17 August 2011
Supreme Court


Case number: Original Suite 6 of 2004





I.A. NO. 4 OF 2009



State of Madhya Pradesh                      .... Applicant(s)/    Plaintiff


Union of India & Anr.     .... Respondent(s)/   Defendants

J U D G M E N T  

P. Sathasivam, J.

1) In the year 2004, the State of Madhya Pradesh has filed  

Original Suit No. 6 of 2004 before this Court under Article 131  

of the Constitution of India calling for the records relating to  

the  impugned  Notifications/Orders  dated  02.11.2004  and  

04.11.2004 issued by the Ist Defendant–Union of India under  

Sections  58(3)  and  58(4)  of  the  Madhya  Pradesh  Re-

organisation Act, 2000 (hereinafter referred to as “MPR Act”),  



notifying the date of dissolution of the M.P. Electricity Board  

(in  short  “the  MPEB”)  for  the  undivided  State  of  Madhya  

Pradesh  and  apportioning  its  assets,  rights  and  liabilities  

between the successor Electricity Boards for the reorganized  

States of  Madhya Pradesh and Chhattisgarh and to declare  

them null and void as the same are unconstitutional and for  

certain other reliefs.   

2) In the said suit,  the  plaintiff-State  of  Madhya Pradesh  

filed an application for amendment of plaint being I.A. No.4 of  

2009  seeking,  inter  alia, the  amendment  to  the  effect  that  

Sections 58(3) and 58(4) of the MPR Act are violative of Article  

14 of  the  Constitution  of  India inasmuch as  it  enables the  

Central Government to determine without any guidelines the  

manner  of  exercise  of  power  while  deciding  the  basis  of  

apportionment  of  the  assets  and liabilities  of  the  successor  


3) Ist  Defendant-Union  of  India,  apart  from disputing  its  

maintainability on delay and laches also contested on merits.

4)   2nd Defendant–State of  Chhattisgarh has objected to the  

amendment  on  the  ground  that  the  same  is  totally  



misconceived  and  untenable  in  law  and  that  no  recourse  

whatsoever  can  be  permitted  to  challenge  the  validity  of  a  

Central  law  under  the  exclusive  jurisdiction  of  this  Court  

under Article 131 of the Constitution of India.  The State of  

Chhattisgarh  has  also  contended  that  the  plaintiff-State  of  

M.P., on the one hand is seeking a prayer that Ist Defendant  

must perform its duty in accordance with the Statute and, on  

the other hand, is challenging the validity of the very same  

Statute and, therefore, it is liable to be dismissed.   

5) Heard Mr. C.S. Vaidyanathan, learned senior counsel for  

the  applicant/plaintiff–State  of  Madhya  Pradesh,  Mr.  H.P.  

Raval, learned Additional Solicitor General for Respondent No.  

1/Ist Defendant-Union of India and Mr. Ravi Shankar Prasad,  

learned senior counsel  for Respondent No. 2/2nd Defendant-  

State of Chhattisgarh.

6) In view of the fact that at present we are concerned with  

I.A.No.4 of 2009 – application for amendment of plaint, there  

is no need to traverse all the factual details as stated in the  

plaint and written statement.  However, it is relevant to point  



out  the  reliefs  prayed  for  by  the  plaintiff  in  the  main  suit  

which are as under:

“(a) Call  for  the  records  relating  to  the  impugned  Notifications/Orders  dated  02.11.2004  and  04.11.2004 and declare the same as null and void as  the same is unconstitutional and in violation of Article  14 of the Constitution;

(b) Direct 1st defendant to dissolve MPEB in consonance  with  other  orders/directions  dated  12.04.2001,  04.12.2001  and  23.05.2003  passed  by  the  1st  defendant under Section 58(4) of MPRA;

(c) Direct  the  1st Defendant  by  way  of  mandatory  injunction  to  perform  its  constitutional  and  the  statutory  duty  to  lay  down  proper  criteria  for  apportionment  of  assets,  rights  and  liabilities  in  accordance with law and to ensure equitable, just, fair  and  reasonable  apportionment  of  assets,  rights  and  liabilities amongst the successor Boards on the basis  of  revenue  potential  so  as  to  avoid  undue  hardship  and disadvantage to any of the successor Boards; and

(d) Pass any other order and/or direction, as this Hon’ble  Court  may  deem  fit  and  proper  in  the  facts  and  circumstances of the case.”

