments  having  lesser  facilities  than  three  star  

establishments  would  be  derogatory  to  the  dignity  of  

women.  The  State  also  presumed  that  dancing  in  such  

establishments is likely to deprave, corrupt or injure public  

morality.  The  presumption  is  without  any  factual  basis.  

The entry of women in such establishments is not banned.  

There  is  also  no  prohibition  for  women  to  take  up  

alternative  jobs  within  such  establishments.  They  can  

serve liquor and beer to persons but this does not lead to  

the  presumption  that  it  would  arouse  lust  in  the  male  

customers. On the other hand, when women start dancing  

it  is  presumed  that  it  would  arouse  lust  in  the  male  

customers.  He  emphasised  the  categorization  of  

establishments  under  Sections  33A  and  33B  does  not  

specify the twin criteria: (i) that the classification must be  

founded on an intelligible differentia which distinguishes  

those that are grouped together from others; and (ii) the  

differentia must have a rational nexus or relation to the  

object  sought  to  be  achieved  by  the  legislation.  He


Page 66

- 66 - submits that there is a clear discrimination between the  

prohibited  establishments  and  the  exempted  

establishments. He points out that the only basis for the  

differentiation  between  the  exempted  and  prohibited  

establishments is the investment and the paying capacity  

of  patrons.  Such  a  differentiation,  according  to  Mr.  

Rohatgi, is not permissible under the Constitution.  

74. The next  submission of  Mr.  Rohatgi  is  that Article  21  

guarantees the right to life which would include the right  

to secure a livelihood and to make life meaningful. Article  

15(1)  of  the  Constitution  of  India  guarantees  the  

fundamental right that prohibits discrimination against any  

citizen,  inter  alia,  on  the  ground  only  of  sex.  Similarly  

Article 15(2) lays down that no citizen shall, on grounds  

only of, inter alia, sex, be subject to any disability, liability,  

restriction or condition with regard, inter alia, to “access to  

shops,  public  restaurants,  hotels  and  places  of  public  

entertainment.” The provision in Article 15(3) is meant for  

protective discrimination or a benign discrimination or an  

affirmative action in favour of women and its purpose is  

not to curtail the fundamental rights of women. He relied


Page 67

- 67 - on the observations made by this Court in  Government  

of A.P. Vs. P.B. Vijayakumar & Anr.  32   :-

“The insertion of clause (3) of Article 15 in relation to   women is  a  recognition  of  the  fact  that  centuries,   women  of  this  country  have  been  socially  and  economically  handicapped.  As  a  result,  they  are   unable to participate in the socio-economic activities   of the nation on a footing of equality. It is in order to   eliminate  this  socio-economic  backwardness  of   women  and  to  empower  them  in  a  manner  that   would  bring  about  effective  equality  between men  and women that Article 15(3) is placed in Article 15.   Its object is to strengthen and improve the status of   women. An important limb of this concept of gender   equality is creating job opportunities for women……’’

(Emphasis supplied)

75. He submits that the impugned legislation has achieved  

the  opposite  result.  Instead  of  creating  fresh  job  

opportunities  for  women  it  takes  away  whatever  job  

opportunities  are  already  available  to  them.  He  

emphasised  that  the  ban  also  has  an  adverse  social  

impact. The loss of livelihood of bar dancers has put them  

in a very precarious situation to earn the livelihood. Mr.  

Rohatgi  submitted  that  the  dancers  merely  imitate  the  

dance  steps  and  movements  of  Hindi  movie  actresses.  

They  wear  traditional  clothes  such  as  ghagra  cholis,   

sarees  and  salwar  kameez.  On  the  other  hand,  the  

actresses  in  movies  wear  revealing  clothes:  shorts,  

swimming costumes and revealing dresses. Reverting to  

32 (1995) 4 SCC 520


Page 68

- 68 - the reliance placed by the appellants on the Prayas Report  

and Shubhada Chaukar Report, Mr. Rohatgi submitted that  

both the reports are of no value, especially in the case of  

Prayas Report which is based on interviews conducted with  

only  few  girls.  The  SNDT  Report  actually  indicates  that  

there  is  no  organized  racket  that  brings  women to  the  

dance bars.   The girls’  interview,  in  fact,  indicated that  

they came to the dance bars through family, community,  

neighbors and street knowledge.  Therefore, according to  

the Mr. Rohatgi, the allegations with regard to trafficking  

to the dance bars by middlemen are without any basis.  

Most  of  the  girls  who  performed  dance  are  generally  

illiterate and do not have any formal education. They also  

do not have any training or skills in dancing. This clearly  

rendered  them virtually  unemployable  in  any other  job.  

He,  therefore,  submits  that  the  SNDT  Report  is  

contradictory to the Prayas Report. Thus, the State had no  

reliable  data  on  the  basis  of  which  the  impugned  

legislation was enacted. Mr. Rohatgi further submitted that  

there  are  sufficient  provisions  in  various  statutes  which  

empowered  the  Licensing  Authority  to  frame  rules  and  

regulations  for  licensing/controlling  places  of  public  

amusement or entertainment.  By making a reference to


Page 69

- 69 - Rules 120 and 123 framed under the Amusement Rules,  

1960;  he  submits  that  no  performers  are  permitted  to  

commit on the stage or any part  of  the auditorium any  

profanity  or impropriety of  language.  These dancers  are  

also not permitted to wear any indecent dress. They are  

also  not  permitted  to  make any indecent  movement  or  

gesture  whilst  dancing.  Similar  provisions  are  contained  

under  the Performance License.  Although learned senior  

counsel has listed all the regulatory provisions contained  

under the Bombay Police Act, it is not necessary to notice  

the same. The submission based on this regulation is that  

there  is  wide  amplitude  of  power  available  to  the  

appellants for controlling any perceived violation of dignity  

of women through obscene dances. He submits that the  

respondents are being made a scapegoat for lethargy and  

failure of police to implement the provisions of law which  

are already in place and are valid and subsisting. Failure of  

the  appellants  in  not  implementing  the  necessary  rules  

and regulations would not justify the impugned legislation.  

Learned senior counsel has also submitted that the State  

Government,  in  its  effort  to  regulate  the  conduct  of  

dances, had formed a Committee to make suggestions for  

amendment  of  the  existing  Rules.  The  Committee  had


Page 70

- 70 - prepared its report and submitted the same to the State  

Government. However, the State Government did not take  

any  steps  for  implementation  of  the  recommendation  

which was supported by the Indian Hotel and Restaurant  

Association.  He  submits  that  the  judgment  of  the  High  

Court does not call for any interference.    


76. Dr.  Rajeev  Dhawan,  learned  senior  counsel,  has  also  

highlighted the same issues.  He has submitted that the  

provisions  contained  in  Section  33A(1)  prohibit  

performance  of  dance  of  any  kind  or  type.  Since  the  

Section contained the Non Obstante Clause, it is a stand  

alone provision absolutely independent of the Act and the  

Rules.  He  submits  that  the  provisions  are  absolutely  

arbitrary and discriminatory. Under Section 33A(1), there  

is an absolute provision which is totally prohibiting dance  

in eating houses, permit rooms or beer bars. On the other  

hand, Section 33B introduced the discriminatory provision  

which  allows  such  an  activity  in  establishments  where  

entry is restricted to members only and three starred or  

above hotels. He also emphasised that the consequence of  

violation  of  Section  33A  is  punishment  up  to  3  years  

imprisonment  or  Rs.  2  lakhs  fine  or  both  and  with  a


Page 71

- 71 - minimum 3 months and Rs.50,000/-  fine unless reasons  

are recorded. The Section further contemplates that the  

licence  shall  stand cancelled.  Section 33A(6)  makes  the  

offence  cognizable  and  non-bailable.  According  to  Dr.  

Rajeev Dhawan, the provision is absolute and arbitrary. He  

reiterates  that  the  non  obstante  clause  virtually  makes  

Section  33A  stand  alone.  Further  Section  33A(1)  is  

discretion  less.  It  applied  to  all  the  establishments  and  

covers all the activities, including holding of performance  

of dance of any kind or type in any eating house, permit  

room or beer bar. There is total prohibition in the aforesaid  

establishments. The breach of any condition would entail  

cancellation of licence. According to Dr. Dhawan, Section  

33A is a draconian code which is discretion less overbroad,  

arbitrary with mandatory punishment for  offences which  

are cognizable and non-bailable. He then emphasised that  

the exemption granted to the establishment under Section  

33B introduces blatant discrimination. He submits that the  

classification  of  two  kinds  of  establishment  is  

unreasonable.  According  to  Dr.  Dhawan,  it  is  clear  that  

Section 33B makes distinction on the grounds of “class of  

establishments”  or  “class  of  persons  who  frequent  the  

establishment”  and  not  on  the  form  of  dance.   He


Page 72

- 72 - reiterates the submission that if dance can be permitted in  

exempted  institutions  it  cannot  be  banned  in  the  

prohibited  establishments.  He  submitted  that  treating  

establishments  entitled  to  a  performance  licence  

differently,  even  though  they  constitute  two  distinct  

classes  would  be  discriminatory  as  also  arbitrary,  

considering  the  object  of  the  Act  and  the  same  being  

violative  of  Article  14  of  the  Constitution   of  India.  

Answering the submission on burden of proof with regard  

to the reasonableness of the restriction,       Dr. Dhawan  

submits that the burden of showing that the recourse to  

Article 19(6) is permissible lies upon the State and not on  

the citizen, he relies on the judgment of this Court in M/s.  

