17 January 2012
Supreme Court


Case number: C.A. No.-000599-000599 / 2012
Diary number: 19679 / 2008



CIVIL APPEAL NO_599_ OF 2012 (Arising out of SLP (C) No.17130/2008)

   State of Gujarat & others ...Appellant(s)

- Versus -

   Essar Oil Limited and another    ...Respondent(s)



1.Leave granted.

2.This appeal is directed against the judgment of the  

High Court of Gujarat dated 22.04.2008 in Special  

Civil  Application  No.24233/2007,  whereby  the  

Respondent  No.  1  herein,  Essar  Oil  Limited  

(hereinafter “Essar”) was given the benefit of Sales  

Tax  incentive  under  the  Government  of  Gujarat  1


“Capital Investment Incentive to Premier/Prestigious  

Unit  Scheme,  1995-2000”  (hereinafter  “the  said  


3.The  State  Government  in  the  Industries  and  Mines  

Department  vide  Resolution  dated  11.09.1995  

introduced the said scheme to accelerate development  

of  the  backward  area  of  the  State  and  to  create  

large-scale employment opportunities.  


4.The  operative  period  of  the  said  scheme  was  from  

16.08.1995 upto 15.08.2000, during which new units  

have to go into commercial production.  

5.The Scheme envisaged grant of Sales Tax incentives  

by way of Sales Tax Exemption or Sales Tax Deferment  

or Composite Schemes, for Premier/Prestigious Units  

according to the location, investment and status of  

the project. Essar fell in the category of premier  

unit i.e. new industrial unit having a project cost  2


of  more  than  Rs.1,000/-  crores  and  employing  100  

workers  on  a  regular  basis  and  following  the  

employment  policy  of  the  State  Government.  Clause  

(v)  of  the  Scheme  defined  premier  unit  in  the  

following terms:-


A  new  industrial  unit  or  industrial  complex  fulfilling  the  following  criteria  will  be  considered for granting status of a “Premier  Unit”.

(a) The industrial unit shall have a project  cost  of  Rs.500  crores  or  more.  Such  units  having  project cost  of  Rs.1,000  crores  and  above shall be entitled for extended period to  avail incentive as provided under para 6 B.

(b) Only one unit per taluka will be eligible  for the Premier Unit status. In banned area no  unit is permitted.

(c) The unit shall employ at least 100 workers  on  a  regular  basis  and  shall  follow  the  employment policy of the State Government.”

6.Part II of the said Scheme provided that the rate of  

incentive would depend on the location, investment  

and status of the project. The incentives offered  



were sales-tax exemption or sales-tax deferment or  

composite scheme. There is no dispute about the fact  

that Essar opted for sales-tax deferment scheme. As  

per clause 6(i)(B), the rate of incentive applicable  

to  Essar  was  the  rate  available  for  the  most  

backward area. The extent of exemption was 125% of  

eligible fixed capital investment.

7.Part  II  Clause  (iii)  (b)  provided  that  Under  the  

Sales Tax Deferment incentive scheme, the recovery  

of sales tax connected by the unit on sale of goods  

manufactured by it including intermediate products,  

by products and scrap/waste generated as incidental  

to  manufacturing  activities  and  turnover  tax,  

leviable to  Government will be deferred and amount  

so deferred will be recovered in six equal annual  

installments by Sales Tax Department beginning from  

the financial year subsequent to the year in which  

the unit exhausts limit of incentive granted to it  

under  the  scheme  or  after  the  expiry  of  relevant  

period  or  time  limit  during  which  deferment  is  

available or whichever is earlier. 4


8.Since Essar's investment was going to be more than  

Rs.1,000 crores, the duration of incentive of sales-

tax deferment was to be for a period of 17 years  

from the date of commercial production.  

9.Clause  6(v)  of  the  said  Scheme  provided  for  

effective  steps  for  extending  date  of  commercial  

production in the following terms :

“6(v)  Effective  steps  for  extending  date  of  commercial production :

The  unit  which  cannot  go  into  commercial  production before expiry of the scheme will be  allowed to go into commercial production beyond  the last date of the scheme provided it has  taken the following effective steps:

(1) The industrial unit should have obtained  provisional  registration  as  a  Prestigious/Premier  unit  before  15th August  2000.

(2)  25%  of  project  cost  should  have  been  incurred  before  15th August  2000.  The  unit  which has taken above effective steps will be  allowed  to  go  into  commercial  production  as  shown below:



(a) The unit with project cost above Rs.100  crores but below Rs.300 crores should go into  commercial production on or before 15th August  2002.

(b) The unit with project cost more than Rs.300  crores should go into commercial production on  or before 15th February 2003.

Such units shall have to apply to industries  Commissioner for extending date of commercial  production by 31st August 2000.”

10.A  High  Power  State  Level  Committee  (hereinafter  

“HPSLC”) was the Sanctioning Authority for granting  

permanent  registration  of  all  the  

Prestigious/Premier Units  

11.Part III provides the procedure for Registration for  

Premier/Prestigious Status, the relevant clause of  

the said Part in respect of instant case is set out  


“An  Industrial  unit  eligible  for  Prestigious/Premier  status  under  the  scheme  will  apply  to  Industries  Commissioner  in  prescribed  form  before  expiry  of  the  scheme  along  with  details  of  following  effective  steps.

i) Possession of plot or shed in GIDC Estate.  For units located outside GIDC Estate, the  



unit must be in legal possession of land  with valid non-agricultural use permission  of industrial use or as per Revenue Act as  modified from time to time.

ii) The Letter of intent/Letter of Approval or  Registration/  obtained  receipt  against  filling  of  IEM  to  the  appropriate  authority.

iii)NOC  of  GPCB  (Gujarat  Pollution  Control  Board)

iv) Detailed Project Report.

The  following  procedure  will  be  adopted  for  granting  the  temporary  and  permanent  Prestigious/Premier registration.

(a) The  Industries  Commissioner  shall  give  provisional  registration  to  the  eligible  prestigious/premier unit after approval of  committee where applicable.

(b) The  eligible  unit  after  completion  of  project  will  apply  to  Industries  Commissioner  for  permanent  prestigious/premier  registration,  Industries Commissioner will carryout the  assets  verification  and  submit  a  verification  report  to  the  High  Power  State  Level  Committee,  for  granting  permanent registration.”  

