30 September 2011
Supreme Court


Case number: SLP(C) No.-028034-028034 / 2011
Diary number: 17119 / 2010






(Arising out of CC 9038/2010)

State of Haryana       …Petitioner  


Mukesh Kumar & Ors.     …Respondents


Dalveer Bhandari, J.

1. People  are  often  astonished  to  learn  that  a  

trespasser may take the title of a building or land from  

the true owner in certain conditions and such theft is  

even authorized by law.

2. The theory of adverse possession is also perceived  

by the general public as a dishonest way to obtain title  

to  property.   Property  right  advocates  argue  that  

mistakes  by  landowners  or  negligence  on  their  part  

should  never  transfer  their  property  rights  to  a


wrongdoer,  who never  paid valuable  consideration for  

such an interest.   

3. The government itself may acquire land by adverse  

possession.  Fairness dictates and commands that if the  

government  can  acquire  title  to  private  land  through  

adverse possession, it should be able to lose title under  

the same circumstances.  

4. We have  heard  the  learned counsel  for  the  State  of  

Haryana.   We  do  not  deem  it  appropriate  to  financially  

burden the  respondents by issuing notice  in  this  Special  

Leave  Petition.  A  very  vital  question  which  arises  for  

consideration in this petition is whether the State, which is  

in charge of  protection of  life,  liberty and property of  the  

people can be permitted to grab the land and property of its  

own  citizens  under  the  banner  of  the  plea  of  adverse  


5. Brief  facts,  relevant  to  dispose  of  this  Special  Leave  

Petition are recapitulated as under:

6. The State of Haryana had filed a Civil Suit through the  

Superintendent  of  Police,  Gurgaon,  seeking  a  relief  of  

declaration to the effect that it has acquired the rights of  



ownership  by  way  of  adverse  possession  over  land  

measuring 8 biswas comprising khewat no. 34, khata no.  

56, khasra no. 3673/452 situated in the revenue estate of  

Hidayatpur Chhavni, Haryana.

7. The other prayer in the  suit  was that  the  sale  deed  

dated  26th March,  1990,  mutation  no.  3690  dated  22nd  

November, 1990 as well as judgment and decree dated 19th  

May, 1992, passed in Civil Suit No. 368 dated 9 th March,  

1991 are liable to be set aside.  As a consequential relief, it  

was  also  prayed  that  the  defendants  be  perpetually  

restrained from interfering with the peaceful possession of  

the plaintiff (petitioner herein) over the suit land.  For the  

sake of convenience we are referring the petitioner as the  

plaintiff and the respondents as defendants.

8. In  the  written  statement,  the  defendants  raised  a  

number  of  preliminary  objections  pertaining  to  estoppel,  

cause of action and mis-joinder of necessary parties.  It was  

specifically  denied  that  the  plaintiff  ever  remained  in  

possession of the suit property for the last 55 years.  It was  

submitted that the disputed property was still lying vacant.  

However, the plaintiff recently occupied it by using force and  



thereafter have also raised a boundary wall of police line.  It  

was  denied  in  the  written  statement  that  the  plaintiff  

acquired right of  ownership by way of adverse possession  

qua  property  in  question.   The  defendants  prayed  for  

dismissal of suit and by way of a counter claim also prayed  

for a decree for possession qua suit property be passed.   

9. The Trial Court framed the following Issues in the suit.

1. Whether plaintiffs  have become owner of  disputed  property by way of adverse possession? OPP

2. Whether  sale  deed  26.3.1990  and  mutation  no.  3690 dated 22.11.90 are null and void as alleged?  OPP

3. Whether  judgment  and  decree  dated  19.05.92  passed in civil suit no. 368 dated 9.3.91 is liable to  be set aside alleged? OPP

4. Whether the suit of the plaintiff is not maintainable  in the present form? OPP

5. Whether the plaintiff has no locus-standi to file the  present suit? OPP

6. Whether the plaintiff has no cause of action to file  the present suit? OPP

7. Whether  the  suit  of  the  plaintiff  is  bad  for  mis- joinder of necessary parties? OPP

8. Whether defendants no. 1 to 4 are rightful owners of  disputed  property  on  the  basis  of  impugned  sale  deed dated 23.6.1990 registered on 3.7.1990? OPP



