28 February 2012
Supreme Court


Case number: Crl.A. No.-000166-000167 / 2010
Diary number: 31479 / 2009


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CRIMINAL     APPEAL     NOS.166-167     OF     2010   

Ramnaresh & Ors. … Appellants


State of Chhattisgarh … Respondent

J     U     D     G     M     E     N     T   

Swatanter     Kumar,     J  .

1. The present appeals are directed against the concurrent  

judgments of conviction and award of capital punishment.  The  

Additional Sessions Judge, Pendra Road, District Bilaspur,  

convicted the four accused (the appellants herein), for offences  

under Sections 499, 376(2)(g) and 302 read with Section 34 of the  

Indian Penal Code, 1860 (for short ‘IPC’) and sentenced them vide  

judgment and order of sentence dated 20th November, 2007 as  


Offences Punishment/Sentence



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302/34 IPC Award of capital sentence and  ordered that they be hanged till  death.

376(2)(g) IPC Life Imprisonment and fine of  Rs.200/- each.  In case of default  in the payment of fine, each  accused to further undergo an  additional rigorous imprisonment  of one month each.

449 IPC Ten years rigorous imprisonment  with fine of Rs.200/- and in  default to undergo additional  rigorous imprisonment for one  month.

2. The Division Bench of the High Court vide its judgment dated  

24th July, 2009 confirmed the judgment and order of sentence  

passed by the learned Additional Sessions Judge giving rise to the  

present appeal.   

3. Learned counsel appearing for the appellant, inter alia, but  

primarily, has raised the following challenges to the judgments  

under appeal:

(1) That the prosecution has failed to prove its case beyond any  

reasonable doubt.   

(2) That the sole witness, PW6, Dhaniram is not a credible  

witness and, in fact, he himself falls within the realm of  



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suspicion as being an accused.  Number of other witnesses  

including, PW2, Sunita, PW5, Bela Bai, and PW10, Kamlesh,  

turned hostile in the court.  This clearly is indicative of false  

implication of the accused.   

(3) That there are variations and serious contradictions in the  

statements of the witnesses, which have been relied upon by  

the courts, while convicting the accused.   

(4) Furthermore, there is an inordinate and unexplained delay in  

lodging the FIR.  Therefore, the conviction of the accused is  

unsustainable.  The contention is that the linking  evidence is  

missing in the present case.  The incriminating evidence  

produced by the prosecution does not connect the appellants  

with the commission of crime.

(5) The High Court has erred in law in relying upon the statement  

of the witnesses which are not reliable.  The courts are  

expected to examine statements of such witnesses and/or sole  

witness cautiously.  The learned Trial Court as well as the  

High Court has failed to apply these settled principles correctly  

to the facts of the present case.



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(6) FSL report does not clearly state or link the appellants with  

the commission of the crime.

For these reasons and grounds, the appellant claims acquittal.

4. Before we proceed to discuss the merits or otherwise of the  

above contentions, it will be necessary for us to state the case of the  

prosecution and the evidence on record.  Rajkumari (the deceased)  

was residing at Village Gullidand, Police Station Marwahi, with her  

husband Indrajeet and two infant children.  On 8th August, 2006,  

her husband had gone to the house of his father at Rajnagar.  

Rajkumari  was at her residence with her children.  On 9th August,  

2006, Rajkumari had called Dhaniram, their domestic servant, to  

sleep in their house in the night.  It was the day of Raksha  

Bandhan.  Anita (PW3), Savita (PW2) and Bela Bai (PW5),  

neighbours of Rajkumari, visited her house to view television in the  

night.  At about 9 o’clock, they went back to their houses after  

viewing television.  Ranjeet Kewat, is the brother of Indrajeet and  

brother-in-law of Rajkumari.  He had a house near the house of  

Indrajeet.  Vishwanath, Amar Singh, Kamlesh and Ramnaresh, who  

used to reside at the house of Ranjeet came to his house, sat there  



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for some time and then went away.  At about 11.30 p.m., they are  

stated to have again come to the house of Ranjeet and consumed  

alcohol.  Thereafter, at about 12 o’clock in the night, when  

Rajkumari had gone to sleep in her room and the servant,  

Dhaniram, was watching television in the verandah, the accused  

persons, Ranjeet, Vishwanath, Amar Singh and Ramnaresh came  

into the house of Rajkumari and told Dhaniram that they would  

have illicit relations with Rajkumari and if he disclosed anything to  

anybody, he would be eliminated.  Ramnaresh and Amar Singh sat  

down along with Dhaniram while Ranjeet and Vishwanath went into  

the room of Rajkumari and committed rape on her.  After  

committing the offence, they came out and took Dhaniram into the  

courtyard.  Then Ramnaresh and Amar Singh entered the room of  

Rajkumari.  They also committed rape on her and came out after  

some time.  Then, the accused asked Dhaniram to go away to which  

he objected.  Upon his objection, he was threatened of elimination.  

Thereafter, Dhaniram went to the room of Rajkumari and saw that  

she was breathing heavily, was not able to speak and blood was  

oozing from her mouth and nose.  Dhaniram came out of the room  

and was again threatened by all the accused.  Ranjeet asked him to  



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go to the house of his aunt (bua), mother of Rajkumari and tell her  

that Rajkumari is not waking up.  Before leaving, they extended the  

threat again and told him to act as per their directions.  Dhaniram  

went to the house of Sugaribai, mother of Rajkumari, PW12 and  

narrated the incident as he was directed by the accused.  Sugaribai  

asked him to stay at her house while she went to the house of  

Rajkumari.  There she noticed that Rajkumari was lying dead.  She  

called the neighbours and thereafter, the information was given to  

Indrajeet, husband of the deceased, who came in the morning.  

Indrajeet visited the Police Station Marwahi and informed about the  

death of Rajkumari vide Ex.P1.  The police visited the spot and took  

the body of the deceased vide Ex.P3 and also collected other  

materials from the place of occurrence.  Dr. Sheela Saha and Dr.  

Mahesh Raj conducted the postmortem of the dead body and  

submitted the postmortem report, Ex.P12, wherein it was opined  

that death of Rajkumari had taken place due to blockage of  

breathing on account of strangulation and the act of commission of  

rape on her was also established.   The police registered a case  

under Section 376/302 IPC vide Ex.P16 and started its  

investigation.  Statements of as many as 14 witnesses were  



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recorded by the police.  Various items like blood stained underwear  

and piece of yellow-coloured saree on which blood spots were visible  

at various places were also seized from the place of occurrence and  

were exhibited as Ex.P10.  Slide of semen of the accused from the  

hospital was seized vide seizure memo Ex.P13.  Thereafter, the  

accused were arrested.  During further investigation, clothes, shirts  

and underwear of the other accused persons and the petticot and  

saree of the deceased were also seized.  After the medical  

examination of the accused, report of the FSL and recording of  

statements of the witnesses, the police filed the report before the  

court of competent jurisdiction.  The accused were committed to the  

Court of Sessions and tried in accordance with law, which resulted  

in their conviction, as afore-noticed.  As per Ex.P12, there were  

following injuries upon the person of the deceased:-

“External Injury in the neck- (A) Abrasion with  scratch mark by nail present.  Abrasion in  number, below the angle of right mandible and  sternocleidomastoideus  muscles present size  measuring 0.5 x 0.5 cm (B)  Scratch mark –  length 1”  present above mentioned area.  Abrasion on the left side of Neck below the  angle of mandible to mastoid process abrasion  scratch mark 2 ½” present.

(C)  Abrasion in the thigh 1” x 0.5” and 1” x 1”.  



Page 8

1”  x 1”  contusion on private part on medial  side of the Rt.  Present on both medial aspect  of thigh.