12.Some  relevant  facts  which  arose  prior  to  the  

floating of the Scheme and which are necessary for  

appreciating the said Scheme, as contended by Essar  

and which the records also shows, are as under.



13.Essar was encouraged by the State Government to set  

up a major venture at Vadinar in Jamnagar District  

of  Gujarat  as  a  100%  export  oriented  unit  for  

refining of petroleum products with a capacity of 9  

Million Tons per annum at an estimated project cost  

of Rs. 1900 crores in collaboration with M/s Bechtel  

Inc., USA.  

14.By  letter  dated  11th April,  1990,  the  then  Chief  

Minister  of  the  State  of  Gujarat  wrote  to  the  

Ministry of Planning, Government of India, stating  

that the project was expected to generate foreign  

exchange earnings of over Rs.3000 crores within a  

period of 5 years and that it was expected to be set  

up in 36 months. It was anticipated by the State  

Government that the project would "completely change  

the face of the Vadinar area, which is traditionally  

a  backward  area  of  Gujarat  offering  direct  and  

indirect  employment  and  will  encourage  growth  of  

various other ancillary industries in that region".  

The  letter  further  said  that  the  project  had  the  



full support of the Government of Gujarat and it was  

being  accorded  highest  priority  and  that  Essar’s  

proposal for setting up the oil refinery should be  

cleared  by  the  Government  of  India  urgently.  The  

clearance for setting up the oil refinery was then  

granted by the Government of India.

15.In  January,  1993,  Essar  applied  to  the  Gujarat  

Pollution Control Board (GPCB) for grant of a ‘No  

Objection Certificate’ to establish the refinery for  

manufacturing several kinds of petroleum products.  

By letter dated 15th February, 1993, the GPCB stated  

that  it  had  no  objection  from  the  Environmental  

Pollution potential point of view in the setting up  

of  the  refinery  project  subject  to  certain  

environmental pollution control measures to be taken  

by  the  appellant.  Essar’s  proposal  regarding  the  

environmental pollution control system was approved  

by the GPCB on 17th April, 1993 and a Site Clearance  

Certificate was issued on that date.



16. On 10.11.1994, Essar filed an application for right  

of way over 15.49 hectares of forest land for laying  

Submarine Crude Oil Pipeline, Cooling Water/Return  

Water Pipeline and Product Jetty for establishment  

of  its  Refinery  Project  at  Vadinar,  District  

Jamnagar,  to  the  Conservator  of  Forests,  Marine  

National  Park,  Jamnagar.   Undisputedly,  15.49  

hectares of forest land applied for includes 8.79  

hectares  of  Jamnagar  Marine  National  Park  and  

Sanctuary. Therefore, permission under Section 2 of  

the Forest Conservation Act (“FCA”) was required for  

the  entire  15.49  hectares.  At  the  same  time,  

permission  of  State  Government  was  required  under  

the  Wildlife  Protection  Act  (“WPA”)  for  8.79  


17.On 13.02.1995, the State Government requested the  

Chief  Conservator  of  Forests,  Regional  Office,  

Western Region, Bhopal, to move the Government of  

India  to  issue  suitable  orders  to  allow  Essar  to  

make  geophysical  survey  in  Marine  National  



Park/Sanctuary area. The proposal was forwarded by  

the  Chief  Conservator  of  Forests,  Bhopal  to  the  

Government of India on 15.05.1995.  

18.The Conservator of Forests recommended and forwarded  

the proposal of Essar for Right of Way to the Chief  

Conservator of Forests (WL) by letter dated 2nd June,  

1995  along  with  an  application  in  the  prescribed  

form  seeking  prior  approval  from  the  Central  

Government under Section 2 of FCA. The application  

with its enclosures together with the recommendation  

of  the  State  Government  that  15.49  hectares  of  

forest land be made available to the appellant, was  

forwarded to the Central Government by the Central  

Chief Conservator of Forests on 3rd February, 1997.  

Upon  receipt  of  the  proposal  of  the  State  

Government,  the  Central  Government  constituted  a  

team for joint inspection of the area. The report of  

the  joint  inspection  team  was  that  the  proposed  

activity  of  the  appellant  would  not  have  much  

ramification from the forestry point of view and the  



damage  would  only  be  temporary  in  nature  in  a  

localized area during the construction phase.

19.On 08.09.1995, the State Government in its Forests  

and Environment Department informed the Government  

of India in the Ministry of Environment and Forests,  

inter  alia,  that  the  approval  “in  principle” was  

granted to Essar to install Single Buoy Mooring /  

Crude Oil Terminal / Jetty and connecting pipeline  

in the National Marine Park and Sanctuary area in  

Vadinar,  District  Jamnagar  on  the  terms  and  

conditions to be decided in due course by the State  


20.On  11.09.1995  the  said  Scheme  was  announced  and  

thereafter on 01.02.1996 Essar applied in the new  

format to the Industries Commissioner, Gandhinagar  

for  registering  the  Industrial  Undertaking  as  a  

“Premier/Prestigious Unit” under the said Scheme.

21.On 29.05.1996 the Forest and Environment Department,  

State of Gujarat made a proposal to Government of  12


India seeking approval under Section 2 of FCA for  

diversion  of  15.49  hectares  of  forest  land  for  

construction and operation of certain offshore and  

onshore facilities for a grass root refinery project  

of Essar.  

22.On the basis of the letter-dated 30.09.1997 of the  

Principal  Chief  Conservator  of  Forests,  the  State  

Government  conveyed  on  16.10.1997  its  permission  

under section 29 of WPA to Essar’s proposal of right  

to  way  through  the  National  Park  and  Sanctuary  

subject to Essar’s compliance with certain terms and  

conditions  including  obtaining  permission  of  the  

Central Government under the FCA, 1980 (which was  

granted  on  08.12.1999,  mentioned  later)  and  also  

getting clearance under the Coastal Regulation Zone  

(CRZ) Regulations, which was granted on 03.11.2000.

23.This  permission  was  conveyed  to  Essar  by  the  

Conservator of Forests under cover of his letter-

dated  18.10.1997.  The  permission  was,  however,  

restricted  to  the  Kandla  Port  Trust  area.  Kandla  



Port Trust granted permission to Essar to install  

“marine facilities” on 10.10.1997.

