04 October 2013
Supreme Court


Case number: Crl.A. No.-002173-002173 / 2009
Diary number: 60348 / 2007


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This appeal  has  been preferred against the judgment  

dated 20th September, 2006 passed by the  Division Bench of  

the Jharkhand High Court,   Ranchi in Criminal Appeal No.  

441 of 2001. By  its impugned judgment,  the Division Bench  

dismissed the  criminal appeal filed by the appellants and  

affirmed the order of conviction and sentence passed by the  

Trial Court. Thus Trial Court order, finding the  

appellants­ Panchanan Mandal @Pachan Mandal and Malti Devi


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alongwith two others guilty of the offence under Section  

304(B)/34 IPC and   convicting them with imprisonment for  

life was upheld by the High Court.

2. The case of the prosecution is based on fard­beyan  

(I.R.) of informant Bachchu Sao (PW­14) who is the brother  

of the deceased – Basanti Devi. According to the fard­

beyan(I.R.) recorded on 14th August, 1998 at Sadar Hospital,  

Giridih, the marriage of  his deceased sister Basanti Devi  

was solemnised   with  the accused Kaleshwar Mandal about  

five years prior to her death. On 12th August, 1998, Bachcho  

Sao got information that his sister­ Basanti Devi had  

suffered  burns  and was admitted in Giridih Sadar Hospital  

for treatment. He came to Sadar Hospital, Giridih alongwith  

other members of his family in the evening of 12th August,  

1998 itself. He saw his sister had been badly  charred with  

fire. Her whole body had sustained burns. On 13.8.1998 at  

about 11.00A.M. when she regained her senses, she told him  

that at about 9.00­10.00 at the night of 11.8.1998 while  

she was  baking bread in the kitchen of her –in­laws house;  

her father­in­law­accused Panchanan Mandal, his wife­

accused Malti Devi and his two sons Falo Mandal and Daso


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Mandal  came there. Her father­in­law poured kerosene  oil  

on her head from a tin and her mother­in­law set fire to  

her sari with a burning wood of her oven saying that she  

had not brought a cow and a golden ring in dowry. Her elder  

brother­in­law (jaith)­ Falo Mandal   and younger brother­

in­law(Daiver)­ Daso Mandal   took   out knives and started  

threatening her that if she cried aloud she would be  

killed. When she tried to extinguish  fire and came out of  

the room, all the accused persons pushed her inside the  

kitchen with lathis and they kept on watching  her burning.  

She also stated him that her husband had gone to Calcutta  

but while leaving for Calcutta,  he had asked the members  

of his family to kill the deceased by burning. In the fard­

beyan, it is further stated that whenever the deceased used  

to come to the house of her informant brother, she used to  

say that her­in­laws always harass her for a cow and a ring  

as dowry and sometimes they even assaulted her. Her  

statement had also been recorded by an A.S.I. of Police on  

13.8.1998 at about noon at the   hospital itself. The  

deceased succumbed to the injuries at about 2.00 A.M. on  

14.8.1998  during  the course of her treatment.


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3. On the basis of  fard­beyan(I.R.), Madhupur P.S. case  

No.160/98 dated 16.8.1998 was registered at Madhupur Police  

Station. After investigation father­in­law, mother­in­law,  

two brother­in­laws and husband of the deceased were  

charge­sheeted for trial.   

4. The accused denied the charges leveled against them and  

pleaded their innocence. Their defence was that Basanti  

Devi had accidently caught fire while she  was cooking food  

in her in­laws house; the accused persons had tried their  

level best to extinguish the fire, but still she sustained  

injuries.   Her in­laws brought her to Giridih hospital for  

her treatment and the accused persons had spent a huge  

amount for her treatment. Thus,  they were not liable  for  

any offence on account of her death which was actually  

caused due to accidental fire.   

5. To bring home the charges, the prosecution examined 16  

witnesses. PW­1(Chhatradhari Mandal; PW­2(Sanjay Kumar  

Mandal); PW­3 (Kedar Ram); PW­4 (Pairu Kole; PW­5 (Tulsi  

Mandal), PW­7(Nunulal Mandal); and PW­11 (Janki Mandal) did  

not support the case of the prosecution and were declared  

hostile.   PW­6 (Kameshwar Mandal); PW­8 (Tribhuvan Ram);


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PW­10 (Jiwan Mandal) tendered on behalf of the prosecution.  