9. Whether  defendants  are  entitled  for  possession  of  disputed property? OPP

10. Relief.

10. Issue No. 1 which relates to adverse possession and  

issue  No.  4  pertaining  to  maintainability  were  decided  

together.   According  to  the  Trial  Court,  the  plaintiff  has  

failed to  prove  the  possession over  the  disputed property  

because the  plaintiff  could not  produce any documentary  

evidence to prove this.   On the contrary, revenue records  

placed on the file shows that the defendants are the owners  

in  possession  of  disputed  property.   The  Trial  Court  

observed that possession of State, as claimed in the plaint  

for a continuous period of 55 years, stood falsified by the  

documents issued by the officials of the State.  

11. The  Trial  Court  also  observed  that  despite  claiming  

adverse possession, there was no pleading qua denial of title  

of  the  defendants  by  the  plaintiff,  so  much  so  that  the  

specific day when the alleged possession of State allegedly  

became  adverse  against  the  defendants  has  not  been  

mentioned  in  order  to  establish  the  starting  point  of  

limitation could be ascertained.  



12. The Trial Court relied on the judgment of this Court in  

S.M.  Karim   v.   Mst.  Bibi  Sakina AIR  1964  SC  1254  

wherein  this Court  has  laid  down  that  the  adverse  

possession must be adequate in continuity, in publicity and  

extent  and a  plea is  required at  the  least  to  show when  

possession becomes adverse. The Court also held that long  

possession is not necessarily adverse possession.

13.  The Trial Court also relied on a decision of the High  

Court of Punjab and Haryana in the case of Bhim Singh &  

Ors.   v.   Zile Singh & Ors.,   AIR 2006 P and H 195,  

wherein it was stated that no declaration can be sought by a  

plaintiff  with  regard  to  the  ownership  on  the  basis  of  

adverse possession.  

14. The  Trial  Court  came  to  specific  conclusion  that  

despite the fact that the possession of the plaintiff over the  

disputed land is admitted on behalf of defendants, Issue No.  

1 stand decided against the plaintiff.  It was held that the  

suit of the plaintiff  claiming ownership by way of adverse  

possession is not maintainable.  Consequently, Issue No. 1  

was decided against the plaintiff and Trial No. 4 was decided  

in favour of the defendants.



15. The  Trial  Court  decided  Issue  Nos.  2,  3,  5  and  6  

together  and  came  to  the  definite  conclusion  that  the  

plaintiff failed to prove its possession over the property in  

question.  It was also held that the plaintiff had no  locus  

standi to challenge the validity of the impugned sale deed,  

mutation as well as the judgment and decree because the  

plaintiff  was  neither  the  owner  nor  in  possession  of  the  

property in dispute.  Consequently, the plaintiff had no right  

to say that the impugned sale deed dated 26th March, 1990  

was a sham transaction and the suit of mutation dated 22nd  

November, 1990 and, thereafter, the judgment and decree  

dated 19th May, 1992 passed in Civil Suit No. 386 dated 9th  

March, 1991 are liable to be set aside.   

16. The  Trial  Court  came  to  the  conclusion  that  the  

plaintiff  having  no  right  or  title  in  the  suit  property  has  

neither  locus standi nor cause of action to file the present  

suit.  Issue Nos. 2 and 3 were decided against the plaintiff,  

whereas, Issue Nos. 5 and 6 were decided in favour of the  


17. Regarding Issue Nos. 8 and 9, the Trial Court observed  

that once it is held that defendant Nos. 1 to 4 are owners of  



the disputed property, which is presently in possession of  

the plaintiff without any right, they (defendants) are entitled  

to  its  possession.   Hence,  Issue  Nos.  8  and  9  were  also  

decided in favour of the defendants.  

18. Issue No. 7 was not pressed and decided against the  


19. Regarding Issue No. 10 (relief) the Trial Court observed  

as under:

“As a sequel  to  the  findings of  this   court on the issues mentioned above, the   suit  of  the  plaintiff  stands  dismissed,   however,  counter  claim  filed  by  defendants  is  decreed  with  costs  to  the   effect that they are entitled to possession   of land measuring 8 biswas comprising of   khewat  no.  34  khata  no.  56  khasa  no.   3673/452  situated  in  revenue  estate  of   Hidayatpur Chhavni village now the part   of  known  as  Patel  Nagar,  Gurgaon.   Decree sheet be drawn accordingly.  File   be consigned to the record room after due   compliance.”

