23 April 2015
Supreme Court


Case number: Crl.A. No.-000701-000702 / 2015
Diary number: 21051 / 2013
Advocates: VIVEK SINGH Vs


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CRIMINAL APPEAL NOS . 701-702   /2015 (Arising out of S.L.P. (Crl.) Nos.5767-5768/2013)

RAJ SINGH        ..Appellant Versus


CRIMINAL APPEAL NO.   703   OF 2015 (Arising out of S.L.P. (Crl.) No.6347/2013)

RAJ KUMAR        ..Appellant Versus

MAHABIR & ORS.   ..Respondents AND

CRIMINAL APPEAL NO.  704   OF 2015 (Arising out of S.L.P. (Crl.) No.10739/2013)

BHARAT SINGH        ..Appellant Versus

RISHI PAL & ORS.           ..Respondents



Leave granted.

2. These appeals by way of Special Leave arise out of

the  common  judgment  dated  30.01.2013,  passed  by  the

Punjab  and  Haryana  High  Court  in  Criminal  Appeal


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No.D-440-DB of 2008 & Criminal Revision No.2758 of 2008,

by which, the High Court dismissed the Criminal Appeal of the

appellant-Raj Singh and partly allowed the Criminal Revision

qua Raj Singh filed by Bharat Singh and thereby converting

the conviction of the appellant under Section 304 Part 1 IPC to

Section 302 IPC and maintained sentence of life imprisonment

imposed on him and dismissed the revision qua Rishi Pal and


3. Brief facts which led to the filing of these appeals

are as follows:  The complainant-Bharat Singh serves in the

Army and on 23.11.2004,  he came to  his  village for  fifteen

days holidays. They are three brothers, Girdhari Lal, Devender

Singh  and  Bharat  Singh.  In  his  complaint,  Bharat  Singh

alleged that  on 3.12.2004 at  about  6.00 pm,  when he was

standing at the main gate of his cousin’s house with one Tilak

Raj, Rishipal-brother of the appellant came there with an axe

in  his  hand  and  there  was  wordy  altercation.  Rishipal

assaulted the complainant-Bharat Singh with a Kulhari on his

left buttock, however, Bharat Singh managed to save his life,

and rushed towards his home.  The complainant narrated the


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whole  incident  to  his  brother  Devender  Singh  and  he  was

taken  to  the  hospital  wherein  Dr.  Gobind  Singh  at  village

Badshahpur  treated  him  and  thereafter  both  the  brothers

returned  to  the  village.  When  the  elder  brother  Girdhari

returned home at about 8.30 P.M., Bharat Singh narrated the

whole  incident  to  him  and  he  was  rebuked  by  his  elder


4. While the complainant and others were talking to

each other at the main gate,  the appellant-Raj Singh, armed

with  licensed  pistol,  Rishi,  armed  with  countrymade  pistol,

Rajendra and Ram Pal, armed with lathies came to the house

of  Girdhari  Lal  and  attacked  Bharat  Singh  and  others.

Appellant-Raj  Singh  fired  shot  at  Girdhari’s  chest  from his

pistol and Girdhari fell  down on the ground.  When Bharat

Singh raised alarm, appellant fired at Bharat Singh which hit

his left back side below the shoulders.  As Bharat Singh raised

alarm,  Mahabir  Singh  and  his  elder  brother  Gajraj-PW6

rushed to the spot.  Mahabir tried to lift Girdhari in order to

save him, at that time, Rishi again fired from the countrymade

pistol  on  Mahabir  Singh  and  Gajraj.  Further  Rajender  and


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Rampal assaulted Gajraj with lathis. Girdhari was immediately

taken to Government Hospital, Gurgaon for treatment where

the doctor declared him as “brought dead”.  Injured persons

Mahabir,  Gajraj-PW6  and  Bharat  Singh-PW1  were  given

treatment.  On receipt of ruqqa from the Government Hospital,

Gurgaon, PW13-Rajender Singh (ASI) recorded the statement

of  PW1–Bharat  Singh  and  registered  the  case  in  FIR

No.321/2004  under  Section  302  IPC.  On  completion  of

investigation, chargesheet was filed under Sections 323, 324,

302, 307 and 506 read with Section 34 IPC.   

