29 May 2013
Supreme Court


Case number: Crl.A. No.-000896-000896 / 2011
Diary number: 11252 / 2010


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Rohtash Kumar                                  …Appellant


State of Haryana          …Respondent



1. This appeal has been filed against the judgment and order dated  

5.2.2009  passed  by  the  High  Court  of  Punjab  and  Haryana  at  

Chandigarh in Criminal Appeal No. 862-DB of 2006, by which it has  

affirmed the judgment and order of the Sessions Court,  by way of  

which  and  whereunder  the  appellant  has  been  convicted  for  the  

offences punishable under Sections 302 and 404 of the Indian Penal  

Code,  1860 (hereinafter referred to as  `the IPC’), and sentenced to  

undergo life  imprisonment  and to  pay a  fine  of  Rs.5,000/-,  and in


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default of payment of fine, to undergo further rigorous imprisonment  

for  one  year  under  Section  302  IPC;  and  was  also  sentenced  to  

undergo rigorous imprisonment for  two years  and to pay a fine of  

Rs.500/-,  and  in  default  of  payment  of  fine,  to  undergo  further  

rigorous  imprisonment  for  three  months  under  Section  404  IPC.  

However,  both the substantive sentences have been ordered to run  


2. Facts and circumstances as per the prosecution in brief, are as  


A. Appellant got married to Sonia (since deceased), aged 30 years,  

in  March  2003.  It  was  an  inter-caste  marriage,  and  thus,  was  not  

approved  of  by  Sonia’s  family  members.  They  had  both  studied  

Pharmacy  together.   After  passing  the  Pharmacy  Course,  Sonia  

(deceased)  was  appointed  as  a  Lecturer  in   the  B.S.A.  Pharmacy  

College,  Faridabad,  and she  was also  working as  a  Warden in the  

Girls’ hostel of the said Pharmacy College, situated in Kothi No. 783,  

Sector 21-A, Faridabad.  The married life of the couple was not happy  

and they thus filed a Divorce Petition on the basis of mutual consent  

under  Section  13-B  of  the  Hindu  Marriage  Act,  1955  before  the  



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Family Court, Rohtak.  The first motion was complete and the second  

motion had been fixed for 3.9.2004.   

B. On 2.9.2004, Sonia (deceased) sent a telephonic message to her  

mother,  Smt.  Dhanpati  Devi  (PW.3),  stating  that  in  the  previous  

evening, the appellant Rohtash had come to meet her in the hostel at  

8.00 P.M. and had told her that he would appear in the Family Court  

at Rohtak on 3.9.2004, to make his statement for getting the divorce.

C. In view of the above,  on 2.9.2004 at  about 5.00 P.M.,  Sube  

Singh (PW.1), father of Sonia (deceased), came alongwith his nephew  

Wazir Singh to meet Sonia in her hostel at Faridabad.  However, when  

they reached there, Ghanshyam (Security Guard), Arjun (Cook) and  

Bimla (Caretaker) of the hostel came and met them.  Bimla (PW.8)  

(Caretaker) told them that on the same day at about 1.00 P.M., the  

appellant  had come to the hostel  to meet Sonia.  Both of  them had  

engaged  in  conversation  for  about  one  hour,  while  sitting  in  the  

verandah of the hostel and also had tea together.  After the appellant  

had  left  the  hostel,  Bimla  (PW.8)  had  gone  to  bathroom to  wash  

clothes. Later on, when she had gone in search of Sonia (deceased),  

she had found her lying dead among the plants, in the gallery of the  

hostel. She had died of strangulation.   



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D. Sube Singh (PW.1), had gone to the police station and lodged a  

complaint giving all the details, also stating that the appellant might  

have committed the said offence,  as  she had scratch marks on her  

neck, as well as on her breasts.  

E. In view of the complaint made by Sube Singh (PW.1), an FIR  

was  registered  (Ex.P-12).   Necessary  investigation  was  conducted,  

statements  of  witnesses  were  recorded,  and  the  postmortem  

examination  on  the  dead  body  of  Sonia  (deceased)  was  also  

performed. The appellant was arrested only on 8.9.2004.   The articles  

collected from the place of occurrence and samples taken from the  

appellant,  particularly,  specimens  of  his  hair  etc.,  were  sent  to  the  

Forensic  Science  Laboratory,  Madhuban,  for  the  preparation  of  an  

FSL report.  After completion of the investigation, a chargesheet was  

filed against the appellant in court.   

F. After committal proceedings, charges were framed against the  

appellant under Sections 302 and 404 IPC.  The prosecution examined  

21 witnesses in support of its case, including the parents and relatives  

of the deceased,  as well as Dr. Virender Yadav (PW.4), Ms. Anita  

Dahiya,  the then Chief Judicial Magistrate,  Faridabad (PW.17), Dr.  



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O.P. Sethi, (PW.21), and SI Vinod Kumar (PW.20), the investigating  

officer.   Some  of  the  cited  witnesses  were  given  up,  and  a  large  

number of documents etc., were filed.   

G. The appellant was examined under Section 313 of the Code of  

Criminal Procedure, 1973, (hereinafter referred to as `the Cr.P.C.’),  

and all the incriminating material/circumstances were put to him one  

by one. He denied each allegation levelled against him by repeatedly  

stating, “It is incorrect.”  The appellant did not himself, adduce any  

evidence in defence.   

The learned Sessions Court, after appreciating all the evidence  

and the submissions made by the public prosecutor and the defence  

counsel, convicted and sentenced the appellant as has been referred to  


H. Aggrieved, the appellant preferred an Appeal before the High  

Court, which has been dismissed vide impugned judgment and order  

dated 5.2.2009.  

Hence, this appeal.  