ON     P/V     EXAMINAL   

Laceration plus abrasion 3 to 4”  in no. over  perineum.  Blood mix discharge present.

P/V Ex-Uterus Anteverted normal size.”

5. PW1, husband of the deceased had stated in his statement  

under Section 161 of the Code of Criminal Procedure (Cr.P.C.) that  

PW6 had not told him as to how Rajkumari had died.  In his  

statement, he had also stated that he had not married Rajkumari  

and she was staying with him as his mistress.  He had been  

married earlier to a girl from village Pyari.  However, he did not  

remember the name of the girl, as it was more than 16 years ago.  

He further stated that the deceased Rajkumari was married to one  

Bhupendra, who was from the village of her father, i.e. village  

Khongapani.  He admitted that he had two children from Rajkumari  

and also that his relationship with Bhupendra were bitter on  

account of retaining Rajkumari as his mistress.  He also stated that  

he had suspected Bhupendra of committing the said crime.  

According to this witness, he was informed by one Mr. Ashok of the  



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incident.  He stated that Dhaniram had been serving as a servant  

with them for the past three years and he used to have his meals  

and sleep in the verandah of the house.  The broken pieces of  

bangles of Rajkumari were kept by Dhaniram when he cleaned the  


6. The other witnesses, i.e. PW2, PW5 and PW10, who had seen  

Ranjeet and the other accused assembling outside the house of  

Rajkumari had been declared hostile during their examination  

before the court by the prosecutor.  These witnesses, however, had  

admitted that they had acquaintance with the accused persons as  

well as with the deceased Rajkumari.  PW5, Bela Bai stated that she  

had gone to watch television in the house of Rajkumari along with  

Anita and Savita and nobody else was there.  It was at that stage  

that the witness was declared hostile and she denied the suggestion  

that she had seen the accused persons.  This witness and all other  

witnesses live in and around the house of Rajkumari.   

7. PW6 who is the main witness of the prosecution, was about 16  

years old at the time of recording of his statement in the Court.  He  

fully supported the case of the prosecution and was subjected to a  



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lengthy cross-examination.  According to him, he was watching  

television when Ranjeet along with other accused had come to the  

house of Rajkumari.  He also stated that he did not raise hue and  

cry as he was under constant threat by the other co-accused, who  

were surrounding him.  He also stated that he was confused and  

was unable to point out anything at that point of time.   In his  

cross-examination, he was posed the following question, which  

adds to the veracity of his statement:

“Question: - When Raj Kumari was restless  due to pain, did you go to call up Ranjeet?

Ans:- Why I should have gone to call up  Ranjeet when he, in person, was involved in  this incident.”

8. As already noticed, this witness was subjected to a detailed  

cross-examination.  He also admitted in his cross-examination “it is  

correct to say that I was afraid whether the police would not make  

me the accused.”

9. PW12, Sugaribai, is the mother of the deceased and she had  

also supported the case of the prosecution and corroborated the  

statement of PW6.  She stated that when she visited the house of  



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Rajkumari, Ranjeet was holding the younger infant of Rajkumari in  

his lap and she had sent Ranjeet to call the people but instead he  

called Rewa Lohar, a witch doctor.   

10. PW1, PW6 and PW12 had substantially supported the case of  

the prosecution and we are unable to notice any substantial conflict  

or contradiction in their statements.  The semen, blood and blood-

stained clothes, which had been seized during the investigation,  

had been sent for examination.  The report of the FSL had been  

placed on record as Ex.P23.  Such evidence would be admissible in  

terms of Section 293 Cr.P.C.  The merit or otherwise of this report  

was examined by the High Court as follows:-

“(8) During trial, report of the Forensic Science  Laboratory, Raipur Ex.P-23 dated 31-7-2007  was produced and admitted in evidence under  Section 293 of the Code by which presence of  blood on Articles A, B, C, D, E, F1, F2 and  presence of seminal stains and human  spermatozoa on Articles C, D, E, F1, F2, G1,  H1, I1, J1 and K1  was confirmed.  Seminal  stains and human spermatozoa was not found  on Articles A and B.  The seminal stains on  Articles C, D, E, F1 and F2 were not sufficient  for serological examination.  The Slides Articles  G2, H2, I2, J2 and K2 were preserved if D.N.A.  Test was felt necessary.  The prosecution  examined as many as 16 witnesses.  The  appellants/accused examined Samelal D.W.-1  



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and Kamla D.W.-2 wife of Ranjeet to establish  that the appellants/accused had slept in their  respective houses between 9 to 10 P.M. on 9-8- 2006.”

11. As is evident from the above findings, the report of the FSL  

was inconclusive but not negative, which would provide the accused  

with any material benefit.

12. We have examined this case in light of the above ocular and  

documentary evidence.  One very important aspect of the present  

case is that the accused were not declared accused  

instantaneously.  Dhaniram had been kept in the Police Station for  

two days thereafter apparently for the purposes of verifying and  

investigating what he informed the police.  The needle of suspicion  

pointed towards Dhaniram and Bhupendra for the reason that  

Bhupendra was earlier married to Rajkumari and Dhaniram with  

reference to the circumstances in existence at the spot and he being  

the only person available.  It was argued that Dhaniram could have  

committed the crime as he was the only person present in the  

house when all the persons watching the television had left the  

house.  Thus, the Investigating Agency had to conduct a proper  



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investigation before it could identify the real suspects and the  

accused in the case, which in our opinion, the police did.   

13. The fact that at a given point of time, some person other than  

the accused were suspected to have committed the offence would  

lose its relevance once the investigation is completed, report under  

Section 173 Cr.P.C. is filed before the Court of competent  

jurisdiction, of course, unless the Court, upon presentation of the  

report finds that some other person is also liable to be summoned  

as an accused or directs further investigation.  In the present case,  

the possibility of PW6, Dhaniram, having committed the crime is  

ruled out in view of the evidence collected during the investigation.  

It is nobody’s case before us that there is even an iota of evidence  

which points towards Bhupendra for commission of such an  


14. Now, we may deal with the first contention raised on behalf of  

the appellants with reference to the credibility of the testimony of  

PW6.  The learned counsel appearing for the appellants, contended  

that PW6, the sole eye-witness, cannot be relied upon to convict the  

accused for the reason that the witness, being a suspect himself, is  



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not credible and has not spoken the truth before the Court.  It is  

also contended that the Court should deal with the statement of a  

sole eye-witness cautiously and it may not be very safe to rely upon  

the testimony of such a witness.  In support of his contention, he  

derives strength from the judgments of this Court in the cases of  

Joseph v. State of Kerala [(2003) 1 SCC 465] and State of Haryana  

v. Inder Singh & Ors. [(2002) 9 SCC 537].  In the case of Joseph,  

this Court has stated the principle that where there is a sole  

witness to the incident, his evidence has to be accepted with an  

amount of caution and after testing it on the touchstone of evidence  

tendered by other witnesses or the material evidences placed on  

record.  This Court further stated that Section 134 of the Indian  

Evidence Act does not provide for any particular number of  

witnesses and it would be permissible for the Court to record and  

sustain a conviction on the evidence of a solitary eye-witness.  But,  

at the same time, such a course can be adopted only if evidence  

tendered by such a witness is credible, reliable, in tune with the  

case of the prosecution and inspires implicit confidence.  In the  

case of Inder Singh (supra), the Court held that it is not the quantity  

but the quality of the witnesses which matters for determining the  



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guilt or innocence of the accused.  The testimony of a sole witness  

must be confidence-inspiring and beyond suspicion, thus, leaving  

no doubt in the mind of the Court.   