5. To bring home the guilt of the accused, prosecution

examined as many as thirteen witnesses and accused have

examined  three  defence  witnesses.  The  Additional  Sessions

Judge,  Fast  Track  Court,  Gurgaon  vide  judgment  dated

17.05.2008 held that  the appellant-Raj  Singh had exceeded

the right  of  private defence and convicted the appellant-Raj

Singh under Section 304 Part-1 IPC and acquitted Rajpal and

Rishi  Pal.  The  ASJ  Vide  separate  order  dated  20.05.2008,

sentenced  the  appellant-Raj  Singh  to  undergo  rigorous


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imprisonment for life and imposed a fine of Rs.7,000/- with

default clause.

6. Challenging the acquittal  of  Rishi  Pal  and Rajpal,

Bharat Singh-PW1 preferred Criminal Revision.  Challenging

his conviction, Raj  Singh-accused preferred Criminal  Appeal

before the High Court wherein the High Court vide common

judgment dated 30.01.2013 dismissed the Criminal Appeal of

the  appellant-Raj  Singh  and  allowed  the  Criminal  Revision

filed by the complainant-Bharat Singh and thereby converted

the conviction of the appellant under Section 304 Part 1 IPC to

Section  302  IPC  and  maintained  the  sentence  of  life

imprisonment imposed on him.   

7. On the same day a cross case i.e. on 4.12.2004 in

the  same  police  station  was  lodged  by  the  appellant  party

against Mahabir Singh and others and they were also charge

sheeted.  Vide separate judgment dated 17.05.2008, trial court

held that complainant party namely, Mahabir Singh, Bharat

Singh,  Gajraj,  Anil  and  Satish  are  guilty  of  constituting

unlawful  assembly  and  causing  grievous  injury  with  blunt

weapon to  Rishi  Pal  and Rajpal  and  convicted  them under


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Sections 148, 323, 325 and 452 IPC read with Section 149 IPC

and  sentenced  them  to  undergo  various  imprisonment

imposed on them.  Being aggrieved,  Bharat  Singh, Mahabir

and  others  preferred  appeal  before  High  Court.  Upon

consideration of evidence and material on record, High Court

held  that  reasonable  doubts  arise  as  to  the  prosecution

version  regarding  scene  of  occurrence  and  the  manner  of

attack  and  held  that  death  of  Girdhari  and injuries  to  the

accused  Mahabir  Singh  and  others  were  not  properly

explained  which  is  fatal  to  the  prosecution  case  and  thus

acquitted Mahabir Singh, Bharat Singh and others.

8. Mr.  Gurukrishna  Kumar,  learned  Senior  Counsel

appearing  for  the  appellants  contended  that  the  place  of

occurrence was house of the appellant which means that the

complainant party (seven in number)  came to the house as

aggressors and the appellant had no option but to fire from his

gun in self defence of his own and his brothers and the alleged

act of the appellant cannot in any manner be said to be in

excess of right of private defence.  It was further submitted

that the appellant had specifically urged private defence which


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was accepted by the trial court and erroneously rejected by the

High  Court.   Learned  Senior  Counsel  urged  that  the  High

Court  was  not  right  in  dissecting  the  statement  of  the

appellant  under  Section  313  Cr.P.C.  by  relying  upon  the

inculpatory part of  it  but declining to take into account his

explanation  as  to  how  the  firearm  shot  occurred  and  the

impugned judgment is unsustainable.  

9. Per  contra,  learned  counsel  for  the  respondents

contended that no cogent evidence is on record to substantiate

the argument that complainant party were the aggressors. It

was submitted that the occurrence took place in the house of

the  complainant  but  the  police  helped  the  appellant  by

changing  the  place  of  occurrence  after  three-four  days  of

occurrence.   It  was argued that  the act  of  the appellant  in

firing gun shots was not in exercise of right of private defence

and the High Court rightly reversed the judgment of the trial

court and convicted the appellant under Section 302 IPC.  

10. We have carefully considered the rival submissions

and  perused  the  evidence  and  material  on  record  and  the

impugned judgment.