20. The plaintiff,  aggrieved by  the  judgment of  the  Trial  

Court filed an appeal (Civil Appeal No. 33) before the learned  

Additional  District  Judge,  Gurgaon.   Learned  Additional  

District  Judge  while  deciding  the  appeal,  relied  on  the  

judgment of the Punjab & Haryana High Court delivered in  



the case of  Food Corporation of India and Another  v.   

Dayal Singh 1991 PLJ 425, wherein it was observed that it  

does not behove the Government to take the plea of adverse  

possession against the citizens.     

21. Learned Additional District Judge also relied on other  

judgments of Punjab & Haryana High Court in the cases of  

Bhim Singh & Ors.  (supra) and  Kanak Ram & Ors.  v.  

Chanan Singh & Ors. (2007) 146 PLR 498 wherein  it was  

held  that  a  person  in  adverse  possession  of  immovable  

property  cannot  file  a  suit  for  declaration  claiming  

ownership and such a suit was not maintainable.   

22. Before  parting  with  the  judgment  the  learned  

Additional District Judge observed regarding conduct of the  

plaintiff that the present suit was filed by State of Haryana  

by the then Superintendent of Police, Gurgaon on 11th May,  

1996.   It  was  also  observed  by  the  learned  Additional  

District  Judge  that  the  Police  department  is  for  the  

protection of the people and property of the citizens and the  

police  department  had  unnecessarily  dragged  the  

defendants  in  unnecessary  litigation.   The  appeal  was  

dismissed with exemplary cost of Rs.25,000/-.



23. Unfortunately, despite serious strictures passed by the  

Court,  the  State  of  Haryana  did  not  learn  a  lesson  and  

preferred a Second Appeal (RSA No. 3909 of 2008) before  

the High Court of Punjab and Haryana, Chandigarh against  

the judgments and decrees of the two courts below.  

24. The  High  Court,  relying  on  the  earlier  judgments,  

observed that the welfare State which was responsible for  

the protection of life and property of its citizens, was in the  

present case, itself trying to grab the land/property of the  

defendants under the garb of plea of adverse possession and  

hence  the  action  of  the  plaintiff  is  deplorable  and  


25. Unfortunately,  the  State  of  Haryana,  is  still  not  

satisfied with the three strong judgments by three different  

forums given against the State and is still quite anxious and  

keen to grab the property of the defendants in a clandestine  

manner on the plea of adverse possession.  

26. In a democracy, governed by rule of law, the task of  

protecting life and property of the citizens is entrusted to  

the  police  department  of  the  government.   In the  instant  

case, the suit has been filed through the Superintendent of  



Police,  Gurgaon,  seeking  right  of  ownership  by  adverse  


27. The  revenue  records  of  the  State  revealed  that  the  

disputed property stood in the name of the defendants.  It is  

unfortunate  that  the  Superintendent  of  Police,  a  senior  

official of the Indian Police Service, made repeated attempts  

to  grab the  property  of  the  true owner by filing repeated  

appeals before different forums claiming right of ownership  

by way of adverse possession.  

28. The  citizens  may  lose  faith  in  the  entire  police  

administration of the country that those responsible for the  

safety and security of their life and property are on a spree  

of  grabing  the  properties  from  the  true  owners  in  a  

clandestine manner.  

29. A  very  informative  and  erudite  Article  was  

published in Neveda Law Journal Spring 2007 with the  

title  ‘Making Sense Out of  Nonsense:   A Response to  

Adverse  Possession  by  Governmental  Entities’.   The  

Article  was  written  by  Andrew  Dickal.  Historical  

background of adverse possession was discussed in that  




Historical background

30. The  concept  of  adverse  possession  was  born  in  

England around 1275 and was initially created to allow  

a person to  claim right  of  “seisin”  from his  ancestry.  

Many felt  that  the original  law that  relied on “seisin”  

was difficult to establish, and around 1623 a statue of  

limitations was put into place that allowed for a person  

in possession of property for twenty years or more to  

acquire  title  to  that  property.   This  early  English  

doctrine  was  designed  to  prevent  legal  disputes  over  

property rights that  were  time consuming and costly.  