Laxmi Khandsari & Ors. Vs. State of U.P. & Ors.  33      

77. Relying on the Narendra Kumar & Ors. Vs. Union of  

India & Ors.34, he submitted that the total prohibition in  

Section 33A must satisfy the test of Article 19(6) of the  

Constitution.  Reliance is placed on a number of judgments  

to which we have made a reference earlier.  Dr. Dhawan  

further  emphasised  that  the  reports  relied  upon by  the  

State  would  not  give  a  justification  for  enacting  the  

33 (1981) 2 SCC 600 34 (1960) 2 SCR 375


Page 73

- 73 - impugned  legislation.  He  points  out  that  the  study  

conducted by Shubhada Chaukar for Vasantrao Bhagwat  

Memorial  Fellowship  entitled  “Problems  of  Mumbai  Bar  

girls” is based on conversations with 50 girls. According to  

Dr.  Dhawan,  this  report  is  thoroughly  unreliable.  The  

report  itself  indicates that there are about one lakh bar  

girls in Mumbai-Thane Region, therefore, interview of 50  

girls would not be sufficient to generate any reliable data.  

The  report  also  states  that  there  are  about  1000-1200  

bars, but it is based on interaction with seven bar owners.  

Even  then  the  report  does  not  suggest  complete  

prohibition  but  suggests  a  framework  which  “regulates”  

the functioning of bars, performances by singers, dancers  

etc.  Similarly,  the Prayas Report  cannot  be relied upon.  

The study was, in fact, done after the ban was imposed by  

the State Government. Even this report indicates that after  

the ban there was urgent need to find alternate source of  

livelihood for these girls. There was no facility of education  

for the children.  Even this  report  finds that the families  

from which these girls come are economically weak. Six  

percent  of  minor  children  comprise  the  dancing  

population. They are not provided any specialized training  

to be bar dancers. They do not live in self owned houses.


Page 74

- 74 - The SNDT Report clearly states that the study is based on  

interaction  with  500  girls  from  50  bars.  The  report  

indicates  that  there  are  a  number  of  prevalent  myths  

which  are  without  any  basis.  It  is  pointed  out  that,  

according to the report, the following are the myths :-

1. It  is  an  issue  of  trafficking  from other  States  and  countries.  

2. 75% dancers are from Bangladesh.

3. Only 3% are dancers from Maharashtra.

4. Bar culture is against the tradition of Maharashtra.

5. Girls who dance are minors.

6. Bar Dancers hide their faces.

7. Girls don’t work hard.

8. Bar Girls can be rehabilitated in Call Centers.

9. Dancing in Bars is sexual exploitation.

10. Girls are forced into sex work.

11. Dance bars are vulgar and obscene.

12. Ban will solve all these problems.

78. The  study,  in  fact,  recommends  that  the  dance  bars  

should not be banned. There should be regularization of  

working  conditions  of  bar  dancers.  There  should  be  

monitoring and prevention of entry of children into these


Page 75

- 75 - establishments. There should be protection against forced  

sexual  relations  and  harassments.  There  should  be  

security of earning, medical benefits and protection from  

unfair trade practices. The report recommends that there  

is  a  need  for  development  that  increases  rather  than  

reduces options for women. The report also indicates that  

the ban had an adverse impact in that respect. It will lead  

to  women  becoming  forced  sex  workers.  The  second  

report  of  SNDT  is  based  on  empirical  interviews.  It  

recommends  that  the  ban  imposed  should  be  lifted  

immediately.  Dr.  Dhawan  has  further  elaborated  the  

shortcomings  of  the  Prayas  Report.  He  has  also  

emphasised  that  both  the  SNDT  and  Prayas  Report  

substantiate  the  fact  that  dancers  were  the  sole  bread  

winners in their families earning approximately Rs.5,000/-  

to  Rs.20,000/-  per  month.  They  were  supporting  large  

families in Mumbai as well as in their native places. After  

the ban, these families are left without a source of income  

and  have  since  then  been  rendered  destitute.  He  also  

points  out  that  the  SNDT  study  indicates  that  many  

dancers  came  from  environments/employments  where  

they had been exploited (maid servants, factory workers,  

etc.).  Most  of  these  women  had  taken  employment  as


Page 76

- 76 - dancers in view of the fact that it afforded them financial  

independence and security.  The SNDT Report points out  

that not a single bar dancer has ever made any complaint  

about  being  trafficked.  The  reports,  according  to  Dr.  

Dhawan, clearly indicate that complete prohibition is not  

the solution and regulation is the answer.  

79. Dr.  Dhawan  then  submitted  that  the  conclusions  

recorded by the High Court on equality and exploitation  

need to be affirmed by this Court. He has submitted that  

to  determine  the  reasonableness  of  the  restriction,  the  

High Court has correctly applied the direct and inevitable  

effect  test.  He  seeks  support  for  the  submission,  by  

making a reference to the observations made by this Court  

in  Rustom Cavasjee Cooper Vs.  Union of India  35   and  

Maneka  Gandhi Vs.  Union  of  India  &  Anr.  36  ,  he  

emphasised that the direct operation of the Act upon the  

rights forms the real test. The principle has been described  

as the doctrine of intended and real effect or the direct  

and  inevitable  effect,  in  the  case  of  Maneka  Gandhi  

(supra). Dr.  Dhawan  also  emphasised  that  dancing  is  

covered by Article 19(1)(a) even though it has been held  

35 (1970) 1 SCC 248 36 (1978) 1 SCC 248


Page 77

- 77 - by the High Court that it is not an expression of dancers  

but their profession. He relied on the observations of this  

Court  in  Bharat  Bhawan  Trust Vs. Bharat  Bhawan  

Artists’ Association & Anr.  37   wherein it is held that the  

acting done by an artist is not done for the business. It is  

an  expression  of  creative  talent,  which  is  a  part  of  



80. Illustrations  submitted  by  Dr.  Dhawan  are  that  the  

legislation cannot be saved even by adopting the doctrine  

of  proportionality  which  requires  adoption  of  the  least  

invasive  approach.  Dr.  Dhawan  has  reiterated  that  the  

suggestions  made  by  the  Committee  pursuant  to  the  

resolution                dated 19th December, 2002 ought to  

be accepted. According to Dr. Dhawan, acceptance of such  

suggestions would lead to substantial improvement. If the  

State  really  seeks  to  control  obscene  bar  dancing,  he  

submitted  that  the  solution  can  be  based  on  ensuring  

that:- bar girls are unionized; there is adequate protection  

to the girls and more involvement of the workers in self  

improvement  and  self  regulation.  Dr.  Dhawan  does  not  

agree  with  Mr.  Gopal  Subramanium that  this  should  be  

37 (2001) 7 SCC 630


Page 78

- 78 - treated  as  a  case  of  trafficking  with  complicated  crisis  

centric approach.  

81. Mr. Anand Grover, learned senior counsel has rebutted  

the  factual  submissions  made  by  the  appellants.   He  

submits that the State has wrongly mentioned before the  

court that women who dance in the bar are trafficked or  

compelled  to  dance  against  their  will  and  that  the  

significant number of dancers are minor or under the age  

of 18 years; that the majority of dancers are from states  

outside Maharashtra which confirms the allegation of inter-

state  trafficking;  that  dancing  in  bars  is  a  gateway  to  

prostitution; that bar dancing is associated with crime and  

breeds criminality; that the conditions of dance bars are  

exploitative and dehumanizing for the women. Lastly, that  

bar  dancing  contributes  to  social-ills  and  illicit  affairs  

between dancers and the male visitors break up of family  

and domestic violence against wives of men visiting the  

dance  bars.  According  to  Mr.  Grover,  the  aforesaid  

assertions  are  founded  on  incorrect,  exaggerated  or  

overstated  claims.  Learned  senior  counsel  has  also  

indicated that there is great deal of fudging of figures by  

police  with  regard  to  complaints  and  cases  registered


Page 79

- 79 - under the dance bars to substantiate their contentions. He  

has  relied  on  the  official  data  on  the  incidence  of  

trafficking crimes from the National Crime Records Bureau  

report  for  the year 2004-2011 to  show that  there is  no  

nexus  between  dance  bars  and  trafficking  in  women.  

Learned senior counsel has reiterated the submission that  

Section 33A and Section  33B of  the  Bombay Police  Act  

violate Article 14 of the Constitution. He has relied on the  

judgment of this Court in D.S. Nakara & Ors. Vs. Union  

of India  38  . Learned senior counsel also reiterated that the  

classification  between  the  establishment  under  Section  

33A and Section 33B is unreasonable.

82. The High Court, according to the learned senior counsel,  

has  wrongly  accepted  the  explanation  given  by  the  

appellants in their affidavits that the classification is based  

on  the  type  of  dance  performed  in  the  establishments.  

This,  according to learned senior counsel,  is  contrary to  

the  provisions  contained  in  the  aforesaid  sections.  He  

reiterated  the  submissions  that  the  distinction  between  

the  establishments  is  based  not  on  the  type  of  dance  

performance  but  on  the  basis  of  class of  such  

establishments. He makes a reference to the affidavit in  38 (1983) 1 SCC 305


Page 80

- 80 - reply filed in Writ Petition No.2450 of 2005 at paragraph  

33 inter alia stated as follows :-

“Even otherwise five star hotels are class themselves  and can’t be compared with popularly known dance  bars….the  persons  visiting  these  hotels  or  establishments  referred  therein  above  stand  on  different  footing  and  can’t  be  compared  with  the  people  who  attend  the  establishments  which  are  popularly  known  as  dance  bar.  They  belong  to  different  strata  of  society  and  are  a  class  by  themselves.”

83. These observations, according to learned counsel,  are  

contrary  to  the decision of  this  Court  in  Sanjeev Coke  

Manufacturing Company Vs.  M/s Bharat Coking Coal  

Limited  &  Anr.  39   Mr.  Grover  has  also  reiterated  the  

submission that classification between Sections 33A and  

33B establishments has no rational nexus with the object  

sought  to  be  achieved  by  the  impugned  legislation.  He  

submits  that  whereas Section 33A prohibits  any kind or  

type of dance performance in eating house, permit room  

or beer bar, i.e., dance bars, Section 33B allows all types  

and  kinds  of  dances  in  establishments  covered  under  

Section 33B. Learned senior counsel further submits that  

the object of the impugned legislation is to protect women  

from  exploitation  by  prohibiting  dances,  which  were  of  

indecent,  obscene  and  vulgar  type,  derogatory  to  the  

39 (1983) 1 SCC 147


Page 81

- 81 - dignity of women and likely to deprave, corrupt or injure  

the public morality, or morals. This is belied by the fact  

that  all  kinds of  dances  are  permitted in  the exempted  

establishments  covered under  Section 33B.  He has also  

given the example that  most of the Hindi  film songs or  

even dancing in  discos are much more sexually  explicit  

than the clothes worn by the bar dancers.  

