21 February 2019
Supreme Court


Case number: W.P.(C) No.-001247 / 2018
Diary number: 36916 / 2018
Advocates: LIZ MATHEW Vs









Dr Dhananjaya Y Chandrachud, J

1 The  petitioner,  who  is  a  student  of  Medicine,  has  instituted  these

proceedings under Article 32 of the Constitution seeking a direction to the first

respondent to compensate her for the loss of an academic year.   

2 In  Sankalp  Charitable  Trust v  Union  of  India1,  this  Court  issued  a

direction on 28 April 2016 to the effect that admissions to MBBS/BDS courses

shall  be  conducted  through  the  National  Eligibility-cum-Entrance  Test2.  On  9

August 2016, the Union government directed all States and Union Territories to

conduct  combined/centralised  counselling  for  the  2016-17  MBBS admissions,

consistent  with  the  judgment  of  this  Court  in  Modern  Dental  College  and

Research Centre v State of Madhya Pradesh3.   

1 (2016) 7 SCC 487 2 NEET 3 (2016) 7 SCC 353



3 The petitioner secured 97.16 percent marks in her 12th standard Board

examinations. In 2016, she qualified for NEET 2016-17 with a percentile score of


4 On  20  August  2016,  the  Government  of  Kerala  directed  all  medical

colleges  to  admit  only  students  who  were  selected  by  the  Commissioner  for

Entrance  Examinations4 through  common  counselling.  A  Writ  Petition5 was

instituted  in  the  Kerala  High  Court  by  medical  colleges  for  challenging  this


5 On 26 August 2016, the High Court issued interim directions to the effect

that MBBS admissions for 2016-17 shall  be conducted on the basis of NEET

2016 and that all applications shall be made online to facilitate transparency with

regard to merit and the identities of student applicants.  On 3 September 2016

the Admission Supervisory Committee for Professional Colleges in Kerala6 issued

directions  to  medical  colleges  in  the  state,  stating  that  admissions  in

contravention of those directions will not be registered by the Kerala University of

Health Sciences.

6    On 15 September 2016, ASC cancelled all the admissions made by the

first  respondent  (Kannur Medical  College) after  conducting an enquiry,  on the

ground that it had neither called for online applications nor did it comply with the

requirements in the revised approval of prospectus dated 10 September 2016.

On 17 September 2016, ASC issued an order reiterating its directions and called

upon all colleges to publish relevant details online.  Applications for the MBBS

4 CEE 5 WP (C) No 28041 of 2016 6 ASC



degree  course  with  the  first  respondent  for  2016-17  were  also  invited.  The

petitioner applied for admission pursuant to this process.  

7 On 26 September 2016, the petitioner handed over all relevant documents,

including her certificates to the first respondent and secured admission to the first

year of the MBBS degree course.  The petitioner paid a total fee of Rs 21.65

lakhs to the first respondent which comprised, inter alia, of Rs 10 lakhs as annual

fees, Rs 10 lakhs as fee deposit and Rs 1.65 lakhs as a special fee.  On 28

September 2016, this Court passed an order directing that all counselling should

be centralised7.  Classes for the MBBS degree course commenced on 1 October


8 Shortly  thereafter,  on  2  October  2016,  the  ASC  cancelled  MBBS

admissions granted by the first respondent due to non-compliance with its orders.

The Government of Kerala was requested to direct CEE to conduct centralised

admissions. Against the order of cancellation, the first respondent moved a Writ

Petition8 before  the  Kerala  High  Court.  On  4  October  2016  the  petitioner

registered for spot allotment with the first respondent.  On 6 October 2016, the

High Court, in an interim order, directed the first respondent to submit the records

for spot allotment to the CEE. On 13 October 2016, CEE submitted its report

decrying the absence of cooperation by the first respondent.  The Commissioner

had this to state in his report:

“12. The proceedings of the Spot Admission Process started at  9.30 am on 07.102016 at  the Auditorium, Govt.  Medical College, Thiruvananthapuram. Officials including the Director of Medical Education, the Joint Director of Medical Education and  officials  representing  various  Medical  and  Dental

7 SLP (C) No 9862 of 2016 8 Writ Petition (C) No 32186 of 2016



Colleges were also present.  The representatives of Kannur Medical College, Anjarakkandy, Kannur reported at the venue of the Spot Admission only at 11.30 am and they furnished the following records. 1. List of total applications received (without NEET rank &

Roll. No) – 448 applicants. 2. List of disqualified applications: 7 applicants 3. Category-wise Merit list (without NEET rank & Roll No.) –

448 applicants. 4. List of candidates admitted – 150 candidates  5. List of students registered with KUHS – 150 candidates

(Annexure 14 – copy of lists) The persons who claimed to  be the representatives of  the college  didn’t  furnish  the  letter  of  authorization  from  the college authorities.  Whey they were asked to register their attendance, they immediately left the counselling hall around 12’O clock without registering their attendance.”