The doctrine was also created to prevent the waste of  

land  by  forcing  owners  to  monitor  their  property  or  

suffer the consequence of losing title.   

31. The  concept  of  adverse  possession  was  

subsequently  adopted  in  the  United  States.   The  

doctrine  was  especially  important  in  early  American  

periods to cure the growing number of  title  disputes.  

The American version mirrored the English law, which  

is  illustrated  by  most  States  adopting  a  twenty-year  



statue of limitations for adverse possession claims.  As  

America  has  developed  to  the  present  date,  property  

rights  have  become  increasingly  more  important  and  

land has become limited.  As a result, the time period to  

acquire land by adverse possession has been reduced in  

some States to as  little as five years, while in others, it  

has remained as long as forty years.  The United States  

has also changed the traditional doctrine by preventing  

the use of adverse possession against property held by a  

governmental entity.

32. During the colonial period, prior to the enactment  

of the Bill of Rights, property was frequently taken by  

states from private land owners without compensation.  

Initially,  undeveloped  tracts  of  land  were  the  most  

common type of property acquired by the government,  

as they were sought for the installation of public road.  

Under the colonial system it was thought that benefits  

from the road would, in a newly opened country, always  

exceed the value of unimproved land.



33. The  doctrine  of  adverse  possession  arose  in  an  era  

where lands were vast particularly in the United States of  

America and documentation sparse in order to give quietus  

to the title of the possessor and prevent fanciful claims from  

erupting.  The concept of adverse possession exits to cure  

potential or actual defects in real estate titles by putting a  

statute  of  limitation  on possible  litigation over  ownership  

and possession.  A landowner could be secure in title to his  

land;  otherwise,  long-lost  heirs  of  any  former  owner,  

possessor  or  lien  holder  of  centuries  past  could  come  

forward  with  a  legal  claim  on  the  property.   Since  

independence of our country we have witnessed registered  

documents of title and more proper, if not perfect, entries of  

title  in  the  government  records.   The  situation  having  

changed, the statute calls for a change.

34. In Hemaji Waghaji Jat v. Bhikhabhai Khengarbhai  

Harijan  and  Others (2009)  16  SCC  517  (one  of  us  

Bhandari, J.),  this Court had an occasion to examine the  

English and American law on “adverse  possession”.   The  

relevant paras of that judgment (Paras 24 and 26 to 29) are  

reproduced as under:



“24. In  a  relatively  recent  case  in  P.T.  Munichikkanna Reddy v. Revamma (2007) 6 SCC  59, this Court again had an occasion to deal with  the  concept  of  adverse  possession  in  detail.  The  Court  also examined the  legal  position in various  countries  particularly  in  English  and  American  systems.  We  deem  it  appropriate  to  reproduce  relevant  passages  in  extenso.  The  Court  dealing  with adverse possession in paras 5 and 6 observed  as under: (SCC pp. 66-67)

“5. Adverse possession in one sense is based  on the theory or presumption that the owner  has  abandoned  the  property  to  the  adverse  possessor on the acquiescence of the owner to  the  hostile  acts  and claims of  the  person in  possession.  It follows that sound qualities of a   typical adverse possession lie in it being open,   continuous and hostile. (See  Downing v.  Bird  100  So  2d  57  (Fla  1958),  Arkansas  Commemorative  Commission v.  City  of  Little  Rock 227, Ark 1085 : 303 SW 2d 569  (1957);  Monnot v.  Murphy  207 NY 240 : 100  NE  742  (1913);  City  of  Rock  Springs v.  Sturm 39 Wyo 494 : 273 P 908 : 97 ALR 1  (1929).)