84. Learned  senior  counsel  further  submitted  that  

exploitation of  women is  not  limited only  to  dance bar.  

Such  exploitation  exists  in  all  forms  of  employment  

including  factory  workers,  building  site  workers,  

housemaids and even waitresses. In short,  he reiterated  

the submission that the legislation does not advance the  

objects  and  reasons  stated  in  the  amendment  Act.  Mr.  

Grover further submitted that the impugned law violates  

the principle  of  proportionality.  He has pointed out  that  

gender stereotyping is also palpable in the solution crafted  

by the legislature. The impugned statute does not affect a  

man’s  freedom  to  visit  bars  and  consume  alcohol,  but  

restricts  a  woman  from  choosing  the  occupation  of  

dancing in the same bars.  The legislation, patronizingly,  

seeks  to  ‘protect’  women  by  constraining  their  liberty,


Page 82

- 82 - autonomy  and  self-determination.  Mr.  Grover  has  also  

reiterated the submission that Section 33A is violative of  

Article  19(1)(a)  of  the  Constitution.  According  to  Mr.  

Grover, restriction imposed on the freedom of expression  

is not justified under Article 19(6) of the Constitution. He  

submits that dancing in eating houses,  permit  rooms or  

beer bars is not inherently dangerous to public interest.  

Therefore,  restrictions  on  the  freedom  of  speech  and  

expression  are  wholly  unwarranted.  Mr.  Grover  also  

emphasised that  dancing is  not inherently  dangerous or  

pernicious and cannot be treated akin to trades that are  

res  extra  commercium.  Bar  dancers,  therefore,  have  a  

fundamental  right  to  practice  and  pursue  their  

profession/occupation  of  dancing  in  eating  houses,  beer  

bars and permit rooms. The social evils projected by the  

appellants, according to              Mr. Grover, are related to  

serving and drinking of alcohol and not dancing. Therefore,  

there was no rational nexus in the law banning all types of  

dances.  He  also  emphasised  that  the  women  can  be  

allowed to work as waitresses to serve liquor and alcoholic  

drinks.  There  could  be  no  justification  for  banning  the  

performance of dance by them.  Mr. Grover also submitted  

that the ban contained in Section 33A violates Article 21 of


Page 83

- 83 - the Constitution. He submits that the right to livelihood is  

an integral part of the right to life guaranteed under Article  

21  of  the  Constitution.  The  deprivation  of  right  to  

livelihood can be justified if  it  is  according to procedure  

established by law under Article 21. Such a law has to be  

fair,  just  and  reasonable  both  substantively  and  

procedurally. The impugned law, according to Mr. Grover,  

does not meet the test of substantive due process. It does  

not  provide  any  alternative  livelihood  options  to  the  

thousands of bar dancers who have been deprived of their  

legitimate source of livelihood. In the name of protecting  

women from exploitation, it  has sought to deprive more  

than  75,000  women  and  their  families  from  their  

livelihoods and their only means of subsistence. Mr. Grover  

has  submitted  that  there  is  no  viable  rehabilitation  or  

compensation  provision  offered  to  the  bar  dancers,  in  

order  to  tide  over  the  loss  of  income and  employment  

opportunities. According to learned senior counsel, in the  

last  7  years,  the  impact  of  the  prohibition  has  been  

devastating  on  the  lives  of  the  bar  dancers  and  their  

families. This has deprived the erstwhile bar dancers of a  

life with dignity. In the present context, the dignity of bar  

dancers  (of  persons)  and  dignity  of  dancing  (work)  has


Page 84

- 84 - been  conflated  in  a  pejorative  way.  According  to  Mr.  

Grover, the bar dancing in establishments covered under  

Section  33A  has  been  demeaned  because  the  dancers  

therein  hail  from socially and economically lower castes  

and class. It is a class based discrimination which would  

not satisfy the test of Article 14.  

85. Lastly,  he  has  submitted  that  the  plea  of  trafficking  

would  not  be  a  justification  to  sustain  the  impugned  

legislation. In fact, trafficking is not even mentioned in the  

Statement of Objects and Reasons, it was mentioned for  

the first time in the affidavit filed by the State in reply to  

the writ petition. According to learned senior counsel, the  

legislation has been rightly declared ultra vires by the High  



86. We  have  considered  the  submissions  made  by  the  

learned  senior  counsel  for  the  parties.  We  have  also  

perused the pleadings and the material placed before us.

87. The High Court rejected the challenge to the impugned  

Act  on  the  ground  that  the  State  legislature  was  not  

competent to enact the amendment. The argument was


Page 85

- 85 - rejected  on  the  ground  that  the  amendment  is  

substantially covered by  Entries 2, 8, 33 and 64 of List II.  

The  High  Court  further  observed  that  there  is  no  

repugnancy between the powers conferred on the Centre  

and  the  State  under  Schedule  7  List  II  and  III  of  the  

Constitution  of  India.  The  High  Court  also  rejected  the  

submissions that the proviso to Section 33A (2) amounts  

to interference with the independence of the judiciary on  

the ground that the legislature is empowered to regulate  

sentencing by enactment of appropriate legislation. Such  

exercise of legislative power is not uncommon and would  

not interfere with the judicial power in conducting trial and  

rendering the necessary judgment as to whether the guilt  

has been proved or not. The submission that the affidavit  

filed by Shri Youraj Laxman Waghmare, dated 1.10.2005,  

cannot  be  considered  because  it  was  not  verified  in  

accordance with  law was rejected with the observations  

that incorrect verification is curable and steps have been  

taken to  cure  the  same.  The  submissions  made in  Writ  

Petition  2450  of  2005  that  the  amendment  would  not  

apply  to  eating  houses  and  would,  therefore,  not  be  

applicable in the establishments of the petitioners therein  

was also rejected.  It  was held that  the “place of  public


Page 86

- 86 - interest”  includes eating houses which serve alcohol  for  

public  consumption.  It  was  further  observed  that  the  

amendment  covered  even  those  areas  in  such  eating  

houses where alcohol was not served. The High Court also  

rejected the challenge to the amendment that the same is  

in violation of Article 15(1) of the Constitution of India. It  

has been observed that dancing was not prohibited in the  

establishments  covered  under  Section  33B  only  on  the  

ground  of  sex.  What  is  being  prohibited  is  dancing  in  

identified  establishments.  The  Act  prohibits  all  types  of  

dance in banned establishments by any person or persons.  

There being no discrimination on the basis of gender, the  

Act  cannot  be  said  to  violate  Article  15(1)  of  the  


88. The High Court has even rejected the challenge to the  

impugned  amendment  on  the  ground  that  the  ban  

amounts  to  an  unreasonable  restriction,  on  the  

fundamental right of the bar owners and bar dancers, of  

freedom  of  speech  and  expression  guaranteed  under  

Article 19(1)(a). The submission was rejected by applying  

the doctrine of pith and substance. It has been held by the  

High Court that dance performed by the bar dancers can


Page 87

- 87 - not  fall  within  the  term  “freedom  of  speech  and  

expression” as the activities of the dancers are mainly to  

earn their livelihood by engaging in a trade or occupation.  

Similarly, the submission that the provision in Section 33A  

was  ultra vires Article 21 of the Constitution of India was  

rejected,  in view of the ratio of this Court, in the case of  

Sodan  Singh  &  Ors. Vs.  New  Delhi  Municipal  

Committee & Ors.  40   wherein it is observed as follows :-  

“We do not find any merit in the argument founded  on  Article  21  of  the  Constitution.  In  our  opinion,  Article  21  is  not  attracted  in  a  case  of  trade  or  business – either big or small. The right to carry on  any trade or  business  and the concept  of  life  and  personal liberty within Article 21 are too remote to  be connected together.”

89. Since, no counter appeal has been filed by any of the  

respondents  challenging  the  aforesaid  findings,  it  would  

not be appropriate for us to opine on the correctness or  

otherwise of the aforesaid conclusions.

90. However in order to be fair to learned senior counsel for  

the  respondents,  we  must  notice  that  in  the  written  

submissions it was sought to be argued that in fact the  

amendments  are  also  unconstitutional  under  Articles  

15(1), 19(1)(a) and 21. Dr. Dhawan has submitted that the  

High Court has erroneously recorded the finding that the  40 (1989) 4 SCC 155


Page 88

- 88 - dancing in a bar is not an expression of dancers but their  

profession, and, therefore, it can not get the protection of  

Article 19(1)(a). Similarly, he had submitted that the High  

Court in the impugned judgment has erroneously held that  

the challenge to the amendment under Article 21 is too  

remote.  The  respondents,  therefore,  would  invite  this  

Court  to  examine the issue of  “livelihood” under  Article  

142 of the Constitution of India being “question of law of  

general public importance. According to Dr. Dhawan, the  

High Court ought to have protected the bar dancers under  

Articles  19(1)(a)  and  21  also.  As  noticed  earlier,  Mr.  

Rohatgi and Mr. Grover had made similar submissions. We  

are, however, not inclined to examine the same in these  

proceedings. No separate appeals have been filed by the  

respondents  specifically  raising  a  challenge  to  the  

observations adverse to them made by the High Court. We  

make it very clear that we have not expressed any opinion  

on the correctness or otherwise of the conclusions of the  

High Court with regard to Sections 33A and 33B not being  

ultra vires Articles 15(1), 19(1)(a) and Article 21. We have  

been constrained to adopt this approach:  

1) Because  there  was  no  challenge  to  the  conclusions  of  the  High  Court  in  appeal  by  respondents.


Page 89

- 89 -

2) The learned senior counsel of the appellants had  no occasion to make submissions in support of the  conclusions recorded by the High Court.  