7) In  the  present  application,  i.e.,  I.A.  No.4  of  2009,  the  

applicant-State  of  M.P.  has  prayed  for  amendment  of  the  

plaint by adding the following relief:

“(b)   to  permit  additional  relief  to  be  incorporated  in  the  Plaint viz., declare Sections 58(3) and 58(4) of the Madhya  Pradesh  State  Re-organisation  Act,  2000  is  being  unconstitutional, arbitrary and violative of Article 14 of the  Constitution”



8) In  order  to  consider  the  claim of  the  plaintiff  and the  

opposition  of  the  defendants,  it  is  desirable  to  refer  the  

relevant provisions.   Order VI Rule 17 of the Code  of Civil  

Procedure,  1908 (in short ‘the Code’)  enables the parties to  

make amendment of the plaint which reads as under;

“17. Amendment  of  pleadings  – The  Court  may  at  any  stage of the proceedings allow either party to alter or amend  his pleadings in such manner and on such terms as may be  just,  and all  such amendments shall  be made as may be  necessary for the purpose of determining the real questions  in controversy between the parties:

Provided that no application for amendment shall be  allowed  after  the  trial  has  commenced,  unless  the  Court  comes to the conclusion that in spite of due diligence, the  party  could  not  have  raised  the  matter  before  the  commencement of trial.”

The above provision deals with amendment of pleadings.  By  

Amendment Act 46 of 1999, this provision was deleted.  It has  

again been restored by Amendment Act 22 of 2002 but with an  

added  proviso  to  prevent  application  for  amendment  being  

allowed after the trial has commenced, unless the Court comes  

to the conclusion that in spite of due diligence, the party could  

not have raised the matter before the commencement of trial.  

The  proviso,  to  some extent,  curtails  absolute  discretion  to  

allow amendment  at any stage.   Now, if  application is  filed  



after commencement of trial, it must be shown that in spite of  

due diligence, such amendment could not have been sought  

earlier.  The purpose and object of Order VI Rule 17 of the  

Code is to allow either party to alter or amend his pleadings in  

such manner and on such terms as may be just.  Amendment  

cannot  be  claimed  as  a  matter  of  right  and  under  all  

circumstances,  but  the  Courts  while  deciding  such  prayers  

should  not  adopt  a  hyper-technical  approach.   Liberal  

approach  should  be  the  general  rule  particularly,  in  cases  

where  the  other  side  can  be  compensated  with  costs.  

Normally, amendments are allowed in the pleadings to avoid  

multiplicity of litigations.   

9) Inasmuch as the plaintiff–State of Madhya Pradesh has  

approached this Court invoking the original jurisdiction under  

Article 131 of the Constitution of India, the Rules framed by  

this Court, i.e., The Supreme Court Rules, 1966 (in short ‘the  

Rules) have to be applied to the case on hand.  Order XXVI  

speaks about “Pleadings Generally”.  Among various rules, we  

are concerned about Rule 8 which reads as under:



“The  Court  may,  at  any  stage  of  the  proceedings,  allow  either party to amend his pleading in such manner and on  such terms as may be just,  but  only  such amendments  shall  be  made  as  may  be  necessary  for  the  purpose  of  determining the real question in controversy between the  parties.”

The above provision, which is similar to Order VI Rule 17 of  

the Code prescribes that at any stage of the proceedings, the  

Court  may  allow  either  party  to  amend  his  pleadings.  

However, it must be established that the proposed amendment  

is necessary for the purpose of determining the real question  

in controversy between the parties.   

