16 February 2016
Supreme Court


Case number: C.A. No.-001427-001427 / 2016
Diary number: 10391 / 2013
Advocates: GAGAN GUPTA Vs


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C.A. @ S.L.P(C)No.15921 of 2013




CIVIL APPEAL NO.1427 OF 2016 [Arising out of S.L.P.(C)No.15921 of 2013]

Rajender Singh        …..Appellant   


Govt. of N.C.T. of Delhi & Ors.         …..Respondents



1. Heard the parties at some length.  Leave granted.

2. By the impugned order dated January 15, 2013 the High Court of  

Delhi has dismissed L.P.A. No.39 of 2013 preferred by the appellant.  As  

a  consequence  the  judgment  and order  passed  by  the  learned  Single  

Judge dated 13.12.2012 passed in W.P.(C)No.7124/2009 as well as order  

passed in review from that order, dated 18.12.2012 stand affirmed.

3. The relevant facts leading to the aforesaid orders of the High Court  

need to be noticed only in brief.  Consolidation proceedings under The  

East Punjab Holdings (Consolidation and Prevention of Fragmentation)  

Act, 1948 [hereinafter referred to as ‘the 1948 Act’] commenced in Village  

Karala, Delhi around 1975 and concluded in 1976.  After about 23 years  

of  closure  of  consolidation  proceedings,  on  16.4.1999  the  contesting  



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respondents no.4 to 7 filed an application under Section 43A of the 1948  

Act,  seeking  allotment  of  land  of  Khasra  No.168  on  the  ground that  

during  the  consolidation  proceedings  their  father  late  Rajender  Singh  

was found to be in possession over the area of  11 biswas of  Scheme  

Khasra  No.168  (old  Khasra  No.703).   Such  possession  was  allegedly  

reflected in the Scheme of Consolidation of the village and described as –  

“Scheme Kabizan”.   The consequent Case No.2/CO/1999 was initially  

dismissed by the Consolidation Officer by order dated 11.05.1999 on the  

ground that  consolidation proceedings  had been  completed long back  

and hence the Consolidation Officer  had become  functus officio.  That  

order was however reversed by the Financial Commissioner before whom  

the parties agreed that the Consolidation Officer still had jurisdiction in  

respect of an application invoking powers under Section 43A of the 1948  

Act.  After remand, the Consolidation Officer commenced hearing of the  

case  but it  was disrupted on account of  a  necessity  to  implead legal  

representatives of late Baljit Singh on whom notices were ordered to be  

issued on 04.10.2004.  The order passed on 04.10.2004 did not indicate  

any further date for hearing.  The next order dated 18.10.2004 noted  

service of notices on the concerned legal representatives of Baljit Singh.  

It  also  recorded  presence  of  the  applicant  Tej  Ram  along  with  his  

counsel.  Evidently the appellant or his counsel were not present on that  

date or on the next date which was fixed as 16.11.2004.  On the next  

further date, i.e., 24.12.2004, the Consolidation Officer allowed the claim  



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after noticing presence of only Tej Ram.  Inspite of the presence of the  

appellant or his counsel not mentioned, at one place the order records  

that the counsel for respondent had argued the case at length and had  

pressed for dismissal of the petition because father of the claimants did  

not claim during his lifetime and allegedly the claim was inappropriate at  

such late stage.  The order also records that as per revenue records the  

aforesaid land had been allotted in the name of respondents no.3 to 7 as  

joint  holding  of  the  respondents  separated  during  consolidation  

proceedings.  It was also noticed that the encumbrances on the said land  

were only against the appellant Rajender Singh son of Hoshiar Singh.  As  

per order the revenue records were perused along with the consolidation  

scheme leading to fresh allotment to Tej Ram and others of new Khasra  

No.168 having area of 11 biswas on the basis of “Scheme Kabizan”.  In  

light  of  such  allotment  the  Halka  Patwari  was  directed  to  make  

corresponding entries in the revenue records.

4. Against  the  order  of  Consolidation Officer  allowing  the  claim of  

respondents  Tej  Ram  and  others  the  appellant  and  the  proforma  

respondents  filed  a  Revision  Petition  in  the  court  of  Financial  

Commissioner,  Delhi  bearing  Case  No.47/2005-CA.   The  case  of  the  

appellant  was  that  no  opportunity  of  hearing  was  given  by  the  

Consolidation  Officer  and  the  order  was  passed  by  manipulating  the  

records  when  in  fact  no  notice  of  hearing  was  ever  issued  after  the  

decision to issue notice to legal representatives of late Baljit Singh.  The  



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plea  of  possession  being  with  the  appellant  and  the  proforma  

respondents  as  also  of  inordinate  delay  of  23  years  was also  raised.  