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11. PW1-Bharat  Singh  had  spoken  about  the

occurrence in the evening that he was attacked by the accused

party with axe (kulhari)  and PW1-Bharat Singh narrated the

same to his brothers Girdhari (deceased) and Anil Kumar–PW5

who  returned  home  at  about  8.30  P.M.  after  attending  a

marriage  party.   Girdhari  rebuked Bharat  Singh  and  when

they were all talking in the house of Girdhari, the appellant

and his brother Rishi  Pal  and Rajpal  came to the house of

Girdhari  armed  with  deadly  weapons.  Appellant-Raj  Singh

fired gun shots and Girdhari sustained firearm injury in his

chest and he fell down.  Raj Singh fired at Bharat Singh-PW1

and injury was caused on the backside of his shoulder.  When

Mahabir tried to lift Girdhari, at that time Rishi Pal fired at

Mahabir with countrymade pistol.  Rajpal and Rajendra  are

alleged  to  have  given  lathi  blows  on  the  person  of  Gajraj

Singh–PW6 and all the accused ran away, Girdhari was taken

to hospital and he was declared ‘brought dead’ by the doctor.

PW1-Bharat  Singh,  PW5-Anil  Kumar  and  PW6-Gajraj  have

clearly spoken about the occurrence, they were consistent in

their  version  despite  searching  cross-examination  and  their


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evidence is trustworthy.  Further, evidence of eye-witnesses is

strengthened by the medical evidence.   

12. To  substantiate  the  defence  plea  that  the

complainant party are the aggressors, much reliance is placed

on the evidence of PW7-Dr. Kulvinder Singh, Senior Scientific

Officer  who  has  stated  that  he  visited  the  place  of

occurrence–house of the accused as well as house of deceased

Girdhari  on 7.12.2004.   As per  the site  plan Ex.PG/I  dead

body  was  detected  at  spot  ‘A’  and  that  blood  stains  were

detected on polythene sheet at plan ‘C’ and splashes of blood

detected  on  dung  cakes  and  one  woolen  monkey  cap,  four

empty cartridges and one live cartridge were recovered from

the courtyard of the house of the accused.  PW7 specifically

stated that no blood stains or any other physical clues related

to the occurrence could be detected in the courtyard of the

house of deceased-Girdhari.    

13. Laying much emphasis upon the site plan prepared

on 7.12.2004 and evidence of PW7, learned Senior Counsel for

the appellant submitted that PW7 is a government official and

an independent witness who has no reason to depose falsely in


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favour of  the appellant  and his  statement has been further

corroborated  by  the  evidence  of  the  investigating  officers

namely PW8-Kuldip Singh(SI) and PW13-Rajender Singh (ASI).

Learned Senior Counsel further submitted that the High Court

erred in saying that there was no explanation as to how the

articles remained in the courtyard of the house of the accused

and were not recovered for four-five days, the High Court has

not properly appreciated the evidence of PW13 and erred in

reversing the findings of the trial court.   

14. It is to be noted PW8-Kuldeep Singh, Sub Inspector

of Police had deposed that on 4.12.2004, he along with DSP

Sube Singh and other police officials went to Girdhari’s house

and recorded the statement of one Rajkumar and others and

spot inspection was also conducted as per their version and

according to him no site plan was prepared on 4.12.2004 as

the  ladies  of  the  house  were  weeping  and  everyone  was

disturbed.  On 5.12.2004, PW8-Kuldeep Singh (SI) prepared

the site plan of the place of occurrence as given in the F.I.R.,

but according to PW8, no physical evidence was available at

the spot on 5.12.2004.  On 7.12.2004, a team of experts along


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with PW13-Rajender  Singh (ASI)  inspected the house of  the

accused-Raj  Singh  and  Rajpal  and  recovered  four  empty

cartridges,  one live  cartridge,  monkey cap and five  pairs  of

hawai chappals and blood stains on polythene.  It is a matter

of  common  knowledge  that  the  above  material  objects

recovered on 7.12.2004 could have been noticed with naked

eyes.   While  so,  it  is  quite  unnatural  as  to  why the  above

material  objects  were  not  recovered  on  4.12.2004  and

5.12.2004 inspite of the investigating team inspecting the spot

on those two days.   It  is  in  this  backdrop,  the evidence of

PW7-Dr. Kulvinder Singh and PW13-Rajender Singh (ASI) as

to the alleged recovery on 7.12.2004 has to be examined.