PW­16 (Ashok Kr. Mishra)   being a formal witness   has  

proved the post­mortem report of the deceased which   was  

marked as Ext.7.    

PW­14  Bachchu Sao is the brother of the deceased who  

is also the  informant, PW­13; Bholia Devi is the mother of  

the  deceased, PW­12; Gulab Sah is the co­villager of the  

informant, who had also gone with informant to see the  

deceased in hospital; PW­9; Janardhan Tiwary is the I.O. of  

the case. Ext.4 is stated to be the dying declaration.  

Mainly on the basis of the dying declaration (Ext.4) and  

the statements of the PW­12, PW­13 and PW­14, the Trial  

Court   held the charges under Section 304B/34 IPC proved  

against the   four accused. All the four accused were  

convicted and sentenced. The other accused Kaleshwar  

Mandal, husband of the deceased was acquitted of the  

charges on the ground that he   left the village prior to  

the occurrence which means that he was not present at the  

scene of occurrence.   

6. Learned counsel for the appellants submitted that PWs  

13 and 14 being  mother  and brother  of the deceased  are


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interested witnesses.   PW­12 is also their co­villager.  

Therefore, their evidences are not fit for reliance.  

According to him, the other independent witnesses PWs.  

1,2,3,4,5,7 and 11 have not said that the deceased was  

subject to cruelty for dowry. The evidences of PWs 12, 13  

and 14  should be  rejected out­right. Further,  according  

to the learned counsel for the appellant, no reliance  

should be placed on Ext.4, so called dying declaration, for  

different reasons. C.Paswan, ASI,   who recorded the dying  

declaration has not been   examined.   There is no  

certificate in the dying declaration that the deceased was  

in a mentally and medically fit condition for making those  

statements.   Further,   according to   the learned counsel  

for the appellant, in the case of   burning it is not  

possible for the person to be in medically fit condition to  

give statement as recorded in Ext.4.

7. Learned counsel for the State urged that in fard­beyan,  

ingredients of   Section 304B(1)I.P.C. being present, the  

presumption of  dowry death will go  against the  accused.  

According to him, as per statement of PW­14, brother of the  

deceased and PW­13, mother of the deceased, the marriage


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took place about 5 years   prior to her death,   cow and  

golden ring demanded by her in­laws, the said demand was  

not met by her family and her in­laws used to assault her  

because those demands were not fulfilled. The informant has  

made clear statement in his evidence that in the beginning,  

the   conjugal life of his deceased sister was sweet but  

later on   the accused persons started subjecting her to  

cruelty in connection with demand  for a cow and a golden  

ring by way of dowry.  These demands definitely fall within  

the meaning of dowry as contemplated under Section 2 of the  

Dowry Prohibition Act. Therefore, from the evidence of PWs­

13 and 14, it is clear that the deceased was  subjected to  

cruelty and harassment by  her husband and in­laws.

8. We have heard Mr. Anil Karnwal, learned counsel, who  

assisted the Court as Amicus Curiae on behalf of the  

appellant and  Mr. Jayesh Gourav, learned counsel  for the  


We have also perused the evidence on record.

9. From the findings of the Trial Court, as affirmed by  

the High Court, we have noticed that the case of the  

prosecution is solely based on an FIR(Ext.1), Dying


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Declaration(Ext.4) and the statements made by PWs 13  

and 14.

10. Section 304B(1), IPC deals with Dowry Death and is  

stated as follows:

(1) Where the death of a woman is caused  by any burns or bodily injury or occurs  otherwise  than under  normal  circumstances  within seven years of her marriage and it  is shown that soon before her death she was  subjected to cruelty or harassment by her  husband or any relative of her husband  for, or in connection with,  any demand for  dowry,   such death shall be called “dowry  death”,  and such husband or relative shall  be deemed to have caused her death.”

To attract the provision, the following basic  

ingredients of the offence are required to be established:

(i) The Death of  the woman should be caused by burns  

or fatal injury or otherwise; than under normal  


(ii) Such death should have occurred within 7 years of  

her marriage.