24.On 27.11.1997 the Ministry of Environment & Forest,  

Government of India granted “in-principle” approval  

to  Essar  under  FCA,  1980  for  diverting  15.49  

hectares of forest land for non-forest purpose.

25.On  25.06.1999  Essar  was  issued  the  provisional  

Premier Registration Certificate by the Industries  

Commissioner. The provisional certificate was valid  

upto 15.08.2000 i.e. the last date of Scheme, within  

this  time  period  Essar  was  obliged  to  start  

commercial  production,  failing  which  Essar  would  

have to apply for extension of date of commercial  


26.In the meantime in view of the permissions granted  

to  install  “marine  facilities”,  Essar  started  

construction work of laying of water in-take jetty  

and  product  jetty  in  the  forest  area  of  Marine  



National  Park  and  Marine  Sanctuary.  Essar’s  

grievances  are  that  despite  the  aforesaid  

permissions  being  given  to  them  for  construction,  

the  State  Forest  Department  forced  Essar  to  stop  

work  and  further  lodged  on  19.3.1999  a  criminal  

complaint  against  Essar  and  its  contractor,  for  

offence committed under sections 17(A), 29, 35(6),  

51(1) and 58 of the WPA and section 26 of the Indian  

Forests Act.

27.In April 1999, a writ petition being Special Civil  

Application  No.2840/1999  in  the  nature  of  Public  

Interest Litigation was filed before the High Court  

of Gujarat by one Halar Utkarsh Samiti (hereinafter  

“Samiti”)  alleging  serious  violations  of  several  

environmental legislations on the part of Essar, who  

was impleaded as Respondent No.4 in the petition.

28.By interim order-dated 20.04.1999 passed in that PIL  

High  Court  directed  Essar  not  to  carry  on  any  

construction  activity  in  the  Marine  National  

Sanctuary and Marine National Park in violation of  



the  statutory  provisions  including  the  provisions  

contained in Wild life (Protection) Act, 1972.

29.By order-dated 20.08.1999 the High Court disposed of  

the said PIL in which Essar undertook to file an  

Undertaking to the effect that they would not carry  

out  any  construction  activities  at  the  site  in  

question,  without  obtaining  the  approval  from  the  

authorities.  Pursuant  to  the  said  order,  on  

28.09.1999  Essar  filed  an  undertaking  to  the  

following effect:

“…no  construction  activities  or  marine  facilities will be undertaken without obtaining  the  approval  from  the  authorities  including  those  which  are  under  process  before  the  authorities.

This undertaking is given without prejudice to  the rights and contentions of the Respondent  No.4.

This undertaking will come to an end as and  when  the  permission  is  granted  by  the  authorities.”

30.In the meantime on 09.09.1999, a charge sheet was  

filed  against  the  officers  of  Essar  and  its  



contractor in respect of earlier mentioned offences  

allegedly committed by them under the WPA and FCA.

31.On  08.12.1999  the  Ministry  of  Environment  and  

Forest, Government of India granted approval under  

section 2 of the FCA for the total land of 15.49  

hectares of forest land.

32.In April 2000, said Samiti filed another PIL being  

Special Civil Application No.1778, and subsequently  

two other PILs were also filed by one Jan Sangarsh  

Manch  and  one  Shri  Alpesh  Y.  Kogje,  being  Civil  

Application Nos.5476 and 5928 of 2000, (hereinafter  

“second  PILs”)  in  the  High  Court  of  Gujarat  

challenging, inter alia, the permission granted by  

the State Government to one Bharat Oman Refineries  

Ltd. (‘BORL’) to lay pipeline in the Marine National  

Park  and  Sanctuary  Area.  It  is  pertinent  to  note  

here that Essar was not a party to these petitions.

33.On 29.04.2000 the Government of Gujarat discontinued  

the  said  Scheme  with  effect  from  01.01.2000.  17


However, vide the same Government Resolution dated  

29.04.2000,  it  was  specifically  mentioned  that  

industry units in pipelines cases which have been  

registered should start production within two years  

from January 1, 2000 failing which such units shall  

be  rendered  ineligible  for  sales  tax  incentive.  

Therefore, the time to start commercial production  

was thus extended to 01.01.2002. It is common ground  

that Essar, being a registered unit, was entitled to  

the benefit of the said extension.

34.Before the High Court, when proceedings in respect  

of the second PILs were going on, the counsel of  

Government of Gujarat placed a copy of the letter-

dated 25.07.2000. Relying on the letter, the High  

Court  noted  that  there  were  two  more  pending  

proposals  for  laying  pipeline  in  the  Marine  

Park/Sanctuary Area with the State Government – one  

from Essar and the other from one Gujarat Poshitra  

Port Ltd.  



35.Before  the  High  Court,  the  State  Government  

submitted that the proposal from Essar for laying  

down pipelines in Marine National Park and Marine  

Sanctuary,  Vadinar  in  Jamnagar  District  has  been  

only  approved  ‘in  principle’  vide  letter-dated  

08.09.1995. However, formal sanction under section  

29 of the WPA, 1972 is yet to be given by the State  


36.By judgment and order dated 13.07.2000, 18.07.2000,  

20.07.2000,  27.07.2000  and  03.08.2000  the  High  

Court, in the second PILs, restrained the Government  

of Gujarat from granting any more authorization and  

permission for laying down any pipeline in any part  

of the sanctuary or the national park. As a result  

of this order, Essar was not given permission to lay  

down pipelines by the State Government.

37.Being aggrieved, inter alia, on the ground that it  

was not a party to the second PILs, Essar filed a  

review/recall  application  before  the  High  Court  



being MCA No.250 of 2011 in SCA No.1778 of 2000,  

inter  alia,  seeking  review  and  recall  of  the  

judgment  and  order  dated  13.07.2000,  18.07.2000,  

20.07.2000, 27.07.2000 and 03.08.2000 passed in the  

second  PILs  by  the  High  Court  and  a  further  

declaration to the effect that Essar’s project at  

Vadinar was not affected in any manner by the said  


38.By  judgment  and  order  dated  23.02.2001  the  High  

Court rejected the said application for review on  

the  ground  that  there  was  a  factual  controversy  

between  Essar  and  the  State  Government  and  that  

therefore  the  grievance  of  Essar  was  beyond  the  

scope of review.