However,  the revision case was dismissed on 03.02.2009 only  on the  

basis  of  a  record  showing  Scheme  Kabiz  which  was  allegedly  never  

challenged by any body.

5. That order of the Financial Commissioner was impugned through a  

writ  petition  first  before  the  Single  Judge  and  then  also  before  the  

Division  Bench  through  L.P.A.  as  already  noticed  earlier.   Since  the  

appellant  was unsuccessful  throughout,  he  has  preferred  the  present  

appeal to raise three-fold grievances.  The first grievance is that in fact  

no opportunity of hearing was afforded by the Consolidation Officer and  

as a consequence the appellant could not place his case properly to show  

that there was no occasion to know of the entry of “Scheme Kabiz” or to  

challenge the same when it was never made known to affected persons  

by  making  allotment  on  its  basis.   According  to  appellant  the  land  

remained under their possession which was also reflected in the revised  

revenue records prepared pursuant to the finalization of consolidation  

proceedings.  The second grievance is that no inquiry was made as to  

what was the nature of possession reflected as Scheme Kabiz.  According  

to learned counsel for the appellant, if the possession was not through  

any  method  of  encumbrance  known  to  law  but  only  that  of  a  rank  

trespasser,  such  possession  could  not  have  been  made  the  basis  of  

allotment under Section 43A of the 1948 Act as has been done by the  



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order of the Consolidation Officer dated 24.12.2004.  The last grievance  

is that the Consolidation Officer as well as other authorities of the High  

Court failed to appreciate that claim under Section 43A was made after  

23 years and such belated claim should not have been entertained or  

allowed.  In support of the second and third contentions noted above,  

learned counsel for the appellant has placed reliance upon judgment of  

this Court in the case of Mange Ram v. Financial Commissioner & Ors.  

(2003) 2 SCC 1.

6. Learned counsel for the contesting respondents has on the other  

hand taken us through the Scheme of Consolidation as provided in the  

1948 Act and has highlighted that the grievance of the applicants before  

the Consolidation Officer under Section 43A was within the scope of that  

Section and no objection can be raised on account of delay of 23 years  

because  once  Scheme  Kabiz  was  recorded  in  favour  of  applicants,  

Section  26  of  the  1948  Act  required  such  encumbrance  by  way  of  

possession  to  be  transferred  and  attached  to  the  holding  or  tenancy  

allotted  under  the  scheme to  the  land owner  or  the  tenant  who had  

suffered the encumbrance.  Learned counsel for the respondents made a  

further  submission  that  on  account  of  encumbrance  noted  in  the  

scheme,  the respondents/applicants had continued in possession and  

their grievance was only in respect of mistake or omission in preparation  

of new record of rights prepared under Section 22 of the 1948 Act and  

such mistake or omission in the preparation of record of rights cannot  



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have  material  effect  on  the  substantive  rights  of  parties  which  they  

continued to enjoy and once the mistake was realised by the authorities,  

the  exercise  of  power  under  Section  43A  for  correction  of  clerical  or  

arithmetical mistakes was appropriate and the High Court rightly did not  

interfere with such correction of clerical errors.  He reiterated that from  

the wordings appearing in the order of the Consolidation Officer dated  

24.12.2004 it is beyond any doubt that order was passed after hearing  

learned counsel for the appellant.  In support of his submissions based  

upon Section 26, learned counsel placed reliance upon judgment in the  

case of Amar Singh, Jagram (Dead) by LRs. v. Chandgi (Dead) by LRs  

(1989) 1 SCC 308.

7. After hearing the parties and perusal of the relevant orders and  

material on record, we are satisfied with the submission that the final  

order passed by the Consolidation Officer  on 24.12.2004 was without  

opportunity  or  notice  of  hearing  to  the  appellant  and  proforma  

respondents subsequent to adjournment of the matter without further  

dates on 04.10.2004.  The order itself mentions only the presence of Tej  

Ram and not the appellant or any one from his side.  The order does not  

name any advocate from either of the sides and the observation that ‘the  

counsel  for  the  respondent  has  argued the  case  at  length’  may be  a  

mistake or a casual observation based upon inconclusive and ineffective  

hearing  on earlier  dates.   On this  ground alone  which has not  been  

properly considered either by the revisional authority or the High Court,  



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the matter deserves to be remitted back to the Consolidation Officer for  

fresh hearing and re-determination in accordance with law.