6.  Efficacy  of  adverse  possession  law  in  most  jurisdictions  depends  on  strong  limitation statutes by operation of which right  to access the  court  expires through efflux of  time. As against rights of the paper-owner, in  the  context  of  adverse  possession,  there  evolves a set of competing rights in favour of  the  adverse  possessor  who  has,  for  a  long  period of time, cared for the land, developed it,  as against the owner of the property who has  ignored  the  property.  Modern  statutes  of  limitation operate, as a rule, not only to cut off  one’s right to bring an action for the recovery  of  property  that  has  been  in  the  adverse  possession of another for a specified time, but  



also  to  vest  the  possessor  with  title.  The  intention of such statutes is not to punish one  who neglects  to  assert  rights,  but  to  protect  those who have maintained the possession of  property for the time specified by the statute  under  claim  of  right  or  colour  of  title.  (See  American Jurisprudence, Vol. 3, 2d, p. 81. It is   important  to  keep in  mind while  studying the   American  notion  of  adverse  possession,   especially in the backdrop of limitation statutes,   that the intention to dispossess cannot be given   a  complete  go-by.  Simple  application  of   limitation shall  not be enough by itself  for the   success of an adverse possession claim.”

35. A person pleading adverse possession  has no equities  

in his favour since he is trying to defeat the rights of the  

true owner. It is for him to clearly plead and establish all  

facts necessary to establish adverse possession. Though we  

got  this  law of  adverse  possession from the  British,  it  is  

important to note that these days English Courts are taking  

a very negative view towards the law of adverse possession.  

The English law was amended and changed substantially to  

reflect these changes, particularly in  light of the  view that  

property  is  a  human  right  adopted  by  the   European  

Commission.   This  Court  in  Revamma  (supra)  observed  

that  to  understand  the  true  nature  of  adverse  

possession, Fairweather v. St  Marylebone  Property  

Co [1962]  2  WLR  1020 : [1962]  2  All  ER  288 can  be  



considered  where  House  of  Lords  referring  

to Taylor v. Twinberrow [1930]  2  K.B.  16 termed adverse  

possession as a negative  and consequential  right  effected  

only  because somebody else's  positive  right  to access the  

court is barred by operation of law.  As against the rights of  

the paper-owner, in the context of adverse possession, there  

evolves a set of competing rights in favour of the adverse  

possessor who has, for a long period of time, cared for the  

land, developed it, as against the owner of the property who  

has ignored the property.

36. The right to property is now considered to be not only  

constitutional  or  statutory  right  but  also  a  human right.  

Human  rights  have  already  been  considered  in  realm  of  

individual rights such as right to health, right to livelihood,  

right to shelter and employment etc. But now human rights  

are gaining a multi faceted dimension.  Right to property is  

also  considered very  much a part  of  the  new dimension.  

Therefore, even claim of adverse possession has to be read  

in that context.

37. The changing attitude of the English Courts is quite  

visible from the judgment of  Beaulane Properties Ltd. v.  



Palmer (2005) 3 WLR 554.  The Court here tried to read the  

human rights position in the context of adverse possession.  

But what is commendable is that the dimension of human  

rights  have  widened so  much that  now property  dispute  

issues are also being raised within the contours of human  

rights.  With the expanding jurisprudence of the European  

Courts of Human Rights, the Court has taken an unkind  

view to the concept of adverse possession.

38. Paragraphs  from 26  to  29  of  Hemaji  Waghaji  Jat  

(supra) are set out as under:-

26. With the expanding jurisprudence of  the  European Court  of  Human Rights,  the  Court  has  taken  an  unkind  view  to  the  concept  of  adverse  possession  in  the  recent  judgment  of  JA  Pye  (Oxford)  Ltd. v.  United  Kingdom  (2005) 49 ERG  90 which concerned the loss of ownership of land by  virtue of adverse possession. In the said case, “the  applicant  company was  the  registered owner  of  a  plot of 23 hectares of agricultural land. The owners  of  a  property  adjacent  to  the  land,  Mr  and  Mrs  Graham (the Grahams) occupied the land under a  grazing  agreement.  After  a  brief  exchange  of  documents in December 1983 a chartered surveyor  acting  for  the  applicants  wrote  to  the  Grahams  noting  that  the  grazing  agreement  was  about  to  expire and requiring them to vacate the land.” The  Grahams  continued  to  use  the  whole  of  the  disputed land for farming without the permission of  the  applicants  from September 1998 till  1999.  In  1997, Mr Graham moved the Local  Land Registry  against  the  applicant  on the  ground that  he  had  obtained title by adverse possession. The Grahams  



challenged  the  applicant  company’s  claims  under  the  Limitation  Act,  1980  (the  1980  Act)  which  provides that  a  person cannot  bring an action to  recover any land after the expiration of 12 years of  adverse possession by another.