15. The principles stated in these judgments are indisputable.  

None of these judgments say that the testimony of the sole eye-

witness cannot be relied upon or conviction of an accused cannot  

be based upon the statement of the sole eye-witness to the crime.  

All that is needed is that the statement of the sole eye-witness  

should be reliable, should not leave any doubt in the mind of the  

Court and has to be corroborated by other evidence produced by  

the prosecution in relation to commission of the crime and  

involvement of the accused in committing such a crime.   

16. In light of this principle, now we may examine the facts of the  

present case.  PW6, at the time of occurrence and even at the time  

of recording of the statement, was a young boy of 16 years.  He had  

been serving in the house of Indrajeet, PW1, for a number of years  

prior to the date of incident.  It was his regular feature to have his  

meals as well as sleep in the verandah of the house of PW1.  There  

existed no motive for him to commit the crime.  He was kept under  



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continuous threat to his life right from the time Ranjeet and others  

entered the house of the deceased Rajkumari till the accused were  

taken in police custody after recording evidence of various persons,  

more importantly, PW1 (Indrajeet), PW12 (Sugaribai), PW6  

(Dhaniram) and PW7 (Dr. Shila Saha).  His statement clearly  

narrates how the offence was committed by the accused and there  

is nothing abnormal and inconsistent in his testimony.  

Furthermore, his statement is fully corroborated by medical  

evidence of PW7, Dr. Shila Saha and the testimony of PW12,  

Sugaribai.  The confirmation of blood on the piece of saree used for  

gagging the mouth of Rajmukari and the confirmation of presence  

of semen and human spermatozoa on the vaginal slides of  

Rajkumari and the findings during autopsy duly proved by PW7,  

Dr. Shila Saha and the corroboration of other witnesses including  

that of the Investigating Officer leave no room for any doubt that  

the appellants had committed house trespass in the house of  

Rajkumari and committed the offence with which they are charged.  

A very significant piece of evidence in the present case is the  

medical evidence and the injuries inflicted upon the body of the  

deceased.  Both, the external and internal injuries that the  



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deceased suffered as a consequence of rape and the strangulation  

clearly indicate that the crime could not have been committed by a  

single person.  Once that possibility is ruled out, it would attach  

greater reliability to the testimony of PW6.  Thus, the statement of  

PW6, despite he being the sole eye-witness, need not be doubted by  

this Court.  It fully satisfies the tests of law enunciated in the above  

judgments of this Court.  Resultantly, we find no merit in this  

submission of the learned counsel appearing for the appellants.

17. The next contention is that there was inordinate delay in  

lodging the FIR which gave an opportunity to the police to falsely  

implicate the accused.  Thus, the entire prosecution story being  

founded on the said FIR, needs to be disbelieved by the Court and  

the appellants be entitled to acquittal.  In this regard, reliance has  

been placed upon the judgment of this Court in the case of State of  

Gujarat v. Patel Mohan Mulji  [AIR 1994 SC 250].  At the very outset,  

we may notice that the facts of the case in Patel Mohan Mulji (supra)  

are significantly different from the facts of the case in hand.  There,  

the Court had acquitted the accused not only for the sole reason of  

delay in recording the FIR but also for the reason that there was  



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close relationship of witnesses with the deceased and the accused.  

There were discrepancies in the inquest report and clear conflict  

between the medical evidence and the oral evidence.  The evidence  

of the prosecution was also found to be suffering from serious  

infirmities.  In the present case, none of these exists.  There are  

four or five prosecution witnesses, including PW2, PW3, PW4, PW5  

and PW10, who had been declared hostile during the course of  

hearing of the trial.  These witnesses were not the witnesses to the  

scene of crime.  They were witnesses only to support the fact that  

the accused persons were seen together near the house of the  

deceased Rajkumari, after all others had gone to their respective  

houses, after watching television at the house of the deceased.  This  

fact is not the determinative factor and does not demolish the case  

of the prosecution in its entirety or otherwise.  The presence of  

Ranjeet Kewat at the house of the deceased, Rajkumari,  

immediately after the occurrence and trying to keep a watch on  

PW6 clearly shows that the most likely and truthful witness in the  

case of the prosecution is PW6.  PW6, as already noticed, had  

withstood the long cross-examination despite his young age, the  

threat extended to him by the accused and being the sole eye-



Page 19

witness of such a heinous crime.  It goes to the credit of this  

witness that despite the fact that other five witnesses had turned  

hostile being the person of the village, he nevertheless stood to his  


18. As far as the delay is concerned, we are not in agreement with  

the learned counsel appearing for the appellants that the delay does  

not stand explained in the present case.  The occurrence took place  

at about 11 p.m. at night in a village area where normally by this  

time, people go to their respective houses and stay inside thereafter.  

After committing the rape on the deceased and her subsequent  

death which itself took a considerable time, the accused persons  

remained in the house for some time.  Thereafter, they made it sure  

that PW6 goes to the house of PW12 and tells her incorrectly and  

without disclosing the true facts that the deceased was not waking  

up despite efforts, which he did and this fact is fully established by  

the statement of PW12.  In the meanwhile, the news had spread  

and one Ashok had rung up PW1 who came to the spot of  

occurrence.  After seeing his wife in that horrible condition and  

doubting that Bhupendra might have committed the crime since by  



Page 20

that time PW6 had not told him the correct story, he went to the  

Police Station and lodged the FIR at about 10.50 a.m. on 10th  

August, 2006.  Police registered the FIR under Sections 376 and  

302 IPC vide Exhibit P16.  Thus, there is plausible explanation  

available on record of the case file which explains the delay in  

lodging the FIR.  We also cannot lose sight of the statement of PW4,  

father of PW6, who stated that when he went to the Police Station,  

he found his son there who informed him that he was in the Police  

Station since the past two days.  His son had challenged all the four  

accused persons in his presence and later he was informed by the  

Police that his son was a witness in the case.  This witness knew  

the accused persons as well as the deceased Rajkumari.  He was a  

party to the seizure memo, Exhibit P/7 to P/10 though in the Court  

he stated that nothing was seized in his presence and, at this stage,  

he was declared hostile.  The statement of PW6 does not suffer from  

any legal or factual infirmity and appears to be the true and correct  

version of what actually happened at the scene of occurrence.  The  

delay, if any, in lodging the FIR, thus, stands explained and is, in  

no way, fatal to the case of the prosecution.



Page 21

19. Now, we would deal with the contention that the recoveries  

effected during the period of investigation are improper and  

inadmissible.  The report submitted by the FSL, as per Exhibit  

P/23, does not indicate or connect the accused with the  

commission of the crime and, therefore, the case of the prosecution  

should essentially fail.  This argument, again, is without any merit.  

Firstly, Exhibit P/23 and the effect of the FSL Report have been  

appropriately discussed by the High Court in its judgment.  The  

articles seized, the human blood noticed on Articles A, B, C, D, E,  

F1 and F2 and presence of seminal stains and human spermatozoa  

on Articles C, D, E, F1, F2, G1, H1, I1, J1 and K1 confirmed.  

Seminal stains and human spermatozoa were not found on Articles  

A and B.  The seminal stains on Articles C, D, E, F1 and F2 were  

not sufficient for serological examination.  This was so recorded in  

Exhibit P23. This document further stated that Articles G2, H2, I2,  

J2 and K2 were not examined by the FSL, Raipur.  It was further  

recorded that in case of necessity, the DNA test could be performed  

at Hyderabad.  The report also stated that the articles with regard  

to the blood group and serum had been sent to Kolkata Laboratory  

for futher investigation.  Indefinite conclusion of the expert to this  



Page 22

extent, cannot be treated as a report entirely in favour of the  

accused which ipso facto would entitle them for an order of  

acquittal.  This expert report, has to be examined in conjunction  

with the oral evidence and particularly the medical evidence.  