8. However, it is deemed proper to clarify some relevant aspects of the  

case  as  well  as  legal  issues  that  must  be  kept  in  mind  by  the  

Consolidation Officer for proper adjudication after remand.  A perusal of  

the order passed by the Financial Commissioner discloses that he was of  

the view that the recording of “Scheme Kabiz” had attained finality as it  

was never challenged.   Such conclusion should not have been drawn  

without examining whether this entry was duly published inviting any  

objections or in the alternative whether such recording in a chart was  

further acted upon leading to allocation or allotment of the land with the  

corresponding encumbrances.  So far as the case of Amar Singh (supra)  

is concerned, it was not a case of exercise of power under Section 43A  

and  the  issue  whether  the  defendants  of  that  case  were  tenants  in  

respect of the lands in question was found to be beyond any cavil and  

concluded by concurrent finding of facts.  In that case, since the power  

and  jurisdiction  of  Consolidation  Officer  under  Section  26  was  

questioned, this Court held that the officer had jurisdiction to define the  

portion of the land newly allotted under the scheme and put the holder of  

the  encumbrance  in  possession  of  the  corresponding  part  of  the  

substituted  holding  allotted  to  the  land  owner  in  lieu  of  his  original  




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9. In  the  case  of  Mange  Ram (supra)  this  Court  found  that  the  

appellant  had  advanced  claim  of  possession  over  a  piece  of  land  

measuring 5 biswas on the basis that his predecessor had trespassed  

over that land and had carried out cultivation.  The appellant had relied  

on a list of 1982 showing his possession.  The consolidation operation  

had been concluded and closed in the year 1982 whereas application for  

being put in possession was filed by the appellant after 11 years in 1993.  

In such circumstances this Court held that a mere trespasser could not  

be treated as an encumbrancer as envisaged under the 1948 Act.  The  

Court further held that the appellant must fail on account of long delay  

and laches of 11 years in approaching the authorities for relief.

10. From the materials on record we could not find anything throwing  

light on the nature of possession claimed by the contesting respondents  

which is relevant for one of the propositions emerging from the judgment  

in  the  case  of  Mange  Ram (supra).   In  several  of  the  pleadings  the  

appellant  has claimed that  they continued to enjoy allotment in their  

favour and possession has remained with them over the 11 biswas of  

land  in  the  concerned  Khasra.   However,  during  arguments  learned  

counsel for the contesting respondents has made a counter claim that  

possession has remained with the contesting respondents and therefore  

delay  of  23  years  cannot  be  material.   We  expect  the  Consolidation  

Officer to keep these aspects in mind while deciding the matter afresh.  

From the prayer made on behalf of the contesting respondents before the  



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Consolidation  Officer  it  is  evident  that  they  had not  prayed for  mere  

correction in the new record of rights prepared at the instance of the  

Consolidation Officer under Section 22 of the 1948 Act, rather they had  

prayed for allotment or allocation which was the relief  granted by the  

Consolidation Officer who ordered for revising the record of rights as a  

sequel  to  such allotment.   However,  if  even  without  the  allotment  or  

allocation made by  the  Consolidation  Officer  through his  order  dated  

24.12.2004, the applicants/contesting respondents could continue with  

possession over the land in question and whether in fact they continued  

to enjoy such possession, needs to be enquired into because it will have  

an important bearing at least over the effect of delay of 23 years.  Lastly,  

the  Consolidation  Officer  should  keep  in  mind  that  although  it  has  

jurisdiction to look into the claim under Section 43A of the 1948 Act,  

such  jurisdiction  can  be  exercised  only  to  correct  errors  which  are  

clerical  or  arithmetical  in  nature.   The  mere  fact  that  the  appellant  

conceded to jurisdiction under Section 43A leading to an order of remand  

will  not  have the effect  of  enlarging such jurisdiction beyond what  is  

prescribed by the law.

11. The aforesaid clarifications are relevant in the facts of the case to  

ensure that no further unnecessary time is wasted in deciding the real  

controversy.  Hence while setting aside the impugned orders of the High  

Court and also the orders passed by the Consolidation authorities on or  

after 24.12.2004, we remand the matter to the Consolidation Officer for  



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re-hearing  the  parties  and fresh  determination  within  six  months,  in  

accordance  with  law  keeping  in  mind  the  legal  principles  and  other  

relevant observations recorded earlier in this order as guidelines.  It is  

also made clear that we have not expressed any opinion on the merits of  

the case of either parties.

12. The appeal is allowed to the aforesaid extent but without any order  

as to costs.

     …………………………………….J.       [SHIVA KIRTI SINGH]

      ……………………………………..J.                  [R.K. AGRAWAL]

New Delhi. February 16, 2016.