9 On 28 October 2016, the High Court delivered a judgment imposing costs

of Rs one lakh on the first respondent and directing the ASC to scrutinise all the

records of the medical colleges with regard to the admissions made.  This order

of the High Court  was challenged before this Court9.   On 14 November 2016

admissions to the first respondent were cancelled again due to non-compliance

with  various  directions  including  the  non-publication  of  lists  and  conducting

admissions offline, among other reasons.  On 22 March 2017, this Court declined

to interfere with the order of the Kerala High Court.  Pursuant to the said order, on

31 March 2017, the Registrar of Kerala University of Health Sciences directed the

principal  of  the  first  respondent  to  discharge  all  the  150  students  who  were

admitted for the academic year 2016-17 and report compliance.   

10 The petitioner, together with other students, instituted a writ petition10 in the

Kerala  High  Court  to  challenge  the  order  of  cancellation.  The  High  Court

9 SLP(C) No 32580-81 of 2016 10 Writ Petition (C) No 15088 of 2017



dismissed the writ petition on 22 June 2017, which was confirmed by this Court

on 10 July 2017.  

11 The Kerala  Professional  Colleges (Regulation of  Admissions in  Medical

Colleges) Ordinance 2017 was promulgated by the Governor.  The Ordinance

sought to regularise MBBS admissions in certain medical colleges against the

payment of Rs 3 lakhs per student as a regularisation fee.  The Ordinance was

held to be ultra vires by this Court in MCI v State of Kerala11The petitioner, in the

meantime,  appeared  for  NEET  2017  and  secured  admission  at  the  Amrita

Institute of Medical Sciences.  

12 On  26  September  2017,  the  father  of  the  petitioner  addressed  a

communication to the principal of the first respondent seeking a refund of the

documents  and fees  submitted  to  the  college  since  the  petitioner  had joined

another college for pursuing her MBBS course.  The letter read thus:

“Sub: Request to withdraw from MBBS Course My daughter Riya George has joined for the first year MBBS Course  in  Kannur  Medical  College,  Anjarakandy  for  the academic year 2016-17.  Since the admission to your college is under dispute, my daughter no longer waned to continue with  the  course.  My  daughter  has  already  joined  another college for MBBS Course. I request you to return/refund all the documents and fees submitted by me/my daughter at the earliest.”

13 Simultaneously  the  petitioner’s  father  addressed  a  letter  to  the  Station

House Officer of the Chakkarakkal police station, Kannur where he had lodged a

complaint on 26 September 2017 stating that the dispute with the college had

been settled against the receipt of an amount of Rs 20 lakhs on 25 September

11 (2018) SCC Online SC 1467



2018 towards full and final settlement, as a result of which the petitioner did not

wish to proceed with the complaint any further. The petitioner’s father had also

instituted  a  petition  before  the  Admission  and  Fee  Regulatory  Committee  for

Medical Education in Kerala.  The father of the petitioner submitted an application

for the withdrawal of the petition in the following terms:

“Petition filed by the petitioner KV George in the above matter to permit him to withdraw the above complaint. Since the matter has been talked over and settled between the petitioner and respondent amicably and as the petitioner has received Rs 20 lakhs as per Demand Draft No 960174 and 960175 for  Rs 10 lakhs each drawn on Canara Bank, Chakkarakal  Branch  dated  25.9.2017  in  full  and  final settlement of the claim of the petitioner, the petitioner does not want to proceed with the above complaint any further. Hence it is humbly prayed that the Hon’ble Chairman may be pleased  to  permit  the  petitioner  to  withdraw  the  above complaint in the interest of justice. Dated this the 26th day of September 2017.”   

