06 May 2016
Supreme Court


Case number: C.A. No.-004083-004084 / 2016
Diary number: 7898 / 2014


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CIVIL APPEAL NOS.4083-4084 OF 2016 [Arising out of S.L.P.(C)Nos.12915-12916 of 2014]

Satyendra Kumar & Ors. …..Appellants   


Raj Nath Dubey & Ors. …..Respondents



1. The  appellants  were  successful  before  all  the  Consolidation  

Authorities,  the  Consolidation  Officer,  Settlement  Officer  

Consolidation  and  Deputy  Director  of  Consolidation  whose  orders  

passed in title proceedings, under U.P. Consolidation of Holdings Act,  

1953 (hereinafter referred to as “the Act”) were challenged by the non-

official respondents/writ petitioners by preferring Writ B No. 46506 of  

2013 and the  same has  been  allowed  by  the  judgment  and  order  

under appeal dated 8.11.2013 passed by a learned Single Judge of the  

High Court of Judicature at Allahabad.  



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2. High Court has,  at the outset  recorded in the judgment that  

there is no factual controversy in the writ proceedings and on that  

account the respondents chose not to file counter affidavit. With the  

consent of  the parties the arguments were heard at  the admission  

stage  leading  to  final  adjudication  and  remand  which  is  under  


3. The  relevant  facts  necessary  for  understanding  the  subject  

matter of the dispute between the parties including the main issue, of  

res  judicata  are  clear  from  the  facts  noted  by  the  High  Court  in  

paragraph 3 and 4 of the impugned judgment. They are as follows:

“3. The dispute relates to the land of khatas 1, 3, 4 and 5 of  village  Sarai  Aziz,  talluka  Harikishun,  tahsil  Phoolpur,  district Allahabad, which were recorded in the names of the  respondents,  in  basic  consolidation  record.  The  consolidation was started in the year 2000, in the village.  Raj Nath Dubey (petitioner-1) filed an objection (registered  as Case No. 18/19) for recording his name over 1/2 share  of  the  disputed land,  along  with  the  respondents.  It  has  been stated by the petitioner that the land in dispute was  the property of Kishun, who had five sons namely, Bechai,  Kanhai,  Bindra,  Pancham and Sheetal.  Bindra,  Pancham  and Sheetal died issueless and the properties of Kishun was  inherited by Bechai and Kanhai alone. The respondents are  sons/grandsons of Bechai and the petitioners are sons of  Kanhai as such they have 1/2 share in the land in dispute.  Assistant Consolidation Officer, by order dated 22.02.2001,  referred the dispute to the Consolidation Officer for decision  on merits. Later on, Amar Nath Dubey (petitioner-2) filed an  application  dated  03.03.2001,  alleging  therein  that  his  father  Kanhai  had  three  sons  namely  Jagannath,  Amar  Nath and Raj Nath, who jointly inherited Kanhai. He had  also  filed  an  objection  in  respect  of  the  disputed  land,  before  Assistant  Consolidation  Officer  but  the  same  was  misplaced as such he may be impleaded as an objector in  



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the  objection  of  Raj  Nath  Dubey.  The  impleadment  application moved by Amar Nath Dubey was allowed.  

4. The respondents contested the objection on the grounds  that  Kanhai  son  of  Kishun  was  unmarried  and  died  issueless. His share in the land in dispute was inherited by  them, who are sons/grand sons of Bechai, his brother. The  petitioners were not the sons of Kanhai. They earlier filed  an objection during consolidation, in respect of the land of  village  Chak  Nuruddinpur  alias  Nagdilpur,  pargana  Sikandara,  district  Allahabad,  in  which it  has been  held  that Jagannath, Amar Nath and Raj Nath were born to Smt.  Ram Pyari due to her illegitimate relations with Kanhai and  they being illegitimate sons, not entitled to inherit Kanhai.  It  was  also  held  that  the  respondents  were  the  heirs  of  Kanhai. The judgments of consolidation authorities in the  previous proceedings operate  as res-judicata between the  parties and the objection of the petitioners was liable to be  dismissed  on  this  ground  alone.  On  the  basis  of  the  pleadings of the parties, the Consolidation Officer, framed  issues  on  30.04.2005.  Issue  No.  3  was  framed  as  to  Whether the objection of the petitioners, claiming share of  Kanhai, alleging themselves as his sons, is barred by res- judicata?”  