3) We  are  not  inclined  to  exercise  our  jurisdiction  under  Article  142,  as  no  manifest  injustice  has  been  caused  to  the  respondents.  Nor  can  it  be  said  that  the  conclusions  recorded  by  the  High  Court  are  palpably  erroneous  so  as  to  warrant  interference,  without  the  same  having  been  challenged  by  the  respondents.  We,  therefore,  decline the request of Dr. Rajeev Dhawan.  


91. This now brings us to the central issue as to whether  

the findings recorded by the High Court that the impugned  

amendment is  ultra vires Article 14 and 19(1)(g) suffers  

from  such  a  jurisdictional  error  that  they  cannot  be  



Is the impugned legislation   ultra vires     Article 14?    

92. Before we embark upon the exercise to determine as to  

whether  the  impugned  amendment  Act  is  ultra  vires  

Article 14 and 19(1)(g), it would be apposite to notice the  

well  established  principles  for  testing  any  legislation  

before it can be declared as ultra vires. It is not necessary  

for  us  to  make a  complete  survey  of  the  judgments  in


Page 90

- 90 - which  the  various  tests  have  been  formulated  and  re-

affirmed.  We  may,  however,  make  a  reference  to  the  

judgment of this Court in Budhan Choudhry Vs. State of  

Bihar41, wherein a Constitution Bench of seven Judges of  

this Court explained the true meaning and scope of Article  

14 as follows :-     

“It  is  now  well  established  that  while  article  14  forbids class legislation, it does not forbid reasonable  classification for the purposes of legislation. In order,  however, to pass the test of permissible classification  two conditions must be fulfilled, namely, (i) that the  classification  must  be  founded  on  an  intelligible  differentia which distinguishes persons or things that  are  grouped  together  from  others  left  out  of  the  group,  and  (ii)  that  that  differentia  must  have  a  rational relation to the object sought to be achieved  by the statute in question. The classification may be  founded on different bases, namely, geographical, or  according to objects or occupations or the like. What  is necessary is that there must be a nexus between  the basis of classification and the object of the Act  under consideration. It is also well established by the  decisions  of  this  Court  that  Article  14  condemns  discrimination not only by a substantive law but also  by a law of procedure.”

93. The aforesaid principles have been consistently adopted  

and  applied  in  subsequent  cases.  In  the  case  of  Ram  

Krishna  Dalmia  (supra), this  Court  reiterated  the  

principles  which would help in testing the legislation on  

the touchstone of Article 14 in the following words :

“(a) That a law may be constitutional even though it  relates to a single individual if on account of some  special circumstances or  reasons applicable  to him  

41 AIR 1955 SC 191


Page 91

- 91 - and not  applicable  to others,  that  single  individual  may be treated as a class by himself  

(b) That there is always presumption in favour of the  constitutionality of an enactment and the burden is  upon him who attacks it to show that there has been  a clear transgression of the constitutional principles;  

(c)  That  it  must  he  presumed  that  the  legislature  understands and correctly appreciates the need of its  own people,  that its laws are directed to problems  made  manifest  by  experience  and  that  its  discriminations are based on adequate grounds;  

(d) That the legislature is free to recognise degrees  of  harm  and  may  confine  its  restrictions  to  those  cases where the need is deemed to be the clearest;  

(e)  That  in  order  to  sustain  the  presumption  of  constitutionality  the  court  may  take  into  consideration  matters  of  common  knowledge,  matters of common report, the history of the times  and may assume every state of facts which can he  conceived existing at the time of the legislation; and  

(f)  That  while  good  faith  and  knowledge  of  the  existing conditions on the part of the legislature are  to be presumed, if there is nothing on the face of the   law or the surrounding circumstances brought to the   notice of the court on which the classification may be   reasonably be regarded as based, the presumption  of constitutionality cannot be carried to the extent of   always holding that there must be some undisclosed  and  unknown  reasons  for  subjecting  certain   individuals  or  corporations  to  hostile  or   discriminating legislation."

(Italics are ours)

94. These  principles  were  reiterated  by  this  Court  in  

Shashikant  Laxman  Kale (supra). The  relevant  

observations have already been noticed in the earlier part  

of the judgment.  


Page 92

- 92 - 95. The High Court  has held  that  the classification under  

Sections 33A and 33B was rational  because the type of  

dance performed in the establishments allowed them to be  

separated into two distinct classes.  It is further observed  

that  the classification does  not  need to  be scientifically  

perfect or logically complete.   

96. The  High  Court  has,  however,  concluded  that  

classification by itself is not sufficient to relieve a statute  

from  satisfying  the  mandate  of  the  equality  clause  of  

Article  14.   The  amendment  has  been  nullified  on  the  

second limb of the twin test to be satisfied under Article 14  

of the Constitution of  India that the amendment has no  

nexus  with  the  object  sought  to  be  achieved.  Mr.  

Subramanium  had  emphasised  that  the  impugned  

enactment is based on consideration of different factors,  

which  would  justify  the  classification.   We  have  earlier  

noticed the elaborate reasons given by Mr. Subramanium  

to  show  that  the  dance  performed  in  the  banned  

establishments itself takes a form of sexual propositioning.  

There is revenue sharing generated by the tips received  

by  the  dancers.   He  had  also  emphasised  that  in  the  

banned  establishment  women,  who  dance  are  not


Page 93

- 93 - professional  dancers.   They  are  mostly  trafficked  into  

dancing.   Dancing,  according  to  him,  is  chosen  as  a  

profession of last resort, when the girl is left with no other  

option.   On  the  other  hand,  dancers  performing  in  the  

exempted  classes  are  highly  acclaimed  and  established  

performer.  They  are  economically  independent.  

Such performers are not vulnerable and, therefore, there  

is  least  likelihood  of  any  indecency,  immorality  or  

depravity.   He had emphasised that  classification to  be  

valid under Article 14 need not necessarily fall within an  

exact  or  scientific  formula  for  exclusion  or  inclusion  of  

persons  or  things.  [See:  Welfare Association, A.R.P.,  

Maharashtra (supra)]  There  are  no  requirements  of  

mathematical  exactness or applying doctrinaire tests for  

determining  the  validity  as  long  as  it  is  not  palpably  

arbitrary.  (See: Shashikant  Laxman  Kale  &  Anr.  



97. We  have  no  hesitation  in  accepting  the  aforesaid  

proposition  for  testing  the  reasonableness  of  the  

classification.   However,  such  classification  has  to  be  

evaluated by taking into account the objects and reasons  

of  the  impugned  legislation;  (See:  Ram  Krishna


Page 94

- 94 - Dalmia’s case supra). In the present case, judging the  

distinction between the two sections upon the aforesaid  

criteria cannot be justified.  

98. Section 33(a)(i)  prohibits  holding of  a performance of  

dance,  of any kind or type, in any eating house, permit  

room  or  beer  bar.   This  is  a  complete  embargo  on  

performance  of  dances  in  the  establishment  covered  

under  Section  33(a)(i).   Section  33(a)  contains  a  non-

obstante clause which makes the section stand alone and  

absolutely independent of the act and the rules.  Section  

33(a)(ii)  makes  it  a  criminal  offence  to  hold  a  dance  

performance  in  contravention  of  sub-section(i).  

On conviction, offender is liable to punishment for 3 years,  

although, the Court may impose a lesser punishment of 3  

months and fine,  after recording special  reasons for the  

same.  We are in agreement with the submission of Dr.  

Dhawan that  it  is  a  particularly  harsh provision.  On the  

other hand, the establishments covered under Section 33B  

enjoy complete exemption from any such restrictions.  The  

dance  performances  are  permitted  provided  the  

establishments  comply  with  the  applicable  statutory  

provisions,  Bye-Laws,  Rules  and  Regulations.   The


Page 95

- 95 - classification  of  the  establishments  covered  under  

Sections 33A and 33B would not satisfy the test of equality  

laid down in the case of  State of Jammu and Kashmir  

Vs.  Shri  Triloki  Nath Khosa & Ors.42, wherein  it  was  

observed as under:  

“Classification, therefore, must be truly founded on  substantial  differences  which  distinguish  persons  grouped together  from those left  out  of  the group  and such differential attributes must bear a just and  rational relation to the object sought to be achieved.”

99. Further, this Court in E.V. Chinnaiah Vs. State of A.P.  

& Ors.  43   held that:  

“Legal constitutional policy adumbrated in a statute  must answer the test of Article 14 of the Constitution  of  India.  Classification  whether  permissible  or  not  must  be  judged  on  the  touchstone  of  the  object  sought to be achieved.”  

100.  Learned senior counsel for the appellants have sought  

to justify the distinction between two establishments, first  

of all as noticed earlier, on the basis of type of dance.  It  

was  emphasised  that  the  dance  performed  in  the  

prohibited  establishments,  itself  takes  a  form  of  sexual  

propositioning.  It was submitted that it is not only just the  

type  of  dance  performed  but  the  surrounding  

circumstances which have been taken into consideration  

in making the distinction.  The distinction is sought to be  42 (1974) 1 SCC 19  43 (2005) 1 SCC 394


Page 96

- 96 - made  under  different  heads  which  we  shall  consider  

seriatim.  It  is  emphasised  that  in  the  banned  

establishments,  the  proximity  between  the  dancing  

platform and the audience is  larger than at the banned  

establishments. An assumption is sought to be made from  

this that there would hardly be any access to the dancers  

in                                    the exempted establishments as   

opposed to the easy access in the banned or prohibited  

establishments. Another     justification given is that the  

type of crowd that visits the banned establishments is also  

different  from  the  crowd  that  visits  the  exempted  

establishments.  In  our opinion,  all  the aforesaid reasons  

are neither supported by any empirical data nor common  

sense. In fact, they would be within the realm of “myth”  

based  on  stereotype  images.  We  agree  with  the  

submission made by the learned counsel for the appellant,  

Mr. Mukul Rohtagi and Dr. Dhawan that the distinction is  

made on the  grounds  of  “classes  of  establishments”  or  

“classes of persons, who frequent the establishment.” and  

not               on the form of dance.  We also agree with the  

submission  of  the  learned  senior  counsel  for  the  

respondents that there is   no justification that a dance  

permitted in exempted   institutions under Section 33B, if


Page 97

- 97 - permitted  in  the  banned  establishment,  would  be  

derogatory,  exploitative or  corrupting of  public  morality.  