3. Dr. Sushil Balwada, learned counsel appearing on behalf of the  

appellant  has  submitted,  that  there  was  no  eye-witness  to  the  



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occurrence  and that the prosecution had failed to prove and meet the  

parameters  laid  down  by  this  Court  for  conviction  in  a  case  of  

circumstantial evidence.  Even if there had been some discord in their  

marriage, they had agreed to separate mutually and the second motion  

of the Divorce Petition filed by mutual consent, had been fixed for  

next  day  i.e.  3.9.2004.   Thus,  there  had  been no occasion  for  the  

appellant  to  commit  the  offence.   The  material  witnesses  to  the  

incident, particularly Ghanshyam and Arjun, who had been working  

as the Guard and Cook respectively in the Girls’ hostel, and Mahender  

(Attendant) of the Taneja Guest House, where the appellant is alleged  

to  have  stayed  under  a  fake  name,  have  not  been  examined.  The  

prosecution was under an obligation to examine each of them. The  

evidence of  Jagatpal (PW.2), a hostile witness, could not have been  

considered at all. In light of the facts of this case, the theory of “last  

seen” together cannot be applied.  Furthermore,  the prosecution has  

created  an  entirely  improbable  story to  the effect  that  after  killing  

Sonia, the appellant had taken away her mobile phone, and had in the  

evening  on  the  same  day,  telephoned  his  mother-in-law  Dhanpati  

(PW.3), as well as several other relatives of Sonia, making an extra-  

judicial confession stating that he had killed Sonia, and that he would  



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now himself  commit  suicide.  The  recovery  of  mobile  phone  from  

Itarsi  (M.P.)  cannot  be relied upon, as this  place is far  away from  

Faridabad. There are material inconsistencies in the statements of the  

witnesses.   The  chain  of  circumstances  is  not  complete.  The  

prosecution must prove its case beyond reasonable doubt, and cannot  

take advantage of the weaknesses in the case of the defence.  Thus,  

the appeal deserves to be allowed.

4. Per contra, Shri Ramesh Kumar, learned counsel appearing on  

behalf  of  the  State,  has  opposed  the  appeal  contending  that  the  

appellant had last been seen with Sonia (deceased), by several persons  

including Bimla (PW.8), in the hostel.  The appellant had thereafter  

left  the  hostel  alone,  just  before  Sonia  had  been  found  dead.  The  

appellant, after committing the offence, had run away and stayed at  

the Taneja Guest House, Faridabad, under a fictitious name and by  

providing a fake address.  He had also made an attempt to commit  

suicide in the said Guest House, and on being asked about the same by  

the attendant, he had run away from there. The appellant had left his  

diary  and  wrist  watch,  as  well  as  a  letter  in  the  name  of  the  

Superintendent of Police, the Deputy Commissioner of Faridabad, the  

Chief Justice of the Punjab & Haryana High Court, and the Chairman  



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of  the  Human  Rights  Commission,  complaining  about  the  family  

members of Sonia.  The diary had also contained a suicide note. The  

conduct of the appellant clearly indicates that he has committed the  

offence.  The concurrent findings of fact recorded by the courts below  

do not warrant any interference and therefore, the appeal is liable to  

be dismissed.   

5. We  have  considered  the  rival  submissions  made  by  learned  

counsel for the parties, and perused the record.  

Before  we  enter  into  the  merits  of  the  case  and  its  factual  

matrix, it is desirable to deal with the legal issues involved herein.   

Case of Circumstantial evidence:  

6. The present case is of circumstantial evidence, as there exists  

no eye-witness to the occurrence. The primary issue herein involves  

determination  of  the  requirements  for  deciding  a  case  of  

circumstantial evidence.

7. This Court, in R. Shaji v. State of Kerala, AIR 2013 SC 651  

has held, “the prosecution must establish its case beyond reasonable  

doubt,  and cannot  derive  any  strength  from the  weaknesses  in  the  

defence  put  up  by the  accused.  However,  a  false  defence  may be  



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brought to notice, only to lend assurance to the Court as regards the  

various links in the chain of  circumstantial  evidence,  which are  in  

themselves  complete.  The circumstances  on the basis  of  which the  

conclusion of guilt is to be drawn, must be fully established. The same  

must  be  of  a  conclusive  nature,  and  must  exclude  all  possible  

hypothesis, except the one to be proved. Facts so established must be  

consistent  with the hypothesis  of  the guilt  of  the accused,  and the  

chain of evidence must be complete, so as not to leave any reasonable  

ground for a conclusion consistent with the innocence of the accused,  

and must further show, that in all probability, the said offence must  

have been committed by the accused.”  

(See  also:  Sharad  Birdhichand  Sarda  v.  State  of  Maharashtra,  

AIR 1984 SC 1622;  and  Paramjeet  Singh  @ Pamma v.  State  of  

Uttarakhand, AIR 2011 SC 200).

Thus, the Court while convicting a person on the basis of the  

circumstantial evidence, must apply the aforesaid principles.  

Whether prosecution must examine all the witnesses:

8. A common issue that may arise in such cases where some of the  

witnesses have not been examined, though the same may be material  



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witnesses  is,  whether  the  prosecution  is  bound  to  examine  all  the  

listed/cited witnesses.   

This  Court,  in  Abdul  Gani  &  Ors.  v.  State  of  Madhya  

Pradesh, AIR 1954 SC 31, has examined the aforesaid issue and held,  

that as a general rule, all witnesses must be called upon to testify in  

the  course  of  the  hearing  of  the  prosecution,  but  that  there  is  no  

obligation  compelling  the  public  prosecutor  to  call  upon  all  the  

witnesses  available  who  can  depose  regarding  the  facts  that  the  

prosecution  desires  to  prove.   Ultimately,  it  is  a  matter  left  to  the  

discretion of the public prosecutor, and though a court ought to and no  

doubt would, take into consideration the absence of witnesses whose  

testimony would reasonably be expected, it must adjudge the evidence  

as  a  whole  and  arrive  at  its  conclusion  accordingly,  taking  into  

consideration the persuasiveness  of the testimony given in the light of  

such criticism, as may be levelled at the absence of  possible material  


9. In  Sardul Singh v. State of Bombay, AIR 1957 SC 747,  a  

similar  view  has  been  reiterated,  observing  that  a  court  cannot,  

normally  compel  the  prosecution  to  examine  a  witness  which  the  



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prosecution does not choose to examine, and that the duty of  a fair  

prosecutor  extends  only  to  the  extent  of  examination  of  such  

witnesses, who are necessary for the purpose of disclosing the story of  

the prosecution with all its essentials.   