39.Meanwhile, on 12.04.2001 the Government of Gujarat  

extended  the  time  for  going  into  commercial  

production  upto  15.08.2003  for  various  pipeline  

units  including  Essar,  vide  Government  Resolution  

dated 12.04.2001. By that time Essar had obtained  

Provisional  Premier  Unit  Registration  before  20


15.08.2000 and had also incurred 25% of the Project  

Cost  before  15.08.2000  and  therefore,  it  was  

entitled to the benefit of this extension.

40.Essar challenged the aforesaid judgment and order  

dated  13.07.2000,  18.07.2000,  20.07.2000,  

27.07.2000,  03.08.2000  and  23.02.2001  of  the  High  

Court delivered in the second PILs and the rejection  

of  its  review  petition  in  that  second  PILs  

respectively by way of filing Special Level Petition  

being (SLP) CC No.3654 of 2001 [later SLP No.9454-

9455 of 2001] before this Hon’ble Court.  

41.By interim order-dated 11.05.2001 this Court granted  

stay of the judgment of the High Court in so far as  

Essar was concerned in SLP No.9454-9455 of 2001 i.e.  

SLP filed by Essar. The text of the order of this  

Court is set out:

“Permission to file Special Leave Petition is  granted. Issue notice. Stay of the High Court judgment in so far as  the petitioner is concerned.



Counter affidavit be filed within four weeks.  Rejoinder  be  filed  within  four  weeks  thereafter. List after eight weeks.”

42.In view of the above stay order granted by this  

Court,  Essar  moved  the  State  Government  for  

permitting it to proceed with the construction of  

jetty  and  laying  the  pipeline.  By  letter  dated  

29.10.2001, the State Government in the Forests and  

Environment Department specifically called Essar to  

ensure  that  no  construction  activities  were  

commenced before obtaining all necessary clearances  

from different Government departments, agencies and  

the  conditions  stipulated  by  the  Ministry  of  

Environment and Forests, Government of India as well  

as  the  Forests  and  Environment  Department  of  the  

State  Government  were  strictly  complied  with.  

However, Essar did not commence the construction of  

jetty or laying down the pipeline in the National  

Marine Park/Sanctuary area. One thing which is of  

some  importance  is  that  despite  the  stay  of  this  

Court  and  the  Government  letter  dated  29.10.2001,  

Essar did not challenge the Government stand in the  22


pending special leave petition filed by it in this  


43. It is also pertinent to note that the Government of  

Gujarat had also challenged the judgment and order  

dated 13.07.2000, 18.07.2000, 20.07.2000, 27.07.2000  

and  03.08.2000  of  the  High  Court  passed  in  the  

second PILs by way of filing Special Leave Petition  

being  (SLP)  CC  No.5123-5125  of  2001  (later  SLP  

No.17694-96 of 2001) before this Court, wherein by  

interim order dated 24.09.2001 this Court passed the  

following operative order:

“Issue notice.

Tag with SLP(C) 9454-9455/2001.

There will be status quo as of today with the  result  that  any  permission  which  has  been  granted is not stayed. It will be open to the  State Government to consider the granting of  further permission which will be subject to the  outcome of this appeal.”

44.Essar just requested by its letter dated 11.04.2002  

the Industries Commissioner to extend the date of  



commercial  production  to  30.11.2004  instead  of  

15.08.2003 for the purpose of availing the incentive  

benefit under the Scheme and cited that the delay in  

completing  the  project  and  consequent  delay  in  

starting  commercial  production  was  due  to  the  

factors  beyond  the  control  of  Essar. Further  by  

letter-dated 07.05.2002 Essar in continuation of the  

letter-dated  11.04.2002  requested  the  Industries  

Commissioner  to  extend  the  date  of  commercial  

production to August 2006.

45.The  Industries  Commissioner  refused  to  grant  any  

further  extension  of  time  vide  its  letter-dated  

28.05.2002 and also made it clear to Essar to go  

into commercial production within the specified time  

i.e. till 15.08.2003.  Essar, therefore, submitted a  

representation  dated  19.06.2002  to  the  Chief  

Minister  pointing  out  the  circumstances  which  had  

delayed  the  completion  of  the  project.  Similar  

representations  were  thereafter  made  to  different  

authorities of the State Government on 27.06.2002,  

14.03.2003,  30.07.2003,  02.12.2003  and  26.12.2003.  24


It appears that the said representations were not  

responded to.  

46.By an order-dated 19.01.2004, this Court quashed and  

set  aside  the  judgment  dated  03.08.2000  of  High  

Court and directed the State Government to issue the  

authorization to Essar in the requisite format under  

Sections 29 and 35 of the Wild Life (Protection) Act  

within  a  fortnight  after  disapproving  the  

interpretation  placed  by  the  High  Court  on  the  

provisions of the Wild Life (Protection) Act, 1972.  

This Court took the view that the permission granted  

by  the  State  Government  on  16.10.1997  was  the  

permission contemplated by Section 29 of the Wild  

Life (Protection) Act.  

47. In compliance with the above judgment, by letter  

dated  12.02.2004,  the  State  Government  authorized  

the  Chief  Wild  Life  Warden,  Gujarat  State  under  

Sections 29 and 35 (6) of the Wild Life (Protection)  

Act to permit Essar for laying oil pipeline in the  



National Marine Park/Sanctuary area. The Chief Wild  

Life Warden also issued the requisite permission on  


48. In the meantime, the accused i.e. officials and  

contractors of Essar involved in the Criminal Case  

of 1999 moved an application for discharge before  

the Metropolitan Magistrate at Khambalia. By order-

dated  27.05.2004  the  Magistrate  allowed  the  said  

application and discharged the accused persons from  

all the charges levelled against them.