(iii)She must have been subjected to cruelty or   

harassment by husband or any relative of her   

husband; and


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(iv)Such cruelty or harassment should be   for or in   

connection with demand of dowry.

11. This Court in the case of  Biswajit Halder Alias Babu  

Halder And Others vs. State of W.B., (2008) 1 SCC 202  held  

that under Section 304­B IPC the prosecution cannot escape  

the burden of proof that the harassment or cruelty was  

relating to the demand for dowry and the same was caused  

within  seven years of marriage.   

12. In the present case, PW­14; Bachchu Sao, brother of the  

deceased has stated that marriage of the decased took place  

about 5 years prior to the date of death. He also stated  

that the relationship of the deceased with her husband and  

with in­laws were good initially. He further stated that  

later there was a demand of dowry in the form of demand for  

a cow and a gold ring. PW­13; Bholia Devi, mother of the  

deceased has also made  statement that the marriage of the  

deceased took place about 5 years prior to the death.  

According to her, the deceased at death bed told her about  

the burning by father­in­law and mother­in­law and stated  

that there was a demand of dowry and harassment. But her  

statement cannot be relied upon in view of the fact that


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there is no evidence to suggest that just before the death  

PW­13; Bolia Devi had talked to the deceased or that the  

deceased was in the condition to make statements. Her  

statement is corroborated by PW­14, Bachchu Sao, who was  

present in  the hospital, but  not corroborated  by PW­12;  

Gulab Sah­ a neighbor who was also said to be present in  

the hospital.

13. Ext.4 – the dying declaration also suffers from  

infirmities. The author who recorded the dying declaration  

C.Paswan, ASI was not produced by the prosecution for  

examination or cross­examination. The explanation given by  

the prosecution in this matter was that the attendance of  

the ASI could not be secured inspite of summons issued  

against him and the letters written to the  Superintendent  

of Police, Deoghar and  Giridih. The  Trial  Court  wrongly  

held that this was a convincing explanation. In fact, non­

appearance of ASI has prejudicially affected the  

defendant’s interest as they were   denied the opportunity  

to cross­examine him. It is admitted that dying declaration  

(Ext.4) was  not certified by  any medical expert  stating  

that the deceased was in medically fit condition for giving


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statement. Though such certificate is not mandatory, it was  

the duty of the officer who recorded the same to mention  

whether the deceased was in mentally and medically fit  

condition for making such statement, particularly when the  

case was of a third degree burn which could lead to death.

14. In the instant case, ominous allegations have been made  

against the in­laws of the deceased. No  specific incident  

has been stated by the PW­13; Bholia Devi, mother of the  

deceased or PW­14; Bachchu Saw, brother of the deceased  in  

their statements. Nothing is on the record to suggest that  

the deceased was subjected to cruelty and harassment “soon  

before her death” and “in connection with the demand of  


15. Thus, we find that, practically there was no evidence  

to prove that there was any cruelty or harassment for or in  

connection with the demand of dowry  soon before the death  

of the deceased. Moreover,  the deceased has not made any  

statement in her dying declaration indicating demand of  

dowry. Defence has successfully created a valid doubt as to  

authenticity of the dying declaration as the police officer  

who recorded the same was not examined. Such  deficiency in


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evidence proves fatal for the prosecution case as evidence  

of cruelty and harassment in general is not sufficient to  

attract Section 304B IPC.     

16. In view of   the above facts, we hold that the  

prosecution miserably failed to prove the case beyond  

reasonable doubt. Hence, the conviction and   sentence  

awarded cannot be maintained. We accordingly set aside the  

impugned judgment dated 10.8.2001 passed by the Session  

Judge, Deoghar in Sessions Trial No.; 158/1999 in respect  

to Panchanan Mandal and  Malti Devi and the judgment dated  

20.9.2006  passed by  the  Division Bench of  the Jharkhand  

High Court in Criminal Appeal. No. 441/2001. Appeal is  

allowed. The accused are directed to be released forthwith,  

if not required in any other case.

……………………………………………………………………….J.                              (SUDHANSU JYOTI MUKHOPADHAYA)

……………………………………………………………………….J.                   (KURIAN JOSEPH)  



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