10) This  Court,  while  considering Order  VI  Rule  17 of  the  

Code, in several judgments has laid down the principles to be  

applicable in the case of amendment of plaint which are as  


(i) Surender  Kumar  Sharma v.  Makhan Singh,  (2009)  

10 SCC 626, at para 5:  

“5. As noted hereinearlier,  the prayer for amendment was  refused by the High Court on two grounds. So far as the first  ground is concerned i.e.  the prayer for  amendment was a  belated one, we are of the view that even if it was belated,  then also, the question that needs to be decided is to see  whether  by allowing  the  amendment,  the  real  controversy  between the parties may be resolved. It is well settled that  under Order 6 Rule 17 of the Code of Civil Procedure, wide  powers and unfettered discretion have been conferred on the  court to allow amendment of the pleadings to a party in such  



a manner and on such terms as it appears to the court just  and proper. Even if, such an application for amendment of  the  plaint  was  filed  belatedly,  such  belated  amendment  cannot  be refused if  it  is  found that  for  deciding the real  controversy  between  the  parties,  it  can  be  allowed  on  payment  of  costs.  Therefore,  in  our  view,  mere  delay  and  laches in making the application for amendment cannot be a  ground to refuse the amendment.”

(ii) North Eastern Railway Administration, Gorakhpur v.  

Bhagwan Das (dead)  by LRS, (2008) 8 SCC 511,  at  


“16. Insofar as the principles which govern the question of  granting or disallowing amendments under Order 6 Rule 17  CPC (as it stood at the relevant time) are concerned, these  are  also  well  settled.  Order  6  Rule  17  CPC  postulates  amendment of pleadings at any stage of the proceedings. In  Pirgonda Hongonda Patil v.  Kalgonda Shidgonda Patil which  still holds the field, it was held that all amendments ought to  be  allowed  which  satisfy  the  two  conditions:  (a)  of  not  working  injustice  to  the  other  side,  and  (b)  of  being  necessary for the purpose of determining the real questions  in controversy between the parties. Amendments should be  refused only where the other party cannot be placed in the  same position as if the pleading had been originally correct,  but the amendment would cause him an injury which could  not be compensated in costs.”  

(iii) Usha Devi v. Rijwan Ahamd and Others, (2008) 3 SCC  

717, at para 13:  

“13. Mr Bharuka, on the other hand, invited our attention to  another decision of this Court in  Baldev Singh v.  Manohar  Singh. In para 17 of the decision, it was held and observed  as follows: (SCC pp. 504-05)

“17. Before we part with this order, we may also notice  that  proviso  to  Order  6  Rule  17  CPC  provides  that  amendment of pleadings shall not be allowed when the trial  of the suit has already commenced. For this reason, we have  



examined the records and find that, in fact, the trial has not  yet commenced. It appears from the records that the parties  have yet to file their documentary evidence in the suit. From  the record, it also appears that the suit was not on the verge  of conclusion as found by the High Court and the trial court.  That  apart,  commencement  of  trial  as  used  in  proviso  to  Order  6  Rule  17  in  the  Code  of  Civil  Procedure  must  be  understood in the limited sense as meaning the final hearing  of  the  suit,  examination  of  witnesses,  filing  of  documents  and addressing of arguments. As noted hereinbefore, parties  are yet to file their documents, we do not find any reason to  reject  the  application  for  amendment  of  the  written  statement in view of proviso to Order 6 Rule 17 CPC which  confers wide power and unfettered discretion on the court to  allow an amendment of the written statement at any stage of  the proceedings.”

(iv) Rajesh Kumar Aggarwal and Others v. K.K. Modi and  

Others, (2006) 4 SCC 385, at paras 15 & 16:  

“15. The object of the rule is that the courts should try the  merits  of  the  case  that  come  before  them  and  should,  consequently, allow all amendments that may be necessary  for determining the real question in controversy between the  parties provided it does not cause injustice or prejudice to  the other side.

16. Order 6 Rule 17 consists of two parts. Whereas the first  part is discretionary (may) and leaves it to the court to order  amendment of pleading. The second part is imperative (shall)  and enjoins the court  to allow all  amendments  which are  necessary for the purpose of determining the real question in  controversy between the parties.”