Exhibit P/12 is the post mortem report which has depicted various  

external and internal injuries on the body of the deceased as afore-

noticed.  It is also clear that the cause of death of Rajkumari was  

asphyxia due to throttling.  It is further clear from the findings in  

the post mortem report that petechial hemorrhage of lungs was  

present, the right side of heart was filled with blood while the left  

chamber was empty and bloody froth was oozing from nostrils and  

mouth of the deceased.  There has to be a very strong and  

compelling reason for the Court to disbelieve an eye-witness.  

Statement of PW6 does not suffer from any contradictions nor is at  

variance with the case of the prosecution.  He was being kept under  

a constant watch inasmuch as he was the servant of PW1, whose  

brother Ranjeet was one of the accused.  Accused was even present  

near the dead body of Rajkumari till she was taken for post  

mortem.  We have already noticed that the expert evidence clearly  

demonstrates, particularly in view of the injuries caused to the  



Page 23

deceased during the heinous crime, that it could not have been  

done by a single person and, therefore, involvement of two or more  

persons is most probable and in line with the story of the  

prosecution.  The cumulative effect of the oral/documentary and  

expert evidence is that the prosecution has been able to prove its  

case beyond any reasonable doubt.   

20. It is a case where not only the entire incriminating material  

evidence was put to the accused while they were being examined  

under Section 313 Cr.P.C. but also that the accused examined two  

witnesses DW1, Samelal Kewat and DW2, Kamla, wife of Ranjeet  

Singh.  In their statements under Section 313 Cr.P.C., they have  

taken the stand that they were not present at the place of  

occurrence but, in fact, they were present in their respective houses  

and as such they have been falsely implicated.  The two witnesses  

were examined in support of this fact.  DW1 has stated that he lives  

nearby the house of Rajkumari and he did not hear any noise or  

cries on the fateful night.  He also stated that Ramnaresh came to  

his house at about 10:00 o’clock when he was going to attend the  

Ramayana.  He further stated that Ramnaresh was in his house  



Page 24

and, thus, he could not have committed the crime.  DW2 is the wife  

of Ranjeet.  She stated that his husband was sleeping in the house  

only and on the said date Ramnaresh, Vishwanath and Amar Singh  

had not visited their house.  The cross examination of these two  

witnesses has clearly created a doubt in regard to the authenticity  

of their statements.  Firstly, as per the version of the prosecution  

and as is even clear from the medical evidence, the mouth of  

deceased Rajkumari had been gagged.  Therefore, the question of  

hearing any noise or screaming would not arise and, secondly, DW2  

is the wife of the accused and is bound to speak in his favour as an  

interested witness.  Furthermore, both these witnesses had not  

informed the Police during the course of investigation and even  

when the accused were arrested that they had been present at their  

respective houses and not at the place of occurrence.  In fact, this  

has not even been the suggestion of the defence while cross-

examining the prosecution witnesses.

21. In terms of Section 313 Cr.P.C., the accused has the freedom  

to maintain silence during the investigation as well as before the  

Court.  The accused may choose to maintain silence or complete  



Page 25

denial even when his statement under Section 313 Cr.P.C. is being  

recorded, of course, the Court would be entitled to draw an  

inference, including adverse inference, as may be permissible to it  

in accordance with law.  Right to fair trial, presumption of  

innocence unless proven guilty and proof by the prosecution of its  

case beyond any reasonable doubt are the fundamentals of our  

criminal jurisprudence.  When we speak of prejudice to an accused,  

it has to be shown that the accused has suffered some disability or  

detriment in relation to any of these protections substantially.  

Such prejudice should also demonstrate that it has occasioned  

failure of justice to the accused.  One of the other cardinal  

principles of criminal justice administration is that the courts  

should make a close examination to ascertain whether there was  

really a failure of justice or whether it is only a camouflage, as this  

expression is perhaps too pliable.  [Ref. Rafiq Ahmed @ Rafi v. State  

of Uttar Pradesh [(2011) 8 SCC 300].

22. It is a settled principle of law that the obligation to put  

material evidence to the accused under Section 313 Cr.P.C. is upon  

the Court.  One of the main objects of recording of a statement  



Page 26

under this provision of the Cr.P.C. is to give an opportunity to the  

accused to explain the circumstances appearing against him as well  

as to put forward his defence, if the accused so desires.  But once  

he does not avail this opportunity, then consequences in law must  

follow.  Where the accused takes benefit of this opportunity, then  

his statement made under Section 313 Cr.P.C., in so far as it  

supports the case of the prosecution, can be used against him for  

rendering conviction.  Even under the latter, he faces the  

consequences in law.

23. In the present case, the accused have denied their presence on  

the spot, at the time of occurrence.  Thus, it was for them to prove  

that they were not present at the place of occurrence and were  

entitled to plea of alibi.  In our considered opinion, they have  

miserably failed to establish this fact.  On the contrary, the  

behaviour explained by the defence witnesses appears to be  

somewhat unnatural in the social set up in which the accused, the  

deceased and even some of the prosecution witnesses were living.  

They knew each other very well and the normal course of life in a  

village is that they are quite concerned with and actively participate  



Page 27

in each other’s affairs, particularly sad occasions.  Ranjeet was  

present at the place of occurrence and was holding one of the minor  

children of PW1.  This supports the statement of PW6 that he was  

constantly under threat and watch from either of the accused.  The  

version put forward by the accused in their statement under  

Section 313 Cr.P.C. is unbelievable and unacceptable.  There is no  

cogent evidence on record to support their plea.

24. For the reasons afore-recorded, we have no hesitation in  

holding that the prosecution has been able to prove its case beyond  

reasonable doubt.  The accused are guilty of committing the offence  

under Sections 499, 376(2)(g) and 302 IPC.  We hold them guilty of  

committing these offences.

The     death     sentence     and     principles     governing     its     conversion     to    life     imprisonment      

25. Despite the transformation of approach and radical changes in  

principles of sentencing across the world, it has not been possible  

to put to rest the conflicting views on sentencing policy.   The  

sentencing policy being a significant and inseparable facet of  

criminal jurisprudence, has been inviting the attention of the  



Page 28

Courts for providing certainty and greater clarity to it.   Capital  

punishment has been a subject matter of great social and judicial  

discussion and catechism. From whatever point of view it is  

examined, one undisputable statement of law follows that it is  

neither possible nor prudent to state any universal formula which  

would be applicable to all the cases of criminology where capital  

punishment has been prescribed.   It shall always depend upon the  

facts and circumstances of a given case.   This Court has stated  

various legal principles which would be precepts on exercise of  

judicial discretion in cases where the issue is whether the capital  

punishment should or should not be awarded.  

26. The law requires the Court to record special reasons for  

awarding such sentence.   The Court, therefore, has to consider  

matters like nature of the offence, how and under what  

circumstances it was committed, the extent of brutality with which  

the offence was committed, the motive for the offence, any  

provocative or aggravating circumstances at the time of commission  

of the crime, the possibility of the convict being reformed or  

rehabilitated, adequacy of the sentence of life imprisonment and  



Page 29

other attendant circumstances.   These factors cannot be similar or  

identical in any two given cases.  Thus, it is imperative for the  

Court to examine each case on its own facts, in light of the  

enunciated principles.  It is only upon application of these  

principles to the facts of a given case that the Court can arrive at a  

final conclusion whether the case in hand is one of the ‘rarest of  

rare’  cases and imposition of death penalty alone shall serve the  

ends of justice.  Further, the Court would also keep in mind that if  

such a punishment alone would serve the purpose of the judgment,  

in its being sufficiently punitive and purposefully preventive.