27. The judgment was pronounced in JA Pye  (Oxford) Ltd. v. Graham (2000) 3 WLR 242 : 2000  Ch 676. The Court held in favour of the Grahams  but went on to observe the irony in law of adverse  possession. The court observed that the law which  provides to oust an owner on the basis of inaction of  12 years is “illogical and disproportionate”. The effect  of such law would “seem draconian to the owner”  and  “a  windfall  for  the  squatter”.  The  court  expressed  its  astonishment  on  the  prevalent  law  that ousting an owner for not taking action within  limitation  is  illogical.  The  applicant  company  aggrieved by the said judgment filed an appeal and  the  Court  of  Appeal  reversed  the  High  Court  decision. The Grahams then appealed to the House  of Lords, which, allowed their appeal and restored  the order of the High Court.

28. The  House  of  Lords  in  JA Pye (Oxford)  Ltd. v.  Graham (2003) 1 AC 419 : (2002) 3 WLR  221 : (2002) 3 All ER 865 (HL), observed that the  Grahams had possession of the land in the ordinary  sense  of  the  word,  and,  therefore,  the  applicant  company  had  been  dispossessed  of  it  within  the  meaning of the Limitation Act of 1980.

29. We  deem  it  proper  to  reproduce  the  relevant  portion  of  the  judgment  in  P.T.  Munichikkanna Reddy v. Revamma (2007) 6 SCC  59: (SCC p. 79, paras 51-52)

“51.  Thereafter  the  applicants  moved  the  European  Commission  of  Human  Rights  (ECHR) alleging that the United Kingdom law  on adverse possession, by which they lost land  



to a neighbour, operated in violation of Article  1  of  Protocol  1  to  the  Convention  for  the  Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental  Freedoms (‘the Convention’).

52. It was contended by the applicants that  they  had been deprived of  their  land by  the  operation  of  the  domestic  law  on  adverse  possession  which  is  in  contravention  with  Article 1 of Protocol 1 to the Convention for the  Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental  Freedoms  (‘the  Convention’),  which  reads  as  under:

‘Every natural or legal person is entitled  to  the  peaceful  enjoyment  of  his  possession. No one shall be deprived of his  possession  except  in  the  public  interest  and subject to the conditions provided for  by  law  and  by  the  general  principles  of  international law.

The  preceding  provisions  shall  not,  however, in any way impair the right of a  State  to  enforce  such  laws  as  it  deems  necessary to control the use of property in  accordance with the general interest or to  secure  the  payment  of  taxes  or  other  contributions or penalties.’ ”

This Court in Revamma case  also mentioned  that  the European Council  of  Human Rights  importantly  laid  down  three-pronged  test  to  judge the interference of the Government with  the right of “peaceful enjoyment of property”:  (SCC p. 79, para 53)

“53. ... [In] Beyeler v. Italy [GC] No. 33202  of 1996  §§ 108-14 ECHR 2000-I, it was held  that the ‘interference’ should comply with the  principle of lawfulness and pursue a legitimate  aim  (public  interest)  by  means  reasonably  proportionate to the aim sought to be realised.”



The  Court  observed:(Revamma  case 79-80,  paras 54-56)

“54.  ...  ‘The question nevertheless remains  whether, even having regard to the lack of care  and inadvertence on the part of the applicants  and their advisers, the deprivation of their title  to  the  registered  land  and  the  transfer  of  beneficial ownership to those in unauthorized  possession  struck  a  fair  balance  with  any  legitimate public interest served.

In  these  circumstances,  the  Court  concludes  that  the  application  of  the  provisions  of  the  1925  and  1980  Acts  to  deprive the applicant companies of their title to  the  registered  land  imposed  on  them  an  individual and excessive burden and upset the  fair  balance  between  the  demands  of  the  public  interest  on  the  one  hand  and  the  applicants’ right to the peaceful enjoyment of  their possessions on the other.

There  has  therefore  been  a  violation  of  Article 1 of Protocol 1.’

55. The question of the application of Article  41  was  referred  for  the  Grand  Chamber  Hearing of the ECHR. This case sets the field  of adverse possession and its interface with the  right  to  peaceful  enjoyment  in  all  its  complexity.