4. The issue no. 3, as noticed above by the High Court, was raised  

by the respondents before the High Court who are appellants herein.  

It was on their application that the Consolidation Officer decided it as  

a  preliminary  issue.  The  Consolidation  Officer  noticed  the  earlier  

petition filed in the year 1966 in respect of land of another village,  

Chak Nuruddinpur alias Nagdilpur between the same parties that had  

been decided against the writ petitioners by holding that Jagannath,  

Amar Nath and Raj  Nath were illegitimate sons of  Kanhai and not  

entitled to inherit his share because Kanhai was a Brahmin Hindu. It  



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was found that the earlier judgment had become final at the revisional  

stage  and  hence  it  would  operate  as  res  judicata  against  the  writ  

petitioners whose claim of  being heirs of  Kanhai  had been decided  

against  them in  the  previous  proceeding.   Thus,  issue  no.  3  was  

decided  against  the  writ  petitioners  leading  to  rejection  of  their  

objection  on  1.12.2012.  The  appeal  as  well  as  revision  petition  

preferred by the writ petitioners did not find favour in the light of the  

findings in  the  judgments  rendered in  the  earlier  proceedings that  

Kanhai was unmarried; Jagannath, Amar Nath and Raj Nath were his  

illegitimate sons from Smt. Ram Pyari and hence were not his heirs.  

The  appellate  order  dated  6.3.2013  and  revisional  order  dated  

23.5.2013  along  with  the  order  of  the  Consolidation  Officer  dated  

1.12.2012 which were  under  challenge before  the  Writ  Court  were  

scrutinized by the Writ Court with care in the light of submissions  

advanced by the rival parties.

5. The stand of  the writ  petitioners in course of arguments was  

that  the  judgments  rendered  in  the  previous  proceedings  would  

operate as  res judicata  in respect of issues of facts alone but not in  

respect of a pure issue of law as to whether as illegitimate sons of a  

Brahmin a person was entitled to inherit the property of his father or  

not.  In other words, the writ petitioners accepted the findings of fact  

in  respect  of  Jagannath,  Amar  Nath  and  Raj  Nath  being  the  



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illegitimate sons of Kanhai but disputed the other finding that in law  

such illegitimate sons cannot inherit the property of their father. The  

previous  judgment  on  this  legal  issue  was  disputed  by  the  writ  

petitioners.  According to them decision on such pure issues of law  

could not operate as res judicata in respect of other properties which  

were  not  subject  matter  of  the  earlier  proceedings  before  the  

Consolidation Authorities. The writ petitioners placed heavy reliance  

upon a judgment of  this  Court  in case of  Mathura Prasad Sarjoo  

Jaiswal  v.  Dossibai  N.B.  Jeejeebhoy1.  This  judgment  was  relied  

upon for  the proposition that  the  rule  of  res  judicata is  a  rule  of  

procedure and cannot supersede the law of the land.  According to  

writ petitioners, the law of land warrants a view that since Kanhai was  

unmarried  hence  his  illegitimate  children  born  to  Smt.  Ram Pyari  

were entitled to inherit the estate of Kanhai under the Hindu law and  

they would have priority  in the matter  of  inheritance of  Kanhai  as  

against his brother’s sons. The writ petitioners placed reliance upon  

Section 171 of the U.P. Act no. 1 of 1951 to support their submission  

that illegitimate son was not excluded and the exclusion cannot be  

inferred  automatically  in  the  absence  of  statutory  exception. In  

support of the legal principle  that exclusion clause must be specific  

under the statute, reliance was placed on a full bench judgment  of  

1 AIR 1971 SC 2355



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Allahabad High Court  in  Raj Narain Saxena v.  Bhim2 and upon  

judgment  of  this  Court  in Rajendra  Prasad  Gupta  v.  Prakash  

Chandra Mishra3.