10. In Masalti v. State of U.P., AIR 1965 SC 202, this Court held  

that it would be unsound to lay down as a general rule, that every  

witness must be examined,  even though,  the evidence provided by  

such witness may not be very material, or even if it is a known fact  

that the said witness has either been won over or terrorised.  “In such  

cases, it is always open to the defence to examine such witnesses as  

their own witnesses, and the court itself may also call upon such a  

witness in the interests of justice under Section 540 Cr.P.C.”.

(See also: Bir Singh & Ors. v. State of U.P., (1977) 4 SCC 420)

11. In Darya Singh & Ors. v. State of Punjab, AIR 1965 SC 328,  

this Court reiterated a similar view and held that if the eye-witness(s)  

is deliberately kept back, the Court may draw inference against the  

prosecution  and  may,  in  a  proper  case,  regard  the  failure  of  the  

prosecutor  to  examine  the  said  witnesses  as  constituting  a  serious  

infirmity in the proof of the prosecution case.   



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12. In Raghubir Singh v. State of U.P., AIR 1971 SC 2156, this  

Court held as under:

“…Material  witnesses  considered  necessary  by  the   prosecution  for  unfolding  the  prosecution  story  alone   need  be  produced  without  unnecessary  and  redundant   multiplication of witnesses. The appellant's counsel has   not  shown  how the  prosecution  story  is  rendered  less   trustworthy  as  a  result  of  the  non-production  of  the   witnesses mentioned by him. No material and important   witness  was deliberately kept  back by the prosecution.   Incidentally we may point out that the accused too have  not  considered  it  proper  to  produce those  persons  as   witnesses for controverting the prosecution version…..”

                                                                          (Emphasis added)

13. In  Harpal Singh v. Devinder Singh & Anr.,  AIR 1997 SC  

2914, this Court reiterated a similar view and further observed:    

“….The illustration (g) in Section 114 of the Evidence   Act is only a permissible inference and not a necessary   inference. Unless there are other circumstances also to   facilitate the drawing of an adverse inference, it should   not  be  a  mechanical  process  to  draw  the  adverse   inference merely on the strength of non-examination of a   witness even if it is a material witness…..”

14. In Mohanlal  Shamji  Soni  v.  Union of  India  & Anr., AIR  

1991 SC 1346, this Court held:

“10. It is cardinal rule in the law of evidence that the   best  available  evidence  should  be  brought  before  the   Court to prove a fact or the points in issue. But it is left   either for the prosecution or for the defence to establish   its  respective  case  by  adducing  the  best  available   



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evidence  and  the  Court  is  not  empowered  under  the   provisions of the Code to compel either the prosecution   or  the  defence  to  examine  any  particular  witness  or   witnesses  on  their  sides.  Nonetheless  if  either  of  the   parties withholds any evidence which could be produced   and  which,  if  produced,  be  unfavourable  to  the  party   withholding  such  evidence,  the  Court  can  draw  a   presumption under illustration (g) to Section 114 of the   Evidence Act…. In order to enable the Court to find out   the  truth  and  render  a  just  decision,  the  salutary   provisions of Section 540 of the Code (Section 311 of the   new  Code)  are  enacted  whereunder  any  Court  by   exercising  its  discretionary  authority  at  any  stage  of   enquiry,  trial  or  other  proceeding  can  summon  any  person as a witness or examine any person in attendance   though  not  summoned  as  a  witness  or  recall  or  re- examine any person in attendance though not summoned   as a witness or recall and re-examine any person already   examined  who are  expected  to  be  able  to  throw light   upon the matter in dispute; because if judgments happen   to be rendered on inchoate, inconclusive and speculative   presentation  of  facts,  the  ends  of  justice  would  be   defeated.”

15. In  Banti  @ Guddu  v. State of M.P., AIR 2004 SC 261, this  

Court held:

“In trials before a Court of Session the prosecution   "shall be conducted by a Public Prosecutor". Section 226   of the Code of Criminal Procedure, 1973 enjoins on him   to open up his  case  by describing the charge  brought   against  the accused.  He has to state what evidence he   proposes to adduce for proving the guilt of the accused.   ……If that version is not in support of the prosecution   case  it  would  be unreasonable  to  insist  on the  Public   Prosecutor  to  examine  those  persons  as  witnesses  for   prosecution.



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      When  the  case  reaches  the  stage  envisages  in   Section 231 of the Code the Sessions Judge is obliged "to   take all such evidence as may be produced in support of   the prosecution". It is clear form the said section that the   Public Prosecutor  is expected to produce evidence "in   support of the prosecution" and not in derogation of the   prosecution case. At the said stage the Public Prosecutor   would be in a position to take a decision as to which   among the presence cited are to be examined. If  there   are  too  many  witnesses  on  the  same  point  the  Public   Prosecutor is at liberty to choose two or some among   them alone so that the time of the Court can be saved   from repetitious depositions on the same factual aspects.   ……This will help not only the prosecution in relieving   itself of the strain of adducing repetitive evidence on the   same  point  but  also  help  the  Court  considerably  in   lessening the workload.  Time has come to make every   effort possible to lessen the workload, particularly those   courts  crammed with  cases,  but  without  impairing the   cause of justice. ……It is open to the defence to cite him   and examine him as a defence witness……..”  