27. In order to examine this aspect in some greater depth and with  

objectivity, it is necessary for us to reiterate the various guiding  

factors.  Suffices it to make reference to a recent judgment of this  

Court in the case of State of Maharashtra v. Goraksha Ambaji Adsul  

[(2011) 7 SCC 437], wherein this Court discussed the law in some  

detail and enunciated the principles as follows :

“30. The principles governing the sentencing  policy in our criminal jurisprudence have more  or less been consistent, right from the  pronouncement of the Constitution Bench  judgment of this Court in Bachan Singh v.  



Page 30

State of Punjab. Awarding punishment is  certainly an onerous function in the  dispensation of criminal justice. The court is  expected to keep in mind the facts and  circumstances of a case, the principles of law  governing award of sentence, the legislative  intent of special or general statute raised in  the case and the impact of awarding  punishment. These are the nuances which  need to be examined by the court with  discernment and in depth.

31. The legislative intent behind enacting  Section 354(3) CrPC clearly demonstrates the  concern of the legislature for taking away a  human life and imposing death penalty upon  the accused. Concern for the dignity of the  human life postulates resistance to taking a  life through law's instrumentalities and that  ought not to be done, save in the rarest of rare  cases, unless the alternative option is  unquestionably foreclosed. In exercise of its  discretion, the court would also take into  consideration the mitigating circumstances  and their resultant effects.

32. The language of Section 354(3)  demonstrates the legislative concern and the  conditions which need to be satisfied prior to  imposition of death penalty. The words, “in the  case of sentence of death, the special reasons  for such sentence” unambiguously demonstrate  the command of the legislature that such  reasons have to be recorded for imposing the  punishment of death sentence. This is how the  concept of the rarest of rare cases has emerged  in law. Viewed from that angle, both the  legislative provisions and judicial  



Page 31

pronouncements are at ad idem in law. The  death penalty should be imposed in the rarest  of rare cases and that too for special reasons  to be recorded. To put it simply, a death  sentence is not a rule but an exception. Even  the exception must satisfy the prerequisites  contemplated under Section 354(3) CrPC in  light of the dictum of the Court in Bachan  Singh.

33. The Constitution Bench judgment of this  Court in Bachan Singh has been summarised  in para 38 in Machhi Singh v. State of Punjab  and the following guidelines have been stated  while considering the possibility of awarding  sentence of death: (Machhi Singh case, SCC p.  489)

“(i) The extreme penalty of death need  not be inflicted except in gravest cases  of extreme culpability.

(ii) Before opting for the death penalty  the circumstances of the ‘offender’ also  requires to be taken into consideration  along with the circumstances of the  ‘crime’.

(iii) Life imprisonment is the rule and  death sentence is an exception. …  death sentence must be imposed only  when life imprisonment appears to be  an altogether inadequate punishment  having regard to the relevant  circumstances of the crime, and  provided, and only provided the option  to impose sentence of imprisonment  for life cannot be conscientiously  exercised having regard to the nature  



Page 32

and circumstances of the crime and all  the relevant circumstances.

(iv) A balance sheet of aggravating and  mitigating circumstances has to be  drawn up and in doing so the  mitigating circumstances have to be  accorded full weightage and a just  balance has to be struck between the  aggravating and the mitigating  circumstances before the option is  exercised.”

(emphasis supplied)

34. The judgment in Bachan Singh, did not  only state the above guidelines in some  elaboration, but also specified the mitigating  circumstances which could be considered by  the Court while determining such serious  issues and they are as follows: (SCC p. 750,  para 206)

“206. … ‘Mitigating circumstances.—In  the exercise of its discretion in the above  cases, the court shall take into account  the following circumstances:

(1) That the offence was committed  under the influence of extreme mental or  emotional disturbance.

(2) The age of the accused. If the  accused is young or old, he shall not be  sentenced to death.

(3) The probability that the accused  would not commit criminal acts of  violence as would constitute a continuing  threat to society.



Page 33

(4) The probability that the accused  can be reformed and rehabilitated.

The State shall by evidence prove that the  accused does not satisfy Conditions (3)  and (4) above.

(5) That in the facts and circumstances  of the case the accused believed that he  was morally justified in committing the  offence.

(6) That the accused acted under the  duress or domination of another person.

(7) That the condition of the accused  showed that he was mentally defective  and that the said defect impaired his  capacity to appreciate the criminality of  his conduct.”

35. Now, we may examine certain illustrations  arising from the judicial pronouncements of  this Court.

36. In D.K. Basu v. State of W.B. this Court  took the view that custodial torture and  consequential death in custody was an offence  which fell in the category of the rarest of rare  cases. While specifying the reasons in support  of such decision, the Court awarded death  penalty in that case.

37. In Santosh Kumar Satishbhushan Bariyar  v. State of Maharashtra this Court also spelt  out in paras 56 to 58 that nature, motive,  impact of a crime, culpability, quality of  evidence, socio-economic circumstances,  impossibility of rehabilitation are the factors  



Page 34

which the court may take into consideration  while dealing with such cases. In that case the  friends of the victim had called him to see a  movie and after seeing the movie, a ransom  call was made, but with the fear of being  caught, they murdered the victim. The Court  felt that there was no evidence to show that  the criminals were incapable of reforming  themselves, that it was not a rarest of the rare  case, and therefore, declined to award death  sentence to the accused.

38. Interpersonal circumstances prevailing  between the deceased and the accused was  also held to be a relevant consideration in  Vashram Narshibhai Rajpara v. State of  Gujarat where constant nagging by family was  treated as the mitigating factor, if the accused  is mentally unbalanced and as a result  murders the family members. Similarly, the  intensity of bitterness which prevailed and the  escalation of simmering thoughts into a thirst  for revenge and retaliation were also  considered to be a relevant factor by this Court  in different cases.

39. This Court in Satishbhushan Bariyar also  considered various doctrines, principles and  factors which would be considered by the  Courts while dealing with such cases. The  Court discussed in some elaboration the  applicability of the doctrine of rehabilitation  and the doctrine of prudence. While  considering the application of the doctrine of  rehabilitation and the extent of weightage to be  given to the mitigating circumstances, it  noticed the nature of the evidence and the  background of the accused. The conviction in  



Page 35

that case was entirely based upon the  statement of the approver and was a case  purely of circumstantial evidence. Thus,  applying the doctrine of prudence, it noticed  the fact that the accused were unemployed,  young men in search of job and they were not  criminals. In execution of a plan proposed by  the appellant and accepted by others, they  kidnapped a friend of theirs. The kidnapping  was done with the motive of procuring ransom  from his family but later they murdered him  because of the fear of getting caught, and later  cut the body into pieces and disposed it off at  different places. One of the accused had  turned approver and as already noticed, the  conviction was primarily based upon the  statement of the approver.

40. Basing its reasoning on the application of  doctrine of prudence and the version put  forward by the accused, the Court, while  declining to award death penalty and only  awarding life imprisonment, held as under:  (Satishbhushan Bariyar case, SCC pp. 551 &  559-60, paras 135, 168-69 & 171-73)

“135. Right to life, in its barest of  connotation would imply right to mere  survival. In this form, right to life is the  most fundamental of all rights.  Consequently, a punishment which aims  at taking away life is the gravest  punishment. Capital punishment  imposes a limitation on the essential  content of the fundamental right to life,  eliminating it irretrievably. We realise the  absolute nature of this right, in the sense  that it is a source of all other rights.  Other rights may be limited, and may  



Page 36

even be withdrawn and then granted  again, but their ultimate limit is to be  found in the preservation of the right to  life. Right to life is the essential content of  all rights under the Constitution. If life is  taken away, all other rights cease to  exist.