15. PW13-ASI Rajender Singh has stated that he made

enquiries from some persons and he came to know that the

actual place of  occurrence is the house of appellant and as

such no person has been examined in the court to show that

the place of occurrence was the house of accused.  In the site

plan  prepared  on  5.12.2004,  the  place  of  occurrence  was

shown as in  front  of  the  house of  Girdhari  and not  in  the

courtyard of the house of the appellant.   In their statement


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under  Section  313  Cr.P.C.,  the  accused  have  stated  that

PW1–Bharat  Singh  and  his  brothers  PW5-Anil  Kumar,

deceased-Girdhari, joined together and went to the house of

the accused and that the place of occurrence is the house of

the  accused.   As  rightly  observed  by  the  High  Court,  the

accused have also not examined any witnesses to substantiate

their plea.  Ignoring these material aspects, in our view, the

Sessions  Judge  was  not  right  in  holding  that  the  place  of

occurrence  was  the  house  of  the  accused  and  that  the

complainant party were the aggressors.  The approach of the

learned Sessions Judge borders on perversity and reasons for

holding  that  the  place  of  occurrence  was  the  house  of  the

accused is factually unsustainable and the High Court rightly

set aside the findings of the trial court. We concur with the

findings of  the High Court that the investigating officer had

helped the appellant by changing the place of occurrence to

make  it  appear  that  the  complainant  party  were  the


16. Plea  of  self-defence:  The  contention  of  the

appellant  is  that  he  is  not  an  aggressor  and  since  the


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complainant party was in possession of lethal weapons which

caused reasonable apprehension in the mind of the appellant

as to the threat to his life and his two brothers and therefore

the appellant had no option but to fire from his gun and the

alleged act of the appellant cannot, in any manner, be said to

be in excess of his right of private defence.   

17. The right of private defence is codified in Sections

96 to 106 IPC.   Section 96 declares that “nothing is an offence

which is done in exercise of the right of the private defence”.

Section 97 states that  every person has right  of  defence of

person  as  well  as  of  property.   Section  100  describes  the

situations in which the right of private defence of body extends

to the extent of voluntarily causing of death.  To claim right of

private  defence extending to voluntary causing of death, the

accused must show that there were circumstances giving rise

to reasonable grounds for apprehending  that either  death or

grievous hurt  would be caused to him.   The law of  private

defence does not require that the person assaulted or facing

apprehension  of  an  assault  must  run  away  for  safety.   It

entitles  him  to  defend  himself  and  law  gives  him  right  of


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private defence.   There is  no right of  private defence where

there is no apprehension of danger.  Necessity of averting and

impending danger must be present, real or apparent.  

18. Elaborating the scope of right of private defence, in

Dharam  And Ors. vs. State of Haryana, (2007) 15 SCC 241 in

paragraphs (18) and (19) it was held as under:-    

“18. Thus, the basic principle underlying the doctrine of the right of private defence is that when an individual or his property is faced with a danger and immediate aid from the State machinery is not readily available, that individual is entitled to protect himself and his property. That  being  so,  the  necessary  corollary  is  that  the violence  which  the  citizen  defending  himself  or  his property  is  entitled  to  use  must  not  be  unduly disproportionate  to  the  injury  which  is  sought  to  be averted or which is reasonably apprehended and should not  exceed  its  legitimate  purpose.  We  may,  however, hasten to add that the means and the force a threatened person adopts at the spur of the moment to ward off the danger and to save himself  or his property cannot be weighed  in  golden  scales.  It  is  neither  possible  nor prudent to lay down abstract parameters which can be applied to determine as to whether the means and force adopted by the threatened person was proper or not.   Answer  to  such  a  question  depends  upon  a  host  of factors like the prevailing circumstances at the spot, his feelings  at  the  relevant  time,  the  confusion  and  the excitement depending on the nature of assault on him, etc.  Nonetheless,  the  exercise  of  the  right  of  private defence can never be vindictive or malicious. It would be repugnant to the very concept of private defence.