6. On the other hand the respondents before the Writ Court i.e, the  

appellants herein advanced a submission that principle of res judicata  

is applicable in respect of issues relating to facts and law both. In  

support, reliance was placed upon this Court’s judgment in  Kalinga  

Mining Corporation v. Union of India4.  The appellants also relied  

upon some case laws according to which the illegitimate children were  

entitled under Section 16 of Hindu Marriage Act, 1955 to inherit only  

the self acquired property of their father whereas the lands in dispute  

are claimed to be  with the family from the time of Kishun father of  

Bechai and Kanhai.  

7. The Writ Court accepted the submission advanced on behalf of  

appellants  that  as  per  settled  law,  the  principles  of  res  judicata,  

constructive  res  judicata  and  estoppel  are  applicable  to  the  

proceedings  under  the  Act.  The  Writ  Court,  however  made  a  

distinction between binding nature of  even an erroneous judgment  

between the same parties in respect of same property and the binding  

nature of such judgment in another proceeding as res judicata when  

the subsequent proceeding or suit is for a different property.  For this  2 AIR 1966 All 84 (FB) 3 (2011) 2 SCC 705 4 (2013) 5 SCC 252



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purpose it noticed paragraph 10 of the judgment in case of Mathura  

Prasad Sarjoo Jaiswal (supra). Paragraph 10 is as follows:

“10. It is true that in determining the application of the  rule of res judicata the Court is not concerned with the  correctness  or  otherwise  of  the  earlier  judgment.  The  matter in issue, if it is one purely of fact, decided in the  earlier  proceeding  by  a  competent  Court  must  in  a  subsequent  litigation  between  the  same  parties  be  regarded  as  finally  decided  and  cannot  be  reopened.  A  mixed question of law and fact determined in the earlier  proceeding  between  the  same  parties  may  not,  for  the  same reason, be questioned in a subsequent proceeding  between the same parties. But, where the decision is on a  question of law i.e. the interpretation of a statute, it will be  res judicata in a subsequent proceeding between the same  parties  where  the  cause  of  action  is  the  same,  for  the  expression “the matter in issue” in Section 11 of the Code  of Civil  Procedure means the right litigated between the  parties  i.e.  the  facts  on  which  the  right  is  claimed  or  denied and the law applicable to the determination of that  issue. Where, however, the question is one purely of law  and it relates to the jurisdiction of the Court or a decision  of  the  Court  sanctioning  something  which  is  illegal,  by  resort to the rule of res judicata a party affected by the  decision will not be precluded from challenging the validity  of that order under the rule of res judicata, for a rule of  procedure cannot supersede the law of the land.”

8. Following the aforesaid view of this Court, the High Court held  

that same view has been followed in the case of Isabella Johnson v.  

M.A.  Susai5,  Union of  India  v.  Pramod Gupta6 and  Bishwanath  

Prasad Singh v. Rajendra Prasad7. The judgments cited on behalf of  

appellants including one in Kalinga Mining Corporation (supra) were  

distinguished  by  holding  that  they  were  not  an  authority  for  the  5 AIR 1991 SC 993 6 (2005) 12 SCC 1 7 AIR 2006 SC 2965



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proposition that a past judgment between the parties in respect of  

another subject matter/property, even if erroneous in law will operate  

as  res judicata  in a subsequent suit based upon different cause of  

action  for  a  different  property.  The  High  Court  finally  held  that  

findings in the previous judgments that Jagannath, Amar Nath and  

Raj Nath were born to Smt. Ram Pyari widow of Ram Nath out of her  

illegitimate  relations with Kanhai  are findings relating to facts and  

would  thus  operate  as  res  judicata.  However  the  finding  that  

illegitimate  children  of  Ram  Pyari  and  Kanhai  are  not  entitled  to  

inherit Kanhai being findings on issues of law, as held by High Court,  

would not operate as  res judicata  in the subsequent proceedings in  

respect of other properties. The High Court accordingly modified the  

orders  passed  by  the  Consolidation  Authorities  and  directed  the  

Consolidation Officer to conclude the trial of other issues and pass  

final order after allowing the parties to lead their evidence.