* * *

168. We must, however, add that in a  case of this nature where the entire  prosecution case revolves round the  statement of an approver or is dependant  upon the circumstantial evidence, the  prudence doctrine should be invoked. For  the aforementioned purpose, at the stage  of sentencing evaluation of evidence  would not be permissible, the courts not  only have to solely depend upon the  findings arrived at for the purpose of  recording a judgment of conviction, but  also consider the matter keeping in view  the evidences which have been brought  on record on behalf of the parties and in  particular the accused for imposition of a  lesser punishment. A statement of  approver in regard to the manner in  which crime has been committed vis-à-vis  the role played by the accused, on the  one hand, and that of the approver, on  the other, must be tested on the  touchstone of the prudence doctrine.

169. The accused persons were not  criminals. They were friends. The  deceased was said to have been selected  because his father was rich. The motive,  if any, was to collect some money. They  were not professional killers. They have  



Page 37

no criminal history. All were unemployed  and were searching for jobs. Further, if  age of the accused was a relevant factor  for the High Court for not imposing death  penalty on Accused 2 and 3, the same  standard should have been applied to the  case of the appellant also who was only  two years older and still a young man in  age. Accused 2 and 3 were as much a  part of the crime as the appellant.  Though it is true, that it was he who  allegedly proposed the idea of  kidnapping, but at the same time it must  not be forgotten that the said plan was  only executed when all the persons  involved gave their consent thereto.

* * * 171. Section 354(3) of the Code of  

Criminal Procedure requires that when  the conviction is for an offence  punishable with death or in the  alternative with imprisonment for life or  imprisonment for a term of years, the  judgment shall state the reasons for the  sentence awarded, and in the case of  sentence of death, the special reasons  thereof. We do not think that the reasons  assigned by the courts below disclose any  special reason to uphold the death  penalty. The discretion granted to the  courts must be exercised very cautiously  especially because of the irrevocable  character of death penalty. Requirements  of law to assign special reasons should  not be construed to be an empty  formality.



Page 38

172. We have previously noted that the  judicial principles for imposition of death  penalty are far from being uniform.  Without going into the merits and demerits  of such discretion and subjectivity, we  must nevertheless reiterate the basic  principle, stated repeatedly by this Court,  that life imprisonment is the rule and  death penalty an exception. Each case  must therefore be analysed and the  appropriateness of punishment determined  on a case-by-case basis with death  sentence not to be awarded save in the  ‘rarest of the rare’ case where reform is not  possible. Keeping in mind at least this  principle we do not think that any of the  factors in the present case discussed above  warrants the award of the death penalty.  There are no special reasons to record the  death penalty and the mitigating factors in  the present case, discussed previously,  are, in our opinion, sufficient to place it  out of the ‘rarest of rare’ category.

173. For the reasons aforementioned,  we are of the opinion that this is not a case  where death penalty should be imposed.  The appellant, therefore, instead of being  awarded death penalty, is sentenced to  undergo rigorous imprisonment for life.  Subject to the modification in the sentence  of the appellant (A-1) mentioned  hereinbefore, both the appeals of the  appellant as also that of the State are  dismissed.”

(emphasis in original)

41. The above principle, as supported by case  illustrations, clearly depicts the various precepts  



Page 39

which would govern the exercise of judicial  discretion by the courts within the parameters  spelt out under Section 354(3) CrPC. Awarding of  death sentence amounts to taking away the life of  an individual, which is the most valuable right  available, whether viewed from the constitutional  point of view or from the human rights point of  view. The condition of providing special reasons  for awarding death penalty is not to be construed  linguistically but it is to satisfy the basic features  of a reasoning supporting and making award of  death penalty unquestionable. The  circumstances and the manner of committing the  crime should be such that it pricks the judicial  conscience of the court to the extent that the only  and inevitable conclusion should be awarding of  death penalty.”

28. In Machhi Singh & Ors. v. State of Rajasthan [(1983) 3 SCC  

470], this Court stated certain relevant considerations like the  

manner of commission of murder, motive for commission of  

murder, anti-social or socially abhorrent nature of the crime,  

magnitude of crime and the personality of the victim of murder.  

These considerations further demonstrate that the matter has to be  

examined with reference to a particular case, for instance, murder  

of an innocent child who could not have or has not provided even  

an excuse, much less a provocation for murder.   Similarly, murder  

of a helpless woman who might be relying on a person because of  



Page 40

her age or infirmity, if murdered by that person, would be an  

indicator of breach of relationship or trust as the case may be.   It  

would neither be proper nor probably permissible that the judicial  

approach of the court in such matters treat one of the stated  

considerations or factors as determinative.  The court should  

examine all or majority of the relevant considerations to spell  

comprehensively the special reasons to be recorded in the order, as  

contemplated under Section 354(3) of the Cr.P.C.

29. In the case of Dhananjoy Chatterjee @ Dhana v. State of West  

Bengal [(1994) 2 SCC 220] while affirming the award of death  

sentence by the High Court, this Court noticed that ‘in recent years,  

the rising crime rate-particularly violent crime against women has  

made the criminal sentencing by the courts a subject of concern’.  

The Court reiterated the principle that it is not possible to lay down  

any cut and dry formula relating to imposition of sentence but the  

object of sentencing should be to see that the crime does not go  

unpunished and the victim of crime, as also the society, has the  

satisfaction that justice has been done to it.   The Court held as  




Page 41

“15. In our opinion, the measure of  punishment in a given case must depend upon  the atrocity of the crime; the conduct of the  criminal and the defenceless and unprotected  state of the victim. Imposition of appropriate  punishment is the manner in which the courts  respond to the society's cry for justice against  the criminals. Justice demands that courts  should impose punishment befitting the crime  so that the courts reflect public abhorrence of  the crime. The courts must not only keep in  view the rights of the criminal but also the  rights of the victim of crime and the society at  large while considering imposition of  appropriate punishment.”

30. In this case, the Court was concerned with the case of a  

security guard who had been transferred at the complaint of a lady  

living in the flats with regard to teasing of her young girl child.  The  

security guard went up to the flat of the lady, committed rape on  

her daughter and then murdered her brutally.   The Court found it  

to be a fit case for imposition of capital punishment.

31. Again, in the case of Surja Ram v. State of Rajasthan [(1996) 6  

SCC 271], this Court affirmed the death sentence awarded by the  

High Court primarily taking into consideration that there was no  

provocation and the manner in which the crime was committed was  

brutal.   Noticing that the Court has to award a punishment which  



Page 42

is just and fair by administering justice tempered with such mercy  

not only as the criminal may justly deserve but also to the rights of  

the victims of the crime to have the assailant appropriately  

punished and the society's reasonable expectation from the court  

for the appropriate deterrent punishment conforming to the gravity  

of the offence and consistent with the public abhorrence for the  

heinous crime committed by the accused.   The Court further held  

as under:-

“18. After giving our anxious consideration to  the facts and circumstances of the case, it  appears to us that for deciding just and  appropriate sentence to be awarded for an  offence, the aggravating and mitigating factors  and circumstances in which a crime has been  committed are to be delicately balanced in a  dispassionate manner. Such act of balancing  is indeed a difficult task. It has been very aptly  indicated in Dennis Councle McGautha v.  State of California that no formula of a  foolproof nature is possible that would provide  a reasonable criterion in determining a just  and appropriate punishment in the infinite  variety of circumstances that may affect the  gravity of the crime of murder. In the absence  of any foolproof formula which may provide  any basis for reasonable criteria to correctly  assess various circumstances germane to the  consideration of gravity of crime of murder, the  discretionary judgment in the facts of each  



Page 43

case, is the only way in which such judgment  may be equitably distinguished.”