16. The said issue was also considered by this Court in  R. Shaji  

(supra), and the Court,  after placing reliance upon its judgments in  

Vadivelu Thevar v. State of Madras; AIR 1957 SC 614; and Kishan  

Chand v. State of Haryana, JT 2013( 1) SC 222), held as under: .  

“22. In  the  matter  of  appreciation  of  evidence  of   witnesses,  it  is  not  the  number  of  witnesses,  but  the   quality of their evidence which is important, as there is   no  requirement  in  the  law  of  evidence  stating  that  a   particular  number  of  witnesses  must  be  examined  in   order  to  prove/disprove  a  fact.  It  is  a  time-honoured   principle,  that  evidence  must  be  weighed  and  not   counted. The test is whether the evidence has a ring of   truth, is cogent, credible and trustworthy, or otherwise.   



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The legal system has laid emphasis on the value provided   by  each  witness,  as  opposed  to  the  multiplicity  or   plurality  of  witnesses.  It  is  thus,  the  quality  and  not   quantity, which determines the adequacy of evidence, as   has been provided by Section 134 of the Evidence Act.   Where the law requires the examination of at least one   attesting  witness,  it  has  been  held  that  the  number  of   witnesses produced over and above this, does not carry   any weight.”    

17. Thus,  the  prosecution  is  not  bound  to  examine  all  the  cited  

witnesses, and it can drop witnesses to avoid multiplicity or plurality  

of  witnesses.  The  accused  can  also  examine  the  cited,  but  not  

examined witnesses, if he so desires, in his defence. It is the discretion  

of  the  prosecutor  to  tender  the  witnesses  to  prove  the  case  of  the  

prosecution and “the court will not interfere with the exercise of that  

discretion unless, perhaps, it can be shown that the prosecution has  

been  influenced  by  some  oblique  motive.”  In  an  extra-ordinary  

situation, if the court comes to the conclusion that a material witness  

has  been  withheld,  it  can  draw  an  adverse  inference  against  the  

prosecution, as has been provided under Section 114 of the Evidence  

Act.  Undoubtedly, the public prosecutor must not take the liberty to  

“pick and choose” his witnesses, as he must be fair to the court, and  

therefore, to the truth.  In a given case, the Court can always examine  

a witness as a court witness, if it is so warranted in the interests of  



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justice. In fact, the evidence of the witnesses, must  be tested on the  

touchstone of reliability, credibility and trustworthiness.  If the court  

finds the same to be untruthful, there is no legal bar for it to discard  

the same.   

Discrepancies in the depositions:  

18. It  is  a  settled  legal  proposition  that  while  appreciating  the  

evidence of a witness, minor discrepancies on trivial matters which do  

not affect the core of the case of the prosecution, must not prompt the  

court to reject the evidence in its entirety.  Therefore, unless irrelevant  

details which do not in any way corrode the credibility of a witness  

should be ignored. The court has to examine whether evidence read as  

a  whole  appears  to  have  a  ring  of  truth.  Once  that  impression  is  

formed,  it  is  undoubtedly  necessary  for  the  court  to  scrutinize  the  

evidence  more  particularly  keeping  in  view  the  deficiencies,  

drawbacks and infirmities pointed out in the evidence as a whole and  

evaluate them to find out whether it is against the general tenor of the  

evidence given by the witnesses and whether the earlier evaluation of  

the evidence is shaken, as to render it unworthy of belief. Thus, the  

court  is  not  supposed  to  give  undue  importance  to  omissions,  

contradictions and discrepancies which do not go to the heart of the  



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matter, and shake the basic version of the prosecution witness. Thus,  

the court must read the evidence of a witness as a whole, and consider  

the  case  in  light  of  the entirety  of  the  circumstances,  ignoring the  

minor discrepancies with respect to trivial matters, which do not affect  

the core of the case of  the prosecution.   The said discrepancies as  

mentioned  above,  should  not  be  taken  into  consideration,  as  they  

cannot form grounds for rejecting the evidence on record as a whole.  

(See: State of U.P. v. M.K. Anthony, AIR 1985 SC 48; State rep. by  

Inspector of Police v. Saravanan & Anr., AIR 2009 SC 152; and  

Vijay @ Chinee v. State of M.P., (2010) 8 SCC 191).  

Evidence of a hostile witness:

19. It is a settled legal proposition that evidence of a prosecution  

witness  cannot  be rejected in  toto,  merely because  the  prosecution  

chose to treat him as hostile and cross examined him.  The evidence of  

such witnesses cannot be treated as effaced, or washed off the record  

altogether.  The same can be accepted to the extent that their version  

is found to be dependable, upon a careful scrutiny thereof.  

20. In State of U.P. v. Ramesh Prasad Misra & Anr., AIR 1996  

SC 2766, this Court held, that evidence of a hostile witness would not  



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be rejected in entirety, if the same has been given in favour of either  

the  prosecution,  or  the  accused,  but  is  required  to  be  subjected  to  

careful scrutiny, and thereafter, that portion of the evidence which is  

consistent  with  the  either  case  of  the  prosecution,  or  that  of  the  

defence, may be relied upon.  (See also:  C. Muniappan & Ors. v.  

State of Tamil Nadu, AIR 2010 SC 3718;  Himanshu  @ Chintu v.  

State  (NCT of Delhi), (2011) 2 SCC 36; and  Ramesh  Harijan v.  

State of U.P., AIR 2012 SC 1979).

Therefore, the law permits the court to take into consideration  

the deposition of a hostile witness, to the extent that the same is in  

consonance  with  the  case  of  the  prosecution,  and  is  found  to  be  

reliable in careful judicial scrutiny.  


21. The  evidence  regarding  the  existence  of  a  motive  which  

operates in the mind of the accused is very often very limited, and  

may not be within the reach of others. The motive driving the accused  

to commit an offence may be known only to him and to no other.  In a  

case of circumstantial evidence, motive may be a very relevant factor.  