19. It is trite that the burden of establishing the plea of self-defence is on the accused but it is not as onerous as the  one  that  lies  on  the  prosecution.  While  the prosecution  is  required  to  prove  its  case  beyond reasonable doubt,  the accused need not establish the plea of self-defence to the hilt  and may discharge the


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wonus  by  showing  preponderance  of  probabilities  in favour of that plea on the basis of the material on record (see  Munshi  Ram v.  Delhi  Admn.(AIR  1968  SC  702), State  of  Gujarat v.  Bai  Fatima((1975)  2  SCC  7)   and Salim Zia v. State of U.P.(1979) 2 SCC 648).”

19. In the case of  Bhanwar Singh & Ors.  vs.  State of

M.P.,  (2008) 16 SCC 657, in paragraphs (50) and (60) it was

held as under:-

“50. The plea of private defence has been brought up by the appellants. For this plea to succeed in totality, it must  be  proved that  there  existed a  right  to  private defence in favour of  the accused, and that this right extended to causing death. Hence, if the court were to reject this plea, there are two possible ways in which this may be done. On one hand, it may be held that there  existed  a  right  to  private  defence  of  the  body. However,  more  harm than necessary  was caused or, alternatively, this right did not extend to causing death. Such a ruling may result in the application of Section 300 Exception 2, which states that culpable homicide is not murder if the offender, in the exercise in good faith  of  the  right  of  private  defence  of  person  or property, exceeds the power given to him by law and causes  the  death  of  the  person  against  whom he  is exercising such right of defence without premeditation, and without any intention of doing more harm than is necessary for the purpose of such defence. The other situation is where, on appreciation of facts, the right of private defence is held not to exist at all.

60. To put it pithily, the right of private defence is a defence right. It  is neither a right of aggression or of reprisal.  There  is  no  right  of  private  defence  where there is no apprehension of danger. The right of private defence  is  available  only  to  one  who  is  suddenly confronted with the necessity of averting an impending danger not of self-creation. Necessity must be present, real or apparent”. (emphasis added)


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The same view is also expressed in the cases of Biran Singh vs.

State  of  Bihar, AIR 1975 SC 87,  Wassan Singh vs.  State  of

Punjab,(1996) 1 SCC 458, Sekar alias Raja Sekharan vs. State

represented by Inspector of Police, T.N., (2002) 8 SCC 354, Buta

Singh vs. State of Punjab,  AIR 1991 SC 1316 and James Martin

vs. State of  Kerala, (2004) 2 SCC 203.  

20. In the present case, plea of private defence has been

put forth by the appellant.  To succeed in the plea of private

defence, the appellant has to prove that he exercised right of

private  defence in his  favour and this  right  extended to the

extent of causing death.  In the facts and circumstances of the

present case, let us consider whether right of private defence

was  available  to  the  accused.  Case  of  the  appellant  is  that

complainant  party  forcibly  entered  his  house  and  started

fighting and the appellant had reasonable apprehension that

he would be hurt and therefore he fired the few shots  in the

air,  and  during  the  scuffle,  the  complainant  party  tried  to

forcibly   snatch  pistol  from  him  and  fire  was  shot  which

incidentally  hit  the  deceased-Girdhari.  Further  case  of  the

appellant is that the complainant party armed with weapons


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were the aggressors and they caused serious injuries to the

appellant and his brothers Rishi Pal and Rajpal.

21. DW2-Dr. Arun has expressed his opinion about the

injuries caused to Rishi Pal and stated that Rishi Pal sustained

some bruises  and contusions and had pain in  the  left  foot.

DW2-Dr.  Arun  examined  Rajpal  who  was  brought  to  the

hospital and there was pain and swelling in the left elbow, pain

and  swelling  in  the  right  wrist.   DW1-Dr.  Shailza  Aggarwal

examined x-ray of Rishipal and found that there was fracture

in  the  fifth  metatarsal  of  the  left  foot.  DW1-Dr.  Shailza

Aggarwal also examined x-ray of Raj Pal and found fracture of

fifth metacarpal right hand. The injuries on the person of the

accused were not so serious.    