49.In view of the above permission granted by the Chief  

Wild Life Warden under Sections 29 and 35 of the  

Wild  Life  (Protection)  Act,  Essar  again  sent  

representations  dated  06.04.2004,  12.07.2004,  

27.07.2004  and  22.12.2004  to  the  Government  

requesting extension of time limit for commencement  

of commercial production for the purpose of sales  

tax deferment incentive scheme. In view of the above  

representations,  the  State  Government  in  the  

Industries  and  Mines  Department  vide  Resolution  



dated 10.05.2006 constituted a Committee comprising  

of  the  Advisor  to  the  Chief  Minister,  the  then  

Additional Chief Secretary, Finance Department and  

the then Principal Secretary, Industries and Mines  

department.  The  Committee  was  constituted  to  

consider various such representations of Essar and  

other Companies.  

50.On 26.11.2006 Essar commenced commercial production  

and started paying sales tax on the products sold by  

it, under protest.

51.As  nothing  was  heard  from  the  said  Committee  

constituted in the year 2006 and the representations  

made  by  Essar  in  respect  of  granting  Sales  Tax  

Deferment were undecided, Essar filed a writ petition  

being Special Civil Application No. 24233/2007 before  

the High Court contending that for no fault of it,  

Essar was prevented from completing the project and  

that it was on account of being so prevented, Essar  



could not commence the commercial production within  

the time limit of 15.08.2003.

52.It is pertinent to note at this stage that before  

the High Court, Essar had expressly withdrawn the  

allegation  that  Department  of  Forest  and  

Conservation,  Government  of  Gujarat  was  guilty  of  

delay. This is noted in para 6.2 of the High Court  

judgment which is set out below:

“6.2  While in the memo of the petition some  allegations/submissions  have  been  made  attributing  the  delay  to  the  Forests  and  Conservation  Department  of  State  Government,  but the petitioner Company is not interested in  pursuing those allegations and in fact would  like  to  withdraw  those  allegations  and  the  petitioner would like to invoke the following  maxims of equity:-

(i) “An act of the Court shall prejudice no  man”, and

(ii) “The law does not compel a man to do that  which he cannot possibly perform.”

53. Before the High Court Essar contended that reason  

for delay in commencement of commercial production  

was on account of the injunction granted by the High  

Court  on  13.07.2000/03.08.2000,  restraining  the  28


State from granting further permission under Section  

29 of the WPA in the second PILs (where Essar was  

not  a  party).  And  this  situation  continued  till  

27.02.2004,  when  pursuant  to  the  judgment-dated  

19.01.2004 of this Court the Chief Warden granted  

the said permission. Therefore Essar was entitled to  

get benefit of the exclusion of the said intervening  

period of from 13.07.2000 to 27.02.2004 i.e. three  

years and 230 days in calculating the time limit for  

commencement of commercial production.  

54. By  impugned  order-dated  22.04.2008  the  High  Court  

excluded  the  aforesaid  intervening  period  and  as  

such  extended  the  time  limit  for  commencement  of  

commercial production from 15.08.2003 to 02.04.2007  

after observing in the impugned judgment as under:  

“17. …In the facts of the present case also,  the State Government had granted the permission  on 16.10.1997 and the Central Government had  granted the permission on 08.12.1999. The very  fact that the Chief Wild Life Warden issued the  permission on 27.02.2004 after the decision of  the  Apex  Court  on  19.01.2004  is  itself  sufficient to show that the request made by the  



petitioner for excluding the intervening period  between  13th July/3rd August,  2000  and  27.02.2004 is reasonable.”

55.It is also pertinent to note herein that in the  

impugned order, a direction was given to the State  

Government  that  while  considering  Essar’s  

application for the incentives, the State Government  

shall stipulate the following conditions, provided  

the final eligibility certificate is issued within  

one month from the date of receipt of the judgment:-

“22. …

(i)  The  petitioner  shall  not  be  given  the  benefit of deferment of Sales-tax/Value Added  Tax beyond 14th August, 2020.

(ii) The  amount  of  Sales-tax/VAT  already  paid/payable by the petitioner for the period  upto  today  shall  not  be  refunded  to  the  petitioner.

(The  above  amount  is  stated  by  the  petitioner company to be above Rs.300 crores)

(iii) Without  adjusting  the  Sales-tax/VAT  paid for the period upto today as aforesaid,  the  amount  otherwise  computable  under  the  Incentive Scheme on the basis of the eligible  capital investment made by the petitioner in  



the unit under consideration shall be reduced  by Rs.700 crores.“

56. The above direction is based on the submissions of  

the  counsel  of  both  the  parties,  which  were  made  

without  prejudice  to  their  respective  cases.  The  

counsel of Essar submitted a proposal that Essar was  

ready to make the above mentioned concessions no.  

(i)  &  (ii)  if  the  State  Government  does  not  

challenge the decision of the High Court and within  

one month from that day the State Government grants  

Essar the benefit of the Sales Tax/VAT deferment as  

per  the  said  scheme.  In  response  to  the  said  

proposal  the  learned  counsel  for  the  State  

Government  replied  that  assuming  that  Essar  was  

found  to  be  eligible  under  the  said  Scheme,  the  

amount otherwise  computable  under  the  Incentive  

Scheme  on  the  basis  of  the  eligible  capital  

investment  made  by  Essar  in  the  unit  under  

consideration shall be reduced by Rs.700 crores.

57.The  learned  counsel  for  the  respondents  made  an  

attempt to urge that the judgment of the High Court  31


was virtually rendered by way of a concession and  

the impugned judgment is a consent order.  As such  

the appeal, at the instance of the State, is not  

maintainable. Learned counsel for the State strongly  

opposed this contention and submitted that the same  

contention was raised at the time of admission of  

the special leave petition. Then, further affidavit  

was filed by the State with the leave of the Court.  

The Court was satisfied and then issued notice.

58.  Ultimately, the matter was argued on merits before  

this  Court  and  it  was  common  ground  that  the  

impugned judgment is not by consent.  

59.The impugned judgment of the High Court is based on  

two basic line of reasoning that the respondents are  

entitled to the benefit of Sales Tax Waiver Scheme  

firstly  on  the  principle  of  restitution  and  

secondly,  that  the  respondents  cannot  be  made  to  

lose the benefit under the Sales Tax Waiver Scheme,  

for an act of Court. In this regard it has been  

urged  that  the  respondents  could  not  set  up  the  



plant  for  the  purpose  of  commercial  production  

within 15th August, 2003 as it was prevented from  

doing  so  by  an  order  of  injunction  of  the  High  

Court. An order of injunction is an act of Court and  

an act of High Court cannot prejudice anyone.  The  

loss of time suffered by the respondent as a result  

of the injunction order cannot cause any prejudice  

to the respondent.