We  are  of  the  firm  opinion  that  a  distinction,  the  

foundation of which is classes of the establishments and  

classes/kind of  persons,  who frequent the establishment  

and  those  who  own  the  establishments  can  not  be  

supported under  the constitutional  philosophy so clearly  

stated in the Preamble of the Constitution of India and the  

individual Articles prohibiting discrimination on the basis of  

caste, colour, creed, religion or gender. The Preamble of  

the Constitution of India as also Articles 14 to 21, as rightly  

observed  in  the  Constitutional  Bench  Judgment  of  this  

Court in I.R. Coelho (supra), form the heart and soul of  

the Constitution. Taking away of these rights of equality by  

any legislation would require clear proof of the justification  

for  such  abridgment.  Once  the  respondents  had  given  

prima  facie  proof  of  the  arbitrary  classification  of  the  

establishments under Sections 33A and 33B, it was duty of  

the State to justify the reasonableness of the classification.  

This conclusion of ours is fortified by the observations  in  

M/s.  Laxmi  Khandsari  (supra),  therein  this  Court  

observed as follow:

“14. We, therefore, fully agree with the contention  advanced by the  petitioners  that  where  there is  a


Page 98

- 98 - clear  violation  of  Article  19(1)(g),  the State has to  justify  by  acceptable  evidence,  inevitable  consequences  or  sufficient  materials  that  the  restriction, whether partial or complete, is in public  interest and contains the quality of reasonableness.  This  proposition  has  not  been  disputed  by  the  counsel  for  the  respondents,  who  have,  however,  submitted that from the circumstances and materials  produced  by  them  the  onus  of  proving  that  the  restrictions are in public interest and are reasonable  has been amply discharged by them.”

101. In  our  opinion,  the  appellants  herein  have  failed  to  

satisfy  the  aforesaid  test  laid  down  by  this  court.  The  

Counsel  for  the  appellant  had,  however,  sought  to  

highlight  before  us  the  unhealthy  practice  of  the  

customers  showering  money on  the  dancers  during  the  

performance,  in  the  prohibited  establishments.  This  

encourages the girls to indulge in unhealthy competition  

to create and sustain sexual interest of the most favoured  

customers. But such kind of behaviour is absent when the  

dancers are performing in the exempted establishments. It  

was  again  emphasised  that  it  is  not  only  the  activities  

performed in the establishments covered under Section 33  

A,  but  also  the  surrounding  circumstances  which  are  

calculated to produce an illusion of easy access to women.  

The customers who would be inebriated would pay little  

heed to the dignity or lack of consent of the women. This  

conclusion  is  sought  to  be  supported  by  a  number  of


Page 99

- 99 - complaints received and as well  as case histories of girl  

children rescued from the dance bars. We are again not  

satisfied  that  the  conclusions  reached  by  the  state  are  

based on any rational criteria. We fail to see how exactly  

the same dances can be said to be morally acceptable in  

the exempted                                    establishments and  

lead to depravity if performed                    in the prohibited  

establishments. Rather it is evident that the same dancer  

can  perform  the  same  dance  in  the  high  class  hotels,  

clubs, and gymkhanas but is prohibited of doing so in the  

establishments  covered  under  Section  33A.  We  see  no  

rationale which would justify the conclusion that a dance  

that leads to depravity in one place would get converted  

to an acceptable performance by a mere change of venue.  

The         discriminatory attitude of the state is illustrated  

by the fact that an infringement of section 33A(1) by an  

establishment  covered  under  the  aforesaid  provision  

would entail the owner being liable to be imprisoned for  

three years by virtue of section 33A(2). On the other hand,  

no  such  punishment  is  prescribed  for  establishments  

covered under Section 33B. Such an establishment would  

merely lose the licence. Such blatant discrimination cannot  

possibly  be  justified  on  the  criteria  of  reasonable


Page 100

- 100 - classification under Article 14 of the   Constitution of India.  

Mr.  Subramaniam had  placed strong reliance     on  the  

observations made by the Court  in  the  State of Uttar  

Pradesh Vs. Kaushailiya & Ors. (supra), wherein it was  

observed as follows:  

“7. The  next  question  is  whether  the  policy  so  disclosed offends Article 14 of the Constitution. It has  been well  settled  that  Article  14 does  not  prohibit  reasonable  classification  for  the  purpose  of  legislation  and  that  a  law  would  not  be  held  to  infringe  Article  14  of  the  Constitution  if  the  classification is founded on an intelligible differentia  and the said differentia has a rational relation to the  object  sought to be achieved by the said law. The  differences between a woman who is a prostitute and  one who is not certainly justify their being placed in  different  classes.  So  too,  there  are  obvious  differences  between  a  prostitute  who  is  a  public  nuisance and one who is not. A prostitute who carries  on her trade on the sly or in the unfrequented part of  the town or in a town with a sparse population may  not  so  dangerous  to  public  health  or  morals  as  a  prostitute who lives in a busy locality or in an over- crowded town or in a place within the easy reach of  public  institutions  like  religious  and  educational  institutions. Though both sell their bodies, the latter  is  far more dangerous to the public,  particularly to  the younger generation during the emotional stage  of their life. Their freedom of uncontrolled movement  in  a  crowded  locality  or  in  the  vicinity  of  public  institutions not only helps to demoralise the public  morals,  but,  what is  worse,  to spread diseases not  only  affecting the present generation,  but  also the  future ones.  Such trade in public  may also lead to  scandals and unseemly broils. There are, therefore,  pronounced and real differences between a woman  who is a prostitute and one who is not, and between  a prostitute, who does not demand in public interests  any restrictions on her movements and a prostitute,  whose actions in public places call for the imposition  of  restrictions  on  her  movements  and  even  deporation.  The  object  of  the  Act,  as  has  already  been noticed, is not only to suppress immoral traffic  in women and girls, but also to improve public morals


Page 101

- 101 - by removing prostitute from busy public places in the  vicinity of religious and educational institutions. The  differences between these two classes of prostitutes  have a rational  relation to the object sought to be  achieved by the Act.”

102. We fail to see how any of the above observations are of  

relevance in present context. The so called distinction is  

based purely on the basis of the class of the performer and  

the  so  called  superior  class of  audience.  Our  judicial  

conscience would not permit us to presume that the class  

to which an individual or the audience belongs brings with  

him  as  a  necessary  concomitant  a  particular  kind  of  

morality  or  decency.  We  are  unable  to  accept  the  

presumption which    runs through Sections 33A and 33B  

that the enjoyment of same kind of entertainment by the  

upper classes leads only to  mere enjoyment and in the  

case  of  poor  classes;  it  would       lead  to  immorality,  

decadence and depravity. Morality           and depravity  

cannot be pigeon-holed by degrees depending upon the  

classes of the audience. The aforesaid presumption is also  

perplexing  on  the  ground  that  in  the  banned  

establishments  even  a  non-obscene  dance  would  be  

treated  as  vulgar.  On  the  other  hand,  it  would  be  

presumed that in the exempted establishments any dance  

is non-obscene. The underlying presumption at once puts


Page 102

- 102 - the prohibited establishments in a precarious position, in  

comparison  to  the  exempted  class  for  the  grant  of  a  

licence  to  hold  a dance performance.   Yet  at  the same  

time,  both  kinds  of  establishments  are  to  be  granted  

licenses  and  regulated  by  the  same  restrictions,  

regulations and standing provisions.  

103.     We, therefore, decline to accept the submission of  

Mr. Subramaniam that the same kind of dances performed  

in  the  exempted  establishments  would  not  bring  about  

sexual arousal in male audience as opposed to the male  

audience  frequenting  the  banned  establishments  meant  

for  the  lower  classes  having  lesser  income  at  their  

disposal. In our opinion, the presumption is  elitist, which  

cannot be countenanced under the egalitarian philosophy  

of  our Constitution.  Our Constitution makers have taken  

pains to ensure that equality of treatment in all spheres is  

given to  all  citizens  of  this  country  irrespective of  their  

station  in  life.  {See: Charanjit  Lal  Chowdhury Vs.  

Union of India & Ors. (supra), Ram Krishna Dalmia’s  

case  (supra) and  State  of  Uttar  Pradesh Vs.  

Kaushailiya  & Ors.  (supra)}.  In  our  opinion,  sections


Page 103

- 103 - 33A and 33B introduce an invidious discrimination which  

cannot be justified under Article 14 of the Constitution.

104. The High Court, in our opinion, has rightly declined to  

rely upon the Prayas and Shubhada Chaukar’s report. The  

number of respondents interviewed was so miniscule as to  

render both the studies meaningless.  As noticed earlier,  

the subsequent report submitted by SNDT University has  

substantially contradicted the conclusions reached by the  

other two reports. The situation herein was not similar to  

the circumstances which led to the decision in the case of  

Radice (supra).  In  that  case,  a  New York  Statute  was  

challenged  as  it  prohibited  employment  of  women  in  

restaurants  in  cities  of  first  and  second  class  between  

hours  of  10 p.m. and 6 a.m.,  on the ground of  (1)  due  

process clause, by depriving the    employer and employee  

of  their  liberty to contract,  and (2)  the equal protection  

clause by an unreasonable and arbitrary classification. The  

Court upheld the legislation on the first ground that the  

State  had  come  to  the  conclusion  that  night  work  

prohibited,  so  injuriously  threatens  to  impair  women’s  

peculiar and natural functions. Such work, according to the  

State,  exposes  women  to  the  dangers  and  menaces


Page 104

- 104 - incidental  to  night  life  in  large  cities.  Therefore,  it  was  

permissible to enable the police to preserve and promote  

the  public  health  and  welfare.  The  aforesaid  conclusion  

was, however, based on one very important factor which  

was  that  “the  legislature  had  before  it  a  mass  of  

information  from  which  it  concluded  that  night  work  is  

substantially  and especially  detrimental  to  the health of  

women.”  In  our  opinion,  as  pointed  out  by  the  learned  

counsel  for  the  respondents,  in  the  present  case,  there  

was little or no material on the basis of which the State  

could  have  concluded  that  dancing  in  the  prohibited  

establishments was likely to deprave, corrupt or injure the  

public morality or morals.  