However, it is the perpetrator of the crime alone who is aware of the  

circumstances that prompted him to adopt a certain course of action,  



Page 19

leading to the commission of the crime. Therefore, if the evidence on  

record  suggests  adequately,  the  existence  of  the  necessary  motive  

required to commit a crime, it may be conceived that the accused has  

in fact, committed the same. (Vide: Subedar Tewari v. State of U.P.  

&  Ors.,  AIR  1989  SC  733;  Suresh  Chandra  Bahri  v.  State  of  

Bihar, AIR 1994 SC 2420; and Dr. Sunil Clifford Daniel v. State of  

Punjab, (2012) 11 SCC 205).  

Explanation of the accused:

22. It is obligatory on the part of the accused while being examined  

under Section 313 Cr.P.C., to furnish some explanation with respect to  

the incriminating circumstances  associated  with him, and the court  

must take note of such explanation even in a case of circumstantial  

evidence,  to  decide  whether  or  not,  the  chain  of  circumstances  is  

complete. [Vide: Musheer Khan @ Badshah Khan & Anr. v. State  

of  Madhya  Pradesh,  AIR 2010  SC 762;  and  Dr.  Sunil  Clifford  

Daniel (supra)].

23. This Court, in State of Maharashtra v. Suresh, (2000) 1 SCC  

471, held as under:  

“When the  attention  of  the  accused  is  drawn  to  such   circumstances  that  inculpate  him  in  relation  to  the   



Page 20

commission  of  the  crime,  and  he  fails  to  offer  an   appropriate  explanation  or  gives  a  false  answer  with   respect  to  the  same,  the  said  act  may  be  counted  as   providing  a  missing  link  for  completing  the  chain  of   circumstances.”  

Undoubtedly,  the  prosecution  has  to  prove  its  case  beyond  

reasonable doubt. However, in certain circumstances, the accused has  

to furnish some explanation to the incriminating circumstances, which  

has come in evidence, put to him. A false explanation may be counted  

as providing a missing link for completing a chain of circumstances.  

Last seen together theory:

24. In cases  where  the accused  was last  seen  with the  deceased  

victim (last seen-together theory) just before the incident,  it becomes  

the duty of the accused to explain the circumstances under which the  

death of the victim occurred. (Vide: Nika Ram v. State of Himachal  

Pradesh,  AIR  1972  SC  2077;  and  Ganeshlal  v.  State  of  

Maharashtra, (1992) 3 SCC 106).

25. In Trimukh Maroti Kirkan v. State of Maharashtra, (2006)  

10 SCC 681, this Court held as under:  

“Where  an  accused  is  alleged  to  have  committed  the   murder  of  his  wife  and  the  prosecution  succeeds  in   



Page 21

leading  evidence  to  show  that  shortly  before  the   commission  of  crime  they  were  seen  together  or  the   offence  takes  place  in  the  dwelling  home  where  the   husband also normally resided, it has been consistently   held that if the accused does not offer any explanation   how the wife received injuries or offers an explanation   which is found to be false,  it  is a strong circumstance   which indicates that he is responsible for commission of   the crime.”

(See  also:   Prithipal  Singh & Ors.  v.  State  of  Punjab & Anr.,  

(2012) 1 SCC 10)

Thus, the doctrine of “last seen together” shifts the burden of  

proof on the accused, requiring him to explain how the incident had  

occurred.   Failure  on  the  part  of  the  accused  to  furnish  any  

explanation  in  this  regard,  would  give  rise  to  a  very  strong  

presumption against him.  

Police official as a witness:  

26. The term witness, means a person who is capable of providing  

information by way of deposing as regards relevant facts, via an oral  

statement,  or  a  statement  in  writing,  made  or  given  in  Court,  or  


In  Pradeep  Narayan  Madgaonkar  &  Ors.  v.  State  of  

Maharashtra, AIR 1995 SC 1930,  this Court examined the issue of  



Page 22

the requirement of  the examination of  an independent witness,  and  

whether the evidence of a police witness requires corroboration. The  

Court  herein held,  that the same must be subject  to strict  scrutiny.  

However, the evidence of police officials cannot be discarded merely  

on the ground that they belonged to the police force, and are either  

interested in the investigating or the prosecuting agency. However, as  

far  as  possible  the  corroboration  of  their  evidence  on  material  

particulars, should be sought.    

(See  also:  Paras  Ram v.  State  of  Haryana,  AIR 1993 SC 1212;  

Balbir Singh v. State, (1996) 11 SCC 139;  Kalpnath Rai v. State  

(Through  CBI),  AIR  1998  SC  201;  M.  Prabhulal  v.  Assistant  

Director, Directorate of Revenue Intelligence, AIR 2003 SC 4311;  

and  Ravinderan  v.  Superintendent  of  Customs, AIR  2007  SC  


Thus,  a  witness  is  normally  considered  to  be  independent,  

unless he springs from sources which are likely to be tainted and this  

usually means that the said witness has cause,  to bear such enmity  

against the accused, so as to implicate him falsely.  In view of the  

above,  there  can  be  no  prohibition  to  the  effect  that  a  policeman  

cannot be a witness, or that his deposition cannot be relied upon.   



Page 23

27. The  instant  case  requires  to  be  considered  in  light  of  the  

aforesaid settled legal propositions.  

Sube Singh (PW.1),  father of  Sonia,  deceased,  had sufficient  

reason to go to go to Faridabad to meet his daughter, in view of the  

fact that the second motion of divorce between the appellant and the  

deceased was fixed for next day, and Sonia, deceased had telephoned  

her  mother  regarding  the  arrival  of  the  appellant  one  day  before,  

stating that she had doubts about the promise made by the appellant to  

the extent that he would make a statement before the Family Court at  

Rohtak, to facilitate their divorce by mutual consent. It is but natural  

for any parent, even if they dis-approve of the inter-caste marriage of  

their  children,  to  want  to  be  with  them  at  the  time  of  such  

proceedings,  that  would  affect  the  life  of  their  child.   Sube Singh  

(PW.1)  has  further  deposed,  that  the  police  had recovered clothes,  

rope, handkerchief, hairpin and blood stained earth etc. from the place  

of occurrence, and had kept these articles in separate parcels.  