60.Examining the aforesaid two contentions, this Court  

finds that there is an overlapping area between the  

two. The concept of restitution is basically founded  

on  the  idea  that  when  a  decree  is  reversed,  law  

imposes an obligation on the party who received an  

unjust benefit of the erroneous decree to restitute  

the other party for what the other party has lost  

during  the  period  the  erroneous  decree  was  in  

operation.   Therefore,  the  Court  while  granting  

restitution is required to restore the parties as  

far as possible to their same position as they were  

in  at  the  time  when  the  Court  by  its  erroneous  

action displaced them.  In the case of Lal Bhagwant  



Singh v. Sri Kishen Das reported in AIR 1953 SC 136,  Justice Mahajan speaking for a unanimous three-Judge  

Bench  of  this  Court  explained  the  doctrine  of  

restitution in the following words:-

“…the  principles  of  the  doctrine  of  restitution which is that on the reversal of  a judgment the law raises an obligation on  the party to the record who received the  benefit of the erroneous judgment to make  restitution to the other party for what he  had lost and that it is the duty of the  Court to enforce that obligation unless it  is shown that restitution would be clearly  contrary to the real justice of the case…”

61.Subsequently,  in  Binayak  Swain v.  Ramesh  Chandra  Panigrahi and another (AIR 1966 SC 948) this Court  relied on the principles in  Bhagwant Singh (supra)  and  explained  the  concept  of  restitution  as  


“…The  principle  of  the  doctrine  of  restitution is that on the reversal of a  decree, the law imposes an obligation on the  party to the suit who received the benefit  of the erroneous decree to make restitution  to the other party for what he has lost.”  

62.The concept of restitution is virtually a common law  

principle  and  it  is  a  remedy  against  unjust  



enrichment  or  unjust  benefit.   The  core  of  the  

concept lies in the conscience of the Court which  

prevents  a  party  from  retaining  money  or  some  

benefit derived from another which he has received  

by way of an erroneous decree of Court. Such remedy  

in English Law is generally different from a remedy  

in  contract  or  in  tort  and  falls  within  a  third  

category of common law remedy which is called quasi  

contract or restitution.   

63.If we analyze the concept of restitution one thing  

emerges  clearly  that  the  obligation  to  restitute  

lies  on  the  person  or  the  authority  that  has  

received  unjust  enrichment  or  unjust  benefit  (See  

Halsbury’s Laws of England, Fourth Edition, Volume  

9, page 434).

64.If we look at Restatement of the Law of Restitution  

by  American  Law  Institute  (1937  American  Law  

Institute Publishers, St. Paul) we get that a person  

is  enriched  if  he  has  received  a  benefit  and  

similarly  a  person  is  unjustly  enriched  if  the  35


retention of the benefit would be unjust. Now the  

question  is  what  constitutes  a  benefit.  A  person  

confers  benefit  upon  another  if  he  gives  to  the  

other possession of or some other interest in money,  

land, chattels, or performs services beneficial to  

or at the request of the other, satisfies a debt or  

a duty of the other or in a way adds to the other’s  

security or advantage. He confers a benefit not only  

where he adds to the property of another but also  

where he saves the other from expense or loss. Thus  

the  word  “benefit”  therefore  denotes  any  form  of  

advantage (page 12 of the Restatement of the Law of  

Restitution by American Law Institute).

65.Ordinarily in cases of restitution if there is a  

benefit  to  one,  there  is  a  corresponding  loss  to  

other  and  in  such  cases;  the  benefiting  party  is  

also under a duty to give to the losing party, the  

amount by which he has been enriched.  

66.We find that a person who has conferred a benefit  

upon another in compliance with a judgment or whose  



property has been taken thereunder, is entitled to  

restitution  if  the  judgment  is  reversed  or  set-

aside, unless restitution would be inequitable (page  

302 of the Restatement of the Law of Restitution by  

American Law Institute).

67.Equity  demands  that  if  one  party  has  not  been  

unjustly enriched, no order of recovery can be made  

against that party. Other situation would be when a  

party  acquires  benefits  lawfully,  which  are  not  

conferred by the party claiming restitution, Court  

cannot order restitution.

68. From the facts of the case which has been discussed  

above  it  is  debatable  whether  the  respondent’s  

inability to avail benefit under the said Scheme is  

because of its own act or because of the act of the  

appellant.  There  is  a  reasonable  basis  in  the  

argument  of  the  appellant  that  after  this  Court  

granted the stay order on 11.5.2001 on the special  

leave  petition  filed  by  Essar,  the  respondents  

should  have  made  an  effort  of  obtaining  the  



necessary  licence  by  again  coming  to  the  Court.  

Admittedly  Essar  did  not  do  it.  Essar  merely  

represented  to  the  State  for  grant  of  licence.  

Assuming that the State had not responded favourably  

to  the  representation  of  Essar  by  giving  the  

clearance,  it  was  open  to  Essar  to  approach  this  

Court for some order as its special leave petition  

was pending before this Court.  Essar did not do it.  

Therefore, the question remains whether Essar acted  

with due diligence in obtaining the equitable remedy  

of restitution. It is well known that due diligence  

must be exhibited by the party to seek equity.  

69.Now, if we take the case of Essar on a higher plain  

that it has done its duty even then it has been  

denied of the benefit of the said scheme, even then  

there is no question of restitution by the State for  

the  simple  reason  that  it  is  nobody’s  case  that  

State has received any unjust benefit or any unjust  

enrichment in view of stay order given by the High  

Court in the second PILs filed in the High Court. On  

the contrary, it is clear from the record that the  



State  contested  those  proceedings  and  specially,  

challenging  the  orders  of  the  Gujarat  High  Court  

dated 13.07.2000, 18.07.2000, 20.07.2000, 27.07.2000  

and  03.08.2000  on  the  second  PILs,  the  State  has  

filed its SLP. Therefore, the State has not at all  

gained or received any benefit as a result of the  

orders passed by the High Court on the second PILs.  

