25 April 2012
Supreme Court


Case number: C.A. No.-003905-003905 / 2012
Diary number: 18703 / 2008


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CIVIL     APPEAL     NO.3905     OF     2012   

 (Arising out of SPECIAL LEAVE PETITION (CIVIL) NO. 17943/2008)

Rashtriya Ispat Nigam Limited …      Appellant


M/s Dewan Chand Ram Saran                         …  Respondent

J      U      D      G      E      M      E      N      T   

H.L.     Gokhale     J.   

Leave granted.

2. This appeal is directed against the judgment and  

order dated 25.2.2008 rendered by a Division Bench of the  

Bombay High Court in Appeal No.188/2006 confirming the  

decision of a single Judge of that court dated 4.7.2005 in  

Arbitration Petition No.364/2004, whereby the High Court  

has set aside the award dated 25.5.2004 passed by a sole


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arbitrator which award had dismissed the Claim Petition of  

the respondent against the appellant herein.

3. The questions involved in this appeal are two-fold,  

(i) firstly, whether under the relevant clause 9.3 of the terms  

and conditions of the contract between the parties, the  

appellant was right in deducting the service tax from the  

bills of the respondent and, (ii) secondly, whether the  

interpretation of this clause and the consequent award  

rendered by the arbitrator was against the terms of the  

contract and therefore illegal as held by the High Court, or  

whether the view taken by the arbitrator was a possible, if  

not a plausible view.    

The contract and the relevant clause:

4. The appellant –  a Govt. of India undertaking is  

engaged in the manufacture of steel products and pig-iron  

for sale in the domestic and export markets.  The respondent  

is a partnership firm carrying on the business of  

transportation of goods.  In the year 1997, the appellant  

appointed the respondent as the handling contractor in  



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respect of appellant’s iron and steel materials from their  

stockyard at Kalamboli, Navi Mumbai.  A formal contract was  

entered into between the two of them on 17.6.1998.  ‘Terms  

and conditions for handling of iron and steel materials’  

though recorded in a separate document, formed a part of  

this contract.  Clause 9.0 of these terms and conditions was  

concerning the payment of bills.  Clause 9.3 thereof read as  


“9.3.The Contractor shall bear and pay  all taxes, duties and other liabilities in  connection with discharge of his obligations  under this order.  Any income tax or any other  taxes or duties which the company may be  required by law to deduct shall be deducted at  source and the same shall be paid to the Tax  Authorities for the account of the Contractor  and the Company shall provide the Contractor  with required Tax Deduction Certificate.”  

Evolution of service tax:

      5. Service Tax was introduced for the first time under  

Chapter V of the Finance Act, 1994.  Section 66 of the Act  

was the charging section and it provided for the levy of  

service tax at the rate of five per cent of the value of the  

taxable services.  “Taxable service”  was defined in Section  



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65 to include only three services namely any service  

provided to an investor by a stockbroker, to a subscriber by  

the telegraph authority, and to a policy-holder by an insurer  

carrying on general insurance business. Section 68 required  

every person providing taxable service to collect the service  

tax at specified rates. Section 69 of the Finance Act, 1994  

provided for registration of the persons responsible for  

collecting service tax. Sub-sections (2) and (5) indicated that  

it was the provider of the service who was responsible for  

collecting the tax and obliged to get registered.

6. By the Finance Act, 1997 the first amendment to  

Section 65 of the Finance Act, 1994 was made, inter alia, by  

extending the meaning of “taxable service”  from three  

services to 18 different services categorised in Section  

65(41), sub-clauses (a) to (r).  Sub-clause (j) made service to  

a client by clearing and forwarding agents in relation to  

clearing and forwarding operations, a taxable service.  