22. Bharat  Singh and his  brothers  were  not  carrying

any arms or deadly weapons.  The accused-appellants if at all

any right accrued in their favour, while defending themselves,

acted  in  a  manner  which  is  unduly  disproportionate  to  the

injury  which  they  would  have  sustained  at  the  hands  of

complainant  party  who  were  not  armed  with  any  deadly

weapons.   Thus,  their  act  of  firing  shots  which  resulted  in


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death of Girdhari, was not at all to prevent any injury which

was sought to be averted or which could have been reasonably

apprehended. At no point of time, any reasonable apprehension

of  death  or  grievous  injury  was  perceivable,  but  the

accused-appellants  aggressively  acted  and  fired  shots  at

deceased.   Relying  upon  the  evidence  of  PW-5-Anil  Kumar,

High Court also recorded a finding that appellant fired Girdhari

from  a  short  distance  of  four  to  five  feet,  even  when  the

complainant  party  was  not  armed  with  lethal  weapons.

Appellant  fired  at  Girdhari  recklessly  from  a  close  range

indicating  that  the  appellant-accused  party  were  the

aggressors.   Law does not confer a right of self-defence on a

man when he himself was the aggressor.  In the present case,

the complainant party were not armed with lethal weapons; but

the appellant was armed with a pistol.  When the appellant and

his party were the aggressors firing several rounds of firearm,

the High Court rightly held that the plea of self defence raised

by  the  accused  is  not  sustainable.   We  find  no  reason

warranting  interference  with  the  conviction  of  the  appellant


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under  Section  302  IPC  and  sentence  of  life  imprisonment

imposed on him.

23. Criminal  Appeal  arising  out  of  SLP  (Crl.)

No.10739/2013:  So far as acquittal of Rishi Pal and Rajpal is

concerned, concurrent findings were recorded by both the trial

court  as  well  as  the  High  Court  for  acquitting  them.   The

appellate court would interfere with the order of acquittal only

when  the  court  below  ignores  or  overlooks  important

circumstances and proved facts and misapplies the principles

of criminal jurisprudence or tries to gloss over them.  In the

case in hand, it cannot be said that the reasonings recorded

by the courts below  for acquittal of Rishipal  and  Raj Pal are

unreasonable  warranting  interference  in  exercise  of

jurisdiction under Article 136 of the  Constitution of India  and

this appeal is liable to be dismissed.    

24. Criminal  Appeal  arising  out  of  SLP  (Crl.)

No.6347/2013:   As  mentioned  above,  on the  same day i.e.

4.12.2004,   a  cross  case  in  the  same  police  station  (Police

Station, Sohna) was registered against the complainant party,

namely,  Mahabir,  Satish,  Bharat  Singh,  Gajraj,  Anil  and


Page 20


Devender.  According  to  the  complainant-Raj  Singh,  on

3.12.2004, due to his illness he was in his house and at that

time he heard some abuse and when he reached the house of

his brother Rajpal, he saw Girdhari lying on the ground. He

further stated that Mahabir,  Gajaraj,  Anil,  Devender,  Bharat

Singh and Satish son of Mahipal were present there and Gajraj

was armed with lathi, Mahabir was armed with country made

pistol, Anil was armed with pharsa, Devender and Lallu were

having rods and Bharat Singh was having  countrymade pistol

and  Satish  was  having  rod  in  his  hand  and  these  persons

caused  injuries  to  his  brothers  Rajpal  and  Rishi  Pal.  After

completion  of  investigation,  chargesheet  was  filed  against

Mahabir  and  others  in  Sessions  Case  No.  3/2006.  Vide

separate order dated 17.5.2008, the Additional Sessions Judge,

Fast Track Court,  Gurgaon held that respondent party namely

Mahabir,  Satish  alias  Lallu,  Bharat  Singh,  Gajraj,  Anil   are

guilty of constituting unlawful assembly and causing grievous

injuries  with  blunt  weapon  and  convicted  them  under

Sections 148, 323, 325, 452 IPC read with Section 149 IPC. For

conviction under Section 325 IPC read with Section 149 IPC,


Page 21


trial  court  sentenced  each  of  them  to  undergo  rigorous

imprisonment for two years and fine of Rs.1500/- each with

default clause.  For conviction under other offences they were

imposed  various  sentence  of  imprisonment  and  also  fine.

Sentence  of  imprisonment  imposed  on  each  of  them  were

ordered to run concurrently.  Giving benefit of doubt, Devender

was  acquitted  of  the  charges.  Challenging  the  verdict  of

conviction,  Mahabir  and  others  filed  Criminal  Appeal

No.S-1062-SB/2008  before  the  High  Court  of  Punjab  and

Haryana  and  the  High  Court  vide  common  order  dated

30.01.2013 allowed the appeal of the accused persons and the

High Court acquitted them of all the charges.