(v) Revajeetu  Builders  and  Developers  v.  

Narayanaswamy  and  Sons  and  Others,  (2009)  10  

SCC 84, at para 63:  

“63. On  critically  analysing  both  the  English  and  Indian  cases, some basic principles emerge which ought to be taken  



into consideration while allowing or rejecting the application  for amendment: (1) whether the amendment sought is imperative for proper  and effective adjudication of the case; (2)  whether the application for amendment is bona fide or  mala fide; (3) the amendment should not cause such prejudice to the  other  side  which  cannot  be  compensated  adequately  in  terms of money; (4)  refusing  amendment  would in fact  lead to  injustice  or  lead to multiple litigation; (5)  whether  the  proposed  amendment  constitutionally  or  fundamentally changes the nature and character of the case;  and (6) as a general rule, the court should decline amendments if  a  fresh  suit  on  the  amended  claims  would  be  barred  by  limitation on the date of application. These are some of the important factors which may be kept  in mind while dealing with application filed under Order 6  Rule 17. These are only illustrative and not exhaustive.”

The above  principles  make it  clear  that  Courts  have  ample  

power to allow the application for amendment of the plaint.  

However, it must be satisfied that the same is required in the  

interest of justice and for the purpose of determination of real  

question in controversy between the parties.  We have already  

pointed out the relief prayed for in the plaint.  According to the  

plaintiff-State  of  Madhya  Pradesh,  the  Notifications/Orders  

dated 02.11.2004 and 04.11.2004 have to  be  declared  null  

and void since the same are unconstitutional and in violation  

of  Article  14 of  the  Constitution of  India.   The other  relief,  



prayed for by the plaintiff, is to direct the Ist Defendant-Union  

of  India  to  dissolve  the  MPEB  in  consonance  with  the  

orders/directions  dated  12.04.2001,  04.12.2001  and  

23.05.2003 passed by the Union of India under Section 58(4)  

of MPR Act.  In addition, the plaintiff-State of M.P. has also  

prayed for to direct the Union of India by way of mandatory  

injunction to perform its constitutional and statutory duty to  

lay  down proper  criteria  for  apportionment  of  assets,  rights  

and liabilities in accordance with law and to ensure equitable,  

just, fair and reasonable apportionment of assets, rights and  

liabilities  amongst  the  successor  Boards  on  the  basis  of  

revenue  potential  so  as  to  avoid  undue  hardship  and  

disadvantage to any of the successor Boards.       

11)  Mr. C. S. Vaidyanathan, learned senior counsel for the  

plaintiff-State  of  M.P.,  by  drawing  our  attention  to  various  

averments in the plaint relating to the purported exercise of  

power  by the Central  Government  submitted that  the  same  

being  arbitrary,  unjust  and  unfair  had  resulted  in  serious  

anomalies in the apportionment of assets and liabilities by the  

impugned  Notifications/Orders  dated  02.11.2004  and  



04.11.2004.   He  also  pointed  out  that  the  impugned  

Notifications/Orders have resulted in an unequal division of  

generating  capacity,  created  a  huge  gap  in  demand  and  

supply, affecting the power supply and also the finances of the  

Board  of  the  plaintiff-State.   He  further  pointed  out  that  

Sections 58(3) and 58(4) of MPR Act provided unguided powers  

to the Central Government to determine the apportionment of  

assets, rights and liabilities between the successor States of  

M.P. and Chhattisgarh.  According to him, these provisions do  

not provide for the Central Government to record reasons in  

support of its decision.  In the absence of any guidelines, any  

decision  by  the  Central  Government  is  arbitrary,  unjust,  

unfair, unreasonable, unconstitutional and violative of Article  

14  of  the  Constitution  of  India,  in  particular.   In  those  

circumstances,  according  to  him,  the  amendment  of  plaint  

sought for is reasonable and acceptable.