14 It is admitted that two demand drafts dated 25 September 2017, each in

the  amount  of  Rs  10  lakhs  towards  refund  of  the  fee  were  received  by  the

petitioner. The father of the petitioner submitted an affidavit dated 26 September

2017 in the following terms:

“I,  KV  George,  S/o  Varkey,  aged  58  years,  Kanjiramkuzhi House Chengalayi PO, Sreekandapuram, Kannur do hereby solemnly and undertake as follows: My  daughter  Riya  George  joined  for  the  first  year  MBBS Course  in  Kannur  Medical  College,  Anjarakandy  for  the academic  year  2016-17.   Since  the  admission  to  the  aid college  is  under  dispute,  I  have  filed  complaint  before Chakkarakal police station against the college and its various officials and management. I have also filed a complaint before admission and Fee Regulatory  Committee.  The matter  has been talked over and settled between me and the college and I have received Rs 20 lakhs as per Demand Draft No 960174 and 960175 for  Rs 10 lakhs each drawn on Canara Bank, Chakkarakal  Branch  dated  25.9.2017  towards  the  amount claimed by  me from the  college towards  the  full  and final settlement.  Therefore, I undertake to withdraw the complaint



filed  before  the  above  Forum  and  to  withdraw  from  the course. I have already submitted letters/memos to that effect. I undertake to appear before the above Forums in person or through  lawyer  and  submit  orally  or  in  writing  any  other submissions  required  by  concerned authorities  to  fully  and effectively closing the entire dispute between the college and me.”


15 The  Chairperson  of  the  Admission  and  Fee  Regulatory  Committee  for

Medical  Education passed an order  dated 26 September  2017 permitting  the

withdrawal of the complaint filed by the petitioner as having been settled. The

order reads as follows:

“ORDER Sri KV George, the father of Riya George who got admission to  the  MBBS  Course  in  the  academic  year  2016  in  the respondent college, Kannur Medical College filed this petition for directing the respondent college to return the amount of Rs 21,65,000/- remitted by him towards fee.  The matter has been settled between the parties.  As per the settlement the complainant  has  agreed  to  receive  2-post-dated  cheques each for Rs 10 lakhs drawn on Canara Bank, Chakkarakkal branch dated 25.09.2017 in  full  and final  settlement of  the claim of the petitioner.  In view of the settlement between the parties, Sri KV George is  permitted  to  withdraw  the  complaint.  The  settlement  is recorded.”


16 Subsequently,  it  appears  that  another  complaint  was  filed  by  the

petitioner’s father stating that he had received an amount of Rs 20 lakhs but, that

the remaining amount of Rs 1.65 lakhs had not been paid. He also claimed an

amount  of  Rs 3.50 lakhs towards interest  on the amount  paid.  Rejecting the

objection of the first respondent that there had been a full and final settlement

between the parties,  the Committee  passed an order  on 29 December  2017

allowing the claim for the balance of Rs 1.65 lakhs. The Committee rejected the

claim for interest, leaving it open to the complainant to work out his remedies in



an appropriate forum. The first respondent filed a petition for review of the order

dated 29 December 2017 on the ground that there had been a final settlement of

Rs 20 lakhs. While rejecting the review petition, the Committee observed thus:

“Shri KV George submitted that he was in a hurry to get back the  certificates  and  the  money  and  in  the  above circumstances there was no other alternative but to sign in the  Memo  prepared  by  the  college  for  withdrawing  the complaint. He further submitted that he was in dire need of the money in connection with the admission of his daughter, and hence he had no other  alternative,  but  to  sign  in  the Memo  prepared  by  the  college.  After  considering  all  the aspect the committee had taken the view that the signing of the Memo seeking permission to withdraw the complaint was not an act made on free consent of the complainant but was made in compelling circumstances. Hence the Principles of Waiver and Estoppel shall not have application in the present circumstances.”

In consequence, the Committee has maintained that the college was liable

to return an amount of Rs 1.65 lakhs to the petitioner.   

17 In the meantime, on 29 August 2018, a consent order was passed by a two

Judge  Bench  of  this  Court  in  The  Principal,  Kannur  Medical  College v

Admission Supervisory  Committee  for  Professional  Colleges in  Kerala12.

The terms of the consent order, inter alia, envisage that:

“1.The college shall return the double of the amount than the fees deposited by each one of 150 students with college, by 4 September,  2018.  It  is  submitted that  the  amount  shall  be remitted  in  the  bank  account  of  each of  the  students.  Let compliance report including bank statements, bank account numbers with names of students be filed not only in this Court but also to the Admission Supervisory Committee (ASC). The ASC shall  ascertain and submit  the report whether amount has  been refunded,  as  ordered,  to  the  students  and bank accounts belong to them.”