28. Dhanpati (PW.3), mother of the deceased, has corroborated the  

deposition of Sube Singh (PW.1), and has further deposed, that she  

had received a phone call  from the accused which had been made  



Page 24

from the mobile phone number that had belonged to Sonia deceased.  

On being asked, about the same by her, he had told her that he had  

murdered Sonia in her hostel by strangulating her, and that thereafter,  

he had run away from the place of occurrence.  He had also stated that  

he would commit suicide.  

29. Bimla  (PW.8),  the  caretaker  of  the  hostel,  has  deposed  that  

while she was working as a caretaker in the Girls’ hostel, on 1.9.2004  

at  about  8-9  p.m.,  Sonia  (deceased)  had  come  to  the  hostel  and  

immediately had gone to make a phone call.  After about 10 minutes,  

her husband, i.e., the appellant accused had reached there. They had  

engaged in some conversation. The next day, Sonia had come back  

from college at about 1.00 p.m., and shortly after, the appellant had  

also arrived there. Ghanshyam, the watchman had been told by the  

appellant that he was husband of the warden and wanted to meet her.  

Ghanshyam had not initially permitted him to enter the hostel, but had  

allowed his entry after taking permission from Sonia. The appellant  

and Sonia had then sat together in the verandah of the hostel, and had  

spoken for about 30-40 minutes. Both of them had then left the hostel,  

and had returned only after about one hour.  After their arrival, the  

witness had served them tea. Thereafter, she had gone to bathroom  to  



Page 25

wash clothes, and when she returned after about 20-25 minutes, she  

had enquired from Ghanshyam regarding the whereabouts of Sonia  

and her husband.  She had then been told that Sonia was in her room,  

whereas the appellant had already left the hostel alone.  While going  

Sonia’s room, she had found her lying dead in the garden, near the  

plants in the hostel. Seeing her dead, the witness was frightened.      

30. Mukesh Chand (PW.9), has proved the pendency of the case for  

divorce by mutual consent before the Family Court, Rohtak and the  

fact that the date of the second motion had been fixed for 3.9.2004.

31. Narender  Singh  (PW.12),  is  the  brother-in-law  of  Sonia  

(deceased). He has deposed that he had received a phone call at about  

5.30 p.m. on 2.9.2004, from the mobile phone number belonging to  

Sonia. The said phone call had been made by the appellant, and he  

had informed the witness that he had killed Sonia, and had further told  

him he had also had an illicit relationship with the wife of the witness.  

The witness has deposed, that on hearing this, he had lost his temper  

and had used abusive language in relation to the appellant, after which  

he had  disconnected the call.  



Page 26

Virender  Singh  (PW.19),  a  relative  of  Sonia’s,   had  also  

received  a  similar  phone  call  from the  appellant  from  the  mobile  

phone number belonging to of Sonia.  

32. Ms. Anita Dahiya (PW.17), the then Chief Judicial Magistrate,  

Faridabad, has deposed that the investigating officer had wanted to  

have an identification parade, but that the appellant had not agreed to  

the same.  

33. Jagatpal (PW.2), an attendant at the Taneja Rest House, NIT,  

Faridabad, has deposed in his examination-in-chief that a person had  

stayed in the said guest house, after disclosing his identity as Amit,  

and by providing his address as  535, Model Town, Simla.  He had  

even made the requisite entries in the register in his own handwriting.  

As regards the rest of the situation, he has stated that since his duty  

was then over, his colleague Mahender, had come on duty at 9.00 a.m.  

on 2.9.2004, and that therefore, he had no further information to offer.  

At this  stage,  he was declared hostile  as  it  was found that  he was  

suppressing the truth and thus, he was cross-examined. Undoubtedly,  

he has turned hostile.  However, he has admitted that on 2.9.2004, at  

about 6.30 p.m., attendant Mahender had come to his place, and had  



Page 27

told him that the occupant of room no. 114 was attempting to commit  

suicide, and this was when he, alongwith Mahender had gone to  his  

room.  The appellant had thereafter, run away from the guest house.  

They had tried to chase him but in vain.  From his room, one diary, a  

letter  and  wrist  watch  were  recovered,  and  the  said  articles  were  

handed  over  to  the  police  vide  memo  Ex.P5,  which  bore  his  


34. Dr.  Virender  Yadav (PW.4),  had conducted the post-mortem  

examination on the body of Sonia, and he has deposed that there was  

bleeding with clotted blood present in the bilateral nostrils, and  on the  

right side of the mouth. Rigor mortis was present in all the four limbs  

with postmortem staining on dependent parts. Multiple abrasions were  

present  on  the  front  of  the  neck,  with  large  reddish  contusions-

bilateral shoulders, more on the right side. Abrasions numbering four  

of the size 2.5 x 0.75 cms., were present on the right side, just below  

the clavicle and four of these in number were present on its left side.  

On  dissection,  the  muscle  of  the  neck  was  contused  with  

hemorrhage with a fracture of the thyroid cartilage, and a fracture of  

the  tracheal  rings  with  blood  clots  in  the  trachea.  The  adjoining  

muscles  and  upper  chest  muscles  were  contused  extensively  with  



Page 28

blood clots, with bilateral fractures of the clavicle bone and the  upper  

second and third ribs.  

In his  opinion,  the cause of  death was asphyxia caused as a  

result of smothering and throttling, which was ante-mortem in nature  

and was sufficient to cause death in the natural course.  

He has further deposed, that she had died within two minutes of  

the offence, and before 24 hours of the post-mortem.  