25. As discussed earlier,  place  of  occurrence  was not

the house of Raj Singh or his brother’s house as is evident from

the fact, objects were not recovered immediately but recovered

only after a gap of three-four days and no credible explanation

is  forthcoming  from  PW8-Kuldeep  Singh  (SI)  and  PW  13-

Rajender Singh (ASI) for such delay.  By perusal of the evidence

on record, it is clear neither any firearm was used by Bharat

Singh  and  others  nor  any  such  firearm was  found  in  their


Page 22


possession.   As  far  as  injuries  sustained  by  Rishi  Pal  and

Rajpal are concerned, Rajpal sustained lacerated wound and

fracture fifth of metacarpal and Rishi Pal sustained fracture of

fifth metatarsal.  The doctors have opined that the said injuries

are possible by a fall.  As discussed earlier, Mahabir and others

were neither the aggressors nor there was any pre-meditation

to cause the said injuries.  Upon consideration of the facts and

circumstances  and  the  nature  of  injuries  caused,  the  High

Court  rightly  held  that  the  complainant  party  (Mahabir  and

others)  acted  in  private  defence  and  acquitted  them  of  the

charges.  Considering the nature of injuries and other material

on  record,  in  our  view,  the  complainant  party  have  not

exceeded their right of private defence and  caused harm  that

was  necessary  for  the  purpose  of  private  defence.  Upon

appreciation  of  evidence,  the  High  Court  rightly  acquitted

Mahabir and others and we find no reason to interfere with the


26. Criminal  appeals  arising  out  of  S.L.P.(Crl.)

Nos.5767-5768/13.    The  conviction  of  the  appellant-Raj

Singh under Section 302 IPC and sentence of life imprisonment


Page 23


imposed on him is confirmed and the appeals preferred by Raj

Singh are dismissed.  Criminal appeals arising out of S.L.P.

(Crl.)  Nos.6347/13  & 10739/13 filed  by  Raj  Kumar  and

Bharat Singh stand dismissed.

..………………….J.             (T.S. Thakur)

                                                                      ...………………….J.     (R. Banumathi)

        .……………………J.     (Amitava Roy)  

New Delhi; April 23, 2015


Page 24





CRIMINAL APPEAL NOs.      701-702  OF 2015 (Arising out of S.L.P.(Crl.)Nos.5767-5768 of 2013)

Raj Singh …Appellant


State of Haryana etc. …Respondents WITH

CRIMINAL APPEAL NO.        703             OF 2015 (Arising out of S.L.P.(Crl.)No.6347 of 2013)

Raj Kumar ...Appellant


Mahabir & Ors.        ...Respondents


CRIMINAL APPEAL NO.        704     OF 2015 (Arising out of S.L.P.(Crl.)No.10739 of 2013)

Bharat Singh ...Appellant


Rishi Pal & Ors.       ...Respondents




Page 25


1. I  have  had  the  advantage  of  going  through  the  order

proposed by my Esteemed Sister Banumathi, J.  While I agree

with the conclusion arrived at by her, I would like to add a few

lines of my own.  

2. Exception 2 to Section 300 of the Indian Penal Code provides

that  culpable  homicide  is  not  murder  if  the  offender,  in  the

exercise in good faith of the right of private defence of person or

property, exceeds the power given to him by law and causes the

death of the person against whom he is exercising such right of

defence without premeditation, and without any intention of doing

more harm than is necessary for the purpose of such defence.

Right of private defence is, in turn, recognised by Section 96 of

the Code which provides that nothing is an offence which is done

in the exercise of the right of private defence. Section 97 of the

Code recognises the private defence of the body and of property

and reads as:

“97. Right of private defence of the body and of property. – Every person has a right, subject to the restrictions contained in Section 99, to defend –

First.- His  own body,  and  the  body  of  any other  person,  against  any  offence affecting the human body.


Page 26


Secondly.- The  property,  whether  movable  or immovable, of himself or of any other person,  against  any  act  which  is  an offence falling under the definition of theft,  robbery,  mischief  or  criminal trespass,  or  which  is  an  attempt  to commit  theft,  robbery,  mischief  or criminal trespass.”