12 Special Leave Petition (C) No 23225 of 2018



18 Subsequently, the issue of refund was revisited by another order of the two

Judge Bench of this Court dated 4 October 2018.  Before this Court, the ASC

submitted a report on 1 September 2018 recording that diverse amounts ranging

from Rs 1 lakh to Rs 35 lakhs were collected from most of the 150 students who

had been admitted by the college. Dealing with this aspect of the matter, this

Court observed thus:

“It is a seriously disputed fact in the instance case how much amount  had been collected from each of  the students and what  has  been refunded as  per  the  Order  passed by  this Court  is  not  the  appropriate  sum.  In  the  facts  and circumstances  of  the  case,  as  certain  material  has  been placed on record by the college in this Court only and that was not placed before the ASC and students have also come up with certain documents indicating how they had collected amount paid, they are also required to be considered by the ASC.  This  Court  cannot  conduct  factual  enquiry.  It  was suggested by Mr. Jaideep Gupta, learned senior counsel that the parties may be relegated to the ASC for adjudication of the  aforesaid  aspect.  The  6  ASC to  consider  the  material which may be placed on record by the respective parties and take a decision in accordance with law on the basis of the evidence adduced in each of the case with respect to each of the students.”

19 On the aspect of refund, the Court directed that an inquiry be made by the

ASC and an appropriate order should be passed thereon.  In pursuance of the

above directions of this Court, the ASC issued a notice on 28 November 2018

stating that the complaints of 12 students were being posted for hearing on 3

December 2018.  The complainants and the first  respondent were directed to

appear before the Committee (with relevant documents) for establishing the right

of claim.  The students to whom a notice has been issued include the petitioner.

20 The  petitioner  has  moved  these  proceedings  under  Article  32  of  the

Constitution  seeking  an  order  for  the  payment  of  damages  by  the  first



respondent.  The basis of the claim is that she has lost one year of education as

a  result  of  the  legal  proceedings  emanating  from  the  cancellation  of  the

admissions granted by the first respondent.  Learned counsel submitted that the

first respondent was guilty of violating the regulations governing the process of

admissions. As a result,  students have had to suffer,  the petitioner being one

among them.  Learned counsel for  the petitioner submitted that the petitioner

should not be relegated to pursue her claims before the Committee since that will

only delay the proceedings. She appealed to this Court to bring a finality to the

matter by a suitable award for damages against the first respondent.

21 A preliminary objection has been raised on behalf of the first respondent to

the maintainability of the writ  petition on the ground of a wilful suppression of

material  facts  by  the  petitioner.  Mr  Huzefa  Ahmadi,  learned  Senior  Counsel

appearing on behalf of the first respondent submits that the petition contains no

disclosure of the following material facts:

(i) The complaint  lodged with the police was withdrawn specifically  on the

ground that an amount of Rs 20 lakhs had been received in full and final

settlement from the first respondent;  

(ii) An application was submitted on 26 September 2017 to the Admission and

Fee Regulatory Committee for the withdrawal of the complaint in lieu of the

receipt of Rs 20 lakhs in full and final settlement;  

(iii) An affidavit filed by the father of the petitioner withdrawing all claims; and

(iv) By an order dated 26 September 2017, the Chairperson of the Admission

Fee Regulatory Committee for Medical Education permitted the withdrawal

of the complaint.  



22 We have, during the course of the hearing, perused relevant parts of the

writ petition. In the synopsis and the list of dates, there is a significant absence of

the  facts  which  have been disclosed  in  the counter  affidavit  filed  by  the first

respondent. The only reference to the refund of an amount of Rs 21.65 lakhs is

contained in para 2(o) of the Special Leave Petition in the following terms:

“A perusal of the factual backdrop thus clearly reveals that the Petitioner was a victim of deliberate actions of Respondent that were illegal and contrary to the directions of the Court, MCI and the ASC. Even for refund of Rs 21,65,000/- collected by the College, the Petitioner had to move the ASC since the College refused to refund moneys deposited.”


23 Apart from this, the petitioner has annexed a copy of the order dated 29

May  2018  passed  by  the  Admission  and  Fee  Regulatory  Committee  on  the

review petition filed by the first respondent against the order of the Committee

dated 29 December 2017 for the refund of an amount of Rs 1.65 lakhs. Material

facts pertaining to what had been transpired prior to that order have not been

disclosed  in  the  pleadings.    We  find  this  conduct  of  the  petitioner  to  be