56. Therefore it will have to be kept in mind  the  courts  around  the  world  are  taking  an  unkind  view  towards  statutes  of  limitation  overriding property rights.”

39. In  Hemaji  Waghaji  Jat case,  this  Court  ultimately  

observed as under:



“32. Before parting with this case, we deem it  appropriate  to  observe  that  the  law  of  adverse  possession which ousts an owner on the basis of  inaction within limitation is irrational, illogical and  wholly  disproportionate.  The  law  as  it  exists  is  extremely harsh for the true owner and a windfall  for  a  dishonest  person  who  had  illegally  taken  possession of the property of the true owner. The  law  ought  not  to  benefit  a  person  who  in  a  clandestine  manner  takes  possession  of  the  property of the owner in contravention of law. This  in substance would mean that the law gives seal of  approval to the illegal action or activities of a rank  trespasser or who had wrongfully taken possession  of the property of the true owner.

33. We  fail  to  comprehend  why  the  law  should  place  premium  on  dishonesty  by  legitimising  possession  of  a  rank  trespasser  and  compelling the owner to lose his possession only  because  of  his  inaction  in  taking  back  the  possession within limitation.”

Fifth  Amendment  of  the  U.S.  Constitution  –  a  principle of a civilized society

40. Another important development in the protection of  

property  rights  was  the  Fifth  Amendment.   James  

Madison was the drafter and key supporter for the Fifth  

Amendment.  The Fifth Amendment states:  “nor shall  

private property be taken for public use, without just  

compensation”.  The  main  issue  is  to  pay  just  

compensation  for  acquiring  the  property.  There  are  

primarily two situations when a landowner may obtain  

compensation  for  land  officially  transferred  to  or  



depreciated by the government.   First, an owner may be  

entitled  to  compensation  when  a  governmental  entity  

intentionally acquires private property through a formal  

condemnation  proceeding  and  without  the  owner’s  

consent.  The  State’s  power  to  take  property  is  

considered inherent through its eminent domain powers  

as a sovereign.  Through the condemnation proceedings,  

the  government  obtains  the  necessary  interest  in  the  

land,  and  the  Fifth  Amendment  requires  that  the  

property owner be compensated for this loss.

41. The  second  situation  requiring  compensation  

under Fifth Amendment occurs when the government  

has not  officially  acquired private  property  through a  

formal  condemnation  proceeding,  but  “nonetheless  

takes property by physically invading or appropriating  

it”.   Under  this  scenario,  the  property  owner,  at  the  

point in which a “taking” has occurred, has the option  

of filing a claim against the government actor to recover  

just compensation for the loss.  When the landowner  

sues the government seeking compensation for a taking,  



it  is  considered  an inverse  condemnation proceeding,  

because  the  landowner  and  not  the  government  is  

bringing the cause of action.

42. We inherited this law of adverse possession from the  

British.  The Parliament may consider abolishing the law of  

adverse  possession  or  at  least  amending  and  making  

substantial  changes  in  law  in  the  larger  public  interest.  

The Government instrumentalities – including the police –  

in  the  instant  case  have  attempted  to  possess  land  

adversely. This, in our opinion, a testament to the absurdity  

of  the  law  and  a  black  mark  upon  the  justice  system’s  

legitimacy.  The Government should protect the property of  

a citizen – not steal it.  And yet, as the law currently stands,  

they may do just that. If this law is to be retained, according  

to the wisdom of the Parliament, then at least the law must  

require  those  who  adversely  possess  land to  compensate  

title owners according to the prevalent market rate of the  

land or property in question.  This alternative would provide  

some semblance of justice to those who have done nothing  

other than sitting on their rights for the statutory period,  

while allowing the adverse possessor to remain on property.  



While  it  may  be  indefensible  to  require  all  adverse  

possessors – some of whom may be poor – to pay market  

rates  for  the  land  they  possess,  perhaps  some  lesser  

amount  would  be  realistic  in  most  of  the  cases.   The  

Parliament may either fix a set range of rates or to leave it  

to the judiciary with the option of choosing from within a  

set range of rates so as to tailor the compensation to the  

equities of a given case.