35. There is evidence on record to show that the mobile phone had  

been purchased by Sonia from Itarsi on 10.9.2004.  The same mobile  

phone  was  recovered  from  the  shop  of  Sonu  at  Itarsi  upon  the  

disclosure  statement  made  by  the  appellant,  vide  recovery  memo  


 36. In view of the aforesaid depositions, facts emerge as under:-

(i) The appellant  and Sonia (deceased) had been classmates and  

had developed intimacy.  In spite of the fact that they belonged to  

different  castes,  they  had  thereafter  gotten  married,  knowing  fully  

well that their marriage would not be approved by at least one of the  

two families.   



Page 29

(ii) Their  marriage  was  not  cordial  and  within  an  year  of  such  

marriage, they had mutually decided to separate and had thus, filed a  

petition  for  divorce  by  mutual  consent  under  Section  13-B  of  the  

Hindu Marriage Act,  1955, before the Family Court,  Rohtak.   The  

first motion was clear, and the case was fixed for second motion on  

3.9.2004.   Just  before  the  said  date,  the  appellant  had  met  Sonia  

(deceased),  and  had  assured  her  that  he  would  agree  to  the  said  

divorce in the second motion on 3.9.2004, before the Family Court at  


(iii) The said information was furnished by Sonia (deceased), to her  

mother Smt. Dhanpati Devi (PW.3), and it was in view thereof that  

Sube Singh (PW.1),  father  of  the deceased had come to Faridabad  

only to meet Sonia.   

(iv) While reaching there, Sube Singh (PW.1) had been informed by  

Ghanshyam  (Security  Guard),  Arjun  (Cook)  and  Bimla,  Caretaker  

(PW.8), that the appellant had come to meet Sonia, and that now she  

was lying dead in the garden.  Bimla (PW.8) had also furnished him  

with all the requisite details, as regards the visit of the appellant.  Sube  



Page 30

Singh, father of the deceased, had lodged an FIR.  Hence, criminal  

law was set into motion and the investigation began.

(v) The Police had recovered the  dead body,  as  well  as  various  

material objects lying near it, including a rope.

(vi) The  post-mortem  report  suggests  that  Sonia  had  died  of  

asphyxia caused as a result of smothering and throttling, and that it  

had taken hardly any time to kill her.   

(vii) The  appellant  had  stayed  at  the  Taneja  Guest  House,  by  

providing a fictitious name and address, and the next day had tried to  

commit  suicide.  He  had  been  chased  by  the  hostel  staff,  but  had  

managed to run away. While running away, he had left a diary (Ex.P-

54), a wrist watch (Ex.P-56), and a letter (Ext.P-55).   

(viii) On 2.9.2004,  the  appellant  had made  certain  telephone calls  

from the mobile phone belonging to Sonia, to the mother as well as to  

several  other  relatives  of  the  deceased,  informing  them  about  the  

murder of Sonia that  had been committed by him, and had further  

stated that he would commit suicide.



Page 31

(ix) A diary (Ex. P-54), a letter (Ex.P-55) and a wrist watch (Ex.P-

56), belonging to the appellant were recovered from the Taneja Guest  

House.  A  suicide  note  had  been  written  in  the  said  diary  by  the  

appellant,  and  a  letter  had  also  been  written  by  him  to  the  

Superintendent of Police, Faridabad, the District Collector, the Chief  

Justice,  High  Court  of  Punjab  & Haryana,  and  the  Human Rights  

Commissioner,  suggesting his  involvement.  The recovery memo of  

the  same  (Ex.P-5),  bears  the  signatures  of  Jagatpal  (PW.2)  and  

Mahender Singh, employees of the Taneja Guest House, Faridabad.  

(x) The appellant had remained absconding for several days, and  

after  his  apprehension,  the  mobile  phone  belonging  to  Sonia  was  

recovered from the shop of Sonu at Itarsi,  Madhya Pradesh on the  

basis  of  a  disclosure  statement  made  by  him.   The  disclosure  

statement made by the appellant on the basis of which the recovery  

was  made,  bears  the  signatures  of  the  appellant  and  of  a  police  

personnel as a witness.  

(xi) The call records clearly prove that the mobile phone belonging  

to Sonia (deceased), had been used even after her death and that the  

same had been in the possession of  the appellant,  as no body else  



Page 32

could  have  used  the  same.  Sonia  had  died  before  2.30  p.m.  on  

2.9.2004.  The  call  records  of  her  telephone,  which  have  been  

exhibited  before  the  court,  clearly  disclose  the  outgoing  calls  that  

were made from her telephone to her mother and other relatives, as  

has  been  referred  to  hereinabove  at  1620.55;  1625.47;  1637.17;  

1707.46; and 1744.03 as Exh.P.21.

(xii)  During the investigation, the appellant had refused to participate  

in the Test Identification Parade, as he could have been identified by  

Ghanshyam (Security Guard) of the hostel, Arjun (Cook) and Bimla,  

Caretaker (PW.8), as well as by the staff of the Taneja Guest House.

(xiii) Jagatpal  (PW.2),  though  had  turned  hostile,  has  provided  

material  information,  and  has  also  accepted  his  signatures  on  the  

recovery memo and his statements, as well as those of Mahender, the  

other attendant.     

       (xiv) The appellant has given a specimen of his hair to be compared  

with the hair recovered from the place of occurrence,  and the FSL  

report (Ex.P-8) that was tendered as evidence has showed, that the  

hair that was recovered from the place of occurrence, was found to be  



Page 33

similar in most of its morphological and microscopical characteristics,  

to the sample of the hair provided by the appellant.   

37. In view of the aforesaid factors, the Trial Court, as well as the  

High Court, have convicted the appellant and awarded the sentences  

as referred to hereinabove.   