105. The  next  justification  for  the  so  called  intelligible  

differentia is on the ground that women who perform in  

the banned establishment are a vulnerable lot. They come  

from  grossly  deprived  backgrounds.  According  to  the  

appellants, most of them are trafficked into bar dancing.  

We  are  unable  to  accept  the  aforesaid  submission.  A  

perusal of the Objects and the Reasons would show that  

the  impugned  legislation  proceed  on  a  hypothesis  that  

different dance bars are being used as meeting points of


Page 105

- 105 - criminals and pick up points of the girls. But the Objects  

and Reasons say nothing about any evidence having been  

presented to the Government that these dance bars are  

actively involved in trafficking of women. In fact, this plea  

with regard to trafficking of women was projected for the  

first time in the affidavit filed before the High Court.  The  

aforesaid  plea  seems  to  have  been  raised  only  on  the  

basis of the reports which were submitted after the ban  

was imposed. We have earlier noticed the extracts from  

the  various  reports.    In  our  opinion,  such  isolated  

examples  would  not  be  sufficient  to  establish  the  

connection of the dance bars covered under section 33A  

with trafficking. We, therefore, reject the submission of the  

appellants that the ban has been placed for the protection  

of the vulnerable women.   

106. The next justification given by the learned counsel for  

the appellants is on the basis of degree of harm which is  

being  caused  to  the  atmosphere  in  the  banned  

establishments and the surrounding areas. Undoubtedly as  

held by this  Court  in  the  Ram Krishna Dalmia’s case  

(supra), the Legislature is free to recognize the degrees  

of  harm and may confine its  restrictions to those cases


Page 106

- 106 - where the need is deemed to be clearest. We also agree  

with  the  observations  of  the  U.S.  Court  in  Joseph  

Patsone’s case (supra) that the state may direct its law  

against what it deems the evil as it actually exists without  

covering  the  whole  field  of  possible  abuses,  but  such  

conclusion  have  to  be  reached  either  on  the  basis  of  

general  consensus  shared  by  the  majority  of  the  

population or on the basis of empirical data. In our opinion,  

the State neither       had the empirical data to conclude  

that  dancing in the prohibited establishment necessarily  

leads to depravity and corruption of public morals nor was  

there general       consensus that such was the situation.  

The three reports presented before the High Court in fact  

have  presented  divergent  view  points.   Thus,  the  

observations  made  in  the  case  of  Joseph Patsone  

(supra) are not of any help to the appellant. We are also  

conscious of the observations made by this court in case  

of  Mohd. Hanif Quareshi (supra), wherein it was held  

that  there  is  a  presumption  that  the  legislature  

understands and appreciates the needs of its people and  

that its laws are directed to problems made manifest by  

experience and  that  its  discriminations  are  based  on  

adequate grounds. In the present case, the appellant has


Page 107

- 107 - failed to give any details of any experience which would  

justify  such  blatant  discrimination,  based  purely  on  the  

class or location of an establishment.   

107.    We are of the opinion that the State has failed to  

justify  the  classification  between  the  exempted  

establishments and prohibited establishments on the basis  

of  surrounding  circumstances;  or  vulnerability.  

Undoubtedly, the legislature is the best judge to measure  

the degree of harm and make reasonable classification but  

when such a classification is challenged the State is duty  

bound  to  disclose  the  reasons  for  the  ostensible  

conclusions.   In  our  opinion,  in  the  present  case,  the  

legislation is based on an unacceptable presumption that  

the so called  elite  i.e.  rich  and the famous would  have  

higher  standards  of  decency,  morality  or  strength  of  

character  than their  counter  parts  who have to  content  

themselves with lesser facilities of inferior quality in the  

dance  bars.  Such  a  presumption  is  abhorrent  to  the  

resolve in the Preamble of the Constitution to secure the  

citizens of India. “Equality of status and opportunity and  

dignity of the individual”. The State Government presumed  

that  the  performance  of  an  identical  dance  item in  the


Page 108

- 108 - establishments having facilities less               than 3 stars  

would be derogative to the dignity of women and would be  

likely  to  deprave,  corrupt  or  injure  public  morality  or  

morals;  but  would  not  be  so  in  the  exempted  

establishments.  These  are  misconceived  motions  of  a  

bygone era which ought not to be resurrected.

108.   Incongruously,  the  State  does  not  find  it  to  be  

indecent, immoral or derogatory to the dignity of women if  

they take up other positions in the same establishments  

such as receptionist, waitress or bar tender.  The women  

that serve liquor and beer to customers do not arouse lust  

in customers but women dancing would arouse lust.  In our  

opinion, if certain kind of dance is sensuous in nature and  

if it causes sexual arousal in men it cannot be said to be  

more  in  the  prohibited  establishments  and  less  in  the  

exempted establishments.  Sexual arousal and lust in men  

and  women  and  degree  thereof,  cannot  be  said  to  be  

monopolized by the upper or the lower classes. Nor can it  

be presumed that sexual arousal would generate different  

character of behaviour, depending on the social strata of  

the audience. History is replete with examples of crimes of  

lust committed in the highest echelons of the society as


Page 109

- 109 - well as in the lowest levels of society. The High Court has  

rightly observed, relying on the observations of this Court  

in Gaurav Jain Vs. Union of India  44  , that “prostitution in  

5 star hotels is a licence given to a person from higher  

echelon”.  In our opinion, the activities which are obscene  

or which are likely to deprave and corrupt  those whose  

minds  are  open  to  such  immoral  influences,  cannot  be  

distinguished  on  the  basis  as  to  whether  they  are  

performing in 5 star hotels or in dance bars.  The judicial  

conscience  of  this  Court  would  not  give  credence  to  a  

notion  that  high  morals  and  decent  behaviour  is  the  

exclusive domain of the upper classes; whereas vulgarity  

and  depravity  is  limited  to  the  lower  classes.   Any  

classification  made  on  the  basis  of  such  invidious  

presumption  is  liable  to  be  struck  down  being  wholly  

unconstitutional and particularly contrary to Article 14 of  

the Constitution of India.  

Is the impugned legislation   ultra vires     Article 19(1)(g)    –

109.     It  was  submitted  by  the  learned  counsel  for  the  

appellants that by prohibiting dancing under Section 33A,  

no  right  of  the  bar  owners  for  carrying  on  a  

44 (1997) 8 SCC 114


Page 110

- 110 - business/profession  is  being  infringed  [See:  Fertilizer  

Corporation  Kamgar  Union  (Regd.),  Sindri  &  Ors.  

(supra)]. The curbs are imposed by Section 33A and 33B  

only  to  restrict  the  owners  in  the  prohibited  

establishments from permitting dance to be conducted in  

the interest of general public. Since the dances conducted  

in  establishments  covered  under  Section  33A  were  

obscene,  they  would  fall  in  the  category  of  res  extra  

commercium and  would  not  be  protected  by  the  

fundamental right under Article 19(1)(g). The submission  

is also sought to be supported by placing a reliance on the  

reports of Prayas and Subhada Chaukar. The restriction is  

also placed to curb exploitation of the vulnerability of the  

young girls who come from poverty stricken background  

and are prone to trafficking. In support of the submission,  

the learned counsel relied on a number of judgments of  

this  Court  as  well  as  the  American  Courts,  including  

Municipal  Corporation  of  the  City  of  Ahmedabad  

(supra), wherein it was held that the expression “in the  

interest  of  general  public”  under  Article  19(6)  inter  alia  

includes protecting morality. The relationship between law  

and  morality  has  been  the  subject  of  jurisprudential  

discourse  for  centuries.  The  questions  such  as:  Is  the


Page 111

- 111 - development of law influenced by morals? Does morality  

always  define  the  justness  of  the  law?  Can  law  be  

questioned on grounds of morality?  and above all,  Can  

morality  be  enforced  through  law?,  have  been  subject  

matter of many jurisprudential studies for over at least a  

century and half. But no reference has been made to any  

such  studies  by  any  of  the  learned  senior  counsel.  

Therefore, we shall not dwell on the same.   


110. Upon analyzing the entire fact situation, the High Court  

has held that dancing would be a fundamental right and  

cannot  be  excluded  by  dubbing  the  same as  res  extra  

commercium.  The  State  has  failed  to  establish  that  the  

restriction  is  reasonable  or  that  it  is  in  the  interest  of  

general  public.  The  High  Court  rightly  scrutinized  the  

impugned legislation  in  the light  of  observations  of  this  

Court made in Narendra Kumar (supra), wherein it was  

held that  greater the restriction,  the more the need for  

scrutiny.  The  High  Court  noticed  that  in  the  guise  of  

regulation,  the  legislation  has  imposed  a  total  ban  on  

dancing in the establishments covered under Section 33A.  

The High Court has also concluded that the legislation has  

failed to satisfy the doctrine of direct and inevitable effect


Page 112

- 112 - [See:  Maneka  Gandhi’s  case  (supra)]. We  see  no  

reason to differ with the conclusions recorded by the High  

Court.  We agree with  Mr.  Rohatgi  and Dr.  Dhawan that  

there  are  already  sufficient  rules  and  regulations  and  

legislation  in  place  which,  if  efficiently  applied,  would  

control  if  not  eradicate  all  the  dangers  to  the  society  

enumerated in the Preamble and Objects and Reasons of  

the impugned legislation.

111. The activities of the eating houses, permit rooms and  

beer bars are controlled by the following regulations:

A. Bombay Municipal Corporation Act. B. Bombay Police Act, 1951. C. Bombay Prohibition Act, 1949. D. Rules  for  Licensing  and  Controlling  Places  of  Public  

Entertainment, 1953. E. Rules  for  Licensing  and  controlling  Places  of  Public  

Amusement other that Cinemas.               F. And other orders are passed by the Government from  

time to time.