12)   As  against  the  above  claim,  Mr  Rawal,  learned  ASG,  

appearing for the Union of India submitted that there is no  

merit in the claim for amendment of plaint. At any rate, the  

amendment sought for is not maintainable at this juncture.   



13)   Mr.  Ravi  Shankar  Prasad,  learned  senior  counsel  for  

second Defendant-State of Chhattisgarh strongly objected the  

proposed amendment both on the ground of delay and laches  

and on merits.  Mr. Prasad highlighted that verification of the  

Court proceedings would show that the pleadings in the suit  

are  complete,  evidence  by  way  of  affidavits  has  been  filed,  

issues for adjudication have been framed, admission/denial of  

documents filed in support of the pleadings have taken place  

and the suit is now to be finally heard by this Court.  He also  

contended  that  the  application  at  this  belated  stage  is  not  


14)  It is not in dispute that after complying all the formalities  

even as early as on 16.04.2007, this Court has framed issues  

and as rightly pointed out by Mr Prasad, the suit could have  

been disposed of by that time, however, the plaintiff has filed  

the present application for amendment of plaint at this belated  

stage.  It is true that there is no embargo in Order VI Rule 17  

of the Code and in Order XXVI Rule 8 of the Rules which alone  

govern the procedural aspects.  However, the fact remains that  

the plaintiff has not assigned any reason for not taking steps  



when the State had approached this Court under Article 131  

by way of a suit even in the year 2004 and waited till 2009.

15)   The  next  objection  of  the  learned  counsel  for  the  2nd  

Defendant is that in the light of the language used in Rule 8 of  

Order  XXVI  of  the  Rules,  the  present  application  for  

amendment  substantially  alters  the  nature  of  lis/claim  

originally  preferred  by  the  plaintiff-State  of  M.P.   We  have  

already adverted to the reliefs prayed for in the suit.  The main  

relief relates to scope and manner of exercise of power by the  

Central  Government  under  Sections  58(3)  and  58(4)  of  the  

MPR  Act  qua dissolution  of  the  erstwhile  MPEB  and  

apportionment of its assets, rights and liabilities between the  

successor Electricity  Boards of  the reorganized States.   The  

claim was that the purported exercise of power by the Central  

Government was arbitrary, unjust and unfair and had resulted  

in serious anomalies in apportionment of assets and liabilities  

between the two Boards by the impugned Notification/Orders  

dated 02.11.2004 and 04.11.2004.  What was challenged was  

the manner of exercise of power by the Central Government  

and not the statutory provisions in the form of Sections 58(3)  



and 58(4)  of  the MPR Act which vested such powers in the  

Central  Government.   As rightly  pointed out by the learned  

senior counsel for the defendants throughout the pendency of  

the  suit  since  01.12.2004,  no  issue  whatsoever  was  ever  

raised by the plaintiff as to the validity or constitutionality of  

these statutory provisions.   

16)  It is brought to our notice that MPEB being the successor  

Electricity Board for the reorganized State of M.P., a necessary  

party to the present lis, had filed a separate Writ Petition being  

No.  675  of  2004  before  this  Court  under  Article  32  of  the  

Constitution  of  India  where  identical  pleadings  and prayers  

were made.  There is no serious dispute as to the relief prayed  

in the said writ petition.  Though the MPEB approached this  

Court by way of a writ petition under Article 32, admittedly,  

the  vires of  those  sections  were  never  challenged.  

Subsequently,  the  said  writ  petition  being  No.  675 of  2004  

along with three other writ petitions were disposed of by this  

Court vide judgment dated 13.09.2006.  It is not clear and not  

explained to this Court why such recourse was not adopted  

when the MPEB itself had approached this Court by way of a  



writ  petition  to  challenge  the  vires of  those provisions  and,  

ultimately, this Court dismissed the said writ petition filed by  

the Board.  It is to be noted that this Court did not find any  

infirmity whatsoever in the manner of exercise of power by the  

Central  Government  under  Sections  58(3)  and  58(4)  of  the  

MPR Act while upholding the notifications dated 02.11.2004  

and 04.11.2004 as being constitutional and not suffering from  

any vice of arbitrariness as claimed by the plaintiff-State of  

M.P.  and  MPEB.   It  was  also  pointed  out  and  also  not  in  

dispute that in the said writ petition, the present plaintiff was  

also a party, even then the plea of constitutionality was not  


17)  By way of present amendment, the plaintiff-State of M.P.  