32. This Court in Prajeet Kumar Singh v. State of Bihar [(2008) 4  

SCC 434], B.A. Umesh v. Registrar General, High Court of Karnataka  

[(2011) 3 SCC 85], State of Rajasthan v. Kashi Ram [(2006) 12 SCC  

254] and Atbir v. Government of NCT of Delhi [(2010) 9 SCC 1] had  

confirmed the death sentence awarded by the High Courts for  

different reasons after applying the principles enunciated in one or  

more afore-referred judgments.  

33. Now, we may notice the cases which were relied upon by the  

learned counsel appearing for the appellants and wherein this  

Court had declined to confirm the imposition of capital punishment  

treating them not to be the rarest of rare cases.

34. In Ronny @ Ronald James Alwaris Etc. v. State of Maharashtra  

[(1998) 3 SCC 625], the Court while relying upon the judgment of  

this Court in the case of Allauddin Mian & Ors.  v. State of Bihar  

[(1989) 3 SCC 5], held that the choice of the death sentence has to  

be made only in the ‘rarest of rare’ cases and that where culpability  

of the accused has assumed depravity or where the accused is  



Page 44

found to be an ardent criminal and menace to the society.   The  

Court also noticed the above-stated principle that the Court should  

ordinarily impose a lesser punishment and not the extreme  

punishment of death which should be reserved for exceptional  

cases only. The Court, while considering the cumulative effect of all  

the factors such as the offences not committed under the influence  

of extreme mental or emotional disturbance and the fact that the  

accused were young and the possibility of their reformation and  

rehabilitation could not be ruled out, converted death sentence into  

life imprisonment.

35. Similarly, in the case of Bantu @ Naresh Giri v. State of M.P.  

[(2001) 9 SCC 615] while dealing with the case of rape and murder  

of a six year old girl, this Court found that the case was not one of  

the ‘rarest of rare’ cases. The Court noticed that, accused was less  

than 22 years at the time of commission of the offence, there were  

no injuries on the body of the deceased and the death probably  

occurred as a result of gagging of the nostril by the accused.  Thus,  

the Court while noticing that the crime was heinous, commuted the  

sentence of death to one of life imprisonment.



Page 45

36. The above judgments provide us with the dicta of the Court  

relating to imposition of death penalty.   Merely because a crime is  

heinous per se may not be a sufficient reason for the imposition of  

death penalty without reference to the other factors and attendant  


37. Most of the heinous crimes under the IPC are punishable by  

death penalty or life imprisonment.   That by itself does not suggest  

that in all such offences, penalty of death alone should be awarded.  

We must notice, even at the cost of repetition, that in such cases  

awarding of life imprisonment would be a rule, while ‘death’ would  

be the exception.   The term ‘rarest of rare’  case which is the  

consistent determinative rule declared by this Court, itself suggests  

that it has to be an exceptional case.   The life of a particular  

individual cannot be taken away except according to the procedure  

established by law and that is the constitutional mandate.   The law  

contemplates recording of special reasons and, therefore, the  

expression ‘special’  has to be given a definite meaning and  

connotation.  ‘Special reasons’  in contra-distinction to ‘reasons’  

simplicitor conveys the legislative mandate of putting a restriction  



Page 46

on exercise of judicial discretion by placing the requirement of  

special reasons.   

38. Since, the later judgments of this Court have added to the  

principles stated by this Court in the case of Bachan Singh (supra)  

and Machhi Singh (supra), it will be useful to re-state the stated  

principles while also bringing them in consonance, with the recent  


39. The law enunciated by this Court in its recent judgments, as  

already noticed, adds and elaborates the principles that were stated  

in the case of Bachan Singh (supra) and thereafter, in the case of  

Machhi Singh (supra).  The aforesaid judgments, primarily dissect  

these principles into two different compartments –  one being the  

‘aggravating circumstances’  while the other being the ‘mitigating  

circumstances’. The Court would consider the cumulative effect of  

both these aspects and normally, it may not be very appropriate for  

the Court to decide the most significant aspect of sentencing policy  

with reference to one of the classes under any of the following heads  

while completely ignoring other classes under other heads.  To  

balance the two is the primary duty of the Court.  It will be  



Page 47

appropriate for the Court to come to a final conclusion upon  

balancing the exercise that would help to administer the criminal  

justice system better and provide an effective and meaningful  

reasoning by the Court as contemplated under Section 354(3)  


Aggravating     Circumstances   :

(1) The offences relating to the commission of heinous crimes like  

murder, rape, armed dacoity, kidnapping etc. by the accused  

with a prior record of conviction for capital felony or offences  

committed by the person having a substantial history of  

serious assaults and criminal convictions.   

(2) The offence was committed while the offender was engaged in  

the commission of another serious offence.

(3) The offence was committed with the intention to create a fear  

psychosis in the public at large and was committed in a public  

place by a weapon or device which clearly could be hazardous  

to the life of more than one person.



Page 48

(4) The offence of murder was committed for ransom or like  

offences to receive money or monetary benefits.

(5) Hired killings.

(6) The offence was committed outrageously for want only while  

involving inhumane treatment and torture to the victim.  

(7) The offence was committed by a person while in lawful  


(8) The murder or the offence was committed to prevent a person  

lawfully carrying out his duty like arrest or custody in a place  

of lawful confinement of himself or another.  For instance,  

murder is of a person who had acted in lawful discharge of his  

duty under Section 43 Cr.P.C.

(9) When the crime is enormous in proportion like making an  

attempt of murder of the entire family or members of a  

particular community.

(10) When the victim is innocent, helpless or a person relies upon  

the trust of relationship and social norms, like a child,  

helpless woman, a daughter or a niece staying with a  



Page 49

father/uncle and is inflicted with the crime by such a trusted  


(11) When murder is committed for a motive which evidences total  

depravity and meanness.   

(12) When there is a cold blooded murder without provocation.  

(13) The crime is committed so brutally that it pricks or shocks not  

only the judicial conscience but even the conscience of the  


Mitigating     Circumstances   :

(1) The manner and circumstances in and under which the  

offence was committed, for example, extreme mental or  

emotional disturbance or extreme provocation in  

contradistinction to all these situations in normal course.   

(2) The age of the accused is a relevant consideration but not a  

determinative factor by itself.  

(3) The chances of the accused of not indulging in commission of  

the crime again and the probability of the accused being  

reformed and rehabilitated.   



Page 50

(4) The condition of the accused shows that he was mentally  

defective and the defect impaired his capacity to appreciate the  

circumstances of his criminal conduct.

(5) The circumstances which, in normal course of life, would  

render such a behavior possible and could have the effect of  

giving rise to mental imbalance in that given situation like  

persistent harassment or, in fact, leading to such a peak of  

human behavior that, in the facts and circumstances of the  

case, the accused believed that he was morally justified in  

committing the offence.  

(6) Where the Court upon proper appreciation of evidence is of the  

view that the crime was not committed in a pre-ordained  

manner and that the death resulted in the course of  

commission of another crime and that there was a possibility  

of it being construed as consequences to the commission of  

the primary crime.   

(7) Where it is absolutely unsafe to rely upon the testimony of a  

sole eye-witness though prosecution has brought home the  

guilt of the accused.



Page 51

40. While determining the questions relateable to sentencing  

policy, the Court has to follow certain principles and those  

principles are the loadstar besides the above considerations in  

imposition or otherwise of the death sentence.   

Principles :

(1) The Court has to apply the test to determine, if it was the  

‘rarest of rare’ case for imposition of a death sentence.