Therefore,  the  principle  of  restitution  cannot  be  

applied against the State, the appellant before us.  

The judgment of the High Court to that extent is  


70.The second principle that an act of court cannot  

prejudice anyone, based on latin maxim “actus curiae  

neminem gravabit” is also encompassed partly within  

the  doctrine  of  restitution.  This  actus  curiae  

principle is founded upon justice and good sense and  

is a guide for the administration of law.

71.The  aforesaid  principle  of  “actus  curiae”  was  

applied in the case of A.R. Antulay v. R.S. Nayak &  another reported  in  (1988)  2  SCC  602,  wherein  



Sabyasachi Mukharji, J (as his lordship then was)  

giving  the  majority  judgment  for  the  Constitution  

Bench  of  this  Court,  explained  its  concept  and  

application in para 83, page 672 of the report. His  

lordship quoted the observation of  Lord Cairns in  

Rodger v.  Comptoir D'escompte De Paris, [(1869-71)  LR 3 PC 465  at page 475) which is set out below:

“Now, their Lordships are of opinion, that  one of the first and highest duties of all  Courts is to take care that the act of the  Court does no injury to any of the Suitors,  and  when  the  expression  'the  act  of  the  Court' is used, it does not mean merely the  act  of  the  Primary  Court,  or  of  any  intermediate Court of appeal, but the act of  the Court as a whole, from the lowest Court  which  entertains  jurisdiction  over  the  matter up to the highest Court which finally  disposes of the case. It is the duty of the  aggregate of those Tribunals, if I may use  the expression, to take care that no act of  the Court in the course of the whole of the  proceedings does an injury to the suitors in  the Court.”

72.In  the  Antulay  case (supra),  it  was  found  that  directions  of  this  Court  in  its  order-dated  

16.02.1984 in the previous Antulay Case {R.S. Nayak  v.  A.R. Antuley, (1984) 2 SCC 183} was given per  incuriam  and  without  noticing  the  provisions  of  



section 6 and 7 of the Criminal Law Amendment Act,  

1952 and also the binding nature of the Larger Bench  

decision in  The State of West Bengal v.  Anwar Ali  Sarkar & another (AIR 1952 SC 75).  

73.It was made clear in the Antulay Case [(1988) 2 SCC  602]  that  when  Court  passes  an  order,  which  is  

rendered  per  incuriam,  and  the  party  suffered  

because  of  the  mistake  of  the  Court,  it  is  the  

Court’s duty to rectify the said mistake. It is in  

that context that the concept of actus curiae can be  

invoked. In the instant case the order passed by the  

High Court in the second PILs was overturned by this  

Court by its order-dated 19.01.2004 on a different  

interpretation of section 29 of the WPA.

74.This Court while giving a different interpretation  

of  section  29  of  WPA  never  held  that  High  Court  

acted  per  incuriam  in  rendering  its  judgment  on  

second  PIL  filed  by  the  Samiti.  Therefore  in  the  

case of a mere erroneous judgment of a Court the  

principle of “actus curiae” cannot be invoked.



75.The  learned  counsel  for  Essar  in  support  of  the  

applicability of Doctrine of Restitution has cited  

the case of  South Eastern Coalfields Ltd. v.  State  of  M.P.  &  others reported  in  (2003)  8  SCC  648  wherein this Court through R.C. Lahoti, J (as his  

Lordship then was) in para 27 had observed that:

“Section 144 C.P.C. is not the fountain source  of  restitution,  it  is  rather  a  statutory  recognition of a pre-existing rule of justice,  equity and fair play. That is why it is often  held that even away from Section 144 the Court  has inherent jurisdiction to order restitution  so  as  to  do  complete  justice  between  the  parties.”

76.His Lordship at para 28 observed as under:

“That no one shall suffer by an act of the  court is not a rule confined to an erroneous  act  of  the  court;  the  'act  of  the  court'  embraces within its sweep all such acts as to  which  the  court  may  form  an  opinion  in  any  legal proceedings that the court would not have  so acted had it been correctly apprised of the  facts  and  the  law.  The  factor  attracting  applicability of restitution is not the act of  the Court being wrongful or a mistake or error  committed by the Court; the test is whether on  account of an act of the party persuading the  Court to pass an order held at the end as not  sustainable, has resulted in one party gaining  



an advantage which it would not have otherwise  earned,  or  the  other  party  has  suffered  an  impoverishment which it would not have suffered  but for the order of the Court and the act of  such  party.  The  quantum  of  restitution,  depending on the facts and circumstances of a  given  case,  may  take  into  consideration  not  only what the party excluded would have made  but also what the party under obligation has or  might reasonably have made.”

77.As  discussed  earlier  a  mere  mistake  or  error  

committed  by  Court  cannot  be  a  ground  for  

restitution. Now in view of the above, two questions  

arise for consideration:  

(i)  Whether  the  orders  dated  13.07.2000,  

18.07.2000, 20.07.2000, 27.07.2000 and 03.08.2000  

of  the  High  Court  whereby  the  appellant  was  

restrained from giving any further permission for  

laying  pipelines  has  resulted  in  any  undue  

advantage to appellant?  

(ii)Whether  in  respect  of  the  order  dated  

13.07.2000, 18.07.2000, 20.07.2000, 27.07.2000 and  

03.08.2000 of the High Court, later on reversed by  

this  Court  on  19.01.2004  on  a  different  



interpretation  of  Section  29  of  WPA,  the  actus  

curiae principle can be invoked.

78.Coming to the first question, as mentioned above, it  

is clear that the appellant had also challenged this  

restraining order before this Court. It cannot be  

said  by  this  restraining  order  the  appellant  had  

gained any undue advantage. On the contrary, twin  

objects  of  development  of  the  backward  areas  and  

employment  opportunities,  which  were  sought  to  be  

achieved  by  the  appellant  by  floating  the  said  

scheme, were adversely affected.

79.Therefore the principles in  South Eastern Coalfield  Ltd. (supra) are not attracted here.  