is  seeking  to  challenge  the  validity  of  the  Central  law in  a  

proceeding  (suit)  initiated  under  Article  131  of  the  

Constitution.   Normally,  for  questions  relating to  validity  of  

Central  or  other  laws,  the  appropriate  forum  is  the  

extraordinary writ  jurisdiction under Articles 32 and 226 of  

the Constitution of India in a writ petition and not an original  

suit filed under Article 131 which vests exclusive jurisdiction  



of this Court as regards the dispute enumerated therein.  It is  

relevant  to  point  out  that  Article  131A  of  the  Constitution  

inserted by (42nd Amendment) Act 1976, provides for exclusive  

jurisdiction  to  this  Court  in  regard  to  questions  as  to  

constitutionality  of  Central  laws.   The  said  Article  131A  

viewed as substantially curtailing the power of judicial review  

of the writ courts, that is, High Courts under Article 226 and  

this Court under Article 32 was omitted vide Constitution (43rd  

Amendment) Act, 1977.  It follows that when the Central laws  

can be challenged in the State High Courts as well and also  

before this Court under Article 32, normally, no recourse can  

be permitted to challenge the validity of a Central law under  

the exclusive original jurisdiction of this Court provided under  

Article 131.

18)  As regards the absence of guidelines in the provisions of  

Sections  58(3)  and  58(4)  of  MPR  Act,  on  behalf  of  the  

defendants it was pointed out that the manner of exercise of  

power by the Central Government has been laid down in the  

Sections  itself.   It  is  further  pointed  out  that  various  

correspondences  exchanged  between  the  plaintiff  and  the  



defendants placed on record would show that the plaintiff has  

never  acted  under  the  very  same  provisions,  instead  the  

plaintiff-State has constituted its own Electricity Board.  It is  

also pointed out that the Ist Defendant-Union of India, in its  

written statement highlighted that the Central Government did  

resolve the dispute by passing the impugned Notifications after  

considering the claims of the affected parties.   

19)  Finally, the original plaint proceeds that the exercise of  

power by the Central  Government by passing the impugned  

Notifications  dated  02.11.2004  and  04.11.2004  under  

Sections 58(3) and 58(4) of the MPR Act was arbitrary, unjust  

and  unfair  and  had  resulted  in  serious  anomalies  in  the  

apportionment  of  assets  and  liabilities.   In  our  view,  after  

praying for such relief, if the amendment as sought for by the  

plaintiff is allowed and the plaintiff is permitted to challenge  

the vires of the said provisions, then the very basis on which  

the plaintiff  is claiming its right to apportionment of assets,  

rights and liabilities of the undivided Board will cease to be in  

existence and the entire suit of the plaintiff will be rendered  

infructuous.  Moreover, it is settled principle of law that leave  



to amend will be refused if it introduces a totally different, new  

and inconsistent case or challenges the fundamental character  

of the suit.   

20)  In spite of the above conclusion, we feel that the plaintiff  

may be given an opportunity to put forth its stand that the  

Central  Government  issued  impugned  Notifications/Orders  

without  proper  guidelines  and  affording  opportunity  to  the  

parties concerned.  It is made clear that we have not either  

accepted or concluded the said claim of the plaintiff but in the  

interest of justice, plaintiff-State of M.P. is permitted to raise  

such  objections  at  the  time  of  trial  by  placing  acceptable  


21)  With the above observation, I.A. No. 4 of 2009 is disposed  

of with no order as to costs.  

.…....…………………………………J.     (P. SATHASIVAM)  

                         .…....…………………………………J.    (DR. B.S. CHAUHAN)