112. The Restaurants/Dance Bar owners also have to obtain  

licenses/permissions as listed below:

i. Licence and Registration for  eating house under the  Bombay Police Act, 1951.

ii. License under the Bombay Shops and Establishment  Act, 1948 and the Rules thereunder.


Page 113

- 113 - iii. Eating House license under Sections 394, 412A, 313 of  

the Bombay Municipal Corporation Act, 1888. iv. Health  License under  the Maharashtra  Prevention  of  

Food Adulteration Rules, 1962. v. Health  License  under  the  Mumbai  Municipal  

Corporation Act, 1888 for serving liquor; vi. Performance  License  under  Rules  118  of  the  

Amusement Rules, 1960 ; vii. Premises license under Rules 109 of the amusement  

Rules; viii. License to keep a place of Public Entertainment under  

Section 33(1), clause (w) and (y) of the Bombay Police  Act, 1951 and the said Entertainment Rules;

ix. FL III License under the Bombay Prohibition Act, 1949  and the Rules 45 of the Bombay Foreign Liquor Rules,  1953 or a Form “E” license under the Special Permits  & Licenses Rules for selling or serving IMFL & Beer.  

x. Suitability certificate under the Amusement Rules.

113. Before any of  the licenses are granted,  the applicant  

has to fulfil the following conditions :

(i) Any  application  for  premises  license  shall  accompanied by the site-plan indicating inter-alia the  distance  of  the  site  from  any  religious,  educational  institution or hospital.

(ii) The  distance  between  the  proposed  place  of  amusement  and  the  religious  place  or  hospital  or  educational institution shall be more than 75 metres.

(iii) The proposed place of amusement shall not have been  located in the congested and thickly populated area.

(iv) The proposed site must be located on a road having  width of more than 10 metres.


Page 114

- 114 - (v) The  owners/partners  of  the  proposed  place  of  

amusement must not have been arrested or detained  for anti-social or any such activities or convicted for  any such offenses.  

(vi) The distance between two machines which are to be  installed in the video parlour shall be reflected in the  plan.

(vii) No similar place of public amusement exists within a  radius of 75 metres. (b) The conditions mentioned in the license shall  be  observed throughout the period for which the license  is granted and if there is a breach of any one of the  conditions,  the license is likely to be cancelled after  following the usual procedure.

114. The  aforesaid  list,  enactments  and  regulations  are  

further  supplemented  with  regulations  protecting  the  

dignity  of  women. The provisions of  Bombay Police  Act,  

1951 and more particularly  Section 33(1)(w) of  the said  

Act  empowers  the  Licensing  Authority  to  frame  Rules  

‘”licensing or  controlling  places  of  public  amusement  or  

entertainment  and  also  for  taking  necessary  steps  to  

prevent  inconvenience  to  residents  or  passers-by  or  for  

maintaining public safety and for taking necessary steps in  

the interests of public order, decency and morality.”   

115. Rules 122 and 123 of the Amusement Rules, 1960 also  

prescribe conditions for holding performances.


Page 115

- 115 - “  Rule  122  –  Acts  prohibited  by  the  holder  of  a    Performance  Licence  :     No  person  holding  a  performance Licence under these Rules shall, in the  beginning, during any interval or at the end of any  performance,  or  during  the  course  of  any  performance,  exhibition,  production,  display  or  staging,  permit  or  himself  commit  on the stage or  any part of the auditorium :-

(a) any profanity or impropriety of language ;

(b) any indecency of dress, dance, movement or gesture;

Similar conditions and restrictions are also prescribed  under the Performance Licence :

“The Licensee shall not, at any time before, during  the  course  of  or  subsequent  to  any  performance,  exhibition, production, display or staging, permit or  himself  commit on the stage or in any part of  the  auditorium or outside it :    

(i) any exhibition or advertisement whether by  way  of  posters  or  in  the  newspapers,  photographs  of  nude  or  scantily  dressed  women;

(ii) any performance at a place other than the  place provided for the purpose;

(iii) any mixing of the cabaret performers with  the audience or any physical contact by touch  or otherwise with any member of the audience;

(iv)  any  act  specifically  prohibited  by  the  rules.”

116. The  Rules  under  the  Bombay  Police  Act,  1951  have  

been  framed  in  the  interest  of  public  safety  and  social  

welfare and to safeguard the dignity of women as well as  

prevent exploitation of women. There is no material placed  

on record by the State to show that it was not possible to


Page 116

- 116 - deal with the situation within the framework of the existing  

laws except for the unfounded conclusions recorded in the  

Preamble as well the Objects and Reasons. [See: State of  

Gujarat Vs.  Mirzapur  Moti  Kureshi  Kassab  Jamat  

(supra)], wherein it is held that the standard of judging  

reasonability  of  restriction  or  restrictions  amounting  to  

prohibition  remains  the  same,  except  that  a  total  

prohibition  must  also  satisfy  the  test  that  a  lesser  

alternative would be inadequate]. The Regulations framed  

under Section 33(w) of  the Bombay Police Act,  more so  

Regulations  238  and  242  provide  that  the  licensing  

authority may suspend or cancel a licence for any breach  

of  the  license conditions.  Regulation 241 empowers  the  

licensing  authority  or  any  authorised  Police  Officer,  not  

below the rank of Sub Inspector, to direct the stoppage of  

any performance forthwith if the performance is found to  

be objectionable.  Section 162 of  the Bombay Police  Act  

empowers  a  Competent  Authority/Police  

Commissioner/District  Magistrate to suspend or revoke a  

license for breach of its conditions. Thus, sufficient power  

is  vested with  the Licensing  Authority  to  safeguard  any  

perceived  violation  of  the  dignity  of  women  through  

obscene dances.


Page 117

- 117 -

117. From  the  objects  of  the  impugned  legislation  and  

amendment itself, it is crystal clear that the legislation was  

brought  about  on the admission  of  the  police  that  it  is  

unable to effectively control the situation in spite of the  

existence  of  all  the  necessary  legislation,  rules  and  

regulations.  One of the submissions made on behalf of the  

appellants was to the effect that it is possible to control  

the  performances  which  are  conducted  in  the  

establishments  fall  within  Section  33B;  the  reasons  

advanced for the aforesaid only highlight the stereotype  

myths  that  people  in  upper  strata  of  society  behave in  

orderly  and moralistic  manner.  There is  no independent  

empirical material to show that propensity of immorality or  

depravity  would  be  any  less  in  these  high  class  

establishments.  On  the  other  hand,  it  is  the  specific  

submission of the appellants that the activities conducted  

within the establishments covered under Section 33A have  

the effect of vitiating the atmosphere not only within the  

establishments  but  also  in  the  surrounding  locality.  

According to the learned counsel for the appellants, during  

dance in the bars dancers wore deliberately provocative  

dresses. The dance becomes even more provocative and


Page 118

- 118 - sensual when such behaviour is mixed with alcohol. It has  

the tendency to lead to undesirable results. Reliance was  

placed  upon  State  of  Bombay Vs.  R.M.D.  

Chamarbaugwala & Anr. (supra), Khoday Distilleries  

Ltd. & Ors. Vs. State of Karnataka & Ors. (supra),  

State of Punjab & Anr. Vs. Devans Modern Breweries  

Ltd. & Anr. (supra), New York State Liquor Authority  

Vs.  Dennis BELLANCA, DBA The Main Event,  Et Al.

(supra), Regina Vs.  Bloom (supra) to substantiate the  

aforesaid submissions.  Therefore, looking at the degree of  

harm caused by such behaviour,  the  State  enacted  the  

impugned legislation.  

118. We are undoubtedly bound by the principles enunciated  

by this  Court  in  the  aforesaid  cases,  but  these  are  not  

applicable to the facts and circumstances of the present  

case.   In  Khoday Distilleries Ltd. (supra), it was held  

that  there  is  no  fundamental  right  inter  alia  to  do  

trafficking in women or in slaves or to carry on business of  

exhibiting  and publishing pornographic  or  obscene films  

and literature.   This  case is  distinguishable because the  

unfounded  presumption  that  women  are  being/were  

trafficked in  the  bars.  The  case of  State of  Punjab &


Page 119

- 119 - Anr. Vs.  Devans  Modern  Breweries  Ltd.  &  Anr.  

(supra) dealt with liquor trade, whereas the present case  

is  clearly  different.   The  reliance  on  New York  State  

Liquor  Authority  (supra) is  completely  unfounded  

because in that case endeavour of the State was directed  

towards  prohibiting  topless  dancing in  an  establishment  

licensed  to  serve  liquor.   Similarly,  Regina Vs.  Bloom  

(supra) dealt with indecent performances in a disorderly  

house. Hence, this case will also not help the appellants.  

Therefore,  we  are  not  impressed  with  any  of  these  

submissions.  All  the  activities  mentioned  above  can  be  

controlled under the existing regulations.  

119.    We  do  not  agree  with  the  submission  of  

Mr. Subramanium that the impugned enactment is a form  

of  additional  regulation,  as  it  was  felt  that  the  existing  

system of  licence  and  permits  were  insufficient  to  deal  

with problem of ever increasing dance bars. We also do  

not  agree with  the submissions  that  whereas  exempted  

establishments  are  held  to  standards  higher  than those  

prescribed;  the eating  houses,  permit  rooms and dance  

bars operate beyond/below the control of the regulations.  

Another  justification  given  is  that  though  it  may  be


Page 120

- 120 - possible to regulate these permit rooms and dance bars  

which are located within Mumbai, it would not be possible  

to  regulate  such  establishments  in  the  semi-urban  and  

rural  parts  of  the Maharashtra.  If  that  is  so,  it  is  a sad  

reflection  on  the  efficiency  of  the  Licensing/Regulatory  

Authorities in implementing the legislation.