Similarly, service to a customer of a goods transport  

operator in relation to carriage of goods by road in a goods  

carriage was, by sub-clause (m), also included within the  



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umbrella of taxable service. The phrases “clearing and  

forwarding agent”  and “goods transport operator”  were  

defined as follows:

“65. (10) ‘clearing and forwarding agent’  means any person who is engaged in  providing any service, either directly or  indirectly, connected with clearing and  forwarding operations in any manner to any  other person and includes a consignment  agent;

*** (17) ‘goods transport operator’  means  

any commercial concern engaged in the  transportation of goods but does not include a  courier agency;”

7. The service tax was brought into force on  

5.11.1997 vide Notification No.44/77 with effect from  

16.11.1997.  Consequent thereupon, the appellant deducted  

5% tax on the bills of the respondent for the period  

30.11.1997 to 6.8.1999.  The respondent, however, refused  

to accept the deductions, and raised a dispute for arbitration  

under clause 15 of the terms and conditions mentioned  

above. This dispute was referred for the arbitration of a sole  

arbitrator, a retired Judge of the Delhi High Court.   



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8. Rules 2 (xii) and 2 (xvii) of the Service Tax Rules,  

1994 as amended in 1997 made the customers or clients of  

clearing and forwarding agents and of goods transport  

operators as assesses.  These amended rules were  

challenged and were held ultra vires the Act by this Court in  

Laghu Udyog Bharati vs. Union of India reported in 1999  

(6) SCC 418.  The Court examined the provisions of the Act  

and particularly Section 68 and the definition of “person  

responsible for collecting the service tax”  in Section 65(28)  

and in terms held in paragraph 9 that “the service tax is  

levied by reason of the services which are offered.  The  

imposition is on the person rendering service.”  

9. To overcome the law laid down in Laghu Udyog  

Bharati (supra), the Finance Act 2000 brought in an  

amendment on 12.5.2000 (effective from 16.7.1997) in the  

manner indicated in Section 116 which reads as follows:

“116.  Amendment of Act 32 of 1994.  — During the period commencing on and  from the 16th day of July, 1997 and  ending with the 16th day of October,  1998, the provisions of Chapter V of the  Finance Act, 1994 shall be deemed to  



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have had effect subject to the following  modifications, namely— (a) in Section 65,—

  (i) for clause (6), the following clause had  been    substituted, namely—

‘(6) “assessee” means a person liable  for collecting the service tax and  includes—

(i)  his agent; or (ii) in relation to services provided by  

a clearing and forwarding agent, every  person who engages a clearing and  forwarding agent and by whom  remuneration or commission (by  whatever name called) is paid for such  services to the said agent; or

(iii) in relation to services provided by  a goods transport operator, every person  who pays or is liable to pay the freight  either himself or through his agent for  the transportation of goods by road in a  goods carriage;’

(ii) after clause (18), the following clauses  had been substituted, namely—

‘(18-A) “goods carriage”  has the  meaning assigned to it in clause (14) of  Section 2 of the Motor Vehicles Act, 1988;

(18-B) “goods transport operator”  means any commercial concern engaged in  the transportation of goods but does not  include a courier agency;’; (iii) in clause (48), after sub-clause (m), the  following sub-clause had been inserted,  namely—



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‘(m-a) to a customer, by a goods  transport operator in relation to carriage of  goods by road in a goods carriage;’; (b) in Section 66, for sub-section (3), the  

following sub-section had been substituted,  namely—

‘(3) On and from the 16th day of July,  1997, there shall be levied a tax at the rate  of five per cent of the value of taxable  services referred to in sub-clauses (g), (h),  (i), (j), (k), (l), (m), (m-a), (n) and (o) of  clause (48) of Section 65 and collected in  such manner as may be prescribed.’; (c) in Section 67, after clause (k), the  

following clause had been inserted, namely— ‘(k-a) in relation to service provided by goods  transport operator to a customer, shall be the  gross amount charged by such operator for  services in relation to carrying goods by road  in a goods carriage and includes the freight  charges but does not include any insurance  charges’.”