9. Learned  Senior  Counsel  appearing  for  the  appellants  has  

submitted  that  concurrent  findings  of  Consolidation  Authorities  

should not have been interfered with by the High Court and that the  

High Court has erred in holding that the previous judgments though  

in respect of another property would not operate as  res judicata in  

respect of pure question of law in a subsequent proceeding between  



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the same parties. Appellants have also filed written notes in support  

of their submissions and have relied upon following judgments:

(1)  Mohanlal Goenka v. Benoy Kishna Mukherjee8 and particularly  

on the following passage in paragraph 23:

“23. There is ample authority for the proposition  that  even an erroneous decision on a question of  law  operates as ‘res judicata’ between the parties to it. The  correctness  or  otherwise  of  a  judicial  decision  has  no  bearing upon the question whether or not it operates as  ‘res judicata.”  

(2)  State  of  West  Bengal  v.  Hemant  Kumar  Bhattacharjee9 and  

particularly on the following extract from paragraph 14:

“14.  ………A  wrong  decision  by  a  court  having  jurisdiction is as much binding between the parties as a  right  one  and  may  be  superseded  only  by  appeals  to  higher tribunals or other procedure like review which the  law provides.”

(3) Saroja v. Chinnusamy (Dead) by Lrs. and Anr.10

10. So far as case of  Mohanlal Goenka  (supra) is concerned, the  

second round of litigation was admittedly in respect of same property  

and between the same parties, after the earlier litigation had attained  

finality even up to the stage of execution. Since the judgment debtor,  

neither in the application filed for setting aside sales nor at initial  

stage raised any objection on the ground that the execution Court had  

no  jurisdiction  to  pass  the  decree,  it  was  held  that  later  on  the  8 AIR 1953 SC 65 9 AIR 1966 SC 1061 10 (2007) 8 SCC 329



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judgment debtor was precluded from raising the plea of jurisdiction in  

view of principles of constructive res judicata. In the case of State of  

West  Bengal  (supra)  the  main  issue  related  to  jurisdiction  of  the  

Special  Court  to  try  a  criminal  offence.  One  of  the  submissions  

advanced before  this  Court  was to  ignore  an earlier  order  of  High  

Court which had attained finality between the parties, because of law  

being settled otherwise in a subsequent decision of the Apex Court. In  

that  context  it  was  clarified  that  the  argument  suffered  from  a  

fundamental misconception inasmuch as an incorrect decision cannot  

be equated with a decision rendered without jurisdiction. The law was  

succinctly stated by holding that a wrong decision by a Court having  

jurisdiction is as much binding between the parties as a right one.  

Even a wrong decision can be superseded only through appeals to  

higher tribunals or Courts or through review, if provided by law.  

11. In  the  case  of  Saroja  (supra)  this  Court  found  that  all  the  

conditions necessary to constitute res judicata under Section 11 of the  

CPC stood satisfied in the facts of that case. The main dispute related  

to  two  issues  –  (1)  whether  an  ex  parte  decree  could  attract  res  

judicata   and (2) whether the appellant could be held bound by the  

judgment in the earlier suit when he was not a party to the same  

although she had acquired title from the person who as a party had  

suffered the ex parte decree. Both the issues were decided against the  



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appellant of that case by holding that an ex parte decree was as good  

as a decree passed after contest and such ex parte decree, unless set  

aside  on  the  ground  of  fraud  or  collusion  will  not  only  bind  the  

original parties to the former suit but also other parties who claim  

under any of them and seek to litigate under the same title.