(2) In the opinion of the Court, imposition of any other  

punishment, i.e., life imprisonment would be completely inadequate  

and would not meet the ends of justice.

(3) Life imprisonment is the rule and death sentence is an  


(4) The option to impose sentence of imprisonment for life cannot  

be cautiously exercised having regard to the nature and  

circumstances of the crime and all relevant considerations.

(5) The method (planned or otherwise) and the manner (extent of  

brutality and inhumanity, etc.) in which the crime was committed  



Page 52

and the circumstances leading to commission of such heinous  


41. Stated broadly, these are the accepted indicators for the  

exercise of judicial discretion but it is always preferred not to fetter  

the judicial discretion by attempting to make the excessive  

enumeration, in one way or another.  In other words, these are the  

considerations which may collectively or otherwise weigh in the  

mind of the Court, while exercising its jurisdiction.  It is difficult to  

state it as an absolute rule.  Every case has to be decided on its  

own merits.  The judicial pronouncements, can only state the  

precepts that may govern the exercise of judicial discretion to a  

limited extent.  Justice may be done on the facts of each case.  

These are the factors which the Court may consider in its  

endeavour to do complete justice between the parties.

42. The Court then would draw a balance-sheet of aggravating and  

mitigating circumstances.  Both aspects have to be given their  

respective weightage.  The Court has to strike a balance between  

the two and see towards which side the scale/balance of justice  

tilts.  The principle of proportion between the crime and the  



Page 53

punishment is the principle of ‘just deserts’ that serves as the  

foundation of every criminal sentence that is justifiable.  In other  

words, the ‘doctrine of proportionality’ has a valuable application to  

the sentencing policy under the Indian criminal jurisprudence.  

Thus, the court will not only have to examine what is just but also  

as to what the accused deserves keeping in view the impact on the  

society at large.

43. Every punishment imposed is bound to have its effect not only  

on the accused alone, but also on the society as a whole.  Thus, the  

Courts should consider retributive and deterrent aspect of  

punishment while imposing the extreme punishment of death.

44. Wherever, the offence which is committed, manner in which it  

is committed, its attendant circumstances and the motive and  

status of the victim, undoubtedly brings the case within the ambit  

of ‘rarest of rare’  cases and the Court finds that the imposition of  

life imprisonment would be inflicting of inadequate punishment, the  

Court may award death penalty.  Wherever, the case falls in any of  

the exceptions to the ‘rarest of rare’  cases, the Court may exercise  



Page 54

its judicial discretion while imposing life imprisonment in place of  

death sentence.

45. Guided by the above principles, now, we shall proceed to deal  

with the contentions raised on behalf of the appellants that the  

present case is not one of the ‘rarest of rare’ cases where the Court  

should find that imposition of life imprisonment would be entirely  

inadequate, even if the accused are held guilty of the offences  


46. We have already held that all the accused in the present  

appeals are guilty of the offences under Sections 376(2)(g) and 302  

read with Section 34 IPC.  On the question of quantum of sentence,  

the argument raised on behalf of the appellants is that all the  

accused were of young age at the time of commission of the crime,  

i.e. 21 to 31 years of age.  They had no intention to kill the deceased  

and it was co-accidental that the death of the deceased occurred.  

Even if the accused are held guilty for the offences under Sections  

376(2)(g) and 302 IPC, still it is not the ‘rarest of rare’  case which  

would justify imposition of capital punishment, particularly in the  

facts and circumstances of the case.   



Page 55

47. To the contra, the learned counsel for the State has contended  

that the crime has been committed brutally.  Accused-Ranjeet,  

being the brother-in-law of the deceased owed a duty to protect  

rather than expose her to such sexual assault and death, along  

with his friends. The manner in which the crime has been  

committed and the attendant circumstances fully justify imposition  

of death sentence upon the accused.  The crime is heinous and has  

been committed brutally, without caring for the future of the two  

infants of the deceased, who were sleeping by her side at the time of  

the crime.  There cannot be two opinions that the offence  

committed by the appellants is very heinous and all of them have  

taken advantage of the helplessness of a mother of two infants at  

that odd hour of the night and in the absence of her husband.   

48. There are certain circumstances, which if taken collectively,  

would indicate that it is not a case where the Court would  

inevitably arrive at only one conclusion, and no other, that  

imposition of death penalty is the only punishment that would  

serve the ends of justice.  Firstly, the age of all the appellants is one  

of the relevant considerations before the Court.  Secondly,  



Page 56

according to PW1, Indrajeet, the deceased Rajkumari was his  

mistress and he had not married her, though he had two children  

with her.  According to him, she was earlier married to one  

Bhupendra and he was not maintaining good relations with the said  

Bhupendra on account of his living with the deceased.  This may  

have been a matter of some concern for the family, including  

Ranjeet, the brother of PW1.  Thirdly, it has come in evidence that  

during investigation, the Investigating Officer recovered a piece of  

saree from the place of occurrence, which was blood-stained.  

According to the statement of the PW7, Dr. Shila Saha, there were  

external injuries on the body of the deceased.  Petechial  

hemorrhage was present in the left and right lungs.  Blood mixed  

with froth was flowing out from the mouth of the deceased which  

was indicative of the possibility of the accused persons having  

gagged her mouth with the piece of the saree while committing rape  

upon her.  Thus, the possibility of death of the deceased occurring  

co-accidentally as a result of this act committed on her by the  

accused cannot be ruled out.  In similar circumstances, in the case  

of Bantu @ Naresh Giri (supra) (supra), this Court took the view that  

it was not a death caused intentionally, despite the fact that it was  



Page 57

a case of rape being committed on a minor girl.  Lastly, there is no  

attempt made by the prosecution to prove on record that these  

accused are criminals or are incapable of being reformed even if  

given a chance to improve themselves.  While relying upon the  

judgment of this Court in the case of Goraksha Ambaji Adsul  

(supra), the contention raised on behalf of the accused is that, it is  

not a case where no other alternative is available with the Court  

except to award death sentence to the accused and that they are  

likely to prove a menace to the society.  It is further stated that the  

statement of the sole witness is not credible as he himself fell within  

the range of suspicion and a number of other witnesses had turned  

hostile.  There are contradictions and discrepancies in the  

statements of the witnesses.  The accused are neither previous  

convicts nor involved in any other crime.  Thus, given a chance,  

they are capable of being reformed and be law-abiding citizens.   

49. Having dealt with these contentions at some length in the  

earlier part of the judgment, we do not consider it necessary to  

again deliberate on these questions.  Suffices it to note that the  

accused are guilty of the offences for which they were charged.  It is  



Page 58

correct that the possibility of their being reformed cannot be ruled  

out.  The Court has to consider various parameters afore-stated and  

balance the mitigating circumstances against the need for  

imposition of capital punishment.  The factors to be considered  

could be different than the mitigating circumstances.  While we  

cumulatively examine the various principles and apply them to the  

facts of the present case, it appears to us that the age of the  

accused, possibility of the death of the deceased occurring  

accidently and the possibility of the accused reforming themselves,  

they cannot be termed as ‘social menace’.  It is unfortunate but a  

hard fact that all these accused have committed a heinous and  

inhumane crime for satisfaction of their lust, but it cannot be held  

with certainty  that this case falls in the ‘rarest of rare’ cases.  On  

appreciation of the evidence on record and keeping the facts and  

circumstances of the case in mind, we are unable to hold that any  

other sentence but death would be inadequate.   

50. Accordingly, while commuting the sentence of death to that for  

life imprisonment (21 years), we partially allow their appeals only  

with regard to the quantum of sentence.   



Page 59

…………………………….,J. [A.K. Patnaik]

…………………………….,J. [Swatanter Kumar]

New Delhi; February 28, 2012.