Proceedings prior to this appeal:

10. The respondent contended before the learned  

arbitrator that its dominant work was of transporting and  

forwarding of goods by road, and not of a handling  

contractor, and that the mere fact that it may be required to  

handle the goods in  a manner and to the extent provided in  



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the contract between the parties, was merely incidental. The  

learned arbitrator, however, noted that the contract between  

the parties dated 17.6.1998 referred the respondent as the  

‘handling contractor’, who shall undertake the job of  

handling iron and steel materials at  the yard of the  

company on the terms and conditions stipulated therein as  

also in the manner and in all respects as mentioned in the  

contract.  He referred to the notice inviting tender, the  

declaration of particulars relating to the tender, the schedule  

of rates, the provision relating to scope of work and the  

obligations of the contractor detailed in clause 6.   In that  

connection, he referred to the letter dated 27.11.1997  

received from the office of Commissioner of Central Excise,  

Chennai wherein he had also held the work of the handling  

contractor as that of the clearing and forwarding agent liable  

to pay service tax.  The arbitrator therefore held that the  

respondent was forwarding and clearing contractor.   

11.        Thereafter, he dealt with the question of liability to  

pay the service tax, and by a detailed award dated  

25.5.2004 rejected the contentions of the respondent and  



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dismissed the Claim Petition.   In the penultimate paragraph,  

the learned arbitrator held as follows:-

“Clause 9.3 of the Tender Terms and  Conditions of the Contract, to my mind is clear  & unambiguous.  Thus it is the Respondent  who is the assessee.  It is also true that  liability is of the Respondent to pay the tax.  But then, under the contract, under clause 9.3  to be more precise, it was agreed that it would  be the claimant who shall bear “all taxes,  duties and other liabilities”  which accrue or  become payable “In connection with the  discharge of his obligation.”  Service tax was  one such tax/duty or a liability which was  directly connected with “the discharge of his  obligation” as the clearing & forwarding agent.  It is this contractual obligation which binds the  claimant and though under the law it is the  respondent who is the assessee, it can &  rightly did deduct the service tax from the bills  of the claimant in terms of the said contractual  obligation, the validity and legality of which  has not been challenged before me.”

12. This award led the respondent to file a petition  

under Section 34 of the Arbitration and Conciliation Act,  

1996 being Arbitration Petition No.364/2004 before the High  

Court of Judicature at Bombay.  A Learned Single Judge of  

the High Court allowed that petition, and set aside the award  

with costs by judgment and order dated 4.7.2005.  The  

learned Judge while arriving at that conclusion referred to  



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the definition of the term “assessee” and held that insofar as  

service tax under the Finance Act, 1994 is concerned, the  

appellant as the assessee was liable to pay the tax.  The  

learned Judge observed as follows:-

“The purpose of clause 9.3 is not to shift  the burden of taxes from the assessee who is  liable under the law to pay the taxes to a  person who is not liable to pay the taxes under  the law. In my opinion, the award therefore  suffers from total non-application of mind and  therefore, it is required to be set aside.”

13. The appellant preferred an appeal to a Division  

Bench of Bombay High Court against the said judgment and  

order.  The appeal was numbered as Appeal No. 188/2006.  

The Division Bench dismissed the appeal by holding as  


“16. ……..As noted, the Respondents are  not “Assessee”  under the Service Tax Act.  The Appellants are, being recipients, resisted  and have filed the return.  It is, therefore, the  appellant’s obligation to pay the Service Tax  and not that of the Respondents, there is no  specific clause that such service tax, liability  would be deductible from the amount payable  by the Appellants to the Respondent pursuant  to the contract in question.  The deduction as  claimed and as directed by the award in  absence of any agreement or clause,  therefore, is not correct.”



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14. Being aggrieved by the said judgment and order,  

the present appeal has been filed.  Mr. S. Ganesh, learned  

Senior Counsel has appeared for the appellant, and Mr. K.K.  

Rai, learned Senior Counsel has appeared for the  


Submissions on behalf of the appellant:

15. As stated at the outset, the question involved  

before the arbitrator and in the offshoots therefrom, is with  

respect to interpretation of the above referred clause No.9.3.  