12. The aforesaid decisions relied upon by the appellants,  in our  

view  do  not  distract  from  the  reasoning  and  correctness  of  the  

findings  given  by  the  High  Court  that  previous  proceedings  would  

operate as  res judicata  only in respect of issues of facts and not on  

issues  of  pure  questions  of  law  when  the  subsequent  suit  or  

proceeding is based upon a different cause of action and in respect of  

different  property  though  between  the  same  parties.  We  are  in  

agreement with the views of the High Court and hence do not deem it  

necessary to go into further details of the legal concept of res judicata  

and  estoppel.  It  is  sufficient to indicate that once a judgment in a  

former suit or proceeding acquires finality, it binds the parties totally  

and completely on all issues relating to the subject matter of the suit  

or proceeding. This flows from Section 11 of the CPC which in turn is  

based upon ancient doctrines embodied in every civilized system of  

jurisprudence  with  almost  universal  application  that  an  earlier  

adjudication between the same parties is conclusive in respect of the  

same subject  matter.  The Latin maxims relevant for explaining the  



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concept of res judicata clearly specify that: (1) no man should be vexed  

twice for the same cause, (2) it is in the interest of State that there  

should be an end to a litigation and (3) a judicial decision once it has  

attained finality must be accepted as correct between the parties.  

13. The  distinction  drawn  by  the  High  Court  in  the  impugned  

judgment that an erroneous determination of a pure question of law  

in  a  previous  judgment  will  not  operate  as  res  judicata in  the  

subsequent  proceeding  for  different  property,  though  between  the  

same parties, is clearly in accord with Section 11 of the CPC. Strictly  

speaking, when the cause of action as well as the subject matter i.e,  

the property in issue in the subsequent suit are entirely different, res  

judicata is  not  attracted  and the competent  Court  is  therefore  not  

debarred from trying the subsequent suit which may arise between  

the same parties in respect of other properties and upon a different  

cause of action. In such a situation, since the Court is not debarred,  

all issues including those of facts remain open for adjudication by the  

competent  Court  and  the  principle  which  is  attracted  against  the  

party which has lost on an important issue of fact in the earlier suit is  

the  principle  of  estoppel, more  particularly  “issue  estoppel”  which  

flows from principles of evidence such as from Sections 115, 116 and  

117 of the Indian Evidence Act, 1872 and from principles of equity. As  

a principle of evidence, estoppel is treated to be an admission or in the  



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eyes of law something equivalent to an admission of such quality and  

nature that the maker is not allowed to contradict it. In other words it  

works as an impediment or bar to a right of action due to affected  

person’s conduct or action. “Estoppel by judgment” finds reference in  

the case of  Ahsan Hussain Abdul Ali Bohari, Proprietor Abidi Shop  

v. Maina W/o Nathu Telanga11. It is taken as a bar which precludes  

the parties after final judgment to reagitate and relitigate the same  

cause of action or ground of defence or any fact determined by the  

judgment.  If  the  determination  was  by  a  Court  of  competent  

jurisdiction,  the  bar  will  remain  operative  even  if  the  judgment  is  

perceived to be erroneous. If the parties fail to get rid of an erroneous  

judgment,  they  as  well  as  persons  claiming  through  them  must  

remain bound by it.  

14. However,  as explained and held by this  Court  in the case of  

Mathura Prasad Sarjoo Jaiswal  (supra), where the decision is on a  

pure question of law then a Court cannot be precluded from deciding  

such question of law differently.  Such bar cannot be invoked either  

on principle of equity or  estoppel.  No equitable principle or  estoppel  

can impede powers of the Court to determine an issue of law correctly  

in a subsequent suit which relates to another property founded upon  

a different cause of action though parties may be same. As explained  

11  AIR 1938 Nag 129



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earlier,  in  such a situation the principle  of  res  judicata  is,  strictly  

speaking,  not  applicable  at  all.  So  far  as  principle  of  estoppel  is  

concerned, it operates against the party and not the Court and hence  

nothing comes in the way of a competent court in such a situation to  

decide a pure question of  law differently  if  it  is  so warranted.  The  

issues  of  facts  once  finally  determined  will  however,  stare  at  the  

parties  and bind them on account  of  earlier  judgments  or  for  any  

other good reason where equitable principles of estoppel are attracted.  

15. In view of the discussion made above we find no merit in the  

appeals which are therefore dismissed. In the peculiar  facts of  the  

case there shall be no orders as to costs.

     .…………………………………….J.       [DIPAK MISRA]

      ……………………………………..J.                  [SHIVA KIRTI SINGH]

 New Delhi. May 06, 2016.