3. Section 99 of the Code deals with acts against which there is

no right of private defence and, inter alia, provides that the right

of private defence in no case extends to the inflicting of more

harm than it is necessary to inflict for the purpose of defence.

Section 100 of the Code deals with situations in which the right of

private defence of the body extends to voluntarily causing death

or  of  any  other  harm  to  the  assailant,  if  the  offence  which

occasions the exercise of the right is one of the kind enumerated

under the said Section. The offences enumerated under the said

provision  include  offences  like  causing  death,  grievous  hurt,

committing rape,  gratifying unnatural  lust and assault  with the

intention of kidnapping or abducting.  Section 103 of the Code

similarly  deals  with the right  of  private  defence of  property in

situations  enumerated  thereunder, which  includes  offences  like


Page 27


robbery, house-breaking by night, mischief by fire committed of

any building, tent or vessel used as a human dwelling etc.  

4. A conjoint reading of provisions of Sections 96 to 103 and

Exception 2 to Section 300 of the Code leaves no manner of doubt

that  culpable  homicide  is  not  murder  if  the  offender,  in  the

exercise in good faith of the right of private defence of person or

property, exceeds the power given to him by law and causes the

death of the person against whom he is exercising such right of

defence,  provided  that  such  right  is  exercised  without

premeditation and without any intention of doing more harm than

is necessary for the purpose of such defence.  A fortiori in cases

where an accused sets up right of private defence, the first and

the foremost question that  would fall  for  determination by the

Court  would  be  whether  the  accused  had  the  right  of  private

defence in the situation in which death or other harm was caused

by  him.   If  the  answer  to  that  question  is  in  the  negative,

Exception 2 to Section 300 of the Code would be of no assistance.

Exception 2 presupposes that the offender had the right of private


Page 28


defence of person or property but he had exceeded such right by

causing death. It is only in case answer to the first question is in

the affirmative viz. that the offender had the right of defence of

person or property, that the next question  viz. whether he had

exercised that right in good faith and without premeditation and

without any intention of doing more harm that was necessary for

the purpose of such defence would arise. Should answer to any

one of these questions be in the negative, the offender will not be

entitled to the benefit of Exception 2 to Section 300 of the Code.

Absence  of  good  faith  in  the  exercise  of  the  right  of  private

defence,  premeditation  for  the exercise  of  such right  and acts

done with the intention of causing more harm than is necessary

for the purpose of such defence would deny to the offender the

benefit of Exception 2 to Section 300. The legal position on the

subject  is  fairly  well  settled by a long line of  decisions of  this

Court to which copious reference has been made by Banumathi, J.

No  useful  purpose  would,  therefore,  be  served by  referring  to

them over again.  All that need be said is that whether or not a

right of private defence of person or property was available to the

offender is the very first question that must be addressed in a


Page 29


case  of  the  present  kind  while  determining  the  nature  of  the

offence  committed  by  the  accused,  whether  or  not  a  right  of

private defence was available to an offender is, in turn, a question

of  fact  or  atleast  a  mixed  question  of  law  and  fact  to  be

determined in the facts and circumstances of each individual case

that may come up before the court.  

5. The High Court has, in the case at hand, clearly recorded a

finding that the appellants  were the aggressors in the incident

that led to the death of deceased-Girdhari Lal.  Banumathi, J. has

in the proposed order referred to the evidence supporting that

finding. Once it is held that the Raj Singh and others were the

aggressors and that the incident had taken place in the house of

the complainant and not at the house of the said appellants as

alleged by them, there is no room for the appellants to claim the

benefit  of Exception 2 to Section 300 of the Code.  That is so

particularly  when  neither  deceased-Girdhari  Lal  nor  others

examined as prosecution witnesses supporting the complainant’s

case were armed. The question whether the appellants exceeded

the right of private defence does not, therefore, really arise for


Page 30


consideration.  Since  no  such  right  was,  in  the  facts  and

circumstances  of  the  case,  available  to  them,  there  was  no

question of their exceeding the same.

6. With the above words, I concur with the order proposed by

my esteemed sister.  

             ……..………….……….…..…J.         (T.S. Thakur)

New Delhi April 23, 2015