Mr. Ganesh, learned counsel for the appellant submitted that  

the entire purpose in providing this clause was to provide  

that the contractor will be responsible for the taxes, duties  

and the liabilities which would arise in connection with  

discharge of the obligations of the contractor.  The  

obligations of the contractor were laid down in clause 6.0 of  

the terms and conditions, referred to above.  This clause  

provides the details of contractor’s responsibility for  

clearance of the consignments of the appellant.  The liability  

to pay the service tax arises out of the service provided by  



Page 13

the respondent.  There is no dispute that in view of the  

above referred amendment of 2000, the appellant as the  

recipient of the service is the assessee under the service tax  

law.  However, there is no prohibition in the law against  

shifting the burden of the tax liability.  In the instant case,  

the tax liability will depend upon the value of the taxable  

service provided by the respondent, and therefore clause 9.3  

required the respondent to take the burden. Mr. Ganesh  

cited the example of sales tax which the assessee can shift  

to the customer.  In his submission, the phrase, “liabilities in  

connection with the discharge of his obligations” under this  

clause will have to be construed in that context.   

16. The learned counsel submitted that interpretation  

of clause 9.3 by the arbitrator was the correct one, and in  

any case, was a possible if not a plausible one.  The Courts  

were, therefore, not expected to interfere therein. He  

submitted that the dispute in the present case was  

concerning the interpretation of a term of the contract.  It  

has been laid down by this Court that in such situations,  

even if one is of the view that the interpretation rendered by  



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the arbitrator is erroneous, one is not expected to interfere  

therein if two views were possible.  Mr. Ganesh referred to  

the following observations of this Court in H.P. State  

Electricity Board vs. R.J. Shah reported in [1999 (4) SCC  

214] at the end of paragraph 27, which are to the following  


“27. ……..The dispute before the  arbitrators, therefore, clearly related to the  interpretation of the terms of the contract.  The said contract was being read by the  parties differently.  The arbitrators were,  therefore, clearly called upon to construe or  interpret the terms of the contract.  The  decision thereon, even if it be erroneous,  cannot be said to be without jurisdiction.  It  cannot be said that the award showed that  there was an error of jurisdiction even though  there may have been an error in the exercise  of jurisdiction by the arbitrators.”

17. It was also submitted by the learned counsel that  

the court is not expected to substitute its evaluation of the  

conclusion of law or fact arrived at by the arbitrator and  

referred to the following observation in paragraph 31 in M/s  

Sudarsan Trading Co. vs. Govt. of Kerala reported in  

[1989 (2) SCC 38].



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“…………in the instant case the court had  examined the different claims not to find out  whether these claims were within the disputes  referable to the arbitrator, but to find out  whether in arriving at the decision, the  arbitrator had acted correctly or incorrectly.  This, in our opinion, the court had no  jurisdiction to do, namely, substitution of its  own evaluation of the conclusion of law or fact  to come to the conclusion that the arbitrator  had acted contrary to the bargain between the  parties.……….”

Submissions on behalf of the respondent

18. Learned senior counsel for the respondent Mr. Rai,  

on the other hand, submitted that the concerned clause  

cannot be read to imply a right to shift the tax liability.  He  

submitted that the appellant was the assessee for the  

payment of service tax, and the concerned clause merely  

laid down that the contractor will have to pay all taxes,  

duties and other liabilities which he was otherwise required  

to pay if they arise in connection with discharge of his  

obligations under the contract. The appellant was entitled to  

deduct only the income tax and other taxes or duties which  

it was so required by law to deduct.  The disputed  

deductions would mean that the contractor had taken over  



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the tax liability of the appellant as if the liability was on the  

contractor.  He referred to the judgment of this Court in  

Gujarat Ambuja Cements Ltd. vs. Union of India  

reported in [2005 (4) SCC 214].  This judgment discusses the  

evolution of the service tax as to how service tax was  

introduced by the Finance Act, 1994, how the meaning of  

taxable service was extended in 1997, and how the  

definition of assessee subsequently included the person who  

engages a clearing and forwarding  agent, or a goods  

transport operator.  

19. He drew our attention to paragraph 21 of Gujarat  

Ambuja Cement Ltd. (supra) wherein this Court observed  

as follows:

“21.  As is apparent from Section 116 of  the Finance Act, 2000, all the material portions  of the two sections which were found to be  incompatible with the Service Tax Rules were  themselves amended so that now in the body  of the Act by virtue of the amendment to the  word “assessee”  in Section 65(5) and the  amendment to Section 66(3), the liability to  pay the tax is not on the person providing the  taxable service but, as far as the services  provided by clearing and forwarding agents  and goods transport operators are concerned,  on the person who pays for the services. As far  



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as Section 68(1-A) is concerned by virtue of  the proviso added in 2003, the persons  availing of the services of goods transport  operators or clearing and forwarding agents  have explicitly been made liable to pay the  service tax.”