We have also been taken through the evidence on record, as  

well as through the judgments of the courts below.  Bimla, Caretaker  

(PW.8),  is  definitely  an  independent  witness.   She  had  “last  seen  

together” the appellant and Sonia (deceased),  just before her death,  

and we do not see any reason to doubt the veracity of her statement.  It  

is also on record that the appellant had left alone from the hostel.  The  

appellant has not furnished any explanation with respect to what could  

have happened to Sonia (deceased) while she was with him, if he was  

not responsible for her death.  No explanation was furnished by him  

as regards why he had stayed at the Taneja Guest House, by providing  

a  fictitious  name  and  false  address  and  nor  was  any  explanation  

provided by him with respect to the circumstances under which, the  

mobile phone  belonging to Sonia, had come to be in his possession.  

Admittedly, this is a case of a love marriage which had gone wrong.  

Owing to such marital discord, they had decided to separate and to get  



Page 34

divorce by mutual consent.  Therefore, it might have been frustration  

which had forced the appellant to commit such a heinous crime.

38. From  the  undelivered  letter  that  had  been  written  by  the  

appellant in the name of Superintendent of Police and to others, in  

Ex.P-54 recovered from the Taneja Guest House, it is evident that the  

appellant had developed intimacy with Sonia (deceased) much earlier,  

and had claimed to have married her in a temple, though, the formal  

marriage between them had taken place in the year 2003.  The said  

letter  reveals,  that  Sonia  (deceased)  and  her  family  members  had  

tortured him mentally,  and had extracted a huge amount of  money  

from him over a period of  the past ten years. He had even persuaded  

his  friends,  relatives  and  family  members  to  give  a  loan  to  the  

complainant,  Sube  Singh,  which  had  never  been  returned  by  him.  

Several threats had been made to the appellant by the family of the  

deceased stating that they would involve him in a false dowry demand  

case,  eliminate  him.   The  family  members  of  the  appellant  had  

severed all relations with him.   

In the suicide note (Ex.P-55), the same story has been depicted.  

Thus, the feelings of the appellant towards Sonia (deceased), and her  



Page 35

family  members  were  such,  that  they  could  have  given  rise  to  a  

motive for him to commit the said offence.  

39. The non-examination of  Sonu,  from whose  shop,  the  mobile  

phone was recovered, cannot be said to be fatal for the reason that the  

recovery  memo  bears  the  signature  of  the  appellant  himself.  One  

police Head Constable has also signed the same as a witness, and it is  

not the case of the appellant that he had been forced to sign the said  

recovery  memo.   Similarly,  we  do  not  find  any  force  in  the  

submissions advanced on behalf of the appellant, stating that the non-

examination of  Ghanshyam and Arjun from the girls’  hostel,  or  of  

Mahender from the Taneja Guest House, requires the court to draw  

adverse inference, as there is no need to provide the same evidence in  

multiplicity.   The appellant  could have examined them or some of  

them as defence witnesse(s).  However,  no such attempt was made on  

his part.  

40. A large number of discrepancies have been pointed out by the  

learned counsel  appearing on behalf  of  the appellant,  and some of  

them are reproduced as under:



Page 36

A. The entry register  maintained in the Girls  Hostel  for  visitors  

was never produced in court.

B. The finger prints taken from the glass and tea cups recovered  

from the hostel, to prove that the same had been used by the  

appellant, did not test positive.  

C. The rope allegedly used in the crime, was not recovered, nor  

has  any  positive  evidence  been  produced  to  show  that  the  

appellant had gone to the hostel armed with a rock.  

D. A large number of girl students had been staying in the hostel,  

and none of them were examined.   

E. The postmortem report does not in any way prove the case of  

the prosecution,  for the reason that the throttling, smothering  

and breaking of various ribs of the deceased, may not have been  

caused by a single person.

F. The  mobile  phone  recovered  from  Itarsi  (M.P.)  was  not  

deposited in the Malkhana.   

G. The telephone number  that  had allegedly  been purchased  by  

Sonia (deceased), and later recovered, showed some variance.

H. The  journey  from  Faridabad  to  Itarsi  and  from  Itarsi  to  

Faridabad has not been proved.  



Page 37

I. The  Booking  Register  of  the  Taneja  Guest  House  does  not  

prove that the appellant had stayed in the said Guest House.  

41. We have examined the aforesaid discrepancies pointed out by  

the learned counsel.  It may be stated herein that some of the issues  

have been explained by the prosecution, however, no attempt was ever  

made by the defence to put most of these issues to SI Vinod Kumar  

(PW.20),  the  Investigating  Officer  in  his  cross-examination.   It  is  

evident  from his  deposition  that  he  had,  in  fact,  answered  all  the  

questions that were put to him in the cross-examination.  However, it  

is  pertinent  to  clarify  that  most  of  these  questions  that  are  being  

currently raised before us were not put to him.  For example, he has  

explained that nobody from the said market had been ready to become  

the Panch witness for recovery of the mobile phone from Sonu’s shop  

at  Itarsi,  and  that  even  Sonu was  not  ready to  do so.  Further,  no  

question had been put to him in the cross-examination regarding the  

different EMEI number of the said mobile phone. The mobile phone  

that  was  recovered,  bore the EMEI No. 3534000004033852 (Ex.P-

19), though the EMEI number of mobile phone that belonged to Sonia  

was  3534000004033853.  Furthermore, no question had been put as  

to why the mobile phone, after the recovery, had not been deposited in  



Page 38

the Malkhana.  In light of such a fact situation, it is not permissible for  

us to consider such discrepancies.  

So far as the inconsistencies in the depositions of the witnesses  

are concerned, none of them can be held to be material inconsistency.  

42. The  facts  so  established  by  the  prosecution  do  not  warrant  

further review of the judgments of the courts below by this court. The  

appeal lacks merit and is, accordingly, dismissed.  

……………………………...J.                                                                 [DR. B.S. CHAUHAN]  

  ...…….…….......................... J.                                                                 [DIPAK MISRA]  NEW DELHI;  MAY 29, 2013