80.In Mumbai International Airport Pvt. Ltd v. Golden  Chariot Airport & another, (2010) 10 SCC 422, after  a  Civil  Court  returned  the  plaint  filed  by  

respondent, the respondent came up in appeal against  

the said order before the High Court and expressly  

gave up its claim of irrevocable license in order to  



revive the suit and on such stand, the High Court  

remanded  the  suit  for  trial.  Thereafter  the  

respondent therein tried to urge the same plea of  

irrevocable license before the Trial Court and this  

Court. This Court did not accept the plea holding  

that  the  common  law  doctrine  of  approbation  and  

reprobation is well established in our jurisprudence  

and applicable in our laws too. That principle has  

no application to the facts of this case.  

81.The principles decided in the case of Karnataka Rare  Earth  &  Anr.  v.  Senior  Geologist,  Department  of  Mines & Geology and Anr  .  , reported in (2004) 2 SCC  783 is equally of no assistance to Essar. In that  

case  both  the  doctrines  of  “actus  curiae”  and  

“restitution”  were  discussed  together.  We  have  

already held that these equitable doctrines are not  

applicable  in  the  facts  of  the  present  case.  In  

Karnataka Rare Earth (supra), the appellants, on the  basis  of  an  interim  order  granted  by  this  Court,  

extracted  minerals  and  disposed  of  the  same.  

Ultimately  the  interim  order  was  vacated  by  this  



Court and the appeal filed by Karnataka Rare Earth  

was dismissed. In that context this Court held that  

the appellants cannot enjoy the benefits earned by  

them under the interim order of this Court and this  

Court  held  that  the  demand  of  the  State  for  the  

price of mines and minerals from the appellant is  

neither unreasonable nor arbitrary.

82.Reliance was placed on the judgment of this Court in  

Bareilly Development Authority v. Methodist Church  of India & Anr., reported in (1988) Supp SCC 174. In  that case no principle was decided but the case was  

decided  on  its  facts.  In  Bareilly  Development  Authority (supra), a commercial complex was to be  constructed within a time schedule. During the said  

period of construction, the work had to be stopped  

in  view  of  the  demolition  order  passed  by  the  

authority. This Court held that the said period has  

to  be  excluded  in  computing  the  period  of  

completion.  It  was  not  a  case  of  construing  any  

exemption scheme. What was construed was condition 6  

of  the  construction  sanction  plan.  Therefore  



principles of Bareilly Development Authority (supra)  cannot be applied.

83.In the case of Hitech Electrothermics & Hydro Power  Ltd. v. State of Kerala & Ors., reported in (2003) 2  SCC 716 it is true that this case is one relating to  

grant of concessional tariff rate. However the fact  

shows  that  in  that  case  the  Electricity  Board  

provided  power  to  the  appellant  only  in  the  year  

1998 and the Court found that the delay in giving  

power  was  for  sheer  inaction  on  the  part  of  

Electricity Board. In that context this Court held  

that  literal  construction  to  the  entitlement  of  

concessional tariff rate should not be done and the  

Court  also  noted  that  the  appellant  enjoyed  

concessional tariff rates on the basis of interim  

order of Court.  

84.In  the  instant  case,  no  inaction  on  the  part  of  

appellant was pleaded by Essar. In fact before the  

High  Court,  Essar  expressly  gave  up  its  plea  of  

delay against the appellant. In fact the High Court  



passed  the  injunction  order  not  because  of  the  

inaction  of  the  appellant  but  the  said  order  was  

passed  in  a  proceedings  which  was  opposed  by  

appellant right upto this Court. Therefore, the case  

of  Hitech  Electrothermics (supra)  is  clearly  distinguishable on facts.

85.The learned counsel for Essar relied on a decision  

of  this  Court  in  Ishwar Dutt v.  Land Acquisition  Collector & another reported in (2005) 7 SCC 190.  But no question of issue estoppel was argued before  

the  High  Court  and  no  such  question  actually  has  

fallen for consideration in the course of argument  

before  this  Court.  Therefore  reliance  on  the  

principle of issue estoppel on the basis of Ishawar  Dutt (supra) is not relevant at all.

86.In this case we are to interpret the provisions of  

exemption scheme.  

87.In  Novopan  India  Ltd.  Hyderabad v.  Collector  of  Central Exercise and Customs, Hyderabad [(1994) Supp  



3  SCC  606]  the  question  for  consideration  before  

this  Court  was  that,  in  case  of  ambiguity,  which  

rule of construction will be applicable to exemption  

provision. This Court relied on the case of Union of  India & others v. Wood Papers Ltd & another reported  in (1990) 4 SCC 256, wherein at para 4, page 260  

this Court observed as under:

“…Truly  speaking  liberal  and  strict  construction of an exemption provision are  to  be  invoked  at  different  stages  of  interpreting  it.  When  the  question  is  whether a subject falls in the notification  or in the exemption clause then it being in  nature  of  exception  is  to  be  construed  strictly  and  against  the  subject  but  once  ambiguity  or  doubt  about  applicability  is  lifted  and  the  subject  falls  in  the  notification then full play should be given  to it and it calls for a wider and liberal  construction.”

88.This Court held that the principle that in case of  

ambiguity, a taxing statute should be construed in  

favour  of  the  assessee,  does  not  apply  to  the  

construction  of  an  exception  or  an  exempting  

provision,  as  the  same  have  to  be  construed  

strictly. Further this Court also held that a person  



invoking an exception or an exemption provision to  

relieve  him  of  the  tax  liability  must  establish  

clearly that he is covered by the said provision and  

in case of doubt or ambiguity, benefit of it must go  

to the State.

89.In this case, Essar was categorically told by letter  

dated 28.05.2002, which is much prior to the expiry  

of the period, that time for availing the exemption  

cannot be extended. Admittedly, Essar failed to meet  

the deadline. In that factual scenario, the exercise  

undertaken  by  the  High  Court  in  the  impugned  

judgment  by  directing  various  adjustments  which  

virtually re-wrote the State’s exemption scheme, is  

an exercise which is, with great respect, neither  

warranted in law nor supported by precedents. There  

is no question of equity here, an exemption is a  

stand  alone  process.  Either  an  industry  claiming  

exemption comes within it or it does not.  

90.For the reasons aforesaid we allow the appeal. The  

High Court judgment is set aside.



91.The parties are left to bear their own costs.  

.......................J. (ASOK KUMAR GANGULY)

.......................J. New Delhi (JAGDISH SINGH KHEHAR) January 17, 2012