20. The respondent relied upon the judgment of this  

Court in Bank of India vs. K. Mohan Das reported in [2009  

(5) SCC 313] by one of us (Lodha, J.).  The issue in that  

matter was with respect to the interpretation of some of the  

provisions of the voluntary retirement scheme of 2000 of the  

appellant bank.  In paragraph 32 thereof this Court has  

observed as follows:-

“….32.  The fundamental position is that  it is the banks who were responsible for  formulation of the terms in the  contractual Scheme that the optees of  voluntary retirement under that Scheme  will be eligible to pension under the  Pension Regulation, 1995, and, therefore,  they bear the risk of lack of clarity, if any.  It is a well-known principle of  construction of a contract that if the  terms applied by one party are unclear,  an interpretation against that party is  preferred (verba chartarum fortius  accipiuntur contra proferentem).”  



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Based on this paragraph, it was submitted that the  

arbitrator was bound to follow the principle of contra  

proferentem in the present case.  It was contended that  

since the propounder of the contract was the petitioner in  

case of vagueness, the rule of contra proferentem will have  

to be applied in interpreting the present contract.  Therefore,  

the liability to pay service tax was on the appellant as the  

assessee, and it could not be contended that under Clause  

9.3 that liability was accepted by the respondent.  The  

judgment in Bank of India (supra) was also pressed into  

service to submit that clause 9.3 and the contract must be  

read as a whole, and an attempt should be made to  

harmonise the provisions.

21. It was submitted by the respondent that this  

Hon’ble Court very succinctly summarised the legal  

principles for setting aside an award in SAIL vs. Gupta  

Brother Steel Tubes Ltd. (by one of us –  Lodha J.)  

reported in [2009 (10) SCC 63] in paragraph 18 wherefrom  

principles (i) and (iv) would be attracted.  As against that,  

the appellant stressed sub-paras (ii) & (vi) of the same  



Page 19

paragraph 18.  We may therefore quote the entire paragraph  

which reads as follows:-

“….18. It is not necessary to multiply the  references.  Suffice it to say that the legal position  that emerges from the decisions o this Court can  be summarised thus:

(i) In a case where an arbitrator travels  beyond the contract, the award would  be without jurisdiction and would  amount to legal misconduct and  because of which the award would  become amenable for being set aside  by a court.

(ii) An error relatable to interpretation of  the contract by an arbitrator is an  error within his jurisdiction and such  error is not amenable to correction by  courts as such error is not an error on  the face of the award.

(iii) If a specific question of law is  submitted to the arbitrator and he  answers it, the fact that the answer  involves an erroneous decision in  point of law does not make the award  bad on its face.

(iv) An award contrary to substantive  provision of law or against the terms  of contract would be patently illegal.”

(v) Where the parties have deliberately  specified the amount of  compensation in express terms, the  party who has suffered by such  breach can only claim the sum  specified in the contract and not in  excess thereof.  In other words, no  award of compensation in case of  



Page 20

breach of contract, if named or  specified in the contract, could be  awarded in excess thereof.

(vi) If the conclusion of the arbitrator is  based on a possible view of the  matter, the court should not interfere  with the award.”

Consideration of the rival submissions:

22. We have noted the submissions of both the  

learned counsel.  If we see the evolution of the service tax  

law, initially the liability to pay the service tax was on the  

service provider, though it is now provided by the  

amendment of 2000 that the same is on the person who  

avails of the service.  It is relevant to note that the  

agreement between the parties was entered into on  

7.6.1998.  The appellant had deducted 5% service tax on the  

bills of the respondent for the period 30.11.1997 to 6.8.1999  

which in fact it was required to deduct under the service tax  

law as it then stood. Subsequently, by the amendment of the  

definition of assessee effected on 12.5.2000 (though  

retrospectively effective from 16.7.1997) the liability to pay  

the service tax was shifted to the person who was availing  

the service as the assessee.  We must note that it is  



Page 21

thereafter that the parties have gone for arbitration, and the  

respondent has relied upon the changed definition of  

assessee to contend that the tax liability was that of the  


23. We are concerned with the question as to what  

was the intention of the parties when they entered into the  

contract on 7.6.1998, and how the particular clause 9.3 is to  

be read.  Since clause 9.3 of the contract refers to the  

liabilities of the contractor in connection with discharge of  

his obligations, one will have to refer to clause 6 of the  

“Terms and Conditions for Handling of Iron and Steel  

Materials of RINL, VSP”  which was an integral part of the  

contract between the petitioner and the respondent, and  

which was titled “Obligations of the Contractor”.  The said  

paragraph 6 deals in great details with the work which was  

required to be done by the respondent as clearing and  

forwarding agent.  It is therefore absolutely clear that the  

term “his obligations under this order”  in clause 9.3 of the  

contract denoted the contractor’s responsibilities under  



Page 22

clause 6 in relation to the work which he was required to  

carry out as handling contractor.   

24. If we look into this clause 6.0, we find that the  

obligations of the contractor are defined and spelt out in  

minute details.  Clause 6.0 is split into 33 sub-clauses, and it  

provides for obligations of the contractor in various  

situations concerning the clearance of consignments, and  

the services to be provided by the respondent as the  

handling contractor wherefrom the tax liability arises.  The  

contractor is made responsible for pilferage, any loss or  

misplacement of the consignments also. Clause 9.0 which  

deals with payment of bills, provides in clauses 9.1 and 9.2  

that the bills will be prepared on the basis of the actual  

operations performed and the materials accounted on the  

basis of weight carried and received.  Clause 9.3 has to be  

seen on this background.  The tax liability will depend upon  

the value of the taxable service provided, which will vary  

depending upon the volume of the goods handled.   



Page 23

25. It was submitted on behalf of the respondent that  

clause 9.3 and the contract must be read as a whole and one  

must harmonise various provisions thereof.  However, in fact  

when that is done as above, clause 9.3 will have to be held  

as containing the stipulation of the contractor accepting the  

liability to pay the service tax, since the liability did arise out  

of the discharge of his obligations under the contract.  It  

appears that the rationale behind clause 9.3 was that the  

petitioner as a Public Sector Undertaking should be thereby  

exposed only to a known and determined liability under the  

contract, and all other risks regarding taxes arising out of  

the obligations of the contractor are assumed by the  


26. As far as the submission of shifting of tax liability  

is concerned, as observed in paragraph 9 of Laghu Udyog  

Bharati (Supra), service tax is an indirect tax, and it is  

possible that it may be passed on.  Therefore, an assessee  

can certainly enter into a contract to shift its liability of  

service tax.  Though the appellant became the assessee due  

to amendment of 2000, his position is exactly the same as in  



Page 24

respect of Sales Tax, where the seller is the assessee, and is  

liable to pay Sales Tax to the tax authorities, but it is open to  

the seller, under his contract with the buyer, to recover the  

Sales Tax from the buyer, and to pass on the tax burden to  

him.  Therefore, though there is no difficulty in accepting  

that after the amendment of 2000 the liability to pay the  

service tax is on the appellant as the assessee, the liability  

arose out of the services rendered by the respondent to the  

appellant, and that too prior to this amendment when the  

liability was on the service provider.  The provisions  

concerning service tax are relevant only as between the  

appellant as an assessee under the statute and the tax  

authorities.  This statutory provision can be of no relevance  

to determine the rights and liabilities between the appellant  

and the respondent as agreed in the contract between two  

of them.   There was nothing in law to prevent the appellant  

from entering into an agreement with the respondent  

handling contractor that the burden of any tax arising out of  

obligations of the respondent under the contract would be  

borne by the respondent.   