24 While moving a writ petition before this Court, the petitioner ought to have

made a full, fair and candid disclosure of all facts.  The fact that while seeking a

refund of the fees paid to the first respondent, the father of the petitioner had

executed  several  documents  by  which  he  had  unconditionally  withdrawn  the

claim, was certainly a material circumstance which ought to have been disclosed

before this Court.  Learned counsel for the petitioner submits that facts pertaining

to the withdrawal of the claim, including the documents which were executed by her

father,  were  unknown  to  both  her  and  her  father.   She  submitted  that  these



documents were obtained by the first respondent when the fee was refunded.  It is

not  possible to  accept  this  contention.  The execution of  the documents is not in

dispute.  That apart, the petitioner has annexed a copy of the review order passed by

the Committee.  There is sufficient indication in the order to lead the petitioner to a

knowledge of what had transpired earlier.  Despite this, a full statement of facts has

not been made.  Learned counsel appearing on behalf of the petitioner submits

that the claim was withdrawn under duress, since the petitioner was required to

obtain  a  refund  of  fees,  having  secured  admission  to  the  Amrita  Institute  of

Medical Sciences. In order to enable the Court to consider the plea of duress, it

was  the  bounden duty  and  obligation  of  the  petitioner  to  disclose  a  full  and

complete statement of facts. This has not been done.

25 Ordinarily,  this  should  result  in  the  dismissal  of  the  writ  petition  under

Article  32  of  the  Constitution.  However,  justice  to  the  petitioner  should  not

become a victim of the prestige of this Court.   In deciding not to dismiss the

petition, we have borne in mind the fact that the Admission and Fee Regulatory

Committee has issued a notice to the petitioner on 28 November 2018, fixing a

hearing for the purpose of deciding upon her claim, amongst the claims of other

students.  The Committee, in its review order dated 29 May 2018 has already

adverted to this aspect, which we have extracted earlier.  

26 There  is  another  reason  why  we  are  of  the  opinion  that  it  would  be

inappropriate for this Court to quantify damages in the present proceedings.  As

we have noted earlier, another two Judge Bench of this Court issued directions

by consent on 29 August 2018 requiring the first respondent to deposit “double

the amount” of “the fees deposited by each one of 150 students” with the college.



This batch of 150 students includes the petitioner.  Technically, it is true that the

petitioner was not a party to the earlier proceedings and that the order dated 29

August 2018 is a consent order.  However, any determination by this Court in the

present proceedings of the quantum of damages payable to the petitioner would

be contrary to the underlying purpose and object  of  the order  passed by the

coordinate bench.  In the order dated 29 August 2018, the two Judge Bench laid

down the principle – refund of double the amount of the fee – but left the exact

quantification of the amount in each case to be determined by the Committee.

Quantification of damages in monetary terms in the present writ petition will have

a bearing on the pending proceedings before the Committee. That proceeding

covers the entire batch of 150 students.  Moreover, in pursuance of the order, the

petitioner has received a notice from the Committee to appear in support of her


27 There  can  be  no  manner  of  doubt  that  the  petitioner  is  entitled  to  be

compensated  for  the  loss  of  a  valuable  year  which  was  occasioned  by  the

misdemeanors of the first respondent.  A student who has been deprived of a

valuable year in pursuing her studies, cannot be left  in the lurch.  It  is in this

background, that the explanation that the complaints made by the father of the

petitioner were withdrawn only because there was an urgent need to obtain a

refund of  the  fee,  to  enable  the petitioner  to  secure admission  to  the Amrita

Institute of Medical Sciences must be understood.  Middle class parents do not

have the luxury  of  resources.   We must  form a robust  understanding  of  the

circumstances in which the father of the petitioner withdrew his complaint. The

Committee has in  fact  recorded a finding of  fact  that  the withdrawal  was not



voluntary and was occasioned by the serious impediment in receiving a refund of

fees. Hence, the petitioner would be entitled to the benefit of the principle which

was formulated in the orders of this Court dated 29 August 2018 and 4 October

2018. Since the issue has been remitted back to the Committee by a coordinate

bench, following the norm of judicial discipline, we are inclined to follow the same

course of action.    

28 In order not to prejudice the case of the petitioner, we leave it open to her

to pursue her claim before the Committee. The petitioner would be at liberty to

pursue her claim before the Committee in terms of Clause 1 of the order dated 29

August 2018 passed by this Court as clarified by the subsequent order dated 4

October  2018.  We  request  the  Admissions  Committee  to  take  a  decision

expeditiously and within a period of three months of the receipt of a certified copy

of this judgment. All the rights and contentions of the parties are kept open.  

29 The Writ Petition shall accordingly stand disposed of. There shall be no

order as to costs.


                                              [Dr DHANANJAYA Y CHANDRACHUD]  


             …….………..…….………….………………….J                                                      [HEMANT GUPTA]