43. The  Parliament  must  seriously  consider  at  least  to  

abolish  “bad  faith”  adverse  possession,  i.e.,  adverse  

possession  achieved  through  intentional  trespassing.  

Actually  believing  it  to  be  their  own  could  receive  title  

through  adverse  possession  sends  a  wrong  signal  to  the  

society  at  large.   Such a change would ensure that  only  

those who had established attachments to the land through  

honest means would be entitled to legal relief.    

44. In case,  the  Parliament decides to  retain the  law of  

adverse  possession,  the  Parliament  might  simply  require  

adverse  possession  claimants  to  possess  the  property  in  

question for a period of 30 to 50 years, rather than a mere  

12.   Such  an  extension  would  help  to  ensure  that  



successful claimants have lived on the land for generations,  

and are therefore less likely to be individually culpable for  

the  trespass  (although  their  forebears  might).  A  longer  

statutory  period  would  also  decrease  the  frequency  of  

adverse  possession  suits  and  ensure  that  only  those  

claimants most intimately connected with the land acquire  

it, while only the most passive and unprotective owners lose  


45.  Reverting  to  the  facts  of  this  case,  if  the  Police  

department  of  the  State  with  all  its  might  is  bent  upon  

taking possession of any land or building in a clandestine  

manner, then, perhaps no one would be able to effectively  

prevent them.   

46. It is our bounden duty and obligation to ascertain the  

intention of the Parliament while interpreting the law.  Law  

and  Justice,  more  often  than  not,  happily  coincide  only  

rarely we find serious conflict. The archaic law of adverse  

possession  is  one  such.   A  serious  re-look  is  absolutely  

imperative in the larger interest of the people.

47. Adverse  possession  allows  a  trespasser  –  a  person  

guilty of a tort, or even a crime, in the eyes of law - to gain  



legal title to land which he has illegally possessed for 12  

years. How 12 years of illegality can suddenly be converted  

to  legal  title  is,  logically  and  morally  speaking,  baffling.  

This outmoded law essentially asks the judiciary to place its  

stamp of approval upon conduct that the ordinary Indian  

citizen would find reprehensible.

48. The  doctrine  of  adverse  possession  has  troubled  a  

great many legal minds.  We are clearly of the opinion that  

time has come for change.

49. If  the  protectors  of  law become the  grabbers  of  the  

property (land and building), then, people will be left with  

no protection and there would be a total  anarchy in the  

entire country.   

50. It is indeed a very disturbing and dangerous trend.  In  

our  considered view,  it  must  be  arrested without  further  

loss of time in the larger public interest.  No Government  

Department, Public Undertaking, and much less the Police  

Department should be permitted to perfect the title of the  

land  or  building  by  invoking  the  provisions  of  adverse  

possession and grab the property of its own citizens in the  

manner that has been done in this case.   



51. In our considered view, there is an urgent need for a  

fresh  look  of  the  entire  law  on  adverse  possession.   We  

recommend the Union of India to immediately consider and  

seriously  deliberate  either  abolition  of  the  law  of  adverse  

possession  and  in  the  alternate  to  make  suitable  

amendments in the law of adverse possession. A copy of this  

judgment  be  sent  to  the  Secretary,  Ministry  of  Law  and  

Justice, Department of Legal Affairs, Government of India for  

taking appropriate steps in accordance with law.

52. This Special Leave Petition is dismissed with costs of  

Rs.50,000/- (Rupees Fifty Thousand only) to be paid by the  

State  of  Haryana  for  filing  a  totally  frivolous  petition  and  

unnecessarily  wasting  the  time  of  the  Court  and  

demonstrating its  evil  design of grabbing the properties of  

lawful  owners  in  a  clandestine  manner.   The  costs  be  

deposited within four weeks from the date of pronouncement  

of this judgment.  In this petition, we did not issue notice to  

the  defendants,  therefore,  we  direct  that  the  costs  be  

deposited  with  the  National  Legal  Services  Authority  for  

utilizing the same to enable the poor litigants to contest their  




53. This Special Leave Petition being devoid of any merit is  

accordingly dismissed.

.….………………………..J.                                                (Dalveer Bhandari)

….………………………..J.                                               (Deepak Verma)

New Delhi: September 30,  2011