120. The end result of the prohibition of any form of dancing  

in the establishments covered under Section 33A leads to  

the only conclusion that these establishments have to shut  

down. This is evident from the fact that since 2005, most if  

not all the dance bar establishments have literally closed  

down. This has led to the unemployment of over 75,000  

women workers.  It  has been brought on the record that  

many of them have been compelled to take up prostitution  

out of necessity for maintenance of their families. In our  

opinion, the impugned legislation has proved to be totally  

counter  productive and cannot be sustained being  ultra  

vires Article 19(1)(g).  

121. We are also not able to agree with the submission of  

Mr.  Subramanium that the impugned legislation can still  

be protected by reading down the provision. Undoubtedly,


Page 121

- 121 - this  Court  in  the  case  of  Government  of  Andhra  

Pradesh & Ors. Vs. P. Laxmi Devi (Smt.) (supra) upon  

taking notice of the previous precedents has held that the  

legislature must be given freedom to do experimentations  

in exercising its powers, provided it does not clearly and  

flagrantly  violate  its  constitutional  limits,  these  

observations are of no avail to the appellants in view of  

the opinion expressed by us earlier.  It is not possible to  

read down the expression “any kind or type” of dance by  

any  person  to  mean  dances  which  are  obscene  and  

derogatory to the dignity of women. Such reading down  

cannot  be  permitted  so  long  as  any  kind  of  dance  is  

permitted in establishments covered under Section 33B.

122. We  are  also  unable  to  accept  the  submission  of  

Mr. Subramanium that the provisions contained in Section  

33A  can  be  declared  constitutional  by  applying  the  

doctrine  of  severability.  Even if  Section  33B is  declared  

unconstitutional,  it  would  still  retain  the  provision  

contained in Section 33A which prohibits any kind of dance  

by  any  person  in  the  establishments  covered  under  

Section 33A.


Page 122

- 122 - 123. In our opinion, it  would be more appropriate that the  

State  Government  re-examines  the  recommendations  

made by the Committee which had been constituted by  

the State Government comprising of a Chairman of AHAR,  

Public  and  Police  Officials  and  chaired  by  the  Principal  

Secretary  (E.I.),  Home Department.  The  Committee  had  

prepared a report  and submitted the same to the State  

Government.  The  State  Government  had  in  fact  sent  a  

communication dated 16th July, 2004 to all District Judicial  

Magistrates and Police Commissioner to amend the rules  

for exercising control on Hotel Establishments presenting  

dance  programmes.  The  suggestions  made  for  the  

amendment of the Regulations were as follows :

(1) Bar girls dancing in dance bars should not wear  clothes  which  expose  the  body  and  also  there  should  be  restriction  on  such  dancers  wearing  tight and provocative clothes.

(2) There should be a railing of 3 ft. height adjacent to  the dance stage. There should be distance of 5 ft.  between the railing and seats for the customers.  In  respect  of  dance  bars  who  have  secured  licences  earlier,  provisions  mentioned  above  be  made binding. It should be made binding on dance  bars seeking new licences to have railing of 3 ft.  height  adjacent  to  the  stage  and  leaving  a  distance  of  5  ft.  between the railing  and sitting  arrangement for customers.


Page 123

- 123 - (3) Area of dance floor should be minimum 10 x 12 ft.  

i.e.  120 sq.  ft.  and the  area to  be provided for  such dancer should be minimum of 15 sq. ft. so  that  more  than  8  dancers  cannot  dance  simultaneously on the stage having area of 12- sq.  ft.

(4) If the dancers are to be awarded, there should be  a ban on going near them or on showering money  on  them.  Instead  it  should  be  made  binding  to  collect the said money in the name of manager of  the  concerned  dancer  or  to  hand  over  to  the  manager.    

(5) Apart  from  the  above,  a  register  should  be  maintained  in  the  dance  bar  to  take  entries  of  names of the girls dancing in the bar every day.  Similarly,  holders  of  the  establishment  should  gather  information  such  a  name,  address,  photograph and  citizenship  and  other  necessary  information  of  the  dance  girls.  Holder  of  the  establishment  should  be  made  responsible  to  verify the information furnished by the dance girls.  Also above conditions  should be incorporated in  the licences being granted.     

124. Despite the directions made by the State Government,  

the  authorities  have  not  taken  steps  to  implement  the  

recommendations which have been submitted by AHAR.  

On the contrary, the impugned legislation was enacted in  

2005. In our opinion, it would be more appropriate to bring


Page 124

- 124 - about  measures  which  should  ensure  the  safety  and  

improve the working conditions of the persons working as  

bar girls. In similar circumstances, this Court in the case of  

Anuj  Garg  (supra)  had  made  certain  observations  

indicating  that  instead  of  putting  curbs  on  women’s  

freedom,  empowerment  would  be  more  tenable  and  

socially wise approach. This empowerment should reflect  

in the law enforcement strategies of the State as well as  

law modeling done in this  behalf.  In  our opinion,  in  the  

present case, the restrictions in the nature of prohibition  

cannot be said to be reasonable, inasmuch as there could  

be several lesser alternatives available which would have  

been  adequate  to  ensure  safety  of  women  than  to  

completely  prohibit  dance.  In  fact,  a  large  number  of  

imaginative  alternative  steps  could  be  taken  instead  of  

completely prohibiting dancing,  if the real concern of the  

State is the safety of women.   

125. Keeping  in  view the  aforesaid  circumstances,  we are  

not inclined to interfere with the conclusions reached by  

the  High  Court.  Therefore,  we  find  no  merit  in  these  

appeals and the same are accordingly dismissed.  


Page 125

- 125 - 126. All interim orders are hereby vacated.     


…………………………CJI. [Altamas Kabir]    

…………………………….J. [Surinder Singh Nijjar]  

New Delhi; July 16, 2013.


Page 126





State of Maharashtra & Anr.    … Appellants


Indian Hotel & Restaurants Assn.  

& Ors.    …  Respondents


Civil Appeal No. 2704 of 2006  



Page 127


Civil Appeal No.5504 of 2013

[Arising out of S.L.P. (C) No. 14534 of 2006]  



1. Having had an opportunity of going through the  

masterly exposition of the law in the crucible of  

facts relating to the violation of the provisions  

of  Articles  19(1)(a),  19(1)(g)  and  21  of  the  

Constitution read with the relevant provisions of  

the Bombay Police Act, 1951, I wish to pen down  

some of my thoughts vis-a-vis the problem arising  

in  all  these  matters  requiring  the  balancing  of


Page 128


equities  under  Articles  19(1)(g)  and  21  of  the  


2. The  expression  “the  cure  is  worse  than  the  

disease” comes to mind immediately.

3. As will appear from the judgment of my learned  

Brother, Justice Nijjar, the discontinuance of bar  

dancing in establishments below the rank of three  

star establishments, has led to the closure of a  

large number of establishments, which has resulted  

in  loss  of  employment  for  about  seventy-five  

thousand  women  employed  in  the  dance  bars  in  

various  capacities.   In  fact,  as  has  also  been  

commented upon by my learned Brother, many of these  

unfortunate  people  were  forced  into  prostitution  

merely to survive, as they had no other means of  



Page 129


4. Of course, the right to practise a trade or  

profession and the right to life guaranteed under  

Article 21 are, by their very nature, intermingled  

with  each  other,  but  in  a  situation  like  the  

present  one,  such  right  cannot  be  equated  with  

unrestricted freedom like a run-away horse.  As has  

been indicated by my learned Brother, at the very  

end of his judgment, it would be better to treat  

the  cause  than  to  blame  the  effect  and  to  

completely discontinue the livelihood of a large  

section of women, eking out an existence by dancing  

in bars, who will be left to the mercy of other  

forms of exploitation.  The compulsion of physical  

needs has to be taken care of while making any laws  

on the subject.  Even a bar dancer has to satisfy  

her  hunger,  provide  expenses  for  her  family  and  

meet day to day expenses in travelling from her


Page 130


residence to her place of work, which is sometimes  

even as far as 20 to 25 kms. away.  Although, it  

has been argued on behalf of the State and its  

authorities that the bar dancers have taken to the  

profession  not  as  an  extreme  measure,  but  as  a  

profession of choice, more often than not, it is a  

Hobson's choice between starving and in resorting  

to bar dancing.  From the materials placed before  

us and the statistics shown, it is apparent that  

many of the bar dancers have no other option as  

they have no other skills, with which they could  

earn a living.  Though some of the women engaged in  

bar dancing may be doing so as a matter of choice,  

not very many women would willingly resort to bar  

dancing as a profession.   

5. Women  worldwide  are  becoming  more  and  more  

assertive of their rights and want to be free to


Page 131


make their own choices, which is not an entirely  

uncommon  or  unreasonable  approach.   But  it  is  

necessary to work towards a change in mindset of  

people in general not only by way of laws and other  

forms of regulations, but also by way of providing  

suitable amenities for those who want to get out of  

this  trap  and  to  either  improve  their  existing  

conditions  or  to  begin  a  new  life  altogether.  

Whichever way one looks at it, the matter requires  

the  serious  attention  of  the  State  and  its  

authorities, if the dignity of women, as a whole,  

and respect for them, is to be restored.  In that  

context,  the  directions  given  by  my  learned  

Brother, Justice Nijjar, assume importance.

6. I  fully  endorse  the  suggestions  made  in  

paragraph  123  of  the  judgment  prepared  by  my  

learned  Brother  that,  instead  of  generating


Page 132


unemployment, it may be wiser for the State to look  

into  ways  and  means  in  which  reasonable  

restrictions  may  be  imposed  on  bar  dancing,  but  

without  completely  prohibiting  or  stopping  the  


7. It  is  all  very  well  to  enact  laws  without  

making them effective.  The State has to provide  

alternative means of support and shelter to persons  

engaged in such trades or professions, some of whom  

are trafficked from different parts of the country  

and  have  nowhere  to  go  or  earn  a  living  after  

coming out of their unfortunate circumstances.  A  

strong and effective support system may provide a  

solution to the problem.  

8. These words are in addition to and not in


Page 133


derogation of the judgment delivered by my learned  



...................CJI.    (ALTAMAS KABIR)

New Delhi Dated: July 16, 2013.