Page 25

27.      If this clause was to be read as meaning that the  

respondent would be liable only to honour his own tax  

liabilities, and not the liabilities arising out of the obligations  

under the contract, there was no need to make such a  

provision in a bilateral commercial document executed by  

the parties, since the respondent would be otherwise also  

liable for the same. In Bank of India (supra) one party viz.  

the bank was responsible for the formulation of the  

Voluntary Retirement Scheme, and the employees had only  

to decide whether to opt for it or not, and the principle of  

contra proferentem was applied.  Unlike the VRS scheme, in  

the present case we are concerned with a clause in a  

commercial contract which is a bilateral document mutually  

agreed upon, and hence this principle can have no  

application. Therefore, clause 9.3 will have to be read as  

incorporated only with a view to provide for contractor’s  

acceptance of the tax liability arising out of his obligations  

under the contract.  

28.       It was pointed out on behalf of the appellant that it is  

conventional and accepted commercial practice to shift such  



Page 26

liability to the contractor.  A similar clause was considered  

by this Court in the case of Numaligarh Refinery Ltd. vs.  

Daelim Industrial Co. Ltd., reported in [2007 (8) SCC  

466].  In that matter, the question was as to whether the  

contractor was liable to pay and bear the countervailing duty  

on the imports though this duty came into force subsequent  

to the relevant contract.  The relevant clause 2(b) read as  


“2(b) All taxes and duties in respect of  job mentioned in the aforesaid contracts shall  be the entire responsibility of the  contractor…”

Reading this clause and the connected documents, this  

Court held that they leave no manner of doubt that all the  

taxes and levies shall be borne by the contractor including  

this countervailing duty.

29.       In any case, assuming that clause 9.3 was capable of  

two interpretations, the view taken by the arbitrator was  

clearly a possible if not a plausible one.  It is not possible to  

say that the arbitrator had travelled outside his jurisdiction,  

or that the view taken by him was against the terms of  



Page 27

contract. That being the position, the High Court had no  

reason to interfere with the award and substitute its view in  

place of the interpretation accepted by the arbitrator.  The  

legal position in this behalf has been summarized in  

paragaph 18 of the judgment of this court in SAIL vs. Gupta  

Brother Steel Tubes Ltd. (supra) and which has been  

referred to above.  Similar view has been taken later in  

Sumitomo Heavy Industries Ltd. vs. ONGC Ltd. reported  

in [2010 (11) SCC 296] to which one of us (Gokhale J.) was a  

party.  The observations in paragraph 43 thereof are  

instructive in this behalf.  This paragraph 43 reads as  


“43. ………The umpire has considered the fact  situation and placed a construction on the  clauses of the agreement which according to  him was the correct one. One may at the  highest say that one would have preferred  another construction of Clause 17.3 but that  cannot make the award in any way perverse.  Nor can one substitute one's own view in such a  situation, in place of the one taken by the  umpire, which would amount to sitting in  appeal. As held by this Court in Kwality Mfg.  Corpn. v. Central Warehousing Corpn*. The  Court while considering challenge to arbitral  award does not sit in appeal over the findings  and decision of the arbitrator, which is what the  High Court has practically done in this matter.  



Page 28

The umpire is legitimately entitled to take the  view which he holds to be the correct one after  considering the material before him and after  interpreting the provisions of the agreement. If  he does so, the decision of the umpire has to be  accepted as final and binding.”

       *[2009 (5) SCC  

142] 30. In view of what is stated above, the respondent as  

the contractor had to bear the service tax under clause 9.3  

as the liability in connection with the discharge of his  

obligations under the contract.  The appellant could not be  

faulted for deducting the service tax from the bills of the  

respondent under clause 9.3, and there was no reason for  

the High Court to interfere in the view taken by the arbitrator  

which was based, in any case on a possible interpretation of  

clause 9.3.  The learned single Judge as well as the Division  

Bench clearly erred in interfering with the award rendered by  

the arbitrator.  Both those judgments will, therefore, have to  

be set-aside.  

31.        Accordingly, the appeal is allowed and the impugned  

judgments of the learned Single Judge as well as of the  

Division Bench, are hereby set aside.  The award made by  



Page 29

the arbitrator is upheld.  The parties will bear their own  



………….. ……………………..J.  [ R.M. Lodha]


……………………………… …..J.  

[ H.L. Gokhale  ]

New Delhi Dated : 25th April, 2012